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1 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Stow, Vol. V I I LET US Ohio, F R I D A Y, N O V E M B E R 8, 1940 STAND That sounds like Church, doesn't i t? O. Generation of the careless, why will ye not heed the admonition to s t a n d? That is, to stand for something worthy, to stand f o r the old Book, to stand f o r the Church, to stand for the faith of your fathers, to stand for the things that m a k e for peace. In the Bible here are seven hundred references that speak exclusively on standing. Following are a few lines picked at random t h a t speak of standing A house divided in itself cannot stand. Let him t h a t thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. Jesus himself stood in the midst of them. And having done all to stand. So just think gf six hundred ninetyfive more positive statements on the subject of standing, all of them in them in the Bible. In your christian experience have you anything positive to stand for? Or, do you just belong to the Church and drift along with the crowd? M a r k well, God's W o r d must feel that the subject of standing is very important f o r seven hundred times it is r e f e r r e d to. So, what do you stand f o r? Christianity required m a n y definite, clean-cut unwavering, and uncompromising decisions for Christ and the Church. Let me name three requirements levied on you if you are a christian. They are, one-seventh of your time, one-tenth of your money, and unceasing devotion. In the ancient Tabernacle, and later in the Temple, a parcel of No. 45 the area was known as the Holy Place. In this enclosure were the golden candlesticks with seven branches, a symbol of consecrated time. N e a r by were the golden tables of shew bread, twelve loaves, one f o r each tribe, a symbol of consecrated substance, and by their side was the altar of incense, symbol of unceasing devotion. Does this mean anything to y o u? Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work, but the seve n t h? That is the fourth commandment, surely we owe to God. to our church, and to our bodies one-seventh of our time, one day in seven. Anyone who does not give systematically of his substance, of his earnings, is not a Bible Christian. No one can love God, the Church, and the great principles that Christ taught the world and with-hold of his means. Love relaxes the fingers, opens the purse and gives, not grudgingly, but freely and joyously, gives because he would feel condemmed and lose the blessing if he gives not. Incense, the symbol of unceasing devotion, worship, and prayer. In Christianity there is no place for backsliders, for drones, or the 'ndifferent. Your daily devotion is demanded, also your daily prayer, your constant search a n d reading of the Word. Even as the coals were always kept hot beneath the fluid of incense. even so, your vigilance must be constant. Church members, do you stand for these three obligations of t h e christian life, or have you long since passed them u p? My people, perhaps you need a new anoint-

2 the community church news 532 STOW COMMUNITY CHURCH (ieorge M. HDLME... Minister sr>!» \ I'll mil re A v.. Akron. c\-if>sr» rke COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Drawer C Stow, Summit Co., Ohio. Published weekly. Subscription price 50c a \ e;ir. Entered as second class matter May i, 1937 at the Postoffice at Stow, Ohio, under Act of March 3, Office of publication, 360 W. Arndale Rd., Stow. H. J. Stockman, Kditor. ing. One-seventh of your t ; me. one-tenth of your money, and constant devotion, that is it, so stand. My people, stand to it. for any Church that will stand thus will not be sickly, poor, or needy, but will be healthy and strong. Geo. M. Hulme <5> BETTER BR'JOHES In case you read th's note in t ; me don't stay away from that Better Brush Demonstration at th'_> church this Friday afternoon. Time 2:00 p. m. You receive a gift from the brush man and the church w'11 receive a d'me for the Build'ng Fund. NOMINATING COMMITTEE C. M. Woodring, Mrs. Hazel Wheeler, and Mrs. Ermal S. Dunn have been appointed as a committee to make nominations for all church and Bible School officers for the year of GUILD On account of Thanksgiving, the Ladies Guild will rnset Wednesday November 13th at the church. The usual luncheon will be served at noon. Program and business meeting will be held in the afternoon. Hostesses are Mrs. Pettit, Mrs. Van Hyning. Mrs. Fagert, Mrs. Biddle, Mrs. Putt, Mrs. Headlee, Mrs. Chapman and Mrs. J. V. Young. <S> NOTICE All money pledged for church debt fund should be in by Sunday November 10th. m The light of the world is the light of * perfect understanding. Our thorough knowledge of our profession brings to the ceremony an unmistakable note of sincerity. Funeral Parlors with homelike surroundings. The McGowan Funeral Home

