h g e o o h g e t h o Y h g e n G n G n G t p t p t p s e s e e l e l e l Assembly of Eloah

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1 th. Yar of th 40th Jubil 38th. Yar of th 40th Jubil 38th. Yar of th 40th Jubil ovah s Law t h o t Y h g n G ri o o s t p s l R ovah s Law t h o t Y h g n G ri o o s t p s l R ovah s Law t h o t Y h g n G ri o o s t p s l R w g w r w.o.a h s a s lo m f b lyo Assmbly of Eloah Assmbly of Eloah Assmbly of Eloah

2 Clocks as w us today wr not in us at th tim of our forfathrs. Thy had thir mthods of tim kping, Dials, Watr Clocks, Candl Clocks, it was not as w us today, to th minut or to th scond Watchs of night Th Tmpl systm dividd th night into military watchs instad of hours, ach watch rprsnting th priod for which sntinls or pickts rmaind on duty. Originally only thr such watchs, ntitld th first, Lam 2:19 "bginning of th watchs, th middl watch, Jud 7:19 and th morning watch. Ex 14:24; 1Sa 11:11 Ths would last rspctivly from sunst to 10 P.M.; from 10 P.M. to 2 A.M.; and from 2 A.M. to sunris. Aftr th stablishmnt of th Roman suprmacy, th numbr of watchs incrasd to four, which wr dscribd ithr according to thir numrical ordr, as in th cas of th "fourth watch," Mt 14:25 or by th trms "vn," "midnight," "cockcrowing" and "morning. Mrk 13:35. Ths trminatd rspctivly at 9 P.M., Midnight, 3 A.M. and 6 A.M. ris End of Night Watch At th 3rd hr. Morning Sacrific 1st hr 2nd hr 3rd hr 7 4th hr 1st Quartr 4th Quartr 5th hr 9 6th hr pm Post Mridian, Latin = aftr midday Mid-day 7th hr 2nd 3rd Quartr Quartr John 11:9 Jsus answrd, Ar thr not twlv hours in th day? 3rd Quartr Biblical Tim World Tim 2nd Quartr Bi Oblation Evning Minor bli 8th hr cal T 9th hr 4th Quartr 1st Quartr im At th 9th hr. Aftrnoon Sacrific Btwn th Evnings 10th hr 11th hr 12th hr Major Evning Oblation down Bgin First Night Watch "In th vning" In th Hbrw, would b said: "bain hahaarbayim" litrally translatd "btwn th vnings. This phras suggsts th tim, a point btwn th sun's dclining in th wst and its stting, (approx. 3:00 p.m.). Within th tmpl th day was dividd into quartrs. Th quartr btwn 12:00 noon and 3:00 p.m. was calld th minor vning oblation, whil that btwn 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. was calld th major vning oblation. Thrfor, "btwn th vnings" mans btwn thos two priods or approx 3:00 p.m. Th hours wr countd from daylight / sunris till sundown / sunst - dark, nd vning nautical twilight Th ninth hour whn Yahshua was slain would thrfor b approx. 3 p.m., th sam tim th lamb had bn slain in Egypt. "Rosh HaShanah and th Mssianic Kingdom to Com" Hatikva Ministris 1989, Josph Good. Two wks of prparation tim 4th Watch 3am Bi bli cal T im Mid-night am 3rd Watch Ant Mridian, Latin = bfor midday 2nd Watch 9pm Day of Solmn Assmbly Fast for th simpl & rronous Lamb st asid Prparation Day for Passovr Passovr NTBMR Fast of Unlavnd Brad Lviticus 23:9-14 Wav Shaf (9:00am) Ascnsion 1st Priod of th Sanctification of th Tmpl Ths 14 days w pray and Study to prpar for th Passovr so that w may b Sanctifid in ordr to tak th fast Exo 12:3 Tll th whol community of Isral:On th tnth day of this month ach man must tak a lamb or a young goat for his family, on animal pr houshold. 12:6 and y shall kp it until th fourtnth day of th sam month; and th whol assmbly of th congrgation of Isral shall kill it at vn. day 14 was a Wd. 15th 16th 17 Sabbath 18th day 19th 20th 21st Yshua dis 9th hr. approx. 3pm burid bfor dark s clock diagram abov s: diagram abov day 1 day 2 day 3 Sign of Jonah (Mat. 12:39-41) Rsurrction Matt. 28:1 And in th clos of th Sabbath, as th first of th wk bgan to dawn... Passovr mal is atn. Start of Fast of Unlavnd Brad Exo 12:8 And thy shall at th flsh in that night, roast with fir, and unlavnd brad; and with bittr hrbs thy shall at it. day 4 day 5 day 6 day 7 John 20:17 Jsus says to hr, Touch m not, Last day ULB for I hav not yt ascndd to my Fathr; but go to my brthrn and say to thm, I ascnd to my Fathr and your Fathr, and to my God and your God. Diagram: (not to scal) Tim-lin is basd upon Wdnsday 30 CE crucifixion EENT: End Evning Nautical Twilght 13th day 14th day on doorposts at vn 15th day DAY End of Day bginning at Dark Bgin Nw Day at Dark EENT NIGHT Midnight Exo 12:18 In th first month, on th fourtnth day of th month......at vn, y shall at unlavnd brad until th on On and twntith Twntith day dayof th month at vn. Prparation for Passovr DAY Noon Blood placd EENT NIGHT Midnight Exo 12:29 And it cam to pass, that at midnight th LORD smot all th firstborn in th land of Egypt DAY

