MARZU - APRIL 2015 il-239 Óar a

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1 MARZU - APRIL 2015 il-239 Óar a Min Jaf? The Seed 2015 Year dedicated to Religious Life Ûmien Sabi

2 ðajja Salesjana St. Patrick s School, Triq San Ìwann Bosco, Sliema SLM 1935 MALTA Tel: (+356) / (+356) Il-Bulettin Salesjan, imsejja b diversi ismijiet, ji i stampat f 56 edizzjoni u f 29 ilsien madwar id-dinja u huwa mxerred f 131 nazzjon Responsible: Fr. Paul Formosa SDB Director/ Editor: Fr. Sandro Camilleri SDB Editorial Board: Margaret Buhagiar, Renald Buhagiar, Josie Grech. Office: Censina Vella, Joyce Scicluna. Design & Printing: Salesian Press, Sliema. Tista taqra Óajja Salesjana fuq il-kompjuter: Front Cover: Young people attending our Salesian Oratory, Sliema Fuqiex se naqraw 3 Editorjal 5 Min Jaf? 6 B al Dun Bosco... 8 Pope Francis at the E.U. Headquarters 10 Mid-Djarju tal-vja i ta Fr. Fabio 12 Ûmien sabi qed jer a mag na 13 I was there 14 Mill-Album tal-familja Salesjana 16 The Seed Year dedicated to Religious Life 22 Guardian angels watching over us 24 Tag lim dwar San ÌuΩepp 26 Salesian Family Days 28 Ir-Rokna ta Martina 30 By the Young for the Young The Logo of the Salesians of Don Bosco is made up of two superimposed images: in the background a stylised S (Salesians) in white marked to the right and left by two cuttings between the hills (a road). The second image is in the centre of the globe: an arrow pointing upwards resting on three perpendicular legs on top of which are three closed circles making a stylised image of three people: the first of these in the midde and taller (the Salesian) appears as if embracing the side figures (the young). The three stylised figures can also be viewed as an arrow pointing upwards (education / formation) or simply as a dwelling (Salesian house) with three pillars holding it up (reason, religion, loving kindness). The coat of arms of the Salesian Congregation shows the shining star, the large anchor, the heart on fire symbolizing faith, hope and charity; the figure of St. Francis de Sales recalling the Patron of the Society; the small wood in the lower part reminds us of the Founder (Bosco) the high mountains signify the heights of perfection towards which members strive; the interwoven palm and laurel that enfold the shield either side are emblematic of the prize reserved for a sacrificial and virtuous life. The motto Da mihi animas, caetera tolle (give me souls, take the rest) expresses every Salesian s ideal.

3 3 G eωieω bieb, ninsabu fiω-ωmien tar-randan li b al dejjem i e i na nid lu da la sew fina nfusna u naraw f liema stat tinsab ru na alli hekk naslu, im ejjija sew, biex niççelebraw b mod s i it-trionf ta Kristu Rxoxt, fl-g id il- Kbir. Biex dan ise, je tie li dawn ir-rikorrenzi ma jibqg ux biss tradizzjonijiet, imma realtajiet tassew li jie du l- ajja u j allu effett viωibbli fuq ru na u ajjitna. Kemm sforzi nag mlu biex nidhru sbie minn barra, iωda ja asra bosta drabi ninsew ir-realta ta ru na bil-konsegwenza li aktar nag tu kas tad-dehra esterjuri milli tassustanza vera u ewwiena tag na nfusna. Ir- Randan jag tina ç-çans biex nisbie u, nissa u u nikbru minn ewwa. Ifakkarna li l- miel ta veru, u mhux kif tippretendih id-dinja, jixxettel f persuna li tpo i l-prioritajiet f posthom u tqieg ed lil Alla fiç-çentru ta ajjitha. Ìmiel ta veru ji i meta nie du l Alla bis-serjeta u konsegwentement nag tuh widen billi nixtarru u nwettqu kliemu u dak kollu li g allimna fil-van elu. F kelma o ra nibdew nag mlu ilitna sabiex ng ixu l-im abba bil-fatti u filprattika g ax min i obb jg ammar f Alla u Alla jg ammar fih... U hija minnu biss li twarrad il-veru sbu ija. Ìmiel ta veru ji i minn ajja marbuta ma Alla. Int min int, g andek bωonn E D I T O R J A L Insara AwtentiŒi lil Ìesu, l-g ajn eterna li tgelgel bl-im abba u l- niena divina g alina lkoll. Mela ejjew g eωieω fil- ajja mg a la tag na ta kuljum, ilkoll innaqqxu in g all-óallieq u l-ma bub Divin tag na Ìesu sabiex dan iω-ωmien tar-randan ma jkunx ie u mar, b al bosta o ra qablu, bla ma alla l-ebda mpatt jew bidla interjuri fina lkoll. Id-dinja te tie insara awtentiçi, illum aktar minn qatt qabel, li jg ixu dak li jemmnu u din l-awtentiçita nistg u lkoll niksbuha kemmil darba nag mluha kuljum ma Alla, il-verita nnifisha. Niftakru x ng idu bil-malti, Ma min rajtek xebba tek! Nie u din l-opportunita biex filwaqt li nawgura lilkom u lill-g eωieω kollha tag kom l-g id it-tajjeb, in e i kom sabiex permezz tal-festi litur içi sbie tal-ìimg a Mqaddsa, niftakru li wara l-maltemp jωernaq il-bnazzi, wara l-biki jer a jfe il-fer u wara l-qtig il-qalb ter a twarrad it-tama g ax Ìesu qam rebbie u kif weg edna: Huwa se jibqa mag na sal-a ar taω-ωmien u g alhekk jekk huwa mag na, min qatt jista jkun kontra tag na? Nitlob lil Sidna Ìesu Kristu Rxoxt u lil Ommu Marija, ir-regina Caeli, iberkukom u j arsukom ilkoll. Fr. Sandro Camilleri sdb "..MIN IÓOBB JGÓAMMAR F ALLA U ALLA JGÓAMMAR FIH... U HIJA MINNU BISS LI TWARRAD IL-VERU SBUÓIJA.."

4 4 E D I T O R I A L Authentic Catholics Dear friends we are now journeying through Lent that, as always, encourages us to take a good look within ourselves and see in which state our soul is, so that in so doing, well prepared, we can come to fully celebrate the triumph of the Risen Christ at Easter. For this to happen, it is necessary that these remembrances do not remain only traditions, but that they actually come to life and leave a visible impact on our soul and our life. How many efforts do we do so that we appear beautiful from the outside, however, alas, we often forget the reality of our soul with the consequence that we give more importance to our exterior appearance than to the real and internal substance within us. Lent gives us a chance to become beautiful, to become stronger and to grow from within. It reminds us that real beauty, not as the world pretends it to be, blooms in that person who s priorities are in their right place and puts God in the centre of his life. True beauty comes when we take God seriously and consequently heed Him by pondering and actuating his words and all He taught us in the Gospel. In other words, we begin to strive to live love practically and by deeds because the one who loves, lives in God and God lives in him... And it is from Him alone that real beauty blossoms. True beauty comes from a life linked to God. Whoever you are, you need Jesus, the eternal well spring that gurgles with love and divine mercy for us all. So my dear friends, in our daily hectic lives, let us carve some time for our Creator and Divine Lover Jesus so that this time of Lent would not have come and gone, like many others before it, without having left any impact or internal change within us. Today more than ever before, the world needs authentic Catholics who live what they believe and this authenticity we can all achieve as long as we daily befriend God, Truth itself. Let us remember what we say in Maltese, I saw similarity between you and the one I saw you with! While I take this opportunity to wish you and all your loved ones a Happy Easter, I encourage you that through the wonderful liturgical festivities of Holy Week, we remember that after the storm, the sun will rise again, after tears joy reappears and after discouragement, hope blooms again because Jesus has triumphantly risen and as He promised us, will remain with us till the end of time and hence, if He is with us, who can be against us? I pray that the Risen Jesus Christ and His Mother, the Regina Caeli, bless you and watch over all of you. Fr. Sandro Camilleri sdb ".. THE ONE WHO LOVES, LIVES IN GOD AND GOD LIVES IN HIM... AND IT IS FROM HIM ALONE THAT REAL BEAUTY BLOSSOMS.."

