Vol. II Friday, April 19, 1935 STOW, OHIO No 16

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1 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Vol. II Friday, April 19, 1935 STOW, OHIO No 16 MINISTER'S COLUMN Easter Day. Only one reason known among' men for the joyful Easter. Jesus Christ rose from the grave. The Jews did not know their Messiah, they thought Him an imposter. T'hey were blind to miracles, blind to records, blind to prophecy, blind to evidences. So Ihey crucified the fairest flower of the human race. Darkness immediately fell like a black pall over Jerusalem, tradition states it rained, a night black and terrible settled over the city of the great k,inj. 1'ne light of human hope was snuffed out. The sob of a groat lois, a defeat and despair covered the little land of the chosen pecple. They had destroyed their King. Their deed was one of a nation suicide from which they never recovered. Friday at the vesper hour Jesus died. Darkness impenetrable covers the earth. The night is long, the world seems infested with demons. Saturday, the temple worship of the great Passever Feast is at hand. Two millions of people strangely wander about and ask where is God? The day is damp and chilly, lonely and heavy, a strange gloom hangs overbead. Clouds roll across the sky. The priests are at their posts, but where i s God? The world is strangely empty, worship a barren form. The universe of human kind is like a tomb. The light of the world has gone out. The longest day wears on to a close, and night again gathers the human race in its arms for rest. A little company hopes for day and with its first ray of light, as it streams over Judea's hills, after a night of prayers and sobs, time wore on to a morning. To Joseph's sepulchere the company hastens and who will roll away the stone? Will the soldiers grant permission to complete the embalming? The birds are singing. Light kisses the hill tops, a light more wonderful than the morning sun. All nature rejoices, the trees, flowers, earth and sky have a message. The keepers cf the great stone vault are as dead men, the door is wide open and an angel anounees, "He is Risen." So the world has the Easter Day, a living King and man has Immortality. GEO. M. HULME, Minister ANNOUNCEMENTS Easter services will be held this Sunday morning. Our minister, Rev. Geo. M. Hulme, will preach. His subject, "Immortality." An opportunity will be given to unite with the church. Sunday evening, a sacred cantata will be given by the choir, directed by Forest Hawk, Jr. This cantata, "From Olivet to Calvary," will be a leading feature of the Easter program. The community, CHURCH CALENDAR BIBLE SCHOOL - Sunday, 9:80 A M MORNING WORSHIP - Sunday, 10:45 A. M. SACKED CANTATA 7 : :>o p \ f. PRAYER MEETING Wednesday 7:30 p' M." MENS BIBLE CLASS MEETING - - Friday April 20, 7:00 P. M.

2 fi THE COMMUNITY CflURCH NEWS ONLY THE BEST Sandwiches Milkshakes Banana Splits Sundaes Boston Coolers Pop on Ice At ISALYS Special on Cut Tub Batter and Cottage Cheese church folk and friends are cordially invited to attend. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO MEN. Seven P. M. Friday, April 26th, the Men's 'Bible Class will have a "combination" meeting. There will be a business session, considerable conversation, and some practice tinging'; which will come first is rather uncertain, though if Director of Singing, C. C. Trommer, gets hi's cow milked on time the singing will probably be the first item. President Wocdring promises us???? nothing to eat tfto if satisfactory arrangements can be perfected with one cf the advertisers in the Community Church News, there might be something. Anyhow MEN! Don't fail to come to this meeting 1. PERSONAL Only five more weeks cf school. "Let not the sun go down upon jour wrath." Zaeh Thomas,,West Graham road, wants to buy a god horse. Who will fix the bricks that are This organization is qualified to serve you any where within a radius of seveial miles. Our service is broad enough to encompass every need. Connections with leading firms through the country. The McGo<wan Funeral Hom EXCLUSIVE INVALID CAR WA. 1313

