Student Activity. Keeping em busy

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1 RHETORIC LEVEL PhArAohS And PyrAmidS ing the differing theorie, if you wih. If you have time, go to the Tapetry Year 1 Hitory web page, and pend ome time looking at the webite linked under Week 2-3. Next week, we ll tudy more about Egyptian mythology, o focu on ite that have to do with pyramid, mummie, and picture of Egyptian artifact. Memphi Abydo Thebe Heliopoli Abuir Sakkara Meidum Herakleopoli Nubia Cuh Claic Tapetry of Grace» Printed on blue paper, the Student Activity Page are organized on four ditinct learning level. Each level i indicated by a unique ymbol at the top of each page a well a header that tell you which page apply to which level.» It i poible to print tudent workbook uing either a photocopy machine or the Reproducible CD ROM that come free with each Claic Tapetry Year-Plan. Student Activity Keeping em buy Student Activity Page expand the leon element lited in the Weekly Overview Chart. Specific information, written to the tudent, explain tudent aignment in detail. Here, Grammar and Dialectic tudent will find extenive Geography map label, hand-on project idea, and workheet that reinforce Literature aignment. Additionally, Dialectic and Rhetoric tudent find in-depth, thought-provoking quetion that lead them to glean a much from their reading aignment a they can without help from you. The quetion alo prepare tudent well for the week dicuion on hitorical topic. For many of the week, you may want to take time to look at the recommended link on our extenive webite that further upport tudent tudy of the weekly topic. Anwer to tudent workheet are found in the Teacher Note, a well a Dicuion Outline that help you to anwer tudent quetion while learning ton about hitory yourelf! 2 Student Activity Preparing for Hitory dicuion time: Accountability Quetion: A you read thi week, take note on the dynatie of Ancient Egypt. Make a chart and include the following heading: Period: Name & date dynatie and their characteritic achievement and event Pleae bring thi chart to your dicuion time! Two kingdom developed early: Upper Egypt (outhern, but upland of the delta region) and Lower Egypt (near the delta). When did they become united? Where wa the new capital of the united kingdom? What did the pharaoh crown come to look like, and what did it ymbolize? Decribe Egyptian armie: anything you know about their weapon, their tactic, and their tructure. Outline the development of variou type of tomb. Mention how pyramid developed from mataba to tep pyramid, to traight-ided pyramid. There are varying theorie on how the Egyptian contructed their pyramid. See if your library ha a video decrib- =V Thinking Quetion: Why do you think the pharaoh pent o much time and attention on their pyramid? Try to think beyond elfih deire ome of thee are accurate reaon, but there are more. Summarize in a brief paragraph Egyptian belief about the afterlife. If your teacher o direct, ue a Venn diagram to compare/contrat Biblical view of the afterlife with Egyptian belief. What do mummie, pyramid, and pharaoh have in common? Why do we tudy mythology? What did thi week reading teach you about Egyptian culture? Where do we find mot of our example of Egyptian art? What doe it tell u about the Egyptian? What kill did the Egyptian employ in creating their art? Did Egyptian have any concept of judgment? Begin a chart that compare the character of Egyptian idol with God character. (You ll finih thi chart next week. Only fill in the idol [god] aociated with death and the afterlife thi week.) Decribe the proce involved in an Egyptian funeral of a nobleman or pharaoh. Explain the reaon Egyptian had for doing what they did. Compare and contrat Egyptian cutom with our culture cutom around death. What do thoe practice tell u about the belief of each culture and how they differ? Geography: If you did not finih all the uggeted Geography work from lat week, try to do thoe aignment firt. Then, label thee political place and pyramid location on a cloe-up (overlay or paper) map of Egypt: Location of Sphinx & Great Pyramid Tapetry: Redeigned» Redeigned Student Activity Page have a blue bar at the top o that experienced Tapetry uer will eaily find them.» A change in format i that level are indicated by a colored watch in the lower corner of each page, rather than level ymbol at the top of each page. However, header remain.» Intead of producing Reproducible CD-ROM, we plan to pot copie of Student Activity work page on our new retricted webite area for download and printing. Thi way, if there are correction to be made, we can do o eaily and inexpenively, and you will never end up with dik that don t match your child aignment. 16 =V Brochure Part 3.indd 1 2/23/ :33:46 AM

