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1 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS VOL. V I I I STOW, OHIO, F R I D A Y, M A Y 30, 1941 WHY? WHY?, an expression of surprise, of indignation, of excitement, yea, and of terror. W H Y? is the sob of a human soul, it is that groan when one is struck by a thunder bolt a n d is made incapable of thought or sight. W H Y? is the echo t h a t mocks us when we call aloud for light and direction. W H Y? was the call that came f r o m the parched lips of the Son of God in the last moments of His agon on the cross. My God, my God, WHY hast thou forsaken me? Those of us who walk in the middle span of l'fe have asked many times with quivering lips, W H Y? W H Y? We have been desperately in earnest, we have knocked at the gate of Heaven f o r an answer, we have looked up our counselors and advisers, yea, we have knelt at the feet of the wise and again we have called aloud this one word, W H Y? Why w a r in an intelligent world, just w h y? A f t e r all 7 explanations are given I still am bewildered, I ask W H Y? W h y is there sin in this fair w o r l d? I have read of reasons, I have heard them given, yet, am I dazed, I find myself asking W H Y? F o r W H Y is a dead end stret and only the foolish seek to go beyond. But why is there death, why should such a monster disturb our peace? Yes, yes, I have been told of m a n y schools of thought, many philosophers have sought to f a t h o m its depths, nevertheless, by t h e grave of our fallen comrad we lisp the word, W H Y? W h y a r e there strikes and labor troubles, just w h y? O, one says, t h a t is easy to answer. No', my No. 22 friend, if it were so it would have been answered long ago. So, w h y? W h y is there poverty on the earth, is there not plenty f o r a l l? Ah, yes, but we ask as all ages of the past have asked, just why W h y is t h e r e disease a b r o a d to infest and grieve the human race, just w h y? Races have lived and died, but still it is asked, O w h y? W h y does one have enemies when it is so much better to have f r i e n d s? Well, it has never been answered. The sages of the e a r t h still ask, W H Y? W h y doesn't God take a hand in the a f f a i r s of m a n? Some one is quick to answer, but think again and you will find t h e question complex and you will ask, WHY? W h y do I s u f f e r when I have h a r m e d no man, w h y? Can you untangle the snarl a n d give a solution, or shall we still ask, w h y? W h y aren't all people honest, reliable and absolutely dependable? Why, just why a r e n ' t they? W h y aren't religious folk of the same mind and actuated by t h e same holy objectives, why n o t? W h y aren't doctors one on the f u n d a m e n t a l s of suffering, of t r e a t m e n t, and of teaching a silly humanity how to live, just w h y? W h y a r e n ' t lawyers and jurists justice minded, t r u t h seeking and known f o r high integrity? And now, how m a n y of us know for what purpose we were born, yes, W H Y w e r e we b o r n? Just rest in this answer, my friend, this is God's world. You a r e a stranger and a pilgrim travelling on, homeward bound. Your mission is more important than even asking, W H Y? GEO. M. H U L M E

2 10 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS STOW COMMUNITY CHURCH GEORGE M. HULME... Minister S5M Ardmore AT., Akron, U N -1 tls.1 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS IJrawer C Stow, Summit Co., Ohio. Published weekly. Subscription price 50c a year. Entered as second class matter May 4, 1937 at the Postoffice at Stow, Ohio, under Act of March 3, Office of publication, 360 W. Arndale Rd., Stow. H. J. Stockman, Editor. BIBLE STUDY LESSON Printed Text Acts 11: Golden Text For I am not ashamed of the gospel: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Rom. 1:16. The persecution which followed the stoning of Stephen scattered the Apostles so that the word of God was carried into other countries. One important city that received the gospel was Antioch. This was a large city, beautified with a street four miles long, having double colonnades. The upper classes were Greeks, the imperial officials were Romans, and the masses were Syrians. There were also many Jews living in Antioch, both for the reason that it was a busy commercial center and because by the law they were on an equality with the other citizens. But Antioch was also a center of pagan civilization and pleasures of every kind' were indulged in under the guise of worship. On hearing of the need there, Barnabas was sent to Antioch by the church in Jerusalem. We are told that "he was a good man, and full of the Holy Spirit and of faith; and much people was added unto the Lord." Although Barnabas was instrumental in leading many people to Christ, he was humble and called in Saul to help him, believeing that a master mind was essential to guide and direct the converts in this new way of life. Hazel Wheeler SERMON The story in Genesis, Chapter 37 of Joseph, loved: by his father Jacob more than his other sons, ON MAN'S JOURNEY one thing stands out like a beacon light at the crossroads sympathetic helpfulness that is practical. Ours is a Service of Sincerity. The McGowan Funeral Home

