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1 HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY Studnt Book 2nd Grad Unit 7

2 Unit 7 SETTLING THE FRONTIER SETTLING THE FRONTIER HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY 207 2/4/2016 Introduction 4 1. Th Txas Frontir... 7 Amrican Sttlrs in Txas 8 Th Txas Rvolution 9 Indpndnt Txas 12 Slf Tst Wstward Expansion Orgon Trritory 17 U.S.-Mxican War 20 Alaska, Hawaii, and Othr Trritoris 23 Slf Tst Mt Amrica s Pionrs Fur Tradrs 32 Gold Minrs 34 Ranchrs and Cowboys 36 Homstadrs and Sodbustrs 37 Frontir Womn 39 Slf Tst Symbols and Historic Placs LIFEPAC Tst Pull-out 1

3 SETTLING THE FRONTIER Unit 7 Author: Alan R. Dutton Rachll Wirsma Al Christophrson Editors: Alan Christophrson Rachl Grack Mdia Crdits: Pag 4: zbruch, istock, Thinkstock; 11: Dan Filkar, istock, Thinkstock; 12: Hnry Arthur McArdl, Txas Stat Library and Archivs, Public Domain; 20: US Army; 23: Mdioimags/Photodisc, Thinkstock; 24: Unknown, Public Domain; 25: Fallbrook, istock, Thinkstock; 26: mjf795, istock, Thinkstock; 32: Palmr, F., Currir & Ivs, Library of Congrss, Public Domain; 36: Dav Hopkins, Thinkstock; 37: Su Smith, istock, Thinkstock; 40: Historic Amrican Buildings Survy, Library of Congrss, Public Domain; 45: Rolf Blaurt, Public Domain; 46: campbll36, istock, Thinkstock; 47: Th Jon B. Lovlac Collction of California Photographs in Carol M. Highsmith s Amrica Projct, Library of Congrss, Prints and Photographs Division. 804 N. 2nd Av. E. Rock Rapids, IA MMXVI by Alpha Omga Publications, a division of Glynlyon, Inc. All rights rsrvd. LIFEPAC is a rgistrd tradmark of Alpha Omga Publications, a division of Glynlyon, Inc. All tradmarks and/or srvic marks rfrncd in this matrial ar th proprty of thir rspctiv ownrs. Alpha Omga Publications, a division of Glynlyon, Inc., maks no claim of ownrship to any tradmarks and/or srvic marks othr than thir own and thir affiliats, and maks no claim of affiliation to any companis whos tradmarks may b listd in this matrial, othr than thir own. 2

4 SETTLING THE FRONTIER Unit 7 SETTLING THE FRONTIER Th popl of th Unitd Stats continud to go wst in sarch of land, advntur, and fortun. As thy sttld nw placs, th bordrs of th country changd. Nw land was gaind by war, tratis, or purchas. In this unit, you will larn mor about th pionrs who sttld th Unitd Stats. You will also larn how th prsnt-day U.S. bordrs wr formd. 4 Introduction

5 Unit 7 SETTLING THE FRONTIER Objctivs Rad ths objctivs. Thy will tll what you will b abl to do whn you hav finishd this LIFEPAC. 1. Dscrib how Txas bcam part of th Unitd Stats. 2. Dscrib th Orgon Trail and how pionrs usd it to travl to th wstrn trritoris. 3. Undrstand how th gold rushs hlpd bring sttlrs to th Wst. 4. List som of th last trritoris to bcom a part of th Unitd Stats. 5. Nam svral groups of popl who hlpd sttl nw trritoris. Nw Words Ths words will appar in boldfac (darkr print) th first tim thy ar usd. background (băk ground). Somon s past or whr thy com from. boarding hous (bôrd ing hous). A plac whr gusts can gt food and a plac to slp; a hotl and rstaurant. damp (damp). Sightly wt or moist. driv (drīv). To mov or push from on plac to anothr. migrant (ĕm ĭ gr nt). A prson who lavs on land and movs to anothr. Introduction 5