3 BUTTER THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS 3 MILK 10^ Per Gallon ISALY'S In Stow Walter GET YOUR SICK ROOM SUPPLIES From Braunlich PHARMACIST 101 Hudson Rd. Stow, O. GRANGE NOTICE Election of officers for the coming year will be held by the Darrow Street Grange this Saturday evening November 9th. There w 11 be an all day Pomona meeting at the Grange Hall Thursday November 14th. All winders in the county of first and second place in the pie baking contest are expected to bring pies to this meeting. These pies will be judged. <S> APPRECIATED The Sunday School appreciates 1he services of Dorothy Palmer, Betty Evans, Miss Thomas, and Miss Ayres in helping Mrs. Foote with functions for the Primary Department. NOTICE Stow Council D. of A. Sewing Circle will meet Wednesday, Nov. 13th at the home of Mrs. V. J. Henderson on Hanna Rd., off Baumberger Rd. INVITATION You are invited to attend the special Evangelistic services at the Goodyear Heights Community Church, next to the Seiberling School, November 11th to 24th, 7:30 every night except Saturday Special music thrilling messages Rev. W. B. Shively, Pastor. NOTICE TO SCOUT MOTHERS TROOP 167 Dean J. Longfellow will address the Mothers Club of Scout Troop 167 when they meet at the Community Church at 2 p. m., Wednesday, November 13. I Dentist S DR. W. B. OCKER * Credit Extended S JOV a m. to 9 p. m.s J Spaght Bldg., Stow MI-WAY CLEANING AND PRESSING There is a Difference INVISIBLE SHOE REBUILDING KNIGHT SERVICE CO. WA Front St. Cuyahoga Falls

4 4 the community church news M H! 1 i H11M n H M ! C i i UIHI tl II tl I n M EAT MORE YOU CAN GET ALL THE BEST CUTS AT RITCH1ES MEAT MARKET Fresh Home Dressed Meats N. L. RITCHIE, Prop. 407 Ritchie Road IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII STOW BUS! N ESG MilN ORGANIZE Gathered for dinner this last Monday evening at Community Church some twenty-five Stow men organized themselves into a Stow Business Men's Associat : o:i. Officers elected were E. F. Kastens, President; William Bridgers, Vice-President; and Kurt Aker.;, Sccretary-Treasurer. It is the purpose of this organization to obtain as members all Stow business men. It is also their aim to cooperate in all Stow Civic affairs that affect their interests and the interests of Stow people in general. Guest speaker of the evening was Judge Hunsicker who gave a GRACE'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Postoffice Block Stow, O. Telephone OV-8621 For Appointments very interesting talk regarding the Community Chest a~ it functions in Akron and vicinity. During the past e'ght months in Stow Township twenty-one families have been helped by Community Chest funds, ninety individuals have received a ; d, $ in direct relief has been given, fourteen St-w children were sent to the Fresh Ah' camo last summer, and a cash contribution of $'25.00 to the Community Center was recently made. Time spent by Community Chest workers in Stow totals 400 hours to date. For BETTER ENGINE PERFORMANCE Two Great Gasolines Texaco Fire Chief Texaco Sky Chief TEXACO SERVICE STATION Corner Rts. 5 and 91 Stow] FLOYD RAKE, Mgr.

5 5 For the very best grades of West Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio Coals call us. 0. L. COOK NATIONAL COAL MUNROE FALLS AVE. OV-8629 All Coal Delivered From Cuya. Falls WHAT DOES ARMISTICE DAY MEAN? (Written in 1938) When we think of Armistice Day, we turn back the pages of time to the morning of November 11, We wonder what joy must have swept over the \.ar-torn countries of Europe. We can imagine their happiness when we think of the joy of our own people. The joy of being releasee! from the pressure of a cruel war, which had held the world in its grip for four long years, must have been a wonderful thing to have experienced. For four years, the European countries had pitted army against army, until n 1917, the United States was drawn into its entanglements. But on November 11, 1918, the armistice was signed and the "war to end wars" was drawn to a close. But still this war carries with it more than just the end of a hateful World War. It carries memories for many weary souls. For the war veteran who has experienced the horrors of war and i'elt the stinging pain of a bullet piercing his flesh, this day brings the unwelcome rush of memories of a war-ravaged country across his mind. For the old gray-haired mother who sits in her chair, the memories of a little son playing about her feet are held dear to her heart, because now he lies in a cold and lonely grave in a far-off land. Yet, as we see what the Armistice was and the memories it holds for others, we find that for us, the coming generation, it carries a different meaning. We have only our history to tell us of the Armistice. We have no haunting recollections of war; and yet, it is we, "the hope of the world," to whom Armistice Day should be a cherished day. As we look back over the years, we behold no romance in these fruitless struggles of humanity. We see only the ruins of once beautiful cities, only the war-shattered countryside, and only sad memories for many a man and woman. But why can't the memories of war end there? Why must civilization continue in such debasing and destructive acts? If only our thoughts were limited to our history stories of remote and ancient days, how much happier we all FEEDS FEEDS CHICKEN DOG HOG DAIRY BAUGHMAN'S FEED STORE OV-8413 STOW, OHIO

