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1 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS VOL. V STOW, THE WORLD'S O., F R I D A Y, O C T O B E R 21, 1938 TOWERS If you h a v e a good concordance and r u n y o u r fingeir down t h e column of r e f e r e n c e s given under t h e word t o w e r y o u will be surprised a t t h e m a n y records of peculiar interest that cluster about t h e subject of Tojvers. P e r h a p s t h e m o r e w o r t h while scriptures speak of God as a high tower, a t o w e r of salvation, a r e f u g e f r o m enemies, Ps.' 61:3. In Genesis I I w e r e a d t h a t m a n in the long ago u n d e r t o o k t o build a t o w e r t h a t w o u l d r e a c h to Heaven, so God w a s obliged t o confound t h e i r l a n g u a g e to r e t a r d t h e u p l i f t of b r i c k a n d m o r tar. Vineyards in t h e olden days h a d towers, sheep folds h a d t o w e r s and on t h e walls of t h e ancient.cities t w o o r m o r e t o w e r s w e r e built on each side. T h e purpose of these towers, primarily, w e r e f o r! lookouts, places of v a n t a g e f r o m which one could see a f a r. At. W a d s w o r t h, Copley and Bath t h e Indians built t h e i r towers, on these t a b l e - l a n d s t h e R e d F a t h e r s built signal f i r e s of warning or signals of distress, Civilization d u r i n g t h e p a s t cent u r y h a s accomplished w o n d e r s in tower building, f h e E i f f e l T o w e r in P a r i s is one t h o u s a n d feet high, three elevators give access t o t h e summit, its p u r p o s e is t o study temperature and air currents at different heights, t h e T o w e r of London, built n e a r l y a thousand years ago a n d t h e T o w e r of Silence in Bombay, India, w h e r e Topic:- No. 42 they b u r y t h e d e a d on a f l a t roof a n d t h e vultures, h u n d r e d s of them, pick a l l t h e flesh f r o m hum a n bones in a n incredible short time. T h e t o w e r t h a t lead m e to write this article w a s erected in Akron, Ohio, in t h e c e n t e r of t h e street a t t h e intersection of M a r k e t a n d H o w a r d streets. This t o w e r w a s erected in t h e e a r l y eighties. P a r k Alexander was the promoter and t h e object w a s t o light t h e city of A k r o n. A second t o w e r w a s erected on t h e roof of t h e F i r e E n g i n e House, w h e r e t h e Police Station is n o w located. These t w o t o w e r s w e r e t o replace oil l a m p s a n d f u r n i s h a d e q u a t e light f o r t h e city. I a m told t h a t t h e M a r k e t S t r e e t T o w e r w a s 225 feet high, t h e light w a s g e n e r a t e d by carbons, t h e l a m p w a s hoisted by chains, i t w a s t h e g r e a t e s t scheme, of i t s kind, in t h e United States, t w o t o w e r s to light t h e city. Now. lo a n d behold, t h e wisdom of t h e city f a t h e r s of long ago n e v e r took into consideration t h e f a c t of shadows, shadows t h a t d e f e a t e d t h e whole plan. So t h e g r e a t t o w e r of Akron was up about eighteen months, it w a s pronounced a failure, so i t gave w a y to gas lights a n d t h e y in t u r n w e r e supplanted by illumination labeled electric lights, surpassed only b y t h e s t a r s a n d t h e moon t h a t give kindly light f r o m out across t h e boundless space. GEO. M. H U L M E "Conquering the Human Body"

