are in the new ones. Sun bats and jjonnets, also. Made well, anj? priced so that it's really a waste of time to attempt making them at home.

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Download "are in the new ones. Sun bats and jjonnets, also. Made well, anj? priced so that it's really a waste of time to attempt making them at home."


1 VOL. XXVII. CRANBURY, MIDDLESEX COUNTY, N. J., FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 92. NO. 37. CHURCH NOTES. Fist Pesbyteian. On Sabbath moning. Much 24th., the pasto; Rev. J. E. Cuv will pencb on the subject "Tbe Paye iu Gethsamane". Mak 4; 36., ' Mission Band. Tbe Willing Wokes Mission Buni will meet in the Fist Cbuch Chapel next 8unday aftenoon at 3 o'clock. SUBJECT Ou Nothen Empie, Alaska ' LEADERS - -Claence Eviu and Chales Butcbe- DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES A People Without A County Chalie Butche Ou Nothen Empie Claence Evin Hydah Stoy Telling Heny Wilson Bolo, John Pepplf Baading Milton Vundeveei How Tbe Raven Stole Tbe Wate Fo His People Newell Davis Bow, An Eskimo Dog Alex. Butche Ou Wok Fo The Alaskans Ms. J. E. Cuny Methodist Cliuch. Sevices moning and evening, Sunflay Mach 24. The new pasto, Rov. C. L. Ebel) will peside. ' Y. P.*C. A. The Young People's.Ch.teiiaD.Asso- ~ciatibj~"of~the Second Pesbyteian Chuch will meet, in tbe chapel (Sunday evening nt 6.30 o'clock. The guhjt-cl ib "The Saloon ami iis Allies' aud tbe leade will be Edwad Hoagiand. Getting Ready fo Easte. Tbe committees in chage ae,pepaing an inteesting pogam fo the Easte sevices at the. Second Peshfa; "teliult'clunsb\ VV. J. CampbellTwho is supeintendent of the Sunday-school, has appointed the following: Geneal committee: Ms. Geoge B MfahoD, Ms. C. P. Enaous, Ms. J. W. VanDyfee, John S. Silves, Chales C. Goves. Music commiitge: Ms. T. J. Woo'- ston, Miss Claa Begen. Athu L. Buoughs, Chales C. Goves. The Heading-. Cicle. "How fo i. j it wise to gacigco pesent comfot lo tb«lulue ainy day?'' was the subject aisciis-cd at. the, meeting of tbe Ludies Reading Cicle Wednesday aftenoon in the home of Mia Geoge; 3. Meshon. Inteesting jmpes and talks wee given by the Indies pesent. Mandolin tios wee endeed by Ms MaudeB. Rue, Miss Gace Peine and Miss Ciiia Begen, wilh Ms. Claence Peiuc. acccmiianist, thei selections bting "Cadle Song,"'-'.Babj Rose," "It's a Long Lane that has no Tuning," "Aeolian Walts,, ' College M-dley." The pogam was in chage of Ms. S. H. Peiine and Jlws Maie Goves. Lage Buye of Potatoes. J. E. Bennett, of Canbuy N. J. has been in town fo seveal days buying up -seed potatoes. M. Bennett sajs he wants twenty caloads. He basboughtseed potatoes in this vicinitj fo many yeas, and is well known by all pioduce deales. Osceola Advance. M. and. Ms. Begen Entetain. Owing to a pess of advetisements labt week some news items wee omitted. Among these w»s the veiy enjoyable paty given by M. aud Ms. Diebow Begen on the eve of thei emoval to thei pesent home. About fiftee.n membes of the family and othe guests spent n-pleasaifteveiiing wilh them, bountiful efeshments wee seived and dancing aud othe amusements wee enjoyed. D. Litman Talked at Plainsboo Gauge. D. Litman, Diecto of the New. Bunswick Expeiment Station gave a talk on "Con" at the meeting of '* ' Plaineboo Gange Monday evening. It was an intefp3tiljg"~ta)k'thoughout and was geatly appeciated by all pesent. D. Litman was accompanied by Ms. Litman, ai>d M. and Ms. Johij B. Peine of Caubuy wee also pesent. - W. "W. McChesney Dead. William Wallace JlcChesney. fomely of, died last Fiday at Asbuy Pak, aged 77 yeas. The intement was in the Stcoud Pesbyteian cemetey and a shot sevice was conducted at the gave by Rev. Adolos Allen. The deceased is suvived by a son W. W. McChesney J., and a daughte,. Ms. Ella Evans of Richmond Hill, L. I. MihB Susan Fabe of this place it "'" - -alto a elative. Paty at C. \V. Stout's! A' most congenial paty of Mends wee entetained on Satuday evening at the home of M. aud Ms. C. W. Btout. Ms. Luthe W. Gove, Misi-es Ethel, Luella and Emma Gove', M, and Ms. Willad Reed, Hazel, Leste acdelme Reed, Mits Vigle Siout, Hazel and Butis fciout. y As ueual in this hospitable home delightful music was fuuibhed and a bountiful buppe seved. o_ ^ Col. Geo. W. Bain Coming Again Col. Geo. W. Buin, the Kentucky Oiato who is a favoite lectue in Canbuy will be hee on Thusday evening Apil eleventh. He comes unde the auspices of the Woman't Chistian Tempeance Union and his bnet will be "Th'o Safe Side of Life fo Young Men.". Col. Baiu has a phenomenal Cbatauqua, ecod Hih ecod at Oceau Govejs without a paaljtl. He has lectued fo hundeds of Cbatauquas, iceums, Ff.hools, collegps add societies thoughout, the United States with-! neve a dissatisfied audience. The univesal epoft- is "He pleased, instucted, and dui us good. We want him again.'' The epot" fom Ocean Gove is the following: "Wb*n evey seat, iind spol fo.'camp chais bad been packed, the jowd filled the aisles, alta p'ace, o.taud and even sat, on the epoteis' tables. Tbe hymns wee sung add in due lime M. Bain modestly enteed upon an addess which fo logical powe, imagey, aiid absobing inteest bas neve been supassed at Ocean G'ove. Like wave on wave thee wee ipples of meiment Bucceded by emotion and tea", until the gand climax which bought that mass of Humanity to thei feet to wave the oato thei heaty good wishes. " Millville, N J., Rev. J. W. Lisseuden, officiating. The bide was attied in a taveling suit of dak blue sege with hat to match and caied a bunch of white sweet peas. Tbe attendants wee Mies Madeline Totten, sifte of the bide, and William IU" Taylo, bothe of the goom Tbe maid of hono was attied in a l>'u«suit with lint to match and caied a buaeb of pink sweet pas. Ale-Kleweta. A vey petty wedding was solemnized on \Vednesdiiv, Mach 20 a>, the home of M.»nd Ms. Antony Kleweta, Dtans, N. J., when (hei only daughte Eisio. Catheine became the bide ol Jacob S. Ale of Moumoulb Junction, N J. The ceemony was pefomed by the Rev. James Cluk^ of Dayton. The bide was giveu away by he fathe and was attended by Miss Gace tlutioti, a cousin of the goom as biidesmaid.. The goom was attended by hi? cousiu EliaS S. Bennett, of Jiimesbug, who acted as best man. The bide won.' a handsome gown of pink emboideed satin and caied pink canations, tbo bidesmaid woe white ove pink silk and caied pink osebuds. The bouse was handsomely decoated in pink and white. Many handsome pesents wee eceived. Following a eception at the bide's home M. and Ms. Ale will eside at theinew home in Moumoutb Junction. Two Fies At Kellis Fam. Two fies of mysteious oigin have visited the home ot Ajsbe Bellis on the Hightstowii oad nea the Millstone bidge this week. Shotly afte etiing Sunday evening MJ. Bellis detected a stong odo of buning pape in be bedoom and went downstais to investigate. The dining oom was found to be alight^with flames* and a lot of school books and papes on the table wee blazing. The fie was quickly put out, aud then it was discoveed that a side window was open and tbut the doo to the kitchen and Uie back doo wee also open, as if to allow a daught though the place. It was also found that a f}e had been kiudltd iu a closet in the same oom. This bad evidently. buned itself out afte doing consideuii)le a damage among a lot of clothing and othe aticle which wee stotd in the closet. On Monday night, M. and Ms. Bellis eceived anothe shock when it was discoveed that tbe wagon house was on fie. The flames quiokly gained headway and it was impossible to gave tbe building, and most of the contents wee..also destoyed." M. Bellis eceived bevee buns on his hands, while attempting to save a wagod. Belli?, wilh a small tie extiuquishe pevented'the fie fom making futhe Eeiufway. The home and many othe lag" outbuildings baely escaped total destuction. The'conteDts.of the building which wee destoyed consisted- of a.lot ol Those pesent wee M. andfaming implements, machiney, a wagon, a quantity oi fetilizes, and numeous othe aticfes used about the fam. A lage hen bouse neaby was patly destoyed.».».«* Sping Catalogs lleceived. Steinbach Company ae sending out thei Sping CatalogB. Wite fo one. Hono Koll fo the Month of Febuay. Tenth Yea M,iy Hughos, Ethel Cole, Elsie Johnson. Ninth Yea Ottie Pueschne, Magaet Begeu..Seventh Yea Clayton Feguson, Alexande Butche, Lucile Cbatnbolin. Magaet Peine. Sixth-Yea Lilian Thomas, Newell Eicbson. Gace Peppie. Fifth Yea Ella., Hagety," Enid Walke, Hebet Pescolt. Milton "v*andevee. " ' - Fouth Yea Getude YonLie3hout Geoge Bogut. Second Yea Helen Pescott, Feida Schnell, Haold O'Neil, EdnaHutchin- -on, Fances Badley, Elsie Johnson Dougia?s Chambelain. Fist Yea Nellie Titus, M*y Hat, Alfed Bennett, Addisoh-McDougall, Havey Phaes. Reception Class Catheine Collins. The following pupils obtained the highest aveage in the Febuay testa, each in his espective gade. Teuth May Hughes. Ninth Ottie Puescbne. Eighth Claence Evin. Seventh Alexande Butche. Sixth Hebet Pescott. Fifth 3atnes Bown,, Fouth GpTfuHiFVonLeishout. Thid May Bymmes. C. Foest Swett Commits Suicide Afte Taking Bath at His Home. Making cetain that death would gadually follow, C Foest Swett, o well known newspape epote at/d ~" "" "Conove Mois. Pecv Conove, of.millbust, and M.iy Mois, of Feehold, wee maied by Rev. J E Cuy on Thusday Mach 2-Jt at half afie 4'o'eloek, al the home of M. Couove's bothe-inlaw, Chales H. Moody, of Stults Cone. musical uica cc, citic, of Tciito.o co.o endjlhisfe h niitmhty~bytitting h b i t on top" of a gas ange and inhaling the fumes at his Miss Muude Reed Totte, of Robbinsville, J». J., was M. 05 Colonial aveuue. home, the Hpmitace apatment house, Hay Lee Taylo, of.l»wenceville, Swett did not use the means othe on Wednesday, Mach 20, 92, at luictdes do when they take gas. Instead of sitting o lying in some pa of the oom he made himself comfotable on Lop of a gas ange and while esting hi face on two woolen ion holdes waited fo death to come. The only eason that can be assigned to the deed is poo health. Swett had uot been in good health fo a long time, and de.-piie thin fact devoted cotifeidtidtile time to newspape wok. The last seen of him was about 8:30 o'clock Sunday mouing, wbed biwalked into the hallway of the apatment house to use tbe telephoue. It i* uot known to whte bu 'phoned o what he said. He pobably did not leave his apatment, afte that time. Swett was about 36 yeas old and was a billiant wite. He was the son of a fome pincipal of tho Higbt-- t«;vyn public school who also etded bis life a, few yeas ago. He was given a libeal education. He went to Tenton seveal yeas agqjand began newspapt vvok, woking on the diffeent news-i papes. Of late be was employed on (he Tenton Times, whee he looked afte geneal news, ad eviewed books. He also woked on the Sunday Adve- ise. He was woking in tne latte office Satuday night. Swett was at one time confined to the St.ite Hospital fo the Insane, whee his wife is now a patient. She was taken tbee a few weeks ago. Ms. Swett was fomely Miss Elsie Conel), of the Laweuceville oad. Swett was a membe of the Chistian Science chuch. JAMESBUKG. E. S. Hammell and family will move ] to Aabuy Pak on Monday next. Luthe I). Peine has sold his houpe on Stockton Steet and will build a home at Helmetta. The Public Sevice Gas Co. ae lay - ing pipes though the town, and many dwelliugs will be lighted by gas soon. Ms. W. E. Paxton entetained twelve ladies at luncheon on Satuday aftenoon in hono of Ms. E. S Hammell. Ms. Eveline Johnson is spending two weeks with Ms. J. E. Mayott, he daughte. ' Elme Snedeke and family will move fom the. Mayott house on Lincoln Ave. to wake thei futut home in Tenton: Seveal new houses will soou be built in the Boough and wedding bells will shotly ing we hea. Miss Coa Kikpatick is substing at the State Home fo boys fo Ms Fench. On Monday evening Ms. S. J. Mc- Cienaghan gave he husband a supise dinne paty in hono of his bithday, at which time those invited pesented ihe Dominie with a handsome Rocking Chai. At 8 30 o'clock a lage numbe of fiends came iu to say faewell to Miss Elizabeth McOlenaghan who lefc OD Tuesday moning to make he home in Lancaste, Pennsylvania. A vey pleasaut evening was spent. ^. '.«Entetainment on Mach 29th. Woodman Babbett, a..student at Pinceton Univesity, will give an~en~letaitiment in the town hall at Plaiusboo on Fiday evening, Mach 29tb, fo the benefit of the Plainsboo chuch..tbe pogam will include musical selections by local talent and vocal solos by Mies Dey of Dayton. Annual Meeting of Village Impovement Society. Ou Monday evening Apil fist the Annual.Meeting of the Village Impovement Society will be held in,tbe Libay building at a quate befoe seven o'clock. Offices will, be elected and othe business tansacted. At eight o'clock a popula meeting will be held in the Second Pesbyteian chapel;, Thee will be addesses by Kev.,W. P Finney of Lincoln Univesity and'suogate Daniel W. Clayton, AH membes of,the Society and citizeus of the town and vicinity ae uged to be pesent. NOTICE. The Advetising Depatment of Sleinbacti Company has just enstalled an electic addessing machine, which is to assist in a StHte wide campaign to advf-ti=e the New Steinbach Stoe and to distibute geneal si oe liteatue. Iu ode to get the coect addesses and to weed out the names of people who have moved away the Stein bach Company is sending to its many customes eply poftals If you have eceived one of these be sue to answe it caefully. If you have not, send UB you name a.nd addess to be placed ou the mailing list. ii Apons ae in the new ones. Sun bats and jjonnets, also. Made well, anj? piced so that it's eally a waste of time to attempt making them at home.^ Some made fom pinted goods; as well as gingham. THE APEONS: " At 29c. Apon gingham o pinted goods; ound, lage size, with uffle. Squae ones, pints and gingham, with pocket. At 28c Mothe Hubbad style., with pocket. Squae apons, with bib eaching to shoulde. At 59c. Fitted and Pincess styles, with belt and uffle. semi-fitting apou, with belted back. At 68c Mothe Hubbad styles, with sleeves. STTN" BONNETS At 5c Pint, chambay, in figued and plaids white, too. - At 25c. Gingham, pintand chambay. With o without uffle. Sun Hats 25c.. ' O:F\ - Timmed Hats Tailoed Suits and Coats Dess Goods Silks, Satins and Dess Timmings. We invite you to this compehensive exhibit of High. Class 'Goods. C. C. Blauvelt HIGHTSTOWN, N. J. TRENTON, N. J ^Thousands! of Yads KG west Sping; 49c. and S9c, * * * * * i * HE SALE OF THESE SILKS not only expesses. pite'e'libeality, but vaiety, fashionable weaves and colos to thei fullest. You've but to come hee today, but "when you do come, make sue that you manage to have time enough to see these silks.that ange in pice fom 39c. to 59c. SOME OF THE KINDS: Solid Coloed Messaliaes, 39c And if thee's a popula colo missing, we haven't head of it yet; and they'e pue silk, and they'e kinds of silks that you will conceive eadiiy enough to be woth moe. Stiped Messaiine...Silks-,--49c; ' --VaioTs"c6loed gounds, blues, bowns, geens, helios, wistaia and black. These wi'th white stipes. Silks that sell eadily enough in many stoes at 65c. Silk Cepe de Chines, 39c. If you wee to find such silk's a bit wide than these (these ae J.9 in. wide), at 75c, you'd say faily enough, piced, and these oulad Silks at 59c. Want to pay moe? You can easily do so. You can pay 75c. eadily enough and no't bette the wide ange of' colos and styles that's included in these at 59c. Some vey choice designs of figue wok and colos ae in bown and white, geen and white, gay and white, tan and white, helio and white, and' black and white. Make a note of these 59c. silk foulads; by doing so you will save. Foulad' Silks at 39c. The styles and colos, yes, and the cloth quality, will tell you a stoy of economy. Economy without sacificing taste, fo thee's any numbe of styles in white figues, and stipes on coloed gounds, and the gounds ae in two-toned of bown, bluo. geen, tan, oyal., navy blue and black. Yad Wide Silk Pongees, 49c. If you have a mind to close you eyes to the fact that these ae Ameicans instead of foeignes, and if you will note caefully ithe quality, you will woude why you should pay 75c. o 85c. fo the foeign makes. Any numbe of colos, and black and natual linen o cocoon colo, and white. Yes, they'e waanted, and yes, they'll wash as satisfactoily as a tu-b silk at $.. Libety Satins, 59c Black, white and the full line of colos, and among the colos thee's helio, bown, blue, two o thee shades of each, and then thee's light sea geen, pink, and thee's ceam, ivoy and white, too. S. P. DUNHAM & CO. ESTABLISHED 879 Headquates fo all High Gade AMERICAN WATCHES, most easonably piced. Ty us on Watch Repaiing. We emplby only EXPERT WATCH ADJUSTERS.' Repaiing of all kinds. Wok guaanteed. The Jewely Stoe With the Chimes 23 East State Steet, ' TRENTON, H. J. T Thing to conside in. depositing money in a bank i6 SECURITY. The capital and suplus ae the deposito's potection fund. The NATIONAL Govenment supeintends and examines Ou diectos ae esponsible, well-to-do business men. This v ; has been established ove 25 yeas, duing which time it has seved the banking public faithfully and built up a lage and pospeous business. The best sevice Lpossible-is none too good fo ou customes and the people of , CRANBURY. \

