mmr.!js W»I f : t 4ji!' "ijey"' r^t^w^^g !»*W00 THEY NOT ORGANIZE Nearly every concern that has reached any importance, effects an organization

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1 I- W ' * < ' ' - 1 * ' ^^Iffi^-V', -^-.- VJtf!.¾ Li'i*: < «' U^i'^^-w j-;^'«*.^>^.» i^^.2^x^mim»» jmm mm.!js W»I f : t 4ji!' "ijey"' ^T^w^^g *>?;>-^ V' * * - - '.>'ijfl -¾ ^K*a"' ; *X ^f. -, *f ;a ' '"* ; w I i.'^ I "*v*i *» Vl^fl ' l-fe H v <'*" ^¾ I M VOL. XXI. PINCKNEY, LIVINGSTON CO., MICH., THURSDAY, AUG No. 34 M'ZM *.»?» SOAP! We often aae the "steet faki" selling a small piece of soap fo a dojia with a fake pize done up with It. We sell all Kinds of soap fo toilet and othe puposes. We do not offe any pises but Ou Soaps ae the the best money can buy* Headquate ^ fo Pue dugs Edwad A. Bowman, The Busy Stoe. HOWELL - MICHIGAN Ou Fall Goods ae coming in evey day. We wee fotunate in placing ou odes aly und assue you of wondeful values in Hosiey, Gloves, Mittens, China and Holiday goods. Fancy Dy Goods and At Needle Goods ou specialty. If its N*w We Have It. E. A. BOWMAN. Howell Mich. Second coo- :,-a; of Ho'.ol Kellogg (Fonvii-ly N :' 0n- : H^:ji,) Oo You Like a Good Bed? 5 o 1» c? to C c a c c, u -» (6 a. The Supise Sping Bed Is the best in the maket, egadless of the pice, but it will be sold fo the yesent at $2.60 and $3.00 and guaantee 1 to give pefect satisfaction o money efunded. Is not this guaantee stong enougk to induce vou to ty it? SKioSHTDBHaiiPROVED Fo sale in Pinckney bv F. G. JACKSON. Manufactued by the SMITH MfflHSE SPftM-BEO GOM Lakeland, Hambug, Mich PLATING Gold, Sillie and Nickel PLKTIN6 ON SHORT NOTICE. Guaanteed equal to the best at any pice* Ou pat Silve Plate contains less silve than than Ou Coin Silve Tiple Plate, but is equally billiant, moe duable and much cheape. C. L GRIMES. 0 (/5 <Q F. A. SIGLER. LOCAL NEWS. A good ain is much needed. The* weathe has tuned wame. Eva Smith of Jackson was the guest of fiends hee Sunday. Ms, Laaa Bennett ot Saginaw is visiting fiends at this place. Ms. M, Nash, son Bet and wife ae spendiig a few weeks in Yok State. Miss Katie Binie of Lansing is the the guest of he aunt, Ms. J. W. Ham*. Edito Banes ot Howeil was in town Fiday last and made us a vey pleasant call.!»*w00 THEY NOT ORGANIZE The postoffcce at Chelsea was ~e~ lieved of about $40 in money one j eady booked fo the fai with aces school Aug. 81. night last weak. nealy evey day. Mi" RthM Duvl"p ft '- f F^n^t is th iii5«lucy Swathout goes to Detoit the fist of next week to buy the Miss Pen Eastman of Jackson was The handsomely illustated souve and pemium fist of the fai of Mv W. H. Clak. g^est of he uudi and aunt, M. and the guest ot the Misses Boyle & Hal-nistead the week will be mailed fee on equest by M*. John R. Yitaon and nephew of fall stock fo thei milline palos. Miss Lei* Monks who has bee-n attending the Summe Nomal at Yps- at Pontiac. Keuuey the past week. addessing I. H. Uuttefield, secetay, J.iiksou, visited he aunt, Ms. VI. Ven Reason of Pontiac was in this place th«fist of the week. He says they could not get along without the ilanti, etuned home last Fiday, Novembe 3 is the dae >et to again Clyde Mclntye le:t Satuday moning fo Agyle, Minn. His bothe $36,000 to finish the cout house. THE BEAN MARKET DisfATen. They always valued it vote on bonding Ingham county fo when Living hee but now it is one ot The bean maket is not acting just the iudispensiblee. John has chage of an elevato at that ight at the pesent time. Buyes efuse to state a pice, be the same eve lots in the Gilks cemetey, ae equest Those who ae inteested and have place. The attention of ou fame patons Ethel Gaham is in Hambug keeping house fo he aunt, Ms. Potteton is called to ou envelope advetisement i-n page S. Why pay oc pe so low. "Don't want them at any ed to 1 e thee Fiday aftenoon of pice," is the way one buye eplied to this week to wok. while she is in Hoton caim: fo he lunch to plain envelopes when you oa epote last evening. It is eveything but encouaging fo the fames siste who is ill. Viola Petes entetained sevea't ot \ can get six packages with you etun The ladies aid of the M. E. chuch at the pesent times on beans. Howeve, we think thee will be a maket he little fiends Wednesday aftenoon, addess pinted on to only 50c. will bold a business meeting Satuday tht occasion being he bithday. Of; Miss Mabel McGuinness of Chelsea, Aug, 29, at the home of D. H. F. late on although it, looks vey bad they had a good time. >pent la, t Nveek wit jj fiends hee. Sigle, at 2:30 p. m. just now. Democat. If evey fame in the United States was to hold Detoit the last of the week to spend a sbe enewed old acquaintances and The Misses Bovle & Halstead go to'having- been a fome Pinckneyite The ladies of the Cong'l chuch and on to his bean cop fo a few months...,,,.. i enjoyed a geneal good time even soeiety will seve ice ceam at the the deales would want them "at the couple ot week, looking up new styles th^fa she did migs one iain fo Macaabee hall next Satuday evening. fame's pice." in milliney and puchasing thei tall; pome. All will be welcome. stock. Seveal fom hee attended the ice Seveal business places shut up in The sidewalk on the south side of ceam social at the home of M. and.pinckney_lajt Thusdaj_ while the NONE IN PINCKNEY Putnam steet fom Mill to Peal Ms. WiiiCady nea Hambug Jet. Satuday evening and epot a fine popietos joined the exodus to Howell to "see the animals. 11 We don't wonde that some of the sttdtvhaa-keaa laid_ ou an d W?_k_ time..thee-lage_j_oads_of campes will 1 e commenced <'n it at once. It fiom Likeland came up to enjoy tbe boys ae going wong in this village Mesdames F. G. Jackson, H. VV. will be constucted o cement. event The ladies cleaed $15. and theii paents ae to blame fo it. Cofoot, C. L. Sigle, Miss Gace Why? Because thee ae many papas Ytmng andhellis and Donald Sigle, and mamas who think thei little at in camp at Base lake. Johnnie is "a bessed 'ittle angel wive We eceived a lette fom J. A. wings," when in eality he is the sauciest little cuss that thows geen ap Cadwell Tuesday equested the DIS PATCH sent to them at Lamone, N. ples at the milkman. And the wost Dak., whee they ae visiting. pf it is the hyena is given his feedom Fowlemlle has a bowling alley that devotes one aftenoon each week to the ladies giving them fee use of the outfit to lean and enjoy the spot, Fowleville citizens ae showing a public spiit by sinking a well on the main steet fo the use ot a thisty public and teams. A vey commendable idea. We would like to get a boy o gil to lean the pinte's tade. The wok is not heavy bnt we want some one who "wants to lean" and who we can depend upon. The state oganize of the Ameican Society of equity is Geo. Winans of Hambug. It is in good hands and we> undestand he intends to push the wok at once so that fames may oganize and eceive bette pices. Nealy evey concen that has eached any impotance, effects an oganization fo bettement, and to contol pices except the fame. To be sue the faime has his Clubs etc, but thete is lack of system ani combination to make it of the geatest benefit. The coal combine, the oil combine, the fam implement combine, the steel combine and so on, ae instituted to contol pices. They have something that is a necessity and the aise in the pice puts that much moe in thei pockets. The fame, and poducts of the fam ae the main st*.y of the govenment and we oannot see why they do not combine to aise the pice ot thei poducts to a living ate at least. Aleady we hea sounds of sueh a movement and if the tilles of the soil gasp thei oppotunity the time is not fa distant when $1 whe, will be the ule instead of the exception. Fames, study up the question and be eady to enlist whe-n the time does come. THE STATE FAIR The Michigan State Fai at Pontiac Sept. 7 to 11 nest, says secetay Buttefield, will exceed in inteest and vaiety of featues any pevious exhibition. The facilities fo tbe comfot and entetainment of visitos have been geatly impoved. The demands fo space fa exceed any pevious ecod, thus insuing the most complete geneal exhibition of Michigan poducts eve seen. Seveal special Attactions ae ai at night. And because pa and ma steps aound this type of youngste thinks eveybody else ought to. Linden Leade. Congegational Chuch. Conduoted by Rev. O. W, Atyine. Sunday August 23, usual sevices at 10:30, also evening sevice at 7:45. Sunday Sohool picnic at VanHon's gove, Rush lake, Wednesday, Aug. 26. A basket picnic fo the Pinckney and Noth Hambug schools. Mesdames Saah Bown, Laua Bennett, Leal Sigle, Misses Kate Bown, Flo Hall and Haold Bown, ae camping at the,sill cottage, Base lake., Special Sale fo One Week..A.-ca-TTSX 20 to yads Best 10c Tennis Flannel at 8c pe yd 1,000 yads Best Pints fo 5c pe yd All White goods 20 -pe cent discount ' Men's Best Wok Shits fo 42c All odds und ends in Men's Fancy Shits egadless of cost 15 pe cent discount on all Shoes. Don't fail to buy some at these pices One lot of Misses Shoes anging in pice fom $1.50 to 2.00, t«close at $1.#0 pe pai Specials Fo Satuday, Aug. 22. llbxxxx Coffee... 10c. 2 pkgs of Yeast fo 5c. 4 Pai Men's Socks fo 25e 1 Can Best Keg Salmon lie All good* to be sold fo cash o baite and eggs. W. W. BAKNARD. News is scace this week too many camping and on excusions. Ola Hendee and wife of Duand ae visiting bis paents hee. St. May's society took in ove $400 at thei picnic hee las' week. Mesdames Saah Sigle and Caoline VanWinkle ae visiting elatives in Battle Ceek. M. and Ms. Fank Bu*h of Stockbidge visited at J. W. ove Sunday. Ms. Wm. Kennedy and one of the Plaoeway's lett wee! week. childen ae visiting he daughte in Niagaa Falls. C. C. Mille wites the school boad -^tkathe-will-beon bandta_iiflginl_the A light ain Wednesday moe is needed. Miss Jessie Geen visited he siste in Milan this week. Seveal fom hee attended the Maotabee ally at Jackson this week. Caie Nation will be one of the attactions at the Fowieville fai tkis yea. Miss Nema and Maste Paul Cuup fom Dexte the past 31 ifs llhel Road entetained a paty om^edds at the cottage at Potage lake this week. The annual fames pienio will be held at Whitaoe 1 a L ke Satuday Aug. 29. Many will go fom hee. On the Wave of 'Pospeity THE SHEBWM-WHJJAMS PAINT ides on the vey top of the wave. It has eached that position because of its geat woth and it will stay thee. No othe paint does good wok so well o so economically. No othe paint has gained such popmlaity. Colo cads on applica tioo.»c)loftv * TEEPLE HARDWARE Y - ^\* ^^ j^ji* n >s i ', 1. s *» Ml **-s 'M *..-, 'v. "&/3 -<: "»«V*.T>> t^whw^^^'^wv*

2 ,( - : i&*i 1'... * :*! '* (' T?^- v*:, fc w^t*'?*^ ^; -¾^ ;v.-.:, c V <;:.' - A " * ' < -.. ^ :, - : -.., -. %.,;'-; -^i..*... :.V, - v. -.-:,.. -«j, * '...^, * * V -. : " * «.,* ; '-.. -.,.. -' : ' ' i "'.' ''' '.'.' '! ', it»t, -., I -. Nil',' V.'' N-': \~. \ '. -. «. '.,. * ^ '; > «' * &" /W v gindmeggmpatch. 9&UTX L. AiPBiwt. Pub. P1KCKNKT, MICHIGAN 9 W the BoTelii comet falls into the US dippe, what then? But the Wall steet speculatos can not.withe the gain cop*. Women may be long-lived, but they seldom go about posing as the oldest etfclet.. i i i,pi v...i.i., It cannot be that this will eally be tal Path's faewell tou! Why, she la on^y 60! Evidently the empess dowage h not ipe fo efom, whateve may be the condition of China. The man who sets out to cone the wild oats maket usually becomes loaded with ye in tho pocess. When we discove the micobe of buiness we ahall discove the cause of theft, and most othe cime. v Anothe Moocco petende is dead, i>ut that^wlll not seiously affect the visible supply of petendes. Russell Sage's secet of long life is that he always has things fixed so that the othe fellow does the woying. Lillian Russell showed neve In that automobile accident whee many women would have.shown only neves. A Boston man has been asleep in Kew Yok fo foty-fou days. Philadelphia should wake' up and notice this. They have found six of Gen. Caseius M. Clay's wills so fa, with seveal of the outbuildings still to be seached. Julia Malowe says she is not engaged to may he leading man, although he has signed a contact to suppot he. It took S00 gallons of gasoline to bing that automobile fom San Fancisco to New Yok. But that was not tfe sole expense: If M. Leh's cute little wist bag wee small enough he might put his bains in it without dange of losing them in one cone. Of couse the paths of gloy lead but to the gave, but thei attaction ove othe paths is that thee is something doing along them. If a gil can wea a shit waist thee days in succession, she can knock all the petals off any daisy that gows. Atchison Globe. Anothe effot is being made to put up bee in tabloid fom. But imagine two dinkes clinking thei tabloids and cying "Gesundheit!" Spain is getting he navy eady fo active sevice, but whethe fo the Manchuian wa o the Ameican yacht aces is not stated. A woman's way of loving a man when he is taveling- in Mexico is to be scaed to death when she eads thee has been a aiload accident in Canada. The lava steam now pouing fom Vesuvius has eached within tweilty metes of Pompeii moden eyidence that the city was built too nea the dead volcano. Right in the middle of tumping he patne's tick a woman is so inteested in the game that she pauses to see how he ings look as she lays down the cad. The ugent need of an elastic cuency will be admitted by any one who has eve tied to make a $10 bill atetch to cove, all the,, expenses,.of a two weeks' vacation. A little gil In Chicago killed heself because she had to wok too had in a laundy. Hee is whee Chicago's "I will" ought to mean something in abolishing child labo. If the young New Yok banke who tas just made $3,000,000 on the bea deal In stocks is wise, he will get out of the maket pemanently now and see how many good things he can find tn life. If atificial ubies can be made, in Suope so much like genuine stones that only an expet with a mico scope can tell the diffeence, why should any one cae to buy the genu- 'foe stones? The Hatfod Post emaks that the etald and sensible business man who attends, a social function 1B always glad when it's time fo him to go home. And the est of the bunch ae always glad when he's gone. THE MICHIGAN NEWS Sk»ln( What's lac la HI thllwt «f H» Sttto No Tax, Says Commtaaloae. It la announced that the city of Kalamazoo is likely to make an effot to have the decision of the state tax commissiones ovethown. The boad of eview added an assessment of $25,000 in the case of the pivate bank of E. W. Bowman. The bank had admitted a cedit of $2(,000, but claimed an offset of an equal amount of debits. These debits, consisting of deposits, the bunk efused to list. Theeupon the boad of eview added the asscabmeht. Commissione Feeman, who has been having heaings in Kalamazoo, evesed the action of the boad. He admits the de«cision of the tax commission is illegal, but says a stict obsevance of the law would poduce a panic in Michigan. It will pobably esult in an action In the cicuit cout o a petition, to the supeme cout fo a mandamus to compel the tax commission to add the $25,000 assessment. About 240 pivate banks with a capital appoaching $5,- 000,000 and enomous deposits, ae inteested in the outcome. M*. MiKal cht'«tial. The fist case on the Kalkaska county Cicuit Cout's docket, August tem, was that of Ms. MoKiught, who was aaigned Monday chaged with the TIM Awwvat C»p Repot. The August cop epot issued by the secetay of state «ays that the season has been faily favoable fo wheat this yea. It was too cold and dy in some counties save In the sping, the epot says, but the cop ecoveed lagely late ou. The condition of con impoved somewhat duing July. If the weathe had been wame In connection with the fequent showes the impovement would have been moe maked 1. The oat cop vaies thoughout the state simila to cou. In some localities it mnde a lage gowth while in othe counties the condition has not been up to the aveage. The season so