By John Yeaman B.E.M., M.I.D., B.E., L.G.E. F.I.E. Aust. Dip. T.P., L.G.T. & C.P.

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1 t d a ct n i a v t r n cor ha o c s y a n o wa t m i t t a u d n m b r, o m n f d In ocu atio rs c d i l p s ub su i h t in of p n b m tifootstps in tim a r o a d a c r o s s t h m o u n ta i n s By John Yaman B.E.M., M.I.D., B.E., L.G.E. F.I.E. Aust. Dip. T.P., L.G.T. & C.P. 1

2 Map 2

3 FOREWORD Th thr linkd vnts of i.. th Blu Mountains Crossing of May Jun 1813 by Blaxland; Lawson and Wntworth: th journy to byond Bathurst in Novmbr, 1813 to January, 1814 by Gorg William Evans: th building of Cox s Road to Bathurst, July 1814 Fbruary 1815 can b sn as th significant vnts which nsurd that th troubld and xpnsiv pnal colony at Port Jackson would surviv and not only surviv, but that it would bgin a forward march towards th Australia w know today. Surgon Ptr Cunningham, R.N., in his book, Two Yars in Nw South Wals (writtn 1826, first publishd 1827) wrot: Th discovry of th transalpin country of Bathurst took plac just in tim to scur th colony against th long train of vils which was prssing upon it ; this discovry was thn haild, and is still lookd upon, as th most bnficial to th public vr mad sinc th foundation of th colony: as soon as prmission could b obtaind, th suprabundant population and suprabundant flocks and hrds pourd lik a torrnt ovr th dividing barrir ridg, inundating th fin plains and downs byond its wstrn bas. Th quantity of shp and cattl in this trritory is now immns, th gratr proportion of th wool xportd from th colony bing furnishd thrfrom. Awar that th discovry of th rout ovr th Blu Mountains, Evans discovry of th boundlss grazing lands byond and th building of Cox s Road to Bathurst rprsntd th ky links in Australia s story of dvlopmnt from pnal colony to an advancd nation of fr citizns Mr Yaman st out to find support for th ida that Evans survy lin from th Rivr Ltt at th bas of Mount York ast to Emu Ford on th Npan Rivr at Pnrith should b markd to srv as a prmannt rcord of ths first stps towards a futur nvr dramd of whn th First Fltrs landd at Sydny Cov in January In th following papr, rad bfor th Mount Victoria and District Historical Socity, 26th Fbruary 1983, Mr Yaman provids a dtaild pictur of thos who forgd th link btwn th, thn, modst sttlmnt at Port Jackson and th vast rsourcs of th inland of th continnt. S. Williams 1983, 2010 and 2014 J. Yaman Estat Prmission to rproduc and publish this dition obtaind from th Estat of th lat John Yaman and Institut of Survyors NSW Inc. 3

4 Footstps in Tim Gorg William Evans, thn Dputy-Survyor of Lands, had bn instructd by Govrnor Macquari to procd in th Attmpt of Effcting a Passag ovr th grat Rang of Mountains calld hr Th Blu Mountains, and to discovr what Dscription of Country lay to th Wstward of thm. Th first 25 yars of th Colony s lif had kpt th Survyor Gnral busy with th allocation of land within th Cumbrland Plain, and in th construction of roads to th small sttld outdistricts ths bing largly containd on th Wstrn fring by th Hawksbury and Npan Rivrs. Th rsponsibilitis of th Survyor Gnral wr statd in a Rport by Govrnor King, datd 12th August 1806, as: Th natur of his Offic is dsignatd by its nam. H survys all grants and lass, and maks roads undr th Govrnor s authority, and by his warrants. Th Wstrn Road from Sydny, across th Blu mountains to Bathurst is Australia s most historic road. In thos arly days of , it was probably th construction of this road ovr th Blu Mountains that was a major factor in saving th small sttlmnt around Port Jackson from bing abandond had bn what was rcordd as a drought yar. A road of a sort was formd as far as Parramatta in 1788, and at last to Prospct in Jun Captain Tnch having thn discovrd th Npan Rivr, and th mans of accss to th ara around Richmond in 1794, and by 1802 Barallir had opnd accss to land around Picton. Ths roads wr littl mor than bush tracks, and thir improvmnt was rstraind by th amount of local activity, and th fact that only hand tools wr availabl. If a tr, or som othr obstruction rprsntd a problm, thy did not tackl it, simply wnt around it. 4 Guntr s Chain Land and Proprty Information

