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1 THE COMMUNITY CHU8CH NEWS VOL. V EASTER Easter, the one great day in the life stream of the church. Easter, the mightiest miracle of the ages. Easter, the goddess of spring. Easter, the glorious triumph over death. Easter, the Hallelujah of the church. Easter, the day we commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Time and space are omitted in evidence for the authenticity of the day, proofs and assurance of life everlasting are purposely : as trifling and unworthy the effort. The glory of the doctrine of the resurrection is in evidence everywhere, behold the lulls and the fields testify to life after death, better and more wonderful than all evidences in nature is the throb, the joy, the hope of the human soul. Centuries and centuries of burdens and disappointments have not quenched or dimmed the glow of the inner urge. r Christ arose, He lives, hope sees a star and listening love is lifted on a wing. With every succeeding generation more wonderful and more astonishing becomes the miracle of Golgotha. If some evil geni could obliterate the hope of immortality, that lives anew this Easter Day, and leave the race hopeless and without the legacy of an inheritance, fadeless and deathless, if such were possible, the incentive of life itself in all its finer values would be paralyzed. STOW, O., FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1938 NO. 15/ If Christ be not risen then is the church mocked and the Bible s,ory is false and religion is reduced to ethics and sociology. The most inspiring thought of the mightiest of the race is the triumph of the Lord over death and the grave. The loftiest passion of the human soul, the urge that lifts song or anthem by instrument or by the human voice, the soul that leaps all bounds in proclaiming its jubilant, exhilarant faith in this one glorious event in human history, namely, our Risen Lord. Lay hold of this mighty truth, come out of your damp and cheerless grave. Come forth, my brother, and live. The hereafter is for those who stake their claim, Heaven is for whosoever will, the resurrected King is the King of those who own and serve Him. Eternal life will bud and bloom in you if you will quit stifling and smothering it, give it a chance, farm it, encourage it, the germ of immortality is within, let it grow. Sorrowfully and with aching hearts we follow our best loved things to the tomb, we turn our faces home, it's empty. Life on earth is never the same, death robs us all here. How refreshing then that once each year on Easter Day the truth of this lively hope sweeps across the earth and bids all people everywhere rejoice and There wul be Morning Church Service on Easter. Evening Evangelistic Service will be held as usual at 7:30 P. M.

2 8 THE COIWNIUNITY CHURCH NEWS 3 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Drawer C St'>w, Summit Co., Ohio. Published weekly. Subscription price 50c a t ar. Entered as second class matter May 4, 1937 at the Postoffice at Stow, Ohio, under Act of March 3, -7:!. Office of publication, 3'oO W. ArmlrtJe Rd., Stow. H. J. Stockman, rlito:'. Falls Printing Co., printer. STOW COMMUNITY CHURCH r.olti.i: >1. HULME... Minister sr,<( Ardmoie At., Akron, UN-1085 Business Phone Number JE-0224 be lifted up for He lives, and because He lives I too shall live. GEO. M. HULME SERMON REPORT Easter Announcements Our Minister, Rev. Hulme, sermonized last Sunday evening on the subject: "Is Life Worth Living." The text was from the Book of James, chapter four. Though reading the whole chapter, special comment was made on that part of the fourteenth v o;'sc which reads "For what is your life?" To make life worth while Rev Hulme contended one must have (1) reasonably good health (2) a measure of prosperity and (3) happiness. He maintained that one might have health and prosperity but lacking happiness life would not be worth while. Finally, however, the idea was developed that true and genuine happiness, which makes life worth while, will only come to those who commit themselves and their ALL, to God's providence. One should remember that a The Final Tribute... cannot be too beautiful. We keep this fact in mind in every instance and occasion. Yet the cost to you is no more. THE McGOWAN FUNERAL HOME WA Stow Ave. Cuyahoga Falls

