Hajja Salesjana. il-233 Óar a. Maltin u Dun Bosco Big Stories from Little Hearts Il-Madonna ta Kibeho The Sparrow at Starbucks

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1 Hajja Salesjana JANNAR - FRAR 2014 il-233 Óar a Maltin u Dun Bosco Big Stories from Little Hearts Il-Madonna ta Kibeho The Sparrow at Starbucks

2 The Logo of the Salesians of Don Bosco is made up of two superimposed images: in the background a stylised S (Salesians) in white marked to the right and left by two cuttings between the hills (a road). The second image is in the centre of the globe: an arrow pointing upwards resting on three perpendicular legs on top of which are three closed circles making a stylised image of three people: the first of these in the midde and taller (the Salesian) appears as if embracing the side figures (the young). The three stylised figures can also be viewed as an arrow pointing upwards (education / formation) or simply as a dwelling (Salesian house) with three pillars holding it up (reason, religion, loving kindness). The coat of arms of the Salesian Congregation shows the shining star, the large anchor, the heart on fire symbolizing faith, hope and charity; the figure of St. Francis de Sales recalling the Patron of the Society; the small wood in the lower part reminds us of the Founder (Bosco) the high mountains signify the heights of perfection towards which members strive; the interwoven palm and laurel that enfold the shield either side are emblematic of the prize reserved for a sacrificial and virtuous life. The motto Da mihi animas, caetera tolle (give me souls, take the rest) expresses every Salesian s ideal. Óajja Salesjana St. Patrick s School, Triq San Ìwann Bosco, Sliema SLM 1925 MALTA Tel. (+356) / (+00356) hajjasal@salesiansmalta.org Il-Bulettin Salesjan, imsejja b diversi ismijiet, ji i stampat f 56 edizzjoni u f 29 ilsien madwar id-dinja u huwa mxerred fi 131 nazzjon Responsible: Fr. Paul Formosa SDB Director/ Editor: Fr. Joseph Cini SDB Editorial Board : Margaret Buhagiar, Renald Buhagiar, Josie Grech. Office: Censina Vella, Joyce Scicluna. Design & Printing: Salesian Press, Sliema. Tista taqra ajja Salesjana fuq il-kompjuter: Fuqiex se naqraw Spiritwalità ta Dun Bosco 5 Bicentenary: Poster and Logo 7 Maltin u Dun Bosco 9 Don Bosco around the World 10 Il-Madonna ta Kibeho 16 A Lover of Don Bosco 20 News from Australia 22 Salesian Spirituality 26 Jiktbu Ω-Ûag Ωag 29 Stejjer Qosra fuq D. Bosco 30 The Sparrow at Starbucks 32 Editorjali / Calendar of events / Something to think about Front Cover: The setting for EuroBosco in Malta Pg (Photo: Daniel Cilia)

3 EDITORJAL It-Tielet Sena: l-ispiritwalita` ta Dun Bosco Nhar is-16 ta Awwissu li g adda, jum twelid Dun Bosco, tajna bidu g at-tielet sena ta t ejjija g aç-çelebrazzjoni tal-mitejn sena minn twelidu waqt li nikbru fl-ispiritwalita` tag na proprju billi nistudjaw dik tieg u. Din issib il-g ajn tag ha f San Fran isk ta Sales, li g alih l-im abba fil-prattika kienet it-triq tal-perfezzjoni. Kura, niena, im abba, edukazzjoni: dawk kollha modi ta kif tg in u titqaddes; imma g al Dun Bosco l-aktar a a importanti kienet l-im abba pastorali li g andha l-g ajn tag ha f Alla. Il-qalba talispiritwalita` ta Dun Bosco kienet li jfittex il-glorja ta Alla u s-salvazzjoni tal-erwie. G aldaqstant hu g aωel b ala motto : Da mihi animas caetera tolle (Ag tini l-erwie u u l-bqija). Il-fer u l-hena tal-qalb huma parti importanti fil- idma Salesjana. Dar salesjana jew skola jew bit a ming ajr fer u festa huma b al isem ming ajr ru. G al Dun Bosco wie ed ma setax ikun qaddis ming ajr ma jkun fer an. G alhekk, dawn it-tlett snin li g addejjin minnhom sabiex niççelebraw il-200 sena minn twelid Giovanni Bosco huma Ωmien ta ti did fuq diversi livelli: ix-xog ol li jrid ja orna ru u, l-attitudni tag na, irrelazzjoni maω-ωg aωag, u fuq kollox il- ajja intima tag na ma Alla. G alhekk nitolbu g all-familja Salesjana kollha sabiex timxi l quddiem fil-qdusija, kull wie ed u wa da skont il-vokazzjoni tieg u/tag ha waqt li flimkien na dmu g aω-ωg oωija. Wara aktar minn 150 sena mit-twaqqif tal-kongregazzjoni Salesjana, qed ikollna niskopru mill- did l-ispiritwalita` Salesjana f soçjeta` post-kristjana. Imma nibqg u konvinti li l-istil ta qdusija propost minn Dun Bosco ji bed u jimpenja liz-ωg aωag tal-lum ukoll. Nistg u ni bru dan l-impenn fis-sej a: Emmen fik innifsek u imxi wara l- olma ta ajtek. A na nemmnu li ser ikun hemm dejjem xi add imsejja minn Alla sabiex jimxi warajh, flimkien ma Dun Bosco. Pádraig McDonald, SDB "DAR SALESJANA JEW SKOLA JEW BITÓA MINGÓAJR FERÓ U FESTA HUMA BÓAL ÌISEM MINGÓAJR RUÓ." Hajja Salesjana 3

4 EDITORIAL The third year: The Spirituality of Don Bosco Last August 16, 2013, the birthday of Don Bosco we began the third year of preparation for the bicentenary of his birth, seeking to deepen our spirituality by studying the spirituality of our saint. The spirituality of Don Bosco finds its source in Saint Francis de Sales, to whom the love and charity in human existence are ways of and to perfection. Presence, kindness, love, charity, education, care and many other adjectives could be included in it, but most important for Don Bosco was pastoral charity, which has its source in God. The core of Don Bosco s Spirituality was the glory of God and the salvation of souls and for that he chose the motto: Da mihi animas, cetera tolle (give me souls, take away the rest). The very important part of Salesian work is to be happy and joyful. The Salesian house, school or yard without joy and celebration is like body without the soul. For Don Bosco, being a saint was not possible without happiness. For the Salesian family these 3 years of preparation for the bicentenary of his birth are very important and it is a time of renewal at many levels: our style of work, our attitude, our relations with youth and, above all, our intimate life with God. We pray for all Salesians around the world and the Salesian family. Let us draw upon Don Bosco s experience, so they all can walk in holiness according to theirs specific vocation, together working for the young and the salvation of souls. After more than 150 years of the foundation of the Salesian Congregation we have found ourselves in the time of rediscovering the Salesian Spirituality in a post-christian society. We believe that Don Bosco s way of life is very attractive and challenging to the young of today. It could be expressed in the sentence: Believe in yourself and follow your dream. We believe that there is always someone called by God to follow him in a specific way, Don Bosco s way. Pádraig McDonald, SDB "THE SALESIAN HOUSE, SCHOOL OR YARD WITHOUT JOY AND CELEBRATION IS LIKE BODY WITHOUT THE SOUL." 4 Hajja Salesjana