2 2 THE COMMUIVITY CHURCH NEWS 450 Robinson, Dale Shaver and Howard Sanner will act as a Promotion, Lookout or Publicity Committee. Virginia Easterling is chairman of the Kitchen-Cooks Committee. She expects, to solicit chickens, pies, cake, ice cream or what have you, from the older folks for the noon and evening meal. As we expect everything to be donated there will be no expense to the conference delegates. STOW COMMUNITY CHURCH GEORGE M. HULME Minister The Dining Room Committee 859 Aril more Av., Akron, UN-1685 Business Phone Number JE-9224 consists of Mary Jo Woodring, THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Lucille DeWitt and Helen Stein. Drawer C The Program Committee, Clara Stow, Summit Co., Ohio. Published weekly. Subscription price 50c a Gilliam, chairman; Arlene Stein. year. Entered as second class matter May 4, 1937 at the Postoffice at The Music Committee, Howard Stow, Ohio, under Act of March 3, Sanner. Entertainment, Clara Office of publication, 360 W. Arndale Rd., Stow. H. J. Stockman, Hardy. This All Day conference Editor. Falls Printing Co., printer. will be held sometime in November. Further announcement next CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR Further plans for the all day week. Meanwhile a Hallowe'en Young Peoples Conference and Party for Endeavorers has been Rally were announced last Sun- planned. Come out next Sunday day evening. At present Bill evening and find out about it We Openly Advise... you to make good judgment count more than an exorbitant expenditure of money. THE McGOWAN FUNERAL HOME WA Stow Ave. Cuyahoga Falls

3 435 THE.COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS CHURCH CALENDAR ' evening Mr. Utterbach of Kent Bible School, Sunday. 9:30 A. M. conducts a prayer service in a Morning Worship, Sun. 11 A. M. C. E., Sunday 6:30 P. M. Stow home. On Friday the North Teachers Training Class and Hill Nazarene Church held service Prayer Meet, Wed. 7:30 P. M. in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orchestra Practice, Wed. Trout on Berger Ave. Take your Evening 7:30 P. M. Church Business Meeting, First pick, and attend at least one of Friday Evening of Month these mid-week services. Choir Practice Thursday, <$> 7:30 A. M. SUNDAY CHRISTIAN ACTION "Conquering the Human Body" Last week's Christian Action is the subject Rev. Hulme will meeting was held at the home of preach on next Sunday morning. Mrs. Wm. Lantz. On this Friday If this sermon is anywhere near the meeting will be held at the as good as the one last Sunday it home of Mrs. Ermal S. Dunn, will be worth coming half way 180 Williamson Road, 7:30 P. M. across the state to hear. Attend You are cordially invited to attend church Sunday morning. this, Bible Study and Prayer < > Meeting. FOR CONSIDERATION PRAYER MEETINGS Last week, to our certain knowledge, there were at least five prayer meetings in Stow held respectively on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Attendance at these meetings varied. The Wednesday evening Bible Study and prayer service led by Mr. Biggs, probably was blessed with the largest attendance; nearly thirty. The Ladies Bible Class prayer service most always held on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Dunn is one, from which those who attend say they receive much inspiration and good. Thursday 1. How many Christians have we in our church? 2. Can a rich man be a Christian? 3. Can I be more interested in the work of the lodge than the work of God and yet be a Christian? 4. Can I be more interested in my club work than the work of God and yet be a Christian? 5. Can I be more interested in my business than in the work of God and still be a Christian? Can we obtain eternal salvation without full surrender? Is it too great a price to pay? Read 2 Tim. 2: Re-Elect J.B. LOOKER County Commissioner on his record Political Adv. Republican

4 4 THE COMMUIVITY CHURCH NEWS 452 SERVICE QUALITY PRICE For CHICKEN - HOG - DOG or DAIRY FEEDS Stop and Buy at BAUGHMAN'S FEED STORE WA8122 STOW, OHIO J7 ll/io DEVELOPED r llilvloand PRINTED Rolls developed with 6 or 8 gloss prints. Free 5x7 enlargement. Mail orders enclose 25c coin plus tax. 25 SNYDER'S STUDIO 111 Portage Trail Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio ENVY IS A DANGEROUS THING You dislike a man. Why? You would hardly like to tell. It may be his farm is larger and the soil richer, than yours. It may be he got more votes for sheriff than you did. It may be his store is larger than yours and he has more trade than you have. There are many things that excite envy. You say you are a preacher I see! Now that is suggestive. Perhaps the preacher you are envious of is in some way your superior. His church is better located than yours, his congregation larger, his salary more, or, he is a more attractive man. You feel you can hardly keep up with him. Are these the facts? Is this what you are growling about? Are you eyeing this brother? Have you a little feeling that you would like for his foot to slip. Be careful, my brother, you are on dangerous ground. E. M. Guise Coal & Supply WA-3921 Munroe Falls; O You will SAVE MONEY You will SAVE WORK You will ENJOY AN EVEN HOUSE TEMPERATURE by installing a Will-Burt Coal Stoker. We are Sales Agents for the Will-Burt one of the best Stokers on the market. Let us show you the modern way to lower heating bills and give you greater heating comfort. Call Mr. Guise WA-3921.