3 8 THE COIWNIUNITY CHURCH NEWS 3 man's days are not his own and he ought always to say 'God willing I'll do thus and so." Announcement was made that this Friday evening a candle-lite communion service will be held in the church. Those who seek admission to the church on Easter Sunday should be present at this meeting. Easter services by the Bible School Sunday will include a program by the Primary Department and special music by the orchestra. Easter morning church services will follow the Bible School. Those who desire to be baptised or to unite with the church may do so at this time. Orche&tra members, Latimer, Maxwell and Bishop will present respectively, trombone, violin, and clarinet solos. NOTICE On Tuesday, April 19th, 8:00 P. M. the Ladies Bible Class will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Dunn, 180 Williamson rd. C. E. Young Peoples Society of Christian Endeavor will meet this coming Easter Sunday evening in the church parlors at 6:30 p. m. Easter Flowers At There Best Mrs. William Shaffer is the leader. Come out and enjoy yourself. Be happy. Meet the young folks. Work for Christ and the church. _ <», MEN'S BIBLE CLASS The Palm Sunday attendance of our Men's Class was 51. The application of the lesson to present day conditions and the many illustrations by practical local occurrences made the hour not only interesting, but far too short. Next Sunday in addition to the lesson and its application there will be a discussion of "The Depression and the Outlook." There should be a hundred men present at this meeting. Stow has them. You bring them out! WM. R. LODGE, Secretary <$> _ ATTENTION WOMEN! You are urged to attend Ladies Guild Wednesday, April c luncheon served at 12:30. Mrs. Mary Kupelian will dress in costume and give a talk on rugs and shawls. All invited to attend. <S> ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Carlisle, 186 East Graham Road announce the approaching marriage of their daughter Ethel Mae to Mr. Richard Osman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Osman, 111 North Sanford Avenue, Stow, Saturday, April SILVER LAKE FLORISTS

4 8 THE COIWNIUNITY CHURCH NEWS 3 REX ELECTRIC Hot Water Heaters Pay on the Budget Plan with your light bill Sold and installed by the plumber that grew up with Stow. E. F. Kastens WA-7688 Stow, O. Plumbing, Heating, Pumps and water softeners 23rd, 7:30 p. m. at the Stow Church of Christ.' It will be an open church wedding, Rev. Gregory officiating. A reception for relatives and intimate friends will be held at Silver Lake Tavern following the ceremony. After a motor trip East, the newlyweds will reside on East Kent Road, Stow. WHAT DOES EASTER MEAN TO YOU? Does it mean the end of winter's reign, Bright skies and welcome warmth again, Singing of birds, budding of trees, And sweet spring odors on the breeze From daffodil and crocus bed And balsam branches overhead? Sad is the world, and cold and gray, If this is all of Easter Day. But if this blessed season brings A firmer faith in holy things; Assurance of a living Lord; A strengthening, of the tender chord Of love that binds us to the life to come Where loved ones wait us in the heavenly home, No pain nor loss can e'er efface the bliss, Dear friend, of Easter when it means all this. Mary Ricker Conrad in Tarbels GRAHAM ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH NEWS Attendance in Bible School last Sunday was 139. Come to the Easter Pageant next Sunday evening. James Douglas of Akron spent the weekend with Gene Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. John Frye called on Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Sunday

5 8 THE COIWNIUNITY CHURCH NEWS 3 2 BAUMGARDT'S MEAT MARKET SPECIALS Freshly Ground Meat Loaf JJj e Freshly Ground Hamburg 35c Zimmerly's Pure Lard 25c Prime Beef Swiss Steak lb. 25c AUGUST Prime F. Beef BAUMGARDT Pot Roasts WA-8816 ACME STORE No. 114 lb. STOW 18c afternoon. Miss Donna Biggs visited Stow Birthdays celebrated Sunday school Monday as guest of Catherine v, ere those of Mrs. Leasure, Miss Ashton. She enjoyed meet- Betty Greathouse and Mr. Rutter. ing old friends and teachers for she attended school there prior The Junior Girls had a class to moving to the Falls. party Thursday evening at the New members taken into the home of Lorraine Childs. church last Sunday were Miss Thirty-five met at the home of Anna L. Hayes, Mrs. Chadwell, Mr. and Mrs. Wagner on Ritchie Road, Thursday evening for the Mrs. Belle Albertson, Mrs. Mel Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson, regular monthly meeting of the Mr. T. Klein and Robert Adult class. Klein. PREPARE YOUR CAR FOR... WARM WEATHER For a smoother running car For an economically operating car NOW IS THE TIME to change to Summer Lubricants.... LET US CHECK YOUR CAR FOR THESE SERVICES Drain and fill crankcase. Lubricate chassis. Drain and flush radiator. Drain and fill transmission. Drain and fill differential. Adjust and pack wheel bearings. Inspect springs and covers, lubricate if necessary. DRIVING MARHOFER CHEVROLET WA-1823 STOW, 0. 39c

