009 Invisible race by Bernard de Montreal

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1 009 Inviible race by Bernard de Montreal I want to talk here about what I call the inviible race. Somewhere in the late 1980 and early 1990, Man will experience the occult activitie of a genre that ha not been recorded, until now, in the annal of human experience. Thee occult activitie will not be the reult of human deire to manifet any power. But rather, the upramental capacity of a number of individual to facilitate, through a higher plane of their mind, the entry into different region of parallel world including the phyical world. The mind of thee individual, recognized by thoe who will enter into direct experience with them, will not be ubject to the law of human pychology or the law of atral conciou expreion of Man. That i, thee individual, by the very nature of Man, will be able to penetrate different region of the world or world, in order to work in certain capacitie, in order to accelerate the evolution of certain Men. What I call the inviible race, i a collective and comic activity undertaken by a certain number of being on the material plane, in condition of creative expreion of the comic concioune in them, attached a it i to certain plane where thee individual have the power to claim the conquet of time and pace. Depite the quetion that will be formulated with regard to thee activitie, - either by occultit or by people who are concerned about any form of penetration into their world by being external to them - it i neceary to undertand that any activity related to univeral concioune, through the active principle of Man, i ubject to the law of Light and doe not intervene in any way, in the peronal or pychological life of the one who know the experience. So, that being aid, thoe of you who will know thee experience, who will be peronal witnee of thi penetration into their mental pace, will be informed by me of the need to undertand that any relationhip with being they recognize i a relationhip of peace, of harmony, for a ingle purpoe, that of etablihing on a material level a world brotherhood of conciou men and women in the upramental. Thoe who have already had thi experience, undertand and know what I mean. Other, who will be led to live thi experience, to live thi communication with a being they can recognize on a different level from the normal and natural experience of Man, will alo undertand that any intervention in the life of Man, in relation to thee character whoe appearance they can recognize, i impoible ince it i a quetion here of the manifetation of the pirit and not of the actualiation of an egocentric power. I have choen to begin to talk to you about thi inviible race and the activitie of thi race, becaue I know that oon member of thi human group, on a global cale, will begin to appear here and there, with the aim of awakening the progreive concioune of certain individual, and making them realize that Men, certain Men, are uniting at level that are not viible but which, neverthele, are real and determining, within the framework of the piritual evolution, upramentally of the planet Earth.

2 The reaon I am talking to you about thi i to put your mind at eae and not to ubject your imagination to a fight, which would only create, in you, a lo of energy or an overly imaginative thirt to undertand more, or to know more, and beyond what you know. It i not a quetion, for ome Men on the planet, of intantly undertanding all apect of their experience, but rather of realizing that thee experience are part of a univeral plan, toward which Man i lowly but urely moving. We are entering an age where the facultie of Man will be updated. But in condition other than thoe that man can imagine today. A we enter an age in which Light mut guide Man' tep toward the future, it i neceary that Light penetrate Man and direct him in hi evolution, unlike in the pat when Man ued the energy of certain plane, to facilitate hi acce to knowledge. A the future proce i totally revered, the Man of today will have to get ued to undertanding the abtract facet of thi reality of the relationhip that exit and will exit between him and the inviible force of the Light. When he ha undertood that Man i an intrument of Light and that hi ego i a reervoir that allow thi Light to accumulate, and to direct, on one material level or another, certain force allowing humanity to enter a new phae of evolution, then Man can begin to undertand the complex nature of it dimenionality and the intantaneou effect of it will in the inviible and material como. However, today' Man, whether occult or not, doe not have the neceary tool to undertand the law of the new future. I ay the new future, becaue the future that i reerved for thoe who mut know the law of Light, and work with the force of the oul, i a future whoe nature totally exceed the undertanding of human intelligence, preciely becaue, in thi future, the tructure of the mind are totally ubject to the law of Light, while in the pat, the tructure of the intelligent pirit of Man were ubject to the law already incribed in the annal of rebellion. The inviible race i a race whoe pychic or upranormal facultie have no connection with the human ego, thi i a crucial point. Thu, the activitie of thi race do not generate, on the human material level, any recognition of the ego. On the other hand, it i poible for the ego to undertand the activitie of thi race, ince thi race i part of the oul of the ego, and it i through the energy of the oul of the ego that the race operate both in the parallel world and on the phyical plane, when it i neceary. It will gradually be a quetion of undertanding the law that affect thi race and not to confue it activitie with the atral occult activitie of individual who, in the pat, frequented region linked to the lunar concioune of Man. We advie you to undertand that all information iued, concerning the activitie of the inviible race, i information that will erve a a point of reference, and not a pychological upport to reach, in one way or another, through a piritual deire or an occult deire, facultie innate to the oul but unconditionally denied to the ego.

