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1 TEACHER BIBLE STUDY 4-6 Grad Kids Bibl Study Guid Unit 20, Sssion 3: Jsus Appard to Discipls Prhaps on of most gracious ings Jsus did aftr His rsurrction was appar to discipls, proving H was aliv. Th discipls wr dvastatd to s at Jsus had did. How could H sav m if H was dad? Evn ough Jsus had fortold His da and rsurrction (Matw 20:17-19), Jsus discipls blivd by sing. Jsus showd discipls His hands and His sid to prov H was not a ghost. H had a ral, physical body. Thn H spok to m: As Far has snt M, I also snd you (John 20:21). This vrs contains Gospl of John s vrsion of Grat Commission. Jsus, On snt from Far, was now snding discipls to b His mssngrs and rprsntativs. Jsus quippd discipls wi Holy Spirit to proclaim gospl. Thomas, who was not wi discipls whn Jsus cam, had a hard tim bliving at y saw Him. Thomas wantd physical proof and at is just what H got! Jsus showd Thomas His hands and His sid. Thomas immdiatly blivd. Jsus rsurrction provd at God was satisfid wi Jsus blood sacrific for sins and at God s nw covnant had bgun. In 1 Corinians 15, Paul addrssd how rsurrction is ssntial to gospl. In vrs 17, Paul writs, If Christ has not bn raisd, your fai is worlss; you ar still in your sins. If Christ had rmaind dad, His da would hav mant noing mor an yours or min. Humanity would still b wiout hop. Jsus rsurrction givs us hop at w on day too will b raisd and changd. God givs us victory ovr da rough Jsus. Emphasiz to kids you tach at Jsus is aliv! Shar wi m at y hav a spcial purpos: to tll ors at Jsus is aliv. H is rigning as King today ovr all of cration. LESSON OVERVIEW/SCHEDULE Sssion Titl: Jsus Appard to Discipls Bibl Passag: Luk 24:36-49; John 20:19-29; Acts 1:3,9-11 Big Pictur Qustion: What did Jsus do aftr H was raisd from dad? Jsus appard to many popl as proof at God had raisd Jsus from dad, and H is still aliv today. Ky Passag: Matw 21:9 Unit Christ Connction: God s plan for rdmption is fulfilld rough da and rsurrction of Jsus Christ. Transition Tim Wlcom tim Activity Sht/Tabl Cntrs Sssion startr (10 minuts) LifWay Christian Rsourcs

2 4-6 Grad Kids Bibl Study Guid Unit 20, Sssion 3: Jsus Appard to Discipls Lsson Countdown Introduc sssion (3 minuts) Big pictur qustion (1 minut) Timlin map (1 minut) Tll Bibl Story (10 minuts) Th Gospl: God s Plan for M (optional) Ky passag (5 minuts) Discussion startr vido (4 minuts) Sing (4 minuts) Prayr (2 minuts) Tabl Tim Bibl story rviw & Bibl skills (10 minuts) Ky passag activity (5 minuts) Activity choic (10 minuts) Prayr (5 minuts) THE BIBLE STORY/OVERVIEW Jsus Appard to Discipls Luk 24:36-49; John 20:19-29; Acts 1:3,9-11 On first day of wk, in vning, discipls gard togr in a hous. Thy lockd doors bcaus y wr afraid of Jws. Thy didn t want to b killd lik Jsus had bn killd. But wait Jsus had appard to two discipls on road, and Mary Magdaln had rportd sing Him aliv too. Could it b tru? As discipls talkd, Jsus cam, stood among m, and said to m, Pac to you! Th discipls wr afraid! Thy couldn t bliv ir ys! Was is rally Jsus? Th discipls ought y wr sing a ghost. Why ar you afraid? It s M! Why do you doubt? Jsus said. Look at M and touch M. A ghost dos not hav flsh and bons, but I do. I m not a ghost. Jsus showd His discipls His hands and His sid. Thy saw nail hols in His hands and hol in His sid. Jsus was aliv? It smd too good to b tru. Th discipls rjoicd bcaus y wr so happy to s Jsus! Th discipls gav Jsus som fish to at. Jsus talkd to m and xplaind Bibl to m. Th Bibl is about M, Jsus said. Thn Jsus told m at y had a job to do. Jsus had did and was raisd from dad so at popl could b forgivn for ir sins. Th discipls ndd to tll or popl to rpnt from ir sin and b forgivn. Pac to you! Jsus said to m again. God snt M to ar, and in sam way, I am snding LifWay Christian Rsourcs