2 27 Teacher Note Claic Tapetry of Grace» Thread begin the ection and give you a clear indication of doable goal for the week leon. No more unit tudie that never end!» The main information each week i preented in the central ection of each page.» Sidebar amplify the main idea by giving helpful detail or anwer to tudent work. Teacher Note put you in the know a teacher of the week! hitory: BackgrouNd information Pharaoh and Pyramid 2 One neceary element of a great civilization i a trong, table, centralized government. Thi week, we will tudy the government of Ancient Egypt, whoe focal point wa her pharaoh (king). A pharaoh wa believed to be the incarnate un god who, when he died, mounted the un ray to rejoin hi celetial counterpart. Thi belief evolved, and wa well etablihed by the time the Great Pyramid were contructed; indeed, cholar believe that the pyramid hape repreented the ray of the un and wa contructed a a mean by which the god might more eaily acend after leaving hi earthly home. Becaue pharaoh, pyramid (their tomb), mummie (their remain), and the general Egyptian belief about life after death are intimately connected, we will cover them all in thee note. Next week, we will expand our tudy to the entire body of Egyptian mythology. Below are ome general idea about thread you might eek to cover thoroughly with your children in dicuion. Eyptian Government Two kingdom developed early: Upper Egypt (outh, but upland of the delta region) and Lower Egypt (north, near the delta). Lower Egypt i called lower becaue the land i lower! A we learned lat week, the highland are in Central Africa, where Lake Victoria i. Egyptian pharaoh were alway titled King of Upper and Lower Egypt. Their crown were double crown. Before unification, the crown of Upper Egypt wa a white conical headpiece, and the crown of Lower Egypt wa a red, cylindrical one. After unification, king wore a double crown, white within red, and added ometime later, the royal cobra emerging from them. One reaon that Egyptian government remained o ecure wa the belief in it king a a deity. Bring thi fact out when dicuing Egyptian government. Older children hould learn about the dynatie from their print reource, and then record thee dynatie and kingdom into time line. Thee date will erve a reference point a we continue our tudie of the Ancient World, o you hould ak your tudent to record all the date dealing with Egyptian pharaoh or government down to the time of Juliu Caear and Cleopatra. We ve offered a chart in the Student Activity Page and ample anwer for thi chart o you can have a good idea of how detailed the tudent work hould be. Look for thi ample chart at the end of the Hitory Dicuion Outline. Younger tudent will enjoy their firt glimpe of the facinating live of the pharaoh. Reit the urge to require a lot of analytical dicuion with little one. Simply allow them to explore fact and detail about Egyptian pharaoh. Pyramid and Groundwork for Bible Study Young tudent uually enjoy dicovering the myterie and marvel that urround the building procee of the mighty pyramid. If your older tudent i intereted in pyramid contruction, by all mean, let him dive into ome of the book recommended for younger tudent thi week! With all tudent, when dicuing the pyramid thi week, lay groundwork for next week Bible urvey topic: God judgment of the idol of Egypt through the ten plague. Make a trong connection between the fact that while pyramid were contructed to erve a tomb, they were alo inteneded to be monument to the greatne of both the pharaoh and the Egyptian civilization. In Bible time, Egypt wa the tronget, mot advanced civilization of the Mediterranean World. A uch, Egypt wa envied, feared, and revered and alo copied. Egypt repreented the apex of human pride and accomplihment in it day, and the pharaoh wa the