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1 .,,..*. v-v- ; : ^ $ ;.** VOL.X5VUI. PINOKNBY, LIVINGSTON 00.,MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARYS) 90. No.3 t bocal, NBWS. Obituay* Cong'I Chuch Notes K*.^ 'V^i H\ *. -.- e-'.' I'.; I'. ip * * # H L(» & % Mn, Yaughn visited in Ham. bug the last of last week. Ohas. Jenkins of Mason has been spending the past week with elatives and fiends, hee. Ms. Addie Gange of Webbe- ihi was the guest of Ms. Leal Sigie? a few days last week. Tba,-W. 0. T. U: of Webbeville [ae had at wok though senti- 'menfcto make thei town dy the coming yea. Why shouldn't th»7? That is thei wok. We wee glad to note last week that Xhos. Buohiel was able to walk up town afte being confined to his home fo seveal weeks. The fou weeks old babe of M. and Ms. Iwin Kennedy died Thusday moning last The funeal was held at the home Sat- uday foenoon. The Webbeville Index eached on desk this week, and it looks as though the business people appeciated the little newsy pape by the advetising that appeas in its columns. Hee*s to you. Anothe membe of Pinokney's Old Boys and Gils association is added to the list of those gone, Jonathan Eveitt, who was a hadwae deale hee in the sixties, died at his home in Agentine, t Jan. 9, aged 5 yeas. J Wod just eached this place t tbe past week of the death of Miss :, Ethel Dukeejat the home of he Biste Ms. Will Singleton of Los Angeles, Call, Dec., 909, He, home until the past few yeas has _ been in the vicinity ol Andeson and he many fiends will be gieved to lean of he death. NOTIOE-The membes of the LOTMM ae equested to be pesent at the fist Febuay meeting as thee is impotant business to come befoe the hive. The meeting will begin pomptly at :30. It was voted to discontinue the evening meetings and all aessions will be held heeafte in the aftenoon. The suow stom that was headed this way last week Wednesday stuck duing the night and continued all day Thusday, the wind playing havoc with the 'beautiful' until it had piled it up in all kinds of shapes, making plenty of wok fo the snow plow and citizens. Tains wee some late howeve all tains on the M. A. L. made thei tips only a few hous behind. Thoughout the state taffic was at a stand still in many places fo hous. A Coection. In the obituay of Ms. Benad McOluskey last week quite an.00* ooonad fo which we wee f? antialy to blame. In mentioning the suvivos of the deceased no mention was made of the only daughte, Miss May McOluskey. Saah Haington, whose maiden name was Wateman, was bon in Middlepot, Niagaa Co., New Yok, Oct th, 9. She lived in that county until he maiage to Havey Haington, Nov. th,. The family moved to this state about 5, settling in Saginaw city fo a time then moved to Maion township whee they eesided until coming to this place a few yeas ago. * To this union wee bon six childen fou of whom ae living: Geoge of Louisville, Ky.; Heny, of Bloomington,.; May Eldet,. of this place and Caie Swathont of- Maion. Ms. Haington was a kind loving wife and mothe, devoted to he family and home duties and to he late husband, who passed though a painful illness, blessed by he loving cae. She willingly obeyed the calls of duty^ howeve painful. She will be geatly mouned and missed by he family and a lage cicle of fiends but we know ou loss is he etenal gain. We believe that a family lives bnt half a life, until it has sent its foeunnes into the heavenly wold, until those who linge hee can coss the ive, and fold tansfigued a gloius fom in the embace of an endlest life. GABD OF THANKS. The family of Ms. H. Haington desie to thank all who so kindly assisted them duing illness and in the time of beeavement, in the loss of thei mothe. CARD OF THANKS We desie to extend ou heatfelt thanks to those who so kindly assisted us in ou beeavement, also to those who sent floal offe. ings. BERNARD MCOLUSKEY MARY AGNES MOCLUSKEY / BRYAN MCCLCSKEY Installation and Banquet. Ove 00 Si Knights and Ladies of the Maccabees assembled at W. H. Caffey of Kansas City, Mo., was the guest of his siste the Opea House last Thusday Ms. L. Deveeaux a few days the evening fo a joint installation of past week. M. C. still thinks offices and an oyste suppe, thee is no place like Potage deputy Com. Young of Ann Abo acted as Geat installing offi Jake and hopes the coming sum-' toie to visit thee and enjoy a ce fo the Knights and Lady shot vacation. He has had a Vaughn of Pinckney fo the launch built and expects to have Ladies. Afte the ceemonies the it shipped hee. A yea ago he tables wee filled and all did justice to the banquet of good things made a tip down the Mississippi fom St. Paul to St. Louis. to eat This was followed by toasts fom seveal pesent, with G. W. Teeple as toastmaste. The following^pffices woe installed. L. 0. T. M. Iff. Com. Agnes Andews Past Com. Julia Sigle Lient. Com. Geogia VauWiokle R. K. Nettie Vaughn F. K. Jennie Lavey Chap. Libbie Heny Seg. Floence Lake M. at A. Getie Hicks Sep. Emma Moan Picket May Swathont K. O. X. M. M. Com. C. V. VanWinkle Past Com. F. A. igle R. K, N. P. Motenaon F. K. F. G. Jaokson Chaplain R«T. A. G. Gates Physician D. H. F* Sifte ^ Segt. B. W. Lake M. A. K. R. Cook *G. R.K. Finch nd G. F. A. Eitele Picket P. W. Coniway Sentinel-C. L. Campbell Jan. th, 90 In tbe aoninu tbe audience listened to an inteesting semon on "Memoy and Hops" which lead U back to tbe days of childhood and fowad to tbe gates of Heaven. The Sunday school was well attended, bnt we need the suppot ot tbe paents; please do come and bio* you childen and study the Wod of God with them, tons giving tbe childen the idea that tbe bible is fo both,pjd and young: which is tbe fact iu tbe Book ol all Books, In tbe evening tbe hoaee was cowded to bea Rev. Egelby and they did not go away dissappointed fo be held bis andience spellbound fo foty minutes, but tbe time passed as tboogb it bed baen bat ten minutes. The"fine discouse was on Chist and tbe Young Alan, and evey young man that missed this ae teat is tbe loose. That bothe Exelby'B wods may sink deep into ou heats of flesh, is ou paye. Tbe Young Peoples Chistian Endeavo Society is fa evey man, woman, and child, egadless of age o position. Tbe Young People need the suppot of the fathes and mothes of this town, may we not have thei suppot and thus make this pat of tbe woship one of tbe best ol tbe day. Tbe Young People ae the vey heat and soul of the home, and o society, and ae soon to be the foundation of all depatments of wok, not only in the chuch, bnt in evey othe banch in life. Please let U3 see yen lace- at the Young Peoples gatheings at :30 eaoh Lod's day. Beginning Jan 3d, Rev. Gable will be wifh us to conduct a sen39 of two weeks meetings. We hope that evey soul in this town will suppot the J these meetings with you pesence. That God will bless tbis effot is ou paye. Tbe following C. offices wee elected at a business meeting Tuesday evening: Pes, Ms. Gace Oofook; Viee Pes. Rev A. G. Gates; Teas. Ms. Emma Sykes; Secy. Miss Noma Vaughn; Oganist and Choiiste, Miss Viola Petes. Fames Institute. Aangements ae beinr pefected fo a one day Fames Institute to be held at tbe opea house Fiday Feb., holding two sessions, one commencing at 0 a. m. and one in tbe aftenoon. A good pogam is being aanged. Tell you fiends and all come fo a day of good things. A otate speake will be pesent at both sessions. Moe late. Thee will also be a one day institute at Gegoy Feb. and at bake's cones Feb. 3. Watch fo pogams. Obituay. Dains Pangbon was bon in the town of Gnelpb, Ontaio, Feb.,. His ealy yeas wee spent in Canada. 35 yeas ago he came to Michigan whee he settled with his paents in the township of Dnadilla. Septembe,90 he was maied to Lillian Raymond and made his home at Ohilson, Mich., whee he esided until his death Jan., 90, at the age of 7 ys. 0 mo. days. The fnneal w»a held at the bone Jan., Rey. Ex el by officiating, and intement was in the Spout cemetey nea Andeson. The past day o two has been fine winte weathe. M. and Ms. Hoace Mapes of Stockbidge wee gnesta of Chss. Eove's family Tuesday of this week. A. D. Swaiaout and family of Sanilao county wee gnesta of alatiat and fiends in this vicinity the past wank. Max Matin of Detoit was the gneet of bis mothe Ms. B. W. Ma. tin tbe put week. Mat ii motoman on the Woodwad aena* line. KEEPIN LIFE LIVING equieb a lot of things. It isn't only medicine you need fom a dug stoe. YOU WANT DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES Such as bay um, witch hazel, soap, nail and tooth bashes, and othe things Come in and see ou stock and buy what you want. This Dug Stoe sells Sundies Cheap. F. A. SIGLER GROCERIES The Place to get them Fesh The place the Pice is Right Fo Quality BOWMAN'S J. C. DINKEL & CO. Fo Piee Oa annual sale o! 5c and 0c goods j is now on. We offe the biggest kind of values at this time of yea. A few Samples. Padded Sleeve Boads, a egula 5c value only 0c Quat exta deep enamel Podding pans, fist quality wae only 0J Regula quat Pans, fist } quality enamel wae only 0c: 5 quat Peseving Kettle, egula 5c item only 0c j Hundes moe as good o bette. K. A. BOWPIj floweu's Bilsy Stose NOTICE! ' Vi Get Ready Po Winte Men's Taps c Ladies' Taps 0c Childen's Taps fom 5c up accoding to size I can epai you Rubbes, Rubbe Boots and Oveshoes ingle Hanesses washed and ailed $.00 Light double Hanesses. Also epaied at easonable pices All Wok Gnaanteed Fist-Cli W. B. Daow Fist doo south of Hotel Pinckney. Michigan Impotant Notice We equest that evey one of ou customes, who has not settled 909 accounts, to do so as we must have the money o notes to use Januay 5,90. :: Respt'y Yous, HDvmoa j-.v. *-.

2 * * ^\-.*jfa*#*itoatj.-. >i?^m^i^s - ^ "' i,'*: " *" ^*'.,;*?f; 5 ^ : A. :»/ ««/. kl-* -,**>3 i * e '"" -ik :.<K j,v Tha wold Is fast leaning the value of its foests and Is taking steps to potect o eclaim them. Wanton waste duing centuies of ignoance has bought many once fetile egions to the vege of a desolation like that of the Sahaa, but epentance and efoestation have in evey instance been followed by immediate ewads. Take the case of the Kaat, a stetch of baen limestone land along the Austian ahoes of the Adiatic. The navies of Venice wee built of Umbe fom the Kaat, and most of easten Italy dew its supplies of wood fom the same supposedly Inexhaustible souce. The esult was depletion the Kast was tuned into a seemingly Iedeemable waste. At last Austian foestes tuned thei attention to the 00,000 baen aces; taxeb wee emitted and money was emitted to tee plantes; technical advice aid encouagement was supplied. This wok began in 5. To-day ove two-thtda of tho Kaat, o 00,000 aces, has been eclaimed. Gemany, tance, Denman;, Russia, Switzeland, Belgium and Holland have given special attention to thei foests ecently, Gemany being the pionee and leade in the wok. But Fance has lately done so much In legislation and active assistance tlxat special attention should be given to he effots. Vhe change fom steam to electicity on what have been steam ailoads Is so gadual, and the oads themselves make so little fuss about It, that tbe public B not in a position to ealize the extent to which so maked a change in the application of powe to tanspotation is being bought about. Fo example, it will be a supise to most people, evei. within a compaatively shot distance of New Yok, to lean that the Long Island ailway aleady has 0 miles of electically equlppped tack in eadiness fo opeation. It is expected that by the fist of next Febuay tains will be unning diectly fom the Pennsylvania teminal at Seventh avenue and Thity-fouth steet, Manhattan, to Jamaica. It will not te long befoe the teitoy at the westen end and along the noth shoe of Long Island will be inc:uded in the thougn sevice. A London dispatch announces that Hemann Klein, who Is a teache of singing in New Yok, has entetained an English audience with a lectue entitled "The Tuth Ab-mt Music In Ameica." Musical enthusiasm, he declaed, Is lagely a pose of Ameican women. No musical educatlo exists in the county. Ragtime is eally pefeed to chambe music. Ameican atists ae only appeciated by thei countymen afte they have achieved success elsewhee. Finally, he attacked the Bta system in opea, chuch music and concets as it exists in the United States. The younge element among militay and naval men will appove the condemnation of the existing oganization of the militay establishment of the United States by the boad appointed seveal months ago to Institute compaisons between methods in this county and in Euope, and to make a epot The epot will ec ommend the establishment of an ad visoy boad with duties and powes simila to those of the Bitish admialty. A thoough eoganization of nay yad administation will also be advised. A wooden vessel 3 feet long ove all will be launchea at Bath, Me, within two weeks. She will be the lagest vessel of Ameican egisty, and pobably one of the last wooden vessels of lage size to be constucted in the United States. Steel has come to be the mateial fo both steam and sail caft, the wold ove. In lesb than ten yeas' time evey pat of Cental Ameica will be in daily a,ich with the commecial wold and the people peaceful and happy in all the povinces, says the Cincinnati Enquie, with no fea of evolutions, political mudes o official demands fo thei Uvea and thei popety. Moe iegulaities have been discoveed In the supply depatment of the Geman navy at Kiel. This time it is in the matte of meat that cookedness is alleged. Gemany can no longe laugh at the evelations of iegulaities In the Fench navy. Special Message Is Sent to Congess by Pesident Uging Action Lawmakes. CONTROL OF WATER POWER Executive Recommends Leasing of. Valuable Pivileges on Govenment Domain to Pivate Inteests Unde Conditions That Would Pevent Monopoly Question of Fosteing Soils Most Impotant- Reclamation and Iigation of Aid Lands Also Teated Upon Pesevation of Ou Foests. Washington. The pesident tansmitted to congess a special message on the subject of the consevation of the nation's natual esouces. In substance it was as follows: To the Senate und House of Repesentatives: In my annual message I eseed the subject of the consevation of ou national esouces fo disposition In a special message, as follows: In seveal depatments thee is pesented the necessity fo legislation looking to the futhe consevation of ou national esouces, and the subject la one of such impotance as to equie a moe detailed and extended discussion than can be enteed upon in this communication. Fo that eason I shall take an ealy oppotunity to send a special message to congess on the subject of the Impovement of ou wateways; upon the eclamation and iigation of aid, semi- Aid and swamp lands; upon the pesevation of ou foests and the e-foesting of suitable aeas; upon the e-classification of the public domain with a view of sepaating fom agicultual settlement mineal, coal and phosphate lands and sites belonging to the govenment bodeing on steams suitable fo the utilization of wate powe. In 0 we had a public domain of,05,-», aces. We have now 73,3.0 aces, confined lagely to the mountain anges and the aid and semi-aid plains. We have, in addition, 3,035,975 aces of land in Alaska. Disbusement of Public Lands. The public lands wee, duing the ealiest administations, toated as a national asset fo the liquidation of the public debt and as a souce of ewad fo ou soldies and sailos. Late on they wee donated in lage amounts in aid of th«constuction of wagon oads and ailways, in ode to open up egions in the west then almost Inaccessible. All the pincipal land statutes wee enaoted moe than a quate of a centuy ago. The homestead act, the pe-emption and timbe-cultue act, the coal land and the mining acts wee among these. Faudulent Titles. The tuth is that title to millions of aces of publie lands was faudulently obtained and that the ight to ecove a lage pat of such lands fo