2 J,. THE CRANBURY PRESS GEORGE W. BURROUGHS, Pub. CRANBURY N. J. GRISTFROffl THE WIRES Latest Dispatches Gound Down Fo Hasty Consumption. WHOLE WORLD GLEANED The 'Fou" Cones of the Eath and tha Seven Seae. Ae Made to ; Yield a Tibute of Inte- :. estihg News. Washington The Supeme Cout will he asked to ode a tial in New Yok of the Bo-called Amityville-Wyoming coal land cases. Chaiman Undewood opened the - suga debate and epoted the Excise bill, while the Senate Finance Committee odeed an advese-epot on the ' Steel bill by a paty vote. Secetay Knox sent a cable message uging the atification of the. Nicaagua teaty': he-'said- busincss- _was_,hampeed_by_the'- Senate's -failueto act and that pleas fo'the convention wee pathetic. Commissione of Copoations H. Iv. Emith made a epot on the -watepowe of the county, showing J. P. Mogan & Co., as the dominant inteest in the Geneal Electic Company, having widespead contol of many indusjxies. Pesonal... Rea-Admial Melville died of paalysis at his home in Philadelphia at the age o seventy-two., Senato O'Goman of New Yok was admitted to pactice befoe the Supeme Co,ut of the United States. Heny Clay Fick was mentioned as the man who gave the $2,5,.0 build- Ing fund to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ~- Ms. Gove Cleveland attended the execises in hono of the seventy-fifth, annivesay of M. Cleveland's bith, held in the geat hall of College, New Yok. Geoge Ams, who made a fotune in Civil Wa time by the manufactue of swods and fieams at Chicopee, Mass., is dead at the Gand Hotel in New Yok, whee he had lived fo 37 yeas. M. Ams was S3 yeas old. Theodoe Roosevelt announced he would begin his campaign tou going fist to the Middle West,- then addess votes in New England and conclude his fou weeks of speechmaking in Philadelphia and Newak. Spoting Ameica's lawn tennis team will eceive a'bye in.the peliminay tie matches between the. challenging'nations fo the Davis intenational cup this yea. Johnny Kilbane^. featheweight j champion of the wold, eceived the biggest welcome eve accoded a notable in Cleveland, a cowd estimated at,0 geeting him. The New Yok Giants colts easily defeated the Galveston team of the Texas League, by the scoe of 7 to 0. Mai-quad's pitching was the featues qf the game. The 'vasity "C" at Conell is awaded in eleven spots football, baseball, tack athletics, owing, 'coss-county unning, socce, football, basketball, hockey, fencing, westling and lacosse. At Auckland, New Zealand, Athu- j The businesi seption of Mqsa Point, Miss., was destoyed by fie. Chicago will vote upon the extension of suffage to women at the pimaj "election on Apil 9. The Massachusetts stats legislative committee on ailoads unanimously epoted a' biipovldlng fo~tfie^lectfflcation of all ailoads leading Into Boston.. The Utah state Capitol committee adopted plans fo a new capitol and awaded the plans to a Salt Lake City achitect. The new stuctue will cost?2,0,0. Eamons Welle, a nego of Salisbuy, Md., chaged with assault, was..indicted, tied, convicted, sentenced to. 0 yeas and caied away within five minutes.. David Tousdale, the'texas tain messenge of the Wells-Fago Expess Company, has efused the' $6 ewad.of the company fo killing-two tain obbes who attempted to take $60,- 0 of the. company's money! " ;,...The : juy in the case of A. Homestead vs. the Booklyn Heights. Raiload Co., etuned a l vedict of"?2,0 against the company...m. Homefetead had eight teeth knocked out in.ast^eej; ea accident / '.- Fie destoyed the two uppe floos of the new cout house at Hamilton, Ohio. One fieman was killed and anothe fatally injued. The building cost $3,0 and excepting $40,0 insuance, will be a total loss. Acting unde the influence of his yea passed the House, 250 to 40. The Democats, voted solidly. fo it, 'and caied 80 Republican" -votes.with them. Foty "egula Republicans wee the opposition... ' The bill now goes to the Senate, whee' its fate is a guess.. Many Senatos said that if on analysis jthey found the House measue would tax all classes of people alike they would suppot it. Democatic Senatos, with a few exceptions, ae expected to vote fo it: 'Democatic Leade Matin exwife, Walte S. Shouds, the missing-j-pessed the hope that, the Democatic supeintendent of vaults of the Mechants' Union Tust Company of 4 jjf^jseeuities that-have been -missings since he disappeaed. Floyd Allen, a mountainee who had just been sentenced to one yea's impisonment, and his followes killed Judge Massie, the Posecuto, the Sheiff and the Cout Clek in cout at Hillsville, Va. Allen was motally wounded by the dying Sheiff. His 'followes fled to Jjie-mountjuns. "Young, pesident of the Medico-Chisugical faculty of Mayland, has called a meeting of the council to take up the matte of a new thoat disease which is epidemic in Baltimoe and has, in many cases, been fatal. ' It is thought that the illness was caused by milk. The Tennessee Supeme Cout decided that, the law. pohibiting the manufactuing of intoxicating liquos within the state, enacted in 909, was constitutional. Lem Motlow. who made whisky in Tennessee and shipped it to othe states, must pay a fine and seve six months. Judge Rosalsky's fiends said they believed the bomb which exploded in his apatment in New Yok #as sent by some peson on the East_ Side; while the police advanced the theoy that it was the wok of an insane man, who also sent to Ms. Taylo the bomb which killed he. fice and the unde- secetay, He Kuhn, was appointed to succeed him. The battleship Noth Dakota'established a new ecod fo coaling while unde way at Guantanamo when she took aboad 499 tons in one hou and aveaged 40 tons an hou fo fou hous. Seven passenges and thee Euopeans of the cew of the steamship Oceania wee downed while being escued afte the collision in the Eng- Postle defeated Jack Donaldson of j t'outh Afica, the weld's champion pofessional spinte, in the 50-yad dash, in 4-5 seconds, and the 2- j lish Channel. yad dash in 8 seconds. Both ae A epot fom Belin new wold's ecods. Geneal Pesident Taft spoke to the Massachusetts Legislatue, which was ad- j dessed ecently by Col. Roosevelt. Buzzads ae no longe potected- by the law in Oklahoma. The bids spead infection to the ponds afte eating diseased animals. Jewish citizens of New Yok ae oganizing a battalion to become affiliated with the National Guad.. Fancis C. Mooe, fomely pesi : dent of the Continental Fie Insuance Co. 'of New Yok, collapsed in his seat in the Lakewopd Y. M. C. A. and expied. The Kansas Democatic State Convention by a majoity of 27 votes instucted the 20 delegates to the National Convention to vote fo Champ Clak to Pesident as a unit. "Mona," the $0,0 pize Ameican opea, by Hoatio Pake and Bian Hooke, had its fist pefomance in the Metopolitan Opea House, New Yok. The fist public notice of thp existence of the latest efom oganization was given in New Yok. This is the Pactical Mothes' Association, whose aim is to obtain legislation to benefit" minos. Sixty pounds of dynamite exploded in the ice pack in the Genesee ive at Rocheste did consideable damage to suounding popety. Anthacite mine-wokes it-sunday meetings thoughout the egion expesed themselves as eady to stike to enfoce the demandsvmade by thei leades HOUSE PASSES INCOME TAX Eighty Republicans Join Democats in Vote on Measue.. EXPECT SENATE TO CONCUR Bill Intended to Poduce Anywhee fom $20,0,0 to $60,0,0 a : Yea to Make Up fo the Losses on Fee Suga.. Washington.-^The Democatic Ex-.cise.bill ito tax,vitually eveybody's, income when it is $5,0' o moe a Senatos and the pogessive Republicans might put the bill though. Republican -eatfes ae depending Pesident's-v%fti:o~check evenue evision bills fom the House.. The Excise bill, though pimaily intended to poduce anywhee fom?20,- 0,0 to $60,0,0 a yea to make up fo the losses on fee suga, is also expected to be one of the offsets to geneal -'pension legislation, which seems sue to be enacted. Democatty intact though the passage of the bill. Not one Democatic vote was cast against it, and the measue was passed exactly as famed. An outbust of applause fom the Democatic side accompanied the announcement of the vote, and was enewed when it was leaned that 80 Republicans had voted fo the measue. ' The hill would "extend the existing Copoation-Tax law to include a tax of pe "cent, on the yealy net incomes of all fims o individuals in excess of $5,0. N. DAKOTA FOR LA FOLLETTE. Results of the Fist Pesidential Pimay Eve Held. Fago, N. D. Senato La Follette caied the pimaies in Noth Dakota by at least 5,0, and he may John Dowd and John Taylo, con- i lave " moe votes than Roosevelt fand victs who.escaped fom the Nebaska xaft combined. It is not impobable penitentiay at Lincoln afte killing j that he caied evey one'of the fothe waden and two assistants, wee ty. n i ne counties. The Pogessive shot to death by pusuing offices nea u em0c ats went fo him almost to a Anaka; a thid convict, who escaped man. Thee was no eal contest in at the same time, suendeed. Hay tbe Democatic anks and as a.conse- Blunt, a fame, was also'killed. Quence the adicals in the paty voted fo La Follette, as they can unde Testimony was given in a bankuptcy case at Newak that $4,0,0 ot the pimay system in this State..the stock of the New Yok Independent Telephone Company was- given to FIVE KILLED AT CROSSING. T. W. Finuacane of Rocheste fo $5,0 woth of the stock of the Mecantile Electic Company assigned to the United States Independent Telephone, Company, the bankupt. Foeign Adolf Wemuth, impeial secetay of Geman teasuy, esigned his of- states, that Geman senties at the fots in Mul-. heim-am-rhein shot and killed two out of thee spies "that wee discoveed beaking in the fots. It is not known whethe the thid man escaped. Geneal Sheng-Yun, with an amy of ten thousand and a following of as many moe, was epoted maching on Peking to estoe the Empeo to the Chinese thone; it wts epoted that thee, was no govenment foce pesent o pospective capable of opposing him. King Geoge and Queen May held the second cout of the season. Ms. Reid was pesent and unde tha new uling was able to pesent he county-women, although he husband, the Ameican Ambassado, was absent. The Fist Lod of the Admialty, in intoducing the naval estimates in the House of Commons, specifically waned Gemany that upon the latte's naval pogamme would depend the augmentation o etadation of Bitish naval constuction; Lod Chales Beesfod citicised the efeence to Gemany as unnecessay and sue to povoke that county.. The officials of the^island of Cete wee deposed and the offices taken by the militay. The Infante Alfonse, of Spain, who was depived_pl:all_qjlhfs ^titles fo maying a Potest.nt pincess without asking King Alfonso's pemission has been fogiven. His titles have been estoed. Nine fescoes by Tiepelo dated 758, and. coyetfing the entie apse Ml a chuch at Maolo, nea VeniceT have been discoveed by- Pofesso Bei;i. They ae in an excellent state of pesevation. Caiage Retuning" fom Theate Hit by Fast Tain. Ellettsville, Ind. Five men, glassblowes in the U. S. Batmess glass plant at Spence, wee instantly killed at a aiload cossing one and a half miles southwest of hee, at o'clock in the moning by a Monon expess while they wee etuning home in a. caiage fom Bloomington, j whee they had been attending the theate. The dead ae Hal Bown, 24, Spence;,Emil Williams, 2, Kansas City; Matin Woden, 23, New Albany; Athu Fame, HG,- Summitville, and Jess Roges, 22. MILLIONS FOR ORPHANAGE. Lod Wandswoth's Will Povides $6,- 250,0 fo Institution. London. A bequest of $6,250,0 figues in the will of the late Baon Wandswotb. fo the foundation of an ophanage. Sydney James Sten fist Baon Wandswoth, who died ecently, leaving no hei to the title, was the son of Viscount de Sten, fom whom he inheited the title of viscount in the kingdom of Potugal and a lage estate. Lod Wandswolh neve maied. BANDITS HOLD UP TRAIN. Blow Open and Rob Expess Safe on the M. & O. Road. Cointh, Miss.: Mobile & Ohio passenge tain No. 4, nothbound, was held up and the expess safe blown open aid-obbed seven miles south of Cointh by fou men, heavily amed aid' masked. Afte accomplishing the obbey tiie men took to the dense undebush of the Tuscumbia Rive bottoms. Bloodhounds wee telegaphed fo and a' posse was oganized to take up the pusuit. STRIKES ADJOURNMENT GAIT. House Passes $25,0,0 Rives and Habos Bill in Thee Hous. Washington. -Evidence of a disposition on the pat of both Democats and Republicans of the House to huy up the wok o the session so that Congess may adjoun in ample time fo the national conventions of the two paties was funished when the ives and habos appopiation bill, caying cash appopiations of?24,2,520 and contact authoizations of $2,2,0, "wee-put though. STATE-WIDE Gossipy Bevities Which Chonicle a Week's Mino Events. BUILDING BOOMS REPORTED Real Estate Tansactions Indicate a Business Awakening in Many Sections Chuches Raising Funds fo Wothy Objects. " Moe-cases of scalet feve have, de^ veloped at Almonsson.' The public school has. been closed..' "'.,'. Beto L. Lewis' was odained to the Baptist nlinisty in. special the Metuehen Baptist Chuch. The Pitman- Cottag'es' Association now has 386 membes and a well-filled teasuy. Twenty teams and 40 men have begun gading fo the new Wildwood and Delawae Bay aiload. The Haisonville Gange cleaed $70 fom the play given in the Mullica_ Hill town hal Toused by,a Tacket in his chicken, coop, James Bown, of Bulington, captued an eight-pound opossum. Hay Cist, the new waden of the Glouceste county jail, will take chage on Mach 25. Mayo Samujy_JI == Lj ecommended a geneal evision of the city odinances. A postal saving system will be stated at Genloch next month. Kicking against the side of the stall, a hose owned by Samuel Caldwell, of Bidgeboo,' an a splinte in one leg and died of lockjaw. The ooms of the Glassboo County Club have been enlaged and enovated, giving the club one of the finest headquates in South Jesey. Geoge Gadne of Sea Isle City, has been appointed inspecto of the impovements to the boulevad leading fom that esot to the mainland. Much impoved in- health, Cicuit Cout Judge Claence Cole has etuned to his home in Atlantic City afte a stay at Hot Spings, Va. In one day Fedeick -Doiot, of South" ~Westville, gatheed 8 eggs fom 25 pullets. His stock is of the Opington vaiety. The West Collingswood Welfae Association has elected these offices: J. C..Doughten, pesident^ Geoge Wolfe, secetay; p. S. Smith, teasue. The Women's Club and the Women's Suffage Club have nominated Ms. C. M. Gay and Ms. Joseph Mois fo membes of the Vinelaid Boad of Education. The Cape May County Boad of Feeholdes has appoved the plans fo thee new bidges acoss Gavens, Ingams and Leonad thooughfaes,.connecting Avalan with the mainland. Although Miss Agnes Getman, a pupils in the Geen Ceek public school, has been confined at home with a sevee cold fo thee weeks, she has kept up with he studies. The Mechants' Association of Ocean City "oganized by electing S. S. McAlliste pesident. Hebet Wigglas was chosen secetay and N. C. Godfey teasue". A committee was appointed to ascetain - the cost of placing electic light stinges on Asbuy avenue fom Fouth to Twelfth steet, and on Eighth steet fom West avenue to the Boadwalk. Stockholdes of the Ameican Suga Refining Company, meeting at Jesey City, unanimously passed a esolution poviding fo the pensioning of all employes who ae moe than 65 yeas of age. 'They ae to be etied on a pension equal to one pe cent, of thei annual income, multiplied by the numbe of yeas' sevice. Thee no eason why all the people of Mount Holly should not be satisfied egading the condition of the public wate supply. A chemist of the State Boad of Halth declaes that the wate is impue and unfit fo domestic use without being boiled, and a Philadelphia chemist, engaged by the Mount Holly WateXompany, is equally emphatic in his ^assetion that it is a safe p&table wate. In the meanwhile 'thee ae many cases of typhoid feve. <. Pake Gubb Post, No. 6, G. A. R., o Bulington, has named the following committee, to plan fo the Memoial Day celebation: Robet Hawkey, chaiman, Decatu Abdill,.Fank Adams, Chistian Feck, Samuel ' B. Matlack, Fank Howell, John Scott Boough Mashal W, H. Nickeson, of Vineland, who is als^ an auctionee, is conducting a novel sale on the steet. While cying a sale at the Physicians'"Hospital,.a lawn mowe was ^ovelooked, and- the policeman, ia taking bids as, he walks his beat issm (By, O. SELiiEES, Diecto of Evening: Depatment, The Moody Bible In-, stltute of Chicago.) LESSON FOR MARCH 24. FEASTING AND FASTING. LESSON TEXT Mak 2:3-22. GOLDEN TEXT-"! came not to call the ighteous, but sinnes." Mak 2:7. l<evi Matthew, who calls himself by the oppobious title of "the publican," epesents that' class of. gafting patiots Vho though- all ages have exemplified the seven cadinal pdmts of a-politician, viz.,. "the. two'loaves and ^five fishes.". Men who will weep ovex : sentimental patiotism and' sevo" the oppesso fo pofit. Bette still, howeve, Matthew is a type of convesion in that he left all and followed Jesus. No weeping, but athe geat ejoicing fo he made a feast; no ecod of -geat conviction, though! ho had enough to act at once upon Jesus' invitation. It was a bief, sudden call, but what vast esults teds Ffst~a~demonstation upon- [ Jiis pat-secondly"at demonstation, upon the pat of Jesus, and lastly a ecod of the life of the Maste that has been, temed the most impotant book eve witten. Chonologically this lesson follows that of last Sunday. In Luke's account we ae told of the feast Matthew pepaed that he might entetain. Jesus. Some belie; ff win the Jews though teaching in. thei synagogues and that, eceiving him o not, he tuns to those outside of the cicle of the scibes and the Phaisees. Be that as it may, we know they mumued geatly that this' abbi should consot with publicans and with sinnes. Came to Call Sinnes. Jesus heas of thei complaint and his eply is a fine bit of iony and sacasm. "They that ae whole have no need of a physician but they that ae sick. " You self ighteous Phaisees,- why do you complain if you ae ah ight and these be all wong, why then not let me ministe to those that need me?" At the same time Jesus uttes one of his geatest and most comfoting sayings, "I came not to call the ighteous but sinnes." Jesus chooses one of thei own social outcasts to wite the only distinctly Hebew account of his life; one who had been faithful as a business man to be a leade and histoian; one willing to enounce all, say faewell to ambition aid follow him. Following this, the disciples of John the Baptist and of the.phaisees ae fasting and they obseve that the disciples of Jesus ae not so engaged. They came to Jesus with the question and his eply is a pefectly logical one, "Why should they fast, am I not with, them?" "Do you fast at <j;ou weddings while the bidegoom is pesent?" The day is to come, howeve, when he is to be taken away, then thee shall be times fo fasting. Jesus has feasted with "many publlcanslicans;" when the bidegoom etuns he will sit down with: many publicans and sinnes in gloy whom he- has associated with in ode that he might save them. Ae we following his example?" If so, let us be sue we do it fom the same motive. The disciples of John did the ight thing to bing thei peplexities to Jesus. 