6 SETTLING THE FRONTIER Unit 7 ncourag (ĕn kûr ĭj). To giv somon hlp to do somthing. ra (ĕr ). A priod of tim in history. frtil (fûr tl). Rich soil; good farmland. fortun (fôr ch n). Richs or succss. illgal (ĭ lē g l). Against th law. improv (ĭm pr o ov ). To mak bttr. laundromat (lôn dr măt). A plac that washs and dris cloths. lodging (lŏj ing). A plac to slp. loyal (loi l). Faithful or tru to somon or somthing. plt (pĕlt). Th skin and fur of an animal. rbl (rĭ bĕl ). To ris up and fight back. rvolution (rĕv l o o sh n). A war against a govrnmnt. siz (sēz). To tak or captur somthing. skirmish (skûr mĭsh). A small fight or battl. sod (sŏd). A block of grass and roots hld togthr by th soil bnath it. transcontinntal (trăns kŏn t nĕn tl). Going across a whol continnt. (rth Amrica is a continnt.) walthy (wĕl thē). Rich with mony, goods, or crops. 6 Introduction

7 Unit 7 SETTLING THE FRONTIER 1. THE TEXAS FRONTIER You larnd that Spain gav Florida to th Unitd Stats. In rturn, th Unitd Stats gav up any claims in Txas. In th arly 1800s, Spain controlld Txas and Mxico. Th Mxicans fought a war with Spain and won thir indpndnc. In 1821, Mxico took control of Txas. This land was part of th wstrn frontir. Words to Study frtil (fûr tl). Rich soil; good farmland. illgal (ĭ lē g l). Against th law. loyal (loi l). Faithful or tru to somon or somthing. rbl (rĭ bĕl ). To ris up and fight back. rvolution (rĕv l o o sh n). A war against a govrnmnt. siz (sēz). To tak or captur somthing. skirmish (skûr mĭsh). A small fight or battl. walthy (wĕl thē). Rich with mony, goods, or crops. Ask your tachr to say ths words with you. Tachr Chck Initial Dat Sction 1 7

8 SETTLING THE FRONTIER Unit 7 Amrican Sttlrs in Txas Txas offrd rich farmland and rolling hills of thick, lush grass. Amrican pionrs wantd to build ranchs on this land. Thir cattl, horss, and shp could graz on wid, grn pasturs. Thy could grow crops in th frtil soil. Amrican sttlrs bgan crossing th bordr into Txas. At first, th Mxican govrnmnt wlcomd ths sttlrs. Thy allowd a group of 300 Amricans to build a colony in Txas. But ths sttlrs had to bcom citizns of Mxico. Th Mxican govrnmnt blivd th sttlrs would hlp Txas bcom a walthy trritory. Thir ranchs would offr mat, wool, cotton, and othr goods for th Mxican popl. Th Mxicans could trad thir goods with th sttlrs. Both groups could hlp ach othr. Soon, thousands of Amricans bgan sttling in th Txas trritory. Many sttlrs stayd loyal to th Unitd Stats. Th Mxican govrnmnt trid to slow th numbr of sttlrs. Thy wr worrid th Amricans would try to tak control of Txas. 8 Sction 1

9 Unit 7 SETTLING THE FRONTIER Circl th corrct answr to finish th sntnc. 1.1_ Th Mxicans fought a war to win thir indpndnc from. a. Franc b. Grat Britain c. Spain 1.2 _ Th Mxican govrnmnt allowd a group of Amricans to build a in Txas. a. ranch b. colony c. fort 1.3 _ Many Amrican sttlrs in Txas wr to th Unitd Stats. a. loyal b. nmis c. spis Th Txas Rvolution In th 1830s, th Mxican USA govrnmnt passd laws as a way to control sttlrs. Thy chargd taxs Txas and mad it against th law for mor sttlrs to com into th trritory. Mxico also mad slavry illgal. Mxico Many whit sttlrs usd slavs to work thir cotton filds. Amrican sttlrs bgan to rbl against th Mxican govrnmnt. Small armis of Txans fought svral skirmishs with Mxican soldirs. Sction 1 9

10 SETTLING THE FRONTIER Unit 7 Mxico fard a rvolution was going to tak plac. Mxican Gnral Santa Anna snt soldirs to siz a cannon from th town of Gonzals. Th townspopl put out a flag that COME AND TAKE IT said, Com and Tak It. Ths words mant th popl would not giv up th cannon without a fight. Th soldirs lft Gonzals mpty-handd. Fighting brok out btwn th Mxican army and th Txans. In 1835, Txas sttlrs formd thir own govrnmnt and chos Sam Houston as ladr of th Txan army. In Dcmbr, th Txan army capturd San Antonio from th Mxicans. Draw a lin to match th word with its maning. 1.4 illgal 1.5 siz 1.6 rvolution 1.7 rbl a. war against a govrnmnt b. to ris up and fight back c. to tak or captur somthing d. against th law 10 Sction 1