the govenment long plnce ceased by eason of statutes of limitations. Thee has developed In ecent yeas a deep concen in the public mind especting the pesevation and pope use of ou natual esouces. This has been paticulaly diected towad the consevation of the esouces of the public domain. A vast amount of discussion has appeaed in the public pints in genealized fom on this subject, but thee has been little pactical suggestion. It has been easy to say that the natual esouces in fuel supply, in foests, in wate powe, and in othe public utilities, must be saved fom waste, monopoly, and othe abuses, and the geneal public is In accod with this poposition, as they ae with most tuism*. The poblem, howeve, is how to save and how to utilize, how to conseve and still develop, fo no sane peson can contend that it is fo the common good that natue's blessings ae only fo unbon geneations. Notewothy Refoms. Among the most notewothy efoms Initiated by my distinguished pedecesso wee the vigoous posecution of land fauds and the binging to public attention of the necessity fo peseving the emaining public domain fom futhe spoliation, fo the maintenance and extension of ou foest esouces, and fo the enactment of laws amending the obsolete statutes so as to etain govenmental contol ove that pat of the pub- He domain in which thee ae valuable deposits of coal, of oil, and of phosphate, and, in addition theeto, to peseve contol, unde conditions favoable to the public, of the lands along the steams In which the fall of wate can be made to geneate powe to be tansmitted in the fom of electicity many miles to the point of its use, known as "wate powe" sites. The pesent statutes, except so fa as they dispose of the pecious metals and the puely agicultual lands, ae not adapted to cay out the moden view of the best disposition of publie lands to pivate owneship, unde conditions offeing on the one hand sufficient inducement to pivate capital to take them ove fo pope development, with estictive conditions on the othe which shall secue to the public that chaacte of contol which will pevent a monopoly o misuse of the lands o thei poducts. The powe of the secetay of the inteio to withdaw fom the opeation of existing statutes tacts of land, the disposition of which unde such statutes would be detimental to the public Inteests, «not clea o satisfactoy. This powe has been execised In the inteest of the public, with thejiope that congess might affim the action of the executive by laws adapted to the new conditions. Unfotunately, congess has not thus fa fully aeted on theyecosamendattons of the executive, and the nutation as to what the eajcm,u«e Is to do is unde the cicumstances, ut} «difficulty. It seems to me that It U the duty of oongess BOW, by a statute, to validate the withdawal* whioj* nave been made by tbe secetay of the inteio and the pesident and to use the secetay'of the Inteio tempoav ily to withdaw lands pending submission to congess of ecquuneudauons as to legislation to meet conditions o emegencies as they aise.. Public Land Alone teams. With espect to the public land which lies aleng the steams offeing oppotunity to convet wate powe Into tansmissible electicity,.anothe impotant phase of the public land question is pesented. Thee ae valuable wate powe sites though all the public land states. The opinion Is held that the tansfe of soveeignty fom the fedeal govenment to the teitoial goven menu as they become states, included the wate powe In the ives except so fa as that owned by ipaian popietos. I do not think it necessay to go Into discussion of this somewhat mooted question of law. It seems to me sufficient to say that tbe man who owns and contols the land along the steam fom which the powe is to be conveted and tansmitted, owns land which Is indispensable to the convesion and use of that powe. I cannot conceive bow -the powe In steams flowing though public lands can bo made available at all except by using the land Itself as the site fo the constuction of the plant by which the powe is geneated and conveted and secuing a ight of way theeove fo tansmission lines. Unde these condition, If the govenment owns the adjacent land indeed, if the govenment is the ipaian owne it may contol the use of the wate powe by Imposing pope conditions on the disposition of the land necessay in tbe ceation and utilization of the wate powe. Vslue of Wate Powe. The development in electical appliances fo the convesion of the wate powe into electicity to be tansmitted long distances has pogessed so fa that it is no longe poblematical, but It Is a cetain Infeence that In the futue the powe of the wate falling In the steams to a lage extent will take the place of natual fuels. In the disposition of the domain aleady ganted, many wate nowe sites have come unde absolute owneship, and may dift into one owneship, so that all the wate'powe unde pivate owneship shall be a monopoly. If, howeve, the wate powe nitea now owned by the govenment and thee ae enough of them shall be disposed of to pivate pesons fo the Investment of thei capital in such a way aa to pevent thei union fo puposes of monopoly with othe wate powe sites, and unde conditions that shall limit the ight of use to not exceeding thity yeas with enewal pivileges and some equitable means of fixing tems of ental and with pope means fo detemining a easonable gaduated ental, it would seem entiely possible to pevent the absoption of these most useful lands by a powe monopoly. As long as the govenment etains contol and can pevent thei impope union with othe plants, competition must be maintained and pices kept easonable. olls Must Be Conseved. In consideing the consevation of the natual esouces of the county, the featue that tanscends all othes, including woods, wates, mineals, Is the soil of the county. It is incumbent upon the govenment to foste by all available means the esouces of the county that poduce the food of the people. To this end the consevation of the soils of the county should be caed fo with all means at the govenment's disposal. Thei poductive powes should have the attentlon^of ou scientists that we may cotsewte^the new soils, impove the old soils, dain wet Boils, ditch swamp soils, levee ive oveflow soils, gow tees on thin soils, pastue hillside soils, otate cops on all soils, discove methods fo copping dy land soils, find gasses and legumes fo all soils, feed gains and mill feeds on the fams whee they oiginate, that the eoils fom which they come may be eniched. A wok of the utmost Impotance to infom and Instuct the public on this chief banch of the consevation of ou esouces is being caied on successfully in the depatment of agicultue; but it ought not to escape public attention that state action in addition to that of the depatment of agicultue (as fo Instance in the dainage of swamp lands) is essential to the best teatment of the soils in the manne above Indicated. The act by which, in semi-aid pats of the public domain, the aea of the homestead has been enlaged fom ISO to 30 aces has esulted most beneficially in the extension of "dy faming" and in the demonstation which has been made of the possibility, though a 'vaiation in the chaacte and mode of cultue, of aising substantial cops without the pesence of such a supply of wate as has been heetofoe thought to be necessay fo agicultue. No one can visit the fa west and the county of aid and semi-aid lands without being convinced that this is one of the most impotant methods of the consevation of ou natual esouces that the govenment has enteed upon. It would appea that ove 30 pojects have been undetaken, and that a few of these ae likely to bo unsuccessful because of lack of wate, o fo othe easons, but geneally the wok which has been done has been well done, and many impotant engineeing poblems have been met and solved. Funds inadequate fo evlce. One of the difficulties which has aisen is that too many pojects in view of the available funds have been set on foot. The funds available unde the eclamation statute ae Inadequate to complete these pojects within, a easonable time. And yet the pojects have been begun; settles have been invited to take up atid. in many instances, have taken up. the public land within the pojects, elying upon thei pompt completion. The failue to complete the pojects fo thei benefit Is, In- effect, a beach of faith and leaves them In a most distessed condition. I uge that the nation ought to affod the means to lift them out of the vey despeate condition in whloh they now ae. This condition does not indicate any excessive wsste o any couption on the pat of the eclamation sevice. It only indicates an ove-eealoua desie to extend the benefit of eclamation to as many aces and as many states aa possible. I ecommend, theefoe., that authoity be given to Issue, not exceeding $0,000,000 of bonds fom time to time, as the secetay of the Inteio shall find It necessay, the poceeds to be applied to the completion of the pojects aleady begun and M.-* thei pope extension, and the woods unning tea yeas ot moe to be tajua, up by the poceeds of ^etuns to the eclamation fund, which etuns, aa the yeas go on, will incease asidy la amount '». New Law Requisite. - Respecting the oompaatlvaly small timbeed aea* on the publie domain eet included la national foests because ' of thei Isolation.o thei special value to agicultual o mineal puposes, it iea#- - paent fom the evils esulting by vitue of the impefeottona of existing laws fo the disposition of Umbe lands that the acts of. June, ft, should be e* pealed and a law exacted fo the dispo* sitlon ot the timbe at pubue axle, the lands afte the emoval of the timbe to be subject to appopiation unde the agicultual o mineal land laws. What I have said Is eally an epitome ot the ecommendations of the secetay of the Inteio In espect, to the futue consevation of the public domain in his pesent annual epot He has given close attention to the poblom of disposition of these lands unde suoh conditions as to invite the pivate capital necessay to thei development on the one hand, and the maintenance of the estictions necessay to pevent monopoly and abuse fom absolute owneship ot the othe. These ecommendations ae incopoated in bills he has pepaed, and they ae at the disposition ot the congess.'i eanestly ecoaaeud that all the suggestions which he has made with espect to these lands shall be embodied in statutes and, especially, that the withdawals aleady made shall be validated so fa as neccesay and that doubt as to the authoity of the secetay of the Inteio to withdaw lands fo the pupose of submitting ecommendations as to futue disposition of them whee new legislation is needed shall be made complete and unquestioned. Disposition of Foest Reseves. The foest eseves. of the United State's, some 90,000,000 aces in.extent, ae unde the contol of the depatment of agicultue, with authoity adequate to peseve them and to extend thei gowth so fa as that may be pacticable. The impotance of the maintenance of ou foests cannot be exaggeated. The possibility of a scientific teatment of foests so that they shall be made to yield a lage' etun in timbe without eally educing the supply has been demonstated in othe counties, and we should wok towad the standad set by them as fa as thei methods ae Applicable to ou conditions. Impovement of Rive. I come now to the Impovement of the Inland wateways. He would be blind, indeed, who did not ealise that the people of the fa west, and especially those of the Mississippi valley, have been aoused to the need thee Is fo the impovement of ou inland wateways. The Mississippi ive, with the Missoui on the one hand and the Ohio on the othe, would seem to offe a geat natual means of intestate tanspotation and taffic. How fa. if popely impoved they would elieve the ailoads o supplement them In fespect to the bulkie and cheape commodities is a.matte of conjectue. No entepise ought to be undetaken the cost of which is not definitely ascetained and the benefit and advantage of which ae not known and assued by competent enginees and othe authoity. When, howeve, a poject of a definite chaacte fo the Impovement of a wateway has been developed so that the plans have been dawn, the cost definitely estimated, and the taffic which will be accommodated is easonably pobable I think it Is the duty of : *w- ~&m 5 l^llf TW BETWgfN D0SIS. - * «., «* SjV.V :>-.«? * : ">.'»**,. Qoctowtf the. medicine Is tod bitte you might take It with a gigs* eee, but you should take U egulaly, evey twp hous- _ Paiiene*-Ojty evey two. kaui? SOFT, WHITE MND* \ May be Obtained In One Night., Fo peseving, tbe band* ai w as fo peventing edness, oughu and chapping, and impating that vety softness and whiteness much <S> sied by women CuUcua Soap, assisted., fey Cuticua Ointment,» be to b< supeio to au othe skin Fo those who wok in co< liquids, o atsoccupations which to injue the hands, it i invalua Teatment. Bathe and soak the hands on etiing In a stong, hot, ceamy lathe of Cuticua Soap. Dy. and anoint feely with.cuticua Ointment, and in sevee cases spead the Cuticua Ointment on thin piecea of old linen o cotton. Wea duing the night old, loose gloves, o a light bandage of old cotton o linen to potect the clothing fom stain. Fo ed, ough, and chapped hands, dy, fissued, itching, feveish palms, and shapeless nails with painful finge ends, this teatment is most effective. Cuticua Remedies ae sold thoughout the wold, Potte Dug & Chem. Cop., sole popietos, Boston, Mass. Fight Against Plsgue Goes On. Although the suvey of the past yea's anti-tubeculosis wok shows that much has been done, the epots fom all, pats of the county indicate that this yea the amount of money to be expended, and the actual numbe of patients that will be teated will be moe than double that of the past yea. Fo instance, special appopiations have been made in the vaious municipalities fo next yea's antitubeculosis wok, aggegating $3,97,- 0. In addition to these appopiations ove $,000,000 has been set aside by the diffeent state legislatues fo the campaign against tube culosis tuis yea. Besides these sums, a lage numbe of the pesent exist* ing institutions and associations ae planning enlagements of thei wok, and new oganizations ae being fomed daily. congess to undetake the poject and make povision theefo in the pope appopiation bill. One of the pojects which answes the desciption I have given is that of intoducing dams into the Ohio ive fom Pltt9bug to Caio, so as to maintain at A Good Mead fo Business. all seasons of the yea, by slack wate, "I want a hat pin," said little May a depth of nine feet. Upwad of seven of fou yeas, as she gazed eagely at of these dams have aleady been constucted and six ae unde constuction, the cushion full of spakling onaments on the milline's showcase. while the total equied is 0. The emaining cost is known to be $3,000,000, "How much is it?" she asked, afte it seems to me that in the development I making a vey delibeate choice and of ou inland wateways it would. _ laying he puchase money, a bight wise to begin with this paticula poject and cay it though as apidly as may penny, on the counte. "Oh, nothing," be. I assume fom eliable infomation etuned the kind-heated Ms. Blggs, that It can be constucted economically as May's mothe was one of he egula customes. Imagine he amuse* in ten yeas. I ecommend, theefoe, that the public lands, in ive and habo bills, make povision fo continuing ment as the little "bagain hunte" contacts to complete this Impovement, said most eagely: "I'll take two, and I shall ecommend in the futue, if then." Delineato. it be necessay, that bonds be issued to cay it though. - Evidently o. What has been said of the Ohio ive Is tue in a less complete way of the Impovement of the uppe Mississippi fom efigeato tust?" "What do you suppose is behind this St. Paul to St. Louis t a constant depth "A cold deal fo somebody." of six