Hajja Salesjana. il-232 Óar a. Maltin u Dun Bosco From St. Nicholas to Sta. Claus Il-Madonna tal-g oqod Meta l-orgni Ma Daqqx

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1 Hajja Salesjana NOVEMBRU - DICEMBRU 2013 il-232 Óar a Maltin u Dun Bosco From St. Nicholas to Sta. Claus Il-Madonna tal-g oqod Meta l-orgni Ma Daqqx

2 The Logo of the Salesians of Don Bosco is made up of two superimposed images: in the background a stylised S (Salesians) in white marked to the right and left by two cuttings between the hills (a road). The second image is in the centre of the globe: an arrow pointing upwards resting on three perpendicular legs on top of which are three closed circles making a stylised image of three people: the first of these in the midde and taller (the Salesian) appears as if embracing the side figures (the young). The three stylised figures can also be viewed as an arrow pointing upwards (education / formation) or simply as a dwelling (Salesian house) with three pillars holding it up (reason, religion, loving kindness). The coat of arms of the Salesian Congregation shows the shining star, the large anchor, the heart on fire symbolizing faith, hope and charity; the figure of St. Francis de Sales recalling the Patron of the Society; the small wood in the lower part reminds us of the Founder (Bosco) the high mountains signify the heights of perfection towards which members strive; the interwoven palm and laurel that enfold the shield either side are emblematic of the prize reserved for a sacrificial and virtuous life. The motto Da mihi animas, caetera tolle (give me souls, take the rest) expresses every Salesian s ideal. Óajja Salesjana St. Patrick s School, Triq San Ìwann Bosco, Sliema SLM 1925 MALTA Tel. (+356) / (+00356) hajjasal@salesiansmalta.org Il-Bulettin Salesjan, imsejja b diversi ismijiet, ji i stampat f 56 edizzjoni u f 29 ilsien madwar iddinja u huwa mxerred fi 131 nazzjon Responsible: Fr. Paul Formosa SDB Director/ Editor: Fr. Joseph Cini SDB Editorial Board : Margaret Buhagiar, Andre Camilleri, Josie Grech. Office: Censina Vella, Joyce Scicluna. Design & Printing: Salesian Press, Sliema. Tista taqra ajja Salesjana fuq il-kompjuter: Fuqiex se naqraw Programme and Congress EuroBosco 7 Maltin li kellmu jew kitbu lil Dun Bosco 9 Don Bosco Around the World 10 St. John Bosco to Parents and Teachers 14 St. Nicholas/Santa Claus 16 Il-Madonna ta l-ghoqod 20 L-ewwel darba li ltqajt ma Dun Bosco 22 Meta l-orgni ma Daqqx 26 Il-Kamp tas-sajf tal-brigade 29 Stejjer Qosra fuq D. Bosco 30 Maranatha Merciful Jesus 32 Editorjal / Pedago ija / Calendar of events / Something to think about Front Cover: Summer Camps fid-djar-salesjani

3 EDITORJAL Ûew Qaddisin, l-istess Mixja lejn Alla Fran isku ta Sales u Ìwanni Bosco: Ωew t erwie li g ixu madwar 250 sena minn xulxin, imma mag qudin fl-ispirtu. Niççelebraw ilfesta tag hom f Jannar. Meta wie ed jaqra il- ajja ta dawn iω- Ωew qaddisin malajr jinteba li ajjithom kienu wisq jixtieb u. Dan jidher sewwa mill-mod kif kibru fl-ispiritwalita` personali tag hom. Wie ed jara wkoll kif, waqt li kibru, kellhom esperjenzi wisq b al ta xulxin. Dawn l-esperjenzi juru kif il-mulej jiωra Ω-Ωerrieg a tal-qdusija fil-bniedem u kif jg inha tixxettel u tikber. Kemm Fran isku ta Sales kif ukoll Ìwanni Bosco assew il-preωenza ta Alla tqanqalhom sa minn tfulithom permezz ta ommhom. IΩ-Ωew ommijiet, veri xempji g all-ommijiet o ra, g inu mhux ftit lil uliedhom sabiex jinteb u bil-presenza ta Alla f ajjithom u madwarhom. Il-Mulej bg atilhom ukoll il-prova, meta kemm Fran isku kif ukoll Ìwanninu sabu xkiel meta riedu jimxu lejn is-saçerdozju: wie ed minn missieru u l-ie or minn uh il-kbir. Kienet prova li huma reb u bit-talb u bil-qawwa. Bil-kitba tag om, iω-ωew qaddisin waslu biex imissu l-qalb ta afna li xtaqu jafu kif jiltaqg u ma Alla fil- ajja ta kuljum. Fran isku, li kiteb aktarx g all-kbar, offra manwal ta devozzjoni li fih jinsisti li l-vera devozzjoni ti i minn qalb sinçiera, u li l-qdusija hija possibli f kull professjoni jew stat ta ajja li wie ed jag Ωel li jg ix. Ìwanni Bosco kiteb aktarx g aω-ωg ar, imma ma biddilx il-kunçetti ta Fran isku: iω-ωag Ωug ji i mistieden jiskopri u j oss l-im abba ta Alla g alih. Fran isku ta Sales ta lil Knisja spiritwalita` dida : dida fis-sens li huwa beda jne i mill-im u tan-nies li l-qdusija kienet xi privile tal-ftit. Dun Bosco adatta din-nozzjoni ta qdusija g al kul add, g aω- Ωg aωag tieg u, u rnexxielu jmexxi lejn ilqdusija tfal b al Duminku Savio, Fran isku Besucco u Mikiel Magone. Huwa Ωerg a wkoll x-xewqa tal-qdusija fil-qlub tal-kollaboraturi Ωg aωag tieg u, b al ma kienu Mikiel Rua, Augustu Czartoryski, Filippu Rinaldi, u o rajn. Fr Manuel Camilleri SDB "...IL-VERA DEVOZZJONI TIÌI MINN QALB SINÇIERA, U LI L-QDUSIJA HIJA POSSIBLI F KULL PROFESSJONI..." Hajja Salesjana 3

4 EDITORIAL Two Saints, Same approach Francis de Sales and John Bosco: two souls separated by almost two hundred and fifty years and yet unified in spirit. We shall be celebrating their feast in January. When one reads the life of these two Saints, one will soon discover that their lives were more or less identical. This was evident in the way they grew in their own personal spirituality. Yet, one can observe also that even in various stages of their life, they had similar experiences. These experiences manifest how the Divine implants the seed of holiness in the individual and helps it grow and spread. Both Francis de Sales and John Bosco felt the presence of God in their lives at an early age through their respective mothers. These exemplary women played an important role in helping their sons to gain an insight of the presence of God. As almost by Divine intervention, both young Francis and John found opposition in wanting to follow their vocation to the priesthood: one by his father, the other by his step-brother. It was a trial that each overcame by prayer and steadfastness. Through their writings, both saints managed to reach many people who were eager to know how to encounter God in their everyday life. Francis, writing mainly for adults, offered a manual of devotion. In it he consistently insists that true devotion stems from a sincere heart and that holiness is possible in every profession or state that one chooses to follow. John Bosco wrote mainly for young people; however, the concept inherited from Francis did not change: young people are invited to discover and to experience God s love for them. Francis de Sales gave the Church a new spirituality, new in the sense that he broke the notion in people s minds that holiness belonged to the reserved few. Don Bosco adapted this notion of newness to his young people, and managed to guide to holiness youngsters like Domenic Savio, Francis Besucco and Michael Magone. He planted also the seed of holiness in the heart of his young collaborators, people like Michael Rua, Augustus Czartoryski, Philip Rinaldi and others. Fr Manuel Camilleri SDB "...HE CONSISTENTLY INSISTS THAT TRUE DEVOTION STEMS FROM A SINCERE HEART AND THAT HOLINESS IS POSSIBLE IN EVERY PROFESSION..." 4 Hajja Salesjana

5 Minn Pascual Chávez Villanueva Trad. Joe Cini PEDAGOÌIJA Salesjana Dun Bosco Edukatur 5 G allmuhom minn kmieni l-kruha tad-dnub u s-sbu ija tal-virtu` Dun Bosco jirrakkonta Mhux façli titkellem fuq Ìesu` Kristu u tg addih liω-ωg aωag, imma mhux impossibli! G andhom afna distrazzjonijiet u jidhru mhux interessati f affarijiet ta reli jon. Din tista tkun impressjoni biss! Fi Ωmieni, il-problema ma kinitx biss li titkellem fuq Ìesu`, imma wkoll il-mod u t-ton li tuωa sabiex tinteressahom. Intom tafu kif afna mill-kuntatti tieg i maω-ωg aωag ma se ewx fis-sagristija, jew fid-dell tal-knisja imma fil-pjazez ta Turin jew fi sqaqien ta nofs il-belt. Suttana Sewda DaΩ-Ωg aωag sikwit kienu orox, disinteressati, xi drabi vjolenti, malajr jaqbdu lieda jew mus. Kelli ma nag tix kas ta çerti kliem u attitudnijiet, sabiex wara nkun nista nitkellem mag hom. Imbag ad kienu jinsew li jien liebes suttana sewda, u xi drabi spiççajna nixorbu ftit imbid fil- anut. Kien hemm min tkaωa jara dan, iωda din kienet g alija opportunita` tajba biex nuri interess fihom, nitfg alhom xi mistoqsija fuq xog olhom u jekk Hajja Salesjana 5