fu has been bette than the aveage fo potatoes. The condition of suga beets at this time Is vey favoable. Apples ae fai and the peach eop is light. ARMOXD TUB OTATS. Mayo Haison, of Chicago, shot a big bea while spending a few weeks at Huon on the shoe of Lake Supeio. One thousand head of cattle, 5,000 sheep and 400 angoa goats ae being shipped to a anch in Roscommon county. IWI Hi '.: The' u au^ucv'buav advaue guad TI t»f aw t"he caiviny-v. eohitj^y* the Beve lie Cond Owlwao M*. Jacob Jonea, of Benton Habo died of hiccougha t Tu«ada/ night, and a ^t pltt>n<i ftantlns^ (>^«alod the fact that one of he kidneys wai elf h- timet ttft'obtihal sife.' * * Since the Re-iiew and Heald decided to emove fom Battle Ceek to Washington, a uumbe of local adventlste who invested in the company, have decided to withdaw thei money. Gil-son C. Nols, a pominent and espected fame of Beien county, died of lockjaw, caused by a wound in oaf of hi* iuges Inflicted by a toy pistol that a gandchild handed to him. The buning of Vene Bay and Win. Houck's bans, with a loss of $3,000, te attibuted to fiebugs. Almost a dozen bans in the vicinity of Quincy hava been buned within a few weeks. The St. Joe distict again claims the hono of poducing the fist gapes of the season. Eight baskets wee shipped to Chicago Thusday night and eceived wltu the usual ceemony. Anothe fiece stom swept Beien county Satuday, doing geat damugo in all pats. The geatest loss ti epoted fom Royalton township, whee lightning stuck in many places. Five cases of sickness in Booklyn fo the past week unidentified, have been decided to be smallpox, and employes, many of whom have been exposed, ae leaving in consequence. >* TliliTu' up Sponge ht TtJtefftf -» * QEFEATED J I* Witt; M»< Ex-Chatiplon. AcknowJ«49f9 Supeioity JofTtea ho** able. impovajnenf Stomaci Bought Defeat with Kenton Habo, Mich. The line of the oad fom a point nea South Bend, Ind., wil lie extended to South Bend and fom thee to Benton Habo. A system of ca feies will be un fom Benton Habo to Milwaukee. Teminal facilities will be installed on popety on the lake font which will cost in the neighbohood of $.",000,000. "" HuMbantl Tied of the Tie. Roy Young, of IMttsfod, Mich., who thee weeks ago maied Ms. Nellie Mynck, at Noth Venon, Ind., afte a coespondence stated by a matimonial ad, inseted by he, has deseted his bide and says he will etun to Pittsfod. She Is nealy distacted and says they had no ' difficulty, and she knows no eason fo his sudden depatue. He secued! employment at he home, -and they lived in he house. He left a note asking he to send his clothes to him and saying she would neve see him again. the cella staiis Satuday, sustaining concussion of the bain, lie is now dead. 'Cold weathe and too much.iin this smtme ae the easons given by A. M. Todd, the peppemint king, fo the smallest yield pe ace of oil of mint in 20 yeas. Amiel Wcstfall, of Sawye, who went insane and attacked Ids aged paents, was lodged in the county.jail and sent thence to the home fo the feeble-minded in La pee. Miss May Heat'/ is managing tho npplo evapoatos in Femont this season. He advetisement's say that she is pepaed to buy all of the apples offeed to he. The past ten days have been moe polific of casualties in Ion county than any simila peiod in the histoy of the distict. The ecod Is fou dead and five injued. Ms. Fank Kauss, of Pot Huon, was taken to the Deabon eteat, having lost he eason, it is alleged, Peils of Linemen. fom woying ove the pediction of a fotune telle. Otto Sampa, 23 yeas old, whose home is in Detoit, but who was The hope that Alex. Fanz, who lived boading in Saginaw, while woking in Battle Ceek, and who disappeaed fo the Inteuban, Avas assisting othe last week just befoe he was to be wokmen in epaiing the company's maied at Albion, had been located in lines in Bay City Satuday when he Indiana Is gone., caught hold of a guy wie chaged A aft of 3,000,000 fee; of logs boke with a cuent fom the tolley lines. away fom the tug Boscobel, about 48 Ho thew -hinwelf fom the pole to miles off StugeonT'olut, Monday in a which he was clinging, falling about fiece gale. The Boscobel put Inta Alpena fo assistance. twenty feet anth*ta"4kinjj the ion manhole coveing of a sewe. Fou ibs Hay M. Smith, accused of being a wee ton fom the vetebae ami his bugla and jail beake, who is vey spine othewise injued. He may die. much wanted by Mouvoe offices, Is In custody in Toledo, and equisition papes have been sent. Robbey *t Guinea. Buglas on Satuday boke into Coope's jewely stoe in (Jaltes and Chales Nichols 1, of Chalotte, who caied off six doaen gold watches and has aleady spent 00 days this yea in some gold ings, the value of the plunde unning fom $000 to $800. Beside 4"» days fo stealing a blooded ooste the state's wokshop, has been given this, some $400 in mechandise was fom Ms. Clam Ells. taken fom the dy goods stock In the Afte seveal attempts, which wee same stoe. A wagon must have been fustated, the Nlles city council has used to cay off the goods. An itineant umbella mende is suspected as keepes Special pivileges duing ca passed an odinance ganting saloon one of the gang. nival week, August The abitntos engaged on the appaisal of the Flint wate woks have Hunte Found. Geoge Hunte, who was talked of valued the Hant at $262.atX>. The puchase of the plant is to be submitted in connection with the lllsappeannce of Alexande Fanz fom Olivet eight to the people on this basis. hous befoe the date set fo the latte's maiage, Is in Petoakey. It was ^ Five,,, Italians. wee., downed Sunday said at the time that Hunte was^n4*f Vnlc?I 1 two ' m,le " f IT ^owfl y- Penuaylvania. He 4ays he-knows nothing'about the alleged kichaplng of sizing of the boat containing the men The accident was caused by the cap Fanz and will go back to Battle Ceek 100 yads fom shoe. All wee single and see what chages, it any, ae men except one, who had a wife In against him. Italy. bug, was stuck by lightning and Instantly killed Monday. She was in the act of taking clothes fom a steel wie clothes line when the accident occued. She was 42 yeas old, and leaves thoe childen. Thee Indians, Jack Robinson, Jack <«een and Mike Cone, tilled up on tio wate in Hat and then got into a thee-coneed tight. When they wee disentangled Robinson had a bad knife stab between the ibs, n?«d may d.ic. The othe two ae in jail. John Adams, the coloed cicus employe, dew 00 days in Detoit fo slashing Olo Simmons with a azo while in Bay City. Simmons has no home, but ho was,anxious to ejoin the Wallace cicus, so the chage of attempted mude was dopped. Win, deen. an Owosso painte, has withdawn his application in Co. H, Thid Infanty, M. N. G. He says the membes of the paintoi' union have fold him that if he becomes a soldie he will have to quit the union, and that that would mean loss of wok. Afte witing veses on "The Dudgey of Living," Benjamin W.. son of the popieto of the Oakland Hotel, Chicago, aged 22, sent a bullet though his bain. He had been stopping n^ Kdgemoe. a summe esot nea_south.. Haven, esting fom his studies. Chales Hall and his wife, Lulu La- Tlsco, acobats, and Dlavolo, who "looped the lojp" with the Wallace cicus, left the show at Bay City and came to Flint. They say that the pice of the attaction has been cut in half and thei salaies likewise sliced. A stange who wouldn't accept anything woth less than $25, induced Gand Rapids housewives to.suende $2,000 woth of feathe beds to him while he conveted them Into high gade mattesses fo next to nothing. The police ae hunting fo the fellow A woman, name unknown, was obbed of $40, and a man giving the name of J. C. Hosbug lost $205 at the Michigan Cental station In Jackson Wednesday ooming just befoe depatue of the goces' excusion to Gand Rapids. Pickpockets wee busy. Ms. Alfed Wight, the petty young wife of a Woodhull township fame, eloped seveal weeks ago with the hied man and now she Is back feeling so bad that she tied to kill heself Monday night with asenic. Vigoous action with a stomach pump saved he life. D. G. W. Dumply. state veteinay sugeon, has gone to Kansas and Nebaska in the inteest of a Detoit chemical manufactuing establishment to teat a hog cholea emedy. At Lincoln, Neb., he will inoculate n lage numbe of hogs to test the value of the lyinoh.. San Fancisco, Aug. ip.-~jfi Jeffies, champion heavyweight wold, played with Jitn Con, nine ounds and a half last nig then Cobett'a second*, motio Refeee Ganey to stop the fi ode to save thei man fom n< punishment. The end. came afte the beginning of tho tenth when Jeffies planted oca of h ifle left swings on Cobett'a s Cobett dopped to the floo, bnt gled to his feet and again fa gigantic advesay. With hat moment's hesitation, Jeffies s John Hackel, the Sanfod fame his ight and again landed on whose skull was cushed in a unaway bett'a jtomach. Jim dopped mude of he bothe-iu-law, John accident July 28, Is ecoveing. One floo again, and then It was that Muphy, and suspected of poisoning piece of skull, thee by fou iuches, and the wife and infant child of Muphy The Eighth Michigan Cavaly will anothe, two by one, wee emoved. my Ryan, seeing that It was all and seveal othe pesons vaiously hold its thity-second egimental eunion at Lapee on Wednesday, Sep The whole town of Mason took an motioned to Refeee Ganey to estimated at fom six to eleven. It will be emembeed that at the heaving tembe 9. excusion tain fo Gand Ledge Wednesday. Evey business place was the punishment. when she was committed fo tial The Iosco County Agicultual association has appopiated $200 fo an without bail, the posecuting attoney closed. It is the fist time the citizens The fight last night demonst testified to a confession made to him have eve taken a vacation togethe beyond all doubt that Jeffies st exhibit of the county's poduct at the by the accused woman, which alleged in such a manne. alone in his class. He showed state fai. confession the defense attempted to "D." C. II. Buoughs, whose daing matimonial escapades at Nllesand and skill. Cobett duing the I -makable Impovement in both 6] Twelve-yea-old Muy Hais, of discedit, but with indiffeent success. Tavese City, admits that she cawled On application of he attoneys, who elsewhee five yeas ago inteested the pat of the fight was almost outpi though Ms. Edwad Babe's window claimed that owing to the absence of nation and landed him in the Minnesota penitentiay to seve a tem fo on Jeffies wee appaently will ed, and the few blows that he la'l and stole $7. impotant witnesses whom they wee Much-sympathy is felt fo Miss Jen bigamy, has just been eleased. unable to each, they wee not pe- llic Mltl. n ' pl,; ft popula school teache, sting paed to ty the case, it was continued who, s dvj of (1. ince flt thp Rmuch Thee of the five Nlles tustees pesent at a ecent meetiug odeed cement tlop. He looked lighte than u Jeffies was neve in bette co to anothe tem.. county house. cosswalks. Now the council cannot The AudewM Paole. The Pee Maquette depot at Williamsbug was wecked Satuday fomed the minoity ae angy and and the way he moved Atfout on hold a meeting because the two who Accoding to those who claim to be feet and the fequency with which in clcye touch with Gov. Bliss, the night by the explosion of its gasoline won't attend, and the sixth tustee-is counteed Cobett's leads astonis doos of Jackson state pison ae as < lighting outfit. insane. eveybody. Cobett, in compats 1 sue to open and let out Fank C.I A "loaded" ciga in the hands of a Famei-s ound about Quincy ae not with the big man opposed to hi Andews, the bank wecke, as the! fool fiend nealy depived Lee Umboden, a popula young' man of St. Jo tliey wee. On close investigation it is ie than eve befoe. He appeaed as hopeful fo a lage cop of con as looked vey light, but was eally he sun is to ise. A gentleman who has! been specially active in ciculating pe- seph, of his eyesight. found that the ecent hail stoms boke have lost some of his old-time spe< timsto AiTu"ews T s pa ole" in Detoit! off wagon loads of ea.-, which is olstated Satuday that he was positive I The United Slates Fidelity Suety &,. and skill duing the ealy pat of tl the goveno would sign- the docti- i Deposit Co. has paid the shotage of j 0 ** a total loss, as the con was not fight, but this may have been due men;-.;. Posecuto Unfit, of Detoit, ' $i,000 Incued by William C. Cutis j matued. Jeffies' mavelous impovement. Co says "it would be athe stange if \ as Aenac's township teasue. Ms. May.Tones, of this city, has a bett's physical condition appeaed t the goveno did not consult the judge i Ha tile Ceek has mailed a check fo son.tames who though but 1JJ yeas be all that he had claimed fo it. H who pesided and the posecuting at- $.~>00 to the teasue.of the McKlnley old, has, if what is alleged 1 Is tue, a Btood many of Jeffies' teific blow toney who handled the case." Yet j memoki 1 fund at Cleveland; h abit of getting ajs dunk as a goat. without winching and he has head nothing fom the goveno egading the matte. $T)00 damages against each of fou sa factoies funished most of the money. Accodingly she now begins suit fo swinging left and ights an4*jandl W. Rose, of South Ilnveu, aged 70 fequently, but his blowe hathy stun, loonkeepes. yeas, has been aested on a seloua Jeffies. Jeffies was not only stong) The \Vnbunh Fey. chage made by his daughte-in-law, Ms. M. Colby, esiding at Shafts- e, faste and clevee than eve b Tiie announcement was made by Ms. Kllen^Kose. wife of his adopted foe, but he used his head to bette officials of the Wabash line- who ae son. pupose, and although Cobett hit hfnj in the city that Milwaukee is to ho Wane Wheele, a vey well known had enough to hut an odinay man, made the teminal of the Wabash aiload, though a oa fey fame living nea-tula ski, fell down, Jeffies boed ight in without notic connection ing the blows and deliveed telling; bits that mateially helped in deciding the esult of the fight. At fist Cobett was vey cautious and appaently was outpointed by Jeffies, but late in the fight he wamedj t:p and showed some of^his -old-timot cleveness. Fom the flqpt, howeve,! it was geneally egaded as a hope*! less case fo Cobett. He made a gal-' lant fight, but.he neve stood a show to win. *< Afte the fight was ove Cobett quickly ecoveed, walked ove to Jef-i fies and shook him wamly by tho hand. He said: j "Jim, you beat me faily. You stand alone. No one can touch you." Refeee Ganey said afte the fight that it was a geat heavyweight contest. "Cobett was vey cleve, but Jeffies was almost equally so and ihowed mavelous impovement. He pactically out-boxed Cobett with tha exception of. the eighth and ninth ounds^ ilveixblow_ih&t_jie Jaad.e4_ told, and his supeio weight and stength was bound to win in the end.'* Timekeepe Geoge Hating stated that the blows that won the fight wee), I left to the stomach, followed by a' tght to the same place as soon as Co* fcett aose to his feet atta taking th# tount of nine." I can't help but have a little tech uv the big head when I think I is a joint hei wid Chist in that ich gaden spot, heben. > When the sun dops to sleep at the end of daylight, while de whippoowill sings I feel like goin' wild in huahs fu the Lod. - "De angels uv d«lod encampeth about him dat feaeth de Lod" dafoe don't dodge when he soft wind blows. Hits the swish of an angel's wing. Folks that calls me small petakes down hee, will take off <Je hat to me when dey see me helpln" myself to da best things dat gow on de tee uv Ufa up yande. De Lod endowed ua wid, fun, da> foe I ventues to hope tfat oa will be peesoms an watemllliom in Beula Land. J. T. Geen In Rein's Hon. :*.<! 4 i fc'ii *W. yit Mfct^fciA'fii misf Hiii ^ ^ t t ^ ^. k ^. ^ ^ u i ^ ^ ia»'. J uiui.., i^yi ^^ ^M^l^^:^* mm aufl&;

