LANCASTER. While th Christmas fsstivmcarthur & Co., was in Martintown. in search of Fruit, Raisins Curi Mr. John McEwen, son of Ewen

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1 ALEXANDRA ONTARO FRDAY DECEMBER LANCASTER your Xast Chance Over one hundred people have taken advantage our great clothng fer and over'one hundred people are glad that y have Eghteen more have same opportunty savng money Of 120 suts we advertsed three weeks ago we have just eghteen now on hand ; One sze 36 Three sze 37 Nne sze 38 Three sze 39 and Two sze 2 They are suts that cost to manfacture $1500 we are sellng m at $1150 > The past two weeks have been banner weeks n our fur department sales far exceedng our most sangune expectatons We feel that we are enttled to fur bus ness n Alexandra Our stock s largest; Our prces are lowest: Our styles most up-to date and qualty most procurable We are only frm n Glengarry that mports raw furs n bales and only frm n Glengarry that have fur garments manufactured expressly for m By dong ths we are aol to gve our customers very much better vaue n every respect Better fur better workmansh/ lower prces and can guarantee every g rment we sell Ths apples to all our better fur garments We alscfc have or furs bought as or merchants buy m from regular wholesale houses A good assortment and at prces as low as you wll fnd anywhere See our furs before sendng away from home for m we certanly can gve you as good'value as any catalogue house n Canada We are agents for Dr Reeds Cushon Sboe fo Men and Bells Cushonette Shoe f»r vuaa easest shoe on earth Need 1-0 breakng n conform perfectly to shape - foot and make walkng a pleasure '' Anor carload Flour and ''^eed just receved Royal Household Flour $300 per bag John Smpson and Son Alexauvdra Mr Olver Bouge left ths week for an extended trp to Chcago Stl aul and North West Lancaster skatng rnk wll open ths week under management o Peter Collette A D McDonell s Xmas stock s now complete Call and examne hs stock holday noveltes Mrs A G McBean was at Thorn Hll recently for a lew days Mr Joe Bethune arrved n town from Saranac N Y and contemplates spendng wnter at home Mr Peter MacDonald spent a lew days recently n Montreal wth hs daughter Mss Mary MacDonald Mr and Mrs Alexander McLennan (Squre) leave on 15th for Jamaoa BW ndes where y wll spend wnter Mr Duncan McLennan and lamly Rdgewood also ntend gong to Jamaca early n January Our old frend Centennal Grant arrved home on Monday nght and wll reman lor a month or two The remans late John McKenze arrved from Wnnpeg on Thursday noon tran and funeral took place from Knox Church where servce was held nce to Summerstown cemetery for bural The funeral was largely attended Mss sabel MePhee Glengarry s canddate lor Herald s Old Country Tour has reached top rung ladder and s now leadng by qute a few votes Glengarry s always to front and we hope Mss MePhee s frends wll work all harder and keep her n frst place tll close Navgaton s now practcally closed The channel buoy lghts have been removed asd rver s settlng down to go to sleep The broad expanse s yet open water although Black Rver s frozen affordng much pleasure and amusement to younger generaton Stepehen Dunn Summerstown nephew Ambrose Dunn ths place was bured here on Tuesday last Sympathy s extended to famly The untmely death Mr Clark Brown Wllamstown s greatly regretted by all who knew hm here At - tme ths wrtng we learn that one hs daughters has also ded The old Shebang on south-east corner Lagauchetere street and Mchgan Avenue South Lancaster former home Maxwells Masters and Heavens knows who all s beng torn down and taken away n order to be transtormed nto an ce house or somethng that sort Thus anor old land marks slently dsappears from publc vew Ah! What memores! Excuse partng tear!! The balance Dneen famly have returned n full force frommanchester NJ Wth an eye to busness Mr Leduc s makng extensve mprovements n nteror hs hostlery The Métropole The arrangement wll gve more room and convenence n every way and add greatly to comfort hs guest* t U about settled that Corporaton depot wll not nvest n Pntsh Lght for street lghtng t would add very much to appearance town f y could only see r way to nstall ths system The annual meetng Lancaster Hockey Club was held on Tuesday evenng n McRae House and followng fcers were apponted for comng year : Duncan McLennan Esq Hon Pres Mr Lews Mgr Merchants Bank Presdent Dr Barton Cameron Vce-Pres D J MaePherson 2nd 'Vce Forest Surland Sec-Treas H Falkner Jas McDoncll R T Ncholson Dawson McLean Commttee The Lancaster club expect to have a strong team ths season MAXVLLE Mr Duncan Cameron Returned on Frday last rom Saskatoon Sask Mr Sam Mcntosh MooseCreek was n town early part R CUDDON FOR DECEMBER Effort XMAS SNAPS GROeERES FOOTWEAR Specal prces on Boots also plan and beary Rubbers overshoes Oltan Mocoasns and heavy Sox / FLANNELS and YARNS All Wool and Unon Flannels n Grey and Navy also Mltary n medum and extra heavy weghts Hgh-grade Yarns n Whte Black and*colors at 50o 55c and 70c per lb FURS Lades* aud Gentlemen s Coats $1750 and up Our prce* on Brown and Black Bear Robes are fnev choce stock all szes WRAPPERETTES 8L FLANNELETTES Attractve patterns and rght prces 10 and 12 cents nelette specals n 30 n goods at and 8 cents per yard Flan- pouble coupons'equal to 20% gven on Furs Flannels Yarns and Bats untl 8lh on whch date we dscontnue gvng coupons for a tme \ *THE EXCHANGE NORTH LANCASTER J F CÂTTANACH N Glen Norman St Elmo Durng!; course past week Wres are hummng Santa s comng wear man saw ft to cover Youth and mrth drve care away ; dark earth wth a mantle Sleeh bells rngng boys are sngng whte along wth lall Grls get ready now ttey say beautful your humble correspondent Tasks annoy us drves are joyous drops nto vew and trusts that Let us have m and be gay Gloom and grumblng are now n few tems he jots down may be as Wake cattle buyer pure The Lterary Socety s meetng Was Mr and Mrs A R McDougall 1st Lochel spent Saturday and Sunday well attended on Frday evenng T c guests r daughter Mrs A subject r nterestng debaîr was Resolved that party governmcglls North Lancaster Mr Ü M McLeod accompaned by ment should be abolshed n Canada hs son Master Rodde spent Mon- The affrmatve was taken by D ( McColl an^ Mrs D C McDougall day n Alexandra Msses Jesse and Anne E McGre- whle negatve was upheld by V\ gor spent Saturday and Sunday vst- Ferguson gnd H McKerchar Decson was bven n favor negang Curry Hll frends Rev Mr Morrson ol Dalhousc tve Our popular cheesemaker MrHougl Mlls conducted Dvne servce here has closed a very successful seaso on Frday evenng last and we all hope to have hm wth us Notces arc posted up here for annual meetng ot Glen Norman for anor season Rob Wlson s pleasant face s agan Dary Co to be held on Dec 11th No doubt t wll be well attended as seen at corner He has returncfl re s some more largesse to be from West lookng hale and heagven to all ty Our enterprsng young frend AjMr D K McDonald has completed hs contract wth CPR We un- uster McDougall