6 imorrux knisja, u fl-a ar nispiçça nistedinhom ji u l-oratorju, sabiex jag tu titwila. Il-Óadd ta wara xi w ud minnhom kienu ji u: min g all-biçça obω bis-salami, min biex isellem, xi w ud sabiex iqerru. Mhux kul add kien kuntent jarahom hemm, imma jien ridt nurihom im abba, nismag hom, nurihom attenzjoni u rispett. Aktar ma kont ng addi Ωmien ma daω-ωg aωag, aktar sirt nifhem li huma kienu jixtiequ twe ibiet jew diskussjoni serja mad-dinja tal-kbar. Ma ridux min jikkritikahom biss jew, ag ar minn hekk, min jikkundannahom. Xtaqu jiltaqg u ma adulti li jafu jargumentaw mag hom u jisfidawlhom ajjithom; adulti li kellhom in g alihom, ming ajr g a la jew formalitajiet. Dak li kont qieg ed nag mel ma dawn iω-ωg aωag kien g alija t-twettiq ta olma li g oωωejt tul ajti kollha. Sikwit kont ng id, Je tie nag rfu Ω-Ωminijiet li qed ng ixu fihom, u nadattaw ru na g alihom. Ridthom jaraw il- ajja b ala vja lejn il-liberta` li jridu jirb u jum wara l-ie or billi jilqg u l-isfidi tal- ajja. Kont infakkar lit-tfal li L-g erf huwa li tag raf tikkmanda r-rieda tieg ek. Kienet ir-rieda ta Alla Jekk dan il-povru qassis li m g andu kwaωi xejn, seta' jag mel dan kollu minkejja t-tfixkil minn kull na a, kemm aktar id jistenna l-mulej minn 300 Ωg aωag b sa ithom, qawwija, edukati, mimlijin rieda tajba u bil-mezzi tax-xog ol li g andna llum? Óalluni nfisser dan il-kliem, g aliex niftakar sew meta g idtu. Kien fil-bidu tas-sena 1876 waqt il-laqg a annwali tar-retturi. Óafna minnhom kienu tfal li jiena kont ilqajt u rawwimt fl-oratorju. Qg adt nismag hom waqt li rrakkontawli stejjer tal-g a eb li kienu qed isiru fid-djar Salesjani fl-italja, Franza u l-ar entina. Dan kollu kien beda 30 sena qabel, fl-ewwel dar Ωg ira (Pinardi) fejn kont ibt lil ommi. X kien hemm meta bdejna? Xejn, assolutament xejn. Madwarna g elieqi tal-qam u kaboççi; finnofs kien hemm dar fqira li kienet tverna: kerha minn barra u aktar minn ewwa, g ax din kienet ukoll dar taω-ωina Jien kelli l- sieb li nag mel, hawnhekk, xi ftit tal- id lit-tfal, u dal- sieb mexxa kull pass u g emil tieg i. Ridt nag mel il- id, afna id, u ridt li nag mlu hawn Kienet din it-tama, mibnija fuq fiduçja u g aqal, li wieωnitni matul dak il-bidu delikat u tqil. Tajthom idejal Dawk iω-ωg aωag li sirt naf u li saru parti minn ajti, kellhom ukoll huma l- olm tag hom. G alhekk kien hemm bωonn li nag mel jiena, malajr, xi a a g alihom, qabel ma addie or jaqbadhom u jisirqilhom Ωg oωithom. Nista ng id li mhux sew li wie ed jakkuωahom li huma g aωωenin u bla qalb: min jeduka ma jistax ilissen udizzji b al dawn; nafu li mhumiex veri. IΩ-Ωg ar, illum b all-biera, jitg aωωnu meta m g andhomx ideali; ma jag mlux is-sagrifiççju meta dan ji i muri lilhom ming ajr im abba. Issa, min jista jkun a jar minn qassis jew edukatur mimli fidi biex jista joffri liω-ωg aωag ideal tal-valuri li jist oqqilhom? Dak kollu li hu tajjeb, mist oqq, nobbli jew sabi f ideolo iji o rajn jinsab ukoll fil-fidi tag na Nisranija. Min abba f hekk stajt nimxi fuq l-eωempju ta San Fran isk ta Sales sabiex noffri liω-ωg aωag umaniωmu li jipponta lejn is-sema. Nistg u nsalvawhom millkruha tad-dnub biss meta nuruhom is-sbu ija talvirtu`. "L-g erf huwa li tag raf tikkmanda r-rieda tieg ek" 6 Hajja Salesjana

7 Programme and Congress Agenda Thursday 21st Sunday 24th November 2013 DAY ONE Thursday, 21st November 2013 : AM/PM Arrivals of guests at the hotel at leisure 16:30hrs Opening of the Congress at the Intercontinental Hotel : Speeches of Welcome 18:30hrs End of first day of Congress 18:30 to 20:00hrs Time at leisure 20:00hrs Dinner at the Intercontinental Hotel Overnight at the Intercontinental Hotel DAY TWO Friday, 22nd November :00hrs Meeting in the lobby for departure by coach for day in Gozo 9:15hrs Departure by boat to Gozo Visiting Ggantija Temples/ Ta Pinu Sanctuary and Shrine/Mass 12:30hrs Lunch at Ta' Cenc 13:45hrs Return back to Malta 17:30hrs Continuation of conference in the main meeting room Dr Michael Frendo The commitment of the Salesian Past Pupil in the phenomenon of migratory in Europe (45 minutes)/ Contributions of the National Delegations 20:30hrs Dinner in the hotel buffet, networking style/ Overnight at the Intercontinental Hotel DAY THREE Saturday, 23rd November :30hrs Start of Congress Profs. Carols Bellinguer Sancez: How to accomplish the identity and the mission of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco, today. (1 hour)/ Interventions 10:00hrs Coffee/tea break 10.30hrs Concrete Experiences a. Business platform in Europe (15 minutes)/ b. The relation between the Salesian Past Pupils and the Salesian Young Movement c. Gex Spanish experiences (15 minutes) 11.00hr Interventions/Lunch 15:00hrs Continuation of the congress / Study groups 16.00hrs Resolutions in the main meeting room/end of congress for day three 17:45hrs Meeting in the hotel lobby for departure to Valletta 18:15hrs Arrival at St. John s co-cathedral in Valletta for mass starting at 18:00hrs 20:00hrs Departure from Valletta to Xara Lodge in Rabat for dinner 22: 15hrs Return back. Overnight at the Intercontinental Hotel DAY FOUR Sunday, 24th November hrs Message of Mons Paul Cremona OP, Archbishop of Malta hrs Discussion / Resolutions / Conclusion/ Approval of the resolutions 11.00hrs Concluding Speeches hrs Official Conclusion: The President of Malta or The Prime Minister 12:30hrs Buffet lunch/departures at leisure or extension of stays Guest of Honour and main celebrant: H.Eminence Card. Joseph Versaldi Hajja Salesjana 7

8 2013 CALENDAR OF SALESIAN NOVEMBER FEASTS & EVENTS Fri 1 All Saints Day. St. Patrick s: First Friday Devotions at 6.15 p.m. Sun 3 Visit to Addolorata Cemetery Organised by Federation of Past Pupils 1-4 Mid-Term school holidays Mon 4 Quarterly Retreat for all Salesians at De La Salle Brothers - Mellie a Wed 6 St Patrick s: Salesian Cooperators monthly meeting at 6.00 p.m. Fri 8 Radisson Hotel, St. Julian s: Exhibition and sale of paintings by Peter Quinn Sat 9 Savio College: Óbieb Dom Savio / Gospa / Lectio for Animators Sun 10 Prayer Day for Salesian Missions. St. Patrick s: Past Pupils Committee Meeting Savio College: Live In for Hbieb Dom Savio / Come and See for Form Savio College: Hbieb Dom Savio Live In Form 3. St. Patrick s: Ziguzajg Festival Wed 20 St Patrick s: Magnificat talk by Fr Stefan Attard: Women in the Bible Sat 23 Savio College: Lectio for Parents Intercontinental Hotel, Paceville: EUROBOSCO 2013 Mon 25 St. Patrick s: Commemoration of Mary Help of Christians at 6.30 p.m. & at Salesjani, Sliema at 7.30 p.m. 30 & 1 (Dec) Salesian Theatre, Sliema: Atturi Salesjani - Is-Sigar Imutu Wieqfa. DECEMBER Sun 1 St. Patrick s: Charity Sale of Poinsettias. Past Pupils Committee Meeting. 2 5 Savio College: Come and See Wed 4 St Patrick s: Salesian Cooperators monthly meeting: outing. Thu 5 Savio College: Prize Day for Forms 2 and 3. St. Patrick s: Carols Service & Xmas Party by Emerald Society at: 6.30 p.m. Fri 6 Savio College: Prize Day for Forms 1, 4 and 5. St. Patrick s: First Friday Devotions at 6.15 p.m. Sat 7 Salesian Oratory Sliema: Akkademja (Immaculate Conception vigil) Sun 8 Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Public Holiday. Savio College: Live In for Hbieb Dom Savio Form 5 Tue 10 Prayer Day for Salesian Missions Tue 13 St Patrick s: Annual Christmas Concert: The St. Paul s Choral Society: 7.30 p.m. Sat 14 Savio College: Hbieb Dom Savio / Gospa meetings. Sun 15 St Patrick s: Charity Sale of Mince Pies and Honey Rings St. Patrick's School Christmas Panto at 7.00 pm. Sat 21 Savio College: Lectio for Parents Sun 10 Prayer Day for Salesian Missions. Past Pupils of St. Patrick s Committee meeting Wed 25 Christmas Day A Happy Feast Day to All our Readers Savio College: Retreat for Animators. Tue 31 St. Patrick s: Te Deum Mass at p.m. Salesiani-Sliema and Savio College: NY Eve Mass and party/dinner For any other info about the Salesians: Daughters of Mary Help of Christians: Salesians in Malta : Hajja Salesjana On Line : 8 Hajja Salesjana