3 10th EENT: at Jrusalm Jrusalm is th cntr of th Administrativ structur of th Govrnmnt of God both millnnial and post-millnnial Exodus12:1-11 This th shall b to you th bginning of th month It shall b th first month of th yar Passovr is prcdd by th priod of th Santification of th Tmpl. It bgins on th first day of th month and procds to th day which is th santification for th simpl and rronous Wintr Solstic Sasonal Rains 11th 9th ARY U N A J EMBER C E D BER M FE VE B O R N 8th Vrnal Equinox 12th UARY ER Rains B M TO 1st day 13 th A Th Lords Suppr s R C C O H Formr (NTBMR) Passovr First Day Unlavnd Brad day Morning (9:00am) Wav Shaf st. First th Equinox ER 7th B M Lattr Rains A TE P R P IL SE ST 2nd 6th M U A G Y A U Th first month is dtrmind from th Nw Moon narst to th Spring Equinox. Th mthod of dtrmining th First month of th yar is that th Passovr priod on th 15 must fall on or aftr th Equinox. If it fall bfor th Equinox add th 13th month. Lat Passovr J U N E 5th 3rd J U L Y 4th Arid sason Pntcost Summr Solstic Passovr End Evning Nautical Twilight biblical day starts at dark EENT: sundown at dark 1 day: 24hrs. NIGHT DAY sunris EENT: sundown at dark Gnsis 1:14 tlls us that th sun and moon (a solar-lunar calndar) ar for signs and for sasons (mo d=tim(s); sason(s); fstival(s); assmbly) and for days and yars Th Fasts ar dpndnt upon th Nw Moons and not th rvrs Th Nw Moon is cntral to th systm of worship as laid down in th calndar. It nds to b kpt corrctly as a day of worship and assmbly as ar th Sabbaths and Fasts. This undrstanding is cntral to th undrstanding of th Plan of Salvation (1Sam.20:5,18 Isa. 66:23 Ez.46:1-3) Sacrific is not th issu as it was fulfilld in Mssiah Obdinc is th issu (Jr. 7:22-24; Hb.10:1-6) Biblical Holidays Pntcost Biblical Holidays Thr ar only thr offrings a yar : Trumpts Attonmnt Tabrnacls Dutronomy 16:16 Thr tims in a yar shall all thy mals appar bfor th Last Grat Day LORD thy God in th plac which h shall choos; in th Fast of Unlavnd brad, and in th Fast of Wks, and in th Fast of Tabrnacls: and thy shall not appar bfor th LORD mpty: 0:00hr. Unlavnd Brad Minuts / 60 1hr. 2nd.hr. Last Grat Day Fast of Tabrnacls 10th Day of Atonmnt FAST Not: Not to b usd for calculating Holy Days, this is Strictly a Visual Aid Only consult at: for Fast tims Nw Moon and Trumpts (1st Ths. 4:16 / Rv. 11:15) Trumpts is a doubl sacrific, bing both a Nw Moon and a Fast (Num.29:1-6) Autumnal Equinox 1 cannot start tim count hr 2 or your hav 3hrs in a 2hr priod 3 Day 1 Child is born 1st BIRTHDay 1 Yar Old Livd 12 months 2nd BirthDay Counting Tim and Birthdats 2 Yars Old Livd 12 months 12 mnths yrs old 20 yrs old 3rd th BirthDay Birthday 21st Birthday you v livd 20 yrs