5 5 MIN JAF?... Riflessjoni dwar rajjiet ma tul ajjet Sidtna Marija minn Sr. Lydia Grech OSJ: Min jaf x assejt Marija quddiem id-dehra ta l-an lu x in abbarlek li se ssir Omm Alla? Min jaf x assejt Marija x in ÌuΩeppi rak tqila b Ìesu u ma emmnekx, u fl-istess in taf x jista ji ri lilek? Min jaf x assejt Marija meta wasallek iω-ωmien li twelled lil Ìesu u niesu ma laqg uhx? Min jaf x assejt Marija meta x-xwejja Xmun fit-tempju abbarlek li sejf g ad jinfidlek ru ek? Min jaf x assejt Marija meta kellek ta rab bil-lejl flimkien mal-bambin u Ωew ek ÌuΩeppi g ax Erodi ried joqtol lil ibnek Ìesu? Min jaf x assejt Marija meta smajt bit-trabi innoçenti li mietu martri g al Ìesu tarbija? Min jaf x assejt Marija meta tlift lil Ìesu u wara tlett ijiem s a tfittxu sibtu fit-tempju jiddisputi mad-dutturi? Min jaf x assejt Marija meta wasal iω-ωmien li Ìesu kellu jitilqek biex iwettaq il-missjoni mog tija lilu mill-missier Etern u li Hu ie biex iwettaq? Min jaf x assejt Marija meta kont tisma lillpoplu jg ajjar b mi nun u midg i lill-g aωiω Ibnek Ìesu meta ma g amilx lief id ma kul add? Min jaf x assejt Marija meta smajt li Ìesu ie ttradut minn Ìuda, maqbud mil-lhud u konsegwentement ikkundannat g all-mewt? Min jaf x assejt Marija meta lma t lil ibnek l-g aωiω Ìesu, iffla ellat bla niena, mislub b kefrija daqslikieku l-ikbar kriminal, imut fuq issalib u midfun f qabar? Min jaf x assejt Marija meta rajt lil Ìesu rebbie u rxuxtat quddiemek? Min jaf x assejt Marija meta g al darb o ra iet fuqek il-qawwa tal-ispirtu s-santu meta kont mi bura fiç-çenaklu mal-appostli? Dan kollu inti arrabtu fis-skiet ta qalbek, u kont toqg od ta seb fuqu bejnek u bejn ru ek. G allimni O Marija Ommi sabiex ta kuljum fisskiet, jien ukoll b alek na seb bejni u bejn ru i fuq il-misteri u l- rajjiet li jse u fil- ajja tieg i ta kuljum. G ini sabiex b alek jien ukoll nag raf ir-rieda ta Alla g alija u nwettaqha blakbar fedelta.

6 6 B al Dun Bosco It-Tieni tar a: Li tag ti appo Ìabra ta artikli siewja fuq it-trobbija tajba minn Pino Pellegrino li dehru fuq Il Bollettino Salesiano u tradotti g all-malti g all-qarrejja ta Óajja Salesjana minn Fr. Sandro Camilleri sdb. Iva, qrajtu tajjeb bieb! It-tieni tar a fl-arti tal-edukazzjoni hi li turi appo, li tag ti sapport lil uliedek. Kull tarbija titwieled g anja. Tasal hawn fl-art b dak il-mo çkejken ta 300 gramma prezzjuωi li jag tu lit-tarbija possibiltajiet bla limitu. Iva, jekk nuωaw b mod s i il-mo tag na, litteralment indamdmu kull test mentali biex iqis l-intelli enza. Il-mo tag na g andu l-kapaçita li jimma ina g axar affarijiet odda kull sekonda u g aldaqstant, jista ji bor afna u afna informazzjoni. Dan meta tikkonsidraw biss il-mo. Mela xi ng idu g all-kapaçita li wie ed jo lom, jimma ina u li jo loq li tinsab f mo it-tfajjel ukoll? U iktar minn hekk, xi ng idu g all-g ana bla qjies tal-qalb li g ad tkun taf t obb? U tal-fomm li g ad jasal biex bih iç-çkejken jitkellem, jitlob? Dak hu dan iç-çkejken: orizzont bla limitu ta possibiltajiet bla qisien. Mela g andna afna ra unijiet g al xiex nuru appo lejn uliedna. Min jissapportja tim tal-futbol ikun jixtieq li dan jirba, imma hu nnifsu ma jkunx jista jid ol jilg ab mag om fil-grawnd. Irid i alli f idejn (jew a jar fir-ri lejn) ta dawk li qed jilag bu l-partita. Dan hu li jse ukoll fl-edukazzjoni: irid ikun hu, it-tifel, li jibni ajtu. Ma nistg ux nie dulu postu a na b ala enituri jew edukaturi. Madankollu, nistg u nistimolawh, nistg u ninkura uh, nistg u nappo awh. Nuru appo, nag tu sapport, g ax dan iqajjem entuωjaωmu, u min g andu l-entuωjaωmu, g andu e a biex ibieg. Nag tu appo g ax filwaqt li l-korrezzjoni tag mel il- id, l-inkura iment jaf jag mel afna iktar. Nag tu sapport, g ax dan jikxef fit-tifel ener ija mistura li ma kienx jaf li g andu. U dan hu don straodinarju. Dan kien jis aq fuqu l-filosfu FrançiΩ, Louis Lavelle ( ) meta kien stqarr, L-ikbar id li nistg u nag mlu lill-o rajn mhuwiex li naqsmu mag hom l-g ana tag na, iωda li ng inuhom jag rfu l-g ana tag hom. Ta min ng idu hawn li f dan ir-rigward, iç-çiniωi g andhom dan il-proverbju stupend li jg id xi a a hekk, Li temmen fil-fjuri, tg inhom biex jift u! Skont il-psikolo i, dan hu dak li jsej ulu l- Effett ta Pigmalione.

7 7 Skont il-le enda, Pigmalione fil-mitolo ija ta Çipru kien re li kellu don kbir fl-iskultura. Jum minnhom, minn biçça avorju bajda alib, kbira u sabi a g amel statwa mill-isba ta mara. Tant ar itlu sabi a din l-istatwa, li xtaqha tkun martu. G aldaqstant, talab bil- erqa lill-allat sabiex jibdlulu din il-figura sabi a fl-avorju fi lejqa ajja. Dawn qatg ulu xewqtu u spiçça biex iωωewwe lill-istatwa li kien oloq hu stess u li issa kienet tbiddlet f mara millisba tad-demm u l-la am. Hekk hu mela: ix-xewqa, il-kapaçita li tag raf issabi, l-istennija, jistg u sa ansitra jag tu l- ajja lill-biçça avorju u anke lill- ebel. Huwa fatt mag ruf li l-g alliema li jemmnu fl-istudenti tag hom, li jistennew afna minn g andhom, b ala twe iba mill-istudenti tag hom dawn imorru afna a jar mag hom milli ma g alliema li huma pessimisti, bla qalb u li ma tantx juruhom fiduçja. Dan tassew juri l-fatt li min ma jemminx f dak li jkun, ikompli jibag tu lura iktar filwaqt li hu wkoll prova ta dak li jg idu ç-çiniωi fil-qawl li kkwotajna hawn fuq: Li temmen fil-fjuri, tg inhom biex jift u. Is-Self Esteem L-istima tieg u nnifsu hi importanti afna biex it-tifel jikber sew. G andhom ra un biex ibieg u meta l-psikolo i jg idu li biex tg ix tajjeb, kull persuna g andu jkollha l-kapaçita li tg id lilha nnifisha, Jiena OK!. Dawk il-qarrejja li huma enituri jew edukaturi, jafu sewwa x qed ng id hawn. G aldaqstant, dawn ma g andhom juωaw qatt u qatt kliem dispre attiv li jbaxxi, b al ng idu a na stupidu, ba nan, bla mo, iωda biss kliem li jinkura ixxu b al ng idu a na bravu, a na kburin bik, int m hawnx b alek... It-tifel jisma dan (u kif jisma!) l-apprezzament kollu tal- enituri! Mela ejjew narmu fiω-ωibel dak il-kliem li jidrob u jimmarka r-ru u l-qalb taç-çkejken! Mela l- enituri ta veru jaççettaw lil binhom kif inhu. Darba minnhom, it-tifel tal-pilota mag ruf, il-kanadiω Gilles Villeneuve, qabad u qal lill- urnalisti, Kul add jistenna minn g andi prestazzjonijiet straodinarji b al ta missieri. Jekk jog obkom alluni nkun sempliçement Jacques Villeneuve. Dan hu g erf! Il-mi nun jg id, Jiena Napuljun! In-nevrotiku jg id, Jiena rrid inkun Napuljun! L-g aref jg id, Jiena huwa jien, u inti int! Mela l- enituri li ma jridux jidorbu s-self Esteem ta wliedhom, je tie ikunu realisti f dak li qed jistennew minn g andhom. Tamiet sproporzjonati jew esa erati fl-ulied jaf jo loq fihom Self Esteem esa erata. Din imbag ad spiss ti i mxekkla bil-fallimenti g ax dak li jkun, ikun immira fl-g oli wisq. Minn hawn ji u l-qtig il-qalb u d-depressjoni. F kaωijiet b al dawn, is-self esteem jaqla daqqa mortali. Ng idu dawn il-fraωijiet lil uliedna: - Jekk tag mel id-dell, sinjal li int hawn! - T assarx ajtek biex ming alik tg addi buzz - Óobb min int. - Tag tix lill-o rajn il-qawwa sabiex jag mluk imnikket meta jg adduk biω- Ωmien! - Tista tkun bis-sens ming ajr ma toqg od tag ti fil-g ajn. - Mhux dejjem nistg u nkunu sbie, imma dejjem nistg u nkunu twajba. - Jekk tinteba li ma tistax titwal iktar flistatura tieg ek, ikber fil- lewwa.