11 Unit 7 SETTLING THE FRONTIER Circl Ys if th sntnc is corrct or if it is wrong. 1.8 _ Th Mxican govrnmnt mad slavry illgal. Ys 1.9 _ Mxican soldirs capturd a cannon from th town of Gonzals. Ys 1.10 _ Txas sttlrs formd thir own govrnmnt and army. Ys Th Alamo Gnral Santa Anna ld an army of svral thousand soldirs to San Antonio. H plannd to nd th rvolution. Th Mxican army attackd th city on Fbruary 23, Th sttlrs wr not prpard to fight a war with th Mxican Th Alamo army. Thy rtratd into a fort known as th Alamo. For 13 days, th small group of about 200 sttlrs dfndd th Alamo. On March 6, Mxican soldirs chargd th fort. All of th dfndrs did in th battl. Only a numbr of womn and childrn survivd. Sction 1 11

12 SETTLING THE FRONTIER Unit 7 Indpndnt Txas Sam Houston and th Txan army fought back. Thir battl cry was Rmmbr th Alamo! On April 21, 1836, Txas soldirs dfatd th Mxican army in a surpris attack and capturd Santa Anna. Th Mxican army surrndrd on May 14. Txas bcam an indpndnt nation calld th Rpublic of Txas. Th Txas govrnmnt was wak and struggld to kp pac. Th Mxican army continud to attack Txas sttlmnts, vn though thy had lost th war. This constant fighting cost th Rpublic of Txas too much mony. In 1845, Txas joind th Unitd Stats as th twnty-ighth stat. Th Battl of San Jacinto in th Txas Rvolution 12 Sction 1

13 Unit 7 SETTLING THE FRONTIER Circl th corrct answr to finish th sntnc _ San Antonio sttlrs dfndd a fort known as. a. Gonzals b. th Alamo c. Santa Anna 1.12 _ Th battl cry of th Txan army was Rmmbr! a. San Antonio b. Gonzals c. th Alamo 1.13 _ Th gnral of th Mxican army was. a. Santa Anna b. Sam Houston c. San Antonio Circl Ys if th sntnc is corrct or if it is wrong _ Th Mxican army lost th battl at th Alamo. Ys 1.15 _ Th indpndnt Txas was calld th Rpublic of Txas. Ys 1.16 _ Txas bcam a stat in Ys Bfor you tak th Slf Tst, study what you hav rad and don. Th Slf Tst will chck what you rmmbr. Sction 1 13

14 SETTLING THE FRONTIER Unit 7 SELF TEST 1 Each answr = 1 point Draw a lin to match th word with its maning illgal a. to ris up and fight back 1.02 loyal 1.03 rbl 1.04 siz 1.05 frtil b. rich soil c. against th law d. to tak or captur somthing. faithful or tru to somthing Circl th corrct answr to finish th sntnc _ Mxican soldirs trid to siz a cannon from th town of. a. San Antonio b. Gonzals c. th Alamo 1.07 _ Th Mxicans fought a war to win indpndnc from. a. Spain b. Grat Britain c. Franc 1.08 _ Th ladr of th Txan army was. a. Santa Anna b. San Antonio c. Sam Houston 1.09 _ About 200 sttlrs did dfnding. a. th Alamo b. Gonzals c. Santa Anna _ Th gnral of th Mxican army was. a. Santa Anna b. San Antonio c. Sam Houston 14 Sction 1

15 Unit 7 SETTLING THE FRONTIER Circl Ys if th sntnc is corrct or if it is wrong _ Th Mxican govrnmnt mad slavry illgal in Txas. Ys _ Th battl cry of th Txan army was Com and tak it! Ys _ Th Mxican army lost th battl at th Alamo. Ys _ Indpndnt Txas was calld th Rpublic of Txas. Ys _ Txas joind th Unitd Stats in Ys Tachr Chck Initial Dat My Scor Sction 1 15

16 HIS0207 Fb 17 Printing 804 N. 2nd Av. E. Rock Rapids, IA ISBN


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