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1 HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY Studnt Book 2nd Grad Unit 2

2 Unit 2 SETTLING THE NEW WORLD SETTLING THE NEW WORLD HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY 202 Introduction 4 1. Th First Sttlrs... 7 Th Story of Jamstown 9 Finding Frdom to Worship 12 Th Pilgrims at Plymouth 15 Sttlrs and Srvants 18 Slf Tst Colonis of th Nw World Thr Groups of Colonis 24 Problms with Grat Britain 29 Th Boston Ta Party 30 Slf Tst Th War for Indpndnc Colonists Prpar for War 39 War Bgins 41 A Fr Country 43 Slf Tst Symbols and Historic Placs Symbols and Historical Placs of th Unitd Stats 49 LIFEPAC Tst Pull-out 1

3 SETTLING THE NEW WORLD Unit 2 Authors: Alan R. Dutton Rachll Wirsma Editors: Alan Christophrson Rachl Grack Mdia Crdits: Pag 4: PrttyVctors, istock, Thinkstock; 11: Ptr Dnnis, Dorling Kindrsly, Thinkstock; 13: Crativ-Outlt, istock, Thinkstock; 30, 41, 42, 43: Egor Shabanov, istock, Thinkstock; 32: Gorgios Kollidas, istock, Thinkstock; 39: jorgantonio, istock, Thinkstock; 41: Dynamic Grouping, liquidlibrary; Thinkstock; 42: lawcain, Thinkstock; 43: bpprry, istock, Thinkstock; 49: 2G1R, istock, Thinkstock; Brian Swartz, istock, Thinkstock; 50: tjgupta, istock, Thinkstock; Willard, istock, Thinkstock. 804 N. 2nd Av. E. Rock Rapids, IA MMXVI by Alpha Omga Publications, a division of Glynlyon, Inc. All rights rsrvd. LIFEPAC is a rgistrd tradmark of Alpha Omga Publications, a division of Glynlyon, Inc. All tradmarks and/or srvic marks rfrncd in this matrial ar th proprty of thir rspctiv ownrs. Alpha Omga Publications, a division of Glynlyon, Inc., maks no claim of ownrship to any tradmarks and/or srvic marks othr than thir own and thir affiliats, and maks no claim of affiliation to any companis whos tradmarks may b listd in this matrial, othr than thir own. 2

4 SETTLING THE NEW WORLD Unit 2 SETTLING THE NEW WORLD Christophr Columbus discovry of th Nw World mad popl curious. Thy wantd to larn mor about this faraway land. Som popl wantd to mak thir homs thr. Thy ndd a plac to frly practic thir rligion. Othrs saw th chanc to mak mony. This nw land might offr spcial goods not found in Europ. Prhaps thy could sll ths itms at a high pric. Europan sttlrs saild across th Atlantic Ocan and built sttlmnts along th East Coast of North Amrica. Each sttlmnt was calld a colony. Th sttlrs who movd to North Amrica wr colonists. By th mid-1700s, 13 colonis had bn sttld in North Amrica. King Gorg III of Grat Britain ruld ths colonis. In tim, th colonists wantd to b fr to rul thmslvs. Thy fought th Rvolutionary War against Grat Britain and won thir frdom. In this unit, you will larn about th Rvolutionary War and th vnts lading up to it. 4 Introduction

5 Unit 2 SETTLING THE NEW WORLD Objctivs Rad ths objctivs. Thy will tll what you will b abl to do whn you hav finishd this LIFEPAC. 1. Discuss why th sttlrs cam to th Nw World. 2. Explain whr th sttlrs landd in th Nw World. 3. Dscrib th thr groups of Amrican colonis. 4. Rcall th problms th colonists had with Grat Britain. 5. Tll how th colonists won thir indpndnc in th Rvolutionary War. 6. Rad about and undrstand som of th symbols that Amricans hav that rmind thm of th bravry of th arly colonists. Nw Words Ths words will appar in boldfac (darkr print) th first tim thy ar usd. chartr (chär t r). A papr signd by a king or othr ladr tlling a group what thy can do. colonist (kŏl nĭst). Somon who livs in a nwly sttld plac. coloniz (kŏl nīz). To sttl a nw plac. colony (kŏl nē). A plac that has bn nwly sttld by popl from anothr country. dsrtd (dĭ zûrt d). No longr bing livd in; a dsrtd villag is mpty. Introduction 5

