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1 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Vol. VI Stow, Ohio, Friday, November 10, 1939 MY SON For many hours everything about me seemed to be revolving, turning, spinning. Tonight, after seven weeks, it cuts, it stings, it paralyzes. I still cry, impossible, impossible. A man he was, thirty-four years of age, weighed one hundred seventy-five pounds, straight as an arrow, kind, polite, genteel, bright, clever, never sick. Three years in the U. S. Navy, two years as shop policeman. This is Monday night, October 30th, Seven weeks ago this afternoon they said to me your son is dead. Dead, what a word, what a message, what a shock. They said he was dead eight hours when found locked in his car. No, I answered, it is not my son, there is some mistake, impossible, impossible. But, they said, his name is Paul Leroy Hulme. For the past few years he was not active in the Church, previous to that he grew up in the Church, was baptized, professed conversion, had profound respect for the Church and all things sacred. He often pleased me by saying, Dad, I like to hear you preach. He found the way to The Community Church on each Easter morning since I have been the minister. Paul was unhappy in his home, in business the tide flowed out, the future to him had clouds. The depression broke his spirit. He was a man, he was proud, he seldom asked for help, he desired and expected a chance, in his own strength, in his own way he hoped 1o make good. He tried, he never complained, he struggled on, to me, even to the last he spoke in No. 45 the most hopeful manner, I'll put it cross, I'll be out of the woods, he would say, Dad, don't worry about me. He the young and strong who cherished Noble longings for the strife By the wayside fell and perish Weary with the march of life." So, seven weeks ago, suffering with a severe cold, discouraged alone, and without a word to friends or parents he balanced himself between two eternities, he surrendered his soul to God. He said, it is enough. He chose that his trial should end September 11th, he went out to return no more. He had no fear of death, he was brave, manly considerate of others this to a marked degree in every act of his life, except his choice of departure. This man who hated evil, who was clean of speech, who respected women, who loved his parents, Paul, who had a personality that any man could be proud of, th's man, my son, entrusted to me for thirty-four years, God gave and God hath taken away. O help me Lord to say, Blessed be the name of the Lord. In some land beyond the ocean Where our loved ones find a home Is the shrine of our devotion Whither all of our thoughts would roam. In the great nrocess of evolution, ir; the marvelous plan of the Creator we put our trust. We face the homeland dreaming of loved ones. The evening shadows fall about us, life's pathway has many wrecks, hardships and burdens are many and often griev-

2 10 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS STOW COMMUNITY CHURCH GEORGE M. HULME Minister 859 Ardmore Av Akron, UN-1685 Borinm Phone Number JE-9324 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Drmver C Stow, Summit Co., Ohio. Published weekly. Subscription price 50c a year. Entered as second class matter May 4, 1937 at the Postoffice at Stow, Ohio, under Act of March 3, Office of publication, 360 W. Arndale Rd., Stow. H. J. Stockman, Editor. ous to bear, but hope casts a golden ray about us for ahead is f he dav dawn when the shadows flee away. It cannot be God's plan that any man's end should be a failure or a wreck. Life, and life more abundantly, is the plan of the Master. So, listening hope can see a star and listening love can hear the rustle of a wing. GEO. M. HULME... WED. EVE. Remember to attend the Prayer Meeting and Bible Study at the church on Wednesday evening. DEATH Mrs. Rose A. Morse of 415 Hudson road died Sunday, November 5th. She is survived by her husband F. R. Morse; sister, Mrs. Anna M. Tinker and niece, Vella M. Schultz. Services were held at the residence Wednesday, Rev. Hulme officiating. Burial in Grove City. Pa. Our sympathy is extended to Mr. Morse and the other relatives in their bereavement. NOTICE The Ladies Bible Class will hold their regular monthly business meeting Tuesday Evening, November 21st at the home of Mrs. Harry Osman, Sanford Ave. <D FOOD FOR THOUGHT Many people are chasing around so fast after happiness that it can't overtake them. If they would sit down and rest awhile it would have time, perhaps, to catch up with them. F. A. C. Dignity You may rest assured that your loved ones have a dignified funeral; when you know your mortician is doing all that is possible. We try, in this respect, to give you the benefits of our serving. THE McGOWAN FUNERAL HOME i WA Stow Avenue Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