3 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS i.fttheir jealousy because of this favoritism and their brother's dreams, how they cast Joseph into the pit selling him to Ishmealite traders and, finally how the sons deceived their father by dipping Joseph's coat of many colors in goats blood, formed the basis of a recent sermon by Rev. Hulme. The specific text used was Jacob's cry of anguish Gen. 37:33 "It is my sons coat; an evil beast hath devoured him." The coat was Joseph's, the boys knew it, they knew the "evil beast" that had taken their brother. They tried to evade the responsibility of his safety. But in the sight of God, being our Brother's keeper is a responsibility that cannot be evaded without experiencing dire results. Today What are some of the wild and evil beasts that would and do destroy our boys? Leaving some of these beasts to our imagination ReV. Hulme cited war as an evil beast. Not only does war take its toll of our boys lives and their health but who can go and learn the most efficient ways of killing men, and then come back upright, moral and spiritually minded? Not many. The most terrible thing about war is the moral and spiritual disintegration that it produces in those who engage therein. Another evil beast of modern times that takes its toll of our youth is gambling. Penny slot machines of chance in Stow may be the start of a wasted and sinful life ending In spiritual death. Where one wins many lose. Such things are against the law of the State and if not against the law of the State they are against God's law for he teaches that we are our brother's keeper. Church folks who by their example lead others astray will be held accountable in that Great Day. One other evil beast that drags our boys down is the drink habit. There are others. You can them for yourself. <5> spot SENIOR CLASS BREAKFAST The annual Senior Class Breakfast which is sponsored by the Mothers of the class members will be held at Spindlers Inn Tuesday 9:30 a. m. June 3rd. In charge of arrangements are Mrs. H. L. Olson and Mrs. L. B. Sebrell. For Sale: Coleman Gasoline Range, four burners and oven. In good condition. $ Call WA J. F. Stitt. (Adv.) FOR BETTER MILK SHAKES See IN STOW

4 10 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS RECEPTION A reception for all new members received within the past year will be held at Community church Friday evening June 6th, 7:30 p. m. All members both new and old should be present. As an evening's entertainment Dr. Henry has promised that either he or son Karl will show the three or four reels of film taken the day of the mortgage burning ceremonies. Come out and see your picture and get acquainted with your new friends. <3> MARRIED Sunday evening, May 25th Something we didn't know till now. Harold North, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester North, River rd., was married to Miss Marjorie Garmon daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Garmon of North Hill, Akron, May 1st. SCHOOL EVENTS Just as a reminder to those in Stow who are interested in our young people, Baccalaureate services for the graduating class of Stow High school will be held Sunday evening, June 1st, 8:00 p. m. in the high school auditorium. The speaker is Rev. Mayer of the Cuyahoga Falls Methodist church. The Senior class breakfast to be held Tuesday June 3rd is announced elsewhere in this sheet. Commencement exercises will be held Wednesday evening June 4th, 8:00 p. m. at the school. The speaker is Dr. Orris W. Haulman, pastor of the Evangelical and Reform church, Akron. SURPRISE Sunday Night: Secrets will get out in spite of all precaution. Today's Akron paper records the issuing of a marriage license to Marshal Gillam and Hazel Wheeler. While it was known that Hazel Wheeler was to go south on a vacation this week it was quite a surprise taking a husband with her. < > to know that she was MARRIAGE Plans for her marriage to Howard Klesa, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Klesa, of Stow, are being made by Miss Frances Jane Repp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Byard E. Repp of Lima. The open church wedding ceremony will be read hy Rev. John W. Berger in St. Luke's Lutheran church in Lima at 10 a. m. Friday, May 30. Both Miss Repp, who has been a frequent visitor to Stow, and Klesa were graduated frcm Wittenberg college. Klesa is affiliated 1 with the Anchor Rubber Co., at Dayton. COPY OMITTED We regret having to omit several items from last week's paper including one or two ads, however, there was not enough copy to justify a larger paper. On account of the holiday Friday and consequent early publication of the paper this week it may be that,-. also be omitted from this issue, since it is being printed on Saturday and Monday, and, we hope in the mail on Tuesday. STOW HARDWARE EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN - ORCHARD - LAWN