5 Spiritwalità ta' Dun Bosco Alla Dejjem Kien G alija Missier Twajjeb Dun Bosco jirrakkonta... Kelma tal-bidu. G alkemm jien ktibt afna, g alxejn tfittxu g al xi djarju spiritwali tieg i, xi sibijiet profondi, jew xi rajja ta ajti li minnha tistg u tfasslu l-ispiritwalita` tieg i. Dan qatt ma kien l-istil tal-kitba tieg i. Forsi, min abba dik iç-çerta mist ija li g andhom in-nies tal-kampanja, jew aktarx min abba l-formazzjoni li jiena kelli, qatt ma assejtni komdu nesprimi ru i. Ûammejt dejjem f qalbi t-tifkira tal-esperjenzi, tat-ta bit u tax-xog ol appostoliku tieg i imma qatt ma ktibthom. Imma nista nisgurakom illi ajti kollha kibret Minn Pascual Chávez Villanueva Trad. Joe Cini kontinwament f kuntatt intimu mas-sopranatural, u jekk id-dinja kienet il-post tal-prova, il-fidi kienet ir-risposta tieg i. Fost provi mill-akbar g andna bωonn ta fidi kbira f Alla. U dan g adni ng idu lill-o rajn, imma l-ewwel lili nnifsi. Dak li wettaqni Kien hemm a a li dejjem mexxietni: f kollox kont in oss li kont mig un mill-g oli. Waqt li kont naf bil-limitazzjonijiet tieg i, assejt f qalbi il- e a tal- qaddej jew tal- profeta li jaf li ma jistax ja rab mir-rieda ta Alla. Meta tkellimt fuq il- olm li kelli, dejjem assejt li dawn kienu twiddib Hajja Salesjana 5

6 mill-g oli li kelli nag ti kashom sew u nwettaqhom bi prudenza w umilta`. Meta n ares lura lejn dak li g amilt, dejjem bqajt mistag eb b dak kollu li Alla g amel f ajti. Jiena kont qassis fqir, wa di, abbandunat minn kul add. Xi drabi wkoll imωebla u ppersegwitat. Kont in oss li qed nag mel il- id, imma dan kien jidher b al olma fierha ta sempliçi qassis, imma Alla wettaq kollox. Kif sar dan kollu jien ma nafx; ma nistax infissru. Óa a wa da naf : li Alla ried li dan isir. Jien kont g aωilt l-ewwel Salesjani minn fost it-tfal tal-oratorju, u kont ng idilhom: Il-Mulej jistenna wejje kbar minkom Alla beda opra u ser ikompliha, u inthom tridu tg inu f din l-opra. Alla huwa dak li beda kollox; Hu qieg ed ikabbar b alma wkoll qieg ed iωomm kollox miexi l-quddiem matul das-snin. Hu jwassalhom sattmiem u kull ma jrid minna huwa li nibqg u denji ta tjubija hekk kbira u tal- niena tieg u. Il-Provvidenza tieg u Ósieb li sikwit smajt ming and ommi allejtu jmexxini: A na f idejn Alla. Huwa l-a jar Missier. Dejjem irid il- id tag na. Huwa jaf dak li hu tajjeb g alina u dak li mhux. Dan kien jitlob fidi s i a, kura u fiduçja fil-provvidenza divina, avolja lejn l-a ar ta ajti stqarrejt, Li kieku kelli fidi g al mitt darba aktar, kont nag mel mitt darba aktar minn dak li g amilt. Fl-1847 ktibt ktejjeb ta talb u formazzjoni nisranija g at-tfal tieg i. Kont tajtu t-titlu: Is- Sie eb taω-ûg aωag, u kienu nmbieg u eluf ta kopji. Óa a li kont g edt fih kienet: M intix f diddinja biss biex tiddeverti, issir sinjur, tiekol u tixrob u torqod b al annimal. Inti hawn sabiex t obb l Alla. Lin-Nisrani kont fissirtu b ala wie ed li jterraq lejn il-ìenna. G alija, Alla u l-ìenna kienu jfissru l-istess. Infatti jiena xtaqt li t-tfal tieg i jkunu fer ana f din l-art u fl-eternita`. Meta kont insemmi lil Alla b ala Missier anin u li ja seb fina, kont nitqanqal. Meta kont inlissen il-kelmiet Missierna li inti fis-smewwiet, dal kliem kien jo ro dritt minn qalbi; u n-nies li kienu jisimg uni, kienu jg iduli. G al ajti kollha Óalli ng idilkom xi a a mo bija ewwa fija bi kliem li kont ktibt fl Forsi dak inhar veru wrejt ru i! Kont ktibt: Meta tajt lili nnifsi g al dalministeru qaddis, kienet intenzjoni tieg i li na dem b ilti kollha g all-glorja ta Alla u l- id tal-erwie. Xtaqt nag mel miω-ωg aωag çittadini tajba f din il- ajja sabiex jixirqilhom jg ammru g al dejjem fis-sema. Alla jg inni nkompli f dan sal-a ar nifs ta ajti. Ammen. Dawn kienu kliem ta mpenn qawwija li saru l-programm ta ajti; u qatt ma mort lura minnhom. Kien g alhekk li fil-ktejjeb Is-Sie eb taω-ûg aωag kont ktibt b kura u verita`: G eωieω Ωg aωag, jien n obbkom b qalbi kollha. BiΩΩejjed naf li intom Ωg aωag sabiex in obbkom. NiΩgurakom li g alkemm forsi ssibu kotba miktuba min nies aktar twajba u g orrief minni, ma na sibx li ser issibu min i obbkom aktar minni fi Kristu Ìesu`, jew li jixtiqilkom il-veru hena aktar minni. Kont dejjem na dem g all- id taω-ωg aωag, anke jekk hu veru li g addejt minn çertu Ωmien ta nçertezza. Dan kien f Lulju 1846, wara li kont sofrejt kriωi fisika li wasslittni sa xifer il-mewt. Meta ejt lura Turin minn Becchi fejn kont mort nistrie, kelli diskursata mal-markiωa Barolo, benefattriçi tag na, li abbitni daqs binha li qatt ma kellha. Kelli nie u deçiωjoni li, g andi l-pjaçir nirrepeti sal-lum, g aliex kien f dik l-okkaωjoni li ddeçidejt li nid ol g al dan ix-xog ol favur iω-ωg aωag. U llum, waqt li nara kif il-kongregazzjoni tferrxet mal-erbat itruf tad-dinja, ner a ng id dak li kont g idt lil dik il-benefattriçi tieg i: Óajti mog tija g all- id taω- Ωg aωag. Nirringrazzjak tal-offerta li g amiltli, imma ma nistax inwarrab mit-triq li l-providenza Divina aωωet g alija. U ntlaqt f idejn Alla li dejjem kien g alija missier twajjeb. "L-g erf huwa li tag raf tikkmanda r-rieda tieg ek" 6 Hajja Salesjana

7 This year also the Department for Social Communications has designed a poster for the third year of preparation for the Bicentenary of Don Bosco s birth. When the Rector Major announced the programme of preparation for the Bicentenary in 2015, the Department for Social Communications invited some Salesians and graphic centres to submit designs for a. The logo symbolizes the theme chosen for each of the three years a new knowledge of the history, the pedagogy and, for , the spirituality of Don Bosco. Among the many entries received, the one chosen was that of the Don Bosco Institute of Communication Arts (DBICA) from Chennai, India. It proposed a series with a specific poster and a different colour for each stage of the programme. Their proposal was widely accepted and appreciated by almost all the Provinces that used the poster, the logo and the colour scheme for publications and commemorative souvenirs. The third poster was designed by a young Salesian in initial formation, Peter Le from the Western Province of the USA. Peter is at present on work experience with the Department for Social Communications. Hajja Salesjana The poster for , in navy and blue, contains: The face of Don Bosco reproduced from the mould made by Cellini the day after Don Bosco death. It was used then to make the wax mask which can be seen in the urn in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians and the one that is on pilgrimage throughout the world. The picture by Mario Caffaro Rore ( ) of the autumn outings, now found in the lower Church of the Basilica at Colle Don Bosco. A photograph of Salesians and Daughters of Mary Help of Christians with some young people. The picture and the photograph were chosen to show that Salesian Spirituality consists in educative pastoral charity, both at its origin and as it is lived today. The Rector Major says: Salesian charity is pastoral charity because it seeks the salvation of souls, and it is an educative charity because it finds a resource in education that allows it to help young people to develop all their energies for good; in this way young people can grow up to be upright citizens, good Christians and future inhabitants of heaven. 7