3 10 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS SERMON In the contest between the prophet Elijah's God and the four hundred fifty priests of Baal, as recorded in the eighteenth chapter of first Kings, Elijah built an altar, likewise the priests of Baal. In verse twenty four, Elijah challenges the priests of Baal: "Call ye on the name of ycur gods and I will call on the name of the Lord, and the God that answereth by fire, let him be God." Last Sunday morning Rev. Hulme called our attention to the fact that both altars were no doubt quite similar in construction and appearance, also, both offerings were the same. But only on Elijah's altar and offering did the fire descend. Now it is Christianity that claims to supply the fire. Unless there is fire in our worship, the altar we build, the churches we have, are just piles of stone, nothing more than ornaments and club houses. In those days (and the application is still true) the only way that the priests of Baal could supply the fire was by friction. On the other hand in Matthew 3:11 John speaking of Jesus says: "He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire." Only the soul that is activated by the Savior in this way can become a savior of men. Baal worshippers (and many there are in our churches today) do not have the fire, the Holy Spirit, in other words that intense enthusiasm, the zeal, the action, the Holy Peace that characterizes one who has been born again and is now living in and with Chr'st. Only formalism is the part of Baal worshipers. Death awaits them and their religion. OUR GREENHOUSES Are Filled With Beautiful Chrysanthemums VISITORS ARE WELCOME! Silver Lake Florists WA-8914 But to live and grow and bear fruit we must have the first that comes from Jesus Christ thru the Holy Spirit. Otherwise the altar we build, or, our church building, like that of the worshipers of Baal of old, is nothing more than a pile of stone, or a mere clubhouse. P. T. A. What promises to be one of the most interesting programs of the year will be held by the P. T. A. next Tuesday, November 14th, 7:30 p. m. in the high school auditorium. Music will be furnished by the High School male quartette. Following this part of the program Miss Stuttle and her staff of teachcrs with & number of pupils from the Goodrich School for Deaf and Dumb will give a demonstration of their work. A large attendance is desired. The room having the most parents present will receive a prize. With this meeting the P. T. A. membership drive closes. A prize will be awarded the room having the highest percentage of parents who are paid up members. CECIL A. REARICK Instructor of V O I C E Inquire at Isaly's Stow

4 10 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Kent Stow Market FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS Our Best Pork Sausage 2 lbs. for 43c Good Ground Beef per lb. 19c Roasting Chickens, Hens or Cockerels per lb. Hhr Dressed Free / Fresh Back Bone and Spare Ribs Top of the Hill, One-Fourth Mile East of Fish Creek on Kent Road Phones WA-1595 and Kent 3947 DOUBLE WEDDING A double wedding ceremony was performed Thursday November 2, 1939 uniting in marriage James Dye and Mildred Rorabeck, both of Stow, and Geraldine Kiser of Stow and Rex Kimes of Cuyahoga Falls. These young folks were married in Kentucky. < > PERSONALS M'ss Hazel Byers of West Graham Road has been quite ill this last week. Mrs. H. T. Headlee and daughter Mary Jean spent the last week end in New Martinsville, West Va. Stow Council D. of A. are holding the'r annual bazaar, Saturday November 18th in Marhofer Hall. Mrs. H. J. Stockman "hornedin" on noonday lunch at the Gillams, Elmwood Avenue, last Monday. For Sale: Turkeys, thirty cents a pound weight ten to sixteen pounds. Inquire of H. C. Lowe, Stow Bar-B-Cue. (Adv.). Knitting Instructions F R E E WITH YARN PURCHASE EVERY TUESDAY, 7 P. M. Marguerite Imhoff WA-1914 Insurance Office, Spaght Block Mrs. L. C. Stein and daughter Helen spent last Saturday with her sister Mrs. Wm. Requla and family at Canton, Ohio. Birthdays celebrated at Bible School last Sunday were those of Miss Helen Stein, Mr. Round, Miss Al'ce Harr ; s, and Jimmy Ballis. Each with 100% attendance classes taught respectively by Mr. Cross and Mrs. Wheeler tied for 1he banner last Sunday. McGrail Antique Shop Upholstering & Cabinet Work Phone WA E. Kent Rd. Stow