6 6 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS 6 peoples have struggled and fought to obtain, but as yet have failed to achieve. It has been said "AS A M A N T H I N K E T H IN HIS H E A R T, SO IS H E. " So it is with the nations of the world today. Their acts are merely blossoms of their thoughts and war a n d peace a r e the fruits. And so, on t h ; s Armistice Day, let our t h o u g h t s be of peace and goodwill t o w a r d our fellow-men; thus, shall the world become. C o n t r i b u t e d bv Clara Hardy C O M M U N I T Y CENTER CARRIES LEVY A total vote of fourteen hundred ninety-five f o r t h e levy and five h u n d r e d fifty-one against, the use of t h e old school building as a town hall and community center is a s s u r e d f o r Stow people. COMMUNITY Actually-hot heat in 9 0 seconds by the stop watch! That's why this South Wind Car Heater is now America's fastest selling car heater! Makes its own heat burns fuel from carburetor in patented sealed chamber, from which all fumes pass out the engine exhaust! PARSONS - HENRY SERVICE STATION STOW, OHIO % could be. O u r Armistice Day would t a k e on nobler m e a n i n g f o r all. Then, w h a t does it m e a n to us in this day a n d a g e? W h a t hope does it hold f o r us? Armistice D a y contains a g r e a t e r m e a n i n g f o r us t o d a y t h a n ever before. W h e n s t r u g g l e a n d s t r i f e beset us on every hand, it is a g r e a t achievement if we a r e able to retain clear, s t r a i g h t - t h i n k i n g minds. If we t u r n our eyes t o w a r d peace as the goal for which w e shall strive a n d cleanse our t h o u g h t s f r o m war, we shall have gone a long w a y on our journey. We shall have a t t a i n e d w h a t f o r m e r CHEST DRIVE W i t h J u d s o n C. Russell as c h a i r m a n a n d Guy Vough, vice chairman, a p p r o x i m a t e l y twentyfive people will solicit funds for Stow C o m m u n i t y Chest this next week. The quota has been set at sixteen h u n d r e d dollars which is a b o u t t h e a m o u n t t h a t was raised f o r the S t o w Chest last year. < >. Candle Coal In two ton lots $5.00 per ton delivered. Casebeer's Store, Corner East Graham and Fish Creek Rds. Stow. (Adv.) THANKSGIVING CAPONS Turkeys and Chickens T H E BEST IN FOWL Order Early and Get Your Size DAMON'S OV-8781

7 the community church news 7 Antiques Repaired Refinished Cabinet Work Upholstering Storm Sash Made To Order Ciint E. Worcester Darrovvville...Tel. WA-7553 GRAHAM ROAD NOTES Attendance at Bib.e School last Sunday 186. Our Minister, Rev. C. J. Doughs. preached at Calvary Baptist Church in Akron last Sunday evening. The Se.ror B. Y P. U. enjoyed a Hallowe'en party at the Douglas horre on Saturday evening Meetings held last week include the Adult class at the home of the Wagners, Ritchie Road on Friday evening, and the Womens Missionary Soc! ety who attended "'he Assoc ation meeting Thursday at the Calvary Baptist Church in \kron. SPECIAL CHOCOLATE DELIGHT 1 lb. milk chocolate. 1 oz. or 1 square Baker's chocolate. 1 can Eagle brand condensed milk. 1 lb. English walnut meats (ground medium!. Place chocolate in double boiler over boiling water. Leave until chocolate is melted. Stir in whole can of Eagle Brand condensed milk. Continue stirring until thoroughly mixed. The mixture will be very thick. Remove from fire, let stand in upper part of double boiler until cool enough to not run. Drop by teaspoonful into ground nuts. Roll and shape and place on buttered pan leaving stand until firm. Mrs. I. E. Brittan WANTED: Well rotted cow manure, telephone OV (adv.) Stow Community Church GEORGE M. HULME, Minister SUNDAY SERVICES Bible School 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship :45 a. m. WEDNESDAY EVENING Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. 7:30 p. m. If you have no church home you are invited to come and worship with us.