5 Th Survyor Gnral had bn traind to think in straight lins, and his thoughts on road construction wr probably basd on his knowldg of th old Roman Roads, so his road lins had to b as long as dirctionally possibl. H also had to dfin a width for his road rsrv, and this was usually 1 chain (1 chain = 100 links = 22 yards = 66 ft = 20 mtrs), so vn though th formd road mandrd to avoid minor obstacls th road rsrv was a sris of uniform straight strips. Whn on thinks of th Parramatta Road of today, this Gnral Ordr of 30th Jun 1806 dos indicat what th ovrall condition of th Colony s main road thn was: In consqunc of th bad stat of th roads lading from Sydny to Parramatta, and th dangr of horss bing lamd in th dp ruts nar Sydny, it is hrby dirctd that all public and privat carts and waggons passing that road (not othrwis loadd), do tak a load of brick bats from th brick filds (Editor s not: Brickfild Hill), and drop ths in th placs appointd by th Ovrsr of th Roads, providd that it dos not li out of th way of th plac to which th cart or waggon is going. This ordr is to b nforcd by John King, Ovrsr of th Brickmakrs. H is to rport thos that do not choos to oby this ncssary Rgulation, for improving that part of th road, and prsrving thir own horss. On wondrs what th raction of prsnt day transport drivrs would b, if facd with such an instruction. I hav not found this ordr canclld, but thr ar no longr brick works at Brickfild Hill. Trac of road from Collts Inn blow Mount York towards Bathurst Sourc: Stat Rcords Crown Plan SR_1_R651 5

6 6 THE BLUE MOUNTAINS Th Blu Mountains Mount York. Th Explorrs, Blaxland, Wntworth and Lawson took from 11th May to th 6th Jun 1813 (27 days) to cross th Blu Mountains. Survyor G.W. Evans thn survyd th rout to Bathurst from 20th Novmbr 1813 to th 8th January 1814 (52 days). Th Survy by G. W. Evans to Bathurst and back was compltd btwn 19th Novmbr 1813 and 8th January 1814 (52 days), although th sction from th Rivrltt to Emu Ford only took 9 days (30th Dcmbr 1813 to 8th January 1814). Th Construction Works by Cox had startd at Emu Ford on 19th July 1914 and finishd at Bathurst, a distanc of mils on 14th January 1815 (180 days). Govrnor Macqauri spnt from 25th April to th 4th May 1815 to rach Bathurst (10 days). Th mthod of making th arly roads was somwhat primitiv and alignmnt was markd out by blazing th trs along a rout which prsntd th last difficultis. A track, usually about 12 ft (say 3.7 mtrs) was clard and grubbd along this lin, th pavmnt sction hand gradd, bridgs and small culvrts wr mad whr ncssary, but no attmpt was mad to add brokn ston or matrial othr than that occuring naturally to improv th surfac. In many cass stumps wr not grubbd but simply cut of a fw inchs blow th finishd surfac. In making th road to Bathurst, Cox s party consistd of 30 mn: his prsonal srvant and a Military Guard of 8 mn. Ths sm to hav bn Suprintndnt W. Lwis; Guid drawn from Evan s party J. Tigh; Storkpr T. Gorman; Doctor; Constabl; Ovrsr of Tools probably th blacksmith; and 1 Srgant, 1 Corporal and 6 privats of th Royal Vtran Corps. It is possibl that whn Liutnant Hobby joind th party as an Officr, h would b accompanid by a man but nowhr is such a srvant mntiond. Whn quipmnt was issud at Emu, it is dfinitly statd that th issu was 30 blankts although in othr placs th rfrnc is to 28 mploys. Thr wr 2 nativs: Jo from Mulgoa and Coly from Richmond, joind with th party on 27th August. Othr nativs had bn with thm on 8th August.