5 10 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS.jiiHiiiiiBiiiiiaiiniHiiiniiMiiaiiiiiBiiiiiBiiiiiBiiiiniiiiiBiiiiik. TODAY You can fill up your tank at Gerber's with NU-BLUE SUNOCO The new miracle of gasoline Chemistry. Made Especially for high compression motors this new gasoline gives EVERY car:- 1 A BONUS of high test knockless P'ower 2 A SURPLUS Of Sure fire quick starting. 3 A DIVIDEND Of Economical Mileage All you've ever wanted in a gasoline and At Regular Gas Price W. C. GERBER AND SON THE FRIENDLY STATION Now is the time to condition your car for cold weather driving. We are fully prepared to do this for you. ''' l!l!!vlnuil!ibiiiihl!blllllbii!!ibiiiiibilimillllhiii[iv If your car won't run, phone George at Gerber's and let him fix it. WA (Adv.). Large and Woodring decided last Sunday that some day soon when they are not working, that they would fix the church roof. Hooray! For Rent: Cottage, size 12 ft. X20 ft. Heater furnished. Five dollars per month Electric extra. References required. Call at 167 HiWood Stow. Edith Hanes. Calling on E. F. Kastens last Saturday we found him ill with a sore throat and the usual accompanying complications. However, nothing wrong with his appetite he said. Mr. and Mrs. Gillam and son Palmer with Mrs. Eshelman of Kenmore motored to Leetonia last Sunday afternoon visiting Mrs. Morris who is a sister of Mrs. Gillam and Mrs. Eshelman. Mrs. Kregor of Twin Lakes with Mrs. Littell, Mrs. Vial, Mrs. Fortune and Mrs. Ramp of Stow drove to Mogadore one da-" 'ast week and visited with Mrs. Meredith. All reported a very pleasant day. The Stow Lions Club are holding a party Tuesday evening November 14th at the County Home. Mr. Weygandt, Supt. of the County Home is President of the Stow Lions. Members and friends are invited to th ; s affa'r. There is a small admission charge. John Stahl expects to m^ve into his new home on Fish Creek Rd. near Diagonal Rd. this week. Mrs. Marguerite Imhoff who used to teach knitting at Yeagers is starting a knitting class. It will be held at 7.00 p. m. on Tuesdays in the Insurance Office, Spaght Block, Stow. For Sale: Six piece maple poster twin bed outfit. Complete $ White kitchen cabinet $5.00. Inquire of Edith Hanes 167 Hiwood Ave. (Adv.).