3 4-6 Grad Kids Bibl Study Guid Unit 20, Sssion 3: Jsus Appard to Discipls you. Thn Jsus brad on m and said, Rciv Holy Spirit. Jsus snt out discipls to b His witnsss and to tll all popl at H is aliv. On of discipls, Thomas, was not r whn Jsus cam. Th or discipls kpt tlling him, W hav sn Jsus! But Thomas doubtd. H said, I don t bliv you! I want to s and touch hols in His hands and His sid or I will nvr bliv! Eight days passd, and discipls wr indoors again. This tim, Thomas was wi m. Evn ough doors wr lockd, Jsus cam in and stood among m. H said, Pac to you! Thn H said to Thomas, Touch marks on My hands and My sid. Don t b an unblivr; bliv! Thomas blivd. My Lord and my God! h said. Jsus said, Bcaus you hav sn M, you hav blivd. Thos who bliv in M wiout sing M ar blssd. Jsus continud to appar to discipls, proving H was aliv, and H taught m about kingdom of God. Jsus latr wnt up into sky on a cloud. His discipls watchd Him go into havn. Two mn appard and told Jsus discipls at Jsus would com back to ar on day. Christ Connction: God mad Jsus aliv again! For 40 days, Jsus prsntd Himslf to at last 500 popl and provd at H is aliv. (1 Corinians 15:3-8) Jsus is still aliv today. TRANSITION TIME Sssion Titl: Jsus Appard to Discipls Bibl Passag: Luk 24:36-49; John 20:19-29; Acts 1:3,9-11 Big Pictur Qustion: What did Jsus do aftr H was raisd from dad? Jsus appard to many popl as proof at God had raisd Jsus from dad, and H is still aliv today. Ky Passag: Matw 21:9 Unit Christ Connction: God s plan for rdmption is fulfilld rough da and rsurrction of Jsus Christ. Wlcom tim papr bags filld wi diffrnt small toys or itms Grt ach kid as h or sh arrivs. Us is tim to collct offring, fill out attndanc shts, and hlp nw kids connct to your group. Invit kids to clos ir ys. Distribut papr bags. Instruct ach kid to opn bag and fl itm insid. Allow kids to announc what itms y ink y hav. Nxt, instruct kids to listn to itms in ir bags. Dos is chang ir guss? Finally, guid kids to look at ir itms. Dos anyon want to chang ir guss? Discuss how w us our snss to dcid what w ink w know LifWay Christian Rsourcs