8 8 the community church news 8 WHEN YOU BUY MILK AND ICE CREAM REMEMBER THE LAWSON MILK CO. Your local concern which has saved this territory millions of dollars on their milk and dairy products in the last two years. We can also save you money on your bread and pastries from our New and Modern Bakery. THE LAWSON MILK CO. WA-7015 INSURE with ROBERT IMHOFF your LOCAL full-time Agent Tel. OV-8618 Stew, O. MANY of your MAGAZINES rubscriptions are clue for renewals. We do that without cost 10 you. We represent directly all the leading MAGAZINES and can save you money and help you get better service. It pays to patronize a home Agency.. Phone or write us y'our choice and we will do the rest. W. V. SMITH AGENCY, Phone OV-8289, Stow, Ohio. PERSONALS Jacqueline Greenleaf celebrated her birthday last Sunday. Wanted all amateur musicians interested in enrolling in an orchestra featuring all types of music. Call afternoon of evenings at the residence of Mrs. Jones, 173 Hiwood Avenue, St'ow. (Adv.) G L A S P Y COAL SALES Ohio Lump $ $5.40 Piney Fork $5.75 West Va. Splint and Kentucky Block $6.85 Call OV-8667 FOR PLOWING Any job large or small. Satisfactory work guaranteed. Cash. Louis Griggy, Ritchie Rd., Stow. Betty Monteith spent the last week end at the home of her parents. FOR SALE Upright piano in good condition, price $10. Mrs. Almquist, 265 Highwood Ave. Telephone OV (Adv.) Read th's "Wanted: Work. Do anything. Must be good pay. Melvin Thomas. Call WA (Adv.) The River Road Ciub met at the home of Mrs. Chester Cross last Thursday. FOR SALE Tan and black table top kerosene range, in excellent condition, price $20. Call WA-9622 or eighth house on left north of Graham Rd., on Hudson Drive. (Adv.) Complete OPTOMETRIC SERVICE WM. J. HENRY, OPT. D. 123 Williamson Rd. Stow, Ohio OV-8717

9 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS 9 SPECIAL 1 A to Z Lubrication Job. 2 Sunoco Whirlfoam Motor Flush. 3 Five Quart Oil Change. 4 Change grease in Transmission and Differential to winter grade (5-lbs.). 5 Clean and Adjust Spark Plugs. TOTAL VALUE $4.00 Special For A Limited Time Only $3.45 W. C. GERBER AND SON For Sale: Gasoline Cook Stove, iable top modal, like new, operates at very low c'ost Price $25. Also laundry stove with water connection;, burns wood or coal Good condition $ East Arndale Rd., or call WA (Adv.) Question propounded by Rev. I'ulme last Sunday: Has anyone who gave a tenth of their income to the Lord ever gone broke? For Sale: '38 Chevrolet Town Sedan, new paint, thoroughly reconditioned. Marhofer Chevrolet Stow. OV (Adv.) Don't grow spiritually cold. Keep the altar fires of your soul burning continually. (From last Sunday's sermon.) Wauted:.Girl's strong bicycle for fat lady to ride. Price must be reasonable. Call OV-8771 (Adv.) The Greenleaf family, Ritchie Rd., visited with Mr. Greenleafs sister, Mrs. Bowman of Barnesville from Friday until Sunday. Light hauling anything up to Born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bar- one ton. Local or trips. Reasonrett of Hiwood Avenue a daugh- able rates. Call O. L. Cook, ter on Friday, October 25th. For Sale: Young turkeys. Chas. Christ, Homewood Avenue, Johnson Allotment. Call WA (Adv.) Evelyn Phelps spent Saturday in Columbus. She attended the Ohio-Indiana game. Skinny tired bike for sale. By Phillip Large, 267 King Drive. Bargain. (Adv.) OV (Adv.) BAKERS STUDIO AND CAMERA STORE 325 PORTAGE TRAIL, W. CUYAHOGA FALLS, O. Portraits and Camera Supplies Wholesale and Retail Chrysanthemum Time Again SILVER LAKE FLORISTS VISITORS WELCOME