9 MALTIN LI KELLMU JEW KITBU LIL DUN BOSCO (5) Minn Fr. Francis Zammit SDB Il-Malti li se nitkellmu fuqu f din il- ar a tal-óajja Salesjana, mhux biss kellem lil Dun Bosco personalment imma sa ansitra wasal biex kiel mieg u u stiednu biex iωur Malta. Dan is-saçerdot Ωag Ωug Malti m hu add lief:. DUN ALWIG FARRUGIA Dun Alwi twieled il-belt Valletta fit-22 ta Jannar 1858, is-sena li fiha Dun Bosco, issa ta 43 sena, g amel l-ewwel mill-g oxrin vja minn Turin g al Ruma biex jitkellem mal-papa Piu IX fuq il- idma tieg u. Dun Alwi g ex 75 sena u miet fis-27 ta Novembru Fi tfulitu studja l-liçeo u f Ωg oωitu ggradwa fl-universita` ta Malta. Fl ie ordnat saçerdot, issa li Dun Bosco kellu 65 sena. Wara l-ordinazzjoni Dun Alwi sar segretarju tal-kurja tal-arçisqof, Dekan tal-kanonçi tal-katidral, Vigarju g as-sorijiet f Malta, g alliem fi skejjel sekondarji, g alliem tal-filosofija fisseminarju tal-kbar kif ukoll Professur tat-teolo ija fl-universita` ta Malta. Kien mag ruf u mfittex g all-priedki u l-g erf tieg u. (1). Ftit taω-ωmien wara l-ordinazzjoni saçerdotali tieg u, çertament qabel is-sena 1884, Dun Alwi Farru ia g amel Ωjara lil Dun Bosco f Turin, issa li l-qaddis tag na kellu mat-68 sena. Dun Alwi kellem lil Dun Bosco, kiel mieg u u stiednu biex ji i sa Malta. Salesjani Maltin li ew qabilna qalulna, lilna personalment li qeg din niktbu dan l-artiklu, li meta Dun Alwi kien jirrakkontalhom dwar il-laqg a tieg u ma Dun Bosco, wiççu kien jixg el bil-fer u kien isejja lu il-qaddis li ma jmut qatt. Dwar il-proposta li Dun Alwi g amel lil Dun Bosco biex jibg at l uliedu Hajja Salesjana s-salesjani f Malta, l-anzjani tag na qalulna li Dun Alwi kien jg idilhom li Dun Bosco wie bu b din l-ispeçi ta profezija: Jiena Malta ma ni ix, imma s-salesjani ji u Ωgur; g all-ewwel idumu biex jaqbdu u jie du r-ru, imma jasal Ωmien meta jikbru f salt. G adda Ω-Ωmien u Dun Alwi bag at proposta konkreta lil Dun Durando, l-ekonomu tas-soçjeta` Salesjana, fejn talab lil Dun Bosco biex jibg at s-salesjani f Malta. Dun Bosco bag tlu kopja tal-breve Notizie, il-ftit regolamenti li ftit taω-ωmien qabel Dun Bosco nniffsu kien kiteb dwar l-iskop u l- idma tas-salesjani. (2). G adda aktar Ωmien u Dun Alwi Farru ia ie ma tur l-ewwel Direttur tal-koperaturi Salesjani f Malta, idma li hu mexxa b e a u ila u b suççess. Fis-17 ta Diçembru 1898 tpo iet l-ewwel ebla tal-ewwel dar Salesjana f Malta, dik ta St.Patrick. F isem l-arçisqof ta Malta, Mons. Pietru Pace, il-kanonku Dun Alwi Farru ia bierek u po a l-ewwel ebla u g amel diskors memorabbli g allokkaωjoni. (3). Biblijografija: 1. Ara Maltese Biog. of 20 th. Cent pg Ara Annali tas-soç.sal. Vol.III - pa na Ara l-istess Annali Vol III 1946 pa na

10 reached Fidar and the following day it was venerated at the Shrine of St Charbel, one of the saints most venerated in the country. The entire Salesian community in the country expressed great satisfaction at the success of the pilgrimage. LEBANON Beirut. Alongside the many refugees fleeing the violence in Syria, another pilgrim entered Lebanon in recent days, a pilgrim of peace and hope, Don Bosco. The relic of Don Bosco reached Lebanon on 31 August. The arrival of the relic of Don Bosco was a joyful event, rich in significance for the small Christian community in the land. The presence of the relic will be celebrated in many ways, especially by the Salesian Family: Salesians, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and Salesian Cooperators The relic, which was in the house at El Houssoun, will also visit the cities of Ehden and Kahalé. On 7 Sept it was taken to the National Shrine of Our Lady at Harissa. On 8 Sept it will ISRAEL On 10 Sept the relic of Don Bosco entered the Holy Land. His arrival in the Holy Land, just at the time, when the whole of the Middle East was feeling the threat of war, strengthened the faithful in prayer, asking his intercession for peace. The relic was welcomed by the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Archbishop Fouad Twal, together with f the local Salesian community and a crowd of Christians. Then on 11 Sept the relic was being brought from Jerusalem to Bethlehem. The convoy passed 10 Hajja Salesjana

11 near the tomb of Rachel where young people from the Artistic Centre and the Salesian Technical School were waiting to receive it, together with the workers from the International Voluntary Service for Development (VIS) who are present in Palestine. The relic visited also Beit Jala and Cremisan before going on to Nazareth. Speaking to the Fides Agency, Mons. William Shomali, Vicar of the Patriarch of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem had this to say: Towards the end of his life, Don Bosco wanted to pay a visit to the Holy Land, but was unable to do so because of his health. Now, with the visit of his relic, he is coming in a different way and so he is keeping his promise. We really have more need of him now. Throughout the whole of the Middle East, in the Holy Land, in Egypt, Iraq and Syria, all countries where so many of Don Bosco s sons are working, we are living in a situation more dramatic than any we have seen before. We need him and we need all the saints. We beg them all to intercede powerfully for us. The more powerful they are, like Don Bosco, the more we have recourse to them. ITALY After a four-year pilgrimage to all the continents, the relic of Don Bosco came back to Italy, yesterday, 19 September. The first stop was in the city of Naples, which was celebrating the feast of Hajja Salesjana its patron, St Januarius. Don Bosco was returning, for he visited the city from 29 to 31 March of He had gone there to make arrangements for an Agricultural School and a Hostel with arts and trades for poor and abandoned children. Naturally, this time, the welcome was performed by young people from various Salesian communities in the region. The ceremony lasted two hours: it began with a lectio divina on the gospel account of the meeting of Nathaniel with Jesus (Jn 2) and a time of fervent Eucharistic adoration. When the relic was brought in, Card. Sepe interpreted the thoughts of all by welcoming Don Bosco. He then led the assembly in prayer and imparted his blessing. As the faithful approached to venerate the relic, they resolved to imitate Don Bosco, by waiting, welcoming, watching and fixing their eyes on their neighbour. The Salesian community gave each one present a commemorative medal. 11

12 India Archbishop Menamparampil makes cover story While the cry for peace goes up from every land, as the Pope says, an outstanding champion for peace and communal harmony, retired Salesian Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil of Guwahati, is featured on the cover page of the September 2013 issue of The Northeast Window, a magazine published in Dimapur, Nagaland. The four-page cover story is replete with pictorial illustrations documenting his peace and reconciliation efforts in conflict ridden northeast India. The Archbishop acted as mediator in the conflict between the various ethnic groups and coordinates the "Joint Ecumenical Peace Team", which is committed to dialogue. He has proved so effective in resolving local conflicts, that over a period of 15 years during his tenure as archbishop of Guwahati, Abp Menamparampil and his Peace Team successfully led seven major peace initiatives among various ethnic groups. In 2011, the Salesian Bulletin launched a campaign to have him nominated as a candidate for the Nobel Peace prize, in recognition for his great efforts at reconciliation among peoples. Last October (2013), an Honorary Doctorate from Università Urbaniana in Rome was conferred on Abp Menamparampil for his outstanding contribution for promotion of cross-cultural thought and peace promotion in areas of ethnic conflict. Archbishop Menamparampil also received the Maschio Lifetime Achievement Award 1998 from the Maschio Memorial Foundation (MMF) Mumbai. Awards do not matter while carrying out peace initiatives, the Archbishop said. I will continue my mission for peace irrespective of whether I get any recognition or award. The need of the hour is to adopt a non-confrontational attitude, tolerance and respect for each other for lasting peace in society. 12 Hajja Salesjana

13 United States 144 th Salesian Missionary Expedition: interview with Bro. Robert Malusa In the United States he had a good job, a house, a boat, a motorcycle, a car and much more besides. But he decided to leave all to serve needy young people, first in Sierra Leone, and soon in Malawi. He is Robert Malusa, a 48 yearold Salesian Brother from the Eastern Province of the United States, one of the missionaries who left Turin in September as part of the 144th Salesian Missionary Expedition. How did your vocation begin? For ten years I worked as a teacher in a Lutheran School. Every year I used to go on a short missionary journey which I enjoyed very much. After the last one I went to the Lutheran Pastor in the School and said to him: I want to do this for more than nine days per year. He knew I was a Catholic and I had told him about my desire for community life, he told me about the Salesians. I had no wish to search any further. And the missionary vocation? My first contact with the Salesians was in Sierra Leone in I went there with a group of Salesian Lay Missioners (SLM) and I stayed for a year. I went back to the United States and taught there for another year while I was trying seriously to reach a definitive decision for September I knew that with SLM I could stay in Sierra Leone for a maximum of two years, but I wanted to do it for the whole of my life. I entered the pre-novitiate at Orange and on my first day there I said to myself, I want to become a missionary! What impact did Africa have on you? I was overwhelmed. I went to Lungi as a teacher of English and Religion, but then, because of particular needs, I was transferred to Freetown where there were already other teachers. And so I was given a very responsible task to supervise building work that was going on. I spent a lot of time with young people aged who were working on the site. What can a Salesian Missionary give to the young people of Malawi? I can share with them the idea that technology, wealth and everything are not the key to happiness. I will tell them: You can be happy with what you have. Happiness comes from inside, because what really matters is your relationship with God and with your brothers and sisters. I learned that in my life, before I came to the Salesians. I had many things and did many things, but I was not really happy. Hajja Salesjana 13

14 St. John Bosco To Parents and Teachers Part 5 Fr. Paul Avallone SDB, Phyllis M. Hakeem, M.A. 10. PRAYER initiated in the heart by God, it is the compelling way in which one communicates with the Divine and grows deeper in relationship. Don Bosco, in concluding his final recommendations to all his followers who might easily be discouraged in the difficult mission of caring and nurturing the young, wrote at the end of his manual: Remember however, that all need patience, diligence and prayer, without which, I believe, all rule is unavailing. At a time in Western culture where prayer is considered illegal in public education, it would serve well to recall the scene of George Washington, on his knees at Valley Forge as he implored God s help in the bitter days of the Revolutionary War. Then one has the example and the words of Abraham Lincoln on his knees praying to God for help during the sad days of the Civil War: I had nowhere else to go! Consider the power of prayer for the Columbine families, for those who faced similar tragedy and most recently for the nation of the United States and the World after the events of September 11, The prayer-life so much emphasised by Don Bosco focused on the three following devotions: Sacramental Confession and Eucharist; Marian devotion to Mary Help of Christians; constant love and allegiance to the person of the Holy Father the Vicar of Christ on Earth and assent to the teachings of the Church. Just as food nourishes and preserves the body, so prayer nourishes and strengthens the soul. (Don Bosco). May all parents and educators find encouragement and hope in these inspired words of the great defender of youth, Pope John Paul II. In the SUPERDOME of New Orleans, (1987), the Holy Father addressed these words at the YOUTH RALLY: Prayer can truly change your life. For it turns your attention away from yourself and directs your mind and your heart towards the Lord. If we look only at ourselves, with all our limitations and sins we quickly give way to 14 Hajja Salesjana