3 "TT^Jp^ * 7^.* J- *.-1 '.'.*s, ^'^".^ ^ ^ ^ 1 - '7*^" ' ' : T ".:,. '--*i. ' J'-."! " '.I:'-* ' ' " *" >V. '> '.»,- ' '"if:, ; - *: 'l. ;-.: **.'. v 4 ism " ' '.V. * (' " 1::, -.1 '' ' <.' ;«. '.' ( ^ f.- To 14fe lm»laomat«*t. ' : "?ha Jny Un_tbe cane of Cutis Jett and Thomas White, membes of tiie 4i*gl*tettd fmotion, chaged with the > asaaasination of James B. Macum at Jtckaoa, 10¾. 1 Fiday moning etuned a vedict of.gauty, ttxlux the punlahment of each at life impi»ouineut, Jett eceived the vedict with com-?* a " ve Indiffeence and cajmneas..white, who had been appaently unde v a sevee stata, dalug the tial, flushed and his eyes filled with teas. Attoney Golden, fo the defense, stated that a motion fo a now tial would bo made as soon as possible. The vedict occasioned little supise. The only question which caused the delay, it is said, was whethe to make the punhihment death o Ufa impisonment. The ease has been on tial almost thee weeks, having been begun * July 27. At the- fist tial at Jackson, the juy disageed, and it is believed the vedict wa* a compomise with a juo opposed to capital punishment. The fiends of Capt. B. L. Ewen and othe witnesses fo the commonwealth, who have suffeed geatly and wee living In fea of thei lives, ae geatly elieved. Thee have been 27 lives lest within the past two yeas In the Hagls-Oockill feud in Beathitt county, and tills 'is the fist conviction. No aests o Indictments had been made until last May, when the toops wee odeed to Jackson to potect the gand juy und - aftewads the tial juy and witnesses. Jett is still unde indictment chaged, with killing Town Mashul * Cocklll. Jeti said Thusday night the. jjope had neve been made with which to hang him, but he made no emaks on Beaing the vedict. (¾ Labo Riot Wai Fiece. Fom 0 o'clock Satuday night until 1 o'clock Sunday, moning the steets of B t n\vood, V.'est Vlgln'n, 'v; 6 the scene of a ivmd iot. The stiking iacblnisfs and the non-union men who eplaced the men at the Riveside plant of the National Tube Co. clashed, and many shots wee exchanged. Fo fou hous an indisciminate battle aged between the two foces. Although -1,000 shots wee fied, but two men ae known to have been wounded by the flying bullets. The beginning of the hostilities aveted Itself at about 5 o'clock when an aged man was set upon and badly beaten by u cowd of stikes. He was badly cut and buised about th* hend and shouldes and Is in a selcu-j condwoti. This was followed by two othe assaults upon non-union men, who wee te- -g4b4y beaten oftfcbei-wvy-uoums -foja. wok. The non-union men then amed themselves and battle Hues wee dawn. It was 3 a. m. befoe quiet was estoed. Anothe ftcamlul Indian Commissione Jones and othes of the inteio depatment think the administation of affais of the Indian Teitoy should lie given a thoough Investigation. Recently epots have come In of geat land fauds. It is alleged that seveal mino officials of the depatment ae stockholdes, diectos, etc... in land companies. The outlook is vey much the same, as to officials holding such Jobs, as It was In the pustottice depatment scandals. It is umoed tint some'of these ac Tans Rlxby, chaiman of the Dawes commission; Guy P. Cobb, intenal evenue inspecto fo the teitoy; Gov. Mcsely. of the Chickasaw Nation; Geoge Wight, Indian Inspecto; Thomas B. Needles, a membe of the Dawes commission; Chales A. Davidson, clek ot the "United States cout at Vinita, Indian Teitoy; James A. Hucklebey, assistant United States attoney. Woth Bustling Fo. Ms. August Vancleke, of Shawnee, Kas., epoted to the depot authoities In St. Paul that she had lost a bustle containing $7,800, while en oute to St. Paul on a Rock Island tain. Ms. Vancleke, -Tho is-well- advaneed-4nyeas. stated that she feaed to leave he money In a bank, and thought it. would be safe if she sewed it m he Anothe Cup Won. Ioudcquoit, the Ameican challenge,'lifted the famous Canada's cup Thusday by making It thee staight, defeating the defende. Stathcona, in the fifth and deciding ace by 1 minute * and 22 seconds. The colos of the Rocheste Yacht club floated poudly, and the wildest exclfement pevailed In Toonto, whee the cup ac^es have stied up emakable enthusiasm. While the Canadians ae disappointed, they acknowledge, one and all, that the bette boat won the cup. Its tip to Rocheste will mean, they say, a gand ty next yea to bing It back to Canada.» O. E. Guellch, of Detoit, is among the outsides, who have- found themselves unabfo to secue contacts to asphalt wok In -Milwaukee until the oooffc have diven the tusfc city hall lag tc cove. Dead Ba«*lt* Cmm* H4*h» "Deputy Mashals Bennett, Wllletti and Jacobson aived in Gutheie, Ok hi., fom Pawhuska, Osage Nation, with the bodies of two membes of the Matin gang of outlaws killed in the fight on Satuday. The dead men bae- been identified as Will and Sam Matin. Rewads aggegating $12,000 had been offeed fo the men, dead o alive. Deputy Mashal Haines, who was wounded in the fight, is in a citical couditlon. The fight occued eight miles south of Pawhuska, whee the outlaws wee located, fotified behind a knoll 1B a deep avine. As the office* neaed thei camp the outlaws opened fie, which was answeed, and a steady exchange followed. Will Matin was shot in the mouth and died instantly. Sam Matin was shot in the ight side and fell dead while unning eway. Claence Simmons escaped. The offices ecoveed about 1,000 ousds of ammunition and seveal ifles. Two months ago the outlaws held up and obbed nealy 100 taveles on a lonely oad. They also ue chaged with killing a citizen in the obbey of the ailway station at Hennessy, Okla., with killing City'Mashal Coss, -of Geay, and with obbing the postofbce at Hopeton. The Po»e»a Steaneoa Wok. Tope Pius X. had a fainting lit Tuesday moning while celebating mass. His holiness soon evived. The pope has been oveexeting himself to such an extent that his natually stong constitution was unable to bea the stain put upon it b}' the coonation ceemonies. Such has been the effect upon his neves that he has been unable to sleep fo whole nights, while numeous eceptions made mattes wose. Monday night his holiness was vey much agitated, but insisted upon admitting next moning to hea his mass all Venetians who had jouneyed to Bone puposely to attend the coonation. They numbeed about 300 when the, mass began in the Pauline chapel and the «l was vitiated, with the tempeatue above 90 degees. Hte collapse is consideed to be due to heat weakness, aggavated by fatigue. It constitutes the fist victoy of his entouage, which has Insisted that he should take the chauge fom his pevious life les? steuuously. To Recove Ameican Dolla*. English society, especially that element in it which has maied in Ameica, is pofoundly stied by the announcement that Baoness Hatkett, who was Miss Saah Phelps Stokes, daughte of Anson Phelps Stokes, the New Yok multi-millionaie, who ecently secued a divoce fom he husband on the gound of exteme cuelty, intends to sue fo the setting aside of the millions settled upon Baon Haikett at the time of the m:ilage. The best English lawyes say the Baoness will win he suit. The success of Kaon ess Ilalkett would mean the beginning of simila suits not only in England, but in Fance. Gemany. Italy, Au-'tia and Russia, which, in tun, if successful, will necessitate the tuning to cad shaping, pomoting and othe genteel -methods of making a living open to indigent noblemen. A Texas Sensation. Thee was quite a sti iu social and political cicles of Texas when it was leaned that fome Gov. F. B. Lubbock VIVA to be maied Wednesday. His bide is Miss Lne Scott, of Abilene, Tex. This will be the thid time Luhhock has maied. His last wife died one yea ago this month. Lubbock is in his 00th yea, hale and heaty, and the bide is said to be quite young. He is quite wealthy. He was the confedeate goveno of Texas; was captued with Jeffeson Davis and John H. Reagan at the close of the wa hetween the states; seved in the state legislatue following econstuction days, and was fo 20 yeas, consecutlvvly, sfate~~fealme: The Papal Navy. Tope Pius asked Cadinal Vannutelll's nephew^ fomely lieutenant In the bustle. This she did, and then stated on a Jouney to Plea, Minn., to visit Italian navy, to make au inventoy of he son-in-law. the est of the fome pap iff maine, When within 30 miles of St. Paul. with a view to selllug same to the Ms. Vancleke says she left he beth highest- bidde. Among the ships ae to finish dessing. Shotly oftpwnd thee old galleys, an.i a-numbe of she missed the valuable piece of pe- j dispatch boats. It will l>e emembeed sonal appael, and believes that it fell fom the tain. A seaching paty has been sent out. that Pope Leo. seveal yeas ago, auctioned off the Vatican asenals, guns, swods, cannon and ammunition. The new pope has seemingly decided to do away with the last mementos of old-time walike conditions as fa ns the Vatican 1«concened. The coloed men of Newak, N. J., ae aising $5,000 to establish a depatment stoe fo negoes. Thown into a tance was Miss Muiel Stnin nt the sight of an accident in the,l loop the loop" at Coney Island. She sat tansfixed in the gandstand fom ealy In the moning till late at night, when a policeman aoused he. She was taken to a hospital In an hysteical condition. K E. Johnson, bookkeepe fo the Commecial Banking Co., of DulUth, has been aested on a waant chaging him with the embezzlement of $45,000 of the bank's money. Johnson admitted his guilt and declaed that he had sqnsndeied the money In stock speculation Op-to-Data Sheep Sheaing, Gavestones do aot epesent e- ; fla^.shaain* IMOW 4*n&ln fim ««* bj * bw* clijpe dp^md:^ powe, It wold te means, of a flexible shaft; -Tte ttfvwot sheas can lie opajfated.-ai a»wly aa-taa ae*in* comtalied fn the shaft can be moved. Bksetiet. steam o a hand-cank may Geatness of soul is not synonymous with littleness of sense: be used, A tained wokman can shea a sheep evey thee minutes. The Salvation is not by cultue but cultue comes by salvation. ecod is 2,650 pounds of wool fom 36Q sheep in fifteen nou*. Religion Chosen by Lot, Kaamsin, in his histoy of Russia, elates that when the inhabitants of Livonia wee fist conveted fom Pagaaltm to Chistianity, they hesitated whethe they should adopt the faith of the Russian o Geman chuch. At length, in thei exteme peplexity, they detemined to decide thei doubts in a most summay manne by casting lots, when chance pevailed ia favo of the latte. 8chQolboys of To-day. An inteesting compaison of the physique of the moden English schoolboy with that ot his pedecesso of a quate of a centuy ago is made fom caeful ecods of height and weight of pupils which have been kept duing this peiod at Rugby and Malboough schools, which show the advantage in both height and weight is with the boy of to-day. Maied by Telephone. In ode to thow thei pusues off the scent, W. P. Randall and Miss Minnie Bown, an eloping couple fom Louisa, Viginia, went to diffeent towns. At Buffalo, W. Va., Randall obtained a ministe, and ang up his betothed a hunded miles away on the telephone. Then with a witness at each end the couple wee maied. Made Hotte Still. In one of New Yok's big office buildings this sign has just been posted In the elevatos: "Tenants and thei employes ae espectfully equested to wea thei coatb while iding in the elevatos o passing though the main hall." The tenants thought they wee hot enough befoe/ but the sign has made them hotte still. Buffalo Bill Was Robbed. "Buffalo Bill," while appeaing with his Wild West show at Dudley, Wocesteshie, England, was obbed of popety valued at $2,000, including a pin beaing the initials of King Edwad, who gave it to the showman; a pai of diamond cuff links, a gift fom Gand Duke Alexis, and othe Jewely. '.My dea, why don't you hit the nail in the head sometimes?" "I do. "Look at my thumb." Chicago Times-Hea Id. *TT'. <** *- i - h -.* ". A man. has nojaaoa eliaioaun him tfian comes ouvof him. " God's justice cannot be weighed In the scales of ou scuples. A good deal of laziness of mind is called Mbeality of opinion. The modem phaisee knows enough to adopt the publican's paye. The moe we ae budened with substance the geate shadow we cast. The flight of time ought \o emind as of the coming time of oa flight. The sign of the dolla is the one most sought by this sinful geneation. The hungy heat fs the only payment God will take fo the bead of life. The gumbling Chistian is moe geedy of God's goods than of His gace. It is of little use making e-»th like heaven until we make men's heats like God's, Ram's Hon. THE LORD OF CREATION. "Fools go in cowds;" man loves companionship. Man often feels that he is a sly dog when, in eality, he is but a soy cu. Some men don't know how much they ae woth; most dont know how Tittle. The boy of twelve who doesn't know moe than his fathe, needs attention. Man is not satisfied to know a thing; h<> must have eveybody else know it. Man Is disappointed if he doesn't get what he wants and dissatisfied if he does. No man is the same all the time; which is why it is possible to have some espect fo evey man at some time. It is wise fo man to tust to his luck than to his wits; fo he is likely to have moe of the fome than the latte. thihfaxhii;v,;t:^ ST No one undestands the shotcoai ings cf anothe quite as well aa as ex-patne. nothing is quite so dlscooagma aa limiting fo something o somebody J who is not thee. Death fs the only thing that neve comes when it is wanted; it is always too soon o too late. People who ae the most codial la thei geetings ae the ones who will geneally be bette fogotten. The Geat dawback about being somebody is that it gives the public* the ight to expect a speech when you want to keep still. "Uncle Dick," in Milwaukee Sentinel. BRIEF TRAILERS. When a peson Is down in the wold an ounce of help is bette than a pound cf peaching. The ocean is the only powe of eath that can make, a woman indiffeent to he pesonal appeaance. Somehow the man who offes ba* gains manages to acquie wealth fast* e than those who ae always looking fo tt _ Thee Is no policy like politeness; and a good manne Is the best thing in the wold, cithe to get a good name, o supply the want of it. BuJwe. The keen spiit seizes the pompt occasion; makes the thought stat into instant action, and at once plans and pefoms, esolves, and executes! Hannah Moe. The essence of tue nobility is neglect of self. Let the thought of self pass in, and the beauty of a geat action Is gone like the bloom fom a soiled flowe. J. A. Foude. APALACHICOLA APHORISMS. The man who continually picks flaws in his neighbo will bea watching. He needs the shotgun stong. No matte what the entepise may be, thee ae some people in Apalachicola who will oppose it on geneal pinciples. The man who sells you otten food can geneally be found aound the cone abusing the mechant who -gives -shot- weights, The man who is loudest in his talk about the gievances of the poo man The ailoads ae always tied down. COLUMBIA GRAPHOPIIONES BEST TALKING MACHINES ON EARTH NEW ANB IMPROVED REPROftUCEB...ON THE COLUMBIA DISC... GLUPnOPlONL MATERIALLY INCBfAMS THE VOLUME OF SOUND ColwnfcU D4*c ««pboptione Columbia Disc Gaphophones $15 $20 $30 Columbia Cylinde Gaphopbooea $3 TO $100 COLUMBIA RECORDS THE COLUMBIA RECORDS ARC SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS LONti LIST Of MUSICAL RECORDS ON CYLINDERS AND DISCS Columbia Disc Recods Campact and easfly tanspoted Mo dange of beakage May be oscd oo aoy disc tajktog machine Colombia Moulded Recods IHp* apeed, exta load Made by a new bocess Hay be used on any cytiode talking machine GRAND OPERA RECORDS Rtltaot vocalization by mastes of the at x EDOUARO De RESZKC, MARCELLA SCMBRICn, ERNESTINE SCNUHANN-nEINK, SUZANNE ADAMS, OTUSCttPE CAMPANARI, ANTONIO SCOTTI, CHARLES GIUBERT Cyltode Recods 5# cents each; $5 a dozen Disc Recods 7-focb, 5# cents each % $S a dozeo It-loch, $1 eachi $! a dozen OR SALE BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE AND BY THE Gand Ofea Recods It-inch discs only* $2 each Columbia Phonogaph Company Pionees and Leades in the Talking Machine At Gand Pize, Pais, l 0# 37 Gand Rive Ave., DETROIT, MICH. _J5.'. >; a;.«^3 vsfl -A.<A';I '; <» :. ^ % -Jt+i f-:-1 *«**' '«*?>. :» * ;.

