JANNAR - FRAR 2015 il-238 Óar a

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1 JANNAR - FRAR 2015 il-238 Óar a B al Dun Bosco... Mary Mother of the Eucharist The Way to Attain Inner Peace Ir-Rokna ta Martina

2 ðajja Salesjana St. Patrick s School, Triq San Ìwann Bosco, Sliema SLM 1935 MALTA Tel: (+356) / (+356) hajjasal@salesiansmalta.org Il-Bulettin Salesjan, imsejja b diversi ismijiet, ji i stampat f 56 edizzjoni u f 29 ilsien madwar id-dinja u huwa mxerred f 131 nazzjon Responsible: Fr. Paul Formosa SDB Director/ Editor: Fr. Sandro Camilleri SDB Editorial Board: Margaret Buhagiar, Renald Buhagiar, Josie Grech. Office: Censina Vella, Joyce Scicluna. Design & Printing: Salesian Press, Sliema. Tista taqra Óajja Salesjana fuq il-kompjuter: Front Cover: Kyle Debono and Kurt-Anthony Caruana, Form 2G, Savio College Fuqiex se naqraw 3 Editorjal 5 Pariri Siewja 6 B al Dun Bosco... 8 Mary Mother of the Eucharist 9 Spiritual Life for the Lay Person 10 Mid-Djarju tal-vja i ta Fr. Fabio 12 Savio AC 13 Abemus Matrem! 14 Mill-Album tal-familja Salesjana 20 S.A.M.E. 24 The Way to Attain Inner Peace 26 Confession in the Catechesis of D. Bosco 28 Ir-Rokna ta Martina 30 Bl-Istil ta Dun Bosco The Logo of the Salesians of Don Bosco is made up of two superimposed images: in the background a stylised S (Salesians) in white marked to the right and left by two cuttings between the hills (a road). The second image is in the centre of the globe: an arrow pointing upwards resting on three perpendicular legs on top of which are three closed circles making a stylised image of three people: the first of these in the midde and taller (the Salesian) appears as if embracing the side figures (the young). The three stylised figures can also be viewed as an arrow pointing upwards (education / formation) or simply as a dwelling (Salesian house) with three pillars holding it up (reason, religion, loving kindness). The coat of arms of the Salesian Congregation shows the shining star, the large anchor, the heart on fire symbolizing faith, hope and charity; the figure of St. Francis de Sales recalling the Patron of the Society; the small wood in the lower part reminds us of the Founder (Bosco) the high mountains signify the heights of perfection towards which members strive; the interwoven palm and laurel that enfold the shield either side are emblematic of the prize reserved for a sacrificial and virtuous life. The motto Da mihi animas, caetera tolle (give me souls, take the rest) expresses every Salesian s ideal.

3 3 G eωieω bieb huwa pjaçir kbir tieg i li nilqag kom g al din l-ewwel ar a tag na ta Óajja Salesjana fis-sena 2015, sena tassew speçjali g alina lkoll li nag mlu parti millfamilja kbira Salesjana mxerrda mal-erbg at irjie at tad-dinja. Din hi s-sena biçentinarja mittwelied tal-g aωiω Dun Bosco, ra el li mmarka lil ajjitna b diversi modi. Kien bosta snin ilu nhar is-16 ta Awwissu 1815 meta ç-çkejken Ìwanninu twieled liω-ωew enituri tieg u Margerita u Fran isku, li kienu tant kburin bih. Twieled fir-ra al çkejken tal- Becchi qalb il-kampanja sabi a li ddawwar ilbelt ta Turin. Din hija sena fejn b ala Familja Salesjana se niççelebraw din il- rajja sabi a b diversi modi. Malta u Ghawdex xejn inqas! Barra minn hekk, Jannar hu mimli b tifkiriet litur içi Salesjani varji u tassew nistg u nqisuh b ala xahar Salesjan. Matul dan ix-xahar, niftakru fiω-ωag Ωug a qalbiena miç- Çile, il-beata Laura Vicuna nhar it-22 tax-xahar, lill-isqof qaddis, entili iωda sod ta Ìinevra, San Fran isk ta Sales, li minnu a na nie du isimna b ala Salesjani, nhar l-24 tax-xahar u ovvjament lil Dun Bosco nhar il-31 tax-xahar. Jalla l-eωempju mdawwal u sabi tag hom iqawwilna qalbna sabiex nissukktaw nterrqu E D I T O R J A L Noqorbu lejn il-biœentinarju l-mixja tag na lejn il-qdusija, li g aliha a na lkoll msej in skont l-irwol u l-istat tag na fil- ajja. Ma Alla, kollox huwa possibbli. Ta min ng idu wkoll li matul dan l-ewwel xahar tas-sena ni u mfakkra sabiex nitolbu lil Omm ta Alla, is-sultana tal-paçi, g all-paçi fid-dinja tag na, xi a a li Ωgur ilkoll nixtiequ u xi ha a li ja asra hi dejjem mhedda, b alma nistg u naraw mill-a barijiet ta kuljum. Madankollu, jekk nixtiequ nag mlu differenza f dan ir-rigward, irridu nitg allmu kif l-ewwel inkunu fil-paçi mag na nfusna, imbag ad ma dawk ta madwarna u fl-a ar mas-sid u Alla tag na. Hekk biss nistg u nkunu strumenti ta sliem f din id-dinja tag na mifnija bil-gwerer u l-inkwiet. F din il- ar a g andkom issibu xi artikli li g andhom x jaqsmu ma dawn it-temi msemmija hawn fuq u xi affarijiet o ra wkoll. Óudu gost taqrawhom u nittama li ssibuhom ulti g all- ajja personali tag kom. Nittama li d-dehra dida ta Óajja Salesjana g o bitkom. Ósibna li jkun xieraq li nimmarkaw din is-sena hekk speçjali g alina s-salesjani billi nag tu xe ta dida lill-magazine tag na. Mela gawdu l-qari ta dan il-bullettin u udu sieb. Nitlob ilbarka ta Alla u t Ommu fuqkom u fuq l-eg ΩieΩ tag kom! Fr. Sandro Camilleri sdb "..DIN HI S-SENA BIÇENTINARJA MIT-TWELIED TAL-GÓAÛIÛ DUN BOSCO.."

4 4 Dear friends it is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our first Salesian Bulletin issue for 2015, a remarkably special year for all of us within the folds of the immensely vast Salesian Family spread around the four corners of the globe. This is the bicentenary year from our beloved Don Bosco s birth, a man who has marked our life journeys in more ways than one. It was way back on the 16th August 1815 that little Johnny was born to his two proud and loving parents, Margherita and Francesco at Becchi, a little hamlet situated among the beautiful countryside surrounding the city of Turin. This is a year where as a Salesian family we will celebrate this wonderful event in various ways. Malta and Gozo are no exception! Furthermore, January is also constellated with various Salesian liturgical remembrances and it can truly be considered as a Salesian month. Throughout this month, we remember the courageous Chilean teenager, Blessed Laura Vicuna on the 22nd, the gentle and strong Saintly bishop of Geneva from whom we derive our name Salesians, St. Francis De Sales on the 24th and obviously Don Bosco on the 31st. May their shining example be to us all an encouragement to strive towards holiness, a E D I T O R I A L Closer to the Bicentenary call made to each and every one of us according to our roles and state in life. With God, all things are possible. Worth noting too, that during this first month of the year we are reminded to pray to the Mother of God and the Queen of Peace for peace in the world, something for which we surely long for and something which alas, is always under constant threat as we can all see from the daily news. However, if we wish to make a difference in this regard, we need to learn to be at peace with ourselves first, with those around us and ultimately with our Lord and God. Only then can we be instruments of peace in our war torn, troubled world. In this issue you will find articles pertaining to some issues from the above and some other things aswell. Enjoy reading them and I hope you will find them helpful for your personal growth. I also hope that you like the new cover design and layout of our Salesian Bulletin. We thought it would be appropriate to mark this special year for us Salesians by giving our magazine a new look. So enjoy reading it and take care. May God and His Mother bless you and your loved ones! Fr. Sandro Camilleri sdb ".. THIS IS THE BICENTENARY YEAR FROM OUR BELOVED DON BOSCO S BIRTH.."

5 5 Pariri siewja dwar x għandek tagħmel biex tisbieħ Biex tne i t-tikmix tal-wiçç: Ipprova l-krema famuωa Nervesoff, u kemm-il darba tag mel minnha u tne i n-nervi, il-wiçç jillixxa, il- ilda tistrie u l-muskoli jissa u. Biex issebba xuftejk: UΩa l-lipstick meraviljuω Silentium. Jag mel tajjeb immens g all-fomm li jkun a forma kerha bil-kliem iebes u li jwe a. Biex ikollok idejk sbie : Hemm biss hand lotion wie ed li ja dem fiω-ωgur: Il- eneroωita. Idlek idejk kuljum bih u Ωommhom dejjem miftu a biex taqsam dak li g andek ma l-o rajn u tag tihom dak li je tie u. Biex issebba il-complexion: UΩa kuljum dan il-morning treatment. Malli tqum g id, Grazzi! lill-mulej g all- urnata l- dida li tkun ejja fuqek. L-arja friska ta fil-g odu u l-fer ta qalbek isebb u l-kulur ta wiççek. Biex ikollok g ajnejn sbie u jleqqu: UΩa l-eye shadow Modesty. Kun safja f qalbek u obb il-purita. UΩa g ajnejk biex tara dak li hu sabi madwarek. A rab il-pornografija u d-diωonesta. Biex titnaddaf u tne i t-tbajja: UΩa l-a jar cleansing agent li hawn fuq is-suq: Qrara tajba flimkien ma l-a jar conditioner: Tqarbina tajba. Ag mel dan it-trattament ta sbu ija kuljum u tara kif il- miel tieg ek tassew jispikka fuq ta l-o rajn g ax ikun miel interjuri li mbag ad jidher fuq barra. Dawn il-pariri ew mi juba lilkom minn Marjam ta NaΩaret.