has safely arrved derstand he had a successful year n West wth a car cattle Jesse T McDougall s attendug We extend congratulatons A number from here attended Ottawa Conservatory Musje Mr Archy Mcntyre s busly enball at Dalhouse Staton and speak hghly ol manner n whch gaged completeng hs new îouse SOS conducted same We are all pleased to Hnow l Mss Josephne Sayant teacher our aged frend Mr D Snclar who spent Saturday and Sunday at her has been ndsposed has now regan ed hs usual health am also that parental home Mr Alex R McDonald who has Mrs C Snclar s qute w'ell agan Rev Mr Lee and famly vsted been on Hs Majesty s servce n Ottawa spent past week at home Apple Hll frends on Monday here nursng a sore knee We are Mrs McDougall and Mrs Clarke pleased to- state he has fully recover- called on Moose Crcea frends on F l (ay last week ed and able to resume hs dutes Mr and Mrs Peter McDougall vsmr Alex Sayant pad Dalhouse Staton a busness vst on Monday ted at D L' Mc»*T Ars ThursConsderable nterest s taken here day last ^'eek The mauy frends Pete Snclar n Montreal Herald s Old Country Tour contest Save your coupons and wll be 'dslcd to learn that he lus hand m to your postmstress as recoveréît :om ) s recent l css every lttle helps and all should see A Chrstmas entertanmcnt s to that Glengarry canddate s to be gven m 'rrdon Church -m front as re s nothng too evenng ''Kursday lac 2l)ln good for Glengarry Pleasant and pro table evenng s anmss Mary McDougall left last week tcpated on an extended vst to Montreal Wth feed so coar and beef and pork Mss Ella McDougall Utca N so cheap a farmer nry well scratch Y accompaned by her uncle A R hs head and turn a '' r>er over twuu McDougall vsted frends n town to make sure that t sn t a quarter on Tuesday Mr Alex A McDonald 1th Con ndan Lands spent Tuesday n town Suts and overcoats made to order from tl up at McArthur s lashonable talor Maxvlle! Mr Herb Tracey representng E Whle th Chrstmas fsstvmcarthur & Co was n Martntown on Wednesday bookng orders for tes are uppermost n your suts : Dr McDarmd nspector Publc thoughts don't pass ths store Schools pad Cornwall a vst on j Tuesday n search Frut Rasns Cur Mr John McEwen son Ewen McEwen Esk: after an absence rants Spces Canned Fruts 33 years arrved home on Tuesday ; on a vst to hs parents and frends or any sde ssues so Farmers are makng great use frst snow by drawng quanttes essental to a perfectly balanc wood to town Mr John D Robertson Ottawa ed dnner pad Maxvlle a busness vst - early part af week You can fnd m all here W D McLeod Esq Krk Hll was a vstor to town on Tuesday pew goods and good goods The sound ol slegh hells makes thngs more cheerful n Maxvlle and at prces that wll make Mr J A Welsh was n Montreal on Tuesday frends for ths store Call at McArthur's for bargans n hats caps gloves sweaters undert would be a good dea to wear etc Mr Donald McEwen son order early and re wll ba late John McEwen who has been absent lor thrty-two years arrved nothng dsappontng n home on Tuesday from 'Vancouver BC on a vst to hs mor and qualty our goods or relatves n ths vcnty On Frday evenng last Maxvlle young men entertaned r frends n Publc Hall here Mrs A H McDougall was D j MCDONALD guest her sster Mrs Dr Hoyt Mountan Staton on Sunday Phone 36 Alexardra Ont The lades ol Presbyteran church ntend gvng a socal n 1 Publc Hall here on Frday evenng Dec 13th Come and have a good tme On Thursday Nov 28th 1907 to Mr and Mrs Sam Clne a daughter Mrs Chrsty Fletcher s we regret to learn confned to her room THE BEST YET / sufferng from a severe attack nflammatory rheumatsm Her daughthat s what you wll ter Mss Magge ol Montreal s wth her at present say when you see beautrev Mr Pre and famly took posful assortment Watches Sandrngham Af'LB BLL sesson r new house ths week Jewelry Slverware etc Owug to good roads consdermss Florence McGregor acdommr and Mrs Alex N McDonald that we are showng for able gran and hay ate beng brought spent Sunday Ruests Mrs Mc- paned by her frend Mss McDonald Chrstnas trade nto town spent Frday and Saturday at her Meurs W Dousett and D McMl- Donald s parents at McCrmmon Mr's Phllp Munro spent Sunday parental home WE HAVE JUST RECEVED lan pad Cornwall a busneu vst Mr Sandy Cameron ol Dalketh wth frends n town week We are glad to hear that Mrs An- spent latter part ol weck A specal Hue fne Santa Claus passed through Maxwth hs bror D D Cameron vlle last week and out stores gen- gus Grant and Mrs R W McDonald Mrs Angus Campbell and Mss Volns who were on sck lst are recoverally look as f he left hs goods erng Casse Bennett ol Athol passed Very danty Japanwth m through our hamlet on Monday e Dr McDarmd Maxvlle was n We congratulate grl from Glen route for sland " ese Chna garry on her success n reachng frst town on Monday The many frends ol Mrs A Vv -Whle n town call and see M McLades fancy back place n Montreal Herald s Old lng wll be pleased to learn that she Leod s fne dsplay cutters Country Tour Combs has recovered rom her recent llness ' We extend congratulatons to Mss Dory Munroe s Mlls s Mr Duncan McKerchar pad A lot new Slvermembers our School Board upon guest o Mss Dancause The Sacrament Lord s Sup- Captal a busness vst on Tuesday havng secured such an effcent sucsandrngham Cheese Factory made ware per wll be dspensed n Presbycessor to late prncpal Mr ts last shpment on Monday Mr An mmense assortmoyer one most brllant gra- teran church here on Sunday Dec Donald Mcntosh cheesemaker pur15th duates ol McMaster Unversty Toment Brooches poses spendng hs well earned holrotno n person Mr D A Me day wth Montreal frends Beauty Pns Rngs etc Donald BA Bracebrdge He Glen Robertson Mss Sade Norman; Gravel Hll took frst honors n Englsh Hstory and Mss Robnson Warlna woe Everythng we have s and Classcs and second honors n! James Robertson a(çent Vankleek guests Mss Etta Cameron on all or subjects and had a two ' Hll vsted hs home here last week Frday new and up-to-date and you year course n French and Grammar 'There are a great many rumors cannot fal to fnd somethng Mr Alex Fraser pad Mazvle a As Mr McDonald holds a frst class marrages gong around but lacy lall busness call on Monday to sut you prolessonal certfcate from On- to materalze Mss Marjerrson Maxvlle sp^ent We extend you a corbe sure and take your best grl to Sunday wth Mss Mnne McDermd taro Normal College Hamlton and has already had several years ex- euchre at Grant Club tonght dal nvtaton to call and let Mss Magge McGregor McDonperence as a prncpal we may look Admsson free- L t v after ald s Grove was guest ol Mrs us have pjeasure for our school under hs supervson ths date ten cents You shall do D Cameron and lamly on Sundayshowng what we have to make even more marked mprove- us a great lavor by havng exact ammss Nelle McKercher left on Wedment n near future ount n change as we shall change nesday lor Montreal Rev Far McPhal Redemptorst no blls Mr and Mrs Wlle Campbell ol Montreal s ths week delverng A great many young people from Maxvlle were recent vstors to our Wate hmaker &! n Publc Hall here a seres