4 Northrn Hmisphr At th Solstics th sun appars to Stand Still for approx; 3 days Latin, Solstics Sol=, Stics= Stand Still Stands Still Wst Longr Days Shortr nights Gmini Twins of May Goats Taurus PlowApril Aris March Whit Blossoms SPRING EQUINOX Growing Sason VERNAL SOLSTICE Jun 21st Latin, Equinox Equi= Equal Nox= Nightl SUMMER Cancr Downhill walking Jun Lo cratur King, th roar Julyof Summr Virgo Harvst August Sason Longr Nights Shortr Days Tropic of Cancr March Sptmbr Fbruary Fishing Judging Sason Pics Libra January Octobr Pouring out Bits Scorpio Aquarius you Inflicts Watr OctobrPunishmnt Novmbr Dcmbr Sagitarius Capricorn Climbs Up Out EQUINOX AUTUMN WINTER Equator East Tropic of Capricorn 4 Cardinal Points Latin, Cardinal = Hing, Door opns on a hing Dcmbr 21st AUTUMNAL SOLSTICE Non Growing Sason For th Southrn Hmisphr th opposit would apply. Dc. would b Summr, Jun would b Wintr South

5 Grgorian th & Yar NEW MONTH Conjunction NOT Crscnt Position of Conjunction occurring within a 24hr day. Bginning at sundown at Jrusalm th prvious day of EENT: End Evning Nautical Twilight, Biblical tim. Pvious Biblical th Today, socity conduct thir livs within th Roman Grgorian Calndrical Systm Within a glanc you will b abl to dtrmin asily what day th Biblical Days & Tims occur on th Roman Calndar Biblical Calndar Roman Calndar, ths & Yars starts at sunst, dark, EENT: End Evning Nautical Twilight Sabbaths and Holy Days Bginning of Biblical ths, indicating th day to kp within th Roman Calndar at st th prvious day

6 11 Biblical Days FEBRUARY Tus Wd 12 Tus Tus. Wd. s Tus. Wd. s Wd Tus. Wd. s WEDNESDAY Tus. Wd. s... Tus Wd 01:47 THURS 37th yar, 40th Jubil hrs EENT 18:22 THURSDAY End Evning Nautical Twilight Jrusalm Tim Tus Wd Tus Wd Ez 32:1 And it cam to pass in th twlfth yar, in th TWELFTH MONTH, in th FIRST DAY of THE MONTH, that th word of th Lord cam unto m,

7 12 Dut 11:12... a land which Yhovah your Elohim cars for; th ys of Yhovah your Elohim ar constantly on it from th BEGINNING of th YEAR to th END OF THE YEAR Biblical Days MARCH Tus. Wd. s Tus. Wd. s Equinox 21.. Tus. Wd. s Tus Wd THURSDAY Sanctification Fast.. Tus. Wd. s... 1 Exo. 12:2 This th (Aviv) shall b th Chif of months for you. It shall b th First of th months of th yar Th Spring Vrnal Equinox marks th first day of th Spring sason. On this day, th is dirctly ovr th arths Equator, daylight and night lasts approx.12 hours ach in th Northrn Hmisphr and Incrasing... Tus. This day Wd. is typically rcognizd s. as March 21 (occasionally. 20) Tus Wd 38th yar, Tus Wd FRIDAY NEW 11:36 hrs End Evning Nautical Twilight EENT 18:43 FRIDAY Jrusalm Tim NEW 40th Jubil YEAR Tus YEAR Wd Vrnal Tus Wd

8 APRIL 2015 Tus Wd Tus Wd 2 Tus Wd 20:57 SATURDAY SUNDAY Tus pm Wd am 38th yar, 40th Jubil hrs 17 hrs End Evning Nautical Twilight EENT 19:05 SUNDAY Jrusalm Tim Tus Wd am pm Wav Shaf (9:00am) 1 Lord s Suppr Wd. Ev. PASSOVER NTBMR Fast of Unlavnd Brad Num 1:1 And th LORD spak unto Moss in th wildrnss of Sinai, in th tabrnacl of th congrgation, on th FIRST DAY of th SECOND MONTH, in th scond. yar aftr thy wr. com out of th land Tus. of Egypt, Wd. s Last Day ULB Tus. Wd. s Nw Moon Tus. Wd. s Tus. Wd. s Tus. Wd. s..

