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1 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Vol. Ill Friday, May 22, 1936 A LOST SOUL Just w h a t do people m e a n when they say, A Lost Soul? A soul is difficult to localize, to interpret, to define. However, in a word, a soul is yourself, your nobler self. T h e r e fore, a lost soul would m e a n t h a t ycu have lost yourself, a n impose sibility. One shcdld never speak glibly of a lost soul, one should toe very clear in his interpretation. Last is a word used in m a n y senses, it is a word of m a n y meanings. G r a n d f a t h e r says, I have lost my glasses, the fact is t h a t they have been misplaced. We say we have lost an opportunity, r a t h e r we failed to connect. We say we have lost money, really we m e a n t h a t we h a d hoped to.possess something t h a t h a s slipped. Aigain, we declare we have lost a friend, meaning a barrier is between us. The Indian spake mere truly t h a n he thought when he exclaimed, "Me, no lost. Wigwam lost. Wigwam not here." Neither Indian or wigwam was lost, lost for either would be impossible. 'Indian b a d missed the way t h a t lead t o t h e wigwam, t h a t was the fact. The real significance of saying that one h a s lost his soul is t h a t the soul har. lost its health, its happiness, it is n o longer normal. Salvation is harmony, accord, health, happiness, contact. Damnation is spiritual sickness, unihapipineiss, a b r o k e n - c o n t a c t. Those who live for self-gratification only are spiritually ill, tb~se "Who live, feed t h e soul a n d remember their STOW, OHIO No. 21 Creator are spiritually normal. Outside influences, known a s t h e would, cannot elffect a soul. A soul is lost by its awn decision. Salvation' a n d d a m n a t i o n a r e basic facts, just a<s t r u e 'as life a n d d e a t h. Love a n d h a t e c a n n o t toe explained away, n o one invented t h e m, they have been from the. begining. Murder and 'kidnapping are i n consistent with t h e Ibest interests of h u m a n society, thousands of years have proven it sa, t h e soul t h a t disbelieves t h a t established f a c t is lost. A spiritual life, a development of one's nobler self, a forward look a n d 'preparation for a higher plane of existence is ordained Iby one's Maker, the soul t h a t reifuses this t r u t h is lost. A raice may be lost, t h a t is 'to say, some-one in t h e contest failed. Bay may be lost, t h a t is destroyed by elements, yet, another f a r m e r, by diligence, saved his hay, t h a t is, he reeoued it f r o m the destroying elements. One's h e a l t h may be lost, t h a t is to say, he h a s violated laws of n a ture a n d a break-down h a s occurred, while another, observing and safeguarding, h a s retained his health. In every case cited one is saved while t h e other is lost. Certain tribes of Israel were lost, t h a t is, they were carried into captivity by Assyria, absorbed and never returned. To 'be lost, referring to the soul, means n o contact, a stranger, u n acquainted, moving in the opposite direction. C O M E T O C H U R C H S U N D A Y - T h e Sermon will be on " T h e Ascension of O u r L o r d. "

2 202 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS DRAWER C STOW, SUMMIT CO., OHIO SUBSCRIPTION PRICE EOe A YEAR Published Weekly Frank R. Howe, Printer H. J. STOCKMAN EDITOR OFFICE OF PUBLICATION 360 W. Arndalo R1 STOW STOW COMMUNITY CHURCH GEORGE M. HULME, Minister 859 Art more Ave., Akron Tel. HE CHURCH CALENDAR BIBLE SCHOOL - - Suntay 9:33 MCRNIKG WORSHIP - - Sunday 10:45 CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR Sunday 6:30 p.rc. ORCHESTRA PRACTICE Wed. 6:30 p. m. CHOIR PRACTICE Ttu sday E e. My -best cherry tree must havs been frost-bitten, nary a blossom has it this spring, therefore, it wi 1 bear no fruit, however, the leaver FOR FAIRNESS OF PRICE AH D UTMOST IN SERVICE THE ORDER OF THE GOLDEN RULE RECOMMENDS TO THE PEOPLE OF THIS COMMUNITY w THEM960WAN FUNERAL HOME OVERLOOKING PARK CUYAHOGA.FALLS PHONE WALBRIDGE 1313 are in evidence, it lives, it has the cherry nature, let us hcipe that next year it will tee normal, for the ciierry tree is practically worthless unless it functions as a producer cf that fcr which it exists. Come then, my brother, you are e, living soul. Your destiny is tr> glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Now, sir, are ycu saved or lost? GiEO. M. HU1LME. MEN Our lesson next Sunday is an excellent example of the importance cf the proper appreciation of values assigned to the factors of life. Is it not true that many of us fail to recognize the factors at work in the direction of our life? Is it not also true that these factors must be recognized before any intelligent analysis is possible, or weights assigned to them? Christ- in sp?a!dnj cf the scribes said "The same shall receive grsatsr damnation." What idea of graduated damnation does this convey to you? He refers to the widow's two mite contribution as "more than they all." W'hait is tha true unit of value used here to appraise gifts? One interesting classification made in this lesson is the placing of the cares of this life in the same category with surfeiting and drunkenness. It is based upon an appreciation of values few ol' us possess. Temperance is the result of an understanding of the factors of life. As the proper understanding develops the temptation to over indulgence is lost in sound logical reasoning. Come and enjoy an interesting "hour among friends. Please f«l \vs:,come. References Luke 20: Luke 21: 1-9 and N. W. BTGGS