'He answes thei question as we have seen and we ae now in the day he mentions when thee is a place fo fasting." Jesus teaches us in his efeence to the wine bottles (leathe sacks which could bea but one stetching pocess due to fementation of the. wine), that we ae to be new: ceatues In hfm and must leave the old life and habits. We ae not to make patchwok of this new Gospel and the old law. His Wok That of Physician, ' Thee ae two difficulties thus pesented in this lesson; fist, that Jesus should hold fellowship with those popely not of his cicle o social standing fo he was a abbi o teache, and, secondly, that he did not no did his disciples obseve fasting. Jesus admits the chaacte of the company he kept,_ but his eply was, "I came fo this pupose to call not the ighteous but the unighteous." His wok was to be that of a Physician. He assumes that-his authoity is not of man but of God, and that this ministy is to bing joy. Jesus had emptied himself that he might come and when he was to leave thee it would be time enough fo his disciples to fast. Jesus was not meely one Tvho came to teach a system of ethics a little highe than the pophets. Jesus is moe than a good man o even. a holy man ; he is' the Geat Physician, able to heal both body and soul, a Saviou. Befoe these lost ones can be saved, howeve, they must ealize they ae lost, fo we cannot save those -who will not acknowledge themselves aa being lost When we acknowledge we ae o sinnes he will save us (I Tim. :5). Tun a deaf ea to his call and thee is no moe hope (Luke,3:3). It has been suggested that the paable of the podigal son and the e, J<= bothe was utteed at this feast in Levi's house; pobably not, we do not know, tuly it applies; Tfct;- podigal epesenting these lost publicans and sinnes. _ i '- fa and cowe at the window of the telle And wish the floo would open and would dop mo to the cella; I handed him my money and I thanked him fo his kindness, He looked at me as blankly as though stuck by sudden blindness. But now I get the ea Of the genial cashie And a nod and smile Is coming fom U»e stately pesident, While the telle speak-a my name. As though I wei"e known to fame And in bows of codial welcome all the once stiff spines ae bent. I used to ceep in softly to deposit fifteen dollas And. hops they wouldn't notice I va.3 weaing pape collas, The telle took my money and I knew Jie did a favo, And I shuffled out as humbly as the udest misbehave. But now they bow and smile As they count my little pile,. ^ And they-mumu that I'm helping: to ejuvenate the land, And the stately pesident "^Vith espect and gladness blent Asks about my wife and childen whilehe shakes mo by the hand. I used to fea the telle and his biff and heavy glasses '- _ThouKh_whichJie-Kt%e<l-a stae as cold as snow-filled mountain passes. But now he makes me linge and naate the latest stoy And he tells me that I epesent the nation's pide and gloy. O, now I have the ea Of the Bmtling-faeed cashie. And by finges know the gipping of the stately pesident, While the telle bows to me Just as nice as nice can be As he counts each dime and dolla and each nickel and each cent. SHE IS TAKING RISKS. Townson Is you daughte a finished musician? ' Yokode-^-Not yet, but the neighbos ae making theats. Thoughts on Advice. Advice Is cheap. Indeed it is, To those in all positions Except the folks who get it fom Thei lawyes o physicians. A Helpful Hint Ima Going wites: "Will you please tell me how to aise the window of a ailway ca?" It all.depends, Ima. It all depends. A lady neve aises a window on a tain. She simply looks helpless and then some fool man comes and smilos gaciously and takes hold of the little catch at the bottom of the sash and pulls and tugs and sweats and hunches and says things to himself and finally excuses- himself and goes into the smoke. The best way to aise it is tp pou a pint of nitoglycein unde it an4 then hit the nitoglycein with a hamme. This takes you up with the" window, but you may enjoy the tip. ' Disciminating Analysis. "You have had a geat many epochs in you Caee," obseved the Devoted Suppote to the Pepetual Candidate. "Yes, indeed," eplied the latte. "Yes, Indeed.uuSometimes'I feel that I have had moe epochs than caee." An Invention's Finish* Riggs Once I had a geat idea in the shape of j i dynamite bomb. Jiggs And what became of it? Riggs Oh, the idea was exploded X

3 CAREFUL WHAT SYNOPSIS. The stoy opens In a Confedeate tent at a citical stase of the Civil Wa. Gen- Lee Impats' to Capt. Wayne an Impotant mcbsaen to Longsteet". Accompanied by Sejjt. Cals, an old amy scout, Wayne stats on his mission. They get- within the lines of the enemy and In the dakness Wayna Is tak«n fo a Fedeal office and a young lady on hoseback is Riven in his chage. She la a nothen Ellnnd attempts, to escape. One of tho hoses succumbs and Calf? Roes thoug with the dispatches; while Wayne and My Lady of. the Noth ae left alone. They Peek shelte in a hut and enteing It In (he auk a huge mastiff attacks Wayne Tim gil shoots the bute Just In time. The- owne of the hut. Jed Bungay. and his wife appea and soon a paty of hosemen appoach. They ae led by a man claiming to be Red _I.,ojvle,-bHt who- _pqv.es_to--be Maj7~Beinan. a Fedeal office whom, the--union sll'ecognizes. He odes the aest of Wayne as a spy and he is bought befoe Sheidan, who theatens him with death unless ho eveals the secet message. Wayne believes Edith Bennan to be the wife of MaJ. Bennan. He is escued by Jed Bungay, who stats to oach Gen. Lee, while Wayne in disguise penetates to the balloom, beneath which he had been impisoned. He is intoduced to a Miss Mino and baely escapes beinp unmasked. Edith Bennan, ecognizing Wayne, says she will save him. Secuing 'i-dasa _ ^i^ukh-xhejincs^-they-ne confontedby Bennan, who Is knocked senseless. Then. Bidding Edith adieu, Wayne makes dash fo libety. CHAPTER XIX Continued. This gave me inspiation, and befoe the speake's sullen gowl had wholly ceased I was again upon hands and icnees, slledtly goping my way along the bank towad the ea otthe hut. It poved to be a tiny stuctue, lontainlng but a single oom pobably a inge fisheman's shack, without windows, but possessing a doo «t eithe end. Meeting no opposition I cept within, whee I felt somewhat safe fom obsevation, and then peeed waily foth into the dakness extending between it and the ive. The picket-ope stetched fom one cone of the hut, whee it seemed to be secued aound the end of a pojecting log, out into the night, evidently finding its othe teminus at a big tee whose speading top could dimly peceive shadowed against the sky. Along it wee tetheed the hoses, a few impatiently champing thei bits and pounding with thei hoofs on the tampled gound, but the majoity cslin^ Quietly, thei heads hanging sleepily down. The one neaest me appeaed ;i finely popotioned animal ol a (kik colo, and was?a.u! ):j\! w,\\\ both saddle and biiiie Of t!w >.->'('.<>: i;i ch.i.l'c could <listin^iii.-li nost'i:: doubilc-s he wiu!ou;'.';i:v: on hi.-, baci:, lial; uslc-p upon boiii".oh jii.uh oi ta-.-' a I timvd v. hen it s-'i'lili'-iiy occued s;.!''ie in ii.ivin:,' sui moiiiiio;! O!Jsl;u\s and peil. ica-ly if.'^ot lo 'o, i. i!'.m the cie.-<.ioil hut niuht ' ont_.-"i t.oiii>'!hls ccim u-o to advaii; - : a lieann. pi-maps, o ovi'ii hind The sv, ;it impel!!-, ol the ide, tit :!:<;n yni tie I' tagedy W'.'l b"-;., t.nx di" :i:il' ;-.( -, I Self aboiit liu keen night ai s>wt fi'inu i>::it me, i.o c.iu;i':u.-lj, (helping :i!u;:s the h:itl. :'.;lie-:j -Hou until I had ioily caclii'l i!iu opposite entance The lis'il :oi>i the fie without leaped ii ). mid :t.-> glow evealed a saddle, with leathe holste atiached, hanging to a nail just within the dooway.".loving noiselessly managed to extact a evolve, but could discove no catidges. was yet fumbling in the holste pocket when the lieutenant ose fom his seat without, knocked the ashes fom his pipe, yawned sleepily, standing diectly between me and the'fie, and then, tuning shaply, walked slowly into the open doo of the hut. I spang to my feet, o he would cetainly have stepped upon me. and befoe he could ealize the situation had him by the colla, with the cold muzzle of my stolen evolve pessed had against his cheek. "A single wod o sound, and I fie!" said stenly I have no ecollection of eve secmg any one moe completely astounded. Iio gasped like a fish newly landed; and I doubt if he could have made utteance even had he daed. "Come in a little fathe." I commanded. ".Now look hee, Lieutenant, you "do exactly as tell you and you will get out of this affai with a whole skin; othewise well. I'm playing this game to the limit. Now answe me: How many men have you mounted this side the fod?" ' He glaed at me sullenly, and dew back the hamme with an ominous click, eyeing him fiecely. "Well," I said shotly, "do you choose -to-a-nswe, o die?" "T'wo7'~ "On the othe bank?" "None " "Lieutenant," I said, speaking low, but in a tone which left no doubt as to my exact meaning, "I am an escaped pisone, and shall not hesitate to kill athe than be ecaptued. It is you life o mine tonight, and natually pefe my own; but I'll give you one chance! and only one obey my odes and I will leave you hee unhut; disobey, and you life is not woth thp^ -fenap of a finge. Move back now un-.jtlll you face the.doo, and don't foget my pistol is within an Inch of you na. and this is a hai tigge. What la you segeant's name?" "Hand ley." -. "Ode him to "take ten men on foot one hunded yads west on the pike, «Lad wait luthe pdes." "Handley." he called out, his voice Bo ' holied with age as to make me (oa! ii H-.might aouse suspicion,» T^n on foot to the cossoads, and -wait thee until, you hea fom me." I could plainly note the dak shadows of the they filed out past the fie, but I neve ventued to take eye o gun off the man 'watched. "How many emain thee now?" "Seven." '"Any aion;ctim. among them?". "A copoal." "Have him take them all south on the coss-oads." "Jones," he called out huskily. "Yes, si." "Take what men you have left a hunded _yads_so_uth_on the coss-, oad." _ We could hea them cunching thei way though the bushes, until the sound finally died out In the distance. "Now, Lieutenant, you come with me softly, and keep you distance." We moved back slowly,_step by step, until we came to the ea doo of the shed._ I eached_out_into-the dakness.- witnout tuning my face away fom him, and silently seveed the picket-ope, etaining the loosened end In my gasp. It was so intensely dak whee we stood that I slipped the pistol unobseved into my belt. "Face to the ea," I said stenly. As he tuned to obey this ode, with quick movement I tipped him, spang backwad, and shut the doo. In a single bound I was upon the back of the blaok, and had flung the seveed ope's end at the flank of the next hose in line. Thee was a ush of feet, a shap snapping of cods, a wild scuying though the bushes, as twenty fightened hoses stampeded up the bank, and then, lying face down ove the saddle pommel, I sent the statled black cashing down into the shallows of the fod. The fellow o.i guad tied his best to stop us, but we wee past him like the wind. He did not fie, and doubtless in the dakness saw meely a stay hose boken fom the picket-ope. The othe fellow took one swift shot, but it went wild, and I head the voice of the enaged Iieutenani. damning in the distance. Then with a ush we went up the steep batik on the easten siioe, and I sat upignt in the saddle and gave the black his ein. CHAPTER XX. A Demon on Hoseback. I felt po.-i;iv(!y lkiiiiiy then The ;;:: of buecc hs: ii! ;:c!.ip\o:i <"nt was n.: : K\ and with t'.ie (.xii'timei) oi a ;he iesn seise ol lic.'tlo.'i: and powe I'.gondeed by that n-iikliss t!a.-.ii though tho ci.ikne.-is. all conspied to ende :no neglectiul of eveiyihi.g save tho joy of pesent \ictoy. The spiit of wild adventue was in my blood. ' - A dozen spits of fie cleaved the intense blackness behind, and I knew the widely scatteed patol wee sending chance shots acoss the steam. A clang of hoofs ang out upon the ocks, but could distinguish nothing indicating a lage pusuing paty pobably tho two who.wee mounted at the fod, with possibly othes follow mgnvhen they caught thei stayed hoses. had little to fe-i fom such half-heated pusuit as..his was sue to be. The swift, poweful stide of the animal I ode assued me that I was not ill mounted, and thee was small chance of contact with Fedeal ^outides befoe should each the potecting picket lines of ou' own amy. I laughed gimly as I leaned slightly back in saddle and listened; it was like a play, so swift anc" excil4ng had been the passing' events, so unexpected thei ending. I won : "A Single Wod o Sound, and-+fie." deed what plausible stpy the discomfited lieutenant would concoct to account fo his pedicament, and whethe the othes.had yst missed me back at the Mansion House. The su.s appeaed to be paling somewhit down in the east, fo the coming day-dawn was aleady whitening the hoizon. I glanced at my watch, ventuing to stike a match fo the pupose, and found the hou afte thee o'clock Ealy, Icoew, was at Sowde Chuch, and his advance cavaly pickets ought to be as fa' west as the Waentown oad. The distance between, by had iding, might be coveed in thee hous. My tose seemed fesh,' his beath came natually and without effot, and t- pessed him- along. apiday, fo my whole ambition now cented upon binging the infomation I possessed within ou own lines, Bungay, beyond doubt, had been ecaptued long since, fo my own expeience told me how extemely vigilant wee the Fedeal guads. To one unacquainted as -h was-wlth-malitaty~custo~m~s~te~would~ -pove "impossible "to" petnetate thei lines; hence, eveything must depend upon my getting though in safety. Then my thoughts difted to the one I had left in such seious pedicament. If I had laved- he befoe, I loved he doubly now, fo she had poven heself a woman among women in time of dange and tial. How -cl«w4y=fae=f&cu; "with." "ThulTe dak" sweet eyes and the wealth of cowning hai, ose befoe me, while wod by wod I eviewed all that had passed between us, dwelling upon each '">ok o accent that could evince he possible inteest in me. Then eason etuned to my aid, and esolutely, deteminedly, inspied by evey instinct of soldiely hono, I esolved that I would put he fom my thoughts foeve. She was not mine eithe to love o possess, unless the uncetain fate of wa should chance to set he fee. Even to deam of he, to cheish he A A--^- VVVt-UlAMtTblw- L \ L V 9 \\ fe> still. Suely nothing less than "hate, and a thist fo vengeane'e bitte as death, implacable as fate, could' ide\ like that though the black night on, the tack of a hunted man! I was able to tace dimly-his outlines now as he ose on an eminence In my ea, his hose. looming dak against the sky, like. those giant sieeds that snoted fie in my child's -ilc'tue-uooks at home, and then, with-- inceasingly ioude thunde of hoofbeats, he came chaging staight down towad me. In shee despeation I glanced _on_eith_e_ si de,_seeking-someavenue. of escape,, but- the- high -banks wf'e unscalable; my sole emaining hope lay in a shot which should dop that cazed bute befoe he stuck and cushed me. Riding my best, with all the pactised skill of the sevice, I swung my body sideways, bacing myself fimly" in the deep saddle, and took steady aim. The hamme came, ton, with a- dull- -t "click, the evolve was chagless, and with an exclamation of baffled age I huled the useless weapon full at the advancing bute. Almost at the instant we stuck, my hose went down with the impetus, while ove ;:s both, as if shot fom a cannon, plunged ou pusue, his hose tuning a complete somesault, the ide falling so close that I was upon him almost as soon as he stuck the gound. A dip of the flying hoof had cut a shallow gash acoss my foehead, and my hai was wet with blood, yet V>'';-.', "That's 'Bout All I Know, Cap, Till I Lit Yee." ii memoy while she emained the wife of anothe, was but an affont to he puity and womanhood. would povo myself a man entitled to!;e espect, a soldie wothy my s,evico and cops; if eve again my name chanced to find mention in he pesence it should bo spoken with hono. was musing thus, lulled by the.steady lope of my hose, and totally insensible to any possibility- of peil, when clea upon my eas, instantly awakening me fom such eveie, thee ang though the night silence the shap clang of ion on the oad behind _c. All sound" of pusuit had long since died away, and I supposed the effot to ecaptue me had been abandoned. But thee was no mistaking now at least one hoseman, iding ecklessly though the black night, was pessing hot upon my tail. "The lieutenant," Itligught. "the lieutenant, buning tick playt-d upoiytum, has pushed fal ahead of his to.o >, doubtless mounted upon a bette lwso, detemined to isk eveything if he may -only bing me back dead o alive." This thought awoke me in an ini stant fom my deaming, and I i spued my hose fuiously, glancing anxiously backwai as I ode, but unable though that dense gloom tc distinguish the fom oi ay pusue. Yet the fellow was coming, coming faste than any speed I could possibly conjue out of the weay black I bestode, cithe by whip o spu. Close and close upon me came ushing down that pounding of ion hoofs on the had patu. Heavens! how like a vey oemon the man ode! As a toope I could not withhold admiation fom the eckless audacity with which the vengeful fellow boe down upon me. In spite o my utmost effots!t almost seemed as if we wee standing buised and half stunned as I was fom the had lnil. my sole longing was to oach and thottle that madman who had idden me down in such demon style. "You unchained devil!" I cied savagely, whiling him ove upon his back, " spaed you lile once tonight, but, by all tho sods, I'll not do it again!" Gosh, Cap, is JJ!Ct you?" asked the voice of the otlw, feebly. staed ba-ck, and lost my hold upon him. "Hungay? in an astonishment that..ealy obbed me of utteance. "Good God, man! is this eally you?" "It's whut's l ft_'o me." he answeed solemnly, sitting u"p~alid teeling.his head as if expecting to find it gone. "Thet wus 'bout the wost ide I eve took." - "I should think ft likely," I exclaimed, my -ange ising again as I thought of it. "What, in heaven's name, do you mean by iding down on mo like that?" "Holy Gee, Cap," he explained penitently, "ye don't go te think I eve did it a pupose, do ye Why, the gosh-duned old thing un away." "Ran away?". "Sue, I 've bin a hangin' on te the mane o' thet citte fo nigh I.on thee mile, an' a payin' fe a feathe bee' te light on. It's my last 'listment en the cavaly, ye bet I neve seed none o' ye steam kees, but I eckon they don't go no faste ne. thet blame hoss. Gosh, Cap, ye ain't got no call Te te git mad; couldn' a stipped he with 'a yoke o' stsob, duned if I cud. I sote eckon I know now 'bout whut Scott meant when he said, 'The tuf the flymg couse spuned.' you bet this one did." Jed ubbed his cheek as" If It stung him", and I looked at him in the faint cawning light of day, and laughed. His peaked head and weazen face looked piteous enough, decoated as they - wee with the black loam though which he had ploughed; his coat was ipped fom tail to colla, while one of. his' eyes was nealy closed whee the buised flssh had puffed up ove it, ' ' " 'It is a feaful stife, fo man en-- dowed with motal life,'" he quoted mounfully/ "You'e ight/^ _I assented.!!no "Toub"t~yqu~jfad. the wost But how came you hee?" "Why, I wus a huntin' fe a hoss tha et thet picket post whin ye scaed up the bunch, an' by some sot a fule luck I got hoi.: o' thet one, an' tuke ate j - e, tho' in couse I d : dn't know who it was aised sich a umpus, it wus so duned dak. The whole_ bjame Jfankee. caboodle-tuk<b_a ' ~zn et me, eckon, leastwise they wus most dun keeless with the shuotin' ions, an' I ode one felle ove, knocked him plum off his hoss down the bank, keslush inte Jbe wate, by thunde, an' then the denea citte I wus a staddlin' bolted. TLet's "bout all I know, Cap. till I lit yee.' Thee was no doubting the tuth of his stoy, and I held out my hand. "You'e a good, man, Jed," I said heatily, "and so long as we ae both alive, a few had jolts won't hut us. Let's see if the hoses ae in any condition fo sevice." A single glance told the stoy. The black mae was bowsing by the oadside, appaently little the wose fo the shock, although a thin line o( blood tickled slowly down he Hank. But the big oan had not been so fotunate, and lay, head unde, stona dead in the middle of the naow oad, D-jngay gazed at the motionless figue mounfully. ' 'Woe woth the chase, woe woth the day, that cost thy life, my gallant gay,' " he ecited solemnly, "only it's ; a oan, an' ain't so dun soy j eithe." I Ilegpts of any natue, howeve, ; wee vain, and as the little man positively.