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1 1 MY PERSONAL GOALS FOR UNIT 1 For the Unit 1 Exam, I will work to score % or above. By the end of Unit 1, I will have used at least 2 new student actions: By the end of Unit 1, I will have mastered at least 2 new skills: A C H A N G I N G W O R L D R E N A I S S A N C E P R O T E S T A N T R E F O R M A T I O N ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS OF UNIT 1 SOCIETY: Is change necessary for the advancement of society? Why do societies change or remain stagnant? How do societies change? ART/TECHNOLOGY: Why do we create art? What values do art express about a culture? How do art and culture influence each other? How does technology help shape history? TIME: How does the Renaissance lead to the Protestant Reformation? How do the Renaissance and Protestant Reformation lead to the Age of Discovery? SKILL-BUILDING COVERED IN UNIT 1 1. Annotating text 2. Reading maps 3. Reading political cartoons 4. Building timelines 5. Using a compass (directions/orientation) 6. Analyzing art 7. Analyzing non-fiction text 8. Organizing writing S T A N D A R D W O R L D H I S T O R Y P E R I O D S 2 & 4

2 CLASS GOALS: Our class goal is to score at least % on every exam STUDENT GOALS TO IMPROVE ON CLASS EXAMS STUDENT ACTIONS (SA) (What students need to do to help themselves) 1. Partner up with a classmate Find ONE other person in class to balance you out when you (study buddy) are lost/need help. 2. Create study groups Find 2-3 other people to study with OUTSIDE of class set aside a weekly time/day to study/catch up. 3. Do HW on a daily basis / Study more effectively 4. Participate (Ask questions when confused/put in more effort/ Pay attention in class) 5. Use class time wisely dedicate the time to LEARNING new information and becoming a better person. 6. Come to afterschool tutoring 7. Take notes in your packet (ANNOTATE) 8. Stop behavior that leads to (a) being put out, (b) being lazy, and/or (c) being late 9. Bring materials to class daily/be organized 10. Come to class ready to learn on a daily basis Create at least 30 minutes of time DAILY to dedicate to HW and studying for JUST this class (at least 30 min. per night: 20min. HW, 10min. study). During your HW/study time, put away ALL electronics and move away from distractions. Find new methods of studying maps and notes. Be vulnerable/honest about when you need help Don t give up/act up/tune out just because you are confused Come up with a system with study buddy to keep you in check. Find new ways of focusing in class Improve attitude towards work/class Improve behavior (less socializing, more working) Respect class as EVERYONE S learning environment, not just yours. Sleep at home, not in class. Come at least once a week, for at least 30 minutes, with questions prepared OR to simply complete HW/study/meet with your study group Annotate text/notes/maps during class Use Annotation Guide (pg. 5) Focus on your grades/becoming a better person not on drama/ get-ting your lick back Use POSITIVE peer pressure for students who you see might be finding their way to trouble Make sure your materials are in your book bag the night BE- FORE Stop having other people hold your materials Spend 5 minutes per week organizing your binder. Remember the end goal of this class/school: TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL YOU 2 TEACHER ACTIONS (TA) (What Ms. Michel needs to do to help students) Allow students to sit in pairs in class Give tools/advice/suggestions on best methods Allow at least 20 minutes per week for study groups to meet in class Give tools/advice/suggestions on best methods Give HW that will take no more than 20 minutes to complete (on average) Give tools/advice/suggestions on best methods Speak less Make more student-centered lesson where students are discovering/understanding information themselves, not just being told information to memorize Allow students who understand to explain to students who do not understand Allow students to physically move when it seems concentration is being lost Call on people who do not normally speak up Give tools/advice/suggestions on best methods Give individual time to students with questions Remind students of tutoring schedule Give extra credit points to those who show up to tutoring to actually work Reteach on how to annotate Give an Annotation Guide for students to follow Go over annotating HW to give students an idea of what it should look like Give tools/advice/suggestions on best methods Remind students where information goes on a daily basis Give binder quizzes as an incentive to having an organized binder Make class more interesting (use more visuals/audio; make it more student-centered) TEACHER GOALS TO IMPROVE TEACHING IN CLASS 1. Slow down/break down more/go more in depth when needed TA: Give smaller amount of information/ Create card system/create Practice Time (about 20min. per class) SA: Do HW every night/ask questions when confused/ Raise card 2. Give more practice in class/on HW TA: Spend at least 20 minutes per class on practice SA: Do HW/Call, text, come to tutoring when needed 3. Go over HW to make sure students have exemplars TA: Go over 1-2 HW questions in class (on bellringers?) SA: Do HW daily 4. Use more visuals/songs to make information come alive TA: Have ~3 songs/videos per week in lessons SA: Give suggestions for new songs/videos 5. Have review games before exams TA: Spend 1 day on game before exam SA: Review notes and HW before review/behave during games/ Be encouraging to those who need help 6. Give individual help to those who need it in class TA: During Practice Time, seek out people who need help SA: Be honest about confusion/ Do HW/ Raise card 7. Offer extra credit opportunities TA: Have at least 1 opportunity per unit (with 2-wk notice) SA: Take advantage of extra credit, especially if you need to bring up your grade 8. Punish trouble-makers only, not the entire class TA: Offer stress management solutions [OPEN TO STU- DENT SUGGESTIONS ON WHAT TO DO HERE] SA: Respect class as EVERYONE S learning environment 9. Allow students to use notes during exam for a limited time TA: Allow 1min. of notes during test for every class period of 100% HW AND no put-outs/referrals SA: Do HW daily/ Don t get put out / Don t get a referral 10. Have a more positive attitude in class (smile/persevere) TA: Sleep more/create Teacher Report Cards SA: Fill out Teacher Report card on weekly basis