6 6 B al Dun Bosco Ìabra ta artikli siewja fuq it-trobbija tajba minn Pino Pellegrino li dehru fuq Il Bollettino Salesiano u tradotti g all-malti g all-qarrejja ta Óajja Salesjana minn Fr. Sandro Camilleri sdb. Li TiΩra... l-aktar est siewi fl-arti ta l-edukazzjoni Li teduka tinvolvi afna paçenzja: illum tiωra Ωerrieg a... g ada ta sad dak li Ωrajt. Dan l-a ar fl-e ittu sabu xi Ωriera tal-qam li jmorru lura g aω-ωmien tal-farawni. Xi add fettillu jiωrag hom u wara ftit tax-xhur, dawn nibtu u minnhom telg u Ωbul tajba, sbie u dehbiena tal-qam. Il-qawwa ta l-g a eb taω- Ωerrieg a! Huwa g al dan il-g an li l-edukatur jemmen fiω-ωerrieg a. Ftit jew afna, ma jimpurtax, l-importanti hu li wie ed jiωra. JiΩra sa mill-ewwel jiem fil- ajja ta ibnu / bintu. JiΩra l-im abba g ax ming ajr im abba, wie ed ma jistg ax jg ix. JiΩra l-kura, g ax il- ajja hi dejjem telg a. JiΩra t-tama g ax ittama hi l-imbuttatura me tie a biex wie ed jibqa g addej u ma jaqtg ax qalbu. JiΩra l-ottimiωmu, g ax l-ottimiωmu hu l-mutur li jmexxi kollox l quddiem. JiΩra memorji sbie, g ax il-memorji sbie jafu jkunu t-tavla li mag ha wie ed jiggranfa f mumenti ta diffikulta u ta dlam. JiΩra lil Alla g ax Alla hu l-qafas ta kollox. Insomma, importanti li l-edukatur, hu min hu, hi min hi, jiωra! JiΩra g aliex iω-ωerrieg a hi afna iktar minn tama: hi garanzija. Sewwa kien jg id il-poeta Lebaniz Kahil Gibran ( ): Ittempesta kapaçi xxerred il-fjuri imma mhijiex kapaçi tqaççat iω-ωerrieg a. Fuq l-istess linji kien ja sibha l-kittieb kbir Russu Feodor Dostoevskij ( ): Tin tie Ωerrieg a çkejkna biss, Ωerrieg a Ωg ira li nix tu firru ta bniedem twajjeb u din iω-ωerrieg a ma tmutx imma tibqa tg ix f ru u g al ajtu kollha, tibqa mo bija fih qalb il-maltempati ta ajtu u qalb dnubietu kollha b allikieku punt ta dawl, mafkar sublimi! Naqblu mija fil-mija!

7 7 Insomma l- enitur ta veru hu xi add li kapaçi jiωra. Li jiωra huwa l-ewwel dmir tieg u. San Bonaventura ( ) kien ig id wkoll li Il-mertu ma jinstabx filli wie ed ja sad afna, imma li tiωra tajjeb. (Grazzi ta l-inkura iment!) Li jiωra filqalb u l-mo taç-çkejken /çkejkna li tieg u /tag ha hu / hi responsabbli, hija l-ewwel responsabbilta ta kull edukatur. Proverbju jg id: Min jiωra imsiemer ma jmurx jimxi afi! filwaqt li ç-çiniωi g andhom din ix-xbieha sabi a: It-tifel / tifla hu / hi b all-folja bajda, kull min jg addi ma enbu / ha i alli marka fuq din il-karta, jix tulu Ωerrieg a. Jalla din tkun dejjem Ωerrieg a ta qam bnin u mhux ta axix aωin. It-13-il strate ija kif wie ed ikun enitur kwaωi perfett Li teduka tfisser li tg allem. L-istint mhux biωωejjed: importanti li wie ed jitg allem. G andu ra un min ig id li l-adult ma jsirx enitur awtomatikament imma li dan hu proçess mentali li jie u Ω-Ωmien. Hekk hu, b alma mhuwiex biωωejjed li wie ed ikollu pjanu biex ikun pjanista tajjeb, daqstant ie or mhuwiex biωωejjed li koppja jkollha l-ulied biex ikunu enituri tajba. L-iktar pedjatra Taljan famuω tas-seklu li g adda, Marcello Bernardi ( ), kien ig id li mhuwiex obbligatorju li nsiru enituri. Imma meta wie ed isir enitur, irid jag ti arsa sew lejn ajtu u joqg od attent g al dak li jwettaq! Insomma li tkun enitur tajjeb ma tg oddx g al min hu g aωωien! L-edukatur u l-attur Amerikan Bill Cosby (1937) kien konvint li tkun enitur, xi drabi, hu aktar stressanti milli tkun il-president ta l-istati Uniti. Insomma bla ma nesa eraw nistg u nistqarru li biex wie ed ikun enitur bis-sens jrid iwettaq xi affarijiet li huma meqjusa b ala s-sisien ta l-edukazzjoni. G aldaqstant minn dan l-ewwel Bullettin tas-sena 2015 se nibdew noffrulkom dawk li jidhrulna li huma l-istrate iji fundamentali ta l-arti ta l-edukazzjoni: 1. Li TiΩra ; 2. Li Tinkura ixxi; 3. Li Tistenna; 4. Li T obb; 5. Li Titkellem; 6. Li Tispikka; 7. Li Tikkastiga; 8. Li Tisma ; 9. Li t ares lejn uliedek; 10. Li tkun taf tg id le!; 11. Li tg allem l-importanza tal-isforz; 12. Li tag mel festa; 13. Li t alli rikordju sabi. L-aktar waqt tajjeb sabiex tiωra hu propju fil-g axija! Filg axija huwa aktar façli li wie ed ikun kalm, trankwil u disponibbli biex jisma bil-qalb u mill-qalb. G alhekk dan hu in tassew tajjeb u ma g andnix na luh. Don Bosco ( ), li kien jifhem afna fl-arti ta l-edukazzjoni, fehem li s-sig at ta fil-g axija huma mportanti. Hu g al dan il-g an li hu kien xtaq li ssir il- Buona notte i.e. dak id-diskors qasir u sabi, b xi tag lima marbuta mal- ajja ta kuljum, li s-salesjan jaqsam ma s abu jew mat-tfal u Ω-Ωg aωag li mag hom ja dem. G aldaqstant, ejjew ma na lux dawn is-sig at ta fil-g axija speçjalment jekk g andna tfal u Ωg aωag ta t il- arsien tag na. Dawk is-sig at jafu jkunu mitqlu deheb u l-effett tag hom jibqa jidwi g al Ωmien twil.

8 8 Mary, Mother of the Eucharist One day, while we prayed (during an exorcism) and constantly invoked Our Lady under the title, Mother of the Eucharist, the evil one came saying: He (i.e. Jesus) and Her (i.e. Mary) are inseparable. You do not know to what extent invoking Her, is invoking Him; they are one; He took Her for Himself. In the body and blood of the Son, there is also the body and blood of the Mother. It couldn t be differently, because He was formed in Her. Do you know Biology? Do you know what DNA is? They are one. He was born from Her and She was born from Him. They were never seperated. They were always united. Before She conceived Him, He was already in Her; before He was born, She was already in Him. She was the first one to offer Herself. He carried within Him the body and blood of that marvellous woman, too marvellous to be bearable by us and we can do nothing against Her. When you celebrate what you call Mass, She is there with Him. (Quote from: "La Vergine Maria e il diavolo negli esorcismi" F. Bamonte, Paoline, Milano, 2014, Pg.169) "IN THE BODY AND BLOOD OF THE SON, THERE IS ALSO THE BODY AND BLOOD OF THE MOTHER."

