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1 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS NO. 29 STOW, O., FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1939 VOL. VI tory of Christianity, is distinctly THE GIFT OF TONGUES In Akron alone there are pro- pride themselves of possessing bably three separate and distinct stated in Acts 2, that every nasects of believers that teach the tionality assembled t h e r e might gift of tongues. While these good hear in his own language. A, brethren have many commend- Greek who heard Peter preach in able traits it is to be deplored Hebrew understood, even so an that they teach and practice a Egyptian, a Parthian, or a Mede, dead letter of the Bible Doctrine. or a Persian. This by t h e unaccording to Josephus it was merited favor of God, t h a t on about five hundred thirty years this founding day of the Church a f t e r the flood that a n orderly of Jesus Christ all might underand peaceful distribution and mig- stand without confusion and deration of the families descended lay of seeking interpretation of f r o m Noah had split and a part the message. Speaking in tongues following of mankind refused to conform to God's plan. They became a conversion, therefore, is speaking rebellious faction of t h e race. plainly, distinctly, understandably, unction of They proposed the erection of a with power a n d by lofty tower, or signal house, a the Holy Spirit, actuated rallying point, a deliberate mis- a mighty urge within, f r o m t r u s t of God's promise by the a h e a r t that has found Christ and rainbow that the earth would be cannot r e f r a i n f r o m testifying of the t r u t h and the new life begun. destroyed no more by water. These organized Churches t h a t Here the Almighty frustrated their plans by inflicting a con- that distinctive doctrine of tongues fusion of language t h a t produced and proceed to wallow on the separation. See Genesis Chapter floor, cry over an altar, mumble unintelligible gibber, who scream, II. Many centuries rolled by and shout, clap their hands and work little is written of the Doctrine themselves into a religious frenzy, of Tongues until we cross into the these deluded people libel God, New Testament, the one outstand- cheapen Christianity and bring ing land-mark being the tongues scorn and contempt on their own of fire on the Day of Pentecost. heads. In Matthew 10:19 we find the This wonderful phenomenon was a fulfillment of prophecy. Mark dignity and glory of speaking Jesus said, these signs shall in toneiues. Jesus said, when accompany those who believe, They they deliver you up, be not anxishall speak with new tongues. ous what ye shall speak for it F o r the account of the gift of shall be given you. Nothing blurtongues at Pentecost see Acts red or confused, but laneruafi'e clear and words that would flash Chapter two. The purpose of tongues at Pen- like lightning. If the tongues people would meet tecost, this high day in the his-

2 6 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS ^ STOW COMMUNITY CHURCH GEORGE M. HULME2 Minister 859 Ardmore AT., Akron, UN-1685 Business Phone Number JE-0224 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Drawer C Stow, Summit Co., Ohio. Published weekly. Subscription price 50c a year. Entered as second class matter May 4, 1937 at the Postoffice at Stow, Ohio, under Act of March 3, Office of publication, 360 W. Arndale Rd., Stow. H. J. Stockman, Editor. Falls Printing Co., printer. a Chinaman or a Hindoo and for his soul's sake would be able to tell salvation's story in Chinese or Hindoo then I would say Amen and Amen, that would emanate from Heaven. Keep clear, my good people, from the sin of this world and also from the false doctrine of some churches. The gift of tongues for us to covet is a glowing testimony of the things that God hath done or us, THE <$> MINISTER. To The Community Church News Stow, Ohio Greetings Everybody: After reading Rev. Hulme's article, the "Old Ladies with Beautiful Faces", ~ which was published in your paper sometime ago I just had to make some comment. I hope that my face may shine with the goodness he writes of when I become three score and ten. Oh, that we might in our youth lay hold of that spark of God's love and keep it nourished by prayer and God's spirit so that in our bent forms, wrinkled brows and gray hair, God's love could be magnified and sparkle to such a degree that the defects of our aged "bodies would pass unnoticed! How often we have received the spark of love rom our Redeemer, then folded our arms and closed our eyes to all the beautiful acts of kindness, or, neglected the word we might have For More Than 14 Years... we have served. And as a tribute to our efforts we have been privileged to serve many families on more than one occasion. THE McGQWAN FUNERAL HOME WA-1313 Cuyahoga Falls 247 Stow Ave.