3 UNIT 1 ANTICIPATION GUIDE Renaissance and Protestant Reformation 3 PRE-UNIT 1 AGREE DIS- AGREE STATEMENT Read each statement carefully. Pick only one response (agree/disagree). Only respond to the justification after unit 1 is complete. Justifications should be in complete sentences and in your own words.) 1. War/Killing others is okay if it is done in the name of religion/god. JUSTIFY: POST-UNIT 1 AGREE DIS- AGREE 2. Art (painting, music, sculptures, etc.) can change the world and should be a priority for us. JUSTIFY: 3. One person can change the world. JUSTIFY: 4. Religion should be the number one priority in a person s life. JUSTIFY: 5. Where you come from is more important than your religious beliefs. JUSTIFY: 6. All people should be able to read/write in their own language. JUSTIFY: 7. Everyone should be able to question anyone who has power. JUSTIFY: 8. All people are equal in a religious (i.e., church) setting. JUSTIFY: IMPORTANCE OF UNIT 1: A CHANGING WORLD Annotations Why is understanding Unit 1 important? The world that we live in cannot have been possible without the sudden and significant (important) changes that resulted from the Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation in Europe. These time periods gave birth to some of the world s greatest works of art, created science as we know it today, founded modern education, and established some of the most important Christian religions. Most importantly, the process we use to discover and think logically came about during this time. This unit helps us understand why change is important in the world, and shows us the power that humans have when they are allowed to explore the universe. Without the Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation, the United States would not exist as we know it. TIMELINE MIDDLE AGES (500s-1500s) RENAISSANCE (1350s-1550s) PROTESTANT REFORMATION ( ) The Crusades Age of Discovery Wars of Religions