-efused to ide, I mounted again, lie tudging alone; manlully : beside vac. tho two of us set foth once I moe, ou laces tuned towad the ed CHAPTER XXI. "i" >:,.,.. V."..y:;-'. v,;i]:e ID. i.:n'" Cn; ;;.,!,, I.;;;,, \uu mil-i lu/n out of (i;-.->>ifni i;:y ey.-'a v. ill: p. si:"'.:?s!e :imi!c,i,..(;i up ' lie to!:je:i ;;'.')% oi i-n.'.:ii;"!;,:lou:; tiie ui.ili- v. ;:ii iuid n;e ilie (i ty :iiiihl be aleady v,ell advanced, and saw li'.e lieutenant oi my toop, Colgate, binding c\t; me, attied m i-uvicii uniionn. "What is it, Jack?" "We- have been odeed noth on foced mach to join ICaly, and the command has aleady stated, i have delayed calling you until the final! momont, but knew you would neve logne being lett behind." liefoie he had finished i was upon the iloo, dessing with that apidity acciuie''. b> yens ol pactice, my mind thooughly aoused to the thought of active sevice once moe "Was it the new- bought in yes- LL-day, Colgate, which "as stied this, up?" qtie.-tiom-d, hastily dipping into a basin of Wate "I imagine it must have been, si," eplied the Lieutenant, leaning back i-oiuloi'tably upon a cacke-box, which io-i.ied ou solitaj chai""" "Things been on the move eve since, and it ettamly esembles an advance oi' Mime impotance Stall" oi'nces> at it all niglit long, McDanie s division oft at daylight, while we go out ahead of.slayton's toops. Reede was in beastly good humo when he bought the odes; that usually moans a light." "'Any atilley?" "Sloan's and Rocke's batteies ae with us; did not lean who went out with McDaniel's. Longi?tect has ciossed the White Bia." "Yes. I know," I said, dawing on the last of my equipments, and quickl\ glancing about to-,<issue myself I ha'd ovelooked nothing -likely to be of value.. "All eady. Jack, and m?iv lo anothe 'dance of death.' " Ou egiment was dawn up in the squae of the little tow n, and as we came foth into the gloious sunlight, ihe stentoian voice of the Colonel called them into column of lous. Staff offices, gay with dust fom thei-allnight sevice, wee iding madly along the cub, while at the ea ol ou men, just debouching fom one of the side steets "'appeaed the solid lonl ot a division- ot Infanty We had baely time to swing into the saddles of the two hoses awaiting us, and ide swift ly to the head of ou command, whe the shot, sten odes olled altms: the motionless line of toopes, anc the long, silent column swung out u the notnwad, the feet ct the hose, aising a thick cloud of ed du? which faily enveloped us in its choling folds (TO BE CONTLN"Kx> The dange in- usltfg patent medicines iq;. fom the stimulants and d angeous dugs which many of them depend on fo thei tempoay effect. Because It la fee fom alcohol,. nacotics and d angeous dugs. Fathe John's Medicine has had i>9 yeas of success as a tonic and body builde, fo healing thoat and lungs,and. In tho teatment of coughs and colds; Fathe John's Medicine is a docto's pesciption, pue and wholesome. Guaan te.e(l ";"""" It often happens that when a man knows his duty he ties to stave it OS by seeking advice. ONT.Y ONE "BKOMO QUINIHE." Tbat Is LAXATIVK BK0M0 QUININE. Look fof tho signatue of E. W. GROVE. Uud Uj» Wold ove u> Cus a Cold In Ono Uaj. 25c Vitue may be its own ewad, but. thft i ' at the cone gocey. A long life and a mey one may bo expected by those who use Gafleld Tea, the natual heb egulato. Fo Bale at all dug toes. Poo Heny. "Pecfe claims that when he maied he was mislead." "Yes, and now he Is Ms.-led." ; Palez-Vous Fancals? He Does she speak Fench at all? She Well, yes; but only enough to make heself unintelligible. Judge. Cleve Youth. "Do you know," he said, "that evey time I look at you I have thoughts of evenge?" "Why?" she gasped. "Because," he answeed, "evenge is sweet." Then she' told him she thought tomoow would be a good time to sea papa. Final Recouse. "Do you want to get-a heaing In i this cout?" Bhouted the magistate. "Sue, si," eplied the vey deaf defendant. "Then," yelled the magistate, with a last mighty effot, "you will have to I go to a specialist." Summe Wea. Patick woked fo a notoiouslystingy boss and lest no chance to let the fact bo known. Once a waggish fiend, wishing to twit him, emaked: "Pat, I hea you boss just gave you a bp.iid-new suit oi" clothes." "Xo," suit." ""What pot?"' "Tuo sleeves iv tnc vest!" said Pat, "only pa-n of a No.Wonde She Blushed. Two of the Univesity of Pennsylvania tack unnes passed a leaned and peoccupied pofesso showing a young woman visito though the "Gadens." With a dainty shive, the gil emaked: ' "It's deadfully cold isn't It to be without stocking's?" The pofesso's mind tuned fo a moment fom.contemplation of the fouth dimension. "Then why did you leave them off?" he asked. Lippincott's Magazine. HARD TO DROP But Many Dop It A youag-calif. wife talks about coffee: "It was had to dop Mocha and. Java and give Postum a tial, but my neves wee so shatteed that I was a nevous weck and of couse that means all kinds of ills. "At fist I thought bicycle iding caused it and I gave it up, but my condition emained unchanged. I did not want to acknowledge coffee caused the touble fo I was vey fond of it. "About that time a fiend came to live with us, and I noticed that afte he had been with us a week he would not dink his coffee any moe. I asked him the eason. He eplied, 'I have not had a headache since I left oft dinking coffee, so-e months ago, till last week, when I began again, hee at you table. I don't see how anyone can like coffee, anyway, afte dinking Postum'! "I said nothing, but at once* odeed a package of Postum. That was five months ago, and we have dank no coffee since, except on two occasions when we had company, and the esult each time was that my husband could.. not sleep, but lay awake-.aud-tossed and-talked half the night. We wee convinced that coffee-caused his suffeing, so we etuned to Postum, convinced that the coffee was an enemy, instead of a'fiend, and he Is toubled -no moe by insomnia. "I, myself, have gained 8 pounds In weight, and my neves have ceased to quive. It seems so easy now to qyilt the old coffee that caused ou aches and ills and take up Postum.''- Name given by Postum.Co., Battle teelt, Mich. Read the little book, "The nad to Wellville," In p'kga. "Thee'a a eason." Eve ead the above lettet X new ope appeas fom tiftie to time. They ac eenulne, tue, and fall ot humu Inteest. - ''-.

4 -THE CRANBURY PRESS.-- POBLISHGD ETEBY FKIDAY AT 0BAKCBY, N. J. EO. W. BURROUGHS, Edito and Popieto. Sl.BO PEE YEAE. IN ADVANCE. FKIDAY, MARCH 22, 92. ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORT To the Annual School MeetiDg of Canbuy Township, held at School No., Mach 9,92. The esult of the last annual meeting held Mach 2, lmli was the election to the Boad of Education fo a tem of thee yeas the following membes: ' Bicbad S. Mason. * John D. Chambelin. H. J. Butche. <5eo. B. Meshon, fo unexpied tem of one yea. With the following appopiations: To. cuent school expenses, $4,67 -School-»cpais-andsupplie9, Pajmeut of building otes,...,0" Total, $5,467 The Boad oganized Apil 3, 9 and elected the following offices: Pesident, Symmes H. Peine. Vice Pesident, Geoge B. Meshon. Clek, H. J. Butche. : ~ ii'iiteen meetings have been MftFwftf BD aveage attendance of sis. M. Floyd Evans was eelected supevising pincipal. The following teaches wee elected: Miss Fewsmith, Miss Chey, Miss Nutt, Miss Scuddt, Miss Evin, Miss Fod, Miss Begen, fo School No.. Miss Quimby and Miss Hulse,-School No. 2., D. H. C. Symmes, Medical Insppcto. M. Elwood Goves, bidding $575, was given the contact fo tanspotation of the ehilden cf Canbuy Neck Distict. Fom a fund aised by teaches and pupils, a micoscope and slides have been puchased. This is a valuable addition, to the High School equipment. The Boaid has placed a patition in the Pincipal's oom, thus sepaating the ninth and tenth yea classes. The supeviso epots much bette wok by pupils as a esult of this, and we hope in the nea futue to have an appoved two yea High School. Ten pupils have been sent to outside High Schools, two to Tenton, two to New Bunswick and six to Jamesbug. Fine epots have beeu eceived by the Boad of the wok done by these pupils. CanLuy Neck, and Wicoff lliils school buildini's wee sold by the Boad, aud the money used in payment of outstanding buiididg notes as odeied by taxpayes. The school buildings wee cleaned, epaied, and supplies puchased eady fo opening in Septembe. The follov.ig is a statement of eceipts and expefdituies to date. TEACHEKS ACCOUNT. Receipts. Balance last annual meeting, 82, Received fom. State, appopiation fo yea ending June 30, 92, Raiload Tax, Township Tax, South Bunswick Township, Monoe Township, 3,665,873 3, ' ^ Total, $2,46 32 Expenditue?. Supevising Pincipal, Teaches' Salaies, Tanspotation, Canbuy Neck, Tanspotation, Jamesbug, Tenton, New Bunswick,, 499 Tuition, Outside High Schools,, 85 Retiement Fund, 97 Monoe Township, 40 South Bunswick, 20 Fuel, 38 Int on N,ote, money boowed Tansfeed to Dis Acct. Balance in hands of Collecto, $485 4, , $5, Expended. tive blood puifie Its an excellent Bonds, Nos. 33, 34, 35 with emedy fo eczema, tette, salt heum Inteest, ' $63 50 ulces, ' boils and unning soes. I. Inteest on Bonds and Notes, stimulates live, kidneys and bowels, Building Notes,. 2,6 expels poisons, helps digestion, builds Janitos, 298 8up the stiength. Pice 50 cts. Satisfac- guaautee^j)y Nj _F J Books, ' 25 30tion -tlla.ytod; Re pais-and-supplies Cltaning and Labo, Insuance, 23 Piiiting and Postage, Othe Expenses, $5, Duing the past yea all the ol bonds have been paid, all building notes, $26, and in Septembe twi $5 new bonds with inteest will bi paid. We ae poud of ou yea's ecod.' We wish to commend the wok o ou supevising pincipal, ou faithful teaches and ou medical inspecto. The Bead met Feb. 27, 92, cae fully consideed the needs of the school! fo the coming yea, and fouud th< following amount to be necessay. Cuent School Expenses, Repaiing School Houses, $4, ,658 Medical Inspecto's Repot. Calls made, 20; childen sent hom on account of contagious diseases, 0: whole numbe in school, 254; numbe examined, 248; not vaccenated, 40; defective teeth, 34: cooked nasal septum, 2;- enlaged tonsils, 30; defective eyes, *8; nasal catah,. -Respectfully submitted, H. J. BUTCHER, ' -.. ' Distict Clek New Jesey Foest Commission.. Pess Bulletin. The State Foest Commission has been nottfied~that the Postmaste-. Geneal has decided to ode Rua Mail Caies to keep watch fo foest fies and when one is seen to send wod to the neaest fiewaden. This ode is the outcome of a plan fi.-t poposed by the State Fiewaden and taken up by him with the Post Office Depatment though the United effot the Foest Commission Is making o povide potection to the woodlands of the State. Unde the scheme, each Rual Mail iaie will be funished fom Tenton with a list of the fiewadens in the teitoy though which his oute uns. Also 6vey fiewaden wili be notified of the aangement and instucted to find out which Caies wok in o nea his distict and let them know whee he can be eached and how wod may be gotten to him in the easiest and quickest way.. The United States Secetay of Agicultue has notified the Commission ;hat the fund allot ted to New Jesey "o foest fie patol in 9, viz $0, will be doubled fo 92, making the amount $20. This money is allotted unde the Weeks' Law of 9 and by the tems of the law is applicable only o Noth Jesey, whee the wok done ast yea fully poved the value of an active watch on the woodlands when hee is dange of fies stating. TRENT THEATRE. Although the coming week's bill at he Tent Theate consists of but six act? they ae of such a calibe and cot;- ume so misch time that the patons of he playhouse will be the gaines in the end,- notwithstanding the lessening of be numbes on the bill. All told, fifty eople will take pat in the show, thity ){ Whom ae attached to Gus Edwads' Sog Ilevue, which is headed by Ai. id wads himself. M. Edwads is t>y "a out of the most pominent of any f ou popula song wite.*. His uccessesaf too many to enumeate hee. His bong Revue is now in the iecond season of its success and has poved one of the biggest dawing cads n the vaiety anks. In the tbity people with whom M. Edwads has uounded himself the biggest mujoily if them ae childen, aud thei fesh >oung voices as they ae head in the endition of the twenty some song numbes endeed iu the act povide ii cetain novelty which sbould eadily ppeal to the staid patons of vaudeville.' Anothe big poduction which, afte t leaves the Tent is scheduled fo a big un at the Columbia Theate, New Yok City, is the big scenic melodama of the Godon-Noth Amusement Cotn- :>ady, entitled "The Life. " This act emplojs eight people and caies two caloads of sceney and light effects. The othe acts which constitute this bill ae Gadne & Mooe, in a comedy vaudeville skit, entitled~"when Geek Meets Geek;" El Cota, the wold's pemie xylophone playe; Isliikawa Bothes, Japanese band equilibists, and tfce MyoD Bake Toupe of Bicyclists. To Mothes Aud Othes. 52,46 32 You can UEe Buckleu's Anica Salve to cue childen of eczema, ashes, tette, chafings, scaly and cu»ted tumos, Distict Account, Balance last annual meeting, $ as well-as thei accidental injuies, Received fom Tax (Bonds :uts, buns, buises, etc.,. with pefect and Inteest),270 aft-ty. Nothing else heals sp quickly. Received fom Township Tax, 2,342 Fo boils, ulces, old, unning o feve Received fom Teaches' soes o piles it has no equai. 25 ct Account, at N. F. Clayton's. Received fom Lectue Fund, 3 95 Received fom sale of School Gloious News houses, 8 50comes fom D. J. T. Cutiss, Dwight, Received fom State, fo School. Kan. He wites: "I not only have cued Libay, 0 bad cases of eczema in my patients with Rfceived fom local souces fo Electic Bittes, but also cued myself School Libay, 22 65by them of the same disease. I feel sue they will benefit any case of eczema.' T\ is shows what thousauds have pov ed, that Electic Bittes is a most effec L<OR SALE White Leghon Eggs fo Setting. 3. pe.. WALTEE SCOTT, Canbuy, N. J. Medical Inspecto, 75 WANTED A Good Cow Eithe Hol- Clek's Fee, Micoscope and Slides, 3 95 Libay, _ Balance on Hand, stein, Guensey, o Jesey, not too old, a good and pesistaiit Milke. Fo any such Cow, meeting these equiements, a libeal pice will be paid. Addess, P. O. Box, 73. Canbuy, N. J. t the gandeu ol the hails themselves. The comois and.luxuies of'a'fifth Avenue hotel and. s- cocs&nliy shifting Wondeland o Ḷ mountains,,.valleys ana steams. -As petty a fnst page to-.the honeymoon as a bidegoca and bnde could select: E At High Noon fom 'Meiv Yoivt 2.33 p.m. foin I'liimJc'ipliie Thee othe fast tains each day. Look up the timetable to this histoic fist js/g#gn on the highway of maied life. Luxuious Pullman -ca eqmpment smooth, ock-ballast oadbecp^atf safety block signals dining cas in consonance with the high class of the tains. And just as enjoyable to othe folk. Connects at Buffalo with Gand Tunk fo Chicago and the West. New Yok TiUet Offices : 460 Boadway, 355 Boadwjy, 245 Boadway, 94 Boadway, Hudson Tube Stations at Cotlandt and 33d Steets. 225 Fifth Avenue. Ill \Vest_I25th Steet, Pennsylvania Feii.'b. Telephones: Fjnklin lc-oloj.-sey City 20 JDTJD "5TOTJ" 'T3ie Field-Glass Koule" Newak Ticket Office: 2 Maket Steet Telephone: 2S7 Maket Philadelphia Picket Offices: 9 Chestnut Steet, 3 S. Boad Steet, Reading Teminal and all Philadelphia & Reading Officen. Telephone: Walnut 2323 While He Quoted You PRICES OH FIRST-CLASS.GROCERIES AND NOTIONS? if Not You Have Missed It. Highest Pices Paid Fo Butte and Eggs. Yous Fo Business, fiflain St.. Canbuy, W. J. FARMERS I Opposite Second Chach SUPPLY HOUSE. Olive No. Gang Plows ae geat Labo Saves. One man can Plow fom 4 to 5 Aces a day, no Landslides too nea. Shaes to fit 35c. to 40c. Evey time you get a new Shae you get a new Shin. Also Single and Revesible Sulkeys. Two. Hose Hand Plows _fom $8. up. Did you eve see a dissatisfied Olive Custome? All kinds of Haness, Full line of Buggies, Caiages and. Maket Wagons, Columbia Fam Wagons. All Haness Guaanteed. Now is the-time to buy Red Heat Powde, put up sepaately fo Hoses, Cows, Hogs and Poulty. Get you Stock in Good Condition fo Sping. If the OJd Fowls ae healthy the Young Chicks will be. Best Gades of Coal always on hand. WYCKOFF BEOS., HIGHTSTOW3ST, NEW JERSEY. ******* " Whee yov dolla does its duty." ' " BOTS--GLOTHING Dess the Little Fellow fo Sping. Bing him hee and let us show you what a wondeful showing we have pepaed fo you. Just the kind of clothes that will stand ;the stain and at the same time be pefection, in style,fit and k finish. j Boys' and ^Childen's New Sping Suits, $2.5O to $9.. Nattey Little Heeles, $2.50 to $ ».- E. STATE STREET OF MAGNIFICENT QUALITIES-AND STYLES WHICH ALWAYS LEAD. HUNDREDS TO' SELECT FROM AND ALL * CORRECTLY FASHIONED BY KNOX, STETSON & YOUNG. 25 E. State Steet, TRENTON, N. J. INSURANCE (Successo to Fank A. Bown) FIRE TORNADO AUTOMOBILE The Following Stong and Reliable Companies: Livepool & London & Globe, Geman Ameican, Standad, Commecial Union, Queen Ins. Co., Noth Bitish & Me. f.niagaa lns.~co. t Camden Fie Ins. Co., Glens Falls, Caledonian, Ins. Co. of N. Ameica, Mece Co. Mutual. SPECIAL RATE OF 2% ON AUTOMOBILES. STACKS A SPECIALTY. I have puchased the entie Insuance Business of the late F. A. Bown and you continued patonage fill be appeciated. ALL TRANSFERS. PERMITS OR ENDORSEMENTS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. LOW RATES,. THE BEST COMPANIES, PROMPT SETTLEMENTS. When you want Insuance consult me fist, I can can save you money. if EASTER NOVELTIES EASTER EGGS, JELLY EGGS AND OTHER EASTER DELICACIES IN CANDY. DECORATED EGGS WITH NAMES INSCRIBED. ORDERS WILL BE PROMPTLY FILLED FOR EASTER TRADE. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF EASTER POSTAL? CARDS AND BOOKLETS. ilaine DAVISON, CRANBURY, NEW JERSEY. AGEXTS FOR THE CGlebatsd Fuman Boiles FOR STEAM AND HOT WATER. Stoves, Heates, Ranges,, Hadwae and Tinwae Hot Ai, Hot Wate and Steam Heating ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Electic epaiing pomptly done. ALL KINDS OF TINNING BENNETT & HARRIS, CRANBURY, N. J. COME AND SEE US F.C.LEAMI^G, PRES. Co. State and Waen Sfs., TentQn 4. '.'X i&