4 4-6 Grad Kids Bibl Study Guid Unit 20, Sssion 3: Jsus Appard to Discipls Activity pag Tabl Cntrs (Miscllanous Activitis) Bibls Bliv It or Not? / Jsus Rviw Gam activity pag, 1 pr kid colord pncils or crayons Allow kids to rcord ir answrs on activity pag Bliv It or Not? Discuss ach statmnt and why kids chos answr y did. (Answrs: fals skin; tru; tru; tru; fals it can t swim immdiatly; tru) Say Why do you bliv at Jsus did on cross, and God raisd Him from dad? As tim allows, lad kids to complt activity pag Jsus Rviw Gam. Sssion startr (10 minuts) Option 1: Who Said That? Explain at kids will tak turns bing gussr. Th gussr will clos his or hr ys. Th ladr will signal anor kid in group to say Jsus. Th gussr will n attmpt to guss who spok. Continu playing until vry kid has had a turn bing gussr. You may allow kid who spok to b nxt gussr. Say How did you dcid who was spaking? Was it asy or difficult? If I told you at your favorit movi star had bn hr bfor our group startd, would you bliv m? Would you want to s prson bfor you blivd h or sh was hr? In our Bibl story, a group of popl told somon at y saw Jsus, but h didn t bliv m. Option 2: Blindfold Rlay blindfolds, 1 pr tam inflatabl balls, 4 pr tam wrapping papr tubs, 1 pr tam Cut wrapping papr tubs in half Each tam will blindfold on mmbr of tam. Th tam mmbr who cannot s must carry two balls across room whil balancing m on papr towl tubs. Th tam mmbr must listn carfully to any instructions or hlp tam givs him. Allow all kids who want to b blindfoldd to hav a turn. You may also allow kids to clos ir ys instad of bing blindfoldd. Say Whn you couldn t s, how did you know what to do? How did you know what was going on? In our Bibl story, a group of popl told somon at y saw Jsus, but h didn t bliv m. Somtims it is hard for us to bliv soming w did not s. Transition to larg group LifWay Christian Rsourcs

5 4-6 Grad Kids Bibl Study Guid Unit 20, Sssion 3: Jsus Appard to Discipls LESSON Sssion Titl: Jsus Appard to Discipls Bibl Passag: Luk 24:36-49; John 20:19-29; Acts 1:3,9-11 Big Pictur Qustion: What did Jsus do aftr H was raisd from dad? Jsus appard to many popl as proof at God had raisd Jsus from dad, and H is still aliv today. Ky Passag: Matw 21:9 Unit Christ Connction: God s plan for rdmption is fulfilld rough da and rsurrction of Jsus Christ. Countdown countdown vido (insrt providd DVD wi lsson vidos and worship) Show countdown vido as you clan-up tabl cntrs, st up classroom chairs for lsson and st it to nd as larg group tim bgins. Introduc sssion (3 minuts) [Larg Group Ladr ntrs wi xcitmnt. Walk up to a kid and yll, H is aliv! Rpat is svral tims, walking up to svral diffrnt kids across room.] Ladr Did you har my good nws? H is aliv! Jsus is aliv! I ink w nd to hav a short contst. Form r groups. Explain at whn you point to a group, group should stand and shout Jsus is aliv! Whn you stop pointing at group, y must stop shouting and sit down quitly. Point to ach group two or r tims. Ladr I can t ink of a bttr rason to shout an to clbrat rsurrction of Jsus. All wk I hav bn inking about our last Bibl story. Jsus did on cross to pay for our sin. Thn God raisd Him from dad! Do you know what? Th story dosn t nd r. Big pictur qustion (1 minut) Ladr Today w ar going to talk about what happnd aftr Jsus was rsurrctd. In fact our big pictur qustion basically asks at vry ing. What did Jsus do aftr H was raisd from dad? I lov at r is mor to is story. What did Jsus do? Whr did H go? Whom did H s? Did H talk to popl? So many qustions to xplor. I can t wait to find out, What did Jsus do aftr H was raisd from dad? Timlin map (1 minut) Timlin Map small group visual pack (Additional copis providd for Tabl Tim Rviw) Ladr Bfor w div into is wk s story, lt s rviw last two storis w hav had about Jsus. You can s on our timlin map at hr is first story w xplord. Do you rmmbr big pictur qustion LifWay Christian Rsourcs

