?"T-v- w. "9Sf. The Scribe's Ship. I will have a span of pacers, fastest. sort of lightning-chaser- s, get-the- re sorrel racers,.

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1 HT C :?"T-v- w l" ge "9Sf w VOL. XXVn.-N- o HONOLULU, TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, WHOLE No Hawaan Gazette. HAWAAN UJSMSllEK BY GAZETTE CO., (Lmted,) vwv Tuesday MornnE- - ; FVL UUL.AHS PBR ANSU.M Mrlr-ulscrller.OO- A YAttU. X ADlAXCE. Whch ncludes postage prepad. AUuce H. M. WHTNEY, Busness Manager And EDTOR. oace, So. 48 Merchant Street RATES OF ADVERTSNG. tmtaml Sonpml. lo 1 w v w 1 m 2 m 3 m Cm y vj n n CO n , s n n ll u H Cot UOJS20U Col A! f 1 Col UlJOUOU CorrtjBpondenco ntended lor publcaton, hoald be addrc-se- d to "Edtor of tb e Hawaan Gazette, Post Offce Box. O. rclatlnr to Adtertse-ment- s, subscrptons and Job Prntng, should e adlressedto hc "Manager of Hawaan.Jazctte, Poet OHce Box, O. " Cards and all quarterly or j early dvcrtlscracnts aro payable m adtancr or on precntator of bll. B All foregn advertsements must be accompaned wth pay when ordered n, or no no.u- wll be taken of m. The rates of char-c- a am rn en n above scale, and remt-lance- s for European or Amercan advertse mnts, may be made by postal order. THE Daly Pacfc Commercal Advertser s pabluhed bj Hawaan- - Gazette Com-tat ts Offce u Merchant Street, and by Carrers n Cty, at Sx Dollars (SG.OO) For Annum. Ualv t Foregn Countres Postage pala,.. Sl0- - Pcr Bnnm MT Address a.l Commnnlcatlous, HAWAAN GAZETTE COMPANY, No. 4r, Merchant btrect gutfuf&s (Ga-fs-. PROFESSONAL. CHAKLES. CARTER. m Ko. 24 Merchant btrect. y A. ROSA. Attornoy ax axw. So 15 KAAUUJASU btdeet, 1336 Uonolulu.. - y WMAM C. PARKE, attorney at Xa."o7" And Agent to take Acknowledgments. OFTCE: 13 Haauumanu stkbe. 13W5 Honolulu w. R. CASTLE, Aud Notary laulc. Attends all Courts of 1356 Kngdom. J. ALFREJ MAGOON. Attorney and Counselor At Law. OFrCE 12 Merchant Street. Honolulu, U WM.aAEBTXS,rmL.OrrEBOEl.T,HEaSAKS OCE, Honolnln. Honolulu. Honolulu. EB KOFFStHLAEUKK At CO. Elng and Bel Streets, mporters 1336 Honolulu, H.., and Commsson Merchants, H. L. HOLSTEN,. A.trtox"X.oy Xo.-. Collectons PnojrxLY Attended to KOUALA, HAWA. ly. PATJ, OEV SOTASY PUBLC and COMMSSONER c DEEDS For tho Slates of Calforna and "cw Vork Ofce at Bank of Bshop & Co., Honolnln. 1S5 J. M. WHTNEY, M. D D. D. S Dental Rooms on Port Street, jflcen Brewers, Block, corner Hotel and Fort 1356 y streets Entrance, Hotel street. WLLAM ATTORNEY-AT-LA- 0. SMTH, bb Fort Street, : : Honolnln y E. O. HTCHCOCK, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. 0cc at HLO, HAWA. "N.B. Blls Paomrr Collected. "SO 137a.lyl WLLAM C. ACH, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, and Real Estate Broker. Attesds all Counts or Elhsdox. OFFCE: No. 36 Merchant Street, 13T2 Honolnln, H.. ly MR. W. F. ALLEN, TJ AS AS t OFFCE OVER MESSKS. BSHOP ll COcorner of Merchant and Eaahnmann TttreeU.and be wll beplxaaed to attend toany "nrlnpsentrnstcd to bn E..TcrvrtE & BO, Grocery, Feed Store and Bakery. Comer Knc and Fort Streets Honolulu. U.. v THE WESTERN AND HAWAAN nvestment Comnanv. (Ltmltca Money loaned for long o. nuort perods, ON APPROVED SECURTY. Apply to W. W. HALL, Manager ns.offlce Beaver Block. Fort St, t Busness Oaru VHSCELLANEOUS. BSHOP & COMPANY. W 18S8, BANKERS. HONOLULU, HAWAAN SLANDS DRAW EXCHANGE OK THE BMRQF CALFORNA, SAW FRANCSCO.e AXD TEB ASEXTS X Vorlc. Bolton. MESSRS. H H. ROTHSCHLD SDKS, LONDON. ANKFORT-ON-THE-MAN.-The Commercal Bankng Co. of Sydney, Londor. The Commercal Bankng Co. of Sydney, Sydney. The Bank of New Zealand, Auckland, and ts Branches n Chrstchnrch. Djnedln and Wcll-lngto- The Bank of Brtsh Colomba. Portland, urcgon. The Azores nd Madera slands. Stockholm, Sweden. The Chartered Bank o: nda, Australa and Chna. Hongkong, Yokohama, Japa. Andtransacla 1356 General Bankng Busness j K.. O. HALL&NOX, LMTED. mporters and Sealers n Hardware, Plows, Pants, Ols and General Merchandse, OFFCERS: WmW Hall.Presdent and Manager EO Whte Sccretaryacd Treasurer WmF Allen Audtor ThosMayand F Wnudenburg Drectors 1356 Corner Fort and Kng Sts y r. LST7S5S. vzz c.a.cccse S. CWKSN A; C O K E. Succeeors to Lewebs & Dcksox, mporter ad Sealers n Lumber, And al knds of Buldng Materals, 1350 Fort Street. Honolulu. y EMPRE HOUSE, J OLDS. ::.::::: Propretor Corner Nnnaon Acnue and lotel Streets. Chnoo Ale, Wnes and Jjqnors 135b y. Xlotal E. S. CUNHA Wno Doalor. UNON SALOON, lunurof " lawallan Gazette" luldns 1350 No. 23 Merchant Street. HONOLULU RON WORKS CO jtfjt. Steam Ensnes.SuRnr Mlls, Bolers,, Saus Coolers, ron, Bras and Lead Castng Machnery of Every Descrpton tar Jad to Order. S Partcular attenton pad to Shps Blackt smthng. JOD WORK executed on shortea notce. y J. K. KAHOOKANO. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Attends all Courtk or fkadou Kaahnnann Street, Honolnln. ly J. S. SMTHES, MTotary - UPrtoU AND AGENT TO GRANT MARRAGE LCENSES. Mahultona. Kohala. Hawa t-f ao - T tvaxestjaosse. 32ALES K GENERA! HERCHANSSE. 4?56 Queen (street. Honolulu y MP0P.TER"AHD JTEEO. s OAVT.S & Co.. mporters and Concusson Merchants, AXD AUEXT8 rol, tloyde and LvcrpoolUnderunters, Brtsh and Foregn Marne ccnrancc Co., SM AnJMorn Amnranw Ocmptny. y HAWAAN FRANK WNE CO. BROWN. Managor. 23 and 30 Merchant Street, - Honolulu, H.. lsds-l- C. E. WLLAMS, mporter, Manufacturer, Upholsterer, AXD DEALXn S FURNTURE OF EVERY DESCRPTON, Panos and Muscal nstruments. 13h 105 FORT STREET ly G. W. MACFARLAHE &CO., mporters and Commsson Merchants, Honolulu, Hawaan slands, AQEAT8 y FOB Mrrlces Watson & Co., Scotland btrect ron Works, uasrow. John Fowler & Co., (Leeds) Lmu Steam Flow sdo ana worse, Aceas. y. HACKFELD &. CO., General Commsson Agents, 1356 Queen Strcet,Honoluu, H.. y HYMA BKOS.. mporters of General Merchandse, raox FRANCE, ENGLAND, GEEMANT AND THE UNTED STATES y No. 53 Queen Street, Honolnln, H.1, HTMAN BROTHERS. Commsson Merchants, 206 Front Street, San Francsco. Partcular attcntou pad to fllng and shppng 1F73 sland orders. y St. Matws Hall. SAN MATEO, CALFORNA. A School for boys. Tnenty-sthyea- Send for Catalosrce. h, Alfred Lss hm, S.8., Esctor. 1S85 C. HUSTACE. (Formerly wth B. F. Bolles & Co.) Wholesale and Retal Grocer, 111 Kng Street, under Harmony Hall. Famly, Plantaton, and Shps1 Stores suppled at short notce. New Goods by ctery steamer. Order rom or slands fathfully executed TELEPHONE Xo.lV. 3 ly Spend 2Cbtrcs. MSCELLANEOUS HAWAAN Mm l Ttle ft). r. ;(;.: m f.ll. Httet Cecl Brown - Vm x resuleul V7. t. Ctstlf Mtretary J. K. Brow.. - "Tfct.rvr, Manager W. V. frpf... audtor Ths Uompaaj s prepared to search records and furnsh abstract. of ttle to ell real property n Kngdom. Partes placng loaus un, or contemplat ng purchase of real estate trll fnd t to r advantage to consult company n regard to ttle. fjy-a- ll orders attended to wth promptness. Mutual Telephone t.t Hell Telephone 152. P. O. Box 325. DRS. ANDERSON t LOHDT, DENT 1 Hotel St., op.. Dr. J. fzy(a AlKMlNlbTEKKU. STS,. McGrew Canadan Pacfc Ralwy The Faxous Toobst Route or tje World. $5 Second and $10 Frst Class. Less than by Or Lnes To Ar.1. Pohts s nl! UNTED STATES and CANADA, vu PoetlaxS, Tacom, SkATTXT, VlOTOEl AXD VAKOOUTEB. MOUKTAK BESOBTS. Banff, Glacer, Mount Stephen and Fraser Canon. Smprcss Lne of Steamers from Vancouver Tckets to all ponts n Japan, Chna, nda nnd aronnd world. J5?" For Tckets and General nformaton THE0. H. DAVES & CO., Agents Cfumdmu lacfo talway for 142G-l- v Hawaan slnnds. PONEER STEAK Candy Manufactory and Bakery, e1. :h: o oh. 3xr, Practcal Confectoner, Pastry Cook and Baker notel St.. hct.nnnann and Fort y MSS D. LAMB Notary Publc. Offce of J. A. Mbroou, Merohant street, noar 1ostofGco. US-l- H. W. SCHMDT & SONS, lm: and Commsson Herckts, Honolnlo. F. A. SCUAEFKR &. CO. mporters & Commsson Mrcs, 1356 Honolulu, Hawaan slands. y M. 5. GKNBATJM & CO. WOETEE3 OT Qonl Morohundlso and Commsson 1356 Morchants. Honolnln, H.. y M. S. GRNBAUM & CO., Commsson Merchants, No. S15 Front Street. San Francsco, Cal. Post Offce Box y WDEt &. CO., Corner of FortandQuecnSteeU, Honolulu, lumber, Pants, Ols, Kals, Salt & Buldng 1356 Haterals of erery knd- - r Hawaan Annual. EXCELS THE HAND-BOO- K NO HAWAAN ALMANAC and ANNUAL for relable statstcal and general nformaton relatng to se slands. Prce 75 cents; or maled abroad at So cent" eaclw TnOS. O. THRUM, Publsher l-y Honolnln. n GOLnEBMB! HONOLULU. AGENT FOR Calforna Ootcal Cos Spectacles Eyeglasses. and Egf" Assortmdkts wll be sent to or slands for contcnecce of those who cannot come to Honolulu. ltcs-l- y The Scrbes Shp. wll have a span of pacers, fastest sort of lghtnng-chaser- s, regular get re sorrel racers,., When my shp come n. wll seek weepng pauper and apply a golden stopper to lls gref tank, as s proper, When my shp comes n. ll harangue voter stately, and ll go to Congress galy; re my voce wll thunder daly When my shp comes n. y Come, my vessel, oer tho ocean! Sadness s my daly poton, sorrow s my one emoton! Tll my shp comes n. must slng my creekng Fabers, must not forego my labors, lvng largely on my neghbors, Tll my shp comes n. Washngton Evenng News. NOTES AND COMMENTS. SEuropcan ralroads lntve no?rade crossngs. Artfcal vory s made from condensed skm-mlk-. ron steamshps were frst bult n Graal Brtan n Great Brtan receved 10,057,000 letters from Amerca last year. aper Las been made of almost everythng, not exceptng ron. The Unted States consumes more paper than any or naton. Mulhall estmates that cv lzed natons annually pay $13,700,000,-00-0 for food. Slver dollars aro shpped drect to Chna from Mexco by Chnese merchants. nda nk s made u Japan from snot obtaned from burnnrr shells of an oly nut. Tlfe Unted States acreage n gran s greater than entre area of German empre. A hve of 5000 bees should produce 50 pounds of honey every year and multply tenfold n lve years. The crop area of Europe and Amerca u 1810 was 492,000,000 acres; n 1S8 t was 607,000,000. All German workngmeu u Eussa Poland have been ordered to learn Russan language by January, Accordng to Unted States consul at Sngapore, one-ha- lf of worlds tn s mned n Strats Settlement. Thrty thousand tons or car loads of "staff" materal were used n tho walls of tho Worlds Falrbuld-ng- s. Damond cutters n Holland have succeeded u cuttng stone? so small that t takes 1500 of m to wegh a karat. The maze crop of Unted States covers an area greater than England, Scotland, Wales, reland and Denmark. A new cgarette machne has been nvented that wll feed, roll, paste and make 10,000 perfect cgarettes n ten nours. Japanese doctors never present blls to r patents. They awat patents nclnaton to pay, and n thankfully accept whatever sum s offered. Cast-ro- n melts at.1470 degrees F., copper at 2548 degrees, gold at 2590 degrees, slver at degrees, lead at G17 degrees, and cast-t- n ht 442 degrees. The collecton of postage stamps las brought nto exstence a professonal stamp reparer, who for a small lee, dexterously repars mutlated stamps. n Bensal, nda, re aro three harvests reaped every year : peas and ol seed3 n Aprl, early rce crop n September, and great rce crop n December. New Bedford cau easly afford to stop catchng whales, for, accordng to latest statstcs, she s, among New England ctes, second only to Fall Rver n cotton spndles. One of most orgnal gft3 for Prnceps Slay, who s about ready to stat housekeepng wth Prnce George at St. James Palace, London, s a sold gold mouse trap. mpartal wrters say that gold contaned n medals, vessels, chans and or objects preserved n Vatcan would make more gold cons than whole of present European crculaton. A pound of rce contans SG.OO per cent, of nulrtve matter, aganst per cent, for wheat, per cent, for rye, 74.2 per cent, for onts, per cent, for com, per cent, for potatoes, per cenf. for fat beef, and 2G.83 per cent, for lean be f. Among ndustres of Unted States that of pater nnklng now holds ffth place. Durng 1692 re were a few more than 1100 mlls n operaton n ths country, h vng an annual capacty of about ln pounds of paper. Pennsylvana hts more tmber than all or Atlantc states put seven tmes as much as New York, one-ha- lf mors than Mane, and more than any or of western states short of those of Pacfc coast. COFFEE 0ULTUEE. "When my shp comes n. wll have a costly dwellng, servants flyng at my yellng, pctures hangng, musc swellng, When my shp comes n. NOTES AND OBSERVATONS BY 1 wll drve my shp so fnely that shell shne n crowds dvnely, and gods wll smle bengnly, MS. ROBERT RYCROFT. He Predcts Saccess For Coffee Rasng n Hawa p.1... V l A, Trp Throucl Koua,! -,, Volcano. r Km nnl to Mn. Edtor: "When leavng Honolnln promsed to wrte yon aftor hnvng vsted tho Hawaan Coffee and Tea Companys place n North Kona, whr was bound. The steamer Mkahala reached Knlnn on Saturday mornng, after a farly pleasant trp, where Mr. Mahale kndly lent me a horse, and proceeded n company wth Mr. Mller to Hawaan Coffee and Tea Com panvs estate, some fonr mles ds tant. The frst coffee saw was on way, near tho government road, abont 1000 feet elevaton. t conssted of two acres of trees from stumps. Theso ore n a very thrfty condton, although re s a lttle blght on m (aphs), but Mr. Mller s dong away wth that wth spray pump. There s qute a good crop of coffee on m for trees, and would lke to say, just here, before proceed any furr, that f we get no worse blght than that whch attacks coffee at present, coffee cnlture as a bnsness venture wll be perfectly safe. Of courso t requres caro and attenton lke anythng else. Furrmore, ths partcular lttle spot s a perfect hot bed of uphs. All aronnd tho guava am mango trees aro thck wth t, and entro escape under tho crcum stances could scarcely bo expected. The company does not own surroundng lands, so Mr. Mller s not able to clear a space around ths cofj fee, as snond be done. The next coffee that saw was a block of 120 acres, from 1500 to 1700 feet elevaton. There were trees n ths from plants just set out up to Sourn Pacfc locomotves wll soon use for fuel brcks made of, coal dust and asphaltum. trees three feet hch. all n fne con dton, and everythng went to show j Cellulod s paper, chemcally a very vgorous growth, but at ths treated, reduced agan to pulp and stage t s a poor tme for one not posted to see t, as coffee makes ts showng n second year, and where an experenced eye can see grand possbltes ahead, an nexperenced one mght be dsapponted. was very much surprsed to see thngs bo far advanced, con sderng tho tme company has been at work and number of men t has had employed. was partcu larly struck wth growth of plants at top of feld (1700ft. elevaton); y really looked fne, and can magne no grander sght both artstcally and fnancally than that 120 acres wll present a few years from now, notwthstandng serous charges some of old " make aganst Mr. Mller of wastng hs tme "playng wth squrt pumps and lady bngs," and put myself on record as prophesyng that Hawaan C. and T. Co. wll be exportng more coffee n sx years from now f present mode of management s kept up than all older coffee patches and plantatons n Kona pnt toger, and may be re to see t. There s no blght whatever on ths 120 acre feld, and f t does appear Mr. Mller can and wll get away wth t. Mr. Mller and enjoyed comparng notes very much; ths and seeng place was a pleasure had long looked forward to. We do not dffer on any bnfeone pont, but more of that anon. Suffce t to say have arrved at much same results on my own place perhaps as Mr. Mller would have done, but at greater cost. have had to pay for my experence as went along, whle Hawu C. and T. Co. have beneftted by ts managers experence ganed n prevous Venturs, whle we kamaanaa are so economcal n start and have such vared ways of conductng coffee culture. observed at least three methods on my trp through Kona. jfjlfdtm One was trustng to Lord to do t all; anor was assstng nature somewhat wth a bush knfe, and or was tho proper cultvatng process as practced by Hawaan Coffee and Toa Co., and by your humble servant now, for soon found ont re was nothng n t any or way. One dfference of opnon, by way, was n - toppng. - Mr. Mller beleves n low toppng and n toppng at sx feet. Tho tea plants look thrfty, but as t was frst tea ever saw growng n my lfe do not profess to know anythng about t. Leavng here passed through South Kona and saw several plantatons that were under bash knfe treatment, wth mora or les3 crop, but not what call heavy even for wld coffee (as Puna wld coffee bears). dd notce re was more coffee on trees that were out n sunlght. The only black blght saw at all was under kukn trees, and from appearance of thngs fanoy lady bug has been through South Kona wthn last box months. lunched wth Mr. Chas. Hooper re, and he showed me some trees n front of hs house that had been heavly blghted and apparently dead for some years, whch have ths year thrown off blght There s qute a folage on m and some crop. n fact have a ory as to tho workng of lady bug whch mght nterest some of vonr readers,- - but thats anor story, whch may gve yon later. passou through Mr. Monsarrats place and saw hs Japs, plantng out some une, ncatny young trees. He s pottng n qute a largo area. After ths saw no more coffeo to speakof untl came to Wnohnu, where my frend Chas. Menko has about 3 acres n, that s kept n good order and looks well. thnk myself small places, well kept, wll pay better n long run than larger tracts allowed to run wld. Whenlarrvod at volcano found mne host Leo had coffee fever too and had been puttng n a pece for experment. He had planted stumps about two feet hgh whch were just sproutng ncely. asked hm f ho would be wllng to have me operate on m, Puna fashon. He sad, yes, but looked rar blank when cut m down to about sx nches from ground, but he got over t and ntends puttng n more. Bear n mnd ths s 4000 feet elevaton, and f se trees prove to do well at ths heght, what a bg area of country mght be planted n coffee. Whle at Volcano House saw some as fne cabbage and caulflower as ever saw anywhere n my lfe, tho cabbages would average thrty-s- x pounds. There was also celery, beets, and such lke vegetables that we are now mportng from coast, all of whch mght be grown on Volcano road n quanttes to supply Honolulu market f freghts between slands were not bo hgh. Tme and competton though may remedy ths lttle trou-bl- o and hopaf t wll be soon. tobt. Rrcno-r-. Pohok, Puna, Hawa, Aug. 15, n moulded nto ts fnal form. n Japanese saws teeth pont toward handle, and both flaws and planes cut toward workman. A cloth of very lno texture s made from bark of paper tree, a mulberry growng n South Sea slands. From Amercan aloe tree s made thread, needle3, ropes, cablet, paper, clothng, soap, sugar and brandy. A corner lot n San Francsco, once exchanged for a sut of clos, s now consdered worth $1,000,000. The hghest ralroad n Unted States s Denver and Ro Grande at Marshal Pas3 10,855 feet above sea. Successful experments have been made n several States n stmulatng growth of snch plants as wheat, corn and tobacco by means of electrc currents. A wrter n "Ralway Age" Btates that n sx months endng June 30th re were nhety-fv- e dfferent lnes ncorporated and 1, mles of track lad n Unted States. We Speak What We Know. From Cooktdle (Ttxut) hauler. My wle and four chldren were taken very suddenly wth severe cases of cholera morbus. bought a bottle of Chamberlans Colc, Cholera and Darrhoea Remedy, am from one to two doses gave relef u each case. heartly recommend t; belevng t best remedy known for bowel complants. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by all medcne dealers. Benson, Smth & Co., Agents for H. J.

2 yuy ly " ftjf wpy ypnyy"y gw?rj!l:f mw"w?ff f - TTr T" W jaujmwnfetfte 12-PAE EDTON. TUESDAY. AUGUST? MOTES AND COMMENTS. The polce staton scandal s nothng new. For past ten years what s known as "staton house gang" has been a degrace to every succeedng admnstraton. The polce staton reached ts heght of unfavorable notorety t! r r.r J Uea our. u.un. at take heroc efforts to break t up. When Marshal Htchcock came nto offce he felt he had not materal at hand to reorganze and purfy polce department. Hs judgment has been shown by facts to have been well grounded. The dsreputable condton of polce department s acknowledged on all hands and t s fortunately last remanng hertage of monarchy whch contnues to dsgrace country under present regme. The nablty of Provsonal government to re form ths department s one that any government under same crcumstances wotrld fnd hard to overcome. Wthout avalable materal t s UBe?ess to talk of reformng dsgraceful condtons whch has characte rzed polce staton for past de cade. Under monarchy - - polce staton Tras used as a poltcal factor n electons, and ts corruptons were felt throughout He entre lsanus. ne gov em nent s at present powerless r out tho- - notorous stat on-hou- se comb e- - untl new and ble men re avalable to sub sttute for t present ncumb 3nts The fault does not le wth beads of dtepartment but wth makeup of - - force.tself; Tme wll furnsh better men, and; t s safe to say that wthn ss months from, date government wll be ables to make a general clearng outof ths last den of poltcal corrupton, whch for years has dsgraced country under monarchy, and s a standng reproach today. t beng generally admtted that, day of mracles s past,, and belef n specal judgment for partcular sns havng become nractcally obsolute, fate of Ananas fals to exercse that wholesome restranng nfluence on Bulletn and or members of Nordhoff phalanx whch t orwse mght. f people of present day were struck dead for lyng, re would be nover a royalst edtor or letter wrter left. The whole breed would be as extnct as dodo or dnothr-num-, whle ranks of tho restor-atons- ts would be depleted more swftly and surely than f a battery of gatlng guns had been turned loose on m. f, as Bulletn now pleads, some of ts recent statements concernng fnancal operatons of government were mstakes eo plan as scarcely to need correcton mstakes whch anyone could detect at a glance t seems very queer that person who wrote and publshed those statements should not have detected errors. n attemptng to defend ts farness, Bulletn makes a very bad showng for ts ntellgence. The new bll ntroduced nto councls yesterday by judcary commttee to regulate and specfy dutes of vce-presde- nt of Provsonal government, pro-yd- es n a most thorough manner for successon to that offce to meet any emergency whch mght arse. n case offce should hereafter become vacant, hll provdes that poston shall fall to executve councl n followng order, vz., mnster of nteror, mnster of fnance and attorney-genera- l. n case se fal, successon goes to members of advsory councl, n order and tme of r electon to offce ; and n cases where two or more were elected on same date, y take offce by senorty of age. CTY MPROVEMENTS. Untl lately, and Load Durng tfae torney-genera- l. snce me rovsuua guveruueut boanj has been dong good work n mprovng came nto power, re has not even sdewalks on each sde of heen a dsposton to reform matters n that quarter. The plan Kng street. Commencng near Alapa street sdewalks have truth of matter s that "sta been curbed wth heavy ton house gang" so thoroughly three-nc- h planks whch wth r posts were ntrenched tself under dsgraceful regme of mon- well tarred before beng set n poston. Ths work has been cararchy that t wll now red out wth two or three short exceptons as far as where Wakk road branches off, near old rfle range. t s a great mprovement to- street, and a comfort to pedestrans. The large Samang trees opposte Catholc cemetery whch have blocked sdewalk for years have been cut down and removed. n front of Thomas square a fne stone curbng has been placedy made from lava rock quarred at Moll. The blocks vary from one to four feet n length, and Savng been neatly dressed on top and front, make a good and durable curbng, as good, one mght say as any foucd abroad. The plan s eventually: to surround ths beautful park wth stone curbs, whch wll mprove appearance very much. t s to- be hoped that some day n near future seme one of Hawas mllonares JwU generously provde foe a sta tue of Admral Thomas, after wh m ths park was named Some of prettest resdences n cty are- - alodg Kng ; street where mprovements noted above have been made. A tourst, rdng n cars tho or ds.y, remarked on smooth macadam roads and fne cottages- - that lne streets, referrng especally to those on upper scb of Kng strset, from Thomas square to Government nursery ; that he had nowhere seen fner homes-tha- n those and ors n Honolulu,, wth r endless varety of vnes, flowers and trees. And every one must admt that Honoluhthas some very tasty and envable homes not confned to any one street, but scattered along almost every street. Speakng of trm cottages, t may be remarked that pant, judcously appled, often adds as much to. r attractveness as flowers and; trees. Any one can see ths whewll notce tho resdence of Mr. Hotng, Consul of Chle, whose house has lately been burnshed by an artst of taste, whch shows what a panters brush can do. Returnng to roads, t must be admtted that road board, through ts supervsor, s dong frst-cla- ss work, and thore has never been a tme durng past ten years when our roads, as a whole, have been kept n better condton or greater mprovements made n m than durng present year. Mr. Cummngs has been a fathful and dlgent offcer, and under mmedate supervson of Mnster Kng, has accomplshed more and better work than has been done by any of hs predecessors. Of course, whole cty cannot be attended to at once, but Nuuanu sdewalks and or ugly places wll be attended to n tme. The Kahulu Launch. Captan Wllams, of W. G. rwn, sent a photograph to ths offce yesterday of new steam launch lately mported for use of plot Englsh at Kahulu, Mau. The launch s 32 feet long, 8 feet beam, and 4 feet deep. The engne s power, and boler 15-hor-se 30-hor- se power. t s guaranteed to make 12 mles an hour. Judgng from photograph, launch s one of trmmest boats n se waters. AVvaAN tazette. TUEDA. AUGUST 22, la3. BY AUTHOETT. RECEPTS AND EXPENDTURES OF THE HAWAAN TREASURY FOR THE QUARTER ENDNG JUNE 30th, The treasury balance, Aprl 1st, 1S93, was RECEPTS. From nteror department recepts $59,77o 09 Customs recepts. 133,860 S4 Fnes, penaltes and costs 1 12, Revenue stamps 5, San Francsco consul fees 4, Chnese passports r. : Water recepts 5, Fsh market recepts 1, Post offce recepts r. 26, Prson recepts 1, Regstry offce recepts 2, Brands Government realzatons.., 3, Electrc lght recepts. 1, Hlo water recepts Koloa water recepts nternal taxes S , Loan act, August 15th, 188S 22, Loan act, September 7th, , Loan act, January 11th, , Crown laud revenue 21, , expen dtures. Secton 1, CVL 1ST.. Salares and expendtures $ JUDCARY DEPARTMENT. Salares of chef Justce and assocates.., ".....S 5, Salares of clerks and shorthand reporter 1, Salares of crcut judges and clerks 6, Salares of polce and dstrct judges 5, Salares of nterpreters and messengers 3, Expenses of supreme and crcut courts 3, Purchase of law books Purchase of law boobs for crcut courts Statonery and ncdentals Prntng and bndng 8fch volume of Hawaan reports DEPARTMENT OF FOREGN AFFARS, Salares of mnsters, secretary, clerks and messenger,..$ 3, Salares of envoy at Washngton 2, Salary of at consul-gener- San Francsco and expenses 1, , Relef and return of ndfeent Hawaans Educaton of Hawaan youths abroad.dplomatc.and consular servces Expenses of foregn agenta ncdentals, foregn offce.... Band, flags and salutes.,, DEPARTMENT OF rnance. Salares of mnster, audtor-genera- l, regstrar of publc accounts, clerk and messenger $ 4, Salares of tax assessors and clerk to assessor, Oahu 2, Deputy assessors and collectors 2, ncdentals, fnance department ncdentals, tax offce ncdentals, audtor-general- s offce nterest on natonal debt 52; To pay any judgments, etc., G Dllngham 1, Return of electon fees Salares last perod not pad....., Salares of postmaster-genera- l and clerks 1 G, Salares of postmasters and mal carrers 8, Subsdy, OceancS. S. Co. subsdy 2, ncdentals, postal bureau Salares, bureau of customs.., 12, Custom house boat Expenses plot boats ncdentals custom house AT10RNEY-GHNERA.-S DEPAKBMENT. Salares attorney-genera- l and deputy 2,175"25 Salares marshal, deputy, clerk and jaler 2, Salares sherffs and clerks 2, Salares deputy sherffs Hawa, Mau, Kaua and Oahu Jfay 01 polce, a.wa, JUau, jaua- anu uanu 27, Salares two clerks recevng staton and physcan., Salares sup. court offcer, hack nspectorand clerk... 1, ncdentals cvl and crmnal expenses (old) 2, ncdentals cvl and crmnal expenses (new) , Coroners nquests r 2a00 Coroners nquests debt Support of prsoners... fl, BUREAU OF PUBLC- - NSTRUCTON. eetor-genera- Salares ns l, clerk, assst, and messenger.. 1, Support of Englsh, Hawaan and com. schools.... 6, ndustral ana reform school S31 Ad to schools 7,000 Scholarshps 1, Expense normal nstructon Professor of chemstry Buldng of school houses 9,05O00 NTEROR. DEPARTMENT. Salares mnster, chef clerk, clerks and messengers... ncdentals nteror department..... Salares bureau of survey. Expenses feld partes ncdental offce expenses Salares regstry offce ncdentals bureau of conveyances. A 5, , L :20 2, Salares Japanese nspector and secretary 1, ncdentals board of mmgraton Salares superntendent water works and clerks 1, Runnmc expenses water works 2, General repars, water works 731 S2 Repars to reservors Koloa water works Hlo water works Salares superntendent publc works and assstants 2, ncdentals publc works Repars to government buldngs,t59 64 Landngs and buoys, Hawaan department 3 00 Landngs and buoys, Mau Wharf at Maalaea Wharf moorng, etc., Lahana Repars to landng at Makeua Landngs and buoys,honolulu 1, Landngs and buoys, Kaua.. r Lghthouses... 11,01 65 Stearatug 1, Salary road supervsor, Honolulu Roads and brdges, North Hlo Roads and brdges, Honolulu Roads and brdges, Honolulu, clam J. R. Robertson... 2S6 00 Roads and brdges, Waalua,,clam J. R. Robertson Roads and brdges, general 1,250 SO Road damages 9S 25 BOARD OF HEALTH. Secretary General expenses board of health." 