8 JANUARY 2014 CALENDAR OF SALESIAN Wed 1 Fri 3 Sun Mon 6 Tue Wed 8 Fri Wed 22 Fri 24 Sat 25 Sun 26 FEBRUARY Wed 29 Fri 31 Sun 2 Wed 5 Fri Sat 8 Sun 9 Mon Wed 19 Sat 22 Mon 24 FEASTS & EVENTS New Year s Day. Mary, Mother of God. Peace Day St. Patrick s: First Friday Devotions at 6.00 p.m St Patrick s: Past Pulips Committee Meeting. Savio College: GOSPA Weekend Savio College: holiday in lieu of Open Day St Patrick s School: 2nd Term of scholastic year/ same for Savio College Savio College: HDS Live-in for Form 2 St Patrick s: Salesian Cooperators monthly meeting at 6.00 p.m. Savio College: Parents Formation Day. Prayer Day for Salesian Missions. Savio College: HDS Live in for Form 1 Blessed Laura Vicuna Saint Francis de Sales. St Patrick s: Commemoration of Mary Help of Christians at 6.00 p.m. At Salesian Oratory, Sliema, at 7.30 p.m. Savio College: Lectio Divina for Parents Celebration of Feast of St John Bosco by Salesian Family. St Patrick s Past Pupils AGM St. Patrick s: 3rd Talk on Women in the Bible by Magnificat at a.m. Saint John Bosco. Feast day in all Salesian Houses. St. Patrick s: Past Pulips Committee Meeting St Patrick s: Salesian Cooperators monthly meeting at 6.00 p.m. St. Patrick s: First Friday Devotions at 6.00 p.m. Savio College: HDS/Gospa Lectio Savio College: School Leavers Oral Exams. Quarterly Day of Recollection for SDB s. St. Patrick s: Cake Sale by Past Pupils Feast of St Paul Shipwrecked. Day of obligation. Prayer Day for Salesian Missions. Jew Jien jew Int by atturi Salesjani at Teatru Salesjan, Sliema. St Patrick s School: Mid-Year Exams. Savio College: Half Yearly Exams and Study Days St. Patrick s: 4th Talk on Women in the Bible by Magnificat at a.m Savio College: Lectio Divina for Parents St Patrick s: Commemoration of Mary Help of Christians at 6.00 p.m. At Salesian Oratory, Sliema, at 7.30 p.m. For any other info about the Salesians: Daughters of Mary Help of Christians: Salesians in Malta : / Password Hajja Salesjana : 8 Hajja Salesjana

9 MALTIN LI KELLMU JEW KITBU LIL DUN BOSCO (6) Minn Fr. Francis Zammit SDB Fis-17 ta Settembru 1879, Ωag Ωug Malti ta 18-il sena mar Valdocco, f Turin biex ikellem personalment lil Dun Bosco. Tg idx kemm iddispjaçieh meta sar jaf li Dun Bosco kien g adu kif telaq mid-dar biex imur Franza. Is-Salesjani taw kamra lil dan iω-ωag Ωug u wara li dan telaq sabu fiha kopja tal-kostituzzjonijiet Salesjani(1). Tg id dan iω-ωag Ωug ried isir Salesjan? G alkemm dan iω-ωag Ωug qatt ma rnexxielu jiltaqa ma Dun Bosco, kien iωda hu li rnexxielu j ib is-salesjani ta Dun Bosco f Malta. Dan huwa; ALFONSU MARIJA GALEA Twieled fil-belt Valletta fit-23 t April 1861 minn Pietru Pawl Galea miωωewwe lil Carmela. Alfonsu huwa ku in ta Mikielan Marija Mizzi, li semmejnieh aktar qabel f din is-sensiela, b ala l-ewwel Malti li nafu bih s issa li qatt iltaqa personalment ma Dun Bosco. Dakinhar li Alfonsu mar Valdocco biex jiltaqa ma Dun Bosco kien ej lura Malta minn Franza, ming and il-freres f Marsilja, fejn kien ilu jistudja g al madwar sentejn(2). Il- Frere li kien inkarigat minn Alfonsu b ala student, kien l-istess wie ed li kien inkarigat biex jie u sieb Dun Bosco meta dan kien mar joqg od g andhom biex jipprepara t-triq alli jifta l-ewwel dar tieg u g at-tfal filbωonn fi Franza(3). Kien Brother Joseph Emiljani li kompla e e in-nar ta m abba g al Dun Bosco f qalb iω-ωag Ωug Alfonsu, nar li kien qabbdu f din il-qalb l-edukatur Annibale Preca meta kien jg allem lil Alfonsu ta seba snin f dar missieru fil-belt Valletta(4). Darba wa da, meta Alfonsu kellu 21 sena, kien ie mqabbad minn missieru biex jibg at somma ta 40 lira lil Dun Bosco biex jg inu fil- idma mattfal foqra. Is-Salesjani bag tulu lura ritratt ta Dun Bosco. Hajja Salesjana Fit-23 ta Jannar 1893, Alfonsu kiteb lil Dun Mikiel Rua, is-suççessur ta Dun Bosco, issa li Dun Bosco kien ilu mejjet ames snin, u talbu jibg at is-salesjani f Malta. Qallu li hu kien lesta kollox, tkellem mal-gvern, offra l-art fejn tista timbena l-ewwel dar Salesjana f din il-gωira mg ammda mill-kbir Appostlu San Pawl, sab ilflus me tie a, u kien jonqos biss li jaslu ulied Dun Bosco f Malta. Fit-12 ta Novembru 1903 wasal Malta l-ewwel Salesjan, l-irlandiω Fr. Patrick O Grady u xi o rajn, meta biçça sewwa mill-bini ta din l-ewwel dar, St. Patrick f Tas- Sliema, kienet a lesta(5). Hekk se et il- olma tas-sur Fons Marija Galea, u afna o rajn qablu, li jaraw lil ulied Dun Bosco f Malta! Nota: Se nwaqqfu hawn din is-sensiela g ax s issa ma nafux b aktar Maltin li kellmu jew kitbu lil Dun Bosco. Pero bi siebna noffrulkom xog lijiet o ra ori inali dwar il-koperaturi ta Dun Bosco Maltin tal-ewwel Ωminijiet, meta waslu s-salesjani. Biblijografija: 1 Grasso, L.A. Alfons M. Galea 1992 pa ni idem 2 LEMOYNE, Mem. Biog. Di S.G.Bosco, , Vol.X111, p GRASSO, L.A. Alfons M. Galea, 1992 pa ni Ara Kronaka St. Patrick School, Sliema 9