feet, and of the Missoui, fom Kansas City to St. Louis to a constant depth of six feet and fom St. Louis to Caio of a depth of eight feet. These poject* have been ponounced pactical by competent boads of amy enginees, thei cost has been estimated and thee is business which will follow the Impovement. As these impovements ae being made, and the taffic encouaged by them shows itself of sufficient Impotance, the impovement of tbe Mississippi beyond Caio down to the gulf, which Is now going on with the maintenance of a depth of nine feet eveywhee, may be changed to anothe and geate depth If the necessity fo it shall appea to aise out ot the taffic which can be deliveed on the ive at Caio. Cheap Rail Rate Necessay. I am infomed that the investigation by the wateways commission In Euope shows that the existence of a wateway by no means assues taffic unless thee is taffic adapted to wate caiage at cheap ates at one end o the othe ef the steam. It also appeas in Euope that the depth of the steams is aely moe than six feet, and neve moe than nine. But it is cetain that enomous Quantities of mechandise ae tanspoted ove the ives and canals in Gemany and Fance and England, and it Is also cetain that the existence of such methods of taffic mateially affects the ates which the ailoads chage, and ft is the best egulato of those ates that we have, not even excepting the gaxammental egulation though the Intestate commece commission. Fo this eason, I hope that this congess will take such steps that It may be called the inauguato of the new system of inland wateways. Fo easons which tt is not necessay hee to state, congsss has seen fit to ode an Investigation into the inteio depatment and the foest sevice of the agicultual depatment. The esults of that investigation ae not needed to detemine the value of, and the necessity fo, ths new legislation which I have ecommended In espect to the public lands and In espect to eclamation. X eanestly uge that the measues be taken tip and disposed of pomptly without awaiting the investigation which has detemined upon, WHEN DINNER COMES One Ought to Have a Good Appetite. L.V'*f" A good appetite is the best sauce. It goeb a long way towad helping In the digestive pocess, and that is absolutely essential to health and stength. Many pesons have found that Gape- Nuts food is not only nouishing but is a geat appetize. Even childen like the taste of it and gow stong and osy fom its use. It is especially the food to make a weak stomach stong and ceate an appetite fo dinne. "I am 7 yeas old," wites a Tenn. gandmothe, "and have had a weak stomach fom childhood? By geat cae as to my diet I enjoyed a easonable enable degee of health, but neve found ojybsfigj & thing to equal Gape-Nuts standby. "When I have no appetite fo b^bsssb* fast and Just eat to keep up stength, I take teaspoonfuls Js of Gape-Nuts with good ich milk : and when dinne comes I am^hu While if I go without any beakfi neve feel like eating dinne. G ^BSBBBsf Nuts fo beakfast seems to mak '"WsssssssssK healthy appetite fo dinne. "My 3-months-old gandson had been vey sick with stomach touble duing the past summe, and finally we put him on Gape-Nuts. Now he is gowing plump and well. When asked If he wants his nuse o Gape-Nuts, he bightens up and points to the cupboad. He was no touble to wean at all thanks to Gape-Nuts.** Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville," In pkgs. "Thee's a Reason." icve* ead tie abeve lette? A»«W *» *»» fen ttow te> tlsse. They at* eaalae, t«e, sad tmllmlhwmz X: :.!*., - ' -TV. sv*fi)im j»«ijlill *tuii "i*!^ ' "»"'». " J.' «' '» BBBBBBBBBBBBB &

3 ^,*$';. v,'. Ss-jaffi ^»ljs *^*', ''' ; "> ' '',... > '.ft. - "' ' ^ " - L' : " '.'»t*' * >. a-ss.v*: *^ -«STORY of the V' ' By Randall Palsh Bmum if VI IHu«i*tioaft by Deabon Melvill Q**^^a^ Oos^Mcbt A^C.HoClug * Co., «. SYNOPSIS, le stoy opens with the Intoduction of John Stephens, adventue, a Massachusetts man maooned by authoities at Valpaaiso, Chile. Being inteested in mining opeations in Bolivia, he was denounced by Chile as an insuectionist and as a consequence was.hiding. At his hojtel his attention was attacted by an Englishman and a young woman. Stephens escued the young woman fom a dunk*n office. He was thanked by he. Admial of the Peuvian navy confonted Stephens, told him that wa had been declaed between Chile and Peu and offeed him the office of captain. He desied that that night the Esmealda, a Chilean vessel, should be captued. CHAPTER Ill Continued. I walked the floo twice fom wall to wall, thinking swiftly, the sodden ciga clinched tightly between my teeth. I could peceive no eason why the deed might not be accomplished If lucjc favoed, and I was sufficiently young so that the dange athe appealed than epelled. Suddenly I wheeled and faced him, still seated at the table. "You may fill out the blank, seno," I announced, quietly. "I will ty a thow of the dice." 'j-'->'."*' ' ? ^ -».. 'at-»:.';"*., ' * i-f ' ',."''" -",-#. *>i x >- '.- -«"<*» M. *!*» at CIMMI pointing.upon' the oocfe. tatlat. Indeed,» wild, hilaious mob ftpefcd m«loudly M pessed aside Usjl k)«tvy cutain sod stepped within. I csit % quick, compehensive glance i&t«the la«mb aptufmd U»f»aga th» eateloplttg HITS flwedes and iots n?j.. "i *., ec fom the Noth sea, Datcomea of tte Baltk, haiy Englishmen fom the chancel, Yankees of the West Atlantic, beachcombes fom out of the South seas, with hee and thee a nego o bown-faced JCanaka to add to the vaiety. Faith, It was a choice collection, as though the wide wates of the wold bad been skimmed to bing togethe that ae cew of beauties. Peched high upon a table, bis Jk>ng legs encased in sea boots, seated astide a chai, sat the singe, his mop of coase ed hai standing eect, his Jaw that of a bulldog, the sca of a ecent kiife wound showing, ghastly acoss one cheek, his blue shit open at the thoat to eveal a haiy chest; beneath thatched bows his eyes glinted and gleamed in a feocious attempt at good humo. "Blng, ye bullies! ' he oaed, afte one Inquiing glance towad me, binging his heavy glass down on the back of the chai. "Lay it out fe the gent, wtmt has just come calun' on ye. Tune up, ye sea dogs. I'm no hopea hatist hee to entetain ye. Give us a swing to the chous now, o I'll shy this mug into ye bloomiu' faces. Lift the tune, my heaties, and show the dagoes outside whut ye can do. Now at it: CHAPTER IV. In Which I Meet My Cew. The polite hotel clek halted me as I passed his desk on the way out with infomation that a dunken naval office evidently Sanchez had been thee twice aleady seeking me, had also asked fo Lod Dalington, and would etun again at ten o'clock. I thanked him, smiling to myself, wondeing if the English nobleman was to be challenged also, and pomptly disappeaed into the night without. The unfotunate affai with the aggieved lieutenant had become a small matte no longe toubling me. I have wandeed by night though most of the seapots of the wold, knowing well the inticacies and dak places of Pot Said, Melboune and Calcutta, but I doubt if even the unspeakable oient can equal fo dit, squalo, cime and peil those naow, cooked alleyways whee sailos most do congegate against the Valpaaiso wate-font. Hee gathe in bestial ioting the scum of the South seas, and hee flouish thei paasites. Any night a tip alone though those foul lanes Is of the kind to test stong neves; but on this special occasion, the way filled with pandemonium and dunkenness, the entie city a iot of noisy violence, the populace aoused to fiece hate towad all foeignes, the passage was one of constantly ecuing dange. The steet lights, few and fa between, wee mee blotches of colo winking feebly at the suounding dakness, the ough cobblestone pavement undefoot was iegula and deceitful, while dunken cowds, eithe quaelsome o maudllngly affectionate, suged aimlessly about, gesticulating and yelling with Latin fevo. Howeve. I knew the way well, and kept myself hidden fom obsevation by hoveing close beneath the potecting shadows of the buildings, dawing well h:\ck within dooways to pemit the noise paties of veles to pass, and then huying _ wad along the deseted steets. ^^pumbled ove the body of moe than %ne dunken man, while sounds of Quaeling wee bone to me though the open doo of evey low tapoom I passed. The scum of Valpaaiso had e to the top, the fies of hell bunfiecely. do Rodigues' den stood somewhat back fom the naow lane it fonted,. flanked and concealed by talle buildings on eithe side. It was a amshackle, wooden affai, sagging sadly at one cone, the half doze stepb leading to tve open doo being only dimly lighted. As it was a wellknown esot, fequented almost entiely by foeign seamen who would scacely be safe on the steets such a night as this, it was no supise to dlscoveo the tapoom densely cowded.with sailo-men, and to distinguish-m voice singing Justify in vigoous tuiglish, to an accompaniment' The' captain's.- bide was fai to see; Swing had! bend low! She mocked at him; she smiled at me; Swing had! tend low! "Oh, to hell wld that sote love-sick stuff," cied a potesting voice, hoasely. "That's no good sailo song, Bill. Give us somethin' vto stat ou pipes," The giant in the chai scowled. "Ye'e a lot o' dubs, an' not fit sailo-men," he etoted, savagely, dain- Tuttle Wheeled and Staed, His Jaw Woking Savagely. ing his glass; "but I've got a chous ye'll sing o fight me, an' dam' If I cae much which. Now take a gip at this: A mighty man was Pat McCann, t Who sailed upon the sea; Within his hold he hid the gold, He stole In Bahaoe. In Babaee, in Babaeo The men lie mute, Hf» has the loot, He found in Bnbaee. They wee still at it, the motley, mongel cew, thei hoase, dinkthickened voices oaing out lines full of the fiece swing of the deep sea, thei glasses pounding in unison on the tables, as I pushed my way though them up to the sloppy ba and faced the fellow standing behind. "Is thee a Yankee whaleman hee by the name of Tuttle?" I asked. He staed at me, his eyes squinting, while the wild chous began to die away like a clock un down. "Bill, whas Cap" Tut'?" he called out finally. "Hee's a cove wants hhn." The ed-headed giant, peched aloft on the chai, flung one hand indiffeently acoss his shoulde towad the ea of the oom. "Come on again, mates," he oaed. "Anothe dink, and anothe song. Spit it out this time 'Swing had! Bend low!'" "He's yonde In the back oom; though that doo, mate," said the batende, shotly. "Bette not tead on any of the lads* feet goin' in, unless maybe ye'e hee to-night, huntin' touble. They'e just 'bout dunk enough now to be eady to stat a ow." I picked my way with caution, the fiece lilt of that devils' chous stunning my eas, the haiy faces confonting me scowllngly suggestive of any c!#\ Saint Andew! I thought sobely, if this was still the day of piates hee was * bood eady fo hatching. With a feeling of positive ellef pessed open the heavy wooden doo, stepped within and closed it caefnlly behind me. So tightly fitting and solid the wood It instantly shut out completely the mad >iot of the baoom. It was like coming into a new wold. Two men sat alone at a small, ound table smoking, between them a shot-necked black boute with glasses, and a scatteed deck of geasy cads. The one neaest whee I stood, tali, long-umbed, angoja* hi* facet thfat and made to appea moe a*v fom a sandy chin-whiske, bad hit knees swung ove the ana of bis chai, a bald spot on the, top of hit head shinlag ooasplcoousiy beneath tha as of the iamfc. His oompanjan Was consideably yomiga, somewbaf tim of buiht, with black, culing hai, and small mustaches cated - upwad at the tips. He was of a complexion to make- me think him eithe a eeole quadoon, but with smiling lips and % light in his mey eyes beepeakiag a tempeament of food humo; "Capt. Eli Tuttle?" I questioned, doubtfully. The olde man slowly deposited his feet on the floo and stood up. He was a tifle ound-shouldeed, attied la a black fock coat which dangled to the knees, and his eyes-of cold gay naowed into mee slits as he inspected me with undisguised suspicion. "The spiit which fo 70 yeas hath made answe to that eathly name still abideth within this fleshly body," he esponded solemnly, in a voice seemingly fom the vey pit of his stomach. "I am still pemitted to sail the seas, thus known to the childen, of men, awaiting in patience the hou of tanslation." To be geeted thus in such a spot stunned me fo the instant, my cheeks flushing as I ead undisguised amusement in the uptuned face of the Ceole. My teeth shut togethe had. "You ae Eli Tuttle, then, fomely maste of the whaling bak Betsy?" "Even so, young man," his lean face pefectly emotionless, his long finges outspead flat on the table. "Eli Tuttle of New Bedfod, once the chief of sinnes, but now communing with the highe life of the spiit wold. Associate me not with yonde ungodly cew, blind to the tuth of the beyond," and he snapped his finges softly towad the closed doo. "In this wold saints and sinnes must indeed mingle bodily, yet not in any communion of spiit. It was fo peaceful meditation that fiend De Nova and I deseted yonde scene of evely and sought this secluded spot. Tuly the good book saith that whee one o two ae gatheed togethe in his name thee is he also in the midst of them." The Ceole laughed outight, smiling the table smatly with his palm. "Sit down, mate!" he exclaimed, genially, kicking up a chai. "Afte 5 ou know zis ol' hypocite as well as I do, his communion viz spiits won't bozzef you much. Help youself to dink, an' wash the taste out you' mouth." Tuttle wheeled about and staed at his companion, his thin jaw woking savagely; but the Ceole went on olling a cigaette indiffeently between his bown finges, his white teeth gleaming. I emained standing, my hand on the back of the chai, intently studying the pai. "I come diectly fom Don Castillo," I said, quietly, facing the Yankee, and detemined to get down to business, "and desie to speak with you alone." His glinting eyes naowed peceptibly, and his jaws cunched down upon the tobacco in his cheek. " Tis safe enough with him," he acknowledged athe ungaciously, his voice becoming nasal as he pointed his chin-bead towad the othe. "De Nova Is second office." I dew back the chai and sat down, ealizing that I now possessed the attention of both. "I have been appointed to assume Capt. Castela's duties," I announced quietly. "Do eithe of you cae to examine my papes?" Tuttle Bpat silently into the sawdust, while De Nova exhibited his white teeth in a gin. The eyes of the two men met. "I athe guess you papes won't cut much ice in this yee affai," etuned the fome with delibeate insolence, "being as how we don't eithe of us gj^fctw^tin* to,5ea, If if you'll paldod my sayia* so plainly." His maak.