THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Vol. II Friday, November 22, 1935 STOW, OHIO No. 48

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1 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Vol. II Friday, November 22, 1935 STOW, OHIO No. 48 MINISTER'S COLUMN From henceforth a great Sunday evening program will begin in the Community Church at Stow. I am amazed to find modern paganism rooted and thriving, alarmingly so, even iin Stow. Anyone who worships his denomination, his creed, customs or traditions rather than the living God is paganistic in his worship. I From now and until I am silent in death I shall cry aloud and spare not in a ringing message that Christ is the world s Saviour, a message unadulterated, unmitigated and unhindered by denominational claims, that retard and divide rather advance the forces of Christianity. than..the christian task confronted by present day problems is too important to be played with and trimmed under the persuasion of doctrine, polity, government and interpretation, legend being their name, all in a mad frenzy to coerce humanity in supporting man made sectarian groups. Therefore, be it resolved, that a great Community Church prograrp shall go forth at Stow, emphasizing the glow and zeal of a community spirit, the glory of God, the height and depth of the love of Jesus Christ for lost humanity. The first Sunday night of every month, a great men's chorus, (we plan for fifty voices,) will occupy the new platform. A ten minute evangelistic sermon will close the evening program. This is the first Sunday night of every month. Second Sunday night of each month, grand sacred concert by the orchestra directed by A. J. Kurinsky. also to be closed by a ten minute sermon by the minister. folk. This service Third Sunday night of the month, program by the young One hundred young folk are organized to press forward in a great organized effort? for the youth of Stow. to close with a ten minute evangelistic sermon. This service Fourth Sunday night. A Christmas program, the Sunday school. Fifth Sunday night of December, a great community get- -together, an appropriate program for the close of the old year, closing with a tew s minute evangelistic sermon by the minister. GEO. fo. HULME

2 fi THE COMMUNITY C f l U R C H N E W S STOW COMMUNITY CHURCH GEORGE M. HULME, Minister 859 Ardmore Ave., Akron Tel. HE THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Stow, Summit County Ohio SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 50c A YEAR Published Weekly F. R. Howe, Pr. Akron H. J. Stockman - Editor and Manager Box 191 R - 3 KENT, OHIO Address all communications relating to this Paper to the Editor CHURCH BIBLE SCHOOL CALENDAR Sunday 9:30 MORNING WORSHIP - - Sunday 10:45 EVENING SERVICES 7:30 p.m. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR Sunday 6:30 p.m. ORCHESTRA PRACTICE Wed. 6:30 p. m. CHOIR PRACTICE - Thursday 7:30 p. m. Union Thanksgiving Service Thurs.' 10 a. m. THANKSGIVING SERVICES T h e Church of Christ will unite with the Community Church at 'Stow, Thanksgiving morning at 10 o'clock for a union Thanksgiving service. Rev. L. M. Gregory will deliver the sermon. T h e membership of b o t h churches, the community at large and all who are actuated by a spirit of gratitude for the manifold blessings of life are urged to attend. Count your blessings, my people of Stow, then face toward the Bethel and give vent to the spirit of appreciation. Come, my people, come worship the God of Harvests, He the source of all oiir hopes. QUESTIONS and ANSWERS Is there a scriptural verse commanding' us to meet on the first day of the week to take the Lord's supper? There is no scripture that can be interpreted as a positive command to meet on the first day of the week to partake of the Lord's supper. I refer those interested in this question,to the four scriptural accounts conceded to be the authority for the observance of the communion. See Matthew 26:28; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:17-20; 1 Cor. 11: You Will find nothing imperative in any of these scriptures in placing the ordinance on the first day. However, the beauty of the scriptures is found in the fact that at regular intervals, throughout the life of the church in all ages and among all people, there should fee a loving and vital remembrance of the Master's death. This is our Lord's command. The basis of argument for the first day is found in Acts 20:7 which reads: "And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came togethes to break bread.. " Paul here falls in with a group of disciples whose custom it -was to meet on the first day of the week. He communes with them, preaches for them and leaves on the morrow. The command of the Master is: Member of the order of fhe Golden Rule Which means our service, equipment and personnel meet national standards and can be depended upon under any circumstances. The McGowan Funeral Home Exclusive Invalid Car Service W A. 1313