4 j u# y P- iv : 'V, " w m,, $ - > * «;.'»; >» X-*~., F 7^! & ' ' * * & "... *='.. hf- *M- finckntj ffepttik. =c T«* P. I. ANDREWS <fc CO. PfiOfaiBTOpa. ' n ^i mwii»m, Xnii i THUBSDAY, AUG. 30,1908, mxm z? «,. -g,,'.""" Reduced BAJW ^ v- VIA CHICAGO GBEAT WKStfEHN BAILWAY $8.00 to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Wfttetille, Bed #?ogi WSnooa, Austin, IJanJy, Clafceville, Wateloo, 0s«ff6. No intemediate poiat highe. Fo futhe infomation apply ot towygeav Wesieo 4*ent, A -?, jftfae, G. I*/ AvChicago, Hi. «We ti»ft»desjgiwddag^iots, off. e> e wad of $0 cents to any peson wh^iwwol&aeea^ W ot, two 25c boxes of Baxte's Mandake Bittes Tablets, Mf it fails to pue constipation, biliou8- ness, sick-headache, jaundice, lose o appetite, soot stomach dyspcpsif JiYecomplaint, o any of the diseases fo which it is ecommended. Pice 26 cents fo eithe tablets o liquid We will also efund the money on one package of eithe ii it fails to give aatuf action, ;> " P. A. Siffle. W.B. Daow. ARE YOU GOING EAST OR WEST? IF so, yod can save money by taveling on Detoit and Buffalo Steamboat Co.'s new steames between Detoit and Buffalo. The sevice is the best on fesh wate. Send 2c fo folde, map, etc. \ Addess, -. A- A. ICHANTZ, G. P. T. Hft., Detoit Mich. The Death Penalty A little thing sometimes esults in death. Thus a mee scatch iasijnificant cuts o puny boils have paid the death penalty. It is wise- to have Backlens Anica Salve handy Tts the beet salve on eath and* will pevent fatality when buns, soes, ulces and piles theaten. ~0nTj2fi* at F. A. Sigles dug ttee. Havest Labo Bates To Minnesota and the fiaketas., Low ates fo paies of f ve o moe via Chicago Geat Weefeutt Railway. Tickets on sale daily te Aug. :81st. Libeal aangements fo etun tip. Fo full info* mation apply to any Geat Westen Agent, o J. P. *Elme, G. P. A., Chicago, IU. t«5 Puts an End te All A gevious wait oftimescomee as a esult of unbeaable pain fom ove taxed ogans, dizziness, backache, live complaint and constipation. Bat thanks to D. Kings N«w Life Pills ttey put an end to it all. They ae gentle bnt thoough. Ty them. Only 25c. Guaanteed by F. A'. Siffle Duggist Low Summe Touist Bates Via Chicago Geat Westen Railway $16.00 te St. Paul and Minneapolis and etun to.dnlnth, Huj)gioj%_and Ashland. $14.00 to Mad ilbn.iake Wateville Faiban t Cof^ espondingly low ates to Coloado, Utah, New Meyico and Texas points, with etop-pve pivileges. Tickets on sale daily June 1st to Sept. 30. Good to etun Oct. 31st. Fo futhe infomation apply to any Geat Westen Agent, o J., P. KJme, G. P. A., Chicago,'HI. t-sept, 30. Tlolent AtUck of Diahoea, Coed by Chambelains Colic, Cholea and Diahoea ^Remedy and Pehaps a Life 8*Yed. "A shot time ago I was taken with a violent attack of diahoea and ) e lieve I would have died if I had not gotten elief," says Jobn J. fattoh, a- lead in j? citizen of Patton Ala. "A fiend t> U- titiitod by tli* W. 0. X U. of I'Li^kuey The following expessions fom the liquo jounals ae convincing ojf the dange which ndw theatens the taffic by pactical paty wok though the pohibition paty: "Seldom, if eve has thee been a time when the tade has been menaced by so many danges as now theaten," declaes the Wine and Spiit News, Columbus, Ohio, Ap. 28., "The bewes of Ohio view with alam tbe inceasing agitation against the liquo tade," declaed Joseph Mille, secetay of the Ohio Bewes' association in an associated pess dispatoh. The Bewes* Jounal, N. Y., the ogan of the United States Bewes' association, iu its issue of May 1, 1903, contains an official message to the membes of the national association sighed by J P llcatwn K. W. Kendall, pesident; Joseph Theue, John W. Bown, vicepesidents; Gall us Thomann, secetay." This message dated New Yok, May 1, which is a call fo the foty-thid national convention, closes with the following emakable woks: "Suounded by a host of implacable enemies whose malignity and fanaticism bid fai to oveule evey equiement of justice and evey consideation of public utility, ou industy is constantly exposed to innumeable danges which must be met by means and measues commensuate with thoip fa eaching magnitude. We ae engaged in a legitimate business, an honoable and time honoed calling, an industy foming the pincipal souce of evenue to state and fedeable teasuies and it is not only ou ight but also ou bounden duty to potect ou tade. Iu ode to do so successfully ou method of self-pesevation, ou means of self-defense must keep pace with the machinations of those who seek to destoy us." Taken With Camps Wai. Kimse a membe of tbe bidge *ang woking nea "Litttepot was taken suddenly ill Thusday night with camps and a kind nf cholea. His case was so sevee that he had to have the membes of the cew wait upon him ;md M. Gilfod was called a«d consumed. He to!d them he had a medicine, in the fom of Chambelain's Golic, Cholea, and Diahoea Remedy that ha thought would help him oat and accodingly seveal doses wee administeed with Uie esult that tbe fellow was able to be aound next day. The incident speaks quite highly of M. Giffod's medicines, Elkade + Iaiw,_Aj gm ^ This emedy neve fail:,. Keep it in you bone, it may save life. Fo sale by P. A, Sigle. Mice That Subsist on Scopions. Anions til.' QUOC;* foms of animal life that inhabit L)euth valley la a mouse that has aohiiiwd such a taste fo'scopions that they fom its entie bill of fao. The scopion «aie«tts fomidable amament in the end of Its slende, elongated a Women in the shape of an exceedingly venomous hooked sting. When distubed it elevates fhls In the aj and «oes in seach of its distube. But it Is compaatively slow in its mo* tions. while mice ae povebial fo (hei quickness the wold ove. The mouse lfanod many geneatlous ago Whee thescopfon caies Its weapon, and when he meets tt he leaps at the elamv 1 u P lift d abdomen. luues off the sting at ecommended ~ Cham..,.,, j.. ^.. p, ; a single bite and poceeds to make a he, Obolea and Diahoea Kemedy.! meal of hlg UeJpleg8 pey u ig Btfp. bought a twenty-tiye cent bottle and, posed to be the only animal that el- ijfte taking thee doses of it I was! tshes seopions. entiely cued, I conside it tbe bent Stength and emndy in the wild fo bo.vel com duly dusted. pwttts. >t Fo J*ale by F. A Sigle. Subscibe fo Dispatch. J1L.-L 'JU tfeyte 'ttim****d ^.. J-U-l Hl.,,1'..' HHSHF vigo of good food "Foce", aeady to seve wheat and baley fojd, adds no buden tut sustains, nouishes, iovig* f. a t es * Kldnev CuB\BANKER BALVI bimku ight, j the moit h«4ui n0 aatv* m ttov WMM. a Hot a Luxuy, [Fom the Salem, Oegon* S#JHM*«L},, About twenty ' yeas ago pesona who we* pivileged to hei Edison's fist cude phonogaph thought it a wondeft) thing, but little did they deam that -these machines in impov ed and pefect fom would within a few yeas be available to evey home. %«4t«.» BiMd+mt TfelaeV, Naggshy^-Would you egad It as tonaodeaty iu a men to *p«a& of Ws'owo goodfoojts* tv *-^-.-.'^^--.^ i, ; *. Waggaby Well, It depends* 14 it wee you I should call & plain ttn^- Bacchange,, t '" '''^. ^ The, pills that ae potent In thei Then the ecods wee made on tin M J «*»»<*?! **«* «T effest ae. P* foil and it ww impoawble to peseve I WiU's Little fiatly Rises, W.S. them. Late4 the eapding was done Philpoi of AIfcftBy Gai, wyp; Duing on wax and by delicate handling the a b^ilhous attack I took one. Small as ecods wee good fo consideable it was it. did me moe good than oalo sevice. Today the eoods ae pe? "mel, bine mass, o any othe pills I ( foot, being molded fom Jiad wax. eve took and at the Bame time it With pope handling they will last effected me pleasantly". Little Ealy fo yeas. Tbe Columbia Phonogaph Bises aje cetainly an ideal pill. Co. ie tuning out fist class gaphophones so cheap that no family Sold by all Duggists. Two Sad Men, affod to do without the 'pleasae and Fist F,ish<n-it»u~\yhy do yon come satisfaction of owning one. The wite has had one in lis family thee to this loin*!;, pl:u*e to tisli? Second I-iliennnn (sadly)--because yeas-and looks upon it now as a necessity athu than a luxuy. The Columbia Pho logaph Company, 37 Gand Rive avenue, Detoit, headquates fo gapbopbones and talking machine supplies of evey kind, will send you catalogues on ap A Joke O'Rell Didn't Appeciate. Max O'Rell was booked to lectue in Hatman's hall in Gand Rapids a numbe of yeas ago. Caoll Hatman was having a seious time in Inducing the people of the valley eity to see the meits of lectues. Thee was a big sale fo the O'Bell lectue and Hatman -wandeed ove to the Moton House.. In the aftenoon to call on the Fench wit; also to pay- Kim his fee of $100. "But I have not deliveed the lectue yet Suppose I should die befoe tonight." said O'Bell, who could not undestand, why a manage should pay fo something not yet deliveed. "Oh, that* A" ight Td exhibit you copse," eplied Hatman. The witty Fenchman neve ecoveed fom tbe shock of Hatman's emak. At nny ate, he efused to lectue 1B Gand liajpids agaln.-*detot Fee Pess. Suicide Peveuted The statling announcement that a peventive ot suicide had been discovetectivtu inleestmaiiy. A un-down system o despondency pecede P suicide and something has been found that will condition which makes suicide likely. At the fist thought of self "destuction take Electic Bittas. It being a goat tonic and nevine will stengthen the neves and build up the system. It's also a geat stomach, live and kidney egulato. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaanteed by F. A. Sigle duggist. Ellen Toy'w Toe, When E!!. n T^.i-.v \v;i:. '.i'alo «il about ten y.vii's c>i<l S1IL> play d i aik ID "A MldsuiuHUM- NijjfUfs Dvam" and bud to mjiki' IUT uppynaiiee Hioui;ii tbe^tu^e J:.ov on a tvapdoo. The u\u»- cloo was si.iu too S<KMI, and one of iliu child's foot w\s oau^i.t. Sba sjceamed Willi pain, and M Chak?s Koan whispeed IO ho. "Lie a bave giij Nellie. Finish you pat, and you shall play Athu in 'King John.'" Tbe tapdoo by tbis time was opened, but the child's toe was boken. She, howeve, plucklly pulled heself togethe and finished ho speech. EajLot Bitte Elitht Two physicians bad a long and stubbon ight with on abcass on ay ight lung, wites J. F. Hughes ol,! like solitude and silence. I am a Widowe. And you? ' * ".. Fist FisheiTuaii--Because I, too, like lolitnde aud silence. > Second Fisheman Ah,, you also ae ft widowe?,.,, Fist Fisheman (mofe aadly) Not yet Ms. Mollis Allen, of South Pok, Ky., says she has pevented attacks of cholea mobus by taking Chambelain's Stomach and Live Tablets wben she felt an attack coming on. such attacks ae usually caused by indigestion and these tablets ae just what is needed to cleanse the stomach and wad off the appoaching attack, Attacks of b ; lions colic may be pevented in the same way. Fo sale by F. 'A. Sigle 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE latints Ac Any- noaenoin;; ^Rke(cli«>d<. lpt : : nc»y onlcjfl..' a«*, iiiln m 01 intot^'ft w''e etn< an.liiveiit'.on Is i-. hahty patent.- i* M,v^,ilotlj'*o. EklAnti;.. HAV^lO ci'iit tee. ()!il«. - t ;if?ucy'fo».-u,iii vt«iv.*, ^fim? fnkon ttiomtfh Muni A Co. «o«it>c«mu nul ICU, wu.lkout ciiatto. ki the Scientific Jfnteican. Abaiitlaomcly ihustated weeu- lianeit e\tenfation of any sctentlflc Ikania. Tems, S3 s " yes yeannf momla,^ "Sootoaa newadealen -mvaiabiy^ MUNN & C0. 361Bf * M}vtT 'l6w TQk B&nch office, OK F su WMb»to n.d.q. m i'. pevent that STATE of MICHIGAN; County cf Ll-h jjston, S. S, At a cession of the 1'obaU Cout fo said County, held at tha Pobata 0B»e in tin* Vtlla«e ofiowoll, on Thusday the thiteenth day ot August, in the yea one tbousaad nine hunded and thee. Pieeent, {iiigene A. Stowe, Judge of Pobate, In the matte of the estate e f Fiuvce REABOX, Dece*^*!. On eatling and nling the petition duly velflftd of San lod Reason, et, al. paying that admlnistatton of said eatate^may be ganted to William T. Allison o some otke suitable peson. Theenpon it ia odeed that MoadajT the 14th du,y of Sepfemhe next, at one o'elotk in the aftenoon, at aaid Pobate Olflce, be assisted fo the heaing of said petition. And It is futhe odeed that a copy ef this ode be published in ih'e Pinckney"DISPATCH,, a aewkpape pint-d and ciculating in taid county, 3 succtwi'h woek3 pevioms to said day of heaing. t^86 KUQKXK A.STOWE, J mine of Pobat.*, STATE of MICHIGAN. County <f Lttiatfeton S.S. At a session of the Pobate Cout fo said Ceunty, heldv *hf> Pobata Offlco in the Village of Howell, on Satuday the 15th day of An vi»t. iu tbe yea one taousaud nine hunded and ^hjee. Peseat, Eupene A. Stowe Judge of Pobate, in the Matte of the Estate of THOU AS P. HARRIS, Deceased. On eading and filing the petition duly veified ol Maia Hais, paying that administation of fe»id estate may be ganted to heself o &ome othe suitable peson. T e<?t:pon it isodeicd that Mon ay, th»s 14th day of Sept. next, at one o'clock in the afte- D upontga.andgavemeup.asalastk ev i nr 0. 8aidpetition. esot I tied D. Kings New ey to coinsnaption... Tbe benefit I j P" bli8hed in the *'»<**" D«PATC», a.>» i. \ y *, noon, at Baid PobaU Officei be assigned fo the eceived was stiking and I was on iny feet in a few days. Now Fve entiely egained my health. It conques all coogh>, colds, thoat and lung toubles. Guaanteed by F, A. Sigle. Pice 50c and f 1. Tial bottles fee. Pistol Wose Than Swod. Damocles wae viewing the suspended swod. "It doesn't seem to touble you," obseved Dionysius. "No,'* etuned hie gliest "Now, If it was only a pistol you didn't know was loaded" Weakened by the mee thought, he hastily tuned to the butte fo > stength. New Yok Tibune.. Wben yon want a physio tbat is mild and gentle, easy to take and cetain to act, always nse Chambelain's Stomaoh and Live Tablets. ^ Fo sale by. F. k> Sigle. DiscOV- j It ia futhe odeed that n copy of this ode be newspape pinted and ing in said county," 1 thee succesaiwo w,>,-k8 pevious to Bald day of heaing t 36 IJTQK'NE A, HTJWK,.Iud<;e"^f Pobate. A Weak Stomach Indfgest ton Is often caused by o*s* itlog. An eminent authoity say* tem done thus exceeds that fom excessive use of jtlofthol. Sai au good food you want hut don'totf* I the stomach. A weak stomach 17 efuse to digest what you eat. idjjoa need a good dlgeatant liks lol, which digests you food with* it tbe stomach's aid. This es* end wholesome tonics Eodol oontaias Don estoe health. Dieting ujuteeef* Kodol quickly elieves thefee of fulness and bloating foes some people suffe afte lately cues indlgestton. Kodol WoUwe > Tottlo. only by B. 0. DsW v oa / Fo sale by all duggists. -f *'I WM tambfeg with ton-: ^Mh touble ThwMod'iBiaok-, Dftufbt did m«mom gooa in OA«wook thtttt all tfe»dooi eo't n«dlotne I took & «yei«."«-m*s. SARAH 1» ajaiafieu>,»ne»uv»u«, xaa> Thedfod'iBUic'ic-Daught quickly iavigoatcj the action of the vtomaoh and ctteeeven ohonie ca#cs of iadifeetion, H yon wity 'take a anou deee uf Ti^d* fod's Black Daught oeoa* aioaally yon will keep yon^ etomacn and live in p»> feot^oendittoa. THEDFORW Moe aieknets is canted by comtipation than by am/ othe disease..thedfod'i Black-Daught not only elieves constipation butones diahcba and dysentey and ^eepe the bowels egula. AU dogffuta»«u. 3»-oeat packftgos^. "Thedfod's Blaek- Daught is the best medicine to egulate the bowels I have eve used." - MBS. A. M. GRAKT, Sneadi Fey, N. C. ' C0WSTIPATI0T1.%.. ~L~ Foley's Honey and Ta fochijdea,safc,sue. No opiates* Nothing has eve equalled it. Nothing can eve supass it. D. King's New Discovey Fof V/ A Pefect Cue: lonotbtptios OUfeHB and fo,dm Pim Fo All Thoat and Lung Toubles. Money back if It fail*. Tial Bottles fee. Raiload Guide. V ^.LSKA AXn STLYIMSHIP LINKS. Popula oute fo Ann Abo, Toledo and points East, South, and fo Rowel'., Owosso, Alma, Mt Pleasant Ca4illai, Manistee, Tavese City and points in Nothwesten Michigan.. W. H. BENNETT, G. P. A. Toledo T>JRE MARQUETTE iaa. a aet J-viia.^ Si, i 0~3.' ' Tains leave South Lyon as follows; - Fo Detoit and East, 10:36 a. m., 8:58 p. m. Fo Gand Rapids, Noth :md West, 9:26 a. m., 6:19 p..n Fo Saginaw and Bay City, 10:36 a. in., 8 "H p. m. F«Toledo and South 10:36 a. m., 8;oS p.m. A»eHt, 5>utb Lyon. \i. P. A., BetoH. ^ ' " ' Gand Tnak Railway System. Aivals aad Depatues of tains fom Pln*ney All tains daily, except Sundays. KAST BOUND: So 38Passenge..., 9:0«A. M. No: 30 Expess 5:18 P. M. WB8T BOTJ1TD: No. ^7Psweaee...,9:58A.M. No. 29 Expess... ft(xp. M. W. H.Clak, Agent, Pinckn*y LOW RATES " " f^ L - Chicdtgo Westen G to and No thon Points Home SeeU^t,' txcui'sions leave Chlo^go f*si and thid TxiesdeLVs of e^'h. mouh. Fo infom _\tk»n.?vply to,. A.W.N0V3S. T^V.PAS* AgL,... «> Ci\-ci>,;<>, i»i. - OT J. P Rl,MER. c. p. A., Chk>*fo < 1 " ' --' - $ - \ < ' 5.»? *,* i f)