- bad. disappeaed as by magic, and I ealised instantly the eal natue of, tip men* "Y^g mean,bo oattstmaot km bean made,.eithe by yon, ft the men unde you' "That's lust,aboot the aue of it, miste," his tone full of unconcealed contempt. Us leg flung once again ove the am of the chai. "We ageed to do this one paticula "job fe a cetain consideation, but we'e none of as-peuvian sailo-men, and consequently don't give a hang fo yon papes. Ain't that about it. De Nova?" The eeole nodded, still smiling pleasantly, the blue smoke culing lastly up fom the end of his cigaette. Evidently the two wee actively engaged in taking my measue, and this was to be a case of man against man, athe than the execise of any delegated authoity. I might as well thow my commission into the fie fo any eal value it possessed hee. All ight; I had met and attended to thei kind befoe. "I am delighted to undestand the situation so clealy and quickly," I said, Bhaply, thowing a note of authoity into my voice and manne. "It simplifies my task. Now listen to me, M. Tuttle," giving him his fomal title, "and you likewise, De Nova. I pobably cae as little fo those papes as eithe of. you, but, nevetheless, am in command. Do you both clealy compehend that? I am in command! It will be just as well fo you n t to attempt any hose-play. I am no dago sea-office, but a Noth Ameican sailo, and I didn't come cawling Into my fist ship though a cabin window. I've tamed mutinous cews befoe now, and when I'm up against sea-scum I can hit as had as the next fellow. If eithe of you desie to test my qualities as a buckomate, I'm hee to accommodate you." Neithe answeed, but I ead thei conclusion in thei eyes. "That's all I need to say now," I went on. "It's up to you to fish o cut bait. You fellows have nothing to gain by opposing me, and I hope you possess sense enough to know it. De Nova, whee have I eve met you befoe?" The Ceole's face instantly bightened again, his white teeth gleaming unde the black mustache. "So monsieu emembe," he lisped gently, leaning fowad on the table. "I thought maybe you foget altogethe 'bout zat time. But I know you at once w'en you come In. It make me laugh to see zis Yankee ty bait you like you was a dago steamboate. Bah, I know you all ight fo sailo-man; I know you do business." "But I am unable to place you." "No, not yet; maybe you will w'en I say moe." He spoke apidly, gesticulating with excitement. "It was a little ship off Hatteas; ze stom five days, an' all weck. It was a steame, w'ite, wiss ed stacks, zat took off ze cew, an' it was hell of a job. Zat was ze stoy, monsieu; I was mate of ze Cymbellne." I knew him then instantly, my memoy pictuing anew tha cold, gay dawn, the geen, angy seas, the helpless, sodden hulk heaving sickenlngly to its death, and those wate-denched foms we hauled ove the sinking ail into ou tossing boat. I held foth my hand, and his bown finges, had as Ion, closed ove it In a gip to be felt. "Sue, it's come back, mate," I said. "I athe guess I can count on you." His dak eyes met mine in fank honesty. "Running ams fo the Cuban evolutionists then, ween't you?" I asked, indiffeently. "What since?" He shugged his shouldes, glancing acoss at Tuttle, and Angeing his mustache. (TO BE CONTINUED.) No Compomise With Tuth *- Absoluts Sinceity in AM Things Maks Men of Standing. Sinceity is made up of two wods sine and cee sine, without, and cee, wax; without wax. And it means absolutely pue, tanspaent. The human mind is constucted fo tuth telling. This is its nomal condition, and unde the execise of tue living and tue thinking the chaacte becomes stong and obust Wholeness, completeness, comes into the life fom tuth, fom sinceity; but the moment we attempt to twist the mind into expessing deceit it becomes abnomal and woks all sots of ham to the chaacte. I have in mind a vey billiant wite who exobanges hts talent fo cash in political campaigns. He has witten some of the best campaign documents fo all politics] paties, but the lack of sinceity in his chaacte so discounts his pesonality and ability that he has no standing as a man..«is ecogniseda% a billiant wite, but as a man totally without convictions. Thee is something in the mind itself which thives upon sinceity and which potests against all that is false, against all sham. Nothing eve quite satisfies this longing but absolute tuth. The mind quickly becomes sickly and weak when foced to expess what is false. Oison Maden, in Success Magazine. Swett Doesn't Attact. Peleg Haw vows we ain't had no cold weathe to speak of since he bought a themomete. "Well." declaed Deacon Cipes, "Peleg oughte know that a themomete won't act like a lightning od." Puck. Useless. "A man dat puts in all his time finding fault," said Uncle Eben, "ain't no moe eal use dan a weathe pophet who can't pedict nuffln' but blizsads." Washington Sta. " t, :.::""*' *«* 90,00$ AMERICAN - SETTLERS GO TO CANADA THE YEAR 90» HA SHOWN AN INCREASE OF OVER EIGHTY PER CENT IN AMERICAN. SETTLEMENT. Recent advices fom Canada, ou neat doo neighbou, the neighbouly county acoss the bounday line, ae that upwads of ninety thousand settles fom the United States went into Westen Canada duing the past yea, most of them fo the pupose of taking up and settling upon the vacant lands, 0 aces of which ae given fee by the govenment, and lands adjoining held by ailway and land companies ae selling at fom nine to fifteen and twenty dollas pe ace. Even if thity and foty dollas pe ace wee paid, the pice would be low, as the lands poduce wondefully, and at these highe figues thee is a lage inteest on the money and labo invested. The ninety thousand settles of last yea, followed about sixty thousand of the pevious yea, and fo seveal yeas the numbe has been unning into these lage figues. Thee must be a eason fo it. It may be found in the single phase, "they ae satisfied." Nothing attacts people, moe than the success of othes, and. the news of this eaching othe thousands, causes them to investigate. The investigation in this, case is always satisfactoy. The splendid land of Iowa, of Indiana, of Nebaska, Kansas, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and othe States has isen to a high value, and it is woth evey dolla asked fo it. But thee is not oom now fo all on these lands. With the eve inceasing demand fo gain, thee comes the eve inceasing demand fo land. Canada is the only county on the continent In a position to supply it. Land thee that costs, say fifteen dollas an ace, poduces on a easonable calculation, 5 bushels of wheat to the ace, o about $0.00. The most libeal calculation as to cost makes the cost to poduce $7. pe ace, leaving a balance of $. pe ace. The $7. caies good wages fo the fame, and all othe conceivable contingencies. With conditions like this, coveing the entie aea of about 0,000 squae miles, it Is eadily undestood why 90,000 Ameicans should follow the sixty thousand of the pevious yea. Canadian Govenment Agencies at diffeent points in the Union ae always eady to give infomation egading the fee homestead lands, eady to advise the settle as to the disticts which would suit him best. Peiod of Joy fo Casey. Casey's wife was at the hospital, whee she had undegone a vey seious opeation a few days befoe. Ms. Kelley called to inquie as to Ms. Casey's condition. "Is she estin' quietly?" Ms. Kelley asked. "No, but I am," said Casey. Easily Distinguished. "This," emaked M. Cane, is my photogaph with my two Fench poodles. You ecognize me?" " think so," said Miss Softee. "You ae the one with the hat on, ae you not?" Constipation Vanishes Foeve Pompt Reiief-Pennantnt Con CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS fsil Piaely abk- act weij but gently the live. Stopi ctn impove the complexion bightaa SauB Pill, Saull De«. Sa»U Pice GENUINE mint bea signatue : AnfanmKUata«lid fo Hotmncn. Coiaha. Sea Thiaat, Banchial aod Aithmttc TwSi A» J****/* *»*<* tmtiu abaoktaly fa*«uom u T fcamw inctadtcat. Pica, 35 cents, emta and $.00 pa boot. Samslt matfad on mint. JOHN I. BROVN fc snw R~«~. ^^ *' Save the Baby Use > CURS ** Should b«iven at one* wham tha littia on* ooujha. It heals taa dcj< foeta thoat and pfotneta the hsafs fom inf«ctk»--gucuaiitead sals and vay pahitabls. AH Dmaiiita, a* 'J*' *. ' ; ~f. '

4 tit ffetotg ftyafck F. U ANDREWS d CO. PROmiww. THURSDAY, JAN, 0,90. The Postmaste Geneal efes to the Postal deficit and suggests an incease of the postal ates ou peiodicals and magazines. DeWitts Little Ealy Rises the sate Bae gentle easy htt'e live pills. Be sue to get DeWitta Caboli*ed Witch Hazel Salve tte oiginal. Al WHYS efuse substitutes and imitations. The oiginal DeWitta Caboliaed Witch Hazel Salve is good fo anything a salve is good fo, bat it is ea pecially good to piles. Sold by all deales. "Hell" says a ministe, "is not a place, but a condition." Maybe HO, but when you've got the condition, you've got the place too. Making Life Safe. Eveywhee life in beinff made moe safe though the wok of D. Kings New Life pills in constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, indigestion, live toubles, kidney diseases and bowel disodes. They ae easy but sue, and pefectly build op the bepltb. 5c at P. A. Sigles. Beglnnlng- The fact that a St. Louis agman left $0,000 poves it is fa moe pofitable fo one to devote his time to collecting the ag than to chewing it. A Wetched Mistake to endue the itching, painfnl of piles. Thee is no need to., I suffeed much fom piles," Will A. Mash of Sile City, "till I pot a box of Buck lens distess Listen: wites N. 0., Anica flnna, Salve and was soon cued." Boils, ulces, feve soes, eczema, cats, Chapped bands, chilblains vanish be foe it. 5c at Sigles Dug Stoe. Notice of Letting of Dain Contact. Notice» Heeby Given, That I. Fank Mowta, County Dain Commiaskme of the county of Livingston and state of Michigan, will, on the th day of Febuay, A. D., 90, at the fam esidence of William Alexande of Seotioa 35 io the township of Handy, in said county of Livingston, at ten o'clock in the foenoon of that day, poceed to eceive bid* fo the constuction of a cetain, Dain known and designated an Handy and IOHCO Numbe Eight Dain, located and established in the townships of Haudy and Iosco, in said county of Livingston, and descibed as follows, to-wit: An open and tile dain In the townships of Handy and Iosco, to be conutuated and known as Handy and Iosco dain No. t (Numbe eight). Beginning upon the N. and a M line In Section of Handy at a point 0 links south of the N. 9. K post, between Sections and 5, ana within the open channel of Handy Dam No. (numbe one), and to be of the depth, width and g-eneai specifications heeinafte set foth and descibed, to wit: Beaing's of the Couse. Bei s Sinning- 3' ET a 3' ai u 3' ai 3' ai 3' " 35' 35' a 3'EL ai 35' ai 35' ai 3' a 0" 30' w. a 0" 30' w. a 0" so' w. a 0" 30' w. a " w. a 5 w. a w. a w. a 5 30' w. a 30' w. a 5 5' w. a 5 5' \v. &'B..' a i 5' w. a 3 w. a 3 w. a *5'W. a 5' w. a 5' w. a 3 30' w. S. 3» 30' W. S. 5 35' W. a 5 35' W. a 5' W. S. 5 30* W. S. 5 30' W. S. 30'W. S. 30' W. S. 30' W. S. 30' W. N. W. N. 5 W. N. 5 W. N. 9 IB' W. Distance fom the Some of ou Ameican heiesses i N. 9 if/ w who elope with the wait, the chauffeu o the stableman, appea Do you know that thee to be tying to squae the ecod I scacely a week that the publishe of a local newspape does not e of those othe heiesses who ma ceive a statement fom some concen fo a bill anging ied noblemen. anywhee Ohs Lks S ca u o * i S » si O» 'k 7 9 io a a is s" O « o V.7 V *7. -I»' O...» D i'ii.* » CM.5.9» » » S * U.H fom #3 to 5? These have Saved at Deaths Doo be settled at least monthly. Thee Tbe doo of death seemed eady to ae many who owe the edito a open fo Muey W. Ayes of Tansit yea o moe on thei subsciption Bidge, N. Y. when his life was wondefully saved. " was in a deadful pomptly. it enables the publishe account and if these ae paid condition" be wites, "my skin was al. to P a y his bl lls tbe. same way. Ae you paying most yellow; eyes sunken; tongue you accounts pomptly? coated: emaciated fom losing 0 lbs, gowing weake daily. "Viulent If you have noticed symptoms of kidney live touble pulling me down to touble do not delay in inking tht" most death in spite of doctos. Then that matchless medicine Electic Bitte? cued me. I egained my 0 pounds lost and now am well and stona." Fpjp : %lj stomach, live and kidney toubles they'e supeme. c at. F. A. Sigles. The geat expess companies ae making enomus pofits amounting to ove a hunded pe cent on wateed stock all of which meanb that the public is paying them fo what ought to be mailable matte. A Wild Blizzad Raging bings dange, suffeing often death to thousands, who take olds, conphs and lagippe tha f teo of winte and sping. Its dange signals ae staffed up nostils, lowe pat of nose soe, chills and feve, pain in back of head, and a thoat gipping cough. When jzipp attacks. a& you value you life d. n't delay jettint H. Kings New Discovey. "One bottle cued me," wites A. L. Dunn, of Pine Valley, Miss., "afte beinj? laid no thee weeks with Gip." Fo soe lungs, hemohage*, coughs, colds, whooping cough, bonchitis, usthtna, itspupeme. c.. Guaanteed by F. A. Sig'.e. Most housekeepes ae using K C Baking Powde these days. A single tial showt It to be a geat Impovement ove the old-style Baking. Powdes and a fine economy In any household, K 0 costs lets, woks ta. *» * to eliable and dependable emedy possible, Btich a^ DeWitts Kidney and Bladde Pills. These wondeful pills ae being used with geat satisfaction by thousands of people. Ty DeWitts Kidney and Bladde Pills today. Sold by nil dngejists. BAKE-DAY. Do you look fowad to Bake-Day each week with a cetain keen inteest and pleasant anticipation? Unde the ight conditions it should be one of the eal pleasues of housekeeping. New, cleve ecipes and a cetainty ol success In eveything you bake ao what make the fascination. "The Cook's Book" will give you the ecipes, a splendid collection by Ms. Janet McKenzie Hill, the noted authoity. K C Baking Powde will give you the cetainty. Absolutely no failues- Guaanteed the beat at any pice, o money efunded. "Get a 5 cent can of K C Bakins Powde at once fom you goce. Send in the cetificate you will find to Jaque Mfg. Co., Chicago, with this aticle, and "The CooJte Book" will be mailed you fee. A combination had to beat! "The Conk's Book" and K C Baking Powde. You'll be moe A haa pleased, Electic Bittes Socceed when eveything else fafla. In nevous postation and female weakneaaea they ae the supeme emedy, aa thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it ia the best medicine eve sold ove a duggist's counte. U. S. Suvey and Subdivision Iinol and Bemaks. Thence on 3 Una Leave W. % of N. \i of Sec. 5 with cha. of dain. On and W. hi line in Sec. 5 at a point 7. chs. WL of Seo. cente. Leave IB. % of N. W. K of Sec.. 5 with cha. of d'n. Ente S. W. % of Sec. 5. At culvet in Fank Smith's lane. To section line between Sees. 5 and 0 ata point 5.7 cha. S. of N. W. ¾ Post. Leave S. W. -¼ of Sec. 5, with chs. of dain. Ente * of S. % of Sec.. FREE'TJie i* is' a. a *»0' w. " *0'W. «0' W. a s 0' W..» 0' W. a w..» W.» w. a ' ' w. a ' W. S. 5' aa i5'b. S. ''. '. 5' S. ' S. 5' S. '. 5' S. 30' S. 30'. 0' S. 0' S. 7 35'W 'W. a 37 35'W. a 37 'W 'W. S 'W. S. 30' W. S. S. a o 0' a 30' S. " 30' K.. 30'. 30' B. 30' S. 30' a a a B. S. W.. W. S. W. S. W. S. W. s. w w. s. w.. IB* W. S. W. S. 5' S. 5' S. I' S. "5'B. S. 5' S. 5' S. 5' S. 5'... S. a c B.»T ' S. 9 5'. 9 ' S. 9 5'. 9 5'. 37 ^ S. 37 M 0( * » ,, ,,. # 9 9 #. t» 0.. % m * J ' * * » ,7.».7..0.».»» Coatlameel e»m Next Pauje. To Sec. line Sees. If and 5 at a point. aha. W. Seca. and_. Leave B. B. H of Sec. _.9 one. of date. Ente ft of N. ETS of Sec.. Small tile to come out Small tile to oome out Leave Old Dain, In Old Dain. Leave Old Dain, B. and W. 5 line la Sec. 35 at a point 7. chs. of a W. co. of % of N. % Of Sec. 35. Leave BL~% of N. *A of Sec. with.9 chains of dain. Ente H of. B. % of Sec Banch No. begins. Dain., Leave Old Town line between Handy ana Iosso at a point cha. B. of " ost on N. B'dy of N. B. ec., Iosco. Leaves B. of a U of Sec.. Handy with chs. of d Ente N. pat of B. % of fl. of Sec. of Iosco. Banch No. Mgins. A Choice Collection Of 0 ecipes, with the latest baking helps and a fund of valuable infomation, edited by MRS. JANET MCKENZIE HILL, of The Boston Cooking School, the noted authoity on Domestic Science. Elegantly illustated and pinted on finest plate pape. This atistic book absolutely fee to evey use of KG BAKING POWDER To get the " Cook's Book " Secue the coupon fom a 5-cent can of K C Baking Powde. Cut this out, wite name and addess and mail with coupon to Jaques Manufactuing Co., Ch icago. Dept. A^fO If you have neve tied K C Baking Powde, this is the time to buy you fist can, and get the beautiful "Cook's Book" fo the asking. K C Baking Powde will- please you bette than any othe o you get -i you money back...; Guaanteed pue, wholesome, and the most pefect in action. Complies with all Pue Food Laws. No u Tust" pices.,..?