9 The spiritual life for the lay person 9 The spiritual life is quite realistic, robust, and challenging, and, while it is for everybody, it is not for softies. Nevertheless, it is a necessity, a goal dearly to be achieved, so we must look at it thoughtfully. And the practical question that will guide our exploration is: "How do I know if I am a spiritual person or not? How can I tell?" Well, it s really not hard to figure out. In fact, there are five quite sensible and infallible signs that show if you and I are or are not spiritual persons: First, you are a spiritual person if you have the capacity for transcendence. Simply put, it means that you are aware that there s something more than meets the eye. You are always wonderfully suspicious that something more is going on. This is in contradiction to the out-and-out secularists whose words and actions say quite loudly that there is no God, no afterlife, no meaning, no purpose to life. Life is fundamentally absurd, a cosmic joke. What you see is what you get. But not so the spiritual person. He or she sniffs hidden presences. They sense something in every flower, in beauty, in art, in friendship, in kindness, something that hints at something more to life. In fact, such things hint at Some One more. Many a convert became so because, although they were successful in their careers, they felt something was missing and they felt a mystery beckoning them. The spiritual person notices. The spiritual person has the capacity to perceive beyond and behind. Second, you are a spiritual person if you have developed a sense of vocation. Which means, for example, that such people tend to see work not as just a job, but as a calling. For them, marriage has a spiritual significance. Spiritual persons feel that they are a part of a higher purpose, that their life, however humdrum, counts, that they were put here for a reason. They have a purpose driven life. Third, you are a spiritual person if at times you experience a heightened state of consciousness. Which means, every now and then - and it s more common than you think you sense a Presence, a Nearness, a Harmony that all makes sense. At certain times maybe, while engaged in prayer, say, or coming upon a sunset or in a moment of intense friendship or having your child fall asleep in your lap, you sense a Presence a voice, a summoning, a harmony to life. All, for the moment is well and for the moment you re pulled into something higher, something quite gracious. Fourth, you are a spiritual person if you also use spiritual resources to solve problems. You, of course, use all of the wonderful natural helps there are and you turn to those whose skill can help you. But you also turn to prayer, seek solitude, perhaps talk things over with a spiritual director. A spiritual person tries to put life into a larger context. Fifth, finally and practically, you are a spiritual person if you do decent things. Habitually. It s as simple as that. You engage in virtuous behaviour. You actually show forgiveness, express gratitude, display compassion, bring your religion to the marketplace. You re honest and tell the truth. And occasionally, you are even heroic. A spiritual person is moral and does moral things, even when it hurts.

10 10 Mid-djarju tal-vja i ta Fr. Fabio Attard SDB... Kif tistg u tobsru, Fr. Fabio spiss iωur bosta pajjiωi u kontinenti sabiex jiltaqa ma diversi Salesjani reli juωi u lajçi, li jag tu sehemhom f dan il-qasam tant siewi u dinamiku, sabiex jag mlilhom il-qalb u jkompli j e i hom filmissjoni siewja tag hom. G aldaqstant sibt biex f kull ar a tal-óajja Salesjana jibda jkollna xi a bar dwar wie ed mill- afna vja i li Fr. Fabio ikun wettaq matul dawn l-a ar xhur. L-g an a ari tieg i hu biex filwaqt li nsiru nafu ftit aktar dwar ix-xog ol ta Dun Attard, inkomplu nitolbu g alih u g allmissjoni kbira li Alla afdalu f idejh. L-ewwel vja li nixtieq na ornakom dwaru se ftit tal- img at ilu, lejn l-a ar tas-sena li g adda kemm temmet. G all- abta ta Novembru 2014 Fr. Fabio Ωar dak li hu mag ruf b ala l-valdocco ta Hyderabad ewwa l-indja. G al min forsi ma tantx hu mid la ta l-istorja Salesjana, ta min ng idu li Valdocco huwa post g aωiω afna g alina b ala Salesjani g ax minn hemm beda x-xog ol Salesjan u b aω-ωerrieg a çkejkna tal-mustarda msemmija fil-van elu, issa kiber u nfirex ma l-erbg at irjie tad-dinja. Kien minn ewwa Valdocco, f Turin li x-xog ol ta Dun Bosco beda u nfirex. Artiklu me ud mill-ans u tradott minn S.C. SDB B alma afna minnkom tafu, a na s-salesjani Maltin kburin li fil-kunsill Ìenerali tal- Kongregazzjoni Salesjana, g andna Salesjan G awdxi li g al iktar minn sitt snin, ilu responsabbli tal-pastorali maω-ûg aωag li a na b ala Salesjani nwettqu madwar iddinja kollha. Skont informazzjoni li wasslitilna, Fr. Fabio Ωar id-don Bosco Rehabilitation Centre (DBRC) f Ramanthapur, Hyderabad flimkien mat-tim tieg u u 35 delegat Salesjan mill-11-il provinçja ta l-indja u Sri Lanka. DBRC hu g allprovinçja ta Hyderabad dak li Valdocco kien g as-salesjani meta twieldet il-kongregazzjoni Salesjana. G alhekk tassew dan hu post g aωiω afna g as-salesjani mill-indja. Ir-residenti u l-istaff kollu ta DBRC in abru fejn il-kançell sabiex hemm jag tu mer ba xierqa lil dawn il-mistednin distinti kollha. Ilkoll kienu skortati bid-daqq tal-banda lejn sala kbira li fiha ttella programm ta mer ba. Hemm

11 11 ukoll saret preωentazzjoni qasira minn Fr. T. D. John sdb dwar is-servizzi ghall- id tat-tfal u d-drittijiet umani tag hom ewwa l-indja. Fr. Sudhakar, id-direttur ta DBRC li laqa lil Fr. Fabio u l-mistednin l-o ra kollha, qal li kien ta unur kbir g ad-don Bosco Navajeevan Homes li fis-sena meta qed infakkru l-biçentinarju mit-twelid ta Dun Bosco, tant Salesjani ew iωuru lil dawn it-tfal f dan il-post hekk g aωiω g al Hyderabad. Il-preΩenza tag hom tg inhom sabiex i ossuhom aktar parti mill-familja kbira Salesjana. Huwa wkoll infurmahom dwar il-bosta attivitajiet li jse u fid-don Bosco Navajeevan Homes waqt li sa aq fuq diversi stejjer sbie ta past pupils li g amlu suççess wara li temmew il-formazzjoni tag hom f dawn il-postijiet edukattivi. Kollox intemm permezz tad-daqq tal-orkestra tattfal. Huma daqqew silta msejj a, Showers of Blessings. Fil-messa tieg u, Fr. Attard qal li hu kien g amel ames snin f Technical School ewwa Malta u g aldaqstant kien jaf sew ixxog ol siewi u s-servizzi li ji u offruti f dan it-tip ta istituzzjonijiet edukattivi sabiex jiffurmaw Ωg aωag f diversi snajja. Hu kien itenni lil dawk iω-ωg aωag, li mag hom kien adem snin qabel li, A na qeg din hawn sabiex ng inukom tibnu futur sabi. Jekk m intomx se tag mlu uωu mis-serizzi edukattivi tag na, se ta lu ajjitkom hawn. Il- ajja hija sfida u hija f idejkom tilqg ux din l-isfida jew le. Fr. Fabio temm id-diskors tieg u billi kkwota lil wie ed mill-past pupils ta din it- Technical School li fuq FaceBook qallu, F Dun Bosco sibt dar u ggwadanjajt futur mill-isba. Wara dan id-diskors, il-mistednin distinti Ωaru mkejjen o ra fid-dbrc fosthom il-printing press, is-sezzjoni tal-kompjuters, is-sezzjoni tat-tessuti u tal- jata ul-oqsma l-o ra taxxog ol fl-injam, tal- ami tal- obω u tax-xog ol fil- adid. "F DUN BOSCO SIBT DAR U GGWADANJAJT FUTUR MILL-ISBAÓ.

12 12 Savio Athletic Club - Laqg a Ìenerali Annwali minn Kurt Dalli - Segretarju F temp ta sena, grupp ta ex-studenti ta Savio AC li kienu bdew it-triq sabiex flimkien jer g u iqajmu l-klabb, irnexxielhom i e u l-interess fil-klabb f diversi tfal u Ωg aωag Maltin. Filfatt, saru passi kbar l quddiem, kemm f dak li huwa uωu tal-façilitajiet sportivi eççellenti li jinsabu fil-kulle Savio, ewwa Óad-Dingli, kif ukoll biex ji i ffurmat tim ta nies li jg aqqad flimkien il-komuntajiet kollha Salesjani, filwaqt li edidhom b membri odda, permezz ta l-isport. Matul id-diskors tieg u, Matthew Croker, il-president attwali ikkonfermat ta Savio AC, spjega kif il-klabb qieg ed jikkontribwixxi lejn t-trawwim ta interess mill- did lejn l-isport ta l-atletika, b mod partikolari lejn ir-road Running. Dan qed ise permezz ta attivitajiet varji li qed ji u organizzati mill-istess klabb imsemmi b alma huma r-round Malta Relay u t-ti rija ta 10km f Óad-Dingli. Xi a a dida u daqstant ie or sabi a g axxena atletika Maltija hi s-s ubija bejn La Salle AC, Athletics Gozo u Savio AC li iet m abbra f din il-laqg a. Din s-s ubija tikkonsisti fittaqsim ta riωorsi bejn dawn l-istess klabbs sabiex jg inu lil xulxin jikbru u jissa u. Matul din l-okkaωωjoni, il-president tal-m.a.a.a. (Malta Amateur Athletics Association) Edwin Attard, li kien mistieden g al din il-laqg a, ta xi premjijiet lill-atleti li matul dan l-ista un li g adda ddistingwew ru hom f dan il-qasam sportiv. Wara li iet m abbra s-sistema dida tattmexxija tal-klabb, il-president Crocker spiçça billi rringrazzja lil dawk kollha li kkontribwew matul l-ista un ta qabel, b mod speçjali radd ajr lil Fr. Eric Cachia, kap tal-kulle Savio. Fla ar iωda mhux l-inqas, re a awgura lil dawk kollha preωenti sabiex jibqg u jit arr u u jimxu l quddiem f dan l-isport. Fakkarhom li lkoll kienu hemm g ax ew ispirati minn xi add u ilkoll kellhom ix-xewqa li jirnexxu. Importanti iωda li issa huma wkoll ig inu lil o rajn jirnexxu u jispirawhom ukoll. Raddilhom ukoll ajr ta l-g aωla li kienu g amlu meta minn fost tant klabbs atletiçi o ra, kienu tefg u g ajnejhom fuq Savio AC u ng aqdu ma dan il-grupp. Ûgur li ma kienx se jiddispjaçihom.