10 DON BOSCO IN SOUTH ITALY After a joyful start in Naples, the pilgrimage of the relic of Don Bosco in Southern Italy continued to places like Bari, Potenza, Foggia, Salerno and Taranto. (September). In Bari the high point was the celebration of the Eucharist in mid-morning by Archbishop Francesco Cacucci. The cry of the young people of the Salesian Oratory of Caserta was, "It looks and feels as if Don Bosco were here!". The relic then reached Potenza on Thursday 26, but the entire civil community celebrated the occasion with a whole week of festivities. There was solemn a procession with the relic in Foggia on Friday 27 September. Archbishop Francesco Pio Tamburrino was among those who came to venerate the relic at the cathedral. The relic arrived in Salerno on Sunday, 29. Here also the day was spent in prayer, festive moments, silent homage and Eucharistic celebrations. On 3 October, the relic of Don Bosco reached Taranto and was taken to the premises of the steel company Ilva where the relic was welcomed by the workers for them, a sign of hope and redemption. DON BOSCO IN SICILY Friday 1st November saw the beginning of the pilgrimage of the Don Bosco relic in Sicily. with festivities at Ali Terme, where after a welcome and veneration by civil and religious authorities Don Bosco's relic was carried in procession to the FMA community where Blessed Maddalena Morano, worked for many years.then came Taormina and Catania where the Rector Major, Fr Pascual Chávez, and his Vicar, Fr Adriano Bregolin were present. Archbishop Calogero La Piana, 10 Hajja Salesjana

11 presided at the Solemn Mass. A mosaic showing Don Bosco with Blessed Morano and young people was unveiled to commemorate the occasion. On Sunday 3, at the Pala Catania, a symbolic event took place with some 5,000 people, members and sympathisers of the Salesian Family. This was an alternation of music dance and theatre, as well as prayer; the central moment was celebration of Mass using the liturgy for St John Bosco. During Mass the Rector Major spoke directly to young people of matters dear to Don Bosco, such as work and unemployment, families and their situation, hope, enthusiasm, joy and faith which should never be found wanting in the Christian. Sicilia?. DON BOSCO IN TRIVENETO There is excitement at the arrival of the relic of Don Bosco in Triveneto. The Salesians, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and the whole Church of Triveneto were ready to host this major relic from the evening of 20 November until 13 December. Twenty-three stages wee planned along a route that goes from Mogliano to Conegliano Veneto. Numerous side events took place on the days that precede the arrival of the relic in the city and during the visit. Meetings were scheduled with students and past pupils, solemn celebrations, vigils and pilgrimages to welcome the Saint of Youth and get to know him better. Many Bishops or Episcopal Vicars participated directly in the celebrations. In some cases they actually hosted the relic in their diocesan cathedral. Fr Roberto Dal Molin, Superior of the Salesians of the Province of North Eastern Italy, says: "The pilgrimage of the relic tells us that Don Bosco continues to take care of the young today. He sacrificed himself on their behalf, went to visit them in their place of work, in shops and factories. There he addressed a word to one, smiled at another, and left everyone feeling happy. He did the same on this visit to us here in our city. He shared with us that passion for God that led him to love young people, especially the poorest of them. He invited us go out of our narrow circles and safe comfortable places to become leaders in God s great and unending dream for his people." The event was covered by the media and the press. Constant updates could be found on the social network sites, Facebook and Twitter, and on site set up specifically for that occasion. Hajja Salesjana 11

12 Cambodia The official opening of the Don Rua Youth Hostel and the Mary Help of Youth Water Tower Kep City Bishop Olivier Schmitthaeusler, the Apostolic Vicar of Phnom Penh, led the official opening of the water tower and a youth hostel for the educative community of the Don Bosco Technical School in Kep Province. This took place in October Fr John Visser representative for the Don Bosco Foundation of Cambodia, while the donors were represented by Mr Gerard van Hal and Mr Hans Krake, both from the Netherlands, were present. The Don Rua Youth Center was created to welcome groups of children and youth from other provinces coming for special meetings. This new building now has two other goals: on the ground floor there is a school restaurant and art communication section, on the first floor there is a hostel. The restaurant school can hold more than 500 people, although the number of students this year is 192. The Mary Help of Youth Water Tower belongs to the Water System Project for the technical school supported by donors from Bonn. The goal is to guarantee water for this large educational community. The pump, engineered by Stichting Scholenproject Cambodja Rotterdam (SSCR) and Wilde Ganzen is assisted by solar panels. The structure also offers the possibility of three dormitories for young female teachers, The structure is 15 meters high, the tallest building on the campus and is a offers a view of Kep Bay and the Vietnamese island of Koh Trol and the Bokor Mountains across the bay. Kep is the smallest Cambodian province and is in the southeast near the Vietnamese border overlooking the Gulf of Thailand; a rural area with great lack of education centers forcing many young people to migrate to Phnom Penh, Sihanoukville or Thailand in search of better opportunities. In the Salesian Centre there are currently 192 students in sections such as audiovisual production, web development, IT & English, office administration, art communication, agriculture, electricity and hotel skills. It is also a school based on gender equality, and in the evening there are informal courses for children and youth from the nearby villages in English, computers and internet. 12 Hajja Salesjana

13 Syria Damascus The Salesians and Salesian Sisters in Syria continue to go all out for the most needy, the wounded, the sick, people isolated because of the war and the many young people who need an answer to their questions in the face of so much violence. The Salesian Sisters run the Italian hospital in Damascus, at Mazraa. For the past two years they have looked after people injured by shelling and and car bombs affecting the capital and all for free. Some days we have taken in as many as 30 injured people; said the Superior, Sr Annamaria Scarsella. The hospital is an old building but well set up, with 55 beds and 70 doctors. It was founded in1913 by the Egyptologist Ernesto Schiapparelli. This year is the hospital's centenary, Sr Widad Abiad, a Syrian FMA tells us. Today the hospital is a reference point for the people amidst the troubles in the capital. Likewise the nearby Salesian oratory and school attended by 200 children and 300 older youth. Here they also distribute food to families in difficulty, offer psychological help and school support and training. There are many families in this community with problems. Fr Leon tells us. Many who were working in tourism or with the European Embassies have lost their jobs. Most of our Salesian Family stands beside those most in need young people come from working-class suburbs, especially Dweila and Jaramana. We have to weigh up the risks daily and decide whether or not to send a bus to collect them. Everyone has been affected by the war Fr León said. Some have had close relatives killed, others friends, neighbours. In a situation like this some ask: If God exists, why does he allow this to happen?. Others, who earlier came to the oratory only to play, now say to me: Abu, I understand, there is a God. There is also a new flourishing of Faith amongst our young people, a return to an evangelical lifestyle. Hajja Salesjana 13

14 Big stories from little hearts. Author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia once talked about a contest he was asked to judge. The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child. The winner was a four-year-old child, whose next door-neighbour was an elderly gentleman, who had recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there. When his mother asked him what he had said to the neighbour, the little boy just said, 'Nothing, I just helped him cry.' Teacher Debbie Moon's first graders were discussing a picture of a family. One little boy in the picture had a different hair colour than the other members... One of her students suggested that he was adopted. A little girl said, 'I know all about adoption, I was adopted.' 'What does it mean to be adopted?' asked another child. 'It means', said the girl, 'that you grew in your mommy's heart instead of her tummy!' Whenever I'm disappointed with my spot in life, I stop and think about little Jamie Scott. Jamie was trying out for a part in the school play. His mother told me that he'd set his heart on being in it, though she feared he would not be chosen. On the day the parts were awarded, I went with her to collect him after school. Jamie rushed up to her, eyes shining with pride and excitement. 'Guess what, Mom,' he shouted, and then said those words that will remain a lesson to me...'i've been chosen to clap and cheer.' 14 Hajja Salesjana

