Sunday of forgiveness March 13, 2016

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1 St. Gorg Grk Orthodox Cathdral 650 Hanovr Strt Manchstr, Nw Hampshir Tl Fax M A R C H Sunday of forgivnss March 13, 2016 Th Sunday of Forgivnss is th last Sunday prior to th commncmnt of Grat Lnt. During th pr-lntn priod, th srvics of th Church includ hymns from th Triodion, a liturgical book that contains th srvics from th Sunday of th Publican and th Pharis, th tnth bfor Pascha (Eastr), through Grat and Holy Saturday. On th Sunday of Forgivnss focus is placd on th xil of Adam and Ev from th Gardn of Edn, and vnt that shows us how far w hav falln in sin and sparatd ourslvs from God. At th onst of Grat Lnt and a priod of intns fasting, this Sunday rminds us of our nd for God s forgivnss and guids our harts, minds, and spiritual fforts on rturning to Him in rpntanc. Th Sunday of Forgivnss, th last of th prparatory Sundays bfor Grat Lnt, has two thms: it commmorats Adam s xpulsion from Paradis, and it accntuats our nd for forgivnss. Thr ar obvious rasons why ths two things should b brought to our attntion as w stand on th thrshold of Grat Lnt. On of th primary imags in th Triodion is that of th rturn to Paradis. Lnt is a tim whn w wp with Adam and Ev bfor th closd gat of Edn, rpnting with thm for th sins that hav dprivd us of our fr communion with God. But Lnt is also a tim whn w ar prparing to clbrat th saving vnt of Christ s dath and rising, which has ropnd Paradis to us onc mor (Luk 23:43). So sorrow for our xil in sin is tmprd by hop of our rntry into Paradis. Th scond thm, that of forgivnss, is mphasizd in th Gospl rading for this Sunday (Matthw 6:14-21) and in th spcial crmony of mutual forgivnss at th nd of th Vsprs on Sunday vning. Bfor w ntr th Lntn fast, w ar rmindd that thr can b no tru fast, no gnuin rpntanc, no rconciliation with God, unlss w ar at th sam tim rconcild with on anothr. A fast without mutual lov is th fast of dmons. W do not travl th road of Lnt as isolatd individuals but as mmbrs of a family. Our ascticism and fasting should not sparat us from othrs, but should link us to thm with vr-strongr bonds. Th Sunday of Forgivnss also dircts us to s that Grat Lnt is a journy of libration from our nslavmnt to sin. Th Gospl lsson sts th conditions for this libration. Th first on is fasting th rfusal to accpt th dsirs and urgs of our falln natur as normal, th ffort to fr ourslvs from th dictatorship of th flsh and mattr ovr th spirit. To b ffctiv, howvr, our fast must not b hypocritical, a showing off. W must appar not unto mn to fast but to our Fathr who is in scrt (vv ). Th scond condition is forgivnss If you forgiv mn thir trspasss, your Havnly Fathr will also forgiv you (vv ). Th triumph of sin, th main sign of its rul ovr th world, is division, opposition, sparation, hatrd. Thrfor, th first brak through this fortrss of sin is forgivnss th rturn to unity, solidarity, lov. To forgiv is to put btwn m and my nmy th radiant forgivnss of God Himslf. To forgiv is to rjct th hoplss dad-nds of human rlations and to rfr thm to Christ. Forgivnss is truly a brakthrough of th Kingdom into this sinful and falln world. Th Sunday of Forgivnss is commmoratd with th Divin Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom, which is prcdd by th Matins srvic. Th hymns of th Triodion for this day ar addd to th usual prayrs and hymns of th wkly commmoration of th Rsurrction of Christ. Th naming of th Sunday is takn from th commmoration of th Exil of Adam and Ev from Paradis and from th Gospl rading of th Divin Liturgy. Th Sunday of Forgivnss is also known as Chs Far Sunday. This is th last day that dairy products can b atn bfor th Lntn fast. Th full fast bgins th following day on Clan Monday, th first day of Grat Lnt. On th vning of th Sunday of Forgivnss th Church conducts th first srvic of Grat Lnt, th Vsprs of Forgivnss, a srvic that dircts us furthr on th path of rpntanc and hlps us to acknowldg our nd for forgivnss from God and to sk forgivnss from our brothrs and sistrs in Christ. This is th first tim that th Lntn prayr of St. Ephraim accompanid by prostrations is rad. At th nd of th srvic all th faithful approach th prist and on anothr asking for mutual forgivnss. S t. G o r g G r k O r t h o d o x C a t h d r a l