focal point of thi pride and elf-importance. Small wonder that God choe to diplay Hi power in Egypt when he called hi people out of lavery and began to prepare the world for it Savior! Mummie, Funeral Rite, and Egyptian Belief About Death: All level will read about the mummification procee and ritual aociated with funeral. We will tudy both the tomb themelve, and the men and women entombed in them. A tricky apect of thi part of the week i that Egyptian funeral rite are tied to religiou belief, and tudent have not yet tudied thoe belief in detail. Indeed, you may not be planning to tudy them at all with younger tudent. Try to focu thi week dicuion on the phyical apect of the proce the who, what, when, and where and leave the why for next week. World Book on the dynatie of Ancient Egypt: Excerpted from a World Book article entitled Ancient Egypt, Contributor: Leonard H. Leko, Ph.D., Profeor of Egyptology and Chairman, Depart- Teacher NoTe Your weekly cheat heet Homechooling mom are ome of the buiet people on earth, and like everything ele in the Tapetry program, thi ection i deigned to help. Our uperviing author are experienced homechooling mom who know that many time mom are forced to become manager of chool tak rather than teacher of academic content. With Tapetry plan, ince every tudent in your home i tudying the ame topic each week, actual teaching really i within your reach! While your tudent read about hitorical happening in detail, you read about it in ummary in each week Teacher Note. Furthermore, you have, in thee note, the anwer to the tudent quetion, lecture note, and dicuion outline for all the major dicipline: Hitory, Literature, Bible Survey/Church Hitory, Government, and Worldview Studie. A unique feature of our dicuion outline i that we attempt to mentor you in teaching Socratically which mean that you teach by aking quetion, rather than either lecturing in a monotone or playing a weekly game of mind-deadening, quetion-and-anwer ping pong. Our dicuion quetion aim at helping you lead your tudent by aking quetion that will help him make connection between fact or idea he found in hi reading aignment. It i our belief that tudent who are led by quetioning remember data longer and alo own their opinion for themelve. They undertand how they came to an idea becaue they have truggled to arrive at it themelve, rather than being poon-fed paively. Tapetry: Redeigned» Thread have been moved to their own eparate ection at the tart of the week-plan.» Teacher Note have been re-ordered to flow more logically, related to how mot parent ue them each week.» At the end of each Teacher Note, we ve created a new feature: A Glance Ahead... Thi chart give you a head-up on the reource you ll need next week and how to chooe them Brochure Part 3.indd 2 2/23/ :33:51 AM

3 Pageant of Philoophy Claic Tapetry of Grace» Pageant cript are printed on gray paper and included in many, but not all week-plan.» Teacher Note contain background information for teacher and ample anwer to tudent aignment.» Reading for tudent that round out the elective are printed in the Reading Aignment Chart. Tapetry: Redeigned» Pageant cript have been integrated into the week-plan. A with Claic Tapetry not all week-plan include a Pageant cript.» Teacher Note upport i ignificantly enhanced in the Teacher Note of Tapetry: Redeigned. Deep thought, fun format The Pageant of Philoophy i an introduction to the hitory of philoophy for high chooler. It gently introduce tudent to the main idea and peronalitie of (motly Wetern) philoophy. We feel that tudent hould be introduced to the idea that oppoe Chritianity and attract unbeliever, undergirding (often without their direct knowledge) many of the unbiblical view in the tudent future friend and neighbor. I your tudent college-bound? You may be concerned about the proponent of conflicting worldview that he will encounter in college dorm dicuion late at night. So are we! That why Scott Somerville ha undertaken writing Pageant of Philoophy. Scott wa a philoophy major at Dartmouth College and ha ingeniouly deigned a erie of playlet joined by a common character. Simplicio i a youth (who can be read by a young man or woman) who i looking for Truth in all the wrong place. He ha rejected the Bible a a non-objective ource of truth, and