15 9 Gifts that do not cost a cent 1) The Gift of Listening... But you must REALLY listen. No interrupting, no daydreaming, no planning your response. Just listening. 2) The Gift of Affection... Be generous with appropriate hugs, kisses, pats on the back and handholds. Let these small actions demonstrate the love you have for family and friends. 3) The Gift of Laughter... fun pages to your friends. Share articles and funny stories. Your gift will say, 'I love to laugh with you.' 4) The Gift of a Written Note... It can be a simple 'Thanks for the help' note or a full sonnet. A brief, handwritten note may be remembered for a lifetime, and may even change a life. 5) The Gift of a Compliment... A simple and sincere, 'You look great in red,' 'You did a super job' or 'That was a wonderful meal' can make someone's day. 6) The Gift of a Favour... Every day, go out of your way to do something kind. 7) The Gift of Solitude... There are times when we want nothing better than to be left alone. Be sensitive to those times and give the gift of solitude to others as well as to yourself. 8) The Gift of a Cheerful Disposition... The easiest way to feel good is to extend a kind word to someone. Really it's not that hard to say, 'Hello' or 'Thank You'. 9) The Gift of Salvation... It doesn't cost us a cent but it has been paid for in full at the price of God's own Son, Jesus. 'The gift of God is eternal Life through Jesus Christ, our Lord.' But in order to receive this most wonderful of all gifts, you have to accept it through faith. Hajja Salesjana 15

16 Il-Madonna ta' Kibeho Dan l-isem ifakkarna fid-dehriet tal-madonna lil numru ta Ωg aωag f Kibeho (Ruwanda) fis-snin 80. Dawn id-dehriet bdew f Novembru 1981 meta di a` kien hemm tensjoni kbira bejn it-tutsis u l-hutus, tribujiet fir-ruwanda. Id-dehriet se ew fl-iskola sekondarja tal-bniet fil-belt çkejkna ta Kibeho, u fosthom kien hemm dehra tal-biωa, turi lir-ruwanda tg addi minn Ωmien ta vjolenza u mibeg da li seta jfisser il- ruxija tal- lied li se snin wara fl Il-Ver ni Marija dehret lill-grupp ta bniet, bl-isem ta Nyina wa Jambo (Omm il-kelma), li huwa sinonimu ta Umunyeyi W Imana (Omm Alla). Il-bniet li rawha qalu li l-ver ni Marija e et lil kul add sabiex jitlob alli ma sse x gwerra qalila. Fil-viΩjoni tad-19 ta Awwissu 1982, huma qalu li raw ruxija, i sma mbiççra u erba. Ix-xbejba li l-aktar kellha dehriet fit-tul kienet Alphonsine Mumureke (17 il sena) li kellha l-ewwel dehra nhar it-28 ta Novembru 1981 u l-a ar wa da nhar it-28 ta Novembru Id-dehriet lil Anathalie Mukamazimpaka (20 sena) bdew f Jannar 1982 u temmew fit-3 ta Dicembru Marie Claire Mukangango (21 sena) rat lill-madonna matul 6 xhur, mit-2 ta Marzu 1982 sal- 15 ta Settembru Hija kienet iet maqtula fil-massakru tal-1995 f dak l-istess post. Meta l-papa Ìwanni Pawlu II Ωar ir-ruwanda e e lill-insara sabiex i arsu lejn il-ver ni Marija b ala gwida sempliçi u Ωgura u jitolbuha tqawwihom kontra kull qasma ta bejniethom sijja politika kemm ta razza. F April tal-1994 kien ie assassinat il-president tan-nazzjon; g all-100 jum wara dan, daqs 800,000 çittadin ew maqtula fi lied bejn in-nies tal-istess nazzjon, xi w ud minnhom anke irien ta xulxin. Dan kien ir-riωultat ta animoωita` kbira bejn iω- Ωew razez tal-hutus u tat-tutsis. G al darbtejn, il-belt ta Kibeho kienet ix-xena ta massakri orox, l-ewwel madwar il-knisja parrokkjali (April 1994) u mbag ad sena wara meta suldati fet u n-nar u 16 Hajja Salesjana

17 qatlu mal-5000 ru f kamp tarrefu jati. Fost dawk maqtula kien hemm tfal, u l-istess Marie Claire Mukangango. G alkemm kien hemm tfajliet o rajn li qalu li kienu dehrulhom kemm Marija u anke Ìesu`, l-isqof ta Gikongoro Mons. Augustin Misago, approva d-devozzjoni lejn id-dehriet u l-awtentiçita` tattlieta li semmejt hawn fuq biss (2001). Dan l-isqof kien ie akkuωat li g en fil- lied u fil-massakru (1999), imma ie ddikjarat ieles minn kull akkuωa sena wara (2000). Id-devozzjoni tan-nies tar- Ruwanda tissarraf fil-festa tal- Madonna ta Kibeho nhar it-28 ta Novembru. Is-Santwarju Marjan ta Kibeho ie msemmi g all-madonna tad-duluri. L-ewwel ebla tqieg det fit-28 ta Novembru 1992; issa, das-santwarju, huwa mmexxi mil- Patrijiet Pallottini. Illum Kibeho sar post ta pellegrian i u ta laqg at g al dawk kollha li jfittxu lil Kristu jew li ji u hawn sabiex jitolbu; sar çentru ta konverωjoni, ta tpattija g ad-dnubiet tad-dinja u ta rikonçiljazzjoni; sar post fejn jistg u jiltaqg u dawk kollha li huma mitlufin, bog od minn djarhom kif ukoll g al dawk kollha li huma mxennqa g all-valuri tal- niena u m abba ta a wa, ming ajr fruntieri; sar çentru li jfakkar fil-van elu tas-salib (l-isqof ta Kibeho). Hajja Salesjana 17

18 Something to think about People have a way of becoming what you encourage them to be, not what you nag them to be. Other people don t make you what you are; they only reveal what you are. Enjoy the little things. One day you may look back and realise that they were the big things. You can t trust and worry at the same time. Looking on the bright side of life will never cause eye-strain. Worry pulls tomorrow s cloud over today s sunshine. 18 Hajja Salesjana

19 Hajja Salesjana 19

20 Albert Madiona: A lover of Don Bosco by Anna Maria Madiona. My father, the late Albert H. Madiona, left this vale of tears to join the Risen Christ on 3 October He was born on 20 February 1926, the sixth out of seven children of the [late] Joseph and [late] Mary Grace neè Cefai. He married Antoinette neè Pirotta on 04 July 1953 and had two children, Anna Maria (single) and Pierre Albert (married). Whenever, my father was asked why he got married, he would jokingly say, that whilst America celebrated its Independence Day on 04 July, he lost his because he got married. My father had a sense of humour and was very much loved by one and all. At the Selesjani Albert H. Madiona joined the Salesian Oratory in Sliema in 1945 under the guidance of Bro. Karm Galea sdb and after a few years he became one of the principal actors in drama with great success. He also acted secondary parts in social comedies with Johnny Navarro, Nosi Ghirlando, Armando Urso and other good actors. He also spent several years taking part in a number of radio plays both in the old studio in Valletta and then at the new Rediffusion studio in G Mangia. My father vividly recalled that in the late 50s during Lent, for seven consecutive Sundays, the theatre used to be packed with an audience coming from all parts of Malta (private buses were used from different localities) to watch the Passion play. Papa` used to interpret the role of Judas Iscariot successfully. In the play, when Judas grasped the fact that he had actually betrayed His master, his reaction was an outburst in a very moving monologue. His desperation was so realistic and superb that all the audience used to be spellbound. As Judas walked out on the way to hang himself, the spectators would give my father a hearty applause for his interpretation. Albert excelled in the different roles he played. He not only entranced his audience but also managed to move them to tears with his interpretations. President of the Oratorju In the Youth Club there used to be two full size billiard tables, two table-tennis tables, tablesoccer, darts, tuck shop, a medium size football ground complete with showers. Tennis was also played on the grounds. There was also a Juniors Club, Past Pupils Group, a good sizeable Chapel where daily masses aware said, and last but not least the Boys Brigade. Many of these amenities plus the Brigade, are still in existence. 20 Hajja Salesjana