3 spoken in the Savior's name which might have helped one pbor sinner into the Kingdom of Heaven. Too often, it may be, we thought we were ssved, then sometime way back there we forgot to pray, forgot to be kind, forgot to be patient, forgot to guard this unruly tongue, so that, the words of our mouth and likewise, the meditations of our heart were no longer acceptable in His sight. We let this spark of love lose its glow, refusing to shine and grow into what might have been a beautiful /character, an influen- 6 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS ^ tial Christian, a leader holding up Jesus to mankind and radiating the gospel light so clearly that others could see the peaceful smile and the Christlike countenance reflecting the noble soul within. Dim eyes may sparkle with this Great Love and wrinkles may become beautifully deeper with smiles that shine out for Jesus. Then too, we fail as mothers to spread that Gospel Light to our families. They fail to see the CHURCH CALENDAR Bible School, Sunday. 9:30 A. M. C. E., Sunday.. 6:30 P. M. Prayer Meet, Wed. 7:30 P. M. Orchestra Practice, Wed. Evening 7:30 P. M. Church Business Meeting, First Friday Evening- of Month angelic smile on mother's face and then, when away from her care other flattering smiles are more enticing to them, so, dissipation becomes marked on the features of that face which as a youth was once so fair and beautiful. Oh mothers, pray more and with God's help teach more pure thinking to that boy or girl. Summer Coal Prices Now In Effect Trucked Coal direct from mine- not less than 5 tons at these prices- cash when delivered. West Point 2" Lump $4.30 Stoker $4.30 Coshocton 4" Lump $4.75 2" " $4.30 Ohio No. 5 4" Lump $4.00 " " " 2" $3.80 We will have Kentucky Lump in about 10 days. Call for price. Buy your coal now and pay the low price. E. M. Guise Coal & Supply WA-3921 Munroe Falls; O

4 6 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS ^ For More Complete SerUce "TRY W.C.OERBER&SON GAS - OIL WA-8853 FORD SALES Shine out in the countenance of those whom God has placed in your care. Be careful that you may not have to look back and regard your light as having always been hid beneath a bushel measure, knowing that if such had not been the case it might now have been shining more beautifully lighting the way for others. It might have reached out to your dearest and best on earth, or, to some other dear mother's boy or girl, someone groping for the light. So now, dear brother and sister in Christ, may we from now on let that Blessed Light shine without limit in our words, our deeds, and our actions, that it may not be too late to lead all back into the Heavenly Way, where there is no sun, moon, or stars, for Jesus is the Light. Pray for the Light in our lives. Pray that others may find the Light. Pray that the beautiul Light may go out to all leaders and all nations and that it may bring peace on earth and good will to men. Pray that some day we may behold that beautiful flace of Jesus who made it possible for us too, to see the Light and to follow where he leads. Mrs. Stella Hackathorn New Matamoras, Ohio R. D. 4 <s> NOTICE The Ladies Bible Class of Stow Community Church extend a cordial' invitation to the Men's Bible Class to attend a picnic supper on Friday evening, August 4th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Woodring on Thorndale Ave. This meeting to, be, also, the regular Church Nite Business Meeting. DEATH Dale, fifteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Mantle, formerly of Stow but now of Wadsworth, Ohio was killed Friday evening of last week on the highway near Paris, Tenn. Funeral services were held this Wednesday afternoon from Mc- Gowans. Burial in Stow Cemetery. He is survived by his parents, brothers, Albert and Don- KNIGHT SERVICE CO. Nti-Way Cleaning and Pressing There is a Difference - INVISIBLE SHOE REBUILDING WA Front St. Cuyahoga Falls