3 Among the proviion that are ufficient for Man to undertake diplacement in the parallel ether, there i one that mut erve a a guide on the human and pychological level, in order to facilitate the undertanding of the cloe relationhip between the ego and the force of Light, and I lit it here. The ego work and will work with the force of Light in a total learning proce. That i, in a totally new viion of thing, totally ignored, and totally inconceivable. That i to ay, ancient occult knowledge, eoteric and ancient hermetic, will no longer have a foundation in the immediate knowledge of the ego, for the intantaneou contitution of any realization aiming to allow it to know the limit, or the abence of limit, of it function in the parallel world. Thi i the law, and any law reulting from the order of the force of Light, in one world or another, ubject the ego to the rigor of thi law, in order to protect the piritual tatu of a planet, and to prevent the force of domination from controlling the evolution of Man who eventually lead him to hi lo. On the other hand, when the human ego ha been ufficiently tranmuted, to increae it level of experience in order to peronally interpret it activitie on other level, it will be given the ability to voluntarily generate activitie of the oul, which previouly had to be done without it knowledge. But thi ego, or thoe egoe that have reached thi tage of evolution, will no longer be available to planetary human activity. The interet you may have in thi declaration i a totally philoophical interet at the moment. But a time and year go by, thi interet will become more and more real, and undertanding what ha been aid about certain experience, which may be your, will allow you to face thee experience in the greatet calm and erenity. The law of Light are extremely complex law, in the ene that Man cannot undertand them through hi rational intelligence. However, thee law, once Man ha reached a total undertanding, can be eaily aimilated in the naphot of experience, and their expreion or education can be ued to enlighten certain mind, in the complex and often difficult undertanding, that relate to the mental effort to grap them in their way of expreion, and in the intant reality of their manifetation. It i a quetion of your mind being calm, and of your mind being given neceary reference point, in order to be able to generate, in itelf, an energy ufficiently high in vibration allowing it to generate in it mind, the qualitie neceary for the total and perfect perception of the law of the world and inviible plane.

4 The Man of tomorrow and when I ay Man, I mean ome Men, will have facultie that have never been lived or experienced on thi globe. Thee Men of great widom and dedication in the ervice of humanity will be the pillar of a new civilization, whoe material pace and inviible pace will be connected by a cord or corridor of energy that can only be put into action by their uperior intelligence. Obviouly thee Men will have a concluive effect on humanity on the evolutionary level, and it i thee Men who will, from time to time, have the power and joy to manifet themelve to you, in order to make you known and recognize that beyond olid matter, there exit a living, evolving and conciou world of the human peron. Man doe not know life, it richet, mot varied, mot extraordinary apect are totally veiled. That i why, moreover, Man live a life that i already dead. However, a certain number of Men, coming from all the countrie of the world, will know life, and already, a certain number of thee Men know life and have, a their work, on the material plane or on other plane, to generate in thoe who correpond vibratoryly to the law of Light - even if they do not recognize it - to generate in them an energy ufficiently powerful, to allow them to realize the exitence of parallel world which include in their tructure, harmony, beauty and peace. The inviible race will alway be on the globe and will never die out. However, it activitie will alway be proportional to the material condition requiring their preence. A long a there are Men on Earth eeking the truth, eeking to increae their level of concioune, there will be Men in the inviible who will eek to contact them in order to relieve them, to upport them, and to help them undertand what i not undertood. The attitude of every intelligent ego, of every lively and incere mind before the mytery of life i waiting. A long a thi ego i waiting, it change, it tranmute itelf, it develop in itelf enitivitie that it did not know about itelf before, and one day or another, it enitivity begin to manifet itelf, and the ego, little by little, gradually, realize that already omething i manifeting itelf in it, which i not matter, but pirit. All men have acce to the Light, but few men have the ability to expect it to manifet itelf in them. Man' piritual deire very often delay hi evolution becaue thi deire come from vanity or piritual pride, when in fact Man mut receive the Light when he i ready and not when he want it. The Light i not of Man, but of what you call "God". Man doe not command infinite intelligence, infinite love or infinite will. Thee principle, thi trength, penetrate him, little by little, build him up, make him powerful and trong, a pride and vanity diminih in him.