6 10 T H E C O M M U N I T Y CHURCH NEWS For All Dairy Products You Can Do Better At ISALY'S In Stow DAMON'S FOR F R Y E R S BROILERS - ROASTERS Heavies and Leghorns EGGS WA-9670 C. C. T r o m m e r who used to live in S t o w a n d a t one t i m e w a s dir e c t o r of t h e choir in C o m m u n i t y Church, is n o w director of the F i r e s t o n e P a r k M. E. C h u r c h choir. This choir has a n enrollm e n t of sixty eight with a n avera g e r e g u l a r a t t e n d a n c e of f i f t y voices. V e r n e Schiller w a s f o r m e r l y t h e director. In this church t h e r e is also a n i n t e r m e d i a t e choir w h o t a k e c h a r g e of t h e music a t t h e evening services. New deep well pump, with one half horsepower motor, a u t o m a t i c switch, s a f e t y valve, f o r t y two gallon t a n k equipped with automatic air control and pressure gauge, Price $ E. F. Kastens, 116 E. G r a h a m R'oad, Tel. WA (Adv.). Dick Hause, son of Mrs. M a u d e Hause, N o r t h River Rd. r e c e n t l y joined the a r m y a i r corps. On T u e s d a y of this week he left N e w York City for the H a w a i i a n Islands via the w a y of P a n a m a. H e will be a w a y t h r e e years. Out of c. n u m b e r who took the a r m y a i r corps''on at Columbus. "Dick" w a s the only one to pass BECKLEY'S BARBER SHOP M a r h o f e r Block STOW :-: OHIO INSURE with R. H. IMHOFF Successor to Martha Spaght WA-1914 t h e test. H e was a m e m b e r of C o m m u n i t y Church. H o n o r to w h o m H o n o r is Due. S o p h o m o r e C h a r l e s T r o m m e r, son of Mr. a n d Mrs. C. C. T r o m m e r, Cuy. Falls, g r a d u a t e of Stow High School, n o w a t t e n d i n g the Univ e r s i t y of P i t t s b u r g h, m e m b e r of t h e " P i t t Rifles" h o n o r a r y milit a r y organization, was one of twelve selected f r o m t h a t group to p u t on a demonstration of special drills a n d f o r m a t i o n s a t the a n n u a l Alumni N a v y Day Ball held a week ago S a t u r d a y night. Also in addition to this, Charles will be one of t w e n t y f r o m this g r o u p m a k i n g u p a corps to stage a series of special drills between halves at the coming P i t t - N e b r a s k a football game. Attention, C a b i n e t m a k e r s! We have just received 2500 feet of c h e r r y and walnut. Some very old. Mostly dried in doors. Come and see it. Chestnut on hand as usual. Joe A. Mitten, 142 Thorndale Road, Stow, Ohi'o. (Adv.). T h e r e f o r e being justified by faith, we have peace with God t h r o u g h our Lord Jesus Christ. R o m a n s 5:1. I Dentist ;i DR. W. B. OCKER I < Credit Extended i < WA a. m. to 9 p. m. 2 J Spaght Bldg., Stow 5

7 10 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS UP AND DOWNF- ALL AROUND EVERYWHERE YOU GO You will find satisfied customers who buy their Shell Products of Eddie Parsons in Stow GAS - OIL - ANTI FREEZE FOR YOUR RADIATOR EDDIE PARSONS SERVICE STATION STOW, OHIO P, S. Let Karl Henry install a Stewart-Warner South Wind Gasoline Heater in your car. Fast, safe, inexpensive to operate The Perfect Heater. "Ken" Deacon, Stow Fire chief received the surprise of h ; s life last Monday night when nearly s.xty of the "Stow Boys" including Frank Green gave him a birthday surprise party. Presents included a hunting jacket, shells and such things as face powder, perfume, a rattle, a nice little blue sweater with panties attached and even washable baby pants size one to wear in case of fire, when it rains or what not. Refreshments consisted of sandwiches and coffee with a four layer birthday cake covered with thirty five candles. The cake was made by his mother. < > GRAHAM ROAD NOTES Attendance at Bible School last Sunday monr'ng was one hundred reventy. B'rthdays celebrated were those of "Mac" Bryan and,shirley Younkin. Wedding anniversary that of Mr. and Mrs. Brightman who have been married twenty seven years, and Mr. and Mrs. Brillhart who have been married eighteen years. The Adult Bible meet this Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ulrich on Hudson Drive. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Leasure with Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Leasure and son of Waverly, W.Va. visted at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Miner in Barberton last Saturday and on Sunday attended the Graham Road Church. Something new. The Longs of Caleb Avenue have a new roof on their house. Special note from Graham Road. Any pastor that preaches for practically nothing for several years and gives most of that which he does get to aid the building fund and reduce the debt of the church, as does the pastor of Stow Community Church, certainly must have some of the Spirit of the Lord witlr'n. Let us give him cred't where credit is due. KNIGHT SERVICE CO. MJ-W\Y CLEANING AND PRESSING There is a Difference INVISIBLE SHOE REBUILDING WA Front St. Cuyahoga Falls