4 VOCABULARY PAGE Renaissance and Protestant Reformation 4 UNIT 1 VOCABULARY 1. A renaissance: French word for rebirth 2. A culture: the learned behavior patterns of a society (e.g. beliefs, art, laws, etc.) 3. The Catholic Church: the oldest and largest Christian church in the world 4. A pope: The leader of the Catholic Church 5. A priest: a Catholic minister/pastor 6. An intellectual movement: A creative movement (dealing with the mind) 7. Secular: non-religious; having nothing to do with religion 8. Humanism: an intellectual movement focusing on secular ideas rather than religious ideas 9. The humanities: academic subjects that deal with culture (e.g., art, music, literature, history, etc.) 10. A vernacular language: a spoken language (e.g., English, Spanish) 11. A patron: a financial (money) supporter 12. Skeptical: doubtful; questioning UNIT 1 VOCABULARY PRACTICE 13. Linear perspective: an artistic technique that gives a 3D effect (making things look realistic) 14. To reform: to make something better 15. A heretic: a non-christian (or non-catholic) 16. A religion: a belief in and the worship of a superhuman controlling power (e.g., God) 17. A denomination: a branch of a religion 18. Predestination: the belief that God has already chosen who will be saved and damned 19. A civil war: a fight between groups in the same country 20. An indulgence: Catholic forgiveness of a sin when a soul is in Purgatory (between Heaven and Hell) 21. To counter: to go against; to oppose 22. A treaty: an agreement between countries or groups 23. A nationality: belonging to a country 24. Bankrupt: in debt 25. A famine: extreme starvation 26. Christian Humanism: belief that freedom and individual expression are a part of Christianity A. REPLACE the underlined word with one of your vocabulary words from above. Rewrite the sentence with the new word. 1. Occupy Wall Street was a creative movement that tried to change how money is distributed in the US. 2. In Syria, there is a fight between different groups in the same country; many innocent people are dying. 3. Biggie Smalls, Tupac, and Nas are credited with Hip Hop s rebirth in It would be great if the gangs came up with an agreement so there would be less violence in Green County. 5. Some parts of Asia and Africa are experiencing extreme starvation. B. Give a SYNONYM (another word that means the same thing) for the following vocabulary words. ( A synonym for is. ) 6. To reform 7. A patron 8. Bankrupt 9. To counter C. Give an EXAMPLE of the following vocabulary words. ( An example of is. ) 10. A humanities subject in school 11. A behavior in your culture 12. A vernacular language 13. A nationality in Europe D. COMPLETE the sentence with an idea that makes sense. Write out the entire sentence. 14. Leonardo da Vinci s Mona Lisa uses linear perspective because 15. When I find out someone is a heretic, I 16. The reason why a school is supposed to be secular is because 17. I am skeptical about E. DRAW an image that shows the relationship between the following words. 18. A religion + a denomination 19. The Catholic Church + a pope + a priest (more than one) 20. Humanism + Christian humanism

5 HOW DO I? In case you forget Make Vocabulary Flashcards? To be done on index cards A. BLANK SIDE: Write the vocabulary word in LARGE letters. Draw an image that illustrates what the word means to you/anything that reminds you of the word. Write your initials/period # on all cards B. LINED SIDE: Write out the definition of the word. Write out a sentence that correctly uses the vocabulary word, and underline the word. o The sentence must make sense. o The sentence cannot be the definition of the word. 5 CANINE Your initials Your period # Definition: Related to dogs. SENTENCE: The canine unit of the police force was vicious. Annotate A Text? I. What is annotation? Annotation is having a conversation with a text. If you pretend that the text is speaking to you while you read it, you respond by writing or drawing back. You ask it questions when you are lost, you make connections to things you already know, and let it know that you have understood. II. III. Why do we annotate? We annotate for a few reasons. First, it helps us better understand a text by having us take short breaks when we are reading to think about what we just read. This allows us to ask questions when necessary or mark our reactions. Second, it makes it easier to review a text when we are done with it because we create a visual guide that lets us scan over the information quickly without having to re-read the entire text. What symbols can I use to better annotate a text? Use the following symbols when you are annotating a text. (NOTE: Whenever you use a symbol, you must also have a SPE- CIFIC comment next to it to explain why the symbol is there.) You can also use images and arrows to make connections. I agree because I disagree because I never knew that OR New information (write the new info) Remember this because OR This is important info because OR Main idea of text (write the main idea) I wonder ANNOTATION GUIDE I m confused because This is shocking because OR Wow (write out why it is surprising) Unfamiliar or new word (write a synonym/definition) I want more information on this because This connects to/reminds me of o A lesson from this/another class (What lesson?) o A conversation I just had (What was the topic? With who?) o A book/movie/story (Which one?) o A personal experience (Which experience?)



