ludtrttscmtnts THE FATHER OF HIS ilscellaneous HAWAIIAN The One Hundred and Sixty-secon- d Anniversary of His Birth. Title IV.

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1 :yygflgsr.ay8aa35gn jju;hmpjmlj!lgw HIM ( M I r VOL. XXIX.. 2sT0. G. SEMI-WEEELL- HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY, 23. S94. T. FEBRUARY WHOLE ISTO HAWAIIAN GAZETTE SEMIVEEKLY, PUBLISHED BY HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., (Lmted,) Kery Tuesday am Frday Jlornng. AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM PA YA BLE IS ADVAXCE. Foreleu SubcrlberwSO.UO n Ad van cej Whch nclndes postaces prepad. H. M. WHITNEY, Busness Manager And EDITOR. Offce, No. 46 Merchant Streel RATES OF ADVERTISING. tfmanrwl In SooprU. W 3 w, m! m 3 m 6m y V4 In In ) n n , n ' SO 00 5 In O0'2O n... UIHJ U00 40) ISOO' feooo S Vol lslklltou WUO 40 UO l, Co... l au 2J0J SO 00 J0O0I50O0 booo 2000 Col UUI ACUSJOU 50OH75O0 J aroorrespondencc Intended for pndllcauon, jhonldbeaddressedto-kdltor- ot tle Hawaan Gazette. Post Odlce Uor. O. " oar Correspondence relatng to Advertsements, subscrptons Job l'rlutnp, should le adlrcssedto-'jlanaero- f Hawaan Gazette, Post Offce Box. O. " Card all quarterly or yearly.dvertaeracnts are payable advance or on uresentao. of bll. N B AH forpgn advertsements mnstbe accompaned wth pay when ordered n, or no notce wll be tateu ol m. The rates of charccs are ven n above scale, remttance, for European or Amercan advertse meats.,t subscrptons may be made by postal order. TtH E Daly Pacfc Commercal Advertser (s publshed bj Hawaan Gazette at ts Offce n Merchant Street, by Carrers n Cty, at Sx Dollars (56.00) For Annum. Dallv t Foregn Countres Postage pad,... $0.00 per annnm aw Address all Communcatons, HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY, No. 46 Merchant Street gustocfls (Carte. PROFESSIONAL. CARTER & CARTER, Attorney."t In.'OP'. Xo.24 Merchant Street. ; A. ROSA. Attornoy ax XjtvWm Ho. 5 KlAUUUAS. SItbekt. U5 Houolulu. H. I- - L- - WIL,L.IAM C. PARKE, v?ra:em3.oy at LaT!P" And Afent to take Acknowledgments. OFFICE: 3 KaaUUMasu Stkee, 3'U Uonolnln, H. I. VJ K.. CASTLE, A.V?0 AT IATV vnd Notary Pablc. Attends all Courts, of 35U Kngdom. y 37. KOIIALA, HAWAII. ly jon K. I'ATl'. VOTABY PUBLIC C0MMISSI0NEJ cf DEEB For States of Calforna New York Ofcco at Bank of Bshop & Co., Honolulu. 358 J. M. WHITNEY, M. D., D. D. S Dental Eooms on Fort Street, Jluccn Brewer's, Block, corner Hptel Fort 356 y streeu Entrance. Hotel street. WILLIAM ATTORNEY-AT-LA- 0. SMITH, 66 Fort Street, : : Honolulu y E. G.HITCHCOCK, Attorney Counsellor at Law. 0.nce a. HILO, HAWAII. Mr N.B. Blls Pbomptlt C. E. 'WILLIAMS, Importer, lannfactnrer, Upholsterer, AMD DEALER FURNITURE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, Panos Muscal Instrument. 3S9 05 FORT STREET ly MR. W. F. IN ALLEN, AN OFFICE OVER MESSES. BISHOP & HAS corner of Merchant Kaahumanu streets, he wll be ed to attend to any gslneas entrusted to hm x:. --fcrvrvuk a-- ano. Grocery, Feod Store Bakery. Corner Kng Fort streets, 356 Honolulu.. I. T THE WESTERN AND HAWAIIAN Investment Co nanv. (Lmteo Money loaned for long o. uor perods, OH APPROVED SECURITY. Apply to W. W. HALL, Manager. 5 us.offre Beaver Block. Fort St. y Busness (Horn's.. MISCELLANEOUS. BISHOP & COMPANY. ESTABLISHED XW JL3332. BANKERS. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN IM,A5U DRAW EXCHANGE ON THE BJHKOF CALIFORNIA. AKD THEE AGENTS IK SAN FRANCISCO.New Yorlt, Da.n. l'arls MESSRS. N M. HOTHSCHILD SONS, LONOOa, ANKFOHT-ON-TnE.MAIN.-The Commercal Bankng Co. of Jydney, Londor. The Commercal Bankng Co. of Sydney, Sydney. The Bank of Near Zeal, Auckl, ts Branches n Chrstchurch, Djnedn Well-ngto- The Bank of Brtsh Colamba, P!rd, Oregon. The Azores Madera Isls. Stockholm, Sweden. The; Chartered Bank of Inda, Aastr la Chna. Hongkong, Yokohama, Japan. Andtansacta 356 General Bankng Busness y V.. O. EIAI.S. A- - ". LIMITED. Importers Scalers n Hardware, Clone. Pan's, Ols General Merchse, OFFICERS: W"J L."" -- Presdent Manager 5. b.'.c Secretaryacd Trea-urc- r m r Allen Audtor ThosMay F Wundenbnrg Drectors 356 Corner Fort Kng Sts y K. L.EWEES. r. J. LOWEET C M. COOKE. a- - E v : t & v o r, j--:. Successors to Lewsk- - Dcksh In?orter nd Dealers n Lumbar, And al knd, of BnldngMater'al. 356 KorlStreet.llonolnln v ZMPIKE HOUSE, J OLDS, ::::::::: Propretor Corner Nunann ATenne Hotel Mrecs. Choce Alon, 'Wnes 35b Tltrcors y. E. S. CUNHA' jdotolx Wao 3Do lor. UNION SALOON, In rear of " Hawaan Gazette" hald'n" 356 No. 23 Merchant Strffr HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO tf-?r- stcm Englne'.SngarMllls, Bolers,,.'V. - - Coolers. Iron, Bras Lead Castng Machnery of Evory Descrpton 47 Mad to Order. a Partcular attenton pad to Shps Blackt smthng. JOB WOBKexecntedon hortes notce. y H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, ladortsr. Commsson Mercnants, jon t Honolulu. wateeoj;." :. IMP0STEE AND DEALEE IN GEN22AL MERCHANDISE. 356 Oaeen Street. Honolulu y TIIEO. II DAVIES A: Co.. Importers Commsson Merchants, AKD AOECTB TOU Lloyd's Lverpool Underwrters, Brtsh Foregn Marne Insurance Co. llw And Norrn Aaraace Cempany. y HAWAIIAN WINE CO. FRANK BRO-OT- Manager. J. AlVFKED MAGOOJJ, Attorney Counselor At Law Merchant Street, - Honolulu, H. I. OFFICE 42 Merchant Street. 393-l-y Honolulu, II. I G. W. MACFARLANE & CO., EI KOFFSCHLAEGER & CO. Importers Cornmsson Merchants, Kng Bel Streets, Honolulu, Hawaan Isls, Honolulu, H. I., AGENTS rob Importers Commsson Merchants, Mrrlees, Watson & Co.. Scotl Street Iron S56 Works, Glasgow. John Fowler & Co., (Leeds) Lmted Steam Plow 356 H. Is. HOLSTEIN. Locomotve Works. Leeds. Iy.A.trtor'xxoy a--t 3Jww- - II. UACKFELI) Sc CO., COLLECTIOSB PBOMPTLY Attesded to. General Commsson Agents, 356 Qaceu Street, Honolulu, n. I. HYMAa IKUS.. Importers of General Merchse, 7B0( FRANCE, ENGLAND, GERMANY AND THE UNITED STATES. 373 y No. 58 Queen Street, Honolulu. II. I, HYMAN Commsson BROTHERS. Merchants, 206 Front Street, San Francsco. Partcular attentlou pad to fllng sh pplng!73 Isl orders. y WX.DEK & CO., Corner of Fort Queen Steets, Honolulu, Lumber, Pants, Ols, "Tals, Salt & Buldng 356 Materals of every knd- - M. S. GRINBAUM & CO.. rcpobtibs 0" Gon'I Merchse Commsson 35S Merchants. Honolulu. H. I. 7 M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., Commsson Merchants, No. 25 Front Street. San Post Offce Box Francsco, Cal. 356 y F. A. SCIIAEFKK &. CO. Importers & Commsson Wre's. 356 Honolulu, HawaUan Isls. y PIONEER STEAM Cy Manufactory Bakery, 3. o Jet. sr, Practcal Confectoner, Pastry Cook Baker Hotel St.. bet. Nunann Fort y C. HUSTACE. (Formerly wth B. F. Bolles & Co.) Wholesale Retal Grocer, Kng Street, under Harmony Hall. Famly, Plantaton, Shps' Stores suppled at short notce. New Goods by every steamer. Orders xrom or sls fath, fully executed. 356 TELEPHONE Ho. 9 (Cmural ludtrttscmtnts lscellaneous HAWAIIAN M m Ttle IV. NO. 43 BIERCHANT SU?. HONOLULU, H. I. IT.. Matcn Presdent Cecl Brown - nt W. E. 0a3tle Swjretary J. F. Brown, TrfMarer llacager W. K. Frear Audtor Ths Company ts prepared to searc records tnd furnsh abstracts of ttls to ell real property n Kngdom. Partes placng loans on, or conternplat Ing purchase of real estate wll fnd t to r advantage to consult company n regard to ttle. At5All orders attended to wth promptness. s ho'- --. f O. Bos!. DRS. ANDERSON & LDY Hotel St., opj..dt.j.s.mcozew' j35?oab ADNlaTEKEl). Canadan The Fajol'b Tocest IJocte op toe Would. $5 Second $0 Frst Class. Less than by Or Lnes. To All Ponts s UNITED STATES AND CANADA, VIA POBTLAND. TaCOIJA. Seattle, Vctoba Vancouvb. MOUNTAIN HESOBT8. Bang; Glacer, Mount Stephen Eraser Canon. mpress Lne of Steamsrs from VascouTer Tckets to all ponts n Japan, Chna, Inda around world. T For Tckets General Informaton THE0. H. DAVIES & CO., 42G-l- y Agents Canadan Pacfo Ralway for Hawaan Isls. MISS D. Notary Publc MMK. J. PHIUIFS. J.cls, je3c ar t3q cs e-- naa Ccxtcrst Tolet Abtste. 8!d Market St., oppo. Fourth St.. San Francsco. Offce of 'J. A. Maj-oo- Merchant street 434-lnear Postoffce. 505-l- HONOLULU. AGENT FOK Ca!forna;Ontcal Co's;Speotaclec Eyeglasses. CSF" Assortments wll be sent to or Isls for convenence of those who can no come to Honolulu. 465-l- Iona Stock WAIALUA. Fan Stanford" Wll cover 0 mares at $30. "Sonny Fne 5S-2- Senator Royal SERVICE $20. Horses for Sale THOS. W. GAY, Qasl NOTICE. Pacfc LAMB Boy" MANAGER. Hal PERSONS TAVTNG Al aganst estate of Wm. Ktrcsen, deceased, are requested to present same dnly attested wthn thrty days from date, all fertons onnr sad estate are requested to make payment to nnderbcned at ths Consnate. F. JIACFAHLANE, l.rs3-3- a Acto;; Consul for Denmark. THE FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY, The One Hundred Sxty-secon- d Annversary of Hs Brth. THE SERVICES AT THE DRILL SHED. Westmorel county, Va., on ths Speeches C. I.. Carter, IV. O. Smth day u year 732. We are celebratng lg2d annversary of hs am Scott A Laree Crowd Present n Spte of Heavy I'aln brth. In French Iudan war he was advanced to grade of colonel commer-n-che- f of Storm Vrgna force3. The general anxety n contnental Congress to keep Vrgna steady n resstance to crown nduced hs appontment as commer-- n The drll shed was crowded yesterday afternoon, n spte of chef of Amercan forces, June 5, 775. The character of no or wet wear. Ample seatng accommodatons had been arranged, ftably credtably examned. publc man of tme can be so pro- There was nothng lttle n hm. almost every seat n buldng was occuped. erned hs appoutment he rapdly Whatever motves may have gov- proved hs extraordnary ftness for The speakers' platform was beautfully decorated wth flags of Amer- central fgure of revoluton. Great place, became great n defeat, he was greater stll u success,- crownng feat of hs ca Hawa, also wth ferns palms. A large portrat of mltary career was hs surrender of hs commsson to Congress at Washngton graced back of close of war. stage. Draped across front of A number of hs nfluental offcers hsd but recently suggested formaton of a monarchy wth hmself as st were two flags representng old ensgn of Washngton's kng, hs ndgnant refusal stern rebuke was example set tme, hvth thrteen stars The whch resulted u peaceable dssoluton of army sent hs men walls!of buldng were also back to r homes peaceful pursuts. J hung wth large flags. On speakers' platform w'r Wthout ntrenchng upon felds set apart to your or speakers, Dr. J. I S. McGrew, presdent of cannot pass ths ncdent wthout day, Rev. S. E. Bshop, pontng' to ts applcaton to all men. The truly great are always freest Prof. M. M. Scott, W. G. Smth from anythng approachng self nterest, those n your country today C. L. Carter. The followng was programme who acheve most are those who of meetng: strve for selfsh ends least. Ths n was mltary hero of. Overture Hawaan B war, man who calmly but 2. Amerca Hawaan B wth unwaverng determnaton overcame strvngs of factons, 3. Prayer Eev. S. E. Bshop 4. March Hawaan Baud mercenary sprt, ndfference 5. Address C. L. Carter waverng of our forefars forced Washngton as a Solder. m to follow hm to a greater G. Popolar Ars --Hawaan B more glorous achevement than ever 7. Address Walter G. Smth mortal dreamed. Washngton as a Statesman. There were of course many ncdents elements that asssted n S. Jlusjc Hawaan B 9. Addless M". M. Scott defeat of Englsh forces. It Washngton as a Patrot. was Napoleon who sad that battles 0. Chorus Hawaan B were won not so much by prowess "The Star Spangled Banner." of vctors as through mstakes of defeated. In frst place After b had played Engl was greatly weakened by openng selectons, meetng was struggles n Europe whch rendered t opened wth a prayer by Rev. necessary to hre Hessans S. E. Bshop. The b n or European mercenares to subdue tle colones, whle her own men played agan, C. L. Carter was were kept at Home on contnent. No man can fght as when hs ntroduced. He spoke on " Washngton as a solder," as follows : patrotsm s nvolved. Agan vast number of frends colonsts Mr. Charman', Mb. Presdent, had at home greatly reduced sprt Mr. Mnster, Lades of Englsh commers added Gentlemen: Mltary genus s always nsprng. It seems to call forth tonsts you know from your own to determnaton of revolu- a responsve glow of enthusasm from recent experence, strength that every human breast. There s no man comes from support of ths knd. too practcal or ndlferent to shout Fnally assstance from France, for a solder; no naton so devoted to peaceful pursuts tbat t cannot pause to glorfy ts mltary heroes. From days of Attla hs Huns, who fccourged ancent Europe, on whose path t was sad grass never grew agan, Alexer, who wept for more worlds to conquer, down to Gordon on Soudan Ben-ha- m at Bo de Janero, ths has been a glorous phase of human nature. No matter how much we may approve ory of unversal peace, dea of beatng swords spears nto plowshares prunng hooks, manknd wll always glory n feats of arms glorfy ts solders. Partc ularly s ths true of people of Unted States, more ponted because of strkng contrast between those matters whch ordnarly nterest m art of war. The ages wll applaud splendd herosm wth whch Plgrm fars lad asde r pursuts of peace drove old Engl's mercenares from r shores; agan, enthusasm wth whch every patrot grded on armor of rght n Cvl War pledged hs lfe for extncton of slavery. It was as a solder that George Washngton acheved mmortal fame. No man ever took up arms n a more rghteous cause than he dd, no man ever took up arms aganst greater odds. It wll be of value nterest lo observe features of early experence whch equpped hm for comm of Colonal army. The early struggles n rgd dscplne of poneer lfe; home tanng n truth honor; tue gamts wtn ns comraaes wnom le traned nto squads of boy solders; surveyng excursons through forests hs adventures n In dan warp, when he alone saved Brad-docU- 'a defeat from becomng a massacre. All moulded boy nto ron-framcool, determned man of e vgor, ftted to lead a ragged army of raw, untraned, ndependent patrots to vctory over resusctated squadrons under Burgoyne, Clnton Cornwalls. " He was to Confederacy all n all. Wthout hm t would have been ten tmes lost. Hstory has hardly a stronger case of an ndspensable man. It s hardly m sble to fnd among greatest captans a general who acted on so small a scale, who, though of war, never won a battle. Washngton cannot be deprve! of any of hs credt for patrotsm, wsdom courage ; for enterprse prudence, ntegrty, smple dgnty of character, tact forbearance, above all for serene forttude n dark houra of hs cause under trals from perversty, nsubordnaton, jealousy perfdy of those around hm severer than any defeat. The or army leaders caballed aganst hm, aded by poltcans. Washngton bore attacks magnanmously, never allowng hs personal wrongs to nterfere wth hs duty, nor ever thnkng of abonng hs post." It s nterestng to know that Washngton left servce of Great Brtan because he found no 'prospect of promoton over petted offcprs sent from Engl, he may bs fully pardoned for any sense of trumph ho may have enjoyed n defeat of se overbearng, haughty royal favortes. George Washngton was born n nspred not by any real sympathy wth prncples nvolved but by hatred of Engl. Splendd as was herosm ds- - E laved n revoluton Amercan people earned ts greatest dstncton from manner n whch after se events, t returned to ordnary daly routne of busy domestc mercantle cares. No man so great as he who overcomes hmself natural nstnct for exctement renown. The nsprng lessons we may learn from AVashngton's purely mltary career are gared from hs stro; judgment, good sense, calmness patence, auu tue conscousness of rght strength wth absolute free dom rom sen seekng n any form. These are qualtes that make up solder of any every rank who deserves acheves success. Fellow ctzens, our contest on a smaller scale for same freedom as that sought by Washngton hs followers s nearly ended. Wthn a bre tme we shall be removed from fear of any enemy, but, shall I say t? but ourselves. But ths one we too must overcome for brght future of Hawa re wll be as gr a begnnng as that one whch owes ts chef brllance to George Washngton. Untedly wth only patrotc enthusasm for good of all, we too may lay asde sword found a republc whch shall acheve n ts own way let us hope under auspces of same starry banner, common lberty, common prosperty enlghtenment of Pacfc seas. The b played anor selec ton, W. G. Smth was n presented. Hs subject was "Washngton as a Statesman." Mb. Charman, Lades Gentlemen: Durng lfetme of George Washngton lved two or statesmen of hghest rank Frederck Great Napoleon Bona parte; statesmen as well as solders. Estmated as solders both were greater than Washngton, though Frederck was modest enough to send Amercan leader a pcture nscrbed. "From oldest general n Europe to greatest general on earth." However, t goes wthout sayne tbat ro was nothng n Washngton's mltary career to equal splendor of AusterJtz or strategy of Prussan kng; t s equally true that re s lttle n permanent cvl achevements of Napoleon Frederck to compare wth poltcal results of Washngton's labor. The French Emperor wsely sad n earler days of hs career n a stran of prophecy: "Future races wll talk of Washngton as founder of a great empre, when my name shall be lost u vortex of revoluton." He was nearly rght, for f hs name has not been lost n that maelstrom, at least hs empre has been," whle Washngton's republc became u one hundred years a stronger rcher power than any European State had grown to be n a thous years. To'lay t sts n amount of ts wealth at SGG.000,-000,00- or wthn four bllons 0 of combned wealth of France Germany; local commerce whch passes ts sngle cty of Detrot, under Amercan Hag, s sad to have a greater tonnage than merchant lleet of Great Brtan; annual revenues of one of Amercan ralroads are greater than those of Domnon of Canada of ts contguous Brtsh terrtory, embracng one-thr- d of Brtsh empre; annual pensons granted by States LTn-te- exceed sum d of total mltary expendtures for a year of France Germany; n respect of sze t has been lately sad tbat "a lake mght be dug n sngle State of Texas so large that Great Brtan could be put n mddle of t not be seen from tho shores re would be enough l left under Texas jursdcton to compare wth tho dmensons of average European kngdom." In matter of defensve offensve power, republc founded by Washngton but four generatons ago can put ten mllon adult fghtng men nto feld as aganst eghteen mllons n all Europe; ts people can st behnd r defenses say, nearly n Shakespeare's phrase: Come four quarters of world n arms And we can shock m! NaugUt can make us rue. If republc to tself be true. Perhaps, lades gentlemen, t was a rsng vson of ths spectacle of natonal greatness whch French conqueror saw n msts of tho future when he made that prophecy about cudurug fame of hm who, n hs polces n hs farewell address, had ponted way of hs countrymen n tho path of poltcal safety glory predomnance. If we estmate value of a statesman's work by ts permanency, by tho publc blessngs whch flow from t, by ease wth whch ts processes, though expermental n nature, are conducted, by power emboded n t, n wo must accept Unted States of Amerca as y st as proof that Washngton was a statesman of exalted rank. It s true that he dd not do work alone. It s also true that he was surrounded by what hstorans call one of most notable groups of great men whch any era has producedmen who, when y assembled to declare Amercan ndependence n Phladelpha, drew thseulogy from Lord Chatham n Parlament: "I mu3t declare avow n all m- - readng study hstory has been my favorte study; I have read Thucyddes, have studed admred master States of tho world I say that for soldty of reasonng, for force of sagacty, for wsdom of concluson, under such a complcaton of crcumstances, no body of men can st In preference to General Congress u Phladelpha." It s true, I say, that Washngton was surrounded by such an assembly, but he was easly ts chef. To hm ttat b of statesmen turned for wsest counsel to observauce of that counsel u frst Congress, u feld, n frst Consttutonal Conventon, n Presdency n farewell address, Amerca owes much of ts safety IU greatness. It s an unusual crcumstance that estmate of Washngton's statesmanshp by hs contemporares by those lvng close to tmes n whch he had moved, left very lttle to be added In form of prnse by posterty. It s tho cync's sneer that a statesman s a successful poltcan who s dead. Often ths s true, especally n our own tme; but Washngton was a statesman wthout beng a poltcan, he dtl not have to wat upon posterty for tho acknowledgement of that fact. What Frederck, Napoleon Lord Chatham, tho elder Ptt, sad of hm you have heard; but re are or chaplets for hs lvnsr brow. Lord Ersklne, n wrtnc to Washngton from London. sad: "I have taken lberty to ntroduce your august mmortal name n a shot sentence, whch s to be found n a book I send you. I have a large acquantance among most valuable exalted classes of men, but you are only human beng for whom I have ever felt an awful reverence. I sncerely pray God to grant you a long serene evenng to a lfe so glorously devoted to unversal happness of world." Sad Charles James Fox, Premer of Great Brtan: "How nfntely wser must appear sprt prncples manfested u hs late address to Congress than polcy of modern European courts. Illustrous man! dervng honor less from splendor of hs stuaton than from dgnty of hs mnd; before whom all borrowed greatness snks nto nsgnfcance all potentates of Europe become lttle contemptble. I cannot, ndeed, help admrng wsdom fortune of ths great man. A charac ter, o vrtues so Happly tempered by one anor so wholly unalloyed by any vces, s hardly to be found on pages of hstory. For hm t has been reserved to run race of glory wthout experencng smallest temptaton to brllancy of hs career." Years afterwards Lord Byron wrote: "Where shall eye reat, weary of gazng on great; where fnd a glory that s not crmnal, a pomp that s not contemptble. Yes, re s a man tho frst, last, tho best of all, us of West, whom envy t-- C nued on page 4 M LaLj.rftMrtgdrrtMfc.a&afellfefefeW9MM C. nfaf..ef.g-,jrfr JttWH.''--