here attended St Andrew s ball at hamlet Optcan \ lectures on temperanpe The attend- Dalhouse last week and report a ance dally s remarkably good all pleasant tme Alexandra OntMr Arche McDonald retltned home classes takng advantage occaskye ' son to hear ths brllant lectuer from Cobalt last week lookng pros1 dlate upon a subject that s com- perous Threshng s order ol day mendng great attenton to-day On Mr Dan Robertson after vstng Messrs D W ScLeod and Nel D 1 Monday evenng upwards ffty be- at home for a month returned to McLeod were n Alexandra on Frcame members ol Total Abstn- Cobalt last week We wsh day ence Socety We wsh Rev Gen- much success Don t forget Farmers nsttleman all manner success n ls Mr J B Robnson Ottawa made tute meetng at McCrmmon Hall on noble work a busness trp here last Thursday Messrs Joe Robertson and Alex Monday Dec 9th The members \)f Sunday School Roddy McLeod sold a fne horse to and Chor ol Congregatonal McGlls vsted frends at Glen Sand Teacher Wanted AT < Mr Angus Robertson Kenora Church here are at present actvely feld last Saturday evenng Mrs Fnlay D McLeod ol Mqose Mss Magge McDonald vsted rprncpal (male preferred) for SS engaged n preparaton an atjaw accompaned by Mss Fraser! tractve entertanment whch wll be : ends here ths week McLESTER S ( No 12 CharlottenbuAh Dutes to ' gven on New Year s nght Solos and The followng tems may prove Baltc s Corners vsted at D N commence Jan 3rd 1908 Apply 1 choruses wll be rendered by chor ' greàt nterest to our many readers : McLeod s on Wednesday Mr Dune Cameron and Mr James DRUG STORE! statng salary etc to J M Grant ^nd rectatons etc by members Born to Mr and Mrs Sam Freen- Gallnghan North Gower werè on a Sec-Treas Martntown Ont 5-3 ol Sunday School The Rev A man ths place a lar baby grl busness vst n ths sectjbon early E Cooke Montreal wll be pre- Born to Mr and Mrs D H Mcto nduce rs- ^ part ol week sent and wll delver a lecture on Knnon Montreal a bouncng hoy reland rsh wt and humor The Born to Mr and Mrs W A Mortors to pur-1 ' prce ol admsson wll be 25 cents j rson Regna Sask a bouncng boy chafcse : Grant Club openng to-nght free j and all are cordally nvted DJNVEGAN As t has been our custom n! past to hold progressve euchre par- ; Mrs McLennan and daughter MagChrstma8! tes durng long dreary wnter even- ge ol Vancouver BC are spendng VANKLEEU LL Presents N ngs we have decded on holdng our wnter wth lotmer s mor Mss Charlotte McKenze daughter : openng to-nght (Frday 6th) admt- Mrs D Campbell! Mr Wllam H McKenze has tance free gvng to all an opportun- J M Pollock Moose Creek spent The goods gone down to Montreal to take a ty meetng and gettng acquant- ' week end wth hs uncle Ur Mc! course n a busuess college re are now open ed Begnnng wth Tuesday even- Ewen Before placng your prder We are pleased to report that Mss ng we shall hold assembles every Mrs Kennedy and lttle Son Austn for your nspec J rene Dunnng daughter o Mr Wm Tuesday untl furr notce at who have been vstng r many for holday groceres a call ' 1 Dunnng has passed her examnaton We want* w hch a fee ten cents each shall be at my stoe Corner Mcfrends here left lor r home n! ton Wth honors at Wlls Bus- charged W e shall be more than ' Ottawa on Saturday you to feel at : llougall Avenue Man St ness College Ottawa pleased to have n attendance our Donald Fletcher lett for Kenora last (Staton) wll convnce you l\ome n our * Mr Samuel C Mooney has return neghbors ol North South East week ed to 'V ankleek Hll from West ; and West to whom we shall extend that have one chocmrs McEwen and Gladys vster! store and f J where he was spenung summer every courtest and a welcome to all Athol frends frst ol week est lnes holday groceresvou see wth hs two sous Stewart and Cards from 7 to 10 pm No smokmss Jane Bethune who has beer dsplayed n Alexandra and John ng allowed Grant Club Mll St for some tme n flontreal Genartcle that am sellng same 'at bargan Mr Russell Stephens who has been Gen Robertson eral Hosptal s now at her home suts vour reworkng for Bell 'Telephone Co prces as followng Choppng bees are all go The Mr Angus Bethune s Her many r s now at home where he wll prob- tme wear and roads are con- "ends hope to see hdt restored to quotatons wll show qurements we m ably spend wnter months trbutng r share n makng ths wll be pleased 10 Lbs 25c Tea for $229 We Very much regret to report that most necessarv work a pleasant task health and strenbth af#n Mr Wllam S MePhee late Captan Two our hotelkeepers Mr H to set t asde c 10 ol steamer Hamlon on St Dupus and Polycarpe McDonald vst ft»r vou 15c Lawrence route s now serously ll ed Montreal ths- week to secure a FASStFERN sucrg rom heart trouble at hs fresh supply good thngs for Whte Sugar home east Vankleek Hll holdays Brown Sugar Mr aud^ Mrs Coln U McLauru Choppng wood s order ol treturned home on Monclay Dec 2d day 3 Cans Log Cabn Corn 25 ^ARTNTOMN from Alberta where y had been The roads are n good condton fc 3 Cans Log Caln Peas 25 Weddng bells are rngng Who s sleghng and farmers are lakr > semnu; a very pleasant tme vstt? Guess f you can but don t tell advantage tem uk relatves am fremu 1 Lb Whte Pepper - 29 Pre)aratons are beng made for Mr James SteLle Was out to CassMessrs A and D McLennan vs10 Lbs ('me R-sns - 95 burn on Saturday last on nsurance our usual skatng rnk Success boys ed Farland frend» early part ( Bargans! Bargans! Xmas s drawtg near three weeks week busness le was he truest o Mr 3 tlans Pumpkns 25 K Amston and îamlv only What s St Andrew s Church At square deal a new departr Messrs A McKnnon and C Pas Hlueoen es per tn - 10 mental store to open Frday Dec The re ular* w nter meetngs dong about ts annual Xmas socal er have completed r wood co Couuy Prescott Farmers nst- We hope to hear soon an excellent tract n Mr McDougald s valley 6th at 3 pm n MacLaren Hall Log tol n 'omaloes and close Saturday at 12 pm tute w'll be held n 'own Hall programme s beng prepared Mr 1 Rahal Vsted Pleas* Co y sk for C?-lc;dAr \'anklcek Hll on Tuesday and WedThe Rev Mr Bennett delvered hs tage early part ol week Open lor busuess for about 20 hours only but 20 hours neslay Dec 10th and 11th The annual lecture n connecton wth Mr J McDonald and son attend; greatest money savng opportuntes speakers wll be Mr J N Paget ot Brtsh and Foregn Bble Socety servce at KrkHll on Sunday Canlore and Mr W J Kerr here on Nov 2!)th and t was well ever fered n Glengarry A rare C'y \ lew There wll be a specal attended chance to buy Chrstmas gfts at programme for tle evenng Dec Mr Robert Sharp Montreal hall prce ce cream and refreshehone 35 Staton 10th when musc wp be furnshed spent Sunday here ments at nomnal cost Bvalglt a -cr by \ ankleek Hll band and othadmsson 10 cents Everyone welthe Sacrament Lord s Sup- Kt s who SMê a tte Sudgt t ers Ml are welcome per wll be dspensed here on 15 come H Man St! Thoughts For Chrstmas Alexandra s Greatest Store Every Monday Bargan Day 6 s Made : E DeBellefeulle

