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1 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS VOL. IX THE STOW, DAIRY OHIO, FRIDAY, INDUSTRY Great is the business of our dairies, they convert the milk into cream, butter, cheese a n d m a n y other by-products. Our milk plants of today are clearing houses f o r the flow of milk that comes f r o m the f a r m s and flows on to the consumer, a sort of mediator between producer and t h e great world without. Skill, inventions, law and necessity have all clubbed together to m a k e dairies one of the wonders of the age. You can buy milk of different grades, milk t h a t is a little blue u n d e r the yellow coating and milk that has vitamins for the children and milk t h a t "rejuvenates the aged. You can also buy skimmed milk, sour milk condensed, milk in powdered form, buttermilk, chocolate milk, malted milk and other brands too numerous to mention. But the dairy. If you live near Stow see the A. F. Stein Dairy, new, spick and span, up to date, latest devices, O. K. one hundred percent. The system, the cleanliness, the frigid air t h a t keeps f r o m curding, the floor, t h e walls, the ceiling, the lighting, the heating, the washing of bottles, the sanitation, what a marvel of ingenuity. In the olden day the spring house was down where a tiny creek found its head w a t e r in a bubbling spring, there would be a trough with flowing w a t e r bubbling past a row of jars or milk cans, a cooling system for the milk in waiting f o r the next day's delivery. How well I remember the milk wagon of the days of m y youth. A spring wagon, a top f o r shade, with two or more t w e n t y or thirty gallon tanks. FEBRUARY 6, 194 No. 6 each With a faucet for drawing off the milk. The good m i l k m a n always h a d two or more pint a n d q u a r t measures f o r serving customers. Those were the days, a h a n d bell was vigorously r u n g as the milk wagon drawn by patient old dobbin moved along the route. The good housewife in sunbonnet if it was hot, a g r a n d f a t h e r ' s coat if winter, would come skipping out with j a r or jug f o r the day's supply of milk. Now in those days we knew nothing of germs, contamination, unpasteurized, unsanitary infections a n d all these modern up to date troubles t h a t they claim m a y emanate f r o m a careless milk industry. Those w e r e t h e days when children were raised on home baked bread and cows milk, those were the days of red cheeks a n d healthy youngsters. T h e r e a r e stories of the olden days in the milk industry of a f e w ladles of w a t e r being added to stretch the milk to reach all customers; stories too of an occasional f r o g being lifted unintentionally into the milk can in t h e d a r k of the early morning, such innovations true or u n t r u e were not a t all disturbing or apparently h a r m f u l to the milk industry of f o r t y years ago. An occasional fly or a little dust was expected. How advanced is A1 Stein's Dairy to the old spring house. Howbeit even in t h e olden day men grew great and tall and even some were good? GEO. M. H U L M E <5> MITE BOX COLLECTION Mr. Foote announced t h a t last Sunday's collection f o r t h e Mite Box was $86.24.

2 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH GEORGE M. HULME Minister 859 Ardmore Ave.. Akron UN-1685 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Drawer C Stow, Summit County, Ohio. Published weekly. Subscription price 50c a year. Entered as second class matter May 4, 1937 at the Postoffice at Stow, Ohio, under Act of March 3, Office of publication, 360 W. Arndale Rd., Stow. H. J. Stockman, Editor. Phone OV BIBLE STUDY LESSON February 8 A BUSY SABBATff IN CAPERNAUM Golden Text I was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day. Revelation 1:10. On a Sabbath Day in the city of Capernaum, Jesus attended the regular services at the synagague where the scripture was expounded by various teachers. Jesus taught also, speaking with such authority that the people were speechless with amazement. There came into the synagogue a man possessed with an evil spirit which the Lord cast out. We are not given an explanation of the origin of evil spirits. One suggestion is that they are fallen angels which would account for the fact that they recognized Jesus, usually calling him by name before he commanded them to leave. They might have known him as the "Holy One of God" in a previous and happier association. May it not be that these evil spirits or demons are the driving force behind many an evil character, urging them on to spectacular crimes? Leaving the temple they came to Peter's house where his wife's mother was sick with a fever. Jesus took her by the hand and healed her, so that she was able to attend to her duties immediately. That same evening all the sick of the village came to him seeking relief from fevers, palsy, dropsy, blindness, and many other diseases. This was a typical Sabbath of the Son of God, spent in devotion both in the synagogue and in the home, and in teaching and curing the bodily ills of unfortunate fellowmen. HAZEL GILLAM OUR PROFESSIONAL VISION as well as our natural inclinations have led us to perfect a service that is kind and thoughtful as well as expert. The McGowan Funeral Home

