33. What is the speed of light? 34. What contributions did Albert Einstein make to astronomy and to physics? 35. What do the Theories of Relativity

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1 Humanities 3 On test day, five versions of each test are distributed. Each version consists of fifty multiplechoice questions, and the questions on each version are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from the questions on the other versions. What this means is that 250 of the items on the study guides for each test (Lecture and Textbook, and Readings) will appear on the five versions of the test, but only fifty will appear on the version that you get. The tests are randomly shuffled by the History Department office staff, so there is no way to know which version any student will receive. That is why you must study all of the study guide items. Test 2 Lecture Items 1. How do the traditional and modern ways of knowing the world and the past differ? 2. What roles do myth and legend play in shaping and defining cultures and values? 3. In what ways has the post-1850 Knowledge Revolution added to our knowledge in the Humanities? 4. In what ways has archeology improved our understanding of the past? 5. What new social sciences have come into being since 1850? 6. How has medical knowledge and practice evolved since 1850? 7. What has philology taught us about languages, how they re related, and how they change? 8. What is the Anthropocentric Error, and how does it factor into how people have traditionally viewed the history and behavior of the natural world? 9. How did religion shape the pre-modern view of nature and the past? 10. In what ways do science and religion differ as ways of knowing? 11. How does the scientific method go about exploring nature? 12. What are the elements of science? 13. In what ways has the knowledge gained from science contributed to modern life? 14. What is the relationship between weather and climate? 15. What physical and geographical factors account for differences in climate and generate weather phenomena? 16. On what sorts of evidence does the argument for climate change rest? 17. How does the heliocentric model differ from the geocentric model? 18. What contribution(s) did Copernicus make to astronomy? 19. What astronomical discoveries did Galileo make? 20. What contributions did Johannes Kepler make to astronomy? 21. What contributions did Galileo make to physics? 22. What are Newton's three Laws of Universal Gravitation? 23. What have we learned since 1850 about the scale of the cosmos? 24. What have we learned about our own galaxy? 25. What have we learned since 1850 about galaxies? 26. What are the various types of telescopes? How does each of them examine the cosmos? 27. What is electromagnetism, and who discovered it? 28. What is the significance of the x-ray, and who discovered it? 29. What part of nature does quantum physics study? 30. What discoveries has quantum physics contributed to our knowledge? 31. What does E=mc 2 represent? What does it mean? 32. What makes Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle important in our understanding of physics?

2 33. What is the speed of light? 34. What contributions did Albert Einstein make to astronomy and to physics? 35. What do the Theories of Relativity say? 36. What role does physics play in measuring geological time? 37. What has modern geology taught us about the internal structure of the Earth? 38. What contributions did Alfred Wegener make to our geological knowledge? 39. What has plate tectonics revealed to us about the processes that shape the Earth s geological features and how those features originate? 40. How do the rocks of ocean plates rock differ from those of continental plates? 41. How has our knowledge of genetics grown thanks to the Knowledge Revolution? 42. How might the realization that life forms change with time have been inspired by the dynamics of parliamentary government and free-market capitalism? 43. How did Lamarck think evolutionary change took place? 44. What did Alfred Russell Wallace think about changes in life forms? 45. What does descent with modification mean? 46. What role does variation between individual organisms play in evolution? 47. What role did Gregor Mendel play in our understanding of biology? 48. What are genes, chromosomes, and DNA, and what roles do they play in shaping biological characteristics and driving biological change? 49. What is the social/moral argument against evolution, and why is it flawed? 50. What is the argument that belief in evolution produced Nazism and the Holocaust, and how is it flawed? 51. What is the argument that evolution violates the 2 nd Law of Thermodynamics, and how is it flawed? 52. What is the argument that the fossil and geological record arise from Noah s Flood, and how is it flawed? 53. What is the argument that the radiation methods used to date rocks are wrong, and how is it flawed? 54. What is the argument that mineral concentrations in the oceans prove the Earth is only 10,000 years old, and how is it flawed? 55. What is the argument that the decay rate of the Earth s magnetic field proves that the Earth is only 10,000 years old, and how is it flawed? 56. What is the argument that there are no missing links, or transitional forms, between species, and how is it flawed? 57. What is the argument that evolution has never been observed in the laboratory, and how is it flawed? 58. What is the argument that Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldredge reject evolution, and how is it flawed? 59. What is the argument that complex organs and abilities couldn t have arisen by chance, and how is it flawed? 60. What is the argument that complex molecules like DNA couldn t have arisen by chance, and how is it flawed? 61. What are the problems associated with the notion of Intelligent Design? 62. How long does it take for something to happen when the odds are 10 million to 1 against it? 63. What are the odds of dealing out any given 52-card sequence?