5 435 THE.COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS PRESTONE We Have It MARHOFER CHEVROLET WA-1823 ST0W,0. Envy is a very dangerous thing, my brother. It is a sociable sin; it likes company. It never goes about alone. It soon falls in with hatred and falsehood, and in the end, will call in counsel, and plan with murder. It may never strike the fatal blow and shed actual blood, but Jesus taught us that murder is an attitude of mind and heart; that to hate a brother, is to be a murderer. You say this man of whom you are envious, whose place you could fill so much better than he, and you feel it would be so much better for the cause if you had his place, that he is quite unfit for it; that he is going to soon break down with nervous prostration. You put on a sad look and say, "He cannot possibly last long, and then!" My brother, a prophet always wants his prophecies to come true; so having uttered your prophecy you begin to hope to see him fail. He is in your way. You feel he is very stupid not to understand that he is a cumberer of the ground. Say, brother, you are in danger of becoming impatient with God, because he does not cut him down. Your envy grows. You eye your man like Saul did David, and what a look! It is snaky. Your eyes become daggers. They grow to pierce and gleam with green hatred. You say, "He will soon die. He cannot possibly live long, and then I'll." And now my poor, envious brother, you begin to hope he will die. How your heart would thrill if you heard he was dead! and if you should, you would put on a false face, attend the funeral, and sham great sorrow. You would make a first-class mourner. If you were to get his place, you must win his friends with your apparent grief. You become a little amused and delighted with your shrewd diplomacy. My envious brother, let me tell you this. When you prophesy that your neighbor farmer is going to die, and that you will be able to buy his farm from his widow to advantage, or if it is a store, a bank, a church, or whatsoever you are going to get when he is gone, and you prophesy he will soon be gone, and you STOW FENDER & BODY REPAIR FORMERLY DONALD DUCK PAINT SHOP Anything from touch-up to a complete refinishing job. Get ready for winter. Have underfenders, chassis steam cleaned and plainted. Reasonable prices. G. E. THURSBY Cor. Hudson and Graham Road

6 6 THE COMMUIVITY CHURCH NEWS 454 KNIGHT SERVICE CO. Nu-Way Cleaning and Pressing There is a Difference - INVISIBLE SHOE REBUILBING WA Front St. Cuyahoga Falls wish him to be gone, you will soon get into a state of mind that you would like to hurry him off, even to help him off, if he were inclined to tarry and hang about in your way. Envy is one of the most common sins, and one of the most dangerous. It should be guarded against with prayerful care. To pray earnestly for the brother that you are tempted to envy and be jealous of, will be helpful to the soul. By Rev. H. C. Morrison, Editor Pentecostal Herald <$> PERSONALS Attendance at Bible School last Sunday two hundred twelve. "Bill" Gerber suggests a bond issue for the cemetery in case we don't incorporate. The Primary Department under the leadership of Mrs. North won the banner last Sunday. Leonard Jordan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Jordan, River Road, applied for a marriage lisense last Saturday. FOR SALE or will trade for sllot gun, Rabbit hound. W. H. Large, 37 King Drive, Stow. (Adv.) Harry Schroder of Baumberger Road is now in CCC camp in F"or all Dairy Products call ISALY'S. STOW DAIRY. General Dairy Products A. F. STEIN 149 Hudson Rd. Stow Phone WA-4794 MARTHA SPAGHT GENERAL INSURANCE A Service That Makes Friends And Keeps Them JUNCTION SHOE REPAIR H. M. WYATT, Prop. Good Material - Good Work 2721 Hudson Drive Brigham, Utah. Next Sunday morning Rev. Hulme will speak on the subject "Conquering The Human Body." Mr. H. A. Rearick, owner and proprietor of the Isaly Store in our community has been ill for the past two or more weeks. We are much pleased to have Mr. C. J. Swanson back again last Sunday to lead the singing in Bible School. Some one sends in this note: "How about having the weeds cut on vacant lots on Beech Street, Stow?" Mrs. Ermal S. Dunn of Wil- on t-j A REARICK. Proprietor in Stow