5 "i-**,» ; :., \. JV I a «5'. * K. & llf 30» Line between N. 0.9 A. and A. of N. 9. f the. B. % ot V, B. ^ of Bee at a point 0 lki. w. ot aeotlon line between Bees.. and Leave N. 0.9 A. with 5 chs; of dain. Ente & 9.0 A as descibed and divided by deed. 37 Section line between Bees. and. Ente N. 0 A. of S. 0 A of W. chs. of N. W. fl. *A of Sec.. Continue S. 3" 30' on Sec. line Coss section line. Leave ti A of N. 9.«A. of ¼ of N. K. fl. K of Sec., with 3.9 chs. of Dain. GALLEY TWO DRAIN LETTING End of Dain on line between S. 0 A. and N. 0 A. of. 30 A. of W. IZ chs. of N. W. fl. of Sec. of Iosco with 5. chs. of Dain i** N. 0 A. of S. 30 A of W. c ha. of N fl. hi of Sec.. w. Suveyed August th and 7th. Leveled August 30th, 909 The line above descibed to be the cente line of said open potions und said tile potions of said Handy and Iosco Dain No. (numbe eight) as heeinafte descibed, togethe with its two banch dains, also heeinafte descibed and»et foth In the geneal foot notes of the entie dain. Also as Banch Dain No. of Handy and Iosco Dain No. (numbe eight) commencing in the cente line of said dain In the K. % of S. K. ¼ of Section of Handy, at angle No.. and unning thence fom said angle stake No., which is also gade stake No. of said banch No. and thence, to wit: Beaings of the Couses. ^^^JBefflnnlng y* ' s.io w. "West Welts N". 7 ;30' W. N. 7*30'W. N. 7 30'W. N. 7 30'W. N. 7 ' W. U. 7 5'W. N. 7 5' W. Distance fom the Beginning. Chs. Lks No. No. of the of the Gade Angle Stake Stake Full Cut Feet and Hdts N. 7 5'W..0 Remaks. At angle stake line. Ni>. of. main and W. % line in See. 35 at a post. chs. W. of % post between Sees. 35 and 3. Leave % of S. # of Sec. 35 with 7.0 chs. of dain. Ente W. % of N. V y of Sec. 35. If you do not wish to pay 35c o 0c But do want a good coffee ftty Mo-Ea! Mo-Ka is a high gade coffee sold at a popula pice! 0 cents the pound. Its constantly gowing sales Ae due to its "high gade quality which is kept "always the same" by an expet blende and oaste. Buy a tial pound. You'll want moe. Ask you goce fo Mo-ka. If he hasn't got it, He can easily get it. Muphy «? Roche, POP Sale by PINCKNEY. - MICHIGAN «J. C. Dinkel Sc Go. That Lame Back Means Kidney Disease And to Relieve the Lame and Aching Back; You Must Fist Relieve the Kidneys Then! no auestlott about that f ^^' l ] MM l At all -fo the lama and aching feack is caused by a diseased condition ot the kidneys and bladde. It is only oommon flense, any way that yon must cue a condition fc emolng the cause of the conanion. And lame and aching back ae not by any means the only ptoms of deangement of the teys and bladde* Thee ae a K Bjsultltude of well-known and unsbistakaale indications of a moe o leas dangeous condition. Some of fjoese ae, fo instance: Exteme MMI unnatual lassitude and weak asa, nevous iitability, heat iegulaity, "neves on edge," eleeelessnesa and inability to secue feet, soaldtng sensation and sedi- SMsst in the uine, inflammation of fbe Madde and passagea. etc. ; PaWtts Kidney and Bladde MDs ae an exoenttoaally meito* fa* emedy fo any and all affeo- BBM o Ineeased eaatttjona vt These Pills oveate a*a > eometly and thei " evolts at at once felt egelate, puify, and alee* ^aeal and estoe the kid* Bladde and live, to pefect healthy eoe*itk*--«vesi la 'Si. 0. DeWltt A Oo, Chicago, TO, want eve/ nam and wosnaa who have the least suspicion that they ae ajuoted with kidney and blae> de diseases to at once wite them, and a tial box ot these Pills will be ss^smvw SSSTW^B> svgy ^s^'jss'ss* eaeeswa ^e^evajsvsssesjbj^ ALL DRUGGISTS N. 7" 5' W. N. 0 W. N. W. N. «W jon* of Banch One with.0 cha. jaf pain In W. H of N. of Sec. 5., ^ Also Banch A of Banch One, be*inning *t Anale So. of Banch One a»d unning thence, tp wit: Beaings of the Couses. S. 30' W. \ Distance ^ oiu the Beginning-. Chs. Lks. No. No. of the of the Oad«Angle Stake Stake JTuJl Cut Feet and Hdt». Re in a iks. No. of Banch Banch A In No. 0 of S, 5' B St «' ' End of Banch A of Banch One. The line above descibed to be the cente line of Banch One and its A, of Handy and Iosco Dain No.. banch I Suveyed Octobe 5 and, A. D I Also a Banch Dain No. (numbe two) of Handy and Iosco Dain No. fjnumbe eight), beginning In the N. 0.9 A. of N. 9..aces of K. fl. % of N. fl. % ot Section (two) of Iosco, in the cente line of Handy and Iosco Dain No. o (numbe eight) at a point 3 links g. by 9 lo' of Kiade stake No. 05 of main Une, and unning thence, to wit: Beaings \ of the ^Couses. Beginning S. fs # 30' K. N.0" N. 0" K. N. «0 U K. S. 7 5'K. S. 7 5' K. N. 7" 5 N. 7"5 N. 5 5' N. 5 5 N. 5 5' N. 5 5' Distance fom the Beginning. Ctis. Lks No. No. of the of the Gade Angle Stake Stake Full -Cut Feet and Hdt* «.9.5(. Remaks. In cente of Main Dain. Sec. line between Sees. and at a point 9.3 chs. S. of Sec. Co. of Sees. and. Leave N. 0.9 A of N. 9. A. of fl % of N. fl. tt of Sec. with.00 chs. of dain. Ente N. 9 A as fenced and occupied of the N. W. fl. ^ of Sec.. Knd of Banch Two in N. «9 A. of N. W. fl. % of Sec. at a point. cha. and 5.5 chs. S. of Sec. and of Iosco. Co. of Sees. Suveyed Octobe 5th and tith, 909. The lines above descibed to be the cente lines of the said main dain and the said banch dains, all of which ae connected togethe and fom one entie and complete dain. Stakes mak the cente line at the beginning: and the end of said dain and at all angles and at each two chains, when it does not follow a dain aleady constucted with gade hubs at b'eginnlng and end and at each two chains distance thoughout the entie length of.said dain and its banches. The main dain, its suveyed, is to be constucted an open dain fom the commencement up the steam to angle at the west side of the highway, on the section line between Sections 5 and, a distance of chains, and to be two feet wide upon the bottom, with banks sloping outwad, one and one-half feet to one foot ise and the ight of way to constitute a stip of land fifty feet In width each side of the top of said dain, to accommodate the excavation theefom, and the emainde of the main line 5 chains of dain to be tile dain and Banches One and Two, compising 9.7 chains of dain, to be tile dain. The ight of way to include a stip of land foty feet in width upon each side of the cente line of said main and banch dains. All angles to be tuned at a egula cuve of two ods each way fom the angle Btake. All connections fo side dains In the tile potion of the dain and fo catch basins to be made with Y connections. Total fall in main lin«.» feet. Total fall in the open potion of main line 9. feet. Total fall in Banch One 3.3 fee. Total fall in Banch A of Banch One,.3 feet. Total fall in Banch Two, 5.09 feet. Total length of main line, in ods, 90; total length of Banch One, in ods ; Total length of Banch A of Banch One, ^9 ods, links; total U-n^th of Banch Two, 0 ods; total length of dain,,05 ods HnkB. Magnetic ea 0 5' and tuned off by Venie of compass. Main line suveyed August and 7. Levels un August 30th. Banches.suv«>«d Octobe 5th. Levels un Octobe th JOHN McCREARY, Suveyo. \»y ode of F. MOWERS. County Dain Commissione. Said job will be let in one o moe sec- thence s 9.79 chs, thence w to beginning tions. The section at the outlet of the said Section Numbe Two dain will be let fist, and the emaining A piece of land commencing at (he nw sections, if any, in thei ode up steam, cone of e \ of ne fl \ thence s 9.03 chs, in accodance with the diagam now on thence e 5.7 chs, thence s.3 chs, file with the othe papes petaining to thence e. chs, thence n to a line ot said dain, in the office of the county dain section, thence w to beginning. commissione of the said county of Livingston, to which efeence may be hud by all of w \ post section, w 9.3 chs, thence A piece of Und commencing. chs n paties inteested, and bids will be made n 5. chs, thence e 5.7 chs. thence s and eceived accodingly. Contacts will 5.7 chs e.0 chs, thence to beginning. be made with the lowest esponsible bidde N pat of w J of ne fl ±, except a piece giving adequate secuity fo the pefomance of the wok, in a sum then and thee R e A w. A piece of land in ne cone of of land in ne cone 0 ods n A S by 3 to be fixed by me, eseving to myself the w } of ne fl J 3 R e A w by 0 K n A s. ight to eject any and all bids. At the E I of n fl of nw fl ^. same time and place of letting I will also TOWXSHIP OF HANDY let the contact fo the funishing of 5 Township of Handy at lage being township thee noth of ange thee east Michi ods of 5 inch, 30 ods of inch, 0 ods of inch and 0 ods of inch numgabe one ghzed Tile to be deliveed at such " VT, i i,i A. -i *tion Numbe Twenty-five, time and place ab will be announced at the W of w ) of ne \. E \ of nw } ex time of letting. No peson will be pemitted 0 bid upon the constuction of the cept w } of ne $ of ne \. SW \ e J of BW J of nw J. Dain o the funishing of the tile until Section Numbe Twenty-six. such peson shall have deposited with the E i of se J. County Dain Commissione the sum of Section Numbe Thity-live. FIFTY DOLLARS IN CASH, conditioned that if such peson should eceive Two E i of Ne }. S \ of w of ne \. E Ii of ofsei. Wiofsei. E^ of sw J. aces in squae fom in SE cone of NW$. the contact fo the constuction of the Dain o the funishing of the Tile he Section Numbe Thity-six. W :'{ of nw I of nw {. VV of sw i of shall ente into such contact and bond nw i. VV I of sw J. and with such sueties as may be suitable Now THEREFORE, All unknown aud to the County Dain Commissione. non-esident pesons, ownes and pesons The date fo the completion of such contact, and the tems of payment theefo, shall and will be announced at the time and place of letting. NOTICE is FURTHER HEREBY GIVEN, That at the time and place of said letting, o at such othe time and place theeafte, to which I, tha County Dain Commissione afoesaid, may adjoun the same, the assessments fo benefits and the lands compised within the ''Handy and Iosco Numbe Eight Dain Special Assessment Distict" and the appotionment theeof will be announced by me and wili be subject to eview fo one day fom nine o'colck in the foenoon until five o'clock in the aftenoon. The following is a desciption of the seveal tacts o pacels of land constituting the Special Assessment Distict of said Dain, vii: TOWNSHIP OP TOSCO Township of Iosco at lage, being township two noth of ange thee east Michigan. Section Numbe one. W I of n 0 aces of e 3 aces of nw fl J. A piece of land commencing at nw cone of section, thence s.^ chs, thence e.5 chs, thence n to n line of section, thence w to beginning. A piece of land 7 ods e A W by ods 3 Iks n A s in sw cone of nw fl \. A piece of ' land commencing. chs u of w J post, i thence n 9.79 cha, thence e.7 cha inteested in the above descibed lands, and you ttobet Alexande, Caie Alexande, Hen^y Sheldon, Augusta F Manning, Fank fmith. Castcn Dammon, Antouette Robets, Cecil A. Day, Eida Dej, Athu Munsell Bessie Munsel), Chailes Tnhn, William Aiex%nde, May Joy, Kettie Van Guilde, Alma Vedde, Eiva CadAell, Ella Conklin, and ydu William Sidell, Supeviso ot the Township ot Handy, and you Hebet Bings, Highway Commissione of tee Township of Handy, and Yon John P. Millett, Edwad B. ililett, Seth W. Fields, Zachens L Amstong;, Matha al. Amstong, J Dun Amstong, Thomas Amstong, William Amstong, Heny L. Jbewis. John J. Giefes and you Albm R. Pfan, Supeviso of the Township of Ios.o and yon Meil Coiby, Highway Commissione of the Township of Iosco, ae heeby notified that at the time and place afoesaid, o at such othe time and place theeafte to which said heaing may be adjouned, I shall poceed to eceive bids fo the constuction of said Handy end Iosco Numbe S dain in the manne heeinbefoe stated; and also, that at such time of letting fom nine o'clock in the foenoon until five o'clock in the aftenoon, the assessments fo benefits and the lands com- Sised within the Handy and Iosco No. ain special assessment disticts wili be abject to eview. And You and Bach of You, Ownes and pesons inteested in the afoesaid lands, ae heeby oited to appea at the time and place of such letting as afoesaid and be head with espect to such special assessments and joo inteests in elation theeto, if you so desie. Dated Howell, Mich. \ FRANK MOWER Januay th, A. D. 90. J County Dain Commiaaione of the ' County of Livingston. WBen yoe haw* cold tke ftn* *>ine) tal do is have tee bowels move. Do not teat anything that may coastipai^ and most old.fashioned cough coes do constipate. Ty Kennedys Laxative Cough Syup. It dives the cold fom the systsss by a fee yet gentle action of the bowels; it stops the cough, it \% pleasant to take. Childen like it. Sold by all duggists.. OR THE AMBITIOUS WOMAN, A geat man said, "Be not the fltt to ty a new thin* uo the last to fo* aake an old." ' But note, in this life the time al* ways comes to th.*uw ove the old fo the new. Time itself is change. You must change with time o fall behind the pocession. - ' Don't let pejudice keep you fom the benefits you neighbos enjoy,--* fom moden impovements in all lines. Baking Powdes have impoved along with eveything else. But you'll neve know it till you ty K C Baking Powde. Guaanteed the Best at Any Pice, the acme of pefection, the splendid esult of moden scientific eseach. If you don't agee that K C Baking Powde makes you baking lighte, aweete, moe delicious than. any othe, you goce efunds you money. The manufactues guaantee that you baking will always be pefectly aised, sweet and palatable, pue and wholesome. And K C costs you less, no "Tust" pices, but a fai pice fo a pefect Baking Powde. You'll mavel at the saving and ask how it can be done. Answe, "Not in the 'Tust.' *' TATE OK MICHIGAN, County ol Livingston S ss. Pobate Cout To said County. Kstate of EJJZA MCCOUACHIK,deceased The undesigned baing beei appointed, by the Jud^e of Pobate o' Said County, Commis, Blonea on Claims in the matte ot said estate, and fou months iom t.e th dm; of Januay a d. 90 having been allowed oy said Judge of Pobate to all pcaoda holding claims against said estate in which to pesent thei claime to as fo examination and adjustment. Notice is heeby given tbat we wili meet on the 7th day of Mach A. D. 90, and on the 9tb day of May A. D. 90, at ten o'clock a. m. of each day at the esidence of Pank E, Ives in the township of Unadilla in said County to eceive and examine such claims. Dated: Howell, Januay ti, A. I> 90. Line V. lvee i V Commicsiones on Claims Dennla Rockwell ) t ' TATB of MiomsAJf: The Pobate Cout fe the County of Livingston. At a session of said cout, held at the pobate office In the village of Howell, in said county, on the 0th day of Januay A. D 90. Pesent, Athu A, Montague, Judge of Pobate. In the matte of the estate ot ELIZA MCCOUACHIK, deceased Willis J. Pkkell having died in said cout his final account as special adninistato of said estate and hla petition paying fo the allowance theeof It B odeed that Thusday the th day of Febnia y A. D. 90, at ten o'clock in the foenoon, at said pobate office, be and is heeby appointed fo examining and allowing said account. It ie futhe odeed, tbat public nouae theeof be given by publieatloaof a copy ot this ode, fe thee successive weeks pevioaa to said day of heaing in the PINCKFKY DISPATCH, a newspape pinted and ciculated in said county. ARTHUR A. MONTAQUB, Jadgo of *Ot W A PROMPT, EFFECTIVE, BIMKDY FOR ALL FORMS OT RHEUMATISM Applied extenally it aaotee almost i> stent elief fom pain, while pemanent esults ae being effected by taking it in* [ tenaily, paifylnff the blood, dissollnf tbe poisonous substanoe and emoving it j fom the system. DR. C. L. QATC9 Hancock. Ulan., mleeei "A Utt«s^:b*aha»danchaw«a* back ea by Rhsoasatlaat and Kktney Toat* t*m coaldnotstajsdonhafmt. Thtnwm«t tbav pat h* dow* on the floo sta* TfiinaM with puna I tin up) i ba with ««i.ni»miik.*t3 IDROPS" I todat aha aaa anjet as well a*d Sepnyaeeaa b«i Dwetbe --ifcops H fo tsfawt. US oaellinmypmetlm- *^ " Lage! Battle "5-BROPtt" (»* lasses) Sl.oe. Fa Sale by ll*«eela*t>^ SWaltOI IHtORaTtB Bill BORHIY. fjtapt 0 7 Lake Steet. Ghfeaago SW ANSON PILLS Act ««iek^and S**>tly ttpon the digestive ogans, cay Ing'off the distubing* eiementa aad eetabliahing a healthy condition of the live, stomach and bowels. THK SE9T RVttKOY FOR COaSTlWTlOI at Oeeta Pe Sea at t