10 10 the community church news 10 NEW Direct Shallow Well Pump.... $36.50 NEW Deep Well Pump with half horse power motor and automatic switch $75.00 E. F. KASTENS the Plumber OV-8926 STOW, 0. BECKLEY'S BARBER SHOP Marhofer Block STOW OHIO A new member of the orchestra we were glad to see last Sunday morning. Miss Sally Bannerman, who plays a b"**" tone horn. SEWING at reasonable prices. See or call Mrs. Hargrove, 260 Ritchie Road. Phone OV (Adv.) Miss Joanne Jenkinson of Hudson Road spent the last week enu visiting Miss Emogene Guise at the Guise farm home south of Kent. Lost: German Police Dog, male, gray to brown on top. Answers to name of Rex. Small reward for return. Mrs. Almquist, 256 Hiwood Avenue, OV (Adv). With an attendance of 145 per cent Mrs. Dunn's class won the banner last Sunday. The call for birthdays was not made though two, Miss Ina Vogel and Miss Helen Stein contributed their birthday offerings at the close of Bible School. For Sale: Five acres of good fertile land on Munr'oe Falls Avenue near Waterworks Park. Call WA (Adv.) Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mineard this week were Mr. Mineard's sister, Mrs. Lucy Huff, also a niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dunsworth from Pittsburgh, Pa. YOUR CHILDREN can enroll at any time in Mrs. Green's Kindergarten. Also private tutoring classes. Reasonable rates. Call WA I VIRGINIA HENAULT'S f GLASSWARE SHOP An Entire New Line I Special \ Candy Dishes... 25c and 35c ;! 116 THORNDALE, Stow, O. We have what it takes to put your car in first class condition for winter driving. Marhofer Chevrolet Stow, Ohio OV-8919

11 11 JUST THE PLACE TO BUY BEEF It Pays To RECOVER Get Your Upholstering Done Now McGrail Antique Shop Phone OV E. Kent Rd. Stow, O. PORK Lunch Meats VEAL Smoked and Fresh Sausage KENT-STOW MARKET J. B. WELDON, Prop. Top of Hill Fourth of Mile Past Fish Creek, on Kent Road. Now is the time to have your furnace coils checked. E. F. Kastens, Stow. OV (Adv.) This Wednesday evening a hard time party and handkerchief ;:hower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lockwood. Thorndale Avenue, wnn -y en n honor of Mrs. Hn>-ol Whee'er by members of her Bible Class. Mrs. Wheeler J just returned from a two weeks vacation spent in Florida. Special price of 75c an hour on planing, sanding, and all mill and bench work until May 1st, 1941, F. A. Coffeen, 227 North River street, Kent, Ohio. (Adv.) Miss Mary Belle Powell of Munroe Falls is again on the sick list. This time it is an attack of tonsillitis. Also reported on the sick list last Sunday were Mrs. Mary Meredith, Mrs. Chalmer Ferris and Mrs. A. F. Stein. Bigger. better and more "Mums" than ever before are now blooming at the greenhouses cf the Silver Lake Florists. Mr. Bauder informs us that visitors who wish to see the flowers are welcome. There is no excuse for neglecting your child's musical education when musical instruments both n^w and factory rebuilt can be purchased at extraordinarily reasonable prices from Otis Maxwell, 143 Thorndale Ave., Stow. Phone OV-824Q. (Adv). Spanish Peanuts per lb. 10c Dum-Dum Suckers 15 for 10c All 5c Candy Bars and Gum 3 for 10c Stow 5/ to $1 Store

12 the community church news 542 FOR A GOOD COAL at a FAIR PRICE Promptly and Properly Delivered Call OV-8711 E. M. Guise Coal & Supply Co. THROWING GEMS AWAY I saw a man throw gems away And then go forth to gather stones. And heard him laugh and lightlysay: "These gems belong to crowns and thrones Of those who have far h ; gher aims Than lie along my earthly beach, Or who put in their earnest claims For things beyond my mortal reach." The gems were purposes subline And noble aims that all should prize, And plans by which we each may climb The path that in our future lies, To heights that make us useful men, Whatever place in life we fill, Whether to wield the fluent pen, Or work in busy mart or mill. He cast aside the gems of prayer, The gems of honesty and truth, And seemed for nothing great to care, Although he was a handsome youth Who could have filled a worthwhile place Somewhere within his earthly realm, With beauty shinning from his face, Awaiting heaven's diadem. The stones he gathered in their stead Were stones of idleness and sin, And mental focd on which he fed That never helps a soul to win, Nor blesses others on life's road Who ought to have a lifting hand. That they may bravely bear their load While passing through this pilgrim land. He gathered stones of unbelief In God and His eternal Word, And seemed to reach for every sheaf Against the truth of which he heard; Also he gathered stones of lust, Of selfishness and wrong desires, And built on nothing we can trust, And nothing that uplifts, inspires. We cannot throw life's gems away And ever hope to wear a crow:i, Or reach the heights where we shall stay With men of worth and true renown; For by these gems they won (heir fame, And wreathed the laurels for their brow, And left the world a noble name, To whom, in true respect, v e bow. Walter E. Isenhour


THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Vol. V I I Stow. Ohio, F R I D A Y, N O V E M B E R 22, 1940 APPRECIATION The Community Church in Stow f o r t h e past ten years has labored under the burden of debt, debt caused

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