8 BASIC NOTES The European Renaissance RENAISSANCE The Renaissance was Europe s cultural return to the Classical Age (ancient Greek and Roman culture), focusing on art, intellect, and new technology. This time period allowed ordinary people to depend on themselves. The Renaissance was directly caused by the Crusades. The Crusades were a series of religious wars between Catholics and Muslims in the Middle East. They took place from 1095 to 1291 that s almost 200 years of war! Both religions were fighting over Jerusalem (the capital of Israel), also known as the Holy Land. Christian soldiers coming back from the wars introduced a different culture to Europeans because the Middle East had kept ancient Greek and Roman cultures that Europeans had gotten rid of during the Middle Ages. When those ideas returned to Europe, it started the Renaissance. However, several incidents were taking place during the Middle Ages that made people begin to wonder if the Catholic Church had the people s best interest at heart. The events that made people skeptical about the Church were: (1) the Black Plague, which killed half of the European population even though they prayed to God, (2) the Spanish Inquisition, which seemed to needlessly kill anyone who didn t accept the pope s power, and (3) the proven forgery of the Donation of the Constantine, which had originally given the Church power over most of Europe since the 300s. It seemed that the Catholic Church was more focused on consolidating (making stronger) its power rather than paying attention to the needs of the people. When the Renaissance took place from 1350 to 1550 in Italy and northern Europe, it was divided into two smaller time periods: The Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance. Ordinary people themselves began to focus their own attentions on secular things, such as education, science, and art. The invention of Gutenberg s printing press in 1436 led to new ideas quickly spreading around Europe in vernacular languages that people could understand. Since the Bible was now in vernaculars, people could read it themselves. Some of these ideas were against the Catholic Church. Ordinary people now had access to knowledge that was only previously reserved for the rich and educated. People like Erasmus preached Humanism, which focused on the idea that people could be good, even if they weren t perfect. Others, like Machiavelli, preached that a ruler sometimes had to do bad things in order to make his kingdom succeed. Thanks to the invention of the telescope, people could now gaze into space instead of relying on their priests to tell them what was in the Universe. Because the truth could be seen with their own eyes, Europeans saw that the Church was not infallible (unable to be wrong), as it claimed it was. This led to more doubt about the Catholic faith. Painters, architects, and sculptors became like scientists they started to experiment with new ideas. The most famous ones were Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael. Their experimentations gave birth to realistic paintings using linear perspective, which made images seem almost 3-D. Artists started showing their human subjects the way they believed God made them. The majority of the subjects that were being drawn or sculpted were religious in nature. In fact, the Catholic Church became the patron to many artists and had them create many famous works of art, such as the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel (Creation of Adam) by Michelangelo or The Last Supper by da Vinci. Many times, however, people began to wonder if a human being should be drawing God since it was a form of idolatry (false worship) to them. The Renaissance changed the world. Because people saw that humans could have great ideas, and not just God, this would lead to people seriously doubting the Catholic Church since the Church claimed to know how God worked. These individually small changes would have a direct effect on the world because it would lead to the Protestant Reformation, which would break apart the Church. Direct cause of Renaissance? Other main causes? 8 Annotations Important invention and what it did? Another important invention and what it did? 3 biggest artists? New technique in art? Effects of Renaissance?

9 ART: Medieval Art vs. Renaissance Art 9 Characteristics of Medieval (Middle Ages) art Characteristics of Renaissance art ART: Italian Renaissance vs. Northern Renaissance

10 ART: Comparing and contrasting the works of da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael 10 ART: Understanding important artworks TITLE ARTIST / YEAR OF CREATION 1. Vitruvian Man DESCRIPTION IMPORTANCE 2. David 3. Mona Lisa 4. Creation of Adam (Sistine Chapel) 5. The Last Supper