6 SETTLING THE NEW WORLD Unit 2 dtrmind (dĭ tûr mind). Firmly dcidd to do somthing; somon who is dtrmind dos not asily giv up. govrnmnt (gŭv rn m nt). Th ruls and popl that mak th ruls to hlp popl liv togthr in a town or country. indnturd (ĭn dĕn ch rd). Undr th srvic of anothr prson by an agrmnt; an indnturd srvant agrd to work for a colonist to pay for a trip to th Nw World. indpndnt (ĭn dĭ pĕn d nt). Fr from th rul of somon ls. prmannt (pûr m n nt). Lasting forvr or staying at last for a long tim. prscutd (pûr sĭ kyüt d). Tratd crully bcaus of your blifs. rbllion (rĭ bĕl y n). A struggl or fight against th popl in charg of somthing; th colonists startd a rbllion against th British govrnmnt. rgion (rē j n). An ara of a country. rvolution (rĕv lü sh n). A fight or war against a govrnmnt or rulr; th colonists fought th Rvolutionary War against Grat Britain. surrndr (s rĕn d r). To giv up fighting and tak a loss. surviv (s r vīv ). To stay aliv; to last dspit problms. traty (trē tē). An agrmnt btwn two groups of popl. 6 Introduction

7 Unit 2 SETTLING THE NEW WORLD 1. THE FIRST SETTLERS In 1606, King Jams I of England gav a chartr to som mn from England. This chartr allowd thm to build a town, or sttlmnt, in th Nw World. In 1607, this group of English pionrs saild into th Chsapak Bay off th coast of Virginia. Thy built a fort along th Jams Rivr. Thy namd thir sttlmnt Jamstown in honor of King Jams. Jamstown was th first prmannt Europan sttlmnt in th Nw World. Words to Study chartr (chär t r). A papr signd by a king or othr ladr tlling a group what thy can do. dsrtd (dĭ zûrt d). No longr bing livd in; a dsrtd villag is mpty. govrnmnt (gŭv rn m nt). Th ruls and popl that mak th ruls to hlp popl liv togthr in a town or country. indnturd (ĭn dĕn ch rd). Undr th srvic of anothr prson by an agrmnt; an indnturd srvant agrd to work for a colonist to pay for a trip to th Nw World. prmannt (pûr m n nt). Lasting forvr or staying at last for a long tim. prscutd (pûr sĭ kyüt d). Tratd crully bcaus of your blifs. Sction 1 7

8 SETTLING THE NEW WORLD Unit 2 surviv (s r vīv ). To stay aliv; to last dspit problms. traty (trē tē). An agrmnt btwn two groups of popl. Ask your tachr to say ths words with you. Tachr Chck Initial Dat Larn to Say Nw Words Ths ar th nams of a fw Nativ Amrican groups. Ask your tachr to hlp you pronounc th following nams: Powhatan Chippwa Ojibwa Sminol Wampanoag Pow a tan (pou Chip h wah (chĭp O jib way (ō jĭb wā) Sh muh nol (sĕm tăn ) wä) nōl) Wahm pah noh ahg (wäm p nō ăg) Tachr Chck Initial Dat 8 Sction 1

9 Unit 2 SETTLING THE NEW WORLD Th Story of Jamstown Early on, th sttlrs at Jamstown had problms. Thy wr strangrs in this land. Th nativ popl did not wlcom thm at first. Th nighboring Powhatan Indians rpatdly attackd Jamstown. Th colonists struggld to mak thir sttlmnt surviv. Mor English colonists cam to Jamstown to hlp. By 1609, 214 sttlrs livd at Jamstown. Th wintr of 1609 brought hard tims to th Jamstown colony. Virginia had suffrd a long drought, and food supplis ran low. Th Jamstown colonists did not hav nough food to at. To hlp, a ship filld with food and supplis st sail from England. Thn, a hurrican stoppd it from raching th colony in tim. Only 60 of th sttlrs livd through th wintr. This hard wintr bcam known as th starving tim. Jamstown Sction 1 9

10 SETTLING THE NEW WORLD Unit 2 By spring, th surviving colonists wr rady to lav Jamstown and rturn to England. Thn, th ship from England at last arrivd with food, supplis, and nw sttlrs. Thir arrival gav th colonists hop. Thy dcidd to stay in Jamstown. Circl th corrct answr. 1.1 _ King Jams I gav th first colonists a that allowd thm to build a sttlmnt in th Nw World. a. licns b. map c. chartr 1.2 _ Th first prmannt sttlmnt was calld. a. Jamstown b. Plymouth c. Nw York 1.3 _ Th sttlrs had many problms with th Indians. a. Chippwa b. Ojibwa c. Powhatan 1.4 _ In th wintr of 1609, many of th sttlrs did bcaus thy did not hav nough. a. wood b. food c. mony 10 Sction 1