13 13 Abemus Matrem! Artiklu tradott mill-ans minn S.C. SDB Ftit tal- img at ilu, fil-belt ta Ruma, proprju fl-a ar tax-xahar ta Ottubru 2014, waqt li kien g addej il-kapitlu Ìenerali tas- Sorijiet Salesjani, re g et iet ma tura g al sitt snin o ra b ala Superjura Ìenerali tas-sorijiet Salesjani, Sr. Yvonne Reungoat. Wara Santa Marija Domenica Mazzarello, li flimkien ma Dun Bosco, waqfet is-sorijiet Salesjani, li llum huma mxerrdin mad-dinja kollha, Madre Yvonne hi d-disa Madre Ìenerali li qed tmexxi lis-sorijiet Salesjani, Ulied Marija G ajnuna ta l-insara. Dun Bosco kien waqqafhom g ax xtaqhom ikunu munument aj f ie Marija G ajnuna ta l-insara li fiha tant kien jafda u li Hi tant kienet tg inu, tant li fl-a ar ta ajtu tenna li kienet g amlet kollox Hi. Wara l-elezzjoni, Swor Ciriaca Hernandez staqsiet lill-madre Yvonne jekk hijiex lestha biex tkompli fuq il-passi ta Madre Mazzarello u ter a tie u r-riedni tal-kongregazzjoni f idejha. B emozzjoni kbira, Madre Reungoat qalet, Naççetta! Nirringrazzjakom tal-fiduçja tag kom. Espressjoni mill-bibbja li tag tini kura f dan il-waqt hi: Meta jien dg ajjef, dak il- in jiena qawwi. Nintelaq kompletament f idejn Marija u nilqa bil-qalb l-istedina tag ha: Ag mlu dak li jg idilkom Hu. Wara nofs in-nhar, il-komunitajiet kollha li jiddependu direttament minn Sr. Yvonne u l-komunitajiet kollha tas-sorijiet Salesjani f Ruma, wrew il-fer tag hom g all-elezzjoni mill- did tal-madre tag hom, bi Ωfin u kant filwaqt li awgurawlha mill-qalb. Fil-g axija, skond it-tradizzjoni, komplew iç-çelebrazzjonijiet im ejjija mill-membri tal-kapitlu Ìenerali. Kien hemm afna fer u entuωjaωmu hekk kif b kura is-sorijiet se jkomplu jterrqu l quddiem flimkien. Il-membri tal-kapitlu Ìenerali, li kienu ejjien mid-dinja kollha, wrew s-sbu ija ta l-interkulturalita ta din il-kongregazzjoni. Flimkien, taw kelmthom li jibqg u joffru l-impenn tag hom sabiex iwettqu l-pjan sabi ta Alla g alihom ilkoll b ala reli juωi Salesjani li jkunu maω-ωg aωag, dar li tevan elizza.

14 14 Mill-album tal-familja Salesjana Br. Paul Spiteri SDB Permezz ta din il-pa na, sibt li nibda nlaqqg akom ma bosta membri mill- Familja Salesjana sabiex hekk issiru tafuna lkoll xi ftit aktar. Nittama li ssibu din l-ewwel intervista interessanti. Illum se niltaqg u ma wie ed mis-salesjani Ωg ar tag na, Br. Paul Spiteri sdb, li bi professjoni qabel ma sar Salesjan kien iggradwa b ala perit. 1. Kif sirt taf lil Dun Bosco? L-ewwel darba li ltqajt mas-salesjani, kienet permezz ta attività jisimha Boscofest f Savio College. Dan imur lura g all Qabel, ieli kont smajt biha din l-iskola jew anke b Don Bosco, meta kont nattendi l-musuem. Biss, nemmen li tlett aspetti li g enuni biex verament nibda nsir naf lil Don Bosco kienu: l-esperjenza ta leader b ala Salesian Animator f Savio College, id-direzzjoni spiritwali, kif ukoll il-qari dwar l-istess Don Bosco, li mbag ad la aq il-qofol tieg u fl-esperjenza tieg i tan-novizzjat ewwa Pinerolo Turin. 2. Kif tag mel parti mill-familja Salesjana? Ftit iktar minn sentejn ilu sirt Salesjan, u dan huwa l-mod kif nag mel parti mill- Familja Salesjana. B alissa qieg ed filfaωi tal-practical Training - Ωmien fejn a na s-salesjani fil-formazzjoni tal-bidu nieqfu mill-istudji tag na sabiex nag mlu esperjenza ta xog ol pastorali fid-diversi djar li g andna. G al dawn is-sentejn 2014 sa jien qieg ed responsabbli tal- Oratorju tal-juniors ewwa Tas-Sliema.

15 15 3. Min hu Dun Bosco g alik u x'jolqtok l-aktar fih? Don Bosco jaffaxxinani afna. Na seb l-iktar a a li tolqotni fih kienet kif dejjem kien kapaçi jag raf iω-ωminijiet li kien jg ix fihom u ja ixxi skont dawn iω-ωminijet u skont x ikun l-a jar g at-tfal u Ω-Ωg aωag li kellu mieg u. Din hija xi a a li a na b ala Salesjani g andna nkunu kapaçi nag mlu biex dejjem aktar nirrispondu b mod s i g all-bωonnijiet ta dawk li na dmu mag hom. Don Bosco jolqotni wkoll g all-mod kif kien jakkumpanja liω-ωg aωag u l-importanza li kien jag ti lis-sagrament tal-qrar. 4. Hemm xi fraωi jew sentenza minn Dun Bosco li tispirak f'hajtek? Meta don Bosco jenfasizza l-fatt li mhux biωωejjed li t-tfal ikunu ma bubin, imma li hemm bωonn li dawn ikunu jafu li huma ma bubin. 5. X'messa tixtieq tg addi lill-qarrejja ta Óajja Salesjana? Grazzi tal-g ajnuna ta afna minnkom. Naf li x-xog ol li nag mlu a na mat-tfal u Ω-Ωg aωag huwa appo at minnkom b diversi modi; li kieku, kull ma qed inwettqu ma kienx ikun possibbli. Grazzi ta dan u nitolbu dejjem g al xulxin.

16 16 Papa Fran isku se jωur lil Dun Bosco minn S.C. SDB Skont a barijiet li waslulna mill-vatikan, ftit tal- img at ilu, fi tmiem ta l-udjenza enerali tieg u nhar il-5 ta Novembru 2014, il-papa Fran isku nnifsu qal hekk lil dawk kollha preωenti: G andi l-pjaçir in abbrilkom li, jekk Alla jrid, nhar il-21 ta Ìunju 2015, sejjer nag mel pellegrina ewwa Turin biex inqim lill-liωar ta Kristu u nag ti ie lil Dun Bosco f g eluq il- Biçentinarju mit-twelied tieg u. Kif kien mistenni, malli ar et din l-a bar issejj et konferenza stampa ewwa l-vatikan stess. G al din il-konferenza ew mistiedna l-arçisqof ta Turin Mons. Nosiglia, li hu wkoll l-inkarigat mill-papa biex jie u sieb il-liωar ta Kristu, is-sindku u l-viçi Sindku ta Turin, l-onor. Piero Fassino u s-sinjura Elis Tisi u t-tabib Marco Bonatti, il-pro tal-kumitat li qed jie u sieb l-espoωizzjoni tal-liωar ta Kristu fl G al din il-laqg a, attenda wkoll f isem is-salesjani, il-vikarju Ìenerali tal-kongregazzjoni, Dun Francesco Cereda. Skont Mons. Nosiglia: Il-wirja tal-liωar ta Kristu f Turin g andha tifsira speçjali g al Ωew ra unijiet: wa da hija li ti bed l-attenzjoni tad-dinja lejn iω-ωg aωag u l-o ra li tiffoka fuq persuni li qed ibatu. Kien b dawn iω-ωew temi f mo u li l- Papa Fran isku ta l-permess sabiex issir l-espoωizzjoni tal-liωar ta Kristu propju flistess waqt li jkun qed ji i ççelebrat il- ublew tal-biçentinarju mit-twelied ta Dun Bosco. B ala l-kustodi papali tal-liωar ta Kristu, Mons. Nosiglia kompla jispjega li t-tema mag Ωula g all-espoωizzjoni ta l-2015 tinkorpora l-passa evan eliku: M hemmx im abba akbar Ìw. 15, 13. Ûid jg id ukoll li Ω-Ωjara li wie ed jag mel lill-liωar ta Kristu ma jfissirx li dak li jkun se jmur jikkontempla ra el mejjet imma aktar li wie ed sejjer iωur ra el aj li jwassal g all-im abba akbar. "NHAR IL-21 TA ÌUNJU 2015, SEJJER NAGÓMEL PELLEGRINAÌÌ ÌEWWA TURIN"

