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1 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS VOL. 1 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1S, 1934 STOW, OHIO NO. 1 MINISTER'S COLUMN This is my first vacation in fiv years. It is my third week inj Detroit. I am preaching every night in the Hazel Park Baptist church. The church i s located three miles from Royal Oak where Father Coughlin holds forth, broadcasts nnd has builded about him a wonderful Bethel and is surrounded by a great following. In the opposite direction, south, it is nine ciles to Cadillac Square, the hub of Detroit. Level, my all about us is level as the floor. Detroit, what a city, the fourth in population in the U. S. We motored over to the city of Jackson one day to a state convention, 78 miles from Detroit. We jcurneyed to Ann Arbor, where the great Michigan State nniversity is located, from ^here they send out some of the mighty football players of all the land. Another da^ we motored across to Mt. Clemens, the widely heralded health resort. I thought I wanted to taste of the mineral water, but the sulphur odor was too strong for me. ' I had the pleasure of a trip to Fort Wayne, a fort distinguished by mighty struggle in the early history of our country. This historic spot, owned by the U. S. government is located along the Detroit river, in what is now the older section of Detroit. It is certainly a strategic location. The fort covers many acres on the peak of a natural elevation of land, that rises probably fifty feet above the level country that surrounds it on three sides, bounded on the fourth by the Detroit, river. The fort is inland from the river a distance of probably five hundred yards. Fort Wayne is sunk beneath the level of the top of the mound. Nothing visible when you approach it save the hill-top. The fort proper may cover a space of four acres. It is honey-combed within with tunnels, the walls of stone and brick are six feet thick, long slits probably five feet high and four inches wide are arranged every few yards for rifle or sharp shooting. On the top of the fort and i at each corner arid midway between are clusters of cannons, hidden completely fronj outsiders view. In the very center of the fort is three story living quarters for hundreds of men. Approaching the fort from all sides you must drop into a great moat that surrounds the fort, probably fifteen feet deep and thirty feet wide. This to me is the most interesting of all American forts that I have visited, even Fort Mc- Henry at Baltimore, not excepted. Here at Fort Wayne soldiers from our original colonies battled with the English for the freedom of our country. It was a strategic spot, struggled for in desperation by CHURCH CALENDAR BIBLE SCHOOL Sunday, 9:30 A. M. MORNING WORSHIP Sunday, 10:45 A. M. ORCHESTRA PRACTICE Wednesday 7:30 P. M. CHOIR PRACTICE Wednesday, 8:30 P. M. CHURCH NIGHT, BUSINESS MEETING - - Friday, November 2nd.

2 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS 260 ISALY'S OF STOW For those Hot Fudge Sundaes BIBLE SCHOOL 9:30 A. M. SUNDAY You are Invited IOR FAIRNESS OF PRICE AND UTMOST IN SERVICE THE ORDER OF THE GOLDEN RULE RECOMMENDS TO THE PEOPLE OF THIS COMMUNITY THEMSGOWAN FUNERAL HOME OVERLOOKING PARK - CUYAHOGA.FALLS PHONE WALES RIDGE 1313 w 7S t / referred Seroice,' the French and Indians and our frontiers men. We spent another day at the Ford village, just outside the Detroit city limits. Ford has built a city and put a fence around it. In the city he has purchased,, moved and enclosed the Court House from Logan county, Illinois. This is where Ahraham Lincoln first practiced law and where he won his first case. A log fire burning in the court house was lit by President Hoover February, and is kept burning perpetually in memory of Lincoln. The Edison "Laboratory building where Edison's first inventions were achieved was moved from Menlo Park, New Jersey and the machine shop, from Florida. In both these buildings log fires kindled by President Hoover is to burn on night and day in memory of the great inventor. Think of it, Edison's entire laboratory, picked up and moved to the Ford Village, and the first machine shop, boiler, engine, lathes, pulleys, all spirited over to the Ford Village. The little red brick school house where Ford attended school, an old inn, fireplace, bar and trapings of the 40's all intact set up in the Ford Village. A stone house, wall two feet thick, stone roof, stone fence, stone ' barn, all moved from "England and reset, this house is two hundred years old. The great museum, located in