2 THE NEWS 13 PUBLSHED EVERY FRDAY MORNNG AT "THE NEWS" PRNTNG OFFCE MAN ST ALEXANDRA ONT A G F MACDONALD Edtor ard Manager F:^DAY G COUAVTV SEPARATON Whçn queston came up last year n regard to County Glengarry wthdrawng frcjm Unon wth Stormont and Dundas 'lc Kdtor ths goodly famly journal announced hmself as favoral)le to practcabhty as well as desrablty dssoluton such Unon beng convnced that Glenrarry contaned wthn per borders many able and experenced genuemen vho would admnsler county affars wth judgment and success Ths opnon w^e unhestatngly adlerc to t may also he recalled bv our many readers that wth a vew elctng a full and frrk dscusson f a matter so mne<ately and ma- Jeraly ahecng nterests : cope ths county ^as proposal cpartton from Unon l)eng rgnzanl Unt re mght be dver- ty opnon on that subect ''he News cheerfully 'ered use ts columns to those who mght desre lo gve publc expresson to r lews 'He Leutenant-Oovernor avng ssued hs proclamaton drectng a vote to be tahen upon ths mportant subject at ensung muncpal eleclons we renew our fer requestng however as a reasonable condton to nserton such commucatos that y be as concse as possble and absolutely free from any dscourteous extraneous matter We hold t to be tle duty any elector n county to well and carefully consder subject Separaton between now and pollng day and we feel assured that mature reflecton wll result n vast majorty electors decdng to cast r ballots n favor Separaton and Glengarry assumng rens Home Rule and Self Government as she s fully capable dong and thus ceasng to be a mere cpher n so-called Unon HARD COMMON SENSE Hon Mr Graham gves evdence n hs speeches that he s devotng serous thought to queston developng Canadan waterways Addressng a local garng on Tuesday he sad accordng to reports that when both ralways are stretched across )omnob re wll stll be a lack facltes for transportng all products ths growng country The water routes would have to be developed He beleved that water routes were very \;seful for cheap transportaton and o prevent or routes from chargng too hgh rates t was duty government to make foregn market as easy access as possble for products Canada That s hard common sense and wll n end preval Ottawa Ctzen Conservatve PLENTY OF WORK ON THE LAND The relatve value lfe n cty and n country has been for ages a stock subject for dscusson n debatng classes t should stll and especally n Canada at present tme afford food for very serous thought U s to be regretted but cannot be dened that re are not only a very large number unemployed men n our larger ctes but r ranks are beng constantly aagmented nstead depleted At same tme country as a whole s labor hungry There are mllons acres as fertle land as re s on face le globe watng to be cultvated and yeld ts golden harvest There av-' mles ralway watng to be lult To use opnon one dentfed wth some great enterprses country re are SC' enteen mllons pounds watng n banks England to be expended a Canada as soon as labor Can be obtaned Ths delay n development n poneer dstrcts restrcts producton and reduces opportuntes for employment n bg centres Companes are not gong to rush out rollng stock for nstance untl lnes are n a poston to absorb rje product Thus shortage labor n wlderness reduces chances employment n cepres t s lamentable that more attenton s not pad to some defnte object n lfe durng early years \bo' e all male human bengs cannot over estmate mportance q^mparatve comfort heathfulness and ndependence lfe on land There s probably not one thousands now hungry-eyed and despondent about ctes all over contnent North Amerca who could not be earnng a comfortable lvng all year round f he knew 'ow to do thngs that any ffteenyear-old boy on a farm can do More han that opportuntes for bemng hmself a propretor f he be cer ntellgent and ndustrous î c far greater upon thç land than n cty ' e s no mpresson that cty :; r a (Tords educatonal opportuntes for youth such as country does not possess To some extent ths s true n wder meanng term educaton however country and ths ncludes smaller towns and dstnctly suburban dstrcts s qute equal to cty The country bred hoy s keenly observant curous nqustve anxous to know why and wherefore He becomes resourceful self-relant and adaptable He s constantly storng up nformaton on a great varety suhects whle he s stll l\ng amdst wlolesome surroundngs and engaged n healthful employment When a yfuth thus eduouted even though he may not have opened as manv hooks as hs cty contemporary comes to town he brngs wth hm vgorous body and an enqurng mnd Montreal Star WORK FOR SR WLFRD ''he Brantford Expostor whch Can speak for one staunchest Lberal dstrcts n Ontaro cordally agrees x\th Herald s vew that Sr Wlf-d ought to devote most hs altetton between now and next electon to Rrovnce Ontaro ''le Herald's ajtpeal Kxosloj- says wll be heartly endorsed bv ll) Ontaro Lboruly t s not sulncenl llercorc Sr Wlfrd snub Da'hC oveusonal appenf;jces n Toronto even at bg garngs The greet heart Ontaro cannot he Uus redled and Sr Wlfrd ought to be sutlccntly sagneous statesman to see t What Sr Wlfrd has never qute realzed to judge by hs actons s that he mself 1s accepted leader Onta(j Lberls rar than bcnelcary support brought to hm by fthers t s n nature thngs erhaps that even at a dstance forty years from Confederaton re stll ho a dsposton to adhere to water tght compartment ory poltcs whch was a necessty case when or Provnces joned wth Canada n a new dspensaton Tlt* tradton set up by Macdonald Carter Tupper and Tlley n an earler day was no doubt contnued n our tme by Laurer Cartwrggt Mowat Feldng and Blar Hut even n earler day Sr Charles Tupper s poston as representatve Nova Scota dd not prevent hs makng whole Domnon hs Provnce and n our tme acceptance Sr Wlfrd Laurer s leadershp by Ontaro Lberals has been almost as complete as f he were Provnce The fact s course that n all career he has been wher he would or no n closest ntellectual relatons wth people Ontar Moreover hs poltcal actvty remans unmpared after some hs old assocates had gone out poltcs and ors m fnd fres burnng slower t s probable that poltcal leaders n both partes have kept up water-tght compartment ory Canadan poltcs long afeer s had been abandoned bv people Mr Borden for nstance mght have lved all hs lfe n Ontaro for all str hs translaton to an Ontaro seat caused and same mght be sad Mr Foster s appearance at Toronto The smple and all mportant fact s that n Ontaro as elsewhere Sr Wlfrd Laurer s one man n whose character and genus people s confdence s reposed And yet as Toronto Mal has just been remndng us Ontaro votes for Conservatve canddates aganst 220- COO for Lberal canddates returned forty-eght Conservatves to thrtyeght Lberals n electons 190 and gave rse to belef that Ontaro s aganst hm A change two per cent n vote would probably redeem Ontaro and t would be an amazng thng f an appeal n person to thousands who have come nto franchse snce Sr Wlfrd last made a thorough tour country would not produce a larger result than that The leader owes t to those who have so long carred on w good fght n face ever present local antagonsm to hm on grounds