17 17 Logo for the Exposition of the Turin Shroud designed by young people from Turin (ANS - Turin) - The extraordinary exposition of the Shroud, scheduled for 2015, now has an official logo. It was designed by some young people from Turin, at the request of the Archbishop of Turin and Custodian of the Shroud, Archbishop Nosiglia. He called for a high level of participation and involvement of young people in the Exposition which will be part of the celebration of the Bicentenary of the birth of St John Bosco. The logo consists of a face reminiscent of the face on the linen Shroud, with the inscription Shroud 2015 and the motto "The Greatest Love". The background consists of colour variations like those on the cloth of the Shroud. The arrangement of text and colour suggests the image of a cross. During February and March 2014, groups of students from the Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti of Turin and young people participating in the Exposition of the Synod coordinated by the Youth Ministry of the Diocese, have been working to create a graphic design that portrays the contents of the motto and the theme of the exposition. The young people worked alone or in groups, assisted by teachers from the Academy and experts in Youth Ministry. Their work was examined by a committee made up of members of the Diocesan Commission for the Shroud and chaired by the Archbishop. The four projects deemed most interesting were submitted to experts of the Armando Testa Agency who - at no charge - made some changes to give them a more professional appearance. The presentation took place earlier last year during Turin s Diocesan Youth Day.



20 20 Minn S.C. SDB Qed ng ixu f dinja li, min abba fl-avvanz kbir fit-teknolo ija tista tg id li saret villa globali. Inkunu kemm inkunu bog od minn xulxin, nistg u mhux biss nikkomunikaw ma xulxin iωda sa ansitra naraw lil xulxin waqt li nitkellmu ma xulxin. Sa ftit tas-snin ilu dan kien biss olm talfantaxjenza iωda issa dan sar realta! Nistg u wkoll insiru nafu x qed ise f pajjiωi ferm lil hinn minn xtutna, nag rfu minn xiex ikunu g addejjien u naraw l-iωvilupp jew ir-rigress ta çerti pajjiωi. Bla dubbju ta xejn, filwaqt li dan kollu fih il-vanta i kbar tieg u, ma jistg ax jonqos li jkun hemm wkoll xi Ωvanta i g ax spiss ji ri li l-media rari tirrapporta rajjiet poωittivi li jse u madwarna g ax ma tqishomx hekk importanti. Milli jidher dawn l-avvenimenti sbie ma tantx ji bdu l-attenzjoni u l-kilba tannies biex jaqtg u l-kurωita tag hom dwar x qed ji ri madwarna u g aldaqstant, jekk jonqos il-bejg tal-gazzetti u tonqos il-popolarita ta xi stazzjonijiet tat-tv, il-media ma tie ux gost u ma tiggwadanjax. Spiss ji ri li naraw rapporta ta Ωg aωag li nqabdu jwettqu xi rejat jew ie or jew li da lu f xi bawxata u arana mill-ewwel ntennu bejna u bejn ru na, Ara naqra Ω-Ωg aωag ta llum kif spiççaw! Kemm inbiddlu Ω-Ωminijiet ja asra. M g adx hawn Ωg aωag tajbin! G alkemm din tidher ir-realta, b ala Salesjan nista nassigurakom li mhijiex il-verita s i a g ax a na b ala Salesjani g andna l-barka li naqsmu ajjitna ma bosta tfal u Ωg aωag u b wiççi minn quddiem nista ng id b çertezza li Ωg aωag tajbin, eneruωi u abbrieka hawn u hawn afna. Madankollu, l-media rari ssemmi l- id kbir li bosta minn dawn iω-ωg aωag iwettqu ming ajr ma jippretendu xejn lura u ming ajr ma joqg odu jag mlu afna daqq ta trombi biex ji bdu l-attenzjoni lejhom. Li jag mlu, jag mluh u jwettquh mill-qalb u bil-qalb g ax iridu jag mlu differenza b ajjithom f ajjet addie or. Propju hawn nasal g all-punt li jrid iwassal dan l-artiklu. Ftit tal- img at ilu, wara laqg a nazzjonali li a na kellna b ala Salesjani Maltin sabiex naraw kif nistg u nkomplu ntejbu l-preωenza tag na fil-gωejjer tag na, ar et il-proposta biex inlaqqg u flimkien dawk iω- Ωg aωag li jg inuna fil- idmiet kollha tag na. L-iskop a ari kien biex isiru jafu aktar lil xulxin, jitg allmu minn xulxin, japprezzaw il- idma ta xulxin, iqattg u in flimkien u hekk jissa u fl-g aqda ta bejniethom g ax kif ng idu bl-

21 21 IngliΩ, United we stand but divided we fall. B ala Salesjani Maltin, konna nafu li qed isir afna id u good practice fil-preωenzi kollha tag na imma dawn iω-ωg aωag Animaturi Salesjani qatt ma kienu ltaqg u kollha flimkien f salt. G alhekk tnediet il-laqg a S.A.M.E. li tfisser Salesian Animators of Malta Encounter. L-iskop wara l-isem iet mill-ideja li g andna gruppi differenti, ja dmu f postijiet differenti, bi rwoli differenti imma bl-istess / SAME spirtu Salesjan. Dan hu l-ispirtu Salesjan li twaslilna minn Dun Bosco u li issa qed jitkompla ji i mg ejjux mis-salesjani ta llum. Biex din il-laqg a setg et tg addi minn proposta g all-fatti ng aqad tim ta Salesjani u Ωg aωag minn Savio College, minn Dar Dun Bosco / l-oratorju ta Óad-Dingli, mill-oratorju f Tas-Sliema, mill-oratorju ta l-isla, minn St. Patrick s u mill-ispys (Salesian Pastoral Youth Service) sabiex jaraw x jista jse f din l-attivita u kif setg et tittella. Ìie ppjanat biex SAME tittella ewwa Savio College. Hemm tittella Treasure Hunt li g aliha l-animaturi Salesjani kollha li kellhom jattendu, kellhom jinqassmu f g axar gruppi b rappreωentanza minn kull qasam Salesjan, u kull grupp kien se jkollu 60 biçça xog ol xi jwettaq. Il-fatt li kellu jkun hemm ta lita ta animaturi Salesjani kienet mag mula bi skopp sabiex waqt li qed jilg abu jsiru jafu lil xulxin u barra minn hekk, il-mistoqsijiet mitluba kienu jirrigwardaw il-preωenzi Salesjani kollha f Malta. Ta min inωidu ng idu wkoll li x-xog ol mitlub minn kull grupp kien maqsum f erba kategoriji li jikkorrispondu g al erba punti li fuqhom hi mibnija s-sistema Salesjana, i.e. li kull preωenza Salesjana je tie li tkun dar li tilqa, skola li tg allem, kappella li ssa a l-g aqda ma Alla u bit a fejn dak li jkun jista jilg ab qalb il- bieb. Biex jid ku ftit waqt din it- Treasure Hunt, xi xog olijiet mitluba kienu sfidi umoristiçi sabiex hekk iω-ωg aωag jie du gost ukoll waqt li jkunu qed jitg allmu. Permezz ta dawn l-attivitajiet, kull grupp kiber fl-g arfien ta kull grupp ie or ta Animaturi Salesjani, tg allmu minn fejn kisbu isimhom u x inhu l-iskop tag om. Per eωempju l-animaturi ta Savio College tg allmu min huma l-swt i.e. is- Salesian Worship Team li jmexxu l-kant waqt ilquddiesa g aω-ωg aωag f Tas-Sliema filwaqt li l-animautri ta Sliema fehemu min huma l-óds i.e. Óbieb Duminku Savio. L-organizzaturi kienu sodisfatti ferm mill-mod kif se et l-attivita SAME. Minbarra

22 22 l-log ob kreattiv u informattiv li kien hemm, kollox la aq il-qofol tieg u permezz ta quddiesa animata li g aliha attendew l-animaturi Salesjani kollha li kien hemm. Ikkonçelebraw il-quddiesa flimkien ma Fr. Louis Grech sdb, li jmexxi l-youth Ministry u l-vocational Ministry f Malta, bosta Salesjani o ra rappreωentanti tad-djar Salesjani Maltin. Wara l-quddiesa kien hemm bbq fil-grawnds sbie u kbar ta Savio College g ax çertament l-arja sabi a tal-kampanja dinglija fet et l-aptit ta kul add. Tassew ta min isemmi li l-atmosfera sabi a u ferrie a li n olqot kienet b al meta membri ta l-istess familja jing aqdu flimkien u jie du gost ma xulxin u b xulxin. Kien hemm tassew ambjent seren u qawwi ta familja li sa et l-g aqda ta bejn dawn l-animaturi Salesjani kollha u qanqlet fihom sens ta fer malli raw x'numru kbir kienu u kemm kienu simili f dak li kienu qed iwettqu. Óassew l-appo u l-ammirazzjoni ta xulxin u g al xulxin. B kollox, flimkien mal-muωiçisti minn Savio College u mal-kor tal-oratorju f Tas-Sliema, kien hemm madwar 150 Ωag Ωug u Ωag Ωug a. Kienet xena tassew sabi a tarahom kollha flimkien, jie du gost u jid ku flimkien f ambjent seren u Salesjan g al a ar. B hekk l-g an a ari li tissa a is-siner ija bejn l-animaturi Salesjani ta kull dar Salesjana Maltija, filwaqt li kul add jibqa jωomm l-identita tieg u, intla qet. Tant hu hekk, li sar qbil biex il-laqg a SAME ter a tittella f Ottubru ta din is-sena. Bla dubbju ta xejn SAME kienet suççess kbir u kul add are minna kuntent u aktar konxju tal- id kbir li flimkien u b modi differenti l-animaturi Salesjani qed iwettqu mag na s-salesjani sabiex jg inuna fil-missjoni tag na. Altru li m hawnx Ωg aωag tajbin! Huwa g alhekk li ridt ng arrafkom b din l-attivita biex intkom ukoll, g eωieω qarrejja, tag rfu li fost iω-ωg aωag moderni ta llum, g ad hemm bosta u bosta tfajliet u uvintur bis-sens, ta qalb kbira u eneruωa li lesti jag tu minn inhom biex jag mlu l- id biex b g emilhom u kliemhom ikomplu jkunu xhieda ta Ìesu Kristu llum.