5 Memorial Day Program The following events scheduled for Decoration Day, Friday, May 30, have been arranged by the Memorial Day Program Committee, under its chairman Mr. George Emery: TIME 9:30 A. M. Prompt PLACE STOW HIGH SCHOOL Presentation of Colors Invocation Group Singing "America" AUDITORIUM American Legion Rev. Leo M. Gregory Ray Hosfield, Leader "America The Beautiful" (With Band Accompaniment) Sketch Written and Presented by Prof. M. F. Clifford "Let Us Honor Them" (High School Students) Octet Mrs. Louise Lukens, Director "My Country" "There Is No Death" (High School Students) Address Mr. L. C. Turner Principal of South High School, Akron, Ohio Selection By Stow High School Band Mr. Gray, Conductor Colors Dismissed Marshal FORMATION OF PARADE William Pateman Colors Band Spanish-American Veterans American Legion Auxiliary Sons of Legion Boy Scouts Girl Scouts Girl Reserves and other civic organizations ^ ^ "fe W J ^, * <» * * * ** m * 0 * + 0 * 0 V X % X"

6 10 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS VACATIONS A1 Hall told me this evening while we were getting our groceries that he wanted me to describe an ideal vacation this week. I realize that this is a big subject but a timely one and I don't want to d'sappoint A1 Hall. Why do we take vacations? Is it because the neighbors are going on one and our children will not be able to hold up their heads on the street unless we too take a vacation? What do we hope to get out of a vacation? Where shall we go? Whom shall we take along on on our ideal vacation. I take a vacation because I want a change, a chance to look into new faces, see new hills and valleys and come home refreshed. An ideal vacation should bring one back home with a zest for the workaday things of life. Now change means different things to different people. The doctor, the banker, and the teacher find relaxation in the quiet places of nature. A hissing fly over a rushing trout t Dentist \ DR. W. B. OCKER Credit Extended J J> OV a m. to 9 p. m.j Spaght BIdg., Stow j stream or an early-morning walk down the stately aisles of a primeval forest prove the correct antidote for the noise, bustle and strain of life in a large city. What about the farmer? He probably will find relaxation in the crowds and noise of the large cities and amusement places. A farmer friend of mine attended the Great Lakes Exposition on the Fourth of July, and when I sought to ad- BUILDING TILE CEMENT BLOCK BRICK SEWER PIPE DRAIN TILE CEMENT LIME SAND GRAVEL Other Materials TRUCKING Please Call For Prices < E. M. Guise Coal \ and Supply Co. MUNROE FALLS, O. OV-8711 BUY YOUR MILK AND ICE CREAM at the LAW- SON STORES. The company that is holding Milk and Ice Cream Prices DOWN in Akron. Support the company that is helping you to save money. THE LAWSON MILK co. WA-7015

7 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS i.ftvise him to avoid the confusion and crowd of 'the holiday, he glibly replied, "I can step on as many feet as anybody." It was no change to him to hear the whipporwills calling on a warm June night: he had been listening to that for the past thirty years. The makeup of the party is equally as important as the type of vacation we are to take. Surely it is better to go alone or even to stay at home than to have a misfit in the party. Avoid the grouch, the lazy fellow or the know-it-all or never-stop-talking chap. Not many years ago I went for a week-end fishing and camping trip with a neighbor whom I scarcely knew before we started. He proved to be such a boon companion that, I shall always remember that trip as one of my best. This man knew how to relax and above all when to talk and when to keep still. I can see him yet sitting back in that folding arm chair on the grassy bank of the Lake Fork, lazily smoking his pipe, looking across the river at the setting sun, listening to the sounds of early evening just drinking it all in and relaxing soaking it up if you please. He didn't rave about the beauty of it all; his actions told me how he enjoyed it. He didn't talk much; he seemed to sense that I too wanted to enjoy the evening in peace. On the contrary I once had a long-lookedfor week in Canada spoiled by the sarcastic complaining talk and manner of one of our party. It seems that many of us make the mistake of attempting too much on our vacations driving too far, covering too much territory. I hear too much about when we left Podunk and when we" hit Whatzis and not enough about what we saw along the way. I used to do the same sort of thing, but now I wonder if it isn't better to step on the brake more often and not so heavy on the gas. Cover less territory better. So, Al, I say, "Seek a change from the work-day world. Take congenial companions who know when to talk, or go alone. Don't rush. Above all, relax and take it in your stride. If you will do th : s, you'll come home rested and eager for the new day." And finally, if you find any particularly good fishing spots, don't tell anybody but me. JOE A. MITTEN Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllll THE REAL THING The real thing in weather usually comes in June... The real thing in Meats comes all the year around and can be found at Ritchie's Meat Market any time. Ritchies Meat Market The Home of Better Meats N. L. Ritchie, Prop. 407 Ritchie Rd.