15 sadness and discouragement. But if we keep our eyes fixed on the Lord, then our hearts are filled with hope, our minds are washed in the light of truth, and we come to know the Gospel and all its promise of life. In summary, these postures and dimensions represent relevant elements of a system of education that has been aptly described as one of Expression and not Repression. These words echoed in New York s St. Patrick s Cathedral on February 16, 1930, the occasion of the celebration of Don Bosco s beatification, which had occurred the year before. The speaker was Rt. Reverend William Turner, Bishop of Buffalo: Expression is better than repression and it is in these terms that I present the educational system of Don Bosco, more up to date than any other systems that call themselves modern. Therefore more than seventy years later, it is suggested that repression whether explicit or implied stifles the young from reaching their full potential in Christ. Expression fostered through the implementation of the aforementioned postures and dimensions affords a secure foundation for youth to embrace reason, religion and loving-kindness as they embark on their future. In January 1988 Pope John Paul II sent a special letter (JUVENUM PATRIS FATHER OF YOUTH) to all the members of the Salesian Family Hajja Salesjana celebrating the centennial of the death of Don Bosco. The Holy Father urged them all to deepen their study of his Preventive System on the Education of Youth and make known its content and practice in today s world! CONCLUSION In conclusion, the vocations to be a parent, educator, or youth minister are also an invitation to be a bridge that will help the young travel safely and courageously through the turmoil of adolescence and young adulthood. It is hoped that these articles may become a blueprint in helping to construct sound bridges, bridges that have girders which securely offer guidance and support over the rough waters of life s rivers. These rivers often promote currents of popular opinion as truth, relative answers to moral issues rather than Christian moral doctrine and idolatry in the form of inordinate wealth, power and prestige rather than the vision of Christ: peace justice and mercy. Through the Preventive System, Don Bosco affords the materials needed to build a Bridge that abides through Reason, Religion, and Loving-Kindness. St. Luke offers a motto for all who endeavour to be such a Bridge: It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and be cast into the sea rather than he should offend one of these little ones. (Luke, 17:2). (End) 15

16 From St. Nicholas to Santa Claus In 1931 unemployment in the United States soared to 16.3 per cent. Individuals and families everywhere were affected by the Great Depression, as were America s largest corporations. One of these, Coca Cola, needed to find ways of boosting sales. Company executives decided to find a way of promoting Coca Cola as a winter drink as well as a summer drink. Thus, in 1931, they commissioned American illustrator Haddon Sundblom to develop advertising images featuring Santa Claus leisurely enjoying Coca Cola. To develop the ad, Sundblom turned to the popular poem A Visit from St. Nicholas, attributed to Clement Clark Moore (1832). "His eyes - how they twinkled! His dimples how merry! His cheeks were like roses, His nose like a cherry!" That description gave Sundblom just the inspiration he needed to create an image of a Santa Claus who was friendly, plump and gentle. Marketing success Soon Coca Cola advertising showed Santa Claus delivering and playing with toys, all the while holding a bottle of Coca Cola in his hand. To this day the company continues to put Sundblom s creation on cases of Coca Cola during the holiday season. This Santa dressed in red and white clothing, travels worldwide via a sled pulled by eight reindeer delivering toys to children every Christmas Eve. Popular Saint All of this has been an amazing secular transformation of a good and godly Christian bishop and saint named Nicholas. He is the patron of children, bankers, pawnbrokers, sailors, perfumers, brides, unmarried women, travellers, fishermen, dockworkers, brewers, poets, prisoners, and the patron saint of Russia, Greece and Sicily. Nicholas ( ) was born to wealthy parents in the ancient southern Turkish town of Patara in the district of Lycia. As a very young child he was drawn to spirituality and adopted a self-imposed twice-weekly fast on Wednesdays and Fridays. When he was thirteen a plague struck Patara which took the lives of his mother and father. Nicholas was sent to live with his uncle who was the Bishop of Patara. As heir to his parents considerable fortune, Nicholas resolved to use his wealth helping others. There are many accounts of him giving away food, clothing and money to the needy, in keeping with the teaching of Jesus. One story which shows his generosity tells of his aid in saving a young woman from slavery. Her widowed father had three daughters who could not marry because he could not provide them with a dowry. In order to save her sisters, the eldest daughter decided: I will sell myself as a slave and thereby raise the money for my two sisters dowries! Outstanding generosity Word of the woman s intent spread through the community. Nicholas acted on her behalf; so secretly and under cover of night, he tossed a bag of gold through an open window of the elder daughter s room. Realising that the bag of gold was only enough money for the marriage of one of the three daughters, Nicholas returned secretly the next night and tossed a second bag of gold through the window. When he returned to the house for a third time with yet another bag of gold, he found all the windows secured so he climbed up on the roof and dropped the bag down the chimney. The bag of gold landed in one of the girl s shoes which were beside the hearth. 16 Hajja Salesjana

17 Before long people discovered that it was Nicholas who had provided the family with the money. Because of those kind acts Nicholas eventually became the patron of unmarried women. Later depictions of Nicholas in art show the saint holding three gold balls or bags, which represent the original three bags of gold. Pilgrimage to Jerusalem Under his uncle s guidance, Nicholas continued to cultivate his interest in spiritual matters. Nicholas studied for the priesthood and was ordained when he was only 19. A few years later, Nicholas was able to make a long anticipated pilgrimage to Jerusalem where he retraced the steps of Jesus. On the way home, the ship he travelled on was caught in a vicious storm. The winds shredded the sails and the waves caused the main mast to snap. The ship began to take on water drifting aimlessly. Completely helpless, they began to pray for help and mercy. Nicholas joined them, remaining with them in prayer for two days and two nights. Early on the third morning the storm passed, the sun came out and miraculously the ship remained afloat. Examining their surroundings, the sailors were surprised to find themselves near the harbour of Myra, a city in the same area where Nicholas had grown up. Upon landing in the port, the sailors explained how they had barely survived, and said their safety was the direct result of prayers offered by Nicholas. Because of that incident, Nicholas would become the patron of sailors. Bishop of Myra As it turned out, the bishop of Myra had recently died and priests could not agree on a new bishop. After praying and discussing the matter, they decided that the first worshipper who came for morning prayers would be selected as their new bishop. That day Nicholas walked three miles to the cathedral because he wanted to thank God for delivering the ship from the storm. When they learned his story and that he was a man of prayer, the priests elected him their bishop. Even as bishop, Nicholas continued to work on behalf of the poor and the suffering. The office of bishop demands a different sort of conduct, so that one may live no longer for oneself but for others, he said. Legendary figure While he was Bishop of Myra, a prolonged drought afflicted the area resulting in a great shortage of food. While Nicholas organized relief efforts, several ships anchored in the port. Those vessels carried grain from Egypt to Constantinople. Nicholas approached the ships captains asking them to set aside a portion of their grain for the hungry of Myra. Nicholas assured the captains that no harm would come to them as a result of their generosity. Persuaded by this kind and compassionate man, the captains set aside one hundred bushels of grain from each ship. When the ships reached Constantinople, the cargo was weighed and was exactly what it had been when the ships departed from Egypt. Thus, another miracle was attached to the life of Nicholas. During the time Nicholas was bishop at Myra, the Roman Emperor, Diocletian, demanded that all Continues on page 21 Hajja Salesjana 17

18 Something to think about 18 Hajja Salesjana

19 Love Love is strengthened by working through conflicts together. Love is the only thing that can be divided without being diminished. Love and you shall be loved. Everyone needs to be loved especially when they do not deserve it. Where there is no love, sow love and you will find love. Do what you can, for who you can, with what you have, and where you are. Remember: all people smile in the same language. Hajja Salesjana 19

20 Il-Madonna tal-ghoqod - Storja ta devozzjoni li qieg da tinxtered, min abba d-devozzjoni ta Papa Frangisku lejn din ix-xbiha. Marija li T oll l-g oqod huwa l-isem ta çerta devozzjoni lejn Marija Santissma, kif ukoll lejn pittura barokka li tirrapreωenta din id-devozzjoni. Il-wa da ejja mill-o ra, u g alhekk wie ed irid jitkellem fuq l-istorja tal-pittura u tad-devozzjoni fl-istess in. Naraw daqsxejn kif jisvol u l-fatti u kif a a abet l-o ra. Il-pittura ta Marija li T oll l-g oqod kienet iet impittra minn Ìor Melkjor Schmidtner. Hija tinsab fil-knisja ta San Pietru am Perlac, f Augsburg (Bavarja), Ìermanja. Dil-knisja hija komunement mag rufa b ala Il-Knisja Perlac. F dan il-kwadru, il-ver ni Marija tidher bilwieqfa fuq felli qamar u mdawwra mill-an li, bl-ispirtu s-santu jittajjar fuq iç-çirku ta kwiekeb madwarha waqt li hija t oll l-g oqod ta faxxa bajda, twila, waqt li tis aq b saqajha s-serp mg aqqad f g oqda. Is-serp jirrapreωenta lix-xitan u l-poωizzjoni ta Marija twettaq il-profezija tal- Ìenesi (3: 15) nisilha jis aqlek rasek. Il- sieb ori inali ta Marija t oll il-g oqod, hemm min ja seb li ejja mil-kitba ta Sant Irenew ta Lyon fl-opra tieg u Kontra l-ereωiji. Dal-qaddis, fit-tielet Ktieb, Kapitlu 22, jag mel paragun bejn Eva u Marija fejn ifhiehem kif l-g oqda tad-diωubbidjenza ta Eva iet ma lula bl-ubbidjenza ta Marija; g aliex dak li Eva kienet rabtet sew permezz tan-nuqqas tat-twemmin, dan Marija allitu permezz tal-fidi tag ha. Madwar is-sena 1700 il-kanonku tal- Monasteru ta San Pietru f Augsburg, li kien jismu Hieronymus Ambrosius Langenmantel, g amel g otja ta dil-pittura lill-knisja, min abba rajja kemxejn kurjuωa li rat fil-familja tieg u. Innannu tal-kanonku, Wolfgang, kien wasal sabiex jissepara minn martu Sofia Rentz, u g alhekk mar ifittex parir ming and Dun Jakob Rem, qassis Ìiswita f Ingolstadt. Dun Rem talab quddiem xbieha tal-madonna, u lissen din it-talba: Permezz ta din it-talba jiena ng olli quddiemek l-irbit talweg diet taω-ωwie, sabiex Inti t oll kull g oqda u twittihom. Malajr, wara dan, re g et iet il-paçi bejn ir-ra el u martu, u s-separazzjoni ma se itx. Sabiex ifakkar g al dejjem din il- rajja ta fer il- Kanonku Langenmantel ikkummissjona l-pittura tal- Madonna li T oll l-g oqod. Dun Ìorg Mario Bergoglio SJ, il-futur Arçisqof ta Buenos Aires u Papa Fran isku, wara li kien superjur tal-ìiωwiti fl-ar entina, kien mar il- Ìermanja sabiex jg addi xi Ωmien jistudja f istitut tal-filosofija. Waqt li kien hemm kien ra u n ibed lejn l-imma ni u d-devozzjoni ta din il-madonna. Xtara kartolina u adha mieg u meta re a lura l-ar entina. Meta mbag ad sar Isqof awωiljarju u wara Arçisqof, huwa xerred id-devozzjoni lejn din il-madonna. Din id-devozzjoni adet l-g eruq u nfirxet mal-amerika t Isfel kollha. L-Arçisqof ordna wkoll li jin adem kalçi bix-xbieha ta din il- Madonna li huwa ppreωentah lill-papa Benedittu XVI. Issa, l-istess imma ni fuq kalçi ie or, xog ol 20 Hajja Salesjana