5 uc*,. ku fo:^-./.*, *v f ^. c. : k t ^ &.S ' -' *«: ' V / ' ('< > ; n^ V uv.k <H--\> ;**! #>w <m f&/ fefctf :J»",1-^,. *'' i\1wi*vv ' ***!. '**,.»».^t^tt'-n*^**^-*" ' i-ji^^*: %*' iy*»*.u.4..+t,' e^! ^. -s* aesas 4«3 *** #wei 53= InJantfitt f l * tlft disease has lost #a Ja/ossijue pfc$febeum> Colfc, Cholea and 0iaheea Remedy c*«i intt^i Tne naifom socce/ wfcieb *. ttende thef use of thu emedy in aj} cates ot^oow el complaints ia childen bas ina^e it a*' iavoite w^ag^ lt# Tain* ha* bs^ «-.. ^ ^tji^dfty; 4ngns^80. - Taift will leave South Lyon at 8:86 a, set eohjejtaown J2LQ0 ;"^ Fo»ale by P. A. Sigle. ; f* Foateg o aek Ageatf lo SS *»* V ^.*i'' ; < : ' '.y V^A *Jy ; IU ERE MMCUEOTi WUUMttD v 4. 2nd Rwind Tip Rate $5.00 «000 FOR TEf* OHS TfUPT0TH M56RT WWITWf: Excusion tioketa will be on Bile at All of the pincipal offices of the Pee Msiqutte K. JR. Co. on date aboe mentioned fo egula v and special tains. Tickets will be sold to following points, but may be used to intemediate stations noth* of and inolndibg Baldwin, whee, egula tains ae skednled to stop: Iiudington Tavese City Manistee Chalevoix Petoskey Elk Rapids Bay View Fankfot '^H^*"*"** <**' WS ^tw*k*fe«t^koic, Gand Ra*44* Ninety nine of a*ey. ou^ b^uded diseasee that childen baye ae due to disodes of the etomach and these disodes j e caa»ad by imditestion Ko4?l dy«pepaia enols jost as good fo childen as it is lo adults. Childen thive on it. It keape the little stomachs sweet and enjpnages thei gowth and d*»velopement Ms'.tfesy Cate, 70ft Cental st. Nash- ] villa ten., save: My little boy is now thee yea*g old and ban been soffenng 'fom Indigestion eve since he was ton. I have had the best doctos in Kaehville but failed to do- him any good. Afte using one bottle of Kodol he is a weh baby; I ecommend it to all snffeeve. Kodol digests whai you eat and makes the atomach sweet. 8o!d by all Duggists. * Fo paticulas ae to time of tains, ates, et-o., see lage bills o]baises, boils, eczema and piles, make inquiy of Pee Maquette agent. REMEMBER THE DATE Septe mbc 2** Foley's Honey and Ta cues coms, pevent* pneumonia. "Town Talk" tells all about, the new town on the Omaha extension of &e Chicago Geat Westen #Hailway^ Fo fee sopy wite Edwin' B. Magill Mgt TtWnwte Dept., Fot Dodge, i&ga. - _SepL 15 DeWIUistheVame * Wh&n you go to buy Wifcjh Hazel Salve look fo the name of DeWitt on evey box. The pue unadulteated Witch Haw! is used in making De Witt's WiHh Hazel Salve which is the best salve m the wold fo cuts, buns, i-c-.; [,/**,*:: **.4^ > - + ; M* IMP *mm mm **^3 f* p mm mv*y! the populaity of De Witt's Witch Haael Salve, due te its many cues, has caused numeous wothless counte* feita to be placed on the maket. The genuine beaettm name of E. 0. De Witt & Co. Ohicago. Sold by all D»ggist9.. Pay you^sibsciption Bis month" '3^ Rfc«iie'O0Kj? ;! Cum» 7-^iMs (k>^ta> tu CtH'up KuK K & A K^K K & K Y, S* i \ t\ BLOOD DISEASED MEN If yoti eve contacted any blood diieaae yon ae neve safe tmleaa the vios o I.poison has been eadicated Iom the system. Hae yo* *u of the following eymp. items^ Boe thoat, nloesoa the tongme o In the momtk, hai falling out, aching pains, itchiness of the skin, soes o blotches on the body eyes ed and smat, dyspeptic stomach, sexual weakness indications of the seconday stage. Don't ulo] yon system with tbeold fogy teatment mecoy and potash which only snp-! pesses the symptoms fo a time only to beak o«t again when happy in domestic IHe. Dont let qnacks expeiment on yoa. On New Method 1 TesOMnt is guaanteed to ene ysn. On gaaantees ae back ed by bank bonds, that the disease will seve etan. Thousands of patients have bees aleady caed by eu New Method Teatment fo ove 20 yeas. No names sued without wtttea consent. M. E. A.. wites: "Yon emedies have done me moe good than Hot Spings and all the doctos and medicines I had peviously tied. I have not felt any of those pains o seen any nlceso blotches fo ove seven yeas and theontwadsymptoms of the Ipflfthesotne disease have entiely disappeaed. My hai has gown in folly again and lam maied and happy.'* lmmmml coneuttatiom nn. SOOKS PRU. WSITI FOU OUSSTION SLAJK I ORHOMS TRIATMIIf. CURES OUAaaflTMO ON NO PAY. 28 YsARi IN OCTROIT. Ds. Kennedy <&L Reg'an, 14«SHBLBT STKBET. DBTBOIT, MICK. «6<K K A K K ^ K KivK K^K K.K o«.t Gea^dnieciDestoye I* the ool gennicide Ui»t will p«m though UM Momaoh into tte iuletioei *nd fom thanidto Ut«bkwd, p«nm«ttnc the U» «jitetu una iti'l cuia <u gtf aiiei<ul p«p«^ien. Hog Cheten U» ftm dimua of th«iotwtinc* and othe *m kill«n «h»»»*»tom taougfa to p«m ihnxngh the»tcmaoh «B»fffcU'l to the Mttof the dimaee we km *tong tot the maaou memb»ae»_ooh* aumesuy «*&!. Liqulff K/ml aootaida tej geatcme, *** Kptio UA dbtafoctent ftand ia eo«l bmldes maiy othes. II fonnt a paati aaaaltien with wate in aay quanuiy a&d ia hamtaw to anunal life baueath u «ea o iaaaet lift. The follewi&g an sett dlaaaaea and can be eaceejifeuy teated and pj*veated hv Liquid Coal, tlagoholea, tvtaepl»«ne, egih dlma*a,hteokits. aocn-talk Heean, tbot aad mouth diaaaat. lun wemi, pink eye, aaoge, aoll eil, thuth, inrucoaa, l&teatiaal venal, etc 33-Pae boo* OB a&haai* tent fee on application. Ptee «1. pe quat, S3, pe gallod. B.B.B. B. Baafa's Budock Blood Bittes 0«e» Dytpepaia, IodicaettM, Pete aad A fa*, OoBttJpattai, Ois, kalaia, Diawdtn of ttmuwa. NbdiMawaUlheaah laa poaibty long exitt whee thoea BKun ae need, ic vatted aad peaet ae thei apaattas. They fte new Ufe aad igo to the a»ad aad tnflm. To atf those whom eapjoymenu SOKM tefwiattiee of the beweto, Utaoxe o alood, o who t+iali* aa appetue toalo aad auawlaaa.»4 oaaoe hattla a aatta. Fo aale hy afl daggma. MAmaevmA* mv NATIAKAl MEDICAL CO., Shtldoa, Iowa Yok,; Ntb,; Uwittoa, Idaho FOR THE FARMER The best engine in the wold fo geneal wok is the QBMMBR OAS- OLfiNBBNQlNB. Statt Instantly in any weathe, uses little fuel, easy to un. Nocomplkated pats. Safe, sue, eliable, Guaanteed fo two yeas. i# H.?. shipped emedy to ma. Sisea, x^tojob.?. Fee Catalogue.. QEMMBft BNOWeft MfXL Ca tm*m*tmb lution, isa t # ' COtgloaU >.-> Fank and I concluded, io spend ou honeymoon is Washington. We want* Jaoghlng. And duing the est of. the ad to inspect tnat beautiful city and entuoouit's pefomance we hid ou mean thei emits, such 8¾ sou see *qd bea the jjomloent men assemble* tbe*, W gate up fhe flet fom the audience a mith it COMW pot eottivenass, aevops dyspftnaia^ bead" faces hi OJW handkechiefs to conceal, Mb, f«mentation of food, habit ^<w daye to, then speut undestand* avhes, <4e6pojDu>nt teeiing*, sleepuaay ou tjuie^ta the senate chambe and M lt doesnt do," said Fank as w* walked back to the hotel, "to jadg* bg ne&s in fact^ any touble connected house of ^^aantati^ea. I was, muen gppeaances. Pehaps many of on with ttat stomacli o Ktet? This medicine 1»»* bf^o spmi lo m*»i y^eas i» tbpessed with the dignity of the senatos, and novae of the epesentatives MABEL BUZABETH HOXBY: all tf\\u*& cmtfiat, and wo wis> to legislatos ae good men afte'all;'' seemed to me fo^be vey blf at men. The last day we wee \xt WasMngtop coespond^itluo* awlss»dyoti ona foond me quite fatigued. I bad Ween as CwHesus*'.-. of on ^ools fee ot cost H TO» nafe tied Ao^jostWowe, ty one bottle at the hall of epeseatativee ail day. M My dsalv" said Ms. iogson, as she closed the book she had been eading whee a disewseion on the taiff was M do yon know what is the moat cuious fi#,'.' W> hixe neye fcowti of its Coin* on, and I was conveted fom thing in the wold. iailw. ItWtfwMw*** 8 ** 0 ** one, aide to the/othe a dozen times. "Of couse I do," eplied the botai. is the matte ww^e^-t'-ijav^lwf'' About 4 o'clock in the aftenoon we half of the combination. "The most oldest dnggist* ". went to the hotel, and Fank left me ockms thing in the wold Is a woman that I ml^ht take a est befoe dinne. that lsn*t cuious." 'Stay Steies. Oj, O. Gaan, vvoodlwjj,» h p-- In the evening we wee to visit some -~9- place of amusement Fwuk had! scacely gone out befoe I head a Tmst * matt. Be4knimm a\m* W»t«, step in the hall, and a key tuned in "How appopiately-the wods ae It is not unuuual to bea a" the lock next doo. Some one enteed aanged hee," she emaked as she upon eaching a camp-whee wate li the oom, and as thee WAS a doo between the two ooms I eould hea vey "How do you mean?" inquied M. mak, "I dank only yesteday. w Oft Idly tuned the pages of the dictionay. offeed him efuse it with the e* plainly.' A man's voice said: Slowe-Pblk. y the Bedouin^' long maches acoss d&v; "Belinda, get up. Do you popose to Why, fo instance, 'love' comes Just ceuhties the siae of tb* wate skins fa* keep you bed all day? Ae yon not a little befoe 'matimony/'» ' nicely calculated to just ^outlast tbe> Jouney, andf they aely alkw themselves to beak the habit of abatemj ; awae that la political life a wife has a pat to play as well as the husband? eusness, as this would be sue to make Hese I am pesteed all day by constituents, evoy one of whom has an thjll next wate fast all the hade. FOBLUHBD SVSBT THUSSPaY VOBJiniS ST tffhey ae aecustomed fom Infancy to 'ax to gind,' while you ae deaming FRAMKL. ANDREWS de. CO negid Wate as a most pecious coin-: the happy hous away. (Set up, TSay,» nudity and'use it wtthehgioas eoojajj'- and sew on this button/* tooss *m MO*IMTO*S. Then a woman's voice:' aubaclptlott Pice fl in Advsncs e»y. They know evey hollow and "Jetho,, you'e a bute. Didn't I slave the lifo out of me when you we» unning fo congess, ^ cookhv fo the Whole county? Wasn't you always bslngln' folks home to dinne,, aad didn't I have not only to cook fo 'em, but play sweet on 'em?,iftid what do I git fo It?. ghet up, hee in this lone* some hotel while you stut about in the lobby buttonholetl by' female' constituents, who. play sweet 0¾ yoji to get you to intoduce Mils fo ttaev elief. And you fool enough to think they love youv' Thee was no eply to this. The man had evidently Jbeen convinced of his Injustice and kept QUtet 1«head wate unning in the stationay basin and some one washing. Oh, (tea! Ae Fank and I eve coming to speak to one anothe like this* Ai>d wbjt.a faud potttioal life must be. afte ahj "Belinda!" It was" the man next doo again. I wished they would go out. I H«d no hope of getting a nap and 1 would be tiivd m the eveolng. " "Shot lip!" "Couie out of that closet" "I'm dbessin'." "Dessin', ole gal! Do you mean you've got-to go into a closet'to pot on you stockings when tbese's no one pesent but you lawful lod and maste?" The woman was evidently in the clo^vt, fo he voice was muffled, but I could hea it distinctly. "You my lod and maste! You'd make a beautiful lod, and as fo a maste, yo&e a slave a slave to you constituents. You wpuldn't. dae complain to one of 'em if he apped you oye the-head." "I'll ap you ove tbe / head t you ole Jezebel, if you say that again." "You'e no sot of a lod, and you'e a slaite wose'n a slave, *you'e a" I head one blow and a cy and coveed my head with the bedclothes. I lay thinking what a hoid couple they wee and what low people epesent us in congess. When I took the clothes away fom my eas the man was humming a tune. Evey now and again thee came a sob fom the. won an* but he paid no attention to It, and she seemed to be cying heself asleep. I could not ealize that the gentlemen I had seen duing the day at the capitol sitting in thei seats and speaking, many of them so leanedly, numbeed among them even one who was a wife beate. But hee was pefect evidence of it Just think! In this advanced twentieth centuy among on legislatos Is pacticed what is extact among the lowe classes. The bute went out pesently and when he did so locked his wife in the oom. I listened, but head nothing. She was doubtless asleep and had fogotten his hoid teatment. Fank came in, and when I told him about it he was not supised. But Fank is always talking aboot the low type of people engaged In politics. 1 dessed fo dinne, and we went downstais. In- the evening we stolled ouy to find some place of amusement We passed a vaiety hall, and, since aa a gil I had been denied such places, I begged Fiank to take me in. We lfttened to women stag songs and men atogaoiag and p«^ n% a^tsai tained anlmal% Then \ man came eut and thew.down some Utile dummy n^ttes. And what do you siippose waa the tost wod** aami '^BeiinAt, get nt>.' tt ' ' Good gacionsl' He was the bute I had been. UsteitlnjLjo^mln^the^teT. Subecibe fo the DUPATOB fed the convesation I d\ which he bad been eheasing, and end*d by one of the dummies, his wife, bed as natually as she did _ the aftenoon.^ v the fist wod Fank and \ looked each othe. Then Fank bust out Satsea st the Postofflcs»t Flasknej, Xicslg-si: ss s«ooxul-«isjis msttox. Advetisiag stsi msds known on Sf pucstion. Boslneas Csxda, $4JJ0 psi ves. Death and malsae noticst pabllsasd fss. nssancsmsstaot sntetstnmsnts nuy bs pslc fo, U dssitcd; by pessntidgths ofllcs with tick eta of admission. In cass tlckataae not bough to theofflee.sgulaataawillbs chajt All matte In iocalnottce column wlllbscua^d ed at 5 csnts pe line o faction theeof, fo each insetion. Vvheeno time Uepeclned,aUnotice* wiubslnietod ostil odeed {flscontinned, and wiu»e«akgs4foave60nunalf.,im 111 change* of sdvedssmeau MUST each this office ss ealj ss TDBSXUT moning to iasns an insetion the lame week. JOS PMMVfMG/ In all iu. banches a apeclaltj. We have all kind aad ths latest styles oftype, etc., which enable nato exeeate all kinds of wok, such aa Books Pamplets, Postes, Fogaounes, Bill Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Cads, Auction Bills, etc., in apeie styles, upon the shotest notice. Pioeeas ow as good wok can be done. +Lh SILLS FATASL*»ISST 0» BVBST XOHTH. THE-^ILLAGI DIRECTORY. VILLAGE OPFICLvRS. PH»UUJ«NT ^. ^. * I*,Sigle XiiLBTiBei Chaa. Love, F. L. Andews, Ueo.JCeasoaJ. if. U, Jackson,. A. t>l le, B. VV. Kennedy. (JLKKK. *, it. Bown SJL4SUlaSU... M M. _... J. A. C*dWell AssBsaott....-.M.W. A, (Ja SnssTCoMKiBaioKSs, J. Pake iiitatthomaosh D.H. F. 3i«iei ATToanxv... ~~ W. A. Cat MABsaiU.,.,,^,...^., M ^:...* S. Boken i i a_l CHURCHES. ithodlst KP18COPAL, CtiUMOH. M Kev. H.W. HJeks, pasto. Sevices evey Sunday moning st 10:w, and evey Sunday evening at 7:0» o'clock. Paye meeting'thusday evenings. Sonday school at dose of moning sevice. Miss MARY VAKFLBST, Supt. IONURHGATIONAL CHUBCH. C> Bev. G.W. Mylne pasto. Sevice evey Snnuay moning st 10:80 and evey Snnday evening at 7KK o'clock. Paye meeting Thus day evenings, Snnday school at close of mon ln«sevice. Rev. K. H Cane, Snpt,, Moceo Teeple Sec. T. MABYS 'J ATHOUC CHURCH. S Bev. M. J. Commefod, Pasto. Sevices evey Ssaday. Low mass a*?:80 o'clock high mass with semon at 8:80 s. m. Cstechlsm at 3.-SO p.m.. vespes and benediction at 7:80 p. m SOCIETIES: mhe A. O. H. Society of this plscevmeeu evey 1 thid Snnday lathe P. MatthewaHsll., John Tuomsy and M. T. Kelly, County t elegates itheftat Fiday of each month at S:80 p. m, at the home of D. H. P. le. Bveyone iateeeted in tempeance ia coedielly invited. Ms. Leal Sigle, Pes; Mn. Mtts Onxee, Secetay. ie CT. A. aad B. society of this place, mee Tevey thid Satnoay evening in the FT. katsii. John Donohoe, Poaohoe, esident. thewhi NI9HTS OF MACCABBS8. KMeet evey Fiday evening on o befoe foil of tils moon at thei hall In the Swathont bldg. Visiting bothes ae codially invited. N. P. MoBTssaoa, Si Knight Commands* T Ivingston Lodge, No. 7S, F a A. M. Keguls ±J Communication Tuesday evening, on o befoe the fall ot the moon. Kik Van Winkle, W. M vrdsr OF SAsnaN STAB each month A \J A. the M. meeting, Fiday e following the egula F. Mas. Ksuu Csaxs, S : fist Thusday evening of each Month in the doabee nail. C. L. Gimes V. C. AD1ES OF TR t MicCABK&S. Meet evey is Ij and Sd Satuday of eadl month at 8:80 p m. a ZTo. T. M. hall. YUiUng sistes eodislly la vited. AHJU. FBASCIB, Lady Com. ^- " m KNIGHTS o THB LOYAL GFUAftO F.L. Andews P. M, BUSINESS CAROS. J.M.BROWN vkstlst. Oftos OTST Wight's Gocey U Ptaekaey, Mkh. M.. SJO4.ES is. >. CeL.aioiSJiMee' DRS. SIGLER & SIGLERj m Phystdsas aad Ssgeons. All calls pcemptl sttsnded to day ex nifkt Mxe oa Main si *. a^pesawse'y ^ egi Jasjage i& i» W' ;:*M We would like to ask, wi colomns ol >oo jape, if papen wfeov<»*«* *» * ed "' ^^c-'u flowe fo the cue of Jedi #s$!