6 ,a*%*#to*t-.ij. ^v'^'v ;,y ' '. ;.' t.: ',«>; 'I.'' X "'.«v...,*;. > *v. *;^ ' «* * ' --^--,- ** M,»'»> '-v v*. ^) " i? ' 't,» "t#..j*" ¾. - * * M^I'A JW^:'.'-,^^- J 'lit,,.,'''' < ' *- RAJUKOAD ASSESSMENTS FIXED BY TAX COMMISSION EXCEED THOSE OF ONE YEAR AGO. RATE IS $,5 HIGHER. Figues -on Telegaph and Telephone, Expess and Ca Companies Also Made Public Total State Tax S5V 99,30.9. Satuday moning the tentative assessment of aiload companies was announced, and It is geneally expected that fo the next tew weeks the tax commission will be compelled to entetain clamoing: aiload epesentatives who have tales of woe to elate* and seek to have the valuation educed. It Is safe to say that the kicks will be loud and long in nealy evey instance, as the assessments have.been tilted consideably above last yea's figues. Last yea the assessed valuation of the aiload companies amounted to 07,305,000, while this yea's figues show it to be $,90,000, an incease of,5,000. The aveage ate pe $,000 In 90 was $,005, while fo 909 it Is $0.7, an incease of $,- 5. Thee has been an Incease in the state tax ove 90 of $,75, In 907 it was $,,7.37, and in 90 it was $,9, This yea the figues ae $5,99,30.9. The assessed valuation of eal estate has inceased $3,90,3 ove a yea ago, and of pesonal popety $5,993,95. The Ann Abo aiload Is assessed at $7,700,000, which is a eduction of $3,000; Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, $3,75,000. an Incease of $75,- 000; Chicago & Nothwesten, $,- 9,000, an incease of $00,000; Coppe Range, $,00,000, an incease of $7,000; Detoit & Mackinac. $,00,000, sn Incease of $35,000; Gand Rapids & Indiana emains the same, $,000,- 000; Lake Shoe & Michigan Southen, $,37,000, an incease of $7,- 000; Michigan Cental, $5,5,000. an incease of $,97,0; Pee Maquette, $3,05,000, an incease of $,35,000; Mipneapolis. St. Paul & Sault Ste. Maie, $,,000, an incease of $5,000; Duluth, South Shoe & At'antic. $9,- C00,000, a decease of $75,000; Gand Tunk. $5,0,000, an incease of $3,000. Dys Win In Kent County. Thee will be a local option election in Kent county in Apil. Final and decisive settlement of this question was eached when the supevisos, by a vote of 3 to 9, adopted a esolution that an election be held accoding to the demand of the Bignes of the local option petitions. The sentiment of the boad was ascetained when a vote was taken on the question of adopting the minoity epot, It was evident that the dys pedominated, and the vote stood to 7 in favo of accepting the epot. This was the tue test, fo when the vote was taken on the subject of submission many switched thei votes and Jumped on the pohibition band wagon. Few Claims on the Fund. Tn the state teasuy thee is $9,-, known as state bounty fund, which was ceated by an act of the legislatue of 9, and oiginally contained $00,000. The appopiation was made fo the pupose of paying claims against the state, dating fom the beginning of the civil wa, but appaently thee ae only a few of these which have been pesented to the audito-geneal. as the fund has not been touched since May, 907, when $00 was paid out. Befoe the legislatue of 9 eeated the bounty fund accounts wee paid fom the geneal fund upon the appoval of the audito-geneal, but 'the lawmakes decided that It would be a bette plan to ceate a special fund, and they placed It sufficiently high so that It would neve be ovedawn. Many of the enties made in the ledge page used fo the pupose pio ito 9 contain many inteesting accounts. In 7 a bill was paid fo a team of oxen which was killed by a tain, tanspoting a company of voluntees to Detoit. It is pobable that unless moe iwoads ae made upon this fund duing the next few yeas, It will be eased fom the ledge and again placed In the geneal fund. Would Make Copoations Pay. A suggestion will be made at the next legislatue by the state aiload commission fo an amendment to the law giving the commission supevisoy powe ove the public sevice copoations, which will equie that class of copoations to aid in the maintenance of the depatment. It Is poposed that, when a copoation asks fo the authoity to issue stocks and bonds and an investigation of the poject Is necessay that the inteested copoation be equied to pay a eetain sum to cove the cost of the investigation. The Goodich Tansit Co. has given up its sevice into Muskegon fom" Chicago on account of the bad weathe conditions. MICHIGAH BRIEFS. Bating dinne a Jew days ago County Teasue fcosbafc of,manlstioue, -Jopnd -'a- l*we pealtn oystes that bad; beev e^ted him; Posha has sent the gem to New Yok to ascetain its value. C. A. Conno, of Detoit, pesident of the Owoaso Ice Ceam Co., has bought the old Exchange hotel at Owosso, and will emodel it into <a fie-poof hotel v with a fist class theate on the Jpoitac floo. Clain*-e«gtgating,0,000 fom the vaious state Institutions have tacked up in the audito-geneal's office since the fist of the yea, The money has not been coming in fast enough to pay them off. Ms. Jacob Bonesox dove to Litchfield to consult D. L. A. Howad, not having been feeling well fo some time. Afte leaving the docto's office she dopped dead fom heat disease as she was getting into he cutte. J. Foce, 7 yeas old, a bick mason, fell two stoies when his scaffold boke. He boke his ight shoulde and eceived many ugly scalp wounds. He was taken to a hospital in Lansing. His ecovey is doubtful. Buied beneath tons of sand, the body of Osca Mattila, the last of the fou mines entombed by a sudden un of mud a month ago at Negaunee, was discoveed Thusday. The body was badly mutilated. A widow suvives. A joint meeting of the boad of tustees of the asylums of the * state will be held at the Kalamazoo institution Jan. 0. A pogam of unusual inteest has been pepaed and seveal impotant mattes will be discussed. Gov. Wane and the othes of the Michigan paty who attended the dedication of the battleship Michigan, in Philadelphia, last week, stopped in Washington on the etun tip and paid thei espects to Pesident Taft. John W. Hatfield, aged 5, a civil wa vetean and a esident of Michigan since the state woe shot desses, is dead at his home in Niles. He came to Niles by ox-team in 30, and opeated the fist keel boat on the St. Joseph ive. The J. W. Wells Lumbe Co., of Menominee, has been dissolved, and in its place has been oganised the J. W. Wells Flooing Co., which will opeate the lagest factoy in the wold fo the manufactue of hadwood flooing. It was announced at the Gand Tunk shops that,000 new automobile'cas wee to be built and that a lage cew of wokingmen would be secued. The cas ae longe than an odinay feight ca and have doos on each end instead of on the sides. Five hunded Foestes and many fiends gatheed at the Majestic theate, Pot Huon, to pay tibute of espect to Elliott G. Stevenson, supeme chief ange of the Independent O de of Foestes. M, Stevenson was pesented with a silk umbella and a set of diamond cuff links. At a meeting of the diectos of the Westen Michigan Development bueau at Tavese City, new aticles of incopoation wee adopted poviding fo a boad of ten diectos. The old offices wee e-elected and a committee was appointed to daft bylaws. A vigoous campaign fo 90 was outlined. State Sanitay Enginee Thomas S. Alnge is the man chosen by the state to go to Gemany, at the expense of the Cao and Blissfleld suga companies, to Investigate the methods in use thee to dispose of waste mateials fom the suga factoies without killing fish in the steams. With W. H. Wallace, of Saginaw, geneal manage of the Michigan Suga Co., Ainge will leave about Feb. fo a two months' stay in the old county. In the state teasuy thee is $9,-, known as state bounty fund, which was ceated by an act of the legislatue of 9, and oiginally contained $00,000. The appopiation was made fo the pupose of paying claims against the state, dating fom the beginning of the civil wa, but appaently thee ae only a few of these which have been pesented to the audito-geneal, as the fund has not been touched since May, 907, when $00 was paid out. Following the police aids of SE> week on places whee gambling wa, found to be going on in Benton Ha bo, fou waants wee seved on th*: popieto of the Pfleste pool ooia and the Lion saloon. Selling liquo in a pool oom, keeping saloon,open on a holiday and gambling ae tht? chages bought on evidence secuec by Mayo Beits. The latte has announced that he will be a candidate fo e-election In the sping, eady tc abide by the decision of the people on iiis stict law enfocement plat fom. Secetay Muay, of the state boad of coections and chaities epots that the jail situation in Alcona conn ty Is in need of investigation, and the boad will pctoably act on his epot The jail thee buned two yeas ago and fo some time the sheiff kep«his pisones In the Alpena count? building. Incidentally taking 0 cent* pe mile fom his county fo the taveling made necessay. A new building was stated on the foundation of the old, but the supevisos disageed and the incomplete building was given a tempoay and poo oof. Now, is said, this oof is leaking badly, uining the walls of the stuctue and the inteio, and though thee is $,00 in the teasuy the supeviso? will not allow it to be used fo epai ing the oof. LAMPHERE CONFESSED. helped Ms. Qunness to Kill and Buy He Victims. Ray Xaophea, who died ecent!j n the Indiana penitentiay at. Michigan City, whl'e seving * tem fo letting fie to the home of Ms, Belle 3unnesi, nea Lapote, Ind., and canning the death of the ach-niudeett, he thee childen and a hied gil, left a confession that he had been an accomplice of the vch-mudaeea who lued 0 men to he home unde pomise of maiage, obbed them and then killed them, buying thei bodies In he gounds. Lamphee's confession, which is published in the Post' Dispatch, wan made as he lay at the point of death. He said he assisted Ms. Gunneen in disposing of the bodies of thee of he many victims. Lamphee said he saw one of the men killed ana that he aided in buying all thee. These men wee Andew Helgeleln and pobably Ole Budsbeg and Tonness Petesen Lien. Lamphee said be thought be had eceived as much money fo his pat in disposing of the bodies as he consideed himself entitled to and that he went to the famhouse at night with a woman, chloofomed Ms. Gunness, he thee childen and Jennie Olson, the hied gil, and obbed the house of between $0 and $70. The light they used was a candle and they left the house without know* lng they had left behind a spak that soon bust into flames. Ms. Gunness' method of killing he victims, Lamphee said, was to fist chloofom them as they slept and then, if the dug did not itself kill, to seve thei heads with an ax. WIRELETS.?]W Afte a six months' tie-up because of low wate, packet sevice to Louisville, Cincinnati and New Oleans fom Pittsbug was esumed on the Ohio ive. Lieut. Daniel Shean. of the Sixteenth infanty, who disappeaed fom his command at Fot Leavenwoth, Kan,, moe than thee months ago, has been dopped fom the olls of the amy. The Boston Young Men's Chistian association building, at the cone of Boylston and Bekeley steets, in the Back Bay distict, was destoyed by fie ealy Thusday. The loss will exceed $00,000. The latest convet to the anks of the Buffagettes is Ms. Stuyvesant Fish, the New Yok and Newpot so- I ciety leade. She says he convesion was effected by the eloquence of Ms. O. H. P. Belmont. Willad J. Cawfod, eal estate man, fome Republican leade in Cleveland, patne of fome Gov. Myon T. Holck, and close fiend of the late Senato Hanna, died at his home Thusday, aged 5 yeas. Death was caused by cance. Vice-Pesident Chales C, Adams, of the Postal Telegaph & Cable Co., vigoously denied thee ia any plan on foot to mege the vaious telegaph inteests and asseted that the keenest competition would still continue between the Postal and Westen Un«ion companies, THE MARKETS. DETROIT Cattle Maket actlv# anfl stong to 0c highe than last week's close, We quote best stees and heifes, $5.i!ft$; stees and heifes,,000 to,00 lbs. $5.B $5.75; stees and heifes, S00 to,000 lbs,.7(5.0; stee* and heifes that ae fat. 0 to 700 lbs, $3,ffi)$.5; choice fat cows, $ $.75; good fat ows, 3.@$3.5; common cows, f3. 3.5: cannftm, I@$.; choice heavy bulls, $.B0 $5; fai to good bolognas, bulls, $3.7P $-5 stock bulls, $3.; choice feeding stees, 00 to,000 lbs, $. J.5; fai feeding stees, 00 to,000 lbs, $ $.5: choice stockes..00 to 700 lbs, $$3.75 $; fai stockes, 0 to* 700 lbs, $3/5 $3.; stock heifes, milkes, lage, young, medium age, $0 $55; common milkes, $0 $35, Veal calves maket, c lowe than last week, steady with Wednesday. Best, $9@$9,; common, dull, at $5 $, Milch cows and spinges Steady. Sheep and lam bi^- Maket, 0c lowe than on Wednesday, 0c to 5c lowe than Thusday. Beat lambn, $.5 $.0; fai to good lambs/ $ ; light to common lambs, f.75@j7.5; yealings, $.; fai t<v good sheep, $. $5; culls and common, $3.5 $3.75. Hoga Maket, 0c highe than Wednesday and 0c to 5c lowe than last Thusday. Range of pices; Light to good butches, $. $.70; pigs, $.5!$.9: light yokes, $'." $.; stags, -3 off. East Buffalo Maket steady. Hogs: maket stong: heavy. I.0fftf.90; yokes, $.70 $.75; piss, $.70. Sheep: maket slow: best lambs. $.75; yealings, $7.">0tfM; wethes. $ $fi.0; ewes, $5. $5.75. Calves, $5@$0.7B. GRAIN, ETC WHEAT Cash No. ed, $.7: May opened with an advance of Mc at $.¾ and advanced to. $.9; July opened at $.0fi\, advanced to $.07¼ and closed at $.07; No. white, $.7. CORN Cash no. 3, 3¼^ No. 3 yellow. cas at 70c, closing at &B\hc asked; No. yellow, ca at flflc. OATS Standad, ca at c, closing at He; No. 3 white, ca at e. RYE Cash No., ca at Hc 3 at 5c. KT?ANc_a«h. $.0: Mach. $.IB CLOVERSEED Pime spot. $9; Mach, $9.0; sample, 9 bags at $.0, at $: pime alsike. $7.90; wimple alslke. 5 bags at $«, 7 at $.75, at $7. FEED Tn 00-lh. sacks, jobbing lots. Ran. $; coase middlings, $: fin* middlings, $«0: cacked con and coase bonmeal, $; con and oat chon. *fi pe ton. FLOUR Best Michigan patent. $fi.v; odinav patent. $ft.iv staight, $,0*.; clea, $: pne ye, $.5; sping pntent, $.5 pe bbl. in wood, Jobbing' SSARTMAN yi%»swifl Fo Ow* Ha Ha* Asked Question and fteoelved Answe Tfctt f) "^ (t ii m >> He was a te«ttla* p«ton ofihe tauant Pehaps that Is why be fall justified ia making cleve emaks-to the waitesses, emaks which the wee puzsled how to answe. One day, howeve, the smallest and tiniest gil happened to be seving this iitating custome, and it (ell to he to answe him in kind. "I'll have some steak," he said, coming in late fo dinne, "and soma squash, and some got some baked potatoes, fine, bown, baked potatoes?" "Baked potatoes ae all ove," said the gil. He leaned back in his chai and gaaed at he quifcitcally. "Baked potatoes all ove, ae they?" he epeated. "All ove what?" "With," she eplied, simply. Youth's Companion. Rich Teitoy Opened Up. The development of the BatiUan Amazon valley must in time amount to untold wealth. In the states of' Paa and the Ama&onas and the fed* ea! teitoy of Ace thee ae nea the wate's edge 0,000,000 ubbe* beaing tees of the Hevea vaiety. These tees, if popely tapped, will live indefinitely and steadily incease thei yield. The BtateofPaa is consideably lage than Texas, and much of it will gow excellent cotton. Excused. "Shame on you! You came home last night actually tipsy." "So I did, my dea. I just couldn't esist the pleasue of seeing two of you at once." A Question of Time. "How much does it cost to get maied?" asked the eage youth. "That depends entiely on how long you live," eplied the Bad-looking man. Pettit's Eye Salve fo Ove 00 Yeas has been used fo congested and inflamed eyes, emoves nlm o scum ove the eyes. All duggists o Howad Bos., Buffalo, N. Y. Though a man may become leaned by snothe's leaning, he can neve be wise but by his own wisdom. Montaigne. Did you eve have a good, old-fashboy's stomach ache? Of couse toned boy a you have. A little dose of Hamlins Wizad Oil will chase awaj a colicky pain in the stomach like magic. One way to acquie a eputation fo amiability is to agee with evey simpleton you meet. DON'T MEGLECT THAT COUGH It e«l»inly acks yon itteia and may un Into something seious. Allen'i L*nff BoU*m will check. It quickly and pemanenuj. Fo sal* at all duggists* What a gloious county this would be to live in if tukeys wee as easily aised as cats! FILES CURED IN TO «DATS. PAZO OIOTMBNTisaftanteed to coe ao eam of Itching, Blind, Bleeding o Potuding Piles la fio"ud»fi o money efunded. 0o. Of couse, a man can't help admiing a fashionably attied woman unless he pays the feight. Ms. Wlnalow's Soothing fljmp. TOT childen teething, «>ften»th» gani, (lamination, nllsyipejn, ewe* wtedoollu. ae, 3«edo UOM laa bottle. Men deseve espect only as the; give it. (JOODKOI'S <l <IIHIU.IIIiniMIMII>IMI>»lll)lUM>tMlllMI'Mt lli ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AVfetfelabk Pepaation fo Assimilating fticfood andrctf ufcting the Stowado and Bowels i * I M W I S ( niluki.n Pomotes DsgestionCheefutnessand Rest.Contains neithe Ophim.Mophine no Mineal NOT NABC OTIC Ap fouiksaimimtn* MxJtm*»/af ftsfa %m " V - A pefect Remedy fo Cons tipslion, Sou Stomach.Diahoea, Woms.Convulsions.Feveishnets and LOSS OF SLEEP fc Sinsfct Signatue of?fe CENTAUR COWPAWVV, NEW YORK, \ f <» in i«), -v -.!>! ' \ DllM.S I M ' ' 'anteed unde the Copy of Qtw H\wmW ** *_.,_ " Musi" fa*afc^.**d«.th* ( employe caying ooe tf the bannes* In the St. PnttoKt ^^,^^¾^ It^sH** bu^foff wok * naues "djdnvl as* you caying sometkibf fa tb*.paade yesteday?". «tis* adjstitted Michael, blushing scalet, "but (MJxad so suspicion m«, bottle made me hip Pockot^tiSL?* so muc&"-tl&it«e^^ aiine. WESTEII CANADA m^-. :-': MCfS U mppiie* vsotjm IvnTbf tek*n t* ft HSfLS* ittoalow} ttmlajf«bojb*! tovtaoea ible SSoitS* LC*tt M 553 'the. < ovtmntowafu. wltotql o to Un a QoMHuaBtat <A MU> C. A. Lwit, lestt «a Bet* JHek, (UNaottMjMitmtjwiLa WHATS You Health Woth? You stat sickness by misteating natue and it geneally shows fist ia the bowels and live. A ioc box (week'steatment) of CASCARETS will help natue help }<XL They will do moe using them egulaly as yott need than than any medicine on Beth. Get a box today; take a CACABBT tonight Bette in the moning. It's the esult that makes millions take them. OUT THIS OUT, mail It with ytm addess to Steling Remedy Oo.. Ohleago, III., and eeelva haodsom* wttt«ai gold Boa Bon FIUUL ABso RBINL om^fiss; una, nan «/Ut«, Boliei sol wouing** Lamenoaa, and allays la oiatoklt w ltaout BUatalnw, emoving smotngthenai.o t nenal. o laying i tbe hoa. up. Plenasntto use pe bottle. ABSOBBINK, JR., (mankind UM ' M a and SMI boule.) Fo Stain*. Gout, Valeoea Veins,."_.,Vanoa» eele, Hydocele, PoeuUU»,ElU»pftln. _ Toun ToudugglBt ean supply aodgwe efeences, wl" ill tall *-" you - OMH* if you wite. Manufactued only by w.. locie,. a.., sit *mtkt St., DR. J. D. KELLOQQ'S ASTHMA Remedy fo the pompt elief of Asthma and Hay Favo. Aak you tfugglat fo It. Wit* fa FRIt SAMPL NORTHROP * LYaUN CO. U, BUFFALO. N. Y. Ittagaiald A Oo. Pa^ttyTtBox ITwaaUntton.IxO: Ii aflueted with oe eyes, a '»,! Thompson '! Eyt Wa.t CUSTOM To Infttnto *md ChMone The,Kind You Have Always Bi Beas the BiaSDfttuo Of Fo Ove Thity Yeas :-tt «&;.C^.l. '..KTJ J tfjtjkl^t. ^...-^.,^,.,.,,.,^^^. ^»W^<W»HI* SE^aaK^^cVSa^^» :»**-tfi