3 TEXT SERMON Salute the brethren which are in Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the church which is in his house. Collossians 4:15. The church which was in the home of Nymphas, as the text indicates, was the recipient of special mention or salutation from the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Collossians. Last Sunday morning Rev. Hulme pointed out the importance of the church in the home as compared to that which gathers in the large and small meeting houses or churches of the world. While speaking somewhat upon the failure of the modern church as known by most people our minister caused us to remember the old time home where there were no modern conveniences but where the family gathered for both morning and evening daily prayer, where God's Word was read and studied, and, whereupon frequent occasion friends came to pray. He compared this to the modern home with all its modern conveniences, where provision is made for every physical comfort, but where seldom if ever thought is taken to make provisions for family worship or in other words a church in the home. Since few if any are able to cope with the evils and problems of this world without the underpining that comes from a good home our church members today are far from being as spiritually strong as their forefathers. <j> DEATH Mr. T. W. Harris, age 75, of 153 Williamson Road who suffered a stroke about one week previous to his death passed away last Saturday evening. He leaves his wife Effie L., sons Frank E. and Thomas W. of Mount Vernon, N. Y., a sister Mrs. Joseph Armentrout of Akron, and four brothers. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at Wellers, Rev. L. M. Gregory in charge. Burial in Stow cemetery. < > MISSIONARY GUILD The Missionary Guild of the Stow Church of Christ will meet at the home of Mrs. Edith Franklin on Hudson Road Monday, Feb. 9th at 7:45 p. m. < > MEN'S BROTHERHOOD MEETING All men of the church are invited to attend the meeting of the Men's Bible class to be held at 6:30 p. m. th's coming Sunday Feb. 8th. Sandwiches and coffee will be served and after a short business meeting Mr. Joe Mitten will speak. ROBERT IMHOFF INSURANCE All REAL ESTATE OV-8618 Types NU-WAY CLEANING AND PRESSING There is a Difference INVISIBLE SHOE REBUILDING KNIGHT SERVICE CO. WA Front St. Cuyahoga Falls

4 12 THE COMMUNITY. CHURCH NEWS 13 FOR YOU AND ME To a cold bleak land that pilgrim band Sailed over the wintry sea. O'er the raging foam they sought a home. Now, could they have done it for me? On this foreign strand this valiant band Did found beside the sea A nation blest in the wilderness, A land of the brave and the free. Westward lay their dangerous way Through the land of the bear and deer. Crossed the rivers wide and the mountain side, This hardy pioneer. Not the savage bold nor the heat no cold Nor ever the need of rest Could turn that soul from his chosen goal, A home in the golden West. These men of old were warriors bold. They heard the call of duty. Now America's free for you and me. This land of wealth and beauty. Now I'd like to think as they stood on the brink Of that cold New England Sea That they saw past years of joys and tears To folks like you and me. And when I know that long ago They made our country free I'd like to do what they'd want me to Who did so much for me. Though the way is rough and the going tough And liberty is dear Throughout the years 'twill calm my fears, This thought of the pioneer. JOE A. MITTEN MARHOFER CHEVROLET General Service Garage Telephone OV-8919 A N T I Q U E S Repaired - Refinished Cabinet Work - Upholstering CLINT E. WORCESTER Darrowville WA-7553 IN THESE CRITICAL TIMES ONE THING IS CERTAIN Your car needs proper lubrication in every part to get those extra miles of service. Drive in today Let us lengthen the life of your car by giving it proper lubrication Eddie Parsons Shell Gas Station

5 12 THE COMMUNITY. CHURCH NEWS 13 CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR The young people's meeting held last Sunday evening at the Community church was attended by seventeen young folks. Since last Sunday was Christian Endeavor Day the discussion was led by the president Miss Betty Evans on the History of the Christian Endeavor All Over the World. After the meeting plans were made for the group to be entertained at the home of Mr. Traxler on Thursday evening. The meeting this Sunday evening will be led by Keith Hall and the young folks are all invited to attend. Last Saturday evening Miss Betty Evans, Miss Dorothy Palmer and Marc and Odwin Stockman attended the SummH County Christian Endeavor Fellowship Banquet at the Trinity Evangelical and Reformed Church in Akron. After the dinner Rev. Maurice Ki dwell spoke and a play was given by the Barberton Church of Christ. A good time was had by all. Dentist DR. W. B. OCKER S i Credit Extended J O V a m. to 9 p. m.j Soaght Bldg.. Stow J P. T. A. MEETING On February 10th, 1:30 P. M. at the grade school building Mr. Turner, principal of South Akron High school will give a Panel Discussion for members and friends of the P. T. A. Six boys and girls from the High School will take part. There will be music by the second grade under the direction of Miss Farr, also instrumental numbers by Mr. Gray. i i i i i i i i i i i M i i i i i i i i i i m i M i i i i m i i i i i i i i i i i i t BIRDS EYE FROSTED FOODS This week serve delicious fresh strawberry short; cake. We have both berries and sttort cake. STRAWBERRIES One box equals one quart berries.. 25c bx. fresh The special prices quoted above are effective from Friday to Friday, a week. STOW MEAT MARKET J. I. FISHER, Prop. OV-86IO IIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJMIIIIIIIIIIII ON VALENTINE DAY SHE WILL BE PLEASED WITH Flowers From SILVER LAKE GREENHOUSE