8 8 Pope Francis at the E.U. Headquarters A couple of months ago, our beloved Pope Francis visited the European Parliament. During his speech, especially during particular moments, he triggered a lot of applause. The following article sheds more light on this. Spare a few minutes of your time and take a look! As the Pope addressed the European Parliament, legislators broke out in applause a total of 14 times. watch?v=_xhw7na4bq8#t=14 These were the phrases that triggered such a reaction. 1.- HUMAN DIGNITY "What dignity can a person ever hope to find when he or she lacks food and the bare essentials for survival and, worse yet, when they lack the work which confers dignity? 2.- LIFESTYLES "Together with this, we encounter certain rather selfish lifestyles, marked by an opulence which is no longer sustainable and frequently indifferent to the world around us, and especially to the poorest of the poor. 3.-LIFE "Men and women risk being reduced to mere cogs in a machine that treats them as items of consumption to be exploited, with the result that as is so tragically apparent whenever a human life no longer proves useful for that machine, it is discarded with few qualms, as in the case of the terminally ill, the elderly who are abandoned and uncared for, and children who are killed in the womb. 4.- RELIGION AND VIOLENCE "I am likewise convinced that a Europe which is capable of appreciating its religious roots and of grasping their fruitfulness and potential, will be all the more immune to the many forms of extremism spreading in the world today, not least as a result of the great vacuum of ideals which we are currently witnessing in the West, since "it is precisely man s forgetfulness of God, and his failure to give Him glory, which gives rise to violence.

9 9 5.- RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION AND SILENCE "Communities and individuals today find themselves subjected to barbaric acts of violence: they are evicted from their homes and native lands, sold as slaves, killed, beheaded, crucified or burned alive, under the shameful and complicit silence of so many. 6.- OUTSIDE INFLUENCES "Keeping democracies alive is a challenge in the present historic moment. The true strength of our democracies understood as expressions of the political will of the people must not be allowed to collapse under the pressure of multinational interests which are not universal, which weaken them and turn them into uniform systems of economic power at the service of unseen empires. 7.- FAMILY "The family, united, fruitful and indissoluble, possesses the elements fundamental for fostering hope in the future. 8.- ENVIRONMENT "We need only think, for example, of alternative sources of energy, the development of which will assist in the protection of the environment. 9.- HUNGER "It is intolerable that millions of people around the world are dying of hunger while tons of food are discarded each day from our tables IMMIGRATION POLICIES "We need to take action against the causes and not only the effects PEOPLE AT THE CENTER "Dear Members of the European Parliament, the time has come to work together in building a Europe which revolves not around the economy, but around the sacredness of the human person, around inalienable values STANDING OVATION "The time has come for us to abandon the idea of a Europe which is fearful and self-absorbed, in order to revive and encourage a Europe of leadership, a repository of science, art, music, human values and faith as well. A Europe which contemplates the heavens and pursues lofty ideals. A Europe which cares for, defends and protects man, every man and woman. A Europe which bestrides the earth surely and securely, a precious point of reference for all humanity! Thank you! 10.- EMPLOYMENT "The time has come to promote policies which create employment, but above all there is a need to restore dignity to labor by ensuring proper working conditions IMMIGRANTS "We cannot allow the Mediterranean to become a vast cemetery!

10 10 Mid-djarju tal-vja i ta Fr. Fabio Attard SDB... Waslulna dawn l-a barijiet minn Mark Caruana dwar iω-ωjara ta Fr. Fabio Attard sdb f Sydney l-awstralja lill- bieb tag na Maltin u Past Pupils Salesjani ftit xhur ilu: Fr. Fabio Attard sdb, General Councillor for Youth Ministry, received a very warm reception in Sydney. Indeed, the weekend of the 15-16th November 2014 was a highlight for the Maltese Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco in NSW. Our guest, Fr. Fabio Attard sdb, holds an important and responsible position on the General Council of the Salesians. As Councillor for Youth Ministry, based in Rome, he visits various countries to animate Salesian communities around the world. Born in 1959, he is a past pupil of the Gozo Salesian Oratory, and he gladly made a special trip to Sydney to meet with members of the above mentioned Association and the Salesian community at St. Marys Parish where he was the resident weekend guest. He was in Melbourne for a Conference linked to the Bicentenary of Don Bosco s birth ( ) and accepted the Association s invitation to visit Sydney before departing back for Rome. His first engagement was a mass at La Valette Social Centre in Blacktown. Following this mass, he visited St. Dominic s Home for the Elderly and afterwards he was taken to the association s centre where he met a number of Maltese who gather there on Saturdays. At the 4.45pm Mass he was assisted by Fr. Noel Bianco MSSP and after mass he met a number of friends who knew him well in Gozo. The following day, Sunday 16th November 2014, Fr. Fabio concelebrated mass at St. Mary s, Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, together with Fr. Carmelo Sciberras, Fr. John Briffa sdb, Fr. Shane Reade sdb and Fr. John Walenceij sdb. Fr. Fabio delivered a moving homily on the parable of the talents, where he touched on the aspects of trust in God, responsibility for the good use of our talents and a commitment on our faith journey to God. Fr. Fabio also met the committee at the community hall and was informed of our activities. He also had the opportunity to meet members and parishioners at a relaxed Salesian gathering after mass, where members

11 11 provided refreshments and listened to his talk on the bigger picture, the priorities for the Salesian communities around the world and much more. Fr. Fabio was later taken to visit the Salesian community at Engadine. Prior to his departure he had some free time to enjoy the magnificent and iconic sights of Sydney Harbour. What stands out in my mind as a result of this visit is the warm reception Fr. Attard received by members and friends who knew him well both in Gozo and in Sliema, Malta. Through this meeting, they renewed their contact with Fr. Fabio once again who with his youthful exuberance to the Salesian cause, his profound spiritual foundation and the importance attached to being authentic when dealing with today s youth, left and indelible imprint on all those who got to meet him. Fr. Fabio also stressed the importance of listening, understanding and discerning the changing times that are affecting our young people today as they search for true spiritual meaning on their life s journey. I thank the committee for the preparations for a successful weekend event, Leli Zammit who was Fr. Fabio s guide, driver and photographer, Fr.Shane Reade sdb Rector of St.Mary s, Fr. Brendan Murphy sdb parish priest, Fr. Carmelo Sciberras the Association s spiritual director, Fr. John Briffa sdb past spiritual director, Sam Gatt who represented the Association and welcomed him at the airport, all the committee and all those who provided refreshments and support. Indeed it was a weekend to remember! "..A COMMITMENT ON OUR FAITH JOURNEY TO GOD

12 12 Żmien sabiħ qed jerġa magħna minn Kav. J.M.Attard Jiem għeżież tal-ġimgħa l-kbira illi fihom aħna nagħmlu tal-mewt il-mulej tifkira! Il fuq minn elfejn sena ilu Kristu ssallab għall-bnedmin, Ċarċar demmu, ħalla ħajtu, biex le nibqgħu midinbin. It-tbatija illi sofra ma tfissirha bl-ebda kliem; għuda tqila ġarr fuq spalltu li wasslitu lejn it-tmiem. Fuq salib safa mdendel qisu l-aqwa kriminal; lil Missieru minn hemm talab biex jaħfrilhom dan l-iżball. Għaddew, tgerbu das-snin kollha lill-mulej għadna nwarrbuh, u lil qalbu nfieru, inweġġgħu, dispjaċir wisq kbir nagħtuh! Tafu xejn li bl-aġir tagħna mill-ġdid qegħdin insallbuh u fuq l-għolja tal-qorriegħa qegħdin nerġgħu nwassluh!