11 ARTICLE 1: THE BLACK PLAGUE (disease; curse) SOURCE: 11 Annotations The Black Death, also known as the Black Plague, was the most severe epidemic (widespread disease) in human history and ravaged (severely damaged) Europe from This plague killed entire families at a time and destroyed at least 1,000 villages. The Black Death had many effects beyond its immediate symptoms. Not only did the Black Death take a devastating toll (total) on human life, but it also played a major role in shaping European life in the years following. The Black Death consisted mainly of Bubonic Plague, but pneumonic plague was also present in the epidemic. Symptoms of the Bubonic Plague included high fever, aching limbs, and blood vomiting. Most characteristic of the disease were swollen lymph nodes (body parts including the neck, armpit, groin, etc.), which grew until they finally burst. Death followed soon after. The name "Black Death" not only referred to the sinister (evil) nature of the disease, but also to the black coloring of the victims' swollen glands (organs). Pneumonic plague was even more fatal, but it was not as abundant as the Bubonic plague. The first outbreak of the Plague was reported in China in the early 1330s. Trade (exchange of products) between Asia and Europe had been growing significantly, and in 1347, rat-infested (filled) ships from China arrived in Italy, bringing the disease with them. Since Italy was the center of European commerce (trade), business, and politics, this provided the perfect opportunity for the disease to spread. The Plague existed in the rats and was transferred to humans by fleas living on the rats. It struck cities first and then infected rural (country) areas. The Black Death spread so rapidly that by 1350, one-half of Europe was dead. European economy (wealth) and society changed drastically (extremely) following the Black Death. Because so many people had died, there was a huge labor (work) shortage. In addition to better work opportunities, survivors of the Plague had a surplus (extra) of material goods (possessions). Many of the dead had left behind entire estates (land properties) and other belongings. These goods were available through inheritance and looting (stealing). At this time, the pawnshop business, made famous by the Medici family, became extremely successful. Through these factors, Europe experienced an overall rise in its standard of living. The Plague also affected religion and art, which became very dark and preoccupied (busy) with death. Many people believed that the Black Death came from God's extreme anger at the world. A group of fanatics, called Flagellants, in- flicted (delivered) various (many) punishments on themselves in an attempt to atone (receive forgiveness) for the world's sins and to end the disease. An artistic style known as the danse macabre depicted (showed) skeletons and corpses mingling (mixing) with the living during happy occasions. These actions reminded the people of the overriding sense of doom that shadowed their lives because of the Black Death. The Black Death changed European history in many significant ways. Its fatal (death-causing) symptoms took many human lives, and its influence carried over into many areas of society. Economically, Europe flourished (grew well) because depopulation allowed wealth for more people. But people suffered religiously because the disease brought out the darker side of life and made them question God. Europe would not be the same today without these changes, brought on through the devastation of the Black Plague. What was the Plague? How did it affect Europe? Types of plague? What were the characteristics? From what/where did it spread? How did it change society? How did it affect religion/art? Summarize important points of text:

12 ARTICLE 2: NICCOLÒ MACHIAVELLI S THE PRINCE 12 SOURCE: SOURCE: Annotations "The Prince" by Niccolò Machiavelli was written around 1513 in Italy. It was What did Machiavelli do? Why was it important? published posthumously (after his death). In this controversial treatise (essay), Machiavelli, a Renaissance historian and political philosopher (thinker), gives readers a be- 3 ginner's guide of sorts to becoming a successful "prince," or political leader. Many scholars call the book one of the first examples of modern political thought because it examines political leadership through a lens of realism rather than idealistic ideology (cul- 6 ture; thought) Before the Renaissance, historians believed that man alone could not change the outcome (results) of events due to fortune and God. Machiavelli, however, wrote history in the humanist tradition of human affairs (business). He was not interested in history with a theological (religious) or ecclesiastical (spiritual) focus. The major influence of Machiavelli on historical research and historiography (the way history is written) was his belief that God plays no role in human affairs and its history. Although other Renaissance historians began moving away from the theological (religious) to the secular (nonreligious), Machiavelli epitomized (represented) the idea of historical research in the humanist tradition. He focuses on how human actions affect history. His study of history is completed in a detached (separated) and clinical (emotionless) manner. It does not appear that Machiavelli is that interested in the dignity (honor) of humankind. He seems more interested in the advancement of Italy. Not only did Machiavelli agree with the Italian humanist historians regarding the idea that prior (earlier) historians focused too much on theological (religious) systems, Machiavelli "opposed himself to the entire tradition proceeding (that came before) him as too dependent on morality". He was more interested in historical facts surrounding individuals that affected a political state. Difference between how people thought before/after Renaissance: How did Machiavelli change the way history was told? Summarize main points of text: ARTICLE 3: EXCERPT FROM THE PRINCE (1532) SOURCE: 27 CHAPTER 17: Concerning Cruelty and Clemency, and Whether it is Better to be Loved than Feared Upon this a question arises: whether it is better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? It may be answered that one should wish to be both, but, because it is difficult to unite them in one person, it is much safer to be feared than loved, when, of the two, either must be dispensed with (used). Main question being asked? Answer to the main question? Because this is to be asserted (declared) in general of men, that they are ungrateful, fickle (constantly changing sides), false, cowardly, covetous (greedy), and as long as you succeed they are yours entirely; they will offer you their blood, property, life, and children, as is said above, when the need is far distant (far away); but when it approaches they turn against you. And that prince who, relying entirely on their promises, has neglected (not taken care of) other precautions (safety measures), is ruined; because friendships that are obtained (gotten) by payments, and not by nobility (goodness) or greatness of mind, may indeed be earned, but they are not secured, and in time of need cannot be relied upon; and men have less scruple (uneasiness) in offending one who is beloved than one who is feared, for love is preserved by the link of obligation which, owing to the baseness (bad character) of men, is broken at every opportunity for their advantage; but fear preserved you by a dread (great fear) of punishment which never fails. Nevertheless a prince ought to inspire fear in such a way that, if he does not win love, he avoids hatred; because he can endure (last) very well being feared whilst (while) he is not hated, which will always be as long as he abstains (stays away) from the property of his citizens and subjects (people serving the leader) and from their women. Why can t people be trusted? Why is fear better than love? How should a leader act?