21 tal-istess ar entier, ser ji i ppresentat lill-papa Fran isku b ala oma mill-poplu Ar entin. L-Imma ni ta Marija li T oll l-g oqod kienet u baqg et dejjem ti i meqjuma l-aktar o kappella fil-knisja ta San Pietru am Perlac, f Augsburg. Imma fl-1989 inbniet kappella sabi a fi Styria, fl-awstria, li iet iddedikata lil Marija li T oll l-g oqod u li kienet imnebb a minn sentimenti qawwija wara t-tra edja nukleari ta Chernobyl. Kif g idna, l-imma ni hija wkoll meqjuma afna fl- Ar entina u l-braωil, fejn bosta knejjes u kappelli jg oωωu din id-devozzjoni. Speçjalment fi Buenos Aires, kopja tal-ori inal kienet iet impittra millartista Dott. Ana de Betta Berti g all-knisja ta San Jose` del Talar, fejn kienet tpo iet fit-8 ta Diçembru G alhekk, fit- 8 ta kull xahar, eluf ta pellegrini jωuru din il-knisja. Talba lil Marija minn Card. G.M. Bergoglio Qaddisa Marija, mimlija bil-preωenza ta Alla l-jiem kollha ta ajtek, inti lqajt bl-umilta` kollha ir-rieda tal-missier, u x-xitan qatt ma kellu l- ila jorbtok bit-ta wid tieg u! Inti, darba, nd alt g alina ma Ibnek fid-diffikultajiet tag na, u, kollok niena u sabar, tajtna eωempju ta kif in ollu l-g oqod ta ajjitna. Billi tibqa g al dejjem ommna, inti t ejji u turi aktar biç-çar l-g oqod li jg aqqduna ma Alla. Qaddisa Omm, Omm Alla u Ommna, lilek, li t oll b qalb ta omm l-g oqod ta ajjitna, a na nitolbu sabiex tie u f idejk lil (semmi l-persuna li g aliha qed titlob) u li te ilsu / te lisha mill-g oqiedi u ta wid li bihom l-g adu j ebb g alina. Permezz tal-grazzja tieg ek, tal-interçessjoni tieg ek u tal-eωempju tieg ek, e lisna minn kull aωen, ja Ommna, u ollilna l-g oqod li jωommuna millg aqda tag na ma Alla, sabiex ielsa minn kull dnub u aωen, nistg u narawh madwarna, ikollna qalbna mag quda mieg U, u nistg u naqduh dejjem f utna kollha. Ammen. Continued from page 17 those living within the Roman Empire worship him as a god. Like many Christians, Nicholas refused to obey that order. Churches may fall, declared Nicholas, but Christians must stand. For his unbending position, Nicholas was tossed into prison where he was humiliated and tortured. His imprisonment lasted 10 long years and ended only when Rome crowned a new ruler, a man named Constantine, who converted to Christianity and freed all Christians from prison. Nicholas spent the rest of his life as Bishop of Myra, and died peacefully in Myra on December 6, 343. By the time of his death, he had become a legendary figure. Nicholas with them. The Dutch referred to St. Nicholas as Sinter Claus. When they lost control of New Amsterdam (the original New York) to the British in the 17th century, Sinter Claus was anglicized to Santa Claus. Thus the man who became Santa Claus was originally an orphaned boy, who became a priest, giving away all of his wealth to those in need. Further transformations When Dutch colonists came to the New World in the 1600 s, they brought the traditions of St. Hajja Salesjana 21

22 L-Ewwel Darba li Ltqajt ma Dun Bosco Tifkiriet ta' Pawlu Mizzi It-Tieni Parti Dun Pawl Micallef Fejn Savina n-nannu ma kellux sabar jistenna nofsinhar idoqq. Kien jaf li alla Ωew t i rief qalb l-ilpup u kif kellem lil min kellu jkellem u abar il-flus ming and min kellu jag tih, ibed lejn it- Tokk, g adda minn wara l-banka u waqaf dejn il- anut ta Newwiela. Xtara ratal tin taç-çappa u xi kejltejn karawett ming and tas-solika u da al fil- anut jie u kafe u krustina. Imbag ad kompla g al fejn San Ìor u baqa sejjer g at-tfal firremissa ta Frenç tal-patri. Wasal dejn ir-remissa kif kienu jdoqqu nofs in-nhar il-qniepen ta San Ìor. Dak il- in il-biçça l-kbira tat-tfal kienu marru d-dar. Kien g ad baqa biss ftit minnhom Ma Dun ÌuΩepp Spiteri, il-malti - kien wa du qassis minn Malta, aktarx min-naxxar kien hemm biss xi tfal. U ud kienu g adhom ji ru u jilag bu. Anke jien kont mag hom. Il- in kollu imma, g ajnejja fuq ija Toni li ma nitilfux. Kif rajt lin-nannu jitfaçça bil-bieb g ajjatt lil Toni biex ji i. Kien ta t il-palk! Qrib Dun Pawl tal-barkuna! Quddiem nett. B saqajh imsalllbin, bilqieg da kokka fit-tarf ta bank, issummat jara l-a ar xena ta dramm. Ir-Reb a ta Domenico Savio smajniehom jg idu. Kienu qed jag mlu l-a ar prova! Karmnu Pavia fin-nofs, fil-parti ta Dun Bosco u madwaru çorma tfal, Ìor i tal- Kaççatur, Teddie tas-sakku, ÌuΩeppi tax-xag ra, Pietru tal-pejla, ÌuΩeppi u Ìanninu tal-kaptan, ÌuΩeppi ta Frans u o rajn! Telliftuli l-paçenzja! g ajjat Int Ìanni Vassallo tefag lu l-iskritt tal-partitura se ddum titkellem? Imbag ad dar lejn l-o rajn u qallhom Óarsu lejja kul add! Fin-nofs Dun Bosco, na a wa da tifel, Ìanni Vassallo, u n-na a l-o ra Çikku tal-kaptan. U t-tfal l-o ra mqassmin indaqs kull na a ta Dun Bosco.! U dak il- in mill-kampnar ta San Ìor bdew idoqqu l-qniepen. Isa, qallhom, ma l-a ar tokki tal-mota! U, kul add era u a postu madwar Dun Bosco! Imma, x-xena kienet dik! Anke n-nannu waqaf biex jaraha! Kemm kienet sabi a! Konna qisna qed naraw l-istatwa ta San Ìwann Bosco ta Wistin Camilleri! Kienet l-ewwel darba tieg i l-oratorju! Kemm kont adt gost! Nilg ab ta daqqa çieda u ni ri u na bat ma tfal o ra u nwaqqag hom flart. U nibqa ni ri bla ma ni borhom! Qatt ma kont adt gost daqshekk! Lanqas fuq it-tomba! Niftakar kif kont ni i mill-iskola kont nie u l-kafe, immur id-duttrina u x in ni i lura nag mel ilhomework! U ma kontx ner a no ro. G adduttrina kont immur f ta Rita ta Gerit fuq l-artal tal-erwie! Konna ng idu l-istess a a kuljum. Nitg allmu ng ajtu; nibdew bil-kredu g al xi sitt darbiet; imbag ad, il-pater Noster, l-ave Marija, u 22 Hajja Salesjana