6 4-6 Grad Kids Bibl Study Guid Unit 20, Sssion 3: Jsus Appard to Discipls and answr? How did popl act whn y saw Jsus? Popl wlcomd Jsus to Jrusalm as ir King. Last wk w studid Jsus s da and rsurrction. What did Jsus do for sinnrs? Jsus da and rsurrction paid pnalty for sins and providd promis of nw lif. Now it is tim to look at today s Bibl story. Tll Bibl Story (10 minuts) Jsus Appard to Discipls vido Bibls, 1 pr kid Bibl Story Pictur 11x17 postr providd Big Pictur Qustion: What did Jsus do aftr H was raisd from dad? 11x17 postr providd TIP: For a shortr vrsion of Bibl story, rad only boldd txt. Opn your Bibl to Luk 24 and tll Bibl story in your own words, or show Bibl story vido Jsus Appard to Discipls. Ladr OK. Jsus was busy aftr God raisd Him from dad. Somon nam on ing you hard in today s Bibl story. Point to svral kids. Follow up any statmnts y mak wi clarifying commnts. Ladr I lov whn you listn to a Bibl story and rmmbr what happnd! Jsus appard to Mary Magdln. Jsus appard to discipls. Jsus appard to discipls and Thomas. Jsus appard to ovr 500 popl bfor H ascndd back to havn. What did two mn promis discipls aftr Jsus ascndd? Thy rmindd discipls at Jsus would com again on day. Until at day, all Christians hav a big rsponsibility to tll ors about Jsus. God wants good nws about Jsus to b shard wi all nations! Our big pictur qustion is, What did Jsus do aftr H was raisd from dad? Rais your hand if you ink you found answr in our Bibl story. Ys! Our answr is, Jsus appard to many popl as proof at God raisd Jsus from dad, and H is still aliv today. Rad answr wi m. Jsus appard to many popl as proof at God raisd Jsus from dad, and H is still aliv today. Why do you ink Jsus appard to so many popl? H wantd popl to know at God had raisd Him from dad sin had bn dfatd! Jsus wantd His followrs to undrstand is mssag and to go shar is mssag wi ors. Can you imagin tlling somon who saw Jsus di on cross at H is aliv? What an incrdibl mssag Jsus followrs hav to tll! Christians ar complld to shar good nws about Jsus. Whn your lif is transformd by Jsus, you want or popl to xprinc sam transformation. You hav bn forgivn and you want or popl to xprinc God s forgivnss. That is part of knowing and loving God LifWay Christian Rsourcs

7 4-6 Grad Kids Bibl Study Guid Unit 20, Sssion 3: Jsus Appard to Discipls Th Gospl: God s Plan for M (optional) Using Scriptur and guid providd, xplain to boys and girls how to bcom a Christian. Tll kids how y can rspond, and provid tachrs to spak wi ach kid individually. Guid tachrs to us opn-ndd qustions to allow kids to dtrmin dirction of convrsation. Encourag boys and girls to ask ir parnts, small group ladrs, or or adults any qustions y hav about bcoming a Christian. Ky passag (5 minuts) Ky Passag Postr: Matw 21:9 (11x17 postr, providd) Worship Song: Hosanna in Highst (on providd DVD) Ladr Today is last day w ar studying is particular ky passag. I know som of you hav workd hard ovr last fw wks to mmoriz Matw 21:9. Do I hav any voluntrs who would lik to stand and say ky passag from mmory? Allow four or fiv kids to say ky passag. Encourag m to gt hlp from a frind if y nd assistanc. Ladr Wow! Grat work! You know, mmorizing Scriptur is on way w larn how to know God and lov Him. Mmorizing His Word guids us whn w hav choics to mak. Mmorizing God s Word is good, but w should always mak sur w undrstand what w ar mmorizing. Somon tll m what our ky passag is saying; what ar w supposd to undrstand whn w s is passag? Slct on kid to rspond. Invit kids to rad ky passag togr. Choos four or fiv kids to lad ntir group to sing Hosanna in Highst. Discussion Startr Vido (4 minuts) Unit 20, Sssion 3 discussion startr vido (on providd DVD) Ladr In today s vido you can shout out what you ink ach itm is as you s it. Show Unit 20 Sssion 3 vido. Ladr How did you know what ach itm was? You saw it wi your ys. Do w tnd to bliv ings w havn t sn? Nam soming you didn t or wouldn t bliv until you saw it. Is it hard to bliv soming you havn t sn? Why did Thomas want to s Jsus? What did Jsus say about os who bliv in Him vn ough y havn t sn Him? Sing (4 minuts) Worship Song: This Is Lov (on providd DVD) Ladr What dos it man to lov somon? Giv m an xampl of lov. Allow four or fiv kids to answr. Ladr God dmonstratd His lov for popl by snding Jsus to pay pric for our sins. God s lov is unconditional. His lov is prfct. Invit a fw kids to com to front and lad group in singing This Is Lov LifWay Christian Rsourcs