6 8 THE COIWNIUNITY CHURCH NEWS 3 When you need these items Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Leasure visited in Hudson Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Sirfk and family. Mrs. Sink is their daughter. Onion Sets Lawn Seeds Sunoco Oil Spray LIME Fertilizers Chick Starter Ful'O'Pep Fine Chick feed Oyster Shell Egg mash and Scratch feed for the laying hens Your patronage appreciated BAUGHMAN'S WA-8122 DARROWVILLE Notes from Darrowville state that Paul Ritchie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Ritchie, has been confined at home with the chicken pox. Mr. Jake Mack has been under medical care the past week with kidney trouble. Mrs. Mable Cowell has been under the care of a physician for the past five weeks. And Mr. H. Long recently fell from a ladder while papering, injuring his back. However, he is now able to get "about. News of a more cheerful nature is this: Mrs. J. D. Collar was seventy-five years old April 2nd and her husband Mr. J. D. Collar will celebrate his eighty-third birthday Saturday, April 16th. On April 27th they will have been married forty years. Their many friends and relatives extend heartiest congratulations. These folk went visiting, last Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Schafer, Mrs. Mary Davis and Mrs. Sarah Glass. Who did they visit? Answer: Mrs. Anna Wittey in Painesville. Mrs. Wittey is a sister of Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Glass. «> THEY REALLY BELIEVED IT A little more than a month before Easter she had returned from the burial place outside the great city, leaving there in the silence her fourteen-year-old boy. Two days later her little girl gave up the fight, and in less than a week, her baby. Only the little three-year-old escaped. It was

7 8 THE COIWNIUNITY CHURCH NEWS 3 HUSTON'S POULTRY FARM Fresh Home Dressed Chickens 46 Lillian Road STOW, OHIO WA 9647 We Deliver B O O K S JE-9224 BOUGHT AND SOLD McGrail Antique Shop UPHOLSTERING and CABINET WORK Phone WA E. Kent Rd. Stow. STOW DAIRY. General Dairy Products A. F. STEIN 149 Hudson Rd. Stow Phone WA-4794 MARTHA SPAGIIT GENERAL INSURANCE A Service That Makes Friends And Keeps Them BECKLEY'S BARBER SHOP Marhofer Block STOW :-: OHIO JUNCTION SHOE REPAIR H. M. WYATT, Prop. Good Material - Good Work 2721 Hudson Drive (t'ptheria. When Easter came she was at church with her husband and the child. Her face was pale but tender and beautiful. She wore no emblems of her sorrow, and the lilies and violets on her coat were like those she had worn every Easter since I had known her. When the great congregation rose to sing, she Sang softly the words: "The powers of death have done their worst, But Christ their' legions hath dispersed." She taught her class of girls that day and he went to his superintendent's desk, led his school in worship and read the Easter story with only a break now and then in his fine voice. Amidst the faces lined with suffering, rebellion and despair, of the Easter congregation, they had seemed a miracle. "How can they?" men and women said to each other as they left the church. A fifteenyear-old boy walking home with his father from the church school said, "Dad, I guess Mr. and Mrs. L really believe it, don't they." "Believe what?" said the father. "The whole big thing, all of it, for all Dairy Products call on ISALY'S It A, REAFyCK, Proprietor in Stow