9 Ez 31:1 And it cam to pass in th lvnth yar, in th THIRD MONTH, in th FIRST DAY of th MONTH, that th word of th LORD cam unto m, MAY to kp th passovr, that soul shall b cut off from his popl; bcaus h offrd not th oblation of Jhovah 2nd Passovr Num 9:10-13 Spak unto th childrn of Isral, saying, If any man of you or of your gnrations shall b unclan by rason of a dad body, or b on a journy afar off, yt h shall kp th passovr unto Jhovah. In th SECOND MONTH on th FOURTEENTH day AT EVEN thy shall kp it; thy shall at it with unlavnd brad and bittr hrbs: thy shall lav non of it unto th morning, nor brak a bon throf: according to all th statut of th passovr thy shall kp it. But th man that is clan, and is not on a journy, and forbarth Tus Wd Tus. Wd. s... in its appointd sason, that man shall bar his sin... Tus. Wd. s.. Tus Wd 38th yar, 06:13 MONDAY 2 Tus 40th Jubil 3hrs 17 hrs End Evning Nautical Twilight EENT 19:30 MONDAY Jrusalm Tim SUNDAY Wd th PENTECOST Lord s Suppr. Ev. Tus Wd Tus 2nd. Passovr Wd Tus. Wd. s Pntcost Pntcost (9:00 AM).. Tus. Wd. s Tus. Wd. s..

10 3 Tus Wd Tus Wd JUNE TUESDAY 38th yar, 40th Jubil MONDAY Tus. Wd. s... 16:05 hrs 17 hrs End Evning Nautical Twilight EENT 19:45 Jrusalm Tim Tus TUESDAY Wd Tus Wd Tus Wd Tus. Wd. s Tus Summr Solstic 10:51 am. Jrusalm... Wd. s.. Summr Solstic.. Tus. Wd. s... 2 Chron 2: 3,4 Bhold, I am building a hous to th nam of Yhovah my Elohim... burnt offrings morning and vning, on th Sabbaths, Bginning of ths, and at th st fasts of Yhovah our Elohim. This ordinanc shall b upon Isral FOREVER. (paraphras).. Tus. Wd. s..

11 JULY th yar, 40th Jubil 5 WEDNESDAY hrs End Evning Nautical Twilight EENT 19:46 THURSDAY Jrusalm Tim Tus Wd Tus Wd Tus. Wd. s.. Tus Wd THURSDAY 5 Tus Tus. Wd. s Tus. Wd. s Tus. Wd. s Num 33:38 And Aaron th prist wnt up into th mountain at th ordr of th Lord, and cam to his dath thr, in th fortith yar aftr th childrn of Isral had com out of th land of Egypt, in th FIFTH MONTH,. on th FIRST DAY. OF THE MONTH. Tus. Wd. s... 15:24 hrs Wd Tus Wd

12 AUGUST th yar, 40th Jubil Tus Wd Hag 1:1 In th scond yar of Darius th king, in th SIXTH MONTH, in th FIRST DAY of th MONTH, cam th word of th LORD by Haggai th propht unto Zrubbabl th son of Shaltil, govrnor of Judah, and to Joshua th son of Tus Josdch, th high prist,.. Tus. Wd. s Tus. Wd. s Tus. Wd. s Tus. Wd. s Wd Tus. Wd. s.. 16:53 6 THURSDAY hrs 17 hrs End Evning Nautical Twilight EENT 19:21 FRIDAY Jrusalm Tim FRIDAY Tus Wd Tus Wd 6 5 Tus Wd

13 Lv 23:39 Also in th FIFTEENTH DAY of th SEVENTH MONTH, whn y hav gathrd in th fruit of th land, y shall kp a fast unto th LORD svn days: on th FIRST DAY shall b a Sabbath, and on th EIGHTH DAY shall b a Sabbath. SEPTEMBER 2015 Tus Wd Tus Wd 38th yar, SUNDAY 40th Jubil SATURDAY 08:41 7 hrs End Evning Nautical Twilight EENT 18:41 SUNDAY Jrusalm Tim Tus Wd Tus Wd Tus Wd Tus. Wd. s Nw Moon TRUMPETS st. Day TABERNACLES.. Tus. Wd. s.... Tus. Wd. s.. 2nd. Day DAY OF ATONEMENT / FAST From Evn unto Evn 3rd. Day Autumnal Equinox 4th. Day Ingathring.. Tus. Wd. s... Lv 23:26-32 And Jhovah spak unto Moss, saying, Howbit on th TENTH DAY of this SEVENTH MONTH is th DAY OF ATONEMENT: it shall b a HOLY CONVOCATION unto you, and y shall afflict your souls; and y shall offr an offring mad by fir unto Jhovah. And y shall do NO MANNER OF WORK in that sam day; for it is a DAY of ATONEMENT, to mak atonmnt for you bfor Jhovah your God. For whatsovr soul it b that shall not b afflictd in that sam day; h shall b cut off from his popl. And whatsovr soul it b that doth any mannr of work in that sam day, that soul will I dstroy from among his popl. Y shall do no mannr of work: it is a statut for vr throughout your gnrations in all your dwllings. It shall b unto you a Sabbath of solmn rst, and y shall afflict your souls: in th NINTH DAY OF THE MONTH AT EVEN, FROM EVEN UNTO EVEN, shall y kp your Sabbath... Tus. Wd. s.. Tabrnacls