11 Unit 2 SETTLING THE NEW WORLD Th Powhatan Indians continud to attack Jamstown. In 1614, a colonist namd John Rolf marrid Chif Powhatan s daughtr, Pocahontas. Thir marriag brought pac btwn th English colonists and th Powhatan Indians for a numbr of yars. In 1622, Chif Powhatan did, and his brothr bcam chif. Th nw chif Pocahontas and hr fathr mt John Rolf plannd a surpris attack on th English sttlmnts. Mor than 300 colonists wr killd. Aftr this attack, th colonists lft th fort at Jamstown. Thy built a nw sttlmnt just ast of th old fort and calld it Nw Town. Circl th corrct answr. 1.5 _ Thr was pac with th Powhatan Indians for a whil aftr John Rolf marrid. a. Powhatan b. Mary Pirc c. Pocahontas 1.6 _ Th Indian trib attackd th Jamstown sttlmnt. a. Powhatan b. Apach c. Publo Sction 1 11

12 SETTLING THE NEW WORLD Unit _ Th colonists movd to aftr a surpris attack by th Powhatan Indians. a. Franc b. Nw Town c. Plymouth Colony Finding Frdom to Worship In th arly 1600s, popl who livd in England could not choos thir rligions. Thy had to b mmbrs of th Church of England. Anyon who trid to practic othr rligions could b find or thrown into jail. On group of popl dcidd to form thir own church, vn though it was illgal. Thy wr calld Sparatists bcaus thy sparatd from th Church of England. Thir dcision put thm in grat dangr. Som Sparatists wr tratd crully, or prscutd, for thir blifs. Around 1608, ths popl dcidd to lav England. Thy wantd to find frdom to worship without far. Thy movd to th Nthrlands. Th popl in th Nthrlands wlcomd thm. Today, w know this group as th Pilgrims. Th Mayflowr 12 Sction 1

13 Unit 2 SETTLING THE NEW WORLD Th Pilgrims stayd in th Nthrlands for about 12 yars. Thn, thy bgan to worry. Thir childrn wr bcoming too much lik thir Dutch nighbors. Th Pilgrims dcidd to sail to th Nw World. Thy hopd to start a colony whr thy could frly practic thir blifs. In 1620, th Pilgrims st sail in a ship calld th Mayflowr. Thy had prmission to sttl in Virginia, lik th Jamstown colonists. But a strong wind blw th ship off cours. Instad, th ship landd at Cap Cod of prsnt-day Massachustts. Th Pilgrims bcam th scond group of pionrs to arriv in th Nw World. Sction 1 13

14 SETTLING THE NEW WORLD Unit 2 Circl th corrct answr. 1.8 _ Th scond group of pionrs to com to th Nw World wr th. a. Pilgrims b. mrchants c. sailors 1.9 _ Th Sparatists lft England and movd to. a. Franc b. Italy c. th Nthrlands 1.10 _ Th Pilgrims dcidd to com to th Nw World bcaus thir wr not following in thir ways anymor. a. parnts b. childrn c. nighbors 1.11 _ Th Pilgrims travld to North Amrica on a ship namd th. a. Pinta b. Niña c. Mayflowr 14 Sction 1

15 SETTLING THE NEW WORLD Unit 2 SELF TEST 1 Each answr = 1 point Choos th corrct answr and writ it on th corrct lin. Not all words will b usd. starving tim cold church chartr constitution Powhatan John Rolf John Smith Wampanoag govrnmnt Chrok 1.01 _ Many Jamstown sttlrs did during th wintr of 1609, which was calld th _ King Jams I gav th colonists a to start th colony at Jamstown _ Th Jamstown sttlrs had many problms with th Indians _ Pocahontas, th daughtr of Chif Powhatan, marrid _ Squanto was a Indian who livd in England for a short tim. 20 Sction 1

16 Unit 2 SETTLING THE NEW WORLD Circl Ys or No _ Th Mayflowr Compact was a st of laws th Pilgrims agrd to oby. Ys No 1.07 _ Th Wampanoag Indians wr frindly and hlpd th Pilgrims grow crops. Ys No Circl th corrct answr _ Th Pilgrims livd in bfor sailing to th Nw World. a. th Nthrlands b. Swdn c. Grnland 1.09 _ Th Pilgrims ship was namd th. a. Mayflowr b. Santa Maria c. Niña _ Th ruls that th Pilgrims cratd for thir sttlmnt was calld th Mayflowr. a. Constitution b. Papr c. Compact _ Th Pilgrims movd into a villag that had bn dsrtd by th. a. Norsmn b. Nativ Amricans c. Spanish Sction 1 21

17 HIS0202 Fb 17 Printing 804 N. 2nd Av. E. Rock Rapids, IA ISBN


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