2 ITS OF HAWAII HISTORY. GLOOMY AND TERRIBLE RELIGION. He made systematc efforts to demoralze natve populaton, by re- Notce to all Owners of l "What was r relgon?" Professor Alexer Gves a Sketch "Gloomy terrble. To m vval of sorcery, by removng prohbton of sale of lquor to earth, ar sea were am Property n Kalanpapa, of Past Present. full of nvsble malevolent natves, by fomentng race hatred Kalawao, Nhoa Wa-kol- u, bengs. AH sorts of dsease were beleved to be work of evl sprts, tonal' feelng. He abused hs ap loloka. jealousy under guse of 'na- wth whom sorcerers held communcatons. A complcated rgorous packed Legslature wth subser- pontng power wthout stnt, SATE FIELD SECURES THE STORY. taboo system covered entre daly vent offce holders. He employed lfe of people wth a network of carpet-bag adventurers renegade The undersgned havne beeu duly apponted as a Commsson under an Aot en- regulatons penaltes. It was whtes as Cabnet Mnsters to carry taboo for men women to eat toger or even to have r food became so nfamous that an uprsng Interor to take possesson of ac- out hs schemes. At last hs conduct ttled "An Act to authorze Mnster of The Leadng Authorty On Hawaan cooked n same oven. Women n SS7 of nearly whole populaton qure on Isl of Moloka, for nse Affar GItcs a Sncclcct Kndly were forbdden to cat pork, bananas, of every natonalty, toger wth of Government l property Account of "atle Kace, cocoanuts certan knds of fsh, that better class of natves, took place. on pan of death. There were may certan be requred by Board of Health," of Ther Uronth In Cvlzaton. taboo days when ro canoe could be It compelled Kng to sgn a revsed Consttuton whch put an end approved October ftb, 893, do hereby Rve launched, no fre lghted, when to personal rule, gave whte notce that y wll meet wth all persons no sound could be made on pan of element a voce n Government. cumuc ownershp of l property n death. Even dogs had to be muzzled By ths nstrument admnstraton Ealanpapa, Kalawao, Nhoa nnd Wafcolu, Snce Hawaan mbroglo has fowls shut up n calabashes for was placed n bs of a Cabnet Moloka, proposed to be taken by Board become a burlesque wth a tragc lnng, such as never wa9 seen n ths spell. There were tmes when many whle fear that y would break magc responsble only to Legslature, of Health, n accordance wth above country outsde of Glbert Sullvan's delghtful people fled to mountans from or2 holders were made nel-bl- e Act, to take testmony as to ownershp to seats n that body. The remanng topsy-turv- y operas, fear or mu, whose busness t was hstory of what old geographes to procure human vctms for sacrfce." to restore autocratc government, n to such partes as may be damaged by th-e- e of sad l property, a half years of hs regn to determne teemed wth conspraces ntrgue npon proper compensaton to be made all Swch Isls, grows more more Interestng. Whenever I "Who was mu?" n, whch hs sster, s reason of takng of such l property. meet one who s a natve to "The unknown man who knocked known to have bad an mportant manner born, I subject hm to a process by whch hs knowledge s re- s stll a tradton untl lately "What of people on head from behnd. He part." The frst meetng wll take plaoe atkalan-pap- a, n last Moloka, on 4th duced to a sort of Lebg's extract for natves feared hs comng on certan of February, 894, revoluton?" publc consumpton. My last "fnd" occasons, as for nstance buldng at 0 A. It., only for resdents of Moloka. s Professor "W. D. Alexer, whose of a house. In former days com- - NEITHER SPECULATOR NOR PIRATE. The second meetng, wth all ors, not far was born n Kentucky Eleton of a new structure called for whose mor was born n Pennsylvana. The Alexers saled around lshed by mu." were partally releved by her Honolulu, Oahn, on 2Gth day of Febru- sacrfce. Ths was accomp- "Grave apprehensons were felt at resdents of Moloka, wll take place at her accesson to throne, whch Offce of Publc Works, Kapuawa House, Cape Horn years ago to Honolulu to "When dd frst mssonares promptly takng oath to mantan ary. E9. at 0 A. M. engage n mssonary work, thus arrve?" Consttuton of 88". In her publshed statement she affrms that sbe to be present And all persons nterested are requested r son, professor, became a natve of beautful l about whch arrved at Hawa on 3st of March, "The poneer Amercan mssonares at tme place above sgned everybody s now talkng. Educated 820. A vear before Kamehameha I. t unwllngly. The Supreme named wthout Court decded that late Cabnet furr notce. prmarly on Isls, Professor Alexer was graduated at Yale Un- was wthdrawn, whole mpressve an opportunty to dctate terms to UOBEUX W. ANDHEWS. had ded, as soon as hs ron h exnlred wth Km:. Ths gave her JOS. S. EMERSON, ) versty n &55, served as tutor at Be-lo- t system of taboos dol worshp ncomng Cabnet to secure control of appontments. Her frst con- albehttkask. j College, n as professor at crumbled away. The frst news that Vncennes College before returnng mssonares receved was: 'Lho-lh- o home, where he became Professor of s Kng; dton was that notorous favorte, taboos abolshed; C. B. Wlson, should be apponted Ancent Languages at College of dols are burned; temples are Oahu. Ths nsttuton owes ts foundaton to Mr. Hunnewell, of Boston, sacrfces ceased, Hawa prerounded hmself wth a gang of ds- destroyed!' Marshal, wth control over whole MARSHAL'S SALE. All publc worshp polce force of kngdom. He sur- who donated $0,000 for purpose. sented to world strange spectacle of a naton wthout a relgon. reputable characters, assocated The endowment has now reached By vrtue of a openly goodly sum of 5230,000, emnent Ths event unon of all wth no.o ous opum smugglers, Wrt of Executon ssued out of Frst Crcut Corrt on banker of Honolulu, Charles R. Bshop, havng been greatest benefac- prepared way sls under one strong government whle opum jonts, gamblng houses, etc., flourshed wth connvance of hs polce. At same Cartwrght R. W. Wlcox, defend- 2d dy of January, S94, aganst Theresa for rapd spread tor. The college numbers 80 students, of Chrstanty." tme, he was known to have more nfluence n admnstraton than ants, n favor of K. W. whle preparatory school has Holt W. 50 A HIGHLY RECEPTIVE RACE. H..students. any member of Cabnet. The Cumnngs, plantffs, for sum of For seven years Professor Alexer "What dd mssonares accomplsh?" Queen n formed an allance wth $296.35, I have leved upon shall was prncpal of Oahu College. Beng s. a fne mamatcan he was asked by "It s dffcult to answer n a agents of Lottery Company espesa for sale at Polce Staton, n by whch she expected to conclate Hawaan Government to draw up They found n Hawaans Dstrct a plan for a scentfc survey of an amable hghly receptve race, support of unthnkng populace f Honolulu, Isl of Oahu, Isls. "Only do ths we'll eager for knowledge secure a revenue ndependent at 2 o'clock of SATURDAY, 24th capable of of loans. The proclamaton of a despotc day of February, A. D to hghest make you Surveyor General," sad great advancement under enlghtened "Mnatornf tlo Infprnr n 87. Ac- - control. It s hard to consttuton n whch whtes realze bdder, all rght, tt'e were Cedng to ths request Professor Alexer presented so satsfactory a plan fected. Few of present wonderful change to be dsfranchsed would have that has been ef completed her scheme, was nterest of ex-- sad Theresa Cartwrght generaton that he has been Surveyor General of natves have any dea pectea to ne popular of wtn tne majorty of natves. Those premses stuated at Wakk, R. W. Wlcox, defendants, n to condton of r ancestors seventy years ver snce. ago. "The revoluton has been fully vndcated by dspatches of Mnster Honolulu, Oahu, more partcularly UNDOUBTEDLY AN AUTHORITY. "The mssonares reduced r descrbed n deed of John Professor of languages, mamatcan, surveyor hstoran, Prof. Bble a language to wrtng, Wlls, translated lately gven to tne KdtnakaU to puoc." Such s verdct of as honest a sad Theresa Cartwrght, dated September 24th, 890, recorded consderable number man as ever lved. He s ner a Alexer s n Washngton to tell of relgous n Lber educatonal books nto truth about country he loves t. They taught "speculator" nor a "prate." whole populaton It may 27, page 77, exceptng a pece conveyed longs to see at peace wth all to be read, to our msson to res to. e a comc wrte to sew. Each by opera monarch, world. What he says s worth readngaton, an object msson staton was a center thatshe may brsh sad Theresa Cartwrht to F. S. of cvlz- her royal snckersnee over heads Lyman, Jr., by deed date lesson of Chrstan I Sep'ember of Naturally I began wth Captan famly lfe, whch could be taught Doles Alexers of 24th, 890, recorded n Lber 27, n Cook. "What was condton of no or way. Several of Hawa, but I, for one, thnk page frst 76, beng a pattof those premses slers when dscovered by generaton of chefs were Unted States would do well to consult r own hstory mnd wonderful Englsh?" examples of transformng powers r descrbed n R. P. 329, contanng an area ol one ucn, more or less, own busness. "The people were not savages, but of Chrstanty. Kate Feld. subject however to a tnortrage made by barbarans of a rar noble typ6. Occupyng most solated poston n came extremely rare, same "Drunkenness gamblng be- sad Tteresa Caru;ht to C. Afong, world, separated for ages from may be sad of ft crmes of dated November 7th. S9, recorded n all ntercourse wth rest of volence. Chrstan marrage became Lber 32, page 388, for fcl.soo, unces human race, wthout metals or cereals, establshed, Chrstan famly lfe was sad judgment, nterest, cjst my or domestc anmals, except dogs developed more more, vce swne, y were probably deteroratng n every respect. Wars were be- property became as safe as any- was drven nto secret places. Lfe comng more frequent bloody where n world, prmary educaton was unversally dffused. By M P fh common people more degraded expenses be prev'on-d- pad. Terms Cash. E. G. HITUHCOCK, oppressed, whle both church bengn nfluence Marshal. of Chrstanty Honolulu, January 9, S94. state were growng more despotc poor serfs were emancpated, were 3o90-2-t t cruel." made l owners n fee smple, "How large was populaton?" were freely gven rght of suffrage "It was probably at least a quarter aud all rghts secured by our forefars at Runnymede." of a mllon. There s reason for belevng that t was statonary f not decreasng at tme of dscovery, that vtalty of race was already mpared." "How were natves ruled?" "Untl regn of Kamehameha I. re were generally at least four separate kngdoms n group; sometmes sngle sl of Hawa was dvded between several ndependent chefs. The people were dvded nto three classes, vz.; chefs prests common people, or serfs. The noston of a chef was not merely poltcal, but of a saced relgous character. He was descended from gods, was guarded by awful taboos whle lvng defed after death. The common people were tenants at wll, had no rghts whch a chef was bound to respect It Is estmated that common laborers dd not receve on an average more than a thrd of avals of r ndustry, two-thrd or s beng dvded between chefs of dfferent grades Kng. The mddle class of freemen whch exsted n New Zeal Taht was nearly absent n Hawa." A DENIAL OF CANNIBALISM. "Was cannbalsm practced?" ".No. On contrary, t was regarded wth horror detestaton." "What caused dtcrease ot populaton after dscovery of sls?" "There were many causes, of whch I wll menton a few. The vces dseases ntroduced by foregners, partcularly durng frst half century after dscovery, have been prncpal cause of depopulaton. Vancouver n 792, Broughton n 796 Turnbull In 80 were mpressed wth msery of people, r rapd decrease In numbers. In 805 a pestlence, supposed to have been cholera, carred offhalf of nhabtants of sl of Oahu. Botany Bay convcts ntroduced art of dstllng before 800, drunkenness had become very prevalent before arrval of mssonares. In absence of restrants of law or publc opnon, seaports were turned Into pemonums durng HAWAIIAN GAZETTE; FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 894.-SEMI-WEE- natves aggravate evl already exstng." "How was a consttutonal government evolved what causes led to late revolutons?" A DIFFICULT EXPERIMENT. experment to "It was a dffcult carry on a consttutonal government of Anglo-Saxo- n type wth a mxed populaton lke that of sls, but t was undertaken by a group of men of rare ablty; for thrty years t appeared to be farly succeess-fu- l. Both Kng Kamehameha HI. hs advsers saw that n order to mantan an ndependent government t was necessary to combne natve foregn elements n one common organzaton for good of all. He two next kngs of Kamehameha dynasty had some concepton of r poston as. consttutonal soveregns of proper polcy to be pursued toward foregners. They dd not regard mselves as merely kngs of natve Hawaans, y generally exercsed r powers n accordance wth Eoglsh precedents. They avaled mselves of advee assstance of best whte men n country, wthout whom experment would have faled n outset. Durng regn of Kamehameha V. a reactonary tendency began to show tself among natves, former good understng between races began to be mpared. One cause of ths was wthdrawal of Amercan Board of Mssons. It was fatal mstake. Thus pased away a class of whte men who were unselfshly devoted to nterests of natves, who possessed r confdence. They acted as medators between natves that porton of whte populaton whch had less regard for r rghts welfare. "Anor cause was premature extncton of order o chefs, who were natural leaders of r race, whose part could not be flled by plebeans or foregners. The scourge of leprosy, whch has compelled enactment of severe segregaton laws, has helped to wden breach between races. The consequences were seen n lawlessness race hatred that broke out n Lunallo's regn." shppng season. The salwood trade greatly ncreased oppresson of common people, who were THE EXTRAORDINARY DEVELOPMENT. forced to spend months at a tme n "Wll you brefly sketch regn mountans to procure ths, wood of Kalakaua?" to pay r chefs' debts. "Durng Kalakaua's regn re was "Two or causes have had a baneful nfluence, especally durng resources of country produced by an extraordnary development of last twenty years. One of se s foregn enterprse captal, a nfluence of kahunas or medcne large ncrease of foregn element men, who combne sorcery wth n populaton. Kng Kalakaua, gnorant perncous use of drugs.however, seemed to consder hmself cause many untmely deaths. as merely a Hawaan chef, to The or s mmgraton of great regard whte resdents as alen nvaders. Hs object seemed to be numbers of Asatcs, who debauch to change system of government nto an Asatc despotsm lke that of Jo-hor- e, to deprve whte race n tme of all voce n ts admnstraton. James Hber Vorman ot Bhy Beayer, Pa. Cured of Scrofula The People wll have Hood'a Hr. Dorman's Experence "Uj boy, now 9 years old, had Sero'ula la on eye from th tme he was a baby; dbchrfr lag sll tme. 0 Iste re hre been drnt bun Hood's Sarsaparllla, t has dons au that medcne can do. The Scrofula has dsappeared, hs ey u healed up welt Hood's Cures Colly beleve Hood's Sarsaparllla Is besl medcne In market I keep a general store, t s not a trck to sell Hood's SarsaparlUa for people wll have It. I sell more a Hood's Sarsaparllla than all or medcne toger store would not be complet Sarsaparllla Cures wthout It. My wfe has also been enhrely cured of Scrofula by Hood's Sarsaparllla, I am heartly thankful for what t h done far us." Jortx Dojuazr, Shy Bearer, Pa. Hood 3 Plls th bettter-dsarruttdlctoa,cxxhdh. Tryakoz. lb. HnKf. NEWMAN & CO 2 Vao'.-tM.- '...e. w--j " '.r SE- - HPfopSP ',... 5W - looo ugg Poneer Steam CANDY FACTORY BAKEBY HUB! Practcal Comectloner, Patrv Coot Baker. JJn 7 Unl Mt Talenbone. Hawaan NO HAND-BOO- K Annual. EXCELS THE Hawaan almanac for relable annual staustcal general nformaton relatng to se Isls. Prce 75 cents; or maled abroad at S5 cents each. THOS. G. THBUJC, Publsher. lm3-- y Honolulu,.. KIY. BI AUTHOEITY Sale of Government L n Hlo, nawa. OnTUtSDlY, March 6,89, at 2 o'clock noon, at frontjentrance of Executve wll be sold at publc aucton, a tract of Governrrent L In Kawal gulch, Hlo, Hawa, contanng an area of 20 acres, a lttle more or less. Upset prce f 00. It s condtoned that purchaser of above l shall pay cost of survey plottng of same, also reservng to Government a rght of way through sad l for ralroa I purposes. For furr nformaton, apply to L Offce, Interor Department. JAS. A. KING, Mnster of Interor. Interor Offce, January 30, t Sale of Two StrpB of Government L, Nuuanu Valley, Honolulu, Oahn. On FR.DAY, March 30,894, at 2 o'clock noon, at he front entrance of Executve Untan,;, wll be sold at jub-l- c aucton, tvo strps of Government L, below Kanena Pool, Nuuauu Vahey, Ho'olulu, Oahn, vz: Jxt No. contalrng an area of 75-- of an acre. Upset prce $40. Lot No. 2 contanng an area of 0-- cf an acre. Upset prce $0. J. A. KING, MnfW of Interor. Interor Offce, February 20, t Sale of a Strp of Government L at Afanoa Valley, Honolulu, Oahu. On TUESDAY, March 6, 894, at 2 o'clock noon, at front entrance of Executve Buldng, wll be sold at publc aucton, a strp of Government L at Manoa Valley, Honolulu, Oahu, contanng an area of lttle more or less. Upset prce $20. of an acre, a J. A. KING, Mnster of Interor. Interor Offce, Jan. 30, t tl s O CO O E 8 oo s o Aha.tLIlbu" a Hardware, Bulders General, wnyy cp I a tle lmes n qualty, styles prces. Plantaton Supples, a full afmrtment to ult varous dem. Steel Plows, made expressly for Isl work wth extm par. Cultvator's Cane Knves. Agrcultural Implements, Hoes, Shovels, Forks, Mattocks, etc, etc Carpenters', Blacksmths' Machnsts' Tools Screw Plates, Taos Des, Twst Drlls, Blake's Pants Ols, Brushes, Glass, asbestos Har felt Felt Mxture. Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrfugals. SEWING MACHINES, Wlcox & Gbbs, ano Remngton. Lubrcatng Ols n General Merchse, ftju re s anythng you want, come ask for t, yon wll be poltely treated. No trouble to show goods tf-- FUMTDEB! JUST RECEIVED A FURNITURE Bedroon Sets, -- OF THE LATEST d 462-tf-- Wcker Ware, Cheffoners Chars TO UIC ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES; ALSO, ALL KINDS OF MANU- FACTURING DONE IN FURNITURE, BHDDING AND UPHOLSrERING, AND BEST QUALITY OK LIVE GEESE FEATHERS, HAIR, MOSS AND EXCELSIOR KEPI ON HAND; ALSO THE LATEST PATTERNS OF WICKER WARE IN SETS OR SINGLE PIECES. )ff"8pecal orders for Wcker Ware or all knds of Furnture to sut at low prces. ta"all orders from or slauds wll receve our prompt attenton Furnture wll be well packed goods sold at San Francsco prces. J. HOPP HOLIDAY GOODS! JUST OPENED Pacfc Hardware Co. 'A Choce lot Of PERNS n nnf, :mrl hnswc "" nf tro. : l " uw puces. "" IN NEW LINE OF PATTERNS IN-- & CO.. 74 Kng Street. A larj:e oun of our Holday Gooh) were delaye I on ralroad, hut arrvals :lnn week pjt u n p ssesskm of lnes of New Goods specally teleced for ths season. Fancy Kattan Uhars, Tables, Kases, Etc; BY Westmor-- 0!b' Patterns n Ghssware Comprsng: Jugs, Jars, Bowls, Sets--, Dshes, Salad Bowls, Cheese Dshes, Cracker Jars, Sugar Baskets, Ice Tubs, Ol, Vnegar Catsup Bottles, Turn bers, Wne, Champagne or Glasses, Royal "Worcester, Doulton, Copel Havl Cut Cameo Wares, n choce peces sutable for presents; Japanese Chna n Satsuma, Owar, Koto, Plated Slver Ware n Cases, togers Bros. Forks Spoons Pctures Frames; Pcture Framng n all stvles. ALL ITS STYLES AT- - J. J. E'gan's, 54 Fort Street. LINE IN j latest A larg- - assortment of Woolen Dres Good--, Storm Serge n Blue, Black Whte; bcoch, Knghah Amercan Gnghams n large quanttes. A FINE WHITE AND FANCY-FIGURE- D WASH GOODS A complete stock of Strped Checked Flannels. Ths s Ihe place to buy yours. Laces, Embrodery Hosery, cheap ; a complete lne. Dressmakng Done n all ts Branches BY THE WELL.KNOTVN DRESSMAKER, MRS. EENNBB Daly Advertser, 50 DELIVERED BY UPHOLSTERY THE Cents per Month CARRIER. a L f. 'trrsj. O.