13 13 I was there! Almost 300 Salesians, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and other representatives from the various branches of the Salesian Family coming from all over the world, celebrated this congress one of the main events taking place as we mark the bicentenary of Don Bosco s birth. The Rector Major, Don Angel F. Artimes and his Council, the FMA Mother Superior, Sr. Yvonne Reungoat and the Rector Major emeritus, Don Pascual Chavez also participated in this congress. The Salesian Cardinal H. E. Raffaele Farina led a big mass concelebration to conclude the Congress. The liturgy was excellently organised every time and the homilies were most illuminating. As regards the lectures, workshops, goodnights and all the other various interventions, one could only say that they just couldn t be any better. The theme of the congress was: The Development of the charism of Don Bosco until Vatican Council II and The Special Salesian Chapter. Our Rector Major, spoke at lenght about how he sees the future of the Salesian charism. He said that in our continuously changing world, fidelity to the spirit of Don Bosco is the only guarantee of a successful future. It was I was there! by Fr. Francis Zammit sdb A personal account by Fr. Francis Zammit sdb who attended the International Salesian Historical Congress at the Pisana, Rome during the end of further explained, throughout the congress, that the fidelity here mentioned refers to the fidelity to the spirit of Don Bosco and not in doing the same exact thing as was done before. The Spirit is a formidable force that does not change or alter. Worth noting that during this congress, we visited the Central Salesian Archives. It was indeed very interesting and moving to actually behold copybooks and notes full of written words by Don Bosco himself. We saw other written work pertaining to St. Dominic Savio and to Blessed Michael Rua aswell. We were also shown the old breviary used by Don Bosco to pray during his lifetime. The importance and value of such an international congress, besides the ongoing formation it provides, lies also in the fact that one gets to share information and ideas, formally and informally, that one meets up and makes new acquaintances or rekindles others while celebrating together the richness and diversity of our vast Salesian family all brought together by the charism Don Bosco s, lovingly bequeathed to us. It is up to us to now uphold it and actuate it in the here and now, according to the needs of today s youth.

14 14 Mill-album tal-familja Salesjana Sister Kyoung-Jin FMA Filwaqt li fl-edizzjoni tal-óajja Salesjana ta Jannar / Frar 2015 iltqajna ma Br. Paul Spiteri sdb, din id-darba sibt li llaqqag kom ma soru Salesjana li mill-korea iet ta dem fostna. Se n alli l-intervista fl-ori inali bl-ingliω. 1. Can you give me a brief introduction about you? Hello, I am so glad to meet you in Óajja Salesjana! I am Sister Kyoung-Jin from Korea. I have been in Malta for one year and five months. I am happy to introduce myself to you. There are five members in my family, including my mother, my father, my sister and my brother. My sister got married and has got two lovely children. My brother is making plans for his wedding. I have a lot of respect for my parents. I have been greatly influenced by the support, fidelity and hard-working characteristics of my family for whom I cannot thank God enough as I continue to ask God to bless them. I majored in Youth Studies at the University of Seoul, Korea. Among other subjects, this consisted of a broad curriculum which included youth culture, social problems, psychology, family, recreation therapy and a mental development program which enabled me to focus on young people right through my training. 2. How did you get to know Don Bosco? I got to know Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello through my contact with the Salesian Sisters with whom I met when I was 16 years of age. Their life dedicated to young people impressed me deeply and it was at that time, that I felt that I was being called to follow their example through a religious vocation.

15 15 3. How do you form part of the Salesian Family? As a Salesian Sister, I am part of the Salesian Family. The institute of Salesian Sisters was founded by Don Bosco together with a young woman, St. Mary Domenica Mazzarello. It was Don Bosco s wish that in founding the Salesian Sisters, they would be for young girls as he was for young boys. His intention was that they be called Daughters of Mary Help of Christians so that they could be a living monument of his gratitude to Mary Help of Christians throughout all time. 4. Who is Don Bosco for you and what most strikes you in him? Don Bosco is a special person for me. First of all Don Bosco showed me how I am loved by God through having known many Salesian Sisters whom I had met before entering religious life, and who helped me to realize my dream of becoming a Salesian Sister. Secondly, I consider Don Bosco my guide for my salesian life and I rely on his example to understand what God wants for young people. I can, therefore look up to Don Bosco as my model, for like Don Bosco, my life has been focussed on loving young people with all my heart in a lifelong commitment. 5. Is there a phrase or a sentence from Don Bosco that inspires your life? As a young girl, I was struck by Don Bosco s love for young people to the extent that I wanted to live by what he says about young people that: It is enough for you to be young for me to love you very much. Since I became a Sister, I have realized how much I wish to be able to say, with Don Bosco, I have promised God that I shall work for my poor young people to my last breath. 6. What message would you like to pass on to the readers of Óajja Salesjana? We are celebrating with joyful hearts the bicentenary year since the birth of our beloved Don Bosco. It is a year filled with love, joy and blessings under the gaze of Don Bosco as we remember his words as he approached his death saying: Oh my dear children the time is approaching for me to detach myself from you and depart for eternity (secretary s note: At this point Don Bosco stopped dictating. His eyes filled with tears, not of regret but of ineffable tenderness. This showed itself in his face and passed over into his voice.) I wish to leave all of you priests, clerics and my dear young people, on the path to God, where, He himself wishes you to be.

16 16 THE SEED minn S.C. SDB A successful Christian business man was growing old and knew it was time to choose a successor. Instead of choosing one of his directors or his children, he decided to do something different. He called all the young executives in his company together. He said, "It is time for me to step down and choose the next CEO. I have decided to choose one of you." The young executives were shocked, but the boss continued. "I am going to give each one of you a seed today - one very special seed. I want you to plant the seed, water it, and come back here one year from today with what you have grown from the seed. I will then judge the plants that you bring, and choose the next CEO" One man, named Jim, was there that day and he, like the others, received a seed. He went home and excitedly, told his wife the story. She helped him get a pot, soil and compost and he planted the seed. Everyday, he would water it and watch to see if it had grown. After about three weeks, some of the other executives began to talk about their seeds and the plants that were beginning to grow. Jim kept checking his seed, but nothing ever grew. Four weeks, five weeks went by, still nothing. By now, others were talking about their plants, but Jim didn't have a plant and he felt like a failure. Six months went by; still nothing in Jim's pot. He just knew he had killed his seed. Everyone else had trees and tall plants, but he had nothing. Jim didn't say anything to his colleagues, however; he just kept watering and fertilizing the soil - he so wanted the seed to grow. A year finally went by and all the young executives of the company brought their plants to the CEO for inspection. Jim told his wife that he wasn't going to take an empty pot. But she asked him to be honest about what happened. Jim felt sick at his stomach, it was going to be the most embarrassing moment of his life, but he knew his wife was right. He took his empty pot to the board room. When Jim arrived, he was amazed at the variety of plants grown by the other executives. They were beautiful, in all shapes and sizes. Jim put his empty pot on the floor and many of his colleagues laughed, a few felt sorry for him! When the CEO arrived, he surveyed the room and greeted his young executives.

17 17 "My, what great plants, trees, and flowers you have grown," said the CEO. "Today one of you will be appointed the next CEO!" All of a sudden, the CEO spotted Jim at the back of the room with his empty pot. He ordered the financial director to bring him to the front. Jim was terrified. When Jim got to the front, the CEO asked him what had happened to his seed - Jim told him the story. The CEO asked everyone to sit down except Jim. He looked at Jim, and then announced to the young executives, "Behold your next Chief Executive! His name is Jim!" Jim couldn't believe it. Jim couldn't even grow his seed. How could he be the new CEO the others said? Then the CEO said, "One year ago today, I gave everyone in this room a seed. I told you to take the seed, plant it, water it, and bring it back to me today. But I gave you all boiled seeds; they were dead - it was not possible for them to grow. All of you, except Jim, have brought me trees and plants and flowers. When you found that the seed would not grow, you substituted another seed for the one I gave you. Jim was the only one with the courage and honesty to bring me a pot with my seed in it. Therefore, he is the one who will be the new Chief Executive!" If you plant honesty, you will reap trust If you plant goodness, you will reap friends If you plant humility, you will reap greatness If you plant perseverance, you will reap contentment If you plant consideration, you will reap perspective If you plant hard work, you will reap success If you plant forgiveness, you will reap reconciliation If you plant faith in Christ, you will reap a harvest So, be careful what you plant now; it will determine what you will reap later.