8 Flower Baughman's 8 THE COIWNIUNITY CHURCH NEWS 3 FURNITURE REPAIRED REFINISHED CABINET WORK Clint E. Worcester WA-9635 Easter, you know." From an article in "The Congregationalist," by Margaret Slattery. <8> PERSONALS Plant a garden. Do you want a job? Plant a real big garden. Mr. Frank Green is reported seriously ill. Verle Risingjer, our assistant postmaster, celebrated his thirteenth wedding anniversary this last Saturday. Mr. A. J. Brust formerly of Edgewood Drive and Mr. A. C. Diller, formerly of 803 Hudson road have exchanged homes. That Bake Sale advertised in this paper last week is to be held this Saturday, April 16th, in the Stow Town Hall. Miss Bertha and Florence Nichols who live on Baumberger road are the proud owners of a new pony SEEDS Garden Stow Wculd you like to help beautify our church for Easter? Then bring your plants or flowers...the big event of the month will occur on Monday, April 18th at 8:00 P. M., Marhofer Hall. Stow Council No. 192 D. of A. are sponsoring a female minstrel show. Music will be by the Community Church orchestra under the direction of Mr. Otis Maxwell. Tickets are on sale by Mrs. Wilbur Gaylord, Mrs. W. Harlan and Mrs. Harry Osman. (Adv.) Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Meredith of Lakemore spent the last weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Meredith of Franklin Road. Evan Thomas of Baumberger Road, who was operated upon sometime ago has returned home after being in the hospital for several weeks. For DRY CLEANING and DY- ING call WA-9441 or BL-5151, Firestone Cleaners and Dyers. Marion Dewitt, Stow representative. (Adv.) Mrs. Lucille Griffin and daughter of Akron spent the last weekend with her brother, Geo. D. Conley and family of West Arndale road. Buy More SUPER SHELL GASOLINE "Eddie" Parsons 140 E Kent Road Stow

9 8 THE COIWNIUNITY CHURCH NEWS In a few days we will have Agricultural Lines in bulk. Buy Lime this way and save. Two ton or more delivered - $3.35 per. ton CALL for prices on smaller amounts. Coal, Building Tile, Cement Blocks, Brick, Sewer Pipe, Sand Drain Tile, Lime, Cement, Gravel and Driveway material. E. M. Guise Coal & Supply Munroe Falls; O WA-3921 Last Saturday night Mrs. Harry Osman surprised her husband with a birthday party., Guests were members of the Uniform Rank K. of P. FOR SALE: Mahogany gateleg table and four Windsor chairs, $ Medium size cedar chest, walnut finish, $8.00. Mrs. Max, 784 Hudson Rd., Stow. (Adv.) Birthdays celebrated at Bible School last Sunday were those of Mr. Harry Osman, Mr. Ralph -Nichols, Mr. Kenneth Putt, Russell Hause, Norma Joanne Griffin, Chester Evans and one other small person whose name was not secured. William "Bill" Henry, Jr., is installing a car washing equipment in his garage on Williamson Road. He apparently expects to wash cars this summer. We shall expect some advertising from him ere long. The best in fresh home-cured meat.. Poultry dressed while you wait. Kent-Stow Market, top of hill on Kent Road, one-half mile east of Fish Creek. Telephone Kent Co. 54F31. (Adv.) Mrs. Esther Hinkle Carpenter, who has been ill for more than the past month, is now confined to the City Hospital. We understand that visitors are allowed to see her and that she would be pleased to see them. Mrs. S. W. Biddle, 120 East Graham Road, celebrated her Fleetwing Fleetwing Gas Oil Friend's Service Station W. E. "BILL" BRIDtJERS,Proprietor 3