*sp Uvaptjpwa, aht Live UOB.% #«! aas net been cu^d»n4 tjpg neok In the mountains whee wate may be found. Thei camels and goats, wfifqh they take with them on thei ttsjetfaes to supply them with milk foev'toeat, Jive' pincipally on fhe sensy hebage and foliage of the tiyn mimosa. Neithe men no animkjhi dink nfce than once 4n foty*, ci5 tjhous. No wonde they can sob*, s^s^hee invades guiekly peiisli.' Eat All Yoa Pesons toubled wii o dyspepsia can feat all 1 they avike Kodol Dyspepsia Coe. TbiftT emedy pepaes the stomach fa. the>: ; eception, detention, digestion and assimilation of all the wholesome food thai may be eaten, and enables the digestive ogans tqtansfom the same into the kind oi blood that gives'heeltb and ttength. Sold by all Duggists..,Fkjt;! m «* '&*&p*.m%gp :¾ 1 Nithea Michigan Excsslon. Wednesday, Sept. 2 the Ann Abo Raiload will sell excusion tickets to, Fankfot,'Petoskey, Cystal Lake, Bay View, Mackinac. Island, Chalevoix, Ludiugton, Elk Rapids, Manistee and Tavese City gcod fo etain on egula tains until Satuday Sept, 12 inclusive. Special tain will leave Lakeland at a. m. ound tip Fae lo the LOW BATES WEST The Chicago Geat Westen Railway wilt on August 1st. to 14th.inclusive, sell tickes to Seattle, Wash, at geatly educed ates. Fo full infomation apply to any Geat Westen Agent, o J. P. Elme, G. P. A. Chicago. 30t33. WistMtoOtMgh Gw% S^' ^, Cue fndijwtion, austfpsaiott. and bad beath. 0¾¾ setakpawfthabw* lute safety by a chim o adult. They ae A KRPCtTT RtOULATOII. "D. HALS'S Household Pills cued me of a vey sevee live touble of many 5 vus stsndlss;. I would not be without th:m if they cost ten times the piced -Mjja, Taylo BaiO, Blaiavfllo, Pa. "We mstke fsquent use of D. EAX.B'S Household Pius In my famil/and ooneide them the best Live Medioane we ev^ Qssd.'^sts. 8. M. Spey, Hatfod, Ci. D. BJLU*B HotmsaoLnPnxs ae puely vsgwtabto, easy to takw aad assy to act, neve gips o sicken in any way. We eustsses them to give pefect ss/ * * v?a o money willingly efueled, *R.e««2M Ccwe " u. all dugj(iius o dslivesd by ua, atst. wbssjeas^xu^foes^oaitiasheisnies. KtNYON A THOMAS CO., ADAM«, N. Y saaaft maamm w»- Aj :n

6 ' ' * - * : : -, *., *. (Wi-w.^V WM.M '.VAMMW^** MTJai'.,tw.-» w t i f t * ' *! ' ^! " ^ * ' * " '. ' 7S95E* ~~" j*;' '.:* **;. * ^-., : «± <*.: w. N^s %fl " "»N t*& t& & ft?,;.^ tit/"" 1¾.» ****** (fefe o. i 1^.-;: & v.--*.*:../*, :. ^^.-, e;&vi: *& &. < 1- it- T*- '.C».-. <MMP%Wk Vll^-Contlnuod. jaoyiajc he pe^d^,.thjan^t sinking of CtTS^Io^^Qfoted a little and he he.-atewatdb tansfeing hejeew 2mw UMHjfhtfully and in alienee. to the'fiet thing we can pick up >pe eye* hup askant, somewhat found, weefco aouth." ^ * ikly, b*t eajtneetta* Ws gaze his "I'm otoindai's mind," said *>pe. 4aoe llgote* li with one of his fine /Hight, if you sink tip vessel/' intejested cystal. ydlal, Iish Julie*. It was clea tpom this aa^ fotae discouse they So tae<wde was gtjeavfo thejguns told that,#h«h*d as yet "fomed no to b*.loaded, and t»*> small ams siana afte>uasyhadobtained as much seved out They loaded the caonadeavand an them out The two long plunde as w«u*^atisfy them. The cew mede mey in the dog- gvns wee also loaded;-the boats,wee tsntchea thnt tveoing, weaied as they Been to, all Was made clea fo action well mignt be afte the labos of th Hoist the- enslgn>*' said Pope. night Just befoe sundown the boafc ''Hani up you couses, and back the swain Olndal luched though the foe-topsail. Down helium**'. yellow sheen to the quate-deck. ' "Captain Pope," said he, "the men ha'n't seen thei flag yet Is thee any objection to its being hoisted, that all hands may make sue of the colos they sail unde? 1 * "Cetainly," says Pope with geat heatiness. "Pipe all hands, aft and let them salute the flag with a glass of gog apiece." Ginds! chiuped somewhat tipsily, and the cew came tumbling on to the main deck. A bucket of gin was dtawn and the bands wee odeed not to dink till the flag floated ove them. Pope went to the flag-locke Just abaft the wheel and took out a little hale of stuff that was like a pall olled up, He bent, this weied flag to the main-oyal signal halyads. Then took a tun ound his hand and shouted to bis man to bing blm and Cystal a glass of gog. He then addessed a few wods to the piates, and, tweaking the line he held, the flag at the masthead boke and blew out lage, glossy, and black at the aven's wing again the fading scalet ove. head. The whole ship's com *ny oaed out thee chees, and then dank, the captain and his mate dinking with them. The flag was a black gound. It lacked the melodamatic ghastly de- vices of skull and aw bones. It was not a flag, howeve, that a man would continue flying. Afte it had floated aloft Ave minute*, it was hauled down, olled up and stowed away. The men went fowad, and one poduced a fiddle, and many of the sailos tuned to and danced in the beautiful fading CHAPTER The little vessel was hove-te ight athwat the couse of the appoaching caft, which might now be some two o thee miles off. The sails of the stange wee emakably white, "A gent's pleasue boat," said Ginds!. "A pope caft fo ou flag, I guess." "I've been thinking that," says Cystal, looking at Pope, who made no answe. The stange came ippling along towad the big with pathetic unsuspiciousness. And she was now within hah* a mile, pehaps within each of a tumpet, when all of a sudden, as though. the Gypsy's tue chaacte had been discoveed, he length of boadside with Us high shee of bow, like a smack's of these days, dew out, and she was off! "Fill on you foe-topsail, M. Cystal," oaed Pope. "Gihdal, Jump fowad and send a shot fom the Long Tom afte he, as the big bings he to bea. Fie wide." The boatswain ushed fowad, This sot of odes made his blood, un fast They swung the foe-topsail yad, and the big, close hauled, stood in chase. Pope, examining the schoone caefully, now clealy made he out to be a pleasue vessel. She was steeed by a tille, and abeast of that long am of bass-ended timbe, stood a 'What does the old chap offe?" VIII. The Eftl. The night passed quietly: and the day.came along daped in sobe gay, with a long lead-coloed swell feckled by some sea-fowl within gun-shot of the quate*» In the aftenoon of this day, the sky being gay and dy and the sea-line clea, a sail spang up ight ahead. The two captains wee at dinne when the boatswain put his ugly face into the skylight and epoted he. Both came up leisuely, knowing the wind to be a little moe than a small daught, Pope with his adiant spyglass unde his am. He leveled it at the nail; Cystal peeed at he though the big's telescope. "Shall we attack he o pass he with a civil salute?'* said Pope. "Speak, Cystal" The squae man consideed. When ho spoke bis ipeech was slow, his de livey solemn, and be looked fiece with his sca. Tn fo passing on," said he. "Fo moe, I'm fo putting the big's helm ove, and giving yonde vessel a wide "What d*e say. Olndal?" said Pope, avftading upon bin boatswain..^ttthi is a dea sea," answeed the In, " and a fust-class oppo- I'* fo boading he, taking t.;th*ft woth, having, e* tall and matial figue, an eldely gentleman, in a long militay cloak, and a soft black hat with a wide bim. He few men stood with thei heads above the line of he bulwaks, staining thei vision in evident vail upon you to accept my daft fo alam and amazement at thei pu- {-¾ consideable sum of money in lieu sue. The boatswain had leveled the long piece fai at the stange, when Pope saw that she had put he helm down and was slowly ounding, with a faint temo of canvas, as though feat shook he, into the wind's eye. Instantly the captain began to oa out odes. A boat was loweed, twelve men amed with cutlasses and pistols tumbled lnto> he,- tfope took chage with a swod at his side and a pistol in his bosom; and Cystal with folded ams and a sten black face, stood at the quate-deck ailing looking on. The boat swept alongside. Pope and eleven men spang aboad with fluoished cutlasses, but so fa fom meeting with any esistance they found a clea deck. One figue alone emained. He was the tall man in the. cloak and black soft hat He was a noble-looking old gentleman, pehaps seventy yeas of a*, wondefully eect, a matial figue. He thew his head back when Pope appoached and exclaimed in a calm deep voice: "Why have you boatftd me, si?" Pope answeed, "We ae gentlemen of fotune. We ae sailing the high seas in seach of an estate and you'll help us in that quest" He could not but be defeential to the fine old fellow. He was a gentleman by bith, an Iishman, the son.clegyman, and no fiece, and m> Pope's mon, beatnlcg shot, looking ;e?uea# sad wild, bloodshot, haiy, and tw?d,- evey jnan with a cutis** in His hand, stood! about the companion- <*ay waittaswwhtie the following, convesation took place between -Pop* and. the 1»H, lofty and commanding old gentleman. ~ "1 am Bad FiUgibbon," said the tall, old gentleman, "and am poceeding fom the Asoes to England. I bet that you suffe me to depat. You will discove nothing in this vessel woth you attention, Examine the cabin by all means. You will find eveything plain, and such money as I have in the ship you se welcome to, about ninety guineas." "Thanks, my lod. It is ou custom to make ouselves welcome ^without invitation," says Pope. "We cannot let you depat fo ninety o nine hunded guineas. We must tansfe you and you cew to that big." "But why, si? But why?" cied his louship, suddenly exhibiting signs of agitation. "What would you do with me? What would you do with my vessel and the men? Name the pice of tansom, si?" He stetched foth his hand, which tembled exceedingly. "Any sum in eason you shall hae, if you will suffe me to poceed.^ Pope jfocked his ea at the wod ansom; it gave his an idea wholly new to him. He eflected, staing into the eage gaze of my lod kept fastened upon him. Then his face lengthened, he glanced at his men who stood nea, and said to the noble- man: "We'e not bigands, we can't talk of ansoms. You and you cew must go aboad my ship, my lod. Gypsy ahoy!" oaed Captain Pope, giving no heed to bis lodship, who, with alamed, yet commanding gestues of his am, was endeavoing to make himself head. "Hallo!" answeed Captain Cystal. "Send a boat fo the cew of this schoone'" sung out Pope. "Get the longboat ove. Come aboad, M. Cystal." The squae man flouished his hand. "In God's name, si," exclaimed his lodship, "suffe us to poceed on ou way. Name a Bum that will satisfy you and you shall have my daft." Pope smiled. 'On my wod as a Bitish nobleman," continued the fine old man, all temo and dignity, "that daft shall be Bank of England money to you, and not a question asked." "1 would tust you but not you cew," said Pope. "My lads," cied he, tuning upon his men, "this schoone would be making Potamouth in afew days ** "On my hono, si!" vehemently inteupted Lod Fitzgibbon. Pope shook his head. The nobleman flushed, stated and staed a little wildly at him. But now the cew of dastads wee coming up out of the foecastle; they wee eleven men and one was a clean valet with a white cloth, and anothe was a cook in a white cap. As thay came to the gangway guaded by the piates with thei naked cutlasses, the boat steeed by Cystal dashed along side, and that captain came aboad, othes of the cew following him, and in a few minutes late the longboat aived. Thee was still plenty af daylight left in the ai, and in it the cew of the schoone including the cook and the valet, made a mean and melancholy pocession as they came to the gangway. They enteed the boat, all with vey white faces and teified looks. "Now, my lod," says" Pope, with an impeious wave of his swod towad the gangway. "Is it possible," cied the Eal, not offeing to move, "that I cannot pe* of my pesons and this vessel? Of what use will this schoone be to you? She is without cago. Thee is less than a. hunded pounds in money on boad." Cystal, who stood had by while some of the fist gang of piates hung about the companion-way, says without eveence to Pope, "What does the old chap offe?" "Two thousand pounds," cied the Eal. Pope flouished his swod towad the gangway. Cystal sent a swift look ove the little ship, and said, "Who's going to take up the money? Besides as a vessel shea woth moe than two thousand pounds, not to mention the value of the old gentleman's libety." "Do you suppose," cied Pope in a age, o two oaths, "that. tallls and Willis, "Stange abput giddy young gils, Isn't it, Bailie?" "How so, WUIIeT" "Why, thee's a gil in town who used to boast that she.was kissed by Pesident Gant when she was a baby, but she now declaes it was Pesident Hayes who kissed he. la a few J tas she will be claiming that Pesident Roosevelt kissed he when she WMS a mee child." Rolle Monthly. Fotunate Reminde. "Noah," exclaimed the gand old sailo's wife, "what ae you slapping at?" "Confound that mosquito," he answeed. "I'll smash it yet, see If I don't" *> euiciato^^ue -mm**ay* nya *c$tatie* who *4**»*de>a study of suicides has discoweed^that moe wo* ntfs commit suicide on Monday than on anj othe day oi the 'weehm" Monday, "Blu^Uonday~*JWftti hag long been called, Is one of the most tying days of the; week fo* women who. at housewives, niaclpsu be»_ cause it Is "washday." fsmmfctt is usually seved ealie thasl ha ethe days and mos *j*tq* pefietvi Ths childen ae ealy huied effuft school and dinne is often "pickedvp." "Blue Monday" U the one day In the ( week when a housewife's toubles; had wok, and annoyances seem toncome all at once* Hence vthe sig#fleaut name fo the fist woking day of the week. * *" Net a atockhelde. ; People who ae compelled to tavel oa the steet cas whan they ae. so cowded that many'have to stand will ympathle with the Phifcdelphjan who finally decided to make a detemined potest He accodingly called "Heny W. Noah, what. do you mean? Have you fogotten that we at the office one day and expessed have only two mosquitoes in the ak?" I his sentiments in plain and vigoous New Yok Heald. tems. "Who ae you, who dae come hee and talk like this?" asked one An Appopiate Pen Nam a of the offices of the copoation. Autho Algy What an absud ceatue that Gayleigh gil is. When I told he I was down hee nosing 'ound fo mateial and local colo she asked me If by any chance my pen name was Piggy. Not That Kind of a 8tove. Housekeepe I'll give you a good meal if you'll light the fie in the stove fo me. Weay Willie All ight, lady. -Housekeepe Vey well. Hee's a hatchet. Just chop some of that wood out thee Weay Willie Oh, see hee, lady. I thought it was a gas stove you had! Good-day! The Pice and the Room. "How does you oom suit you?" asked the popieto of the summe hotel. "I have only one fault to find with it," answeed the guest. "What is that?" "It doesn't coespond with the pice. Eithe the oom ought to be bette o the pice less." A Foeunne of Loquacity. "Thee's no use fo me to suggest to my wife that it's time to go home. She's talk fo two hous yet." "What makes you think so?" "Didn't you hea he emak when she stated the agument?" "No. What was It?" "She said, "Thee's vey little to say on eithe side.'" Thei Way. The Lady Why, you told me yestehee again? fo all my led hee could sign his* day you would neve show you face name to, I should be fo letting him sail away. In a swift keel to epot ou Gitty Geoge Well, ye see, mum, doings? What do you think I value I am like de geat opea singes, 1 my neck at?" always have moe den one faewell "Isn't his daft woth consideing?" appeaance. says Cystal. "Two thousand! By thunde, though I value my neck as highly as yous, I'm willing to take my chances of pesenting "that mao's daft when we etun home," "No," answeed Pope, in a low but hot tone of detemination, and without anothe wod he went i&eo tt cabin, foubwed oy half a scoe of'gjj men. ^- *. * <To >* conthmedif ** Bidget's Natual Alam. Bidget O'll hov to l'ave, mum. Oi don't loike J.he snip of a dude that docs be callin' on Miss Ethel. Mistess The Idea! He doesn't call to see you- Bidget I know he don't mum; but Oi'm afaid some Qf the neighbos mofght think he d*>e* Philadelphia Ledge. "Ae you one of ou stockholdes f* "Not on you life," said the man. "I'm one of you stap-holdes." A Geman Fame's Case. Rich Fountain, Mo., Aug. 17th. Rev. Joseph Pope of this place la widely and. favoably known as a clegyman who has done and Is doing much fo his people. He is vey much beloved by eveyone fo the* faithfulness of his' pastoal woky v* Rev. M. Pope has given fo publication a statement made to him by a Geman fame who is a membe of his congegation. The man's name is Geoge Hoellee, and he has given. Rev. M. Pope this lette: " "Last winte I suffeed vey much with Rheumatism. I could nejtbe walk no ide on hoseback nbif*do any fam wok. "I took medicine fom diffeent doctos but they did not do me any good. Then I tied Dodd's Kidney Pills pocued fo me by a good fiend. Afte I had taken the fist box I felt aleady a heap bette; I was elieved of the pain and could walk and chop wood; and the contaction of my Anges began to esolve. "Now since I have taken six moe botes of Dodd's Kidney PHI* I feel well again and am able to' d# all the wok on the fam.