3 64. On what bases did the Catholic hierarchy attack Galileo s ideas? 65. On what bases did Protestant leaders attack the heliocentric model of the solar system? 66. What does the Bible say about the movement of the Earth and the Sun? 67. What is Biblical Criticism (or Higher Criticism )? 68. What are the characteristics of Christian Fundamentalism? 69. From what underlying causes did Christian Fundamentalism arise? 70. What immediate causes led to the emergence of Christian Fundamentalism? 71. In what ways are theological modernism and theological anti-modernism different? 72. What role did Dwight L. Moody play in the origin of Fundamentalism? 73. What role did John Nelson Darby play in the origin of Fundamentalism? 74. What does Fundamentalist theology mean by dispensations? 75. What is the doctrine of the Secret Rapture and on what support does it rest? 76. What role does the Scofield Reference Bible play in Fundamentalism? 77. How did Lyman Stewart aid in the birth of Fundamentalism? 78. How did the term fundamentalism originate? 79. What are the five fundamentals of faith? 80. How are pre-millennial dispensationalism and postmillennial dispensationalism different? 81. What are the origins and beliefs of Dominionism and Reconstructionism? 82. Why is the Scopes Monkey Trial important in the history of Fundamentalism? 83. What are the characteristics of Catholic anti-modernism? 84. What policies did Pope Pius IX promote? 85. What policies were contained in the Syllabus of Errors? 86. What policies were enacted by the First Vatican Council? 87. What policies were contained in Rerum Novarum? How do they resemble or differ from those in the Syllabus of Errors? Test 2 Textbook Items 1. What made Napoléon III s approach to government authoritarian? 2. What sorts of domestic and political policies did Napoléon III pursue? 3. What was Napoléon III s foreign policy like? What wars resulted and what was the result? 4. Who was Florence Nightingale and why is she important? 5. What effect did the Crimean War have on European politics? 6. Who was responsible for the unification of Italy? Who opposed unification? 7. What was the Zollverein? What role did it play in German unification? 8. Who was Otto von Bismarck? What was his background? 9. What characterized Bismarck s approach to policy? 10. How did Bismarck use wars in unifying Germany? 11. How was the Austrian war a turning point in Prussian domestic politics? 12. How was the government of the North German Confederation structured? 13. How did Bismarck engineer the start of the Franco-Prussian War? 14. What penalties did Bismarck impose on France after the Franco-Prussian War? 15. What role did Versailles play in the birth of the Empire of Germany? 16. What does kaiser mean? 17. What changes took place in the Austrian empire after the Revolution of 1848? 18. What was the Ausgleich? How was it a success? How was it a failure?

4 19. What policies did Tsar Alexander II pursue? How did they change and why? 20. What reasons account for England s political stability during the 19 th century? 21. What policies did Benjamin Disraeli pursue? Why did he pursue them? 22. What policies did William Gladstone pursue? Why did he pursue them? 23. What role did slavery play in American politics before the Civil War? 24. What role did slavery play in the origins of the Republican Party? 25. In what regions did the Republicans fail to get votes in the US election of 1860? 26. What state was the first to secede from the United States in 1860? 27. How many soldiers died in the American Civil War? 28. What states comprised the Confederacy (see map, page 689)? 29. What factors led to the emergence of the Dominion of Canada? 30. What contributions did Dmitri Mendeleyev make to science? 31. What contributions did Louis Pasteur make to science? 32. What advances transformed medical science and technology in the 19 th century? 33. What features defined Literary Realism? Who were its most important authors? 34. What features defined Artistic Realism? Who were its most important artists? 35. What linked the New German School of Music to Romanticism? Who were the most important composers of the New German School? 36. Why did steel replace iron in manufacturing? 37. What are protective tariffs? Why were they enacted? 38. What are cartels? Why do companies form them? 39. What was the impact of large manufacturing plants on production? 40. What made the period between 1895 and 1914 la belle époque? 41. Why enabled Germany to become Europe s leading industrial economy after 1870? 42. What effect did the industrial economy have on European agricultural patterns? 43. What role did the government play in the industrialization of Japan? 44. What made the late 19 th -century economy a world economy? 45. What was the ideology of domesticity? 46. How were sweatshops, piecework, and white-collar jobs related to women s work? 47. What did European countries do about prostitution? 48. How successful were socialist political parties in Germany and France? Why? 49. In what ways did socialist revisionism break with the teachings of Marxism? 50. How did the rise of trade unions better the condition of workers? 51. What were the beliefs of anarchism? Why did it turn to terrorism? 52. What factors led to the rise in European population between 1850 and 1910? 53. Why did Europeans emigrate to North America in the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries? 54. What improvements were made to water supply and wastewater treatment, and who was took the initiative in those improvements? 55. What roles did private enterprise and government play in addressing the housing problem in Europe? 56. In what ways were cities redesigned after 1870, and why? 57. Who constituted the upper, middle, and lower classes in late 19 th -century Europe? 58. What values characterized the late 19 th -century middle-class? 59. What impact did the Industrial Revolution have on the characterization of gender roles? 60. What methods of contraception and birth control were available in the late 19 th century?