2, Buldng etc. of hosptals 2.03S 28 Mantenance of quarantne 1 1, Segregaton of lepers, 16, Support of non-lepe- rs.. 29S 31 Government physcnus 5, Expenses under act to mtgate Medcnes! Free system removng garbage 1, Honolulu fre department 8, Hose cart for engne company 2Jo Repars to nsane asylum... 6, Repars to electrc lght 3,01181 Repars to markets Subsdy to stmr betw Honolulu, Moloka & Lana Ad to Paradse of Pacfc Ad to Kapolan maternty home, Ad to Kapolan Park Assocaton,... Publc grounds Lghtng streets of towns, etc Prntng Copyng of faded records , , ,239 9S $439, , , r)5,8g ,83d 66 m anfprntng Penal Code Forests and nurseres,., Guards Alolan buldngs Guardroyal mausoleum Expenses of electon 1, jxpenses 01 general electon, 1S Government pounds. oooo ncdentals under homestead act..., Pay of veternary surgeon Quarantne dseased anmals Dmond Head sgnal staton Rent custom house lot, Kahulu Ad tohlo fre department Secton Volcano road 1, Hlo water works 500 New kerosene warehouses Dredgng Honolulu harbor.. 5, Dredgng Honolulu harbor bar, Roaddamages 1, Purchase of electrc lcht olant. Dalace Pay of prson lunas, volcano road SPEOAlAFPROFBlATONS. Roads and brdges, Honolulu 13, Expenses placng loan of January 11, General expenses Provsonal government 37, SUNDKES. Hosptal tax fund to specal depost 1,531 8S Road tax, 1893 to specal depost Road tax, 1892 to specal depost 6, School tax, 1S93 to specal depost Treasurynote act redeemed 10, Hawaan postal savngs bank wthdrawn, Treasury balance, Aprl 1,J893 $ 70, Recepts to June 30, , , Expendtures to June 30. 1S93 ; $397, Treasury balance, July 1, , ,250 7S G. E. Sms, Regstrar of Publc Accounts. Treasury Department, July T)0 YOU FEED THE BABY! The Skn needs foo. f Complexon s sallow, rough, scaly, pmply, t s because t s not fed wth LOLA MONTEZ CBEME The Skn Food and Tssue Bulder, postvely only safb and relabu artcle for Complexon. Absolutely harmless, opens pores, ncreases natural and necessary secretons of skn. Restores flesh to frm healthy state of youth. Prevents wrnkles. Good for burns, chupped lps and haods. fljgttot lasts three months PRCE 75 CENTS. ffask your druggst for t. HOW CAN YOU TOLERATE Freckles, Pm ples, Blackheads, yellow or mud dy Skn, mouth Wrnkles or any form of facal dsfgurement when Mrs. Nette guarantees Hae-luso- K tocure you. Dont Fob COMPLETE WTH your FOR SALE ARRVE! Solel-Schefcl- er Tw6 P0AESC0PES Tubes, Lamps, Cylnders, - Scales, Weghts, Etc., Etc. APPLY TO- - TO Benson, Smth & Co. We have jnst receved ANOTHER FULL CARGO OF Hay and Gran Per Hawaan Bark Manna Ala consstng of 1500Bales Large and Wheat Hay Bags Surprse, No.l, Whte and xack as Baps Whole Barley, 1000 Bags Boled Barley, 3500 Bags Coarse and Fne Bran. 600 Baes Mddlnes. 300 B3gs Mxed Feed, 200 Bags Choce Wheat, 200 Bags Cracked Corn, 100 Bags Small Yellow Corn, Bags Rolled Oafs and 70 Bags Ol Cake Meal. EWVtf Belected se Goods durng our last tnp to Coast; y frat-claaare s, and cost no more than poorer qualtes now on market. Gve Us a Tral! Bedrock Prces! forders promptly attended. fsttelephones No Calforna Feed Co., l- m KNG & WEGHT. Propretors. SS ,2S S ,767 SS $397, CASTLK & GOOKE XjLkje jvr:d frk NSURANCE AfEUT8 AGENTS lull NEW ENGLAND MDTDAL Lfe nsurance Co. OF BOSTON, A llance A.ss-u.ranc- e COMPANY OF LONDON, Mtm Fre nsurance Co. OF HAKTFOBD. CH18. BESWSK & CO.R Boston Lne of Packets m THESWM!, "r-llvf- 1 consder case a hopeless one. MPOKTKK.s WLL PLUABB Mrs. Harrson treats lades for all defects of face and fgure. The perma- JCtscssk- take notcf that fne nent removal of superfluous har SHP HSLEN BREWER guaranteed. MRS. NaTTE EAKBSON NhWEx, Muster, 95, Amercas Beauty Doctor. 26 Geary 8treet, San Francsco, Cal. Wll postvely sl on OCTOBER 1st. For sale by HOLL8TER & CO., Druggsts, 109 Fort St., Honolulu. For furr partculars apply to 3406-t- f O. BKEWEE 4 CO. A.TL,.AJ3 Assurance Company Captal. Assets, BOUNDED LOVDOlt. 8O8. 6,000,000 9, Havng been apponted Agents of above Company we are now ready to effect nsurances at lowest rates of premum. H. W. SCHMDT A SON8. PLANTERS MONTHLY. Table of Content for z Hawaan Postal Savngs Bank. Agrcultural Experment Statons. Domestc Exports of Hawaan slands. Electrcty n Agrculture. About Coffee Plantatons near Mount Orzaba Mexco. The Cultvaton of tho Orange. The 8lver Queston. nstructon n Cultvaton of Grape Vne. Ntrogen n Relaton to Agrculture. Cocoa Curng n Ceylon. Shun Worry and Exctement. Remarkable Operaton on a Horse. Trepanng Skull wth Success. Beautfy Home. Cocoanut Trees. Thousand Dollars an Acre. An Awful Waste. A Perfumery Farm. Meteorogcal 8nmmary. fnn COMPANY. Law ACCOUNT-BOOK- S Panos For Kent. PANOBNGOOD OBDEE rom J4.00 to $7.00 per month. MTJBO DEPARTMENT OF THE HAWAAN NEWS R2& 0 EWHAB QZBTK CO, - and - General - Bookbnders MANUFACTURED to any Pattern, ncludng Supply of Paper, Rulng, Prntng, Pagng, Perforatng, Bndng, Gldng, Letterng, etc. MUSC AND MAGAZKE8 BOUND to any Pattern. t V F fe,1 X;.SL&. fex " ftm! Jl- -

3 .,... c m pvf T r r rar7r TX fn T"mtT "f5 HMKWaMMSlMSMNSKBSSSSSBBSSSSBSBSHQSBBKDlTOW &&&" rp, "tv - - HAWAAN GAZETTE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, & & BY AUTHORTY ACT 40. An Act to Establsh and Keculate Natonal Guard of larall, and Repealng all nconsstent Lccllatlon. Be t Exacted by Executve and Advsory Councls of Provsonal Government of Hawaan slands: Skctox 1. The crgnzed and unformed mltary foce of Provsonal Government of ths Hawaan slands s known as Natonal Guard of Hawa. Ths force shall not exceed twelve companes, and must be located throughout slands wth reference to mltary wants reof, mean of concentraton and or mltary requrements. Provded, however, tat Commander-n-Ch- ef may, wth approval of Executve Councl, organze bodes of sharpshooters, whch shall, upon beng organzed, be a part of Natonal Guard of Hawa, and subject to ts regulatons and enttled to ts mmuntes, except that such bodes of sharpshooters shall not be unformed nor subject to drll dutes unless called out on actve servce, and shall not necessarly be a part of any battalon or regmental forms aton. Snc. 2. All of companes of Natonal Guard, except companes of sharpshooters, must be joned toger n a battalon or regment. Sec The Presdent s Commander-n-Che- f of Natonal Guard. Sec. 4. The staff of Commander-n-Cl- ef may consst of one Adjutant, wth rank of Leutenant-Colone- l, one Quartermaster, one Ordnance Offcer, each wth rank of Major, two Ades-de-Cam- each wth rank of Captan, apponted by and holdng offce at pleasure of Commander-n-Che- f, or untl r successors are apponted and qualfed. Sec. 5. Every offcer of a regment, battalon or rompany acceptng any staff appontment s held to have resgned hs commsson n sucl regment, battalon or eompanv. Sec. C. All offcers and solders of Natonal Guard, on becomng members and before performng" duty, and at each subsequent must take and subscrbe to followng oath, whch all commssoned offcers reof are empowered to admnster: " do solemnly jj swear that wll support Provsonal y Government of Hawaan slands, and wll mantan and defend tews "and all offcers employed n admnsterng same, and that wll serve n Natonal Guard of Hawa as for term of one year, provded that Government should so lone requre my servces." Whch oath, certfed by offcer admnsterng same, must be returned to regmental or battalon Adjutant and be preserved wth tho rolls of companes; oaths of shall show on margn number of Sec. 7. The unform of Natonal Guard s same as that adopted and g n use by smlar troops n Army of Unted States. Sec. S. The systems of nstructon prescrbed for dfferent arms of Unted States Army must be followed n mltary drlls and nstucton by Natonal Guard. Sec. 9. All commssoned offcers of Natonal Guard must take rank accordng to date assgned m bj- - r commssons; and when two of tho same grade are of same date, r rank must be determned by length of prevous mltary servce n Government, and f of equal servce, n by lot., Sec. 10. When an offcer s f ao now commsson ssues, but a certf cate of such electon must be. ssued to hm by Commander-n-Che- f. Sec. 11. Any offcer resgnng hs commsson must do so n wrtng, addressng Adjutant of General Staff, gvng hs reasons refor, and transmt same through hs mmedate commandng offcer, who wll make hs endorsement tnereon: ana tne re sgnaton takes effect when accepted by Commander-n-Che- f and announced n orders. Sec. 12. Vacances n electve offces of Natonal Guard, not n actve servce, are flled by electon. When vacances occur at any electon through promoton of any offcer, such vacances may n and re be flled wthout furr order. Electons of company offcers shall be presded over by an offcer apponted for that purpose by Commander-n-Che- f, and such presdng offcer shall gve at least seven days notce of hs appontment to all partes nterested, by causng order appontng hm to be posted n company armory and read to company. He ehall wthn three days followng electon report result of sad electon to Commander-n-Che- f. Sec. 13. Any commssoned offcer "who removes from sland, or who absents hmself from Hawaan slands for more than thrty days, wthout permsson of Commander-n-Che- f, s deemed to have resgned, and such regulatons ehall be announced n orders from offce of Adjutant of General Staff mmedately after fact of such absence becomes offcally known. Sec. 14. Any enlsted man may be dscharged before expraton of hs term of servce, by orderof commandng offcer of battalon or regment, or recommendaton of hs company commander, and for any of tho followng reasons To accept promoton by commsson, upon removal of resdence ont of bounds of command to whch he belongs, to so great a dstance that, n opnon of such commandngoff-cer-, he cannot properly perform hs mltary duty; upon dsablty, establshed by certfcate of a medcal offcer. Or be may be dshonorably dscharged for er of followng reasons: Upon convcton of felony n a cvl court ; by sentence of a court-marta- l. Sec. 15. Any offcer, offcer or solder who dsobeys order of hs superor, or msbehaves pr demeans hmself n an unsolder-lk- e manner whlst under mltary orders, must be mmedately arrested. f a non-co- mssoned offcer or solder on mltary duty, he must be dsarmed and put under guard, and tred and punshed by a court-marta- l, accordng to law and mltary usage. Sec 1C. Regmental, battalon and company rules of government, and bylaws regularly-adopte- d by a majorty of elected offcers of such regment or battalon, or members of companes, and approved by Conmander-n-Cle- f, may be adopted and enforced n such regment, battalon or companes f y are not n conflct wth laws and regulatons of Provsonal Government. Sec. 17. All fnes and penal les for upon drlls, parades and nspectons, legally determned and mposed under provsons ol such rules and s, may be collected by acton n Dstrct Court, n name of Provsonal Government; and books aud records of legment, battalon or companes, and tlo proceedngs under whch lunqrt.- - are fned, are prma face evdence of facts ren stated. Sx. S All offcers and solders of Natonal Guard who comply wth all mltary dutes as provded n ths Act are enttled to exempton from payment of poll-ta- x, school tax and road tax; and all offcers and solders n actve servce shall bo exempt froujury servce. Sep. 19. The Adjutant of General Staff must make out, on or before loth day of July of each year, a complete roll of mltary forces of each taxa ton dstrct, as y appeared on records of hs offce July 1st, and furnsh a copy of same, duly sworl to, to Assessors of dstrcts wheren such force s located. Sec 20. The Commander n Chef may at any tfraeby and wth consent of Executve and Advsory Councls, for good and suffcent reasons, dsband any porton of Natonal Guard. Sec 21. The rules and regulatons of Army of Unted States, so far as same may be appled and not nconsstent wth laws of ths government, and tho rules and regulatons prescrbed from tme to tme, by Commander-n-Che- f, shall consttute rules and regulatons for government of Natonal Guard. Sec. 22. No offcer s enttled to charge or receve any fee or compensaton for admnsterng or cstfyng any oaths admnstered or certfed under provsons of ths Act.. Sec 23. The Comnanler-n-Che- f s authorzed and has power to establsh and prescrbe such rules and regulatons, forms and precedents not nconsstent wth provsons of laws, as he may deem proper for use, government and nstructon of Natonal Guard, and to carry nto full effect provsons of laws relatve reto. Such rules, regulatons, forms and precedents shall, from tme to tme, be revsed, as may be deemed necessary, and shall he promulgated n orders and compled n such form as may be deemed advsable for nformaton of Natonal Guard. Sec 24. No mltary organzaton provded for n ths Act shall, er for ceremony or duty, carry any flag of any State or naton except that of Provsonal Government of Hawaan slands. Sec 25. Whenever a suffcent num ber of persons, subject to mltary duty, subscrbe a call for organzaton of a company, Commander-n-Che- f, upon applcaton of such persons, and by and wth consent of Executve and Advsory Councls, must appont a tme and place of meetng, for purpose of organzaton, and detal an offcer to presde over same. Sec 26. The offcer detaled must presde at meetng and organze, same, superntend electon of commssoned offcers of company, whch must be by ballot; after electon he must make out a lst of persons organzed, a certfcate of each offcer elected, and transmt same to Commander-n-Che- f. Sec 27. f such company has been organzed and offcers elected n accordance wth provsons of law, orders and regulatons, company must be lsted as a company of Natonal Guard, and elected offcers, f. commssoned, hold offce for term of one year, or untl r successors are duly commssoned. Sec 2S. All commssoned offcers of Natonal Guard shall be commssoned by Commander-n-Che- f, but he may refuse to ssue a commsson to any offcer elected or apponted, f, n hs opnon, person elected or apponted s n any Tray unqualfed or unworthy to be an offcer n Vntonal Guard. Sec 29. All company offces of tho Natonal Guard must be nomnated by commanders ot r respectve companes, subject to approval of commander of regment or battalon; and such noncommssoned offcers cannot reafter be removed or reduced n rank, except as heren provded, or by commander of regment or battalon, for neglect of duty or or suffcent cause. Sec 30. The companes of Natonal Guard are armed and equpped n same manner as smlar corps n Unted States Army. Sec. 31. Companes of Natonal Guard shall consst of not less than ffty J nor more than one hundred and three! offcers and prvates. They shall be organzed as follows: one Captan, one Frst Leutenant, one Second Leutenant, one Frst Sergeant, fve Sergeants, eght Cor porals, two Muscans, one Marker, and not less than thrty nor more than eghty three prvates. Sec 32. All arms, equpments, and mltary stores, books, accounts and reel ords of all knds are subject to examna ton by any offcer authorzed by Commander-n-Che- f, or or commandng offcer, to nspect same. Sec. 33. There must be an annual nspecton and muster of all troops of Natonal Guard n month of June of each jear, by legment, battalon, or company, as may be deemed advsable by Commander-n-Che- f, and commandng offcer of each company must make out and certfy duplcato muster rolls, showng names and number of members, of company, offcers n order of r rank, and prvates n alphabetcal order; and he must also attach to each roll a lst of ordnance, ordnance stores, accoutrements, clothng and or property of tho government n possesson of company; a statement of manner n whch all moneys receved from government for prevous year have been expended, toger wth such or nformaton as Commander-n-Ch- ef may requre. These lsts are to bo delvered by company commander to nspectng offcer, one copy to be forwarded by hm to Adjutant of General Staff, and one copy to regmental or battalon headquarters. Sec Every elected offcer of tho Natonal Guard must, upon hs electon to any offce n Natonal Guard, appear before an Examnng Board for examnaton as to hs qualfcatons for oflce to whch he has been elected. 2. Such Board of offcers shall consst of three commssoned offcers, to be desgnated by Commander-n-Che- f, any of whom may be remove at hs pleasure. 3. The offcer duly apponted lo presde at any electon shall, mmedately after declarng result of such electon, notfy offcer or offcers elected that y must appear before Examnng Board for examnaton when notfed by that Board. 4. f offcer elected and duly notfed does not appear before sad Ex anlnng Bjard when summoned by m, he shall, unless satsfactory cause be shown for such be deemed to have declned hscommsson, and re shall be anor electon ed. The flng of a proper certfcate of sad Board wt Adjutant of General Staff that offcer has faled to pass an examnaton, or declned to appear before Board when notfed, shall be deemed suffcent cause for orderng a new electon. Sec 35. The Board shall notfy canddate for a commsson to appear for examnaton wthn seven days from date of hs electon, y shall thoroughly examne hm as to hs mltary and general qualfcaton?, and, f, n opnon of majorty of Board, he s duly qualfed, fact shall be duly certfed to Commander-n-Che- f. The Board shall examne canddate as to hs knowledge n followng: 1. The prescrbed tactcs. 2. The laws and regulatons governng Natonal Guard. 3. FormB of mltary orders, correspondence, records, and also as to general qualfcatons. Sec 30. Applcatons for membershp n any company of Natonal Guard shall only be made at a regular weekly assemblage of such company; and name of such applcant shall be posted n a conspcuous place n company quarters or armory, untl next succeedng regular weekly assemblage of such company, at whch tme and not before, such applcants may be balloted for by company. Provded, however, that solders may be enlsted as requred n companes orr actve servce. Sec 3f. The Commander-n-Gh- e shall have authorty to appont and Com msson offcers of companes on actve servce n case of vacancy. The commsson of any offcer called nto actve servce contnues untl he s dscharged by order of Commander-n-Che- f. Any offcer whle on actve servce shall be subject to removal by order of Commander-n-Chef. Sec No solder shall wear or use, except when on mltary duty, or by specal permsson of hs commandng offcer, any unform or or artcle of mltary property belongng to government or to company of whch he s a member. o No offcer n charge of publc prop erty for mltary use, shall transfer any porton reof, er as a loan or permanently, wthout authorty of next superor commander. Sec. 39. No parade or voluntary servce shall be performed by a regment, battalon or company, under arms or n unform, wthout approval of next superor authorty. Sec 40. A regment of Natonal Guard conssts of not less than sx, and not more than twelve companes. Any less number of companes than sx consttute a battalon. Sec. 41. The feld offcers of Natonal Guard are one Colonel, one Leutenant-Colone- l and one Major. Sec. 41. uch feld offcers are elected by commssoned offcers of reg ment or battalon, exceptng staff offcers, and llold flce for lle,erm otwo years, andjntl r successors are duly qual fed. Upon applcaton of such offcers enttled to elect, Commander-n-Che- f must appont an offcer to presde at electon, who must gve notce of hs appontment, of tme and place of holdng such electon, aud of offce to be flled, whch notce must be publshed at least fve days prevous to te electon n some newspaper publshed n Honolulu, or by posters for such term. The Commander-n-Ch- ef may order an electon of feld or lne offcers f an applcaton s not made for an order for electon wthn thrty daja after vacancy occurs, or after expraton of term for whch offcer was last elected. Sec. 43. Such presdng offcer must make a report of electon held to Commander-n-Che- f, who, f he approves, shall ssue commsson. n all electons for commssoned offcers a majorty of votes of those present shall be necessary to a choce. n order to valdty of such electon re must be present at "least a majorty n number of offcers enttled to vote. Sec. 44. The present feld and lne offcers of battalon shall hold offce for term of two years, and one year respectvely from dates of r present commssou, and reafter untl r successors are commssoned. Sec. 45. The staff of Colonel, Leutenant-Colon- el or Major, commandng regment or battalon, conssts of one Adjutant, one Quartermaster, one Ordnance Offcer, and one Surgeon, each wth rank of Captan, who aro apponted by commandng offcer, and hold oflce at hs pleasure, or untl r successors are apponted aud qualfed. The staff conssts of one Sergeant-Majo- r, one Quartermaster-Sergea- nt, one Ordnance-Sergea- nt, one Hosptal Steward, two Color-Sergea- nts and one Drum-Maj- or, wht rank of Sergeant-Majo-r. Sec. 40. The Colonel may concentrate Muscans of dfferent companes and organze same as a drum-cor- ps under charge of Drum-Maj- or. Sec. 47. Each company of Natonal Guard must assemble at least once a week for drll and mltary nstructon. Sec 48. The commanders of com panes must ktep a book n wnch must be entered names and number of offcers, offcers, muscans and prvates respectvely, present at each drll, and must refrom make monthly returns to ): offcer of lle regment or battalon. These books must be carefully preserved and when fled returned to Adjutant. Sec 49. Offcers and solders whle on actve servce of Government re ceve such pay as may be determned by Executve and Advsory Councls. Sec. 50. The followng offcers may appont Courts-mart- al: 1. The Commander-n-Che- f, for tne tral of all offcers. 2. The regmental or battalon commander, for tral of all enlsted men of hs command. 3. The offcer orderng sad Court shall fx day on whch t shall convene, and when convened Court may adjourn from tme to tme as shall become necessary for transacton of busness, but whole sesson of Court, from day on whch t shall convene untl ts dssoluton, shall not exceed three weeks; and n case any vacancy shall happen n Court, or a new Court shall bo requred, offcer orderng Court, or hs successor n command may fll such vacancy or order a new Court. 4. The offcer or offcers consttutng such Court shall, before enterng on hs or r dutes as such, take followng oath: "... do swear that wll well and truly try and determne accordng to evdence all matters between Provsonal Government and any person or persons who may come before Coul-mart- al to whch have been appontee " 5. The Court when organzed shall have tral o a 1 offenses, delnquences and dfc5nce that occur n regment cr batulon for whch t shall have been apponted ; and sad Court shall have power to ratose and drect to be leved all fnes or fnaltes te whch enlsted men are declared to be subject by prov-on- s- of ts Act. Sec 51. Courts-mart- al under provsons of ths Actare organzed u lke manner, and subject to rules-an- d t emulatons coverng Courts-m3rt- al n Unted States array, so far as same may he appl- - cable and not wth laws of ths government and tho rules and regulatons and forms establshed by Commander-n-Che- f. They have same power to compel attendance of wtnesses when summoned by m, to preserve order n and about court-roo- m durng sessons, and to punsh for contempt, as Judges of Dstrct Courts have under tho laws of ths government. Sec 52. For purpose of collectng fnes or penaltes mposed by courts-marta- l, presdent of any such court must make out a lst of all such fnes and penaltes, and of tho persons aganst whom y have been mposed, and must, wthn ffteen days after fnes and penaltes have been mposed, ssue a warrant under hs hand, drected to Marshal or hs deputy, or Sherff of any sland or hs deputy, or paymaster of regment or battalon, commandng hm to levy and collect such fnes, toger wth costs, upon and out of any properly of tho person aganst whom fne or penalty was mposed; and such warrant may be executed and renewed n same manner as executons ssued from dstrct courts are executed and renewed. Sec. 53. n tme of peace, every commssoned offcer, for dsobedence of orders, neglect or gnorance of duty, conduct or dsrespect to a superor offcer, or for neglect to comply wth any of requrements of tbs Act, shall be arrested and brought to tral before a general court-marta- l, whch may, on convcton, sentence hm to be cashered, ncapactated from holdng any mltary commsson, fned to an amount not exceedng one hundred dollars, or reprmanded, or may sentence hm to all or er of such fnes or penaltes n r dscreton. Sec 54. offcer shall, on due convcton by a regmental or battalon court-mart- al, bo subject to followng penaltes: Reducton to ranks, dshonorable dscharge, reprmand, fne not exceedng ono hun dred dollars. Muscans and prvates shall, on due convcton by a regmental or battalon ccurt-mart- al, be subject to followng penaltes : Reprmand, dshonorable dscharge, fne not exceedng ffty dollars. General courts-mart- al for tral of commssoned offcers shall consst of not less than fve nor more than seven offcers, all of whom, f possble, must be senor n rank to accused. Regmental or battalon courts-mart- al shall consst of not less than one nor more than three commssoned offcers. f consstng of one offcer, he Bhall not be of lower rank than that of captan. Sec 55. Any and all fnes under judgment of courts-mart- al must be collected by paymaster, who at same tme H authorzed, for recovery of any fne or fnes from any offcer or solder, to deduct amount n owng from any moneys due such offcer or solder; all fnes collected shall be pad nto publc treasury as a government realzaton. Sec 50. n case of war, nsurrecton rebellon, or of resstance to execu ton h laws of tbs government, Natonal Guard, or any part reof, may be called nto actve servce upon call or requston of Presdent of Provsonal Government of Hawaan slands. Sec 57. Any member of Natonal Guard who neglects or refuses to rendezvous, when ordered out by Presdent, s gulty of dsobedence of orders, and may be tred and punshed by a court-mart- al. Sec 58. All laws or parts of laws nconsstent wth provsons of ths Act are hereby repealed. Sec 59. Ths Act shall take effect from date of ts publcaton. Approved ths 18th day of August, A. D Sgned. SAKFORD 15. DOLE, Presdent of Provsonal Government of Hawaan slands. Sgned.l J. A. Kng, Mnster of te nteror. Rezulaton ol Bureau of Agrculture and Forestry. n order to prevent spread of blght and nsect pest from sland of Oahu to or slands, Bureau of Agrculture and Forestry hereby make followng regulaton : Sucton 1 From and after 7th day of August, 1893, t shall be unlawful for any vessel to receve on board and carry from Honolulu or from any port or landng on sland of Oahu, any trees or plants of whatever character to any or part of Hawaan slands, except as heren provded. Skctox 2 Any trees and plants brought to Oahu from any foregn country, and ntended to be transhpped to one of or slands may be carred by any lcensed vessel; provded such plants or trees have been nspected and passed as provded n Secton 3 of an Act enttled "An Act Relatng to Suppresson of Plant Dseases, Blght and nsect Pests," approved July 16th, 1890, and a certfcate to that effect obtaned. And also, be t furr provded tbat.. such trees or plants shall be removed from wharf at whch tree3 or plants shall have been landed, untl such tme as vessel, that s to carry m to r destnaton, s ready to receve m on board. 8scnco 3 Any person volatng any of provsons of ths regulaton wll be lable to a fne of not to exceed one hundred dollars as provded by Secton 7 of sad Act. J. A. KNG, Mnster of nteror. nteror Offce, August t n accordance wth Secton 1, Chapter XXXV of Sesson Laws of 1S33, 1 have ths day changed locaton of tho Government Pound at Keanae, Koo-la-u, Mau, to a peco of land stuate on maka sde of Government Road at fceanac.. D. W. NAPHAA has ths day beerr-apponte- d Poandmaster for above Pound n place of B. B. Kallmokn, resgned. J. A. KNG 3nster of tho nteror. nteror Offce, August 16, 1S93. 34C SALE OF TEN4SOV AT WLL Of Chnese Theatre. Klnc Street. Honolulu, Oahu. On FRDAY, September 1st, 1893, at 12 oclock noon, at front entrance of Executve Buldng, wll be sold at publc aucton, Tenancy at Wll of Chnese Theatre Buldng, stuate on Kng Street, Honolulu, Oahu. Term Tenancy from month to month untl such tmo as Mnster of nteror may wsh to termrate same by gvng 30 days notce. Bent Payable monthly n advance. J." A. KNG, Mnster of nteror. nteror Offco, August l&t, 1S G-3- t t - m Provsonal Government of Hawaan slands. Councl Chambkr, ) Honolulu, August 17, ls93.f At a meetng of Executve and Advsory Councls held ths day, Hox. FRANCS M. HATCH was elected Vce-Presde- nt of Provsonal Government n place of Hon. Wllam O. Wlder, resgned. CHARLES. T. RODGERS, Secretary Executve and Adtsory Councls. 34C t Depabtment or Flvaxck, ) Honolulu, H.., August7th, 1893.) From and after l5th day of August, payments at Treasury ou account of salares and pay rolls, wll be made only on 15th of month and last day of month. When se dates fall on Sunday or a publc holday, payments wll be made on day prevous. G. E. SMTHES, Regstrar Publc Accounts. Approved : S. M. Damo.v, Mnster of Fnance t PROCLAMATON. Executve Buldng, ) Hoxolulu, June 30, 1893.) t s hereby ordered that untl furr notce, rght of wrt of Habeas Corpus s hereby suspended and Martal Law s hereby declared to exst n and throughout Dstrcts of Hanale and Wamca, on tbe sland of Kaua. (Sgned), SANFORD B. DOLE, Presdent of Provsonal Government of Hawaan slands and Mns of Foregn Affars. Approved : J. A. Kl.va, Mnster of nteror. W. O. Smth, Attorney-Gener-al S6-t- f Mb. GEO. J. McCARTY has ths day been apponted Poundmaster for Government Pound at Waakea, HHo, Hawa, vce C. B. Maa, resgned. J. A. KNG, Mnster of nteror. nteror Offce, August 11, t FREDERCK W. HARDY, Esu., has ths day been apponted an agent to take acknowledgments to labor contracts for Dstrct of Makawao, sland of Mau. J. A. KNG, Mnster of nteror nteror Offce, August 5, t Mb. THEODORE F. LANSNG has been apponted a mmber of Board of Health, vce J. O. Carter, resgned. Honolulu, July 26, t MESSRS. H. DEACON KENNEDY and W. G. KAHENU have hu day beec apponted members of tbe Road Board for Taxaton Dstrct ol Elo, Hawa, Ter former Board restored. J.A.KNG. Mnster of nterod nteror uhsce, Asgcst lltu. 150?. 1J92 3 Anv knd of urntnc at Ga zette Offce equal to work drne abtoad.