* Bitish lhvestmen*aaboad. The geat incease that has occu* ed In Bitish investments aboad is appaent in some figues mentioned by M. Ritchie, a few days ago, in the hcuifie of commons. Income tax statistics, he said, showed that wheeas in ou income deived fom Investments aboad was 80,600,000, ten yeas late it was 54,600,000, and in co less than 62,600,000. Remembe this is the last week the Ameican Wie & Steel Bed Co., 324 West Twenty-sixth Steet, N. Y., offe thei Diamond Sping Bed, as advetised in nnethe column fo five dollas. Its enh value Is much geate. Ty one and nfte a tial you will cetainly ecommend it to you fiends. Tell them to mention you name to us nnd they will eceive the benefit of ou special advetised offe. lagely Supplied "Ae yon a nan of family, si?" "Yes. si; my thid son-in-law moves in to-day." Detoit Fee Pess. DEAFNE88 CANNOT BE CURED by local applications as they cannot each-the du*. ssed potion of the ea. Thee is only one way to cue deafness, and thst is by constitutional eaaediee. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eostachian-Tobe. When this tube is inflamed you have a ambling sound o impefect heaing, and when It it entiely closed deafness is the esult, and nnjess the inflammation can be taken out and this tube estoed to its nomal condition, heaiae wiu be destoyed foeve; nine eases out of ten ae caused J>y ca» tafh, whjchjaaothing but as inflamedzoodition of the mucous sufaces. We will five One Hunded Dones fof u& ease of Deafness (caused by catah! -that cannot be cued by Hall's Catah Cue. Send fo cicula* fee. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Duggists. 7Sc., Hall's Family Pills ae toe beat A loafe Is neve able to ealise that a busy man has anything; to do. Stop* the Oongh ana Wok* Off the Gold Laxative BdaioQuioine Tablets. Pice SBo. Eveything comes to the man who Waits and keeps Qn walking. KSVA penaanensty 1'M.KIL Keflteoeae^NQeaeaVaftay A bee joing* home honey-laden' tavels a mile In five minutes.., Ms. Wlaslow*s Soothing* Fo chlweo teetbtof. soness tb flammatton, allays pan,cuefc win Watch oat fo the bids you "Good-by." RED CRO88 t*a t» Bl Should be In vey homo,.! Ask jou we fo it. Lage 2 ot, package oogft ceaj$ Love m4y laugh at, &Olt3,.but. boilticlaims do Jttot'...,.,..,..' '.,' Plan's Cue cannot be too highly spoken of ss aeough cue\~a. W. O'ttews*. wtela' jfte., 1».. Mlaijaapalia. alinn.. ^sa. % lfflo. # «-"* -^- ^ * v T ^ When you would 'tiftht sin tea telc. 1 1 ;3l I :-'V 'j» '>!>. * * < \ ' -'' JK *l

7 ::V*-* : l Wm7W^lWfW^ i'^j.mfi :* #R % * - : -,^-,^ ',:' ' ' ,\, V ' fcv THE I BYSTftOtt UpHHHiitotfaasav1 \SS5SS jtiictn eettallea. ' '" " : ' '~ Taei sat -** net as* 0M iaaeiennee. fate^ ewe ftml III Bystos At Lwp H tt, and wok* eefeott, ell M.,sa nneeteiety. theuou. Mawe%at at aa eipense of ooathid ceat pe hoa o at ooe> fouth the eoet of keaeeae ejf L*w>a tfce same candle-powe. Su- "6.. passes *U ecently invented - tltfteta, and Is luvslusete tat au w**y ***«v^hwm. of Uffct U 4eil«LjM lean. ttth. the XasexoveVnyetosa Bavae. Th* t* v «y»too nsunsoi* iutef «flawv lawjietaetedonej*^ LAMP* inctpet.nedleomeewateay^u can ely. We»e,. nlabiag * goat many to equip fixtues of oilie Hasanfaoteen whee thei bunes have poven Iwothlees. We ee toe n»y manufactues who no ee whhag to do this and jtoe/entee them to give satis- Ifactfc* If yds hae> alamo Wt giving go< esults, end fo ABu&» end you will be pieaaad. ttelo'ftw v 1 ng pices on on complete 1 ine wuefoeatakjfuejlytng ptt THE >** YiTtbM ltiit«lft»t 0A8 ChlOA«0, LAMP Ml. CO., It J Ktlfed fo Resitting Aest. Aeola^111., special: Policeman., Jaa. Hudson.^hot, anflf fatally., woi»nde$ Thomas Spleluan while esisting aest. Th.e coone's Juy ^xo^aletjl Hudson. s Public ^entioi^t 1*, divided. ' A1X U^-TO-DAW HOCSKK*EPBBSJ TTseRed Coss Ball Blue. It noakee clothes clean audlsweet as when new. AU goces. Oil Mege Is Planned. Lima, Qnio, special: Plana fo the mege o a scoe of stock oil companies ae on foot hee, among them be* -tag many of the companies floated by Adams & Sabe. THE^fXT WOWING 1 FEEL BRIGHT ANp NEW AND NfY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. Sfy doote^iayett act* gently on the stomach, 11m end kidney* and ie a plemaot laxative. Ttito dink la Meade fom hvhs. and is paaed fo uee eeaaslh a* ten7kuioeued"i*aae>o Test* w LAME'S FAMILY MEDICINE AU danmtobymansteta. aad Mots. Boy it to iay^ Iie.««*a; net F^wU-Medletaev *e*u (sseaietao seeee Mee* the.teems I a»k day. T» nyda to be healthy thieis. Atfdnes; o. T. Woodwad, La Bey. n.t. S0Z0D0NT UTTEimiSOLD fo the) teeth. It pevents decay. It hadens the gums and puifies the) beath and month. SAVES-TEETH UVofng I Into tvap \Stomacf> a liquid called the gastic Joioe, which la la healthy condition ts capable of digesting the food aad conveting it into c^s* -- ^5&. 'chyme,'' which at lengtk boooihes good) Tick blood.' The lease little ailment of the stsssaeh affects this "gastic juice" aad quickly leads to vaious i stokasssts. These ailments may be easily avoided by taking egulaly D. Caldwell's Pepsin eem mad a.oe Beeuew ALL DRUGOLfTS SENT FREE: Saaaple bottle sad an inttastutg book on stonaoh toubles. tmu xnst co>. Mentiwno, mt. FREE TO WOMEN 1 vines anyone of its alua, women all ove the oountn SMuaislaf Paatiae fo what [i% Kas done la loeal semt*. m 'sa^atof teaaaiollla.euini allafjassssatlon.afddjeobagea, wocdefol set sle^tiswslaej doneae. fo soe thoat, aastj asteh, aeasseuth waaa aad to emove tatat sad wbitea the isesn, Bead today; a postal ea* " vftae^ II I l ll I W. '.'I ' The U»:axe«BattUeed*. «3«MS" «*» ion Indicated. Not only ae the faoa^ 'a'ctata,' %3wSn, tt:^«lf (faw*«g; about ten im*izio%'' > wnte than usual. Consideing, the geat weight that was taken fom he by the collie and tug, It is vey evident that an enomous quantity o wate must be insidfun ode'to pu' a ship of he else down ten Inches. The anchoage was cfcanged s» that the «btp might be In sfcallow wate Hi caae she leaked woae.and aaalc. Odes hae been sent to the Booklyn navy yad to get the dock thee In eadiaeaa fo the Massachusetts which go thee fa epp Is. One hunded thousand dollas was spent on Massachusetts when she gounded In New Yok habo In The pilot of the vessel was suspended fo this accident. One Hustdhed Pelefced. Eighty-fou bodies have been ecoveed" and the death list pobably will exceed 100 in the undegound disaste -which, occued on the Metopolitan electic ailway in Pais Monday night, Although the accident occued at 8 o'clock Monday evening the officials and fiemen wee unable, until ealy Tuesday moning to descend into the tunnel owing to the blinding clouds of smoke fom the buning tain. Fequeat attempts to ente the tunnel wee made by,heo!c voluntees, whom it was necessay to escue; half suffcoatedv and cay away to the hospitals. The scenes at the mouth of the tunnel whee the victims wee bought foth wee heat-ending, c*wda of weeplitelasjo, women. au*t childen Atugglink Jn an effot to ecognize thei missing elatlvef and fiend*. Most of the victim* ae, fonv.the middle and woking.,classes, '4* the tilns wee caying them"home- fom thei wok. fttifltetaat 9U*?cab** Rolbea;. A nlihg' of Inteest to nll.maccabees has b»*en made,, in of the geat camp, Gustav PlaUe, a fome Pee MaQuette baggageman, now dead, epesented AVUIUI he joined the ode anfl too?' out a : $2.000: policy tlwt ht«was 34 yen* old. The poofs at his death showed that he was 3J at JQintnj. This mady a diffeence in the assessments which he should have paid, so the uling of the geat camp Is that $4()0 *hfill be deducted fom his policy and but $1,U(K> paid to the widow. The consul at Pluige'g bithplace hi Gemany baa been asked by the family to look up the ecod of his bith. Game Waden Sulnle*. All of the state deputy game wadens who ae paid by the state have been laid off until Novembe except Chief Deputy Bewste, because thei siilay fund is exhausted. By Novembe enough of moneys will hnvo -been~ acciimulated fom license fees equied fom non-esident dee hunte to je^ new thei salaies. The $2,000 appopiated fo thei walny fund Is aleady exhausted. County deputies whose sal«aiea ae paid by boads of supevisos ae not affected and will continue tailing violatos. Gen. Nel*on A. Miles was Riven a spontaneous ovation at Cumbeland. Md.. en oute fom Washington to San Fancisco. Thousands of people tuned out with the Ijnlon Vetean league and membes of the ft. A. R. to chee him and shako his hand. l.ivk STOCK. Detoit. CattU> Choice stees. $4 00; good to choice butche stfses, 5,000 to pounds. *4 25@4 75; light to good butche stoen and helfet*. 700 to 900 pounds. $8 25^4 10; mixed butches' fat cows, $ ; cannes. $1 50@2 00; common bulls. $2 00; good snippes' bulls, $3 00 S C5; comtnon feedes, ; S ood well-bed feedes. $ ; Kht stockes, Hogs Light to good butches, $ ; pig-a, $5 60; light yokes, J5'5B S5 60; oughs, $ ; stags, 1-3 oft*. Sh*ej) Best lambs. $5 25@5 65; fai to good lambs, t«50@5 15; light to common lambs. $3 50 5*4 15; yealings, $3 75; fai to good butche sheep. $3 50; culls and common, $1 50@2 00. Chicago. Cattle Good to pime stees. $5 20@ 5 75; poo to medium, $3 75@5; stockes and feedes, 12 50@ x!>n ; PftWs ffl4.50: heifes, $2 0» 4 76; cannea. IT t(t T-*«T-tm»?-»* 4 25; calves. $2 5f 6 75; Texas stees, $3@4 7S; westen steee, Hogs Good to choice heavy, $5 35 fi 45; ough heavy. $4 $008 JO; light, $5 25^* 70; bulk ot sales, Sheep Good to choice wethes ; fai to choice mixed. $2 50@ 3 25; native lambs. 3 East Buffalo. Cattle Supply.duing th? week ftily equaled demand, pices unning about the same as last week. Hogs Mediums *5 SO; heavy. $5 70$5 75: yokes «9; pigs. $6<Q>«l»t oughs, $4 75&4 85; etags, 14 4 IS. Sheen-iBest lambs #6 50; fai to good. $$ 75^6; cull*, common. $4 75 (»5 50; mixed sheep* 13 75$4; fai to good ; culls, bucks. 12 3; wethes;»4#c Mi calves.?@7 26; fai to good. 4«tK 7¾. Gata. Detoit. Wheat No. 2 ed. 2 cas at 811%c. 4 cas at 81 %c; Septembe, 5,000 bu at 82c, bu at 82'Ac 17,000 bu at 82He. 3,000 bu at 82%c; Decembe. 5, bu at 83c. 10,000 bu at 81Hc 5,000 bu at 83*c, S.e«0 bu at 83ViC, bu at 8S % C.».000 bu at 84c; May, 10,000 bu, To pove the aeauag an* S^ttsWLF*?** o* ffaatlae Tone* mail a lage" Apttseptte tial paokact we win wltt bookoi^tusjs >»t 85*«*. i».000 bu at Sic bu^ at absolutely fee. This Is not g^c; by sample, 1 ca at 80c, 1 at 76c, a Uay sample, but a law 1 at 79c. 1 at 80Hc. paekace, enouth to eon* Con No. S yellow. 5 cas at 68c 3 cas at 54¼c, 12 cas at 54c. -. Oats No. 3 white, old, 2 cas at 87c, 2 oas at sthc; newi S cas at 87c; August, 8,6*0. bu at-**. Rye--No. 2, 1 ca ayssc. Ghicasjo. 'Wheat-^No. I sping c; No. S, 7SOS2o; No. 2 ed, 79¼t> SlUc. Com No. s, 58«; No. 2 yellow. Mo. Oats No. 2, 14%o; No. 2 white, f«ho; lf«. 9 white. 85WO3«He. tfflfitywv of»»' P*^ea*Jewf ^ 'Fom **«j0e>' ^'"' "\'\^> %\9* «MS»*", > '.- <- i *-J- The»> M Ane*-»HtAtk» el«% -H, 8V ******** whlc>,» tts nutfe tm* pllee, 1# to peetit wastem tlntng with the affections ot sn*eeptflie young people In the Rnselan capital and elsewhee. At * meeting ecently thee wee pesent tttty-seen young men belonging to the highe anks of society; v/bo exchanged a solemn pomise to efain fom thw penicious kablt and to.pevent othe* fom fliting. Those beaking tket pomise mutt contibute fo chniuble puposes IfiOO the fist time and $2,500 the second time. Afte the thid offense the entity ene will be expelled fom the club, and may only be eadmitted afte the expiation of one yea. Moden Dancing. Rev. Reginald Campbell, of the London City Temple, duing his voyage to Ameica on the Campania, said a numbe ot amusing things. One of them concened dancing. A young gil asked D. Campbell if he did not conside dancing gaceful. "Pofessional dancing," he eplied, "is, I admit, gaceful enough in some cases. But what is thee of gace in the dancing of amateus? A man and a woman, close togethe, spin solemnly about a oom; the man's long black coattails flap. Such pesona always look to me aa if they had been hied to daie, and weo doubtful if they would get paid." Wondeful Eate. D. H. L. Bonne of Maion, Indiana, claims to have the biggest appetite of any man in the wold. He began one of his ecent meals with a Mb steak and twenty-fou had-boiled eggs ab an appetize. Then he went on to a 10-lb steak, fouteen cans of cold oystes, and half a pound of cheese. He is still alive. ^ Complllea to M He JPeet the Lage of the Day Finds a Tonic In Pe-u-na. Miew Cutain* off 3%. Paul O^vee Hs M 1 Miss NeTuTSSfaT^ ISS NELLIE CURTAIN, 646 Peal steet, St. Paul, Minn,, head saleswoman in a depatment stoe wites: "/ bavm ckmge o/ m depatment In m dy goods stoe, and mite wtmodiog the Imge pat of the day, I would go Congessman Mak H. DunnelL Natioftss) Hotel, Washington, B. C, wites: "You Peuna being used by sayseu and home with a dull ache, geoeaiiy. many of my fiends and acquaintances not though my entie body, I used Peuna and feel ao much bcttct that I admiable tonic fo physical ecupeation* only as a cue fo catah but also as an walk to and fom the stoe now* i I gladly ecommend ft Co all pesons know Peuna to he the teat medicine quiing such emedies." Mak H.Dum on the maket fo thedhwaaea peculia If you do not deive pompt and satlsfno* to women." Miss Nellie Cutain. toy esults fom the use of Peuna,-wim Nothing is so weakening to the human at once to D. Hiilinaa. ging a full stata* system as the constant loss of mucus. ment of you case and he will be pleased so> Catahal inflammation of the mucus give you his valuable advice gatis. membane poduces an excessive foma' Addess D. Hatman, Pesident of The> tion of mucus. Whethe the mucus mem Hatman Sanitaium, CoUunbos, Ohio. BANKING BY MAIL bane be located in ogans, the dischage occu. This dischage of weakening dain; the withstand the loss of women afflicted with the pelvic ogans with weak back aad couse of Peuna k by cutting os the daily loss of mucus. the head o pewf of jaunts it soe t mucus constitutes» System cannot tied and languid*; thobbing bain, at to estoe health' dain of the OFFICERS AND FRANK B. LELAND, Pesident GEO. H. HOPKINS, Vice-Pesident SILAS B. COLEMAN, Vice-Pesident WALDO A. AVERY Capital Stock Paid fn... Additional Individual Liability. Suplus and Undivided Pofits.. DIRECTORS? FRED M. WARNER ALBERT F. PECK HENRY W. STANDART JAMES H. TRIBOU, $100, $100,000,00 $ 7, Inteest at 4 pe cent pe annum paid on deposits fom the 1 day of deposit to the day of withdawal Inteest compounded ~semi-annuatiyt,\_ TheTTJeToit United Bank-Limited-commenced busiaess Septembe , in the handsome new Banking building at S Giswold Steet, which was eected fo it. Fo convenience, light, solidity, secuity and atistic design, this building will compasaj favoably it is believed with any banking stuctue in this county. The Detoit United Bank Limited is stictly a savings bank. No loans ae made oacommecial pape, no unde its chate can it take any commecial isks whateve. Its funds ae invested only in fist motgages upon centally located impoved eal estate ta not exceeding 50 pe cent of pesent cash value of secuity in any case. The favo with which the public egad this bank and the consevative system fo which it stands is evidenced by the many hundeds of depositos it aleady has both fom Detoit and fom outside towns. It has been open but thee-quates of a yea and at this time has upwads of a quate of a million dollas of deposits. It has depositos in seventy-six cities and towns outside of Detoit, the aggegate of such deposits exceeding $100,000. It aleady has in its vaults ove a thid of a million dollas of fist-motgages on eal estate, woth at least double the amount of motgage in each case. It is seeking to inteest savings depositos whethe esiding in Detoit o elsewhee. You ae invited to open an account, and at all times ae assued of couteous teatment and evey facility which a fist-class moden savings bank can povide. Send fo booklet on B A I M I J C I I M O B Y IVIAIL*, fully illustating the system intoduced by this bank, unde which it is as easy fo pesons esiding at a distance to cay thei savings accounts with a stong metopolitan bank as fo thost) esiding in Detoit. _._ GRISWOLD STREET, DETROIT, MICHIGAN. AN OFFER FOB * SHOUT TIM ONLY HOME COMFORT Without doubt yon always seek fo the convenience and well being ot youself aad family; you want you days to be spent in ease and comfot Do you ealise that one-thio of you llfo Is event In bed? Have you povided you bedstead with moden impovements? CE IN THE ihlfid it you bed it povided with a moden uu _ w.lnllui poved sping bed unsagable and noiseless. instead of an impefectly constucted one, eithe as had as a ock of the " Human-Bone-Beaking " vaiety o of the soft and easting sot in which you body is doubled up. OUR DIAMOND SPBIHQ BED i«conceded to fee "A IEV0LUTI0I AID a REVELATION" lo comfot and duability. We guaantee it fo 40 yeas. H Is nsjsel» Made of the beet mateial. Constucted In the most moden way. It has a National 0 coppeed Knk suppot undeneath an excellently woven tinned-wie fabic. The fame, thoug* of solid ateel, is so eaaiiy handled that even any lady can put it inte aad out of the bed wit* pefect ease.. ^ fc^^z'?