racal and relgous dfferences whch poltcal opponents never allow' to be forgotten CONVENENCES N FARM HOMES There s at least one partcular n w'hch comfort and advantage are decdedly n favor cty as compared wth country lfe n almost every urban home hot or cold water can be drawn at any tme from taps located nsde house and t s n few cases that luxury a bath and convenence an nsde closet are not enjoyed The number farm homes o whch se thngs arc found s Very lmted Heren s wc beleve one chef causes undue drft populaton to crowded centers But se comforts and convenences mght be provded n great majorty farm houses A cstern n basement or outsde house a tank n attc and two connected by a hand force pump are all necessares requred to provde a supply water whch wll be always under pressure f re s a reasonable fall a covered cesspool one hundred feet away wll take care outflow from bath and closet and cleanng cesspool need take place only once n two years t wll be n rare cases that cost wth everythng provded wll necessty go beyond $200 ; much work can he done by those lvng on farm and ^ KKWS ABXAKm OKTT DECEMBER cash outlay correspondngly reduced The expense evon at most s not prohbtve ; t s a good deal less than s spent on average parlor whch s nfntely less value t s worth whole cost to have comfort a bath always n watng when husbandman returns tred and dusty from feld or mow and to have housework lessened by tap nto and dran from farm ktchen n almost every county Provnce some farmers have se convenences ; re s no reason why majorty sould not have m Toronto Star Losng Muscu^ar Power ; The 1 rs SsSr; o rnt?;! Decak fc Wacfmj;!>î (tura rak-town Changes n nervous system man fest llcmselves slowly 'l ley show frst muscular weakness a feelng tat threatens paralyss or by a fullness n head that ndcate approachng appoplexy t seems lke stness but you soon dscover re's a lack power that endurance ths or that muscle s not Uhal t ought to be Your frends may notce a slght thckncss speech or that yuur memory^ s decdedly falng ' les'e _ symptoms may grow worse very quckly f y are not treated hy P'eTo/ono You must buld up newous system ' ls can be accomplshed n no olcr way as thoroughly and permanently as by use Fen<;/onc Tns remarkable remedy whch has cured tons tlu)usunds Canadan people nereases enormously dgestve power stmulates formaton blood rch red knd that ])uts new lfe nto nerves ' frst result se changes s ncreased strength Natural creuaton quckly follow's and that fullness n head so dsturbng and alarmng too quckly passes aw'uy These changes are wrought n a natural way for reason that Perro/one treats causes that excte se troubles For aged and weak who need strength for those run-down and thn for tle sckly and nervous who lack stayng pow'er nothng compares wth Fcrrozonc No tonc gves such lastng good health ; try t yourself Sold by all dealers n 50c boxes WAVS TO HURT YOUR TOWN Fght on streets Oppose mprovements Mstrust publc men Run down town to strangers Refuse to advertse n paper Do not nvest a cent ; lay out your money somewhere else Be partcular to dscredt motves publcsprted men Lengn your face when a stranger speaks locatng n your town f a man wants to buy your property ask hm two prces for t f a man wants or property nterfere and dscourage hm Refuse to see mert n any scheme that does not exactly beneft you Run down your newspaper and send your jobwork out town Run Jownyur fcers Run down everythng and everybody but Number One HELPS MEN TO WORK HARD That s what Ferrozone does ; t supples addtonal strength that enables a man to mantan health under dffcultes Last sprng was so completely fagged out that could not work wrtes J W McNchol Turnbull Man n mornng was tred lmbs ached all over Had no appette was sleepless nervous and unhappy Ferrozone put new lfe nto me Now eat heartly nerves are strong sleep well know joy o health ct s by supplyng nourshment and good blood that Fer rozone bulds up ; try t 50c per box at all dealers Rose Subrn Haxcl Cream Prckly Heat Tan Etc Ear ahead any or p-eparaton'! for use after shavng Prce 25 Cents BROCK CSTRO & SM ^ HONEY TALKS 3 ^ MoreTo=day Than Ever 3 Fur-led Overcoats Black Beav r wth Persan Lamb Collar Muskrat lnng any sze Regular prce $9000 reduced ]>rce $6g 00 Frst-class Coon coats any sze Regular prce $7000 reduced j'rce 5950 A few Boys Pea Jackets left regular p'ce $375 whle y last 329 Men - Froz" d<'ul>h wested Overcoats Stor ' '(lar regular prce $630 reduced j>r( e 50 Mcn s cloth workng Jackets regular prce $250 reduced prce 190 Suts and Overcoats made to order on short notce A good ft guaranteed or money refunded C McARTMUR d CO FASHONABLE TALOKS Mnxvlle Ontaro Banque d Hochelaga ^ m» fgf Captal fully pad $ Reserve Fund $ Presdent F X ST CHARLES Esq Vce-Presdent ROBEREBCKERDKE Esq MP VANKLEEKHLL BRANCH D MclNNES MANAGER NTEREST P/Ur TMES A YEAR Establshed 1865 TOTAL ASSETS EXCEED Savngs Bank Accounts Should be opened a ths tme year $100 s enough to start wth but lore you can put n better There s nothng that gves such a genune sense securty as a bank account n an old Relable Bank lke Unon Bank Canada nterest pad o added to prncpal^ tnes a year Alexandra Branch W J DAWSON Mgr- Dalhouse Branch T W MUNRO Mgr Trans Leave Alexandra East Bonnd 1000 A M Daly and Hawbosbury Arrves Moutreal J So a m l lr P M (Daly except Sunday) for Montreal ûlen Robertson; Hawkosbury Coteau Jet ValJeyfleld Cornwall an< HrtxsbvUle Arrves Montreal 6 à) p m B 1 O p U (Ualy) for Coteau Jet and ponts west Valleyfleld Swanton also Boston and New York Arrves Montreal 75 P m Trans Leave Alexandra West Bound A AA Q m (Daly) for Ottawa Arrve luuu am Ottawa 113( a m 1A AA a m (Daly) except Sunday) for 1 u* W a Ul ottawakockland Parry Sound North Bay and or ntermedate xuuts Aarrve Ottawa 113o a n North Bav 9 0Pm 5 1 o f m Daly except Sunday for Ottawa «1^ put and all ntormedate Statons Ar rves at Ottawa 60 p m 9AA n m Daly for Maxvlle and Ottawa»vv plu* Arrves Ottawa 1"30pm No connectons on Sunday for Kocklaud Hawkesbury branches Mddle and Western Dvsons Trans leave Ottawa 835 am for Pembroke and Barry s Bay Trans leave Ottawa 1155 am for Pembroke Madawaska Whtney Parry Sound Arrves Depot Harbor 90 p- m North Bay 915 pm Trans leave Ottawa 5 p m for Pembroke Madawaska and ntermedate ponts Parlor cars on all trans between Ottawa and monlreal Throught sleepng cars between Ottawa and NewYork wthoutchange Pullman Buffet Sleepng Car daly between Montreal and Boston Ocean steamshp passangers booked tha rough by any agency over all mportant steamshp lnes G W SHEPHERD Agent Alexandra O < 'jaatlw taka 3reen Valley Trans Gong East a m p m Gong West a m - 6*07 p m Ottawa Trans for Wnnpeg &West Leave Ottawa a m 1 1 c 115 p m- Soo Tran a m- Tourst Reservatons secured n advance by applyng to- F KERR Agt Alexandra The andersgnea s prepared to loanmone) at 5 percent on terms to sut borrowers CHAK6 H BKABONABaS FAR DKA1N6 ACCCRBD TO ALuu PRTATK atonet AVAlUBLJE FARMS FOR HALE ANGUS MCDONALD^ nsuradoe A gen BEAL ESTATE A numoer good Town»\nd Farm propertes for sale on reas xable terms Also several Stores and Hotels for sale Money to loan on easy terms n good cures Address Jas J Maçl^nald Alexatfnra Ont Vr ^ 7r >?