4 4. WlANGAZErTXJESDlOT AU&UST32, ls93: jy 12-PAt- fe JHcaraufeette EDTON, TUESDAY. AUGUST 22, KOES AND COMMENTS. Some tme after Mnster Damon t for r own cause. Besdes toot charge of fnance department, and effect of hs superb cple under Unted States law ths, t s a prn- Unque Entertanment at Waa-ke- a. fnancal management and statements began matng r com- landed n a foregn country to pro- and usage that troops can only be bned nfluence felt n Hawa, tect lfe and property of Amercans. n any event Provsonal leaders of cause saw Locnl.NeuK anl.menton that somethng must be done. An government s ready and amply attack was begun on fnance prepared to take care of any foolhardy outbreak royalsts mght r.marolal Htchcock. Tral of Carrer Plceons Ketum department, and clam was set up that Mnster Damon was wth make should r foregn and half-whtholdng detals and accounts whch e leaders succeed n screwng r courage to stckng would run hs statements f publshed. All that purblnd royalst scrbblers had nadvertently pont. Hn.o, August 17th. Work on asted was granted. Mnster Damon volcano road s reported to be lad whole volumnous An nterestng dplomatc ncdent occurred n New York lately. can now drve 234 mles from Hlo progressng favorably. Carrages report no detals and accounts before councls and royalst The talan consul at that port had and f portable track used n cotere of edtors. The publc an attachment served on hm to transportng road materal was removed twenty-fourt- h mle post s well aware that not a sngle answer reto has been recover money deposted wth hm to nsure performance of a contract to supply coal to talan drt flls have been made and could he comfortably reached. All publshed n royalst press. The Advertjseu, as usual, s wllng to war fleet n n that port. t ballasted, and heavest part of dscuss all lacts to be lound m seems that contractor owed a work practcally done. For fnance department wth merchant $200, for whch amount remanng dstance to volcono Bulletn, f that journal wll please latter had a judgment for (between seven and eght mles) restrct ts dscusson to "ratonal" debt. The consul refused to obey road wll traverse a thnly methods, whch t talks about, legal but summons, and appealed wooded country of pahoehoe formaton, and t s predcted bygood refuses to follow. to talan mnster at Washngton, who n turn appealed to judges that work wll progress Amercan government. A lone more rapdly from ths pont. n or words we shall nsst correspondence ensued whch promsed to result n nternatonal ng on road have all been The Olaa crown land lots front- that journal n queston dscuss ssues already rased by complcatons. At ths juncture leased for a dstance of twelve t aganst fnance department, contractor pad debt of mles, and many of back lots before ts edtors fly to or objec, $200, whch fortunately termnated are beng appled for. The poneers tons of lke nature, whch are ths dplomatc trouble. n commentng on case, an Amerng n dead earnest, and y are of ths new dstrct have been work- based upon as slght a foundaton as Mnster Damon has already can journal says : " Durng fast transformng a wlderness nto clearngs and cultvated felds, shown r prevous objectons to dscusson of case t was studded wth neat frame buldngs. be. When our contemporary has developed that State department does not regard con- accomplshed can be seen from Only a porton of work actually met knockout t receved, n most gentlemanly manner, from Mnster Damon a short tme snce, t wll be ample tme to accuse ors of evadng " clear The Bul- ssues on ths subject." letns last attempt at fnances on Saturday afternoon shows that t s n need of anor batch of detals from fnance offce. t s safe, however, to say that snce ts late experence re, furr nformaton wll not be asked. The royalst plan s to avod possesson of facts, so as to be able to twst fgures for poltcal purposes. Least of all do y agan wsh to cross fnancal swords wth Mnster Damon. The opportunty can be made by askng, but Bulletn and ts backers do not propose ths shall occur twce t hurt royalst cause too much frst tme. That a publc journal frendly to present government should call attenton, or even n fantest mamer refer to any defects n admnstraton of publc affars s a phenomenon so contrary to ory and practce whch has always prevaled among poltcal supporters of monarchy and ts abuses that y are unable to t s very cold comfort that restoratonsts get n artcle about les havng cost Jack hs ; lberty. Accordng to Bulletns showng, naval forces are not only ready to come on shore at frst sgn of a royalst uprsng, but would be wllng to take a hand n puttng down a revolt among government solders. t was hardly worth whle to have nvented. crazy yarn about antcpated mutny snce nventors had not wt enough to make better ueo of sular offcers exempt from legal proceedngs, cvl or crmnal, unless t s so stpulated by treaty wth country whch y serve, and that nvolablty of ths character appertans only to dplomatc or or personal representatves foregn rulers." Saturdays Crcket Match. of A very nterestng crcket match was played on old baseball grounds Saturday afternoon, between members of local team. Qute a number of spectators were present. The prncpal features of game were excellent bowlng of Mr. Hatfeld and good all-roun- d playng of Captan Lsh-ma- n. The game was warmly contested at every pont, Captan LBh-man- s sde fnally beng vctorous by a score of 37 to 30. s score : Followng LEHMANS SDL KUNS. T. sbmau, not out 12 Hulgate, b Hatfeld 0 Stanley, b Hatfeld U Law, b Hatfeld- - 0 Soper, b Hewett 0 Gardner, b Hatfeld McKay, b Hatfeld 0 Crck, b Hatfeld 0 W. labman, c G. sbmau, b Hatfeld- 4 Byes, 4: Leg Byes, 1 5 Total 37 understand t. Havng been educated and traned n a school HATFELDS SDM. KUNS. Hatfeld, c Lsunan, b Gardner... 4 Brasch, b Gardner- - 0 where farness s a thng unknown, Hewett, b Gardner. 5 and any trace of moral sense Auerbach, b Lshmaure- - 0 Weedon, b Lshman.. 0 garded as a postve dsqualfcaton, are naturally astonshed Edrnondsou, b Lshman- - 2 Logan, c Hewett, b Gardner. 1 selected from company; all G. Lshman. not out 0 whch served to amuse and entertan guests n a most novel and at exhbton of se Koss, c Gardner, b Lshman- - 3 qualtes u ors. We have Byes C pleasng manner. suffcent confdence n ntellgence, as well as honest nten- an ntermsson of ths mpromptu Total 30 Refreshments were served durng tons of publc, to beleve that Natonal ron Works. programme, and affar broke up about 10.30, all declarng that candor and ndependence n such On corner of Queen and y had spent a most enjoyable matters s, n long run, Rchard streets has been erected a evenng. course that pays, n hgher as corrugated ron buldng GO x 30, Rev. Mr. Ostrom and wfe came well as n lower sense of two stores n heght, home of to town on last steamer, and term. Consequently, whenever we new Natonal ron Works, wll spend a few weeks, occupyng Rev. E. P. Bakers pulpt. ee any branch of publc servce whch was establshed some two Dr. Francs Wetmore goes to whch needs overhaulng, we shall months ago by Messrs. Whte, Htman-fc Co. Wthn buldng and take a much needed rest. Mau ths week, to vst frends say so and shall not be mealy-mouth- ed about t er. Ths we s latest mproved machnery Dr. Moore and wfe wll sojourn for dong all knds of reparng and n Kohala for a tme ; he s gong shall contnue to do regardless of machne work. The rear of to take charge of Dr. B. D. Bonds wher our frends happen to be premses are used as a foundry, practce durng latters absence at head of affars or our enemes. Furrmore, we feel re lead are manufactured. Specal Mss Lee, who has been spendng where castngs of brass, ron and from country. s no danger of our example beng attenton s pad to boler work and h. few months n town, returns to San Francsco and Salt Lake Cty followed by any organ of or by ths steamer. sde. The appontment of C. C. Ken- general blacksmth reparng. Messrs. Whte and Rtman are both experenced and practcal machnsts, and have a host of frends n cty who wsh m all success possble n r new enterprse. The frm reports a thrvng busness Ence openng. BLO LETTER. ) PROGRESS OF WORK ON THE SlCttllCl UUU CCUSCU VUG &b l UUC. xu muues apurt, uu ouuuu) wuu- - ng, 13th nst. The flght was VOLJANO ROAD. road, owng to condton made n leases that forest should be left standng for a dstance of 250 feet back from road, exceptng n front of dwellng houses. A party of lve Hanakua resdents, Mr. Callender, Mr. T. Greenfeld, Master Walter.Greenfeld, Mss Mullnger and Mss Barnard, spent a few days n town after dong volcano. Ther frends here entertaned m wth lawn tenns and a trp to cocoanut sland. Mr. Callender, who s an evangelst, held relgous servces on Sunday mornng, 13th nst., n Foregn church. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kennedy gave an nformal party to twenty-fv- e guests at r resdence, Waakea, on Tuesday evenng, 15th nst. The nght was clear and dry, and although moon was not on duty stars made up defcency and nsured a full attendance. A lttle novelty was expected, as wth nvtatons each guest was requested to come prepared to entertan company for a few mnutes, frst entertaner to nomnate hs or her successor, and so on untl all had taken part. The hostess opened entertanment wth a few wtty remarks outlnng scheme set forth n nvtatons, and nomnated frst vctm. The entertanment whch followed was vared and amusng ; rectatons followed readngs n quck successon, nterspersed wth songs, games, hghland flng dance, n costume, an orgnal poem descrbng wrters feelngs on beng asked "to entertan," and a kndergarten class n sngng, pupls beng nedy and H. Deacon as members of Hlo Road Board, meets approval of all upholders of good 3nd honest government. They held a prelmnary meetng on 16th nst, and do not ntend to loo3e any tme n takng charge of thngs. Mr. Low made a second tral of hs carrer pgeons ths week wth very satsfactory results. Four pgeons were brought upon ths J made to Puuhue Ranch, Kohal3, by frst pgeon n 2hr. 5mm. second, 2hr. 52mn. ; thrd, 8hr. 40mm and fourth n lhr. 54mn. A Chnaman has been arrested, charged wth chcken-stealn- g, but s out on $100 bal, and s gven untl Monday to produce man he clams sold hm fowls. The brg Anne Johnson saled on 12th nst., carryng a cargo of over 1303 tons sugar, valued at $93,019.04, a few hdes and sundres, and followng passengers : Mr. Warren Goodale, James Ssson and Mss Caughey. Marshal Htchcock and wfe return to Honolulu on ths steamer, accompaned by r daughter, Mss Helen C. Htchcock. The Marshal s much mproved n health, and wll resume hs dutes wth renewed vgor.. HAWAAN STAMPS. A Barrel of Salmon Exchanged For One Ffteen Years Ago. The craze of stamp garng s beng ndulged n to a remarkable extent n ths cty just at present. Ths s attrbutable to fact that when present form of Hawaan stamps shall have been exhausted, Provsonal government wll cause to be manufactured an ssue n keepng wth ts form of government. n conversaton wth a well known and promnent ctzen a few days ago, an Advertser reporter had occason to refer to ths matter and was regaled wth a story touchng collecton of stamps n Honolulu some years ago. That gentleman was none or than Mr. P. C. Jones. About ffteen years ago Mr. Jones was engaged n a general merchandse busness n ths cty. At that tme hs now grown-u- p son Edwn was a young and promsng lad, who was, even at that early age, mbued wth same shrewd busness qualfca tons that have snce brought hm nto conspcuous notce. Young Edwn had gared qute a collec-to- u of stamps, among whch were many of now older Hawaan ssues, besdes those of or coun tres. There was, however, one Hawaan stamp young Jones wanted, but could not procure. t was of an" ssue that bad at that tme become exhausted, and was of a denomnaton, blue n color, wth a blue border runnng around t. Mr. W. G. rwn, who was at that tme engaged n commsson busness under frm name of W. G. rwn fe Co., wth Messrs. J. S. Walker and Col. Z. S. Spaldng, now of Kaua, as members of frm, also had a stamp collecton. Among number contaned n Mr. rwns collecton was stamp young Jones dered, and hs far promsed to procure t for hm f possble. By some means Mr. rwn learned of desre of young Jones, and when gong nto Mr. Jones store a few days later, asked elder Jones what he would gve hm for stamp. Mr. Jones repled that he would gve hm one of those barrels of salmon for t, pontng to a number of barrels of Columba rver salt salmon, whch occuped a conspcuous place n store at tme. The offer was accepted, exchange duly made, and young Jones became possessor of long coveted stamp. Mr. rwn afterwards sold barrel of salmon to one of plantatons he was agent for. Just what amount he receved for salmon Mr. rwn cannot now call to mnd. When young Mr. Jones went to Boston to resde, several years after purchase of stamp was made, he sold hs entre collecton to some frend n that cty. There are very few of numeral stamps above descrbed n exstence, and not very long ago some of se were sold at aucton n New York for $286 each. Mr. rwn stll has a large and valuable collecton of stamps. ncreased Mal Servce. Commencng ths mornng at 10 oclock, re wll be nsttuted a sem-week- ly mal servce to Koolau va Pal nstead of weekly, as heretofore. Ths ncrease of mal servce s one of results of Postmaster-General Oats recent trp around ths sland. The mals for Koolau, under new schedule, wll leave on Mondays and Thursdays of each week. OFFCAL DKECTORY Provsonal Government "of Hawaan slands. Execltvh Councl. S. B. Dole, Presdent of Provbonal Government of Hawaan slands, and Mnster of Foregn Affars. J. A. Kng, Mnster of nteror. S. M. Damon, Mnster of Fnance W. O. Smth, Attorney-Genera- l. Advsory Councl. F. M. Hatch, nt of Provsonal Government of Hawaan slands. C. Bolte John Emnelutb, Cecl Uruun, E. D. Tenner, John Nott, W. F. Allen," John Ena, Henry Watcrhoue, James F. Morgan. A. Young, Ed. Sahr F. M. Hatch. Jos. P. Mendonca. Chas. T. Rodgers, Secretary Er. and Adv. Councls. Supreme Court. Hon. A. F. Judd, Chef Justce. Hon. K. F. Bckerton, Frst Assocate Jusljc e Hon. W. F. rrear, Second Assocate Justce. Henry Smth, Chef Clerk. Fred Wundenberg. Deputy Clerk. Geo. Lucas, Second Deputy Clerk. J. Walter Jones, Stenographer. Crcut Judoes. Frst Crcut: Whtng,! H. E. Coope Oahu. ) cecond Crcut: (Mau) A.N. Kepoka. Thrd and Fourth Crcut: (Hawa) S. L. Austn. Ffth Crcut: (Kaua) J. Hardy. Offces and Court-roo- n Court Houhe, Kng street. Sttng n Honolulu The frst Monday n February, May, August and November. Department op Foregn Affars. Offce n Captol Buldng, Kng street. Hs Excellency Sanford B Dole, Mns ter of Foregn Affars. Geo. C. Potter. Secretary. W. Horace Wrght, Ed. Stles. Lonul Hart, Clerks. Department op nteror. Offce n Captol Buldng, Kng street, Hs Excellency J. A. Kng, Mnster of nteror. Chef Clerk, John A. Hassnger. Assstant Clerks : James H. Boyd, M. K. Keohokalole, James Aholo Stephen Mahaulu, George C. Koss, Edward S.Boyd. Bureau op Agrculture and Forestry. Presdent: HB Excellency.Mnster of nteror. Wm. G. rwn, Allan Herbert, John Ena. Joseph Mars- - den, Commssoner and Secretary. Chefs of Bureaus, nteror ment. Depart- Surveyor-Genera- l, W.D, Alexander. Supt. Publc Works, W. E. Eowell. Supt. Water Works, Andrew Brown. nspector, Electrc Lghts, John Cassdy. Regstrar of Conveyances, T. G. Thrum. Road Supervsor, Honolulu, W. H. Cum- - mngs. Chef Engneer Fre Dept., Supt. nsane Asylum, Dr. A. 3cWayne Department op Fnance. Offce, Captal Buldng, Kng street. Mnster of Fnance, Hs Excellency 8. M. Damon. Audtor-Genera- l, George J. Ross. Regstrar of Accounts, Geo. E. Sms. Clerk to Fnance Offce, Carl Wdemann. Collector-Gener- of Customs, Jas. B. Castle. Tax Assessor, Oahu, Jona. Shaw. Deputy Tax Assessor, W. C. Weedon. Postmaster-Genera- l. J. Mort Oat. Customs Bureau. Offce, Custom House, street. Esplanade, Fort Collectoj-Genera- l, Jas. B. Castle. F. B. McStocker. Deputy-Collecto- Harbormaster, Captan A. Fuller. Port Surveyor, 31. N. Sandera. Storekeeper, George C. Stratemeyer. Department op Attorney-Genera- l. Offce n Captol Buldng, Kng street. Attorney-Genera- l, W. O. Smth. Deputy Attomey-Geneu-!, Q. K. Wlder. Clerk, J. S. Kea. Marshal, E. G. Htchcock. Clerk to Marshal, H. 31. Dow. Deputy Marshal, Arthur M. Brown. Jalor Oahu Prson, J. A. Low. Prson Physcan, Dr. C. B. Cooper. Board op mmgraton. Presdent, H3 Excellency J. A. Kng. Members of Board of mmgraton: Hon. J. B. Arton, Jas. B. Castle, Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, James G. Spencer, Mark P. Robnson. Secretary, Wray Taylor. Board op Health. Offce n grounds of Court House Buldng, comer of 3llan and Queen streets. Members Dr. Day, Dr. Mner, Dr. Andrews, J.T.Waterhouse.Jr., John Ena, Tbco. F. Lansng and Attorney-Gener- al Smth. Presdent Hon. W. O. Smth. Secretary Chas. "Wlcox. Executve Offcer C. B. Reynolds. nspector and 3anager of Garbage Servce L. L. la Perre. nspector G. W. C. Jones. Port Physcan, Dr. G. Trousseau. Dspensary, Dr. H. McGrew. Leper Settlement, Dr. t. K. Olver Board or Kdccatos. Court House Buldng, Kng street. Presdent, Hon. C. R. Bshop. Secretary, W. Jatnea Smth. nspector of Schools, A. T. Atknson. Dstrct Court. Polce Staton Buldng, Merchant street. Wllam Foster, Magstrate. Junes Thompson. Clerk. 307 August 21, z8gj. f you need a lamp for readng we can magne nothng more sutable n way of stand lamps than decorated ones we show yon, shade and stand decorated to match. The burners are best made by Rochester people and just knd to sut people who do not use electrc lghts. Everybody uses rubber hose and nearly every one buys t from us, because y get a better qualty for less money. For people whose hose s not damaged beyond repar, we have celebrated "Kemp-shall- " mender that makes hose as good as new, n spots, n less tme than t takes to thnk about t, but for people whose hose s too far gone to be mended, we can offer best selected stock of hose ever offered n cty. We also sell a Hose Reel that keeps your hose n frst-cla- ss cond ton wthout half tryng. The red and whte glassware s pretter than half people magne, and part of t s cut just same as peces that v sell for ten tmes as much. For lemonade or claret tankards re s nothng more sutable. Our Havland Chna s acknowledged by people who know what really good Chna s to be most desrable ware sold n Honolulu. n strong contrast wth Uavland, we have common Englsh crockery for ktchen, plantaton or restaurant use. They are made strong enough to drop on floor wthout breakng. The Hawaan Hardware Co., 307 Fort Street, Honolulu. fl MWff DALY AND WEEKLY KUOKOA Wth a combned Crculaton of 4,SOO COPES Furnsh best medum for advertsng n Hawaan language, and are only recognzed leadng Journals. ft subscrptons Advertsements receved at ana offce of Law Hawaan Gazette ACCOUUT-BOOK-S Co., 46 Merchant Street, Honolulu. E1WAAR ezettz CO, - and - General - Bookbnders MANUFACTURED to any Pattern, ncludng Supply of Paper, Rulng, Prntng, Pagng, Perforatng. Bndng, Gldng, Letterng, etc. MUSC AND MAKAZNFS BOXNG o nny Pattrrn f 4H e tl e. T&tttaa5fca.fLjCa rssttfflyjsssssa.! tudbcl.wu.j. k.lj.psl

5 .? f...:js - y ff? TOJMMMMWMMMMMMJMhMB55 4 t s mkhnlbbhsnhhprpp CAPTAN COOK. Tn: stkv or rn U VopjT" to He rtallt or HAWA. loutl W.. - Dcuvnuv Met Hh Death. Captan James Cook sprang from most humble famly, bs far beng a smple da laborer who could only afford to gve promsng boy smplest educaton. Marton was name of lttle Yorkshre vllage n whch Cooks lved, but t was turrounded by beautful scenery, and was not far from was a more pretentous place, and where Yorkshre lad got hs frst notons of gong to sea. The future dscoverer of nf Stockton-on-Tee- whch Sandwch slands UEed to wander along banks of Tees and watch whte sals of merchantmen as y came homeward after long cruses n foregn parts, and freedom whch salor seemed to enjoy made hm yearn for a lfe on ocean. The coast, too, was home of fshermen, and r rude smacks fascnated young Cook untl he resolved one day to run away to sea and search out hdden parts of world. He was also an omnverous reader, and would st up far nto nght pourng over works on navgaton, and almost before he knew how to read at all he was found spellng out names on old maps and charts whch exsted n a very prmtve form at that day. Tme came, however, for Yorkshre boy to be at work, and hs far apprentced hm, as was custom, to a draper and grocer n a small vllage named Stras, near Whtby. Boys who could get apprentced n those days were consdered luck, and many a future great fortune was lad n that way. But young Cook was not satsfed to stand behnd a counter and wat on smple country folk. t took hm from sea and shut hm up n a prson, and from frst day he longed to escape. The house n whch Cook was to have labored and lose hs genus to world s stll standng wth year "16SS" over door, but boy was not destned to be cooped up wthn ts dull walls. He soon tred of drudgery of a drapers clerk, and of hs own accord engaged hmself for seven years wth owners of shps attached to and brave navgator lost hs lfe at hands of savages. coal trade. Ths was not much of t was a most 5 Rtm toward a lfe n forecn ports. unfortunate affar for, " t( scence, lor when cook lell Dutuwas db ub uo uujrouxu. wh0le world was called to mourn do : and whle n ths servce he loss of one of ts greatest cap learned a great deal of sea and tans and dscoverers lad groundwork for successes whch came to hm some The Yorkshre boy had covered hmself wth fame. The fshermen years later. along hanks of Tees recalled wth prde and wonder The coastng trade was dangerous, and sturdy Yorkshre boy, lad who used to come to r boats whose muscles had been hardened by an lfe on banks out-of-do- or of Tees, dscovered that he was just person to get along n that servce. What s more, at end of seven years he had so pleased hs employers that he was advanced to dgnty of mate, whch was frst real step toward goal of hs ambton. At ths tme ( mddle of last century) England and France were grapplng for mastery on tls contnent, and r arms were about to clash toger on Heghts of Abraham. The Englsh were sore pressed for salors n r navy, and press gangs were at work nght and day. Vessels comng home from long cruses were boarded and r crews taken off and forced nto royal navy for servce n Amerca. Fshermen were sezed n r lttle boats and oblged to tread decks of troop shps, whch carred solders across water to drve French from Canada. Captan James Cook, to save hmself from mpressment, resolved to-offhs servces to Brtsh navy, and n a short tme he was on hs way to Amercan shores. The Eagle was a warshp of eghty nune, and was commanded by Sr Hugh Pallser. Sr Hugh notced that hs young recrut was a person of courage and judgment, and he at once promoted hm to a poston on quarter-dec- and, thus k, equpped Cook reached Amerca n tme to help land Englsh solders at foot of Heghts of Abraham. Durng ths hazardous servce he dd not lay down study of mamatcs and scence of navsaton. He yearned lor a waer feldf and all tme kept hs mnd on dstant parts of sea and lands whch he was certan must le ren. Hs opportunty came n year 17GS, when he was commssoned to take command of expedton sent out to observe transt of Venus. Hs vessel, Endeavor, was a small craft, too small, t was thought, for so long a voyage, but young captan saled away wth hgh hopes. The voyage proved frst of three whch were to mmortalze hs name n annals of dscover1 es. n lttle Endeavor he vsted slands of South Seas, among m Otahete, where he took full observatons of transt and gave a report whch stands today among most complete of knd n exstence. Captan Cook was charmed by scenery of that part of world. t was a vast paradse, where everythng was beautful. He was frst whte man to set foot on shores of New Zealand, and he proceeded to take possesson of t n name of Kng George, our old enemy durng war for ndependence. The hand and bran.. of Cook were always busy. He neglected nothng that would ncrease hs knowledge of navgaton and of sea. He drew maps of channels n unknown parts of world, and brought home wth hm a fund of nformaton whch aston-shed-t- he whole world. The York shre boy was begnnng to make hmself felt, and lttle jlanon, lyng sleeply n sun near banks of Tees, suddenly dscovered that one of her boys had become famous. Cooks frst voyage, so frutful n results,-brough- t hm hs commanders commsson. The Kng ordered hm out on a second expedton, whch stll furr extended hs fame and placed hm at head of navgators of hs days. On hs voyage Captan Cook saled over 25,000 leagues of ocean, and results of cruse added greatly to treasury of scence and navgaton. He came back, ntendng to rest awhle, to make most of scentfc dscoveres, and to fur r ths work he was advanced to rank of Post Captan and made one of Captans of Greenwch Hosptal. Ths would gve hm just opportuntes he sought, but he was not to enjoy m long. A thrd expedton was determned on and Captan Cook was asked to command t. He obeyed t, and n 1776 saled on hs last and fatal voyage. The darng dscoverer steered hs course n honor of Earl of Sandwch. He crused around Hawa, makng a map of ts coves and coasts, and on several occasons had ntercourse wth natves. Durng one of se ntervews a dffculty arose between Captan Cook and Chef of sland, and drnk n r stores of ocean and ts wonders. Lttle dd y dream n those tmes that hs fame should become world-wd- e, and that 100 years after hs death a monument should be unveled to hm n beautful nark whch overlooks magnfcent harbor of Sydney. Captan Cooks vessels were frst to anchor n that harbor, and over waters beyond t he was frst salor to float banners of hs natve land. T. C. Harbaugh, n Cleveland Herald. ALUMNUM ART GOODS. A Magnfcent Dsplay Made n Jeweler Wchmans Wndow. As an Advertser representatve was wendng hs way along Fort street Tuesday afternoon n search of news tems, hs attenton was atr tracted to a magnfcent dsplay of alumnum goods n one of wndows of jewelry estab lshment of r. H. P. Wch-ma- n. The collecton embraces many useful and ornamental artcles, whch are offered at astonshngly low fgures. These goods are manufactured n Germany and ths lot s frst ever shown n Honolulu. Alumnum s now beng used extensvely n varous forms of manufacture, and s n a great measure supercedng use of slver, slver-plat- e and cellulod, havng advantages over any of se n matter of weght, dur ablty and artstc fnsh. Readers of Advertser wll be amply repad by payng a vst to Mr. Wchmans establshment and makng an examnaton of se alumnum goods. The Monowa wll be thfr-ne-xt steamer from Coast. The from Vctora, s due to arrve a day earler. Mo-wer- a, v ;m qjjgrr.. vmr-acrpwwfl ewv-yv-. Tgw, "BSgWHR gw n HAWAAN GAZETTE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, RUSSAN TRAVELERS. A Party of Them Passed Through on Pekng. Among through passengers by steamshp Cty of Pekng, whch saled from ths cty Wednesday afternoon for San Francsco, were a party of seven Russans. Two of se were petty offcers of Russan survey steamer Vtas, whch was wrecked some two months ago on Corean coast, who are on r way home. The captan and or offcers and crew of wrecked steamer returned to St. Petersburg shortly after ac ; cdent. The or members of ; party are.ncholas Urloll and wfe, who are en route for Worlds Far, to become members of a Russan opera troupe now performng 5n hp Affttrrv Plncnnnn nf fvo fntr grounds, and three ors bound! for Unted States to locate. Mr. Orloff, hs wfe and or three Russans traveled overland from St. Petersburg, takng steamer at Yokohama. Mr. Orloff attracted consderable attenton on Bteamer, beng dressed n prevalng Russan costume, consstng of loose trousers encased n fne rdng boots, and a lght flowng jacket, worn outsde, trousers, wth a cord ted around wast. Hs wfe s descrbed as rar slender n appearance, though prepossessng n face and fgure. N er can speak Englsh. or understand m RELEVED FROM DUTY. Death Removes One of Members of Government Forces. Seban Norman, a member of Co. A of Provsonal governments volunteer forces, ded at Queens hosptal at 4:30 oclock Tuesday mornng. Mr. Norman has been a sufferer for a long tme from consumpton, and has been an nmate of hosptal for some tmo past. The funeral occurred at 3 :30 oclock yesterday from hosptal, Rev. Dr. Beckwth offcatng. The remans were escorted to Makk cemetery by forty members of Co. A, under command of Captan Zegler. Three volleys were fred by solders over grave of r departed bror. Mr. Norman leaves a wfe, and three chldren to mourn hs loss. n consequence of death of Mr. Norman flags on both executve buldng and court house were flyng at half mast dur ng Tuesday afternoon. Hap Succeeded Wllng. Mr. H. J. Rhodes, lately of Sourn Calforna, was apponted several weeks ago by Bureau of Agrculture and Forestry to succeed Mr. Carl Wllng as nurseryman at government nursery. Members of bureau are loud n r prase of present management of nursery, and declare that snce t passed under management of Commssoner Marsdcn and Mr. Rhodes t has been loom ng up to satsfacton of all concerned. Natves Pleased. An nfluental natve Hawaan, wrtng from Kona, says : "We are all much pleased wth appontment of J. H. Wapulan to be dstrct judge of Kau, and thnk he wll bo able to serve both sectons of that dstrct. We are also pleased wth our deputy sherff, W. J. Yates. Both se men are frm supporters of government." "August Flower" had been troubled fve months wth Dyspepsa. The doctors told me t was chronc. had a fullness fter eatng and a heavy load n pt of my stomach. suffered frequently from a Water Brash ofclear matter. Sometmes a deathly Sckness at Stomach would overtake me. Then agan would have terrble pans of Wnd Colc. At such tmes wold try to belch and could not. wos workng n for Thomas McHenry, Druggst, Cor. rwn ud Western Ave., Allegheny Cty, Pa., n whose employ had been for sevenyears. Fnally used August Flower, and after usng just one bottle for two weeks, was entrely releved of all trouble. can now eat thngs dared not touch before. wbuld lke to refer you to Mr. McHenry, for whom worked, who knows all about my condton, and from whom bought medcne. lve wth my wfe and famly at 39 James St, Allegheny Cty, Fa. Sgned, Johx D. Cox. 8 G. G. GREEN Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, New Jersey, D. S. A. Nnu Sttmcrttscmcnts. SKNS ON FRE Wth Agonzng Eczemas and or tchng, Bt.nng, Scaly, and Blotchy Skn and Scalp Dseases arc releved n majorty of cases by a sngle applcaton of Cutcura Remedes, and speedly, perma nently, and economcally cured, when physcans, hosptals, and all or remedes fal. Cutcura Remedes are greatest skn cores, blood purfers, and humor remedes of modem tmes, are absolutely pure, and may be used n treatment of every humor, from smplest facal blemshes to severest dseases of blocd, A Ft skn, and scalp, CUTCURA The great Skn Cure, nstantly allays most ntense tchng, burnng, and nflammaton, permts rest and sleep, clears scalp of crusts and scales, speedly soos and heals Taw and rrtated surfaces, and restores har. Cutcura Soap, an exquste Skn Purfer and Beautfer, s ndspensa-blcwu- n cleansng dseased surfaces. Cutcura Resolvent, new Blood and Skn Purfer, and greatest of Humor Remedes, cleanses blood of all mpurtes and po sonous elements, and thus removes cause. Hence Cutcura Remedes cure every dsease and humor of skn, from pmples to scrofula. fffhow-r- Cuke Dscases or tk Skv, Scaly, akd Blood," maled free to aay address 4 pages, 300 Dseases, so llustratons, co Testmonals. A book of prceless value to e cry sufferer. Cltccka Reueoes are sold throughout world. Prce, CuncuxA, 50c. : Cctcoea Soa, ajc.. Cutccxa KESOLENr,S. Prepared by Potter Dk akdchemca. Corporaton, Bouon, U.S.A. T rmply, blotchy bknf.natu, arc oly sta and pre vented and cured by Cutcura Soap, ncomparably greatest of sva pur6ers and beautuen, whle rvallng n delcacy and surpassng n purty th roost expensve or totlet and nursery sno. The erly medcated teft toaft and cvvfrez xtfae and ctre of nflammaton and clo;ttg 01 pores, cause of pmpk., blackheads, ro,:., red, and oly sln. BENSON, SMTH CO., Consgnees, Honolulu, H.. FRESH -: y - Just to hand Ex. G. N. GOODS Wlcox and LmktQ.dk. MORTONS CASTOR OL, 1 MORTONS HAR OL,.111(1 A pnts, BROWNES Al CRAB SWEET ALMOND OL, CAMPHOR, CHLORODYNE, SODA BOARB, GROWN PERFUMERY CO.s tablets. APPLE BLOSSOM GOSNELLS CHERRY BLOSSOM Perfume and Soap, ATKNSONS WHTE ROSE and WOOD VOLET, BA.YlYS ESS. BOQUBT, ENO!S FRUT SALT, ELLVANS EMBROCATON, BSHOPS CTRATE MAGNESA, roger and gallets parfum feau d espagne, ESPCS ASTHMA GGJRJETTES, HOLLOW.YS PELLS and ONTMENT, PEARS GLYCERNE SOAP, Bryant and Mays "Wax "V"estas3 FOR SALE BY HOLLSTER & CO. FortJStreet, g j Ml - f WHOLESALE AND RETAL DRUGGSTS. fm kg that each Jar bears Baroa Lebg n 3e sle acrau Latal. (L S FOE,? Sgaatare yw Eh. 1 oz. Honolulu, EC. L y fe KnmH n?3v. ( ncv?3 L FNEST AHQ GKE?ST a STOCK FOR OUPS. HADE DSHES MO SAUCES. nvaluable for nda aa an Effcent Tonc n all To tt tmr m Storrttepert 3 Dolot tow n cases weo-jo- K., Keeps good n tho hottest Coosery JtJ0D ost Free on Applcaton to cuatea, and for any Company.. length of tme. e UEBGS EXTRACT OP HEAT, Co., Lmted, Fcr ATenne, London, England, &Cooerr Books say be bad at offce of ths paper. J?r.t mf FfMrVsrC r Tsf xv v The Har, when not pr erty cared tor, loses ts lustrr. be rap. harsu. asd dry, and falls out tntj -: every combfap. -1 To prevent ths, bcs. rmwt popular dressng n market Ayers nd or n.,.! able prces. P.O. BOX US. mr vgor t remote ttantraff. heals troublesome humors of th walv, restores faded,tml gray har m ts.rtglnej enter, nal apart to t a JlTky. taxtsre.rwl 11 c a " fraaraaee. ly H,n ths yrruorat0".0 poorest lnl har soon bo Luxurant and BeanM Ajcrs Har Vgor s & tolet artcle mneb: te lavor Trth both todes am (rrntlemen. aerf Utter fnd t ol greaet nw rt restorng anl precmnr U youthful ap pearanco of beard am moustache rrtparedbrdr.j.c. AjrrCar nlmm, JV.B.A. SoldbrDnrStSBKrrrfaar. HOLLSTER CO., 109 Fort St HOSOLULU, Sole Agents Hawn. slands. AVE Just Receved.VXD OTLH LATE ARRVAL. DOMESTCS, DRESS GOODS, FLANJELS, Etc. TALORS.. GOODS. FAtfCY Boots and Shoos, Saddles, etc., etc. PLANTATON AND A FEME GOODS, SUPPLES LNE OF BECHSTE&SELER GROCERES, PANOS. HRA xsv LnUORS WATERS. FOE RALE! SOMETHNG NEW. A PRESTMAN OL ENGNE, Fre bane power; mw1th ordtaary ketoteae ol wthout boler or furnace: eot to ran Terj B)l as compared wltb mh. Cas be e& la moton at raj rarehoaee oo Queen Street. H36J HOBT. CATTON. TOHAN. SEAB CUSTOM OUSB, HOXOLTLt mported and Dealer n Japanese Provsons, Dry Goods, AND EVERY LNE OF JAPANESE MAXrPAnTKE. CS-Jns-..T.T5K- - m m fcdfc jcl tf.tfc & JfeA.. -l & J jl,wfc. 3K 4