2 S t. G o r g G r k O r t h o d o x C a t h d r a l Orthodox Christians ar ncouragd to ntr Grat Lnt in rpntanc and confssion by attnding ths srvics, coming for th Sacramnt of Confssion, and ddicating thmslvs to worship, prayr, and fasting throughout th Lntn priod. Th first day of Lnt, Clan Monday, signifis th bginning of a priod of clansing and purification of sins through rpntanc. On th Saturday bfor this Sunday, th scond of thr Saturdays of th Souls ar hld. This is a spcial commmoration whn th Church offrs a Divin Liturgy and Mmorial Srvic for th dpartd faithful. This is considrd a univrsal commmoration of th dad. Through th mmorial srvics, th Church is commnding to God all who hav dpartd and who ar now awaiting th Last Judgmnt. This spcific Saturday is a gnral commmoration of all th asctic Saints of th Church, both mn and womn. As w st out on th Lntn fast w ar rmindd that w will mak this journy as mmbrs of a family, supportd by th intrcssions of th Saints. Th Gospl Lsson this day rads as follows: For if you forgiv mn thir trspasss, your havnly Fathr will also forgiv you. But if you do not forgiv mn thir trspasss, nithr will your Fathr forgiv your trspasss. Morovr, whn you fast, do not b lik th hypocrits, with a sad countnanc. For thy disfigur thir facs that thy may appar to mn to b fasting. Assurdly, I say to you, thy hav thir rward. But you, whn you fast, anoint your had and wash your fac, so that you do not appar to mn to b fasting, but to your Fathr who is in th scrt plac; and your Fathr who ss in scrt will rward you opnly. Do not lay up for yourslvs trasurs on arth, whr moths and rust dstroy and whr thivs brak in and stal, but lay up for yourslvs trasurs in havn, whr nithr moth nor rust dstroys and whr thivs do not brak in and stal. For whr your trasur is, thr your hart will b also. This lsson on forgivnss coms th day bfor Clan Monday, th first day of Grat Lnt. As Christians, w must forgiv othrs and sk thir forgivnss. W raffirm this vry tim w pray in th Lord s Prayr, forgiv us our trspasss as w forgiv thos who trspass against us. In His ministry, Jsus maks it clar that God forgivs us only if w forgiv othrs. This Gospl passag additionally draws our attntion to how w should approach th Lntn priod and whr our focus should b on laying up trasurs in havn. On this Sunday, w also commmorat all th saints who xclld in asctic living (living a spiritually disciplind lif). W look to ths holy asctics as xampls to inspir us toward fasting, praying, and doing acts of mrcy. Today is th last day dairy products ar prmittd bfor th fast. On final thought to rflct on as w bgin our Grat Lntn Journy is this bautiful story of forgivnss. Thr onc livd a holy archbishop who was sought out by pilgrims bcaus of his grat spiritual insight. As his popularity and th dmands on his tim grw, h wishd to rtrat into a lif of notic prayr caslss prayr of th mind and th hart. H was grantd prmission to mov back to his nativ island whr h livd mor fully a monastic lif. On day, a man dspratly knockd at th monastry door; h had committd a murdr and was trying to fl from th villagrs sking rvng. Th man confssd his sins to th holy archbishop, now th abbot of th monastry. As h listnd, th abbot ralizd that th prson who th man had murdrd was th abbot s own brothr. God hlpd th abbot s into th hart of this man and s how sorry h was. H forgav th man who murdrd his brothr and rad th confssional prayr of absolution. Th abbot thn hlpd th man to scap th authoritis so that h could liv th rst of his lif in prayr and rpntanc at a monastry. This holy abbot is St. Dionysios of Zakynthos. H xmplifis tru forgivnss. Fathr Wilson Vry Rv. Archimandrit Agathonikos M. Wilson (Fathr Mik) Cathdral Dan daughtrs of PnloP Sav th dat on april 10, 2016 th Ilios chaptr 51 of th Daughtrs of Pnlop will host a dinnr in honor of our sistr nicoltta Moutsoulis this yar s rcipint of th Pricls Award. Th dinnr will tak plac at th Pappas Room at th Puritan Backroom on April 10, Social hour will b at 5:00 p.m. and dinnr will b at 5:30 p.m. Mal choics: Broild Chickn, Broild Haddock, or Vgtarian Lasagna. Pric: $35.00 pr prson S t. G o r g G r k O r t h o d o x C a t h d r a l 2

3 S t. G o r g G r k O r t h o d o x C a t h d r a l PrSidnt S MSSag Dar Fllow Parishionrs, I hop you all mad it thru th rcnt dp frz without any bursting pips or othr wintr issus. Th furnac hr was in and out with air gtting into th lin somhow causing th systm to shut down to protct itslf. This causd th Cathdral to b quit cold on Sunday and for that I m sorry. W hav trid to kp vrything running and I hav visitd many a night and Saturdays to mak sur things wr working but it happnd again. Fortunatly or unfortunatly many of you stayd hom anyway, I wish I had, and wr cold and glad whn th Liturgy was ovr and w could gt to th community cntr which is always a bit warmr. No on s fault and our custodian Dan did a grat job in trying to kp things working to th bst of his ability. I wantd to thank my Cadillac committ for th 50th annivrsary banqut w rcntly hld, it was a grat succss and turnd out to b a fitting tribut to all thos who hav labord so hard for so long to kp th vnt going and mmorabl thru th good tims and th many rough tims. Thank you to our raffl winnrs, all our participants, th contributions and gnrosity to th silnt auction and th support of th commmorativ ad book. Most of all my sincr thanks to this yar s hard working group of ddicatd voluntrs who again labord for th church w all lov. It was my plasur and honor to work with you all, togthr again. This yar s committ includd: Marga Bsstt, Stv Chakas, Stphani Frro, Tim Giotas, Cindy Gatzoulis, Tddy Karagiannis, Jim Lalapoulos, Td Stas, Grg Timbas, Evlyn Houl Tsiatsios, and th tirlss Poppy Tsoutsas. Elain Stas for hading up our silnt auction, Evan Arfanakis for giving us th trrific spcial lighting thy rally put som tim and ffort into th task, our custodian Dan and offic managr Joyc. Lastly my lov and thanks to Alic Comrford forvr lading th way for us all, th ad book, th many vndors, th tickt problms, tc. tc. Alic managd to kp vryon on track with charm and grac spcially that includd making m look grat onc again. Th thank you s from so many givn to m blong to you our 50th Goldn Annivrsary Cadillac Committ onc again w did it. Your community of St.Gorg is in your dbt and th bnficiary of th mony w raisd togthr whil njoying a wondrful vning. Thank You. A fw rmindrs of upcoming vnts on th 5th of March w ar having th annual Apokratiko Danc, DJ, food, bar and a fun tim for all is promisd, This vnt has bn gaining som stam and incrasing attndanc ach yar, a nic family vnt so bring your parnts, bring your childrn, S t. G o r g G r k O r t h o d o x C a t h d r a l 3 mt your frinds this is what your community is all about, do not miss out again and wish you had com. Hop to s you thr. W also ar having an AHEPA brakfast on th 13th with a portion of th procds going to th St. Nick s shrin in NYC so plas try and attnd, lt s hav a nic turnout. AHEPA and th Daughtrs of Pnlop hav bn part of things hr for gnrations doing a lot good work, God s work lt s sit and at brakfast togthr. Plas continu to snd in your Stwardship forms and of cours your financial commitmnt w ar in much bttr shap than in yars past but it s a struggl at tims without a balancd cash flow, it just maks things lss strssful. I could go on but my lttrs tnd to run on as dos my mouth at tims, I m working on it, so till nxt month b saf and rmmbr St. Gorg in your prayrs. Thanks. S you at Divin Liturgy Frank C. Comrford - Prsidnt Hirarchical Divin Liturgy Plas com and wlcom His Eminnc Mtropolitan Mthodios to our blovd Saint Gorg Cathdral on Sunday, April 17, May God grant him many yars.