7 ' - * f ^.M -... * ' v. '-/,!.f> ' - ' ' ' : : ' '.J" '... ' ' ' -.. >, - -*X* pte&j '.t.---i-....'- '* ".-T : ' '.--i ;. $ +~m CHANCt FMf BARGAIN. lim i^tiyiiitfgjff ],."'I,K, ¾ :,. ' - -i -. : ^. >- V -» ^: By FLORA FIELD of Thine *<&* a. '.V ^^** - m:. m- tj* t...» IP (Copyl«k/toyShot g^oti** Co* Jd.) HllfintTlttt^ a»te steet a bid* Fattie, and then yon must talk stead* ouw»«w«itef*ttnt * jw eath, tly unsttl tell ydu to atop. I am staving to bea and (ean staving." MTfioei - bj itto#g.^e*q*t$ <!* emitie. *f MWSSfcVlnif,^ &ith Be went to the old ed bick house, ** i«j! lid <*jcaiy' (Lw^tht*, U**: sat in Its quaint gaden custed with in* fo the nonce, athe a homely ice, and when he aised the bass At cosy aspect The post ott*>». was knocke she opened the doo to him HM M!«of tbe town'*-«ocul lite; ** gaciously. The aftenoon was a vivid tsmossstsg the poimpafjilfltfom, the pleasue to he; his talk was of books fames' stock exohan«e, the ^OBWD'S and tavel He told he of life in geasai iotein»eace oftce> tfie' ona* India, Japan; Egypt; his eminiscences wee full of cham and vigo. JopwledttA subtle tystuif place. Thin huht the ottce was packed and? She dank in all he descibed, thlistlly. AlioSi e ehufie of feet and speimo* te tp w -- fe? f * a^"»»mdeevvthe «ul^hyiaaitt beat of fta^tplntj let- Mlftiuw..' CajjH^ap. cilp^la -*" aeayentlifying lightning pecision. -At once this noise ceased. Thee was an Instant move fowad.. The small ftoyg squimed wildly tinde elhows to,equint an eye against a cack o a foeffcox glass. Then the slide of the geneal delivey window ; was pushed up, suddenly evealing in a sjohvof light the head an.shouldes o a young woman. It was a statling fame fo any face; that of the gil dealing-out lettes might have.nested as an Illuminated saint of the moden at This gil looked a deame, an Idealist, a soul In its last chysalis, and not fo a- moment the postmistess of a Missoui village, almost within sight of the smoke of Kansas City. Yet she. was hon and bed thee, and he little jouney into the wold had been no futhe than to St Louis. He fathe, Attoney Culve, had been a gentleman, a schola, and a pocastinating lawye, with a mania fo taking the measuement of his clients' heads and deducing thei ancestal ace. When he mothe, who had been a patient Invalid, died, the fathe followed, eatically, as was his went, his last thought a belief that his docto's head showed distinct tacey of the tibes of nothen Asia. No povision was left The judge secued fo he the modest govenment office. He name was Cathaine. Above all othe taits was he compehensive and sensitive intuition that la the flowe of simple living and the sometime gift of gief. The fist ush to the window expended Itself pecipitately, the bulk of the mall was soon distibuted, and the cowd thinned gadually away. Then the doo opend again and a man enteed. He stalked up to the window/ He was big, he was blocked out In angula lines, as the- muscula Bitishe is; he was ed and bonzed, somewhat bulbous eyed;, his clothes wee a mystey of ough tweed. When he spoke, his voice was a pleasant scenic ailway of English inflections. "B have yon anything fo Capt Gaceland e I should say, Capt. Vivian Oaceland?" "QAceland e- Q, you know," the man said patiently. She was studying the B*s. She-smiled fankly. A sense of humo bings its own self-possession. "It might have been H, the way f the English apell names," she eplied, impulsively. "How did you know I was English?" The question was humoous. She glanced though the lettes quickly. "Thee Is nothing fo you," she anweed, decisively. He felt a ebuke. - "Thanks," he said, aising his hat slightly, and stalked out "Have you got anything fo mef It was the HigginsvlUe voice. She thought Jfje could measue the Infinite diffeence between this and the othe. i, "Not to-night, Jim." "You haven't looked." you. I have been culpably weak I cae fo you, you know I am not fee to ask you to give me youself. I am maied." "I undestand," she answeed each pause widened the boundaies between them "it was a kind lie at the last. I thank you fo it, and fo the tuth. Good-by." Jim found he at home an hou late. "'Thine," he said, "I've come to ask you if you'e goin' away." "No, I am not going," she answeed thoughtfully. **I did believe this wasn't the place fo you, somehow," he continued, "you always seemed to me like a white ose it an old bown clay bowl, hee. } have loved you eve since the fist time I noticed the blue of the sky ah^ the geen of the tees, an' eveything that was good in me has followed the, whispe of you name. If my love can mean happiness to you, 'Thine, will you take it She aised he hands, moving tc The Hlg-him with temulous wonde. ginsville voice bent Itself to nea a woman's gentleness. Cathaine took the mail once moe. She found a lette fo Jim Wilson. He lingeed a jnomest, then left, twinging away with the Inevitable gace of a'geat stength and a gloious youth. When Cathaine closed the office and stated home, she mef him going in the same diection, and he guaded he to he gate. He had waited an hou In the cold fo this. He geneally did the sot of thing one eads about*-? Tbf^fengltsh office called epeated The winte snowed itself along, and the Englishman still emained. Seveal times be went to Texas, to St Louis, to Kansas City, but he etuned with as little, delay as possible. He sent Cathaine books and boxes of oses. She had neve owned anything so lovely in he life. Then he went up to Kansas City fo a week. Telegams came fo him, which Jim's best fiend eceived with long and tuneless whistles, it got about somehow such news invaiably' does, and in Higginsville a telegam and a postal cad wee public popety. A cowd in the postofflce discussed it befoe mail opened. "It neve would e been found out on him, if he hadn't been dealin' with e Missoui fool 'at hadn't no moe sense than to tellygaf him about it." ' "He's e plum ascal, that's the tuth." "That is not tue." The side doo of the malloom opened. Cathaine stood in the theshold, beathless. Thee was a heavy quiet. "No, howdy you know?" asked Cy Bake. "Because he is a gentleman, not a thief; because I am his only fiend \ hee, and must speak fo him," she eplied. "No, he ain't ccme 'ound you fe no good; we seen that all the time," put in anothe woman. "What's hisl intentions towads you, I'd like to know?" "I think thee can be no doubt of my Intentions to Miss Culve, when I state that I asked he last night to be my wife." The Englishman had enteed. His voice was the cold, polished tool of the wold. Cathaine aised he face and looked at him unseeingly. Then she shut the doo and deliveed the evening mall. He was waiting fo he when she had finished, and without a wod led he to the yellow bluff along the ive. A silve Blip of moon hung ove the gidling distances beyond. "I have not been tue to much in my life," he said, afte a tense pause. His eyes wee looking past all spingtime. "But I will be tue now to Out in the gaden Aunt Pattis stepped delicately along the pim path She had been digging about the lilies of the valley and puning the moss, oses, as she was fond of doing to the last hou, when the days lengthened. Life In Manchuia. All though Manchuia the county people live in villages and go out fom the villages to thei wok In the fields. In many places no dwellings ae visible- fo many miles and one can almost imagine one's self among the bonansa fams of the Dakota*. Thee is not enough labo in the county to ly fo mail. Thee wee egisteed sow and havest the cops, and thousands of coolies come in evey yea epistles and miscaied lettes which acted as a bidge ove fomality on fom Shantung povince, eceiving whit* Cathaine end. he met wages of ten to thity cents gold pe He told he who his people wee in day, and swaming back to thei England,, and asked k if. ht;hhght oail homeland again at- the -appoach of winte.^ PaetioaUy alt-ol jke fam "WnJ,not ah* asked, k>okl** p**t wok; is done by hand tools and by hin^fth^d stoe aooge the way, the most back-beaking of methods, Ameican Review of Reviews. vias^wkv ffhidow- labeled: "The eme* Famous ChfD Cud: "Yes, -Lives uv geat men oft emind u> Aflg*H»fcse at* bosses ought to And ne." Fo Sale Cheap Aeepiane Owne No Futhe Use. Afte the Hunt Povided with some tophies of the chase in the shape of abbits, Rev. Sanfod C. Hean, pasto of the Fist Methodist Episcopal chuch, Yonkes. poceeded to dess them fo dinne In the pasonage cella. His small son watched the fathe's wok with inteest Going upstais, the youngste called his mothe. "Oh, mamma," said he, "what do you suppose papa is doing?" "I can't guess, child. What is he doing?" "Wei, he's just skinning, shaving and cutting up cats." Thes is moe Catah in this seettoa of the eoaaty than all othe diseases put toothe, and until the last tow yeani was supposed to be incuable. Fo gnat many yean doctos ponounced It a local dlseasa and pescibed local emedies, aud by constantl falling to cue with local teatment, ponounced it Incuable. Setenee has poven Catah to be a constitutional disease, and theetoe equies eonstltuttooal teatment Hais Catah Cue, manufactued by F. J. Cheney Co.. Toledo. Ohio,-* the only Constitutional cue on the maket. It is taken Intenalh*- hi doses fom 0 dops to a teaspoonful It acts diectly oa the Mood and mucous sufaces of the system. They offe oas hunded dollas fo any case It (alls to cus, Send to ciculas and testimonials. Addess: P. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Duggists, 7flc Tnkf HaiilfFamJly FUla fo constipation. He Was an Old Hand. "Do not ange me!" she said, stenly. "How am I to know when you ae angy?" be asked. "I always stamp my feet," she answeed. "Impossible," he said. "Thee isn't oom fo a stamp on eithe of them!" That fetched he. Lippincott's. A New Dess fo 0 Cents, the cost of a package of Dyola Dyes. You don't have to know whethe it is cotton, wool, silk o mixed goods. Dyola gives the same fast billiant colos on all goods. Comes in colos. At you deale's o if not in stock we will send you any colo fo 0 cents with diection book and colo cad. Dyola, Bulington, Vt The Wost of It. "Oh, she's awful. Wheneve she ties to sing a song she simply mudes it." "But that's not the wost of it. If she'd only 'mude Is outight wouldn't mind, but she totues it so long." If You Ae a Tifle Sensitive About the size of you shoes, many people wea smalle shoes by using Allen's Foot-Ease, the Antiseptic Powde to Bhake into the shoes. ait vet cues est Tied, and comfot. Swollen, Aching Feet and Just the thing fo making in new shoes. Sold eeywbee, Sc. Sample sent FRE Addess, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Let us have faith that ight makes might, and in that faith let us dae to do ou duty as we undestand It HAMS' PAINKILLER has no substitute. No othe emedy Is so effpetie fo heumatism, lumbago, stiffness neualflb o cold of any sot. Put up in c. 35c and Wo bottles. Money talks in spite of the fact that lots of men want to keep it quiet ONLY ONB "BROMO QUININ" That is LAXATVB BROMO OTJlNINS. Look tot tbe signatue of K. W. GROVB. Used the Wold ove to Cae a Cold In One Day. &c. Most of a man's mends ae of the long-distance vaiety. DODDS ''' KIDNEY /, PILLS L KiDNEV l JABETES 'Gua**! W. N. U., DETROIT, NO When shown positive and eliable poof that a cetain emedy had cued numeous cases of female ills, wouldn't any sensible woman conclude that the same emedy would also benefit he if suffeing with the same touble? Hee ae two lettes which pove the efficiency of Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. FltehyiHe, Ohio. * My daughte wag an an down, suffeed fom pains inne side, head and limbs, and ooold walk hot a shot distance at a time. She came vey nea having; nevous postation, had begun to cough a good deal, and gfwinod melancholy by spells. She tied two doctos but got little help. Since taking* Lydia & Pinkham'B Vegetable Compound, Blood Puifie and live Pills she has im- Ipoved so mnch that she feels and looks like anothe gil* Ms. C. Cole, Fitchvflle, Ohio* Iasbog, Vemont, "I feel It my duty to flay a few wods in paise of you medicine* When I began taking it I had been vey sick with kidney and bladde toubles and nevous postations I am now taking the sixth bottle of Lydia Pmkham' Vegetable Compound and find myself geatly Impoved* My fiends who call to see me have noticed a geat change. 9 * Ms. A. H. Sanbon* Iasbug> Vemont. We will pay a handsome ewad to any peson who will pove to usthat these lettes ae not genuine and tuthful o that eithe of these women wee paid in any way fo thei testimonials, o that the lettes ae published without thei pemission, o that the oiginal lette fom each did not come to us entiely unsolicited. «i What moe poof can any one ask? * Fo 0 yeas Lydia Ffnkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standad emedy fo female ills. No sick woman does justice to ^.^_^ ^-tliisftamous medicine. _ oots and hebs, and i to its cedits Ms. Pinkham Invites all sick women to wite he fo advice. She has thousands to health fee of chage. Piiikhaiiia Lynns Mftftfu "Califonia Now o Neve!" If eve yon wiahed fo a home ia Califonia send fo fee infomation abont the geatest t!ga> tlon, colonising and home-making' entepise eve undetaken. In addition to thei geat success in Iigating socuwo aces in the Twin Falls County, Idaho, the Kuhns ae iigatinf S5O,00Sac«s in the Sacamento Valley. Send names of fiends. Easy tems to settles. We wank yon. fiend 0c fo S* ,,» _.«< pag«book i Q colon. H. L Holliste, Dept K. 05 LaSalk St., Chicago, HL THE Famous SWJMl THS\ NO STROPPING KNOWN TMa PATENT As Ideal Petest _amp Once a Ravo use alwavs one The RAYOLAMP» a fctjtaatfe lamp, wu «a low pice. TW» ae Isaps that cost note, sot thee is no bette lamp at any pice. The Bone, the Wick, the Chimnejf.Hokfc---aU ae vital things ia a lamp; these pats of the RAYO LAMP ae pefectly constucted and thee is nothing known ta the at of lamp-making that could add to the value of the RAYO a* a Lght-gmng deice. Seitable fo any oom ia any house. NO BONING woatoovaa Booksjai adlcsfrm. tafistumm, Wsshinttoa, no. Set. yxs. Best afaaoesa. Key dnaln eveywhee. If not at Tons, wite fo desetptie cicula to the neaest Ajency of tbe STANDARD OIL COMPANY UaeopoatedJ K HAIR BALSAM CtsBosM sad bamtiflet Sw asm Pit)»no>M _a, nmujewl pw% ICIIMI FIRM MIMlie KKD BTAHP TOR FREE CATALOG 0 OITSS dsaelptloa. pies, lomttoa. osus. Cleatafaooaa O Wilson, 9nm* easts*, This is the Season to Paint Inside. TUTHZLB tbe cold weathe Is hee a a good time to paint the little W thingi aound the hon*. With a can of paint and a bush you can make thmgt look bight and new with vey little touble and the time will be well spent. Bighten Up now befoe the wam weathe comes when you will be busy out of doos. Ask you deale fo SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS AND VARNISHES?«< 00 CANAt, ROAD, CLEVELAND, OHIO PUTNAM FADELESS DYES ^^^^^^^ %aw» s^^e^rssnr^rjrs ' > ;fc :¾ < : * ^:--^ >.?* >" ' -^:,' ' '' " {' V s * l**' 't S #* :>.&! fy * >» «OW. ^, ','.:' *_>,.. *?,-v.* ": * -.»..