3 w5ganr?,mpw4f s" 'W'V """wjpw j 'fluent IS THEO. H. DAVIES GUILTY? He Is Advsed to Read Up on Sedton Law. HIS ACTS SEVERELY SCRUTINIZED. V.. A. Wrtes a Strong Indctment Aganst Champon Ills Word Compared Wth "Words of statute. Ill referrug to our calm revew of Davesa lterature, whch merted receved, under present t persstently. Ner hs Amercan guns. In ts perl, heat-tacke- d crcumstances of our poltcal affars, own Mnster, or Englsh war most sober, conscentous just shps, wll protect hm aganst an offence whch all States regard as a consderaton, as we beleved, Mr. very serous matter. Daves sends to us se severe u ords: In a defence to an ndctment for "In fact, only serous statement usng sedtous language, Mr. Daves that your " W. N. A." makes s may follow when example of edtor charged wth lbel. He answered le gves hmself away you away that no damage arose because "he by wrtng, 'for purpoes of ths was such a lar that no one beleved revew we shall answer that y hm." Mr. Daves may plead that t (Mr. Daves' propostons), are correct was not n hs power to excte dscontent aganst Government. cannot be gansayed.' " We regret that our very sober ana We have made frantc efforts to be conscentous revew of Mr. Daves' serous n ths matter, but f we have lterature s not suffcently serous. only ndulged n "hyenstc hlarty," We wll now make anor attempt, n construng hs language that whch, wth ad of Attorney-Genera- l, of statute regardng sedtous offences, we respectfully nvte hm to f he wll gve t, may convnce Mr. Daves that we can, call attentlon of ths communty can, be very serous. to subject Attorney-Genera- same person l Mr. Daves wll please follow us who nvted Mr. Daves to vst closely, t mght be well for hm Executve Buldng, last week, on a to ask hs attorney to spell t out wth trflng matter, was treated by hm. Lawyers are useful persons n Mr. Daves as f he was a small boy such matters. "We wll cte a law who had sold hm an ancent newspaper. whch was taken from Englsh statute on subject: If Mr. Daves has volated any law, "An Act concernng sedtous offences. Approved Jan. 30, S93. "sense of honor duty," (page 35) he should be, wth hs dstressng "Secton. Everyone commts a wll be, frst to cordally nvte msdemeanor who publshes, verbally, prosecutng offcer, to consder hs any words or any document wth a case, aud f re s probable cause, bedtous ntent. take effcent means to vndcate "Sec. 3. A sedtous ntenton s an law. If Mr. Daves should bo found ntenton to brng nto hatred or contempt, or to excte dsaffecton aganst alty of offence, wth more sats- gulty, no one wll submt to pen- Provsonal Government of facton humlty than he, who Hawaan Isls, or laws reof, or to excte people to attempt a thous years on "reef," rar would prefer to reman n chans for alteraton by force of any matter than one jot or tttle of dvne or establshed by laws of human law should reman unfulflled. Pro-vson- al Government, or to rase dscontent dsaffecton aganst W. N. A. Provsonal Government, or to promote feelngs of ll THE MARSHAL RETURNS. ll-w hostlty between dfferent classes of people n Hawaan Isls. Reports Everythng Gong on Well "Sec. 5. Any person gulty of any msdemeanor wthn meanng of n Country. ths Act, shall be punshed by mprsonment at hard labor for not more (Froru Wednesdays Daly ; than two years, or by fne of not more Marshal Htchcock returned than S000." from Kona on Hall last nght The followng are extracts from Mr. reports ewerythng as gong on Daves' letters, publshed from tme to tme durng last year, republshed on Jan. 25, 894. They are lookng fnely. There s well n that dstrct. The coffee s not, refore, to be regarded a great as vews whch were beleved to be correct at tme, but have now no about Eoad Board law. deal of talk n country dstrcts The force effect, but y are, n fact law, of former opnons, uud f sedtous n ntent, are to be regarded as fresh utterances of a late date. Mr. Daves nforms us that one object for whch he "entered lsts was defeat of annexaton, by preservaton of Hawaan ndependence." There s no "dsaffecton aganst Provsonal Government" n opposng ts polcy of annexaton, we have refore, confned extracts to those words only, whch have no reference drectly to annexaton, but tend drectly to excte "dscontent dsaffecton" towards Government by reason of ts overthrow of monarchy. The words statute should be read n connecton. On page 4 of pamphlet, referrng to establshment of Provson al Government, Mr. Daves says: "I say that judged as acts only, y consttute a moral poltcal crme." Do not se words dsclose an ntent to "excte dscontent dssatsfacton?" On page G, he says: "Every true Hawaan s bound to defend that throne flag aganst all assalants except Hawaan people." These are words whch excte people, not to oppose annexaton but to restore throne defend t. Do y not excte dscontent dssatsfacton? On page 0, he says: "My hope s, that under just counsel of Unted States, that y ( P. G.) wll retrace r steps to pont where y parted from consttuton, that y wll enter nto a new comjmct wth old soveregn or new one," etc. Do not se words excte "dscontent dsaffecton?" On page 23, he quotes from an artcle n K. Y. Tmes, approves of t, n whch t s sad regardng annexaton, "but n pont of fact, t s a proposton to convey make over to Unted States a stolen kngdom, Government of ths Republc cannot afford to put tself n poston of a recever of stolen goods." Do not se words excte "dscontent dsaffecton?" On page Gldated January 6th, 804, he says to Mr. Bshop: "You have no rght to steal a corrupt monarchy, any more than you have a rght to steal a Bble. I beleve I gave you an opportunty once before to prove that you dd not steal a kngdom" ( "you" referrng to supporters of Government Do not se words excte "dscontent dsaffecton aganst Provsonal Government?" On pge 24, he says: " present Government s not Government of jeojlc nor of consttuton." Do not se words excte "dscontent dsaffecton?" On page 35, he says; "every convcton tells me that a government of law order, cannot rest upon bass of acclmaton of a mass meetng." Do not se words excte "dscontent dsaffecton?" On page 47, n reply to Mr. Hatch, he says: "I beleve that whereas Mr. Gresham uses words 'fraud force' to descrbe acts of Unted States offcals, he would use a much ugler word to defne act of those Hawaans who nvted 'fraud force.' " Do not se words excte "dscontent dsaffecton" aganst Provsonal Government? The extracts above cted do not cover all of language used by Mr. Daves whch s ntended to excte dscontent wth Government. The language s plan unambguous. It mght be nstructve for hm to read over hs words statute, wth ad of hs attorney. When a Government has establshed tself, t must protect tself, wher t s an hour or a century old. It can tolerate no queston about ts ttle. Mr. Daves s presumed n law to know ths. If he does not, t s tme that he ors had some "object lessons." He felt safe, undoubtedly, to excte dscontent so long as Government ts frends beleved, rghtly or wrongly, that t mght crumble under poltcal leenng s gooa ana very encouragng. The natves are very ndgnant at bloodthrst' dsposton manfested by Lluoka-lan-. The whte resdents are much pleased at atttude mantaned by Provsonal Government. The reason why Hall arrved last nght nstead of ths mornng, as was expected, s that tde at Lahana was so low that she could not load sugar. The harbor re fllng up. In matter of successor to Judge Hal, Marshal reports that re are half a dozen applcants. The natves about all want t. He thnks, however, that he wll be able to recommend a satsfactory man.. I 9 WITH A SICKLE. A Natve Attempts to Carve Peo- - pe n Kona. Just before Marshal Htchcock's recent vst to Kona, a natve man of that dstrct, who was very jealous of anor natve, attended a luau where "swpes" formed man artcle of det. When jealous husb had become qute a lttle under nfluence of seductve lquor, he secured a sckle started n to clean out premses. One of women present attempted to take sckle from hm, but he escaped from her, wth sharp nstrument cut a long gash n cheek of woman's lttle daughter. He n hunted up man whom he suspected of wnnng hs wfe's affectons, proceeded to carve hm also. He was arrested, Marshal arrvng on scene, conducted prosecuton. Owng to man's state at tme of cuttng, he was only gven three months n jal. 99 A Chnese Leper. A Chnese leper named Ah Yong was found on board bark Velocty by polce yesterday afternoon. The Chnaman toger wth hs effects were brought to Polce Staton afterwards sent to Kalh Recevng Staton. He sad he came from Hulea, Waalua, last week, stayed at house of a frend n ths cty. Yesterday he went ou board Velocty ntendng to leave country for country's good. London brdge s daly crossed by 200,000 pedestrans 20,000 vehcles. HAWAIIAN ttazette: FKIDAY, JfEBRUAItX 23, 894. SEMI-WEEKL- Y. Madame Pele Is More Actve Than n Eghteen Years. THE VIEW PROM THE VOLCANO HOUSE. A Letter from Captan.Julus A. Palmer, Specal Correspondent of ISostou Transcrpt. Descrbng Hawa' Wonder as It Aprear tnlllu Ml. Edtok: It s not probable that to one so experenced as your good self I can say anythng new of ths Volcano, one of greatest natural wonders of earth. Although I went up on sde where road s roughest, yet re was no excessve wearness attendng journey. We left sugar mlls at about 9 o'clock n mornng arrved at hotel about 4 half-pa-st n afternoon, havng an hour's rest an excellent lunch at Half-wa-y House. In reachng Volcano House, I could but thnk of those Hues of Shenstone, whch perhaps you wll recall: "Whoe'er has traveled lfe's dull round, where'er hs stages dd begn, May sgh to thnk he stll has found tne warmest welcome a an nn." Before speakng of crater, let me say that notel far surpassed my expectatons; ts hgh, bold poston, ary rooms, superb vews, pretty flower gardens, absence of mosqutoes, more than all, ts genal, accommodatng host, Mr. Peter lee, render t a delghtful mountan house, were re no or attractons. To you se luxurous surroundngs must form a notable contrast to days when you had to carry your entre stock of provsons, economze n water camp n grass huts. The prstne purty of atmosphere, delcous refreshment of vapor baths, should commend place to those who vst your sl paradse n search of health; I can scarcely magne an alment whch would not be cured by a few weeks' sojourn at Volcano House on Hawa. But great marvel of Klauea! I shall not attempt a descrpton of t to one who knows t so much better than I; you asked partcularly of ts present condton, you have well remarked that no two occasons does t appear dentcally same. So now, Mr. Lee tells me that n eghteen years durng whch he has been famlar wth t, he has never seen t as full as at present tme, seldom as actve. The lake or part of crater whch I should call basn, seems to me lke a huge caldron n whclt s bolng a mass of dough or hasty puddng; ths caldron has been flled too full, so after seeth ng surgng hr anu thr, spoutng upwards n ts effort to escape ntense heat, t overflows ts brm, pours out a sheet of molten bras3 over edge, naturally hardenng as t recedes from fervd source of supply. These flows are so frequent, so volumnous, extend to so long a dstance rom nery lane that t s consdered more prudent to content one's self wth a vew from hgh bluff or from hotel, especally at nght; ndeed, f one desres rest rar than adventure, re s no necessty n present condton of lake of leavng your comfortable room, snce surface s so hgh that from your wndow, you can see Elay, even dstngush red-ho- t or showers of sparks nto whch y burst after reachng r hghest alttude. By day, wth a competent gude we rode over hardened lava, those more venturesome went up by sde of some of recently hardened flows aud peered nto seethng mass. Before vstng volcano, I could never underst why t was. that even at seasons of ts greatest actvty, Klauea could be safely nspected by tourst, whch s true, I belleve.of no or actve volcano n world. But once on spot, mystery vanshes; hotel or or pont of observaton s above dangerous center or vortex of fre, so that t mght destroy mles of country, yet traveller at Volcano House would not only be free from least proxmty to danger, but he mght count hmself fortunate n beng on scene, when Madam Pele was n her most volent fts of fery rage. As length of my stay n Hawaan Isls s uncertan, I dd not feel free to reman re but a very short tme. The trp, however, f hurred as I was, should not be mssed by any of your vstors, especally when It may be made n one week, ncludng stoppages. Anor thng, I wa-- j warned to delay t as late as Eossble on account of rans. We severe experence wth a heavy fall of water, orwse no ran for whole week. Beautful wear at House, whole snow-cla-d slope of Mauna Loa vsble most of tme. And as between ran dust, I prefer former, so, consderng great actvty of crater, whole surface of whch at nght s a sheet of fre, I should artvse all persons ntendng to go at all, not on any account to delay vstng Klauea n ts present condton. Agan thankng you for prvlege of readng your excellent accounts of your own experence re n past, beleve me Most cordally yours, Julus A. Palmer, Jr.. Correspondent Boston Transcrpt. The experence of Geo. A. Apgar, of German Valley, N. J. s well worth rememberng. He was troubled wth chronc darrhoea doctored for fve months, was treated by four dfferent doctors wthout bereft. He n began usng Chamberlan's Cola, Cholera Darrhoea Remedy, of whch one small bottle effected a complete cure. It s for sale by all medcne dealers. Benson, Smth Co., Agents for H. I. A ROUGH TRIP. Experence of Galveston, 57 Days From Hongkong. The German bark Galveston, after a long battle wth wnd wave, was towed nto port Tuesday afternoon. She was 57 days from Hongkong. When Galveston arrved, she had only a hundred pounds of rce left for her eleven Chnese passengers. The Chnamen all thought tney were gong to starve to death, some of m had gven up all hope of ever reachng port. Captan Jacobsen, who was accompaned on hs long voyage by hs wfe, sad that after havng been about a month at sea shp struck hard wear, durrc whch both foremast bowsprt carred away. The captan put back nto A moy for repars. After remanng re for a short tme, she started on her long voyage for Honolulu. Agan she struck bad wear gale after gale playng havoc wth her. Frst bulwarks were stove n, n forward part of shp was more or less damaged. As a fttng clmax to all msfortunes, a heavy sea washed over after deck carred away everythng movable. The cabn was flled wth water consderable damage was done. The Chnese passengers were very much afrad that shp was doomed. Offerngs were made to r gods,, n r opnons, that was all that saved m from utter annhlaton. One of m...,!,. On lng, sad, "Wno cauv 'make;' no more rce; two davs more, we de." O YOU FEED THE BABY The Skn needs food. If Complexon s sallow, rough, scaly, pmply, t s because t s not fed wth L0L A M0NTEZ CREME The Skn Food Tssue Bulder, postvely only safe relable artcle for Complexon. Absolutely harmless, opens pores, ncreases natural necessary secretons of skn. Restores flesh to frm healthy state of youth. Prevents wrnkles. Good for burns, chapped lps hs. Carrot lasts three months. PRICE 75 GENTS. JS0Ask your druggst for t. HOW CAN YOU T0LEBATE Freckles, Pmples, Blackheads, yellow or muddy Skn, mouth Wrnkles or any form of facal dsfgurement when lra. Nette Hab-kso- guarantees n to cure you. Don't consder your case a hopeless fone. Mrs. Harrson treats lades for all defects of face fgure. The permanent removal of superfluous har guaranteed. MES. NETTIE HLAJtRISON Amerca's Beauty Doctor. 28 Geary Street, San Francsco, Cal. SP"For sale by HOLLISTER & CO., DrncgBts, 09 Fort St., Honolulu. 355-t- Our Mr. T. J. Kng has gone to Coast by Monowa f for anor full cargo of Hay Gran. CALIFORNIA THE FEED CO. Executors Notce to 'Credtors. UNDEKSIGNED HAVING duly apponted Executors of of Wll of Maurce Goldberg, late of Honolulu, Oahu, deceased, hereby gve notce to all persons havng clams aganst Estate of sad Maurce Goldberg to present he same to nndersgned at r respectve places of busness n sad Honolulu, duly auntcated wth proper vouchers f any exst, wher secure by mortcaqu or orwse, wthn Fx months from ths date or y wll be forover barred. All persons ndebted to sal Estate ara requested to cake mmedate payment. T. C. PORTER, E. D. TEXKEY, Executors of Wll of 3Ianrce Goldberg Honolulu. January CO, S9J l- w 52l--w H. --lhurl TlbCllllu BENSON SMITE & CO JOUBING AND MANUFACTURING PHARMACISTS Sxr A TIILZ. lne or CHJSMICAS. Drugs, Medcnal Preoaratons, PATENT MEDICINES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. 3 3 Fort Street. BEAVER SALOON A. J. NO-T-E, Propretor. Bcs to announce to hd frend" publc n general That he has opened above Saloon where frst-clas- s Refreshments wll be served from 3 a. m. tll 0 p. m., under mmcdte supervson of a Comao-tontCAtf- tf Cultne TIIE FINEST SHADES OK Tobaccos, Cgars, Ppes Smoker's Sundres Chosen by a personal selecton from frst-clamanufactores, has been obtaned, wlllbe added to from tme to tme. One of Brunswck & Balke's Celebrated Bllard Tables connected wth establshment.vhere of cne can partcpate q Metropoltan Market Fgl-n.g- r Chocest Stzroot. Meats FKOM Fnest Herds. G. J. WALLER, Prop. FAMILIES AND SHIPPING SUPPLIED OHSHORTNOTIGE AND AT THE Lowest Market Prces. BT-- Meats delvered from ths Market are thoroughly chlled mmedately after kllng by means of a Patent Dry Ar Be frgerator. Meat so treated retans all ts ulcy propertes, s guaranteed to keep longer alter delvery than freshly-klle- meat. d 383 q W. H. ftlce, STOCK BAISBB ll DEALER BBXZDEB OF Fne Horses Cattle From Thoroughbred Stard bred Stallon, Nutwood by Nutwood, Jr Norman Stallon Captan Qrawl Natve bred Stallon Boswell LLSO A CHOICE LOT OT Bulls, Cows Calves From Celebrated Balls Sussex, Hereford, Ayrshre & Durham A LOT or Fne Sale anl Camap fcs FOB SALE. 2 PTJHE :BIJE33D HEREFORD BULLS FOR SALE Toursts Excurson Partes desrng Sngle, Donble or Four-n-han- d Team or Saddle Horses can be accommodated at W. H. Bce's Lvery Stables. S3 All communcatons to be addressed to TS93-l- v W. H.BICE.Lhne.Kana. THn. H. DATIZ3. AEOLD JAXIOW. THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 2 & 3 The Albanv, LIVERPOOL. My hsurawc Notces. TRANS ATLANTIC Fre Insurance Company, --OF HAMBURG. Captal or Co. Rescrre.Rclcbs rks f.000,000 lapltal r HcInscranceCompanes 0,050,000 Totl Rechsmara. 07,650,000 NORTH GERMAN Fre Insurance Company, -- OF HAMBURG. Captal of Ca. 4 Reserve - CapuaUhelrRe-InsaranccCompan9, Total Relchenark 43.8,000 Thesadenlgned.GeneralAjrenUof above two companes for Hawaan Isls, are prepared to nsure Buldngs, Furnture, Produce, Machnery, 4c, also Sugar Rce Mlls, vcsls n harbor, agalnstloss ordamage by Are. on most favorableterms. H.HACh-lL- CO. 356 ly The Lverpool London Globe EeunAjsrcE co (ESTABLISHED IMS.) Assets ;. " 4D.OO0.00O Net Income 9,079,000 Clams Pad 2.009,000 TSk7,.E,,k, 2I.t Loss or Damage by onbulldlngs.machnery.sugar Fre Mlls, Dwellng Z urnlturs, on most favorable term Bshop & Co q INSURANCE Theo. H. Daves & Go., AGENTS FOR FIRE, LIFE MARINE. INSURANCE Norrn Assurance Go Of London for FIRE & LIFE. ESTABLISHED 836. ACCUMULATED FUNDS - - 3,975,000 BRITISH AND FOREIGN Marne Insurance Co.Ld Of Lverpool for MARINE. CAPITAL - - -, Reducton of Rates Immedate Payment of Clams. THEO. H. DAVIES MARINE & CO., Agents INSURANCE The undersgned a authorzed to take Marne Rsks on HULLS, CARGOES, FREIGUlh aud COMMIhSIONs. At Cnrront Kates n followms Companes, vz : Al ance Assurance Fre Marne, London. WlhelmaofMadgeburg Gen'l. Ins. Co Sun Insurance Co., San Francsco. JOHN S. WALKER, 37-- Ajent for Hawaan Isls. tla.mtukgit IIIIE.TKA Fre Insurance Company. The nnaersgncd nannc been andoited Arjenta of aboto Company, are prepared to Utlsng, on Merchse stored ren, oc most faroradle terms. ForDar- - & ar.5?p'jot "ffl" of P.A. wva.n; juo;co. 358 ly GmUMAW T.T-.--y-T- - Marno Insurance Company Or BERLIN 35 O H. TTJET A Conoral Insurance Company, BEILK, ThsaboTe Insurance Companes hare establshed a General Agency here, under sgned, Ocneral Agents, are authorzed to take Illsks nsalnnl UoDnJCersolthcHeaJ at Host Rcnsonnblo Bates, OH Most Favorable Terms. 389 ly F. A. SCIIAEPBn & CO.. General Agts GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY For Sea, Rver & L Transport OP DRESDEN Ilarlng establshed an Agency at Honolulu fo Hawaan Isls. undersgned Genera Assents, are authorzed to take Rsks aganst Sanger of Seas AT ISZ Moat Reasonable Rates.ontne Most Favorablo Term P. A. SCHAEPBR S CO. yimtf Agent for ITawallanPslard NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE Insurance Company. Total Abuts t 3st Dxczkszb, 8..,4,234 Is. Id. Authorsed Captal..3, ,. d Subscrbed UC Pad-u- p Captal O 2 FrePunds 2.678, Lfe aud Annuty Pa 7,T74,ES5 8,4,234 Rerenne Fre Branch.,577,2,8 7 S Revenue Lfe Annuty Branches...,26, The accumulated Funds or Fre Lfe Departments are free from lablty n respect of each or. ED. HOFFSCHIAEGER & CO.. J3S3?) Acd's for Haw!jvt. a j! I fj y&kgt&ax,wi

