THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Vol. IIP Friday, January 31, 1936 STOW, OHIO No. 5

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1 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Vol. IIP Friday, January 31, 1936 STOW, OHIO No. 5 LITTLE VISITS WITH INTERESTING FOLK Saturday, January 18, 1936, I called to visit with my neighbor, of some years past, and my personal friend, Charles A. Hine, of West Thornton street, Akron, Ohio. For twelve years we lived ' a short stone's throw from each other. Mr. Hine is one of the most interesting of men, so I find pleasure in introducing my friend to the hundreds Who read this paper. (Charles A. Hine was born at Tallmadge, December 17, The grandfather, Dennis, and grandmother, Lucy Hine, came in ox carts through the wilderness and settled on what is known as Hine Hill, which is less than a mile from the circle at Tallmadge, building a log cabin and afterward a brick house, that still graces the spot chosen for a home by the Hines in the year When little Charles was seven years of age, and the day before Christmas and in the year 1880, tile boy cut across the woods and pasture lands of South Akron, for he had heard of a German. family napied Gaugler that lived jn a log house by the shores of NesSbit Lake. Now there lived also in the Gaugler home Grandmother Gammons, the mother of Mrs. Gaugler. Grandmother Caramons took quite a liking to the Hine boy and on many visits that followed the good old woman would ride the boy on her knee, and tell of the days when the log house was the only one for miles and miles., She told of the settlers fight with Indians along Long Lake, and how the Indians by strategy planned to force a company of settlers into the Lake, then tomahawk them. The struggle between the two contending parties, of probably twenty nien on each side, was to hold the land side in the fig'ht tljen force the enemy into the Lake. But the whites got the advantage and succeeded in doing just what the Indians planned to do. So the settlers won the fight and destroyed most of the Indians., Mr. Hine had a wonderful collie^ tion of Indian relics at one time., I recall he told me his specimens had been appraised at $14,000. > Many o'f these specimens were rare and were secured after fnuch search and energy. Twenty-two. Indian skulls were part of his exhibit. In the course of the years our friend has owned pieces of flint, or hatchets, or spears, or drills, or ''cowls, or grain crushers, or specimens used in games, or given for bravery, or emblems of worship, etc. I never handle these mementos ef long ago but there stands before me, in vision and spirit, ti}e cunning, athletic, wild, roaming creat-' ure, the creator of all these implements of war and tools of usefulness that hfe fingers, his energy shaped and fashioned. Now his glory has passed. On his hunting grounds civilization rumbles and smokes, rasps, struggles, lives and dies. Topic for Sermon Sunday Morning "The Worlds Changing Thought of God."