5 -THfCRANBURY PRESS- FRIDAY, MARCH PEKSONALS. John Majo has puchased.a new The ps-ii'eiich of D. C. Lewis is,beii{j hose. pointed by HntcbiiiHon <Sf Petty, the M. and M?. W. B Goves and eon bixlv <if l.he IIIXISH being a pale gfy, the timmings' white. Willaid spent Satuday in Tshion. M. and MsvBetam Clayton entctaiced M. and Mp. Gov«Stults and Beijimin Hidl«v and family have moved to the Conovf- popety on \daughte Fanoes on Sunday. Bii'ond Avenue and JoHcnh Conell lias moved to ibn house fomely occupied by M. Ridley. M and Ms Willium Coshnw havo moved fom thei fam nea Hight&- town to Moison Ave., Higbtetownl M. and Ms John E. Evin spent Sunday in Tenton with MT.«Lillie Ms. D. W. Clayton and Ms David Emmons. 6. Stults spent yesteday witb Ms. E. F. Hoope of Tenton. Miss Floence..Pcvine, who will gaduate fom the Nntnul School at. Miss Elva Chanbelin is. making a Tenton thif June, ih spendim; a-month. visit with Mips Bess Beidling of at pactice teaclling in Westfield. Gemuntown, Pa.' - ' Miss Bess Begen entetained a few fiendstueaday evening. Mp. Caie Begen' has etuned to he bone in Oegon afte a visit of - seveal months with he.paents, M. and Ms. T. J. Peine. M. and Ms. Raymond Wickoff, Mips Edna Hoffman and Alex. Appleget have been guests'of Mies Sadie Appleget of Tenton this week. The two younge childen of M. and "Ms. Cbaiea Davison ae quite ill with g"p- M. add Ms. J. Williamson of Camden wee ove Sunday guests of Geoge Davison and family. Ms. An bu C'aytoD is visiting elatives at Asbuy JPak. M. Clayton will join beove Sunday. William Davison of Eddington, Pa, has been visiting bis paents, M. and Ms. Geoge Davison. Miss Pbebe Messie of New Shaon has bepn the guest of M. and Ms. Jacob Godon. Aaon Badsbaw of Washington, D. 0., was a ecent guest at the bone of Thos. J. Peine. M. aud Ms. Lewis VanDusen of..newak, Chales VanDusen of.peth Atnboy and Hay VanDusen of New Yok spent a pat of the week with Canbuy fiendy. ^^Mxs^Jaue Dey is visiting he bothe. Van Dyko-Peine and Inmily at Dutch Neck. ^^---^ At the annual meeting~bf t-h_e Boad of Education of Canbuy Township this week E S. Baclav, J. V. B. Wickoff aud Geoge B Meshon wee e-elected to membeship in the Boad. M. and Ms. Isaac Cubbeley ae spending a pat of the week with thei daughte, Ms. Wyckoff Vannest of Newak. Fuman Fa of Tenton has been visiting Havey Duncan and family and W. E. Goves and iamily. Miss Claa Miijo and Miss Be ; en of Fanklin Pak wee guests of M. and Ms. John Miijo on Wednesday. Mp. Joseph G Dey visited he daughte, Ms. Thoe. Applegate of Hightstown, this week. M. and Ms John H. Baclay ae entetaining M. and 3Is. Joseph Voohtes of M.masquan. Miss Bess Begen has been spending a few days with fiedds in Tenton. Ms. James Hutchinson has etuned to he home afte spending the widte with Pinceton elatives. Heny Meibow of Baltimoe is visiting fiends in town this week. Mis>s Jennie Duncan left this week fo Pinceton whee she will vi-it fo a month and late will make he home with he siste, Ms. Chales Gattson of Flatbush, L. I. Miss Magaet Begen of New Shaon spent a pait of the week at the.home of Postmaste John S. Begen. Rev. U. G. "Hagaman and family of Atlantic City ae visiting Ms. A. S Cole. Huvey S. Dey, who has been confined to his home with quinsy soe thoat, fo the past two weeks, is again. able to be out. D. C. Lewis has ecoveed fom a light attack of gip. Ms. S. H. Peine and Mis3 Saa Feinc entetained Mist> Elizabeth Fewsmith, Miss Geogia Nutt, aiis3 Anna Chey, Ms. Fannie Vaudevee, and Milton Vauaevee at dinne Wednesday evening. Kev. and Ms. J. E. Cuy and E. C. Wilson motoed to Peth Ambby Wednesday. David Giggs J. of Fiendship oad is able to be out again afte being cocfined to tbe bouse lo the past fou weeks with a sevee attack of gip. Ms. Enest Scott and son Walte of Bah way ae visitijg Caubuy elatives. M. Scott will join he ove Sunday. Athu Evin spent Sunday with M. Lemuel Bedle of Pospect PJains. Thomas McCowatt and Blaine Davison attended, theannual New -Jesey _-^Met-bodisCo5Tfeence fo seveal days. They wee the guests of M. and Ms. David Schenck. Lizzie Peine Spent Thusday in Tenton. Ms. J." D. Buckelew of Canbuy Station is on the sick list. Mp. Wm. P. Bow.n and Miss Magaet Gibson ae spending today in Tenton. Miss Ethel Cole has- been confined to he" home fo the past week with gip. Ancil G. Dey was a Tenton visito Tuesday. Ms. W. P." Feguson is ecoveing fom a ecent opeation in the Stetson Hospital, Philadelphia. Contacto, H. N. Scott is epaiing and building additions to his popety on Scotis Avenue. Booms will be fo ent in the nea futue. - Ms. E 8 Bntilav nnt Miac" Mytti Chnmhelip spent Tuesday in Philadelphia. Cluc-ncn S. Gi^gs of nea Canbuy wns seen, in Tn-nton on Sunday afteinoon automobiling with a paty o! fiends. Ms A'bam Voohw* ia visiting he daughte Ms. Ellas ftillts of Newiik. -^ohn Styl<e of Pinceton visited Ms ^Madge Appleget and sou Nomau this wek. ' ViH'Djfcfl Peine,, (he little pon of M. «ni Ms.VitnDyke' Pe,ine of Dutch Neck has been seiohflyill with double pleuo pneumoia but is now ecoveing. W. H Be'vgen of Jesey City spent Sunday with his family in town. M. and Mn. John Bennett will entetain the J. F F. Club Monday evec- This will be the closing meeting ol tbe club fo the season. M. and Ms. Wm M. Cox and thei guest, Miss Rebecca Clavton, wee Sunday puests of Hiam Mount and family of E'linbug. M'S. Beekman Peiue aud Ms. Chales Fa have etuned to thei home on Main Steet afte spending a consideable potion of I he winte out of town. Miss Lizzie Muste of Atlantic City is visiting Oaubuy fiends (o a few days. John Tilton has puchased a fine team of hoses fom W. C Ely of Holmdel and will begin faming tbis sping nea Jamesbug. Cbambelin & Baclay have puchased the John Tilton popety at Caubuy Station Ms. Geoge Begen of Pospect Plains is ecoveing fom an illness of seveal weeks. P. Samuel Bennett spent yesteday aud Ms. Wm. K. Sifedeke. Miss Magaet Eleano Eldidge ae (-pending a week with Mis. Helen Dey and daughte in Newak. Mi;<s Elizabeth Davison was an ove Suuduy guest of Miss Mya Havens. Ms. L A. Rue is visiting M. and Ms. John Mois at New Bunswick. Look Out to.easte. Easte is nea at hand and a sping hut will be iu ode when it gets hee. Ms Emma Hade has an usually Uge assotment of p plain and fancy bats and nil kinds of timmings, g ami hd had a spcil special opeig opening of these thseand othe novelties yesteday and to-day. Kev. C. E'.. Ebell fo Cuubuy. Among the appointments made at the Methodist Episcopal confeence at Asbuy Pak wee fo Canbuy, Rev. 0 L. Ebell. Kev. U. H. Hagamaj, fomely of Canbuy.was t-appoiuted to the Fist M. E. chuch of Atlautic City. Rev J. H. Allen J., will be paato at Hightstown II. E. chuch., <iet You Tickets. Tickets fo the Peddie Musical Club entetain meit to be given in the Fiis.t Pesbyteian chapel next Wednesday, evening can be obtained of M. S. H. Peine.who has ihe chat at the Fist National Bank. Call at Blaiue Davisoii's. Sweet things in Postals fo Easte, Sweet things toeat fo Easte, a la'ge assotment at Blaiue Davison's. He will have a full supply of ice ceam and will fill odes fo families fo Easte day and any time. It Pays- -What? To advetise in The Canbuy Pess. If you don't know ;ty it. The. lage at'teddauce at the faewell semon of Kev. C. W. Heisley poves it fo the only infomation the public had was the notice in the Pess. Special Pogam at Pionee Gange No.. The thid and fouth degees will be confeed at the meeting of Pinoee Gange No. next Tuesday evening. Following this thete will be a special pogam including a face by fiends fom Dayton and music by the Mandolin Club. - ;-.-"AT JRecent Canlmian. Kev. G.-F.jGfaison, who has been at AUentow) the past thee yeas was appointed to Eatontown and Tin ton Falls. M. Gaison lived in Canbuy a numbe of yeae, as' pasto of the HI. ThoseWhoKnow'AlwaysSow MICHELL'S Cl DISTINCTIVE" SEEDS Eveything fo the Gaden, Fam, Lawn and Poulty Yad.... Wite o call to-day fo ou &6 page complete catalog. It's fee. - THURSDAY AHD FRIDAY, MARCH 2st. and L9 MRS. EMMA HARDER' Main Steet, 'Canbuy, N. J. I will have on exhibition n iine line of Timmed Milliney in all the Latest'Styles. I also have added to my Stock some othe Novelties of the Season, Consisting of Fancy Silks Emboideies Laces Collas Belt Pius Shields Flowes "Bttek-les Wings ' Jabots Veilings Ruchings Ribbons. Hat Pins Aigettes Neckties Handkechiefs Hats Feathes. Velvets Chiffons Fancy Onaments, Etc.,'' Etc., CRANBURY, NEW JERSEY. Fist With The Hew Soods. As usual we ae he fist to show the new things fo Sping. ^niit Designs and Pattens fom- the Geat Style Centes of the County. We ae eadv-to show you NEW SPRING HATS NEW SPRING CLOTHES NEW SPRING NECKWEAR NEW SPRING SHIRTS fo Men, Young Men and Boys. Come and see ou new display. You'll he especially inteested in ou Suits fo Young Men mic3 Men who feel youug. J2 o 30 class and appeaance not to bs found eisbwhee. Clothies Hattes Habedashes. TRENTOK, N. J. Public Sales. NOTICE. Thusday, Mach 28 AH posons concened may tiike notice, thiv, the Kuhseibi- A'lminUtiito at"., ot Stock, Fam Implements, Household D.ivid Hill lu'cp.isiid, inteuds o exhibit his ldal account to the Oplum*,' Cout lo the Goods, etc. of Matin Gulick on ouijcy ot Hi Idlt'SPX. nn Fidny, the N'lu«- Tenton Tunpike nea Sand Hills. wiith ihiy o \nil 92. at 0 A. M.. in the T»m ot Apil 9U5. to settlement ;\nd allowance; thu!..uue bi-ine fist audited aud Wednesday, Mach 27 st.itoil by the Silniftto. Household Goods, etc. of Miss Maude Dated Mach 8.!)'A Rue in South Canbuy. OUAKt! S H. EDWAEDS Administato. RETURN to this Offiice Bluck Cloth Notice to Ceditos. Bag lost on oad, evening Mach 8. Hiivey Duiii.'iin. executo of Geocn M. Dunc<m. IIBCBIWII, by (ilt-'ctioa of ttia Su.o- Kato of tho County af Middlesex, ht'eby Notice to Ceditos. uivaswnotiui io the ceditos of tho.said Oeow- M DuDcau. to hluc in thei debts, ChulesM. VunDu?en executo of Ehvood j a d s und claims ;i«minst theektuo of tho R Vnubuseu decoased by diection of thehitld doeeuhod uudo o;ith o aflimalioa, Sumcute oftho County ol Middlesex, lieaby eives notico to the ceditos of tho Siild will be foeve baed of.uny action theefo within nine mo.ilt.hs fom ttii-i date, o they Klwood It, TanDuann to bld«iq thei debts, aiaht the said H.ivey Duncan. demands and claims acuities tho astute ot Dated Januay IS the s.ud deceased, uudeouth o ufllinution, HAIITEY DUNCAN. Exeeuto.? within nine months fom this diito. o tlwy will be foeve bued of any action tuoefo against the SiUd tixnouto. In Chancey of New Jesey. - Dated J» «aj To William Schenck. -John V. Schenck. Executo. Notice to Ceditos. Conelius TaaDehoiT. Executo, of Mncaet E. Cosby, dueoasad. by dieetipa o! the Suogate of tho Couuty of Middlesex heeby Rives notico to tne ceditos of the E. Ghuvch, "and late supeintendent of said Magaet E. Cosby to bmc ia thei debts, demands und claims iieiunbt the estuto of tho said.deceased, unde outn o cey of the State o New Jesey beuiuc dato the Home fo Feeble Minded. ufllmation. within niue months fom thib Fubuiiy foutoeuth, ism, In a cause wheein dato. o they will bo toevo baed o any Gebfce B. Monboa substituted Administato and Tustee of tho estatoof William L. Enjoyed Box Social. acuou theefoe acnin^t the said oxoouto. Dated Januay 2t.'9 The Box Social given by the Chistian Endeavo Society in the Fist Pes*- to appea, demu, plead o answe the bill 2 i Schenck deceased, is complainant and you COBNKLIOS VANDERIIOFF. and othes uo defendants, you ae equied.. Kxecuto of complainant on o befoe tho byteiun chapel Tuesday evening was Notice to Ceditos. SIXTEENTH DAY OF APRIL NEXT, a pleasant affai. Thee was a good attendance and the evening was spent Geoge B. Meshon. administato of Lydla o said bill will bo taken us confessed M. Davison. debased, by diection of theagainst you. playing games of vaious kinds and a SunoKAto of tho Couuty of Middlesex, Tho said bill is fllod to obtain a constuc- of tho.will of Willium L. Schenck geneal social time. The boxes wee heeby gives notico to tho ceditos of thotion, said Lydli.,ja. Diwison to blnk in thni deceased, detemining to whom the fund ia sold fo good pices and with the con-debtstents cocoa was seved. astute of the auld deceased, nado onth o Tustee belongs and you ae made dofand- demands and claims asainst the tho hands of tho said complainant and affimation, within nine months fom this ants becauso you may b3 entitled to said The committee'in chage was Ms. date, o they will be foeve bued o anyfund o some pat theeof. Jane ' Dey, Misa Laua Stults, MISB j action theefo against thj} said adminia- A. V DAWES. Solieltoand of Council with Complainant. Magaet Begen, Miss Claa Huffing- j Maoh 5, 92. P. O. Addess. HigUtstown, N. J. ton, Ms. J. E. Cuy, Chales Symmes. GEOBQE B. MKBBHOK. Administato. Dated Febuay l*. 92. $2.2*. I I I- ft Daniel W, Bocut, Fedeick A. C. Bocact. Stephen MuComfk, Antoinette Clonan, Cuolino Palme. Wixiflelil Scott McComiek. Geoge E. Bosjat. Evenline Bocat, Beujamln L. Fowle, Getude Moull, Louise Pauldine,Fanuis Ueams. John A, Fowle. Indop(!"tlonce Koitne. William H. Rowland May p. Whitohouse, Kate Elizabeth Wendell, John B. Wtass and Thomas E, StiiKK- By vitue of an ode oftho Cout of Chan- v ;KLY CHATS. THE FA KM WAGON YOU BUY should bp selected with geat cae. A Good one should Iaafc fo many - yeas. We sell tho '"Owcjto" Jesey fam wagons because we honestly believe it is the liest Made, Easiest Running, and most Duable fam wagons now on the maket. We have a cicula descibing these best of all fam wagons, and giving ou lowest pices. Send fo one ife will pay you.' OUK HAND SEWED JERSEY TEAM HARNESS have IQW top Iianips with Utility ITame Clips,' Tace3 have Snap Hooks. Hold Backs ae double. Tiidles have new style winke stays. Ou cash pice is PIMMlO, No Haness made iu the state o elsewhee, have bette ' leathe, o in any way excel these haness. Don't huy any haness until yon pee them. ' " '. s 3. i POTATO PLANTERS. POTATO PLANTERS. The "Ion-Age", is the only plante made that will plant absolutely coect iind saves much seed. Come aid get one. The Aspinwall is well known and a geat favoite. The Eueka One and Two Plante we. Guaantee, to be- supeio to any automatio plante. The seed is-not' cushed o injued. The Daft is vey much lighte than any othes. The Fetilize feed is foce, and can be sown wheeve you wish. We claim fo the Eueka the best Fetilize feed, the most pefect plante of all the automatic plantes, and the most Duable, and lightest daft of any plante made. THE PERFECTION AND ECLIPSE SPRAYERS. The Pefection Spays both tees and potatoes. Tees when used as a hand pump. Potatoes by hose powe, 6 ows at a pasbage, 30 to 40 aces pe day in the most pefect manne possible. The Eclipse bael outfit spays tees only, we have sold lage numbes of them and neve have had a single complaint. Eclipse complete outfit costs only $6.. VKEE LANDS LIME AND SULPHUR SOLUTION is 25^ stonge than any othe on the maket, though highe in pice is much the cheape. Pice only 9. pe bael. WE SELL THE NEW CASSADAY AND OLIVER ONE AND TWO FOKROW GANG'PLOWS all kinds of walking plows. Ion Age and Planet J. Riding Cultivatos, Haows of all kinds, Rolles aud eveything fo the fam. Come and let ns show you the lagest stock in the state. THOMAS PEPPLER, & SON, HICHTSTOWN, N. J. BOX NO.. ARE HERE NOW IN GREAT ARRAY. We ae quite sue-we have an assotment that will please the most fastidious iu qualities that will "meet with appoval fom.the vey citical. and Shits we "Stand By" at 50c, 59c,., in ARROW, MONARCH MAKES. CLUETT, EAGLE and 2 S. Boad Steet, TRENTON, N. J. -K-*- -I-X-M-K-K-I-M" I have just eceived a line lot of Men's, Women's and Childen's Shoes. The Finest Ladies' Shoes to be had in the VILLAGE at the MOST REASONABLE PRICES. CRANBURY, N. J. The pice of Sewe Pipe has gone up, but we have a Lage Supply which we ae selling at a Vey Low Pice. They all say ou Potland Cement is the Beat on the Maket. S'HANGLE & RUNT DEALERS IN LUMBER, MILLWORK, HARDWARE ANDIRON SIDING. HICHTSTOWN, N. J. 3 4< T 4

6 NOTES,-Add fetility to the soil. : Cle'an up the poulty buildings.. Onions equie a fine and fim seed (bed. Take goo* cae of the bood sows (fom, now on. Most men have thei favoite vajleties o stock. The bood sow3 should have some 'oots, if possible., The boas should be isolated fom Ithe est of the hed. -Chickens need decent housing, ipope feed, and some cae. The feed fo young guineas may be Ithe same as fo young tukeys. Cold weathe has pepaed the soil 'fo a bounteous cop next summe. Oats without hulls Is one of the :most valuable of all gains fo po'ul-,ty. Kaffi meal is the best gain to offset the laxative effects of skimmilk. If a fame desies to impove his flock, let him begin with pue bed 'males. In feeding a milk cow a con ation educe the ation at fist indication of fattening. Standad utility fowls must be selected fo the geatest ijg'g poduction and quick matuity. Don't foget that you cattle, hogs, 'hoses, and sheep all need salt; no't.spasmodically but egulaly. JS'o famstead is complete without a genf-ous space devoted to a gaden fo small funs and vegetables. Duing the winte the daiy fame lias moe time to figue out hi.s plans 'fo impoving his system o laming.. Tho b;-o<--dmg of imcb-cla "iill.-?"" *o :_-!.i'i. - CoTfMi.g jnacs i has passed lju;x:id ite;:uil &! age. You may fend all tho food bens c.n possibly u.-:<\ but if >ou ae! shot on ail the esult will not bo satisfactoy. The buye discounts a thin hose The Embdcn, pehaps, mates a little beiteivi.aket bid than tl:e Tou- just as often cedits the fat hose moe than his condiiion deseves, and louse, but the latte lays moe eggs, above his eal desets. often foty in a season. Don't bun up any kind of 'coase litte that accumulates aound'tho feed yads, but save it to mulch diffeent plants in the gaden. In shoeing, the foot should only have so much hoof emoved fom it at each shoeing as is necessay fo -the pope fitting of the shoe. Tukeys moe than any othe poulty seem to equie fc^h ai. They will oost in tees duing a snow? stom and not seem to mind it a bit. A mixtue cf baley, conmeal, wheat ban and oot,s will put flesh On hoses fast. With this, of couse, a quantity of hay should be given. One heas a geat deal about the cost of feed this winte, but this cost Is not so impotant as is the size of pofits ealized in feeding this high- - piced feed. Tunips may flavo the eggs. No banch of husbandy now pu-theeued offes bette oppotunities fo in fact, (Some bids will not eat them ae not as palatable as mangels; pofits fo the amount of money invested and the time expended than consideed food value. at all, but at tho same time they have the poduction of hogs. Good quality wheat staw, which Is neithe moldy no dusty, will make a fai oughage fo hoses, and when fed in modeate amounts should not pove injuious In any way. The men who suffe least duing 'the dy season ae the daiy fames. They always have an income, fo theo is always some cop that can be fed pofitably to the cows. The skimmill. calf becomes accustomed to eating gain and hay ealy in life, consequently, when it is wean- ed, the change of feed is not so noticeable as it is with the whole milk calf, and it does not suffe a setback at this time. Hoses ae even gazes.