o, for many weekplan of all four Year-Plan, he wander around aking thoe he meet their opinion of the ource and foundation of Truth. A the week unfold, he encounter the major thinker of hitory and engage each in turn in earnet converation, which comprie the playlet cript. Scott intend that parent will read the role of each philoopher, and tudent the role of Simplicio. After reading the cript, there are background detail and dicuion outline that ait the teacher in completing each leon. If tudent wih to earn high chool credit for thi portion of Tapetry, you may plan a few light reading and writing aignment each term that round out the Hitory of Philoophy elective. In each Pageant cript, Scott ha cleverly integrated direct quote from each philoopher and included footnote. If you or your tudent become curiou about a tatement by a given philoopher, you have a place to tart in digging deeper into the philoopher theorie. Depending on your and your tudent time availability, you can ue The Pageant in a number of different way. Ue it fully a written (including reading and writing aignment), or lightly, by reading jut the playlet each week and dicu it, or chooe not to ue it at all. Ued fully, it i deigned to be a one-credit high chool coure in the Hitory of Philoophy taken over four year (o, each Year-Plan afford 1/4 credit). Supplement When everything in t enough Every o often, we find information that imply doen t fit nicely into the deign cheme of Tapetry of Grace. Sometime thi i information for the teacher ue; other time, we want to provide a workheet or ome additional information for the tudent. We have created Supplement for thee rare but important exception. Supplement are indicated by the green color in both Claic Tapetry and Tapetry: Redeigned volume. They are alo preent in the Claic BASE component and The Loom of Tapetry: Redeigned, uually a Writing Supplement. 18 Brochure Part 3.indd 3 W /23/ :33:53 AM

4 Optional Extra Helpful but optional product from Lamptand Pre MapAid: Terri Johnon, of Knowledge Quet, Inc., ha created beautiful, cutom- drawn map for each tudent level. For each of the 36 week of each Tapetry plan, he ha created imple and clear black line map (printable in black and white or color your choice) and teacher map that how you the correct placement of all label uggeted to your children in their leon. Each Year-Plan ha a eparate dik, or you can buy them a a et on one dik at a dicount. See the Tapetry webite and Lamptand Pre booktore (The Bookhelf) for detail and availability. h Reproducible: A unique, Year-Plan pecific CD-ROM accompanie each order of a full Year-Plan of Claic Tapetry of Grace free of charge. It contain copie of all the page in your Tapetry volume that you will want to reproduce from week to week. If you are ordering individual unit, you can buy Reproducible eparately. They are inexpenive and very handy! Order them from The Bookhelf (our new booktore). Tab Set: Organize your Year-Plan with thi handy et of 40 tab. They are cutom printed on heavy tock with reinforced hole and tab, on which are printed the week number. One et fit any Claic Year-Plan, while Redeigned volume et are individualized for pecific Year-Plan. You won t find a et of 40 tab anywhere for our price! Brochure Part 3.indd /23/ :33:57 AM

5 Year One: The Hitory of Redemption Unit 1: The Book of Moe We begin with a chronological tudy of the book of Moe, arranged in the order he mot probably wrote them. Thu, our hitory tudie begin with a tudy of Egyptian culture. We then follow the Iraelite into the deert, tudying Creation, the Cradle of Civilization, the Patriarch, and the Moaic Law in a flahback approach. The uggeted Unit Celebration involve holding a Seder meal. Unit 2: All Government Are Etablihed by God Student of all age enjoy a whirlwind tour around the globe a they begin with a three-week tudy of the ancient culture of India, China, and the America. Returning to the Middle Eat, they then tudy early Greek culture and their mythology while reading Homer work (either in tranlation or in implified, torybook format). In the final four week of thi unit, tudent learn of the etablihment of Irael a a nation in the Promied Land a we read the torie of Johua, Judge, Ruth, Saul, and David, God hepherd king. Unit 3: Preparing the World for