3 203 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS NOTICE Starting May 23rd our office will be closed Saturday Afternoons. E. M. Guise Coal & Supply Company MUNROE FALLS. OHIO Telephone -WA Residence-WA HELP! HELP! WIAN1TED' Forty men and boys to meet at Community Church with wheelbarrows, lawnmowers, spades, rakes, etc., to improve the church lsiwn leading from the church to the Kent road. This beautiful lot 80 by 200 feet could (be made smooth and usable, so that the chubgh with all its various organizations might' enjoy it this summer. GEO. M. HULME, Minister TOWN IIALL The Stow Civic Association was informed last Tuesday evening that 'the contract for lifting the face of the town ball had been awarded to- I. O. Palmer, also, it is reported that the Stow Garden club will lamdsaaipe the town hall premises as soon as Mr. ipalmer gets through. NOTICE The question: How large a party, or how many automobiles loaded 'With people from Stciw can we get to go to Cleveland Sunday evening, POULTRY LIVE and DRESSED May 31st to hear Gypsy Smith-^See Rev. Hulme. WANTED:. Place to Dump Rubbish. The Stow Oivis -Association is looking far some one who has a place where rubbish, imay be dumped. Any one having such a place please notify the township trustees. Df su<3h a pi'aoe iis found 1 tfoe trustees will arr&nige to have rubbish collected FREE. STOW I G ED 40 c CWT. AT STATION E. SPONAUGLE 110 Munroe Falls Rord DECORATION DAY Again this year the Stow Civic Association is sponsoring our Decoration Day Program. Services will EGGS WHOLESALE ar>d RETAIL Melvin Thomas, W. Graham Rd. WA STOW

4 204 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS CENTRAL CASH MARKET Where Courtesy Rules and Sanitation Prevails QUALITY MEATS & GROCERIES Acomplete line of Fresh Vegetables and Fruits direct from the Cleveland Market daily. Low Prices 1 J. A. WALKER E. A. RUGGLES 1 Phone WA WE DELIVER HMMM foe held in the Hiigh School Ajuditorii-uim at 9:30 A.M. This year a fine program is being arranged. Let us ALL aittend. Too Many people forget the original purpose of Deconation Day and mate it a time f-rr going oin picnics, special trsps, family reunions,, etc. Tlhis time let UG remember, let us honor those \vh!o have passed on. The -committee in charge tlhjs year consists of E. H. Conway, Chairman; Geemge R. Halley, Marshal; E. M. Guise, A. L. Jseraman, I. O. Bai'mer and W. L. Lantz. After the exercises at. the High -School a parade will form and march to the ccmetery where the usuiajl services will tee held. Th>e following organizations will participate: American Legiion. Spanish American'War veterans. Sons of the Legion. Hi School le&nd. LagCon Auxiliary. Girl Scouts. iboiy SlCOUtS. Scout Mothers. D. of A. Jr. O. U. A. M. MfUisic Club. Garden Cfab. Culture Olulb. 'Fire Department. Fire Department Auxiliary. Daimes of Malta.. P. T. A. Civic Areooiatlan. Others..PERSONAIL. Children's Day will be the second Sunday in June. The firemen expect to sell fire works- this year. The Schroders, Baumiberger road, have a now baby calf. The star attraction at the carnival the River Road Hill Billies. W. C. GERBER & SON UOWI ) S A L E S csc S E R V I C E J p S U N O C O P R O D U C T S Phone WA W. C. GERBER C. F. GERBER