3 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS 3 ANNOUNCEMENT Next week is National Educational week Thursday, November 8th the eighth grade and the four High/ School grades will hold a night session from 7:00 to 8:30 P. M. The purpose of this special evening session is to show the school at work. The Public is invited to atttnd. Farhers and Mothers are especially urgde to come. STOW PUBLIC SCHOOL R. E. Gamyard, Supt. the Village is under roof but will not be completed within, the guide told us, for probably five years. 'The floor in this great building covering a space of eight and acres is made of small oblong blocks of teakwood about two and one-half inches wide by sixteen inches long. This is the most beautiful, the most substantial floor I ever saw. This teakwood is very hard, has a beautiful grain, it is imported from India. Mr. Ford has fine-combed the world to obtain relics and curios for his museum. I noticed among the furniture a writing desk owned by General Grant, the auto owned and used by the Kaiser of Germany during the World War, one of the first locomotives and by its side one of the latest models having a speed of 100 miles per hour. GEO. M. HULME, Minister PERSONAL NOTES The choir have some new music. According to W. V. Smith the Bible is how printed in 670 languages. And, according to the new directory, Stow is a good place to live. All in favor signify by the usual sign. The St. Clair s had 3S present at the Junior C. E. party last Saturday night. i Mr. and Mrs. Warren Nichols, Williamson road, have a new son. He arrived last week about Tuesday. Chrysanthemums Winter Bouquets SILVER LAKE GREENHOUSE

4 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS COAL 6.25 Peerless Splint Save 11 out of $10. We pay cash, Sell for cash Deliver (iootl, l : i:el and Save You Money See MRS. HAARTJE MARTIN COAL CO. Kent=3 Hudson-169-K3 CHURCH SERVICE 10:45 A. M. SUNDAY Get j cur dry goods at 335 Huff- -oii road. (Adv.) Business is on the upgrade. C. V. Cross the baker is buying" tvore equipment. The first Monday in November (next Monday), the Boy Scouts have investure service. Mrs. F. L. Bratten's mother and brother, Mrs. Hausch and Mr. Hausch, visi f ed her over the weekend. W. J. Grubb, Gorge boulevard,, nowccmers in our community, were at Bible school and church Sunday. The ne:':;- P-T-A meeting is Tuesday evening,, November 13th. Are you a member of this organization? Mrs. Elmer Dietz is president. J. H. Harper, East Arndale road,, was in Virginia over last weekend. He attended his aunt's funeral. ;. A. Corbett, Mrs. Ham's son-inlaw is looking for a house to rent. E. M. Mowrey, 242 Liberty road, has a new 1933 Chevrolet. According to report received, it is a- fine car. Fred Sommers disclaims the responsibility of being Scoutmaster. MERIT CASH MARKET MERIT MEATS Quality Meats at Competive Prices STOW NEXT TO ISALY'S MR. LEE WOMLFORD, Manager

5 CHURCH THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS 5 SERVICES SUNDAY MORNING 10:45 YOU ARE INVITED ' Ho is only one of the counsellors, E. II. Conway is Scoutmaster. Miss Marilyn Cox, 725 Hudson road, celebrated her eighth birthday, Thursday, November 1st with a party ten young ladies, her school mates, attending. It'cost C. M. Woodring 60 cents to attend Bible school last unday. It was his birthday that the Men's class celebrated last Friday night. PBOMQIOIONEW _ WITW &NY IVNIGTII'S S e r v i c e STOW, ONE TRIAL ALWAYS A CUSTOMER Si-iop OHIO Phone WA SMOE ' REPAIRING DRY Laundry CLEANING Service QUALITY GOAL A dozen or more members from the Ladies' Bible Class met a week ago Wednesday at the church. Those attending now know how they should vote at the next election. PUPPIES FREE. Mrs. Ralph Nichols, Baumberger road, has four rat terrier puppies to give away. If you will give one of these puppy dogs a good home see Mrs. Nichols. Roineinber the Bible verse contest closes Sunday. Get your manuscript into the hands of the editor some time before the close of that day. Mr. and Mrs. Ott, Uniondale drive, are newcomers in our community. It is rumored that they are churchgoing people. C. B. Minckg and wife returned Saturday from Okema, Okla. It was a trip of more than 2500 itiiles. Mr. Mincks brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. DeLong of Macksburg, accompanied the Mincks on the trip. Mrs. Dunn's mother, brother-inlaw, sister and nieces, namely, Mrs. G. W. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. James Hamilton and daughters Ruth and Lois visited with Mrs. Dunn over the weekend. 2 inch OHIO PINEY FORK KENTUCKY BLOCK WEST VIRGINIA Semi-Smokeless MUNROE FALLS, O. WA. 3921