19 Is-sacerdot.. ma jmurx il-genna jew l-infern waħdu. Jekk jagħmel il-gid,. imur is-sema mal-erwieħ li hu jkun salva bl-ezempju. tajjeb tiegħu; izda. jekk jagħmel ħazin,. jekk jiskandalizza lill-oħrajn, jintilef hu flimkien ma l-erwieħ li jkun skandalizza. ( SPS 314)

20 Year dedicated to Religious Life (ANS Rome / EWTN News) The year dedicated to Religious Life was launched on the 29th November 2014, during the eve of the first sunday of Advent and at the beginning of a new liturgical year. It will conclude on the 2nd February 2016, on the day dedicated to Religious Life. According to Pope Francis, consecrated religious are men and women who can wake up the world illuminating it with their prophetic and counter-current witness!. He had shared this insight when he had spoken about consecrated men and women last November 2013 when he was in dialogue with the Religious Superiors of male congregations and when he had informed them about this special year. The Year of Religious Life, that also marks the 50th anniversary from the launch of the dogmatic constitution Lumen Gentium and of the decree Perfectae Caritatis, has an ulterior significance for the Salesian Congregation because it has coincided with the Bicentenary of Don Bosco s birth. This year dedicated to Religious Life had it s opening during a prayer vigil held at the roman basilica of St. Mary Major on the 29th November The following day, Sunday, 30th November 2014, this vigil was completed by the celebration of Sunday Eucharist at the basilica of St. Peter s. Through various initiatives in the coming months, Pope Francis told consecrated men and women in his message that their shining witness of life will be as a lamp, placed where it can give light and warmth to all of God's people. Pope Francis renewed his call made in a message to Superior Generals a year ago to wake up the world. Consecrated men and women can respond to this invitation, first, by being joyful! the Pope said. Show everyone that to follow Christ and to put His Gospel into practice fills your hearts with happiness! This happiness should be contagious, he continued,

21 21 leading people to seek the reason for this joy so that they can share in it. The Holy Father also told consecrated men and women to be courageous, reminding them that he who feels the Lord's love knows how to place full confidence in Him. Finally, Pope Francis called consecrated persons to be deeply rooted in personal communion with God. Show that universal fraternity is not a utopia, but Jesus' same dream for all humanity. In his homily, Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, who read the Pope s address in his absence while he was visiting Turkey, recalled how like Pope Francis, consecrated persons wish to entrust the journey and [destination] of the Year of Consecrated Life to Mary. A deep marian imprint characterised the above mentioned moments of prayer. All forms of religious life were entrusted (Religious Institutes, Secular Institutes, Order of Virgins, Societies for Apostolic Life, new Institutes) to the Mother of God, model and patron of all religious life, because In Mary the Church is all who journey together: in the love of those who go out to the most fragile; in the hope of those who know that they will be accompanied in their going out and in the faith of those who have a special gift to share. In Mary each one of us, driven by the wind of the Spirit, fulfils our own vocation to move out! (Rejoice / paragraph 13) These occasions took place in the heart of Rome, in union with all the dioceses of the world, where many prayerful encounters were held to invoke the Holy Spirit who constantly vivifies and renews the Church.

22 22 Guardian Angels Watching Over Us "For the angel of the Lord guards and rescues all who reverence Him" (Psalm 34:7) For many years my travels have taken me from continent to continent, to scores of countries each year. I have traveled under all kinds of circumstances, not a few times faced with danger. But always there was peace in my heart that the Lord was with me and I was surrounded by His guardian angels to protect me. In Pakistan, during a time of great political upheaval, I had finished a series of meetings in Lahore and was taken to the train station. Though I was unaware of what was happening, an angry crowd of thousands was marching on the station to destroy it with cocktail bombs. The director of the railway line rushed us onto the train, put us in our compartments and told us not to open our doors under any circumstances - unless we knew that the one knocking was a friend. The train ride to Karachi would require more than 24 hours, which was just the time I needed to finish rewriting my book, "Come Help Change the World". So I put on my pyjamas, got in my berth and began to read and write. It was not until we arrived in Karachi some 28 hours later that I discovered how guardian angels had watched over us and protected us. The train in front of us had been burned when rioting students had lain on the track and refused to move. So the train ran over them and in retaliation, the mob burned the train and killed the officials. Now we were the next train and they were prepared to do the same for us. But God miraculously went before us and there were no mishaps. We arrived in Karachi to discover that martial law had been declared and all was peaceful. A Red Cross van took us to the hotel and there God continued to protect us. When the violence subsided we were able to catch a plane out of Karachi for Europe. Whether in a train or wherever you are, God guards and rescues those people who reverence Him. Today, you can know for certain that God will send His guardian angels to guard you simply yield your life to Him and ask Him to come into your life. Prayer to our Guardian Angel: Angel of God My guardian dear To Whom His love Commits me here Ever this day Be at my side To light and guard To rule and guide. Amen

23 23 Fr. George Mercieca ( ) by Fr. Charles Cini sdb Fr. George and myself were both born in the same year, with just a month between us. We spent most of our youth together at school in Gozo and at the Don Bosco Oratory in Rabat. Later on, we continued our studies together in Italy as we both prepared ourselves for the priesthood. Fr. Mercieca was indeed a very brilliant and intelligent man. During our studies in Italy, although obviously not a native Italian, he was always first in class. Infact he was highly admired by the other Italian students for the way he had mastered the Italian language. In a very special way he liked Alessandro Manzoni and could even recite parts of the Promessi Sposi by heart. Ever since he was a very young lad, he used to write Maltese poems. My job was to transcribe them for him and many times, when he was not satisfied with the poem he had just written, he would throw it away but I would then secretly keep them. As a matter of fact, I still have many of his yet unpublished poems. Fr. George loved the Maltese language and Malta very dearly. Often while abroad, he would feel homesick and would sorely miss his homeland Gozo. Besides being a great poet, he was also a very good actor and his superiors would give him important roles to play in famous plays. He was a very sensitive person and would always put others before him. Indeed, he was a special individual who led a very good and simple life. Fr. George obtained his licentiate in Sacred Theology from the Salesian University in Rome in His thesis was about the existence of the devil. He taught various subjects in Salesian colleges in Catania and in Caltanisetta and was also appointed as lecturer of Dogmatic theology at the INSERM in Malta. Fr. Mercieca joined the education department and taught Maltese, Italian and Religious Knowledge at Savio College, in Dingli, at the Naxxar Trade School, at the Technical Institute Michelangelo Refalo and later at Agius de Soldanis Girl s Lyceum, both in Victoria. He was truly a great admirer of the beauty of nature. His first tentative writings were in prose but he soon discovered that poetry was the right medium and consequently published his first poems in He was also involved in various literary cultural and philanthropic organisations. In August 2008, as member of the Gozo cathedral presbyterial council, he was awarded Ìie il-katidral by H. E. Bishop Mario Grech. Undoubtedly, he had a special love for Our Lady of the Assumption and every year on her feast day in August, he would dedicate a poem to Her. Fr. George was a very shy person but once one got to know him, he would willingly become a genuine friend. I for myself found a great friend in him, with whom I shared and confided. He was also a very generous man and always ready to help others, especially the poor and the needy. So much more can be said about Fr. George Mercieca but what is most important is the fact that he was indeed a very good person. Although he will be sorely missed, I am sure that Our Lady, St. George and St. John Bosco welcomed him at the gates of Paradise for an eternity of joy with God. We assure you our prayers Dun George and please, keep us in yours too.