8 10 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS RECOGNITION DAY STOW HIGH SCHOOL FRIDAY MAY 23RD At a special convocation at Stow high school last Friday students who were outstanding in various ways received special recognition from the faculty and their fellow students. One rare and outstanding award was made to "Bill" Cook, a senior, who has attended Stow School all his life and is graduating this year with the record of NEVR an absent mark or a tardy mark against his name. Supt. Kimpton states that such an achievement is rare indeed, and, at present there is no Antiques Repaired Refinished Cabinet Work Upholstering Clint E. Worcester Darrowville Tel. WA-7553 one in sight for sometime to come who will be able to equal this record. The faculty award for Citizenship in the Senior class for the boys was made to James Fortney; for girls, to Helen Worcester. In athletics, outstanding in at least three sports, the award was made to Franklin Conley who has received nine letters in the last three years. In the judgment of the Student Council one award is made each year to that student, either boy or girl, who has rendered the most service to the school. This year the award goes to Kathleen Bronson who has been described as quiet, unassuming and faithful. Out of approximately three hundred and eighty high school students fourteen received recognition for high average grades this last year. Freshman Robert Grundy with an average of 95.75% comes first, Junior Dudley Kimpton with an average of was second and Sophomore Dixie Grundy with 94.9% was third; others honored were Katherine Durbrow. Lois Sebrell, Jane Libal, Charles Clifford, Anna Marie Holley, George Durbrow, Jacqueline Hosfield, Wanda Lashley, Wilda Moore, Harold Long Moore. and Doris NU-WAY CLEANING AND RECKLESS BARBER SHOP Marhofer Block STOW :-: OHIO PRESSING There is a Difference INVISIBLE SHOE REBUILDING KNIGHT SERVICE CO. WA Front St. Cuyahoga Falls

9 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS i.ft- PERSONALS Miss Helen Stein spent the last week end with relatives at Fresno, Ohio. Miss Hazel Byers of West Graham road is recovering from the measles. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Russel Wilson jr., Rose ave., Stow, on Tuesday May 20th, a son. Lawnmawers sharpened, repaired and adjusted. Segelhorst, 734 Hudson Road, Stow. (Adv.) With an attendance of 107 per cent Mrs. Davis and her class of girls won the banner last Sunday. The river Road club meets on Thursday of this week (May 29th) with Mrs. Lester North. Born to Mr. and Mrs. William James East Graham rd., Thursday May 15th, a son. Tender and plump, two pound Leghorn broilers, 25c per lb. Dressed free. Damons. OV (Adv.) George P. Jones, Baumberger road, recently returned from a short visit with his mother in Denver, Colorado. Pasture for rent. Inquire of Katie Statts, Darrowville, Ohio, or phone Hudson 102-K-2. (Adv). Mr. and Mrs. George D. Conley of West Arndale road and Mr. Conley's mother attended the funeral last Monday of Harmon Hackathorn, Coshocton, Ohio. He was an uncle of Mrs. Geo. D. Conley. LUMBER! LUMBER! Prices are going up all about us. Ours have not advanced in eight months. Chestnut, poplar, oak, maple, walnut. The largest stock we have ever had. Plenty of 4 by 4's now on hand. JOE A. M I T T E N 142 Thorndale OV-8725 When you figure on a pump see a man with eighteen years experience in this section. E. F. Kastens, Plumbing, East Graham Road, Stow. OV (Adv.) Mrs. Gertrude Harris, who spent the winter in Tuscon, Arizona and the past week in Glendale, California is returning to spend the summer in Munroe Falls. Garden Plowing with new John Deere tract'or with all attachments. Broock Sayer, care B. B. Mineard, River Rd., OV (Adv.) Besides those mentioned last week, announcement has been made of scholarships from Heidelberg and Mt. Union colleges respectively awarded to Miss Sallie Bannerman and Harry Slates of this years graduating class Stow high school. For Sale: Registered and tested Guernsey cows from $60.00 up. Also soy beans for seed. W. H. Peck, Waterblest Farm, Hudson road, Stow. WA (Adv.) Mr. Johnson of Cuyahoga Falls, who is employed by the Mohawk Rubber company has purchased the C. V. Cross property on River road. Mr. Cross says he expects to build not too far from River Road since he likes the neighbors there too well to leave them. Plowing and garden fitting, new Allis Chalmers tractor with all attachments, Melvin Thomas, WA (Adv.) BAKERS STUDIO AND CAMERA STORE NOW LOCATED AT 2101 FRONT ST. Over Alhambra Theater Portraits and Camera Supplies Wholesale and Retail