4 "" It' aujaa ;5$tt SEMI -- WEEKLY. FRIDAY. EEBRDARY 23. S94. DUD AT HIS POST. The death of gallant detectve, Kaubane, whose years of fathful servce have been ended by a death whch was caused by nothng but fdelty to duty, wll be receved wth heartfelt regret all over Isls. Hawaan qualtes - appear at r very best n cases lke se, we rejoce to tay that y are by no means rare. The subscrpton opened by Advertser yesterday mornng for wounded men s stll open, t s hoped publc wll cordally respond to a clam whch has so just a ttle to r sympas. A JUDICIAL OUTRAGE. Wo report n our news columns a case from Kona whch should be gven most serous thought. A number of Japanese were caught gamblng n Kona, were fned by sapent Judge two hundred dollars apece. Ths s not justce ; t s robbery under forms of justce. It s J knd of thng whch s dealt out by Chnese marns to unfortunate vctms who fall nto r clutches. We do not want an of t n Hawa ; we cannot afford any of t. If consderatons of equty far play are not enough to restran our petty magstrates from such perversons of law, t wll be well for m to remember that Japan s a great powerful neghbor of ours, whom t wll not be found proftable to offend. Perhaps a word to country judges from a hgher quarter mght serve to gve m a juster concepton of r dutes. ANOTHER BOOK ON HAWAII. The attenton whch events of past year have drawn to -- Hawa s bearng frut n lterature, not only n Unted States, but n Europe. Dr. Marcuse, who was sent out by German Government to make a seres of astronomcal observatons, who spent more than a year here, has recorded hs mpressons of place tb people n a hsom-l- y prnted llustrated octavo of ISO pages. Wth usual German partalty to exactness, he has followed a very methodcal plan, gvng frst a general vew, n a descrpton of each of partcular sls, after whch follow chapters on volcanc actvty, clmate, manners customs of people, flora fauna, closng wth a hstorc account from earlest tmes to present, varous nformaton of a statstcal character. A bblography s also appended. The book s, on whole, a very credtable producton. Whle not free from errors, t seems to be accurate n man. The account of revoluton, whle evdently unsympatc, s not wantng n farness. The great value of work of Professor Alexer of scentfc department of Government, s generously recognzed, as are also servces of Curator of Bshop Museum, W; T. Brgham. The llustratons are very good HAWAIIAN GAZETTE: EEIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 894.-SEar-W.EE- oub offense, we may as well repeal our crmnal laws, close our courts empty our jals. Why punsh some obscure person for stealng a pound of nals, or smugglng an ounce of opum, f an offense aganst lfe of State has been commtted allowed to go unpunshed? The falure heretofore to notce Mr. Daves' wrtngs may ndcate strength on part of Provsonal Government, but ts refusal to act may become a dangerous precedent, be msconstrued. If Mr. Daves should be ndcted, f he makes defence ndcated by our revewer,,- JlUVlUWWljIl Anrno.narr,- - ontor. n7 a UJUJ rww proscquotx ndctment, add to t, n words of Uncle Toby to fly, "Go, poor nsect, go ; world s large enough for me e." Mr. Daves protests "aganst nfatuaton whch leads men to play wth a crss whch s apparently beyond r control." We, too, protest aganst a Government whch "plays" wth a man who s apparently tryng to produce anor crss. If he s allowed to depart, any obscure person who may here-au- er be charged wth sedtous offenses can justly reply, why dd you allow hm to go free ; he, who n out of season has excted dscontent by tellng Provsonal Government that t s n pos- - sesson 0f a "stolen kngdom"? THB UNION PLATFORM. The platform prepared by commttee, to furnsh a foundaton for Unon Annexaton Party s publshed n anor column. It contans nne artcles, re s lttle n any of m to whch any reasonable man can object. Frst of all comes declaraton of unalterable opposton to any every form of monarchy n se sls, followed by an equally emphatc declaraton n favor of poltcal unon wth Unted States. These two thngs are essence of platform, should be suffcent to unte n bs of party unty all good annexatonsts. Next n mportance to two artcles referred to, come declaratons n favor of free labor a lberal l polcy. Both are pecularly approprate tmely. One of good thngs whch new era should put an end to s l monopoly whch has so long retarded prosperty of country. The possesson of Crown Government ls puts t n power of Government to throw thouss of small holdngs open to settlement, so that tme may come when sol shall be cultvated by those who own t ; when Be owners may be not great propretors, whose possessons are measured n square mles, but hardy honest "small farmres" who make backbone of every country. In lke manner, declaraton wth regard to labor s relevant tmely. Annexaton means freedom ndependence for labor, wth a prospect of larger rewards wder opportuntes. There s nothng n or planks of ths platform whch can gve rbe to dssensons. The fabrc s strong enough broad enough to accommodate all frends of cause. MORE TESTIMONY. Mr. Alexer's artcle ths mornng, but by nnumerable or wrtten oral utterances of frends of Government, as well as by r acts n mantanng schools, churches chartes of country. The offence of whch '' mssonares" have made mselves gulty s that y have not flattered Hawaan?, but have told truth to m about m, extenuatng mucl settng down naught n malce. Lke true Saxons, y have declned to submt to loss of r own lber tes as consequence of poltcal ncapacty of natves, ' have drawn attenton to ths ncapacty, though n no unfrendly sprt. To excellent trats of Hawaans, r hos ptalty, r natural gracousness, r kndlness, y have always borne cheerful wtness. We cannot gve a better example of sprt n whch Hawaans have been regarded by those who have unformly proved r truest frends,than s contaned n followng words from pen of S. E. Bshop, words whch wrt- reflect equal credt upon er's head heart : On frst page of ths mornng's Advertser appears anor Schouler as nfallbly as wth Mr. Blount says, "goes" wth Mr. valuable hstorcal descrptve cuckoos mselves. If Blount says n qualty, re are several sketch by Professor Alexer, "Thumbs up " Mr. Schouler's maps. The book wll certanly do whch has not hrto been publshed n Honolulu. Attenton s scorn at all who dare to bear wtness thumb s found n poston, waggng a good deal toward dffusng n Germany a correct knowledge of drawn to t partcularly on account aganet hs master. Mr. Blount Hawa ts people. of kndly sprt whch t found but one sde to Hawaan breas toward natve Hawaans. wsh to be wser than learned case. Why should Mr. Schouler MR. DAVIES AND SEDITIOUS OFFENSES. The opponents of present mpartal poltcan from The presentaton, n anor column, of facts law re- appear that ts organzers have under such crcumstances, C. B. Government have tred to make t Georga? Is t any wonder that gardng Mr. T. H. Daves' sedton-ar- y spoken acted n a sprt of malgnant hostlty toward natve n role of a hero, whle Mrs. Wlson parades through hs pages wrtngs by our "revewer,"' dems attenton of Government. If law n ths case has tramplng upon r rghts, but de- n all glory of a tragedy queen. people, not only overrdng Domns stalks across boards been repeatedly volated by Mr. nyng r merts traducng We would commend to earnest attenton of Mr. Schouler Daves, as t would seem to have r character. Ths statement s ' been, acton should be taken at one for whch C. T. Gulck n partcular has malcously made hm- th Hawaan ohkp nntvnnf Veurnrr of all who lke hm have made up once, for Mr. Daves s not above law. If he s permtted to go self sponsor. That t s a sler evdence testmony to unpunshed for commttng a eer-- s shown, not only by tone of chaacter of leaders of The Hawaan race s one that s well worth savng. "Wth all r sad fraltes, y are a noble race of men, physcally morally. They are manly, courageous, enterprsng, cordal, generous, unselfsh. They are hghly receptve of good. They love to look forward upward, though very facle to temptatons to slde backward downward. In an unusual degree y possess a capacty for fne ardent enthusasm for noble ends. ANOTHER GOOD MAN GONE WRONG. The paper on Hawaan queston wrtten by James Schouler for Forum shows how deplorably ablest man can blunder when he gets uon unfamlar eround. The New York naton ctes artcle as a convncng applcaton of methods of hstory to ssues, as vrtually settlng case for all ratonal mnds. The dffculty wth ths ory a that Mr. Schouler's paper s not an applcaton of u sound hstorb method, but, on contrary, exhbts from begnnng to end an gnorance or contempt of what that method requres whch would be panful n anyone, whle wth Mr. Schouler t s extraordnary. The frst duty of a scentfc hstoran s to sft hs facts, throwng upon m every sde lght whch a scentfc knowledge of human nature laws of socal development can afford. The hstorans of ancent world,, ndeed, of modern world, up to year 800, dd not do ths, as a consequence r "hstores" brstle wth magnatve tales. Mr. Schouler should be a belated representatve of ths extnct speces, for hs artcle s planted thck wth gaudy statements, n comparson wth whch legends of Romulus Remus or Wllam Tell are sober, drab-colore- d fact. What makes ths state of thngs more remarkable s crcumstance that Mr. Schouler's artcle by no means lacks nternal evdences of cor. He would seem to have made a sncere effort to wegh subject wth farness. But he s unable apparently to dvest hs mnd of convcton that Mr. Blount's nqury left nothng to be desred n pont of accuracy, mpartalty scentfc method. Whatever KIJY. Provsonal Government on one h, of royalsts on or, contaned n publshed despatches of Unted States Mnster Plenpotentary Envoy Extraordnary.Albert S. Wlls. THE FINANCE REPORT. The Government's Money Transac tons of Past Week, The fnance report for pa6t week appears below. It was not presented at yesterday's Councl meetng. Fnancal Statement for Week Esdko February 2, S94. Current Account, balance Feb. 4, ISM S 276, recepts. Interor Department. $ 3, Customs recepts- - 5,6S5 46 Fnes, etc,030 7 Revenue Stamps San Francsco Consul Fees Post Offce- -,706 0 Crown Ls Brs Government Realzatons Taxes 3, Sale of Government Bonds. 2, S 2S Total Treasury Balance as aoove : sutc.ot 76 $305,65 33 expendtures. Judcary Department Department of Foregn Affars - SS59 Interor Department: Bureau of Publc Works Bureau Water Works Board of Health Mscellaneous 2,544 9 Fnance Department: Salares, Inclden'tls, etc.,46 62 Interest Attorney - General's Department Road Taxes to Specal Depost 2G0 00 School Tax to Specal Depost 8S 00 Expenses placng Loan, Payments under Sec $ 6,922 7 Total Treasury Balance, above date 29S S 305,05 33 Outstng Bonds 52,690, Treasury Notes- - 40, Due P. S. Bank P. M. G. Notes 678, $3,40S, P. S. BANK MEMO. Notces ths date of wthdrawals maturng February, March Aprl, 894 $ 37, Cash on h - 37, PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT MEMO Exps. Prov. Govt, to date.s 98, (Ths amount covers all expenses, ncludng mltary tems not appro-jrate- d by last MEMO. CASH IN TREASURE. Outstng Certfcates...S 284, Certfcates wthdrawn from crculaton deposted for safe keepng-- S 2S Cash n Treasury to redeem all outstng Certfcates 284, Total amount certfcates-- 32, Cash on h Postal Savngs Bank $ 37, Balance to credt of twenty-- sx Road Boards, n Treasury 39,770 9S Balance to credtof School Boards, n Treasury 9, Avalable Cash, Current Account. 29S Total Cash S 384,98 06 Due current account from advances to 49, Due current account from advances to Postal Savngs Bank 27,57 OS MISCELLANEOUS. Subsdy to steamers to Mo-- Ioka, etc-- S Quarantne dseased anmals 6 00 Electrc Lght 8 50 Insane Asylum Government Post Offce, Hlo Ad Kapolan Park, Incdentals, Homesteads Repars to Markets Government Pounds 8 00 CORRESPONDENCE. S 2,544 9 Anor Letter From Mr. J. M. Vvas. Mr. Edtor: M. A. Gonsalves at meetng of Portuguese Poltcal League last Sunday very strongly dened b. Jtt. Damon's remark that Japanese were not Abat-c- s, sad that f necessary Portuguese would take up arm3 aganst Asatc mmgraton. How can he face Mr. Damon at a meetng of Amercan League after roastng hm at Portuguese Patrotc League meetng, whch League he s tryng to break up only for reason of beng a presdent of somethng. As regards my beng "a head wthout a body," as Bulletn says, next Sundav If well tell tale at Portuguese Poltcal League meetng. J. M. Vvas. THE FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY. (Contn fd '"rom pace.) self does not hate. The name of Washngton s bequead to us to make humanty blush that such a man s alone In hstory." These contenorary trbutes, many of u drawn from thoughtful mnds of naton aganst whch Washngton had drawn, hs sword, placed great Vrgnan n hs own tmes upon mghty pedestal to whch posterty has rased hs statue. As tme goes on, however, greatness of Washngton's work as a statesman wll be stll more accurately measured. It has not been so measured yet because, generatons after hs death, t has not been completed. The great Republc, wth all ts success magntude, has not yet begun to realze ts destny. Its archtects bulded better than y knew, better than we now know. Nor has world made ts full response to poltcal Influences whch Washpgton set n moton. Some great chapters n French revoluton dated from m. When Spansh-Amerc- a freed tself, re too was a result of Washngton's example. Brazl, nhertng a.portuguese monarchy, caught n tme repuolcan enthusasm from North ; here today, n most solated sls n all world, we hal name of Washngton, proclam that work he dd unto Amerca he dd lkewse unto us. Somewhere I have read a Germau legend " that on one nght of all year great Imperal Charles emerges from hs tomb. When moonbeams fall on noble rver flng from bank to bank a brdge of lght, upon that brdge of moonbeams monarch walks, callng down a benedcton on all German laud." An dle fancy, surely ; but It brdgs to mnd lvng fgure of Washngton, lumuous august, nvokng genus of lberty by whch all men are made free. Let us beleve that f hs sprt cannot walk abroad wth benedctory h, at least nfluence of what he dd aud what he was In lfe wll leaven all humanty, that some day a human race wthout a sngle kng except Kns: of Kngs: wthout a throne, ex cept throne of reason of justce: wthout a despot but con scence wll ; wthout a master aud wthout a slave, wll say of Washngton, say t n all tongues: From hm all statesmen had an example, all races an nspraton; from hm world had ts hertage of freedom, to hs memory chaplets of mmortalty belong. At one tme durng Mr. Smth's remarks ran fell so heavly that he was compelled to stop. After b played a selecton, he resumed. Prof. M. M. Scott was next speaker, wth subject, "Washngton as a Patrot." He sad, Mr. Charman Gentlemen: x am proounay thanku that n se characterzatons ol "Far of hs Country," t should have fallen to my lpt to speak n a few words of Washngton as a patrot. In any or sngle sde of man, he has equals, ay, t may be clamed wthout challenge that he has had superors. As a warror, wth great captans of er antquty or Jof modern tmes, we may not compare hm. Lkewse, he may not st n very front rank of statesmen; I am bound to say that I beleve we should not place hm n frst category of sants. In se thngs, we Amercans can talk wth moderaton to men of or natons about Washngton hs rvals superors wthout warmth, certanly wthout takng offense, but, as a patrot, he sts alone. The entre vocabulary of panegyrc s scarcely overstraned when appled to Washngton's patrotsm. To balance hs character, to strke an average n all those thngs, almost nfnte n varety, whch enter nto that complex thng called manhood, t wll be found that he had few equals. In unselfsh supreme love, n steadfastness unflaggng zeal n her servce, never supremely elated by success, nor undulv depressed by msfortune. I know of no name n all hstory U compare wth hs wth possble exceptou of.themstocleu, Ma-caula Anan. y gves afno account of ths gr patrot, stng upon quarterdeck of hs trreme, wth arms folded, wth countenance grave unperturbed, watchng destructon of great Persan host, by lttle Anan fleet, ventures remark that Themstocles would have stood thus, had t been hs own galley nstead of that of hs enemy doomed to destructon. So we may thnk of Washngton. Wher at Boston, takng comm of hs hful of troops, wher at Valley Forge n that terrble wnter of 779, or wher nt Yorktown n flush of vctorous success, he s ever same, we know that had fortunes of havr belonged to Washngton "Serene Hghness." The "Star Spangled Banner" was rendered by b. The large audence present unted n sngng that gr old song wth an enthusasm whch shook rafters, n, after three rousng cheerafor mmortal George, servces were ended. Among those present were Pres dent Dole, Attorney-Genera- l Smth" Mnster Mrs. Wlls, Commer Soper,Cdnsu-Genera- l Mlls many ors. BEET SUGAR FOR THE EAST. About Ffty Thous Tons to be Shpped. Ffty thous tons of Western beet sugar wll be shpped from San Francsco to tbe Phladelpha New York markets. Clans dpreckels has contracted wth John Rosenfeld, of San Francsco, to furnsh vessels necessary to brng sugar East, rate of freght has been agreed upon at $2.50 per ton. The frst vessel, shp R. D. Rce, s now loadng frst consgnment at San Francsco. She wll be followed by or Amercan clpper shps. There has been nn unusually large crop of beet sugar durng past year n Calforna West, exceedng prevous years by 9,000,000 pounds n Calforna alone. Some of ths crop s not needed n West, t beng generally mxed wth Hawaan Phlppne Isls' product by refners. The run beng from one Amercan port to anor termed as a coastng rnn, foregn craft cannot compete. Phladelpha Record. O. W. O. Hardman, Sherff of Tyler Co., W. Va., apprecates a good thng, does not hestate to say so. He was almost prostrated wth a cold when he procured a bottle of Chamberlan's Cough remedy. He says: "It gave me prompt relef. I fnd t to be an nvaluable remedy for coughs colds." For sale by all medcne dealers. Benson, Smth & Co., Agents for H. I. 307 February 22, 8g4. Lttle Ganfc rat traps have been known to catch two rats at a tme; Ave sell m to catch one at each settng, f y do more than that you are wnner. We have a large stock of brass panted brd cages whch we are sellng at very low prces to meet strngency ot tmes. Brds are luxures should be kept as economcally as possble; frst step n drecton of savng n expense of a luxury of ths sort should be at cage often brd costs you nothng. The panted cage s cheapest wll last untl you grow tred of t. We heard a funny thng or day about materal for our locked fence. We have been shppng ths to customers all over group wthout regard to poltcs, age, sex or prevous condton of servtude of person orderng t. At Lahaua, we have a customer who recognzed n locked fence best fencng he ever saw, gave us an order. When goods reached port, some curous ndvdual examned bundles of stays concluded at once that y were steel ram rods for guns mmedately started a rumor that we were shppng arms to or sls. The only thng that surprses us s that effcent clerk at Marshal's offce has not been down to see why we had not procured a permt. We can underst how curous ndvdual took stays for ram war been orwse than what y were, ths unsulled patrot would rods; y are made of steel have stood defeat wth same equanmty wth whch he are welcomed about suc same sze as cess. - cnarge nee 0 throw away old fashoned artcle used ambton, for from ths angels for hammerne n fell," are nowder words of tho world's great master of characterzaton. In shot. Any of old sense n whch Shakespeare puts tmer here wll remember se words nto mouth of Wool-se- y, what a Washngton, steel ram.rod s n so far as one may read from hs lfe actons, was absolutely free from corrodng tant parson what a steel fence wll underst from com- of selfsh ambton. Hs only ambton was stay to serve hs country. s lke almost how Wher n feld, as Presdent, or n much pressure t wll st. It councl, no thought of self ever entered hs patrotc mnd. No more s about best descrpton elevated act of patrotc we can gve devoton you. They to cost duty than that of surrenderng hs you only sx dollars a hundred commsson to Congress that gave t, after seven years washers ffteen cents of successful war, can be found n all hstorv: wheu a pound. Send us an order tme came agan, at call of hs let us assst you that far grateful countrymen, he waa wth unanmous n makng voce best chosen fence you as chef executve of naton he had toled so ever saw. long to create, he cheerfully left quet home well-belov- on The Hawaan Hardware: Co., Potomac, to labor amd dffcultes detracton for good of hs race. 307 ever ttle, so often msplaced, were well deserved Fort Street, Honolulu. by man, n that one mentoned by one of framers of he Consttuton, to be appled as Daly Advertser, 50 cents per offcal ttle of Presdent, should month. Delvered bv carrers. w