2 40 THit; C O M M U N I T Y C H U R C H N E W S Oil t h e 28 t h d a y of July, 1928, d u r i n g a vacation, M r. H i n e s u f f e r e d a s u n s t r o k e, -while f i s h i n g o n t h e Lake. F r o m t h i s a f f l i c t i o n M r. H i n e s n e v e r recovered. A stroke THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS h a s followed, h e s u f f e r s c o n s t a n t Stew, Summit County Ohio ly f r o m p a i n i n t h e h e a d. I n J u l y SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 60c A YEAR of M r s. H i n e died. S h e w a s a Published Weekly F. R. Howe, Pr. Akron H. J. Stockman - - Editor and Manager f a i t h f u l wife a n d m o t h e r of t h e i r, Box 191 R - 3 KENT, OHIO six c h i l d r e n, t h r e e m a r r i e d, t h r e e Address all communications relating to this grown b u t still a t h o m e. Paper to the Editor For nearly eight years Mr. Hine h a s been a c o n s t a n t s u f f e r e r, still he meets his friend cheerfully, CHURCH CALENDAR BIBLE SCHOOL Sunday 9:30 b e a r s u p well a n d is o n e of t h e ' MORNING WORSHIP - - Sunday 10:45 most i n t e r e s t i n g a n d d e l i g h t f u l of CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR Sunday 6:30 p.m. m e n t o c a r r y o n a c o n v e r s a t i o n. ORCHESTRA PRACTICE Wed. 6:30 p. m. M r. H i n e is h a p p y w h e n telling CHOIR PRACTICE? of early d a y s a b o u t Akron, of t h e CHURCH NIQHT BUSINESS MEETING t i m e boys would swing f r o m a n old Friday, February 7th 6:30 p. m. wooden bridge across t h e c a n a l a t West T h o r n t o n street, d r o p i n t o t h e w a t e r a n d s w i m ; of t h e g r e a t s l a u g h t e r h o u s e a t t h e c o r n e r of E a s t A v e n u e a n d Wooster Avenue; of t h e t i m e w h e n t h e city of A k r o n was prospecting f o r w a t e r where t h e s t a d i u m is l o c a t e d o n Wooster Avenue a n d how, while e x c a v a t i n g ICR FAIRNESS OF t h e m e n u n e a r t h e d o n e pair of PRICE AN OUTMOST great E l k h o r n s. STOW COMMUNITY CHURCH GEORGE M. HULME, Minister 859 Ardmcre Ave., Akron Tel. KE IN SERVICE THE ORDER OFTHE- GOLDEN RULE RECOMMENDS TO THE PEOPLE O F T H I S COMMUNITY THEMSGOWAN FUNERAL HOME OVERLOOKING PARK CUYAHOGA.FALLS PHONE WALBRIDGE 1313 ^jbfd'^erred eroic&" Friends, I dpn't know much about h a p p y h u n t i n g grounds. I don't k n o w m u c h of t h e o t h e r shore. B u t I h a v e a s t r o n g f a i t h t h a t somewhere, - t e e n p a i n a n d d e a t h ceases t o r o b us, we shall m e e t t h e good a n d t r u e of earthy a n d live a g a i n. GEO. M. HULMfe, M i n i s t e r QUESTIONS a n d ANSWERS Who was Cain's wife? C a i n m a r r i e d h i s sister, whose n a m e w a s Awan. M a r r i a g e between b r o t h e r a n d sister w a s c o m m o n i n royal families i n t h e early days o f. Egypt. T h e r e is probably n o o t h e r a n s wer t o t h e question. I t is recorded in a n old H e b r e w

3 41THit; COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS M C GRAIL ANTIQUE SHOP RESTORING AND REFINI&HING ALSO A LARGE VARIETY OF SAMPLES FOR UPHOLSTERING 150 East Kent Rd., STOW -:- Phone WA book, known as the Book of Jubilees. This Book of Jubilees should be grouped with the Apocryphal Books of the Bible for its historic value. As this is the last question I have before me, allow me, please, to turn the table and ask my readers five questions. If answered correctly you may send in the names of two friends who you feel would enjoy a year's subscription to this paper free. The paper will be mailed to them free for one year. ' 1. How many horses did the Jews bring back from Babylon? 2. What woman made her son a coat every year? 3. Who took off his shoes to bind a contract? 4. Where is soap mentioned in the Bible? 5. Who was the first person killed in the Bible? Answers to these questions will be published later. GEO. M. HULME ANNOUNCEMENTS NIEXT SUNDAY, Feb. 2, the Lord's Supper will be observed at the Morning Church Service at All members of our congregation should attend this service. Ait this time there -will be ail opportunity given to be baptised, and also to unite with the church. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM THE SILVER LAKE FLORISTS REMEMBER TOO, that this is the first Sunday of the month and we should bring an extra offering to be used in making payments on our old debts. Make the offering a large one plee-ze. CHURCH N1IGH1T Business Meeting will be held Friday evening, February 7. A basket supper will be in order at 6:30 p. m. inasmuch as it is but a short space of time until Valentine Day let us make a part of this meeting a Valentine party and everybody be there... E. Christian Endeavor services will be held Sunday evening at 6:30 p. m. Joseph Kurinsky will be the leader. All young folks (older ones too) are invited to attend. A Valentine party, is being planned by the Social Committee. Come and find out about it. Junior C. E. under the direction of Mrs. Dunn is being held each Sunday Evening in the church basement at 6:30 p. m. SUBSCRIPTIONS We hops that the Men's Bible class and likewise the Ladies' class A. J. KURINSKY T fcc A CJ 11 re O F VIOLIN 310 West Graham Road. WA. 9541