8 4-6 Grad Kids Bibl Study Guid Unit 20, Sssion 3: Jsus Appard to Discipls Prayr (2 minuts) Ladr Bfor you go to your small groups, I ink w hav tim for a littl mor shouting about Jsus. Rpat activity from bginning of larg group. Point to ach group a coupl of tims bfor nding gam. You may nd to rmind kids at y ar not to shout on way to ir small groups or during ir small groups. Ladr Say big pictur qustion and answr wi m. What did Jsus do aftr H was raisd from dad? Jsus appard to many popl as proof at God had raisd Jsus from dad, and H is still aliv today. Aftr I clos our tim in prayr, watch your small group ladr for your signal to had to your small group to study mor about what Jsus did aftr His rsurrction. Clos in prayr. Dismiss to small groups for Tabl Tim Th Gospl: God s Plan for M Ask kids if y hav vr hard word gospl. Clarify at word gospl mans good nws. It is mssag about Christ, kingdom of God, and salvation. Us following guid to shar gospl wi kids. God ruls. Explain to kids at Bibl tlls us God cratd vrying, and H is in charg of vrying. Invit a voluntr to rad Gnsis 1:1 from Bibl. Rad Rvlation 4:11 or Colossians 1:16-17 aloud and xplain what s vrss man. W sinnd. Tll kids at sinc tim of Adam and Ev, vryon has chosn to disoby God. (Romans 3:23) Th Bibl calls is sin. Bcaus God is holy, God cannot b around sin. Sin sparats us from God and dsrvs God s punishmnt of da. (Romans 6:23) God providd. Choos a child to rad John 3:16 aloud. Say at God snt His Son, Jsus, prfct solution to our sin problm, to rscu us from punishmnt w dsrv. It s soming w, as sinnrs, could nvr arn on our own. Jsus alon savs us. Rad and xplain Ephsians 2:8-9. Jsus givs. Shar wi kids at Jsus livd a prfct lif, did on cross for our sins, and ros again. Bcaus Jsus gav up His lif for us, w can b wlcomd into God s family for trnity. This is bst gift vr! Rad Romans 5:8; 2 Corinians 5:21; or 1 Ptr 3:18. W rspond. Tll kids at y can rspond to Jsus. Rad Romans 10:9-10,13. Rviw s aspcts of our rspons: Bliv in your hart at Jsus alon savs you rough what H s alrady don on cross. Rpnt, turning from slf and sin to Jsus. Tll God and ors at your fai is in Jsus. Offr to talk wi any child who is intrstd in rsponding to Jsus LifWay Christian Rsourcs