10 10 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Bob Lowe, a junior at Ohio State university, Columbus, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lowe over the Decoration Day holiday. Light Hauling, rubbish or anything up to 1J/ 2 or 2 ton, local or trips. Call O. L. Cook, WA (Adv.) Its Grandpa and Grandma Cross now as well as Uncle "Jim" who like proud Papa and Mama Slusser are very much pleased at the arrival of a baby boy, James N^elson, born last Thursday morning May 22nd at the City Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Gail Slusser. (Mrs. Slusser was formerly Miss Betty Cross.) Par Sale: 1 40 ft. extension ladder, one complete bath room, one boy's bicycle, one car radio, one battery telephone, screen door and windows. OV (Adv.) Birthdays celebrated at Bible School last Sunday were those of Mrs. J. Willard Davis, Mrs. Bart Ridenour, Mrs. O. L. Zirkle, F. A. Cox, Mrs. Hazel Wheeler and Mary Jane Clifford eight years old. (Ed. note: Are there any others we did not get?) Sunday's music. First Bible school. The Editor was sorry to have missed the violin solo by Otis Maxwell at the opening exercises at Bible School Sunday morning, however, requested by Mr. Swanson, Mr. Maxwell with his violin thrilled us by playing "Grace Greater Than Our Sin." As Mr. Swanson remarked it takes these old hymns to remove the evil taste that gathers in our mouth after listening to too much modern "Jungle Music." Second At Church With only a cord from the piano the choir skillfully blended their voices in singing that old hymn "Dear To The Heart of the Shepherd". To those who have been, figuratively speaking, brought up on the old hymns such music is an inspiration, and, a rest. Plowing and fitting with Allis Chalmers tractor. Reasonable price. Cash. Louis Griggy, Ritchie Road, Stow. (Adv ) Defining a "Patriot" according to Webster as one who loves his country and zealously supports its interests such as home, church and school, Rev. Hulme pointed KENT-STOW MARKET FOR ALL YOUR PICNIC ITEMS MEATS-STEAKS EL ALL KINDS LUNCH MEATS AND CHEESE KENT-STOW MARKET On Kent Road Top of Hil! Fourth of a Mile Past Fish Creek

11 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS i.ftout last Sunday that more to fear than the enemies abroad are those enemies at home who would DESTROY our homes, close our churches and inject subversive teaching in our schools. These are those who may be pro-communist, pro-naz', pro-this or prothat in our midst, unknown, often professing the greatest patriotism, who are the subtle instiga- 250 Gallons Per Hour Shallow Well Pumps $3050 E. F. KASTENS 116 East Graham Road Stow, Ohio OV-8926 Experience Is A Great Teacher Get Your Upholstering, Cabinet Work, Anything in Furniture at McGRAIL ANTIQUE SHOP Phone OV E. Kent Rd. Stow, O. tors of unrest, turmoil, and strife now in such abundance throughout the nation. One dollar adjusts any machine in your home. Repairs on all makes. Used machines $5.95 up. Free sewing course with machine. Singer Sewing Center, 2373 Front St., Cuyahoga Falls. WA (Adv). Rev. Hulme in his Sunday sermon also paid particular note to the Sunday evening movie attendance as one reason for five out of every six churches in Akron having no Sunday evening service. He cited the wealthy movie house owner, greedy for gain, as challenging the church in this matter, and, since the destruction of one of our institutions is involved, such an individual is not patriotic and is as much an enemy in our midst as the unknown Nazi agent. If you are thinking about buying 'or selling a home, it will pay you to consult Oakley Spaght and Son, whose twenty-four years experience in handling real estate in this vicinity will be both profitable and helpful to you. (Adv.) SEEDS Vegetable - Flower - Lawn PLANTS Vegetable Baughman Feed Store OV-8413 stow

12 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS i.ft- 10 COASTER WAGONS (All steel) GIVEN AWAY T 7 D 1 7 P TO CUSTOMERS ^ XV Hj ljj Here is how you may get one Stop in at the Central Market in Stow Make a purchase of one dollar or more with each dollar purchase you receive a ticket. For example, with a ten dollar purchase you will receive ten tickets. Then on each Saturday for ten successive weeks one ticket will be selected which will entitle the holder to receive a wagon. Tickets not selected will remain in the container until all wagons are gone. Shop At THE CENTRAL CASH MARKET Stow, Ohio OV-8521 We Deliver Twice Daily 10:30 A. M. and 2:30 P. M. STOW'S COMPLETE FOOD MARKET


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