21 Once appointed as the President of the Salesians Club and also President of the Sportsmanship Crusade, a new era in sports in general evolved especially in football and athletics. As a matter of fact, Salesians won honours when they used to play at the Manoel Island Football grounds. They also took part in the Inter Amateur Sports Association (IASC) League in Floriana. Papa` had attended a Youth Leadership Course organised by the Education Department. He followed the full course and passed the written examination with flying colours. A Diploma was handed to him in mid 1960 duly signed by the Director of Education, Mr. J.P. Vassallo and Mr. J. Burgess as Youth Service Organizer. With regards to athletics in my father s time, there was Charles Cioffi who was the Salesians idol and won honours; so much so that he, the best athlete in Malta at that time, was chosen as the Sportsman of the Year in 1964 when he was only 19 years of age. Charles Cioffi ended his career by being a physical education teacher in one of Malta s most reputed colleges. During his long tenure as President of the Salesians Club, my father, took it in his stride to enquire, negotiate and purchase at a bargain Hajja Salesjana price a full size billiard table complete with a full set of snooker/billiard balls, cues, score boards etc. from the English Services at Manoel Island, before they left Malta for good. My father had then approached Mr. Robbie Lautier asking him to replace the billiard cloth and cushions. Mr. Lautier was a first class billiard player and an expert in replacing billiard cloths and cushions. Remembering Dun Karm Dun Karm Psaila, the national poet, often visited the Salesians Club where he always received a warm welcome. He even used to have a go for a few minutes at billiards. On a particular occasion, papa` directed him to the Salesians private parlour to discuss a personal problem. After Dun Karm heard all the details, he promised that he would send my father a confidential letter with all the answers to his queries which in fact he did. As Christmas was nearing, Dun Karm sent the said letter to papa` which was later destroyed due to its confidentiality, and at the bottom of the letter he also included his Christmas greetings in the form of a poem duly signed Dun Karm. This original poem was framed and has been held as a treasure ever sincein our home. Kindly remember my dear father in your prayers. 21

22 From Australia! Know Your Life Members Better: Joe and Anna Fabri Many of our elderly readers from Sliema side would know Joe Fabri. We present here a brief portrait of him and his work in the Association of Past Pupils and Friends of Don Bosco in NSW, Australia. Joe Fabri was the Association s President from He joined the Committee as its treasurer and a year later in 1997 was elected as Vice-President. As President Joe Fabri served and worked very hard to re-vitalise the Association. My first contact with Joe was many years ago. I recall the enthusiasm he showed in our Christmas get-togethers as a popular performer on stage, an activity that brought out the Salesian spirit of friendship. His wife Anna too served on the committee for a number of years, namely as its secretary and PRO ( ) a role she fulfilled with efficiency and commitment. Mark: Where were you born and what year did you come out to Australia? Joe I was born in Sliema on the first air-raid by the Germans on 18th January When I was 15 years old, my father decided we should migrate to Australia. Unfortunately, he passed away on our first day on the ship, the Aurelia, in I returned to Malta and came to Australia alone the following year. Mark: Joe when did you first hear of the name of Don Bosco? Joe As a child of 6 years I used to go to the Salesjani and I used to love going there. I joined the Salesian Boys Brigade and was acting on stage under the direction of Bro. Carmelo Galea. I remember singing on stage with John Balbi. Interview Mark: When was your first contact with the Maltese Past Pupils of DB (NSW)? How did it come about? Joe As our first President, Joe Zerafa, is my second cousin, he contacted me and I was more than happy to go along to one of their first meetings. I remember there were Lino Cini, Alan Bonnici, Philip Bonnici, Charles Muscat, Charlie Catania and others. 22 Hajja Salesjana

23 Mark: Your wife Anna is also a member and was on the committee too. I have no doubt that her support has enabled you to participate in the Assoc for a number of years. Tell us more. Joe If it wasn t for my wife, Anna, I would not have taken on such a huge task. Her help was very crucial as a Secretary and she s so clever with the computer. Mark: What year was you awarded Life Membership? Joe After 5 years as President, I decided to step down due to ill-health and burn-out. I remember my last Member s Meeting as President, I was told I was being made a Life Member of the Association. Mark: What would you say are the highlights of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco? Joe One definitely stands out and that was when I decided to invite the Governor General of NSW, Ms Marie Bashir, as Guest of Honour at our Gala Ball. Everyone thought I was crazy but we did it and it was one of the best Gala Balls in Sydney. At the same time, we reached the target of $350,000 raised for various charities. Mark: Joe, are there any improvements you would like to see in the Association for the years ahead? Joe The most important one is to try to encourage our younger generation into the Association, otherwise we will soon fade away. New committee for 2013/14 President: Mark Caruana Secretary: Josephine Galea Treasurer: Lawrence Dimech Vice-President: Joe Galea Asst Secretary: Doris Spiteri Asst Treasurer: Lino Cini Social Organiser: Sam Gatt Spiritual Director: Fr Carmelo Sciberras Committee Members: Marlene Dimech, Monica Saliba, Christine Sapienza Hajja Salesjana 23

24 It was a great honour for Malta to be chosen to host the 11th EUROBOSCO. The committee under the leadership of a much experienced Fr Charles Cini, gave its time and energy for the success of this European Assembly of Past Pupils of Don Bosco. Twelve European countries were represented at this congress which took place at the Intercontinental Hotel, Paceville, starting on Thursday 21st November and ending on Sunday 24th. The Congress was officially opened by the World President of Past Pupils, Mr Francesco Muceo. He spoke to the assembly after the messages of various dignitaries, among them that of H.H. Pope Francis and Don Chavez, our Rector Major, had been read out. Different working sessions and study groups were held, the participants dividing themselves according to language. Several incisive papers were read by Prof..Isaac Tunez (World Councellor), Mr Carlos Berenguer Sanchez, and the one really worth mentioning given by Dr Michael Frendo. Of much interest was 24 Hajja Salesjana

25 the presentation of various projects in favour of youth undertaken by Past Pupils in many parts of Europe. The participants to the Congress had also some leisure time visiting various localities in Valletta, walking in Paceville and St Julian s. On Saturday evening, H.E. Card. Giuseppe Versaldi presided over the Mass concelebrated by the Salesian Delegates. This was held at St Patrick s Church in Sliema. During the concluding Gala Dinner that followed, Mr Muceo awarded the golden badge to Fr. Paul Formosa, Fr. Charles Cini, Saviour Bianchi, Alfred Borg and Rose Marie Bonnici. The official closing of the Congress was held on Sunday. After dinner the Delegates started returning to their countries satisfied with the success of the EUROBOSCO. May this Congress enhance your closeness to Christ and a generous Christian witness on the example of St. John Bosco My Apostolic blessing. (H.H.Pope Francis). Your task ahead is to incarnate Don Bosco s dream that you would be Good Christians and Upright Citizens in the Europe of today with its challenges and opportunities in new, creative and credible ways. (Rev Fr Provincial, Fr Michael Casey SDB). Hajja Salesjana 25