7 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS 7 FleetwingXs^Il^Fleetwing ^ (fleewing) Gas V Oil h Friends Service Station W. E. "BILL," BRIDGERS,Proprietor liamson Road visited son, Charles and granddaughter, Meredith Jill, at Wooster over the last I weekend. Guests last Sunday at a birthday celebration of Mrs. Clifford B. Schafer of Brimfield were Clinton R. Schafer and family of Darrowville and Mr. Oscar Schafer of Washington. FOR SALE: Coal cook stove, inquire 1196 E. Kent Road, Stow. First house east of Marsh Road. (Adv.) Mr. and Mrs. James Koontz and family of Canton spent last Sunday with Mrs. Koontz brother, George D. Conley, West Arndale Road. STOW STEAK HOUSE Steak and chicken dinners. All kinds of Sandwiches. Dining room and curb service. Corner Hudson and Kent Rds., Stow. (Adv.) Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Putt of Franklin'Road and Mr.,and Mrs. C. A. Thomas of West Graham Road spent the last weekend at Earl Weldon's cabin, Stillwater, Ohio. E F. Kastens Pumps, Plumbing, Estimates Free ' 116 E. Graham Rd. Phone WA-7688 Heating Three new houses are going up on Marsh Road. One is being built by Ruth Bachtel, another by C. A. Moore and a third by Mr. Gift of Cuyahoga Falls, Birthdays celebrated at Bible School last Sunday were those of Mr. J. C., Carver, Miss Clara Gillam, Miss Harriet North, Mrs. Oyler. Blow your horn in our front yard and we will be right out with just the kind of a sandwich you desire. Stow Bar-B-Cue That bright spdt opposite the Postoffice. (Adv.) Fish Creek Road is being resurfaced from one end to the other; also the section of Graham Road lying in Silver Lake Village has been fixed up with tar and slag. Gas Oil Anti Freeze General Repair Work W. C. O E R B E R & Battery Service S O N GAS - OIL WA-8853 FORD SALES

8 8 THE COMMUIVITY CHURCH NEWS 456 MORE HEA T- FASTER with Amazing New Car Heater that heats Hot in 90 seconds - Gives Comfort even on "Round the Block" hops. UTTERLY SAFE - - The STEWART WARNER MO FUMES - - Its South wind car heater Come and see it - at the SHELL GAS STATION Stow. Karl Henry Eddie Parsons BECKLEY'S BARBER SHOP Marhofer Block STOW :-: OHIO Jack Walker and family move, this week. They have purchased the old Van Buskirk property at the corner of Marcella anci Kent Roads. fiswhite Rock Broilers, 2-2J4-3 lbs. 25c a lb. Dressed free. Damon's, 642 East Graham Rd., Stow. WA "Jim" Stout, Jr., was operateu upon on Wednesday night of last week for appendicitis. He is r reported to be in an improves condition. Last Saturday Miss Clara Gillam with Mrs. Virginia Judy made a flying trip to Wooster, Ohio, and back. The country side in its fall garb they reported beautiful. It is reported that Mr. Moss of Baumberger Road is again back in the County Home Hospital, and will be operated upon soon. WANTED: Pianist for smal. dance orchestra. Must be able to read and improvise. See F. L. Goodenberger, 200 Ritchie Road or write R. D. No. 3, Kent, O, (Adv.) Guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Palmer, River Road, last Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Sanderson, Akron, and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Shearer and family of Lawndale, Ohio. FOR SALE 6 complete rooms of furniture. J. N, Brennen, Edgerton Road off Graham Road, near Silver Lake stand pipe. (Adv.) j Born September 9th to Mr. and Mrs. B. Braden of Cleveland, O., a daughter, Roberta Gertrude, graddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cprl Braden of Baumberger Rd. The River Road Club held a theater party last Thursday. Two weeks later they will hold their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Gladys Daily. Radio Repairs and Service. For your convenience our tubes stocked at the Stow 5c to $1.00 Store. C. V. Cross, River Road. (Adv.)