7 G.W. EVANS Gorg William Evans was born at Warwick, England 5th January H is blivd to hav bn indnturd to an Enginr and Architct namd Sm, but his indnturs wr canclld and h thn studid Land Survying. Evans lft England for Captown at th ag of 18 yars. Hr in 1801, h was mployd in th Naval Stor-kpr s Dpartmnt. H was at this tim rportdly intrstd in music, painting, litratur and xploration. H travlld to NSW on th H.M.S. Buffalo arriving at Port Jackson on th 16th Octobr 1802, and was first mployd as th Storkpr-in-Charg of th Rcipt and Issu of Grain at Parramatta. At th tim of Evans arrival in Sydny, th Survyor-Gnral Charls Grims was in poor halth, and away on six months sick lav. So on 10th August 1803, Evans was appointd Acting Survyor-Gnral by Govrnor King. H was first ngagd in Administration and in th minor xploration of th Npan and Hawksbury Rivr systm. Aftr th rturn of th xplorrs Blaxland, Wntworth and Lawson, Govrnor Macquari instructd Evans, thn Dputy Survyor of Lands To procd in th Attmpt of Effcting a Passag ovr th Grat Rang of Mountains, calld hr th Blu Mountains, and to discovr what Dscription of Country lay to th Wstward of thm. (Gnral Ordr 12th Fbruary 1814). Evans party consistd of six individuals: Richard Lwis and Jams Burns, both Fr Mn; and thr convicts, Jams Cooghan, John Grovr and John Tygh (sic Tigh). Thir nams wr rcordd for postrity by Arthur J. Hand, as strt nams whn h sub-dividd th Lapston Estat. Evans mad a significant dcision, by dtrmining to carry out th scond part of his instructions first, i.. by survying byond th Explorrs trminal point, which h did by starting at th foot of Mount York. Hr h markd a tr on th 25th Novmbr 1813, and masurd wstward to his latr slctd objctiv at th Macquari Rivr, raching thr on 9th Dcmbr Gorg William Evans Mitchll Library, Stat Library of NSW 7

8 Rturning to his Markd Tr at th Rivr Ltt, which is dscribd in his Survy Fild Book (s AONSW Rf. Rl 2623) About 10 chains from th Rivr Ltt, and th mouth of a drain about 4 chains lft. (Pag 18), h thn startd on 31 Dcmbr 1813, th survy of th Explorrs track, which h compltd to Emu Ford on 8 January 1814, having spnt 9 days in survying ths 48.5 mils. Th track, brushd of scrub, markd th Explorr s footstps and this was th lin that Evans had followd so his footstps wr thr too. On 3rd January 1814 h rcordd th nativs had fird th bush probably our first rcordd dlibratly lit bushfir and this may hav hlpd him straightn out a fw minor sctions. Th survy would appar to hav bn carrid out with a circumfrntr, an advancd form of th magntic compass and a Gunthr s chain and it can b accptd that this would b accurat to at las half a dgr in angl and at last 1 in 1000 in th masurmnt of lngth. Basd on this th points stablishd by th modrn mthods would b within 100 to 150 ft (30 to 45 mtrs) ovrall, so individual spots would b much mor closly dfind. Mitchll s Ridg Lookout Mount Victoria 8