4 S t. G o r g G r k O r t h o d o x C a t h d r a l undrgraduat and graduat ScholarShiPS availabl NEW YORK Applications and instructions for thr scholarships administrd by th Dpartmnt of Philanthropy of th Grk Orthodox Archdiocs of Amrica ar availabl for awards to b mad for th acadmic yar. Th Gorg & Naouma (Gioul) Giols Scholarship and th Katina John Malta Scholarship ar for undrgraduat studis, and th Palologos Scholarship is awardd for graduat work of a non-thological natur. Each of ths scholarships was stablishd through gnrous gifts from ddicatd Grk Orthodox Christians who wantd to provid financial assistanc towards th ducation of young popl from our Orthodox Christian community. Applications can b accssd by visiting th scholarship wb pag of th wbsit of th Grk Orthodox Archdiocs of Amrica. For mor information, plas mail or call Th dadlin for submitting an application for any of ths scholarships is May 6, fathr S offic hours Fathr s Offic Hours Monday Wdnsday Friday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Thursday 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Tusday and Saturday By Appointmnt fathr S contact information Cll Phon: (603) ahpa brakfast Sunday, March 13, 2016 Aftr Divin Liturgy Pancaks, Sausag, Coff, Milk and Juic $6.00 Tickts sold during Coff Hour and at th door. (50% of th procds go to th rbuilding of St. Nicholas Church in Nw York City) goya nws W would lik to thank vryon for thir support for our Valntin s Day bak sal that was hld Sunday, Fbruary 14th. Th gnrous donations will hlp our GOYA Youth Group. Blow is a pictur from th Valntin Bak Sal. Th nxt Goya Mting will b hld on Sunday, March 20th at noon at th Annx. St. gorg board of dirctors V. Rv. Fr. Agathonikos M. Wilson Dan of th Cathdral Frank C. Comrford Prsidnt John Stavropoulos 1st Vic Prsidnt Philip Liakos 2nd Vic Prsidnt Andrw Papanicolau Trasurr Timothy Giotas Scrtary Stv Chakas Gorg Copadis Klly O'Brin Hbrt Gorg Kitsis William Macnas Cathy Moufarg Nicoltta Moutsioulis Gorg Skaprdas Thomas Tsirimokos Thofilos Vougias anagnnsis ladis Socity board 2016 Cathy Moufarg Prsidnt Klly O Brin Hbrt Vic Prsidnt Kathy Dovas Jaskolka Scrtary Carol Dionis Trasurr Dorothy Chakas Mmbrship Dian Spiro LaRoch Sunshin Marga Bsstt Jnny Dakos Angla Dion Tana Kilmr Gustafson Cindy Gatzoulis Klinfltr Dian Orr Vnta Tatakis Tracy Trrio S t. G o r g G r k O r t h o d o x C a t h d r a l 4