3 fi THE COMMUNITY CflURCH NEWS COAL, CEMENT, SAND, LIME TILE, CINDERS, GRAVEL E,. M. Guise Goal & suddiu go. Munroe Falls, O... WA popping out of place on the Hudsen road? (George' Dyke, King drive, is reported 'as being very. ill. "Dutch" Palmer is still very sick acute itymsilitis the doctor says. Mr. jprank Howe was ill last week but managed t 0 print our paper. Oorrine Oyler has the three day measles, tho will f probably be better when^you read this. Mrs. P'layford -Robinson came home from the hospital last Sunday and is doing very well. News Item: Mr. -and Mrs. C. C. fiush were at -church last Sunday. Woodring put in some new lights, at the top of the church last Monday. The Arndale road club met on Thursday of this week at the home of Mrs. Foster Young. ' Mrs. Jack Mosley entertains the I River Road club next Thursday. Home made candy, pie, ca-ke, sandwiches can be secured at the Cottage Lunch. (Adv.), The Edmistons on River road now have their greenhouse in full j operation. Isalys now sell Big Glass Malted ; Milk, all flavors for 12c. (Adv.) MORE, EGGS/ MORE. EGGS/ FEED US FUL-O-PEP EGG MASH AND YOU'LL iget'em GET MORE EGGS Safely You cannot afford to lose many high producing hens and make money. If your mortality is high you may be feeding the wrong feed. Play safe. Feed m * 0 ' P P i EGG \Jr MASH A It helps produce bigger and better quality eggs. Less waste for it is all feed the hens don't "throw" it. BAUGHMAN'S FEED WA STORE STOW Mrs. Burt Mineard, River road, has been in New.Brighton, Pa., the past week, she attended the funeral of a* friend. Harold Spaght has a new Chev- '. A. J. K U R I N S K Y " TEACHER OF VIOLIN Residence-West Graham Road or Instructions given at Stow School on Thursdays

4 fi THE COMMUNITY CflURCH NEWS E. H. LONG PflPER HANGING POINTING a complete line of Wall Paper Samples ESTIMATES FREE BRYNMAWR DR. WA-9265 STOW, 0. wr--. nn-ttn»» - t irtth-mnwrolet, turret top and all. Marhofers Chevrolet sold him the car. Miss Martha Spaght drove over to Warren, Ohio, last Monday night, She attended "some sort of Eastern Star doings." There, are four baby kittens at 18(1 Williamson road. If you would like one see Mrs. Dunn. Rev. Hulme failed to attend prayer meeting last week Wednesday on account of car trouble. At the meeting of the Ladies', class on Wednesday evening of last week, there were approximately twenty.present. Officers were elected for the coming year. Thirty-one were present at the class meeting on Sunday morning. Only ten were present at the Children's l?ib!e Study class last Sunday afternoon. This next Sunday being Easter and the day filled with other services, the Children's Bible Study class will be. omitted. Little Miss Sara Ann Shaffer, four years old, of Cuyahoga Falls visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Lantz, 219 Hudson road, last Sunday^ Coming events as listed in Mr. Carlisle's office: WHEN IN NEED OF GARDEN OR FLOWER VIGORO ALSO $2.50 cwt. Sheep Manure Pulverized Cow Manure Lime Use our Lime and Vigoro SpreaderFree THE STOW HARDWARE WA April 23rd.Boy Scout Minstrel, show at High school. April 24th Stow Garden club, open meeting, High school. April 29th Pir e Department Dance, County Home. April 24th Stow Flower Show. Two trees, an Oak and a Douglas Fir, were planted last Monday at Silver Lake village in memory of tm'o men now departed, viz, Mr. Lee and Mr. Hagelberger. Others who have passed on will soon have LAWN SEEDS SEED LIME FERTILIZER See BAUGHMAN'S at Stow