13 PRACTICE: Study Tree using Key Words/Phrases (Renaissance) 13 PRACTICE: Summary (Renaissance) CAUSES EVENT EFFECTS

14 PRACTICE: Writing (Thesis Statement) 14 PART A DIRECTIONS: Read the following statement carefully. What is a thesis statement? A thesis can normally be found in an introductory paragraph. It is the sentence in an essay that guides the essay. It does this by: 1. Telling the reader what each body paragraph of the essay will be about AND 2. Telling the reader the order that they should expect to find each body paragraph in an essay. If you think of the essay as a road trip, the thesis can be seen as the map/gps. You cannot know where you are going unless you have a map/gps. You do not know what to expect without looking at the map/gps. Much like a map/gps, a thesis statement is the key to an organized essay because the reader of the essay should always know where they are going. PART B DIRECTIONS: Read the following texts. They are all introductory paragraphs to an essay. Be sure to also read the title of each essay. Then, underline the thesis and write out why you believe this is a thesis statement. Box 1 Essay Title: Places to where I will travel (1) When I grow older, I will visit many places in the world. (2) The problem is, is that there are so many places to see before I die. (3) So far, I have been in North America and Europe. (4) While those were fun, they did not allow me to see the world as I would like to see it. (5) Because of this, I plan on going to Africa, Asia, and South America. Sentence # is the thesis because Box 2 Essay Title: Causes for unhealthiness. (1) The United States of America is the unhealthiest country in the world. (2) In fact, it was considered the most obese country in the world in (3) It used to be that adults were the reason but slowly, our kids are getting unhealthier, too. (4) There are several reasons why the US is so unhealthy. (5) The main causes or the unhealthiness, however, are a lack of education, a lack of exercise, and the overuse of technology. Sentence # is the thesis because Box 3 Essay Title: My favorite ways to travel (1) Since the beginning of time, humans have travelled across the world. (2) Over time, inventions have been made that have made it easier to travel the globe. (3) The problem is, some are more difficult to travel than others. (4) Walking, for example, might take a long time, while going by boat makes me sea-sick. (5) My favorite ways to travel are by car, my train, and by plane. Sentence # is the thesis because PART C DIRECTIONS: Read each essay title and the amount of body paragraphs expected for each essay. Then, on your own paper, create a thesis statement based on the information given. Box 1 Title: My favorite foods Body paragraphs: 4 Box 2 Title: My favorite school subjects Body paragraphs: 3 Box 3 Title: The most beautiful countries in the world Body paragraphs: 2 Box 4 Title: The most interesting jobs in the world Body paragraphs: 3 Box 5 Title: My favorite sports Body paragraphs: 3 Box 6 Title: My favorite family members Body paragraphs: 3 Box 7 Title: The most important holidays Body paragraphs: 2 Box 8 Title: The best cars Body paragraphs: 3