23 l-glorja; imbag ad l-att tal-indiema. U l-attijiet iω-ωg ar. Konna ng ajtu kemm nifil u. Kul add blim atra min isamma le nu l-iktar, u konna nift u an ra daqsxiex! Dejjem bl-istess kantilena! U, meta lil Rita ta Gerit konna ng ejjuha ie li kienet tieqaf, iωωomm rasha, u tg idilna 'Issa a ng idilkom storja! Darba qaltilna l-istorja ta Dun Bosco u ommu, il-mamma Margerita. U darba o ra ta meta kien Ωg ir u kien jimxi fuq il- abel biex ji bor it-tfal u jg allimhom id-duttrina. U, darb o ra meta riedu joqtluh are g alihom kelb kbir jismu Grigio. U darb o ra ta meta are lill- absin u ma arablu add minnhom.! Minn dak iω-ωmien tal-istejjer kienu g addew iktar minn amsin sena. Bdilna l-oratorju tliet darbiet: minn remissa tal-barrin fi Strada Carita, g al dar kbira antika fi Strada Pieta g ad-dar ta Ìanduwa fi Triq Santu Wistin, kont nilg ab mas- Salesian Youths u kont nag mel it-tijatrin mad- Don Bosco Dramatic Company. Fl-1946 ew il-qassisin Salesjani. Beda Dun Alwi Mizzi u spiçça Fr. Vincent Debono fl Tul dawn l-g oxrin sena l-oratorju kien sar mixtla Salesjana f G awdex. Vokazzjonijiet addoçç. Insemmi biss lil Fr. Charles Cini li sar Direttur f Savio College, Óad-Dingli, lil Fr. Fabio Attard li sar Direttur enerali mondjali tal-pastorali maω- Ûg aωag. Kien hemm mag hom ija Ìor li miet ta 22 sena f inçident tat-traffiku ftit wara li kien irrappreωenta lill-iscouts ta G awdex o Londra L Oratorju D Bosco Victoria Gozo. Hajja Salesjana u g alhekk nista ng id kemm are id minn dak il-grupp Salesjan. Imbag ad, sirt teacher u, fl-1965 mort Malta biex nag mel il-ba. Fl-Universita. U adt ilfamilja u bqajt hemm. L-edukazzjoni Salesjana ma nsejthiex. Bqajt immur nara t-tijatrin tad- Domus; it-tifla baqg et tg in lil Fr. Mangion sa meta miet. Jien ma kont insejtu qatt l-oratorju ta tfuliti. Bqajt infittex fejn iltqajt ma Dun Bosco l-ewwel darba. Darba kont nag mel research g all-ktieb il- Parroçça t G awdex, u wara li fittixt fl-arkivji tal- Ordni u tal-arçisqof, kelli bωonn immur infittex fl-arkivju sigriet tal-kurja Veskovili ta G awdex. Kont sirt mid la ta dan l-arkivju u abib kbir ta Dun Camilleri, l-arkivista ta dal-post. Fost kitbiet o ra interessanti sibt ittra mibg uta lil Dun Bosco fl-1884 minn A.A. Mizzi dan fl-1900 kien sar kunsillier rappreωentant ta G awdex flok Fortunato Mizzi g an-nom tal-isqof Camilleri OSA, fejn talbu jibg atlu xi addiema esperti flistamperija. Dak iω-ωmien il-fama ta Dun Bosco kienet da let f kull rokna tad-dinja. Is-sistema tal- Edukazzjoni Priventiva kienet sa ret lil kul add. InkluΩa lil ommi. Kienet bdiet tifhem li bil-log ob tista tg allem. U, jekk qabel ma da lu s-salesjani kienet tqattg alna l-ballun kull darba li tarana nilag bu, minn x in rifsu huma l-art tag na, inbidlet. Bdiet kull darba li ratna li sa nilag bu mas-saleωjani, to ro fil-bieb, iççapçpilna u tg ajjat mag na: Dun Bosco ibqa mag na, IΩ-Ωg aωag G awdxin, Biex nibqg u g al dejjem Uliedek enjin! Allavolja kienu g addew iktar minn g oxrin sena minn mindu tlaqt mill-oratorju, ma Dun Bosco kont g adni ma ltqajt qatt. Ridt l ommi tg idli min hu. Dik kienet taf kollox. U, meta dakinhar mort G awdex u b as-soltu g addejt iddar naraha, staqsejtha, Ma, min kien Dun Bosco li tant jag milna fer anin? U, hi tid ak, we bitni Kien Dun Pawl ie or! B al ta dak inhar li rajtu fuq il-palk tar-remissa tal- barrin! Dak kien Dun Bosco li jag milna fer anin! 23

24 Malta Salesjana L-IKLA TA AWWISSU. (3 TA AWWISSU) B as-sena l-o ra, il-kumitat tal- Federazzjoni tal-past Pupils organizza din l-ikla fil-bit a tal-iskola St. Patrick. Mal- 130 ru attendew g al dan l-avveniment, fejn kien hemm ikel u xorb bnin u blabbundanza, kif ukoll musika sabi a ta kull Ωmien ipprovduta minn Andrei Cachia. Il-President tas-st Patrick s Past Pupils, Saviour Bianchi, ippresenta donazzjoni ta 500 lir-rettur, Fr Charlie Said. Ng idu prosit lil kull min adem jew ta sehem. NISSAÓÓU FIL-MULEJ. (2 TA SETTEMBRU) Fr Michael Casey, il-provinçjal tag na, kien iç-çelebrant waqt li Bro Jake Mamo u Bro Pierre Bonnici eddew il-voti reli juωi tag hom. Dan sar fil-kappella tal-oratorju, tas-sliema. Waqt l-istess çerimonja, Fr Paul Formosa ie m edded b ala Rettur talkommunita` tal-oratorju, u Fr Louis Grech b ala r-rettur il- did ta Savio College. Bosta Ωg aωag, familjari u bieb kienu presenti. JAMAICA!!! (7 TA SETTEMBRU) Joanne, voluntiera f Osanna Pia Salesian House, introduçietna mal-ku ina tag ha Vivienne u flimkien sajrulna ikla alla amajkana! IΩ-Ωg aωag tal-hostel taw qadda t id fit-t ejjija tal-ikel u adu gost jitg allmu fuq drawwiet ta dal-post imbieg ed: il-musika, tradizzjonijiet u l-im iebg a tan-nies. Vera serata ta fer, ta biberija u ikel bnin! 24 Hajja Salesjana

25 WEEKEND FIL-MELLIEÓA. (7-9 SETTEMBRU) Jumejn u nofs ta formazzjoni u fer g all-membri ta SPYS (Salesian Youth Pastoral Service). Il-punt fokali kien Il- Jien. Riflessjonijiet fuq l-img oddi, il-preωent u l- ejjieni tag na ma Alla. In-natura u l- emda g inuna mhux ftit, flimkien ma modi prattiçi issu eriti milleaders, b al xi films qosra, videos talattivitajiet tal-img oddi u sessjoni Yoga. Nixtiequ ng idu prosit u grazzi lil kull min organizza, g in jew a sehem. FR CARMELO SACCO Dan is-salesjan d uli u da kan g amel xog ol pastorali fil-komunita` ta Savio College g al 32 sena. Kien g alliem, mexxej tal-oratorju, plejer tal-football maω-ωg aωag, abib ta afna, mag ruf or-ra al ta Óad-Dingli u verament ma bub. Issa ser jieqaf mit-tmexxija tal- Oratorju u kemm il-komunita` kif ukoll dawk kollha li jafuh l-oratorju in abru madwaru g all-quddiesa ta radd il- ajr. Grazzi Fr Sacco g ad-dedikazzjoni u l-im abba tieg ek. XOGÓOL TA TISBIÓ Il-Komunita` Salesjana tal-isla asset il- tie a li ssewwi u ssebba il-faççati tal-bini kif ukoll l-ambjent ta madwar il-knisja u l-kunvent San Filippu, fejn il-fathers jag mlu l- idma pastorali tag hom. Wara li n abu l-permessi kollha me tie a, bdiet il- idma minn nies tas-seng a. Fr Victor, ir-rettur, jemmen li dan ser iwassal sabiex ilpopolazzjoni ta dik il-parti tal-isla tqum fuq tag ha g ax t oss li l-ambjent huwa aktar sabi u kkurat. Il-presenza tag na s-salesjani qieg da twassal ukoll sabiex in-nies t oss çerta dinjita`. Hajja Salesjana 25

26 Meta l-orgni ma Daqqx Lina Brockdorff Kien hemm emg a nies mhux aωin tistenna biex tara l-g arusa die la l-knisja. Ma damux wisq jistennew g ax Eloise dehret ier a minn karozza Ωg ira ftit minuti qabel ma daqqu d-disg a ta filg odu. U x rat il-folla f Eloise li mhux soltu tara f g arajjes o ra? Xejn affattu. Lanqas ma kellu xejn speçjali l-g arus, g ajr a a wa da; hu ma kienx mir-ra al tag hom. Kif da lu l-knisja beda jinstema d-daqq tal-orgni, sabi u mimli aktar minn kif semg uh qatt qabel, qishom dawk in-noti tal-melodija solenni u elwa fl-istess in, xtaqu jisplodu b xi emozzjoni ier a minn subg ajn u qalb min kien qed idoqqhom. Eloise u Filippe saru ta xulxin. Spiss ji ri li waqt dik iç-çerimonja l-g arusa tibda tibki, imma f dak il-kaω hi ma xerrditx lief Ωew demg at kies a li bilkemm riedu jit arrku minn xfar g ajnejha. U minn o dak id-dmug bdiet tara d-dawl tax-xemg a jitwal u jitmewwe, il-knisja kollha ssir çappa s ab bajdani waqt li sibijietha bdew ja arbu ji errew u jimir u tul il-mog dijiet tal-img oddi. Fuq il- ejjieni... x setg et tistenna mill- ejjieni? Imma fl-img oddi rat bosta rajjiet. Rat lilha nnifisha tikber minn daqsxejn ta tfajla waqt li mag ha jikbru t-tamiet u x-xewqat. Ma kinitx toqg od il bog od mid-dar ta Jean, Ìuvni sentejn akbar minnha li kien l-organista tar-ra al. Wara li miet missieru hu a l-istudju tal-orgni blakbar serjetà g ax ried li jkun hu u add liefu li, wara missieru, idoqq dak l-orgni li kien l-g axqa tar-ra al. Eloise u Jean kienu jafu l xulxin mhux aωin g ax o ra al Ωg ir ma jistax jonqos li ma ssirx taf wie ed il ie or. Meta jiltaqg u fit-triq isellmu, ieli waqfu jitkellmu fuqhom infushom, fuq ilproblemi Ωg ar tag hom jew tar-ra al. Dawn illaqg at innoçenti u ta kumbinazzjoni li huma ma kinux ifasslu, kienu g alihom it-tnejn g ajn ta fer. Wiççhom kien ji mar malli jilm u l xulxin u b hekk kien jidher çar li bejn dawn iω-ωew t iqlub bdiet tisponta x-xitla misterjuωa tal-im abba. Óadd liefhom ma kien jaf b dan kollu, lanqas bejniethom stess qatt ma ntqal xejn jew issemmiet il-kelma im abba. Kienu jafu b dik il- ibda, kienu kuntenti u xejn aktar. Min jaf kemm-il 26 Hajja Salesjana