9 Thr appars to b no rcord of th actual survy quipmnt that Gorg Evans took with him on this assignmnt, but th following is what h took to his nxt job in Tasmania in Fbruary Th nxt phas in th opning of th Rout to th Wst was th construction of a road from Emu Ford to Bathurst, a distanc masurd on its compltion (th 14th January 1815) at mils (162 km). Macquari had instructd that th road was to follow Evans survy, whr possibl, but Cox did hav discrtionary powr to vary this if an improvmnt was obvious. Th road was to b mad at last 12 ft (3.7 mtrs) wid, so as to prmit two carts or othr whld carriags to pass ach othr with as; th timbr in th forst ground to b cut down and clard away 20 ft (6.1 mtrs), and grubbd up to 12 ft (3.7 mtrs) wid. Grubbing up th stumps, and filling up th hols, so that a four whld carriag or cart may pass without difficulty or dangr. In brush ground, it is to b cut 20 ft (6.1 mtrs) wid, and grubbd up to 12 ft (3.7 mtrs) wid. Macquari concivd this to b sufficint width for th road at that tim, but includd in th instructions but whr it can, with as, I should prfr th road to b mad 16 ft (4.9 mtrs). Two Circumfrntors with sights complt; Six Spar ndls for ditto; Two Pockt compasss; On Cas of mathmatical instrumnts, complt; On Cas of mathmatical instrumnts, for th pockt; Spar Compasss of sizs; Bam Compasss; Paralll Rulrs of sizs; Plotting scals and brass rulrs; Two Guntr s Chains; On Box Colours; On Small tnt, complt: Larg Elphant papr, Writing Papr, Mmorandum book; Quills and Pncils. 9

10 Govrnor Lachlan Macquari Mitchll Library, Stat Library of NSW Cox s tam consistd of 30 mn, 8 soldirs, and 2 nativs, who joind th party on 27th August, at th 9 mil pg. Ths 30 mn comprisd workrs in th following catgoris: Chif Suprintndnt R. Lwis Storkpr T. Gorman Blacksmith J. Richards Guid J. Tigh Quarryman R. Fowlr Shomakr W. Hrdman Carpntrs, drivrs of bullock carts, togthr with 24 labourrs, and a mntion of a Doctor and a Constabl. Thr was also a Military Guard party consisting of 1 Srgant, 1 Corporal with 6 Privats from th Royal Vtran Company. Th original Srgant, Bounds, did on th 25th August 1814, at th First Dpot (now Blaxland), and h was rplacd by Srgant Minhan. It is difficult to dtrmin what th status of th individual mmbrs of th gang wr, as latr on thy wr listd as Fr Mn, Convicts and Labourrs. In Cox s award rcommndations thr (3) mn: Appldor, Dwyr and Fowlr wr to rciv Fr Pardons, on Roddocks was to b grantd a Tickt-of-Lav, and all th othrs Emancipation, and this sms to hav bn all thos who wr calld Labourrs. It is possibl that at th tim thy wr rcruitd for th work, thy may hav bn classifid as holding Conditional pardons, or wr holding Tickt-of-Lav, but wr unlikly to b Fr by Srvitud. 10

11 William Cox Mitchll Library, Stat Library of NSW. William Cox ( ), in charg, was a farmr from Clarndon, nar Windsor, whr h had sttld aftr rsigning from th NSW Corps. Cox had alrady don a grat dal of road making throughout th County of Cumbrland, whn in July 1814, Macquari mad him Suprintndnt of th Works for a Nw Road ovr th Blu Mountains. th dsignatd fr mn Richard Lwis was Cox s right hand man and was classifid as th Chif Suprintndnt and lft in charg at thos tims that Cox had to rturn to Clarndon. Jams Burns was originally th Suprintndnt of th Forward or Claring gang of fllrs and fir makrs, and prsumably third in lin of command. H was dischargd on th 2nd August 1814, as h rfusd to accpt ordrs rlayd to him through Richard Lwis. Both Lwis and Burns had bn mmbrs of Evans survy party. Liutnant Hobby was snt by Macquari to rplac Burns, arriving on th vning of 5th August with th camp moving to th 9 mil soon aftr his arrival. H joind th Forward Party with R. Lwis and J. Tigh in marking th lin ahad. This bcam his rsponsibility. John Tigh had bn a mmbr of Evans party whr h was rcordd as a prisonr. Cox listd him as a Fr Prson, and as a Fr Prson h rcivd a grant of 100 acrs for his srvics as a Guid. Samul Ayrs who was Mr Cox s prsonal srvant. Th balanc of th construction group ar shown brokn up into two groups: Convicts 13 in numbr, ths includd what could b calld th skilld artisans; and Labourrs 24, who wr includd in th 1814 mustr as bing at th mountains. Ths labourrs must hav bn originally convicts but now had som masur of frdom. Thy had bn slctd by Cox on account of thir physiqu bing wll inclind hardy mn, who had bn som yars in th Colony, and accustomd to Fild labour. 11