5 Ml LOCAL BREWIES. Marshal Htchcock s back from he trp to Kau, Hawa. The case of Joe Cassres has been contnued untl 27th nstant. Presdent Dole pad an unoffcal vst to Phladelpha yesterday. Capt. J. A. Palmer, jr., has returned from hs trp to Volcano. Letters from Prof. W. D. Alexer ndcate that he wll return on next Australa. Ths s happy Frday set by Johnny Bowler for restoraton of Mrs. Domne. The Arawa s due from Brtsh Columba today Australa from San Francsco tomorrow. It s rumored that Andrew Cox wll take place of Kalakrla us deputy sherff of Waalua next month. Qute a large sum was realzed at mnstrel show last evenng for beneft of Salors' Home Socetv. The full text of speeches delvered at tbe meetng at drll shed yesterday, appears on rst page. Kaoul polceman who was eo severely cut, s mprovng, so s Cassre3 man who mutlated hm. Thrty gamblng cases were lol pross'd before Judge Robertson yesterday, alleged gamblers dscharged. J. A. Magoon s only person allowed to see Joe Cassres n hs cell at staton. He wll defend prsoner. The W. G. Hall reports plenty of ran all along her route, both on Mau Hawa, sepecally on Kau coast Th lepers at Kalh Recevng Staton v. ere examned on Tuesday. They wll be sent to Moloka next week. Detectve Larsen a Unted States Deputy Sherff are expected back from Kaua by James Makee ths mornng. The Waanae Mll has stopped grndng on account of floodng of cane felds, whch prevented laborers from cuttng cane. Mr. Mrs. Turner Prof. Berger hs orchestra wll assst at concert gven for beneft of Kawaahao Semnary, March 3d. New helmets for day caps for nght servce of polce force arrved by Monowa. The boxes were taken to Staton House yesterday. Honolulu had a Fourth of July look yesterday. Many of stores prvate resdences were decorated wth flags, n honor of man who couldn't fb. Anor mass meetng wll be held by Portuguese on Sunday. An answer to resolutons adopted at last Sunday's meetng s expected by that tme. The Councls met yesterday afternoon, but adjourned mmedately after readng of mnutes of last meetng, n honor of Washngton's brthday. H. Juen, quam annexatonst, expresses hs present contempt for cause by wrtng to Holomua offerng Star stock for sale at a nomnal fgure. The Poneer Mll, Lahana, Mau, broke down last Monday. The W. G. Hall brought here yesterday a pnon for repars. In meantme mll wll suspend operatons. C. J. Fshel, who s sellng out, expects to leave for New York cty, where he has relatves. He ntends to go nto busness re. Mr. Fshel s hghest Odd Fellow n ths country. The pupls of Kawaahao Semnary wll gve a concert on evenng of March 3d. The proceeds wll be used to purchase a pano for school. Tho admsson wll be 50 cents. The storm whch has raged all over sls durng past week played havoc wth telephone lne between Kawaahao Kohala, a number of poles beng struck by lghtnng. The announcement that new Hawaan stamps wll be placed on sale wthn a few days has greatly stmulated speculaton n surcharged stamps, dem has been very lvely lately. The Hawaan Electrc Company has just put a sx horse power motor n Gazette Company's press rooas, takng place of I pqmmw'ygvvgw &-- HAWAIIAN GAZETTE: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 894 SEMI-WEEKL- Y. four horse power motor, whch was not powerful enough to do work. Mrs. Robert Lewers gave a dnner party last evenng for Mr. George H. Pars. After dnner dancng took place n lana. Don't forget subscrpton lst for Kaoul wdow of Kau-han- e; $68.50 has been receved thus far at Advertser offce. Wm. Charlock, who has been dentfed wth busness of J. J. Wllams for several years, leaves on next Australa for an extended vst to Coast. Whle Captan Parker two or members of polce force were stng at entrance of staton durng storm yesterday, y were blnded for several seconds by a vvd flash of lghtnng. A San Fr.ncsco muscan by tbe name o: Brt has wrtten an opera ftult-- Captan Cook, of whch tcene s of course Hawa It d n truus opera, s descrbed by a San Francsco paper n hgh terms Mr. Geo. Pars has deposted on edtor's desk a pamphlet publshed by manufacturers of Columba bcycle, whch s one of hsomest thngs of sort ever seen. It shows models of all '94 wheels. The recent rans freshets dd consderable damage to flumes fences of Pahala Plantaton, Kau, Hawa The damage done s estmated to be from $5,000 to $20,000. E. W. Fuller, manager, arrved by W. G. Hall last nght. Captan R. W. Parker offcer Hart went to Iwle, below Oahu Prson, yesterday shot twenty-tw- o tagless dogs. The offcer stated that curs were fltby lookng. Mr. Frank Cooke took possesson of dogs after ' were shot. Washngton's brthday was approprately observed by shps n harbor. Englsh Amercan vessels alke were decorated n honor of occason. The buntng dsplayed by warshps was very beautful. At noon a mtonal calute of twenty-on- e guns each was fred by crusers Nanwn, Phldelpha Champon. Js lectre Works Struck. At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon lghtnng' struck wres of Hawaan Electrc Company, would have played havoc wth dynamo operatng day load had not bolt been averted by lghtnng arresters wth whch plant s equpped. Supt. Warrner, who was on h at tme, clams lghtnng could be heard crackng around buldng for many mnutes lke Chnese bombs. H- Strnck By Lghtnng. A natve was struck by lghtnng at Lhue, Kaua, last Monday. He was stng near a wre fence at tme had an olcloth coat on. The shock knocked hm senseless hs frends pcked hm up started for hs house. Whle on way he recovered suffcently to ask what had happened, desred to know wher y consdered hm crazy or not. He rap-dl- y recovered, but complans of a pan n hs head. o A Course of Lectures. The Rev. A. S. Twombly wll gve four lectures on four Frdays n March, for beneft of Y. M. C. A. lbrary. Hs subjects wll be as as follows March 2d, "Mchael Angelo" hs master peces. March 9th, "Orental Oddtes." A humorous descrpton of East. March 6th, "The Lost Paradse." A Mltonc study of lfe. March 23d, "The Plgrm Fars," or relgoub toleraton. He saw tbe Fght. In a recent account of Cor-- bett Mtchell fght, publshed n a Phladelpha paper, appears followng tem : "Grouped about rngsde were many faces famlar to Norrners. There were also ors who have a natonal reputaton. Fghtng Bob Evans, of navy, occuped a box wth Commer Whtng, who lately marred Mss Afong of Honolulu." If Qaeen of Swch Isls had succeeded n gettng ths country to countenance her rar relentless deas of punshment, Amercan Indan would hare some ground for feelng that be has been dscrmnated aganst. U. S. Paper, AMERICAN RELIEF FUND. The Annual Meetng Electon of Offcers. The annual meetng of subscrbers to ths Fund was held yesterday, Hon. Charles R. Bshop presdng. The treasurer submtted hs statement of fnances, showng that $909 had been pad durng past year. Calls for assstance have been numerous, socety has only been able to meet m owng to unusual gfts. The cash statement acknowledges recept from Executors Estate of J. H. Wood, deceased $ 50 Executors Estate of Peter Dalton, deceased 200 Donated by Volunteers of Provsonal Government Guards 82 jtechanc Engne Company No $392 The socety, on March 6, S93, receved a gft of a one thous dollar Hawaan Government sx per cent, bond from Hon. Chas. R. Bshop. Ths has been deposted as a permanent nvestment. The members present elected as offcers for next year : Hon. Chas. E. Bshop, Presdent. Hon. W. F. Allen, Vce-Presde- Tleo. F. Lansng, Secretary Treasurer. J. Emnelutu C. JJ. Rpley, Relef Commttee. The funds of socety are at present entrely used up, B. Cartwrght W. C. Parke were apponted a commttee to so'ct subscrptons to Fund. As socety s renderng weekly assstance to deservng partes, t s hoped that all resdent Amercans that are able wll subscrbe sum of $2 per annum to help to contnue assstance to r unfortunate countrymen. AT THE OPERA HOUSE. Boys from Phladelpha Wnd Up Day. The Phladelpha mnstrel troupe gave a lvely- - performance at Opera House last nght. The house was well flled by an apprecatve audence, who roared wth laughter upon least provocaton. The Phladelpha salors are ev dently good annexatonsts for jokes were all that way, v were numerous. The programme was a long one, part three was not begun untl 0 o'clock. It contaned an adaptaton of scenes from old homestead. The b of flag-h- p furnshed musc durng ntermssons. r Leaky Cpher Codes. There vsted New York recently an emssary from tbe State Depart ment whose msson was nvest gaton of what s dplomatcally termed a leak, The dspatches re cpved by government are, as s well known, sent n cpher. Ths cpher s gaarded wth a secrecy meant to be awful, but t was bus pected that some unauthorzed per son had obtaned a clew to t. Ths suspcon was suffcent to 6tart a rgd nvestgaton, tral led tc New York. All facts bearng on those matters are carefully hdden, upshot of New York vstor's trp was that re dd exst a suspcon, but no certanty. When he got back to Washngton re was a cnange n one or tbe codes. So quetly was busness managed that not a soul n State Department, wth three exceptons, knew what was afoot. Ths ncdent llustrates bow wary department s wth codes. One of m s styled "sphnx," t s so guarded. Thejslghtest reason to beleve that a code clerk may be responsble for a leak results n hs suspenson. However, onr govern ment has been far more successful n some foregn ones n protectng ts cphers. The "sphnx" was devsed by a New Yorker now n State Department, s as suscep tble to changes as a combnaton lock of a safe. Hundreds of messages have been sent n t, t has never leaked. The Hawaan correspondence wth Wlls s carred on entrely n ths cpher, t s never employed except upon urgent occasons, whle those ntrusted wth mysteres of t must be absolutely above suspcon; yet even shonld re be a leak, alteraton of a key letter would destroy every clew to an outsder. The Brazlan correspondence s not wrtten n ths mysterous code. Indeed, t s doubtfnl f admnstraton would consent to ts use on an extensve scale, as most expert n ts mysteres must epend an hour or more n decpherng of a sngle paragraph. Washngton Post. The ADVERTISER s leadng paper of Hawaan sls. It has a larger crculaton prnts more lve news than any or sl paper. Prce so cents per month, n advance. Rng up telephone No. 88 COURT NOTES. Sxteenth day of February term. The jury n assault battery cas9 aganst Wllam Patterson, of Ewa, Oahu, havng dsagreed, were dscharged from furr consderaton of case. V. V. Ashford for prosecuton, W. R. Castle for defendant. In ejectment case enttled Mara Kaanaana vs. Keah ors, l beng stuate n Ewa on ths sl, defendants have fled a moton that sad case be tred by a mxed jury nstead of by a full Hawaan jury, on ground that an admnstrator (foregner) has been appont ed to admnster on estate of one of defendants, who ded snce commencement of sut. Ths moton wll rase queston as to wher admnstrator of an ntestate s a proper party defendant n an ejectment sut. C. W. Ashford for plantff, W. A. Knney J. A. Magoon for defendants. W. A. Knney on behalf of lbel-lan-t, has fled a moton that plantff be allowed to fle a supplement al petton n dvorce sut of Suse F. Cartwrght vs. A. J. Cart-wrgh- t. Ths request f granted, wll renforce former petton already on fle. F. M. Hatch W. A. Knney for plantff, C. W. Ashford for defendant. In dvorce sut fled on behalf of Henr G. McGrew, counsel for respondent, Alphonsne McGrew, have fled a moton that y be allowed an attorney's fee n prosecuton of sad cause. A. S. Hartwell for plantff, C. W. Ashford F. M. Wakefeld for defendant. C. L. Carter as guardan of H. G. McGrew, has noted an appeal from order of Judge Cooper, allowng an attorney's fee n guardanshp matters of sad Mc- Grew hs son, Reynold Brode McGrew. In J. F. Bowler vs. E. C. Macfar-lan- e ors, bll n equty for an accountng, plantff has fled a replcaton n response to defendants' demurrer. P. Neumann for plantff, F. M. Hatch for defen dants. In S. B. Kaomea et al. vs. Chas. Kaak et al., equty case for an accountng by offcers of a natve l hu n Kona, Hawa, answer of defendants has been fled. W. C. Ach for plantffs, C. Brown for defendants. Yesterday beng annversary of Washngton's brthday, Court adjourned for tbe day at 2 o'clock noon. HAWAIIAN ITEMS. Short Paragraphs from Amercan Papers on Stuaton. Mr. Blount proved to be a good deal of a clam n hs examnaton be fore senate commttee recently. Senator Dolph took place of Senator Fryo as cross examner, after Mr. Blount had stood fre for a whle, he shut hmself up tght referred commttee to hs report whch be sad contaned all nformaton he had to offer. Not even Senator Morgan could get a word out of hm. The commttee told hm planly very lttle fath was placed n hs report because t was one sded. But Mr. Blount postvely refused to recognze any othor sde. Jnlus A. Palmer, Jr., n a letter to Boston Transcrpt from San Francsco, says that t s very general mpresson re that woman n Hawaan scrape s Mss Kanlan Cleghorn, whose boau ty, sweetness goodness made a tremendous mpresson n Whte House. The senate, recently, had a lttle fun over Senator Gordan's attempts to pronounce name of Hawaan ex queen. Lluokalan s a pronounced entangler. The Toronto Mal, whch s not apt to take sde of Unted States n an nternatonal dspute, has ths to say on Hawaan queston: "Presdent Dole s workng out wll of Unted States, Hawaan Mnster of that conntry s opposng ts wll. He knows that be s dealng wth a Government that s runnng counter to publc opnon on j Hawaan queston. He s fur rng annexaton, that s what ' great Amercan people want." As an enterprsng mannfacturer of canned soup has named hs latest br Lluokalan, t needs nothng, we suppose, but addton of a lttle hot water to make t go down a good deal of salt to keep t from beng too fresh. The Illustrated Toursts' Gude That popular work, "Thb Toursm GnBK Through thb Hattaam s meetng wth a steady sale both at home abroad. Toursts ors vstng se tlatfl shonld be n possesson of a copy of t. It s a per-e-ct mne of nformaton relatng to tne scenes attracton to be met wth here. Copes n wrappen can be had at publcaton offce, 40 Merchant street, h Nwa Dealers. Prce 60 t no. 3cm Utrjrrtsrcn Lst of Delnquent Taxpayers, Isl of Hawa. In accordance wth Secton CI, Chapter LXT., Sesson Laws of 63.'. I publsh followng Lst of Delnquent Taxpayers all Taxes remanng nnpad on 3st dy of Janoary. S94. for Thrd Taxaton Dvson, Isl of Hauu. "Tbe 90m of ffty cents (.r0c) shall be added to delnquent az, assessed publshed as costs." HILO DISTRICT Xawauanakoa Knho acres houe lot near Kns ", Ulo, on l of Pltonna, B. I 609. L. C. A Dae for 89. "9.: "93. T.x-- s wth 0 per cent, added. $ J. Nawab st. acres lot school st, llllo. l of Ponahawa porton, R. P. 252; buldngs on same. d. 0 acre, lot ou Front st, Illo. l of Punahoa st porton of R. P L. C. A. 46, personal property. Taxes wth 0 per cent, added Estate of Kaulnwale by J. Nawahl, agt. acre, Walannenne St., Illo. l of Pnonna porton. R P. 4"99, L.C.A. 8J. Taxes wth 0 p rc-n- t. added CO 4 Alex. K. Nawahl acre. Waakea porton, R. P. 4G, L. '. A. T'. Taxes wth 0 per cent, edded SS 3 J. Nawahl (Guardan for Kckulu ) Personal property. Taxes wth lopercent CO G Mrs. J. Nawahl Carrage. Taxes wth 0 per cent Mss E. K. Nawahl Personal property. Taxes wth 0 per cent Luhlkau (w) Lot Pnneo Ap. S, R. P. 4066, L. C. A. 463). Taxes wth 0 per cent 0 9 Estate J. Poka Hanaaumoc-6-l- Ou acre. Jal St., Illo l of Pnnahawal porton of R. P. 50. L. O. A. 39S8. dne for S9, '92 '93. Taxes wth 0 percent 6 CO 0 W. S. Akana 0 acres cane l, or Nene; buldng on Front St., Illo; 4! acres Kahuwa nearpc-peeke- o. Taxes wth 0 per cent 4 30 Kanhane (w) 6 acres l Malamala-malk- e porton R. P.!58 bngs on same. Taxes wth 0 per cent Makala Kalna J4 acre,lana of Pnneo porton It. P. 4S4. L. O. A. S0o9; buldng on same personal properly. Taxes wth lopcrcmt 3 NORTH UILO DISTRICT. 3 Mrs. Lluokalan Domnls Ahupnaa of IIonohnaR.P.4386, L. C.A.bl32. Taxes wth 0 per cent... SS IX) 4 Frank Spencer 3 acres Ap.2. R.P. 7397, L.C. A. H59, on l of Kaobaoha near Ook Plant., dne for Tar th 0 per cent Kapol (uj-- b' '..'porton It P 032. l of Welok je for ISM, '92 "95. Taxes wt'.. O per cent Jas. Brght 25-- acres porton H P 32 n Lanpahoeloe gulch. Taxes wth 0 percent 3 S3 HAMAKUA DISTRICT. 7 KaalhneKnnanc 50 acres l of Kaao, R P 23 porton. Taxes wth lopercent Kafcae acres, l of Kaao, R P 29 porton. Taxes wth 0 per tent I) 7 9 Kaloa w Acrc L of Ka-a- c, R V 2494 porton. Taxes wth 0. G 7 Bercent 5 acres l of Kanehe por ton, ll P563 Personal property. Taxes wth lopercent G 50 2 Estate Bapa 30 acres l of Walka-alul- R f I55G house. Taxes wth lopercent Kaanka 0 acres l of Nlcnle, R P 2C house 3 acres l of I' 774. Taxes wth 0 per cent Ah Kce Co House n Houokaa. Taxes wth 0 per cent 5 50 Bt Estato Laukalele 29 0 acres l of Knknlhaelc, It P 930 Taxes wth lopercent.. : Catholc Msson J acres laud of R P 933. Taxes wth 0 per cent 32 2G Kahaloa 3 acres l nf Walpo, R P 773, L C A 036 aud Personal pro: perty. Taxes wth 0 per cent... II CO 27 Mancle 5 acres l nf Welmann. R P 5028, L C A 72T5- -6 ncre l of l" 5929., C A 733. Taxes wth 0 percent Kahucna Ilo-- e personal property. Taxes wth 0 percent Kaumcharacha (v)-t3- -0 aces l of Kukuhacle. It l'k); 0 acres l of Kukuhacle, L C A Taxes wth U per cent... G5 30 W. R. Castle 9 acres Papuaa, R P 7352, L O A Taxes wth 0 per cent G. O. Akna 88 acrex l of llankol, RP2H9. Taxes wth 0 per cent Jas. M. Monsarrat 2 acres l of Manlenle. R P 04. dne for S 893. Taxes wth lopercent E. Kalnla 2 acres l nt Walulo. R P 756, L C A 7E37. due l.r Taxes wth lopercent E S3 34 W.K.Thompson IGacresIof R P 75. dee for lb&2 8J3. Taxes wth 0 per cent... : Kla Nahoolelaa Ahp. Lanpahoehne, L C A o2)3. due for 892 8'Jt. Taxes wth 0 per cent G A. S. Clechorn 7 acres, Walpo, - R P bl74, L C A ;95f, due for Taxes wth 0 per cent 8 60 Kanla (w) 2 acres. Walpo, L C A 8302, dne for Taxes wth lopercent IosepaAnla 3 R P 369. L C A 4040, dne for Taxes wth 0 percent Kankn 0 acres, Kapulena, R P 569, L O A Taxes wth 0 per cent Pekelo Kamalna 0 acres. Kapulena. RP569, LCA400.. Taxes wth 0 per cent Epa 9 acres l of Kaauhnbu, R P 95. due for Taxes wth lopercent D. Kahamu, et tl..3 acres. Walpo, R P fci. due for Taxes wth lopercent Makaaa 23 acre l of Honopue, R PTO, due for 892 aod S9. Taxes wth loper cent G W. P. Lumahelhe Buldngs personal property. Taxes wth 0 per cent SOUTH KOHALA DISTRICT. 43 W Davs Personal property Walmea, etc. Taxes wth 0 per cent, added M Campbell Personal property etc.. Wamea. Taxes wth 0 per cent added Haallllo Personal property Walmea. Taxes wth lopercent John Purdy 5 acres l of Punkapn, L U A 36SG 3 acres l of Pnnkapu. R P C334, L O A Personal property. Taxes wth 0 per cent... 4 ' 3 J B Kahann Personal property, etc., Wamea. Taxes wth lopercent Jas Brght 2 acres Wamea, It P 43 Buldng on same Personal property. Taxes wth 0 per cent Mama Wamea dog. Tax wth 0 percent Kpa Wamea 2 dogs. Tax wth 0 percent Jootll Walmea 3 dou. Tax wth 0 cent 3 3,' Duncan Wamea do.--. Tax wth 0 per cunt 0 NORTH KOHALA DISTRICT. 35 Ann I Kaa 8J acres taro pasture lacd Makapala. Taxes wtb 0 percent Z Kalsl!4 acre house lot Makapala, K P acres taro l Makapala, It P Buldngs Personal property. Taxes wth 0 per cent... G38 57 J U Kaou 3 acres taro l Wala- - house. etc Uaxes 0 percent, 627 eong Kong Sang Buldngs lalawa. Taxes 0 per cent Mosc Kennedy Carrage dog Ha-la- a. Taxes 0 per cent Z Lula Kalankoa IKK acres patnre l Katnooa. Taxes 0 percent Kallkeaw-- 50 acres cane latlla-laul- a 36 acres pasture l. Taxes 0 per cent 9 60 d2 Beke Estate 50 acres cane l at Halanla. Taxes wth 0 per ceut Lumaawe One Dog. Taxes wth 0 percent Nalmahopn L at Uonolpu.Taxes lopercent Lnlla Kahann Estate 4 acres l at Kahoeka. buldngs, etc. Taxes wth lopercent 4 SO 6G Wawaole acre honse lot, Kapaau, R P 740, buldngs personal pro-- Taxes wth 0 per cent 76 elll 55 acres l at Honopueo, bouse lot buldngs. Taxes wth lopercent " 880 CS KDKalama H acres l atllono-pue-o buldngs, etc. Taxes wth lopercent Wanee 7 acres cane l, Honoma- - kan. Taxes wth 0 per cent Keala 7 acres cane l. Honoma- - kan. Taxes wth lopercent J tl Kuhnapu'e. 2 dc-r- s. Taxes wth lopercent Knamoo 25 acres pasture l Ilono-p- a. buldngs, etc. Taxes wth 0 per cent J Kalllbane 20 acres Pasture l at Kalpuhaa, acre house lot balld- - nes. Taxes wth 0 per cent I Paul Moldcnhowcr Lot house, Makapala, acre pasture l, Maka-pal- a, acre taro l.makapala.bnld-nc-, personal yroperty. Taxes wth 0 per cent James Kaal. hunte lota buldngs Makapala. Taxes wth 0 per cent Aona House lot, taro l,bndlngs Makapala. aud nersonl nmnohr Taxes wth 0 percent : lloopo Estate UuIIdlur, etc, IlaU--. Taxes wth 0 per eent Ah Chen or Kon Sang buldng p property, etc uatana. Taxes wth 0 per cent 575 NORTH KONA DISTRICT. 79 Johj Lapozo 38 acres l Hlanaloll 3, L C A U8). buldngs personal proptrtp. Taxes wth lopercent, Katela 2 acres l of Kamalomalu. RP4223.LOA 544. Taxes wth 0 per cent, 2 20 SOUTH KONA DISTRICT. bl Kjukawxjole ;: 2 pes, l of Ilono-njl- l; P5S), L OA 09.46; WJ acres laud of t.koc. It P4784.L C A PW7. 'axes wth 0 per cent, added 0 62 Pahl share n ths l of Hoopuloa personal property. Taxes wth 0 percent jo S3 Mrs. Malopll Half llnterest In Ahp. Lnmllum, Laud of Pahoeboe. Taxes wth 0 pr cent Kanahoa lofkala-hlk- l. R P 3t.;C, I. U A 9746c Taxes wtbloper ceut KonaClTee&Fralt Co. Ahp. of Ka- - lank, acres more or less, oue cart personal property. Taxes wtn to per cent 22 UNKNOWN OWNERS, OR The followng peces of l assessed under ths head. S6 st 90 acres Kul. of Kapo, Oha l of Onoul,RP.C2I, LOAS U 87 2d 30 acres Kul. or Kahanann, l of OnoulI,LCA d Kul. of KukahunaJ of Onoal.lstltl'432. LCA th 0 acre Kul. or Kapo, 2 Res. l of Onoal st 2d. L C A 72 U4 33 SO 3th acres KnI. of Kalamala, l of Keekee, R P Gj'jO, L C A 65, IS B 2 9 Cth 0 acres Kul. of Noahn. laud of Kaawaloa,LC A th 0 acres Kul of Palau, l 0 KaawaIoa.RP4926, L C A th 2 acres Knl.of Kaka, l of A7I8G acres Knl. of I, laud or Ka- - haaioa"2d, L C A 823 A th acres Knl.of Mlslon A P C A. l of Kepulu. L C A 3S th 4 acres Kul.ofNIka,2Rcs. l of Kanleoll, R P 3SC3, L C A 94' th- -l acres Kul. of Kaamoku, l of Kalama 2d, L C A th- -3 acres Kul. of Kaula. l of Haukalua. RP C62, LCA th acres Kul.of Kalpuala, l or Haukalua, LCA acres Kul. of Keawca-mab-, l of Ualell, L O A S77G... G5 0 6th 0 acres Kul. of Haumea, 2 Res. l of Knkuopea, R P CG33, LCA th acres Knl. or Kaunabl, l or Olelomoana, LCA ISth 4 acres Kul. of Hakuole. l of llonomallno, R P 32. LCA th acres Kul. or Mahoe. l of Okoe 2d, LC A th 4 0 acres Kul. of Maua. l of llonomallno. R P 6399, LCA Jo 06 2st acres Kul. ofuoa,l of llonomallno, R P 6707, LCA KAU DISTRICT. 07 Mary P Kckoa 36 acres pastatc l at Nnole, It 82. Taxes wth n percent 55 l Kalopl w 9 0 acres pasture l atwalohlnu. R P3303, LC A 09SO. Taxes wth lopercent 0 0"! Keawe w, (Illo), 3 acres partnre l at Waohlnn. R P 6G46, LCA 0,203. Taxes wth 0 per cent, add 0 0 & Y Mahelcna, (Honolnla), 2U2 0 acres pasture l at Kannamano, It P 37. Taxes wth 0 pcrccntadd CO S P Waola. (Pnna;. V acres cane l at Hokukano, LCA acres cane l at Hokukano. L C A Taxes wth 0 per cent add 3 83 PUNA DISTRICT. 2 Joseph Kamal. (Honolulu), acres l of Kaohe cenepnko.r P 533. Due for 892 3), Taxes wth 0 per cent r, CO 3 "Unknown" owner S 0 acres l of Keanohana. bln: j of 999, 4 acres l of Keanolua, beln; ' of It P 227, formerly pad for by J. II Paho. Due for 892 und 833.Taxcs wth lopercent II. C. AUSTIN. Assessor 3rd Taxaton DlvUton, Isl of Hawa NOTICE. A TTIIE ANNUAL. HEETTSG l of Stockholders of Hawaan Bell Telephone Co. held January 20th. 894, tbe followng ofacers were elected for ensung year: Godfrey Brown Presdent Treasurer. uectl lrown John Cassldy.. General Superntendent. J. F. Brown cecretary. II. Von Holt..Audtor. nr.ccroks: James Campbell. O. (smth, J. F. Brown. J. F. BROWN. Secretary of Hawaan Bell Telephone Co ,- NOTICE. AT THE an;nuai meetng or of HAWAIIAN FRUIT & TARO CO. held ths day, tbe follow ng offcers were elected for ensung year: E. n. BAILEY. Presdent. Jno. Rchardson A. N. Kepolka Secretary. W. O. Smth Treasurer. L. M. Vctlescn Audtor. They alo consttute tbe Board of Drectors for sad Company. A. N. KEPOIKAI, Secretary Han. Frut.t Taro Co. Wallnkn. Mun. Feb. 4th HONOLULU IRON WOItKS CO. AT THE AXK UAI 3IKETING of I hs Com) any!em ths day at offce of Theo. II. Davle-- f ne followng Ofacers were elected for tr,u mn year, 7lz: Presdent.... Tneo. II. Davles.... F. M.Swanzy. Treasurer W. II. Balrd. E. W. Holdsworth. Audtor T. R. Keyworth. E.W. HOLDSWORTH, Becretary, Honolulu. February 6th. It l-w Electon of Ofcers. T TOE AXNUAI. MEETING r of Hawaan Agrcultural Company held ths day. followlnr ofleers were elected to serre for current jear: Presdent Cbas. M. Cooke.. Sam'I C.Allen. Treasurer... Ceo. H. Robertson. Secretary... O. Carter. Audtor... Tom May. dbctoes: P. C. Jones, Tom May, H. Wattrhonse. J. O. CARTER, Secretary Hawaan Agrcultural Company Honolulu. January U The Daly Ad vebtbeb b delvered by carrers for 50 cents a month. Rng op Telephones 88, Now s tme to ranperbe. psxtt'.a3aljrmajbiarj-t- W'z, A.,'-,Z- l t Jm&b4&tA&&. AS- - 4