5 205 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Friend's Service Station "BILL" BRIDGETS, Proprietor Dont forget the big drawing for Ball Tickets Monday May 25th 6:30 P. M. SHARP Kenneth Deacon attended a (wrestling match last Monday night in Akron. -Golden Text: In your patience possess ye your souls. Luke 21:19. Baked Goods Sale Saturday, May 23rd, Spaght Block, sponsored by Dames of Malta. Miss Mildred Osman sang a beautiful solo last Sunday morning in church. Three new members of Community ahureh choir are Winifred Oriohton, Dorothy Go wan and Alice Shaffer. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Woodring Celebrated their thirty-seventh wedding anniversary on last Sunday, May 17th. A. J. Kurinsky and son, Joseph, left last Monday for Philadelphia. They will be away for several days. Bev. Hulme will preach Sunday on the "Ascension of our Lord." You are cordially invited to attend this service. Mr. Ralph Wissinger of Cuyahoga. Falls and Miss Gerino of Alliance YOU, TOO, CAN RAISE BETTER CHICKS This is the way. Feed them I'ul- O-Pep Chick Starter. It gives chicks a sound start so they have a chance to develop into big, sturdy, profit-paying layers. F U L - O ' P E P & CHICK W STARTER A is a balanced ration that the chick's digestive system can easily assimilate. They get full growing value from this feed, Baughman's Feed Store WA STOW UPHOLSTERING AND RECOVERING of Chairs Davenports etc. Our Specialty M C GRAIL ANTIQUE SHOP 150 East Kent Rd., STOW Phone WA. 1091

6 206 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS GARDEN FERTILIZERS PLANT LIME SOY BEANS Field Seed Corn i % SEED I POTATOES J BAUGHMAN'S FEED STORE STOW I Phone WA. 1)298 were united- in marriage by Mr. Prank Carlisle, Justice of. Peace, last Saturday. Albert M. Clifford and family made a trip to Independence last Saturday. They secured water plants and fish for a small pond in their back yard. Mrs. Furst celebrated her 17th (?) birthday last Sunday. Had cake, company and everything. Mrs. Neugelbauer was absent last -- Sunday morning on account of the serious illness of her mother wlio, lives in Akron. Overheard at the Carnival last Friday: Question by Oross, speak-, ing to audience: '"What is it a sign df when a rooster crows in, the; middle of the night?" Billy Powell answering, "It me^ns he just laid an egg." : Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Gunish expect to move the latter part of this week into the Boyle place:on 'Bast Graham road. 'Some of the sick who have recovered: Mrs. Rentle of River, road, Mrs. Buncick, River road, Mrs. Edmiston, River 'road and Qtto 'Oofob of Maple road. Extra! Extra! It's just a,tout six weeks ago that Jim Cross started working for the Goodrich. He still fixes radios at home though. Mrs. George B. Hulme and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hulme will visit in 'Pittsburgh over this weekend with: Milton G. Hulme and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Strutobe of Ashtaibula, Ohio, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Woodring over the SISALY'S H. REARICK. Proprietor

7 207 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS FX>P* SALE 1936 Master Four Door Trunk Sedan... Demonstrator Marhofer Chevrolet WA STOW For Night Emergency Call WA last weekend. Years ago Mr. Woodring used' to be in business with Mr. Struibbe at AshtaJbula. Mr. and Mrs. George King and daughters Betty and Mary June of BECKLEY'S BARBER SHOP \ Dayton, Ohio, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Judy on May 16th and 17th. Miss Helen Louise Howe of Cleveland spent Mother's Day with her mother, Mrs. Leroy Bennett, and 'brother, Chester Howe, of Berger Avenue. This next Saturday night the S MARHOFER BLOCK \ STOW j Mr. Knight last Sunday. Mrs. E. W. Knight is expected to start north from Arizona this Friday. She will tiake some time for Worthy Grand Matron of the the trip making numerous stops Eastern Star will inspect the Palls Chapter of Eastern Star. Mr. E. W. Knight's sister-in-law along the way. Billy Starcher who lives on King Drive celebrated his tenth birthday and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. last Saturday with, a party. All Hutchison of Detroit, visited with those who attended had a fine time. RUG CLEANING Domestic 3c Oriental Prices Reasonable WORK: CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Carpets Shampooed on the Floor M. V. PUTT & SON Tel. WA Franklin Rd. STOW Nineteen Years Kxperience

8 208 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Ever Wonder WHV ^ so many people buy their meat at our store Answer :-Because we sell the best meat money can buy A. W. Barber, Home Dressed Meats One Mile North of Hudson Telephone 100 X-1 State Route 91 Miss Mannet'te Ferris "was a visitor last Saturday and Sunday at D.FLICKINGER the heme of her uncle, C'halmer Ferris, who lives on Graham road. PLUMBING She attended church Sunday morning. PUMP WORK Mrs. Smythe and her daughter, Satisfaction Guaranteed Mrs. E. Graham of Diagonal road 158 Hiwood Ave., STOW are both victims of bronchial pneumonia. Mrs. Smythe was taken to Mr. Carlisle. He has teen holding St. Thomas hospital last Thursday it ofr approximately two years, tl and Mrs. Graham was removed to seems to us it is about time he was the same hospital Friday. using it. Ona Wade and Ralph Haartje, Where were Mrs. MioColgan, Mrs. while out riding last Sunday evening North and Mrs. Mosley Sunday? with friends experienced a Can it be that having no Packard severe shaking up, when another to ride in they expect to wait for car bumped into the back of their another such car before attending car. No very serious injuries however. church again? Mrs. Harry F. Barch and two Did you know that Fred Sommers daughters, Lyndell and Carol, of has a certificate for one free marriage 'Cleveland were visitors at church ceremony to be performed by Sunday. As soon as school is out Lodies Attention!! Choose your Gas and Oil as you would a Husband Look for and expect : : : DEPENDABILITY : : : You get it from us SHELL OAS STATION 140 East Kent Rd., Stow "Eddie" Parsons, Prop.