23 23 Farewell Fr. Fonde On the 4th November 2014, Fr. Joseph Fonde sdb, a humble and faithful servant of the Lord Jesus Christ was called to his heavenly home by his Master whom he diligently served throughout his long and fruitful Salesian life spanning a number of decades. He leaves to mourn his absence his family and all the Salesians of Malta, especially his community at St. Patrick s and many other persons whom he used to visit to either give them Holy Communion or offer them the possibility of confession. Everything was done discreetly and gently but with much love and pastoral care. It was wonderful hearing the comments of the young people who after hearing of his passing away to eternal life, they spontaneously said, A saint has died! That priest was truly very special. Indeed what a beautiful way to be remembered. His funeral mass was held at St. Gregory s parish Church on the 6th November During the mass, that was packed with many of Fr. Fonde s acquaintances, Fr. Charlie Said sdb, his community s rector, spoke very highly of Fr. Fonde saying that like the dazzling sunlight that passes through stained glass windows, that then colour with a myriad of hues, whatever is infront of them, so too Fr. Fonde, spread the beauty of Jesus Christ s compassion and love as he let God s light of love and mercy flow and shine in and through his unassuming personality. Hereunder I would like to share with you all, the beautiful obituary that Ms. Anna Chetcuti wrote about this wonderful Salesian priest in one of our local newspapers. It portrays beautifully what I have already shared above. May the Lord Jesus grant him eternal rest in Heaven. If ever there was a holy priest it was the late Fr. Joseph Fonde. He was a humble person and had a silent holy aura around him that, when meeting him, you would almost not want to disturb him. For many years, he celebrated Holy Mass at St. Patrick s Church and, after Holy Communion, he would sit down next to the altar for a few minutes to pause, to meditate and pray quietly in silence, which said a lot. He used to come to administer Holy Communion to our late bedridden mother. After giving her Holy Communion, he would sit next to our mum on a chair, silently in prayer. It was so special and holy that even our one and a half year old energetic nephew would sit and watch him silently. You could feel the presence of God in this holy priest. Father, we will pray for you but I think praying to you would be more appropriate. Thank you for everything. Thank you for your kindness and gentleness. We will miss you. May you rest in peace. Till we meet again. My deepest sympathy go to his family and the Salesian priests.

24 24 The Way to attain Inner Peace Do you lack peace? Do you ever wonder why inner serenity seems so elusive? We hear the word "peace" so much -- but what does it mean? There's a great new little book that we can recommend because it addresses precisely those questions, by a French priest named Father Jacques Philippe, who starts with a powerful truth: If we want the Grace of God to act in us and produce, we need that inner calm; it's crucial that "we strive to acquire and maintain an interior tranquillity" -- the peace of our hearts. From that flow many things. "Consider the surface of a lake, above which the sun is shining," writes Father Philippe, who is currently with a community in Rome. "If the surface of the lake is peaceful and tranquil, the sun will be reflected in this lake; and the more peaceful the lake, the more perfectly will it be reflected. If, on the contrary, the surface of the lake is agitated, undulating, then the image of the sun cannot be reflected in it." "The more our souls are peaceful and tranquil, the more God is reflected in it, the more His image expresses itself in us, the more His grace acts through us. "On the other hand," writes Father Philippe (in Searching for and Maintaining Peace), "if our souls are agitated and troubled, the grace of God is able to act only with much greater difficulty. The more our souls are peaceful, balanced, and surrendered, the more this good communicates itself to us and to others through us." Grace is not a race. We need to empty ourselves of worries, of overwork, of competitions, of expecting everything this minute. How can we hear Him when we are agitated? How can we hear Him when we're hurried? How can we hear Him when we are anxious, which is the opposite of peace? And this happens -- agitation -- when we try to do too much ourselves, as if the whole world hinges on every single minute. It happens when we seek perfection too quickly. It happens when we stray from the calm gaze of God. We lack peace when we are not doing what He made us to do and when we stray from the person He made us to be. The way to peace starts with prayer, of course, and casting out the "spirit of tension." It also comes when we stop thinking ill of

25 25 others. It comes -- chiefly -- from trusting in God. The Lord is brightest when we are calmest. Let us remember the experience of Elijah when he found out that God was not in the storm or earthquake, nor in the fire, but in the whisper of a gentle breeze (1 Kings 19). In other words: settle down. Seek patience. Is it easy? Certainly not. The devil tries to disrupt us every way he can. He knows where -- and to Whom -- tranquillity will lead. And he wants nothing more than to keep us from the Prince of Peace. And yet with dedication we all can achieve serenity no matter how wound-up or "hyper" or "driven" we are (driven, we must always ask: by what?). There is spiritual combat -- but as St. Catherine of Siena said: "without war there is no peace." We know there is peace in nature and yet we strip our interior ecology. "The devil does his utmost to banish peace from one's heart, because he knows that God abides in peace and it is in peace that He accomplishes great things," said the great mystical writer Dom Lorenzo Scupoli (see: The Spiritual Combat), whom Father Philippe cites. The first goal of combat, says Father Philippe, should be to learn to "maintain peace of heart under all circumstances, even in the case of defeat." Can you do that? Or do you seek to control everything? Trust, trust, trust; do the best you can and then leave it to Him. Here is a good bumper sticker: "All the reasons that cause us to lose our sense of peace are bad reasons." Bad days happen. What counts is how we handle them. The Lord likes us to do things before everything is guaranteed. We will never reach true peace until we reach true love. Look at how often religious orders proceed and build without a penny (while helping others), in the spirit of faith. When one doesn't incur an expense without being sure in advance to have enough to cover it, writes Father Philippe, "how can Providence manifest itself?" Relax -- in His Arms! Find His favour. Exercise patience always, including patience with yourself. Be disciplined. But give yourself a break. We are here to learn and we learn by mistakes. "We must know that one of the weapons that the devil uses most commonly to prevent souls from advancing toward God is precisely to try to make them lose their peace and discourage them by the sight of their faults," notes the priest. Stop tormenting yourself. Give it to Him. You are not infallible. True humility realizes this. True humility leads to peace. Don't obsess in scrupulosity. Focus on goodness. Don't let the devil drive you crazy (when you are making decisions). Stop competing with everyone. Your heart will be ready for any eventuality, said Saint Joan de Bonilla, if it is detached and "not enslaved by anything" (or anyone). Advance with patience. With peace come giant steps.

26 26 Confession in the Catechesis of Don Bosco Don Gianni Asti SDB in Il Tempio di Don Bosco, July August 2011 Don Bosco a spiritual father One of the oldest and most endearing photos of Don Bosco is the one where he is seen hearing the boys confessions. It is a beautiful picture of Don Bosco which fully expresses his spiritual paternity, confessing his boys and at the same time teaching them to love God, our Heavenly Father. His penitential catechesis is centred on Christ crucified and Don Bosco s aim is letting the boys know how much Christ suffered for us. He often spoke about how Jesus shed his blood for the remission of sins, and so he helped them to confess their sins with sincerity and to be truly sorry for them. His intention was to make the youth experience the joy of meeting the Risen Lord, to feel the peace bestowed by the Holy Spirit, the Consoler, and to feel free from the burden of one s sins. This explains Don Bosco s availability and willingness to hear confessions for hours and even until late at night, always ready to please his young penitents. Don Bosco s fatherly way in leading his boys to holiness was not such as to stifle their growth and initiative but to make them feel open to a prudent, discreet and disinterested friendship. Don Bosco gives everything to the young person and he asks everything of him: the cooperation of his will, complete trust and unconditional affection. In this way they pass very simply and naturally from the noisy atmosphere of the playground to the profound silence of the chapel and to an intimate and trusting colloquy with God. Don Bosco s penitential catechesis becomes something extremely important, something which he puts to the forefront of his priestly ministry. At the Apostolic Process for Canonisation, Fr. Michael Rua, his first successor, affirms: If Don Bosco had to speak to his boys on two consecutive nights, one talk would be about confession. His first biographer affirms that feasts, recreations, games, music, school were for Don Bosco all means to induce his boys to make good and frequent confessions. For this he was prepared to make any sacrifice. A guide for the salvation of the soul Don Bosco s educative action is all directed towards discovering Jesus Christ, the Saviour. He helps the boy to reflect on the most important thing in life which is the salvation of one s soul, on which depends our eternal happiness. Here also, Don Bosco is acting in conformity with the will of God who wants all people to be saved and is faithful to all who love him. There is a certain one-step-at-a-time process in Don Bosco s penitential catechesis. First of all he encourages his boys to go to confession frequently; thus overcoming a