8 -j mmmasmmmm.. «^. ^ ^ ^.. \ ". ' i» i *. > * * - ^:-.,'V J.#m.t -...v«.y..: jlmtfvm*.»^jh'**'- «,- i'&'f' -MA, 'Wf, Of * New Goods Don't Pail to Bee ou 5 and 0 cent Tables Kitchen Wae, Ladles' and Gents' Funishings, Notions of all Kinds Visit the Bagain Table Wednesday of each week Goods Guaanteed as Repesented Y.fi.HILL,"" Howell, Michigan Next to Johnsons Dug Stoe PATENTS pomptly obtained In» counties OR NO FE TRANaARKS, Caveats and Cop/i!*!*»» e«i*- isieed. Send Sketch, Moitel o flioto, tnx m i RCHMT OD patentability. VnttiU pactice exclusively. BANK RKtCRKNCES. Bend cents iu st&jupa to ou two Invaluable books on NOW TO OBTAIN and SELL PAT ENTS, Which ones will pay, How to net a i>:itoe, patent law and othe valuable lnfumat ion. D. SWIFT & CO. PATENT LAWYERS;,303 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. LEMON BITTERS If Lemon Bittes is the Enemy of the Docto, it is suely the Poo Man's Fiend, as it will do it3 wok well and quickly. Is'o age bills to pay. No loss of time, and no geat suffeing if taken in time. Why will you suffe fom Indigestion, Sick Headache, Nevousness, Sleeplessness, Soe Mouth, Heatbun,and kinded ailments, when one bottle of Lemon Bittes will not only elieve" but cue all of the above diseases? Not only that, but Lemon Bittes is one of the best Tonics in the wold. It will enich and give tone te the Blood, binging back the flush o f youth to the fa/e, keeping aw&yfc&jts use th at dead disease Paalysis, by causing^)e blood to flo with geate vigo though the bain Lemon Bittes la especially ecommended to those in yean, fo its invigoating effect. Give it a tial and yon win oe the Lemon Bitten best Mend, as yon will always use it when In need of medicine. Sold by Duggists,.00 pe bottle. Pepaed only by the LIMOM BITTERS MIDICINI CO., St. Johns, Michigan. BUSINESS CARDS. Ms. Agufcta VanSyckel spent week with Ms, Ba ley. last Ms. Eva JacobB spent pat of last week in Pontiae and Detoit. AT. Oilman of Leslie visited his aunt Ms. J. Isbaoj pat of last week. Ms. Ovitt and Ms. Wilson of Gegoy attended PJainfield Hive last week. The Ganges installed tbei offices fo the coming yea at the ball Fiday evening. Mas. VaaSyckel and Ethel Lilliwbile wee both unde the doctos cae pat of last week. Come and bing you fiends to the Installation Thusday evening Jan. 0 ac the hall. A good suppe will be seved fo ten cents at the close ot the ceemony. WlSTtfTTVJJL Ben White of Pin^tn spent Suaday at John Hais. Ella Muphy spent Sunday with fiends in Pinckney. May Kennedy of Detoit is visiting he people fo a couple of weeks. Ms. Wm. Wm. Gadne and son visited at John Dinkles Sunday. Fancis Fisk spent Satnday and Sunday with his bothe in Fowleville. Ms. Alex Mclntye of Pinckney is spending the week with he son John and family. James Sweeney and son Geoge of Noth Lake called on fiends hee duing the week. Nellie Gadne and Fannin Monks ae guests of Ms. Ray Bachus ot Lansing this week. SOUTH MABIO*. Guy Abbott is woking in Lansing Kit Bogan spent Satuday in Howell. Ms. Iving visited he mothe Ms. Ca one day last week. > M. and Ms. Chas Fost spent Sun* day at M. Dolans in Pincbney. Ms. V. G. Dinkle and sons Eugene and Otto, visited at Will Dun bas Sunday. I. J. Abbott ha* puchased a home in Lansing and expeots to move thee in tbe nea futue. M. Hubbad and family ot Nothen Michigan ae visiting his siste Ms, John Docking. SOUTH GREGORY. Rose Hais is sewing in Gegoy this week. Ms. L. K. Williams spained am M. F. S'GLER M. o- c. L. SIGLER M. D f is getting along nicely. DRS. SIGLER & SIGLER* O I, S m ;»h attendad ohnh Physicians and Sugeons. All calls pomptly I ". Li. ^miin attenaea CDUcn attended to day otight. Offl* on Main steet i Unadllla Sunday moning. Pinckney, Mich. j 7 \V. DANIELS, *J # GENERAL, AUCTIOMf.ER. Ss.titacutn Guaanteed. Fo infomalion call al DISPATCH Office o addess Gegoy, Mich,. f. d.. Lyndilla phone connection. Auction bills and tin cups wnished e. J. W. BIRD PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Fo infomation, call at the Pinckney Dia- TATCHjoffice. Auction Bills Fee Dexte Independant Phone Aangements made fo sale by phone n my expense. Oct 07 Addess. Dexte, Michigan Business Pointes. WASTED. I To buj 000 bushels of clove seed. ARMSTRONG & BARRON, Howell. WANTED A good eliable m*n to buy poulty, eggg and veal. H. L. William.?. Howell, Mich. NOTICE The Stcokbndge Elevato Co-, Andeson will buy you Beans, Gain, Hay, Staw and ^eecus. Send bill to me hee. W. H. CASKKV tf Ms. S. Williams visited at Ms. F. Montagues last Tuesday. Heny Howlett and family visited at thei fathes D. H. Denton* Bunday. It would be a good thing if the mechants would spinkle pome salt on the ice in font of thei stoes. Notice to Taxpayes. The tax oll fo the township of Putnam is now in bis hands and I am eady to eceive tavea at any time at the stoe of Muphy & Roche. BBRT ROCHK, Town. Teas. PREJUDIC Cuious to state, pejudice keep* us out of moe good things than does lack of oppotunity. We often pass by an aticle of meit because the pice is low. The same aticle at double the pice would find us eage to ty It. K C Baking Powde sella fo one-thid thf pice of the Baking Powdes contolled by the "Tust." Yet K C is guaanteed the Best Baking Powde at any pice. The ladies of this city who have seen what K C Baking Powde will do pefe It to any othe. They ae only too glad to save thei money and get a bette aticle. It's the diffeence hetween "Tust" pices and those ot fai, honest competition. A ounce can of K C Baking Powde fof 5 centa, and you money etuned if you don't like it bette. at We guess it will have to be admitted that this is what has been heetofoe known as an old fashioned winte. Miss Kate O'Conno of Howell has sold he inteest in tbe funitue and cockey stoe to he patne, Glenn Beumann. Bills ae being issued fom this office fo a paty at tbe opea bouse hee Fiday evening, Feb.. Evey one invited. Bill 75 cents, spectatos 0 cents. Thee is to be a shadow social at Glennbook, the home of M. and Ms. Fed Glenn at Noth Lake, Fi day evening of this week, Feb.. Eveyone is invited to attend and have a good time. A stange ushed into a stoe hee the moning afte the snow stom and excitedly told of seeing a wallewumpus. He said ''the thing was going like a Bteak, thowing snow in all diections and about all that was visible was his huge black head and face which had one big eye. It gave a few snots, tuned a cone and headed fo the county." The smokes ae on said stange when he found out the awful being was nothing but D. 0. L. Sigle making one of his egula daily tips with his "one-lunged" Reo Runabout. He has been out so fa evey day this season. Silve Medal Contest. Tbe following is tbe pogam fo tbe Silve Medal Contest which will be held at Gegoy Fiday evening, Jan., unde tbe auspices of the WCTU. Pogam: Inst. Duet Looata and Maude Kuhn Invocation Ret, McTaggat Conet olo I. C. Williams Contestants No. Song Janlo.. T. L. Contestant* No. 3 Violin Solo Mlas Loneta Kuhn Conttatants No. 5 0 The new "Maching though Geogia" by Audience Contestants No. 7 H Vocal Solo Min Maude Kuhn Conet Salo I C. Williamn Reading, Ms. May Butle, Bute upt. and taine. Awading of medals. Pianiiisal paye, XAjtBg Ol' 00»TgSTAHT9 Vea Woden Olenn Malett Achie Anold Oladya Smith Fankie Wood Hatel Anold Beatice Rotheton Junla Kea Admission 5c. Childen 0c County W. C. T. U. The Executive Boad of the County W C T U meet at Ms R, C. Heeds in Howell last week Tuesday and laid new plans fo the yeas wok. Mp. Julia Tebune of Howell was appoint ed Supt. of Pize E*say Contest wok fo tbe county and tbe County WCTU offes a pize of 3.00 to the best e«say and f 00 lo the second best es^ay to the seventh gade in the County. The subject fo this essay will be selected soon. Any child in the seventh gade wishing to know moe of this wok and intending to ente (Contest, can wite Ms. Tehnne at Howell. Lettes fom teaches inteested in this wok will be vey welcome and eceive pompt eply. Anyone wishing to I elp along tempeance wok in tbe Connty by giving of thei means, it wilt be gatefully accepted by the Connty WCTU Teasue, Ms. Etta Reed of Howell. You can eadily see the Pize Essay wotc will cost something and seveal othe schemes have been stated, which will equie something also, so you ae invited to help if you wish to. Resolutions. WHEREAS: It has pleased ou Hevenly Fathe to emove fom Pinckney Hive No. 35, of the LOTMM, ou beloved siste, Rosalia Reason, and WHEREAS: ou tonr and intimate elation* held with he, he faithfullm ss in the diechage of he duties in this lodge, he family and society in which she mingled, will be held in gateful emembance. RESOLVED: that with deep sympathy with the beeaved family and fiends we expess ou sincee hope that though "Him who doeth all things well," ou loss will be he gain COM. ON RESOLUTIOVB We'have established a Ceam Station at PINCKNEY Amos Clinton, ou Repesentative, will be thee EVERY FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK To eceive and Pay Cash fo Ceam You can bing you ceam and see it weighed sampled and tested, and eceive you cash on the spot. WHAT CAN BE ANY FAIRER OR MORE SATISFACTORY? Ameican Fam Poducts Co. MODERN Owosso, Mich. EARN STOVE MONEY by baying fom you deale thia ange at half the pice that IH«aaked by othe fims. Ou moden method of mechandising en-\ able* na to make this phenominal offe which none ot oa cowfjj pettton can meet. $a».eo buy* thia handsome lans DOMESTIC WINNER RANGE Jo* ae shown by oat. It is made fom polished bh**i at«el, baa six coves, one of which is section al, aabeeto* t lined, east fine stips and fuel cup, scew datuht egi» j ten, dnjplex gate, la-inch oven, cast esevoi and high I closet. Nickel timmed. A guaantee accompanies each anges I No mail-ode bouse can touch this pice. If you deale will I not ode this ange fo yoo, then let na ship it die* We ae anxious to establish agencies in eve? conm^n jv. Don't miss a good thing when itls oneed. Wens'- - :i.» business fo ibty-eight yea*. TOVC MfO. COMPANY, Chicago, '. NEW IDEA MANURE SPREADER FARMERS, ATTENTION! This Manue Speade is diffeent fom all othes. Do not buy without fist investigating the meits of the same. The exclusive ieatues, not found on othe machines: Dawn with coupling pole; without a clutch o cog wheel. Can be heaped in loading, the same as a fam wagon. Gua* anteed to pulveize all manue (notice the thee chances). This machine is built on a common sense pinciple of a fam wagon, hence is the simplest, most duable, lightest daft, lowest down (hence easy to load Into) speade on the maket. Backed by ten yeas' expeience, not an expeiment. Ask fo catalogue X. THE NEW I OKA SPRKADCR CO., Coldwata, Ohio. To Whom it May Concen. Having decided to discontinue faming I am offeing fo sale A nice lot of Clydesdale Bood Maes Registeed Clydesdale Stallion, 7 yeas old A numbe of Clydesdale Colts aud Fillys Fom months to 3 yeas old About 0 Head of Shot-Hon Cattle, all ages including a numbe of nice young Bulls anging fom to 5 months old, colos ed and oan and see what I have T. Bikett. j ft X I [ A V

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