5 S t. G o r g G r k O r t h o d o x C a t h d r a l cub ScoutS Th Cub Scouts ar hading towards th nd of th Scouting yar quickly! On Fbruary 13th, w had our Blu and Gold Banqut, whr w wishd farwll to 5 of our Cub Scouts, as thy movd on to Boy Scouts! On Fbruary 17th, w had our Pack mting in th Cathdral so that w could larn about St. Gorg, and what our Cathdral and Faith's important to undrstand th Community that supports us so wll! W also workd togthr and with th Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts had our first Movi Night in th Community Cntr (aftr a grat vning of Tubing at McIntyr Ski Ara!) On March 5th, w will hav our Pack Pinwood hommad cars down our own Track! It's lik NASCAR...just a bit smallr! Onc our racing is don, w will b stting up for th Apokratiko Danc on Saturday night, and w hop to s vryon thr! With grat prid, St. Gorg Cathdral has bn slctd as th host for th District Pinwood Drby on March 19th. Cub Scouts from all ovr Manchstr and th surrounding ara will dscnd on our Community Cntr for a day of funfilld racing! Both vnts will b vry xciting, plas com down and support our Cub Scout Pack! Evn though it is lat in th school yar, our Pack gos all summr long. W hav alot of grat activitis, and w hop that you will bring your First through Fifth gradr down to chck us out! If you hav any qustions, plas call Cubmastr Jason Cot, at or mail at! Thank you! urgnt nd for food Th dmand for food assistanc is at an all tim high and food bank supplis ar at a rcord low. Hlp is ndd to fill thir shlvs and nsur that som of th poorst rsidnts of our community rciv food. Th gratst nds ar: panut buttr, jlly, tuna fish, cannd vgtabls, cannd fruit, cral, pasta, and sauc. Plas drop your itms off at th Community Cntr and w will dlivr thm to th soup kitchn. Nw Horizons and th rcipints of th food ar vry gratful for your gnrous donations. thank you Thank you to Aprodit Giotas for hr gnrous donation of $25.00 to th St. Gorg Grk Orthodox Snior Choir in mmory of Elni Vasili. May hr mmory b trnal! Th Snior Choir S t. G o r g G r k O r t h o d o x C a t h d r a l 5 Sunday School Dar St. Gorg Community, Th Sunday School is kicking off its spring philanthropy projct this month! This spring w ar collcting school supplis for a local school. I know, with th community s hlp, w can mak this projct succssful! Donations will b collctd during Sunday School and can b lft in th drop off box in th lobby of th community cntr. At th nd of th Sunday School yar w will put togthr back-to-school packags, so vrything will b rady for th bginning of th nxt school yar. My goal is to tach th studnts th importanc of philanthropy. Philanthropy coms from th Grk origin maning loving popl. It is th practic of giving tim to hlp mak lif bttr for othr popl. I want to say a spcial thank you to th Awad, Gallos, Robinson and Tatakis familis for joining my family and Fathr Mik and rprsnting th Sunday School youth at Hanovr Hill and Villa Crst. On Valntin s Day wknd w dlivrd cards to th rsidnts of Hanovr Hill and Villa Crst. It was a wondrful taching momnt for our Grk youth! I want to thank all th Sunday School studnts for making th bautiful cards! This was our scond yar making and dlivring cards. My hop is to continu this for many, many yars! Sincrly, Athna Moutsioulis Bvan grgory PaPPaS MMorial ScholarShiP Attntion High School sniors. Applications ar availabl in th Cathdral offic. th dadlin is april 1, th anna thodosopoulos ScholarShiP Th Anna Thodosopoulos Scholarship is availabl to high school sniors and applications must b submittd by April 1. Applications can b pickd up in th cathdral offic. gratr ManchStr hllnic ScholarShiP fund Th Trusts of th Gratr Manchstr Hllnic Scholarship Fund invit qualifid high school sniors, collg frshmn, and collg sophomors to apply for 2016 scholarships. Applications ar availabl at th Church offic. Compltd applications with official transcripts must b rturnd to th offic no latr than April 1, 2016.

6 S t. G o r g G r k O r t h o d o x C a t h d r a l community nws Wddings Mr. & Mrs. Jams Filippo Congratulations! funrals Elni Vasili and Elni Apostolos May thir mmoris b trnal. MMorial donations St. gorg grk orthodox cathdral bautification fund in mmory of: Gorg Mtalious $75.00 Efthimia Thoma $ Elni Vasili $ th gorg dmos altar boy Scholarship fund in mmory of: Gorg Mtalious $50.00 Efthimia Thoma $ St. gorg grk orthodox cathdral Snior choir fund in mmory of: Elni Vasili $25.00 community contributions Mr. Ioannis Kalaitzidis gnrously donatd $50.00 to th St. Gorg Grk Orthodox Cathdral Bautification Fund. Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Hartoflis gnrously donatd $ to th St. Gorg Grk Orthodox Snior Choir. th fiv SundayS of grat lnt Th First Sunday of Grat Lnt is ddicatd to th final triumph of th Orthodox Church ovr th iconoclasts and th rstoration of th Holy Icons to th churchs, which took plac on th First Sunday of Lnt, March 11, 843. Thus it is calld th Sunday of Orthodoxy. As th Orthodox triumphd during th iconoclastic controvrsy bcaus of th ddication of th Martyrs and Confssors who suffrd for th Faith, so too, w striv to imitat ths Martyrs by our own asctical slf-dnial. A spcial fatur of this day is th procssion of th Holy Icons and th sixty anathmas pronouncd against various hrtics and hrsis of th Fourth though th Fourtnth Cnturis. Th Scond Sunday of Grat Lnt is ddicatd to Saint Grgory Palamas, Archbishop of Thssalonik. Saint Grgory s triumph ovr th hrtics of his tim is sn as a rnwal of th Triumph of Orthodoxy of th prvious Sunday. Anothr thm of this Sunday is that of th Prodigal Son as a modl of rpntanc, for which a spcial Canon is dvotd at th Sunday Matins. Th Third Sunday of Grat Lnt is ddicatd to th Cross and th bringing-out of th Prcious Cross, which closly parallls th clbration of th Fast of th Exaltation of th Cross on Sptmbr 14. This day is also rfrrd to as th Sunday of th Vnration of th Holy Cross. At this tim w ar at mid-lnt and w ar rmindd of th upcoming crucifixion of th Lord and w ar strngthnd to prsvr in our Lntn struggls. Th Fourth Sunday of Grat Lnt is ddicatd to Saint John Climacus (John of th Laddr), Abbot of Mount Sinai, who bcaus of his asctical writing srvs as a modl of a tru Christian asctic. Th Laddr, th work of Saint John Climacus, is appointd by th Church to b rad during Grat Lnt. Th Fifth Sunday of Grat Lnt is ddicatd to Saint Mary of Egypt, who was a harlot living in th Egyptian city of Alxandria, who latr rpntd and livd th rst of hr lif in solitud in th Egyptian dsrt, srving as a modl of rpntanc to all Christians. attntion high School SniorS & collg StudntS Scholarship Packts ar availabl in th Cathdral offic. Th offic is opn Monday Friday, 8:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. S t. G o r g G r k O r t h o d o x C a t h d r a l 6