6 6 12-PAh- y E EDTON. dosert ts support. Snce Pro vsonal government came nto power defects of Hawaan jury system have been brought nto promnonce, by falure to carry out provsons of law as requred by demands of justce. Tho state has been advancng by leaps and bounds n all departments, except that of judcary. Ths has been hampered by results obtaned by present jury system of Hawa. There s no doubt n mnds of those who are attemptng to carry out provsons of law, butly are restraned by results, whch up to date, have been reached bj present system of tral by juy, that s at present n vogue here. t s useless to assert that poltcs cuts no fgure u results of trals by jwy at present term of court. t s but just that bull be taken by horns at present tme aud that dffculty be met at outset. Snce revoluton leaders of party have been foremost n dsturbng tbe fulfllment of ends of justce. Leagued wth natve and Ch- - nese gamblers y have attempted to nullfy restrctons of courts, and, workng poltcal prejudce to last pont, have nterfered wth convcton of men planly culpable to untutored eye of world. The fact that TUESDAY, AUGUST deputy attorney-gener- al has at A TALE FOR THE TMES. last seen ft to call a halt n present escapement of cases s. sgnfcant. Kt means anythng, t ture nne years ago, attenton was But ths s after all a matter of under dscusson n Legsla- verfy result for mselves. Once upon tme a man was means that government hopes called to ths very pont necessty of havng a porton of We merely refer to t n passng comparatvely mnor mportance. mowng n a hay feld. Presently some law wll be passed by whch be got nto nn altercaton wth one y wll be enabled to carry out funds nvested n securtes that to show champons of. fclow-workmeof hs a. Reversng law as t now stands. t s evdent that lawmakers dd not ed, and suggeston was made ground y stand on, and to re- mght be avalable whenever want- lost cause what very slppery sytbe he was usng he swung blude around btck of hs head antcpate flat falure of convcton by jury now takng place. that y mght bo nvested ng mssles whch are lable to by wrter, n postmaster-genera- mnd m of danger of throw- l, and amed a vcou6 and powerful Wow at he opponent wth hutt n some or than Hawaan bondb como back on m lke a bootner-au- g oad of handle. Hs hlow faled perhaps Unted Slates bonds, or and break r own heads. o take effect as ntended, hut There remans but one duty for Calforna, state, cty or hank s&arp blade of sy came tho government to perform ; that s bonds. But reply was that no down wth tremendous force on to meet tho present judcal falure f Hullelh woro famlar occason would over arse whon tho back or hs own neck, and cut hs as y havo met fnancal and wth tho operatons of tho Hawaan Treasury, or, f knowng Government treasury could not head clean off. A smlar fate has poltcal falures n tho last sx meet all tho demands that would befallen Bulletn n use or months, vz.: by some radcal tho facts t cared to toll tho truth bo made, and ro was no necessty for nvestng tho funds abroad. fess ts new weapon called "cash defct." amendmont and reform n tho law about m, t would havo to con- of tho land. The root of evl that t s tho regular and Lato experence hab shown that cub-tomathng for tho expendtures NATVE JURES. les at present n tho jury system tmes wll como whon tho bank s to of Hawa. The present falure of exceed tho rovonuo for tho frst callod on to pay out n a short The scenes whch have beon enacted for past several days at chef causes of tho falure of justce ponts drectly to ono of tho sx montlm of.each year, tho defcency beng made good, n whole perod half a mllon dollars moro than ts recepts. Fortunatoly tho or n part court house have agan rased monarchy. Tho queston whch as tho cabo may ho, by demands havo all been mot wth queston as to wher natve Hawaan peoplo aro at prcsont tho rocopts from taxes, all of whch no serous consequences. Jut become duo and most of whch aro jures aro relable or not. Ths called upon to decdo s, Shall tho same oxperenco should teach us pad u queston has beon on whch has old jury Bystom bo abolshed or last sx months. Tho contnued? The past falure of justce to guard aganst ts roturn, and taxes for tho yoar, as ovoryhody been rased for past dozen that a porton of tho deposts years. Tho frends of natve s araplo reason for ts abolshment. knows, aro not assessed untl July. government have, almost to a man, There are no present reasons for trust t s should bo nvested n securtes Wo n, unnecessary to moro avalable as cash than tho stood n favor of Hawaan tho contnuence of tho systom. treasury bonds now ssued to tho jury systom untl practcal Tho publc good domands that Postmastor-Gonera- l. Ths can ho workng reof has caused m to government should at once move dono by authorzng tho nvest- n matter of remodelng jury system of Hawa, lho detals for such a roforn wll be gven hereafter. THE HAWAAN POSTAL SAVNGS BANK. The followng edtoral appears n Planters Monthly, for August, and s well worthy of perusal : We note wth pleasure mprovement n condton of Postal Savngs Bank, whch has branches n every vllage of group. For past two years re has been, among a porton of people who use t as a depostory for of r safe-keepn- g earnngs, a want of confdence n t, whch has led many of m to wthdraw r deposts. Probably most of se had no mmedate use for r money, but were nduced to gve notce of wthdrawals from a fear that somethng mght happen whch would result n loss. Happly change of government, and marked mprove- The hstory of jury trals n Hawa s not For many ment n tbe conduct of publc af- re must be a change n our present system of fundng tbe deposts or at least a part of m, so years re have been complants fars, s restorng confdence n from both poltcal partes n bank, and deposts wll n consequence ncrease. as to be avalable as cash whenever wanted. t would tend to feld that ends of justce could not be attaned through agency Our savngs bank system, whch strengn publc confdence n of natve jures. t has been urged was patterned after those of Great nsttuton. A savngs bank s an durng last few months that Brtan and New Zealand, s a extremely senstve ndex of re was a falure of justce n most admrable one n many popular pulse, and no efforts should Hawa, and se complants have but s defectve n one partcular nvestment of de- be spared to mantan ts reputaton not been confned to laymen. The above suspcon. fact has been recognzed n offcal posts so that y may be avalable at any tme to meet crcles that snce revoluton, REVENUE AND EXPENDTURE. and even before, majesty of demands of depostors. At present law could not depend upon natve all deposts are turned over to jurymen for vndcaton. Tbe government treasur and A few days ago Bulletn contaned an artcle on publc fnances queston whch arses today s, treated as borrowed money, for Can people of Hawa depend upon a Hawaan jury Postmaster-Genera- n or l; that at end of frst sx whch bonds are ssued payable to whch concluded wth asserton for fulfllment of requrements of Hawaan law? The de- are treated as a natonal debt, for vsonal government showed an words, savngs hank deposts months of ts exstence Promands of jury system of Hawa, accordng to latest court responsble, same as for any We take ths to mean, f t means whch government hecomes actual cash defct of $160, reports, have sgnally faled to meet borrowed money. anythng, that expendtures ends of justce. What shall be n prosperous tmes, when have exceeded revenue by done? government treasury has a consderable surplus on hand to meet cency has been made up, n whole amount named, and that def- ordnary wants of tbose who or The average ctzen of Hawa n part by borrowng. Of course wsh to draw out r balances no ntmaton s gven of process by whch ths result s arrved wll at once reply: Reform from bank, everythng works jury system. But, how? There s smoothly. t s only n pancky but one answer. By at, and no data are furnshed abolshment of present jury system, as tmes when a feelng of nsecurty from whch reader mght judge pervades communty and for hmself as to correctness of far as race dstnctons are concerned. There s no doubt that treasury funds run low, that money becomes scarce, and statement made. Admttng those who have watched however, for sake of argument, workng of jury system for past defects of our postal bank system that se fgureb are correct, what become apparent. The bank s ten years have seen nherent nference can be farly drawn refrom n any way supposed by most of ts depostors defects whch have permeated derogator to to be able to repay m r present government, er absolutely, or by comparson wth ts system, outsde of race prejudces. money as agreed at end of These have not been least of requred" notce, even to extent predecessors? Absolutely none. poltcal troubles to nterfere of whole amount on depost. wth course of justce. The wthdrawals u ordnary years seldom exceed fve or sx The Bulletn may possbly be thousand dollars a month, whch surprsed and wll certanly not be are expected and readly met ; but suddenly demands ncrease to twenty, forty or ffty thousands a month, for whch no provson has HAWAAN GAZETTE, TUESDAY AUGUST 22, b3. been made, and f treasury surplus s exhausted, result s that postmaster, fnance mnster and depostors are all sezed wth trepdaton. To meet such emergences postal bank ha3 not been provded. When bll authorzng establshment of a postal bank was ment of a part of deposts porhaps one-ha- lf n Calforna State or or equally safe bonds, drawng sx por cent, nterest, whch can always be dsposed of re or here wthout loss to tho bank, wthn thrty or sxty days. These securtes should be kept n treasury vaults, and could always be saleable for cash as remttances. n correspondence some years ago wth tho drector of postal savngs bank of Demerara, Brtsh Guana, whch s very smlar n all ts features to our postal bank, we learned that tho bulk of r deposts was nvested n foregn securtes, and none was turned nto Colonal treasury as a debt due postal bank, as s done here. And ths plan was hghly approved, as affordng safest and best securty. The experence of past two years warns us that f we wsh postal bank to possess fullest confdence of publc as a safe depostory of peoples money, pleased to be told that durng frst sx months of last year, under admnstraton of ressrs. Parker, Wdeman & Co, re was a Bmlar defct, that s, an expendture n excess of revenue, amountng to consderably over two hundred thousand dollars. Pleasng or not, ths statement s Btrctly true. f Bulletn cares to dspute fact we are prepared to gve exact fgures and full data from whch publc can ovon to tln readers of tho Bulletn, that taxes lavo to bo assessed boforo thoy can bo collected. All that s recuved n any year from ths source, from January 1st to Juno loth, s tho comparatvely small amount whch comes drbblng nto tho Treasury from tho prevous years delnquents. Tho total amount of taxes collected n 1S92 was $529,179 S3. Tho assessment rolls for ths present year havng not yet come n from or slands, amount to be collected can be only approxmately known. Assume, f you please, that tbe collectons wll be somewhat less than last year, say n round numbers $500,000, and t s not very dffcult to see that re wll be, wth or sources of current revenue, money enough by end of year to make good alleged defct, provde for all probable current expenses of government, and leave a handsome balance over. We advse royalst wrters and ranters to turn r backs for a whle on pleasng fcton that Provsonal government s n a bad way fnancally, and look at facts. f y can derve any comfort from survey, t certanly takes very lttle to make m comfortable. All governments, Provsonal government of Hawa ncluded, are composed of men; and all men, even best of m, royalsts excepted, are admtted to bo fallble. t s mpossble that present admnstraton should not make occasonal mstakes and afford r opponents an opportunty to pck flaws. But to select tho fnancal polcy of government as specal pont of attack, ndcates a grade of ntellgence about on a par wth vpor who gnawed a fle. All he got for hs trouble was a toothache. Fne Holsten Cattle. Part of through cargo of steamshp Cty of Pekng consgned to San Francsco from Yokohama were four fne Holsten bulls, one of whch was a monster beast, measurng over twelve feet n length and weghng about 2000 pounds. These cattle were taken to Yokohama some tme ago for breedng purposes, and are beng returned to Calforna on account of r owner beng nvolved n some trouble n Japan. Take Good Care of Chldren. For summer complant n chldren, re s nothng so good aa Chamber. ans Colc, Cholera and Darrhoea Remedy. t cures dysentery, darr- - bcea and cholera nfantum, and never fals when used n tme and plan prnted drectons are followed. When j! reduced wth water and sweetened t s pleasant to take. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by all medcne, dealers. Bexsox. Sjt & Co. Agents for H. (Stated JOHN &Btrtt3rnunts. MPORTER ACTD PTCATKR mffjmmmfffl 7m Steel and ron Ranges, Stoves lodsbmplno goods and ktchen utenbuls. and Fxtures AGATE WAHB N UK MAT VARETY. Whte, Orny and 8llvMflann, RUBBER HOSE LFT AND FOKCf PUMPS, WATER ULOSBTS, MKTALS, Plumbers Houk. Watur und Sol Ppos. Plumbng, Tn. Copper and Sheet- - rol DMOND BLOCK, 93 Hlwy. up ft.s Plantaton O 2. O 3 9S & & p "h 8 H 13 o o s ft o to tlo OBKy STOTT, MmmBl N and 07 KlJO STfEET. Rullnrc nnt Honors).j uuhuoo unu ucuwa, tlmos n qualty, styles un prcm. Steel BY Plows, made expressly for sland work wth extra parte. Cultvators Cane Knves. Agrcultural Lfe YORK. mplements, Hoes, Shovola, Forks, Mattocks, etc., etc Carpenters, Blacksmths and Machnsts Screw Plates, Taps and Des, Twst Drlls, Blakes Pants and Ols, Brushes, Glass, Presdent.! Work, P d $175,084, mormaton recarum ths form of nolmv. or nnv mrtm, concernng f,ssued behtonedeof0rms b7 T,,B Mutnal Ue n8arance Company may S. B. ROSE, Tools Asbestos Har Felt and Felt Mxture. Steam Pumps, Westons Centrfugals. SEWNG MACHNES, Wlcox & Gbbs, and Remngton. Lubrcatng Ols ln quallty X HTcy surpa33ed General Merchandse, tmttu re 13 anythng you want, come and ask for t, you wll be poltely treated. No trouble to show goods tf d UG2tf w Great Clearance Sale COMMENCNG MONDAY, JUNE 26, We wll offer anythng n our Large Stock of Goods! At Greatly.Reduced. Prces! J8TCall and see for yourself, bargans we are offerng n all Departments. Egan & SEM-CENTENN- AL Fort Street. 5 Per Cent. Debenture Polcy SSUED The Mutual OF NEW Rchard A. MeCurdy, Assets The Daly t) CKNTS Supples, u full assortment to mlt ttn varous demand. Gunn, ns. Co. General Agent, Hawaan slands. Advertser VKH MONTH J? f V 41 M r - - fc ra fmtf! KSS S."jt,c38S

7 .) jujaput ojra -.W..jf, twwwulw?rw" f tf $f f MPNS LBEL Te Defease Moves lor Ds- - mssal.. Full TranscrJjtt of V n The prelmnary tral of lbel case aganst Advertser, brought by "Captan" Ferguson, was called Tuesday afternoon at 1 :30 oclock by Judge Robertson. Mr. Charles Creghton presented case and read followng charge: Arthur Johnstone s charged wth lbel n frst degree n malcously publshng and puttng nto crculaton, for purpose of makng t known to ors, an artcle enttled, "He Has Been There," prnted n The Pacfc Commercal "Advertser, a newspaper publshed n Honolulu, Oahu, on 12th day of August, 1S93, of whch artcle followng s a copy Mr. Creghton reads arcle, whch sad artcle, and more especally that porton of t whch reads: "Does Captan Ferguson thnk no one knows about hs trp re wth steamer Monserrat? was n San Jose at tme he landed hs load of blackbrds, and thnk t would he safe to say that he would fnd hmself n danger f caught alone wth some cf South Sea slanders he landed re. He s sad to be promsng Japanese $10 a month. Well, a dollar n that country s worth 50 cents n Unted States con. They are called re poco tempo dollars, whch means mahope dollars n Hawaan. Now defy Captan Ferguson, or any or person, to contradct what state. Contract labor n Guatemala means traffc u humu flesh," drectly ntended to njure fame, reputaton and good name of Walter H. Ferguson and to brng hm nto dsgrace, abhorrence, odum, hatred, contempt and rdcule. Judge Hartwell sad that offense of lbel was unknown to law. He wshed to know wher prosecuton ntends to rely upon charge of makng or publshng a lbel. Mr. Creghton sad y reled upon charge of publshng a lbel, as stated m complant. The charge specfes offense. Judge Robertson sad he thought charge was suffcent, and asked f defense ntended to wave examnaton. Judge Hartwell sad defendant reled upon hs rghts. Paul Keumann, sworn: Am subscrber to Advertser. t s a paper of large crculaton. Ths s a copy of paper of August 12. H. M. Whtney 3 manager; Arthur Johnstone, edtor. Am acquanted wth Captan Ferguson. Am famlar wth Japanese scheme. Have read artcle n Advertser. There s but one Captan Ferguson; one sttng re. He s only one connected wth Japanese scheme. Haveseen contracts. Ths s a blank contract. All are lke ths, flled n wth name of Captan Ferguson, as agent of Guatemala government, names of Japanese laborers and advances made m and sgned. The amounts to be pad appear u contracts: $10 per month, n Unted States gold con. Judge Hartwell Wll you pont out where U. S. gold s stpulated. Keumann That s what s meant; t says $10 n gold, doesnt t? thnk sentence referrng to traffc n human flesh refers to Captan Ferguson drvng a slave trade. (He here explaned sectons mentonng gold payments n contract) n helped to draft contract. frst knew Captan Ferguson nne or ten years ago. (Read Artcles 3 and 11 of contract relatng to payments beng made u gold. have never examned currency statute of Guatemala. Paper money rels not equvalent to gold; ner s slver. The dfference s 33 to 37 per cent Knew a U.S. decson had been made makng legal payments n paper on gold contracts. Lots of people had told hm what statute of Guatemala was. One gentleman n San Francsco had told hm what t was. know state of currency re. thnk Advertser s a jont stock company. Have read Advertser wth nterest. H. M. Whtney sworn (Warned by Judge Roberson that he need not testfy so as to crmnate hmself.) Know Mr. Johnstone. He s edtor, as publshed n paper. The edtor of Advep-tse- h was promptly on Land at Dstrct Court Monday mornng at 9:30 oclock. He was re obedent to a summons ssued by one Ferguson The edtoral department s n charge of news. chargng hm wth crmnal lbel by am manager of Gazette Company. Mr. Johnstone publshng a statement concernng s edtor n chef." Guatemala by a responsble gentleman named Antone Cloys, who re- Cross examnaton: The Gazette Company s a general stock company, wth usual offcers. am presdent of company. The Hawaan sdes at present n Honolulu and who has had beneft of personal Gazette Publshng Company s name of corporaton, and t does experence n Guatemala. publshng of Advertser Mr. A. S. Hartwell, who appeared and Gazette. as counsel for arrested edtor, was also pret-en- t to respond to complanant. Mr. Arthur Brown, deputy marshal, announced to court that Mr. Charles Croghton, sad Fergusons attorney, had put n an appearance, but was on anxous seat for purpose of postponng case he had precptately projected nto court. After several mnutes of we.ry June 7 by tle Australa; got here watng durng whch spectators June 13 Am agent of Guatemala government. Left re last yawned and genal Paul looked solemn, counsel of aforesad February. Read artcle n Neumanns oce at 9 a.m. on August 12. Ferguson n answer to enqures by Judge Hartwell as to wher y Ths s a copy of contract drawn appeared as prosecutors or defendants, looked at each or sheepshly between myself, Guatemala government and Japanese to be agrcultural laborers. (Read provsons relatng to payments). Ths s and mumbled a reply not audble to breathless spectators who wen only contract. The $10 s Unted cranug r necks barward. States gold con or ts equvalent n At last came Mr. Creghtou also, exchange. The currency of Guatemala who asked at what tme after Monday woud be agreeable for ar anteed by government. Contracts s paper and slver. The blls are guar- rested edtor and hs counsel to appear agan n matter, as ho are payable n U. S. gold con. have made such contracts. Paper s (Mr. not on a par wth gold. Creghton) was unable Monday to t runs from 132 to 173 on exchange. At 170 go to tral. To reply of Mr. rate would be $17, n place of $10. f Hartwell that no tme would be you have a $10 gold pece you get agreeable, Mr. Creghton amen beneft of exchange. was only ded hs petton so as to connected wth Monserrat as read that he would lke to know government agent of Guatemala. wher court would postpone superntended expedton. hearng case untl 1:30 p. m. next lecrutng offcers followed saw-th- law. Ths was last year. day. Ths Judge Robertson kndly rved at San Jose de Guatemala ar- on consented to do, and complanant Sept. 14, 1S92. Have been re snce and hs attorney, followed by genal n. Have seen all South sea Paul, havng obtaned ndulgence slanders taken re. The statement asked, retred from court room n Cloys letter s not true. was n tolerable good order for wth m last December and January. Have been t to each aud every present. plantaton. They are at fve plantatons. vsted all fve aud saw men. Captan Davs of Brtsh man-of-w- Royalst was n South seas, J..Levey anoru: Have beeu a snbscrber of Advertser for ten years. t was delvered at my house on August 12th. saw carrer leave t. nave seen tue paper n town, t las a large crculaton. Know Ferguson by sght, hut have never been ntroduced to hm. thnk artcle refers to Captan Ferguson. Know no or Captan Ferguson. No cross examnaton. Captan Ferguson, sworn: My name s Walter H. Ferguson. Am a temporary resdent..left rau Francsco at tme. Was wth us at four of slands; was at one of tho slands on two lfvrent days. The slanders wee same as taken to Guatemala. They were all well sats led, and spoke to me n glowng terms of r treatment and work. Some sad y were treated better than n Fj, New Zealand or Hawa. The plantatons arc tland forty to seventy mles; are t cached by wagon ro.ds, ralway and mule tracks. There are vey few corrugated-ro- n roofs only one or two;" y are mostly thatched. The houses are bult of wood. Never saw a luna carryng a revolver. never heard of a laborer beng shot. There are no Chnese re. There are no Japanese re, except frst lot forwarded from here. Have traveled from one end of country to or, mostly on Pacfc sde. Have vsted twenty plantatons, and have been through coffee secton. The coffee belt s from 2500 to 1000 feet elevaton. The condton of plantatons are good, nndthcrearjochancesof dsease from condtons of laborers. The mported laborers have good quarters, corrugated roofs are excepton. Reads schedule of ratons, and explaned detals of transportaton of Japanese. No expense for transportaton falls on Japs. They do not want Chnese n Guatemala. t struck me last sentence meant was a slave dealer. Have recruted 149 laborers. Wunt 150. Cross examnaton Do not know where St. Lous lodgng house s. Never asked for t. Dont know that any body ever went to St. Lous lodgng house. went to Guatemala eghteen years ago. Made trp across country. Have two appontments as agent of Guatemala government. One was for trp to South Sea slands n November 1S91, to recrut South Sea sanuers. Ths was sgned by presoent o Guatemala. Tne second was as government agent for recrutng Japanese mmgrants n Hawa and s dated May, 1S93. cannot produce frst as t has been sent to Guatemala government. The second one s at Sans Soucl. Mr. Creghton stated t could be produced f called for. Judge Hartwell sad le wshed to have t produced. Contnung Captan Ferguson test-ce- d: Have vsted twenty plantatons and have passed through forty. AH have local names, named fve plantatons." These lve plantatons run nland from 50 to 65 mles Went by muleback and tran. was re December 15 to mddle of February. There are no coffee plantatons on lowlands. None from 200 feet to 400 feet elevaton. At least never saw any. The lowest coffee trees are 1200 feet elevaton. have no forms or contracts made wth South Sea slanders, but mentoned one could be procured. Have not seen Cloys. Have taken great pans to fnd hm through my frends. Made HAWAAN lazbrrt, UrJdDAl AUGUST no enqury at staton house. Do not knowwhat treatment of Japanese re s, because none have yet arrved re. Morrs K. Keohokalole, sworn: Am clerk n nteror offce. dentfed certfcate fled accordng to law, n nteror offce by Hawaan Gazette Company. These Hawaan Japanese were recruted so that y could be traned to act as lunas for tuture mportatons of Japanese. We selected good, relable men, "wth experence n plantaton work. Had conversaton wth Mr. Johnstone. Charles Creghton was present. went to nqure for Cloys, but Mr. Johnstone was not re. We went later. Found Mr. Johnstone. Sad he dd not know where Cloys lved, but that one of Advertsers reporters dd. Sad he dd not beleve artcle was true, but as Clojs was wllng to sgn t he nad publshed t. Later, at my request, he came to wndow of Paul Neumanns offce and sad that Cloys lved at St. Lous lodgng-house-. Mr. Cloys at that tme roomed re and s stll occupyng room No. 6 n that premses. Neumann aud Creghton tred to fnd Cloys, but could not do so. He was anxous for m to fnd Cloys. They wshed to fnd out what he meant by publshng such an artcle. ntended to prosecute Antone Cloys. Mr. Creghton sad f Judge Hartwell desred he would take stand to show that he had hunted for Cloys. Judge Hartwell sad defense wshed nothng. Mr. Creghton sworn: was asked f Jwoud accept a retaner. Smles. repled that 1 would, under crcumstances. As soon as wab retaned tred to fnd Cloys untl noon of Saturday, August 12th. heard he was a Portuguese. Mr. Neumann and got nto a hack and went to tho St. Lous lodgng-hous- e. nqured for Cloys. Thev dd not know such a man. Mr. Cloys rooms at house, and on bs return that afternoon he was told Creghton and Neumann had called for hm. Hs landlord told hm ths.) He had gone to Portuguese settlement, but nobody knew Cloys. Cloys s an Amercan, born n Utah. He had appealed to several Portuguese resdents, but none of m knew Cloys.. The landlord had stated that no such man as Cloys had been re wthn thrty days. Cloys had been at St. Lous lodgng "house for some tme, s well known, and s roomng re now. Judge Hartwell asked by what statute or rule of law Mr. Johnstone was held u present case. The Hawaan Gazette Company was a corporaton. Mr. Johnstone had no authorty to perform what was charged n complant, vz., publshng lbel. Mr. Johnstone has nothng whatever to do wth publcaton of ths alleged lbel. The fact to be determned s wher Mr. Johnstone, as edtor, ncurs any lablty for publcaton of ths artcle. t s not clamed that Mr. Johnstone has made any lbel. f charge was makng of a lbel t would,be dfferent, but charge had been confned to publcaton of a lbel, and that was why he had been partcular to have matter understood at outset. He moved charge be dsmssed as re was no evdence to show that Mr. Johnstone had been gulty of publshng a lbel. Mr. Creghtou sad that although he had not cted authortes, ner had counsel for defense. He clamed corporatons could not be sued. He cted case of Provsonal government aganst G. W. Macfarlane & Co., a corporaton. He clamed that any one concerned n a corporaton was responsble n law. The legal lablty resded, n ths case, n Mr. Johnstone. He was sorry for Mr Johnstone, but Mr. Cloys could not be found. Mr. Cloys was wthn twenty-fv- e feet of Mr. Creghton at tme. He was sorry for edtor of Advertser, but had prosecuton been able to fnd Cloys, Mr. Johnstone would be no more than an nterested spectator. Mr. Cloys, just outsde bar, smled aud but hs handkerchef to hs mouth to suppress an outburst. Judge Hartwell sad queston of crmnal lablty s not before court, and s not to be dscussed. Corporatons can be held through proper offcers elsewhere, and he saw no reason why edtor should be held n ths case for publshng a lbel. He refore saw no reason why Mr. Johnstone should not be dscharged on tho present charge. Judge Robertson sad he would reserve hs decson untl next Frday at 9:30 a.m. Are SGNFCANT. Natve Hawaan Jures a Falure? The case of Provsonal gov ernment vs. Sam Ka was on tral Monday, last week, n Judge Whtngs court. The Hawaan jury returned somewhat unexpected verdct of " not gulty," three good men and true dssentng from verdct. Judge Whtng remarked, before he dscharged jury from that case, that t was an nexplcable verdct, but that he supposed jury had found some cause for renderng verdct y had. deputy Attorney-Gener- Wlder, at al concluson of case, asked for an adjournment of thoacourt untl he could consult wth attorney-gener- al as to wher or not he would present any furr cases before natve jury ths term. Banana pe. Beat yolks of two eggs to a cream wth one-ha- lf cup of sugar. Peel and mash two large bananas or three small ones. Sft m and beat nto eggs, toger wth one and one-ha- lf cup3 of mlk, or enough for a large pe. Bake wth one crust, and when done cover wth a merrngue made table-spoanfuof two whtes and two ls of sugar. Serve cold. MR. BEN MASON KNOWS SOME- THNG OF GUATEMALA. He Was There When Blackbrds, Arrved., HOW lk&omsks AKK TREATED. The latr Whch Awn t.japanese Whvn Once Lanlel u Guatemala. Mr. Ben Mason, who s well and favorably known n ths country, and who has resded on se slands for a perod of ffteen years, beng employed n dfferent capactes, returned a short tme ago from an extended trp through South and Central Amerca. Mr. Mason s a machnst by trade. Durng last year he resded n Guatemala, where he was employed by Guatemala Ealway Company. He remembers dstnctly arrvnl of 400 blackbrd South Sea slanders by steamer Monserrat n that country lost September. He remembers occason because arrval of se slaves was all absorbng topc n Guatemala at tme, and because he ftted out tho engne n Guatemala that was requred to carry specal tran whch had to be made up to convey se blackbrds from San Jose, whore y landed, nto nteror of country. Mr. Mason has made two trps to Central Amerca, and has also traveled through San Salvador, Ncaragua and Costa Eca. He remaned n Guatemala eght months on hs last vst, and left that cty durng month of February of ths year, returnng here by way of Mexco and Calforna. As a consequence of se two vsts, Mr. Mason s fully conversant wth hstory of Central Amerca, her people aud r mode of lvng. Learnng that ths paper had been attacked on account of some correspondence whch appeared n ts columns concernng treatment of laborers on coffee plantatons n Guatemala, Mr. Mason has kndly volunteered to gve publc beneft of hs knowledge n regard to how laborers are treated n that country, through Advertser. " havo read letter ot Cloys," sad Mr. Mason, "whch was pub lshed n your paper a few days ago, and whlo can verfy tho state moats made ren, he dd not go far enough, nor dd he tell half of hellsh thngs carred on u that country. The people of Guatemala aro mostly ves, cut-throamurderers, and lke. They are gnorant, ve ons aud bloodthrsty. The lunas on plantatons tho most de generate scoundrells on face of tho earth. They go heavly armed at all tmes and maltreat tho slaves under m n most horrble manner. He says people of Guatemala are all Catholcs, and that prests run government and government runs people. He verfes statement of Professor Brgham that foregn contract laborers are not allowed to attend church or receve benefts of weekly holdays. Me denes n toto statement that coffee wll not grow below an alttude of 2500 feet and says re are several plantatons along government road near Champonca, whch are not over 800 feet elevaton. The publshed statments regardng manner n whch contract labor ers are fed on beans and jerked beef, and housed n corregated ron buldngs was also verfed by Mr. Mason. He says furr that re s no gold n crcnlaton n that country at all, and that a slver dollar s worth but 50 cents n Guatemala. Contnung Mr. Mason says that no coffee s grown on Atlantc sde, entre country beng low and swampy, heavly tmbered and aboundng wth rank vegetaton, aud contanng nothng but anaconda and adder sntkes, monkeys, mountan lons, parrot, and brds of pray. Through ths dedly swamp country Guatemaean overnment ntends buldng. ralway from Lvngston to Guatemala, a dstance of sx days travel by mule back, equallng about 125 mles. t m- The government has found possble to natve peons to work ths lne, and Mr. Mason beleves that l.lact; rd whch were mported la- -t year We brought out forpurpo o of bur lng that ralway. He lnks f Japneso am mported nto Guatemala thpy wll be eventually ct npt led to lubor on ralway mentoned. Once landed n Guatemala, Japanese would bo at mercy of contractors, and would er be compelled to abdo by r wshes or be mprs oned or shot. twonld be mp05s33 ble for any ono to lve n that Snsncast (Soros. swampy country, and those who attempt t wonld meet wth a horrble fate. Mr. Mason would advao Jap Have You Seen anese on so slands not to change r resdence to any porton of Central Amerca, for at best r condton would b one of abject slavery. Before brngng" ntervew to a danty lttle STRAWBERclose, Mr. Mason related an ncdent of how guards treat those laborers who have been sentenced to RY FORKS n sterlng pententnry. Ths s called slver at. F. WCHMANS? sleepy act. Tho guard affects drowsness, and nnfortunate prsoner notng ths and thnkng he has Do you know that chance to escape, btops workng a moment. As soon as ths s done tho y are absolutely guard delberately rases hs gun and fres upon poor unfortunate. correct thng, and that even t MR. OLESON DEFENDED. A Frend Ponts Oat Facts Relatng to Case. Mb. Edtor: "Observer," n Bulletn, quotes some language of Rev. Mr. Olesons wrtten before queeus coup d etat, Opposng annexaton. He n denounces hm as a lar because, after that event, he changed hs vews and supported annexaton. Every one acquanted wth frend Oleson knows hm for a sncere and outspoken man. Before revoluton whch queon naugurated, he clnuga to old fashoned and settled mssonary vew that monarchy must be supported and Hawaan ndependence mantaned. Some of mssonary connecton had already come to see clearly that natve monarchy was rotten wth corrupton and hopolessly crazed wth false doals. They had already perceved that n tho falure of tho monarchy as a rallyng pont, nharmonous elements here mado at ndependent republc a doubtful f not mpossble expedent for securng good and stable government. Unon wth Amerca afforded only hopo ful soluton for gettng such government. Thoy beleved that Hawa was so necessary strategcally and commercally to tho Unted States, that t was our ultmate destny to become annexed to that republc. Perhaps Mr. Oleson was somewhat lackng n apprecaton of exstng condtons. He was certanly honest whoa he sad that annexaton was "not a queston cf practcal poltcs." Lke a good many or persons, wcked and determned proceedngs of qneen on 14th of January last opened frend Olesons eyes very wde ndeed. He took tho stuaton rght n, and from that day went n wth all hs mght for annexaton as one great hope and safety for honest and Btable government n Hawa. All ths "Observer" knows very well. Hs letter s wrtten ololy as a malcous attempt to dscredt Mr. Olesons powerful testmony abroad, by sendng n ovdonce that bo was aganst annexaton a few months ago. Tne foolsh royalsts have mselves to thank for havng lost hs support by r wld folly of 14th January. Tho henonsness of r crme s llustrated by tho cbango t wrought u opnons of a rnan of such practcal wsdom aud honest patrotsm as W.l. Oleson. ElPOSER. " Flght of Pgeons. The followng s flght of pgeons belongng to Mr. Eben P. Low, taken on August 12, from Hlo. Hawa, to Puuhue ranch : Left Arrved Total. Name. Hlo. Puuhue. h.m. Rapdan... 6:15 a.m. 8:50 a.m Colomba.7:01 A.m. 0:30 a.m Hal.7:13 a.m. 3:55 p.m Sweet 7:30 a.m. 9:24 a.m HoodC u res Saved My Wfes Lfe Weakness, Nervousness, 8alt Rheum. & John. W. Jones Tftlm. Wmh. " Of my own free wll and accord, unbased by anyone, and wshng only to do good to afflcted, wsh to tell ot tho good qualtes ot Hoods Sanaparna and Hoods Flls. thnk re are nonjedclnej equal to m, and bayt proted r mert by experence n my own larally. My wle, Bachel. has been afflcted wth weakness, nerroruness, and salt rheum. spent nearly all that hal of ths worlds goods (or doctors bllta and medcne untl ws decded to try Hoods Sarsaparula. t undoubtedly Saved My Wfe From tho Crave. The salt rheum has entrely healed and ht s restored to good bealh. hatb many blends and relatves n tho east who wll bo glad to know that Hoods Sarsaparlla Has cored ray wle." John TV. Jove". Aaama, wasn.. Get HOODS HOOD8 P1LL8 are tb best lter dnner Full, utlst dollon. cez beodche Try a box. Be. a poor berry wll taste sweet f eaten wth one of se lttle mplements? Do you know that we have lots of new and strkng Goods n every lne? Dont forget that we have THE ONLY UNB of Fne Lear Goods n cty, and that we can sut your tastes n color and qualty at moderate cost. t mm 517 F0E1STEEET, Hawaan Stamps WAJNT&T). WLL PAY UASHj tot: KTUER targe or small qaanttet u( need Hawaan."ostago Stan pe, us follows : (T!n offprx are per!mrwlrel and any quantty wll Murepl, u uttft bnw sna!., ul mtue rn.) 1 cent, volet..$ 75 1 cent, blue 75 1 cent, green 40 2 cont, vorralon cent, brown 75 2 cent, rose 30 2 cent, volet, 1891 ssue cent, dark blue cent, ultramarne blue Scent, greon cent, black cent, vermlon cent, brown cent, black cent, manvo cent, brown cent, red cent, purple cent, red $1, carmne cent envelope 50 2 cent envelope 75 4 cent envelope cent envelope cent envelope Jjp torn stamps wanted at any prce. Address: GEO. E. WA8HBT7EN, P. O. Box Ban Francsco. Cal rvut pbeaw Poneer Steam CANDY FAGTOBY and BAKERY. F, HOBH Practcal Comectoner Pastrr Cook and Baker. Ho. 71 Hotel 8t. Telephone. Blg a H ernowladsea th lead far reraedr tat VenorTbccM & atetrt. r TO DAYSL W Tho only na tamr tot ffvw hm Sarns!. tcaecrrhccoorwhltea. uretcrlbe Band feel ate la rtcgmr.rndfngu Sll TatEauOprcuCn loallraboot. XSA. oacutlojhm A.J.BTONEK.1LX, BZClTC3.Ufa Bold by DrnfTCfetS fl0. Hobron Nwman& Act Hol! r Ao,Wfa. Ap t Bennf srth V a. "w JLfnJS.