9 4-6 Grad Kids Bibl Study Guid Unit 20, Sssion 3: Jsus Appard to Discipls TABLE TIME LEADER Sssion Titl: Jsus Appard to Discipls Bibl Passag: Luk 24:36-49; John 20:19-29; Acts 1:3,9-11 Big Pictur Qustion: What did Jsus do aftr H was raisd from dad? Jsus appard to many popl as proof at God had raisd Jsus from dad, and H is still aliv today. Ky Passag: Matw 21:9 Unit Christ Connction: God s plan for rdmption is fulfilld rough da and rsurrction of Jsus Christ. Bibl story rviw & Bibl skills (10 minuts) Bibls, 1 pr kid Timlin small group visual pack TIP: Allow kids to locat corrct answrs to fals statmnts using ir Bibls Play a rviw gam by allowing kids to shout I bliv it if statmnt about Bibl story is tru or No way if y ink statmnt is fals. Whn Jsus appard to discipls, y ought y wr sing a ghost. (tru, Luk 24:37) Jsus invitd discipls to look at His ars. (fals, hands and ft; Luk 24:39) Jsus rmindd discipls at Scriptur said H would ris from dad on tn day. (fals, ird day; Luk 24:46) Thomas wantd to s Jsus bfor h would bliv Jsus is aliv. (tru, John 20:25) Jsus appard to His followrs svral tims in 40 days aftr His rsurrction. (tru, Acts 1:3) A lightning bolt took Jsus to havn. (fals, cloud; Acts 1:9) Two mn told discipls at Jsus would com back on day. (tru, Acts 1:10-11) Rviw last r storis using timlin map in small group visual pack. Say What did Jsus do aftr H was raisd from dad? Jsus appard to many popl as proof at God had raisd Jsus from dad, and H is still aliv today. Who prsntd Himslf and provd H is aliv? (For 40 days, Jsus prsntd Himslf to at last 500 popl and provd at H is aliv. Jsus is still aliv today.) If you choos to rviw wi boys and girls how to bcom a Christian, xplain at kids ar wlcom to spak wi you or anor ladr if y hav qustions. God ruls. God cratd and is in charg of vrying. (Gnsis 1:1; Rvlation 4:11; Colossians 1:16-17) W sinnd. Sinc Adam and Ev, vryon has chosn to disoby God. (Romans 3:23; 6:23) God providd. God snt His Son, Jsus, to rscu us from punishmnt w dsrv. (John 3:16; Ephsians 2:8-9) Jsus givs. Jsus livd a prfct lif, did on cross for our sins, and ros again so w can b wlcomd into God s family. (Romans 5:8; 2 Corinians 5:21; 1 Ptr 3:18) LifWay Christian Rsourcs

10 4-6 Grad Kids Bibl Study Guid Unit 20, Sssion 3: Jsus Appard to Discipls W rspond. Bliv at Jsus alon savs you. Rpnt. Tll God at your fai is in Jsus. (Romans 10:9-10,13) Ky passag activity (5 minuts) Pair Up Practic Ky Passag Postr: Matw 21:9 Pair kids togr to practic passag. Aftr kids practic, allow kids to say ky passag from mmory. Invit kids to shar what ky passag mans or tlls us about Jsus. Say Th popl wr xcitd to hav a Savior. What typ of Savior is Jsus? What did H com to sav popl from? (sin and trnal sparation from God) Activity choic (10 minuts) Option 1: Blankt Drop Nam Gam blankt, sht or larg pic of fabric Crat two tams. Invit two tachrs to hold up blankt so at two tams cannot s on anor. Each tam must silntly slct on prson to sit bhind blankt. Whn you giv signal, two tachrs should rlas blankt so at it drops to ground. Whn y drop blankt, first satd playr to nam or satd playr arns on point for his or hr tam. Continu play by allowing tams to slct diffrnt playrs to sit bhind blankt. Say How did you know who was on or sid of blankt? You saw m whn blankt fll. W rly on our ys a lot. If w s soming, w tnd to bliv it is tru. Tru fai is choosing to bliv vn ough you cannot s. Jsus said at os who bliv in Him wiout sing Him ar blssd. What did Jsus do aftr H was raisd from dad? Jsus appard to many popl as proof at God had raisd Jsus from dad, and H is still aliv today. Option 2: Sunglasss Cas scissors craft foam shts tacky glu foam stickrs prmannt markrs Guid kids to cut a pic of foam at last 6 inchs wid and 6 inchs tall. Assist kids in folding foam sht in half and gluing bottom and sid dgs togr. Kids should lav top opn to slid sunglasss in and out of cas. Allow kids to dcorat ir cass wi prmannt markrs and foam stickrs. Say What wr discipls doing at nd of today s Bibl story? (staring at sky aftr Jsus ascnsion) Jsus will rturn again on day! Jsus didn t want His followrs to doubt at H was aliv. H appard to m mor an onc. Jsus prpard His discipls and followrs to tll good nws about Jsus aftr H rturnd to God LifWay Christian Rsourcs