5 DeSotu ^ ^ fi THE COMMUNITY CflURCH NEWS SALES AND SERVICE.MUNROE FALLS GARAGE Plj SHflKESPEflRL BROTHER CALX "151 I.I/' or " L ED" on WA-9221 for a demonstration of the new 1935 DeSOTO or PLYMOU1 trees planted in their memory. This work is being done by the Garden club. Remember the time when "Johnnie" Stahl and "Bud" Houck lit a match to see if the gas tank of an dd Fcrd had any gasoline therein. Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Ferris and sen Chalmers, returning from Florida, arrived in town last Sunday. Mannette will arrive two or three weeks later. They expect to live in the flat connected with the old Oensemer Greenhouse, Cuyahega Falls. Mrs. Ferris will have charge of the sale cf flowers, plants, etc., for Mr. Bauder at this location. For the more complete information of those who would buy Maple trees and have them set out, all for 50c, Mr. Elisha R- Evans lives at the end of South Marcella avenue. FOR SALE: Easter rabbits, all sizes, also 75 lb. ice box and several eight week old; pigs. Telephone WA-8&13. (Adv.) Melvin Z. Thomas of the Thomas Coal company is said to get his coal about two. feet this side of the Pennsylvania line. On Wednesday evening, April 24th, the Garden club will hold an cpon meeting in the Stow High school auditorium. Dr. O. E. Sellars will lecture on "The Beauty Spots of Ohio." There will, be pictures to illustrate. The Stow school band will play. Everybody who can is requested to come. Admission free. The annual meeting of the Weber Hardware group was held Wed- YOU WILL FIND R K A I. S E R V I C E AT OUK O A R A G E New Cars, Used Cars -:- Cars Repaired, Cars Towed BATTERIES GASOLINE? OIL MflRHOEER'S CHEVROLET WA /... /. STOW

6 fi THE COMMUNITY CflURCH NEWS Prompt Courteous Gas, Oil. Grease, Batteries We fix flat tires Prie net's Service Station P. p WILLIAMSON, Prop. SERVICE nes-day evening' at the Slow Hardware company store. Dinner was f erv-ed- at the Tally-Ho Tavern. While the men were in business session at the store, the ladies attended a movie. Mrs. Knight, son Harris and James Cress were to have arrived in Tuscon, Arizona last Monday. Mr. Knight tells us that the first night cut, James fixed a radio. Harris found a Boy Scout to talk to, while "Pal" the dog' found a little bull dog to growl at. Visitors at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Judy on last Sunday were Mrs. Mary Gardner and daughter Mary, and Mr. Hugo Woolf, all of Cleveland. It is reported that Dr. L. B. Seblell cf Silver Lake and Stow is coming along fine on the fishing lcds which he is making. One.rod is done and he is ready to start on the next. He works on them up into the wee- small hours of the morning. However, he is having a lot cf trouble with his wife on account of getting- his silk mixed with her embroidery thread. Later cn, sometime this summer, we shall expect seme great fish stories. Mr. Jhn Van D'is, Secretary of the Akron Y. M. C. A. was guest speaker at the April meeting of the Silver Lake Village Home and Z:h;ol League Wednesday. His. tcpic was '-BOYOLOGY." Mr. Van Di 3 has had great experiences and success with boys and has the distinction of having raised the first thousand dollars for the Boy Scout Movement of America in New Ycrk city more than twenty-five ;ears ago. Mrs. Harold Thomas, Silver Lake village is spending the' week in Cleveland with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bonesteel. Big wedding at the Silver Lake Tavern, Thursday, April 25th. Martha Ann Eokroad, the»younger W. C. GERBER & SON FORD SALES Sunoco Products WA W. C. GERBER C. F. GERBER

7 fi THE COMMUNITY CflURCH NEWS SZZCZH HOME-GROWN Fg E A%8LES FROM Come in and make your garden seed selection at our store BAUGHMAN'S FEED STORE Siow, Ohio Moving HtlU illq sand Gravel The Thomas Coal Co. Pbone W West Graham Rd. STOW, OHIO daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Eckroad, is to be married to Mr. Charles Ralph Ooehler at the Eckroad home. Mr. and Mrs. George & Dales "have just returned'from their winter home at Vera Beach on the Floridia East coast. Mr, and Mrs. Adam Erdenberger have returned from Florida, to their Silver Lake home. x*he Aurora, Portage County Garden and Home Arts club drafted Wm. R. Lodge Wednesday for one of his bird talks. His balk was augmented by being able to pass some thirty varieties of mounted birds and many'nests in cellophane bags around to his audience, thus giving close means of identification. The beautification of roads and clean up. contest is receiving new impetus in the Silver Lake Village schools since it was \ extended to May 1st. Our local communities can well afford to take an interest and cooperate in this movement. On Oak road in Paradise Park, Stow, Ohio, there are three new dogs. "Hether" resides with the Uptons, "Heimlich" lives now with A. Peter Gradilph and family, while "Beauty" a beaglehound is provided with bones and dog biscuits by Walter T. Haines, Oak road would be a 100 per cent dog owners street but for the lack of cooperation on the part of Joy G. Lichty, Alfred F. Egger, and Mrs. Iva T. King. These folks have no dogs. Rev. Hulme has it all figured out. The men think so much of their wives that they (the men) stay home on Sunday morning so as to prepare Sunday dinner and allow* their wives to attend Bible school and church. Why is church membership the better way of living a christian