10 8 THE COIWNIUNITY CHURCH NEWS 3 Its not to late to use- Dormant Sunoco Oil Spray. W. C. OERBER & SON GAS - OIL birthday on last Sunday, April 10th, by serving a big chicken dinner to fourteen guests, who were there also for the evening meal. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Sampson and daughter of Massillon, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Watson and family of Akron, Mr. and Mrs. Kaden from Ridgeway, Pa. Chestnut framing and sheeting. 4 by 4's for posts, $30 per thousand. Joe Mitten, 142 Thorndale Ave. (Adv.) The banner was won last Sunday by Miss Arlene Stein's class with a percentage of 161. Mrs. Dunn's class had a percentage of 126, and Rev. Hulme's class rated 122 per cent. However the attendance ran in this order: Rev. FORD SALES We are glad to announce that Mr. Lawson of the Lawson Milk Company, and one of our Stow neighbors is now making and selling ice cream in connection with his milk business. He expects to be prepared by the time warm weather arrives to deliver ice cream on his retail milk routes along wjth the milk deliveries. He is making a high quality ice cream and is selling it at a very reasonable price. 29c per quart delivered or 25c per quart at the plant store, 1651 Home Avenue, Akron, one mile south of the Falls Rubber Company and one mile north of Bettes Corners. These deliveries will only be made while making the regular Hulme fifty-one men present, daily deliveries of milk except for Mrs. Dunn forty-six ladies, Mrs. church parties or other pccasions Judy thirty-five young people, where orders are given in large and Arlene Stein twenty-eight quantities to justify a special delivery. young ladies. Total attendance at Bible School last Sunday was two hundred seventy-six. Please watch for the announcement in this paper when the delivery of ice cream will start on Telephone WA-1423 for aa appointment at the Stow Beauty Shoppe. Elsie Mae Walton, Mgr. the Lawson Milk Company (Adv.) trucks. (Adv. KNIGHT SERVICE CO. Nu'Way Cleaning and Pressing There is a Difference - INVISIBLE SHOE REBUILDING WA Front St. Cuyahoga Falls

11 Come to 8 THE COIWNIUNITY CHURCH NEWS Easter CHURCH 3 A miscellaneous shower in honor of M-ss Ethel Mae Carlisle was given by Miss Marian Wetmore at the home of the latter in Brimfield last Wednesday, April 6th. Many beautiful gifts were received by the bride-to-be. FOR RENT 5 room bungalow also 3 furnished rooms, both semi-modern. Garden and garage with each. Call WA-9735T The Kent University Chfiir of which our Howard Sapner is a member sang over WTAM Sunday, April 10, at 10:30 a. m. They also sang in one of the prominent churches of Akron Sunday night. May we expect to have them with us soon? Clean early! Paper cleaned, walls, woodwork washed and painted; Work done reasonable. Call WA William Thomas Oak Rd., Stow. (Adv.) < > CORRECTION Due to a misunderstanding on our part in writing up the advertisement for Mr. Kastens which appeared on page Four, Issue Twelve, Volume Five, of this paper it was incorrectly stated that Mr. Kastens now ha» the exclusive agency in this territory for the Electric Hot Water Heaters formerly sold by the Ohio Edison Electric Shop. The Rex Electric Hot Water Feater, which Mr. Kastens sells was not formerly sold by the Ohio Edison Electric Shop. Mr. Kastens ad appearing in this issue of the Community Church News is now correct. We are sorry to have made this mistake. H. J. STOCKMAN <?> D E A T H After an illness of six months Mrs. Rosabelle Sheka died on Wednesday morning of this week at her home, 764 Hudson Road, Stow. She leaves her husband, John B., her mother, Mrs. Belle Wise of Loudenville, also four sisters and four brothers. She was a member of the Baptist Church at Loudenville, where services will be conducted Friday at 2 p. m. Mrs. Sheka had been a resident of Stow for nearly eleven years. She has many friends and neighbors who mourn her passing Our sympathy goes to the bereaved.

12 8 THE COIWNIUNITY CHURCH NEWS 3 Keep your head up with Conti Special Men's Suits And Ladies Dresses PLAIN Cleaned and Pressed 75^ When you decide that, no rrlatter what happens, you will keep your dress standard up to your accustomed level, that smart cleanliness will, be the distinguishing mark of your personal appearance, you can be assured that Conti's is your working partner. Conti's ideas of service never have been changed nor will they be changed. No matter what happens Conti's will keep its reputation and its head up in the dry cleaning world. * Phones Hudson 127Y Akron WA-1122 Cleaners Dyers INC. Store 116 Monroe Falls Rd. Odorless Crystalene Cleaning Always DUST Jean Leathers Phillips I wipe the dust from off my tables, Wash it from my way-worn feet. Dust how dust would quench and throttle Life that is bravely sweet. Fresh the roses bloom, then wither. Sword and plowshare yield to rust. All material creation Shall consume away, todust. Only God and life He giveth, Love and faith and memory Shall transcend the waste of dust And live through all eternity. <e> FALLS PRINTING CO FRONT STREET CUYAHOGA FALLS, OHIO


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