* 7^ ^ - A D McDONELL LANCASTER S GREATEST CHRSTMAS STORE The Chrstmas Box t Now s nntjuostonably ho best bayng tme Don t po'^t- pone ClrsLmas shoppng untl later on and court dsappont* ment There s every advantnge n early selecton Only two more weo^s and tlm gft-gvng tlngs wll be n thck Chrstmas flurry at whch tme vou l not enjoy fullness assortmoîds n:r ease and comfort n shoppng as NOW THS S THE CHRSTMAS STORE OF LANCASTER t s more than ever th'- vear flled wth Splendd lnes t*f ouoav oools am tlc gft buye-r who tloes dn at least come n am lot>k got n dea values surely wll make a msrake Come N o'v atul make vour selocmons and lavc m lad asde unl yc-u ware m delvered A D McDonell Lancaster Ontaro GROCERES FOR THE HOLDAY SEASON No Stale Goods Everythng Guaranteed 3 lbs choce seeded Rasns 25 cts 3 lbs nce Valenca do 25 " Choce Ctron Peel per lb 30 Nce Orange Peel per lb 25 Clear Lemon Peel per lb 20 Cleaoed Currants per pkglo '* Choce Loose Currants 3 lbs25 New Evaporated Apples 12^ 2 cans Tomatoes (new) 25 Corn and Peas{nev') 10 Blueberres (new) lo Kppered Herrng ) & Tomato Sauce j 15 Nce Large bottles Olves 30 " Pure Cream Tartar per lb 0 Pure Sngapore Pepper per lb 30 Pure Pastry Spce 0 Pure Jamaca Gnger 0 Chace & Sanborns Mocha & Java Cfee ground to order 0 Lea & Perrns Sauer 0 Tomato Catsup 10 Pork & Beans & Tomato Sauce 10 Nce Fancy Cakes per lb lo Chrste s Soda Bscuts 25 Chrste s Salted Wafers 20 Orange Meat Pkg 10 5 lbs 35 cent Tea for $1 Full lne Package Teas 25 cts $100 per lb Boyle s Cream Bakng Powder full lb can 20 Complete Lnes Fresh Frnts and Confectonery Our Grocery Motto- ^NOTHOW CHEAP BUT HOW GOOD Phone 25 John Boyle T FURNTURE The most extensve lne furnture you' have ever had an opportunty to select from n ths to'wn s now to be seen n our store f ts anythng a good furnture store should have t s here at rght prce t X&» ht Kt UNDERTAKER Alexandra Ont J - 'K- V- 'XT-

3 ^he ^ank Of Ottafa Jead Offce Ottawa Can Captal pad up $ Restand Undvded Prts $ total ssets Over $ SAVNGS DEPARTMENT # % nterest Credted Quarterly BRT^NCHeS : N GLeNCMRRV Alexandra Martntown Maxvlle Some Splendd Bargans For Fall and Wttor trade we have rep- lenshed our Stock n several lnes carred such as Dry Goods Dress Goods Furs Boots Shoes Groceres Etc and can attend wth satsfacton to requrements our patrons ur Meat Market s also kept up-to-date Hghest Cash Market prces pad for Hdes and all knds Farm Produce GVE US A CALL A B DANGOUSE GREENFELD ONTARO MR MERCHANT Advertsng s scence throwng Lmelght on a Proposton Good Advertsng means that you have Good Lmelght and a Good Proposton We have Lmelght our newspaper servce t s good and we don t charge much for ts use Have you a Good Proposton? f so let us gve t beneft our Good Lmelght THE NEWS Alexandra - - Ontaro r Whte Clover HEW CRRJBE PRNT SHOP frst door south Charlebos Blacksmth Shop >laa St Alexandra You o»n get yoor Bogges Cotters Sleghs Etc panted plan or fancy cheaper than anywhere else by sendng m to J J KEMP P nter UexudrU Ostara 1 t Brsdà 3 CwEETAs JUNE MEADOWS Ths s Perfect Loaf The amouot mlk n t and hgh qualty* flour aa<2* or ngredents Mako t taste better keep fresk longer and gve more strength and tour* shmant than any or One loa ^ll convnce you JOHN ROBERTSON ALEXANDKfA ONTARO S OTW *UUâ s hmt wkss smd s ass»^ wsr _ THB NEWS ALEXANDRA ORT DECEMBER The Takng Cold Habt The old cold goes ; a new one quckly comes t s story a weak throat weak lungs a tendency to consumpton Ayer s Cherry Pectoral breaks up takng-cold habt t strengns soos heas Askyourdoctoraboutt had A terrble cold and nothnjr releved me tred Arcr'9 Cherry Pectoral and t nromptlt VoV e my cold stopped my ro'''hand cased every part my body t dd wonderful work for me MR J V LJJTZ - 'eohlo SARSAPARLU»J HAR VGOR / K p'l '-s th - GGwels reçular wth Ayer s jone ptl each nght t s a Fact that G0WLNÜ BUSNESS COLU-GE Ottawa Out fnds postons for all t s jtraduates That t s system s most modern and up-to-date That t s equpment s newest and fnest n Canada That t s premses cannot be excelled Wrte for new catalogue NOW W E Gow njî Prncpal J D McFadyen Assocate Prn Note address; OrmeHall 17 Wellngton St To Our Advertsers Owng to large advance n prce p;ptt arl all ; or prntng materal ' NEWS fnds t necessary wth; newspapers généraly to ad- ' vam e ts present low rates on j all classes advertsng ; The new 'ates wdl go nto effect on 1st January go8 at whch date nearly all exstng contracts termnate A G F Macdonald Manager n The Surrogate Court Unted Countes Stormont Dnndas and Glengarry n matter gnadlanshp o( saac Sargeson nfant chld ot saac Sargeson late Townshp ot Lancaster n County ot Glengarry Farmer deceased Notce s hereby gven that after expraton twenty days from frst publcaton ths notce applcaton wll be made to Surrogate Court Unted Countes Stormont Dundas and Glengarry for a grant Letters Guardanshp above named nfant to Vrgna Sargeson sad Townshp Lancaster Dated at Cornwall ths 2tth day October AD 1907 GOGO * HARKNESS Solctors for th* Applcant -1 Teacnerg Wanted Teacher wanted tot S S No T Glen Roy Dutes to eoasacbce Jan 1st 190S Apply to lohn Skagov Glen Roy PO On* -tf Teacher wanted tor Uson Sekoal S No 5 Caledosda Dutes toeoasmence Jan 1st 19M Satary tm Apply to J N McLeod Skye PO Oat -X Teacher Wanted For 3S No Keayoo Hus* he duly qualfed Dutes to commence January 1908 Apply statng qualfcatons and salary expected to John McDouald See-Tteas Fasstern P O Ont 33! T'' - t K-Î noucv^ - hr! a >> C? H l' 'uufy Cures lls humantv t common cvcry-aay CASTOR A!e nfants and Cnfdren The Rsd You '3CrP CORNWALL S CRSS The frst shot fred at long range by G H gllvray Esq Wllamstown J Sr Wthn a few weeks th muncpal voters Glengarry wll be Called upon to decde most mportant and far reachng queston ever submtted to m for decson Before takng a step that cannot be retraced however costly and undesrable exjercncc may prove t to be poston d G-lengarry n unon wth Stormont and Blndas and cs a separate county stouhl receve very careful consderaton t{ CMcngcrry ratepayers To Lke prudent choce hetween what we and our lars have nu n one form or or for more than a cehtary and what advocates separaton prunsl t s surelv wse to take stock our nhertance to und'tsland just how t fares wll; us n unon wth Stormont and Dundas and n compa'son w ouer county ratepayers ncludng ratepayers n scparled countes whose example we are urged to follow From county records publshed annually for more tlan 50 years proceedngs and busness transactons tle Councl lcally recorded durng progress busness subsequently read and uproved n open Councl long before any separaton scheme was n ar We can ascertan now each partner n our Unted Countes fared n unon on evdence that cannot be dsputed Wth ad nuucpa statstcs compled from annual returns made by all muncpal clerks and treasurers and publshed by authorty Provncal ('overnment we can ascertan taxes leved and