12 As ths ar mn whom, by thir prsonal labour mad this first road to th Wst, and who viwd our prsnt towns and villags in thir pristin stat, I think that it is only fitting that thir nams should bcom bttr known amongst our communitis. Listd as Convicts 12 CARPENTER Thomas COOKE Thomas CRYER Hnry DYWER Jams DYE William FOWLER Robrt (Samual) FREEMAN Samul (William) GORMAN Thomas HANLEY (Hnly) John Robrt HERDMAN William RICHARDS Jams WATERS Samul WATSON Jams Sawyr Sawyr Bullock Drivr (Govrn. cart) Ladr of fir makrs Rough Carpntr Quarryman (Mason) Rough Carpntr Storkpr Bullock Drivr (Govrn. cart) Shomakr Blacksmith Bullock Drivr (Govrn. cart) Ladr of road workrs Earlir I hav mntiond a rfrnc to thr bing a doctor and a constabl in th party so prhaps ithr Dy or Frman fullfilld th rsponsibilitis of th mdical attndant. Classifid as Labourrs ADAMS Thomas ALLAN John APPLEDORE William CROOK (Cook) Samul DAVIS Samul FINCH John HARRAGHAN (Hnringham) Patrick HOCKEY (Hucky) Stphn KEEN Gorg KELLY Jams KENDALL Thomas LAWRENCE William MANNING John McCARTHY Jams MERRIAN (Mrman) Patrick MORTON (Martin) Hnry PARKER Stphn RAMSAY William RODDOCKS (Roddicks) Thomas ROSS John SMITH Matt SULLIVAN Harry TINDALL John WATKINS Thomas

13 In Bigg s rport, pags , only 22 labourrs ar listd: th nams of Kn, Klly, Kndall and Ramsay not apparing but Shlly is addd (s Appndix). A fw xtra nams appar on th 1814 mustr as bing at th mountains (Rl 1252 Archivs) but thy ar difficult to dciphr. Th cartrs apart from thos mntiond in th convict list abov who opratd th supply lin from Port Jackson ar hard to diffrntiat but thy apar to hav bn th six who wr dischargd on th 19th Novmbr 1814, aftr compltion of th Pass of Mount Victoria, vix. Bryan M. Crowly, J. Hoddrigoddy, P. Stanly, S. Toon, J. Whitny. Othr drivrs mntiond in Cox s diary wr Angus, Frnch, Frost and Myrs. Thr wr thr othr Labourrs who wr on th work but wr not mntiond in th awar list and ths wr: W. Lonain a tr fllr who was hurt whn a tr fll on him on th 22nd July Low who was on th sick list 3rd Octobr at th 28 Mil Wathrboard. Randall T. who was vacuatd to Windsor hospital on 26th Sptmbr. Cox s Road Mount York - rmains of original tr rail stock fnc 13