27 27 certain natural shyness. He knows of that kind of laziness which sometimes the boy feels, putting off confession from day to day; the shame to confess certain sins, and other temptations of the devil. Against all this, Don Bosco recommends frequent confession and complete confidence in the confessor. The youth sins, but then he has an instinctive need for forgiveness and a desire to be reunited to God. The horror for sin which Don Bosco instills in his boys is in accordance with the instructions he received from Christ the Good Shepherd in the Dream when he was nine: Start right away to teach them the ugliness of sin and the value of virtue. Horror of sin is followed by the beauty of virtue. To the young person who is full of life but inexperienced Don Bosco suggests ever higher aims. He begins by recommending frequent confession. This will lead to the choice of one confessor to whom the young person is obedient especially in spiritual direction. Spiritual direction, for Don Bosco, is often linked to confession; but it is continued by personal contact and enriched by the educative atmosphere Don Bosco had created among his best students. His daily experience in the confessional constantly reminded him that the young person is easily discouraged and needs help to regain the serenity of a good conscience. Don Bosco recommends frequent confession, because he knows the fickleness of youth which needs to be sustained by good resolutions and the grace of God. Don Bosco s priestly anxiety in encouraging his boys to go to confession frequently and well, is above all in order to help them to discover God s will in their regard, which is a call to holiness, to which we are all called through Baptism. A Help to Confessors Don Bosco is also keen in helping other priests who celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation. These are his own words: Not all confessors have the ability, experience and means to search in the conscience and discover the wolves that gnaw the hearts. (M.B. 6: 885) He therefore recommends confessors to receive the penitents kindly, never to scold them, otherwise they will not be sincere anymore or will not come again. The first confessions of children are usually incomplete, but once they become more confident in confession, past insincere confessions can be repaired. The originality of Don Bosco s catechesis is not that there is anything new in what he says, does or writes, but that in his apostolic fervor, in his fatherly correction, he presents confession as easy and desirable, although his long experience in this field doesn t allow him too much optimism. Don Bosco is essentially a priest for the young. However his objective is not to make religion easy and undemanding, but to show his boys how to aspire to a high degree of sanctity. In his own words, he summarizes the educative experience You may say what you like about the various systems of education, but the only sure foundation is based on confession and Holy Communion: and I don t think I will be exaggerating if I say that without these two Sacraments morality goes overboard.

28 28 Ir-Rokna ta Martina: messaġġi minn żagħżugħa għaż-żgħażagħ minn Martina Briffa A na Ω-Ωg aωag in obbu afna nisimg u l-muωika u spiss, fil-kliem ta diversi diski, ikun hemm mistura messa i poωittivi li jekk ma noqg odux attenti g alihom, façli afna li ma ninteb ux bihom u dawn jispiççaw itiru mar-ri. Fuq stedina ta Fr. Sandro Camilleri sdb, l-editur il- did tal-óajja Salesjana, se nibda naqsam mag kom xi riflessjonijiet qosra li b ala Ωag Ωug a nag mel wara li nkun smajt xi diski li jkunu laqtuni. Nittama li ssibu dawn il- sibijiet qosra ta interess personali. Unconditionally diska kantatha minn Katy Perry Unconditional, unconditionally I will love you unconditionally There is no fear now Let go and just be free I will love you unconditionally Come just as you are to me Don't need apologies Know that you are worthy I'll take your bad days with your good Walk through this storm I would I'd do it all because I love you, I love you Il-messa li rbat mal-kliem sabi ta din id-diska huwa li Alla lest jag mel kollox g alina lkoll u j obbna minkejja kollox. Ónientu hija bla qieg u bla limitu. A seb ftit dwar din il-verita u ara int kemm qed tag ti çans lil Alla jkun parti integrali mill- ajja tieg ek, kemm tersaq lejh fis-sagramenti? Kun af li jekk trid tg ix ajja bis-sens, Alla u m abbtu g alik huma t-twe iba! Tfittex imkien aktar. Hu t-twe iba g all-mistoqsijiet kollha tieg ek.

29 29 Read All About It diska kantatha minn Emeli Sande You've got the words to change a nation but you're biting your tongue. You've spent a life time stuck in silence afraid you'll say something wrong. If no one ever hears it, how we gonna learn your song? You've got a heart as loud as lions So why let your voice be tamed? Maybe we're a little different, there's no need to be ashamed. You've got the light to fight the shadows, so stop hiding it away. G azilt Ωew paragrafi minn din id-diska ta Emelie u minnha ri t dawn il-ftit tifsiriet: Ûgur li taqblu mieg i li bosta persuni g andhom afna potenzjal mistur o fihom. Potenzjal li ja asra bosta drabi jibqa mg otti, mo bi u bla uωu ta xejn. X asra meta dan ise! Spiss issib li dawn il-persuni jibωg u jag mlu d-differenza permezz ta dawn it-talenti u ta dawn id-doni g ax ma kuma mill-biωa ta x jistg u jg idu l-o rajn fuqhom. Dan kollu jien applikajtu wkoll ma l-g ixien tal-fidi nisranija tag na llum fejn xi nsara qed jibωg u jghidu lid-dinja li huma jemmnu f Alla g ax jibωg u li n-nies jid ku bihom. Je tie ma nibωg ux nuru li a na nsara kull fejn inkunu. Hekk inkunu nistg u tassew nag mlu differenza!

30 30 Bl-Istil ta Dun Bosco: Pawlu VI u Ω-Ωg aωag minn C.Vella/J Cini SDB Nhar il-óadd 15 ta Ottubru 2014 fi Pjazza San Pietru, il-papa Fran isku ddikjara Beatu lill-papa Pawlu VI. PreΩenti kien hemm ukoll il-papa Emeritu, Benedittu XVI. Bejn Dun Bosco u Papa Montini hemm rabta spiritwali qawwija tant li xi drabi tispikka iωjed minn kull a a o ra. Din kienet li g aqdet lill- Appostlu taω-ûg aωag mat-tmunier (mexxej) tal-knisja dak li issa ie mg olli g all-qima ta l-altari meta kien iddikjarat Beatu. Din l-g aqda dehret kemm f mumenti waqt il-konçilju Vatikan II, kif ukoll wara. B tifkira, il-bullettin Salesjan Taljan, li kien inbeda minn Dun Bosco fl-1877, nhar il-óadd 19 t Ottubru 2014, iddedika l-artiklu prinçipali tieg u, flimkien mal-istampa tal-qoxra ta barra, lil dan il-beatu did u sejja lu Il-Papa li abb lis-salesjani. Giovanni Battista Montini kien sar Papa fil ta filg odu tal-ìimg a, 21 ta Ìunju GhaΩel l-isem ta Pawlu. Malajr abbar li kien se jitkompla il-konçilju Vatican II. Meta darba kellem lill- emg a ta Salesjani mi burin g all-kapitlu Ìenerali tag hom kien qalilhom li jiftakar illi fl-istudju tal-papa` kien hemm rokna mhux bog od mill-iskrivanija, fejn kien hemm imdendel kwadru çkejken bix-xbieha ta Dun Bosco. Ta t l-imma ni kien hemm miktub, minn id Dun Bosco stess, il-kliem Fil-mewt ni bru l-frott tal-g emejjel tajba. Minn hawn forsi, nbdiet il- ibda ta dan il-papa lejn San Ìwann Bosco u s-salesjani. Imma hemm episodju ie or li g enu j obb lis-salesjani. Huwa sar jaf lil wie ed Salesjan mag ruf fl-italja: Dun Antonio Cojazzi. Laqqg u mal-ku in tieg u, li kien Ωag Ωug mo irri, u Don Cojazzi rnexxilu jqajjem entuωjaωmu f dan il- uvnot u sa ansitra g enu jsir saçerdot Salesjan u missjunarju. Kien Giovanni Montini, dak iω-ωmien, qassis Ωag Ωug, li akkumpanja lil ku inuh sad-dar tas-salesjai f Turin u li baqa jsegwi l-vokazzjoni tieg u sa l-a ar.