expended n ;11 muncpaltes rates pad o dollar or per acre or ner ead Prom same pages cost mtncpal government n evory muncpalty can be ascerta ned and comparson made between lates taxaton n all countes am lownshps n Provnce Advocates <f séparauon seen to have compctelv overlooked se valuable sources =»! nformatn r efforts to lead Glengarry muncpal voters nto unknown and devous paths An appeal to recorded proceedngs Countes ronnel for 50 years and a «comparson be*ween Glengarry s county tax and county taxes generally wll olp -s lo judge how Glengarry has fared n unon wth Stormont and Dunds wher unon has or *as not been to advantage Glengary latepayers and may also lelp us to sold ground on whch ve cw base a forecast future The man purpose *T ths letter s to submt to GlengaLry ratepayers facts from those records that have a very mportant bearng on queston separaton n order that advocates for or aganst sepavaton may f y desre voufv statements> authorty for ecb wll* be gven Before proceedng t may be brefly stated for nformaton those not famlar wth county muncpal matters that unon Glengarry wth Stormont and Bundas s lmted to matters n whch three count'3$ have a cjmmo nterest We shate wth Stormont and Fhmdas n servces County Judges n paynet and servce county fcals to extent r payment from muncpal txes n cost and maneualce a county gaol and muncpal fces and n cost admnst Lt lon justce Recently we also share n tle cost constructon what are known as County brdges smlar to brdge bult over Beaudette on 9Ëfftary Road brdge bult on th» West boundary Glengarry at Gant s Comers ud prepsed brdge over Delsle We are lable also for charges on account educaton Glengarry pupls attendng «nr than G!LUgarry Hgh Schools Ths last charge we would be lable Ur wher n unon or not anj to some extent same may be sad cost brdge buhng k-n a county boundary The county pended gong tax pad n Glengarry for purposes s leved and exfor one or or forfr^ pnrposes \11 or taxes n Glengarry for muncpal : leved purposes are expended wthn Glengarry wher leved by county townshp or vllage councl Kqalty nterest olrfgalon and control s a valuable feature U not a requste to success any partnershp wher ndvduals or corporatons What has been and s poston our Unted Countes n ths respect? Ncvnlnp to last publkshcd assessment statement» Stormont had a populaton 239 ; Dundas 1756 ; Glengarry Deductng from each county town populaton rural populaton s as follows : Stormont ; Dundas 1756 ; Glengarry Tn extent Stormont exceeds Dundas by acres and Glengarry exceeds Stormont by about 0000 acres The number Reeves and Deputy Reeves has vared from tme to tme due n some measure to changes n Muncpal Act and also to ncorporaton vllages OB ao* count vllage rspresebatoo tk be Mac- councl county wth smallest populaton and area has slghtly largest re>rescntalon at present n 1870 Stormont had 10 Reeves and Deputy Reeves n County Councl; Dundas LO and Glengarry 0 n 1890 number \vas H M and 13 ; n R'OO lu 8 and 8 At present t s and JO A guage by whch to judge tl -c eualty countes n unon ov(>r a tg pm-od s tle proporton n uhch labltes were slurod Thepen-«ntage accordng to whch Glcn- garry and or two countcs rotl ll'll«'d o comt y tx n 18j3 n 8fd) and n each tlth year odowng to present tme s as folo\ys : Tn 1853 Stormont m 'Hmhs contrbuted 8(133() )f everv 8Î-H) ; (-fh-ngatv S3fC n 18'O Stormont and Dundas contrbuted 8t;523 every $1110 ; Glengarry $3177 n 1805 Stormont and Dundas contrbuted $tr)3 every 81UÜ ; Glengarry 83(f) n 1870 Stormont and Dundas contrbuted $056 every 8100 ; Glengarry $3-5 n 1875 Stormont and Dundas contrbuted $6365 every $100 ; Glengarry $3635 n 1879 Stormont and Dundas contrbuted $672 every $100 ; Glengarry $3276 n 1880 Stormont and Dundas contrbuted $6722 every $100 ; Glengarry $3278 n 1885 Stormont and Dundas contrbuted $6879 LV-ry $100 ; Glengarry $3121 n 1890 Stormont and Dmdas contrbuted $6817 every $100 ; Glengarry $3182 n 1895 vstormont and Dundas contrbuted $6819 every $1U0 ; Glengarry $3181 n 1900 Stormont and Dundas contrbuted $6827 every 1100 ; Glengarry $3173 n 1905 Stormont and Dundas coatrbned $6827 every $100 ; Glengarry $3173 t need scarcely be sad that contrbuton countes dd not vary between years mentoned and that percentage snce 860 was as above stated t need scarcely be noted er that n 1879 and snce Glengarry has pad less than one-thrd expendture Unted Countes The average charge n 1886 on 100 acres n each county and townshp wthn unon can be ascertaned from a statement on page 38 County Councl proceedngs for that year n 1886 charge for county tax n Stormont averaged $18 on every 100 acres ; n Dundas $193 and n Glengarry $151 n Glengarry townshps county tax averaged as follows $186 on every 10Ü acres n Charlottenburgh ; $17 for Lancaster ; $132 for Lochel and $107 for Kenyon The average tax per head was n Stormont 20 cents; n Dundas 25 cents and n Glengarry 216 cents n ths estmate s ncluded all taxes usually leved under head County Purposes as well as County Buldng Debentures ; At page 1 ot proceedngs Councl lor year 1896 t can be ascertaned from a smlar statement that tha average tax on each 100 acres Stormont was n that year $21 ; n Dundas $213 and n Glengarry$69 Also that tax per head m S>tormont was 23 cents; n Dundas 2A3 cents and n Glengarry 258 oants Whle t s far that all rateable property wuhn each county should be ncluded tn estmates ths knd dfferanee resultng from ncludng ot epseludng large assessmentssand small area towns can be see» by gv ng results for 1896 lmted to rural property Leavng towns out account county tax n Stormont for l896 averaged $169 for every one hundred acres; n Dundas $1798 ; and n Glengarry $165 The tax per head p Stormont was 2 cents; n Qandas 31 cents and n Glengarry 255 cents n: a smlar statement at page 82 County Councl proceedngs for 1906 last publshed re s evdence that county tax n Stormont averagcd $2;67 per hundred acres ; n Dundas $267 ; and n Glengarry a very small; DacUyn over $2 n Charlottenburgh S23t y per one hundred acres n Lancaster $212 ; n Lochel $1811 and n Kenyon $ For clear understandng ot sestatements t may be mentoned that county tax referred to s ordnary tax tor county purposes ncludng also specal and temporary tax for payment ot county brdge and county buldng debentures Ths record s surely evdence lar dealng n partnershp countes f re s anythng n record contrary to evdence ot those statements let advocates separaton say where t s to be found The appeal those n favor contnued unon may well be to records Probably no nstance can be cted three large corporatons unted under as favorable and equtable comütlqm and co-operatng wth e<k equalty nterest lablty and pow The evdence ths statement tak- er t s no dsparagement to any en from fcal records s that n separated county to credt such a body four years and Glen as Councl our Unted Countes garry s expendture for county pur- : wth greater nfluence and more poses averaged n each year $25-391ess weght for advantage and well than expendture Halton for beng ratepayers than s wthn county