14 TABERNACLES 1st. Day OCTOBER 2015 SEPTEMBER Tus Wd Tus Wd giv an offring mad by fir to th Lord; this is a SPECIAL HOLY DAY: you may do no LAST GREAT DAY Tus TUESDAY Wd Tus Wd th. Day 7th. Day 2nd. Day 3rd. Day 4th. Day 6th. Day Lv 23:34 Say to th childrn of Isral, On th fiftnth day of this svnth month lt th fast of tnts b kpt to th Lord for svn days. On th first day thr will b a holy mting: do no fild-work. Evry day for svn days giv an offring mad by fir to th Lord; and on th EIGHTH DAY THERE IS TO BE A HOLY MEETING, whn you ar to.. Tus. Wd. s... fild-work on that day th. Day 8 38th yar, 40th Jubil 24 Hour Biblical Day... 23:57 Dark to Dark MONDAY hrs End Evning Nautical Twilight EENT 17:52 TUESDAY Jrusalm Tim.. Tus. Wd. s Tus. Wd. s Tus. Wd. s Tus. Wd. s... 7 Tus Wd

15 8 NOVEMBER Tus Wd Tus WEDNESDAY hrs EENT Wd THURSDAY.. Tus. Wd. s..... Tus. Wd. s.... Tus. Wd. s.... Tus. Wd. s..... Tus. Wd. s.. 19:47 Tus Wd 9 38th yar, 40th Jubil End Evning Nautical Twilight 17:37 THURSDAY Jrusalm Tim Ezra10:9 Thn all th mn of Judah and Bnjamin cam togthr to Jrusalm bfor thr days wr past; it was th NINTH MONTH, on th twntith day of th month; and all th popl wr satd in th wid squar in front of th hous of God, shaking with far bcaus of this businss and bcaus of th grat rain. Tus Wd Tus Wd

16 DECEMBER 2015 Tus Wd Tus Wd Wintr Solstic 38th yar, 40th Jubil 10 THURSDAY hrs End Evning Nautical Twilight EENT 17:33 FRIDAY Jrusalm Tim FRIDAY Ezra10:16 So thos who had com back did so. And Ezra th prist, with crtain hads of familis, by thir fathrs' familis, all of thm by thir nams, wr markd 30 out; and on th FIRST 0 DAY of th TENTH. MONTH thy took. thir Tus. Wd. s... placs to go into th qustion with car. Tus Wd Tus Wd Tus. Wd. s Tus. Wd. s Tus. Wd. s :29.. Tus. Wd. s.. Tus Wd

17 JANUARY 2016 Tus Wd 38th yar, 40th Jubil Tus Wd 15:14 11 SATURDAY hrs End Evning Nautical Twilight EENT 17:58 SUNDAY Jrusalm Tim SUNDAY ordrs which th Lord 0 had givn him for thm; Tus. Wd. s Tus Wd Dut 1:3 Now in th fortith yar, on th FIRST DAY OF THE ELEVENTH MONTH, Moss gav to th childrn of Isral all th Tus Wd 10 Tus Wd Nw Moon Tus. Wd. s Tus. Wd. s Tus. Wd. s Tus. Wd. s...

18 FEBRUARY Tus. Wd. s Tus Wd MON Tus. Wd. s Tus. Wd. s Tus. Wd. s... Ez 32:1 And it cam to pass in th twlfth yar, in th TWELFTH MONTH, in th FIRST DAY of THE MONTH, that th word of th Lord cam unto m, Tus Wd :47.. Tus. Wd. s.. 38th yar, 40th Jubil 12 SUNDAY hrs End Evning Nautical Twilight EENT 18:22 MONDAY Jrusalm Tim Tus Wd Tus Wd Tus Wd

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