9 209 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH N E W S they will reside in Stow for the summer..mrs. W. O. Prescott of Plymouth, Iowa, is visiting her sister, Mirs. J. B. Stockman, of West Arndale road. Mrs. Prescott made the trip here with her sen, Gerald, who is director of bands and a n instructor in music at the University of Minnesota. He was one of the judges at the National High School Band Contest held last week in Cleveland. They were visitors at our Bible School last Sunday. Last F r i d a j ^ t h e township trustees tcck over the'stow Fire Department equipment and building; They expect to t a f e possession J u n e 1st. The amcunt involved was $4795. All bills are now paid, excepting a personal note signed by a few ci the members of. t h e F. D. and this will be taken care of by the organization or men who signed the note themselves. The Stow Garden Club meet next week on Wednesday evening, May 27th. Members of the Junior Audubon Club cf Stow are expected as guests. Mr. Wm. R, Ledge will speak on birds and Mrs. Ethel Grove will give some garden remindars for June. Eddie Palmer, Jimmy Andersen, Don Traxler, Wayne Deitz a n d one other boy made a, weekend trip in Traxler's chevy to Toronto, Canada. They left Friday evening a n d got back in Stow 4:30 a. m. Monday. It is reported t h a t they h a d seventeen f l a t tires between Buffalo and Erie, Pa. alone, while t h e total flats for t h e trip was about twenty-five. Mrs. Daisy Lodge Wolcott, who lives on West Main Street, Kent, opposite Gov. Davey's home, e n t e r tained some several h u n d r e d visitor last Sunday who came to view a n d admire her lilac gardens. She h a s represented there some seventy-five different beautiful varieties. This last year over two thousand from all over the United States visited h e r gardens. The violin which Mr. Kurinsky played on last- Sunday at Bible School was valued at four thousand dollars. I t had a beautiful tone. It was made in 1617 by Nicholas Amati teacher of Stradivarius and G u a r n e r i u s who were t h e best violin makers t h a t t h e world h a s ever known. Speaking' of violins, a Stradivarius owned by J a s e h a Helfetz the greatest living violinist, is valued at $1'2'5,C03.'00. Mr. Kurinsky once had the pleasure of playing on a $40,000 violin crsned by Maurice Hewitt, Oaraen BAUGHMAN'S W A.!)2i>8 FEED STORE s i env

10 210 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS DOES YOUR HOUSE NEED PAINTING LET U S D O IT One and one half years to pay No Mortgage No down payment necessary under F. H. A. Monthly payments as low $6 per month THE WA STOW HARDWARE STOW 1 I director of the Paris Conservatory of Music. Mr. Hewitt is the man who at one time offered Joseph Kurinsky a scholarship in the Paris Conservatory of Music. For the enlightenment of these interested in the welfare work among our Stow school children, the PTA reports feeding a daily lunch to an average of eighty-five or ninety children between February 3rd and May 11th. These children were fed during that time at a cost of only $ For this work $36.00 was donated, the remainder was paid by the PTA. Mrs. Walter Lambert who was in charge cf the' work wishes to thank all who contributed time, money, or food to this project. PTA officers for the next year are: Mrs. B. D. E'tz, president. Mrs. Judson Russel, First Vice- President. Mrs. Johnston, Second Vice- President. Mrs. Ray Cundiff, Historian. Mrs. A. J. Brust, Secretary. Mrs. S. H. Taber, OorresyondinJ Secretary. Mr. R. E. Ganyard, Treasurer. No more meetings of PTA will bs held until next Fall. "It never rains but it pours." Mrs. Mary Olson is the authority. Last Monday evening while scouting for news the Star Reporter drove up to the Olson home on Main street,. Munroe Falls, Ohio time 7:15 p. m. Even though it was raining Harry O. was cutting the lawn. Had finished his supper an hour before hesaid. However Reporter found Mrs. Olson just finishing hers. Reasonssix different visitors to see her during the -supper hour. Reporter was the seventh. Mrs. Olson was due at lodge at 7:30 p. m. Said she hoped it never rained again, etc. Editor did not stay to get much' «news. P. S. Mrs. Olson is cleaning house this week., F O R Y O U R G A R D E BARN YARD MANURE $3.00 and $3.50 per Ton Load Thomas Coal Co. Telephone N WA STOW


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