11 4-6 Grad Kids Bibl Study Guid Unit 20, Sssion 3: Jsus Appard to Discipls On day Jsus will appar in sky again. Whn you look at sky whil waring your sunglasss, rmmbr at Jsus will rturn. W must shar gospl wi ors so y can rpnt and trust in Jsus as ir Savior and Lord. What did Jsus do aftr H was raisd from dad? Jsus appard to many popl as proof at God had raisd Jsus from dad, and H is still aliv today. Prayr (5 minuts) Invit kids to ink about whr y vr struggl to bliv soming about God or soming God promisd. Encourag kids to ask God to hlp m hav fai whn y cannot s. Kids may also wish to shar ir prayr rqusts. Say What did Jsus do aftr H was raisd from dad? Jsus appard to many popl as proof at God had raisd Jsus from dad, and H is still aliv today. Clos group in prayr or invit a kid to clos group in prayr. Clan-Up Room LifWay Christian Rsourcs

12 Instructions: Indicat whr you bliv ach statmnt is tru or fals. Th hart is largst organ. You can visit a town namd Tru or Consquncs in Nw Mxico, USA. Th lft sid of brain controls right sid of your body and right sid of brain controls lft sid of your body. Thr ar no bars living in wild of Africa. A baby whal can swim immdiatly aftr it is born. Jsus did on cross, and God raisd Him from dad. UNIT 20 Sssion 3 Oldr Kids Activity Pags Eastr 2013 Lifway

13 Instructions: Play is gam wi a partnr. Nam soming about Jsus: a nam, a miracl, soming H taught, soming H said, soming H did, and so for. Whn you nam soming, draw a lin conncting two dots. S who can clos most boxs. Switch partnrs and play a scond round using scond grid. UNIT 20 Sssion 3 Oldr Kids Activity Pags Eastr 2013 Lifway

14 Family Journal Pag Eastr s of missing ca r id ns Co. n sc ur on St up a fun crim g to b. Spill a littl flo in go is t ri lp cu ho cookis. Dcid w mak a partial d an o sh s t ri lp cu kitchn floor. Tak culprit s room and a in bs um cr ac pl n tr print in flour. Th bandit s dscription. Af ch at m ill w at at pic of cloing ily to join you. Explain m fa t vi in, up t vrying is s cookis. Giv a loos of at pl a n k ta s ha somon in family vit family mmbrs in d an g, in clo of cl c dscription of arti n. Explain at vidn ch it k in n sc s to look at crim hous, but no on nd of s om ro r h ot can b found in rit is find it. Aftr culp to ts s clo or s r aw dr to opn any d culprit to an r n in w of ur d rvald, attach a pict lvd using vidnc. Ra so ar s s ca w ho t ou ros is pag. Talk ab vidnc at Jsus t ou ab lk Ta. -8 :3 1 Corinians 15 from dad. Unit 20 Sssion 3 OK TO PRINT Jsus Appard to Discipls Luk 24:36-49; John 20:19-29; Acts 1:3,9-11 Prschool Ky Passag: Matw 21:9 Big Pictur Qustion: What did Jsus do aftr H was raisd from dad? Jsus showd many popl at H was aliv, and H is aliv today. Christ Connction: God mad Jsus aliv again! Jsus visitd many, many popl so y would know at H is aliv. Jsus is still aliv today. Kids Ky Passag: Matw 21:9 Big Pictur Qustion: What did Jsus do aftr H was raisd from dad? Jsus appard to many popl as proof at God had raisd Jsus from dad, and H is still aliv today. Christ Connction: God mad Jsus aliv again! For 40 days, Jsus prsntd Himslf to at last 500 popl and provd at H is aliv. (1 Corinians 15:3-8) Jsus is still aliv today.

15 Hosanna to Son of David! Blssd is h who coms in nam of Lord! Hosanna in highst! Matw 21:9 Unit 20 Ky Passag Postr (ESV) OK TO PRINT Eastr

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