6 P. T. A. CARNIVAL The P. T. A. Carnival will be held Feb. 14 at 3:00 p. m. at Stow High School Building. Events to take place: Tom Thumb Wedding, sponsored by Mothers Club of Stow; a one act play given by Dramatic Club of Stow High under direction of Mr. Clifford; Novelty booth; cake walk; fish pond; movie; dancing; game room; balloon and dart game. Ice cream, coca cola and candy will be on sale, also bake goods sale. Cafe- NEWSREELS Headquarters for ALL KINDS OF PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT World News - Travel PICTURES 8 and 16 Millimeter FOR YOUR HOME MOVIE FRONT ST. at PORTAGE CUYAHOGA FALLS Telephone WA-1425 teria supper from 5 to 7. Sandwiches for sale all afternoon. <5> GRAHAM ROAD Sunday morning, Feb. 8th, Rev. E. O. Oliver will preach on the topic "Willing to Walk Worthy". At the evening worship service the sermon topic will be "Christ at Creation, Cross and Coronation." New members received by letter from the Thomastown Baptist church last Sunday morning were Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Jenkins of Green rd. Attendance at Bible Echool last Sunday was ninty-nine. One birthday celebrated, that of Paul Mault. <g> FATHER-SON BANQUET The annual Father-Son Banquet of Boy Scout Troop 167 will be beheld at Stow Community church Thursday evening. Feb. 12, 6:45 p. m. Get Your VALENTINES at Stow 5c to $1 Store MR. CAR OWNER Never before have you faced so great a need for careful and regular attention to your car. Keep it running longer by having it serviced regularly with Sunoco Oil and Grease. W. C. GERBER AND SON

7 12 THE COMMUNITY. CHURCH NEWS 13 PERSONALS Mrs. Cumpson's class again won the banner. Their attendance last Sunday was 113%. Mr. and Mrs. John Morris of Darrowville are announcing the arrival of a daughter, Jan. 30th. Another Jimmy. Born to Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Riley of Hiwood Avenue, Monday morning Feb. 2nd a baby boy, James Donald. Mrs. Riley is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Woodring. Word received this week from his wife states that J. Russell Houck, Stow High graduating class of '31. and former member of the choir and orchestra at Community church is now on active duty at Fort Cronkhite, California, though RUB-R-KOTE P R O T E C T S renders and Entire Undercarriage of Car or Truck from Rust and Salt Damage. S O U N D - P R O O F S Eliminates Squeaks and Rattles Applied Only By STOW FENDER & BODY SERVICE Cor. Hudson and Graham Rds. OV-8975 he expects to soon be transferred Mrs. Houck who is now in Anriiston, Alabama where "Bud" was formerly located writes that both she and her husband enjoy receiving the C. C. News. Wanted: W'oman to do housework two days a week. Call OV (Adv.) Harold W. Hamilton, a sailor in training for nearly two weeks now, can be reached with a letter at the U. S. Naval Training Station, Newport, Rhode Island Co. 79. He writes his mother that he likes it O. K., also that his arm is pretty sore from receiving the numerous "shots". Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton now have two sons in the Navy. Since the elder son. Bob, is nearing the completion of his training in Detroit, Mrs. Hamilton expects to visit him in that city this coming week end. Wanted: Girl for general housework, no cooking. Hours 8 to 5. References required. Mrs. Mackenroth, 3121 Athens Road, Silver Lake. WA (Adv.) Pfc. Kenneth L. Meyer, 9th Division M. P. Co. Fort Bragg, N. C. A. P. O. No. 9 who recently wrote us a nice long letter says "May I offer my most grateful thanks to all those responsible for my receiving the Community Church News. I anxiously await WHITE ROCK BROILERS 2 i/ 2 to 3'/ 2 lbs. ROASTING CHICKENS FRESH AND SMOKED MEATS KENT-STOW MARKET Top of Hill, Fourth of Mile Past Fish Creek on Kent Road