5 6 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS ^ STRAY MATERIALS' and Sprayers of all kinds BAUGHMAN'S FEED STORE WA-8122 STOW, 0 Arpad Kurinsky WA-9651 Teacher of Violin 310 Graham Rd. Cuyahoga Falls aid, and sister, Jo Ann, also grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen of Stow. Living until June 1st of this year in Stow, Dale was a member of Comunity Church and Bible School also of Boy Scout Troop No. 17. Killed while on his way home, his death came as a shock and sorrow to his many friends here in Stow. Our sincere sympathy is extended to the bereaved parents, brothers, little sister and other relatives. GRANGE NOTICE The Darrow Street Grange will meet Saturday evening July 23nd. The speakers for the evening will be W. H. Morgan of the Robinson Clay Products Company who will talk on Modern Development of Rural Sewage Disposal. C. H. Weygandt will also talk on the Poultry Congress to be in Cleveland soon. The Grange will have their picnic at Waterworks Park Saturday, July 29, beginning at ten o'clock. There will be a picnic dinner and supper. Games and prizes for old and young. Come and have a good time. PICNIC POSTPONED Mr. Burl Cox, chairman of the picnic committee, sends forth the word that our Bible School planned originally for this Saturday, July 22nd, has been postponed to Saturday, August 12th. It will be held at Waterworks Park, Cuyahoga Falls. NEW CEMETERY RULE Stow Township Trustees recently passed the ruling that from now on cemetery lots shall be sold only to residents of Stow Township. This regulation was passed for the reason that the cemetery is supported and kept up by Stow taxpayers. Those who live in Cuyahoga Falls or Akron do not contribute to the cemetery other than to pay for a lot, and this small sum of money becomes a minor consideration as the years go by. In the case of Munroe Falls and Silver Lake formerly portions of Stow Township, other plans are being worked out. AN APOLOGY R. H. Peterman called us on the phone late last Friday afternoon taking exception to the statement made in last week's

6 6 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS ^ FOR EGGS NEXT WINTER FEED ME FUL-O-PEP GROWING MASH NOW J SAVE UP TO 1/3 to 1/2 ON FEEDING YOUR NEW PULLETS Grow big, husky hens, full of vitality, at lower feed costs on the Ful-O-Pep Plan, and use this fine quality mash; RIowngO I»5SIFP BAUGHMAN'S FEED STORE WA-8122 STOW paper that he had worked only five minutes at Adelle Durbin park on the preceding Saturday. He would have it known that He has been working for five months as chairman of the Advisory Board which incidentally was assembled by C. V. Cross. On last Saturday morning it rained and according to Mr. Peterman's statement it was too wet to work. However, only two nights before he spent two hours working in the park.with A. J. Brust, A. F. Stein, Chas. Buck and "Bill" Gleason, who, we might add, are some of Stow's most influential and prominent citizens. Accordingly we hereby make most humble and public apology for any false impression we may have conveyed to the readers of this sheet regard'ng Mr. Peterman's work. We believe all who know Mr. Peterman will agree that he is a worker. He is still looking for men of the community with rakes and hoes who can spend time clearing up and fixing the new park. GARDEN CLUB On Tuesday July 18th the Stow Garden Club visited the Libis gardens on North Portage Path Akron. Twenty five varieties of Hemerocallis lillies are now 'n bloom in this garden. On Wednesday July 26th the Garden Club will visit gardens in Euclid, Ohio east of Cleveland. Meet at the Library at 8:00 A. M. call Mrs. U. D. Nichols or Mrs. George Durbrow for further information. The 1939 Flower Show of the Garden Club will be held at Stow Community Church Thursday August 31st. Committees as follows: General chairman, Mrs. F. C.