8 lffa nljmlf. n; r fumt tft,wsf.natgtttr fs BAWAllAN GAZETTE, TUJBSDAY, AUGUST 22,. 1893,,. r.4m where t should be bult, f expected At hosptal two patents have tncrol &bncrtfertrunt3 BOAKD OF EEALTE to be of any use. There was nobody voluntarly gven up treatment at settlement who understands Very respectfully yours, how to do such work, and as cannot R. W. Meyer, personally attend to t, am very Agent Board of Health. lew doubtful that that work would be properly carred out. Anor and very mportant reason s that re s so very thought reservor mentoned by Presdent Smth explaned that he Store! much water drawn or used by tho Mr. Meyer could be bnlt, but suggested that acton n matter had MEETNG HELD WEDNESDAY people that reservor would never get fall. Kalawao alone U9CS up bettor be postponed untl Mr. Meyer HE S OPPOSED TO THE GUATE- AFTERNOON. water, and could only get water arrved, whch would be shortly. Ho New Goods! to run by shuttng off Kalaupapa and also spoke of Dolcy of layng! MALA" SCHEME havng people stop drawng water at Kalawao. A 4 nch ppe can only certan ppes at leper settlement supply twenty-eg-ht taps, or mentoned by Mr. Meyer. about sxty taps, and re are Mr. Ena sad he thought superntendent of leper settlement New now not less" than 250 taps of all bzesj Frm! LETTERS OF DBS. TROUS- and to remedy ths matter s not as should keep board posted as to easly done as sad. tho number of deaths. SEAU AND MOURTZ. Wth rerard to Rev. Paho, he Secretary Wlcox sad that weekly has a tap about two hundred and ffty ll.ts Demanded Suffrage of etatements on ths pont were re All Latest Noveltes and Styles n feet away from hs house, and t s no ceved at board of health. Exhbted reports showng weekly de- Provsonal Government great hardshp for hm to get hs water. The board has never yet provded tals of santaton and arrvals and for Japanese Sere. Antque Oak Bedroom Suts, Wcker Ware people wth ppes to have water deaths.j Kontne tusnen Trantacted am Mutter of nterest Attended to. mence to do so now would be estab- apparatus for n r houses; y have always Mr. Ena sad that when ex-quehad vsted settlement, no bought ppes mselves, and to com- 8DK BOARDS, CHEFFONERS, ETC., lshng a precedent, whch s lkely to pcture-takn- had g been WARDROBES, "WALL BRACKETS allowed. prove costly. But as really wsh to Presdout Smth asked Dr. Andrews to take and report upon M KAU And accommodate old man, and to prevent establshng of u dangerous all knds tho THE MATTER REMAN"? of Furnture Manufactured and Repared, precedent, have offered that would book forwarded by superntendent ncludng a "descrpton of Dr. sland Orders wll receve prompt and careful N AUEYANCK All Dersonallv contrbute mv share to The board of health met Wednesday ward defrayng expense of Gotos patents at Leper settlement," attenton afternoon at 3:20 p. new ppes, and proposed that by Drs. Olver and Mourtz. The m. churchwardens, f y care anythng report stated that 85 lepers had been There were present W. O. Smth, for pastor, pay balance. They examned. presdent, Dr. Andrews, John Ena, seemed to be pleased wth t, but An applcaton was read from lepers askng that y be allowed to n order to furnsh tho readers of ths and Theo. F. Lansng. have not heardanythugmore about matter. The mnutes of prevous meetng were read. On 1st of August, 1893, re form a combnaton for treatment journal wtl addtonal nformaton OEDWAT & POBTEB, were n all 1165 lepers at settlement, of whch 6S4 were males, 447 eral dscusson took place whch re- under Dr. Gotos method. A gen- concernng recent scheme to nduce Japanese laborers to mmgrate On moton o Mr. Theo. F. Lansng mnutes were approved and years and 14 grls under 10 years. females, 20 male chldren under 10 sulted n a resoluton allowng all to persons to receve such treatment Guatemala from se slands, and Robnson Block, Hot?! Orders for paa wll be sent to acton of last meetng of upon fathfully carryng out to ascertan, f possble, to Street, between what an Fort and Nuuanu. new contractors next week to com treatment as drected by Dr. Goto. extent scheme had been carred board was ratfed. mence on August 21st, and wll Presdent TV. O. Smth stated that wrte to m to be n readness for n such case medcnes to be furnshed free of charge. upon Hon. Saburo Fuj!, H.. J. out, au Advertser reporter called orders. A Executve offcer Reynolds was absent erectng a wnd mll ordered by sary to locate kuleanas; y are ton of photographng lepers was at hs offce and resdence on 1NK Stoves and Ranges do not know that t wll be neces- t was determned that ques M.s dplomatc agent and consul-genera- l, NKW board at Kalh recevng staton. oblterated; but all land around After all surveyed, contents s known. The to be governed OJ by resoluton Nuuanu avenue Tuesday afternoon. boundares, St s true, are somewhat passed n a prevous meetng, provdng that permts were to beng receved n a very courteous manner (forwh;:h Japanese WESTERN. DANDY. A supplv of SUPERB, AlOLLO, WELCOME, TRZE, be obtaned refor from presdent of Presdent Smth also stated that m belongs to board. favorte REDWOOD. Dr. Bond of Kohala, Hawa, had am, dear sr, arrved n town and had procured a Respectfully yours, board of health. are so famous), and replyng to a substtute n person of Dr. R. W. Meyer, A petton was read from leper queston propounded by reporter, nvoces of (ooda ex Amy Turnor and Australa just to hand for Agent, board of health baker at Kalaupapa askng that Hon. Mr. Fuj sad : have no hestancy n sayng that am opposed to K-na- Moore, who had gone up by u. freght on coal to hs address be admtted free under regulaton of subjects of our country gong, or PACFC HARDWARE CO., LD. On moton t was ordered that Dr. valae, Moloka, 1 board of health. beng sent, to Guatemala, or to any loore be apponted govornment August 11, 1S93. J t was ordered that permts for physcan n place of Dr. Bond durng hs absence and that he be made Board of Health, Honolulu Dear artcles were for personal use. Charles Wlcox, Esq., Secretary or porton of Central Amerca, free froght be allowed only when agent of board of health for Kohala dstrct. Carred. Sr: Your favor of tho 17th nst. was t was A Water Flter at UwUost; Com. Klters for Water Cocks. A NKW LNE OF at ths tme, for very duly receved and contents fully held n ths case that coal was suffcent reason that uo treaty exsts noted. mported n ordnary course of between two governments, and cblvntdsle;:rs Presdent Smth asked f re was have read n Gazette trade, as baker sold hs bread to have so nformed both Captan Ferguson and Mr. Paul Neumann. any report from vaccne farm. was Hal, Banquet and Hantn; Lamps; Revere Garden Hose; artcle you refer to, relatng to lepers of settlement. met by reply that a treaty was Turkey and Ostrch Dnstera; Tacks Packng; Coos Wrenches, Dr. Andrews repled that Dr. lon takng of photographs at leper settlement, and note also that t Kalua-Haol- e now benjr negotated at Washngton Znc am Brass Hers ; Cow Bells ; Carrace and 3schnt Bolts ; A petton was read from sarrat stated that noculatons had s tho to be allowed to go to tho settlement as a kokua to her husband. of two countres at that place, n Cut Nals, (alvamsl am Plan; Ccttot Waste; Cty between mnsters resdent Nuh and Wahnrs; Sjtl So la; Ox BoW3; been made, and that he thought one wsh of honorable members of of m had taken. He was not sure, Board of Health to prevent abuse The applcaton.was dened. whch treaty ample prvleges and however, and several days would be of ths prvlege hereafter, unless requred to tell. specally permtted by Presdent A petton was read from La protecton would be gven and granted Japanese subjects who mght de- of Presdent Smth stated he had re Board of Health, etc. Kepoka to go as kokua to her bus Unless recent arrvals have band at Moloka. The petton stated sre to mmgrate to Guatemala from Horse and f Shoes, Horse Shoe Nals se slands or emgrate from r ceved through Dr. Trousseau copes amongst m some who understand that she had fve chldren lvng who own country. 1 have not receved any of Lnted States quarantne reg art of photographng and brought were Tnware, Erunp, not Dsh and Dary Pans, lepers. Cork offcal notce, er fro mmy Screws, government or from our mnster at Wash- Dsstons Saws, Fles and Cane Charcoal rons, lard Brooms, Locks, Nght Latches, Yale ulatons and laws. One of se he wth m nstruments for that purpose, am not aware that re are to Mr. Meyer, as woman had ngton, n recard to any treaty Locks, The board referred tho applcaton had been able to procure through Knves, beng a full assortment; lr. Severance, Unted States consul any persons at settlement, exceptng perhaps oue ( say perhaps be- Ratchet and KprtTbrcl Braces. Hook chldren at home who requred her prepared, and cannot, refore, speak Hne3, Bra9S and ron Butts, general. He also presented consular vsa of a bll of health. The followng cause am not certan of t), and servces. authortatvely on that subject. Captan Ferguson nformed me, furr, Chsels, Squares, Btts, Chest Handles that s letter and recommendaton of s Mr. L. Way, who may nave sucu The board adjourned at 4:20 p.m. that t was bs ntenton to proceed to! nstruments. Orwse, know of Japan and secure several hundred Dr. Trousseau: no one else, but wll nqure. PEARL CTY LOTS. laborers from re as soon as Cup Hooks, Pants, Lump Black, Putty, Brushes, boakd ok All many partes who from tme treaty between Guatemala nsectcde Wash and fpray Pumps, health. to tme have gone to leper settlement had specal permts to make two governments." Replyng to a and Japan had been ratfed by Offce of Port Physcan, ) Honolulu, H. L,! photographs, from presdents of Eastern Captalsts Negotatng queston, tho honorable gentleman August 10, 1S93.J former boards. Permts were gven Hon. W. O. Smth, presdent of under varous pretentons. One for Purchase of Entre Property. procure Japanese n Japan for GRAND CLOSNG OUT sad "he nformed captan that he thought t mprobable that he could board of health. wanted to take scenery only, anor Dear Sr: have procured from Mr. wanted m for scentfc purposes. class of work he requred of m, SALES! Severance enclosed documents. Wth every legslatve commsson, Some tme ago re arrved n even f a treaty exsted; and that at Xos.l and 2 you can keep at board vsts of Queen, etc., professonal of health. The two or documents, photographers were permtted to come Honolulu from South Dakota a least a years tme would necessarly BEGNNNG be requred n whch to conclude and after perusng, please return to me or up. Dr. Swft, fndng hs tme but ratfy a treaty between my government and Guatemala. SATJEDAY, JTJJL1T 29. to Mr. Severance, as consulate has very partally occuped wth hs medcal dutes, devoted a great deal of hs "Whle desre to say, and wsh no or copy. am responsble to consulate for m. tme to makng and developng photo- you to understand, that am opposed am wllng to have one hundred to Japanese gong to Guatemala, lam Canadan Tweeds Only 50 Oente a Yard! copes or more of No. 1 prnted at my not n a poston to prevent m from own expense, f you authorze me to dong so and can only advse m on fft"seven and a half yds. makes aftllsat. Orgoods proportonallyredaced. do so. would copy on sad No. 1 through bll of health and fle sad copy, certfed by me, wth you. Wth No. 2 we have nothng to do. only send t to you for nformaton. am also wllng to have extracts of both pamphlets typewrtten at my own expense, one forme, one for Reynolds and one for lcvegh, as orgnals have to be returned. Severance says that treasury department used to send m to government here, but cannot fnd any trace of m. Please let me know about se before Tuesday. f you lke to wat untl after next meetng, return No. 1, so that can copy on t through bll of health of Cty or Pekng, and fle t wth board of health. Yours very truly, G. Tkousseatj. These regulatons should be adopted here, wth such modfcatons as crcumstances specally requre. G.T. n consonance wth recommendaton of Dr. Trousseaus letter, board of health ordered prntng of 100 copes of bll of health provded under Unted States law. so that copes could be fled wth Hawaan board of health by Dr. Trousseau. t was furr ordered that secretary apply for copes of documents mentoned by Dr. Trous seen, and that department at Washngton be requested to send any new publcatons on subject that mght be ssued by Unted States government. The secretary was ordered to acknowledge recept of Dr. Trous seaus letter and to nform hm that re was no objecton to makng of any typewrtten copes whch he wshed to make. The usual report was receved and fled from nspector Jones. Presdent Smth read followng letters from Mr. Meyer, agent of board of health at leper settlement: Kalae, Moloka, 1 August 10, 1S93. J Hs Excellency Wllam: O. Smth, Presdent Board of Health: Dear Eb beg to acknowledge recept of your communcaton of 7th nst. Wth regard to reservor, have not been able to do anythng furr n matter than to select a spot graphs, and when he went away he took wth hm a large number of negatves, etc But am not aware that he sold any of m. The only way to prevent photographng at leper settlement appears to me to be a postve refusal from Presdent of Board of Health to grant permts to every one, no matter who le may be, and hs reasons for t Your suggeston to confscate photographc nstruments f re are any at settlement does not appear to me to be a judcous way to proceed. f attempted t would probably meet wth resstance. note that Mokuah wll come up and take hs chld away as soon as hs jury dutes have ended. Wll regara to tue proposeu reservor, nothng furr has been done by me n matter than to select spot where, n my opnon, t should be bult have wrtten to Presdent on ths subject, and beg to refer board to my letter to hm, etc. A porton of materal, for Boys1 Home mprovement, has arrved, and as soon as all s on spot, work wll be commenced wth and by that tme carpenters wll beat lberty. The new wards are practcally speakng fnshed, and new store wll be very shortly. have receved copy of contract wth ee Chuto furnsh settlement wth food and order for frst lot wll be sent hm by ths mal. You presume wrongly, M. Perre Calard, late Carnots Kokua, s not at Kalaupapa, he left settlement some sx or eght weeks ago, very soon after Mr. Carnots death. have wrtten to Mr. Hutchnson, actng superntendent, that all laws made and promulgated take effect accordng to law 30 days after beng made. All rules and regulatons refore wll be commenced to be enforced on loth of August and have also had an ntervew wth Deputy Sherff Htchcock to at once arrest any lepers, who are found outsde of settlement, to be prosecuted, etc. also send you by ths mal a book whch was gven me by Dr. Maur tz, contanng result of hs and Dr. Olvers examnatons, whch, presume, s nteuded for medcal gentlemen, members of board of health. omtted to say n my last letter that a number of lepers are now combnng to supply mselves wth one outft for Japanese treatment, expectng that Dr. Goto s to gve each and every one Japanese medcne. Wll you kndly nform me f ths meets wth approval of hoard and nform me n your next gentleman of busness-lk- e appearance. For reasons best known to hmself, he dd not see ft to explan object of hs vst here, nor was hs arrval heralded n press. Xotwthstandng ths, he came here for a purpose and has tlatscore, whch have already done, aganst gong re. was statoned n New York and San Francsco for accomplshed t, and took hs several years, and when n departure by 6teamer Australa was approached on a smlar latter cty, some fve years ago, Wednesday. proposal to ths, and postvely refused to sancton any nformaton gared from relable sources shows that such a measure. beleve," sad he, gentleman n queston came here as have already been nduced by Captan "that about ffty of my countrymen accredted agent of a syndcate of Fereuson to go to Guatemala, and Eastern captalsts, wth nstructons to make careful examnaton Regardng rght of suffrage captan told me ho desred to employ about 150 more from se slands." nto certan matters affectng beng granted to Japanese on se destnes of country, and also slands, wth a property qualfcaton, to enter nto negotaton wth Hon. Mr. Fuj stated that he had made such a demand upon Provsonal government, whch demand owners of property lyng n and adjonng Pearl Cty and had been repled to by that government and had been forwarded by hm harbor bearng same name, lookng to ts acqurement as a to Japanese government. The nature of reply from Provsonal government, honorable whole or any part reof. These nstructons havng been gentleman very correctly refused to make publc. Up to present tme, compled wth, agents msson came to an end, and he has gone to make a report of hs vst to hs employers. Just what arrangements have been entered nto between hm and owners of property mentoned s not known at ths tme, but t s thought an agreement has been reached whch wll result n purchase at an early day by eastern captalsts of entre- - property of Pearl Cty to and that lyng contguous reto. Should sale be consummated, t s ntenton of syndcate to develop property to a hgh state of cultvaton and use t for producton of a varety of fruts. Ths acton on part of eastern captal seekng nvestment n ths country s sgnfcant, nasmuch as t has a tendency to show to what an extent Hawa would he benefted should t become a part and parcel of terrtory of great Amercan naton. Race Horse Sold. Mr. Ballentne, of Lahana, Mau, last week purchased fne racng horse Amorno from Col. Spaldng, of Kaua. t s sad prce pad was $1000. he had receved no reply from hs government touchng that made by Provsonal government to hs demand. t was qute possble, he sad, that some news mght arrve by steamer Cty of Pekng, due today. So far as he was aware of honorable Mr. Fuj sad no reply had been receved concernng matter of refusal of Hawaan plantaton owners to agree to an addtonal cost of 12 or $13 consequent upon securng of contract laborers n Japan work on r plantatons. He dd not know anythng about se matters, and, consequently, would rar not be quoted n regard to m. A few moments spent n a socal chat on varous subjects, ended one of most nterestng and nstructve ntervews n whch reporter ever took a part. A Mr. J. W. Hager, a well known merchant of Clo, redell Co., North Carolna, cured four cases of flux wth one small bottle of Chamberlans Colc, Cholera and Darrhoea Remedy. Ths s most prompt and most successful remedy n use for dysentery, darrhoea, colc and cholera morbus. Ho or medcne wll take ts place or do ts work n ths class of dseases. t s equally valuable for chldren and adults. 25 and SO cent bottles for sale by all medcne dealers. Benson, Smth & Co., Agent for H.. CEJC.ll nd see our bargans GOO M, Nuuanu Street, JUST ARRVED PER BXJSK C. X. BRYANT. BABY CARRAGES of all styles, CARPETS, RUGS, and SLTS n latest patterns, "Household35 Hand Sewng Machnes, all wth latest mprovements. Also on hand Westermayers Celebrated Cottage Panos! Parlor Organs, Gutars and or Muscal nstruments.!5f"for sale by KD. OFESCHLAEGER & CO., Kng Street, opposte Castle. & Cooke. Dr. J. COUGHS, C-D- S, t 0LLS ASTHMA, BRONCHTS. DR. COLLS BROWNES CHLORODYNE tsalfnuld medcne when pln of EVERY KND, aflords a Mlmfrefrejhln sleep. rates toe WTHOUT nervous system leadacendnvls when exhausted" Good Thng for Summer Complants. &0hLL!SnBRS,W"s CHLORODYNE.vc5 c??:1orslr- - PAK WOOD,,Stn45?5llr,n Conrttht Dr. J. COLLS a?2ss5,?3z?h"1taly NVENTOR cnlorodyne, thattto whole story of defendant Freeman was delberately untrue, and he regretted to say t had sworn been to. SeeTftg rfmm.jnlyl3.lsm. DR:,f CffSp!SECHLORODYHE NEURALGA, GOUT, DANCER, TOOTHACHE. RHEUMATSM. Sewng Machnes BROWNES CHLORODYNE S THE GREAT SPECFC FOR narrhcea, DYSENTERY, QHOLERA. GENERAL BOARD of HEALTn, London REPORT that tt ACTS as a CHARM, one dote zcnerally suffcent. Dr. GBBON, Army Medcal Staff, Calcutta states : two doses coxpuctely cubes m or nraanacea." DR-J- - COLLS BROWNES CHLORODYHG Rapdly cots short all attacks of PPLEPSY, SPASMS, COLC, PALPTATON, HYSTERA. OPT1NT CAflTnN. The M- - ENSE MA.K flf thl. REMEDY has sren rse to many UNSCRUPULOUS MTA- TONS. Be careful to obsenre Trade Mark. Of all Chemsts. 9d-&4- s. ls.lwa.,2. Bd. SOLE J. T. DAVENPOET,...reat Re Street London, Vf O f Afc 1 llfjh

9 MMMfP! - H tj,. ft 1 smhp.. OCAX AND GENERAL. Workmen are at present engaged at salors home. A number of persons ndulged n target practce Saturday afternoon at Kakaako range. The government pound at Kea-na- e, Mau, has been changed. D. W. Naphaa s new pound master for sad pound. The Hawaan News Company expect a large consgnment of panos of fnest grade by Monowa next Thursday. Mrs. Nka Dolloway, wfe of manager of half-wa-y house on Kau road to volcano, ded suddenly Saturday, Aug. 12. The Hawaan Hardware Co. have an nterestng advertsement n ths mornngs ssue, whch wll pay you to read carefully. Electrc lghts are beng put nto new Salors Home buldng, now nearng completon, at esplanade, maka of Enterprse mll. Francs M. Hatch, Esq., has been elected vce-presde- nt of Provsonal government of Hawaan slands, vce Wm. C. Wlder, resgned. Antone Cloys was arrested late Saturday afternoon on a charge of crmnal lbel preferred by Capt. Ferguson. Cloys s confned n cty jal. t s understoood that entre stock of envelopes now beng surcharged by post offce authortes have" been barganed for by speculators. The new furnture store of Ord-wa- y fc Porter, on Hotel street, s recevng a consgnment of new goods. Reparng of all knds s attended to wth promptness. Wllam Horner, admnstrator of estate of late R. P. Ku-kah-, cautons all persons not to trust anyone on account ol that estate wthout hs wrtten order. Dr. E. L. Hutchnson, lately arrved from Unted States, ntends to make a professonal vst to sland of Kaua by steamer leavng a week from today. t s reported that a number of persons n cty are endeavorng to secure a lease from government of new fsh market on esplanade to be used as a skatng rnk. The Brtsh steamer Zambes, recently damaged and sold to Japanese partes n Orent for $60,000, s to be placed, says Hongkong Telegraph, n Hawaan-Japanes- e trade. The schooner Lholho, whch went ashore at Makawel a few days ago, was sold Tuesday mornng by auctoneer J. F. Morgan to Mr. John Ena, of.. S. X. Co. for $225. A letter receved here last mal stated that troup of Hawaan dancers now n San Francsco have had an offer to tour Europe. n all probablty offer wll be accepted, so says wrter. As a result of a conference between Attorney-Gener- al Smth and Deputy Wlder yesterday, two remanng crmnal cases to come before natve jures were contnued untl next term of court. A Brtsh resdent s authorty for statement that no less than thrteen offcers of Brtsh army have vsted se slands durng past nne months, for purpose of studyng topography of country, etc. The Klauea Volcano House Co. have elected followng offcers : W. R. Castle, presdent ; John Ena, vce-presde- E. C. Macfarlane, treasurer ; T. W. Hobron, secretary ; P. C. Jones, audtor. The above offcers consttute board of drectors. Under law of 1S92 allowng ntroducton of 5000 Chnese laborers, 160 applcatons have been made to date. All have been receved from Chnese rce plantatons on Oahu and Kaua. Of ths number 100 have been appled for by Y. Ahn, 50 by Wng Leong and 10 by Ho Fon; Under new law passed re qurng that all brands be on or before July 1st, re have been on sland of Hawa, up to and ncludng June 30tb, 753 brands. Te total number ssued to August 15th equal 972,.showng an ncrease of 119 between two mentoned dates. MAU NEWS. WEEK OF GAYE1T AT MA- KAWAO. Personal-Ment- on Stray Scrb-blng- s. Mau, August 19. A most enjoyable mpromptu party occurred at Mss Pars, Makawao, durng Monday evenng, 14th nst. Some gentlemen of vcnty called by nvtaton to pay homage to vstnghonolulu yonnglades and to render socal trbute to or guests. There was sngng by Makawao gentlemen, tros by Honolulu far ones, a comcal declamaton or two, and dancng; all of whch was delghtful not forgettng- - salad and coffee whch came as a sort of soothng fnale after evenngs pleasure. f any event out of due decorum was possble or probable, presence of a supreme judge would have Eorved as a rapd quetus, though echo doubts statement and answers would t?" The next event occurred on Tuesday evenng, loth nst., at resdence of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dckey, Haku. t was a large garng of young people and was pre sumably gven (though Mrs. Dckey dd not say so) as a welcome greetng to Msses Mlly and Martha Beckwth who are among r many Maul frends agan. t s to be remarked that "chest nut" s ner a dplomatc nor a pleasng (to lades) word to use n descrptons of socal functons, and t s also to be most humbly stated that re was naught of ancent flavor about ths evenngs games and amusements for t goes wthout sayng on Mam that all Haku entertanments are famous for r brghtness and socalty. There were also fne vocal solos by Msse3 Mlly Beckwth, Kate Flemng and Mr. Kuevsk, and some artstc pano musc by Msses Morrs and Lampman. Last nght old Haleakala hall was agan nvaded by votares of Terpschore, and "let joy be uncon-fned- " and "on wth dance" were watch-word- s of evenng hours. The ar of nght was unusually soft and stll, and f t had not been for 2200 feet of alttude would have been somewhat oppressve, for mountanwnd had once forgotten to blow. The nteror exhbted tracery of passon vnes (thanks to three Honolulu mademoselles) floor showed a waxy polsh, and Spreckelsvlle orchestra dd hs best to make thngs lvely though poor fellow was most weary ere hour for breakng ranks arrved. Among guests present from metropols were Justce and Mrs. Bckerton, Mr. Robt. Lowers, Msses Parmelee, Sorenson, Lawers, Carroll, Anna and nez Perry. XEKTOX. Mss Mase Atknson, of Honolulu, s guest of Dr. and Mrs. Herbert, of Waluku. The Makawao frends of Mss Laure Ncholsen extend sncere sympathy to her n her recent great bereavement. Mrs. H. Carter, Ms3 M. A. Carroll, of Queens Hosptal, and Rev. Wm. Rader, oe Oakland, Cal., are guests at Haleakala Hall. The three latter made crater trp durng latter part of week. Mr. Lewers and hs cotere of young lades, Msses Sorensen, Par melee and Lewers, depart for home today, after gazng on beautes of Klauea and Haleakala. Makawao young gentlemen wsh thathonolulu guests would lnger longer n dstrct. Msses Lampman and Appleton, of Kohala, are guests of " teachers of Maunaolu Semnery. Mr. J. L Howard, manager of Stockton Busness College, has been vstng Mr. A. Hockng. Mrs. and Mss Hart, of Honolulu. are tho guests of Judge Copp. They vce-presde- The presdent, and gazed nto Halealaka durng Wed secretary of Hawaan Ralroad nesday. Co. havng resgned, followng STRAY SCBBBLXGS. gentlemen have been elected and There are abundant good reasons wll serve for unexpred term : for establshment of a large Samuel G. Wlder, presdent ; F. summer hotel n Makawao. Such vce-presde- nt; W. Macfarlane, an nsttuton should have a lvery Hugh Gunn, Secretary. stable n connecton wth t, to supply saddle-horse- s for crater partes and carrages for pleasure drvng. Theres proft n enterprse for an energetc ndvdual. The bottle of sherry wne recently mentoned n ths column has been found, and ts contents much apprecated by several Makawao gentlemen. The four-maste- r Olga s stll n tho harbor, and J. D. Spreckels s expected. Mynah brds are chrpng n crater and blackberres are rpe at Olnda. A pcnc to Kall for young lady vstors s qute go at present, and ts bachelor propretor doesnt complan a wee bt. Theres a regster at summt of Maus bghtest mountan: t s encased na mnce-mea- t jar, whch n turn s hdden n a paste-boar- d box H.VAllA UAZETTJ!!, UjSSUA.. AUGUST 22 8s3 9 wth legend "Aunt Abbojra Boled Oata" on outsde. Vstors should not neglect to nscrbe r names. N.B. t s to be hoped that readers of Advertses wll not for a moment magne that all Mau s engulfed n Halealaka for really re s an alarmng dearth of all events just now wth excepton of what concerns summer vstor. Wear: The word dust descrbes t maka, and delghtful s name of manka atmosphere. No