8 each new copy and upon receiving it hungrily devour each and every page (literally speaking of course). If it were twice as long I am sure I'd enjoy it twice as much. I like the personal column best. Not a week passes but that I read a name that I know and it really brings back reminiscent memories." Among other things in his message he offers to answer any and all letters from any who will write. We suggest that a number, especially the young ladies who like to write letters, take him up on this proposition. Also, Kenneth requested the correct address of "Dick" Du Laney, his old boyhood friend and neighbor from whom he would like a letter. Accordingly we called on Mr. and Mrs. J. K. DuLaney, parents of the young man. They live on Call rd. Private Dick DuLaney who enlisted in the army Dec is now probably in one of those six, eight or ten American Expeditionary forces that President Roosevelt mentioned recently. His last letter postmarked Jan. 15th, we noted, required a fifteen cent air mail stamp. Maybe that explains why he does not say a great deal except to mention that it is terribly hot down there. Valentines priced at a penny and up, can now be purchased at Holt's Drug Store, (adv.) Having an elder son who insists on attending all the high school basket ball games, friend wife and the editor broke a record of some sort by attending the Greensburg- Stow game at the high school last Saturday night. If our recollection is correct the last basketball game attended by the editor was in Detroit sometime during the winter of Well! First thing Merle Patterson as doorman relieved us of seventy cents. A candy stand close by the inner door explained why our younger son, Odwin, always wants an extra dime when he goes to a game. Inside seats were Now! FRESH EGGS From Our Own Hens L. J. FOX GROCERY and MARKET 342 East Kent Road BUY YOUR MILK AND ICE CREAM at the LAW- SON STORES. The company that is holding Milk and Ice Cream Prices DOWN in Akron. Support the company that is helping you to save money. THE LAWSON MILK CO. WA-7015

9 plentiful. Always that way, we are told, when games are played on successive nights. (Incidentally on Friday night in a Metropolitan League game Stow topped Coventry 24 to 22 and since Ellet beat Kent State, Stow and Ellet are still tied for first place). Wife insisted on sitting behind a post. Said she didn't want ball to hit her. As usual there were two games between first and second teams of each contending school. Stow won both, the second team score being 27 to 22. The first team score, 33 to 17. To us almost as interesting as Stow BECKLEY'S BARBER SHOP Marhofer Block McGRAIL ANTIQUE SHOP Ohio UPHOLSTERING and CABINET WORK Phone OV E. Kent Rd. Stow the games were the antics of the cheer leaders. For Greensburg's two cute little girls and one small boy performed. It was interesting to note the increasing seriousness of their faces as it became increasingly apparent that they were to suffer defeat. For Stow, three young ladies, Evelyn Dye, Wanda Keenan and Elaine Pickets served as leaders of peppy cheers. We couldn't help but wonder if they displayed anywhere near the same enthusiasm in doing housework at home as exhibited in their cheer leading. As for the basketball players that would be too much to report upon in detail. However one long shot for a basket by Dick Vincent was particularly interesting. <$> (Held Over From Last Week) EDITOR'S NOTE NO NAMES MENTIONED Giggling, chewing gum, drawing pictures, reading papers, whispering and talking out loud in church while services are in progress is to say the least not in good taste. And to those who are trying to Build yourself up by getting plenty of exercise, lots of fresh air, plenty of good sound sleep and eat healthful food. EAT MORE MEAT Ritchies Meat Market N. L. Ritchie, Prop. 407 Ritchie Rd.

10 conduct services, or, are trying to listen, - it is extremely' annoying. Last Sunday evening we overheard some very pointed and unfavorable remarks on this subject by certain of our young folks. Their cimplaint was to the effect that certain oldsters who came into the rear of the church while their service was in progress (in waiting for the church service to follow) conversed with one another in an ordinary tone of voice thus distracting the attention of the younger people "up-front". Most generally it is our older people who complain about the conduct of the youngsters. This time it was the opposite. Therefore the shoe fits on both feet. Our Bible says something about children obeying their parents. It also says something about the parents not provoking their children to wrath. Hence both old and young should show proper respect for one another and if there is talking that must be done see that it takes place when and where no one will be disturbed. Uncle Sam Wants More from You in '42 Grow Big Healthy Chicks THATS"my choice! Famous Vitamin - Boost In Ful-O-Pep Gives Winter Chicks Many Health Benefits Of Spring Grass. YOU, TOO, CAN RAISE BETTER CHICKS This is the way. Feed them Ful- O-Pep Chick Starter. It gives chicks a sound start so they have a chance to develop into big, sturdv, profit-paving layers. l f C L - O - P E P A CHICK STARTER & is a balanced ration that the chick's digestive system can easily assimilate. They get full growing value from this feed, 1. Nature's richest combination of vitamins, dehydrated cereal grass, is contained in Ful-O- Pep Chick Starter to give winterjha^ched chicks a Vitamin Boost for grovwth, livability and vigor. 2. Vitamins A, B1, C, D, E, G, K, and the grass juice facftor, arre all contained in "ihe Vitamin Boost in Ful-O-Pep. 3. Also gives baby chvjks protective food element); to help combat slipped tendons, and cannibalism. 4. And wfth the Ful-O-Pep Plan, you may save up to 30% to 50% on feed costs. BAUGHMAN'S FEED STORE STOW, OHIO OV-8413


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