6 ved -- TVT-' j "' -.", -- pv jtytmp apkpb&ftrfc!0&lfr 0 HAWAIIAN GAZETTE; FRIDAY, JFEBBITABY 23, 894.-SEJMX-WEE- In Supreme Court of Hawaan Isls. December Term, 894. Ik Matter of Estate of J. F. 0. Bannng, Deceased Testate. Appeal of B. R. Bannng. before judd, c.j., bckerton, j. Where testmony of a JodRe gven n a case becomes subject matter of revew on appeal, he should not st n Appellate Court. A Crcut Judge who made an order n a case reafter was apponted a Justce of Supreme Bench, s not reby dsqualfed to hear case on appeal. A Crcut Judge to be dsqualfed from sttng as thrd member of Supreme Court (one of ts members beng dsqualfed), must have prevously decded exact case or ssue appealed from. The word "cause" n Secton SC of Act to reorganze Judcary Department does not mean estate n probate from whch queston comes. OPINION OF THE COURT BY JUDD, C.J. On 29th December last, when ths appeal was brought on for hearng, objecton was made by appellant's counsel to Mr. Justce Frear's sttng, on ground that he would, on ths appeal, have to pass upon effect of hs own evdence before Judge Cooper of Crcut Court, as to understng of appellant of securtes alleged to have been accepted by hm n dstrbuton of property f estate of J. F. 0. Bannng. On ths ground we held that Mr. Justce Frear was dsqualfed to hear ths case. Or grounds of objecton were made, frst, that Judge Frear had granted order whle Crcut Court, dschargng Mr. W. F. Allen, admnstrator of estate n queston, under a msapprehenson of true meanng ntent of wll of sad J. F 0. Bannng. We dd not consder Judge Frear dsqualfed on ths ground. He had heard case as a Crcut Judge, but Act to reorganze Judcary Department does not contan any provson makng ths fact a dsqualfcaton. Nor does fact that appeals exceptons from decsons rulngs rendered by a Justce of Supreme Court before Act went nto effect, whle he had nsprus jursdcton, are brought up for hearng before Supreme Bench, dsqualfy Justce whose decson s appealed from, prevent hm from sttng. From necessty durng transton of ths Court from one whose members hed ns prus jursdcton to a Court of purely appellate jursdcton re must be some cases where one of members of Appellate Court had heard decded case n frst nstance. And although ths may be whn sprt of Act t s not wthn ts letter re s no provson dsqualfyng a Justce under such crcumstances. Mr. Justce Frear beng held to be dsqualfed, Judge SWhtng of Crcut Court, Frst Crcut, was asked on 3d January, 894, to st n case. On Judge Whtng's suggestng on takng bench that he was dsqualfed by reason of havng "had connecton wth ths cause," a prelmnary queston arose as to what trbunal should decde upon competency of one of ts members, wo held that remanng members of Court s only Court competent to decde wher thrd member s dsqualfed or not. An Act to Judcary Department, Secton 5G, provdes that n event of dsqualfcaton of a Justce of Supreme Court on grounds gven, "hs place for tral determnaton of sad cause shall be flled by one of Crcut Judges teho has had no connecton wth sad cause, cr as counsel or n hs offcal capacty, or by any competent dsnterested member of Bar of Supreme Court reunto authorzed by wrtten request of remanng Justces." We hold that "connecton wth cause" by Crcut Judge n hs offcal capacty referred to, means that to dsqualfy hm he must have passed upon ssue or ssues of law or fact whch are rased by appeal. That havng ruled upon collateral matters not nvolved n appeal would not dsqualfy hm. For nstance, f Crcut Judge had admtted a certan wll to probate decson appealed from! was allowance of executor's accounts by anor Crcut Judge, he would not be dsqualfed. The COLUIU III puuulo ID UUh mo,uo.. The "cause" meant n statute s exact case or ssue brought to Supreme Court by appeal. But t appears that Judge Whtng had as Crcut Judge presdng at August term, 893, of Crcut Court declned to allow ths appeal to be tred by a jury on ground, among ors, that decson appealed from was not fnal. Ths s very queston now brought to ths Court for decson, accordngly, we fnd Judge Whtng dsqualfed. A. S. Hartwell W. A. Knney for Appellant ; F. M. Hatch for Respondent. Honolulu, Jan. 3, 894. In Supreme Court of Hawaan Isls. December Term, S93. In re Estate of J. F. O. Bannng, Deceased Testate. before judd, c. j., bckerton CECIL BBOWN, ESQ., ACTING JUSTICE. Appeal or B. B Bannng. A Crcut Judge revoked an order of dscharge of an admnstrator, ordered a new account drected admnstrator to credt hmself wth money securtes mentoned n a recept by one of devsees. Held, order respectng new account was not fnal was refore not appealable. opnon of court by judd, C. J. Both Mr. Justce Frear of ths Court, Jndse Whtng of Crcut Court Frst Crcut beng dsqualfed Judge Cooper beng also dsqualfed, havng made order appealed from, on 3d January, 894, Ceel Brown Esqure, a member oe Bar of Supreme Court, was authorzed by wrtten request of remanng members of ths Court to try determne case. An order had been made on 5th February, 893, by Mr. Justce Frear, whle Crcut Judge, approvng accounts of Mr. W. F." Allen admnstrator wth wll annexed of estate of J. F. O. Bannng, dstrbutng estate dschargng admnstrator. On a petton by benefcares under wll of testator, Mrs. C. H. Bannng, wdow, B. B. Bannng, son, Crcut Judge Cooper, on ground that by wll trust had not determned, revoked on July 2, 893, order of dscbarge, ordered a new account to be fled drected that admnstrator should credt hmself wth money securtes mentoned n recept gven by B. B. Bannng. The pettoners appealed from ths order. Mr. Hatch for AHod, Respondent, moved ths Court that appeal be dsmssed on ground that no fnal order had been made n Court below. Mr. Hatch, for moton, contended that as petton asked for revocaton of order of ds charge of admnstrator on ground that t was not justfed by wll, ths whs granted, pettoner, beng prevalng party has no ground of appeal. The drecton to admnstrator as to future accountng was merely an ntmaton as to what vew Court would take of B. B. Bannng re cept. Ths part of order was nterlocutory. When account s made an order passng upon t made, t wll be fnal so far as that account s concerned t wll be appealable. Messrs. Hartwell Knney, per contra, If ths Court shall hold that part of Judge Cooper's order allowng Mr. Allen to credt hmself wth amount of seenrtes n recept n queston s obter dctum, we are safe. It s not lkely that Judge Cooper wll change hs opnon. The order made was fnal. A general appeal was taken we select ask to be heard upon that porton of order whch s adverse to us. Unless we had taken ths course we mght fnally lose our appeal on ths queston by reason of ts beng held to be ret adjudcata when brought up agan. By Court: By repeated decsons of ths Court decded n July 893, Provsonal Government vs. W. G. Smth; Provsonal Government vs. AhUn; Brown vs. Carvalho; Provsonal Government vs C. A. Herrng Provsonal Government vs. H. F. Poor, we have held that a fnal dsposton of cause must be made before t s appealable. In ths case order of Judge Cooper was not fnal. The nstructon gven to admnstrator as to way bs account shonld be mado expressed n vew of Conrt on a queston nvolved, but account was not before Court re was no order made approvng or dsallowng t or any tems n t. Wth ths n vew we do not consder that order n ths respect could be hfld to be res adjudcata when account shall be made fnally passed upon brought up here on appeal. We do not consder order to be fnal refore dsmss appeal wthout prejudce to tho appellants. A. S. Hartwell W. A. Knney for appellants; F.M. Hatch for respondent. Honolulu, January 3, 594. Mrs. Emly Thome, who resdes at Toledo, Washngton, says she has never been able to procure any medcne for rheumatsm that releves pan so quckly effectually as Chamberlan's Pan Balm, that she has also used t for lame back wth great success. For sale by all medcne dealers. Benson, Smth &. Co., Agents for H. I. AT KAUMAKAPILI. Mr. Mrs. Turner Help to Make a Delghtful Concert. It s evdent that name of "Mary Cooke" s enough of tself to fll any house n Honolulu. Kaumakapl Church was crowded from end to end last nght, twenty mnutes before tme announced for begnnng of concert. The asles were crowded, throng about door was mpassable. The excellence of programme, even apart from sngng of Mr. Mrs. Turner, fully justfed all pleasurable antcpatons whch had been formed. The pupls of Mr. Armstrong Smth gave a very pleasng exhbton of skll wth h bells. They gave Aloha Oe, Clementne, or classc favortes to great satsfacton of audence, wndng up wth Doxology, n whch y were partcularly strong. The serenade for vola, voln gutar by Messrs. Het-ma- n Rosen Marques, was receved wth well deserved approbaton, as was ntermezzo by Mss von Holt, Mr. W. Ar. Love, Mr. Wray Taylor. Both selectons were delghtful n mselves, delghtfully rendered. Mr. Wray Taylor's own specal contrbuton to programme was a fnely executed fantasa by Thomas. The stars of evenng were of course Mr. Mrs. Turner. Mr. Turner's fne voce elcted usual enthusastc applause, whch was Kndly acknoweagea n a couple of encores. The Jewel Song from Faust was sung by Mrs. Turner n a manner whch left nothng to be desred. As an encore she sang "Kathleen Mavourneen. The fnal number, Hel's superb "Angels Ever Brght Far," was almost surfetng n ts sweetness. "Home, Sweet Home," whch followed, somehow has a sweetness whch does not surfet, especally when sung wth tenderest feelng by a woman who has not only voce of a prma donna, but soul of an artst. Mr. Berger deserves greatest credt for hs work as accompanst. The followng s programme : Anm "Hear My Prayer"PerkIns Kaumakapl Chor. "Selectons on H Bells" Pupls of Mr. Armstrong Smth. Song "The Plgrm"- - Adams Mr. Charles Turner. "Sereuade" for Voln, Vola Qutar -- J. Kuffner Messrs. H. Hetman, J. Kosen A. Marques. "Jewel Sour from Faust" Gounod Annls Montague (Mrs. Chas. Turner.) Organ Solo "Concert Fantasa... --Thomas Mr. Wray Taylor. Song "Star of My Heart" --Benza Mr. Turner. Intermezzo "Cavallera Itust-- cana" Mascagn Pano, Mss von Holt. Voln, Mr. W. A. Love. Organ, Mr. Taylor. Ara "Angels Ever Brght Far" Hel Anns Montague. Amercan, Brtsh, Japanese Hawaan Natonal Anms. Dr. Talmage' s Trp. The Bev. Dr. Talmage, Brooklyn preacher, ha3 completed arrangements for a tour of world durng comdg sprng aud summer. Accordng to program, Dr. Talmade wll go overlaud to San Francsco wll sal from that port tho last week n May, takng steamer to Hawaan Isls. He wll also vst New Zeal, Australa, Chna Inda n east. In Chna a large porton of hs tme wll be spent n Amoy, where hs bror, late Bev. Dr. John Talmage, was for forty-tw- years a o mssonary. The daughters are well-know- n mssonares, stll lvng n Amoy contnue work r far began. The jonrney homeward wll be made from Ceylon, through Europe, across Atlantc. Dr. Talmage wll be accompaned by hs wfe two daughters! wll be absent about hve months. The extended trp through Asa Europe has no connecton wth present crss n affars of hs church. It was practcally determned upon n 892, when he was n Bussa. It s hs ntenton to preach 3nd lectnre n every place he vsts whle he s away. Changed r Kelon. The nhabtants of Ptcarn Isl, that Arcada of Pacfc, where descendants of mutneers of Bounty r Tahtan wves now dwell, have suddenly changed r relgon. The Seventh Day Adventsts of Calforna recently sent a msson to sl, wth result that Ptcarners have renounced Anglcansm have embraced new doctrne submtted to m. They declare that new fath s more n harmony wth Bble than any relgon y had ever read or heard of. Westmnster Gazette. Prof. H. S. Townsend of Laha- - naluna s n town. KLY, 'Xtw lbctrtstrnfju THREE COFFEE Pulpng Machnes Of Best KndJJustReceved. They "Wll Iulp From 30 to GO Bushels of Upe Coffee per Honr. A PULr-E- t smlar to se s n use by Coffee Tea Company at Kona, parchment coffee turned out from ths machne s a joy to behold, not a kernel broken Now s tme to purchase, so as to be p jpared for comng crop. These Pulpers are made very strong; are packed n a compact form can easy be transported er n a wagon or on mule or cattle back. Besdes se Pulpers, whch are frst ever offered n ths market, we have just receved a fne assortment of goods round Cape Horn e Martha Davs from New York Boston Vllalta from Engl. Among whch wll be found WIRE NAILS, Cat Nals Spkes, Galvanzed Nals Spkes :st. Ash Oars, Cases Card Matches, O. U. Irons, Cases Turpentne, Barrels Rosn Ptch. Bales Oakum, Wre Door Mats, Straw Wrappng Paper, Cases Naphtha. Blacksmths' Bellows, Bales Cotton Waste, Bales Cotton Sal Duck, a large lot of Ssal Rope, a large assortment of JM"anla Hope, Pck llos Hles, Lawnmowers, FocMer Cmter.s, Horse Shoe Nals, Horse s Kasps, H Alden's Patent Bla-kng-, Brooms, Maou' Door Locks, Padlocks, Olotes Pns, Scrub Brushes, Saad hnu'y Paper, Boat Nals, Hall's Cum Knves, Uonra Batteres, Sash Cord, Smokeless Gun Powder, Ball's Plows Breakers, Hasps Hnges, Ox Bows, Axes, Hatches, Crowbars, Pckaxes Me Grndstones, Mop3, Hoes, etc.. Cols Flexble Steel Wre Hope Topsal Sheet Chan, all szes; Sheet Iron, Galvanzed ; Shoe Elastc, POCKET ELECTRIC LAMPS, BJ& For sale by E. 0. HALL & CORNER FORT That Joyful CUTLEEY AND KING all Szes. STREETS, HONOLULU. Feelng Wll be experenced by everyone unfortunate enough to be oblged to wear specally ground Spectacles or Eye Glasses on readng that we are now fully equppsd to manufacture anythng everythng n Optcal Lne no matter how complcated. Joyful, because long wat of sx weeks or more n sendng away for your glasses s done away fo ever. Those who have suffered by ths wat wll know best what t means". Much tme money has been spent to ensure perfect success. My Machnery s newest n use n all of large factores of East, beng thoroughly conversant wth all manner of complcated work, we clam to be able to turn out as perfect work as can be obtaned n any part of world. The dstance from optcal centres long delay n sendng away for specal work has prompted us to add ths specal department to our already large optcal busness, we hope to be favored wth a lberal share of work done n Honolulu. Prces same as n San Francsco, on some work a lttle lower. Oculsts Prescrptons accurately flled. Telescope, feld, marne or opera glass lenses repolshed adjusted. One tral wll gve yon more of that joyful feelng than Anythng we can thnk of. U.WICHMAN Manufacturng Optcan. 5-t- t yy Dr. j. Colls mmhmn mutmsmmmmm Ox-gaa- al BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE axtcl HOUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. DR..J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE nee nanceuor ar. w. raus WOOl) stated publcly In Court that Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE was undoubtedly INVESTOR of CHLORODYNE, that whole story of defendant Freeman was delberately c, he reeretted to say It had been sworn to. See The Tmet, Jnly 3, S64. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE s a lqud medcne whch assnacea WIS of EVERY KIND, aflords a calm, refreshlne sleep, WITHOUT HEADACHE, nrtgc? rates nervous system when exhausted.- - DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE s TRUE PALLIATIVE n NEURALGIA, GOUT, CANCER, TOOIHACHE. HEUMATISM. New Store! New ORDWAY Robnson Hotel JOHN rt' OnlySG - oxn? T3.o. IS THE GREAT SPECIFIC DYSENTERY, CHOLERA- - The GENERAL BOARD of HEALTH, London REPORT that t ACTS as a CUARM, one do-- e generally suffcent. Dr. GIBBON, Army Medcal SUIT, Calcutta, states: "two dosss coaplstzlr cubed 33 or DIABlllffA." DR- - COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE Rapdly cuts short all attacks of EPILEPSY, SPASMS, COLIC, PALPITATION. HYSTERIA PORTANT CAUTION. -- The SE SALE or lh RKlll'nv,..,... lfe to many UNSCRUPULOUS IMITA-TI02J- S. IT. B. Every bottle of GENUINE CHLORODYNE bears on Government teuanaoflnven'or-d- R. J COLLIS BROWNE. Sold In bottles. Is. s. Tt.. 4s. 6d., by all Chorods. Majcc-wcturb- Solk -J t. DAVENPORT, 33, Great Kuasell Street. London, V. C lj Goods!' lew Frm! All Latest Noveltes Styles n Antque Oak Bedroom Suts, Wcker Ware UZJOS: BOARDS, CHEFFOXIERS, ETC., WAEDEOBK8, TVALL BRACKETS And all knds of Furnture Manufactured Repared. JA Isl Orders wll receve prompt careful attenton Block, Street, & PORTER between -- IMPORTEK AND DEALER IN Z&$z2'ff&r' "r'fssxyc.'jry' Stee ron anges, Stoves Fort Nuuanu. NOTT, HODSEXEEPKQ G00D3 KB KITCHEH DTMBIL8, Fxtures, AGATE WAKE IN GKEAT VABIETY, Whte, Gray Slver-plate- d. RUBBER HOSE! LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS, WATER CLOSETS, METALS, Plumbers Stook, Water Sol Ppes. Plumbng, Tn, Copper Sheet Iron Work, DIMOND BI.OOS, 97 KIKQ STEBfT. JUST ARRITE3D IER BARK C. I. BRYANT. BABY CARRIAGES of all style CARPETS, RUGS, MATS n latest patterns, Sewng Machnes H Sewng Machnes, all wth latest mprovements Also on h "TrTo-aselold- " Westermayer's Celebrated Cottar Panos Parlor Organs, Gutars or Muscal Instrument?. STTor sale by ED. HOFFSCHLAEGEE & CO. Kng Street, opposte Castle & Coone.. 4 vv--. tv jf n.& agfta&a.. f r..?-- S9f?g?'arMr - f -- r.rat'.mb. --aas sae- - T,fT"-.- SafeffM n lr,-y-.f-t- to..ft&&-&&fe- felfttfc&&tm.' k.kmuk

7 - - tr-&a w ' rrou mmjf:j!m!!xwwvu, g!jjujt.mwiwiujt!jwjf JHH THE 0 PARTY PIMM, Poltcal Unon Wth Unted States Leadng Prncple. UNALTERABLY OPPOSES MONARCHY. The Ilneunrnt a Ileportel by Subcommttee Contan Nne Artcles am a I'lrlte Tree Labor anl a Lberal Lanfl l'ullcs Knlnretl. The followng t tlft text of platform for Unon party, r adopted by of commttee of thrteen Though not long t s frut of much thought dscuss-o- : For promoton o( best nterests of all people of Hawaan Isls for organzaton of a party havng only ths object n vew, followng s adopted as a declaraton of prncples upon whch organzaton to he known as "Unon Party" s to be establshed, upon ths platform we nvte of every frend of good government st. IlEI'RESENTATIVE GOVERN- MENT The Unon Party s unalterably oppossed to any form of monarchcal Government n Hawaan Isls, declares ts full allegance to Provsonal Government, endorsng proposal for a consttutonal conventon lookng to extenson of. popular representaton n Government. 2d. Poltcal Unon We declare our leadng prncples to be accomplshment of n poltcal unon wth Unted States of Amerca mantenance of a stable honest Government. 3d. PcBLc Ls We favor such legslaton ss wll promote occupancy of all publc ls, ncludng thosu heretofore known as "crown ls," by small holders, foster development of vared ndustres, belevng t to be of vtal mportance that "many acres" should be for "many men." 4th. Ctzens' Rghts We declare that all ctzens are equal before law we are opposed to monopoles or prvleged classes, favorng partcpaton n Government by very loyal ctzen. ot. Asatc Labor We favor promoton of mmgraton of Portuguese or European provements mat snau oe 0 perma uent value to country, afford needed employment to laborng classes, but we uecare aganst mpor- - taton of labor materal of any j knd whatsoever for use on publc works whch can be obtanel n tle home market, materals whch must be obtaned from abroad should be obtaned through local dealers n open competton. 7th. Publc Offces We hold that no person should occupy any poston of trust or proft under Government who s not loyal to same. Sth. Prson Labor We oppose employment of prson labor n any mechancal pursuts. Oth. Tax System We favor a revson of tax system whereby all property, mproved unmproved, shall be taxed on an equtable bass. The followng pledge wll bnd members toger: PLEDGE. Declarng that I am opposed to any form of monarchcal government n Hawaan Isls, that I hold no allegance to any organzaton whch s not n sympathy wth Provsonal Government wth prncples set forth n platform of "UNION PARTY," I, undersgned, do solemnly declare n presence of se wtnesses that I wll support Provsonal Government wll adhere to prncples lad down n platform of "UNION PARTY" emboded n bylaws of ths club. Dated ths day of, S94. THE BOARD Wtness. OF HEALTH. The Supposed Scarletna Case In Hlo Dscussed. HAWAHA2S GAZETTE: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 894.