ran. KAWAAHAO CONCERT Though Not Well Attended, Proves to be an Enjoyable t Entertanment. Tho concert at Kawaahao church on Saturday evenng, for beneft of placng electrc lghts n that edfce, was not very largely attended. The mddle asles were qute well patronzed, but those on sdes and balcones looked almost deserted. The concert was neverless very entertanng and compared favorably wth any of Hu Noeaus prevous concerts. The floral decoratons n nteror of church were not numerous, but artstc, ferns showng to advantage. The programme opened wth "Socal," an overture played by Prof. Bergers Hawaan band orchestra. That band played three peces durng evenng, among whch were "Scllane" and an echo pece enttled "An evenng n Swtzerland." The rendton of se selectons by band was greatly apprecated by aud ence, more especally echo pece, n whch Messrs Kapua and Kreuter took part. The Hu Mele Noeau, a company of about a dozen natve sngers, under drecton of Prof. Berger, sang two choruses n Hawaan, enttled Eljah" and "Hauol nan." Ther sngng proved an nterestng feature of entertanment. Mr. Cuelho, favorte natve bartone snger, was to sng a, pece enttled " Serenade," but audence was greatly dsapponted when Mr. Berger announced that he could not appear on account of sckness. The fourth pece on programme was quartette " Medtaton," n whch followng took part : voln, Mss Mame Paty ; cello, Mr. Wray lay lor ; pano, Mr. J. T. McGrew ; flute, Mr. L. Bar-sot- t (Mr. Hoag beng unable to play on account of ptch of pano beng too low to accompany hs flute). The pece was so excellently rendered that audence demanded an encore, when " Farewell," by Kucken, was gven. Mss Paty receved a beautful boquet for her artstc playng on voln. Mss F. J. Xolte next appeared wth a song, " Forbdden Musc." The young lady sang song very sweetly, and captvated audence to such an extent that she was compelled to gve an encore. Mr. Barsotts flute solo, from " Travata," was also well rendered, and receved an encore. Mrs. Paty and Mr. Wakefeld next sang a duet, " Lve and Love Thee." Mrs. Patys sngng was much admred, whch s always case when ths sweet-voce- d lady appears n publc. Mr. Wake felds splendd bartone added much to delght of audence. Both were recalled. Mr. A. E. Murphy, local comedan, gave a rectaton, "Vsons of Home." He was loudly applauded and n response gave "Statue of Lberty," a pece replete wth lngustc humor and well mpersonated by speaker. The evenngs entertanment was brought to a close by " Hawa Pono." Though programme was consdered rar short, all those who were present unanmous ly pronounced entertanment a very enjoyable one. The amount of proceeds cannot be ascertaned at present, but t 3 understood a handsome sum was realzed. Ordwav & Porter. The above named frm advertse a new lne of furnshng goods just to hand by bark Albert. The goods were selected n States by Mr. George Ordway on a recent vst, and are n every way adapted to wants of se slands. The lst ncludes latest noveltes n wckerware. reed and rattan sets and peces, wardrobes, sdeboards, oak and antque suts, etc., whch are now on vew at r new store n Robnson block, Hotel street. Gve m a call. ACCDENT AT KLAA. PURSER FRANK C. P00K, OF THE STEAMER 0. R. BSHOP, NJURED. He Nearly Lute 1JU Ejrtglt ly an Kxpluton at Klauea Lat Thurtlay Mornng. Purser Frank C. Poor, of nter sland Steamshp Companys steamer C. R. Bshop, met wth a panful accdent at Klauea last Thursday mornng at 10 oclock, whle that vessel.was dschargng cargo at that place. The wharf at Klauea was formerly ftted wth davt gearng for unloadng boats. When se were removed ron sockets, whch are about three or four nches square and fvb nches n depth, were allowed to reman. n dschargng lme porton of cargo, some of that artcle, wncn nau been loosenea rom some of barrels, found ts way nto ths davt hole, whch beng flled wth water, began to bol and hs3 OS to San Francsco. Mrs. A. de Brettevlle and two chldren, H. L. Green, Mrs. G. J. Ludwgsen, Mrs. J. W. Robertson and two chldren, and Charles Osborne, left by barkentne S. X. Castle on Saturday for San Francsco. and throw off a lot of steam. Purser Poor, thnkng wharf mght be n danger of takng fre from ths, hastly grabbed up a handfull of some loose fertlzer from a broken sack lyng on tho wharf, and steppng up to wthn about four feet of davt socket, threw t nto t, n hope of smorng bolng lme. Xo sooner dd fertlzer come n contact wth hot lme than an exploson occurred, throwng scaldng mxture nto pursers eyes. There beng no or means avalable for relef at hand, Poor waded nto water and, as best he could, washed out hs eyes. Ths gave hm consderable relef. Though sufferng great pan he was stll able to see, and plucky young purser refused knd offer of hs fellow offcers to send hm to Hono lulu on a specal trp by Bshop. The assstant engneer of tho steamer poultced up young Poors eyes wth flour and lard, whch was kept on untl he arrved here at 6 :30 oclock Saturday mornng. mmedately upon arrvng here Purser Poor was, through knd offces of Mr. Ross, nter-sland- s oblgng agent at wharf, placed n hands of Dr. Brode for treatment. That gentleman nforms Advertser that though eyes of Mr. Poor are consderably nflamed, re s no danger whatever of hs losng hb eyesght. Only one of young Poors eyes are njured. The njured man s now at hs home up valley, confned n a dark room, and Dr. Brode sayb he wll be able to be around agan n a few days. He wll not, however, be able to go out on Bshop tomorrow. Had young purser been standng closer or drectly over burnng lme at tme he threw fertlzer on t, consequences would have been more serous, and n all probablty would have resulted n Mr. Poor losng hs eyesght altoger. PARADOX OF THE POLE. Place Where There s No East, No West and No Tme of Day. At north pole re s only one drecton south. One could go south n as mady wbvb as re are ponts on compass card, but everyone of se wayss south; east and west have vanshed. Tho hour of day at pole s a paradoxcal concepton, says McOlares Magazne, for that pont s tho meetng place of every merdan, and tme of all holds good, ao that t s always any hour one cares to menton. s hence mpossble but queston grows complex, and ts practcal soluton concerns few. No one needs to go to pole to dscover all that makes that pont dfferent from any or pont of surface. But whole polar regons are fnll of unknown thngs, whch every arctc explorer of rght stamp looks forward to fndng. And reward be looks forward to most s approval of few who understand and love knowledge for ts own sake rar than nosy ap plause of crowd who cheer hm, after all, much as y cheer a wnnng przefghter or a race horse or poltcalcanddate The dffcultes that make quest of pole so arduous have been dscovered by slow degrees. t s marvelous how soon nearly fnll lmts of northward attanment aro reached. n 1596 Barents dscovered Sptsbergen n about 78 degrees north; n 1770 Hudson reached 80 degrees; n 1S37 Parry, by sledgng on tho co when hs shp became fast, succeeded n touchng 82 degrees, 45 mnutes. Snco n all es enormous of modern scence Bteam, electrcty, preserved foods and tho experence of centures have only enabled forty mles addtonal polo-war- d advance to bo made. The Arctc basn, occuped by tho Arctc sea, s rnged n by land, norrn coast of Amerca, Europe and Asa formng- a roughly crcular - boundary broken by threo well-markchannels communcatng wth ocean. Berng Strat, betweon Amerca and Asa, s tho narrowest; Baffn bay, between Amerca and Greenland, s wder, branchng nto a number of d sounds to tho westward and taperng off nto Smth sound n tho norast. Tho wdest channel of tho three les betweon Greenland and Europe, and ths s bsected just south of 80 degrees north by sland group of Sptz-burgo- n. Ex. THE LHOLHO. Captans Campbell and Berry Rctnrn from Wreck. Captans C. J. Campbell and H. H. Berry returned from tho wreck on Kaua of schooner Lholho by steamer walan Sunday. Capt. Campbell arrved at Makawel harbor last Wednesday, and he n company wth Capt. Berry, master of tho Lholho, went and examned vessel, whch s stll lyng on a sand bank on Makawel beach. A porton of her keel aft s gone, and water enters through holes made near keel. The vessel has been strpped of everythng except masts. As expense of brngng her to Honolulu for repars s very great, and vessel about fourteen years old, t has been decded to let her reman as she s, and break up lttle by lttle by acton of wave and wnd and slow decay. Capt. Berry stated that t would take a very long tme for tho Lholho to go to peces n ths way, but f a heavy gale comes n and brngs vessel on rocks, t would not take long n for her to go to peces. An attempt wll bo made n future to remove masts. At present tho wedges that hold masts n place, are consderably swelled. Tme wll loosen m and n masts can be removed. They Passed Resolutons. On July 17th nst., one of largest meetngs ever held n Shangha took place n Astor Hall, called at nstance of Muncpal Councl "to express feelngs of communty n connecton wth murder of two Swedsh mssonares at Sungpuon 1st nst." The followng resoluton was passed and t was resolved that t be forwarded to Foregn Mnsters at Pekng. "That ths meetng records ts sense of horror and detestaton of barbarous murder of Messrs. Wckholm and Johanson at Sung-p- u, wth attendant crcumstances, and of gravty of occurrence as a menace to foregners generally n Chna; and call upon Foregn Representatves to take measures to ensure gulty partes beng punshed, as well as to take steps to prevent recurrence of a smlar outrage." Hongkong Press. Amateur Baseballsls. The amateur baseball league season opened on Saturday afternoon at league grounds, contestng teams beng Planets and Healan. A farly good crowd was n attendance, and both teams played pretty far ball throughout entre nne nnngs. Consderable nterest was manfested thronchont t.hf fnmp nnrl n num ber of good plays were made by dou sues. xne ranets won tne game by a score of 13 to 11. The Provsonal Government Rght. All WAsNTo.v, Aug. 1. Assstant Land Commssoner Bowers today receved a letter from an ntmate frend n Honolulu, statng that tho rumor crculated that Provsonal government was weakenng was untrue. Bowers correspondent added that Provsonal party was growng stronger every day and that f any facton was weakenng t was royalsts. He urged Bowers to nform admnstraton offcals of exact state of affars. Back From Volcano. Dr. Wakefeld, Mss Wakefeld, J. G. von Tete, J. H. F. von do Puttc, F. B. Oat, and Geo. H.Babb and wfe, returned on Saturday from a vst to volcano. PERSONAL. J. F. Clay, Kahuku; Mrs. E. Perce, Hawa; K. Zoller, Hana, Mau, and B. H. Sholtzy, Honomu, aro among tha latest arrvals at tho Arlngton hotel. W. J. Lowre, manager of tho Ewa plantaton, was n tho cty on Saturday. Ho came up to meet hs wfe and famly, who returned on that day by tho Knau from a vst to frends n Lahana. Mr. Lowre reports a very successful season at Ewa, and expects to fnsh grndng about Wednesday or Thursday of ths week. The total output of tho Ewa mll ths season wll equal about 7700 tons of sugar. J. L. Howard wll return to coast on Thursday next by steamshp Alameda, after a vst of some two months spent on dfferent slands n tho nterest of Stockton, Calforna, busness college. Dr. E. L. Hutchnson, dentst, wll leave today for an extended tour of Kaua. Upon hs return doctor wll open an offce n new Masonc buldng for practce of hs professon. Rev. Alex. Mackntosh. Mrs. H. P. Baldwn and son, were among tho arrvals from Kaun yesterday. D. S. Ruevsky, of Kameha-meh- a school, has returned from hs summer vacaton. Robert Lewers and Mss Lewers, and Mss Parmolee have returned from a vst to Mau. Mss Hndley, a sster of Mr. Hadley, wth Hobron & Newman, arrved n cty 3osterday from Mau. Dr. R.. Moore, popular young dentst, has returned from a very successful busnoss trp to Hlo. Mrs. J. F. Brown and two chldren have returned from a vst to sland of Moloka. The Sugar lounty. t appears that total amount of bountes to be pad to sugar producers of ths country for tho crop of 1892 s about $9,100, Mo3t of ths money goes to sugar-can- e growers of Lousana, but tho producers of beet sugar get more than n The producton was 12,000,000 pounds that year, whle n 1892 t was more than doubled, beng 27,000,-00-0 pounds. n vew of ths advance t s not mprobable that a contnuance of bounty for a few years more would buld up a great Amercan ndustry and prove that ths country could be made ndependent of rest of world, as far as sugar s concerned. n spte of tho stmulus of ths bounty, producton of sorghum doe3 not ncrease. The 2 cents was pad on only 986,000 pounds. Such a result, n face of labors and experments of so many years, ndcates that manufacture of sugar from sorghum wll never be a success. Chcago Trbune. Russan Battleshp Ncolas. The Russan battleshp Ncolas. arrved at New York recently. She s largest battleshp ever seen n that port. The Ncolas was ordered to steam to Amerca and take part n naval parade, but she was unable to leave Baltc last sprng on account of tho ce. She saled from Kronstadt on June 11. The Ncola3. s a steel, copper shead battleshp of 9000 tons, 326 feet long, 67 feet beam, twn screw, wth a speed of 15 knots. Her horse-pow- er s Her turret armor s 10 nches thck, and her armor at belt lne s 14 nches. Her deck-platn- g s 2 nches. She carres two 12-nc- h guns, four eght and twenty rapd-fr-e guns. She was bult at St. Petersburg, and was launched n Her cost was about $2,250,000. Her commander s Captan Dker. She has a crew of 680 men, 8 men n steerage, and a Greek prest, besdes complement of offcers Ten yeara ago re was no plant n country for makng shp armor and modern guns of hghest power, and shpyards and navy yards alke were unprepared to undertake work of hghest class. Now everythng s changed. All complex naval ndustres have been ntroduced. A great shpyard lke that of Cramps can buld n course of three years a par of battleshps of hghest type. The naton not only has a modern fleet, of whch t has no cause to be ashamed, but t has also facltes for rapdly ncreasng ts naval reeources n an emergency. t s mmeasurably more secure aganst danger of foregn war than t was a decade ago. New York Trbune. A new drvng belt haa been made n France by parchmentng lear nstead of tannng t. The belt does not stretch and a mor durable than tanned to!ts

10 Ts WgBTr g- WWP1B Py5 Vm$&WG lf - - h, nlnbrk nfffovjf,t; "sra ft 10 AT THE CAPTOL. Msster JDamos N PLAGE OF nfsmlar Crtc. Reples to Hs.DSCUSSON 0" TUB CONTRACT lok A "lrg PLANT. Thf 3lMtry BU VaM br Two-TJUr- dt Jajorlty. THBESttLT, August 17, 1S93. F. H. HATCH ELECTED VGE-PSESDE- The councls correned at 1:30 p. yu There were present Mnsters Dole. Kng, Dsraon and Smth ; Councl-me- a Brovrn, Ena. TVaterhocse. Ten-ne- Young, lendonca. Hatch, Nott. and Enuaeluth- - The mnutes of prevous meet ng trere reed and approted. Attorney-Genera- l Smth on behalf of eseceve councl presented follownj rebatoa from Yke-Presde- W. C. wlder: Hosolclc, Aafr. S, S. Hs Excellency Sanfobd B. Dole, Presdent of Provsonal Government. Sb: Feelng that re should at vee-presde- nt all tmes be a to aet n ease of emerseacy, and as 1 shall be absent from slands for two and a half months, tender ray resgnaton as of Provsonal Tee-presde-nt government of HavraL Yoars, wth much respect, TV. C. WlXDEK. Ar. Smth stated next duty would be to fll vacancy. lr. Tenney nomnated Mr. F. 1L Dole sad electon would be raade by ballot, and ordered secretary to prepare ballots. The secretary announced that ttrelve ballots had been cast, al for Mr. Hatch. At request of Presdent Dole Mr. Hatch took char and Pres dent Dole retred. Mnster S. M. D&raoa read fouown" weekly fnancal state mert - FNANCE STATEXKNT FOR WEEK END-E- S ATJOC5T 16, 1SW. Current Aeeoant Balance Angn- -t S, 1S8 SU EBCBPTS. nteror!? rtment -$ 3, Customs... 7,14150 Fnes, Penaltes and Costs. 1, Revenue Stamps 1, Post Offce 3, Government Realzatons Taxes 19.3S7 65 HO Water Recepts Sale of Goverameat Bonds S.SOO 00 EOrKNMTrjEES. $ 45,S54 53 $160,550 4S JtMlkfcry Department S 56 Department SO of Foregn AlErs nteror Department Salares and ncdentals 61 S5 Bureau of Survey Bureau of mmgraton Bureau of Publc Works 3, Water Works Board of Health 4, MSCELLANEOUS. Beads and brdges (general), $50. S: roads and brdges specal, Hon.), SLSS7.; nsane Asylum, $481.09; electon, $409.55: electre lghts, $623.03; forests, $122.95; lghtng streets, $26.o; Palace furnture, $20.50; brdge, Walua road, Kaua, S1S.70; prntng, S13L75 ; homesteads, $22.75; ad, Queens Hosptal, $2,500; road damages, $411; pounds, $5-3- 6,S1S 20 Fnance Department Salares, ncdentals, etc 4,540 5S nterest Attorney-General-s Department,... 2,501 2S General Expenses Provsonal Government. 2, Road Tax To Specal Depost 6,763 OH School Tax To Specal Depost 7, Expense Placng Loan, 1SB 13) CO $ 40, Total Treasary Balance, above date.$ 120, $ 160, Outstandng Bonds $2,620, Due Postal Savngs Bank. 530, Treasury and PJ M. 230, $S,3S9,S45 18 Net ndebtedness..$3,3s0,st5 10 EXFA"AT0RY. (Ths amount of S15o,c41.60 vras pad from General Be venue n Treasury to carry on publc mprovements under Sectons to date, and all recepts from sale of bonds under loan act of 1S9S pass nto GeneralCash as ofl-se- ts untl ths debt s cancelled) W Less bonds Act of 1S9S sold to date.. 12S,OO &41 60 Amoant due from P. S. Bank for advances from geaeral revenue to cover eseess of wthdrawals over recepts fr,(vh 4 Amount due Treasury ths date from Loan Act $ Postal Savngs bank memo.: Due depostors, P. S. bank ths date S 530, Notces ths date of wthdrawals maturng n August, September, October and ovember, "S3 SS, Cash on hand ths date 21,542 S Expenses, Prov. Govt, memo.: Esps. Prov. Govt, to date S 114,010 SS (Ths amount covers all expenses, ncludng ml-ta- rr and tems not appro- - frated by tbe last Memo., cash n Treasury: Outstandng Certfcates, S27S Certfcates wthdrawn from crculaton and deposted for sale keepng $54, Cash n Treasurv to redeem certfcates. $275, Postal Savngs bank balance 21, Road Board fund n Treas urv 34, School Board fund n Treasury 22, Avalable cash, as above , Total cash n Treasury.. $ 199, Fnance Department. Aug. 16, 1S93. Before reedng statement Mr. Damon sad that a new tem had been ntroduced nto report gvng detals of total under mscellaneous Ths would be hereafter made from week to week. Contnung. Mr. Damon sad that he was under oblgatons to newspapers for gvng hm at dfferent tmes opportunty of explanng certan matters connected wth fnances of government. n present case ne tonna hmself under oblgatons to Bulletn, through one of ts crtcsms. That paper had complaned that present government was not spendng as much on publc works as had been spent by former governments on publc works. He refore took occason to read followng lst of mprovements beng made and already completed: PUBLC WORKS. Volcano road... $1000 Dredzer n harbor 2500 Makk water works Walua brdge, Kaua 5000 Waalua a Oahu 1000 Wamea " " 1000 Hlo Hawa Pacfc mal wharf "Wash-house- s Purchase of Kuleanas, Moloka 5000 He also mentoned that board of health had been movng n matter of purchase of kule-ana- s at leper settlement and that t was probable that purchase would be consummated soon. Captan Kng had wth hs usual foresght and knack of savng proposed that mmgraton depot should wash-bousebe utlzed as a ste for s. The survey department had already made estmates for dranng nto harbor, and that ths mprovement could probably be effected at a cost of about Tho present publc works would fcot up at least $S0,000, wthout takng n any contemplated future mprovements. Furr expendtures wll depend upon how governments revenne comes n later on. Mnster Damon sad that he was exceedngly anxous to pay notes of postmastergeneral, whch were bearng a heavy rate of nterest. f present mproved condton of governments fnances contnued he would be better able to pay off a greater porton of ths ndebtedness at end of year than former government was able to do last year. The only tem of ndebtedness of eovernment of whch he knew at present was that cf forty thousand ; odd dollars due tsdou ron Works of San Francsco. All or tems prerausly mentoned have been pad and he had wrtten to proper persons at San Francsco regardng settlement of tbebsdon ron Works clam. He read followng detals of temumscellaneonsnn last weeks statement as follows: Palace Fence. 360 GO nsurance CS Boad&BrdgGenJZr-Hos- e Cart Nos. 1 fc Fre Dept Lghtng Sts. 4S 00 dgnnouse Electrc Lght- s Prntng Pounds... 10S&5 Forests Homesteads Dseased Anmals., Electon 2171 f5,0s0 05 On moton of Mr. Waerhonse, reoort was accepted and placed on fue. Mr. Brown ntroduced from judcary commttee an act relatng HAJEAAN GAZETTE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 189S. to dutes of rce presdent. He moved t take ts usual course. Carred. He also asked for farr tme for commttee on alcohol bll. Mr. Emmeluth sad he had been nformed that dfferent frms were wthdrawng large quanttes of alcohol from custom house. He wshed to nqure of mnster of fnance f he was rghtly nformed. Mnster Damon stated that he only knew of SO gallons whch had been wthdrawn ; ths was only return he bad receved thus far from custom house. Mr. Emmeluth sad he saw no reason for gvng commttee furr tme for manpulatng alcohol bll Mr. Brown enlaned that re j was uo manpulaton n matter. Persons nterested n matter had 55 rg,; 02 asked to ba allowed to be heard on Z r sde, and now lquor dealers asked same favor. A meetng rnd bn srransred wth m, to be held at hs offce nest Thursday after noon. He also sad that t took tme to reach se matters, as members of commttees could not be ex pected to neglect r prvate busness to attend to that of councls. Tme was granted. Mnster Damon sad he had an applcaton from collector-genera- l askng that more guards be added to present force, whch was nsuffcent. He read applcaton as follows: FNANCE DEPAKTJENT. BUKEATJ OF CUSTOMS, JdONOLTTLTJ, JU.. 1. August 14, 1S9G. J S. M. Damon, Esq., Mnster of Fnance Provsonal Government, H.. Sr : beg to call your attenton to necessty of an ncreased force of custom house guards n order to reasonably execute legal dutes of ths department. Heretofore ths has been attempted by hrng extra guards from unemployed about town and au occasonal extraordnary number of arrvals at once wll sometmes contnue to make ths necessary. The effcency of servce however, n ts every feature, demands that a larger proporton of force be made permanent, consequently, subject to call and generally more relable. Wth such an addton as desre to our force beleve that any specal polcng of har bor by marshals department wll become unnecessary and be more effectvely done by customs offcers, as fallng more naturally wthn r specal lne of duty. The addtonal monthly allowance necessary of appropraton to accomplsh ths purpose s S3S0. The actual dsbursement would be somethng less as average monthly outlay for extra guards would be consderably reduced. trust government may see ts way clear to make ths appropraton. t s mpossble to execute clearly defned dutes of collector n statute, wth means now avalable. For remander of bennal perod, say seven months, at rate named, sum requred would be $2,660, or say n round numbers?2,s00. reman your obedent servant, James B. Castle, Collector General of Customs. ASSSTANT GUARDS, HONOLULU. Balance of Appropr SLO hm $ 3, Addtonal asked for,. 2, Xumber of vessels arrvng n Honolulu harbor, Jany 1st, to July 1st, 1S Number of vessels arrvng n Honolulu harbor, Jany 1st to July 1st, 126 Number of regularguards, Honolulu, Jany 1st to July 1st, 1S92.6 at J460 per month. Number of regularguards, Honolulu, Jany 1st to July 1st, 1S93...S at $520 per month. n submttng applcaton Mnster Damon stated that former collector-genera- l Lad spoken to hm prevously on same subject and had ponted ont that force as organzed was nsuffcent. On moton tho matter was referred to fnance commttee. Mr. Emmelnth sad he wshed to enqure wher a contract had been let by government for a pnmpng plant for Makk well. Mr. Kng sad that contract mentoned by Mr. Emmelnth had been gtet to Honolnln ron works for $000. The contract called for engne, pnmps and corrugated ron house. The government had a boler on hand. Mr. Emmeluth sad that reason he had made nqury was because as he understood t no contract for over 500 could be let wthout publcaton. He thought government should be very careful on ths pont. Mnster Damon sad Mr. Em meluth was perfectly rght. He explaned that n present case t seemed Honolulu ron works was only frm that could do work upon short notce and wthout delay. He had been down to see f Whtes foundry had started yet and had found t had cot. The present case was one where delay conld not be olnwoh nnrl tfo trnronmont xrnc forced to take acton. f re was any blame n toe matter ne would take hs share, but acton taken was necessary. Mr. A. Brown found t exceedngly dffcult n supplyng water demanded, and provson for future was necessary. Mr. Emmelnth held plan adopted was no; best. He thought steam pumpng plant should ba centrally located. Ths would gve better results wth less expense than could be got out of plant f placed at lstxa. f plant was placed at a ower-!ve- L pumps would act drectly on ppes. He stated se facts because he beleved n greatest good to greatest number "co-presden- t Hatch staled re was no queston before house. Mnster Damon asked, to bo al lowed to explan. Tho nteror and fnance departments were workng toger on a plan of economy. The fact was, Beretana street mans were only Jour nches, and elsewhere y were not over sx nches, whch precluded pumpng drectly nto m as y were too small. What was needed was larger mans ; n water can be forced through m drectly from tho pumps. Tho expense for ths would be larger than government conld at present bear Mr. Young sad he also wshed to explan hs connecton wth matter. The Makk well had already cost about 21,000. Ths new pump whch t was proposed to pnt n could be ruu er wth steam or water. There would be no necessty for usng steam except n dry wear. Most of year t could be run wth avalable water supply. As far as he was concerned, he bad taken contract, but f re was any dssatsfacton abont t he was perfectly wllng to throw up contract. Vce-fresde- Hatch agan remnded councls that re was no queston before house and matter was dropped. Frst readng of an act relatng to sales and leases of government lands at publc aucton, and passed to second readng. Attorney-Genera-l peddlers act bo taken np before blghtly amended Smth moved mltary bll. Carred. Secton 1 was lghtly amended, as was secton 2. The ttle and enactng clause passed and bll passed to second readng. The mltary bll was taken up on second readng. Attorney General Smth suggested that term "mltary force" bo sub sttuted for "mlta. So amended and passed as amended. he attorney-gener- al sad that Presdent Dole had suggested an amendment provdng that presdent can. f necessary, organze companes of sharp shooters. Secton 1 was amended to nclude suggestons, whch was passed as amended, Secton 2 was amended to conform wth Secton 1. No furr chango was made untl Secton 25 was reached, when attorney general moved that words advsory councl " bo strcken out of secton. Mr. Emmelnth sad ho thought words should be retaned. Mr. Young saw no reason for strkng out words. The amendment was lost. Mr. Emmelnth moved an amendment to secton "33 whch was lost. An amendment to same secton by attorney general to strke ont words "of whch s" was earned. Secton 50 was slghtly amended and passed. Attorney-Genera-l Smth sad Colonel Soper had suggested that courts of nqury be added to secton provdng for courts martal. The suggeston was not acted upon. Secton lrcas reconsdered and tho word "s" substtuted for "are". The secton was passed as amended. Mr. Emmelnth sad that whle outsde a few mnutes ago he had talked wth Colonel Soper, and that he thought courts of nqury were necessarv to routne work of dfferent companes. The ttle and enactng clause of bll passed. Un moton to pass beng put Vce-Presde-nt Hatch stated that twelve havng voted n affrmatve, or two-thrd- s of whole Dumber bll had passed by necessary majorty. On moton of Mr. Brown councls adjourned at 3:25 p. u. BENSON SMTH & GO JOBBNG AhT) MJLNTJFACTnlXG PHARMACSTS Sajr x rc trrc or CHEHCAL3. 