27 darba t-tfajla kienet t abrek biex tlesti x-xog ol tad-dar u er ilha toqg od f xi rokna tal-knisja titg axxaq b dak id-daqq tal-orgni. Hekk dawn iω- Ωew Ωg aωag kienu jistennew il-jum li xi add minnhom jag mel dik il-mistoqsija li g aliha Ωgur it-twe iba tkun iva. Eloise, naturalment, kienet tippretendi li kellu jkun Jean li jifta fommu u jitlobha ssir martu. Stenniet u stenniet Eloise. Imma kif Jean ma kienx jaqra f g ajnejha mfawrin bi m abba dik ix-xewqa biex tisimg u jistqarr im abbtu! Issa kellha amsa u g oxrin sena; tfajliet tamparha kienu ilhom li n abru u taw il-frott t im abbithom. Imma x kien qed iωomm lura l Jean? Kien hemm xi sigriet li hi ma kinitx taf bih? Tg id kien g adu mhux Ωgur minn im abbitha jew im abbtu? Kellha suspett li setg et kienet ommu li kienet marradija. Kien hemm min qal fir-ra al li ommu ma tridux jiωωewwe qabel ma tag laq g ajnejha, u l-marda li kellha ma kinitx ser te odha malajr. Intant, il-laqg at ta bejniethom bdew jonqsu u meta jiltaqg u qisu kienu j ossu b al dell bejniethom li ma j allihomx i ibu ru hom b al qabel. Eloise ta spiss issaqsi lilha nfisha kemm ser iddum tistenna, g ax aktar ma jg addi Ωmien aktar tonqos il-probabbiltà li uvni ie or i ares lejha. X garanzija kellha li Jean xi darba ser jg idilha biex tkun tieg u? Kienet lesta li g al im abbtu tibqa xebba g omorha kollu? It-twe iba kienet le, g alhekk qatg etha li fuq kollox ma kinitx t obbu biωωejjed. Kien f dak iω-ωmien li mir-ra al tag hom kien g addej Filippe, uvni ta tletin sena li ja dem f negozju f belt qrib u li mal-ewwel darba li xe et g ajnejh fuqha, issa ar warajha. Eloise n ibdet lejh ukoll u assitha Ωgura li ladarba hu kien l-ewwel ra el li ddikjara m abbtu, kellha ta taf l-okkaωjoni u taççetta. G amlet minn kollox biex ma tibqax ta seb f Jean. Bdiet ta seb g at-tie tag ha g ax Filippe xtaq li ma jdumux jistennew. It-tie kellu jsir filknisja tar-ra al, imma wara jmorru joqog du fil-belt fejn kien joqg od l-g arus. Filippe xtaq li jkollu d-daqq tal-orgni g at-tie. Marru d-dar ta Jean; dar Ωg ira, fqira u traskurata. L-omm ftit li xejn kienet tie u sieb iddar waqt li tfajla li toqg od qrib kienet ti i tag ti daqqa t id. Kienet din it-tfajla li fet itilhom il-bieb, qaltilhom biex jistennew g ax Jean dalwaqt jasal. Baqg u hemm wara l-bieb bilwieqfa sa ma wasal Jean. Po ew bilqieg da f kamra Ωg ira, l-istudju tieg u. Eloise assitha barra minn postha hemm, xtaqet li qatt ma rat il Jean imbarazzat daqskemm ratu dak il-waqt. Hasset qalbha ting afas g alih. Jg idu li l- niena hija l-ewwel pass ta l-im abba: kien ifisser li g adha t obbu? Kemm xtaqet li tre a l-arlo lura waqt li qalbha bdiet ting i: Imma g aliex qatt ma tkellimt, g aωiω Jean? Ftiehmu u qamu biex jo or u. Jean are idejh biex je dilhom b idejhom. Óa b id Eloise l-ewwel waqt li l- arsa t g ajnejhom iltaqg et. Kemm sus setg et taqra Eloise f dik il- arsa mg a la u nervuωa ta Jean! Xtaqilha hena ma dak ir-ra el li kien seraqhielu. Qrat dan kollu f g ajnejh u asset tkexkixa bard li b al kefen dawrilha isimha u reωωa sa ansitra l qalbha li dak il- in kienet amra nar g al Jean. U issa hi kienet hemm tisma dak id-daqq ta l-orgni... daqq li beda jakkuωaha, beda j awwadha, li beda jbeωωag ha. Kienet qed tisimg u g alla ar darba, g ax kienet Ωgura li qatt aktar ma kienet ser tersaq lejn dak ir-ra al. Sejra toqg od il bog od, qalb uçu odda, dar dida, kollox did. Forsi din ser tkun il-mediçina li ser tnessiha kollox. Ippruvat ta seb fuq il- ejjieni ma Filippe. Hu kien i obbha u hi wkoll, u dan kien kollu enn li Hajja Salesjana 27

28 jid lulha dawk id-dubji f waqt b al dak. Kull ma kienet te tie kien ftit kura biex tirrealizza li spiçça Ωmien il- olm u li tinsab fuq il-g atba tar-realtà. Mes et malajr dawk id-demg at minn fuq g ajnejha, waqt li bi tbissima bdiet t ares madwarha biex tara jekk kienx raha xi add tixxotta d-dmug. Iç-çerimonja spiççat, l-g arajjes qamu biex jo or u qalb it-tbissim u x-xewqat tajba tal-mistednin li bilkemm allewhom jg addu u jo or u millknisja. L-orgni kien g adu jdoqq meta f daqqa wa da, waqt li l-g arajjes kienu g oddhom ar u, dak id-daqq waqaf esrem u nstema b al tisbita qrib l-orgni. Kul add beda jtawwal g onqu biex jara x ara, Eloise assitha tibbies, hemm fejn kienet, imma dirg ajn Ωew ha bdew i ajruha timxi l quddiem g al ol-karozza. Waqt il-festin Ωg ir li kellhom semg et min jg id li l-organista assu aωin, imma li wara rawh iere u sejjer lejn daru. G addew tliet snin wara t-tie ta Eloise. Jum fost l-o rajn missitha x-xorti aωina li tisfa armla g ax Ωew ha miet f diωgrazzja tat-traffiku. Óaditha bi kbira din l-a bar g ax Filippe qatt ma naqasha f xejn. Kien g ad ma kellhomx tfal, imma kellhom tama li g ad ikollhom. Issa kien spiçça kollox f salt. Sabet ru ha we idha u siebha re a tar lejn ir-ra al tag ha. Qatg etha li ter a tmur lura. Min jaf Jean? Min jaf ommu kinitx mietet? Ma damitx ta sibha. Fi tlett ijiem waslet ir-ra al. Kien filg odu g all- abta tal-g axra u kif kienet g addejja minn quddiem il-knisja indunat li kien hemm xi funzjoni. Kien hemm in-nies. Da let. Kien hemm tebut f nofs il-knisja. Óassitha stramba din li lanqas biss ma kien hemm daqq tal-orgni... tg id mietet omm Jean? Il-kurΩità g elbitha. Óarset u beωg et li qalbha ser tieqaf... hemm, qrib it-tebut tara l omm Jean. Malajr fehmet g aliex ma kienx qed idoqq l-orgni dakinhar! 28 Hajja Salesjana

29 Il-Kamp tas-sajf tal-brigade 2013 Kitba ta' Joe Camilleri Is-Salesian Brigade organizzat il-kamp tas- Sajf tag ha mill-11 sas-17 ta Awwissu 2013 ewwa G ajn Tuffie a fejn 4 gruppi minn Company A u B ikkompetew bejniethom g all-a jar tim. Ta t it-tmexxija ta Staff Sergeant Jesmond Cassar u l-assistant tieg u Joe Camilleri flimkien ma tim ta Uffiçjali, NCOs u Leaders li qatt ma waqfu ja dmu, 65 tifel u tifla esperjenzaw img a kamp li ma jinsew qatt. Xi attivitajiet kienu pioneering, kompetizzjoni tal-boççi, mawra s g and in-nursery tal-gaia u t-torri fil-viçin, tindif tal-ambjent permezz ta cleanup, bouldering, kompetizzjonijiet bir-ramel, kompetizzjoni tat-tisjir, kompetizzjoni fuq ilclimbing wall, sessjoni dwar il-bijodiversita` minn uffiçjal tal-mepa, sessjoni rigward l-international Award for Young People-Malta u campfire tradizzjonali g all-campers biss. Il- enituri kellhom l-opportunita iωuru l-campers f urnata partikolari matul il- img a u anke waqt il-campfire. Waqt il-kamp jigi ççelebrat il-quddies fil-festa ta Santa Marija u nhar illejla tal-campfire minn Fr. Gerald Mangion SDB, Chaplain tas-salesian Brigade. Il-Campfire kien dikjarat miftu mill-c.o J. Giorgio u ie fi tmiemu permezz tad-danza tal-kamp bil-koreografija f idejn Sgt. Estelle Bonello Sant. Din is-sena t-tim rebbie kien il- Komodo Dragons bit-tmexxija ta Micwen Gauci waqt li l-a jar camper femminili u maskili kienu Christabelle Borg u John Debattista. Ir-rebbie a kollha ing ataw rigali xierqa f Settembru meta l-brigade iltaqg et biex tiddiskuti l-kamp u tag mel il-preωentazzjoni. Is-sigurta` kienet dejjem prijorita` g all- Brigade: Kull camper ta t it-tmintax-il sena kellu jimla formola ta kunsens mill- enituri jew gwardjani tieg u. Il-kamp ta dis-sena ma setax ikun suççess ming ajr il- afna sponsors li g enu l-brigade u l-fundraising BarBQ ta matul il-campfire. Il-Brigade b alissa g adu g addej bil- bir ta fondi biex jitlesta l-pro ett ta l-upper Camp f G ajn Tuffie a L-ikel b as-soltu kien bnin, bil-kçina mmexxija minn Sgt. Margaret Falzon u t-team tag ha. Waqt il-kamp sar il-pro ett Learn by Doing: Outdoors for Youth : Youth in Action, National Youth Initiative 1.2. B kollox adu sehem tnaxil partiçipant, li sitta minnhom ma kinux membri tal-brigade. Il-Brigade rega beda l-programm f Ottubru li g adda. Kull min hu interessat li jid ol membru fis-salesian Brigade ta Tas- Sliema jista jag mel dan billi jikteb fuq salesianbrigade@gmail.com. Tfal u Ωg aωag minn 7 snin -il fuq g andhom futur garantit u afna fer mal-brigade. Aktar informazzjoni ssibuha fuq org, s-salesian Brigade Group fuq facebook.com u Hajja Salesjana 29