5 61. What values characterized the Victorian cult of domesticity, and how did they apply to children and child-rearing, family activities, and to women? 62. How did working-class family patterns change between 1890 and 1914? 63. How did education change between the early 19 th century and the late 19 th century? 64. What factors led Europeans to embrace mass education in the late 19 th century? 65. What subjects formed the curricula in late 19 th century schools? 66. Why did women play the roles they did in late 19 th -century public schools? 67. What effects did mass public education have on society and journalism? 68. What were the elements of mass leisure culture in late 19 th -century society? 69. What changes took place in sports during the late 19 th century? What purpose was seen in playing sports? 70. What changes in transportation and retailing were associated with the rise of mass consumption? 71. What issues drove political reform in late 19 th -century Great Britain? 72. What political reform did Bismarck force on France in 1871? What caused the upheaval of the Paris Commune in 1871? 73. What problems afflicted the Third Republic in France? 74. What led to the failure of reform in Spain and Italy? 75. What were the political institutions of German government? 76. What was the target of Bismarck s Kulturkampf? 77. What was Bismarck s relationship with the Social Democratic Party? 78. What social legislation did Bismarck enact? Why did he do this? 79. How did the minorities problem affect the politics and government of Austria-Hungary? 80. What policies did Tsars Alexander III and Nicholas II adopt in Russia? Why? 81. What were Friedrich Nietzsche s teachings about reason and religion? 82. What contributions did Sigmund Freud make to Psychology? 83. What caused anticlericalism? 84. How did the Salvation Army originate? 85. What were the characteristics of Literary Naturalism? Who were its major authors? 86. How did Symbolism in literature react against Naturalism? Who were its major authors? 87. What was the relationship between Impressionism and Post-Impressionism? Who were their important artists? 88. When was photography invented? What was its impact on painting? 89. What contributions did George Eastman make to photography? 90. What are the differences between Cubism and Abstract painting? Who were the major Cubist and Abstract artists? 91. How did Grieg, Debussy, and Stravinsky differ as composers? 92. Women s property and divorce rights in 19 th -century Europe 93. Who were the suffragettes, what was their goal, and what tactics did they use? 94. What contributions did Maria Montessori make to advancing women s rights? 95. What were ghettos? 96. What were the characteristics of anti-semitism in Austria and Germany? 97. In what ways were Jews subjected to discrimination and persecution in eastern Europe? 98. What were the origins of Zionism, and what were its goals? 99. How were Fabian Socialts different from Marxists? What were their goals? 100. What benefits did the National Insurance Act of 1911 provide people in Britain?

6 101. What lay at the roots of the Dreyfus affair, and how did it affect France? 102. What caused the emergence of a radicalized right-wing politics in Germany? 103. What impact did the nationalities problem have on the politics of Austria-Hungary? 104. What inspired industrialization in Russia, and what effect did industrialization have? 105. What factors caused the Russian Revolution of 1905? What reforms did it lead to? What caused its failure? 106. How did American heavy industry in 1900compare to that of the rest of the world? 107. How severe were the disparities in wealth in the US in 1890? 108. What led American workers to organize unions? 109. What reforms were enacted during the Progressive Era in the US? 110. What were the causes of the New Imperialism? 111. What was the meaning of the white man's burden? Who originated the term? 112. What countries took part in the Scramble for Africa? Why did they do it? 113. How did the Suez Canal lead to the growth of the British Empire in Africa? 114. What role did King Leopold II of Belgium play in imperialism in Africa? 115. How did European imperialism impact China and Japan? 116. What imperial possessions did America acquire in the Pacific? 117. How did natives in Africa and China respond to European imperialism? 118. How did the Japanese respond to European imperialism? 119. What factors led to the decline of Ottoman power in the Balkans, and how did great power politics play a role? 120. What caused the Balkan Crises of , and what was their effect on great power politics?

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