7 6 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS ^ JUNCTION SHOE REPAIR H. M. WYATT, Prop. Good Material - Good Work 2721 Hudson Drive MARTHA SPAGHT GENERAL INSURANCE A Service That Makes Friends And Keeps Them Neuabauer; program, Mrs. Leslie Butler chairman, Mrs. R. S. Cobb, Mrs. Daisy Wetmore, Mrs. J. R. Forbes; publicity, Mrs. W. C. Crichton, Mrs. H. D. Fagert; staging, Mrs. G. Fietz; chairman, Miss Agnes Kempel, Mrs. Wilbur Hoffman, Mrs. W. J. Hamilton, Mrs. B. Miller, Mrs. G. D. Durbrow, Mrs. U. D. Nichols and Mrs. D. J. Barr; finance, Mrs. Claude Weber; chairman, Mrs A. J. Brust, Mrs. C. L. Dike, Mrs. C. Ferris, Mrs. A. Ladakis, Mrs. N. P. Michl, Mrs. E. Sunthimer, Mr. and Mrs. George Rentschler and Mrs. George Paddock; entry, Mrs. J. F. Edmiston; chairman, Mrs. D. F. Tilton, Mrs. R. Krupp, Mrs. P. Lawhorn, Mrs. R. E. Thomas and Mrs. J. C. Sechrist; luncheon for judges, Mrs. F. J. Young; chairman, Mrs. J. A. Studt and Mrs. E. H. Conway; clean up, Mrs. S. N. Vaughn; chairman, Mrs. M. Marlowe, Mrs. T. Hillard and Mrs. C. Myers. WEEK END SPECIAL Wyandotte Broiler 25c lb. Damon's. WA Scottie Pup Male $5.00. Damon's. WA <S> MUNROE FALLS NOTES July 17, 1939 Harry Davis bought a new Ford. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones have moved from River Road to Highland Avenue in Munroe Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Petzky of Cleveland were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Petzky's mother and brother Robert Petzky in Munroe Falls. H. S. Gaylord left last Sunday for New York. He will bring back his father who has been visiting for several' days. Mrs. T. L. Smith and daughter Muriel of Pittsburgh are visiting Mrs. Fannie Keller of Munroe Falls. McGrail Antique Shop Upholstering and Cabinet work Phone WA E. Kent Rd. Stow GRAHAM ROAD One hundred thirty-two in Bible School Sunday. Last Tuesday evening the Girls Guild met at the home of Helen Mault, Stow. The Graham Road Baptist Church Bible picnic will be held at Metropolitan Park this Saturday, July 22nd. The Adult B ; ble Class met last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Warner, 630 Munroe Falls Avenue, Cuyahoga Falls. It pays to recover. Get your upholstering done while the -' ices are low. McGrail Antique Shop, 150 East Kent Road, Stow. Phone WA-1091 (Adv.) Mr. Evans of Altoona, Pa. is visiting his daughters, Mrs. Rutter of Stow and Mrs. Stitt of Wilson Avenue, Johnson Allotment. Mrs. Jack Anderson is recovering from a recent operation at the home of her sister Mrs. L. A. y

8 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS f '" S Wagner, Ritchie Road. Rev. Douglas officiated at the marriage ceremony of Miss Mary Alice Robinson and Merton Don Fenton, 3311 Calab Avenue, last Saturday night. Mr. Ralph Klein of Oak Road, Johnson Allotment, is nursing a broken arm received while at work in the General Tire and Rubber Company, Akron. Window Glazing, automobile glass, table tops, mirrors. Kent Glass Company, 109 Columbus St., Kent, Ohio. Phone Kent (Adv.) Mrs. Thomas Carpenter, Hudson Drive and Mrs. J. E. Sutton of Calab Ave. attended the Pentecostal Camp meeting at Medina last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and son, Douglas, of Ft. Slocum, N. Y. is visiting friends in this neighborhood. Mr. Taylor works in the YMCA with boys of the Army and Navy. PERSONALS Are you humble? "Woe to him that striveth with his Maker."- The editor of the C. C. News has a bad cold. Don Stein leaves July 29th for a week's vacation in Canada. Choice Fryers, Broilers, Roosting hens. Get them at the Kent Stow Market. Top of the hill one fourth mile east of Fish Creek cn the Kent Rd. Phones WA-1595 or Kent (Adv.). W. C. Gerber claims to have the biggest Polk weed in Stow. It is seven feet two inches tall. Mr. John McKim of Columbus is visiting the Mineards on River Road. Harry Osman, Jr., Francis Viall and Howard Osman vacation this Wtmmammm BETTER FUNERAL SPRAYS AT REASONABLE PRICES Silver Lake Florists week at Lake Stafford. "The judgments of God are coming." P. H. Marcia Holt is spending the summer with her grandmother Holt in Piketon, Ohio. P. F. Robinson is building a new addition to their home, on Baumberger Rd. For Sale: Laundry mangle and four burner gasoline range, good condition. M. E. Jackson, Call WA (Adv.) Mr. Wetmore, Stow postmaster, hopes to leave this week for a vacation at Elk Rapids, Michigan. Miss Betty Seaman and grandmother, Mrs. Anna Domer, of Shiloh, Ohio are visitors for two weeks at the home of A. F. Stein. For Sale: 266 egg electric incubator, used only a few times. Price $5.00. Electric unit in this, alone cost $ A bargain. John F. Haartje, 200 West Arndale Road. (Adv). Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mangles and daughter of Chicago are visiting Mrs. Mangle's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Neville of Mar- E F. Kastens Pumps, Plumbing, Heating Estimates Free 116 E. Graham Rd. Phone WA-7688