14 Th Military consistd of 1 Srgant, 1 Corporal and 6 Privats from th Royal Vtran Company. Th nams of th noncommissiond officrs ar known, bing Srgant Minhan (who rplacd Srgant Bounds), and Corporal Harris. Thr wr Privats Ashford and Carrol, and four othr privats whos nams hav not bn dtrmind but could b tracd through th 22 Octobr 1814 mustr. Thr wr also 2 nativs with th party, who joind thm on 27th August from Richmond Jo from Mulgoa, and Coly from Richmond, who wr probably usd to supplmnt th frsh mat supply by hunting kangaroo. From th prcding, it can b apprciatd that thr is so much history containd in this first lin of road away from th Cumbrland Plain. Although thr hav bn variations to th original rout, particularly in th first tn mils which cam in through th Lapston Estat, much of th chang aftr passing th 20 Mil Hollow or Bull s Camp has bn of a minor natur, largly brought about by th construction of th Railway Lin in Whil r-construction has brought about improvmnt in grad and alignmnt to th original rout, on fls that thos sctions of th road that hav bn by-passd by modrn day nginring should b prsrvd for futur gnrations as a sampl of what was don with hand tools, using manual labour without th back-up logistical rsourcs of food, communication, and mdicin, whil facing th inclmncy of wintr wathr, with its storms frost and snow, tc. 14 Pavillion commmorating th crossing of th Blu Mountains Mt York.

15 It must b rmmbrd that ths mn, conscriptd as thy wr, wr offrd a rward of simply an improvmnt in status in lif thr sms to hav bn no montary paymnt for thir day s work othr than th provision of foodstuff, which consistd basically of salt pork, flour, biscuits, ta and sugar, to which Cox addd from his own rsourcs frsh bf, cabbag and corn. Thr wr spcial issus of a gill of spirits from govrnmnt stors as compnsation for a particular ffort or xtrmly harsh conditions. Th Labourrs providd thir own bdding, but wr issud a suit of slops trousrs and a smock a pair of shos and a blankt on th 18th July. Furthr shos wr issud on 12th Sptmbr and 27th Novmbr with a scond pair of trousrs on 26th Novmbr. As a spcial gstur, Cox gav ach man a nw shirt for Christmas. Thr wr no furthr issus of blankts, although th diary frquntly mntions that thir blankts wr wt and vry uncomfortabl, as thy wr slping undr whatvr shltr thy could find, and it sms that tnts wr not providd for thm. Th First Road Ovr Th Blu Mountains Mmorial - Mt York 15

16 Footstps in Tim Projct Th r-marking th survy lin stablishd by Evans which Cox followd closly, was originally concivd as part of th 1988 Bicntnnial Clbrations. Evans Fild Book rlativ to this survy is stord in th Stat Archivs (Book No. 96 AONSW Rf. Rl 2623) and dspit its ag and poor condition, it is possibl to xtract th dtails from it. Whil it would b ffctiv to mark all of th survy points stablishd by this original survy, thr ar about 500 of thm. It was dcidd to initially limit th numbr of points to 12, prhaps th most important watring points. 1. Starting point at rivr crossing. 2. First Dpot at Blaxland; 5-6 mils from th Npan Rivr. 3. Th Vally, a vally to th right of th road at 9.5 mils. 4. Springwood, to right of th track or road Mil Hollow to right of road. 6. Wntworth Falls, a running stram. 7. Lura, watr to th right. 8. Katoomba, watr to th lft. 9. Blackhath, nar Golf Links; larg plain with watr, 41 mil. 10. Mountain Victoria, watr on a low flat. 11. Th point whr track rachd th top at Mount York. 12. At th bottom of th Mountain; th point whr th Eastrn sction of survy startd, 49.5 mils. It is not possibl to provid what could b a continuous walking track along th Explorrs Track as so much of it is containd within th confins of th prsnt Grat Wstrn Highway. In th 1913 dition, rpublishing Blaxland s diary w rad undr th dat, 10th Fbruary 1823, this commnt: Th road, which has sinc bn mad, dviats but a fw roads in som placs from th lin clard of th small trs and brushs by us. Nor dos it appar likly that any othr lin will vr b discovrd than at th difficult and narrow passs that w wr fortunat to discovr; by improving which a good carriag road has now bn mad across th mountains. 16