8 fi THE COMMUNITY CflURCH NEWS I \1 P E R I A L WASHABLE WALL PAPERS Sample Books Delivered Free For Your Inspection Let me figure on your Paper Hanging and Painting Also Do Paper Cleaning C M WOODRING 130 Tharndale Ave. life? Rev. Hulme in his three minute talk last Sunday reminded us how the coals of ' a fire when scattered cooled off and stopped burning^ whereas if they were, all together a good fire resulted. Hence we may therefore reason that together we can accomplish a great deal more. "Will a man rob God." Mai. 3:8. This wa s the text of Rev. Hulme's sermon last Sunday,,and, in discussing the sermon afterwards several men agreed it. was one of the best sermons that they had ever heard. Our own opinion is that most of us are guilty of robbing God and that many of our troubles are due to robbing God in one way or another. Last Saturday morning the new bell was installed at the Stow Church of Christ. Mr, Prank Green tells us the following: ' The bell which will be rung from the Church of Christ here in Stow on Easter morning was made in 1875 by the Van Deusen Tift company of Cincinnati for the Church of Christ iip. Wilmington, Ohio and was used by them for' many years. The bell will be rung first at 6:30 to call worshippers to early prayer meeting and again in time for regular service. I am privileged to ring it because my COME TO STOW COMMUNITY CHURCH SUNDAY 10:45 A. M.

9 It Pays To Advertise Only the ones that keep continually at it are the ones who make a real success. It costs good money to get a customer, but it takes the right kind of service to keep them 9 The Community Church News is a valuable advertising medium, it is of special interest to Stow people and is small enough so it is read from cover to cover. father Francis M. Green preached i:r Wilmington. His pastorate began there on April 12, 180il and lasted for 5 years. I spent one of the Christmas holidays while a student, at O. S. U. with my parents in Wilmington and it was there that I heard the bell. The expense of installing the bell in cur church has been taken care of fully by the C. E. society." FRAiNK A. GiREEN' CHILDREN'S VERSES A little birdie with a yellow bill Hopped upon the window sill. And cocked his shining eye and said "Ain't you shamed you sleepy head?" A child should always say what's true And speak when he is spoken to And behave mannerly at table At least so far as he is able. Oyler's Confectionery Bus Tickets Easter Eggs Ice Cream Magazines Notions The MECCA SHOPPE SPAGHT BLOCK

10 11 Restore your usn MAR-NOT VARNISH $ a tough durable F L OO U FlNhH r Old Floors ^Varnish front $1 75 to $4.00 to the Beauty % NEW/ per gallon -1 i RENT' A SANDER i I a woman can operate it The Stow Hardware Co. f I $ S' EASIER TLOWER5 * ORDER YOUR EASTER CORSAGE EARLY f Roses, Sweet Peas, Violets, Gardenias and Orchids. $1.00 up SPOTTED PLANTS, Fresh from our Greenhouses Tulips Cinerarias Easter Lilies Hyacinths ^ S -N Hydrangeas Mixed Spring Gardens Genistas ijt African Violets Rose Bushes I Beautiful Cut Easter Roses $1.50 to $3.00 per doz. b 1 $ I SILVER LAKE ELOPISTS ft) KKNT KOAI) AT SII.VKU LAKE ALSO 1321 Chestnut Blvd. igensemer's) Phone WAlbridge 8914! I


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