- Geen con makes excellent silage. Young cabbage plants need potection. All pue-bed sies ae not possessed of. equal meit. Nothing looks nice than a display of nice, fesh eggs. Constipation is the cause of many toubles with hogs. Ashes and salt 6hould be given to the hogs twice a week. Cowpeas and baley ae not common cops to gow togethe. Some gains ae the favoite food,of chickens, while othes ae not. ' Undesiable milk in many cases can be taced to unclean milk utensils. Sheep should be kept.on the aveage fam.'to aid in keeping down weed life. "' Pope feeding and execise will poduce style along with the colt's gowth. Wok stock will equie moe potein than,, can be obtained fom gain and hay. Sweet potatoes fed to poulty ae fattening, but give a yellow tinge to the flesh. The impotance of the hay cop has neve come to be fully appeciated in this county. Scientists say it takes at least fou pounds of feed to make one pound of gain in fowls. Keeping a daiy on any fam should mean that the fetility of that fam Is being inceased. Hay that is.fee fom -weeds Is always much moe valuable than hay that is weedy. Many beedes ovelook the impotance of supplying vaiety in the feed fo the bood sow. A good hose is a valuable animal and deseves and should have the best of cae and good feed. Young calves ae necessaily athe filthy in thei habits and neve do' ll in damp, dity pens. Incubatos and boodes may be used fo hatching geese, although not much employed fo that pupose. Goat cae should be taken in selecting laying- lions, since they exet so geat an influence on the pogeny, Onion seed should be tested fo genninaiion b:oe bs ins puchased i: sootibyes" its "vitality A good way of sowini some hady pasini'c jii.i^cs is to faile the seed on the just befoe it melts in. ile ei'ieg. As a geneal thing It Is the best^ plan to feed hay and othe oughage' that may sti up dtift afte the milk is taken out of the ban. Cold cilk neve sepaates as completely as wam milk. Thus it is good economy to have the sepaato bowl wam befoe the milk is put in.. Equal pats of wheat chaff and finecut clove hay, mixed with wheatban and wheat millfeed, may be fed to tlfti-hoses in place of con and hay. Sudden changes in the food of sheep should be avoided. Change only one potion of tho ation at once and make that change gadually. It Is a mistaken Idea to think that you ae saving feed by cutting down tho cow's ation. The best way is to make he cat all that she can eat pofitably. Just afte meaning, the calf should, not be fed moe than ten pounds ol? milk pe day, divided into thee feedings; this should be given at blood tempeatue, about degees. Rock phosphate, muiate of potash, nitate of soda and othe chemicals may be used successfully in. -the gowing of lettuce unde gass, but they must be employed -with cae and intelligence. Seed con that was saved last fall should be looked afte now. It is not too ealy to begin testing. Remembe, the man who finds that he must buy con and gets in his ode fist gets the choice puchase. "Wash the hand sepaato thooughly. The sepaato that is not tho-. When odeing haness fo the jeping wok have the collas made to oughly scalded afte being washed will "ode. Take the hoses to the ha-sooness vnake and get make col- eye by beeding all- kinds of hamful, give you daiy poducts a_j>lack las that will fit. Thee Is nothing gems which wok apidly in annoying than soe shouldes la taints and odos to the ceam, and the midkt of havest. butte. BREED CHICKENS FOR PROFIT In Making Selection " One. Must Be Govened to Geat Extent by Maket Cockeel Is Impotant In making the selection of beed, one must be govened somewhat by the maket. Bids that sell best on the block should be medium in size, plump condition, with yellow skin and legsj Most all ou Ameican beeds have these equiements, and by caeful selection at beeding time one can build up a pofitable laying stain' fom this class of bids, such as the Plymouth Hocks o Wyandottes. The common pactice of beeding fom- the flock as' a whole has done moe ham than anything else'in making the flock unpofitable as egg po-' du'ees. Beeding fom bids' that poduce but one o two clutches of eggs duing the yea will poduce bids of like natue, and beeding a sie that has not the laying quality and chaacteistics bed In him cannot but help to make the situation wose. The success with' egg poduction must begin with beeding. When you have a hen that will lay a lage numbe of eggs each month duing the winte, beed fom he. The tait of supeio egg poduction is a habit that may be acquied and tansmitted. A hen whose ancestos wee poo layes cannot be expected to be a good layes. No amount of coaxing o coddling with mash o feed will induce he to. poduce an unusual numbe of eggs, because the tait of supeio egg poduction was not acquied by he- ancesty and could not theefoe be tansmitted to he. The selection of. the male to head, the flock should not be neglected. He should have been bed fom poductive ancesty. The male is half tl'e flock, and if his dam and ganddam wcie good poduces, be should bo woth much moe as a sie than those v. boio dam poduced only a lin- ited.umbp ocoggs. i He should have a good constitution, showing-sho.t beak, boad head and i bight eye, neck shot and stout, beast of good width caied well foj wad and of fai depth. The mating of such a sie to a flock of hens bed fom laying ancestos cannot but help to give good esults with pope feeding and housing. The beeding pen should be yaded sepaate fom the whole flock, selecting fo this pen only the vey best egg poduces, and this should be done each yea. One male with 0 o 2 lemales will give best' esults and eggs will be of stonge vitality fo incubating puposes. The beeding pen should be well caed fo. Quates should be oomy, well lighted and ventilated. The quates should at all times be kept Clean and disinfected. A vaiety of gain feed, geen cut bone and geen feed is ab-, solutely necessay to insue fetile I eggs, and git and wate should be kept befoe them at all times. Neve wash eggs. The hen must have a "vaiety to lay well. Feed gives small etuns when given to a lousy hen. The feed is the fist thing to be consideed if one is to obtain fetile eggs. Give ample feed and see that evey hen has plenty, but see that she woks had fo it. The flesh of the guinea is white and tende and they ae often seved in city estauants as game bids. Thee is money In poulty cultue, as thee Is In gold oe, but eithe takes science and labo fo its extaction. Evidently a popaganda Is needed to instuct women in the geat cae necessay in handling such Inflammable fluids as keosene and gasoline an'd the vital Impotance of knowing the dange, of lining any thing of the sot In diect contact with fie The many accidents which have happened In the one case o using the fome to quicken the kini ling of fie ought to have Impesse' its lesson, but many ae still ignoan of the potentially fatal powes 0 S' household alib OLD AMD NEWWORLD BRIEFS FOR THE BUSY Pesident Taft Iseued his edict pohibiting the sale of ams by Ameicans to Mexican ebels. Memoial sevices wee held in the Senate in hono of tho late Senato William Piece Fy.of'MaTne. Many Senatos'deliveed eulogies. An attempt to bing about econsideation of the enactment of the pesidential pefeence pimay bill failed by a vote of 6 to20 in the Massachusetts House. The Malays of the south and the Laotians of the noth of Slam have united to ovethow the existing govenment and establish a epublic. King Vajiavua has been- advised to abdicate-and make way fo Pince-Dahil, who is the favoite fo pesident Judge Capente, In the United States Distict Cout at Chicago, afused to take the case of the ten indicted packes fom the juy and dischage the defendants; the juy will pass on" the guilt o innocence of tho indicted packes. A coil of 2 feet of platnized gold wie was used at Bellevue Hospital, New Yok, in one of the most delicata opeations ' in'su'gey, that fo an aneuism of the aota. The patient, a fieman -is doing well. THE MARKETS. (New Yok Wholesale Pices.) MILK. The wholesale pice is 39iflk pe quat in the 26c. zone o $l.'8pe 40- Buat can, deliveed in New Yok. Butte. Ceamey, specialls 30 Extas W Fists Seconds Held T ceamey, : : specials : : Fists Seconds Thids State daiy, finest Good to pime Common to fai 23 Pocess Specials 2 Eggs. State, Pa., and neaby, henney white, fancy, lage, newlaid State, Pa., and neaby, selected white, fai to good 24 Gatheed bown mixed colos..2 Bown henney, fancy 22 Westen, gatheed, white 22 Extas 22 Duck eggs, Baltimoe, Xo...4 Duck eggs, Ky., and Tenn 38 Duck eggs, fa southen 30 Live Poulty. Chickens, via expess, pe Ib.. Chickens, pime, via feight Fowls, via expess Fowls, pime via feight, pe lb.! fowls, southen Fowls, poo to fai,[ Roostes, pe lb Tukeys, hens, pe lb Tukeys, - toms.t. Ducks, pe lb Geese, pe lb ]'$ Guinea, po pai Pigeons, pe pai \\ Vegetables. Atichokes, pe aum 6 Bussels spouts, pu quat... Beans. Floida, pe basket Beets, old, po band l X. O, pe bunciies is Caots Xc-.v Oleans, pe byndios 2. Ol.l wjshtt and unw.isuuu bl):l o bas Cniili-ites lied, pi ton. A. PIT D.iniS'l Si-,',!, Vliinii.i, new, C'i:o>:y, ;ie b!j E ^.'.l.".n P 'n,,j,- ),-.,]. " i.gs2h Ci-23 (< 24 (923 («M2 S to 38 n lg'-i ii?0& Jj/5 PO<?D.O0 lu»ji 8 50-??," jfk'2 CO Ou-ii'J IJO-\-C'.!.I',.-'I. V V' ' "''.^'iiiiiiii -* i :,0 K.-ii- VI'-..;MI!;», po K: :v-l V.'.';l U» Kohlabi, X (>, ]n luo behs..".'." ; i,',i) Lettuce-, pu b.isket ". ",i. :',-.i) Pu bael lgu'isofl On'ons <"i:'n;.n. now, pe p.te 2 C" < T2 OIil, cate o bag 2 "/ " 73 Ok.i, po caie >(Ki'2.",0 Oyste plant, pe K'0 bundles. on<i/i;.nfl Pe.'s, Floida, pe basket 2 '!/5. Peppes, bb!s. bxs., o caies..ivnn I.'0 Pasnips, pe bbl :.2.T>i!i'323 Ro'naine, pe basket Pe box :,-^-, fi(kj i 0i) Shallots, X. O., pe bael 4.'36. Spinach, Viginia, ne bael.. T.V'i3 50.Squash, old Hubbad, pe bbl.. oofi.23 j Maow, old. bbl. o cate 2T>T/l.."0 Fla., new white, pe box 2.W3. Tunips, Rutabaga, pe bbl....l.gqffi2. White, pe bbl l.oofl :"0 Tomatoes, Floida, pe caie..5oq2..'io Watecess, pe bunches....50^2. Hothouse. Beet tops, pe box 25fn.5O Cucumbes, Xo., pe doz l.:i0<a... Xo. 2, pp box I...4.OOTTG Lettuce, pe stap 73<fll Mushooms, 4-lb baskets f/2. Buttons, 4-lb baskets 7.->nn. Mint, pe dozen bunches 40'o!.CO Radishes, pe l"0 bunches.50^3 Rhubab, pe doz bunches ROfo. Pe bundle WH>.50 Tomatoes, pe lb lsijs.35 Potatoes. Bemuda. No., late cop 6.@7. Bemuda, Xo. 2 late cop, pe bbl 5 OOfTJn.EiO Cuban, new, pe cate.2">tfl>.75 State po ISO lbs 3!>0ff3.75 State, po big 3.35"ff3.50 i Mjine, pe ISO lbs 3.75(ff.4. Maine, pe bag : L'liupan. N'o., pe 68-lb : bag Euopean, undegades, pe 68-lb bag.go02.5o Sweets, Jesey, Xo., pe basket I.23@.85 Apples. Geening 2.53S4. Spitzenbeg l.boiu.oo Snv 2.O05M, Wme Sap 3.i?M.50 i Kins 2 J4. Baldwin 2.'?/ 3.75 Ben Davis 2.S7I3 i Yok 2.<?J3. I Gane 2.75^3.25 ' Common.OO0.DO Live Stock. BEEVES. Dessed beef dull at 9@ 2V-C. pe lb. i CALVES. Veals sold at $G(!?0 pe lbs City dessed veals 2',i@lGc.; county dessed, 0@2M:C.- SHEEP AND LAMBS. Medium sheep (ewes) sold at $5 pe lbs.; medium to pime lambs at $7(?D7.80; medium yealings at Dessed mutton quiet at 8 s «f5>0c. pe Ib.; dessed lambs slow but fim at hog dessed, ;3c: county dessed hothouse lambs slow at?4@s pe cacass. HOGS. County dessed hogs steady at 6". WDc. pe lib. fo heavy to light weights. HAY AND STRAW. Hay. lage bales, timothy, No. 3 to No., lbs., S.0<3>.35; shiping, $l@.05; clove mixed, light $.20fsl.25; heavy, $ fill.20; pue, SHZB.20. Staw, long ye, 85@95c; oat, C5@70c; wheat, 55@ti0c. Spot Makets at a Glance. Wheat, No. 2 ed, eley -?n?f Oats, standad.- ; c'^n' 4 Flou, spg., pat., bbl 5^V Con, steame o"ni Flaxseed. spot 2.04 Lad, pime, lbs 0A5 Tallow, city-, hhds.»«pok, mess, bbl,. IT. Coffee, Rio No. 7, lb MM, Suga, fine gan., lb ' u, 'Butte, ceamey 30 Cheese, state, factoy IS'i Eggs, fists in'^f Cotton 0.(5 Tobacco Havana, R. D BO Conn., wappe...j... M COLD9 AND CHILLS ' BRING KIDNEY ILLS. Colds, chills and gip stain the kidneys and stat backache, uinay disodes and uic acijl toubles. Doan'g Kidney -Pills ae vey useful in the aw. sping..months. They stop backache and uinay disodes, keep the " kidneys-well ana'-pevent colds fom settling on the B. Bates, 36 Jay St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y., says: "A cold 'stated my kidney touble and fo five long -weeks I was afaid to lie down on account of the teible pain In my back, I took the docto's medicine egulaly but became no bette. Then I began with Doan'a Kidney Pllla and was entiely cued. I have had no touble with my kidneys since." "When You Back Is Lame, Remembe the Name DOAN'S," 50c, all stoes. Fo8te-Milbun Co., Buffalo, N. Y. His Only Complaint. Senato Beveldge, at a luncheon In New Yok, was talking about the child labo poblem. "Childen ae so plucky and so cheeful," he said, "we don't ealize how hoibly ovewoked they ae till It's too. late till thei bodies, and minds ae stunted ietievably. "I was once talking to a tiny eand boy at the height of the Chistmas shopping season. He was woking, I knew, 7 hous a day. As he walked studily along with a mountain of pacels piled on his thin, naow shouldes, I said to him: '"Do you like you Job?* " 'Yes, si,' he said; 'I like It fine. Only ' "Hee he ginned up at me gayly fom beneath his load. "'Only I'm afaid I'm doing an.automobile tuck out of a Job.'" When You Eyes Need Cae, Ty Muine Eye Remedy. No Smating Feels Fine Acts Quickly. Ty It fo Red, Weak, Watey Eyes and Ganulated Eyelids. Illustated Book in each Package. Muine is compounded by on Oculists not a "Patent Sied- Iclno" but used in suoceisfnl Physicians' Pactlca fo many yeas. Now dedicated to tho Pubi lie and sold b Duggists at 25c and We po Bottlo. Mnino Kyo &alo In Aseptlo Tubes, 25c and 50c Muine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago In this pesent wold thee Is only one thing which will content it, andsellinp aticle caied In Vest Pocket. Evey that is music which sighs fo the man and woman a good pospect.' Sells oi» sight. Factoy employe made SC5 In one doj< Ideal. Pascael. duing -woking hous. Wite fo exclusive teitoy. Appoint sub-brents. All done la bpae time. TELEFAME CO.. New Yofy PILES CtTKED IN 0 TO 4 DATS Tou duggist will efund money If T'AZO OINT- MENT tails to cue anv caso of Itching, Blind, THENEW FRENCH REMEDY. No I.No.2.N'o.3, Bleeding o Potuding Plica in G to 4 days. 60a Some women ae passing lai and" some othes cannot pass. When Mbj his tho Coup eve Iloxfllo'it Coup Konieiy. It l.s posiivo, Mnft iiml iuu to cu*.-. Ho opium. Guaanteed by A. f. llulmo. 60 ccnu.. L/Ove laughs, at locksmiths, It sometimes cies ove spilled milk. j n tlio Millennium conn? fiaiield and ilo!y Chuch Vi.L notj Usually a :: Is a pou Judge, o tils own impotance. FREE I want evey peson -who is bilious, constipated o has any stomach o live ailment to Bend fo a fee package at my Paw-Paw PIUB. X.want to pove that they positively cue Indigestion, Sou Stomach, Belching, Wind, Headache, Neous-. ness, Sleeplessness and ae an infallible cue foconrttputlon. To do this am willinc to give millions of fee- packages. I take all the isk. Sold by duggists fo 25 cents a vial. Fo fee package addess. Pof. Munyon, 53d & Jeffeson Sts.. Philadelphia, Pa. Don't Pesecute You Bowels Cut out cathatics and pugatives. They at butal, hash, unnecessay. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Puely vegetable. Act. gently on the. live, eliminate bile, and. soothe the delicate^ membane of the/ bowel. C u e> Constipation, BiUougness, Sick Head-. - che and Inllfeition, millions know. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE, Genuine must bea Signatue A quick elief fo coughs, colds and hoaseness is Male's Honey Of HOPehound and Ta Contains no opium no anythinginjuious^ Ty Piltc'i Toothtehe Dopi' of this pape advetised in its columns should insist upon havingwhat they ask fo, efusing all substitutes o imitations. THERAPflOMS^iSS GKEAT SITCF.SS. CLUES KIDNFV IMDDKK DISEASES, PILES, ciiuonic I:LCI:IIS, SKIS EUITTIONS KITHKR BEX bii- M.i mi'v fo FltKF. b..owi-l lo im l.. CI.EiU* I ED. CO, HATEIt-STOCKKD., UlUI'sTKAR, LONDON, ENO. edda) (jt'vi-fni^uunodoiatocusu opeatos ean f^o vopkly, and uu nlwu-ya In Ut'iinnd. This IluuUlctonwjucsl E/VVJRIRE SCHOOL 49 Fist Avonuo (24tli St.) Now Yolt When shown positive and eliable poof that a cetain emedy had cued many cases of female ills, wouldn't any sensible woman conclude that the same emedy would also benefit he if suffeing with the same touble? Hee ae five lettes fom southen women which pove the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. LETTER FROM VIRGINIA. Elliston, Va. "I feel it my duty to expess my thanks to you and you geat medicine. I was a Builee fom female toubles and had been confined in bed ove one thid of uiy time fo ten months. I could not do my housewok and had fainting spells so that my husband could not leave mo alone fo five minutes at a time. " Now owe my health to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Blood Puifie. Wheneve I see a suffeing woman I want to tell he what these medicines have done fo me and I will always speak a good wod fo them." Ms. EOBEBT BLAXKENSIUP, Elliston, Montgomey Co., Va. LETTER FROM LOUISIANA New Oleans, La. -" I was passing though the Change of Life and bofoe I took Lydia E. Pinltham's Vegetable Compound I was toubled with hot flashes, weak and dizzy feelings, backache and iegulaities. I would get up in the moning feeling tied out and not fit to do anything. "Since I have been taking you-compound and Blood Puifie I feel all ight. You medicines ae v woth thei weight in gold." Ms. GASTOS KLONDEAU, 54 Polymnia St., New Oleans, La. LETTER FROM FLORIDA. Wauchula, Fla. " Some time ago I wote to you giving you my symptoms, headache, backache, beaing-down, and discomfot in walking, caused by female toubles. " I got two bottles of Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and a package of Sanative Wash and that was all I used to make me a.well woman. "I am satisfied' that if I had done like a good many women, and had not taken, you emedies, I would have been a geat suffee*. But I stated in time with the ight medicine and got well.- It did not cost vey much eithe. I feel that you ae a fiend to all women and I would athe usa you emedies than have a docto." Ms. MATMK HODNOT, BOX 406,-Wauchula, Floida. LETTER FROM WEST VIRGINIA. Matinsbup, W. Va. " I am glad to say that Xydia-JS^P-mkhanVVege-- table Compound has done wondes fo my mothe, daughte and myself. " I have told dozens of people about it and my daughte says that when she heas a gil complaining with camps, she tells he to take you Compound." Ms. MAES' A. HOOKEIIBEEBY, 72 N. 3d St., Matinsbug, W. Va. ANOTHER LETTER FROM VIRGINIA. Newpot News.Va. "About five yeas ago I was toubled with such pains and bloating'evey month that I would have to go to bed. "A fiend told me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I soon found elief. The medicine stengthened me in evey way and my docto appoved of my taking it. "I will be glad if my testimony will help some one who is suffeing fom female weakness." Ms. W. J. BLAYTOU, 039 Hampton Ave^ Newpot News, Va. --_. _,i-,... Why don't you ty thlseliable emedy?