4 4 TftE'COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS T The Thomas Coal Company Phone WA-9247 West Graham Rd. STOW keep in mind what Rev. Hulme requested of them last Sunday. The Young People's class should also ' be included. Subscriptions to this paper are what we want. Hand them in to Mrs. Dunn who is Secretary-Treasurer of the. Publication Committee. SALVATION ARMY Last Sunday morning some twenty-five soldiers for Christ from the Salvatio n Army of Akron came out in the bitter cold and gave us a very nice morning church service. The Scripture reading was from the well-known thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians. Colonel Jenkins, who is conducting meetings for the local camp in the Army's National Campaign to "win a million souls for God in 1936," spoke on the fruits of the Spirit, taking as his text Galatians 5: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; against such there is no law." The Salvation Army * quartette sang;' also a beautiful duet was sang by two members of the organization. To those who listened;' it was evident that all who took part were inspired by the Spirit. They were genuine; they were sincere. People like such qualities. The visitors occupied the plat- FOR YOUR HENS use FUL O-PEP E G G M A S H FOR YOUR COMING BABY CHICKS FUL-O-PEP CHICK STARTER BAUGHMAN'S FEED STORE WA.9298 STOW Friends Service Station "BILL" BRIDGERS, Proprietor Fleetwing Gas & Oil WHITE Gas for Stoves GROCERIES, CANDIES, SOFT DRINKS, ETC.

5 43THit; COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS ABC - - Special $30.00 for your Old THE STOW WA form. The rest of the church was well filled by the congregation. For a cold day or a warm one either, our attendance at church was good. EASTERN STAR The Falls Chapter 0f the Eastern Star will hold a picnic supper at their regular meeting Tuesday, February' 4rth. Members and 'their families are invited. Come for supper at 6:00 p. m. A. J. KURINSKY Next Sunday morning at our regular church Services we will be favored with music by Mr. A. J. Kurinsky. SERMON Sunday morning Rev. Hulme will again speak 0n the "Worlds Changing Thought of God." You are invited to come and hear this sermon. PERSONAL Are you warm? Mrs. Frank Bishop i s still ill. How is the coal pile holding out? Mrs. Win, T. Dibben is sick with a seyere cold this week. "Death is not a terminus; it is a. portal." Due to illness, Mrs. Ed. Sanner wa s absent from church Sunday, HARDWARE I STOW S T E A K S I That are FRESH I I TENDER and J UICY Jfl.W. BARBER i Home Dressed and I, Cured Meats One mile north of 1 HUDSON Tel. 100X-1 i State Route 91 The Stow Fire Department made -a run to Northampton Township last Saturday evening. As a matter of record we should remark that the weather Jias been exceptionally cold. Mr. Thomas J. Bahel's father of Alliance died last Thursday morning. We extend our sympathy.

6 44THit; COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS W. C. GERBER & SON surisrooo PRODUCTS S A L E S AND S : E : R : V: I : C : E Immediate DELIVERY can now be made on any style 1936 Ford Car Also Good Line Used Cars from which to choose Phone 8843 W. C. GERBER C. F. GERBER School was dismissed last Monday due to inability to bring the school rooms up to the required' temperature. Do not procrastinate: "While we are postponing, life speeds by." Clyde Gerber has just recovered from a severe case of the la grippe (flu). ; Mrs. Waiter Franklin of West Arndale road underwent an operation at the City Hospital last Monday. Falls-Silver Lake directory? (Adv.) The annual meeting arid banquet of the Stow Church of Clirist ib'ible school officers and teachers wras held Wednesday evening at their church. FOR SALE 'Howard piano player, 125 rolls included. Good condition. price $15. H. B. Connell, 368 Gorge Park. Blvd., Stow. (Adv.) Hold this date open Friday evening the 14th, the Ladies Bible class will hold a penny carnival in the basement of the church. More about this next week. And when are the Men's class going to hold their irregular monthly business meeting? Remember Mr. Monteith has extended an invitation. ' P. S. If you don't like the personal items this week try writing Mr. Claude Traxler is the new out a few yourself. Hand them into Bible School superintendent at the editor by Tuesday evening. the Stow Church of Christ. Do you have your copy of the STOW CEMETERY Ry Frank A. Green, Sexton new 1936 Stow-Tallmadge-Munroe Continued from January 24th. Burdicks, Campbells, Norths, Shumans, Thomas', Seasons. The Talcotts, Sears, Hartles, Gilberts, Wells, Williamsons, Hoovers, Cutlers, and Ira Fairchild, an old bachelor and Justice of the. Peace for many years. The Lodges at Monroe Falls and later at Silver Lake, Grubbs, Randalls, Elkansh E. M. Guise Coal & Supply Co. MUNROE FALLS. OHIO WA. 3921