333ru.ss, Medcnal Preparatons, PATENT MEDCNES AT THE JOWEST PRCES- - luul 113 FortStret. asa NOTCE. THE KOA FROM PAHAA te TOLCA50 HOUSE, Jcsowa as Peter Lees EoxCs a prnts road. Any one wltartotarel OTertke fame cctpaj $S0 toll, payable er at Yeeaso tosse or t ts Half-W-. :s tf PETEB ZEE- - Ssunrnrc SJuttfcj. The Lverpool and London and Globe ustsuhajstce co rrstacushfu psj Aet 40,000,000 Net ncame 9,079,000 C!lm rad C9.O0O TlM Klls jct Low or Dana oubalanc.lctntry.ssffrsllu, Dwclllnn and rnraltur, on tu mwlfvrorable teram Bshop fc Co. as. TRANS ATLANTC Fre nsurance Company, OF HASBUBG. Captal of Co. and tcsertc,rtcbs mrks 8.0,COO CapullrSc-nsnranceCoQpnlc- a ,101,630,000 Total Befcastaark 107,6SO,00g NORTH Fre GE RMAN nsurance Company, UJT UAJUJUKG. Captal of tae Ca. Reenre Bcch-taatt- t. 8,S.0X CapUlthclrRe-asnraoceCoarrc-. 35,000,000 Total BeleasurkH,K Tat nndmrnd, Central Actnuor tatatote two companes for Hawaan land, are prepad to nsure Baltdncs. Fnrntne, Merchandse and Prodnce, Maehnerr. Jte., also Sssar and Rce Mlls, and tomsd tho harbor, azalnjt loss or damage by flro. oa most fatorsble terms. H.HACKFELD A CO lr W.H. ECE, CSKTSEB or Fne Horses and Cattle troa Thoroughbred Standard bred Stallon, Xutvrood by Stutwood, Jr Norman Stallon Captan Grawl Natve bred Stallon..Boawell ALSO A CHOCE LOT 0?, Bulls, Cows and Calves N From tba Celebrated Balls Sussex. Hereford, Ayrshre & Durham 1 LOT or Fne Sae aej Carrage Horses FOS SALE. 2 rajes SXUSX HEREFORD BULLS FOR SALE Toursts and Kcarson Partes Josrng Sncle, Doable or Fonr-n-han- d Teams or Saddle Horses can be accommodated at W. H. Bces Lrery Stables. S3 AH communcatons to be addressed to XSB-l-v W.HJCE.Lhne.Kana. Metropoltan Market TC1a.gr Street. m Chocest Meats -F-KOM - Fnest Herds. G. J. WALLER, Prop, FAMLES AND SHPPNG SUPPUED 0WSHDRTN0T1CS AX AT THE Lowest Market Prces. ESfAl Meats delvered ttorn ths Jarketre thoroughly chlled mmedately after tllng bj means of a Patent Dry Alrlle-frgerato- r. Heat so treated retans all ts Jnley propertes, and la gnarantecd to keep longer after delvery than frehly-klledmea- t. 12S3q BEAVER SALOON H. J. NO-T- E, Propretor. Bess to announce to ht publc n general frends and Tbat he has opened above Saloon whore Refreshments frst-cla-ss wll be served from 3 a. n. tll 10 p. "m.. nnder mmedate supervson of a Compe- - ten(,ara uumm THE FTTEST GRADES OF Tobaccos, Cgars, Ppes and Smokers Sundres Chosen by a personal selecton from frst-cla- ss rassofactorfes, has been, obtaned, and wl be added to from tne to tme. One of Brcnwkt & Baltes Celebrated Bllard Tables o s conneetsd vrh establljhraenvwhere lrersof cne can partcpate USS c Wanted. NOYEB OF DEULEFT, (Drome). France, s wllns to supply all book and perodcals sened n Europe, n Englsh. French, German, PoTt3jrne, etc, post free at publshed prce, n exenanze aganst need oceanc statnru. po3t cards and stamped envelopes as per hs notce sent grats on demand lt brrgn StuTKrsrmrnte. tuxo. a. runtt. UAMLOHDK TE0. H. DAVES & C- O- COMMSSON MERCHANTS, 12 & 13 The Albanv, LrvKnpooL. lusejj Only "Pebble" Establshment Mulers Optcal Depot 133 lontraorj m., near Hash.! F. ; tsspoclalty 30 Yoars. s The most complcated caes or deftctn. rslon CAKQK uuwc; taojca ltsc Ve uroersdjr man or express attended to, prompo Aatlcmatle Lenses order at tno lonntc hoars notce t NSURANCE Theo. H. Daves & Co.. AGENTS FOR FRE, LFE and MARNE. NSURANCE Norrn Assurance Ca Of London for FRE & LFE. ESTABLSHED ACCUMULATED FUNDS 3,975,000 BRTSH AND FOREGN Marne nsurance Co.d Of Lverpool for MARNE. CAPTAL , Reducton of Rates mmedate Payment of Clams THEO. H. DAVES MARNE ly- - & CO., Agents NSURANCE The ondersencu a antbonml n tke.nrne lsfts on HULLS, G.V1SGOE8, FREGHTS and COMlSO.V:?, At Carrent Kate m tbe follownc Com. pones, vz Unon Fre and Marne, New-Zealanof WlhelmaofMadgeburg Genl. ns. Co-Su- nsurance Co., San Francsco. JOHNS. WALKER, JS5J AtJornfHanln3. l ABBC1 UCE.7 11 Fre nsurance Company. The undcstened havng been sddoltted Ajcnts of abo Compsnr. ropr. pared to s??,3r,?,$aka,ntfcc.0.n,. "v"11 on "Mcmnuw stored e most faroraolc terms. Forpar- - uccsrs vj ne offlco of P. A. SCJAEFEfc & CO 1358 ly Marno nsurance Company, 11ERLN a?1 O H. T" XT 3XT.a. Conoral nsuranco Company, " OF BEMN- - Ths above nsurance Companes 1.!hej,.0ener?.As",cr nateestab xljrned. nere.andtbe General Agents, tnder aro authorzed to take,.u.,.skasrlslu,0l,"beoeses n Host Reasonable RatM.nml on ltost Favorable Terms. K891yP.A. SCHAEFEB ACQ.. General Agts 6ENERAL NSURANCE COMPANY For Sea, Kvort Land Transport OF DHESDEK lavtcs establshed an Ascncy at Honolulu fo Hawaan.lands tbe nndersjrced Agents, are Genera aatbotlzcd to talc "RVUlb wnlnzt tho Sanger of tho Soaj at THE MostHea-onaM- Rates, and on te Most Favorable Term. F.A.hCHAEFER A CO. ys6tf Agetfor llnalr,lllml. NORTH BRTSH AND MERCANTLE nsurance Company. Toraz. Assets at 31bt Decexbeb, 1b;, ll,ut,3l s. d. Captal..3,000,000 g. d. Pad-u- p Captal. 637JCO 0 t S FreFonds 8,678, Annuty Funds 7,771, ,141,231 l 1 Revenne Fre Cranch,577,2rs ltcvenne Lfe and Annuty Branches,3t8,7!e , The accnmnlated Fnnds of Departments Fre and Lfe are free from lablty n respect of each or. ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO..!Uy Agents for tbe Hawaan slands HE llancl MM OF A. JAEGER. Jo.nKahnmana Street Honolula HAMBUBG-MAGDEBUR- G FRE NSURANCE CO. of Hamburg, Germany. LON FERE NSURANCE CO. of London, England. ORENT NSURANCE CO. of Hartford. Conn. NATONAL ftre NSURANCE CO. of Hartford, Conn. l ll y - m jmmnm 1LJL2L BffggHagaBHgBgjLasB

11 f r BLffl JEN WE6 SAVE 3h 5HSRE TESTFT fo TtE FASTS. arcrs Threatened and Sror Dsh s fry rtj cnas. ah- - T Uk; an tnwn n llsteml. The case of Bbel brought by "Captaa" Fergasea aganst-th- e edtor of Abvebxeer esme up Frday mornng n Dstrct Cocru Judge Robertson read a decson overrulng moton for dscharge of defendant. Me. JohSTOXE sworn: Have no power to stop publcaton of Advertser; lave no eontrol over ts publcaton; nobody nterferes Kth me n dscharjrng my edtoral dutes: had a conversaton wth F erg-uso- a; told hm that as consdered all saeh artcles mght be untrue, had nssted that t shoald be nserted over name of wrter; after talkng wth Cloys, had decded he was a responsble person; Captan Ferguson, n repeatng conversaton, had left oat auxlary verb mght. Have charge o newspaper department; order n or oat all matter for publcaton: nobody has ever nterfered wth me: generally revse artcles and read proof; sometmes se latter are read by reporter or foreman. Ee-dre- et examnaton: Mr. Wht-ne- v s ultmate authorty; whenever have doubts consult wth hm: he has ultmate authorty as to publcaton of paper. Aoe Clots, sworn: Have been stavng at St, Lous lodgng-hocs- e. "When returned, on August 12th, heard Paul Neumann and Charles Creghtoa had made nqury for me as a Portuguese. had been oat beyee rdng. am an Amer can, born n. L tan; went to ucae-ma- a n 1SSS; peddled goods re; have traveled over country; was n country three years; found lots of swamps and fever re; have had fever myself; fever s called mora "fever, Guatemala planters have fever. Jcdge BoBEETSOJr ordered wtness to testfy to any faets be had heard concernng " country from planters. Cloys, (contnung,: All Europeans are subject to fever and do not stand t as well as natves; saw r houses on one plantaton; used corrugated ron roofs; t rans heavly re; some houses are wooden below roof; wnd can blow through m, laborers sleep on mats; eat beans and dred salt meat; re are lunas or captans; y go armed as all n authorty do; was n San Jose when South Sea slanders arrved; y looked a curous lot; auy one who can afford t carres a revolver; t s custom; re are few Chnese n Guatemala cty; ndans work but wll not work under contract; plantaton hands eat cakes, beans and dred beef; have rdden through swamps, my mule would snk to grth; money re s poco tempo dollars and or foregn cons are n crculaton; dollars were worth 30 to S5 cents when Xwas re; natve ndans do not lke to contract; xn tract laborers are scarce but desred: sometmes volence and force s used n makng m work, y are threatened y wll be shot f y dontworkr "have beard such threats made when was peddlng among m: y hate Grngos Amercans; had seen natves threatened to be shot: contract laborer told me fellow who threatened to shoot hm would do so wtoout much provocaton f he ddnt go to work; have no personal malce n makng my statements: t was common remark n San Jose "re goes fellow who traffcs n human flesh." Arrved here n mddle of fay: was here year before, j June: was here three months; bad no occupaton, but pad for all got: worked three days on Dscoverv for a salor; resded at Fowlers" Yard: left on Brtsh shp Palmas for Port Townsend: went from re to Portland, Oregon; nce to San Francsco; returned to Guatemala n latter part of SO came np on steamer Colma; was bound for San FraneLeo; spent Chrstmas lay at sea. ths was after we left Panama: was ashore two or three hours at San Jose; had lved re before from 1SVT to 1SS0 or reabouts; was At San Jose when eamer 3ooserrat arrved. To Judge Robertson: lade trp n Colma n f sad San Juan meant steamercoma. Cross-examnat- contnued: Conversed wth people who were dschargng south sea slanders; never saw m on plantatons; ndans sgn for a month only; only one whom talked to about t was she contract laborer who told me ona would shoot hm: plantatons were twenty to thrty mles nlnnt; sleptjon a mat wth thrty laborers: never saw anybody shot by lunas; elmate s warmer than here: have eaten beans and beef wth laborers; do not know f plantatons gave out ratons; Moner-ra- t was at anchor when landng was made; Austran dock laborers told me blackbrds were lookng out for boas who brourht m nto trouble dont know" f Ferguson saw m; he told me y were lookng for boss and that t would go hard wth hm f v found hm: manv ors thought same; have worked ; at Chnese atre; was on Mau; attempted to run a roulette game j re: was arrested but not fned; had! a smlar rame n Guatemala: two na tve polcemen arrested me; dd not have enough, monev to offer kanakas; nobody asked me to wrte letter to Advertser. To Jctjge Kobkrtsos: made two trps to San Jose la Palmas and Colma. A. J. Atersox, sworn: Have been n Guatemala; been re at dfferent tme?; am acquanted wth country; was n Keathuallo and Guatemala n lass March; am a machnst; know country; re are low and hgh lands; re s plenty of swampy land; traveled through "swamps for thrty-tw-o leagues; took me sxteen days; gude sad road would get better, but t got worse; much fever re; have had t; was thankful to get out alve; have vsted plantatons; some houses are but four posts wth straw roofs; some are adobe; some are corrugated ron; some are 3(X feet long; one buldng had 15ft men sleepng on a floor; re were no bunks nor parttons; corrugated ron s used all over country, some have wooden bunks; some parts of country are all rght; or parts are not "two feet over sea level; have seen food; bare corn cakes and dred meat ; have eaten beans and dred beef, and was glad to get m; y have nothng else to eat n that country; rule s for lunas and ors n authorty to carry revolvers n that eountfv ; v "carrv also belts of ammunton; have seen revolvers used n dsturbances; have seen lunas shoot laborers n legs to stop a row; y generally carry a revolver and a long Knfe ; all carry knves to protect mselves ; poco tempo dollars are worth from 40 to 52 cents ; or cons are used, and paper also ; have seen gold ; customary con s slver and paper. Cross-examn- : do not know alttude of Santa Anna plantaton, but can gve lattude ; thnk t s 3J0O feet hgh ; left re n last March ; was re two months ; was re before n 1SS3 ; do not know f all laborers are contracted; re are Chnese laborers at Guatemala. Ben Masox sworn: Have been n Guatemala; have been re twce; was re seven months ago last; frst tme had shaggers fever; worked on a ralway; have been n Honolulu off and on thrteen years, and eght dfferent tmes; was n Guatemala from May to October last tme ; have traveled re ; was re when Monserratt arrved at San Jose; coflee grows from about 3W to : feet elevaton; re were some 4J0 blackbrds on Monserratt; ftted out engne that took m away; last October ftted out a coffee mll at an elevaton of less than 1500 feet: laborers are mostly ndans; plantatons are owned mostly by foregners; lunas are a murderous, scoundrelly lot: have read statements of Cloys; some of laborers are hred by day and some are shpped; r ratons are corn and beef; houses are of corrugated ron and adobe and ron, lumber and ron, and adobe wth grass roofs; sleepy act was where luna pretended to be asleep; sometmes he would drop hs face n hs hands and watch laborers through hs fngers: f y tred to escape luna woald rase hs gun and fre upon m; naton o country was a bloodthrsty race; he descrbed savage bowlngs of people at a bull fght; more blood spurted more y howled; swamps are mostly on Atlantc sde. n: The last tme was re worked four and one-ha- lf months; ftted up engne 2fo.5 to carry Monserratt blackbrds nland; ft was supposed y were to go to work at Lvngstone, on ralway beng constructed by government; saw m; have seen contract laborers after y had been shot bv lunas, and nave seen dead bodes when stll warm; have seen fve that were blled wthn seven months; saw m at Keathuallo, twenty-fv- e mles nland; saw three of m that were klled n one day; se men were klled at dfferent plantatons near Beathuallo n last September; Henry Hart s manager of a plantaton, and was one of men who employs contract laborers; put up a mll at Beathuallo; plantatons surround town; t was sad blackbrds were to go to work at Lvngstone: dont know that y were employed at all; contract laborers are such as are hred from government, ors were ndans; y are generally contracted for three or four months: "re are thrty or more plantatons wthn fve mles of Beathuallo: know where Unon saloon s: have been re; (to Mr. Neumann, you have been re; we have all been re; know 3r. Bobert French; was reon August loth; dd not tell French that t was a matter of dollars and cents wth me to hush me up on ths matter. Be drect examnaton: Dd not know was to be a wtness; was spoken to by a German; hs name was Von somethng: do not remember t now; met hnfon street; saw Mr. Johnstone afterwards; he asked me to be ntervewed for Advertser. H. ClAEKSoy Cloud, sworn for prosecuton n rebuttal; was at Guatemala frjm 1SS4 to 1SS; have been through all country; am a coffee specalst; was employed on three plantatons : was n banana busness prevously; coffee for export grows at 1500 feet elevaton; coffee grows at a lower level for home consumpton; perhaps re are not more than 50) bags rased on lower levels; swampy lands le on coast; have vsted at least ffty plantatons ; re are 150 to 200 plantatons; swampy landsare near coast ; a lagoon backs np near San Jose; re are twenty-fv- e mles of forest back of t; frut of country s shpped to Xew Orleans; re s no coffee on Atlantc sde; ndan labor s used on plantatons ; do not thnk v are contract laborers; re s no dependng on labor re; best people eat food of country, but best people do not lve n country; y are educated abroad - have never seen anybody armed re ; revolvers cost too much for m to buz; a revolver costs S30; re s a heavy penalty for carryng arms; never heard of anybody beng klled except " Mf vwn(jjsjpp dajfauas uasrx rau.r, AUGtOST 32 8a5 n one case, where a woman was at bottom of trouble ; natves would be a dangerous people to deal wth; 1 was not allowed to take a gun nto country; never saw any corrugated ron houses for laborers; understand y are treated better than n Hawa, where y do lve n barracks and are whpped wth black snake whps; have been n Beathuallo; re are no large plantatons re; t s a plantaton depot for dstrct above; re s gold n Guatemala, but t s scarce and s worth 163 to 1T0 premnm; fevers are called under a general name, but are confned to coast. n: arrved n Honolulu on July 23; Hoogs of Advertser told me y used black snakes n Hawa on laborers (laughter; a crngo s an Amercan; frearms are prohbted; dd not know Prof. W. T. Brghan, but knew hs son; lam not engaged n busness here; am here for my health; am not nfatuated wth ths country CaftaxFekgcsox, recalled: Have heard Cloys testmony; was on steamer Monserratt when " frst lzhter went ashore; went ashore n last lghter; met government offcers at wharf; famles of South Sea slanders were not separated; went wth m to plantatons; saw rn afterwards; never heard of any trouble. Produced hs credentals from Guatemala government to act as labor agent. Me. Habtwell submtted no malce had been shown. That edtor of Advertser had used usual precautons n acceptng and publshng artcle complaned of. He held re was nothng lbelous n artcle per se. The testmony as to condtons exstng n Guatemala was affrmatve, testmony of prosecuton was negatve. The carryng of revolvers and knves had been proved, toger wth shootng of laborers. The rest of artcle was matter of opnon. f Captan Ferguson was tender on se ponts, he was exceedngly senstve. Captan Ferguson had not refuted Cloys statements nor those of wtnesses. Bead law of lbel, and ponted out that re was no drect tendency of alleged artcle to lbel. Mr. Cbeghtos held that queston to be decded was wher re was suffcent probable cause to hold Mr. Johnstone for a jury tral. He submtted re was more than probable cause. Bead and commented on artcle publshed n Advertser. Held that Cloys testmony was unrelable. Judge Bobektsox held that untl allegatons of artcle were proved to be true, re was cause for a lbel, and refore held defendant for tral before crcut court. SALORS CONCERT. A large and enthusastc audence attended complmentary concert tendered salors of U. S. S. Boston and Adams at Y. M. C. A. hall Thursday. Secretary Corbett, of assocaton, offcated n a very satsfactory manner, beng ably asssted by Mr. H. F. Wcbman. The entertanment opened wth a pano solo by Mss Castle, whch was executed n such a manner as to mert hearty applause. Mr. Wakefeld followed wth a song from one of popular operas. Mr. Wakefeld was n excellent voce, and added to hs already excellent reputaton as a snger. The club swngng of Prof. Tuney was one of most nterestng features of evenngs entertanment and deservng of specal menton. The voln solo by Mr. Posen, and Eong by Mss Glade, were both well rendered and encored. The flute solo by Mr. L. Barsott was especally well rendered and also receved an encore. The entertanment was concluded wth several sonjrs by a quartette of colored salors, whch caused no end of good-nature- d amusement to those present. After programme had been concluded, refreshments, consstng of ce cream and cake, were served to salors and ors present..captan Xelson of Adams, and several offcers of both Boston and Adams, graced occason by r presence. Taken as a whole, entertanment proved to be one of most pleasant ever gven n ths cty. Goes to Hawa. Mr. Curts P. aukes, commssoner of crown lands, ntends to leave by next trp of steamer Knau to take up leases for Puukapu homesteads, lad out at Wamea, Hawa. Twenty-nn- e applcants have appled for ffty-thre- e lots offered by government. Durng h3 tro. Mr. aukea wll execute and delver leases, and wll dstrbute a quantty of seeds furnshed by bureau of agrculture and forestry. These wll be apportoned among homesteadera mentoned.. - Wll Tench at Kamehameha School. Mr. Kannha, young Hawaan who recently graduated from Hampton nsttute, under late Gen. S. C. Armstrong, and who lately took a course n talorng at WanamakerTs great establshment n Phladelpha, Penn., has been apponted a teacher at Kame-mehame- ha school, to nstruct young Hawaans n sewng. He wll also be talor of school. C0EKE3P0NDENCE. HANALE ROAD BOARD. A Resdent tot Kaua Reples to Complants Made. Mk. Edtor : Permt mo to reply on behalf of Hanale road board to complants made recently n papers, by & stranger evdently. The frst complant was concernng lttle amount of actual Work on roads done by road board. As a resdent of ths dstrct, have not seen roads n better condton for past ffteen years. The amounts expended on roads are nothng n comparson wth actual work done, as wtness roads today. The road board exsts as an ndependent board for beneft of government and taxpayers. The roads are beng kept n good condton for 25 per cent, of what t formerly cost government on such works, and wth better results. The road board goes out and personally examnes knd of work beng done on roads by men, and f not satsfed, pont out places carelessly done by m. The evls of a former road board now reman as a standng monument to travelers. The present board s composed of better men. The secdnd complant was concernng scows used n conveyng passengers to and fro on Kalhwa, Hanale and Lumaha streams. These scows have been leased to hghest bdders at publc aucton. The road board have only usage of former vears. t s true that former road board made scows free to travelers who used m n daytme, but present board have found that unworkable, as appropraton for that work s nearly exhausted. After several months tral of free use of scows, present road board decded to leaee m to hghest bdder as only means of gettng out of a pendng trouble, as y were short of funds and money was needed n road repar ng, lhe rates of fare for use of scow for each ndvdual each way s 21c, horses 5c, brake 15c, wagon 25c, and bullock cart 50c. The fares are doubled at nght. Clergymen, judges and polcemen are exempt from payng fares by order of road board. The rates of fare at Walua stream are double rates of scows at Kalhwa, Hanale, and Lumaha 6treams. The complanant says that daly earnngs of se scows are n neghborhood of 15. f he pays me $15 a week shall let hm have lease of scows untl present lease expres. Lusaa. Honolulu, August 13, 1S93. LETTER FROM MR. P. C. JONES. He Takes Occason to Correct Certan Statements Made n Star. Mk. Edtor : n Star of ths evenng appears an artcle n whch my name 3 used, but for whch am n no way responsble. The statements made n ths artcle are unknd and untrue, and feel compelled to make a reply, not for my own sake, but for sake of Messrs. W. G. rwn Jc Co. The stockholders of Recprocty Sugar Co. have employed me to arrange ts affare, and have had several ntervews wth Mr. rwn, all of whch have been of a very pleasant nature, and he ha3 made some exceedngly lberal offers n order to arrange a settlement of ths account one of whch was to wpe out 250,000 of amount due hs frm, rar than resort to a foreclosure of account. f reportera would submt r wrtngs to partes nterested before publshng m, a great deal that s now wrtten would be left unpublshed and much trouble would be avoded reby. P. C. JOSE3. Honolulu, Aug. 17, Letter From Mr. Von Topaz. Mr. Edtor: The artcle whch appeared n Bulletn of August 16, sgned "A True Russan," show3 that person knows nothng about Russa. The wrter of artcle should nqure at Russan consulate f he wshes to learn wher am a Russan or """ " not. was bom n SL Petersburg, and hs nformaton on Russan calvary shows that he must have got hs nformaton from some per son who knew as lttle of tho subject as he ovdontly does hmself. As to anv ttles or mv famlv bear, that s-no- of h3 busness and s not a raatterjfor publc dscusson. am not seekng a better poston, but am workng for 140 a month to secure, f possble, annexaton to tho Unted States. Ths beleve to bo a popular, just and worthy object, Smon von Tor.Jt. Honolulu, August 17, 1S93. LACROSSE CLUB. A Movement Beng naugurated to Form One Here. Secretary Corbett of Y. M. C. A., n conjuncton wth tho members of tho dfferent base ball clubs, are agtatng queston of organzng n lacrosse club n ths cty. Much encouragement has already been receved n ths drecton from number of persons who have been spoken to n regard to matter. Lacrosse s natonal game of Canada and s beng played to a consderable extent throughout tho Unted States, and s provng to be a very popular form of athletc recreaton. Secretary Corbett nforms tho Advertser that about?100 wll be requred to equp players wth stcks, etc., and that he ntends makng a canvass among busness men of cty and ask r toward ths end. The sum of $75 has already been collected, and t s to be hoped that remanng porton of desred sum wll be forthcomng at an early date. Mr. Corbett has consented to nstruct those who may desre to learn game of lacrosse free of charge. STEAMER WAMANALO. She Wll Lkely Prove to be a Total Wreck. The steamer Wananalo, owned by Captan C. Dudot, and commanded by hm, got aground at Keawanu, about four mles from Waalua on Wednesday nght. The vessel dd not have any cargo on board at tme of her groundng. The captan and hs crew made repeated attempts to float steamer, but y fnally gave that up as hopeless. Mr. Gaspar Slva, who keeps a store at Mokulea, about one mle from place where Wamanalo went ashore, telephoned at 5 oclock Thursday afternoon that Wamanalo was up hgh and dry and lyng on her beam ends at low tde. Mr. Slva also affrmed that he had saled a small schooner over spot where Wamanalo s now aground and crossed coral barrer all rght. He dd not deem that Wamanalo was n a very dangerous poston, and at tme Of telephonng he could not see anybody movng on board steamer and he supposed that y were down below. Captan Dudot went over to Waalua durng day and saw Dep-ut- v Sherff Amara. THE OLD HARTFORD. She May Come Here and Releve Boston. The Washngton Star of a late date says re s a probablty of old hstorc war shp beng reftted to go to Honolulu to releve Boston. Commodore Hch-bor- n says shp would be specally valuable n those parts of world where dockng facltes are few and co3tly. Her bottom s covered wth copper, and she would be able to stand long confnement n Pacfc watere wthout dockng. Ths qualty would make her a good shp to keep at a place lke Honolulu, and f commssoned she wll probably be sent to that mportant port. Death to Beetles. A gentleman n Honolulu, who has been greatly troubled wth carpenter beetles borng nto hs house, has dscovered an effectve remedy refor. He Eoaks cotton cloth plugs n a mxture of Par3 green, sugar and water, and plug3 up boles. The beetles eat plugs n makng ext or entrance, and de n attempt from effects of Pars green. The gentleman mentoned saya he destroyed 270 beetles n one day by ths method. The 25th batch of laborers for Hawa, who number 1750 (1400 men and 350 womed). wll proceed to that country er at end of next month or at begnnng of October. Japan paper. PACFC LNERS. Relatve Merts of Amercan and Englsh Ballt Vessels, Phlp Hchborn, naval constructor, has some nterestng thngs to say n North Amercan Revew about tho largo steamers that touch at Honolulu. Regardng tho Cty of Pekng, whch left ths port last Wednesday, he says she s a better and much more proftable steamer than tho Chna. Tho former was bult n Phladelpha n 1S74 and. latter n Glasgow n 18S9. Tho Cty of Pekng at 13 knots an hour wll consumo only GS ton3 of cool a day, whle tho Chna at tho same speed wll use up S tons. Tho mora modern bult Englsh boat s away behnd tho Amercan craft n pont of economy of fuel. Quotng Mr. Hchborns lnes s tho followng : "Takng a few nstances of well-know- n Amercan-bu-lt steamers, wo fnd Lousana, of 2340 tons, consumng only 34 tons at a speed of 14 knot3; Marposa, 315S tons, burnng 50 tons to make 1H knots, and tho San Pablo", 3119 tons, requrng only 35 tons at 13 knots, and 40 tons to make 14 knots. Then re s tho Australa, 2730 tons, a Brtsh steamer chartered for tho San Francsco and Melbourno route, orgnally ftted wth compound engnes, and wth a consumpton of 53 tons of coal, makng only 12 knots. n 1SS9 her engnes and bolers were removed, and new trple expanson engnes and bolers carryng 1G0 pounds, were bult n San Francsco and put n tho shp. Wth ths new machnery, she s now makng 14 knots on an expendture of only 37 tons. From se examples t would appear as f Amercan marne engne-bulder- s have a consderable share of knowledge of whch Scotch bulders clam a monopoly ; whle performance of old Cty of Pekng would ndcate that our marne engneers know more of economcs of steamshp performance than Clyde bulders." Communcated. Chnese by Pekng. Thrty-fv- e Chnese were landed from tho steamer Cty of Pekng last week. Tho customs authortes refused a landng to two Celestals, one of whch had a fraudulent return certfcate. The or one clamed to be a naturalzed Hawaan subject, and had naturalzaton papers n hs possesson whch were proven to belong to some or person. A wrt of habeas corpus was sworn out n order to get m ashore, but papers dd not arrve untl steamer had pulled away from dock. A small boat was procured and those connected wth matter rowed out to shp, but captan of steamer refused to delver up Chnamen, and as a consequence y are now on r way to San Francsco. An Aged New Yorker. Saturday, August 12, was annversary of Hon. S. N. Castles brth, when he was 85 years of age. The date was remembered by a few of hs many frends, among m Presdent Dole, who called to pay r respects to venerable patrarch, who s one of oldest foregners lvng on se slands. Mr. Castle came to Honolulu n 183G, as fnancal agent of Amercan Board, whch poston he flled for some twenty years, when he went nto busness wth late Amo3 S. Cooke, under tho frm name of Castle t Cooke, whsh has for Eome years been among leadng busness frms of ths cty engaged n mportaton of mer chandse and also as sugar factors. To Study at Chcago. Jno. K. Waamau, a graduate of Kamehameha school and son of Rev. J. Waamau, pastor of Kau-makap- l church, left for Chcago on steamer Australa. For several years past he has been an to Archtect C. B. Rpley. t was Waamau who made excellent drawog3 of new Salors home and new Masonc hall that were placed on exhbton here some tme ago. Mr. Waamau has gone to Far to study collectons of drawngs re by emnent archtects. He wll hn away four or fve months. t s understood that Mr. C. B. Rpley wll pay all hs expenses. The numerous credtors of Sam Parker have consented to a furr postponement untl next Thursday. f matters are not arranged satsfactorly by that tme, bankruptcy proceedngs wll be carred out. m A