7 S t. G o r g G r k O r t h o d o x C a t h d r a l St. Gorg Grk Orthodox Cathdral 650 Hanovr Strt Manchstr, Nw Hampshir Invits you to An Apokratiko Clbration Saturday, March 5, pm 11:00pm In th church hall DJ Gorg Rgas Grk and Amrican Dancing Varity of Hors D ouvrs Cash Bar $15.00 pr prson Childrn undr 12 ar fr Toula Barbr at or th Cathdral offic at (603) Coff Hour Information S t. G o r g G r k O r t h o d o x C a t h d r a l 7 Praying for th dpartd On of th common qustions askd by Orthodox Christians about thir Faith concrns our approach to thos who hav falln aslp in th Lord. Should w pray for th dpartd? Of what valu ar such prayrs? Th undrlying principl bhind praying for th dad is basd on unity in Christ. Sinc th incption of th Church, prayrs for th dcasd hav always bn offrd in thir bhalf. W bliv that th dad ar rally in anothr stat of "lif." Thos who ar rlatd to God in a living faith hav lif vn though thy may b physically dad. Christ himslf said: "I am th rsurrction and th lif: h who blivs in M, though h di, yt shall h liv, and whovr livs and blivs in M shall nvr di." (John 11:25) In th Gospl of St. Matthw, Jsus spok to th Sadducs about th rising from th dad, saying: "And as for th rsurrction of th dad, hav you not rad what was said to you by God, 'I am th God of Abraham and th God of Isaac and th God of Jacob?' H is not God of th dad, but of th living." (Matt 22:31) Though physically dad, th soul livs on, and w kp in contact with th dpartd by praying to God for th forgivnss of thir sins. Thus dos th Church provid th srvics for th dad bcaus sh blivs that th dpartd may b hlpd, sinc Christ is abl to do all things at will. Th Orthodox Church, in fact, sts asid spcial days, rfrrd to as SATURDAY OF THE SOULS, to pray for all dpartd souls. It is customary on ths days to hav th nams of our dcasd lovd ons mntiond aloud during ths mmorial srvics. In this way, w commmorat th ons who hav passd on to thir trnal rward. At th Divin Liturgy and Mmorial Srvics offrd on th Saturday of th Souls, th Church rmmbrs all th Saints, Orthodox Emprors and Patriarchs, our forfathrs and ancstors, and all of our dcasd lovd ons. Our church prays for all th dad to xprss thir faith that all who hav falln aslp in th Lord liv in th Lord. Whthr on arth or in havn, th Church is a singl family, on body in Christ. Dath changs th location, but it cannot svr th bond of lov. On Mmorial Saturdays, th liturgical hymns pray univrsally for all of th dpartd. May thir mmory b trnal! first Saturday of th Souls Saturday, March 5, 2016 Scond Saturday of th Souls Saturday, March 12, 2016 third Saturday of th Souls Saturday, March 19, 2016

8 StWardShiP 2016 Michal & Donna Aboshar Arthur Adamakos Joann Adamakos William Aivalikls Anastasia Ambargis Dick & Dmtria Anagnost Panagiota Arfanakis Milton & Sally Argriou William & Chryl Athanas Christos & Alxandra Babis Christin Ballas Hln Bnson Ptr & Kat Boisvrt Richard & Gorgiann Boisvrt Kir & Joann Bordnr Arthur & Sandra Boujoukos Christophr & Angliki Bourassa Fanny Canotas Vasiliki Canotas & Mark McCu Dorothy Chakas William & Maria Chalog Stv Chakas Dan & Evanglin Christon Mari Clapsaddl Ronald & Marion Cobl Pamla Colantuono Gorg Copadis Alic Crusad Maria Dakos Julia Damalas Sturgis Damalas Nancy Daskal John & Vasoulla Dmos Vivi Pappas Dsjardins Gorg & Linda Dimakis Robrt & Angla Dion Harry Dimos Nicholas & Artmis Donis Effi Dovas Jim & Stphani Frro Adamantia Gatsas Robrt T. Gorg Alxandr Gorgou Stphn & Brnda Gikas Timothy & Evanglia Giotas Evanglos & Grac Griburas Carmlo & Paraskvi Gins Guzzardi John & Kiki Harrington Nick & M. Louis Hart Nicholas & SSun Hartoflis William & Joan Hughn John In Alic Ivos Btty Kacavas Nola Kalantzis John & Barbara Karanasios Eva Karandans Rigas & Maria Karoutsos Jnni Kistlingr Andra Kokolis Ernst Kotkas Michal & Effi Koustas Gorg Kriton Gorg & Dafnoula Lalopoulos 8 Philip Liakos Stphn & Maurn Liakos Alic Lov Jann Lucas John & Mari MacArthur M. Kathryn MacPh Pamla Manolakis Anthony & Karn Massahos Jams & Karn Massahos Harry Mhos Socrats & Evdoxia Mrisotis Spiros & Maria Millios Spiros & Sharon Mitsopoulos Marilyn Motowylak Ashly Moufarg-Bardwll Bss Moussau Elias Moutsioulis Kosta & Nikki Moutsioulis Effi M. Naum Julia D. Naum Michal & Elain Olniak William Pananos Costas & Mary Papachristos Frank & Athanasia Papanicolau Arthur & Dawn Pappas Chris Pappas Paul Pappas Evanglos & Brnda Prvanas Gorg Ptrikas Sophia Plntzas Jams & Hayly Potitis Giorgio & Dnis Ricciardi Jams & Athanasia Robinson Diana Sitz John & Maria Sinclair Christophr & Marina Skaprdas Lonard & Gorgia Sousa Kostas & Tina Spanos Eva Mari Stilky Aphrodit Tagalakis Lisa Tagalakis Marc Tagalakis Thodora Thanos Vasiliki Tolios Gorg & Joyc Trapotsis Vasso Tsingos Thomas & Virginia Tsirimokos Hrculs & Constanc Tsirovakas Alxandra Tsoutsas Dspina Tsoutsas Gorg Tsoutsas Dspina Tziros Ptr & Ashly Tziros Anastasia Vailas Christos & Cathrin Vasilopoulos Vasilios & Pnny Vasilopoulos Christos Vziris Thofilos & Angla Vougias Vasilios & Christina Vougias Grtchn Whitny Michal & Elln Whitny Fr. Michal Wilson Arthur Zts Gorg & Ruth Zogopoulos