-^^ DIAMOND SPRINS BED FOR Tfcilte 1 SSZSLSfv.L.&iJEiSS bedngoaly pat of its eel value. We mak e thi«offe sinpy to advetise the DIAMOND PStllfO BSD in you locality. Wheeve this sping bed is intoduced its sale and eae is feese then that of all othe aota of sping beda combined. Svoyboety wants It t its epqtetioole becoming national Send in FIVB DOLLARS by check, money ode o egisteed lette. State whethe you bedstead is an ion o a woodea one; also state size of bed. AMERICAN WIRE" ^ E 1 ~ B E D 324 W. 26TH ST., NEW YORK CITY. ANTS DRIVEN AWAY WITH WATSON'S ANT-SUGAR Th)a it a powde, not a poieoa, aid may be safety eetnkled whaiee yon nad aata, and they wtfl «,ia*»«nmnufq ^^.i. WMi«T«wu^aat jou aad BN lakitlee. maw, uu Vitee ±pmj win tee. aaiekh acate. jneeeast aad lakitlee. Vitee tee, BSn4liT&iBlu^HnalaS^UUaemia,Ce^ -ISO S CUP F. F(W COMPANY, CIAWIOI TMIIS i::? T??&,,. Aak Toe Paysleian'a AdTtee. BOOKLET PKKK. Hilaielehla^naa Oe., els Leenat St.. yhila^ Fa. AGENTS CATHOLIC AOCMTS, ATTBKTlONi "UPB of Pone Loo X11L," only authoised edition; witten by the pope's ode by Ms. O'Reilly: lndoeed w enue Catholic helachy; pion W0; layo coloed potait woth 81 fee to aubectibee-. acento wanted; hiheat tems; immense demand; ontflt fee. INTERNATIONAL POiLlSBlKO CXX 44 N. Pouth St, PhUedelpaia. W> N. g.-petrolt-no O3 MBM nntiisftai Ifitillaisjcatt Kinfly ettatia* nts ansa, When answeing Ads. please mention this pape EDUCATIONAL. SA<»^W^^VWW^VN^^<S^V^»VWV»^/W^ THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME, NOTRB DAMB. INDIANA. FULL COURSES IN Boealca and Hfatey, jmnwejiaaem, At. Phafeaacy, Law, C Thoeogh Pepaeasay and tveuaee, Rooane Poa to all th^lf tt who have vwpleted the studies equied fo admission into tae> Sophomoe, Jnaio* o Senio Tea of any of tb4» Collegiate Ccmaea, Rooeaa to Rest, modeate chage to atodeata ove seventeen pegwiae fo CoUealate Cntiessi A limited numbe of Cendidetee fo the BceJe* ^ ^"^ 'a^m ^eceived at aneclelatae, St. Bdwad'e Kala. to bays wade 23 yeas, ftp. The «4Hh Yea wiu iiijiia lint leas ll t. 194)8» Catatefaee Fee. AdeVeee P.4XBeat 251. MV. A. MORMSSBY. C. 8. C, T ST. MARY'S ACADEMY NOTRE DAMI, INDIANA 0 Mile Wett.of Sete Same Uaieenat. MonbeautifnnyandlMeKaMBpkMatee. Condeet modeied afte leestac Atteboon. meat fo ehuden anda twelve yean. ^¾^¾.^.^^ AomM Beaooi ex Peyteai Tain ti ftesaetmeiea leanhenatedi ytmae weenea fo llteseff gowth of the Acaaaay i ^^ eeetioa of addtuonafnae sa^dtaaa wnh Hytieaie eoutameeta. KssMe seat; lewi eatbee^^aiembeaiattisnten tan saastt^a JPeaataica^esiiia^aayna^watnuaiegm Tat Ownsleat of $T. afmyt AWtJat» Meto ^ F

8 ' $<' ain* ;;i- «.iv n i,,,*! UP V- - V" \». ^*^^ fe> T 'WPP*?,' ^5»f,. y ' te ftw,»;.. *? i". ^¾. '. ' :!..-../\?* * WV.V' «. - / UNADILLA. A numbe fom hee attended theshow at Howell last Thusday. (Jeoge Hoyland and wife wee gueete of elatives in Howell last week. Don't foget the Sunday school pionic at Noth Lake Thusday of this week., Miss Anna Gibney, of Detoit, is the guest of he bothe and siste hee. Edna Bunke of Munith, spent last week with he siste, Ms. "V^it Banum. M. and Ms. Smith, of Galesbug, 111., ae visiting fiends and elatives hee. M. and Ms. Wm. Pype and daughtes, Ema and Ruth, called on M6. L. W. Allyn, at Noth Lake Sunday. T. W. Godon, of Stugis, Ms. Fank Stephens, of Chelsea, and Miss Tena Eveett, of Chatam, Canada, wee guests of M. and Ms. A. C. Watson, Monday. M. and Ms. A. C. Watson wee in Detoit last week Thusday and Fiday with othe membes of Ms. Feeman's china painting class who wee thee as the guests of M. and Ms. F. P. Glazie. They epot M. Glazie and wife oyal entetaines; among the pleasant events being a tally-ho ide to Belle Isle pak, and an excusion to Pfc. Huon andetunon the steame Tashnioo. >(««'t',,.>.-.-vv- <*»* " WSff PUTNAM. Math* Mwpby is visiting fiends is Jackson. Seveal fom hee attended the cicus at Howell Thusday. Millie Gadne visited at Fank Backus' in Maion, the past week. John Wilette, of Canada, was a guest at Joseph Monks' the past Mollie Kelly, of Ann Abo, is spending seveal weeks with he paents. Ms. Maxwell, of Bay City, is visiting he siste Ms. C. V. Van Winkle. John Sweeney and wife, of Hambug, spent Monday at Wm. Gadne's. Chas. Dye and wife, of FowUville, visited elatives hee the fist of the week. Michael Dunne and sons, of Jackson, called on fiends hee the last of last week. David Cbalke, of Jackson, spent a few days the pabt week with his family hee. Ms, H. Baton and daughte Esthe, of Pinckney, visited at H. B. Gadnes, Thusday Jast. Mae Hackett and fiend, Miss Mclvo, of Detoit, wee guests of Fannie Monks the past week. Ms. M. J. Kelly and childen having spent seveal weeks at Patick Kelly's, etuned to thei home in Chicago, Tuesday. FHE VALUE OF A LUClFiR MATCH Oiftaai) Iba most &*otfu] Incident in my aiload expeience? Well, daw up tloae so that I won't have to boile to be head above theae passing tain*, and Fll tell you. I've been a aiload bum all &y lite and In some bad tmaahes, bat the thing that bothes me boat, evon today, many yeas afte It tccued, was one in whlcb I was In o pesonal dangu whateve. I was station agent in a little towo an the A. V. and Y. aiload. The station waa at one end of a bidge acoss a naow, but <***P* ive. At low wate it was athe a goge than a steam. One wild night when the ain had been pouing «11 day I noticed that the wate was up to the stinges. I took my lanten and went on to the bidge. Going pat way acoss I felt a temo, and, afte hunting fo the, cause, saw that one of the pies was weak- Indeed it was simply a question of a shot thne befoe it would give way. Then I began to think In a huy. No tain would go ove that bidge without going down. I was so teo Iticken thatfo some time, though I *as familia' with the time of evey taiu, I couldn't fo my life emembe fom what diection the fist tain would come, but by an effot I contolled myself, and It came to me that m fifteen minutes one was due at the station coming fom acoss the ive, While fom the othe diection none was due fo moe than two hous. The thing fo me to do was to coss the bidge and signal the fist tain. Ove the ties, beneath which the wate wsas boiling against the stinges, I an as apidly as if I wee on a dit.oad- I could think of nothing but a tain load of people dashing on to that bidge and plunging into wate foty feet deen_,.,asj3oon_as I had X at* to hold^nt^tttok^^tftostdatag blown away. I next cumpled the ttts of newspape and laid them on tat lie, which, though wet, was not much in eontact with the, pape. My ntot move was to cumple too lettes and lay them on the clippings. All this X Aid, holding the coat In position. Finally 1 split my lead pencil into, stips, with which to stat a moe lasting flame. I had now taken evey possible peoautlon to secue a blaze and was eady to stike my match when I head the whistle of the appoaching tain. Galling up all my esolution to withstand acting hastily, I took out my match and scatched M on my sleeve. At the same moment a fesh gust of wind came, and I had no soone lighted a cone of one of the bits of pape than the match went out How I kept the blaze fom going out also by putting one bit of pape on top sf anothe, finally taking a piece of the lead pencil and secuing such a flame as I daed put into the lanten is now a mystey to me, fo I did it in a howling wind and ain and with the tain not a mile away. Nevetheless I succeeded and, camming the top down on the lanten, signaled without thity seconds to spae. Then, when I had explained mattes to the enginee, I dashed away to signal the next tain dec fom the opposite diection. The bidge went down befoe moning, but ao one was injued by its collapse. Indeed, I was benefited, fo I eceived my biggest.pomotion. Since that day I have always eaied a full box.of matches, and wheneve I find the stock getting low I eplenish It A match to me is the most valuable thing in the wold. F. A. MITCHEL. Discetion Commm WItk Yea*. "So you quaeled with yoo wife?" "No, suh; she quaeled wid me," "Don't you eve answe back?'» "Jedge/* ephed the wlthesa, "I'm foty-yea old!" Atlanta Constitution. " v.**. "v $6.00 B0UH1> MOP. M* Uppo PeuUufls and Hatben WU. ~~iuguit 25 and 26 the Ann Abo ftailoftd will give its annuel excusion to Menominee and Mauiatiqus, Mich, and Kewftiss and Manitowoc, Wis., via Fankfot. Tickets good fo etun until Sept. 10 will be sold fom all stations at $5.00 fo the ound tip except that fo ohifden ove five and unde twelve yeas the fae will be This excusion will include a two hunded mile boat ide on Lake Michigan on one of the lagest steames on the Lakes and will pove in evey way a most enjoyable outing, Fo paticulas, time of tains etc. call on neaest Ann Abo agent o wite J. J. Kiby, G. P. A. Toledo Ode 'em Today E N 150 E O G S With you Name and addess neatly pinted on them fo only " ' :* PETTYSVILLE.1" M,. -.«- AtFlintoffis building t a new ban. Seveal took in the cicus Howell last Thusday. "WinTMsceis-buildn^-a -sew wagon and buggy house. Robet Mece is taking teatment at the Pinckney Santtaum. James Blade, of Ann Abo, visited fiends hee tho past week. Fefl Teeple visited his siste, Ms. Wane, at Jackson -the past week. Eiam Gadne, of Albion, is visiting his mothe, Ms. Edwad Lakin. Edwad Mece, of Toledo, spent Sunday with Wm. Mece and wife. HAMBURG. Miss Celia Bunett is on the sick list. Dwight Butle is vey ill with La Gippe at this witing. E. Hinkley fom nea Howell, visited at Geo. Silsby's Sunday. Miss Mae Touney, of Detoit,! was a guest of Miss Beth Swath-1 * Fedie Elliott, of Elm Hall, is out this week. visiting elatives bee a few weeks. People in this vicintty ae quite i Mike Jones has been confined pleased ove the new ion bidge \ to the house with dopsy fo some which has been put in unde the j time, supevissiou of Com. Nash. I Robet McNamee of Duand, Fank Bush and wife, of Stock- j visited his bothe Walte hee bidge; Lee and Ia King, of Sunday, White Oak, and Bu King, of David Thomas, of Gand Rap- Maion, visited thei aunt, Ms. ids, visited elatives hee ove J. W. Placeway, this week. WEST MARION. Miss May Backus is unde the docto,s cae. Rev. Hatt peached his faewell semon at this place Sunday. Geo. Bullis and family, with othes ae camping at Potage lake. A. B. Faington is on the gain, being able to call on his neighbos. Ms. Gene Wilcox was in Howell Monday to meet fiends iom a distance. Miss Laua Collins is entetaining fiends fom nea Hambug fo a few days. Walte Goton and wife and Macellus Cossman and wife have gone to Califonia on the excusion. WANTED The due on the DISPATCH. Subsciption Sunday. M. and Ms. James Hayne ae spendiug a week in Toledo with elatives. Miss Hazel Case etuned home Satuday, afte spending a week in Detoit. Ms. Loa Pinckney of Fenton, visited he siste Miss Celia Bunett, the past week. WE ARE READY To supply you with School Books, Pens Pencils and Tablets. F. A. SIGLER. p&ssed o2 the bidge I sped tlown Hie tack so that I might head off the tain as fa as possible fom the dange. I had gone only a hunded yads fom'tho^bidge and was teaing along like mad wien suddenly I tumbled Into a cattle guad. I was petty badly hut, but this was not what toubled me. My lanten fell to the bottom of the excavation and went out. I goped fo the lanten, but couldn't And It. I suppose I was top excited to look caefully. But I gatheed my faculties and hunted on till I got it. The next question was how to elight It I felt in all my pockets and at last found one match. Talk about the value of a dop of wate to one dying of thist, a cnst &f bead to ene famished! I doubt if eithe wate o bead could eve seem as valuable to any one as that match geemed to me. How was I to slike it svithout.dange of Its being blown out befoe I could elight the lanten? Thee was no potection- nea aqd I hadn't time to go hupting fo any. I knew the tain would pass the; spot whee I was in less than ten minutes, and I Must elight that lanten within that time. Howeve, I had the good lense to fist put a geate inteval between me and the bidge befoe taking iny ottoe action, and an on a Quate jf a mile, stopping in a cut half a lozen feet deep. Thee I was, with ane match in my pecket with which to save the lives of a whole tain load >f people and only about five minutes!n which to insue safety in stating a flame. Somehow by this time I had gatheed my faculties completely. I detemined that nothing but a complete diving fom my mind of the situation would suable me to plan, and with a supeme effot I masteed my excitement and became pefectly cool. Then [ consideed by flashes of thought the best way to poceed. Should 1 ltttvnpt to elight the lanten diectly fom, the match o ty to light n 3tv7 I felt in my pocket and found a few scaps ofx?ape news clippings md some lettes. Thee was also a lead pencil. Taking off my coat, I set.t up In the middle of the tack in tent* like fashion, though the wind foced 1 Business Pointes. I Fo SaW. Bull calf 4 months old, hiffb blood; also Sow and 10 pigs, fiobt. Kelly. WAITED: Wheelwiicht and blacksmith to take chage of contacto's shop in Richmond, Va. Good wages and steady wok to the ight man. J. 0. UHEATWOOD, Penma Hotel, Richmond, Ta. To Rent. The Gad well «ottage fo ent duing the month of Angu9t at easonable pice. * Abply to Ms. Cane. Fam to Sale. Fam of 80 aces 2 miles south of Pinckney, good house, gainey, well, nice ochad. Tems easonable, Inquie of Edwad But, t 46 WANTED-YOUNG M en to pepae lo Govenment Positions. Fine Openings in alt Depatments. Go.^d Salaies. Rapid Pomotions. Examination soon. Paticnlas Fee. Intestate To. Inst., Ceda Rapids, la. t33 s 50 CENTS at the DISPATCH OFFICE PINCKNEY, MICH. REDUCED PRICES. We have educed BRAN To 90c and the pice of MIDDLINGS TO $1.00 These pices ought to double the amount consumed. MICHIGAN STATE FAIR AT FONTIAG SEPT 7-11,1903 Thee ia evey indication tbat the Fai fo 1908 will excel all pevious fais. The pemium list has been impoved and new featues added. New special attaction* have been engaged and tke gounds and buildime will be eady fo an UP-TO-DATE FAIR Fine aces a* usual. The famee' ace, ladies' diving, and othe entetetamiug featues. Fie Team Races. Pize Maccabee dill Fiday. Raiload tains and electic cas to the gates. Half fae on ailoads. B. HOWUANq, Pe*. I. H, BUTTBItNBI.D, S««y» v»

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