-SEH-"VEE- cases be modfed to extent of removng quarantne placng patents upon r honor not to allow any outer communcaton, chldren of nfected famly not to be allowed to attend school, that a flag or some or sgn shall be placed before each house n whch dsease exsts. The whole matter of quarantne wll be left, however, largely to dscreton of physcan n charge. If any of se regulatons shall be broken, a guard wll be placed over house, at expense of sck famly. The quarterly report of Dr. Olver, of Leper Settlement, stated that forty-tw- o deaths had Occurred among lepers durng last quarter. Presdent Smth reported that L Commsson had returned from Moloka, where y had been settng valuatons upon l that Board proposed to take for ts own uses They would st agan Monday to take evdence of several partes here whose opnon was needed on subject. In majorty of cases re wll be no trouble, but some wll take a lttle dffculty to settle. After a few or mnor matters were dscussed, Board adjourned. FROM LOSS OF BLOOD. Jm Kauhane, Cassre's Vctm Is Dead. At 4:30 yesterday mornng, James Kauhane, offcer who was so y ter-rb- cut by Spanard Cassres last Monday, ded at Queen's Hosptal. He was bured at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Up to mdnght Tuesday, Kauhane seemed to be restng as easly as was possble uuder crcumstances. He was n good sprts, seemed confdent of hs ultmate recovery. He slept for a whle awoke at 2 o'clock, stll seemngly n good condton. But about 4 o'clock he began to fal rapdly ded half an hour later. Hs death was caused by great loss of blood whch he sustaned from large number of cuts receved from knfe n hs of Spanard. A large number of people attended dead offcer's funeral n afternoon. The servces were conducted by Rev. H. H. Parker. When servce-- at hosptal were over, processon started for Kawaahao cemetery. It was headed by a squad of polce, under comm of Captan Robert Parker. Then came Baud, followed by detachments from Companes E F, commed by Captan Good. Then hearse, contanng all that remaned of one of bravest polce offcers of Honolulu. A large number of people followed on foot, as well as many n carrages. The streets along whch funeral cortege moved were lned wth people who knew story of Kauhane's murder, who followed cavalcade to cemetery. laborers, such legslaton as wll The were offcers prohbt mmgraton pall-bearer- s Na-ha- u, of Asatcs Xohouhu, Kuphea. Kakaula, to se sls, except for strctly Fernez Kameahau. Promnent members or Government agrcultural pursuts, rgd restrctons beng enforced by proper laws to pre were present, ncludng Attornev- - vent tuer engagng n any or oc-- I General, Marshal Htchcock, Deputy lunatons. jarsua mown, ana many otners. 6th. Publc Works We favor A post mortem examnaton of mmedate establshment of a body was held yesterday a cor- comprehensve system of publc m oner's nquest wll be held today. Kauhane was one of best known men on force. He was thrty-seve- n years old, a splendd exam- - pe o py-l-- strengu..te nas been on force for ffteen years, has acted both as leutenant cap tan, ae et tne orce a lew years ago, after revoluton last year he agan joned, but n capacty of a detectve. He has been one of Captan Larsen's most trusted men, was a stauuch supporter of Provsonal Government. Mr. Daves Expresses Hs Hgh Opnon of "W. N. A." Mr. Edtor : W. N. A IS DOW serous enough, I am seroub, also. If W. X. A. desred to Blence my crtcsms of hs phlosophy, t was not necessary for hm to nvoke ad of Hawaan Government, or of any or Government. He has weapons n hs own armory he s not too proud to use m. V. X. A. makes choce of ths gem : "Mr. Daves may follow example of edtor who answered to a charge of lbel that no damage arose, because he was such a lar that no one beleved hm." I do not contend wth adversares who pck up any weapon ht n any fashon. I am, ndeed, thankful, for sake of whatever frends he may have, that W. X. A. has not dvulged hs dentty. I am, sr, Your obedent servant, Theo. H. Daves. Honolulu, Feb. 2, S94. UNFORTUNATE JAPANESE. Eleven of Them Mulcted $200 Apece for Gamblng. One of wse ndvduals who measures out justce to wcked n remote country places has just been gvng Japanese a deal n Xorth Kona. The judge an Hawaan convcted eleven Japanese who were before hm on ordnary charge of gamblng, gave nne of m a fne of $200 apece. The or two came off easer. The unlucky Japanese were about to be shpped off to Volcano road to work off fne, though as t would have taken sxteen months to work t out, r job would have probably outlasted road. They had not appealed, as y had no money, apparently no frends. The Advertser s nformed that an appeal has now been taken. Draft Lost or Stolen. NO. 04, $22.S0, ORDER W. Conradt, dated January 9th, S94, on F. A. Schaefer & Co, Honolulu, fnder please return to Phllp A. Vctor, Hlo w For.Lease. SB THAT TRACK OF PASTURE P l belongng to Estate of Charles A. Long, deceased, stuate n Palolo Valley contanng 09 acres, more or less, for a term o years. The l s enclosed y a substantal lence. For partculas, apply to F. A. SOHAEKER, or J. F Colburx. S63-l- w t FOB THE CUKE OF Catarrh, Scrofula, Bols, Eczema, Carbuncles, Sores, And all Or Skn Dseases. EQUALLY EFFECTIVE Uf RhetHatsm, Dyspepsa, Nervous Deblty, all complants orgnatng n InIDore Blood. Ayer's Sarsaparlla Made by Dr.J.C. Ayer CoLowelUIs.,C.SJl. Has cured ors, wll cure you. B3?Beware of cheap mtatons. The name Ayer's Sarsaparlla Is promnent on wrapper, s blown n glass of each of our bottles. For Sale by HOLLISTER & CO. The Board of Health met yesterday afternoon, wth Presdent Smth n Hghly Complmentary. FOR SALE BY char. There were present Members Waterhouse, Lansng, Ena, Dr. Xot only rght of case, but all honors of dplomacy Mner Agent C. B. Reynolds. courage are wth lttle Hawa. Doctors Cooper, Emerson, McKb-b- n Wllams (of Hlo), were also We are proud of brave, Castle & Cooke lberty-lovn- g present. men of Amercan descent n Dr. Wllams spoke of recent those sls who, conscous of 3583 prevalence of what was supposed to rght, had frst overturned a 54-lmt- f tyranny n, though struck wth CHS. BEIWK & CO.'S be scarlatna n Hlo, sad that he had not beleved t to be scarlatna, though majorty of Hlo physcans had decded that t was, but n of country from whch r Boston Lne of Packets. amazement that th9 Government a very mld form. The cases were all fars came should have requred quarantned, but re had been consderable trouble n carryng out m to restore tyranny, had regulaton. The dsease would break manlness to Shppers wll please st up aganst take jr--a- - nntna hnt tlvn out n places four or fve mles apart, blunderng Presdent uuulo uav fcuc j-- hmself, when re was absolutely no chance to tell hm that he should not replace tyranny except over r AHY TURNER 3J22g AMERICAN BABK of communcaton. Hexplaned system of quarantne, sad re were at present three cases n Hlo bodes, appeal from hm to wll load n New York for Honoln.n, to dstrct. He asked that quarantne greater people of Unted States. sal about FEBRUARY, 5, 894, f be rased, as t worked great hardshp Such patrots deserve r lberty. suffcent ndncement s offered. on people so stuated, re dd not seem to be any need of such They would make JHT For furr nformaton, apply to a worthy addton to soveregnty of Mass, or to Chas. Brewer &. Co., 27 Klby St, Boston, rgd suvellauce The or physcans present expressed opnon that dsease Unted States. X. Y. Independent. C. BREWER C. &. (L'D.), a Honolulu. Agents. was not scarlatua at all. It was decded, altera short dscusson of Daly Advertser, 50 cents per Datlt Adtzbtseb, only 50 cents matter, that quatantne n such month, delvered by carrer. per month Only "Pebble" Establshment Muller's Optcal Depot S3 Montgomery St., near Bush, B.F.,Ctl. 3B Years.-- w The motl complcated cte of defectv velon thoroughly dagnosed FREE o CHARGE. Orders by mal or express promptly attended to. EgCompound Astlmutlc Lenses Mount cp. orderttwohoaro'notlce. I3f6 JUST TO HAND A FRESH SUPPLY OF AP0LLINARIS WATER The Queen of Table Waters F. A. SCHAEGEE & CO. Crown 5J0-4- our EjLY. mrrol SUtorrsmuns. What Can Guteura Do For Babys Skn, Scalp, Har Everythng that s cleansng, purfvnr, rnd for skn, scalp, hah- - of nfants aud chldren, CutCUra Remedes wll do. They afford.stant relef, a' d r. speedy cure n most agonzng of tchng burnng eczem:;s. They clear skn of most dstressng of scaly, crusted, pmply, blotchy humors. They cleanse scalp of druff, scales, cruets, destroy mcroscopc nsects whch feed on har, supply roots wth encgy nourshment They prevent nflammaton cloggng of Dl, " Vz( JUL pores, cause of 3! pmples, blackheads, rashes, red, rough, oly skn. They heal rough, chapped, fssured hs, wth tchng, burnng palms, panful fnger-end- s, remove cause of shapeless nals. Thns, from smplest baby blemsh to most torturng dsfgurng dseases of skn scalp, even when complcated wth heredtary or scrofulous tants, se great svn cures, blood purfers, hacor remedes are equally successful. Everythng about n mtes confdence. They are absolutely pure, maybe used on youngest nfant They are agreeable to most refned senstve. They are speedy, economcal, unfalng. Q--" All about Skx, Scalp, Har" naled free to any address, 64 pages, 300 Dseases, 50 Illustratons, 00 Testmonals. A boot, of prceless alue to every sullerer. Ccncs Remedes are sold everywhere. Prce. CCtccba. Great SUn Cure, 30c: Ccn-ccs- a SOAr, an Equste SUn Purfer Heautfer, 35c: Cctccra Resouent. greatest cf Blocd Pantcn Humcr Remedes, S. Prepared by Potter Dure Ckeu. Coup., loston. For Baby's Skn, Scalp, Har, "LESfft as purest seetest of tolet nursery soaps celebrated Cutlcura Soap. The only medcated tolet soap only preventne of ncaramton cjos-- as c! pores, cause - or sde sod ceo of praphs, blotches, rashes, roush, red, slaa. Slt cc r t-- a pnon soaps combned. Sold throughout uvtlucd world. Prce, 5c BENSON, SMITH & CO., Consgnees, Honolulu, H. I. 3S3-- y WE CAL,Jj THE ATTEXTIOX OF DEALERS ON TILE ISLANDS TO OUR IMPORTATION OF FINE MANILA CIGARS OF THE CELEBRATED CON8TANCIA AND COMETA may be had -- :o:- ors, just to h- - ex S. S. Cty of Pekn. Ths lot consstng of 24 CASES, EACH OF 5,OOOa whch we offer to our customers n quanttes lowest FOE, FISEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK FOR SOUPS. HADE DISHES AHD SAUCES. Invaluable for Inda, a an Effcent Tonc n all cases of Weakness. Keeps good n hottest Clmates, for any length of tme. Artnne, Louden. Eagl. at offce of ths paper. to sut at BOTTOM RATES. We also call your attenton to ADMIRAL CIGARETTES! JF EL latest best n way of Cgarettes. :o: ISLAND ORDERS wll receve prompt careful attenton. HOLLISTER & CO.. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. DRUGGISTS AND TOBACCONISTS. Honolulu, L I. ASK And tea that each Jr bears Broa Leb:p' s. Bne Ir acrots tse Label. --tgaatsre To ba bad of n Stcnkeepen mad Dcaler ttamgbort IslU. Cookerr Books Port Free on Applcaton to Company. LEBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT Co., lmted, Feacud Cookery Books Stva Untrt3mcnt3. H. Hackfeld & Co. are just n recept of large mportatons by r Iron Barks "Paul Iscnberc" "J. C. PflcRer" from.eo.rope by a number of vessels from Amerca consstng of A Large anl Complete 7 Assortment or DRY GOODS, SUCH AS Prnts, Gnclmms, Cottons, SheetupR, Denms, Tckngs, Hesattas, Drlls, Mosquto Nettng, Curtans, Lawns, A FIKE SELECTION or DRESS GOODS, ZEPHYRS, ETC. n latest styles. A splendd lne of FUNNELS, black colored MEKIKOS CASHMERES, SATINS, VELTEM PLUSHES, CKAPE. AC. TAILORS' GOODS, a full assortment, Slesas. Sleevolnngs, Stflnen, Italan Cloth, Moleskns, Meltons, Serge, Karamjrarns 4c, tc, Jto. Clothng, Underwear, Shawls, Blankets, Qults, Towels. Tnblecovers, Napkns. Hkerchefs. Gloves. Hosery, Hats, Umbrellas, Rugs nnd Carpets, ltbbons, Laces Embodery, Cutlery, Perfumery Soaps, c, Ac tc., to., &c. A large varety of SADDLES, Venna Iron Garden Fornture, Iechsteu t Seler Panos, Iron Bedsteads, Ac. Amercan European Groceres, Lquors, Beers Mneral Waters, Ols Pants, Causto Soda, Sugar, Hco Cabbages, Sal Twne nnd Wrappng Twne, Wnppng Paper, Burlaps, Flterpress Cloth. Hoofng Slates, Square nnd Arch Frebrcks, Lubrcatng Grease Sheet Znc, Sheet Lead, Plan Galv. Iron Best 3 Best, Galv. Corrugated Iron. Steel Bals, IS SO. It. It. Bolts, Spkes nnd Fshplates, It. It. Steel Sleepers. Market Baskets, Demjohns Corks, Ac. ALSO Hawaan Sugar Rce, Golden Gate, Damond, Sperry's. Merchant's Eldorado Flour, Salmon, Corned Beef. Ac., Ac, Ac, Ac. ts For sale on most lberal at lowest prces. BY terms H. HACKFELD & CO. BISMARK GENERAL LIVERY, Feefl w m STABLES! es Man Street, Walnkn, Mau. mm OBTAINED IK WM 5 NOTICE wth relable drvers, SINGLE or DOUBLES TEAMS, SADDLE HORSES ' Gentle for Lades use. H. Carrages wll be at every Steamer l! t, on Stoamnrs arrval. WM. GOODNESS, Propretor Mantjer. ITOH-AJST-, NEAR CUSTOM HOUSE, HONOLULU, Imported Dealer n Japanese Provsons, Dry Goods, AND EVERY LINE OP JAPANESE 3ANUFAGTURE. Isl orders fathfully flled at reato able prces, n quanttes to (nt. T. O. BOX 5... JIUT. TEL. 5 I478.ra CASTLE & COOKE IuUt'e:.rvrcD btrk INSIIBAHCE-!- AGENTS AGENTS FOB NEW ENGLAND MDTUAL Lfe Insurance Co. OF BOSTON, Mtm Fre Insurance Co. Daly Advebtseb, 50 cents per month. Delvered bv camera. 4 m' Al3.!! mmh-tcffl- g Tffr-.--!- ""3 Xfc.a. Sat r,.lrmmtewrmt&mjtn wfeaasa&feabsteja&eba

8 aj'.j 'awjwwflpw rjga?cg--fc- E Jf'xagpn s f VrVrr? V r.-., r - J"vr VTCr rryo- " I TTAWATTAX (GAZETTE: FEIDAY, FEBlTUAnr 23, lso.-seki-'vvee- KlIY. FOKKION MAIL SKIClll'fc:. Steamshps wll leave lor at -- ut runt Ean Francsco, on 3. tll close of 69. An. at Honolulu Lav Hoaolultj FM.SAStRASCIsCO FoExFKANClECO oe Vancouvee I os Vacocsk On vr About Oh or Ab&Ht Australa.Feb. 2 AVarrnoo...Feb.2S Oceanc MarG Australa... Mar. 3 Alameda Mar. 5 Manposa Mar. S Varrnoo.lcr. 23 Chna Mar. 20 Australa Mar. 2 Australa. Mar. 3 Manposa Apr. 2 Arawa.... Aprl Chna....Apr.7 Monowa Apr.5 Australa...Apr. 2 Australa... Apr. 2S Arawa Aprl 23 War'jmoo...Mavl Monowa May 0 Alameda...May 3 Australa.May '9 Gaelc Mar AVarrmoo...May 2 Australa... May 26 Alameda June 7 Marposa May 3 Australa Juael6 Arawa June Arawa...June 23 Australa June 23 Marposa. July 5 Monowa June 23 Australa July 4 'Vrrmoo...July WarrhKO Jul v 23 Australa... July 2 Monowa Aug. 2 Alameda July 26 Australa.Aug. Arawa Aug. Arawa.. Aug. S3 Australa Aug. IS Alameda Aug. 3J Marposa... Aug.23 Australa Sept S Warrmoo Sept. Warrmoo.. Sept. 23 Australa.. Sept. 5 Marposa... Sept. 27 Monowa.Sept. 22..Oct. G Arawa Oct. 3 rawa....oct.23 Australa... Oct. 0 Monona.Oct. 25 Alameda...Oct. IS Australa.Nov.3 Warrmoo. Kov. Alauedu. Nov. 22 Australa. Nov. 0 Varrn Nov 23 Manposa....Sov.5 Australa UfC. Arawa Dec. Marposa 0c JO Australa..Dec.S Arawa Dec 23 j Monowa Dec. 3 Australa. Dec. 29 Warrmoo.Dec 30 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. AtlKIT S TcEsrAT. Feb. 20. Uer bk ave:ton, Jacobsen, 57 days from HoDgkHg. S7 days from Amoy. tmr Thompson." from Kahuku. etnr Jaue Matee. Haglund, from Waalua. Stmr V U Hall. Smerson. from Hawa Mau. Wednesday, Feb. 2. Stmr Iwatan, Freeman, from Klauea. Stmr Pele, Peterson, from Makawel. Stmr Lehua, Nye, from Olowalu. Stmr J A Cummns, Nelson, from Koc-la- u. Tuuesdat. Feb. 22. Stmr Mkahala, Chaney. from Kaua. Stmr Kaala, Thompson, from Kahuku. UU'Al.TDlIKM. TrsD. Feb. 20. Am schr Transt, Jorgensen. for San Francsco. Stmr Lkehke, Wesbarth. for Hamakua. Stmr Claudne, Cameron, for Mau. Stmr Waaleale. Smy. for Hamakua. Stmr Kaala. Thompson, for Kahuku. Wzxjsesday. Feb. 2. Br bk Velocty, Martn, for Hongkong. Am sealng schr Teresa, for Japan Sea. Stmr James Makee, Haglund, for Kapaa. Stmr Iwalan. Freeman, for Kaua. Thuesday, Feb. 22. Stmr Lehua, Nj e, for Faanhaa u. Stmr Mkahala Chaney. for Kaua. Stmr Pele, Petersen, for Makawel. VESSELS LKAVISO TO-DA- Am shp C F Sargent, Boyd, for Paget Sound. Am schr Hotet Searles, Plz, for San Francsco. Stmr V G Hall. Smerson, for Mau Hawa, at 0 a m.. --.,, (IKT. (Tu l'.- - lu-- - a: Include coutcro --NAYU. VISSELB. U S FS Phladelpha, Barker, Callao. fj S s Adams, m Samoa. H B l S Champon. Eooke, Esqulmalt. HUMS 'amwa, Togo, Japan. XKECHASTMES. Br sh Yllalta, Harl, Lverpool. Am sh C F argent. Bovd. Nanamo, B C. Br shp East Croft, Rrnmer, N S W. Ger bk Nautlus. Askng, Lverpool. Haw bk R P Rt, Morrson. San Fran. Am sh B P Cheney, Mosher, anamo, B C Am bk E C Allen. Thompson. San Fran. Am bk Matlda, swenson. Departure Bay. Am senr Carrer Dove. Brt. Newcastle. Am schr Robert Searles, Pltz, Newcastle. Am bk Alden Besse, Frts. San Francsco. Am bkt Irmgard, Schmdt, San Francsco. Ger bk Galveston. Jacobsen. Amoy. TOIKlUM VEtLB EXFEOTKD. Veaela. CAS 8 Arawa... Am bkt DscoTery Ger sh Terpschore Bk Xantppe.... Am schr Salvator Am bkt Hlo Schr Lvman D Australa Where One...Vancover...Feb..NSW Nov2O-3-0.Feb..NSW r.nsw wh bk Gaybead.New Zeal. Mar G bk M'rn'g Str-So- uth Seas.MarS-- 5 Amy Turner..New YorkJuly schr S Pheltw.Gray's Har schr O Ke'logg Grav's Har.Feb schr Stanford...N S"W AmschrGeneva NSW.. OSS bk O D Bryant Am bkt SG Wlder Am bkt Planter... bkt S N Castle. AmschrO'g' frou 23.. SF Jan 6... NSAV 0 Jan 20 Jan 3 Feb 2 Am. Am Ms Am bk Am W Feb IS Am M 2 Am Feb 20. Feb 2 Am Am..tan Fran. Feb 24...San Fran.. Feb 22..San Fran....Feb..San "ran... Feb 29..San Fran...Feb 26. SF(Mah)...Feb20 Amschr jm. SFfKah)..Feb27 Am sh Occdental...Departure B..Feb 23 Am schr Cy ns Kng N S V Mar HawbkHelenBrewer(sldNov7)NY.Marl Hackfeld (ld aept 25)..L'pool.Mar23 O & O S S Oceanc...San Fran Mar 6 GerbkJCGIade.... Lverpool-A- pr Am bk Alex McNell..SF Feb 9 AmschMadof Orleans.S F (Kah)..Feb 20 Am brgt Consuelo. S F(Kah)..Feb22 PMSS Chna...SF. Aprl 7 Ambrgt WG Irwn... SF March 3 Am bkt W H Dmond.S F Feb 23 AmbkAnneJohnson.SF(Hlo)March 2 Am schr J G North. SF(Mah) March 5 A - bk Cevlon.. S F. March 0 CASS Warrmoo. R M S S Manposa RMSS Alameda...NSW 2.Sydney Feb 23..Svdney...March 8. S'F. March 5 EIFOETS. For San Francsco, per schr Transt, Feb 20 Thec-- H Daves & Co bags sugar; Castle t Cooke, 93 bags sugar; C Brewer & Co bass sugar. Total, bags (.93G 73) lbs), sugar. Domestc Talue, $50,S7.S3. ralfesoebs. AElVALS. From Kaua, p?r stmr Mkahala, Feb 22 W McGowan. Mtss McGowan, 8 on tleck. From Hawa Mau, per stmr W G Hall. Feb 20 Volcano: Capt J Palmer, Jr. Lahana Kau E R Hendry. R A Gardner. Marshal E G Htchcock. E W Fuller ana vr.fe Ma'ter Eaelemaknle, Prof H S gw BWBWW,Hr'HMmnl mll Ml ll,ln'l n Townrnd. II P Kacon, Chas Kaa. Chas Macuuber, 43 on deck. For Kaua, per stmr James Makee, Feb 2 Capt Larsen Capt T Thompson. DKrAETCT.Ef. For Mau, per stmr Claudne, Feb 20 G P Wlder wfe, Dr Kallen. G W Wlbur, J II Hrshwtz, 20 on deck. WHARF AND WAVE. Damond Head, Feb. 22, 0 p. m. Wear thck ; wnd calm. The bark Alden Besse wll leave tomorrow for San Francsco. The Amercan shp C. F. Sargent, Capt. Boyd, s expected to sal today wth 400 tons of ballast for Puget Sound. The four-maste- d Englsh barken-tn- e.xantppe, whch left Newcastle, N. S. W., same week wth Robert Searles, s daly epected. The steam whaler Narwch,Capt. Cook, arrved off Kealakekua Bay, Hawa, from a cruse last week. She has no ol. The bark Helen Mars was also reported off Kealakekua. They wll cruse off se sls 3nd come to Honolulu next month. The steamer W. G. Hall leaves for her regular wndward route ths mornng. The schooners Ka Mo Mo-wahare expected today from Papakou wth sugar for bark R. P. Rt. The steamer Knau s expected to brng about 2,000 bags of sugar from wndward tomorrow morndg. The steamer Kaala went on marne ralway ths mornng. The bark R. P. Rt has already about 2,000 bags of sugar on board. She went over to ralroad wharf yesterday to take n more. The four-maste- d schooner Robert Searles, Capt. Pltz, wll leave today for San Francsco wth a bg cargo of sugar. The Mkahala brought enough sugar to load her up yesterday. The bark Matlda wll go on marne ralway tomorrow after Kaala s lowered Senator Morgan's Poston. General attenton bas of late been called to past utterances of Sena tor Morgan, cbaman of commttee on foregn relatons of Senate, n respect to tbe relaton between tbe "Unted States Hawaan Isls. It bas been known generally that n past be has favored close commercal relatonshp, f not actual annexaton, t has been generally conceded that, n order to support acton of Presdent n hs efforts to restore queen, Mr. Morgan would be oblged to depart from all precedents of hs offcal lfe, whch have tended to a polcy qute opposte to that of Presdent. Hs vews on subject of th are very pontedly outlned n a re port made by hm on 24th of January, 8S4, beu majorty report from commttee on foregn relatons on tbe subject of tbe ex tenson of recpocty treaty n n force between tbe Hawaan Isls Unted States whch he strongly favored. -- Ex. Electrc Carrage. A new electrcally-propelle- d carrage s beng ntroduced by AI. Paul Ponchan, of Armenteres,. France. The carrage wll carry sx persons. The electrcal energy s suppled by a battery of 54 Du-jard- n accumulators. The motor s of tbe Rechnewsk type, wth an output of 2000 watts. It s fxed n centre of vehcle, transmts ts power by chan gearng to drvng wheel. Accordng to nventor, total weght of carrage equpment s about one one-thr-d tons. One charge of accumulators s suffcent for a journey of 44 mles at a speed of 0 mlesan hour. Ex. "Hs Off," Says Uncle Sam. The McCreary Hawaan resoluton as adopted by Congress may be called n queston as to ts facts, but not as to ts conclusons. The declaraton that "Unted States Government wll not only keep ts hs off but nsst that or natons thau alo keep r h off nternal affars of Such Isl s altoger satsfactory. Ths s tantamount to an unwrtten protectorate under whch slers may reman r own masters as long as y shall not choose to have or masters. Phladplpba Record, (Dem.) Captured a Fugtve Kng. Pars, Feb. 2 After beng pursued through tb9 bush for weeks, Behanzn, fugtve Kng of Dahomey, bas surrendered to General Dods, commer of tbe French forces. The captve monarch wll be sent to Senegal. By capture of Behanzn, France practcally gans possesson of a slce of terrtory about 20 mles square n Northwestern Afrca, whch secton she wll now domnate. The bggest sawmll n Amerca, just sold at Topper Lake, N. Y., contans $50,000 worth of machnery. WEIRD HUNT FOR 3,000,000. He Wll Lve Wth a Corpse for a Year. West Chester, Pa., Feb. A ghastly scheme to get $,000,000 