3 fi THE COMMUNITY CflURCH NEWS I F " Y O T L J W A N T Quality, Quantity and Service S E E ISALY'S B u t t e r, E g g s, C h e e s e SPECIAL BRICK ICE CREflM c QT. Hot Chocolate, Hot Fudge Sundae, Cold Meats H. A. REARICK, Prop. "This do in remembrance of me." Luke 22:19). It is optional with religious denominations as to. how often the ordinance should be observed weekly, monthly, or quarterly.. GEO. M. HULME PERSONAL Abstain from the appearance of evil. Bible School attendance last Sunday, one hundred seventy-five. Polks.were g'lad to see Mrs. Perry Schnee at church last Sunday. It i s moved and seconded that the Men's Bible class sit up front next Sunday. Dr. Pickard has moved into his new home in Silver Lake Village. KNIGHT'S SERVICE SHOP STOW, OHIO Cleaning Pressing Shoe Repairing LAUNDRY WORK Phone WA ' (3 i~c > e; fci i tz; GAS OIL HOSIKRY NOTIONS HUDSON ROAD GROCERY Corner Uniondale and Hudson Rd. Mr. & Mrs. F. G. Ham, Mgrs. Phone WA The Men's chorus are expected to meet next Sunday in the church at 3:00 P. M. YOUR PHOTO FREE This is not an enlargement but a full sized 8 X 10 photo FOR PARTICULARS SEE The Stow Hardware '

4 fi THE COMMUNITY CflURCH NEWS P r e p a r e F o r WINTER DRIVING FOR YOUR RADIATORS Zerorie... 1 ioo per gal. Prestoije per gal. G. P. A. Glycerine per gal To,help you start on cold mornings get either A New WILLARD BATTERY Or a New DELCO BATTERY For your Comfort Genuine Chevrolet Heater and installed Every thing, to thoroughly condition your car for winter' driving MARHOFER CHEVROLET WA STOW Ed. Sanner, West Arndale road, friends who called to help them has a nice bunch of heavy chickens celebrate their fifteenth iweddiiigr and Turkins (?) for sale. Get one anniversary. Their friends hope for your Thanksgiving dinner. they can help them celebrate (Adv.) many more wedding anniversaries. Dr. Maple told us last Sunday Mr. Lodge, Mrs. Dunn and C. M. that the most essential or most Woodring were appointed, last Sunnecessary thing in building up a day as the nominating committee, great church is Bible study. We shall expect a report this Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olsen, Mun- '-day. roe Falls road, were very pleasant- it is rumored that motorists may ly surprised last Saturday night by no Idnger make a right hand turn MERIT MEAT MARKET F O R O U A L I T Y

5 fi THE COMMUNITY CflURCH NEWS RADIO REPAIR We take pleasure in announcing that Mr. Earl Newingham is back with us again. He has complete charge of our Radio Department and will be pleased to serve you at any time. THE STOW HARDWARE WA on a red light in Stow, state police or deputy, sheriffs have put a stop to the practice. Ellen Mae Frame, East Arndale road, celebrated her third birthday on Thursday this last week. Birthdays celebrated last Sunday at Bible school were those of Miss Winifred Criehton and Malcolm Odwin Stockman. Did you know that G. W. Meinard used to work for Rev. Hulme's "daddy" over forty years ago in New Brighton, Pa.? He just recently decided that Rev. Hulme and that skinny, mischevious youngster that used to fee around then, is one and the same person. "The'trouble with the share the wealth scheme is that they sponsored by fellows / who have nothing to share." 1 Mrs. L. Greenleaf, Ritchie road received a painful burn on the jt F. KflSTENS J Pumps Plumbing cj o i. NEW "PHILA" LUMP I Heating Estimates Free East Graham Rd. Telephone WA WEST POINT LUMP and VARIOUS OTHER GRADES The Thomas Coal Company Phone Wfl West Graham Rd. STOW I I