it Savior Thi unit begin with a ad era for Irael. Student tart with Solomon reign of temporal glory and power but note hi adly divided heart and watch a hi kingdom i divided after hi death, then plundered and detroyed by pagan empire that God raie up: the Ayrian and Babylonian. In Week 23, we tudy the pivotal Perian, who both retored the Iraelite to their homeland and alo attempted to expand into Greek territory. Our focu remain on Greece for the four final week of Unit 3. Unit 4: In the Fullne of Time Our final unit focue on the Roman Empire. We read of it etablihment, growth, and dominance in the Mediterranean World. It wa into thi context that Jeu Chrit wa born, minitered, and died on the Cro for our in. It end with the Fall of the Roman Empire. Unit 4 contain rich tudie in Roman culture and literature, Chritian Church hitory, and Government tudie Brochure Part 3.indd 5 2/23/ :33:57 AM

6 of Moe k Unit 1: The Boo G Ia B U e Nile Egypt: Gift of th Curtain Rie on ramid Pharaoh and Py ment of God m and the Judg ei th Egyptian Poly h Noah Creation Throug opotamia Hitory of Me rly Ea : Babel to Ur t From Ur to Egyp The Patriarch: le and the Law ac rn be : The Ta d In The Wilderne ipping God a Go oline & Worh H : ne er ild W In The rior : Slave to War In The Wilderne Are Etablihed ernment Unit 2: All Gov Buddhim lley, Hinduim, Tapetry of grace Ok Mom! We will cover approximately 3/4 of the Bible, either in torybook format (younger tudent) or in the tranlation of your choice (older tudent). Year 1 offer a detailed tudy of pagan mythologie for all age, but, recognizing that many parent will not want young children confued by thee torie, we alo offer alternate reading for them. Finally, we read the work of Homer (the Iliad and the Odyey) in their hitorical context concurrent with the biblical period of the Judge intead of in connection with the much later Golden Age of Greece. New for Fall 2006 Year 1 i a rich tudy for all family member including U C nit ONe: THe BOOKS of MOSES YeaR 1: The Hitory of REdemption by God and 10 The Indu Va and Taoim ina: Confuciu 11 Ancient Ch erica: Inuit, Mound Builder, and Maya Culture 12 Ancient Am : Cycladic, Minoan, Mycenaean, and Trojan 13 Early Greek : Everyday Life, Religion, and Mythology Judge 14 Early Greek d Settlement: Johua, Canaanite, and Early 15 Conquet anuel, and Neighboring Culture 16 Judge, Samdge, the Rie of Saul, and the Philitine 17 The Lat Ju herd of Irael & the Phoenician r ld For It Savio r o 18 David, Shep W e th g in r Unit 3: Prepa Divided Heart of Rome d the Founding The Etrucan an Life public: Ever yday The Roman Re e Punic War Th : nd pa Ex public The Roman Re the Gallic War liu Caear, and Ju, lt Ce nt cie The An e Life of Chrit yday Life and th er Ev e: m urch Ro l Imperia of the Early Ch me and the Rie Ro l ria pe Im on More tyr Saint and Mar ine nquer: Contant Co n Sig i In Th e The Fall of Rom Brochure Part 3.indd 6 For Claic Tapetry Year One uer, a Retrofit Package i now availabe! 19 Solomon: A Kingdom d 20 The Dividedn Scourge: The Northern Kingdom i Deporte ptivity Ca ria an y d the Babyloni 21 The A -Babylonian) an eo (N n ea ald 22 The Ch Perian: The Iraelite Return Home ta Uninted 23 Mede and Perian: The Perian War, Athen, and Spar 24 Greek and Age of Greece: Peloponneian War phy 25 The Goldenevement: Science, Mathematic, and Philoo hi Ac n 26 Greek the Great: Preparation for Proclamatio llne of Time 27 Alexander Unit 4: In The Fu 21 2/23/ :34:06 AM

7 Year Two: Between Ancient and Modern Y U ye be al m th Fe ac Unit 1: The Middle Age Year 2 begin where Year 1 left off: with Europe in chao and Byzantium a the caretaker of the literary work of antiquity. Soon, tudent tudy the rie of Ilam and the Viking culture and then ettle down to focu on the religiou, political, ocial, artitic, and cultural ditinctive of the Middle Age in Wetern Europe. One highlight of Year 2 i the uggeted Medieval Feat that comprie the recommended Unit Celebration. Unit 2: Renaiance & Reformation In Unit 2, tudent cover the intellectual and artitic development of the Renaiance. Older tudent explore the connection between the Renaiance and two crucial later movement: the Age of Exploration and the Reformation. They alo continue to follow the development of the modern nation-tate of Wetern