26 Salesian Spirituality (1) By Archbishop Angelo Amato, S.D.B. Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith During this 3rd year in preparation for the celebrations of the 200 years since the birth of Don Bosco, we present 5 articles that will help us understand our saint s spirituality. The first 2 are parts of the same article by Card. Angelo Amato SDB The Four Pillars of Salesian Spirituality (Part 1) The month of January is particularly marked by Salesian holiness, as if to indicate the spiritual tone that should colour the flow of days and deeds in the New Year. This Salesian holiness shines out in some of the most important Salesian figures: Blessed Luigi Variara (15 January), an example of a humble, brave Salesian missionary who was determined to give a genuinely Salesian approach to nursing the most marginalized sick people; Blessed Laura Vicuña (22 January), a shining example of Salesian education who rigorously defended her dignity as a 12-year-old girl, as an offering for the conversion of those dear to her; St Francis de Sales (24 January), the Patron Saint of Salesians who inspired Salesian virtues such as the gentleness and docility of Jesus, the Good Shepherd; St John Bosco (31 January), our founder, teacher and father, and above all, our unexcelled model of holiness. The liturgy for the feast of Don Bosco calls him "teacher and father" to the young (Entrance Antiphon), and rightly so, for Don Bosco was a teacher, catechist, writer and founder of religious congregations dedicated to the education of youth. Certain aspects of Don Bosco's spiritual pedagogy that are particularly appropriate today have been providentially treated in the recent Magisterium of the Holy Father, John Paul II. 26 Hajja Salesjana

27 We refer in particular to the Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae, the Encyclical Ecclesia de Eucharistia, and the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortations Ecclesia in Europa and Pastores Gregis. In them we discover the four pillars that sustained Don Bosco in his pedagogy as a priest and Christian educator: devotion to Mary and to the Eucharist; the virtue of hope that gives us joie de vivre; ready obedience to and communion with the Pastors of the Church. First pillar: devotion to Mary Help of Christians For Don Bosco, the Immaculate Virgin, Mary Help of Christians, was the ever-present Mother who helps her children daily, going to their rescue and leading them to Jesus. "Be devoted to Mary Help of Christians", he would habitually say, "and you will see what miracles are!" For Don Bosco, Marian devotion had an intrinsically ecclesial dimension since he saw Mary as the powerful Helper who defends the Church and the Pope from every kind of danger. This is why in the Salesian tradition the daily recitation of the Rosary is not only an element of Marian devotion, but above all the contemplation of Jesus in the mysteries of his saving Incarnation. Second pillar: devotion to Jesus in the Eucharist The second pillar of Don Bosco's spirituality was devotion to Jesus in the Eucharist, which he saw as the heart of every Salesian house. He used to remind young people: "If you want many graces, pay many visits to Jesus in the Sacrament; if you want few graces, pay him few". Don Bosco was a "vir eucharisticus", that is, a saint formed through and through by the Eucharist. He was so passionate about the Eucharist that he communicated his passion to the young people he carefully prepared for communion with the Lord through the sacrament of Reconciliation. For Don Bosco, Confession and the Eucharist were the two sacraments that inculcated in young people the Christian virtues and holiness. On this topic he wrote in 1877: "Frequent Confession and daily Mass are the pillars that must support an educational building that we desire to protect from threats and scourges. Never force youngsters to receive the holy sacraments, but only encourage them and make it easy for them to do so" (John Bosco, Il sistema preventivo nella educazione della gioventù [1877], n. 4). The 15-year-old St Dominic Savio is a shining example of this sacramental pedagogy which strengthened his virtuous habits and his union with Jesus, witnessed by his Eucharistic ecstasies during Holy Communion. (To be continued.) Hajja Salesjana 27

28 The Last Wishes of Alexander the Great On his death bed, Alexander told to his generals his three last wishes: 1. I want the best doctors to carry my coffin to demonstrate that, in the face of death, even the best doctors in the world have no power to heal. 2. I want the road to be covered with my treasure so that everybody sees that material wealth acquired on earth, stays on earth. 3. I want my hands to swing in the wind, so that people understand that we come to this world empty handed and we leave this world empty handed after the most precious treasure of all is exhausted, and that is TIME. Then Alexander the Great continued to explain: A. We do not take to our grave any material wealth, although our good deeds can be our travellers' cheques. TIME is our most precious treasure because it is LIMITED. We can produce more wealth, but we cannot produce more time. B. When we give someone our time, we actually give a portion of our life that we will never take back. Our time is our life! C. So, the best present that you can give to your friends and family is your TIME. May GOD grant you plenty of TIME and may you have the wisdom to give it away so that you can LIVE, LOVE and DIE in peace. 28 Hajja Salesjana

29 Jiktbu Ω-Ûg aωag - Ósibijiet minn Daphne Marie Muscat Kif se nagħmel għall-paċi? Niftakar li jum minnhom g amilt kura u staqsejt lil saçerdot abib tal-familja...imma x inhi l-vera paçi, Father? U t-twe iba kienet : Li tkun paçi mieg ek innifsek, ma addie or u ma Alla. Hekk hu! Nista nikkonferma mill-esperjenza tieg i ta Ωag Ωug a li meta tkun fil-paçi tkun qieg da tg ix il-fer ta Alla. Meta tifta il-bibien ta qalbek g all-paçi tkun qed tirçievi afna fer ming and Alla. Xi drabi nsibuha diffiçli sabiex na fru. Dan g aliex a na dg ajfin minn ewwa u huwa f dawn il-mumenti ta dg jufija li aktar u aktar je tie ilna nsibu l-fer ta Alla ewwa fina: dan iqawwina. B ala bnedmin je tie li nsibu l-paçi fil-mumenti li n ossuna li neqsin minnha. Huma f dawn ilmumenti iebsin u mudlama li b paçenzja u fidi assidwa je tie nfittxu l-paçi. Il-paçi tag tina s-sa a, id-dinjita`, issens ta responsabbilta` fina nfusna u flistess in inkunu kapaçi nitfg u arsitna fuq addie or u ng inu lil min i ossu wa du, imdejjaq jew inkwetat u m awwad. U filwaqt li a na nkunu qed nuru bil-provi li n obbu lil addie or, Alla wkoll jibg atilna s-sliem g ax Huwa jifhem l-intenzjonijiet nobbli tag na u ma joqg odx lura milli jippremja s-sagrifiççji tag na. Huwa importanti li qatt ma nkissru lil add, speçjalment lill-persuni tant g eωieω li jg ixu ta t l-istess saqaf mag na. Sfortunatament meta nisimg u jew naqraw l-a barijiet, b al donnu ninteb tu li fid-dinja m hawnx paçi. Li d-dinja m g andhiex paçi... Imma jekk a na rridu nkunu uniçi, ejjew na dmu g allpaçi u l- idma ta kul add tg in sabiex ikollna futur ta dinja aktar fil-paçi. Noqog du attenti sabiex ma n allux lil min itellifna min abba l-vizzjijiet tad-droga, tas-sess, alko ol u log ob ta flus bla raωan. Jew li jkunu l-g ira u r-reg ba li jie du kontroll ta ajjitna. Dawn ikissru l-paçi wara li jag tuk sodisfazzjon ta ftit in. Inti li qed taqra jist oqqlok li tg ix fil-paçi u nawguralek sabiex bl-g ajnuna t Alla ssibha u tisseddaq fiha. Hajja Salesjana 29