7 I MANAGER OF PIRATES SAYS BUT LITTLE Atist Cesae Depicts Fed Clake. By HOMER CROY. If you will look it up in the dictionay you will find it this way: Fedclake: (noun)- see Old Gibalta. And then if you will tun to the- o's you'll ead: Old Gibalta: (noun) see fedclake. That's what ho is Old Faithful. You can depend on him 3G- days out of the yea and if he tuns up missing on the thee hunded and sixtyfilth you may know some docto has a themomete unde his tongue and his thumb on his pulse. He was bon on a fam in Madison County, Iowa, thity-nine yeas ago, and did not talk until he was old enough to haness a hose alone, and neve since has he said moe than thee sentences and fou goldanits in succession. Befoe he uttes a complete sentence outside the ball pak he gets out the scew-dive, the.die cutte and tho alligato wench, goes all ove his vocal appaatus, chokes once, stains fo a stat and then puts a peiod at the end of the fifth wod. The only-time he can use two sentences in succession without getting osy behind his eas is when he descibes his thooughbed heifes. One Satuday when hej^as^sej^fi' t^en.yiiaij^i^aftc^iietiadgot the Jimson weeds all cut, lime spinkled on the cucumbe vines and the ock salt laid out fo the cattle in the back foty, he went to Omaha whee he saw his fist pofessional game of baseball. It excited him so that he didn't sleep fo thee nights, and when he went back home and told the est of the fellows that the playes all had a full euit apiece they nealy hut themselves laughing and said Fed was tying to put on ais just because he had been to the city. His fist game was played with the Hastings, Nebaska, team and he has been in the big league business eighteen yeas. His fist games wee on the paiie, so natually his games now ae on tho level. (It's otten, but.we'll let it pass). He is one of the wealthiest men in the business, having such a big stock fam at his home nea Winfleld, Kansas, that he has to get down a plat map of Cowley County to emembe how much land he has. It's so lage that it takes two automobiles and five hied men to un it- He has two daughtes and a phonogaph. His was tho fist phonogaph eve seen, in that pat of Kansas, the natives coming fo miles and miles on Sunday aftenoons 'to look at it, and then going away believing that Fed was playing a joke on" them. They wouldn.'t believe it could talk.until-they locked Fed up in the kitchen and put the thing out in the font yad on a culvet tile of tailing abutus. lie is a famecist fom the wod go and would athe talk about Duocs in the back lot than about the best Bougeeaus eve hung in the Metopolitan museum. The J^j of.thfjnajf^eofo ten yeas batted ove.3, who won fou N. L. pennants and one wold championship, is chewing a toothpick. He is ough on toothpicks, beginning on them in the moning as soon as he gets one foot though and keeping it up all day until the Pullman pote begins hunting fo the boys' shoes. When Fed Clake wants to have a ipsnoting time he dives a fiend out to the hog yad in his auto, hangs one knee ove the steeing wheel, puts in a fesh toothpick and thows out a handful of shelled con fo hit Duocs. (Copyight, 9, by W. G. Chapman.) MAJOR LEA6UE_mi2 MANAGERS Five clubs In the Ameican and two in tho National league have engaged new manages fo next season. A complete list o majo lea^uo manasoo of 2 and 32 is as follows: Ameican League. Chit Position. Philadelphia Connlo Mack Connie Mak Bench Detoit Hugh Jennings Hugh Jenninis Bench CWcaco Hugh Duffy James Cnllahan Outfielde #ew Tolc Hal Chase Hay TV'olveton Bench 8t Louis Rhody Wallaca lihoily "Wallace Shotstop goston Pat Donovan Galand Stahl Fist Baa«wasninpton James jmcaiee Clak Giffith Bench Cleveland Geogo Stovall Hay Davis Fist Baaa National League. New Yok John McGaw John McGai Bench Philadelphia Chales Dooln Chales Dooln Catche Cincinnati Clak Giffith Heny O'Day Bench Booklyn- "William Dahlen William Dahlen Bench St. Louis Roge Besnahan Roge Besnahan Catche ~ Chicago Fance Chanco Fank Chance Fist Baa«Plttsbuff Fed Clak Fed CUFko Bench Boston Fed Tenney John Kline Catche 5PCMDQM Baseball Is becoming- so popula it has spead to the penitentiaies. The pitche's bos should be on the level, tho same as the pitche, some citics contend. Gay Hemann has decided the new leagues will bun out faste by cot fanning the flames. When tho majo leagues expand they will neve pemit a mino cicuit to do thei expansion fo them. Iho-expanBloa-of-the-Amelcan association Is no new thing at all, fo It has been talked by the magnates fo at least two yeas.... Ameican association clubs wee ^boosted to a high classification and itow the majo league bees ae buzzing in thei bonnets again. Tip O'Neil, pesident of the Westen league, Is thinking seiously of invading Chicago, but Is not cetain just iwhen o whee he will light. "Wee Willie" Keele of the old Oioles ib still a pominent figue in baseball. He will coach fo Booklyn \this season and chances ae the Supebas will know just what to do If they ae unable to win eveything they would l"ke. Gotck the fans ae told, tuned Zbyszko do^n fo a handicap match, in New Y*>k. He also efused to meet I^o-TPa^dello and the Mysteious Waffles. Billy Evans and Jaclc Sheidan ae unanimous that honesty is the bulwak of basffball. Othe umpies ween't asked, lut it Is thought thee will be no objection to this stand. Conn^o Mack Is fa fom being a chonic kicke, but the geat and only baseball sphinx set-up an awful holle about V*e Ameican League schedule, if he wift epoted coectly. Clak Giffith was paised In Wash-' ington o his tade of Gabby Steet fo JacV Knight, but the Naps' officials in Cleveland ae being "panned" fo tading Stovall fo Lefty Geoge. If th*» Ameican association goes thougl' with its popaganda fo expansion- tho Westen league may block tpe move in a way with its poposed "'wunte contaction" scheme. Chicago p»id moe money, to visit- Ing ball teane In the Ameican league last summe than any. othe city in the league. Detoit comes next, and Detoit fans «e up In ams against the- assetion that Detoit Is a poo ball town. PITCHER IS VALUABLE Woth All the Money Manage Can Scape Togethe. Napoleon Lajoia Tuns Baseball- Philosophe and Discusses Some Difficulties of Moden Magnate Would Go Limit. Napoleon Lajoie tuned baseball philosophe the othe day and discussed some of the difficulties, of, a baseball magnate. Fom his long expeience as a manage and playe ha knows wheeof he speaks. "Lots of people thought Baney Deyfuss was. cazy when he paid $22,5 fo Maty O'Toolo last fall." emaked Lajoie. "I don't know whethe Baney paid that much in cash o not, but If Maty comes though fo PIttsbug It was money well spent. If I wee a club owne and.liad a pitche offeed me that I absolutely knew would be a sta in "the tiig league, I' don't think I would hesitate at paying $50,0. It would be money well spent, but I doubt If many club ownes will agee with me. "But they spend the moaey just the same in the effot without getting the sta pitche. When I came to Cleveland Somes and Kilfoyl had Addle Jos3_. He had cost them nothing and he poved to be one of the best pitches and ball playes the game eve knew. But afte they got Joss they invested a good deal moe than $50,- 0 in pitches, without getting an- Vean Gegg. othe man the equal of Joss, until Gegg was bought. See my agument? The aveage club owne will think nothing of paying anywhee fom?2,0 to $o,0 apiece fo pitching ecuits who he hopes will make good. Nine times out of ten the money is thown away, while the tenth time he may get only a fai pitche. "My contention is that if the oppotunity is pesented a club owne should not hesitate about paying the pice fo a sta. He'll not only save monej*-by not having to buy so many second-ates, but he will also make it up at the gate. 'Go back'though you memoy. In ten yeas Cleveland has had two eal sta pitches Joss and Gegg. Chicago has had Ed Walsh, and "Walsh has been the one man to keep the White SOT out of the cella. St. Louis has not had any. New Yok had Chesbo and late on Russell Fod. Philadelphia had Waddell, Plank, Bende and Coombs. "Washington has had only one Walte Johnson while Joe Wood is the only one developed by Boston, although O'Bien looks as if he might be anothe one, Cy Young and Bill t)eneen.wee stas at Boston, but they wee stas befoe they joined ou league. "I agee with Addie Joss when he said that pitching was the biggest pat of the game. If I had had Vean Gegg to wok along with Adciie back in 908 we would have ^played the Cubs fo the wold's pennant, but one sta pitche aely wins "a pennant, especially if that sta is a man who needs at least thee days in between his games. "Yes, si, sta pitches ao mighty scace. You can go out and get the outfieldes who can thow, bat and un the bases; you can get the infleldes wlio can field with- a lot of speed and hit faily well, but you have got to go some to dig up,wo geat pitches in two o thee sflasons, to. say nothing of in one yea. No use talking, Philadelphia was lucky when It gabbed Alexande and Chalmes the same season, and got tkem. cheap at that" Make Money at Madison..... Diecto Geoge W. Ehleof the Wisconsin athletic depatment has issued a summay of finances fo the past yea, showing a balance of $3, Football pofits and balance totaled $2,988. Othe items: Geneal expenses, $,909; Camp Randall, $5,- 828; Coss-county, $328; Athletic Bulletin, $545; winte spots,, $40. Pemanent-Impovements amounted to $3,388 MHT'epaia and maintenance $3,59. 'Paises Catche Egan. Connie Mack is quoted as saying that Catche Ben Egan will be the best backstop In the Ameicaan league next season. UNFEELING! Els Wife James, I feel faint I I can't take a long beath. The Bute Take two shot onea. PHYSICIAN SAID ECZEMA CAME FROM TEETHING "When my little gil was about eight months old, she was taken with a vey iitating beaking outt'whlch came on he face, neck and back. When she fist came down with it, It came in little watey-likc festes unde he eyes, and on he chin, then afte a few days it would dy down In scaly, white scabs. In the daytime she was quite woysome and would dig and scatch, he face nealy all the time. "I consulted ou physician and found she was suffeing fom eczema, which he said came fom he teething. I used the ointment he gave me and without any elief at all. Then I wote fo a book on Cuticua, and puchased some Cuticu, Soap and Ointment at the dug stoe. I did as I found diections in"the Cuticua Booklet, and when she wac one yea old, she was entiely cued. Now she Is thee yeas and fou months, and she has neve been toubled with eczema Bince she was cued by the Cuticua Soap and Cuticua Ointment^L (Signed) Ms. Feeman Caje'3' Lewis St., Syacus-e^N.^Y^ 3Iay 6, 9. Although-'CutTcua Soap and Ointment-ae""sold eveywhee, a sampje-of'each, with 32-page book, will be mailed fee on- application to "Cuticua," Dept. L, Boston. Its Natue. i "Does anybody eve win at a tea fight?" "Of couse not. It Is tle." letny Childen Ae Sickly. ^ Gay'fl steet Potvclea fo Childen Bcal: tip Colds in 2i hous, elievo Fcvcishness, Ilcadacbe, Stom.lch Toubles, Teething Dlbonles, move and egulate tho bowels, and Destoy Woms. They ao so pleasant to tako childen like them. UscJ by mothes lo 22 yeas. Atali dur^ists, ^5e. Sumpla EE. Addess, A. S. Oliu&tcd, LeKoy, N.. Up to the IVlinute. " Well, she has succeeded In doing the latest thing, anyhow." "What's that?" "Eloped with he fathes aviato." A vey successful emedy fo pelvic catajh is hot douches of Paxtine Antiseptic, at duggists, 25c a box o sent postpaid on eceipt of pice by The Paxton Toilet, Co., Boston, Mass. Quite So. "Pa, what is a 'tidy fotune?'" "A clean, cisp, ten-dolla bill, my son." AB a coective fo indigestion and a egulato of thu system, DO emedy can excel in puity and efficiency Galield Ten. If you ae pooe "than you elations it is easy lo you to dodge them. Ms. Wnsiow'a Soothing Syup fo Childen teethinp, softens the^ums, educe* luflamiiiatioo, allays pj,id, cu^-s fvmd colic. 25c a boulft. Some people love to tell the tuth when they think it will hut. in the Cicfe, on eveo Pac^a^e of the Genuine DO NOT LET ANY DEALER ^ DECEIVE YOU, ~ SYRUP OF FIGS AND EUXR OF SENNA'HAS GIVEN UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION FOR MORE THAN THIRTY YEARS PAST, AND ITS WONDERFUL SUCCESS HAS LED UN- SCRUPULOUS MANUFACTURERS OF IMITATIONS TO OFFER INFERIOR PREPARATIONS UNDER SIMILAR NAMES AND COSTING THE DEALER LESSt THEREFORE, WHEN BUYING, Note tiefiiff Name of tfia Gompam HOODROPS ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT -AVegejable Pepaation Fo Assimilating the Food andtygulating the Stomachs and Bowels of Pomotes Digestion,Cheefulnessand-Rest.Conlains neithe Opium.Mophine no Mineal NOT NAK C OTIC Rnipt c/otd DSA?fU imfflbt Jjh'n S**d ~ jiixsttna KothiUt Sails «Anitt StiJ Apjxmini JiiCiUS Clafttcl Sufa Wnkgtttt Flavo A pefect Remedy foconstipalion, Sou Stomach.Diahoea, Woms.Convulsions.Fevebhness and LOSS OF SLEEP " ' Facsimile Signatue of THE-CENTAUR COMPANY;, NEW YORK. ^Guaanteed unde the Foodand Exact Copy of Wappe. 'Fo Evey Little Family Ailment" "Vaseline" is the puest, simplest, safest home eme< known. Physicians eveywhee ecommendj; softening and healing qualities. Nothinpfiopood aa "Vaaeliue^Joi atl affections of the Rkin, scatches, son's, etc. Tak H-tnTenally, elieve* colds and coughs. Fo bale evey wheein attactive (lass bottles. ^^ - Acctlt no substitute fo "l''asclini ) * ^ 'Ou feo "Yapeline" ISoolclet tells yon many wnyn In ^hich 'Vaseline" may boubcful to you. V'lto fo you copy today. Chesebough Manufactuing Company 7 State Steet".(Couolidated) New Yok C 2.25 s MOO & 5 5. FOE-ft/EMI, WOEV3EM and BOYS THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS THE NEXT TIME YOU NEED SHOES ' give W.L. Douglas shoes a tial. W. L. Douglas name stamped on a shoe guaantees supeio quality and moe value fo the money than othe makes. His name and pice stamped on the bottom potects the weae against high pices and infeio shoes. Insist upon having the genuine W. L. Douglas shoes. Take no Substitute, u you deale cannot En,plTW.]_I>onRlas. fihoen, wite W.L.t)ouc]aR,"Bockton, Mass., fo eatalof:. ShofBRent eveywhee delivey chages pepaid. East Colo 2?j/elcff uectl. So, Alonzo,, a gil isn't necessaily an angel because she is a high Hye. "Pink Ey" Is lopiclomu' In the Splnff. Ty Mumc Eye Remedy fo Reliable Relief. Bad luck is ollen but anothe name fo poo manakciment. Even- tine is iuiblc to u bi'luus nttack. Be foeamed wuh u packu^o of CJatieid Tea. Many a man can't atloil to dess well because liis wite docs PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROS3.NEAR THE BOTTOM. AND IN TOE CIRCLE,NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKAGE.OFTHE GENUINE. REGULAR PRICE 50c PER BOTTLE; ONE SIZE MINIATURE PICTURE OF PACKACE. ONLY. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR Of SENNA IS THE MOST PLEASANT. WHOLE. SOME AND EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR STOMACH TROUBLES. HEADACHES AND BILIOUSNESS DUE TO CONSTIPATION. AND TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL IT 3 NECESSARY TO BUY THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE, WHICH IS MANUFACTURED BY THE CASTORIA Fo Infants and Childen. The Kind You Have Always Bought Beas the Signatue of '* Put (lilt A SHOE BOIL, CAPPEI> I bill UUl UOCKonCKSITISFOK will ivmovo tlu'in and Uavonn blemishes. Cues any puff o swelling. Does not. bliste o emove the hai. Hose can bo woked. SL'.OD pe bottle deliveed. Book 6 K fee. ABSORBINE. JR., liniment fo mankind. Ko Bolls, Hnnsei, Veins, VaneoMtlt's'. Allays Pain. Plec; SI and EJ a bottle at. dnijgntn o deliveed. ^V tell tuoo IE you wite. Maiiuluctued only by, W.F.Y0UNG,P.D.F..30TcmpleSt.,SDini,field,Mass. HEAL ESTATE WESTERN CANADA FARM LANDS f/^fttho llnost, mixed f fiming distict in Canadian West. [ Close to Pince Albet,,;otpo]ni. I Feo Govenment lioaestpa.d'salso within t&nuli'b of City, cops excellent, settlement coming In fast. Fo feo liteatue and mans,wite Julius i*. Woodwad, Sec. Boad of Tade, I)epL L, 'inco Albet, Saak. T3CY yocrsei.f A FARM OB RANCH In -*-* Diiwcs County, Nebaska, "the land of Independenco"unj bo Independent. KaiiifiSlOup. Ranches t7 up. Inccaao In valuation alone will make you ich. Excellent climate, wate ami soil. Wnui fo yo book of descipt Ions nnd pices and st.iu; map.- Aab. JU Hungefod, Cawfod, Dawci Co., N«iL In Saskatchewan (Westen Canada) 8OO Bushels fom 2O aces of wheat was the theshe's etun fom a Lloydminste fam in the season of 90. Mnny fields in tbot as well fin othe disticts yielded fom 25 to 35 bushels of wheat to the nce. Othe cains in pponotion. LARGE PROFITS oe thus deived fom the FR K B HOMESTEAD LAUDS of Westen Canodo. This oxct'lloni showjiij; cnn pices to advance. Imnd values sliould doublein two feas' tlmo. Guin (oytincauixofifiim lnfi:, attle nilniiieniitldnly- -lkc ao all pofitable. Ico liomcbtondft of nces ae to- be hud in the vey bebt disticts: teo ace pe-emptlonn at 93. pe wee wltb* In cetain aeoa. Schools and olmchf.s In evey settlement, climate unexcelled, soil the ichest; wood, wate and bulldlug mateial plentiful. 3J Fo panlcnlan as to location, low Bottles' ailway ate? and desciptive IlliiHRiiod immphlct. "Last Best West," and othe infomation, wite to Sup'tof lmmltfntton, Ottawa., Canada, o to Canadian Govenment Agent J. S. Cawfod, Canadian Gwmmcn! Agent 30 Gcncseo Steet, Syacuse, Nea Yok lto to the&fcntneacst yon W. N. V., NEW YORK, NO. 2-92, PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Colomoegoodsbighteandfastecoioe than any othedyc. One 0c lackagecolosall fibes. Theydyeincoldwatebettethananyothedye. You can dye any gament without ipping apat. Wite fo fee-booklet Hea to Dye. Bleach and Mix Colos. MONROE DRUG COMPANY, Quincy,.