31 31 Din il-kwalita` hekk sabi a fil-papa Montini - li jing ata kollu kemm hu g al kul add - kienet parti mill-personalita` tieg u. Il-Papa Montini kellu ammirazzjoni kbira g al dan l-edukatur prim mill-piemonte, tant illi ddeskrivih b ala xhieda awtentika fl-istorja tal-italja u tal-knisja. Din l-ammirazzjoni kellha bidu mbieg ed u profond, frott tat-trobbija filfamilja tieg u f Concesio fejn kienu joqg odu. G alhekk, is-salesjani kienu sikwit ja sbu li huma kienu ppreferuti minnu. Infatti malajr bdew isej ulu Don Gibiemme (G.B.M. l-inizjali ta ismu u kunjomu). Mas-Salesjani qasam il-fer tal-beatifikazzjoni ta Dun Bosco fl-1929, u tal- KanoniΩΩazjoni tieg u fl Meta kien la aq Sostituto alla Segreteria di Stato tal-vatikan, kienet iet afdata f idejh l-organiωωazzjoni tal- Anno Santo fl F Marzu ta dik is-sena ie bbeatifikat Domenico Savio (kanoniωωat 3 snin wara) u sena wara (1951) iet ikkanoniωωata Santa Maria Domenica Mazzarello. EΩatt wara l-gwerra, Monsinjur Montini, li kien la aq Segretarju ta l-istat, minn ol- Vatikan, sab ru u ja dem id f id mas-salesjani u wlied Marija G ajnuna ta l-insara, li kienu jg inu numru kbir ta orfni u tfal abbandunati (mag rufa b ala x-sciuscia`) li kienu jimlew issubborgi tal-belt ta Ruma. Hekk nibtet l-ideja li ting ata ajja dida f dawn il-postijiet, eωatt qrib il- Forte Prenestino fejn nibet il- Borgo Don Bosco. B dan il-mod, Monsinjur Montini sar l-id provvidenzjali tal-qdusija Tieg u Papa Piju XII. Meta mbag ad ie mibg ut mill-papa b ala Kardinal Arçisqof ta Milan, talab lis-superjuri Salesjani sabiex jibg atu r-relikwi ta San Domenico Savio biex ikunu meqjuma fid-djoçesi dida tieg u. Huwa fakkar lis-salesjani li qabel ma tlaqt minn Ruma, fejn sikwit kont inωur l-istitut Salesjan fil-kwartier Prenestino, kont tajthom b ala rigal bust ta Dun Bosco li kien wisq g al qalbi. Dawn huma biss ftit episodji mill- ajja tal-beatu l- did li juru r-rabta ta qalbu mas- Salesjani. Nistg u ng idu, b ala konkluωjoni, li Giovanni Battista Montini, it-tfajjel student g and il-ìiωwiti, iω-ωag Ωug li olom li jmur mal-benedittini, il- abib tal-qalb u iben spiritwali ta Patri Giulio Bevilacqua kien ukoll kollu kemm hu il-papa tas-salesjani, Missier mimli tjubija u m abba. Thank You to those that have sent their Donations to ðajja Salesjana

32 32 A New Year, A New Start Can t decide what your New Year resolutions should be? Hazel Sillver looks to the Bible, the poets and the Saints for some suggestions As we put last year s calendar in the recycling bin and hang a new one on the wall, we are gripped with possibility. Here is our chance for a fresh start.. There is a mood of hope for good things to come and old ills to fade. It is traditional to make a resolution as we step into January and it is also traditional not to keep it for very long! Some of us vow to go to the gym, others decide to give up cigarettes or learn a new skill. But a resolution could also be spiritual. We might want to pray more or be kinder in our dealings with others. Whatever it is, we have God with us to give us a helping hand if we ask for help. For we are told: For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened, (Matthew 7:8). Should you be unsure what your resolution ought to be, here are some suggestions: SPEND TIME IN NATURE We are told that Christ sought out hills and olive groves to pray. If you rarely spend time in the natural world, make a vow to seek its nourishment regularly, perhaps by gardening or walking in the countryside. Nature has a lot to teach us about being with God, who is here in the present: (Roses) exist with God today, wrote the philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson. There is no time to them But man postpones or remembers; he does not live in the present, but with reverted eye laments the past, or heedless of the riches that surround him, stands, on tiptoe to foresee the future. He cannot be happy and strong until he too lives with nature in the present, above time. SHED FEAR Many of us live with a constant anxiety that we refer to as stress. Of course there are the ups and downs of life that cause us worry, but there is also a type of deep unease that relates to feeling separated from God and in turn from nature and other people. Make a choice to rest in the infinite peace of God and trust in Him, rather than letting stress build. Anxiety is one of the greatest traitors that real virtue and solid devotion can have, said the Italian stigmatic Padre Pio. Humbly and tranquilly keep your heart turned to Heaven and wait from there the heavenly dew.. The Spirit of God is spirit of peace. Even in the most serious matters he creates for us a mood that is tranquil, humble and confident. CHANGE YOUR SPENDING HABITS Our new Pope s key message is to live a frugal

33 33 life. Instead of the luxurious surrounds of the papal palace, he has chosen a humble abode and has said that he wants to preside over a poor church for the poor and move away from that global idol called money. He is also said to be very keen to deliver a strong message of environmentalism. Consider a resolution therefore of altering your spending habits, choosing to spend more for locally-produced or fairly-traded eco-sound organic goods and not overspending on things you don t need. As the Bible says, our relationship with money reflects and determines our spiritual life: No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. (Matthew 6:24). BE KIND 'Love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:31) is the second greatest commandment and, for many people, one of the hardest. In a society that teaches us to vehemently compare ourselves to others, it is very hard not to judge others and to generate affection for all. Making a resolution to do this is to participate in the beating heart of Christian devotion and, according to the mystic writer Evelyn Underhill, it is the source of happiness: Real love always heals fear and neutralizes egotism, she writes. So, as love grows up in us, we shall worry about ourselves less and admire and delight in God and His other children more and more, and this is the secret of joy. We shall no longer strive for our own way, but commit ourselves easily and simply to God s way, acquiesce in His will and in so doing find our peace. God s way is to love all, without condition. PRACTICE CONTEMPLATION Saints and mystics reassure us that God cannot be found in books, but is to be found in the silent mysteries of contemplative practice. We are told that Jesus had a daily practice of rising before dawn and going out to pray alone. If your aim is to forge a strong and intimate bond with God, consider making a contemplative practice your resolution. No-one writes more passionately about contemplation than the late Trappist monk Thomas Merton, who said: God cannot be found by weighing the present against the future or the past, but only by sinking into the heart of the present as it is.. Here is liberty, all I have to do is to be quiet, sit still. Contemplation is just that: a still mind and heart within which the Holy Spirit can stir. Terrifyingly beautiful in its simplicity, it can be deeply calming once you are accustomed to it, but perhaps disturbing at first, for a busy mind. LOOK AFTER YOUR BODY Last but not least, the most common New Year resolutions: to get fit or give up smoking, are definitely holy! Jesus tells us The kingdom of God is within you (Luke 17:21) and in Corinthians (6:19) it is written: Your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. Making a promise to look after your health is not un-godly by any means just the opposite. When we feel groggy and edgy with too much sugar, wheat and caffeine, or from lack of exercise, prayer and contemplation are much harder. Modernday science shows us that regular walking and other aerobic exercise, such as running, boosts mood and confidence in the long and shortterm, making us happier, kinder and nicer to be around.

34 34 "Spending time with children is more important than spending money on children." Anthony Douglas Williams Inside the Divine Pattern Flash News: Don Bosco is coming to Malta! The casket of Don Bosco will be finally coming among us during the month of May 2015 More details will be given later.

35 Testmenti Tista tg inna fix-xog ol li a na nag mlu mat-tfal u maω-ωg aωag foqra billi tiftakar fina fit-testment tieg ek jew tibg at donazzjoni. Huwa bil-g ajnuna ta nies b alek li x-xog lijiet li g andna madwar id-dinja jibqg u jag tu l-frott. Il-kontribuzzjonijiet kollha, kemm Ωg ar u kemm kbar, huma dejjem apprezzati. Ibg at il-kontribuzzjonijiet tieg ek lil: Fr. Eric Cachia SDB - Amministratur tad-delegazzjoni Savio College, Buskett Road, Dingli DGL2702 Tel: BorΩa ta Studju X INHI BORÛA TA STUDJU? Hija somma ta flus li tg inna biex in allsu parti mill-formazzjoni ta Ωag Ωug li qed i ejji ru u biex isir saçerdot Salesjan. KEMM TRID TAGÓTI BIEX TWAQQAF BORÛA TA STUDJU? Kapital ta b600 JEÓTIEÌ LI BILFORS TAGÓTI S-SOMMA F DAQQA? Le. Wie ed jista jag tiha biçça biçça, tant fix-xahar jew tant fis-sena. JEÓTIEÌ LI BILFORS IS-SOMMA TKUN MOGÓTIJA MINN WIEÓED BISS? Le. Jistg u jiftehmu flimkien iktar minn persuna wa da u kul add jag ti sehmu. IΩda min jo ro wa du s-somma kollha, ikun fundatur ta dik il-borωa. JISTÀ WIEÓED IÓALLI L-BORÛA BÓALA LEGAT WARA MEWTU? Jistà. U min jag mel hekk, jistà jikteb fit-testment: In alli b ala legat lis-salesjani ta Don Bosco, is-somma ta b g all-formazzjoni ta Ωag Ωug Malti fl-istess Soçjetà.

36 CELEBRATE DON BOSCO For you I study, For you I work, For you I live, For you I am ready even to give my life. it is enough that you are young for me to love you! Father Friend Teacher Guide Counsellor Promoter BICENTENARY OF BIRTH Educator Dreamer Priest Saint Founder Inspirer NEWSPAPER POST ST.PATRICK S SCHOOL ST. JOHN BOSCO STREET, SLIEMA SLM 1935

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