17 APPENDIX xtract from Cox s Mmorandum on Roadmakrs (circa1821-?) In July 1814, a party of mn (convicts) commncd making a road from th cornr of Woodruff s Farm, opposit Emu Plains on th Npan Rivr, across th mountains and from thnc to Bathurst, undr my dirction, distant by computation, on hundrd mils which was compltd in Fbruary 1815 whn I rturnd. In April 1815, His Excllncy Govrnor Macquari wnt ovr th Mountains on th nw Road to Bathurst and aftr his rturn th following month, th prsons who had bn mployd in th undrtaking rcivd th following Rwards for thir labour. FREE PERSONS Thomas Hobby Esq. x Richard Lwis x John Tigh Samul Ayrs Assistant on th Expdition 500 acrs of land and six cows Chif Suprvisor 200 acrs, on hors, four cows Guid 100 acrs, two cows and fiv pounds Srvant to Mr Cox Two cows Th prsons to whos nams this x mark is affixd had bfor bn ovr th Mountains with Mr Evans, th Dputy Survyor Gnral. CONVICTS Jams Watson Ladr of th Road Makrs Jams Dwyr Ladr of th Fir-making Gang Thomas Gorman Charg of th Stors x William Dy Rough Carpntr Samul Frman Rough Carpntr x Thomas Cook Sawyr Thomas Carpntr Sawyr Robrt Fowlr Quarryman Jams Richards Blacksmith William Hrdman Shomakr Samul Watrs Bullock Drivr with two Govrnmnt carts John Hanly Bullock Drivr with two Govrnmnt carts Hnry Cryr Bullock Drivr with two Govrnmnt carts Notation on Righthand margin Mr W. Martin at Emu Ford on Mr Woodruff s Farm rcivd a cow for his srvic in assisting to gt th provisions across th Rivr, and attnding th Govrnmnt Boat. 17

18 LABOURERS Samul Crook Patrick Mrrian John Allan Thomas Adams John Finch Stphn Packr Thomas Ruddocks John Manning John Tindall Jams Shlly Matt Smith Harry Sullivan John Ross William Lawrnc Thomas Kndall Samul Davis Hnry Morton Thomas Watkins John McCarty William Appldor Patrick Hanraghan Stphn Hocky Ths mn wr slctd as bing accustomd to fild labour and supposd to b th bst calculatd to undrgo th fatigu of hard work and slping on th ground. Th rwards to ths convicts was as follows (viz) Robrt Fowlr Fr Pardon Sinc Dad William Appldor Fr Pardon Sinc Drownd Jams Dwyr Fr Pardon Still in Colony Thomas Ruddocks Tickt of Lav 18 Entranc to Glow Worm Tunnl Lithgow

19 To all th othr prsons Emancipations Th following Convicts ach found a hors and cart of thir own, and workd on th Mountains with thm, in carrying th provisions, tools, tc., from th Npan Rivr forward to th Roadmakrs. x John Crowly x John Toom x Thomas Cross x Patrick Harrogaddy x Samul Whitny x Samul Staly Thomas Frost Ths prsons svrally rcivd Emancipations. Th prsons to whom this x mark is affixd hld Tickts of Lav prior to thir bing on this Srvic. Th following convicts ach found a Hors and Cart btwn two of thm, which wr mployd btwn th months of Fbruary and May 1815, in convying Maiz, tc., to th diffrnt Stations which I appointd for th Govrnor s rtinu to stop at, on th Mountains and Road to Bathurst, and assisting th party at th tim His Excllncy wnt. x William Clark William Tindall Jams Coddrington x Harry Buttsworth x William Durham Samul Gilbrt Gorg Humphrys x Thomas Strt Ths prsons svrally rcivd thir Emancipations and thos to whos nams this x mark is affixd hld Tickts of Lav prior to bing mployd for Govrnmnt on this Srvic. ML B.T. Box 25 BIGGE S REPORT, Pp

20 t d a ct n i a v t r n cor ha o c s y a n o wa t m i t t a u d n m b r, o m n f d In ocu atio rs c d i l p s ub su i h t in of p n b tim 20

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