9 Joyful Giving Stwardship 2016 Pldg Form My Pldg to St. Gorg Grk Orthodox Cathdral in 2016 (Plas rspond as soon as you can!) NAME SPOUSE (If Marrid) STREET CITY STATE ZIP HOME PHONE MOBILE PHONE ADDRESS ADDRESS of Spous (If Marrid) DEPENDENT CHILDREN S nams and birthdats: May w includ your contact information in th parish dirctory? YES NO May w add you to our parish mail list? YES NO Indicat any information you would lik xcludd from parish dirctory: TREASURE In gratitud for God s blssings, I/w commit to Christ and His Church th following amount for 2016: $ I WILL FULFILL MY PLEDGE IN THIS MANNER: MONTHLY QUARTERLY YEARLY OTHER I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE MY PLEDGE BILLED TO MY DEBIT / CREDIT CARD. (This is prfrrd in ordr to sav fs) Card #: Exp. Dat: CCV#: PLEASE BILL MY CARD: YEARLY QUARTERLY MONTHLY TIME & TALENT NAME: INDIVIDUAL STEWARDS should indicat aras of intrst with a chck mark. FAMILIES should mark H for HUSBAND, W for WIFE, or C for CHILDREN. EDUCATION Bibl Study Adult Rligious Education Intro to Orthodoxy Publications Spakrs Library YOUTH Sunday School Tachr GOYA Littl Lambs Hop/Joy Scouts Basktball Youth Choir BUILDING & GROUNDS Gardn & Landscap Clan-up Intrior Rpairs Extrior Rpairs Hall Rntals ADMINISTRATION Rviw / Audit By-Laws Offic Hlp Computr / Tchnical Data Entry Board of Dirctors Anagnsis DEVELOPMENT / FUNDRAISING Glndi LITURGICAL Sanctuary & Altar Car Altar boys / Acolyts Baking Prosfora Choir Radr Grtr / Ushr MINISTRIES & PROGRAMS Campus Ministry Wlcom Tam Nw Mmbr Evnts 9 Outrach Stwardship Sunday Fllowship / Coff Visitation Hospital Visitation Shut-ins Fd th Hungry Prison Ministry Grif Bravmnt Group Disastr Rlif Projcts Blood Drivs Projct Mxico Int l Orth Christian Charitis OCMC Mission Cntr Sniors Ministry Coupls Ministry Singls Ministry Military Ministry COMMUNICATIONS Wbsit & Bulltin & Nwslttr Public Rlations