6 fi THE COMMUNITY CflURCH NEWS COAL We are now selling co&l on the Employees payment plan of Goodrich, Firestone and General Rubber Companies In addition to our regular grades of coal we have for sale a good grade of Ohio at a low price Per Ton Delivered. E. M. Guise Coal & Supply Co MUNROE FALLS, OHIO WA-3921 arm last Tuesday, while attempt- party at their home on River road ing to ignite' the furnace fire with this Saturday night, kerosene. Sunday visitors at the home of IMr. E. M. Mowrey and eldest H. W. Portney, Conwill avenup, son visited in Logan, Ohio, over were his aunt and uncle, Mr. and the last weekend. But we did not Mrs. Eivin Bracey. hear how many rabbits they got. Stow citizens are no doubt aiy.are "Jim" Cross and sister, Betty, of all details connected with the will hold a very exclusive (?) big snake "dance" put on by the A. J. K U R I N S K Y TEACHER OF VIOLIN West Graham Road

7 fi THE COMMUNITY CflURCH NEWS T O P I and let us fix up your car for winter driving Shell Gas Station 140 East Kent Rd. Stow, "Eddie" Parsons, Prop. High school last Monday. It was in celebration of their positions as county football champs. Mr. and Mrs. 'Phillips and daughter, Constance, of Meadowbrook Lake visited in 'Peru, Indiana three or four days of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Merel A. Patterson and all of their family were in Orrville last Saturday night where Dr. Patterson's birthday ' was celebrated also the wedding anniversary of his mother. It is rumored that the new gas well at the County Home is gassing at the rate of a million cubic feet per day. Another well probably will be drilled soon on,th e Stanley Harris farm. W. Prank Carlisle was elected secretary of the state organization of J. P.'s and village mayors at their meeting in Columbus last FtfJDIO SERVICE Tubes at Standard Prices STOW RADIO Across from Shell Station C. V. CROSS & SON Thursday, November 14th. There are over four hundred members in this group. New memfcers of the Community Church are as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Neugebauer Miss Wanda Neugebauer Miss Dorthea Neugebauer Mrsi J. W. Predmore Mrs. Helen Mineard Miss' 1 Dorothy Gowan!Mr. and Mrs. Zircle imiss Eloise Zircle Miss Grace Ludwick Miss Mattie Lee Carver Erratum: The item about the Shaffers last week should have read: "Mrs. Shaffers father" etc., in Two pkgs Bird Seed, or Three cans Dog Food Scratch feed and Egg Mash at advertised price Baaghmaris Feed Store Phone WA STOW, O. 25c

8 fi THE COMMUNITY CflURCH NEWS -n Y O U CJ A. INI B U Y Morton's Smo^e Salt and Morton's Sausage S-easor)ing at BAUGHMAN'S FEED STORE WA STOW, OHIO place of "Mrs. Shaffers mother," etc. Incidentally on the way home about 3:30 a. m. William went to sleep at the wheel and went over a steep embankment. However the car landed right side up and no ose was seriously hurt. "Cream is'not a luxury" Use more raw guernsey cream from Waterblest Farm and save doetor bills. W. H. PECK Mr. and Mrs. Heekler who operate the Stow Airport Gas Station, East Kent Road, entertained Mrs. Alvina Spulding of Detroit Michigan for the past two weeks- Ladies Guild served bumper crowd at luncheon in the church basement Wednesday, viz about 62. Mrs. H. F. Barde of 'Cleveland who attended our Church last summer fell down the stairs last Thursday, at her home, breaking her leg and suffering ether painful injuries. She at St. Lukes Hospital We are indeed sorry to hear of Mrs. Barde's misfortune and trust she may recover rapidly. THE CHRISTIAN'S HOPE Dr. C. C. Maple in. two of his sermons, which he delivered last week, in the Bible Study Conference, spoke on the second coming of Christ. He dealt largely with a scriptural presentation ^ of t h e theme. He stated that there were 1845 texts in the Bible upon this subject. There are 318 in the New Testament alone which is an average of one in every 22 verses. For those who would study this subject in greater detail the outline which follows was prepared by Dr. Maple. I. WHY I BELIEVE IN THE SEC- OND COMING OF CHRIST 1. Because o'f the personal testimony of Christ himself. 3QRIVE Out and get'j a supply of our ^Home Cured, Hickory! Smoked Ham & Bacon. ::ft.w. BARBER ^ Home Dressed and ~ Cured Meats ^ One mile north of i I HUDSON I Tel. 100X-1 I State Route 91 i F : 0 : R -! - W : K : IX : T Four nice Furnished Rooms reasonable see B. T. S M I T H, E A S T K E N T R O A D