30 Stejjer Qosra fuq Dun Bosco Qaddis Me udin mill-ktieb ta Claudio Russo: Don Bosco e il soprannaturale. Il-Kardinal Vives Y Tuto`, li ddefenda l-kawωa tal-kanonizzazzjoni ta Dun Bosco, kien qal: Matul ajti eωaminajt bosta kawωi imma qatt ma ltqajt ma wa da tant mimlija bis-soprannatural daqs din. Il-Mulej kien g o bu jag ni r-ru ta Dun Bosco b kariωmi speçjali, b al ma kienu li jkollu viωjonijiet u olm, li jara l- ejjieni, jg id profeziji, u jaqra fil-kuxjenza. B IDEJH FIL-MANETTI Dun Bosco jg id li darba wa da, wie ed Ωag Ωug, kien qal lis-saçerdot Dun Borel, abib kbir tas- Salesjani, sabiex jiddubbalu ktejjeb tat-talb ming and Dun Bosco. Talbu jmur l-oratorju sabiex i iblu dak il-ktejjeb. IΩ-Ωag Ωug kien maqful fil- abs u kien hemm ewwa li kellem lil Dun Borel. U jekk jog bok g id lil Dun Bosco li, meta s-sena l-o ra rani b idejja fil-manetti, u wissieni sabiex noqg od attent, jiena tbissimt kwaωi b disprezz. Issa qieg ed hawn, u min jaf kemm ser indum! Dun Borel ma tantx fehmu dan id-diskors, u kellu jmur jistaqsi xi jfisser. Qalulu li dak iω- Ωag Ωug kien darba jmur l-oratorju u li kien dejjem ab ru u sewwa hemm ew. Kien tifel ta familja rispettabbli mill-in awi ta Monferrato u kien juri wkoll sinjali ta vokazzjoni lejn issaçerdozju Imma matul is-sena tal-gwerra tal huwa, ming ajr ma qag ad ja sibha, kien wettaq xi nuqqas gravi u mbag ad tbieg ed mill-kwartieri. Ma kienx verament arab millarmata, imma dak li g amel kien nuqqas gravi ta dixxiplina. G alhekk kien ie arrestat u me ud il- abs, appuntu kif Dun Bosco kien wissieh li kellu ji ri. 30 Hajja Salesjana

31 Dun Bosco kien qallu bosta affarijiet o ra, li hawnhekk nixtiequ nfakkru. Anzi kien hu stess li, xi tletin sena wara, ra el xi, ie jirrakkonta ajtu lis-salesjan Dun Ì.B. Francesia. Hekk hu dak li qal: G andek tkun taf xi ftit affarijiet fuq ajti. Meta kont ser nispiçça l-form 5 tal-iskola, Dun Bosco kien assigurani li jekk nibqa mieg u kont insalva u mieg i nsalva tant o rajn. Jiena sibt li kien qieg ed ikellimni hekk g aliex jien kont iben issinjuri Imma meta rani deçiω li nitlaq, wissieni u qalli: Mela alli ng idlek il- ejjieni tieg ek: inti tmur is-seminarju imma malajr titlaq 'il barra. Tipprova tid ol mal-patrijiet Minuri Osservanti, imma ma jirnexxielekx tissaporti. Fl-a ar titlob li ssir ÌeΩwita imma ma jilqg ukx. Ser ikollok ajja mimlija Ωventuri u l-business tieg ek imurlek dejjem g all-ag ar; meta mbag ad issib ru ek fil-miωerja u mu ug fil- isem min abba l-eta` tieg ek, allura ter a lura lejn l-oratorju. Jiena ma nkunx g adni aktar hawn, imma s-suççessur tieg i jilqg ek, b alma l-missier fil-van elu laqa lil ibnu l- ali! Dun Francesia, emminni li dan kollu se tassew, u issa qieg ed hawn quddiemek, ming ajr sold fil-but, mimli nkwiet, abbandunat minn niesi u mill- bieb, iωda milqug bil- lewwa kollha minn Dun Rua li tassew wiret l-ispirtu ta Dun Bosco. Dun Francesia jg id li wara li alla lil dalbniedem jiωvoga ru u sakemm ikkalma, kien staqsieh, Nista, dan kollu li g idtli, nippubblikah? Iva, qallu dak, proprju g alhekk g idtlek dan kollu! (G.B.Francesia, Don Bosco amico delle anime, p.114) Hajja Salesjana 31

32 Maranatha Merciful Jesus By Sister Cornelia of the Sisters of Merciful Jesus Advent is the time of an intensive call from God, to awake, because sometimes we fall asleep during life; a sleep which unlike natural sleep we might not wake up from. Let us have a look into this sinister sleep as described in the Epistle of St. Paul, For you, it is the time now to rise up from your sleep. Paul explains that this sleep means the drifting away from what is right and moral in one s life, for instance, drinking to excess, lying with ease, taking part in malicious gossip, being envious of those who possess more, and only doing things that are personally beneficial. The only connection this sleep has with natural sleep is the collapse into unconsciousness, but unfortunately this unconsciousness is of the conscience. Natural sleep renews physical strength, but this sleep destroys moral strength and that which is important in man which keeps him from being egotistical and uncaring. The awakening finds its fulfillment by making us aware of the good that can be done, waking us to the fact that we are not the ultimate in life. We are just part of the oneness of humanity and our neighbour s life is as important as our own. When this happens, we find that only God can fulfil the human heart and satisfy all its needs and longings. The advent cry of Awake calls us to commit to a new beginning, to undertake a new life by coming to the Lord with total acceptance of His laws for living our lives. We must accept as being from the Lord, the challenges that life brings, the sacrifices as well as the gifts. I fear that Christ will bypass me if I will not invite Him to me and He may never come back this was the great fear of St. Augustine. Advent s goal is to create in us a healthy fear of sin so that we will not miss the coming of the Lord and we will not close ourselves off from Him. Christ comes to man full of respect for his freedom. Here I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come to him and eat with him and he with Me. If you are not alert and awake to advent and neglect this time and don t invite Christ to come to you, He will leave you alone. No one but Jesus is able to bring peace to you, forgiving insults caused by sin. (Bl. Michael Sopocko). At this point it is worth recalling the three dimensions of Christian Vigil (= to watch), when we are watching and waiting for Christ. These were sketched out by Pope John Paul II at the Appeal of Jasna Gora, prayed to Our Lady by 32 Hajja Salesjana

33 Polish families. (This prayer, held daily at 9 o clock in the evening, helps to spiritually renew the promises given to Mary, a simple prayer: I m with you, I remember you and I keep watch at all times. So, according to John Paul II, to watch means that: I try to be a person of conscience and do not ignore my conscience or distort it. I identify with what is good and do not blur it. I develop everything that is good in my life and try to overcome all evil in myself. To watch means that one loves and respects his neighbour, is responsible for the common heritage, which in this case means the faith and to defend it always. A nation is only rich when it has faith and it is its good people who make it rich by living the truth. Truth inspires love and love is necessary to live by the faith. The season of Advent brings together the real meaning of the coming of Christmas. If we heed the message of the Incarnation of God s Son only as a past historical event, this period will be lost on us; for it means much more than just a memory of this salvific event which took place in Bethlehem. This was the most decisive moment for our earth, an event that will have importance for all time. This coming of Christ in the life of every one of us is important while we await His glorious and definitive coming. In fact the whole of our Christian faith is advental. Even the Holy Gospel is, in this respect unfinished, waiting for fulfillment. The last book of the Bible, the Revelation, ends with a passionate cry: Maranatha come Lord Jesus, come! Hajja Salesjana 33

34 A good priest is a truly human person who expresses his love for God in prayer and in love for people. These gifts are sanctified and focused through the grace of ordination when he becomes a man for others. Cardinal Cormac Murphy O Connor Do I really want to follow Jesus and show his love to others, especially to the young, as Don Bosco did? Is prayer and my own relationship with God at the centre of my life? Do I want to be honest and real before God and others? Do I enjoy the life and company of other people? Am I approachable? Am I concerned for the young, the poor and vulnerable? If you believe you have a calling to be a Salesian priest then contact the vocations director, Fr. Louis Grech SDB at: Are you being called PRIESTHOOD to the And to the SALESIAN way of life? Tel / or vocations@salesiansmalta.org for more information 34 Hajja Salesjana

35 Testmenti Tista tg inna fix-xog ol li a na nag mlu mat-tfal u maω-ωg aωag foqra billi tiftakar fina fit-testment tieg ek jew tibg at donazzjoni. Huwa bil-g ajnuna ta nies b alek li x-xog lijiet li g andna madwar id-dinja jibqg u jag tu l-frott. Il-kontribuzzjonijiet kollha, kemm Ωg ar u kemm kbar, huma dejjem apprezzati. Ibg at il-kontribuzzjonijiet tieg ek lil: Fr. Eric Cachia SDB - Amministratur tad-delegazzjoni Savio College, Buskett Road, Dingli DGL2702 Tel: BorΩa ta Studju X INHI BORÛA TA STUDJU? Hija somma ta flus li tg inna biex in allsu parti mill-formazzjoni ta Ωag Ωug li qed i ejji ru u biex isir saçerdot Salesjan. KEMM TRID TAGÓTI BIEX TWAQQAF BORÛA TA STUDJU? Kapital ta b600 JEÓTIEÌ LI BILFORS TAGÓTI S-SOMMA F DAQQA? Le. Wie ed jista jag tiha biçça biçça, tant fix-xhar jew tant fis-sena. JEÓTIEÌ LI BILFORS IS-SOMMA TKUN MOGÓTIJA MINN WIEÓED BISS? Le. Jistg u jiftehmu flimkien iktar minn persuna wa da u kul add jag ti sehmu. IΩda min jo ro wa du s-somma kollha, ikun fundatur ta dik il-borωa. JISTÀ WIEÓED IÓALLI L-BORÛA BÓALA LEGAT WARA MEWTU? Jistà. U min jag mel hekk, jistà jikteb fit-testment: In alli b ala legat lis-salesjani ta Don Bosco, is-somma ta g all-formazzjoni ta Ωag Ωug Malti fl-istess Soçjetà.

36 NEWSPAPER POST : ST.PATRICK S SCHOOL, ST. JOHN BOSCO STREET, SLIEMA 1925 G ax Alla hekk abb lid-dinja li ta lil Ibnu l-wa dieni, biex kull min jemmen fih ma jintilifx, iωda jkollu l- ajja ta dejjem (Ìw 3:16). Il-Komunita` Salesjana ta Malta Flimkien ma dawk kollha li jg inu fl-uffiçju ta Óajja Salesjana, jixtiequ lil qarrejja kollha u lill-g eωieω tag om, Milied u Sena Ìdida mimlijin b kull barka tal-mulej.

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