10 S t. G o r g G r k O r t h o d o x C a t h d r a l grat lnt bgins on Monday, March 14, 2016 Th Fast of Fasts, th Holy Pascha, th Rsurrction of th Lord, is th climax of th Church s liturgical yar and is also th most glorious, most joyful and bright fstival of th Christian Church. On it Our Lord and Savior Jsus Christ aros as victor ovr dath, dstroying th powr of dath ovr man onc and for all and annulling th curs pronouncd upon man in Paradis. But, bfor th bright joy of Pascha, th Church has ordaind a lngthy priod of rpntanc and spiritual sarching, a priod of prparation, so to spak, th Forty-day Grat Lnt. Th Forty Days of Grat Lnt commmorats Isral s forty yars of wandring in th Wildrnss, th forty yars of painful struggl as Isral longd for and thn rcivd ntranc into th Promisd Land. Moss rmaind fasting on Mount Sinai for forty days and th Propht Elijah fastd forty days as h journyd to Mount Horb. Grat Lnt also rcalls th forty days th Lord spnt in th Wildrnss aftr His Baptism, whn H contndd with Satan, th tmptr. Th tim of Grat Lnt ncompasss forty days, to which must b addd th Saturday of Lazarus, Palm Sunday, and Holy Wk. In addition, th Holy Church prscribd a priod of prparation for th Grat Lnt itslf, calld th Triodion, and th Sundays of th Publican and th Pharis, Prodigal Son, Mat Far, and Chs Far. In all, th Orthodox Church prscribs tn wks of spiritual and bodily prparation for th joyous Pascha of th Lord. Churchs do not follow th Nican Council s dcr that Pascha must not prcd or fall on th Jwish Passovr, and it is for ths rasons that thr is oftn a grat varianc from on yar to th nxt btwn th Orthodox Church and th Wstrn Churchs concrning th dat of Holy Pascha. On th Monday following th Sunday of Chs Far, w formally bgin th Forty-day Grat Lnt and, of cours, on of its faturs is its rigorous fasting. In addition, thr ar som spcial faturs of th liturgical srvics. Th usual Sunday Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom is rplacd with th much longr Liturgy of Saint Basil. This Liturgy is spcially charactrizd by its longr and vry moving prayrs. Th Liturgy of Saint Basil is clbratd in th church tn tims ach yar. Wkday Liturgis ar not srvd during Grat Lnt, with th xcption of th Fast of th Annunciation if it falls on a wk day, but is rplacd by th spcial Liturgy of th Pr-sanctifid Gifts, at which th faithful commun of th Holy Gifts which wr pr-sanctifid at th prvious Sunday s Liturgy. On Monday vnings throughout Grat Lnt w will clbrat th pnitntial srvic, th Complin Srvic, th Liturgy of th Pr-sanctifid Gifts will b clbratd on Wdnsday - half of thm in th vning and half of thm in th morning, and th Salutations to th Virgin Mary will b clbratd on Friday vnings. In Grat Lnt w ar also introducd to th vry moving Lntn prayr of Saint Ephraim th Syrian, stting forth th ssnc of spiritual lif. This prayr is rcitd at ach of th liturgical srvics throughout th wkdays of Grat Lnt and th first half of Holy Wk. Th tim of Grat Lnt is dpndnt on th dat of Pascha, which varis from yar to yar. According to a Canon of th First Ecumnical Council, Holy Pascha is th first Sunday aftr th first Full Moon which falls upon or immdiatly aftr th Spring Equinox (according to ancint rckoning is March 21). In addition, this Council dcrd that Pascha cannot prcd or fall on th Jwish Passovr. Th Full Moon usd for th purposs of calculating th dat of Pascha is th fourtnth day of a Lunar Month rckond according to ancint cclsiastical computation and is not th actual astronomical Full Moon. Th numbr of days btwn ach Full Moon (th Lunar Month) is not xact according to th Solar Calndar. Ancint calndars addd or subtractd a priod calld an pact to harmoniz th Lunar and Solar Calndars. Ths pacts as calculatd by th Orthodox Church, vary from thos calculatd by th Wstrn Churchs. In addition, th Wstrn turn clocks ahad on March 13, 2016 At 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, March 13, 2016 millions of Amricans will turn thir clocks ahad on hour, bginning Daylight Saving Tim. a safty rmindr: Many fir dpartmnts ncourag popl to chang th battris in thir smok dtctors whn thy chang thir clocks bcaus Daylight Saving Tim provids a convnint rmindr. A working smok dtctor mor than doubls a prson s chancs of surviving a hom fir, says William McNabb of th Troy Fir Dpartmnt in Troy, Michigan. Mor than 90 prcnt of homs in th Unitd Stats hav smok dtctors, but on-third ar stimatd to hav ithr dad or missing battris. S t. G o r g G r k O r t h o d o x C a t h d r a l 10

11 S t. G o r g G r k O r t h o d o x C a t h d r a l a l Sunday da ay School Scho ool - F F Fbruary br uar y 2016 D livring V Day cards cards to to Dlivring ing Valntin s Val alntin s Day tth h rsidnts rsidnts of Hanovr Hanovr Hill and V illa Cr st. Villa Crst. han B van, Al xa B van, JJohn ohn Awad, Awad, Annab Ann Annabll A Awad, wad, At Athan Bvan, Alxa Bvan, Joyc R obinson, Elizab th Athna Gallos,, Chris Robinson, Robinson, Elizabth At hna Gallos Robinson, Joyc Robinson Tatakis R obinson and Anna T Ta atakis S t. G o r g G r k O 11 r t h o d o x C a t h d r

12 12

13 S t. G o r g G r k O r t h o d o x C a t h d r a l S t. G o r g G r k O r t h o d o x C a t h d r a l 13

14 SAINT GEORGE GREEK ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL 650 HANOVER STREET MANCHESTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE Non Profit Org. US Postag PAID Prmit No Manchstr, NH Rturn Srvic Rqustd TO BENEFIT LOCAL SCHOOLS IN MANCHESTER St. Gorg Sunday School Spring 2016 Philanthropy Plas bring school supplis to Sunday School or in th drop off box in th lobby of th community cntr. W will l b collcting nw school supplis. s. In May w will put togthr back-to-school chool packags.