purposes $2506 less than reach any one countes sep- expendture Lennox and Addngarated Any defect n ts workng ton and $865 less than expendor any nconvenence that a localty ture Peel may suffer on account dstance The foregong statement s not an from county lecs can be easly estmate or guess at future but a overcome hy legslaton am wll be j fxprence what has been overcome when members Legs- A reference to statements munc- ; laturc gve tme and attenton to pal expendture n reports He Bur- mjny needed reforms î»r T'le conven- eau uf ndustres wll show tlat ence people t does not ap- expendture three separatcu pear that gentlemen Hulrnn countes Halton Lennox and Peel Lennox and T eel who were consulted below average Whle cannot by l'e Sepal'ton Commttee were venture to say that smalcb nff'rmed poston Glengarry county tax n Ontaro s leved y n unon wth Stormont nnd bnds Storlbol Dundas and Gleuan 'Phe queston put to m aecun ng wthout a more thorough examnaton lo Facts and Fgures h'lat': to t has been possble for me 'V Sou! a* nn was Uns cost lo g'e to majcr have go'd n-; He people n vour loel'ty cen event son to beleve re s no dstrct «' er or less after separaton from equal area and pomlaton jayng un(u> than t was beforesueh sep- sltll'r county tx \ comprs-: araton? Tt s hard to see what between CHengarrv s coutv tax L;: use any answer to such a queston ctuuty tax such counlcs covld be to us wtle we reman n lljton Lcno;\ and Po'l goes far gnorance Hm cost to H:e peoule 'onlrm ths vew those separated countes before and Ner tme nor nclnaton v ' after septnton permt a word regardng cstnu; t wll be show'n later on that our separaton equ[)nct and expen; expendture* for county purposes n lure t would requre several C' unon s less than thor s out unon perts n several dltercnt callngs and beng n a better poston now such work and when r labor v than formerly y certanly suf- completed allowances would need fered dsadvantages n unon whch be made for unlorsecn contuge: Glengarry ratepayers have had no ex- res Kstmates expendture w perence A reference to Revs- not and should not wegh a feathc : ed Statutes Chapter or weght wth reeves and deputy ree\v Chapter wll show what a newly consttuted county muncpaltes countes are composed For Glengarry separaton mea; Tt can ho n seen how one-sded abandonng advantages as a coun badly balanced unons were that are probable not paralojed ' whch Halton Peel and TvCnnox form- provnce Ontaro or any oth< ' ed part When people Peel a lrovnce t nvolves large expen'h populaton less than separ- ture for purchase property en - ated from county York havng ton and mantenance buldngs a; a populaton exceedng populaton employment muncpal fcals our T^nted Countes to sav noth- fcals whole whose alo ng unon wth Toronto for judcal anccs must be pad by tle Glcnga purposes y c^caped from pos- tax payer nstead one-thrd as! ; ton a helpless partner n a large merly Whatever cost may concern Halton n unon wth Went- and no man can forsce wdat t w' worth town Dundas and for be t must be pad for by drect tak judcal purposes cty Hamlton ton Glengarry ratepayers nnd Tennox n unon wth Frontenac specal tax extendng over o and ct^t ^ Kngston for udcal 20 years may pay for purchase o purposes were surely n an utterly property and erecton buldngs dfferent poston from Glengarry n just as a specal tax s payng for unon wth ^^tormont and Dundas f Beaudette dranage W'hch s not has separated countes have equal nd- not been and never wll be any vantages wth Glengarry n unon! use but cost mantenance cf 5!eparaton would never have been buldngs and servce fcals wll mooted unless y had some people go on forever wthn r borders who wshed to establsh a county town f Separaton Commttee had any dsposton to carefully wegh advantages or dsadvantages a unon countes surely some people ' Unted Countes Northumberland and Durham Leeds and Grenvlle Prescott and Russell would have been consulted t wll be nterestng and possbly nformng to compare Glengarry s contrbuton towards Unted Countes Councl purposes wth expendture or countes nearly same area and populaton for smlar purposes Objecton cannot be made to comparson wth Halton Lennox and Addngton and Peel farly representatve as y are smaller countes provnce and accordng to publshed statement advocates separaton hghly favored wth economcal and or muncpal advantages The followng statement shows average annual expendture countes named for ordnary county expenses durng years and n statement expendture Halton Lennox and Addngton and Peel? grants to muncpaltes for roads and brdges to schools and refund ol money borrowed lor current expesaes are not ncluded because two frst se not strctly speakng fotr county purposes and last s aftluded n or payments Debentures! and payments From pont vew one who has had some experence n a County Councl some experence n muncpal matters generally and who has been nformed by Councl s records as well as by fnancal statements many or countes ths separaton scheme seems to have less to recommend f than any scheme ever set on loot'n ths-communty Yours- truly Q H MACGLLVRAY Wllamstown Nov After pufetsng above communcaton n type we were handed a repl> publshng whch owng to tl'c great tax upon OUT columns by our progressve adx'ertsers we are reluctantly compelleïï to hold over tll next week s ssue when letter wll receve th«promnence t deserves^ Edtor News tfeadache Anrr JL Gard dstngushed wrterouava says : Zutoo table mremgrhsadkbes soquckty that 1 don't OKnd harng'm any more Mrs (9]r) Sbortleff Coatedok! sayst: "lbasta probably taken a tb^us tml Zutan tablets They core my bsad- aeba: tnckly and leave no bad after affects? { lbane are saaples tba ^>od tbbgpa9d about ZntootaMets state-! ments two from twuands whose - beadaohas ate now Gred byzutoo on debentures are alto omtted bercause y should fatft' he regardedj as applcable to noto than one yearv To nclude those teeas would favt Glengarry n Cedaparlson On tl»; or hand thg statement Glco" garry s expendujwb ncludes all snsr lar tems and t addton tem: for county brd^fts: and county bwldng debentures The years chosen are latestfpr whch reports are at hand j - AVERAGE : EXPENDTURE GLEN GARRY HALTON LENNO^ AND ADDNGTON AND PEEL FOR FOUR YEARS AN^ Lennox andf te»: Expendture Glengarry Halton Adlngto^ Peel \ttendanue at Councl meetngs $ $ $f 9 tllowanees salares commssons j 13181' Prntng advertsng postage statonery nsuranee heatng lght and care buldng Law costs ncludng salares Or expenses muncpal government Roads and brdges county Buldngs and or works Support o poor and or chartes Admnstraton justce gaol mantenance less grant from Legslature nterest or dscount on loans and ad- vances Mscellaneous County buldng debentures f 605l d'î6 7l * 260* 730* ^>0 91O 33 n 101GO :no dlsl-oo Total $ $93500 $*31200 $ To complete comparson Populaton and area countes may be added : Lennox and Glengarry Haltom Addngton Peel Popnlatfon Area n acres Authorty Report Bureau nduetres Part and 5 Hagea and 128 ; also Proceedngs Councl and

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