15 BASIC NOTES Protestant Reformation PROTESTANT REFORMATION The Protestant Reformation was a European religious movement that divided Christianity into Catholicism and Protestantism. It took place all over Europe from 1517 to There were many causes that led to the Protestant Reformation. These include (1) the Black Plague, which made many people doubt that God heard the prayers of the pope, (2) the teachings of John Wycliffe and Jan Hus, who lived before the inventing of the printing press and were against the power of the pope and the Church but were eventually burned alive for their beliefs, and (3) the Great Schism (division), where multiple people were fighting to be pope which was supposed to be a position that God gave to them. How could God be giving that power to more than one person?, the people wondered. What if God is not giving them any power at all?, they continued to question. Maybe, they said, the Catholic way isn t the best way to find God. The time period that preceded (came before) the Reformation, known as the Renaissance, allowed people to start freely thinking for themselves. This meant that now people who were unhappy with the Church could now let people all over Europe know of their discontent (unhappiness). One of these people did just that on October 31 st, A Catholic monk (a man who is married to the Church) named Martin Luther posted 95 Theses (complaints) against certain things he saw as abuses by the Catholic Church. One of the biggest complaints he had were about indulgences, which made people pay money to take their loved ones out of Purgatory and bring them closer to Heaven. However, all that money was going to pay for secular things for the Church that Luther believed were unnecessary. With Luther s 95 Theses, others, who were already beginning to quietly question the Church, began to express their doubts. Because the printing press spread ideas quickly, people were now hearing what Luther did and backed him up. The Church demanded that he stop, but he refused unless they decided to change themselves. The Church didn t want to admit that it was making mistakes and excommunicated (kicked out) him at the Diet (meeting) of Worms (Worms is a city in Germany). Luther decided to form his own Christian religion Lutheranism. Others quickly followed him. Any religion that labeled itself as Christian but was not Catholic became known as a Protestant religion. Their followers were known as Protestants. Up until then, Europe was only united by its religion Catholicism and had been united for a millennia (1000 years). Being Christian meant being Catholic there had not been another option. The pope used to have all of the power since people believed he had God on his side no one wanted to challenge God s right-hand man. This meant that even though the pope wasn t in charge of individual countries, he was still in charge of the kings of those countries. After all, if you spoke up against the pope, didn t it mean that you were speaking against God? Kings didn t want problem with God so they let the pope have the power. But for the first time, Luther s ideas were making people seriously challenge the Church s power. And the Church couldn t possibly burn all of those who broke away like it had done to Wycliffe and Hus there would be almost no one left. The Church decided to fight back for its power in what became known as the Counter-Reformation. Catholics and Protestants started fighting. Meanwhile, others who disagreed with both Luther and the Church formed their own religions, such as Anglicanism and Calvinism. Countries began to back up other religions instead of just Catholicism. The problem was that they each believed that their religion was the only one that should exist. So now, Protestants were fighting other Protestants. All of these arguments led to the Wars of Religions, which lasted from 1524 to This meant Europe, which had only been united by religion for so long, was being torn apart spiritually and physically. In the end, the pope s power began to wane (lessen) for the first time in a long time. These religious wars destroyed many parts of Europe, money and lives were lost, disease ran rampant (wildly), and secular rulers began to have more power in their countries. For the first time, Europeans began to distinguish (differentiate) themselves by their country of origin rather than by their religion. A few of these individuals chose to leave the continent and move to the New World the country that would eventually become known as the United States of America. 15 Annotations What was the Protestant Reformation? What were its 3 main causes? Who was Martin Luther? What did he do? Who controlled kings and countries before the Protestant Reformation? Why? What was the Counter-Reformation? What were the Wars of Religion? What were some effects of the Protestant Reformation?

16 16 RELIGIONS AND DENOMINATIONS Christianity Catholicism Protestant Religions: Name of Denomination Lutheranism Who started it? When? Protestant Denominations Description Calvinism Anabaptism Anglicanism

17 17 RELIGIONS AND DENOMINATIONS (VENN DIAGRAMS) Compare the Catholic Church to a Protestant denomination Compare two Protestant Denominations

18 18 WARS OF RELIGIONS (CHART) Background of the Wars of Religions French Wars of Religion Thirty Years War Treaty of Westphalia

19 PRACTICE: Study Tree using Key Words/Phrases (Wars of Religion) 19 PRACTICE: Summary (Wars of Religion) CAUSES EVENT EFFECTS

20 PRACTICE: Study Tree using Key Words/Phrases (Protestant Reformation) 20 PRACTICE: Summary (Protestant Reformation) CAUSES EVENT EFFECTS

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