Europe. Unit 3: Colonial America When they firt approach the content of Unit 3, older tudent may feel that they have pent lot of time on Colonial America already. But they hould be pleaantly urpried a aignment in thi unit at their level will aume familiarity with the baic hitory of Colonial America and build on thi foundation by focuing equally on parallel event in Europe. For elementary-aged tudent there i plenty of time for a detailed tudy of Colonial America. Many terrific hand-on project are recommended for thee younger tudent a well. Unit 4: The Age of Revolution Unit 4 begin with a urvey of the deep diviion between the region of Colonial America. We note profound difference between their founding government, ethnic makeup, and geography. Student then tudy the turbulent era of revolution in America and France, noting important difference between them. The year end with an in-depth tudy of the United State Contitution Brochure Part 3.indd 7 2/23/ :34:08 AM

8 Year 2 urvey 1400 year of hitory from the fall of Rome to the rie of the United State of America. High chool tudent need to cover all of hitory in jut four year, but many familie with younger children chooe to cover Year 2 in two chool year becaue there i o much rich content that they do not want to hurry through. There are alo o many great reource book for both the Middle Age and Colonial America that many teacher want to linger in thee intereting hitorical era. A alway with Tapetry, the choice i your! Highlight of Year 2 include intruction for an elaborate Medieval Feat, creation of a Colonial newpaper or play, and an outline for a ummer project reenacting the writing of the U.S. Contitution! Unit 1: The Middle Age Grammar-Dialectic Rhetoric 1 Introduction: Review of Year 1 Theme: Organizing for Study and Honing Reearch Skill 2 Byzantine Empire and the Eatern Orthodox Church 3 Rie of Ilam 4 The Dark Age: Background of Fear, Monaterie, and Viking 5 The Making of Medieval Europe : Charlemagne, Alfred, and Henry 6 Medieval Life: Feudalim 7 The High Middle Age Cruade, Indulgence, and Inquiition; Magna Charta Signed 8 The Mongol, Marco Polo & the Far Eat 9 The Rehaping of Medieval Europe 10 Early Light (Gutenberg & Pre-Reformation Saint) Unit 2: Renaiance & Reformation 11 Southern Renaiance 12 Age of Exploration: Early Explorer and Columbu 13 Age of Exploration: Later Explorer 14 Spanih Dominion and the New World: Aztec and Inca 15 The Northern Renaiance: Eramu 16 The Reformation: Martin Luther and the German State 17 The Reformation in Switzerland, England, and Scandinavia 18 The Counter Reformation: French Huguenot and the Netherland 19 Elizabethan England and the Scottih Reformation Unit 3: Colonial America 20 Early Englih Colonie in America: Jametown 21 Early Englih Colonie in America: Plymouth 22 Other Early European Settlement in America: the 23 Dutch in NY & NJ, the French/Native American Other New England Colonie: CT, NH, RI, and Local Native American 24 Settlement of the Middle Colonie: Hitorie of NJ, DE, PA, NY, and Local Native American 25 Southern Colonie: VA & MD Grow, Founding of NC, SC and GA and Local Native American 26 Everyday life in the Colonie: Colonial Trade and Skill/Native American 27 Everyday life in the Colonie: Children and Clothe, Home, Chore, Food, and Religion in Daily Live/Native American Early Non-Englih Settlement in America: New France and Early Document; Review Founding of Thirteen Colonie Age of Reaon I: Science Lead the Way The Rie of Abolutim: The Sun King and Other Abolutit Monarch Puritan England : the Civil War to the Gloriou Revolution of 1688 Age of Reaon II: Literature and Philoophy The Great Awakening Unit 4: The Age of Revolution 28 The Northern Colonie 29 The Middle Atlantic Colonie 30 The Southern Colonie 31 European Event that Shaped America : The French and Indian War 32 The American Revolutionary War: It Foundation 33 The American Revolutionary War: It Coure 34 The American Revolutionary War: It Outcome The French Revolution 35 The U.S. Contitution: It Inception 36 The U.S. Contitution: It Ratification G B I a Tapetry of g race U O Unit One: The Middle Age YeaR 2: Between Ancient and Modern k C Coming for Claic Tapetry Year Two 23 Brochure Part 3.indd 8 2/23/ :34:27 AM

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