12 "5 " - "W P. & Wr- -y ( "S.1?KP fs7" S!f HAWAMX GAZETTJB, TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 189S. 12 rocetg 3CAH. 5JLKV1WC xa arrve fctxa. taes wat leave tor SaxFrsc5eseK Jwfc? date. SB ttawwtaf 159S. Hats.1C. AT BWUKK we Sj&sFk&srecav FX.Sjj5SA35av AaaaeSa. Aasr 3! SCvfSt. raea. Vaa.. - Awaassam..Sst B n nt e- - v: Jfajajwa. Sa.S TT ama f! Y 1 B O:! - 5&L. Jfswvca. far vaar-coarv- ; COOT Sft2t Ott.J Assscrasa Octal AwaSzasx feSl?TC.. W E lomaaar Oe. Wacaawn. rtaa-cscra- r Xanpaea. Oct Xac- - 1 j Xawes. frwat Ta coamr..oecs MlfaK,,H7TtWy- T 1 lrarsl,.sl- ; XMm W aaawm. Sar Vac-n- e f VRawbat Vanr.. JDec.2 cosxref..jnesr. 2. Onsasar.. Be t CBassa 2ow. 2T AwscaSa. Bee ctot - SrJS Ofc M Afeaaea Dw t -c. HaJJWa. ar Von-CMT- Jfonreea. fcaaa Va ?a- -l fwynav. Dee2 GkyB&Mt. - Aastrafa &K.51 eaaver. Jaa-S-t. S.:wrlKJ ler. smal tr:.ac n T asaax- - aasac.rmw.! M t l flfmb sews-s- s W Jlx-aa-. 4 r:n bk atf SS a S s TsanjBaBSo a SMJat T S sx WesVB Jgaojwau t saaw jt a:r!..pgggjaajgjw. an jn " jats sjje a. a xjx rvk Ms mal Koea. a f 7 l y. j L KBT 0 rr s - m, n sjn T3t W l - K l s.a jf J.H M t..tg W J..& 3 U n. -. t mm XT k St.. 9S 1JS - JU-l-. C U JS rc! tlcufslt.ulllu: - - SsrtAc Ste. t f ra " rat s- -. A.KKT.VL5. MHM.X.A&U. SdvJtvrEtesNEsaK. SfkrSo lv4bfrae Sejfea. TWXSBXT. AC3 S. HasraS. SSqgtPaBp.t.Aaftrtn. t H ffs.t. Aap. W. Arakfcx afesbrt. CMter. Sf f? torn. Sbk M" MSxe. H,tw, fcws Sfcr SxMafzmt Safcfc. Tkcssslt. Ab. T. StBT P&F. Tl Ml tcm KojL FmT. Aa B. A ttera. :uh j. 3fc fa Mtea- - atmafc.tr r F han osr XS. McSttHg. twat Maefau. SmaT. Aae. 15. Stner r;. ChC-fra- Mae: sa Ha Scaar C K BUbop. UeCLMrc. troa Knr S3JHT- - Aacr 3. StarClaBW. Dtatt.froea Mauc SUbc TraJajd. Frweaaaa. from Saaa. aar Jaater Eacaa. frvna: SJfafcaaanbaaWrfa.! tkttrk MMBAT. Aac. dtatr J A (er ajm tax. Smr Jan XatM. EassaaK. tar Ha. cr MaftafL McGnaKr. Mr Maofcu. Scr Sn as SBsa. ac Sanbav Sear MmV Macm tor Ebb. Ttr-aA- Aac.. Ev KKf Ettaal.XacUaau tor Soar Fsaensea. BarKa3ku Gaaaau far Wafaaa C K Bfeanp. Le Obbw. far Saawa aaat FtbW Ssacr Cfeaahak. Dene;, tor Maa. Sbt ratob. Faata,hrr aa WzswoMT.Aar.to. Oc Astcrako. Eaotee.torSaa Frua BrtCSty Fetes, tor&aa FzaaaaMo. aar Vaatoae.. far Waatsae aaawaatea. Staar SaflgasJCa m n t. tor Mant aaat Ea kr Marr E Faster tor Star XjaaaezB tor Wa Sear malmar tar 5na. T3.T. Aar. T. atarjanae3tatoje,e ton f torsapag. 5r Ea. Mat tor Laaoaaa. Fzsztx. Aaac. s. scaxr Mhraw Cfcasef. tor Maa am Hanros ab. Aac.. Amass fr 5 Cede. Ha. tor Sue Br fct 2Soak: a. Aaatenac far CSS Bascaa. Dar. crsee C S s Altrss. 2fefeures nguau. Br sc Sa t Yrw-n-, OerbGeoS waeax. ffaten. lrwpoat. Br bt jdtbtc, WaVrsss. LrerpsaL Br st P2tssck. Eal. SVxxxarfe. X S W. ArafetAJfcer:,Grtr.tE Frzaaaes. As 6 Alex McSeB. aas. Br sfc TdccT. Martae. Hscrfaaae. t bfcsc AB. TtoepsBBu Sa Fra m kkt " Cdr. Pact Ttreewl e Hafcyec. Sace. rsreta. rxrsxgs VKSSXs ecpcted. m r Cs. a l!f PJajgr fc?farsrada7x..bscag...dee5s AssefcrABaCsofeE-PcaetSan- a AazS ArsbfeArseSs. PcstSaaarf Aaar AfeDee&....SaaaBaxAaeaVl CASSMaera....Voeaarrer-Aa- g; S BJSMa3ff5ra..JSF.. -. AsS AsSfsKscaerr. JSF...AcsS AssscEobertLeversS F.Aag S AtbtEa S?.. AsgK As ssgvvscr. 5?F As tat J P SffcS S F tksv HAW&Lea - SF.... PJSSCt..- - SF.... OJtOSS0ceae.. JSF AbAXaB...ST. Aat fet lrnn Larsaa 1M.Acr AsxSS..Oct T Ay21 Ax2S Aasrat Ac VS 3fcs A K. "Wr. J&s 3tsv Wr. WBbtaJB a4 Aa4r? Wr. K Reoc and rhkmn. Sslwc. But Mr "" K Kofw. Xr Sranc FnaHre JHarfMdrtfc. Master HM. PrJB Ss v. M H BsoSdc. Xsf Jurats tee. J EJwc, "WTXcsr. Yara ChoK. H C HaHty. "W Hoettater. C lxje. an5. S3 oc tcu rrcm hwutamjc aat Ysfcofcam. per S CKT ec Fwaff. Abk 15 3ss t A foec. C Hec. aw 5Japfcad Bc&2Baas, 3ta.c 1.TW. Uaat Coa. K K, J &Se. Xr JL Jt Brec-soaa- sd ckrw ebddns. to ftndte teral C Vx Afc Oftea. A Slecfcaoa. Umt EbkwW. X. E&v Wersrt. r 6bre: K X. Let aarr. RS.T Stocst. fruakapa. jerjcu Xa Anp VS Wat Bfasett. Freer 2rfc-rcfe- r KScrea. Aug 15 Ms Capt P Eaee ao42 cares. From. HTot aat XttL pr Koss. As-1- Vetes- - lrwafc!a- - Jbs WaSeSek. J G ToaTetJ- - J K F Voc de Fcae.FB Oot.GjSBafc& osdxfe. E&awT poets- - EGHKfcaxt aanwe,. lsaee 1. WTaaraae. Dr 2. llwre. lss HtSe Etcco. B E Scfccfcrr,. Hs L Xa&. F t Vats. K Fcttts. George Va ttoat.t llct. TEn.mroK.EF Lua. S: VascOsKMS Crape Otsorw. "VR La J. Horard, C F forcer aad ve. Mrs WJ Lor. chbdrea asl srnn:, nd fsj eck pashjcers. rroc KoofcL per strar los. As? S Mrs J FBrowsaad 2 chwrec. Dr M 6u. Wc SCatfc. Jr. ara 12 oc ;. Frse MB. per sear CUoaw. Aas SMrs PSeree. A J(m, J Mcot. O Voba, Xbs Lr. MssSareesoe. D S Eatrsr. tewrs. Eer "Wa Krr J Otrrxfotm. Mss Panale-.Jfc- s Sj ftjnfrraln J H Loarrr aod rfe. "W Cotrle. A Sms. M fdfey. Mbs tawea. Dr Manors. Mr Koafa.. and 36 4ect paogers. Kaa.prtrxaLn. Ang A) Cass C J Osauofel. Mss ymemsmn Mfes Xas&raw.Go AWd. TVeo Watf. Gaes Wares. MrZoef. K AWx Mttotr DrSttxr. Mrs f? Bad wn and a. Dr Lacr. Mr BraaAst. Capt H E Berry.C Fofter. F Flofer. Mr Kanfeo. t ChEtfc. ama a kl Front KBa. wrstntr Jas Xb?. A 3 J PSaTra-aaoartf- c. For Sasa. per star Jaa Mak, Aac U Mrs A K. "Wer. Mss Mt Wer, Wa&c aa Anrr?r Wxr, er Alex Mac- - taaoeb. Tto WaeC an 5o cbtr. FcMotoka.FrHMrM.koHuAael5 Mrs W C Me jr. ad 15 oo ekc. FrwaSuFnseseo.Erat K P EStfcet. Aar; S D Caog-se-. Far Eaaa. fer sr;: nraa. As? 15 P K sesfcr?. Mrs J Kw.ffg Twbm Kaff. F E Kssfcaja. Mr Sztx. Sazo. Of Ca2BfeL aa 2S e decs. Far M2e per str CSosaSme. Aug: lamrs E A PCarser.Mfes Orratt. Bar "Wra Earfsr. C B Weft aal daughter. Mrs G t Desba.- - PWaVfer Bro MarQs. Bra An-Aa-. Mrs B rt. Mks B Corr.-s-tU-. Mss Mrs Vac TeapeSv. Mrs J E Waeaaose. Mrs Ets-Hbhw.- E KoJ C H Waae. K rjerrncff. am 3$ oc Far Sob. Fr frgeo. per OSS AcstraK. AocK-Ge- os Waterfesos. Barry Wat-&eas- e. KerEPBasr. H S Tregwon. Gc C Bee&er.?a aj&d sec. X D Glrru: aad TaV.CYomcS-r?-. CEocsraru.G p Wtfder aa-stfe-. Mks E Wooer, Mss Lata WQfcr. Ms A K Laxs. Fraat L Eoocr. Me A West. Jmlr Wa Foster. T Lewr. Mr Baa-wy.- P Harrs. wfe aarfcastf. J Pve&erx. MrsWBAst. EP BWdBff. LKPowel, Mrs L C0&. P M Whte aad wfe, J K Vuuue. Mrs Baecaeoo. J C Straw. E A Wdsr. G S Tkra. W W jo.4r. Cape J 6 HtrtuMft, W L Cot:r. Mrs J J Lan-jc- x. E E Seated. J no Hnd, lfe and efc&. CGsbb. DrBDBoedxoelTfe, W ESefcrat. J G Waabe. SEhrBefe.MrsT K Jaar. Mrs 3reexo& acd eaed. B Bfcaeaar. Mss Wesf,CL Wfeat. W Ottataa:. G E Freaefe.T Jeakne, 6 Saataw ao Tfc O GHterr.E T Waasr.G C Gates. C A Wafers, and 34 otasrs. twlama; 11 PocsssMse. Far Sas. Fraaofeasr S S Cty Pe&Br. AnxlS A P Bapcr. P McGregor Graac CW WEEaftV t- - Bev T W Power, E W Safer, and 3 Japaaeseca aerace. aad MS pesseagsrs m traastt. FBrSraaaErag, er stnsr Haeo. AagM Mrs Cast ZF Caaceroa. Xraod Mrs Wbbe. larevb aad Mas. sr stcxr Mka-ao- b. Aac S Maaa "VEzTaaa. E La-s- MsBWGmeer.Maees Maaekns. Eoecr Kaar. G GaaHaa mt ste. Mrs Tee am ca3 aad aboar oaaeck. For Saa Fnaeao. fr bb S " Castle, Aaa:l-M- rs A as Brsttevale araefefl-drc- a. E L Gren, Mrs 6 J Lssss, Mrs J W Bofcertsoc xad 1 ea3dres. Charles OOnew. EPOES. For ;aa 1 raacee. xrsp Ekaet. An? l- -C 3rearer Co. l bas? sosar ; Cfcsde C5sofc5. s3 ba3s sjunr :? A Sehaefer Co. ar bazs sops Tbeo H Dartts A Co. Bacsssar. Total. SJU baas l52b.-7wefc)sp- r. duaksta; Tatee,?!!)rj. Far Sea Fnnrrao. per S S AojtrzSs. Aasr K Wat G nrat Co. 25 baaa sacax: FP Porter. S3J;rrten. BKes.TTdeer ajcaasaatt twpmtjtas: bszcaobf Co, r)aac3rjee ajrflas beess bananas : Geo Ljtaraa. 3S4 beeas bosaazs and la pes aaaeamfes- - McC&esaey A Soas. H baza tls?lfbs)eaaee: MSGraeoaa A Co.6&) sasrze; M PraSps A Co. t bnjzs rce; Jaa EMreH, ee pes seapcees ; Jao S&av. 3K ota aozaau; Geasarres. Co. S brfrr hmttn; tassdeb. Marsaal Jt Co. SXObceas konaaas; W Ceeta. S bac&s Borazas. Daaoesr ntee. VASGl : forega rstae.ms. For&o. Fraaesco. perssccsxle. Acs; W G rjrfa.a Ca, 6 aa?s (SBJJ uxa r. t & trrasoea z u, au Bops rxe. tot raaastaa uj. pen prmaa? : Jaste De(. 22 eaptjbeerttg. - Tala. 63 : fawj; Txlse. HTX. BO TS. EAPCLOr - At Hacfca MaKraKy Eeeae, Aagnse 15. lsk, to tse a f E. r, Trjwfww a. sec KEAEEfn At KajaVaa Eaoe. Asrax S. 123S. to tae arfe of S haa.asac MBESBEBG At Kcootec AsgBK L, ta8. t&e e of aaaz Merskerr. a (faacwr TtAKErED. F A EllXte EBFE rt A &DT la rrr f Su r J FKacr-M- o. ta! HjJu. Eexhttr. Err. S. EL Bataop amenrrag. DED. SEA At Tjfrof. "jn. Aczcst s. SO, (be tafsa: toa of Mr. araf Mr G. Sen. a ntrr ot EoossSt. RANFALL FOR JULY. 1S93. Frwo Keorte s "WeatKr- Servkv.) Her. Sfetoa- - Fpet. ccaes. AYtakea 7.17 Hto Tovra- -. Pepeekeo JS Hoaoc:s.. 0 sua; HOBCZUB. SCO a74 HoSau. axj 61 m 7. UOS&K 4W 3.62 Kufcuau. 230 sr. Baato Baauhatt. SCO 2.SS PBhan a 2.W Hctoka&. 4CO S1 Kakmfeaefe TAV 4.01 Koha Koaa lsso: 55S 40 AVaEe Klsa S Laks. ax 6.46 KeakekBa. oso 120 CaleU Pntwfct- - 11C OS3 S47U Ofca Kapobo 0 S.5t TA-U- Kahalt "Wakaca 1 6C0 a60 Kola 4 L Haleaksla Knt-h.-.. 2CC0 0.6U Kaanapal l 1.01 MOLOKA Mapaleha - 7 LSO AXA, Korfe L 16CO 0.45 Oahc PaaaKH Honolulu (Ctv) KorSt. (KevnaloJ Kaplolanl Park Tatafe : Tanoa fvalele CO 1.03 nsane Asvaa Pawn 50 0.S1 Xaoanu k 25Q 24 XaaaoaCEfecStB) AhBraaao S Kahaku Waaaae S 0.W Ewa Pfaatatkm J Katat ahae 20 e.ll Kbea 3S 2.69 Haaelet 24 Makawel Haamaslu- - 0.&) otokoa. 30) 1.40 C J. lyos, n cbanje of Wear Bareau. MErrEOL"XHCA EEC0S3 FOS JHLV FroB Obnrttloa 3ae 3t Ualn College bjr lrof A. t. Lroa. rcm2ab2e or ts. Hesrs at Z 5m- - Vhtbt. SUstnss. ATer. l - - -, TFjtJsylJ 8T.JoJy T Tl CUOex SSJ J.tj W Jaj-S- S30 SJU f. - ZSJt tnlr SO 7SJS Jzlr T XSL9 ATease WJlr T. Jalr T tls Dew ;c3st UTaj sc zazh. H." gzotaj per ewjmc Smat. Brr jct ts C (T as Sth. Bev-pon-t arrest d" on tesb. BetrTa hramtty at crkdt fb ;er ceat. BxTc ha fftyta sght 7t pr l Total nf-h- CtS fclcm. XTfffg rattftfl n we gay. At aa: afat. Sfe. tzztzg JC ta. fell ealtdajs s. raosth. Ta&t wnd esstncgu thrsac. seath. Buntxr-Erfzaa- tftt.llthlhr 59tk SazwasefT ta tte Sth. Tsa. ar2 tt. KaaKkrxs. (caeaxxrab Kt&tsv.. Saass of Obsem- - ff. OaBKa. ATer. tes. JJJ a. at M Jsly 11 3nj? tly F 2SB BB s.s. Jttlr yjr Jrr H XUS 3S.J JaJj- - Zl 3M3 Jalj- - S ZBJOZ ClamHnwt ta ths &xt Use. S percent, ntaeaaeenee efrrsf. A.F. LyozJ. hare xst are fsmdafced traa th& svtcrsent o6eer-t&-nj y C.X..TOS3, For Sleeplessness te Hontard Acd Fboplute. Dr.C-E- - Dae.BettsTHe, 111, says: " hare- fjurrrrt t. and t alose, to fce capable of pcarsong a sxeet and satsral sleep s asea of asaoess front orerrork of bran. 9hdh so oftec cccnrs c actts professonal ssd bgstfss Etsn. 3rortsagee- - Xotce of Fore-closnr- e. T2" ACCORDANCE WTH THE JL rcmtmz ac acerots aorerue srte ay WXAM S. SMTH & Hewcy nuh. Trutee. facerf. Aasst ttk. KK. ttotcta Lter K.pa aa, artcee tf hereof nxes that sucenxree rarearff to free tbe sat ce ceerltaa rohes, ta-z- t: ec ateesf. - stt B bevse nren that after cryra-acs- af three weesafrsa due of ths aadee. dm peeoeny ownejed ay am avxkx wn fee xrertseel for lale at pable aaetus, at aacrae rsora of P. Jferjas. s Haso-s- s, as XOSDAT. ltfc day of Seoteatxr, lm.u B tsc ef ld day. Fsr pardcaars can he had af W. B. Castle. Dated Easatete. Aarnt S, fcs. HESHT SMTH. Tratee. Mertraste. The jrtdtf csreredfcy nfd njcraagcea-lko- f: lt As nnfrrded ece-dft- h faterot s a parcel af ttrj ures ra PpaleJe. Hmfrt Hawa. ceretedhresyalpten: G.)TS) to Sahehas. eledtapnt;t7pnrn;. d As smrrrded fecrth laerett ra Et acres 1. KJfa. Ba-za- csrered hy Hsal PxLcLtt5z.C.A-&t:- tsxattenan. Xr Aa. ataartdaf talf tntert fcr a cercafa haoseac w hacses reec n KlVffr-le-, Haoafej, csnred by deed af Parte to Efof3h, fver3 sssss. BM KAMHAMEHA MarLnal Selaool, wq begn Monday, September 4th, Appcatoes for Admsson aboard fce made mmedately to THEODOES HCHARD5. L. 0TCE. M B H. D. A. BACTRA3 TA tafe day rerwd ma. r r aumot.jsfrk. Ve. :vn3 xrax BMMMMMMHSMnen BAUTHOETY E.KKCSE, Esq. has taj Oajr bea ar-rs-tja cbrat th Road Beard for TaxatJoa Dstrct at YTaraea, sland of Kaca, for tb cceaprtd t?m raade racant jt th death of L. U. Sols. J. A. KNG, JaUr of th lautar. lttteror OSw. Aaswt Jtb. 1SSS. 1SG C.D.PK1XGLE, Esq. has thday beea artjdctslan Aseat to tats acnuotas-cse- st to tebor costracu forth Dstrct of ftaww. sjaad of Kaa:. J. A. KNG. Alctster of tfe nteror. tstetor Oake, Acsust S.!S1. ltsj 5 J.H.RUtEXABA,rqn has tks day been appoatrd a Xotary Publc for Frst Judcal Crectof Haualart slands. J. A. KDCG, Mrdsterof lateror. nteror OZce.Acstst 17.1SSS caal Glotfrtsnnts. 31EETXG X0TCE. ASPECA MEET1G OF of HAWAAN1 SLECTKC CO, wll be held at crlceote. a HaH Jt Son at A JL. WEDSESDAV. Sepu nth. 133, for parjweeof aanadlex of k Ccarpaay. E.O. WHTE. loss Seeretarj- - UtnUa Eectrte Co. Admflstnlrs and GbstJs Notce. PEKSOXS ARE CAUTONED ALL to trust any oca on account of Estate of late K. P. Kttkaht, or oe acoxmt of Estate Kavralepolepo Kckah, a mnor, wthont or wrtten ocder. WLL J UOKyER, AdanrdttM- - of rtte at late E. P. knhaht: Guardan v ot Estte of Kawatepofepo Ka kab, mbur Slo2 g 14S3 S MARNE NSURANCE The acderscsd s aqthorzed to take Marne Ssks on f HULLS, CARGOES, FBEGHTS and COMMSSOSS. At Current Kates s follotru: Com pones, vz: Allance Assurance Fre and Marne. London. WlhelmaofMadgeburg Gerfl. ns. Co Sun nsurance Co., San Francsco. JOHN S. WALKER, lct Arent for Hawaan lnds HLO SODA WORKS CO. A TTHE AXNUA HKETLN G of tm Cornpaay held at r osce oo GMh day of July, a. D. l, fotlowar ofeers were eteeted fac emsal- a- year: Jaa. Tacer Prtsdenu S. Aasta seeretaryaad Treasarer. n. c..vesnx, 133 Secretary H. S. W. Co. Mortgsgaes Sotce of ntenton to Poredcse and of Sale. P ACCOKDANCEVTH THE protfsccj coataaed n that cecals raort ;r:re nude bjllkattafl) and KAHAULLO (wjof Waahoe. Eooaapaha. sland of Oahn, Bawataa tnd, tos. CcUea. dated Jaaaarr SBrh. 15. recorded la Eepjter OSce.Oaho, n Lber S. pazes 71 fltce s hereby sren that tad cortatee ntends ta foreclose sase far cancuea broken, to wt: of prncpal and nterest when. dae. Sotfce s ltele rtren that after ezpra-rlo- s of three weeks frocx ths date, npoc 3f OSDAT. SSth dar of Acjnt. 12S. precss descrbed n sad aormjre wll ec sold a: asdcs, rcoss of Jas. F. Morgan. Hoaolala, xt E occc cccc of that day. Xted HGEelBlc.Aazast lulm. For farr partcaurs apply ta J. Alfred Mjooc. 02ce neat Post Orlce. Hoaolala. Attorney fee S.CCXLErr. Mortcajee. The prtnrltes corered by sad nartnje are ll those lands stnate at Waahoe afaresad, derbed n jaral Patent No L. C. A T555 to KaheandEajt! Patent rta.csta L. C. A tuctoeha. lhot Mortgagees Nofce of Sale T ACC0EDAXCE WTH THE PBO-J-L vsccs cf a certan mortgaze made by Smoo Aylett () to H. B. H. Poo-matedated Jancarj- - 11, 1SS9, reccrded n Lber 10S, rxjres 454 and 465, rtctce s berebr rren that L morhnree ntesds to foreclose same far condtons broken, to-tr-t: non payment of nterest. Sottce s lkewse ;r- en that after expraton of three weeks from tbe date of ths notce, propertj- - conveyed by sad msrtzage trll be advertsed for sale at Publc Ancrcn, at aucton rooms cf James F. Morgan, n Honolnlc, Un 3folay, August 28tl AT 12 OCLOCK SOOX, The premses corered by sad xaartgaze conssts of ACRES, More or less, at Kaln, Honolulu and descrbed a fodcrs: All trr certan pece cf land stuate at Eala, Hoaolnla, Oahn, fcen a pcrtkkof Boya! Paaat 2S75, knleana 1103 to lona Ealebca, contanng an area cf 2S-1C-G of an acre, and benz same conveyed to raorzazee by deed, dated October 27: A. D. 1637, of record n Hawaan Begjatryof Dttds, n sad HctacfB, n book 103, ptzes 453 and 451. POOllAlEELAl, Hortgazee. Tas. F. VXorgan, aoctoseek Daed Hoaofuls, Jaae2, 1SW SS0-2- : ",,J.J.A".A fgat Stttotrlfstmttfs. PBE CRCUT COUlT Clrealt. MnrlU.UnJ. JAMES SCTHERtASD T. MART ttutuk LASD. Llbtlla lnrokf. la tat Etae of ta latuoal Gottramrot of l larauaa HUalt: Tottc JCanaal ottae JUn juslt. or as Depatr, Uaxxrue: Tee are coaa&de to jantaoa Mary far-ln- (Jtfrads J. ta cam be atu fle wtlllfc ajktrtl!a Xwratr Uj artr rtlce hereof, to b aavl appar before ulvl Ctrcatt Coatt at Assujt Ttra reof, to be homeo at Ho- - aojaa. tutsor uso, oajtfoxuay, Tth Uar of Aaz3t neat, at tea oclcet A 1U to chow cbe hr cutca of Ja Sothcrtmt, plta-tljhoacm be awantca to Ua prjtto lb tear of h aaaex! etltaa. Am )MTe ;o tbea re tht wrt tnth fall refers of year cevltac thrrroa. Vltae 10X. T,.. WHTNQ. (sal) Frst Jaajra af Crealt Coan of r1r t Vtreatt at tloootala. Ul tfth day of Jane. 1SW. r. vvcxdkxbkk. Defaty CkT&. 1 certfy otobf to be a trae copy of artraat saaaoa n uma, aad that nd Coart onleted psbtkatoa of Use and coo. UaaBC of am caa;e astll neat Xerenber Tens of thl Coart. ENRY SMTH. Clert Heaolnla. Aarat M. 1SS3. lob T T1TK CKCU1T COURT, J Frst Crcat cf Hattan juh!?. s nutter of ANTON E BOKBA. of WaltahB. &aj, bonkznpt. Upon reac aad la; tho cutoo of sad Anto&e Borba. allftj that raore than sx noaths hare elapsed slacc he was adjodcatrd a batrapt, ad vtajas for a dlschanre from all t 1 ordered that VTEDSKSDAV. te Hrd day ofacgcst. StLnAtlohu Hale. Honolala, at 10 A. J. of that day beforu tr. Jcstee Cooper xt Chtabers. be aad saae t herebyappont. ed ror hearlrs of sad pettoa.at whch tne aad place all credtors who hare prortd r cums a;ost a;d banhrapt nay appear and ho caac. f aay y oate ay prayer of sad baahrapt shoald cot berraated. Ur Coart s HBXRT SMTH. Clerk. Hoaolala. Aarat a. Sa jlortasees Notce of ntruton to Foreclose am of Sale. VTOTCEJS HEREBY GVEN- J X that parsnaat to a power of sale coctaned n a certan nortrajre bearan date 9th day or October. A. SS. raade by HENR &. SWNTOS to Frederck Phllp.of record la Eester CKSce. Hoaolala. a Uber 131 on psre 3t. SSS. SSd and J6T. aad for breach of condton! n sad raort ce deed contalaed. of atercst when doe. tnort-rarntcads to forck;e sad mortrre. Notce alo hereby jta that all land aad property descrbed la sad motl-r.- e wll be ard at pablc aseton at aactoa rooms of Janes F. Jfore oa SATURDAY. Seabatbcr lr. at 12 oclock ceoa. The property to be o!d s descrbed a sad raorlrar deed u follows : All that certan pece or parcel of land taate on Kller street a Ho&onln. beas; a portloa of Land Comahsoa Amd No. SK.alsa ofl. C. A 3179 and more partcularly descrbed as fotlows, to wt- - CosHKecar a west career or ths pece of laad at aonhnest aaslc of a xranlte post oa soaasl sdeof Jlllerstreet aad rsaaar. S. ; le-. Ma. K.trae,? fret aloarl. C. Award Kera"W. S. S.Kdes;. aala-.w-. nc. sr.tfeet aloo saare. 3. S. Hlts. S raa. K. tree, C feet alus? reraalnlns porthm cf L. C Award Stlo raakan-ahl-e.. X.Mdes.Wna. E.trne.rO.T feetalons same. 5. N.S des.a ran. W.troe, feetaoa: reataalar pcrtoa ot L. C. Award 3r9 to Katlaa aadpkou 8. S.ZSez- - SUran. W. trae. 11 feet to altal pont. AreaSMOU acres. Parehase prce pajable la U. S. sold coa. CooTejarces at pnrchasers eapesse. Fnrr partlealars can be had or fatter & Carter. Dated ar nonoaa. Aosnu 1st. A. ). 1. rted. PHLP. By Ms Attorneys CaaTac CaarrE..NOTCE OF F0RCL0SURE. THE UNDERSGNED, THE J- - WESTERXAHAWA1UXSVEST1EST CO.. Lmted, a corporaton, res notce that t ntends to forclose for condton broken, to wt: non pajnxrat whendae of debt secured reby, that certan raartrse deed sren to t by W. R. Lawrence dated October 23. los, of record n Hawaaa Kejftrr of Deeds n Lber, folos 11? The d:at secured by sad raott caje beln; a proralssory note for SCO, payable n oce year from date of sad nortjrace. and that t wll cser lor sale at aaeton rooms or J. f. sorzaa ta tloaoals. on TUESDAY, September Slh. ra. at S oclock noos.all of premses corered by sad raortjase. The property cotered by sad nortja consst of a tract of laad stnated oa Blnzbam a L, Pana-ko- a. Hoaolala, coatatnaz S3 10) of aa acre, belcga porton of land descrbed n E.P. UttoE. Ko-er- s: aad costrjed to sad Law-resby deed of A. larqats brdeed or record n LberTS. roo 4SS, toger w"th dwellc-hoc- se reon. " Terns Cash. Deeds at expense of pnrchaer. THE WESTEKN HATTAAN XVEST-MESTC-!- - W. W. Harx. AUcaner. Hortgasees Notce of ntenton to Foreclose and of Sale. VTOTTCE S HEREBY GrVEN" Al that porsaant to a power of sale contaned n a certan raortcae bearng date 7th dar of March. A. D raade by SAAC D.AEA to Fred. Ffclp. of record la Regster OSce, Hoaolnla. n Lber 13! on p;es 157 aad 18. and ror breach of condtloa la sad taortzaze deed contaced. to wt: of prncpal aad nterest whea dae, rasrcree ntends to foreclose sad raonsaje. Notce s also heresy sren that al te land aad property descrbed a sad aortja e wll be sold atjnblc aactoa at asctton roornt ofjaesf. Jforsan. oa SAT111DAT. September 9. sg. at S oclock noon. The property to be told s descrbed aj follows : 1st. Al those premses maled at Kapalama HocoaJa, Oahc. bens apart of premses descrbed a Eojl Patent nomber 91 on nd Cotaaf es Award namber S3CC to Pal Eaaoa and ccntaanzaa area of 3TO) tqnare feet. 2nd. Al those premses staated at Kapalama, Eoaolas. Ohn, benr a part of oremte descrbed n Boyal Patent nnaeer m to Panl Eacaa aad cos tannrlaa area of sso o are feet. Parehase prce payable n C. S. sold con. Coereyaaees at psrehasers expense. Farr partearars eaa be had of Carter Jt Carter. Dated Hoaoola. Aarat lt. AD. 1SJ FEED. PHLP.,, lytsaltoraeyt. - CatTa A Canzr. TN" THE CRCUT COURT OF X Second Crcnt, Hawaan sland? n maaer of estate of GEOBGE nof S of Walakn, JUa. a Torantary baakrapt. Credtors of sad bankrapt are hereby and prose r debu before Clreslt Cocrt of Second Crcat at Court Hsasen Walakn. Maa. on THURSDAY, Jlst day of Acost,. between hoars of 10 oclock n forenoon and noon of rad day and eectan astee or a.sl-ne- es of 1M bankrapt s estate. By Coort: O.AEMSTOSG. Clerk Crcat Coart. Second Crcat. Walnaa. Ao-s- tt 1st, la Admnstrators Notce. AsL CLAMS AGALNST THE KEKAnA fk) deceased ofwatehs.wankn,maa.h.l. ented properly twora to before a 5otary Poblc to te aaderjed who tas beta daly appont ed admnstrator of sad estate wthn trx months orjrwllbe forerer btrred: Ul debuowcz fjj14, F"1 t? paw on or before rad expraton of sx sonths. " J-H-. DAKELS, Amtalstator of Estate of Eekaha. Haa. OrtVKT g. S. ltms.notce. A L. PERSONS HAVNG ae that of Me wfe, bach deeeaed. are rrnsested tfcbdate.vr!beywfllcfernr brred; and all parsaaa fadebfed te er of sad dected persansare reajaeaud terruke statdute bt-netosw.,. THOMAS B.l:f WALKEB. ErWfTteossL Hosolla J.t 5Kb, 191 wz Sptdal?Totkes. STEAMSHP CO.S TME TABLE om X. KJLNAU, CLARKE, Cvmnanler, Wll taave Hoaolalu at 2 oolook 1. A. tonchng at Lnhana, Mkam Bay aoj takeaa tbe sawday: Mahakewt, Kawae-ha-a and Lanpahoehoo fhllewns ls. arrrns Rt Ulo nt mdnght. UUTBS ttcvtolbuf TaesJay..July 11 Frday. Tuesday- -.,Auj. 1 Frday Frday Tnesxlar..".sSt. Tapday Frday Tuesday...Oct. rrtuay,.... S ltetnmnplnta4 tlfn tnnu:- -.. r tchoos)uueuay;kawahaea.s.. 4r.st.: Maalaea lty Gr.at,;Lahana 8r.t. follown: day arntnc at Honolala 15 a. Wednesday and Stnrdars. ASKTTK3 4T tuxololc. Wednesday.....July ts Saturday... 3 Wednesday Aoc. t) Satardar.. " lt Wednesday Saturday Sept. a Wednesday Satnrday.r so Wednesday..Oct. Saturday. 21 ST No Freght wll be receved after 12 noon of dv ot STJTR. GLAUDNE, DAYES. Commander. Wll leave Honolnln every Taesday at." oclock P. At., toachru: nt Kahnln, Haelo. Hana, Hataoa and Kmhuto, Maa. and ln aohan, Hawa. Betnrnns wll arrro at Honolnln every Sandfly mornng. 3T No Freght trll be teeevnl after 1 P. M. on day of falng. Consgnees must be at tnndnm to rectte r freght, as we wll not hold ourselves responsble after Such freght ha been landed. Whle Company wll nse dse dlgence n handlng lve stock, we declne to assntua any responsblty n case of lass of same, and wll not be responsbleor money or jewelry nnlesa placed n care of Powers. W. 0. W1LDE11, Presdent. S. B. BOSE, Secretary. Capt. J. A. KDG. Pott Sqpt. Kb;;.., BSMARK STABLES! GENEBAL LVEBV, Fee nu Sale StaWes Atan Street, Walnkn, AlanL mm mum m ; un Sluce wth relable drvers, SNGLE or DOUBLES TE.US, SADDLE 10RSE-5-, Gentle for Lades ase. 3T Cartaces wll be at every Steamer landng, on Steamara arrval. W2L GOODNESS, l33 Propretor and Manazer. Notce to Credtors. THE rvdetlscn-k- Tl t a - - L n; been daly apponted execotrx lad Je exeeotroflattwhlabdteat3bebtorjae; W lat. rate of Honolnln deceased, notce s hereby zlveo to all person to present r clalra zalnt estate of sad Jaes Gar daly annjleated, wher lecnred by raartasze or orwle,to n Foeke at Ed. HoffKhfter 4 k?l a Bel street, Hoaoelu, sland of??!? wuak 1 ffloatfc from date hereof y wll be forever barred. Aad all persons ndebted to sad estate are hereby reqaested to make asedftte pajraeot reof to rte aadvr-e?ne- Dated Hooolalo. July 19, b3. HEP.lANN FOCKB. MART ELLEN OAY. Ezecntprand Exeeatrx last wll aad r Jaraea Cay deceased. 1MS 4 Notce of Credtors. UNXERSGNED HAV-n-beend- aly apponted Admnstrator of eute of W J ROCHE, late of Honolala deceased, notce s hereby gven to all persoosto present r clams aganst estate of sad W J Eoehe, daly aantlcated wher ecared by raortzje or orwse to Cecl Brown at hs cfce No. en Merchant street, Honolala, Oahn. wthn ll months from date hereof, or y wll be forever barred. And all persons ndebted to sad estate are hereby reqaested to make mmedate payment reof to nndersened. Dated Honolala. JaJy 13, 110, FEED. H HAY3ELDEX. Admnstrator Etato VT J Roche deceased. tjw NOTCE. ELECTON OP.0FFCEUS. AT THE ANN UAL MEETNG SGAE CO held ths day, followlnxnamed person wtra elected aa celcert of tbe Coats nr to serve for enoaj year: vv T PresWeat. v H-bt"- 1 Treasarer. Lovekla AaSB: Mr. O. Carter. Mr. W.G. Brash, DlrecSof. E. F. BSHOP,,b;tt7 Pro tern lenoarahszarca. HoaolBla. Angat th. 1E9B. JM SPECAL 3EETN(J. ASPEC1AX MEETNG OP of AVTAAH FEL1T& TAKO CO. wll be held at OSes of w. O, Soll, ftrthant fu Hoaolala. oa TU0S-DA- T. Anzast Srth. m. at 3 oclock A. M. All stockholders are requested to b presea EH BALEY. Wlcka. Aas. 5, 1548 Presde ll t AK11 smmmzm afc. ur& w-f j t 4

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