5 The inviible race i a race that will have, in the future, the privilege of bringing Man into contact with the force of pace. Thi inviible race, thee Men will have the power to determine whether or not the force of pace hould come into contact with the planet and intruct Man in their cience. I am telling you a little bit about the inviible race to prepare you to undertand, with greater eae, the more abtract and difficult apect of the evolution of the planet Earth. Man, by hi nature, i ued to analyzing in order to undertand, it i normal and natural for him. But I tell you, that the Man of the future no longer want to analyze with hi ubjective thought, but mut, in order to undertand and fully grap, be receptive to the lightet vibration that penetrate hi mind and generate knowledge in hi mind. It i no longer enough for Man to partially undertand or believe that he undertand. Man mut know. And thi knowledge i baed on the total perception of the energy that enter him, and a parallel ability to intantly interpret thi energy, o that hi knowledge become, for him and other, a matter, a food that bind him to the pirit intead of eparating and alienating it. The pirit i o great, o powerful, that Man, through the contant generation of ubjective thought, inadvertently oppoe hi penetration a well a hi manifetation in him. Now that the inviible race i about to manifet itelf more regularly in Man, he mut be ready to recognize it without believing that it i, in one way or another, an erroneou impreion of hi ene or a divagation of hi imagination. But every Man mut experience, and it i through experience that every Man grow in the undertanding of hi activity. But, given the abtract apect of thi experience and a total abence of connection with previou imilar experience, it i neceary that Man be warned, and that point of reference be given, in order to be able to integrate, in himelf, a new experience and a profound experience. The force and intelligence in evolution, in the parallel world, on the inviible plane, have an interet in afeguarding, on the human material plane, order, calm and harmony. However, and unfortunately, in only one ene, not everything in the univere i harmoniou. There are force that eek to delay the evolution of Man, without hi knowledge. A well a there are force that eek to evolve with Man and enable him to recognize, one day or another, the infinite pace of hi higher mind and the very greatne of hi oul. Word no longer have any ue, except in the natural function they have, for containing an energy that can be tranmitted by thoe who have their mind adjuted to the pirit that reign above and toward everything. The inviible Man, the inviible race, will be een and known everywhere, on all continent of the Earth. Thoe who recognize it, will realize by the fact that they are part of a future reerved for Men whoe concioune exceed the limit of pace and time. Thi race repreent the pinnacle of human evolution today, and thee member alo repreent the mot complete Man, a he can be today on the globe. It i a quetion, for thoe who will meet thee Men, through their penetration on one level or another, of knowing that thoe who are in front of them are part of thi ame race on the level of incarnation, although they are of different planetary origin.

6 Then, once and for all, for thoe who have reached a certain level of undertanding and inner tability, it i a quetion of undertanding and recognizing that the future hold for Man experience that are not of egoitic origin, but rather of animic origin. Undertanding thi, thee being, thee Men living thee experience, will not be puhed by them, but will finally realize that omething, omewhere, i leading the Men of the Earth to a greater and deeper realization of reality. Man did not invent life, life created man. And Man mut learn, one day or another, the law of life, if he want to be able, one day or another, to create form of life equal to hi new intelligence and hi new power. The main purpoe of the interperonal activitie of the new race, of the inviible race, will be preciely to make Man undertand that there are world beyond the ene, beyond pace and time, with which he can communicate, and world in which he can penetrate, when he ha acquired ufficient widom and total dicernment. Man' natural anxiety toward any upranational manifetation i normal. But man, who mut one day undertand the gloriou apect of concioune, mut alo be led, one day or another, to realize the greatne of the law of Light, and not let hi intellect, hi emotion, interfere with a perception of great delicacy and great beauty. Moreover, where there i Light, there i no creation of fear. Where there i Light, there i only peace, calm and harmony. If I explain to you the phenomenon of the inviible race, it i to make you undertand and be recognized that there i, in the world, a great margin between the reality of the ene and the reality of the pirit. It i only when we undertand the reality of the pirit that we can preciely grap the limit of the reality of the ene, and really begin to progre toward infinite knowledge, and the total undertanding of the law of the world that direct the evolution of the planet Earth, a they direct the evolution of the other phyical globe in the outer como. Man, on the material level, doe not generate any force that i not already implanted in him for the progreion toward the future, of which he doe not know the reaon or the end. Man' ignorance i great, profound, but it i not inurmountable when he ha undertood the need to let the force of Light, the pirit that lead to undertanding and the global viion of evolution, penetrate him.

7 Whatever quetion you may have in mind about the future of Man, the reality in that future, thi quetion will alway be for you a quetion leading to other quetion. Thi i an irrefutable law that i part of the very nature of human intelligence. That i why, over time, it i neceary for you to graduate to that concioune where the quetion diappear, where the anwer are no longer neceary, becaue everything i known and you only have to be vibrately adjuted to thi penetrating energy, o that a center of receptivity, and automatically, a creative faculty at the level of comic thought in your human mind, i contituted within you. Your intelligence will alway be proportional to the ability of the pirit to penetrate you, and to mix it mind with your, in order to create a cloe and perfect relationhip between two eence which are indiviible in their nature, but often, and too often, far apart from each other, becaue Man believe that he think, and believe he know, that what he know i, inevitably, linked to ome form of truth. However, truth ha only it appearance, only what it mut produce in the mind of the eeking Man. And thi appearance i alway adjuted and proportional to the very nature of thi eeking mind, in order not to upet the conception that are at the bai of it tructure, and which allow the ego of Man and the pirit of Man' intelligence to continue it progreion toward an ever more rational undertanding of reality. But, notice, that life doe not care about rationality, and that logic i only an expreion of the perfect harmony of the force of intelligence, at the level where they mut manifet themelve, to generate in the human mind an order, a proportion and a contant gradation of the value it ha of it intelligence, a n d o f i t m a t e r i a l u c c e

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