9 6 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS ^ BUY = = SUPER SHELL PLANT 1 STOW PLANT 2 CUYA. FALLS EDDIE PARSON'S Lubrication Engineer BECKLEY'S BARBER SHOP Marhofer Block STOW :-: OHIO hofer Ave. "Russ" Anderson, taking L. R. McCurdy along, attended a well driller's convention in Columbus last Saturday P. M. Jack Beckley left last Saturday morning with his cousin for a visit at the latter's home in Ft. Madison, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cumpson and children of West Arndale Road on last Monday left for a two days vacation trip. Ohio State cream cheese. Buy it where it is made. Eighteen cents a pound. Frank Bientz, North Town Line Road, first house past railroad bridge west of Darrowville. (Adv). The Ladies Bible Class last Sunday, were glad to welcome back Mrs. Haartje of West Arndale Road. Mrs. Haartje had been ill for sometime. A. M. Coleman, Adeline Drive, listed their house Saturday and sold it on the following Tuesday of last week. They are now looking for a place to rent. Miss Louise Nichols of Williamson Road, assistant to Dr. Pickard, will spend the month of August ' studying and working in Dr. Brown's laboratory in Columbus. It is reported that eight hundred maples, elms, and pin oaks were set out in Silver Lake Village this spring. Only twenty failed to live. The Silver Lake Florists did the job. Chestnut Lumber: 1 inch, 2 inch, 4x4's and 6x6's. $30 per M up to 12 ft. Planed if desired. We own, cut, saw and transport our lumber. Only one profit. Also walunt poplar, oak and cherry. Joe A. Mitten, 142 Thorndale, Stow. (Adv.). A son, Thomas Edward, was born on July 8th at the City Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Hilliard of Call Road, Stow. Since the young man's arrival they say Grandpa Tom's head is about twice its normal size. Mrs. Edith Sunthimer, Charis Swavis Corsetier, Telephone WA For Fruit and Vegetables Shop at the Kent-Stow Open Air Market. Top of the hill, one fourth mile east of Fish Creek on Kent Rd. Phones WA-1595 and Kent (Adv.). Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Stein and Aunt Kate who came back from the country on Thursday of last week, motored down to Louisville Monday for supper with relatives. James Cross of River Road is fixing up his radio station, 8LV,

10 6 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS ^ LOOK! ISALY'S 2c. o Sale A Big Cone For Only 2c. 5c. For The First One, 2c. for The Second. Saturday Only Try A Super Milk Shake WITH MALT 15c SUNDAES - SODAS - BOSTON COOLERS - BANANA SPLITS with one of the latest type of directional aerial. It will be constructed so as to throw all of the radio signal in one direction. It would be well for us to remember in Community Church that "the most efficient of us cannot do Christian work without God. The right thing has never been done yet by going about it ' the wrong way." Mrs. H. C. M. P. H. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Olson and daughter, Jean, visited last week with the E H. Sanner family in Washington, D. C. They found the Sanners well and liking Washington. On their way home the Olsons motored over the Sky Line Drive thru Virginia. This drive of three hundred miles thru the mountains, they say, is well worth anyone's time. For First Class Auto Painting, polishing, washing and welding at reasonable prices see the Stow Fender and Body Repair, corner Hudson and Graham Roads, G. E. Thursby, Prop. Phone WA-9517 For remodeling, re-siding, shinling(asbesos, brick, or wood) see W. H. Large, 267 King Drive. (Adv). For Rent: Four unfurnished rooms with breakfast nook. Mrs. Holm, Lillian Rd., Stow. (Adv.). If your car won't run, call George at Gerbers. it. Phone WA (Adv.). <S> NOTICE He will fix Christian Action prayer meeting and Bible Study will be held this Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sutton, Calab Ave. Next Friday, July 28th, the meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Hazel Wheeler, Margaret St...IF YOU WANT A combination heating and cooking oil stove cheap call at 224 Marhofer rd. Cabinet model with simulated wood grain finish... Nice looking. Also new fireplace screen for sale cheap.


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