30 Stejjer Qosra fuq Dun Bosco Qaddis Me udin mill-ktieb ta Claudio Russo: Don Bosco e il soprannaturale. Il-Kardinal Vives Y Tuto`, li ddefenda l-kawωa tal-kanonizzazzjoni ta Dun Bosco, kien qal: Matul ajti eωaminajt bosta kawωi imma qatt ma ltqajt ma wa da tant mimlija bis-soprannatural daqs din. Il-Mulej kien g o bu jag ni r-ru ta Dun Bosco b kariωmi speçjali, b al ma kienu li jkollu viωjonijiet u olm, li jara l- ejjieni, jg id profeziji, u jaqra fil-kuxjenza. CARLO, IKKONSLA LIL OMMOK Don Albera jirrakkonta li darba wa da, sinjura minn Marsilja, kellha tifel ta sbatax -il sena li kien jinkwietha afna. Bil- sieb u t-tama li jkun xi darba mbierek minn Don Bosco adet lit-tfajjel u l- utu l-o ra fil-kulle ta San Leone, f Marsija stess, fejn kien qed joqg od Don Bosco waqt Ωjara f dik il-belt. Hi asbet li kien ikun facli tiltaqa ma Don Bosco u tkellmu, iωda qalulha li kellha tistenna sakemm jispiçça l-quddiesa. Kif spiççat il-quddiesa, tant kien hemm nies biex ikellmu lill-qaddis, illi kienu daqqu nofsinhar qabel ma kien imissa hi. EΩatt f dak il-mument, Dun Albera, li kien id-direttur ta dak l-istitut, wasal sabiex jistieden lil Dun Bosco biex jid ol fir-refettorju halli jiekol mal-komunita`. Meta rat dan, dik il-povra mara nfaqg et tibki u tilmenta li kienet stenniet ames sig at g al xejn. 30 Hajja Salesjana

31 IΩda Don Bosco, b al qisu ma kienx sema dawk ilkliem u mar dritt lejn iω-ωag Ωug u, waqt li po a idu fuq spallejh, qallu, Carlo, wasal iω-ωmien li tikkonsla ftit lil ommok! Kif semg et dan il-kliem, l-omm baqg et skantata; ma setg etx tifhem kif Dun Bosco qralha siebijitha fil-waqt li sejja lil binha b ismu. Imbag ad dar lejha u ser ilha rasha li binha kien se jbiddel ajtu u berikhom. Tlett snin wara, dik is-sinjura, flimkien mal-istess binha Carlo, kellmet lil sie bi Dun Grosso, u qaltlu, M intix tag rafni? Jiena dik is-sinjura li ejt inkellem lil Dun Bosco tlett snin ilu u dan it-tifel tieg i li Dun Bosco kien qal li ser ibiddel im ibtu. U veru li minn dakin-nhar biddel ajtu. It-tifel qal lil Dun Grosso illi dakin-nhar li kien iltaqa ma Don Bosco, il-qaddis kien tah arsa elwa li nifditlu qalbu. (cfr. G.B.Lemoyne, II,490). "Unfortunately, parents are not always good counsellors because they are not always guided by what is best for their son s spiritual welfare, but by worldly considerations... But if your parents live their faith, they are your best counsellors because they know you intimately and their advice can be naught but good and well-founded. Generally, if you ask their advice properly, you will get it." Don Bosco Hajja Salesjana 31

32 THE SPARROW AT STARBUCKS It was chilly in Manhattan but warm inside the Starbucks Cafe. Early November weather in New York City is enough to send the masses crowding indoors to vie for available space and warmth. For a musician, it's the most lucrative location in the world, and consequently, the tips can be substantial if you play your tunes right. Apparently, we were striking all the right chords that night, because our basket was almost overflowing. I was playing keyboard and singing backup for my friend who also added rhythm with an arsenal of percussion instruments. We mostly did pop songs from the '40s to the '90s. During our emotional rendition of the classic, "If You Don't Know Me by Now," I noticed a lady sitting in one of the lounge chairs across from me. She was swaying to the beat and singing along. After the tune was over, she approached me. "I apologize for singing along on that song. Did it bother you?" she asked. "No," I replied. "We love it when the audience joins in. Would you like to sing up front on the next selection?" She accepted my invitation. "You choose," I said. "What are you in the mood to sing?" "Well... do you know any hymns?" Hymns? I gave our guest singer a knowing look. "Name one." "Oh, I don't know. There are so many good ones. You pick one." "Okay," I replied. "How about 'His Eye is on the Sparrow'?" My new friend was silent, her eyes averted. Then she fixed her eyes on mine again and said, "Yeah. Let's do that one." She slowly nodded her head, put down her purse, straightened her jacket and faced the centre of the shop and began to sing, "Why should I be discouraged? Why should the shadows come?" The audience of coffee drinkers was transfixed. Even the gurgling noises of the cappuccino machine ceased as the employees stopped what they were doing to listen. The song rose to its conclusion. "I sing because I'm happy; I sing because I'm free. For His eye is on the sparrow, And I know He watches me." When the last note was sung, the applause crescendoed to a deafening roar that would have rivalled a sold-out crowd at Carnegie Hall. Embarrassed, the woman tried to shout over the din, "Oh, y'all go back to your coffee! I didn't come in here to do a concert! But the ovation 32 Hajja Salesjana

33 continued... I embraced my new friend. "You, my dear, have made my whole year! That was beautiful!" "Well, it's funny that you picked that particular hymn," she said. "Why is that?" "Well..." she hesitated again, "that was my daughter's favourite song." "Really!" I exclaimed. "Yes," she said, and then grabbed my hands. By this time, the applause had subsided and it was business as usual. "She was 16. She died of a brain tumour last week." She smiled through tear-filled eyes and squeezed my hands. "I'm gonna be okay. I've just got to keep trusting the Lord and singing his songs, and everything's gonna be just fine." She picked up her bag, gave me her card, and then she was gone. Was it just a coincidence that we happened to be singing in that particular coffee shop on that particular November night? Coincidence that this wonderful lady just happened to walk into that particular shop? Coincidence that of all the hymns to choose from, I just happened to pick the very hymn that was the favourite of her daughter, who had died just the week before? I refuse to believe it. God has been arranging encounters in human history since the beginning of time, and it's no stretch for me to imagine that he could reach into a coffee shop in midtown Manhattan and turn an ordinary gig into a revival. It was a great reminder that if we keep trusting Him and singing His songs, everything's gonna be okay. "I sing because I'm happy; I sing because I'm free. For His eye is on the sparrow, And I know He watches me." Hajja Salesjana 33

34 Are you being called to the PRIESTHOOD And to the SALESIAN way of life? Tel / or vocations@salesiansmalta.org for more information:

35 Testmenti Tista tg inna fix-xog ol li a na nag mlu mat-tfal u maω-ωg aωag foqra billi tiftakar fina fit-testment tieg ek jew tibg at donazzjoni. Huwa bil-g ajnuna ta nies b alek li x-xog lijiet li g andna madwar id-dinja jibqg u jag tu l-frott. Il-kontribuzzjonijiet kollha, kemm Ωg ar u kemm kbar, huma dejjem apprezzati. Ibg at il-kontribuzzjonijiet tieg ek lil: Fr. Eric Cachia SDB - Amministratur tad-delegazzjoni Savio College, Buskett Road, Dingli DGL2702 Tel: BorΩa ta Studju X INHI BORÛA TA STUDJU? Hija somma ta flus li tg inna biex in allsu parti mill-formazzjoni ta Ωag Ωug li qed i ejji ru u biex isir saçerdot Salesjan. KEMM TRID TAGÓTI BIEX TWAQQAF BORÛA TA STUDJU? Kapital ta b600 JEÓTIEÌ LI BILFORS TAGÓTI S-SOMMA F DAQQA? Le. Wie ed jista jag tiha biçça biçça, tant fix-xahar jew tant fis-sena. JEÓTIEÌ LI BILFORS IS-SOMMA TKUN MOGÓTIJA MINN WIEÓED BISS? Le. Jistg u jiftehmu flimkien iktar minn persuna wa da u kul add jag ti sehmu. IΩda min jo ro wa du s-somma kollha, ikun fundatur ta dik il-borωa. JISTÀ WIEÓED IÓALLI L-BORÛA BÓALA LEGAT WARA MEWTU? Jistà. U min jag mel hekk, jistà jikteb fit-testment: In alli b ala legat lis-salesjani ta Don Bosco, is-somma ta b g all-formazzjoni ta Ωag Ωug Malti fl-istess Soçjetà.


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