6 6 THE COMBINATION WINTER BEST FOR DRIVING 1 FLEET WING ETHYL Quick Starting, Smooth Powerful Performance, 2 FLEET WING MOTOR OIL Lubricates Immediate!'/ 3 SUPER PYRO 100 Anti Freeze, Rust Proof and Non Evaporating 4 NATIONAL BATTERIES "Worlds Best Battery for Co!d Weather Starting" With a Triple Pledge LET US SERVE YOU AND YOURS Friends Service Station P. A. Williamson BIBLE SCHOOL 9:30 A. M. SUNDAY You are Invited Mary Gardner visited with Virginia Judy over thy weekend. She al.-o favored us Sunday eveniag fcy reciting several poems at the cli urch service. We hear she can recite poetry by the hour. Mi-, and Mrs. Palmer A. Williamson and son visited over the weekend at Macksburg, Ohio with Mrs Williamson's parents/ Mr. and Mrs. DeLong. The DeLongs had just returned from Oklahoma. P. S. Mr. Williamson took a calf along with him as a peace offering or possibly tor some other i eas-dn. According to Mr. Perry Schnee the mountains of ihe northern part of Pennsylvania must be fu 1! cf deer. He saw at least 50!» (he week he spent there including a herd of eight. There are also ft»&rs in this vicinity but he didn't =<ee a single one. The roads are full of bumps and stones and first riass Goodyear tire; are very essential to anyone expecting to travel ihem safelv. Krratum Some few weeks ago in giving the time necessary to pioduce various carls of this paper we es.miated one hour as the time necessary for ReV. Hulme to write his 3 i icle. Rev. Hulme tells us now, that rarely does he write his column in one h ur. Usually it takes him two.or three days to S T O W M A R K E T VOLUNTEER FOOD STORE CHOICE MEATS -:- QUALITY GROCERIES Watch our Volunteer Specials for Friday and Saturday in Beacon and Times Press J. I. FISHER, PROPRIETOR Phone WAlbridge :- STOW, OHIO

7 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS 7 BAR GAINS You will find at our store the following bargains One NEW Cook Stove with reservoir - $25.00 One Large Size $90.00 Sunbeam seven room Heater, Repossessed - - $35.00 One Second Hand Coal Range, Good Condition One No. 115 used Radio Oak Heater - <"$8.50 One four burner Perfection Oil Stove - - $8.50 The STO W HARD WARE CO. Phone WA it into shape. AH we have to.-ay is Rome was not built in a day, QiicJity products take time. The minister's articles are in the quality class. Only Betty Biinop and Jean itiblen attended the class in vio- I'u last Friday. The other members probably attended tho big party that night, which is all right. "However, ii. general, on future Friday evenings there should be a larger, number present. Remember considerable money has been spent in order that* old violins can be repaired nmsis purchased, etc Foster Con nell is instructor. Encourage him STOW, OHIO 7 by practicing your assigned lessons and by your presence Friday at 7:00 P. M. Jane Henderson, Baumberger read, was unable to play wiih the orchestra last Sunday evering because of a sore throat. Some others usually at practice were also absent but not because of illness. If you can play an instrument well or otherwise we would be pleased to have you attend our practice meetings. The usual time is Wednesday a I 7:30 P. M. This item is past history, but it should be recorded. The party given by Geneva Coleman's class A D V ERTISE I T -:- -:- P A Y S Rates -:- One Insertion -:- Full Page -:- $4.00 CALI, WA. 910:5 *

8 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS 8 POULTRY FEED AT REASONABLE PRICES BAUGHMAN S FEED STORE \ and William Shaffer's class last Friday night was a great success. There were 64 youngsters present besides at various times throughout the evening dozen or more older people. Good eats, wonderful decorations we are proud of these two classes. The same evening the men's class held a party at the home of C. M. Woodring. We arfived late but in plenty of time to listen to the many interesting and inspiring things which were discussed. Rev. Walters was present and told us about some of his experiences, which were very helpful. And this was a birthday party for C. M. Woodring. A big cake, many candles, pumpkin pie, sandwiches and coffee. Foster Connell accompanied by Esther -Shakespeare entertained us with several musical selections. Another, matter of history. The get-together meeting at the church last Sunday evening was a great success. Coffee, cake and cookies were served at 6:30 P. M. At the table plans were set on foot for activities of great importance to' our church. These plans are to be reported upon and brought to a hrfad this Friday evening at our regular church night business meeting. The devotional services started at approximately 7:30 and included several numbers by the Bible school orchestra, instruction in Bible verses, singing, poems recited by Miss Mary Gardner, and a paper read by Mrs. Perry Schnee on the possibilities of accomplishing good by Christmas. QUALITY COAL 2 INCH OHIO PINEY FORK KENTUCKY BLOCK WEST VIRGINIA Semi-Smokeless E. M. Guise Coal & Supply Co. Munroe Falls, O. WA. 3921


THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS VOL. 1 FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1934 STOW, OHIO NO. 32 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS VOL. 1 FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1934 STOW, OHIO NO. 32 MINISTER'S COLUMN In a very old book it is written, "There is a time to every purpose under the heavens. A time to be born, a

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