24 24 Tag lim dwar San ÌuΩepp mill-kummissjoni Teolo ika Maltija minn Dun Pawl Sciberras - Membru tal-kummissjoni Teolo ika Kienu diversi persuni saçerdoti, reli juωi u lajçi li staqsewna nag tu informazzjoni dwar San ÌuΩepp, u dak li hemm dwaru fl-evan elju. abat tajjeb li qed inwasslu dan it-tag rif fl-okkaωjoni tal-125 sena mill-ençiklika Quamquam pluries tal-papa Ljun XIII (15 ta Awwissu 1889) u l-25 sena mill-eωortazzjoni Appostolika tal-papa San Ìwanni Pawlu II, Redemptoris custos (15 ta Awwissu 1989) Ωew dokumenti tal- Ma isteru dwar San ÌuΩepp. ÌuΩeppi, ir-ra el ta Marija Ir-referenzi li jag mlu l-evan elji ta Mattew, Luqa u Ìwanni g al ÌuΩeppi, nistg u ni bruhom fi tliet blokki, skont is-su ett li jwasslu. 1) ÌuΩeppi: l-g arus u r-ra el ta Marija Mt. 1,16 jiddeskrivi lil ÌuΩeppi b ala an r ta Marija. Fiha nnifisha, il-kelma ma tispeçifikax hux ir-ra el jew l-g arus. IΩ-Ωwie kien fih Ωew tappi: l-erusîm = il-betrothal u n-nissuîm = meta l-g arajjes imorru joqog du flimkien (litteralment, meta l-g arus jerfa [n s ] lillg arusa u jo odha toqg od f daru). Quddiem il-li i, l-erusîm kien jorbot liω-ωew g arajjes daqslikieku kienu miωωew in (ara Dt 22,23-24). Mt. 1,18 (u Lq 1,27) jg id li Marija kienet imweg da (mn steu ) lil ÌuΩeppi, u jg id speçifikament li kienu g adhom ma marrux joqog du flimkien (g arusa lilu, fl-ewwel faωi taω-ωwie tag hom tal-erusîm). Imma Mt. 1,19 jg id li ÌuΩeppi, ir-ra el (an r) tag ha, kien ra el ust u ma riedx ixandarha quddiem kul add, kien qatag ha li jibg atha bil-mo bi tan-nies. Mela an r tfisser kemm l-g arus (b al f 1,19) u kemm Ωew ha (b al f 1,16). Anke fl-g erusija, ÌuΩeppi kien di à jissejja l-an r ta Marija. Mt. 1,20.24 jispeçifikaw li ÌuΩeppi affef iω- Ωmien bejn l-erusîm u n-nissuîm u a lil Marija b martu fid-dar tieg u. Kemm jekk t ares lejn ÌuΩeppi b ala l-kap tal-familja ta NaΩaret (wara li a lil Marija b martu u lil Ìesù b ala ibnu legali), mag mula minnu, minn Marija u minn Ìesù, u kemm jekk

25 25 t ares lejh b ala l-g arus ta Marija (qabel marru joqog du flimkien), dejjem jista jissejja ir-ra el jew Ωew Marija; dejjem huwa an r. 2. Ìesù, Iben Marija Grupp ta testi o ra jitkellmu fuq ir-relazzjoni bejn ÌuΩeppi u Ìesù. Mt. 2, ; 2, 21, flimkien ma Mt 1,16: donnu li Mattew g adu jrid jag mel distinzjoni speçifika li Ìesù huwa biss iben Marija, g alkemm f Mt. 1, 24 kien di à qalilna li ÌuΩeppi a lil Marija u lil Ìesù b ala tieg u legalment. F dawn it-testi dejjem hemm: ittifel u ommu jew li Ìesù twieled minn Marija. Mattew qieg ed donnu jag mel distinzjoni bejn il-paternità legali tieg u lejn Ìesù u l-paternità naturali / bijolo ika. Lq. 3, 23 jispeçifika li Ìesù kien ma sub (enomízeto g alhekk il-missier putattiv) li hu iben ÌuΩeppi. 3) Ìesù, Iben ÌuΩeppi Il-komunità ta Ìwanni, bi tradizzjonijiet differenti minn dawk tas-sinottiçi, imma wkoll iktar tardiva fiω-ωmien mill-komunitajiet tas- Sinottiçi, ma g andhiex diffikultà ssejja lil Ìesù b ala iben ÌuΩeppi: Ìw 1, 44 Filippu jindika lil Ìesù lil Natanajel bl-isem ta Ìesù, bin ÌuΩeppi, u dan sa ansitra skont l-iskrittura. Ìw 6, 42 huwa iktar qawwi minn hekk, g ax lil Ìesù jsejja lu bin ÌuΩeppi daqskemm huwa bin Marija. Mela m hemmx diffikultà lessikali li lil ÌuΩeppi nsej ulu r-ra el ta jew Ωew Marija. Lanqas hemm diffikultà li lil ÌuΩeppi nsej ulu r-ra el ta jew Ωew Marija g ax legalment kien hekk tassew, ladarba a lil Marija b ala martu. Na seb li l-isem ta g arus ta Marija ing ata biss min abba l-paternità ta Ìesù. Kienet paternità legali, g ax a lil Ìesù b ala ibnu, imma mhux bijolo ika jew naturali. Allura na seb li, meta jissemma ma Marija, jista bittrankwillità kollha jissejja ir-ra el tag ha jew Ωew ha. While we appreciate the donations you have already sent us, we will be very grateful if you would continue to support us throughout the year so that ðajja Salesjana may continue to be delivered free of charge to all who request it. Thank you!

26 26 SALESIAN FAMILY DAYS by Fr. Victor Mangion sdb The Salesians of Don Bosco throughout this year are en fete because they are celebrating the bicentenary of the birth of their founder Saint John Bosco. To mark this milestone event, one of the various activities being held was the international gathering of about 400 members of the Salesian family at the Salesianum, a.k.a. Pisana, in Rome, between the 15th 18th January The theme of the meeting was Like Don Bosco, with and for youth. All participants, including our small Maltese contingent, reflected, discussed and listened to experiences on how we can as Salesians open our minds and hearts further to appreciate and love the world of young people that is constantly changing. Presiding over the whole event was the Rector Major Fr. Angel Fernandez Artime who emphasised that to be effective in our ministry to and for young people, we need to have our gaze fixed on Jesus Christ and work together. Being with young people today is indeed a matter of urgency. In spite of the whirling mass media they are surrounded with, young people today need a real and true companion because many of them feel alone on life s journey. Moreover he also said that in our Salesian Congregation the involvement of the laity is not an option. The whole four days were characterised by moments of reflection, of sharing life experiences, moments of reflective prayer as well as moments of typical Salesian entertainment. The period of reflection was led by three main speakers. One was Fr. Giuseppe Bucellato SDB, lecturer in Salesian Spirituality, who spoke on How to read the past to write the future with regard to the historical Don Bosco. The second speaker was Sr. Piera Ruffinato FMA who helped us all to go deeper into the above mentioned theme but from a pedagogical-missionary perspective. She shared with us participants how Don Bosco restored, reinvented and rebuilt the road to holiness, especially for young people. Finally, Fr. Jesus Manuel Garcia SDB spoke about Don Bosco s spirituality. He said that Don Bosco had a unique experience of the spiritual life, with a practical and concrete sensitivity to certain Gospel values. In him we find ourselves closer to a kind of lived spiritual experience rather than to a programme of Christian spirituality.

27 27 The second day was more practical as it centred on life experiences. These were shared by speakers from Argentina, Spain and Germany. Fr. Pablo Bustos SDB spoke on how Don Bosco calls all members of the Salesian Family to think together, to plan together, to work together and to pray together with and for the young. Fr. Vicente Serrano SDB from Spain spoke about the experience of the Group Martes. They cater for the evangelisation and the rehabilitation of young prisoners. Then Mr. Achim Jagers spoke about the work Salesians do in Germany to help unaccompanied minor refugees. There they are given the appropriate support by being helped to get used to the language, they are facilitated to fill in appropriate forms and are also directed to proper agencies to seek help. This Salesian work also ensures that their rights are not trampled upon. In our ministry to young people, the predominant medium of social communications could not be left out. Hence, for this reason Fr. Donizete Fereira from Cancao Nova, a Congregation founded by a Salesian in Brazil and which is a member of the Salesian family, gave a reflection on how to talk to the young of today with the means of social communication. He gave an overall view on what they do by means of a TV channel and mass prayer meetings for young people who attend in their hundreds. Examples of this can be seen by searching for Cansao Nova on Youtube. Moments of prayer were very uplifting, particularly the celebration of the Mass. A most welcome innovation during this Salesian Family gathering in Rome was a pilgrimage around the vast grounds of the Pisana where all together we recited the rosary and meditated on extracts from Don Bosco s writings. Typically as Salesians, joy and entertainment could not be left out in this wonderful international get together. Besides the daily songs, dances and exercises led by the Gruppo di Biancavilla from Catania, ably led by Mr. Armando Bellocchi, we were also able to see a beautiful musical at Cinecitta entitled, At the time of Youth. It was performed by the post novices of Nave, a Salesian studentate in Brescia. This musical was inspired by Don Bosco s book The Companion of Youth. Indeed, these few days of Salesian Spirituality at the Salesianum were nourishing and invigorating in more ways than one. Don Bosco in Malta! It is now confirmed that after going around various countries in the world, the casket containing some of Don Bosco s relics will finally be in Malta between the 14 th and the 18 th May Let us thank God and His Mother, the Help of Christians, for bestowing this grace on the Maltese islands especially during this special year when as a Salesian Family, we celebrate the bicentenary year from Don Bosco s birth at Becchi that occurred way back on the 16 th August 1815.