8 10 10 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS THE TOUCH OF THE MASTER'S HAND 'Twas battered and scarred, and the auctioneer Thought it scarcely worth his while To waste much time on the old violin, But he held it up with a smile. "What am I bidden, good folk," he cried, "Who'll start the bidding for me? ' Half dollar a dollar, then two, only two "Two dollars, and who'll make it three? "Going for three" but no From the room far back, a grayhaired man Came forward and picked up the bow, Then, wiping the dust from the old violin, And tightening the loosened strings He played a melody pure and sweet As a caroling angel sings. The music ceased and the auctioneer, With a voice that was quiet and low, Said, "NOW what am I bid for the old violin?" And he held it up with the bow. "A thousand dollars and who'll make it two? "Two thousand and who'll make it three? Two thousand once, three thousand twice "And going and gone," cried he. The people cheered, but some of them cried, "We do not understand. "What changed its worth?" Quick came the reply, "The touch of the Master's hand." And many a man with life out of tune, And battered and scarred with sin, Is auctioned cheap to a thoughtless crowd, Much like the old violin. A "mess of pottage" a glass of wine, A Game and he travels on; He is going once, and going tw^ce, He's going and almost gone! But the Master comes, and the fooh'sh crowd Never can quite understand The worth of a soul, and the change that's wrought BY THE TOUCH OF THE MAS- TER'S HAND. Selected. Ritchies Meat Market Now Open For Business Fresh Home Dressed Rieats N. L. RITCHIE, Prop. 407 Ritchie Rd. WA-1507 Stow, Ohio

9 10 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Armistice Day Can Best Be Honored By The Two "KEEPS" "Keep" Out of War "Keep" Neutral Honoring the Boys of '18 WA-8122 BAUGHMANS Stow GLASPY COAL OHIO LUMP $4.95 PINEY FORK $5.40 SPLINT or KY. BLOCK.. $ Klien Ave. WA-9101 ELECTED As a matter of possible interest to out of town readers the successful candidates in last Tuesday's election in Stow were constables: Holley, Davis and Vaughn; trustee, well driller Anderson; School Board, Clifford, Monteith and Russell. The board issue for sidewalks failed to receive the necessary sixty four per cent note. Henry Williamson was elected township clerk. JUNCTION SHOE REPAIR C. K. WYATT, Prop. Good Material - Good Work 2721 HUDSON DRIVE Except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God. Arpad Kurinsky Teacher of Violin WA I 0 Graham Rr. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio E. ML Guise Coal & Supply Co. WA-3921 Munroe Falls, Ohio

10 10 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Hello Folks- THE Central Cash Market Free Delivery: 10:30 A. M., 2:30 P. M. SPEAKING! WA-3521 Local Dressed MEATS of QUALITY. All U. S. Government Inspected. Sold on a Money Back Guarantee. Oysters Fancy Pearl Brand 25/ Pt. Spare Ribs \5/ Lb. Bacon Lean 19/ Lb. Sliced Bacon Lean Breakfast 25/ Liver Fresh Pork \9/ Lb. 2 lb. Box GRAHAM CRACKERS 17/ Sausage Armour Star 25/ Lb. Soda Crackers 2 lb. Box 17/ Back Bone Country 22^ Style Matches Large 3/ Box Pork Chops Center Cuts 29/ Lb. P & G Soap Giant Size 4/ Cake y 2 Chateau Cheese lb. Asst. 2for29/ Cookies Sandwich 25/ Eggs Local Fresh Pullets Doz.27l Oleo 2 lbs. 25/ New Turnips 3/ Lb. New Carrots 3/ Lb. Cabbage 3/ Lb. Onions 3/ Lb. FOODS THAT ARE FRESHER

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