15 March 2016 Sun Mon Tu Wd Thu Fri Sat Bibl Study 11 am at Annx. Cub Scout Mtg. 6 p.m. in CC. Orthodox Lif Class 7pm at Annx. 7th & 8th Gr. BB 7:30 9 p.m. in CC. 3. HS BB 6-7:30 pm in CC. 4. Girl Scouts 6-7:30 pm at Annx. 3rd & 4th Gr. BB 6-7:30 p.m. in CC. 5. BB Clinic 9 10:30 a.m in CC. 1st Sat. of Souls Div. Lit. & Mm. Sr. 9:30 a.m. Apokratiko Danc 7 p.m 11 p.m. in CC. 6. Matfar Sunday Orthros 9 a.m. Div. Lit 10 a.m. Sun. Sch. 10 a.m. Grk Danc class 6-8 p.m. in CC. 7. Pr Sch. 4:30 5:30 pm in CC. Adult Grk Class 6-7:30 pm in CC. 3rd,4th,5th,&6th Gr. BB 6-7:30 pm in CC. HS BB 7:30 9 pm in CC No Bibl Study. Cub Scout Mtg. 6 pm in CC. 7th & 8th Gr. BB 7:30 9 pm in CC. DOP Mtg. 6:30 pm at Annx. Orthodox Lif class at 7pm at Annx. 10. HS BB 6-7:30 pm in CC. 11. Girl Scouts 6-7:30 pm at Annx. 3rd & 4th Gr. BB 6-7:30 p.m. in CC. 12. Last BB Clinic 9-10:30 am in CC. 2nd Sat. of Souls Div. Lit & Mm. Sr. 9:30 a.m. Baptism for Emma & Baily, parnts Todd & Kassandra Brady 12 p.m. 13. Orthros 9 a.m. Div. Lit 10 a.m. Sun. Sch. 10 a.m. 40-Day Mm. for Elni Apostolos. AHEPA Brakfast in CC. Vsprs of Forgivnss 6 p.m. 14. Grat Lnt Bgins. Pr Sch. 4:30 5:30 pm in CC. Complin Sr. 6 p.m. Adult Grk Class 6-7:30 pm in CC. BOD Mtg. 7 p.m. at Annx. 3rd,4th,5th,&6th Gr. BB 6-7:30 pm in CC. HS BB 7:30 9 pm in CC No Bibl Study or Orthodox Lif Class. Prsanctifid Liturgy 5:45 p.m. followd by Lntn Pot Luck Suppr in CC. 7th & 8th Gr. BB 7:30 9 p.m. in CC. 17. HS BB 6-7:30 p.m. in CC st Salutation Srvic 7 p.m. Girl Scouts 6-7:30 pm at Annx rd Sat. of Souls Div. Lit. & Mm. Sr. 9:30 a.m. District Pinwood Drby in CC. 20. Orthros 9 a.m. Div. Lit 10 a.m. Sun. Sch. 10 a.m. 21. Pr School. 4:30 5:30 pm in CC. Complin Sr. 6 p.m. Adult Grk Class 6-7:30 p.m. in CC. 23. No Bibl Study & Orthrodox 22. Lif Class. Pr sanctifid Liturgy 11 a.m followd by Lntn Pot Luck Lunchon and Lctur in CC. Cub Scout Mtg. 6 p.m. in CC. 24. HS BB 6-7:30 p.m. in CC. 25. Fast of Annunciation Div. Lit. 10 a.m. 2nd Salutation Sr. 7 p.m. Girl Scouts 6-7:30 pm at Annx Orthros 9 a.m. Div. Lit. 10 a.m. No Sun. Sch. 28. Pr School. 4:30 5:30 pm in CC. Complin Sr. 6 p.m. Adult Grk Class 6-7:30 p.m. in CC No Bibl Study & Orthrodox Lif Class. Prsanctifid Litugy 5:45 p.m. followd by Lntn Pot Luck Suppr and Lctur in CC. 31. HS BB 6-7:30 pm in CC.

16 April 2016 Sun Mon Tu Wd Thu Fri Sat 1. 3rd Salutation Srvic 7 pm. Girl Scouts 6-7:30 pm at Annx Orthros 9am. Div. Lit 10 am. Sun. Sch. 10 am. 4. Complin Srvic 6 pm. Pr Sch. 4:30 5:30 pm in CC. Adult Grk Class 6-7:30 pm. HS BB 7:30 9 pm in CC Prsanctifid Liturgy 11 am. followd by Lntn Potluck Lunchon & Lctur in CC. Cub Scout Mtg. 6 pm in CC. 7. HS BB 6-7:30 pm in CC. 8. 4th Salutation Srvic 7 pm. Girl Scouts 6-7:30 pm at Annx Orthros 9 a.m. Div. Lit 10 am. Sun. Sch. 10 am. 11. Complin Srvic 6 pm. Pr Sch. 4:30 5:30 pm in CC. Adult Grk Class 6-7:30 pm in CC. BOD Mtg. 7 p.m. at Annx. HS BB 7:30 9 pm in CC Prsanctifid Liturgy 5: 45 p.m. followd by Lntn Pot Luck Suppr & Lctur in CC. 14. HS BB 6-7:30 p.m. in CC. 15. Akathist Hymn 7 pm. Girl Scouts 6-7:30 pm at Annx Orthros 9 am. Div. Lit. 10 am. Sun. Sch. 10 am. 18. Complin Srvic 6 pm. Pr School 4:30 5:30 pm in CC. Adult Grk Class 6-7:30 p.m. in CC Prsanctifid Liturgy 11 a.m followd by Lntn Pot Luck Lunchon and Lctur in CC. Cub Scout Mtg. 6 p.m. in CC. 21. HS BB 6-7:30 p.m. in CC. 22. Girl Scouts 6-7:30 pm at Annx 23. Saturday of Lazarus Divin Litugy 10 am. 24. Palm Sunday Orthros 9 a.m. Div. Lit. 10 am. No Sun. Sch. Followd by Palm Sunday Fish Dinnr in CC. Bridgroom Srvic 7 pm. 25. Holy Monday Bridgoom Srvic 7 pm. No Grk Classs or Pr-School. 26. Holy Tusday Bridgroom Srvic 7 pm. 27. Holy Wdnsday Holy Unction Srvic 3 pm. Orthros of Thurs. 7 pm. 28. Holy Thursday Vspral Divin Liturgy 6 a.m. 12 Gospl Rading 7 pm. 29. Holy Friday Royal Hr. 9 am. Taking down from th Cross 3 pm. Lamntation Srvic 7 pm. 30. Holy Saturday Vspral Divin Litugy 10 am. Canon Pascha 11:15 pm.

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