28 28 Ir-Rokna ta Martina: messaġġi minn żagħżugħa għaż-żgħażagħ minn Martina Briffa A na Ω-Ωg aωag in obbu afna nisimg u l-muωika u spiss, fil-kliem ta diversi diski, ikun hemm mistura messa i poωittivi li jekk ma noqog dux attenti g alihom, façli afna li ma ninteb ux bihom u dawn jispiççaw itiru mar-ri. Fuq stedina ta Fr. Sandro Camilleri sdb, l-editur il- did tal-óajja Salesjana, se nibda naqsam mag kom xi riflessjonijiet qosra li b ala Ωag Ωug a nag mel wara li nkun smajt xi diski li jkunu laqtuni. Nittama li ssibu dawn il- sibijiet qosra ta interess personali. I m coming home diska kantatha minn Skylar Grey I m coming home Tell the World I m coming home Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday I know my kingdom awaits and they ve forgiven my mistakes I m coming home, I m coming home Tell the World that I m coming G alkemm dan il-paragrafu li g aωilt huwa biss silta qasira mid-diska, g aωiltu g ax g andu tag lima kbira li ta min nie du minuta flimkien u nirriflettu dwarha. Fil- ajja mg a la tag na llum, spiss nibqg u g adejjin sparati ming ajr ma nieqfu nixtarru u naraw x' inkunu g amilna matul dik il- urnata. Tassew il- ajja saret tigrija, tellieqa kostanti mal- in u konsegwentement, add ma g adu jid ol ftit fih innifsu u jeωamina l- ajja tieghu fejn hi sejra? X qed nag mel biha? X g amilt tajjeb / aωin illum? G int lil xi add/ ferra t / abbejt lil xi add? Urejt l-apprezzament tieg i lejn xi persuna? Kont edukat u soqt sew fit-triq? Eçç G aldaqstant, ridt nenfasizza li meta wie ed jirrifletti ftit fuq il-jum li jkun g adda u jeωamina lilu nnifsu, forsi jinteba li naqas lil Alla u lill-proxmu. Huwa g alhekk importanti li f dan il-waqt, nammettu n-nuqqas tag na u nag mlu deçiωjoni li mmorru nqerru alli hekk ner g u lura lejn Ìesu u nintelqu f idejh. Donnu f dawn iω-ωminijiet wisq mg a la, kul add nesa x inhu l-qrar u kemm hu importanti li ner g u ning aqdu ma Ìesu li dejjem lest ja frilna d-dnubijiet taghna, kemm-il darba nammettu li Ωbaljajna. G alhekk issa li riesaq l-g id, nistedinkom ta sbu daqsxejn u teωaminaw ftit 'il ajjitkom u kemm jista jkun ftakru li Ìesu hu dejjem hemm g alik. Hu qieghed hemm jistennik. T alli x jistennik g al xejn...

29 29 Hall of Fame diska kantatha minn The Script featuring Yeah, you can be the greatest You can be the best You can be the King Kong banging on your chest You can beat the world You can beat the war You can talk to God, go banging on his door You can throw your hands up You can beat the clock (yeah) You can move a mountain You can break rocks You can be a master Don't wait for luck Dedicate yourself and you gon' find yourself You can go the distance You can run the mile You can walk straight through hell with a smile You can be the hero You can get the gold Breaking all the records they thought never could be broke Yeah, do it for your people Do it for your pride How are you ever gonna know if you never even try? Do it for your country Do it for your name 'Cause there's gonna be a day... Standing in the hall of fame (yeah) And the world's gonna know your name (yeah) 'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah) And the world's gonna know your name (yeah) And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame When you're standing in the hall of fame (yeah) And the world's gonna know your name (yeah) 'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah) And the world's gonna know your name (yeah) And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame L-idea li nsiru qaddisin donnha saret xi haga tal-passat, u meta ssemmi din l-idea lil xi hadd ta spiss jiddie ak bik. Madankollu, li ssir qaddis mhux xi haga li mietet maω-ωmien imma g ada fostna u kul add jista jsir qaddis jekk jadotta kwalitajiet xierqa. Vera li forsi fid-diska Hall of Fame hemm indikazzjoni g all-affarijiet straordinjarji li kapaçi g alihom il-bniedem, u li bihom ukoll wie ed kapaçi jag mel differenza u ma jibωax jag mel dan; imma wara kollox huma ukoll dawk l-affarijiet iω-ωghar, li ma nindunawx bihom afna drabi, li fil-verita jg oddu afna u jag mlu differenza ikbar. Filfatt San Domenico Savio huwa eωempju çar ta dan. Hu kien Ωag Ωug b all-o rajn ewwa l-oratorju ta Don Bosco f Valdocco, Turin, imma kellu xi a a speçjali o fih li Don Bosco rnexxielu jag raf u jg inu jkabbarha dejjem iktar fih. L-istess nista ng id g at-tfajla Laura Vicuna li kienet Ωag zug a Çilena b al kul add imma g ax tassew g exet dak li emment, da let fil-hall of Fame talqdusija ufilfatt tinsab fit-triq biex issir qaddisa ghax hija di a Beata. TibΩg u qatt tkunu differenti mill-o rajn u toffru t-tajjeb kollu taghkom fis-sewwa! Óalli l Alla jinqeda bik biex t alli impatt poωittiv u nisrani kull fejn tkun u ma kull min tiltaqa.

30 30 minn Br. Paul Spiteri sdb B ala parti mill-programm annwali tag na, ma jonqsux l-attivitajiet bi stil ta fund raising u outreach biex jintla qu ΩghaΩag o ra li g adhom mhux membri. G aldaqstant, matul din is-sena g amilna attivita wa da li g aqqadna dawn it-tnejn - idea li ar et mill-live-in, f Novembru 2014 tal-juniors Section tal-oratorju tag na. Din l-attivita kbira u Salesjana tnediet nhar il- Óadd, 25 ta Jannar Issemmiet By the Young for the Young propju g aliex kienu t-tfal li jattendu l-oratorju tag na li organizzaw din l-attività sabi a, ovvjament flimkien mal-leaders tag na li g enuhom, appo awhom b mod s i, iggwidawhom u ejjuhom tajjeb ferm. L-g an ta kollox kien biex dawn it-tfal tag na, juru m abbithom bil-fatti u ji bru fondi g al tfal o ra li b alissa g andhom bωonn l-g ajnuna eneruωa u tant me tie a ta Puttinu Cares, g aqda li tonfoq afna flus biex tg in lill-familji fil-bωonn, partikolarment lil dawk milquta millkançer. Tassew nistg u ng idu li kull ma sar, sar permezz tat-tfal. Il-preparazzjonijiet g al din l-attivita bdew minn afna qabel u dan g en afna biex it-tfal ji u tassew im e a u jkunu ppreparati sew biex itellg u din l-attivita filantropika. A na b ala leaders u edukaturi, xog olna kien li ng inu lit-tfal jifhmu x ser nag mlu flimkien mag hom. Dan wettaqnih g aliex konna çerti li meta huma jibdew jifhmu l-importanza talattività u s-sehem tag hom fiha, meta jibdew jag mlu l-attività xi a a taghhom u mhux tag na l-kbar biss, hemmhekk stajna mmexxu afna l quddiem u verament imbag ad inkunu f qag da li nistg u ng idu li tassew din kienet se tkun attivita by the young for the young.