7 45THit; COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS HAM'S GENERAL STORE GROCERIES DRY GOODS NOTIONS GASOLINE OILS Corner of Uniondale & Hudson Rds. WA Richardson who laid out the village of Cuyahoga Falls in 1825, was buried here in Levi Swinehart, Justice, Trustee and grandfather of Iru and Coy Palmer. The Wilsons and Halls. John Graham and his two sons William and Maxwell. Allen Nickerson and his nephew Josephs 19 of that family buried here, and last and most numerous, the Wetmores and Gaylords. Of the Wetmores I record families represented. Judge Wetmore came in 1804 and most of his, relatives came soon after. Of all the Wetmores who have ever lived,in Stow there i s not one left to carry on the name. Johnathon Gay lord, Sr., his son Jonathan ahd his brother Samuel came to Stow in Their families were large and more of them have stayed on in the' township than of any other family. There are 67 names on the cemetery record. Most of ( these people came from Connecticut. It is said that Joshua Stow rode back and forth from Middletown. to Stow 13 times on horseback, and more of his neighbors., came after every trip. He could have shown modern real estater s a few tricks..there are four Revolutionary STOW RADIO C." V. CROSS & SON Telephone No. WA > soldiers buried here Johnathon and Samuel Gaylord, Stephen Butler and Charles Wooden. Three who took part in the War of 1812i Judge William wetmore, William Stow and Henry S'human. Fortyfour soldiers of the Civil war have their graves decorated each year. Of those that fought, in the Spanish-American War there are three. In the World war twelve. There are 1270 names recorded on my (record of burials in the cemetery. How many more were buried there we will never know. I think I have taxed the memory of every 0ld resident to make the record as complete as possible, in setting down' this story of the cemetery I have left the Stow family until last. William Stow, the first of the family to reside here came with his father-in-law, Johnathon G a y - lord) Sr., in His' family, of ten children gre^ up here but most of them left for other homes long Quality Sc. Service GET YOUR F K I J I 'r and FRESH VEGETABLES ATTHE F-B. MARKET S T O W

8 46 THit; COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Cold. Meats, Cottage Ctaeesse ICE CREAM, etc., etc. ISALY'S -B- I N f - S T O V V ago. Twenty-two Sttow names are on our cemetery record.. While I have acted as sexiton I have buried only one colored person. His name was Green. So far as I know he is the only one buried here. During all my lifetime in the township I have only known three families of colored people to 1 reside here. I will tell you briefly of the other grounds where Stow residents were buried. The first burial recorded of a resident of Stow was made in Darrowville in 1807, two years before the first one here. This lovely little cemetery lies near the Stoiw Hudson line and has burials 'from both townships. Some one else perhaps can better tell its history. O'Brian cemetery in the southwestern corner of Hudson township has many Stow burials. That section was called "Little Ireland" ^ for many years'and most of the names H A P P Y on the headstones are Irish. Tread lightly if you go there. The first burial recorded was a member of the Deacon family in I know of two family burial places in Stow. Perhaps there are more. One of these is on the old Ritchie farm on the Hudson road and the other is on the Ev. Lappien place. This farm originally belonged to George Stewart and the burials are from that family, I think. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE In all its branches W. F. CARLISLE WA E. Graham Road MEMORIES will be yours after you do business < with us at Shell (jas Station 140 East Kent Rd., Stow "Eddie" Parsons, Prop.


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