9 fi THE COMMUNITY CflURCH NEWS FOR QUALITY M SERVICE, SHOP AT F = B. MARKET ONE DOOK EAST OF >! KKIT M AKKICT Leave your order for your Sunday chicken. It will be dressed and delivered free of charge He said "I will come again." See. John 14:1-3. Matt. 16:27. Certainly Christ must have known what the plan of heaven was. 2. Because of the testimony of the Heavenly Messengers. They said ''He shall come again." See Acts 1:11. The word of these messengers has always come to pass as predicted. 3. Because of the testimony of the new testament writers. T'hey said, "He shall come again." See 1. Thess. 4:16. Heb. 9:28. It is mentioned by every writer of the new testament. 4. Because of the testimony of the old testament prophets. They said "He shall come again." See Dan. 7:13. Zech. 14. Job, David, Isaiah and others testified to the same. By the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established, and here are four: We are told 'that "Faitih cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word cf God." You have here the word of God as a basis of faith on this great subject of His return. II. WHAT DO I BELIEVE ABOUT THE SECOND COMING? 1. It will be a personal coming. I. Thess. 4:16. Matt. 24:30. Mark 13: It will be a bodily coming. Acts (Luke 24:50) John 14:3. 3. It will be a visible coming. Luke 21: John 3:2. Rev. 1:7. 4. It will be a sudden coming. W. C. GERBER & SON Car Heaters Anti Freeze for your Radiator Winter Grease and Oil SALES and R l P A } R W 0 R l K EXPERT S E R V I C E f l i ^ P n t h e r W. C. GERBER C, F. GERBER WA Sunoco Products

10 fi THE COMMUNITY CflURCH NEWS Friend's Service Station GRAHAM & HUDSON ROADS Fleetwing Gas & Motor Oils FLEEHWING that's all Come in and visit Bill Bridgers a resident of your own Town who has taken this station over < * m 9 C» 9 s : yffa : is : : a WHITE STOVE GAS Especially Refined for Stoves 19c Per Gallon We are also handling a complete line of Fleetwing Hot Water Heaters and Frost Shields for your cars PRICES ARE RIGHT

11 fi THE COMMUNITY CflURCH NEWS Matt. 24:27. Luke 17:23, Thess. 4: It will be a most unexpected coming. Matt. 24:27-39, If you do not understand all about the "how" of Christ's coming, you can be living daily ready for Him to come. (1. John 3:3.) III^ WHEN WILL CHRIST COME AGAIN THE SECOND TIME? 1. When we do not expect Him. Matt. 24: When Bible signs appear. Matt. 24: When the church is completed. Acts 15: When Gentile times are end- 5. When the "As it was" days are here. Matt. 24: A study of the signs of the times will tell us of conditions upon the earth before He comes. Dan. 12:4. 1. Tim. 4: Tim. 3:1-13. IV. WHY IS CHRIST COMING AGAIN THE SECOND TIME. 1. He is coming for His church, His body. 1. Thess. 4: Heb. 9: He is coming to usher in a new age. Acts 3: Matt 25: He is coming to take His power and reign. Luke 1: : He is coming to establish the kingdom. Dan. 7:13. Rev. 11: Tim. 4:1. 5. He' is coming to bring "Peaceon Earth." Psa. 72. Rev. 20, 21, 22. When Christ was here upon earth, He wa s the best friend that mankind ever had, we should welcome His return for it will be the coming of a friend indeed. NOTICE There will be a Townsend Plan meeting Wednesday evening Nov. 27th eight o'clock at Marhofer Hall. The state organizer and other speakers will be there. Every body is cordially invited to attend. WANTED. ^Snare Drum and other Band Instruments. Call WA.95I2 s (( A Q- tmt 3 Automobile Insurance IN ALL ITS BRANCHES W, R CARLISLE WA E. Graham Road O 3»

12 fi THE COMMUNITY CflURCH NEWS ^ - ^loxi are carhutku iitiritefr to attend lite ilnuni Shmtksgiiimg jsbrirites feljwrsimo gaming, 10 o'clack Stofo (Covmumtihj (Church ObreqimJ foil! beliuer the senium l : Hear Rev. Hulme Sunday Morning Subject of Sermon : Lengthen thy cords and strengthen thy stakes. Isiah 54 : 2

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