8 Nineteen Miles a Second without a ja, shock o distubance, i tbeawful speed of ou-eath tbougl / epace. ^We wodde'at' such ease o najiuxe's-moveoent, and so do thos who take D. King's New Life Pjll--- No giping,.no diste?9, ju?t tbofoui>i... wok" that bings good;health and fiu - feelings. 25c. Impatial. "M. Singleton pides himself on- being stictly impatial." "Yes," answeed the unamiable man; "I once went shooting with him lie ijidn't seem to_cae whethe he hit the /abbit, the dog o one of his fiends." London Tit-Bits. '. Repels Attack Of JJeatli. "Five yeas ago two doctos told m I had only two yeas to live," Tin. Statling statement; was made by Stil - man.geen. Malachite, Col. "The told me I would die with consumptioi It was up to me (hen to ty the belong' medicine and I began to use I) King's New Discovey. It was well did, fo today I am woking and believ I owe my life to this geat thoat un lung cue that has cheated tb«gave c anothe victim." It's folly to "iilfwith coughs, colds o oihe thoat anlung toubles now." Take the cu> IJ - that's safest Pice 50 cents and. Tial bottle fee at N. F. Clayton's. T. E. WIMBLE, Plumbing, CBANBURY, N. J. Tinning, And Pump Repais. AH Wok Guaanteed. Stoves Stoed and Insued. H0LMAN Sf'Ceamey. "eam Milk and Middlesex Pot Cheese. A Living Pice Paid Fo Milk CRA.NBURY, ft. J. ORDERS I FOR CLUBS ought to be placed now to avci'j tbe possibility of delayed delivey. Aa fomely, the Stoll facilities fo pleasing customes a_e wondefully adequate. Kot only in Qiality and Vaiety ae we stong, but in ou.own ability to quote low pices also. " Ou log expeience natually places us in an advantageous position, and the esult of thai expeience is at you sevice. Let us have a talk with you about tbe matte. I STOLL'S E. State St., TRENTON, N. J. ALL-METAL Coop will save -you- CHSCKEftSS.OOS K. -v KAT WEASEL DUG t SKCKK J KAlSi J Bottoms quickly emoved fo cleaning FUlt SALE BY E. P. Johnson, SEaiton Avenue, New Bunswick, IN. J Phone 038-W. Ask fo desciptive cicula. PAPER HANGING AND INSIDE PAINTING lam pepaed to-do all kinds ( Papeing and Ins-ide Painting. - ' Satisfaction given to all patons. Lage sample books of pape t select fom. LEWIS G. APPLEGET, Phone 30 H. Caubuj, N. J. CHAS. F. HALEY, Blacksmitln ng\ Hose Shoeing-, Monoe St., CRANBUKY, N., Hose Shoeing a Specialty. O M A N ' S CO LUMN Vj Tailoed Suits To delay puchasing- you tailoed suit is to put off a pleasue without good eason, fo it will soon be a necessity and then you will say "Why didn't I buy my suit soone and get all the exta wea out of it? " We Have Secued Some Exta Values Fot tomoow in Fifty Well Tailoed Suits. 25 Sege Suits, plain, tailoed, Peau de d» f*csl^ Cygne lined,.$2,5 values at*..... *pio-,oil 25 novelty mixtues, geys and tans, moie collas and cuffs, value $22.Q $.25 ftfotjap Silk Kimonas bought to sell at $2.75 and $3.. A special value that ought to bing out many shoppes to-moow. to ou Milliney Showing Thee's disappointment in stoe fo those who'buy without consulting Stembach's. The milliney season has only, just commenced and yet" many times the tuth of this has become appaent to those who have hastily'" puchased, without looking hee. The pincipal eason fo this is the oppotunity, we offe to secue the exclusive Pais styles at popula, pices. Lovely ceations by such atists ^ebous, Lewis, Geogetti and Louisson ae copied in popula piced models. This is an exclusive featue of Steinbach milliney and is thooly appeciated by those who keep in touch with the latest fom aboad. Ready-to-wea selections, to be shown tomoow, including chaming tailoed and dess models fom $2.98 up. The "Faley" and "Gaby" Deslys sailo ae shown among the " " 'V %' Bow ceations. "We ae always glad to show ou new models to those inteested without solicitation to buy. f. W > f/ i <P Champing, so simple, eally cheape^ J* than you could make them buying! the mateials youself p Di eoses.. Chiffon Taffeta Desses; daintily tim- J med with shadow lace yoke and uf-^j fle. Black velvet ibbon and cystal Jj buttons, in assoted colos. and Monday. $6,50 values at $0. jj Messaline Desses Stiped and plain messaline desses, 5?! lace timmed and piped contasting colos. Button timmed, Satuday^ and Monday only special $5. and i $0. '" aste Showing of Dess Goods Ceam Dess Goods, one of the season's most popula fabics. Ou stock in this dess fabic B complete It will be a pleasue to show ou customes many new and wondeful weaves. Othe lines as follows: " _ 5 _ieh Cods, 58 inches?2.50 Blue T*'" Sege. RPTITP B4.inches inch Tweeds, 66 inches.75 English Clay Sege, 56 inches English Clay Sege, 66 Inches English :llsh Wosted, ~7osted, inches.' West of England Sege, 68 inches Sfumui Cloth, a new weave, 44 inches..tailoed and [Lingeie Waists Ou waist depatment has been I' emoved to the second floo and -Bone vey special values ae I offeed pending the.opening of f the new depatment, which is to ) be on the fist floo of the addi- tion. Fist thee ae tailoed { silk waists at the low 'pice of - -Then all ou emboideed and hand emboideed waists at special pices a new 'assotment of Taffeta, Chiffon and Lingeie Waists Tiia Reason Causes Speculation at Capital. SUFFRAGE is BEATEN Opposition to"measue by Senato Colgate Bings Theat of Women to Boycott Poducts of Millionaie's Fac; toy Walke's Appointment Popula. [SpeciaJ Coespondence.] Tenton", N. J., Mach 2. When tbe nomination of Vice. Chancello Walke to succeed Chancello Pitney was sum to the senate Monjay night thee was much speculation-in the coidos of the statehouso as to why his name w:is. sent in alone. It was geneally accepted that.the goveno had made up his mind as to the <othe nominations. anil tbatjie_wji sjiopaed-fb^seffiflliein all In at _fh«;same-time:" Theefoe, wbeu M. WalkeVs name alone caau in, evey one began to ask evey one else what had become of tbe othe "names and why they wee not fothcoming. said that he did not feel waanted in Among tbe names which it was gen-depivineally believed would bo sent in was its membes and fo that eason went the supeme beuch of one of that of David S. Cate of Feehold to to the cout of chancey fq _J be secetay of state, and it was_said_ that the^listjiailhticn^ortip uecauso "Fom office boy to chancello" is >fsenato Fielde of Hud the way they- ae speaking of the new son that unless Senato Geoge -Sil'/.e head of the cout today. He was bon of Middlesex was appointed secetay in Rocheste, N. Y., Sept. 5, SG2, and - of stale bf would hold tip all the a[>pointments. Many of the fiends of Senato Silze ae said to eget that any such step has been taken by Senato Fielde, if it has. as (hey fea that any theat to the goveno will have the opposite effect upon tbo executive. It is believed tlmi the goveno has offeed Senato Silze tbe po«eeutoship of Middlesex, which was made vacant ecently by tbe death of Theodoe Booeam, but that M. Silze said that he wanted i<> he secetay of state and would not take aiiyiliin;: else. Futhemoe, it was «aid. tin senato wanted tbe po*- editoship fu his law patne. Rut that would not do. i was-deolaed. because tbe patne had woked and voeil fo Vivian l.ewn two yeas ago and ln> «hnnld not be ewaded willi tbe ii-h(;<i plum in the county. I: i - geneally believed that Senaloi Fii-i<io:"s' theat will lime no effot UIICIII tie goveno, as bis suppotes <lel:-." thai be is nut the kind of ;i man " be deteed fom what he eon sidits besi 0 do by any such methods and that!he slate ;is oiginally pepaed l>.v biti! will finally go tbousb T-umulty Fo Supeme Cout Clek. Aiim:iu' tin* othe names populaly believed fo be on the list ae tho^e o!.ie-jt-ph p. Tumult}, secetay to the ^<i\ 'i'mi". fo clek of the vupomic con;i. :in<! of I'olesso Heny Jo:n s -Tud of ineton_ to_b_e commission) : of banking and Jiisiiance to Micecl Vivi..n M. lii'.vis. n js.known tii.u w lit-n M Tumulty- took the position ot so'iviij o the goveno he made a pi"'si i.iii sai'ii'c and abandoned aliiids! eniiei} Ins law pactice in.lei'-.s\ i'i!_\ ;»ml that the goveno "would ewad him with one of (ho lie-u of tb" siale positions at bis disposal Pofesso I'o'.'d is a pesonal fieml of the goveno and was a iiew«;)ap)'i i:< Piit-biisili befoe lie became iufesso.>f politic^ at Pinceton : w-oiv I if an fo Die assembly upen the leaiocalic'tii Uet in Mece eoiin- [y la^t fall, lull wie- defeated. The pilgimage of the suflagelte^ to Tenton last wt-ek all the ain and slnsb was not as effe'-live as IheTn' zt.'.ii aiid ciiegj deseved. On Tuesday the.v got a \ole in I lie senate on thei eso hition poviding fo an amendment to the consliiulion which would give theiu tbe ballot, and all thuv could muste to ils suppot wee thee votes Senato Davis of,salem, Senato Gaunt of Glouceste and Senato Gebbadt of Iluntedon, who intoduce^] the esolution. The esult was eached afte a Ion:; debate, in which most of the senatos took a ( the suffagettes, many of whom filled the galleies and gave veul, to thei disappobation of thei o^toients' agument in the usual, female ways. Among those who voted against the esolution was Senato Austen Colgate of Essex, the head of the geat soap house of that name, and seveal of the disappointed suffagettes declaed, with emphasis of a ladylike chaacte, thai they would not only boycott all tuo Colgate poductions themselves," but would do all they could to get othes to do so also. Ocean Gove Again. Once again the Ocean Gove Camp Meetiug association has pevailed ove its advesaies, and flie bill to establish" a boough" fom of govenment in pincipal speake fo the measue, TIIP question involved, he said, was a puely local one, whethe the people at the esot who'owned thei homes then and made thei money thee wee tc be given the ight to the esot was un by millionaies fo thei owu pesonal gain, and afte selling lots on the pomise that the puchases would not have to pay taxes, the association had gone to the legislatue and had the Jaw fixed so that they would have to pay taxes. The only.speake against the measue was M. Mitchell of Essex county, who said that the bill was- unfai and that the only way to get eal home ule at the Gove was to allow the summe esidents lo vote, as they compised tlie eal population of the esot. The bill to povide boough fom of govenment fo the Gove was defeat ed by a vole of 23 to 32.. Walke Succeeds Pitney.. Goveno Wilson on Monday evening made a nomination which has been : eceived^vvith almost geneal appoval. He named Vice Chancello liobet Kd ; win Walke to be chancello, the highest judiciay of the state, to succeed Miihlon 'itno'y, who has just been made an associate justice of the su peme cout, of the ynjt^d^stales^id ;= bi!eb=exiiocsinntit..ibe- govenoi would-appoint Supeme Cout Justice Chales G. Gaison of Camden to the chancelloship, but at the last moment Justice Gaison was dopped and the vice chancello named. The goveno came to New Jesey*"with' his paents, in lsoo. lie w.s educated in_the State Model school and in S7S he became a mino clek in the oflice of tbe clek In chancey. He studied law with Judge Gam; -! D. W. Voom. and in June. lsi'i.»' was admitted to th New.lesoy. lia. In 89 the newchancello was' appointed counsel to the boad of feeholdes of Mece, and in )07 Chancello Magie made him vice chancello. M. Walke was swon in at noon Tuesday and at once took up the duties of his new position. Thee was- ;ln unusual scene at th heaing which the committee on mil nicipa! copoations of the senate gave on the bill which, it is claimed, wiil thow Atlantic City wide open on Sun day by poviding that hotels having ai legist twitv-fivi' ooms may sove liquo, etc. with meals on that way..a lage delegation fom the popula e sot was <.>] hai'l to advocate the on ' actim-m of tin- bill, while a numbe of cleij me;: ;mu KinpiTai'-e wokes ap pi'hlvd io -;i]kis(. it jus! as stenuously Accused Senato Leavitt. The excitement was caused by the He. V... Kulp. I'iislo of tlu" Iioadwa.i Methodist luiivli of Camdeii, wli< in ih'j i mis.,,:" I]]-, emaks said th<u he imdi-i-si,,,,,! lliiii- Senato Leavin. the i!i:.;na.i;: of the committee, intend ed.iu^liai: :ix measue so ;LS "to iii lioveuo Wilson in a hole." Senato i.(<nitt.ese.nted the tiun in focible i.-mguage- and declaed that what liie Heg\ man said was false and plainly ton: him ihat such tactics would ii<-l pevail thee. lie also said that lie would epot the bill unfavo ably. Tln'ii tiie < ie: p u.\ apologized fo hi.s hasty siaieineiits. Thi-ie was consideable said on both sidos of the inimmiij. the hotel men and advocates of die bill contending that it was" necessay fo the coniuio pospeity of the esnt. while thi opponents iit'( hied it was oniy ;i scheme Id eii'l-uumenl tlie dy Sunday wlin.h had pc\ailed at Atlanlic (Jiy latelj.. * An i iiei-l etic fiflit is bein^ waged hee to ha\e the house committee on gainc :III< NI epot favoably Mi.lames' measue, which pohibits the Use in this state of the automatic o, as it is moe populaly known, th pump" KUM The spotsmen of the state, backed by the fish and ^ame commissiones, ac woking had foi the passage of the bill, and a lajo. lobby epesenting the makes of the gun ae woking just as enegetically fo its death. It is said that the gun makes ae afaid to allow the bill to go to a vote and fo that eason ae woking had just now lo keep it in committee. Adjounment In Sight. The fist indication that the leades who have declaed that the legislatue shall adjoun in a week o two came when on Monday night the house adopted a esolution poviding that no moe bills should be intoduced afte"- Monday except by unanimous consent. Befoe the esolution was adopted thee was a long debate on the coiisti tutionality of I he poposition, seveal claiming that a membe of the legislatue could not be" depived of his ight to intoduce what he pleases as long as the session was pending, but th majoity thought othewise, and tin? esolution was adopted. A debate along simila lines" pevail- that exclusive summe esot was defeated in the house Monday night. Al- Nichols declaed that he would not ed in the senate, duing which Senato though defeated yea afte.yea, the consent fo the intoduction'of a bill in^ advocates of the boough" come up the senate, and as the esolution pevailed it is believed that if M. Nichols smiling at each session with thei little bill, only to bo ovewhelmed by the adhees to his expessed detemination camp meeting people, led by the ven no moe bills will appea in the senate eable Dominie Ballad, the cleical this session. pesident of the association. This yea Although few believe it, the Republican leades declae that on Apil 20 they thought that thei chances wee bighte than usual, because ihey had the legislatue will take a ecess: so succeeded In"getting the bill out of Hie that the lawmakes may etun and bands of what they consideed a hostile committee, and when thei bill was veto, fo if they sh/uild adjoun sine conside any bills the goveno may made a special ode fo Monday night die and leave any bills in his hands they made pepaations to have the and be-should veto them they would i uest fight possible made fo its passage. hate no oppotunity to pass_ibein ove <. Leon Taylo of Monmouth was -Jhe his veto and they would he dead. 'I

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