Is about to be undertaken by W. K. Hartman, South Coventry townshp. The plan, u bref, s to lve wth a dead man for a year. Mr. Hartraau came to town yester-da- v. He had n,hs possesson an artcle recently prnted u a Readng newspaper. Ths artcle was a letter from Pars, statng that a year ago a Frenchman ded, leavng an estate worth $,000,000. Hs wll s remarkable. It drected that hs body should be placed n a hsome vault, bult especally for t. The entre remanng fortune was to go to any person who would lve contnuously m ue crypt, nu uc colln for one year. He shall never go out of room, except that be may be permtted to walk about from sunrse untl 0 o'clock on summer mornngs, from sunrse untl S o'clock on wnter mornngs. The lonely sojourner shall have no books or newspapers. Hs food shall be brought to hm at nghttme by a masked servant, who wll not be permtted to speak a word wth tomb dweller. He shall not be permtted to do any work. Many persons, t appears, have attempted to get fortune. One went crazy, ors, overcome by horrble lonelness, have gven up task n despar. The trustees of estate have charge of money. Mr. Hartman, when here yesterday, secured a letter of ntroducton to Congressman John B. Robnson. He expects through Congressman to meet French Mnster at 'Washngton, where be wll goat once. Armed wth a letter from French Mnster, he wll sal for Pars to make a determne efl'ort to capture that 3,000,000. Notce to Credtors. THl UNDERSIGNED been duly apponted Executor Executrx of tho estate of Emly E. Berry. late of Honolulu, deceased, notce s hereby sren to all persons to present r clams aganst estate of Emly E. Berry duly auntcated wher secured by mortgage or orwse, to J. W. Podmoreat J. T. V aterhouse's crockery store on Queen street, Honolulu, Isl of Oahu. wthn sx months from' date hereof, ory wll be forever barred. Andall persons ndebted to sad estate are hereby requested to make mmedate payment tnereo to mesaaj. W. I'odmore. J. W. PODMORE. ALICE MACKINTOSH, Eexecutor Executrx of Wll of Emly E. Berry, deceased. Honolulu. January Mortgagee's Notce of Intenton to Foreclose of Sale. ACCORDANCE "WITH THE provsons of that certan mortgage made by IIAN A MAKAEXA of Ulo. Hawa, to John A. Scott, of tbe same place recorded n Regstry Ofllce In Honolulu, n Lber 29, pagej notce la hereby glten that jald mortgagee ntends to foreclose tbe same for condtons broken, to nt: of nterest due auo prncpal now overdue. notce 5 ncewue gven, tnaatter tno expraton of three weeks from date of publ caton of ths notce, property cohered by sad mortgage wll be exposed for ale at publc aucton on Cth day of MARCH next, at 3 o'clock noon at Court louc door n town of Ulo. (Sgned) JOnN" A. SCOTT," Hlo. January 6th, :9!. For furr partculars apply to D. H. ntch-coc- Hlo. The l ncluded In above mortgage Is duellng lot n Paneo, Hlo, on Aranuln street tne buldng" reon. The sad lot contanng acre Are You a Royalst, An Annexatonst, Or In Favor of A Republc? TX.TK DhSIRE TO KECKIVE KKEE ' open cxpeysons of opnon ftom tbe nhabtant uf tlm Hawaan Isls, upon tbe qutmets of. nnex aton, restoraton 0 Monarchy, or formaton of a Ths w desred fjr nformaton ol people of tht-- Un'-- t tes The name of each correspondent, wll not be used, wll be regarded as rontden-t- al l so requested. Address AMERICAN NEWSPAP. It SVXDI CATE. W. Ten.vck flardenbrook, J'gr, 235 M. Street, 3. W, Washncton, I. C, U. t$. A l- The Planters' Monthly. COTETS FOR JA.WTJ-AE- Y, S94--. Beet Snjar Industry. Thrum's Almanac S94. Oahu Balway Report. How to FJant Kame Ssal. Orange Culture by an Expert. Anomols n Tropcal Cane Growth. Sugar Industry u New South Wales. Coffee Plantng n Jamaca. One Hundred Mllons for Sugar. Sugar Producton from 892 to 893. Be Wse n Tme. TheSteffen Process. The Cost of Farm Crops. Where Coffee s grown. Meteorologcal Table for S93, wth average for 8b0- -l 2. subscrpton $2.50 a year. Foregn Subscrpton $3 a year. Bound Volumes Back Volumes bound to order, Address 3 50 GZETTE PUBLISHING CO.. W Merchant Kt.. Honolnlr BUOK-BINDhN- G. Have Your Musc covered; Shabby Books made to look new; Lbrary lettered wth your name ; Hymn Book, Pocket Book, Card Case, etc. lettered. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY Ccr,al uncrtsrmrs JUDICIAL SALE. TURSUANT TO JL made bv Hon. W. A. DECREES Whltlnr. Frs: Judge of tbe Crcut Court for tho Frst Crcut, dated Febnaay 3. ISM, May 22, S93. Iu a sut In equty pendng n sad Court brought by Clan? Sprockets, complanant aganst George W. Macfarlane. defendant, of a decree of Supreme Court In sad sut, dated sept. 4, sfl, I shall cause to be sold at publc aucuon In Honolulu, at salesrooms of Lews J. Levey, on SATURDAY. March IU, 89 J. at ISo'clocK noon, all of those U0 shares n captal stock of Wakapu Sugar Company, named In certlf-catc- s Nos. 55,59 60, beng same named In sad salt, to satsfy decrees made ren. Terms Cash. U. s. Gold Con. Stamps transfers at expense of purchaser. A depost of 0 per cent, or amount bd wll be requred as evdence of rood fath. HENRY SMITH. lsx-3- Master n Chancery. Jlortgagee's Notce of Iuteuton to Foreclose am of Sale. NOTICE IS IIERKBT GIVEN of a power of sale contaned n a certan mortgage dated 20th day of October. A. D. W0, made b KAWAWAHIMOKU, HIKU JOSEPH KAANAANA, of Wahee, Isl of Maul, to James M. Monsarrat, of Honolulu, Isl of Uabn, Trustee, recorded n offce of Regstrar of Conveyances n Lber :9, folos 3, 33 36, sad James 3. Monsarrat, Trustee as aforesad, Mortgagee, ntends to foreclose sad mortgage for a breach of condtons n sad mortgage contaned, t, of both prncpal nterest when due. Notce s also hereby gven thatall sn gnlar ls, tenements heredtaments n sad mortgage contaned descrbed wll be sold at publc aucton at aucton room of James F. Morgan, on Queen street n sad Honolulu, oa MON DAY, 9th day of March, A. D. ISM, at 2 o'clock noou of sad day. The property In sad mortgage s thns descrbed, vz:. All that certan pece or parcel of l stuate n III of Nelu n sad Wahee, contanng an area of an acre, beng same pemses descrbed n Royal Patent No. 5W. L Commsson Award No FFto Kn. that were conveyed to Eaanaana, far of sadkawawanmoku.hkn Joseph Kaaca-an- a, by Kaawa, cousn sole her at law of sad Ku, by deed dated December 3, ISSl. recorded n Ufflceof sad Regstrar n Lber TJ.ou folos fcs S9. 2. All those three certan peces or parcels of laud r.oste In Hs of Pupouuln Kapoho In sad Wahee. contanng n all an area of y. acres, brng same premses descrbed n Kojxl Patent -Ṉo. 337, L Commsson Award No to Mahoe 3, grfar of sad Ea' nanahlnoko, Ilku Joseph Kaanaana. JAMES M. MONSARRAT, Trustee. Mortgagee. Terms Cash. Deeds at expense of purchaser. For furr partculars apply to Jlortgagee. Dated Honolulu, February 20, l'ji 32S-4- Notce of Foreclosure. THE UNDERSIGNED. THE WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.. L'D. a corporaton, sres notce that t ntends to foreclose for condton broken, to wt: when due of debt tecured reby, that certan mortgase deed cven to t by Glbert Waller, dated Ansus 3st, lbs, of recod n Hawaan KeBlstrj-G- f Deeds n Lber 2. Folos 67-lb'- debt secured by sad mortgage beng a promssory note for f 2.UJO, payable n three years from date of fd mouaze. that t wll offer for sale at aucton room of James r". Morgan In Honolulu, on MONDAY, March 9, S9J, at 2 o'clock noon, all of premses cor- - ered by sad mortsse- - The property covered by sad mortgage s stuated at Kalh, Ouhn, Is descrbed as follows. AH of those parcels of l descrbed n deed of Joseph l'cfcford to sad Glbert Waller, dated Aprl lutb, S7, of record n Hawaan Regstry of Deeds. In Lber 33.FoIos comprsng of an acre, descrbed n.royal 'jtent 5K9. T.SI acres descrbed by metes bound' In sad deed. 2. All of that tract of l conveyed to sad Glbert Waller by deed of W.L.Moehonna, dated Nor. Sth, S76, of record n sad Regstrr of Deeds In Mber-t'J-. hollos comprsng 2 Kcres,3.0sq. roods, descrbed n Royal Patent SS AH of that tract of l conveyed to sad Glbert Waller by deed cf J. Mott smth. Mnster of Interor, dated Oct.23rd, 377. of record n sad Regstry of Deeds u Lber, Folos comprsng 9 u acres, beng a porton of premses descrbed n Royal Patent All of taat tract of l conveyed to sad Glbert Waller by deed of Emma Jletcalf Becfc-ledated May llh. SSI, of record n sad Regstry of deeds n Lber C7, Folos comprsng ) acres. descrbed n LCommsson Award SIS. 5. And also al of buldngs, structures, mproements. engne, bolers, tats machnery of errv character descrpton form ng a part of tbe L'rettery of sad Glbert Waller stuated upon above mentoned premses, nl of tbesa.: econnectedwth sad premses wher used wth sad Brewery or orwse. Tcm Cash Deeds at expense of purchasers. THE WESTERN HAWAIIAN INVEST- MENT CO.. LIMITED, lly Its Attorney u fact 3:-- ). W. W. Haul, Notct to Credtors. TII2 U2vDKRSlGED been dnlr apponted Executrx or wll or John F. Galan. late or Honolulu, deceased, notce s hereby gven to all persons to present r clams aganst estate or John F. Ollfllan duly auntcated wher secured by mortgage or orwse to undersgned at tbeofsccnr Cecl Brown, on Merchant street, Honolulu, Isl or Oahu, wthn sx months ronx date hereor or r wll be rorever barred- - And all persons ndebted to sad estate are hereby requested to make mmedate payment reof to tbe undersgned. ELIZABETH GILFILLAN, Execotrxof tne last wll testament or John h.ulfllan. Dated Honolulu, February 7, S Jlortgagee's Notce of Intenton to Foreclose of Sale. VTOTICE IS IIEREBT GIVEN, l that by vrtue or a power or sale contaned n a certan mortgage, dated 2th day or September, A. D S7S. made by JOHN N. ILAE or Pnkoo, Isl or Moloka to D. P.Trne, guardan of Emmellne U. Pease of Honolulu, Isl of Oahn. recorded n offce of Regstrar of Conveyances, n Lber 63. folos G9, that was assgned to S. B- - Dole of sad Honolulu by sad D. P.Trne Emmellne H. Pease, by as--s znnent dated 5th day of January, A. I). SS, recorded n offce of sad Regs-ra- r n Lber t3 folo 59. sads. B. Dole, assgnee of sad mortgagee. Intends to foreclose sad mortgage for a breach of condtons n sad motgage contaned, to wt : non payment or both prncpal Interest when due. Notce salso hereby gven that all sngular ls, tenements heredtaments n sad mortgage contaned descrbed wll be sold at Sublc aucton, at aucton rooms or James F. on Queen street, n sad Honolulu, on MONDAY, 9th dy of March, A. D. 2 o'clock soon or sad day. The property In sad motgage I thns descrbed, vz: ApeeeorknowKEFheAhupuaauf pukoos a Loko stuated on sld sl of.volota. beng same premses that were awarded to Use Napohakn by L CommlsIonAward324 apana. that were devsed to sad John N. Ilae by sad IUe Napohatu. by hs Iutwl. dated September IS. ISYT. admtted toprobate n Crcut Court or Sod Judcal Crcut sttng a a Court of Probate oa tbe 7th day of Jnly.lSSJ. S B. DLE. Assgnee of Mortgagee. Terms cash. Deeds at expeose of purchaser. For farr partcular apply to J M. M'tTsrsar. Attorney for of Morg3"f Honolulu, Feb. SO, JSSI.. I52c-l-w Admnstrator's Xotce. THE USTDEKSIGNED II.V. been apponted Admnstrate. Estate of EDWARD KAALOA. lte of..loa Kaua, deceased, requests all persons ndebted to above estate to make mraed.a;e payment such persons as may have clams aganst same, to present m wth proper vouchers If any exst to nndert.ned for settlement wthn sx months frem date or :hey wll te forever brred. J K. FARLEY AdmIn;:ror or tae star of Edwrd Eaalo. Eo'-o- Eaul, February 3rd. JS93, a LAaMJBaVfr-- rumrflttalhsw J Fr jcrrjnl 2U)tcrtscr.::::t5 "Mucrrr COURT OF THE Crcut. IUwjI Nl In Pro bate. In tho matter uf Estate of YIM YOlr alas ANIL', late of Ileela, Koolaupoko, Oahu, deceased, ntestate. On readng flng petton accounts of YIm Quon. Admnstrator of estate of YIm Yoa (.Has Anlu, lato of Hcela. Koolau-pok- Oahu, deceased, wheren he asks to be allowed charges hmself wth S'lb.75, asks that same may be examned approved, that a fnal order may be made of dstrbuton of property remanng n hs hs to persons reto enttled, dschargng hm hs suretes from alt furr responsblty as such Admnstrator. It s ordered, that FRIDAY, tho 6th day of March, A. D. S0I, at ten o'clock A. M.. at Chambers, In Conrt House, at same hereby s apponted as tme place for hearng sad petton accounts, that all persons nterested may n re appear show cause, f any y have, why same should not be granted, may present evdence as to who are enttled to tho sad property. Dated at Honolulu, II. I., ths 2d day of Feb.. A. D. 39. By Court: 3.'3A GEO. LUCAS, Clerk. JT'OURTH CIRCUIT COURT OF Isls In Probate. In matter of Guardanshp of LUCY SMITH SARAH SMITH, mnors, or Hlo, Hawa. On readng flng petton of Mary Smth of Hlo, Hawa, prayng that she be apponted guardan of estate persons of Lucy Smth Sarah Smth, mnors, for an order of Court authorzng her to sell a porton of th? real estate of sad mnors. It Is ordered, that TUFSDAY, 6th day of March, S9I, at 0 o'clock A. M., before Crcut Judge at Chambers, n Court House at Hlo. be same s hereby apponted as tbe tme place for hearng sad petton. ana mat all persons Interested may n re appear show cause, f any y hare, by same should not be granted. uatea at lno tn auth dar or Jan., 89. By Court: DANI I. PORTER. "S-3- a Clerk. CIRCUIT COURT OF Hawaan Isls In Probate. In matter of tbe Estate of ELLA TOWNSENDor Hlo, Hawa, deceased, ntestte. Before Mr. Justce S. L. Austs. On readng rlng tbe petton of ILL. Townsend. by bs Attorney I).. Htchcock, bror of sad Ella Townsend. allegng mat Ella Townsend of Hlo, Hawa, ded ntestate at Hlo, Hawa, on 27th day of September. A. D. S93, prayng that Letters of Admns-tratSp- n ssue to H. L. Townsend. It s hereby ordered that TUESDAY, 20th day of February, A.D. S94, be becby s apponted for hearng sad petton before sad Justce, n Conrt Room of ths Coart, at Hlo, at whch tme place all persons concerned may appear show cause, f any y have, why sad petton should not be granted. Dated nlo, II... January 20th, A. D. ISM. s.,. AUSTIN. Justce of Fourth Crcut Court. Attest: D. Porter. Clerk. 59-M- a CIRCUIT COURT, FIRST Hawaan Isls In Pro--? In matter of Estate of FRANK p. ruj, late or Honolulu, Oahn, deceased, IntesUU On readng flng tht petton of Elzabeth K.Pratt, wdow offrauk S. Pratt of Honolulu. Oahu. allegng that sad Frank S.Pratt of sad Honolulu, ded Intestate at sad Honolulu, on th day of Jannatr. A. D. S94. prayng V??. Letter of Admnstraton ssue to sad Lllzabetl K. Pratt. ltsordeted that MONDAY, 9th day or March. A. D. IS'J!. le Hurt K!m lerohr I. apponted for bearng sad petton n Court Room of ths Court, at Honolulu, at whch tme place all person concerned may appear show caue, f any y have, why sad petton should not be granted. Dated Honolulu. II, I., Jan. 23rd, A. D. 59. By Court: "'9-3- GEO. LUCAS. Clerk. FT THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Fourth Crcut of Hawaan Isls. In name of Provsonal Government or Hawaan Isls. To tbe Marshal or Hawaan Isls, or hidepnty: Greztdjo: You are hereby commed to summon A. Howll (k), defendant. In case he shall fle wrtten ansv er wthn twenty days after servce hereof, to be appear before sad Crcut Court at January Term reof, to be holden at Court Room of Court Honse. Hlo. n Isl of Hawa, on WEDNESDAY, 3rd day or January next, at 0 o'clock A.M.. to show cause why clam or Cosda Howxll (w). plantff, should not be awarded her pursuant to tenor or annexed petton, hate youn re ths wrt, wth full retnrn of your proceedngs reon. n ttness. uox. a. u Acstut. Judge of our Fourth Crcut Court, Hlo ths 23th day or December, A. D DANIEL PORTER, Clerk of Crcut Coart. Duo dlgent search has been made to fnd wthn named defendant, on Isl o uanu. wnout success ; Therefore. return ths wrt unserved ths 5th day of January. S9. E. G. HITCHCOCK Marshal. CIRCUIT COURT, FIRST Hawaan Isls In Probate. In matter or Estate of JOHN II. WOOD, late of Honolulu, Oahn, deceased. On readng flng tbe petton accounts or Henry Waterhouse Alfred 3. Uart-wel- l. Executors of Wll or sad John U. Wood, late or Honolulu, deceased, wheren y ask to be allowed SWl-M-, charges mselves wth $?.,35.W. ask that tbe same may be examned approred. that y may be dscharged rrom all furr responsblty as such Executors. It s odered that FRIDAY, 2nd day of March, A. D. SJI. at ten o'clock A. M.. at Chambers, n Conrt House, at Honolulu, be same hereby s apponted as tme place for hearng sad petton accounts, that all persons Interested may n re appear show cau'c, f any y have, why same should not be granted. Dated Honolulu, H.I. ths 23th day or Jan.. A. D. 89. Br Court: GEO. LCCAS, Clerk. CIRCUIT COURT, FIRST Hawaan Isl. In Probate-I- n matter of Estate or W. P. KAHALE, late or Waluku, Mn, deceased. On readng flng petton accounts or Wllam O. Smth. Executor or wll or W. P. Kahale. late or Walmku. Man, deceased, wheren be asks to be allowed S5S5.07, charges hmself wth asks that game may be examned approved, that a fnal order maybe made of dstrbuton or property remanng n hs hs to persons reto enttled, dschargng hm hs suretes from all furr responsblty as such Executor. It Is ordered that FRIDAY, 9th day of March. A. D. S9I. at ten o'clock A. M.. at Chambers, n Court House, at same hereby s apponted as tbe tme place for hearng sad petton accounts, that all persons Interested may n re appear show cause, f any y have, why same should not be granted, may present evdence as to who are enttled to sad property. Dated at Honolulu. H. L. ths st day of Feb.. A. D. S9I. By tbe Court: ls2t-l- GEO. LUCAS. Clerk. TX THE CIRCUIT COURT OF JL tbe Frst Crcut. Hawaan Isls. In Probate. In tbe matter of estate of D. H. NAnNTT. or Ilookena, S. Kona, Hawa, deceased, ntestate. On readng flng tbe petton or John F. lurvfeld. of tbe 3rm of Hackfeld & Co. a sad It. II. Nahnn ded ntestate at sad Uookena on day f August, IBS) lovng property nece-sjr- y m be admnstered upon. prayng that Ltturs of Admnstraton ssue to some soluble peraon. It Is ordered that MONDAY, 2th day of March. ISM, at 0 o'clock A. M.. be hereby s apponted forherlng such petton. In Conrt Room or ths Court, at Honolulu, Oahu. at whch tme place all persons concerned may appear, U any y have, why sad petton.ho Id not be erantcd. Dated Honoluln, Feb. 8. ISM. By tbe Coart: HENRY SMITH. Vll Clerk. Copartnershp Notce. rphe FOILVLOWIXG PERSONS J- - named, vz: S. TAKAMORI.T IHVE SIbT?OKJ'r,,0ITA- - " MAKANO. K. YA.' SIJYAMA. a.l of Hlo, have entered Into Copatcershlp In busness or plantng Coffee or products, on Volcano Road. In Olaa. Puna, Hawa. The frm name s Takamor & Co.",?'"?? TAKAMORI 4 CO. HHo, Uawa, 5th. 9M, WILDER'S STEAMSHIP CO.'S Wll leave Honolulu at 2 o'clock '. At. tonchng at Lohann, Manlaea Bay Makena Bamoday; Katra-h- aa tho followns day arrrnr at Hlo at mdncht. Tuesday, Frday.. Tuesday, Frday.. Tuesday, Tuesday Frday " 0 M., V?"- - Jna tucutj... Frday... Tuesday... Frday Tuesday... Frday... Toesdny... SprcnI 3Tottrs. TIMS TABIDS STMR. KINAU, CXj.AItXt Coznmantlor. Mahnkona, Lanpaboehoo MU.TX3 HONOLULU. Feb. --.larch 3 March March Frda::;:::::::::;::;:::;;;; Aprl Jlay -- May -- esuay Jane July 3..July 3..Jnlr'Jl..Aug. 3 Ak.4 Ke&;:-""- "" 2; St 25 r"7 Oct. s S???y Oct.c ff; oct.rc S? Nov. C N'ov.lG xnesaay Nor. 27 ntlay jj - Tnesday Dec. 8 Returnng leaves Hlo, touchng at same day ; Kawehne A... Jlnhu- - - aaaeabay Gp.M.;Lahatna 8p.t. followm,. ssavs! DOlnla G A'M- - " & AEErns AT HOMOI.Ur.t7.?.?tnrdy. f, urdly??::::::;:::;;;:. f'"da5 Aprl 7 Wednesday. J8 Saturday ff y ;....;;;;;.AJtI! - Sy!' Wednesday l.v JO wl,srdn5 Ju..e a y?d?.esdaj- - Juno 20?;tnrdrty June 30 Wednesday Jo, u Ju!v2 Wednesday --., A Saturday... Sept. 2 vj2?t Sept. 22 wzdsy,- - Nov. 3 f?'rdaj Not.2 S?n8d.ay Dec C wltsrdaj Dec. 5 Wednesday Dj ST No Freght wll be receved after 2 noon of day of salng. STlff. CLAUDINE, CAMERON, Commer. Wll leave Honolulu every Tuesday at e o'clock P. At., touohnr at Kahuln, Huelo, Hana, Hamoa Kpahulu, Mau, Hawa. Ieturnns wll arrve at Honolulu every Sunday mornnp. No Freght wll be receved after. P. l. on day of salng. Consgnees must be at lng to receve r freght, as we wll not hold ourselves responsble after such freght hag been led. Whle Company wll use due dlgence n hlng lve stock, we declne to assume any responsblty n cace of loss of same, wll not be repo.-sbl- e for money or jewelry unless placed t: care of Pursers. W. O. WILDEIJ, Presdent. S. B. ROSE, Secretary. Capt. J. A. KINQ. Port Supt. Estate of Robert ceased. Gray, I)e- - TIIE UXUERSIGXED IIAV-- J-- ngbeen apponted Executor or above estate, hereby gves notce to all credtors or Jn.'LdflCea.s.f?? P"e tber clalma duly wth proper vouchers, ft any exst, even f clam be seenred by mort- - e,u,te: toj,"m Executors, at offce of Inter-Islan- d Steam Navgaton Co. In Honolulu, wthn sx months from date hereof, or y wll be forever barred. And all persons Indshtcd to sad estate are requested Immedate payment to nnderslgned. JAMES Executor Estate Robert Gray. Dated Honolulu. Jan J-a Admnstrator's Notce. THE UNDERSIGNED IIAV-- X. ng been duly apponted admnstrator of m "V f. J9"N SrUPPLEBEEN. late or Hawa, deceased, all persons havng clams aganst sad estate are hereby to pre-se same duly verfed wth proper youchereto undersgned wthn sx month from date hereor or y wll be forever barred; ol persons Indebted to sad estate aie.,',vlaf ;ted ;? Immedate payment to me at Hlo. Hawl. A. W. RIOJIARDSON. Admnstrator estate of John Stupplebeen, deceased. Hlo, Hawa, Jan. 22d. 85. Admnstrator's Notco Credtors. June 5S-3J-. to 'PIIE UNDERSIGNED, AD--. L mlnlstrator of Estate of PERDINAND W. HUTCHISON, late of Sydney. N. S. vr deceased, hereby gves notce that all clams agalnat estate of sad Ferdn W. Hutchson most be presented to tbe undersgned wthn fx months from tbe date of publcaton of ths notce at hs offce No Merchant St.. Honolulu, II. I., or y wll be forever barred! CIIAS.T GCLICK, Admlnletrator of tbe Estate of Fcrd- - tn,nd w 'loteblson, deceased. Honolulu. February 5th, 8JL 5a.

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