9 435 THE.COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS kk SHOPAND SAVE" AT STOW Central Cash Market KA ' 1 ^jojzisi^t WE ARE RUNNING A SPECIAL ON THE PRODUCTS THAT BRING YOU THOSE EXCELLENT RADIO PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK. Salt Pork Lean 15c. lb BACON Lean 25c lb STEAKS 25c. lb Potatoes Ohio 75c. Bushel Pork Chop 23c.,b Beef Roast 18c. lb. NO OLD COWS But choice Quality Meats the ebst that can be bought, these of course are selected by a man con nected with this firm, who has had years of service and knowledge of meats THE BEST ONLY Gold Medal Flour lb 79c. COFFEE Maxwell House 25c lb FREE DELIVERY 10:30-2:30 WA-3521 Fresh Stow Eggs 39c. Dz Pork Loin Roast 7 Rib 22c. BACON Fancy Sliced 28c. lb APPLES 8 lbs. for 25c.

10 10 THE COMMUIVITY CHURCH NEWS 458 ARPAD KURINSKY Teacher of Violin WA Graham Rd. Cuyahoga Falls, O. t w w w w w w w w w v m 1 Visitors last Sunday afternoon at the home of P. F. Robinson, Baumberger Road were nephew H. W. Robinson and wife with Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stull and family of Cuyahoga Falls. Curtis Holley's uncle, Earl Nester, a quartermaster in the regular U. S. Army is here from Panama on a visit. At the end of^ his furlough he expects to be sent to the Philippine Islands. Curtis' Holley lives on Ritchie Road. Furnace Resetting. Can supply parts for all makes of furnaces. All work guaranteed. A. B. Moore. Call WA (Adv.) At 217 Elmwood Road Herbert Oberlin, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gillam, celebrated his sixth birthday with a party last Friday night. One special guest was Joe Bailis. Saturday, November 29th, with nephew, Harry Robinson and sons "Bill" and George, Mr. P. F. Robinson will make a trip to Baltimore, Md., when he will visit a brother whom he has not seen for eight years. A visitor at the home of Mrs. Henry Headlee, Hudson Road, Stow, is her brother Oscar E. Schafer of Medical Lake, Washington. While on this visit home, his first in three years, Mr. Schafer will visit his brothers Clifford and Clinton in this community after which he will make a tour of the southern states. Modern Style Guitar and Tenor Banjo: Lessons given in student's home. Frank L. Goodenberger, 200 Ritchie Road, Stow or write R. 3., Kent. (Adv.) The engagement of Miss Betty Schmidt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Schmidt, 132 Liberty Road, St6w, to J. Maurice Koon, son of Blaine Koon, 31 Mc- Naughton Street, Akron, was announced last week. They will be married Saturday, November 5th in the Universalist Church, Akron. Miss Helen Stahl will serve as maid of honor. Keith Orr as best man. Fall farming activities. Last Saturday J. C. Andersen of River Road was harrowing G. W. Mineard's garden so G. W. M. could then broadcast a mixture of winter wheat and rye, same to be plowed under next spring. Next door Mr. Perham was pushing a garden tractor and plow turning under a weed patch. He will have a garden next year. On Hudson Road A. J. Brust was busy hauling in the soy bean crop. FOR RENT 3 room cottage. Water, electric. Call WA W. B. BIXLER AS State Representative will fight for good government and Summit County Political Adv.


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