31 31 Filfatt, biex tassew niffurmawhom sew, img a qabel ma saret l-attivita msemmija, iet omm ta tifel li kellu kançer, u li kellhom bωonn l-appo ta Puttinu Cares. Hawn it-tfal setg u jisimg u, jaraw u jifhmu aktar dak li g alihom a na konna ser ni bru u norganizzaw l-attività. B hekk fehemu li dan kollu ma kienx xi a a flarja u g all-gost tag hom biss. Bla dubju ta xejn kienet urnata twila u mimlija daqs bajda b afna attivitajiet varji u sbie li jolqtu lil kul add. L-attività prinçipali, li nistg u ng idu misset afna qlub u anke alliet impatt qawwi fuq il-media lokali kienet bla dubju l-maratona ta talb quddiem Ìesu Ewkaristija espost li bdiet mis-7am u intemmet tnax-il sieg a wara fis-7pm bil-barka. Kienet xi a a dida li laqtet il-qlub ta afna nies. Biex naççertaw li jkun hemm dejjem xi add quddiem Ìesu jadurah, g amilna roster bi slots ta 10 minuti, fejn it-tfal setg u jag Ωlu biex imorru jqattg u in wa edhom quddiem Ìesu Ewkaristija. U verament kienet xi a a sabi a tara tfal u Ω aωag li apparti li jωommu mattime table, kienu anke minn jheddhom imorru jag mlu viωta quddiem is-sagrament. Mag hom jaduraw lil Ìesu ing aqdu enituri, adulti o ra, anzjani u Salesjani, kbar u Ωg ar. Kienet xena tassew sabi a tara nies ta kull eta iqimu fisskiet lill-mulej. Hekk matul il- in kollu kien hemm xi add jitlob, u l-ma oranza tag hom kienu jkunu tfal. IΩda kien hemm ukoll attivitajiet o ra minbarra din il-prayer marathon. Kellna Car Wash filghodu li g all-grazzja ta Alla stajna nag mluha g ax it-temp Ωamm u dak il- in ma kienitx xita. Il-karozzi, madwar amsin minnhom, kienu kollha ma sula mit-tfal b afna e a. Kien hemm ukoll il-cake Sale li kienet attività sabi a afna u li nvolviet afna idma u tisjir minn qabel minn tfal, adulti u helpers. Filfatt, il- urnata ta qabel g amilna jum s i nsajru, na mu u nωejnu l-cup cakes. B kollox g amilna iktar minn 450 cupcakes u dawn kollha saru mit-tfal, assistiti mill-kbar. Dawn inbieg u kollha l-g ada l-óadd wara l- in talquddies f St. Patrick s. Ma setax jonqos li jkollna wkoll Football Tournament li fih adu sehem 4 timijijet, u li tnejn minnhom ew minn Savio College biex jag tu l-appo tag hom ukoll. Dan sar wara nofs in-nhar. Ftit wara ttella wkoll High Tea bit-tombla li g alih attendew afna nies, bosta minnhom membri familjari tata-tfal u Ω-Ωg aωag tag na. Biex ikomplu jsebb u l-atmosfera laqg u l-istedina li ji u fostna xi personalitajiet mag rufa lokalment, fosthom iç-çkejkna u brava Gaia Cauchi, il-kantant mag ruf Chris Grech, il-komiçi Ìor u Pawlu u s-simpatiku u il-bravu Gianluca Bezzina. Ilkoll ew volontarjament sabiex iferr una bit-talenti tag hom. B hekk nistg u ng idu li kellna xi a a g al kul add, attivitajiet g all-familja kollha. Ninsabu verament kuntenti u grati lejn kul add li tana daqqa ta id b dak li rnexxielna no olqu flimkien. Sibna kooperazzjoni minn kullimkien, sew mill-komunitaiet Salesjani, sew minn na a tal-kumitat ta l-oratorju u sew mill-membri tas-senior Section fi dan l-istess Oratorju. Dan irriωulta f ambjent ta familja seren u sabi. Tassew din ma kinitx attività tieg i jew tal-leaders tal-juniors Club biss, imma kienet attività tag na lkoll flimkien. Fuq kollox, grazzi lill-mulej li kien mag na u g inna biex dak li Ωejjinna bih nuωg uh g all- id ta utna fil-bωonn.

32 32 Much more than a Shop! A few months ago, I was asked to help out at the Salesian Bookshop situated in bustling Dingli Street Sliema. I accepted the offer and am now one of the volunteers who spend a few hours in the morning or in the afternoon assisting prospective buyers in our shop. We sell religious items ranging from medals, to holy pictures, books, including missals and bibles, statues and much more. The purpose for my writing this brief article is to share with you the fact that the beauty of this shop goes well beyond being an ordinary place of commerce, just like any other shop that dot our town. It is also a meeting place for people who want to discuss their beliefs, unburden themselves for a while from life s problems, seek consolation in their tribulations and also ask for the possibility of confession. Young people also come seeking advice about their future, and the shop s Salesian director, Fr. Francis Zammit sdb, is always ready and willing to direct them. I recall that one day a Protestant minister came in and asked to buy a statue of St. Paul for his church. Sometimes people come in to buy candles to place on a dear departed s tomb. They talk about the person they have lost and we hope that they have been comforted by our simple support and listening. In the past five years, there have also been converts or aspiring converts to Catholicism. Discussion and questioning would have started when they came into the shop, finding an ever willing Fr. Francis to lend an ear and direct them, before passing them to the chaplain of St. Patrick s Church, Fr. Joe Cini sdb, to further their inclusion in the Catholic Church. Recently, the shop has been refurbished and new items constantly fill the shelves. Indeed, there is an air of serenity in this shop, built in one of Sliema s busy roads and this seems to attract people to it, Maltese and foreigners alike, as they know that they will always be made to feel welcome. Indeed through these past months I have become aware that volunteering at Librerija Tag lim Nisrani, a.k.a. LTN, is time well spent. I am truly glad I accepted the offer to help as in so doing, I can offer some of my available time and be of service to others. I highly encourage those willing to offer some of their time for voluntary work, to actually take the leap and do so as it truly satisfies the heart. Truly, it is in giving that we receive! WE MAKE A LIVING BY WHAT WE GET, BUT WE MAKE A LIFE BY WHAT WE GIVE -WINSTON CHURCHILL

33 33 A Chinese Story (Author unknown) An elderly Chinese woman had two large pots to collect water from the stream in. Each hung on the end of a pole, which she carried across her neck. One pot was perfect, the other had a crack in it. At the end of the long walk home from the stream, the cracked pot was always half full. After two years the cracked pot admitted to the woman that it felt ashamed that it could only do half, of what it was made to do. But the woman asked the pot, if It had noticed the beautiful flowers growing on its side of the path? She admitted that because she had always known about the flaw in the cracked pot, she had planted seeds on that side of the path, knowing that each day the cracked pot would water them. That without the pot being just the way it was, she wouldn't have flowers for her table. Each of us has our own unique flaw, that makes our lives together so very interesting and rewarding. So take each person for what they are and look for the good in them. Being who we are, is just as important, as what we can do. So fellow cracked pots, remember to smell the flowers on your side of the path.

34 34

35 Testmenti Tista tg inna fix-xog ol li a na nag mlu mat-tfal u maω-ωg aωag foqra billi tiftakar fina fit-testment tieg ek jew tibg at donazzjoni. Huwa bil-g ajnuna ta nies b alek li x-xog lijiet li g andna madwar id-dinja jibqg u jag tu l-frott. Il-kontribuzzjonijiet kollha, kemm Ωg ar u kemm kbar, huma dejjem apprezzati. Ibg at il-kontribuzzjonijiet tieg ek lil: Fr. Eric Cachia SDB - Amministratur tad-delegazzjoni Savio College, Buskett Road, Dingli DGL2702 Tel: BorΩa ta Studju X INHI BORÛA TA STUDJU? Hija somma ta flus li tg inna biex in allsu parti mill-formazzjoni ta Ωag Ωug li qed i ejji ru u biex isir saçerdot Salesjan. KEMM TRID TAGÓTI BIEX TWAQQAF BORÛA TA STUDJU? Kapital ta b600 JEÓTIEÌ LI BILFORS TAGÓTI S-SOMMA F DAQQA? Le. Wie ed jista jag tiha biçça biçça, tant fix-xahar jew tant fis-sena. JEÓTIEÌ LI BILFORS IS-SOMMA TKUN MOGÓTIJA MINN WIEÓED BISS? Le. Jistg u jiftehmu flimkien iktar minn persuna wa da u kul add jag ti sehmu. IΩda min jo ro wa du s-somma kollha, ikun fundatur ta dik il-borωa. JISTÀ WIEÓED IÓALLI L-BORÛA BÓALA LEGAT WARA MEWTU? Jistà. U min jag mel hekk, jistà jikteb fit-testment: In alli b ala legat lis-salesjani ta Don Bosco, is-somma ta b g all-formazzjoni ta Ωag Ωug Malti fl-istess Soçjetà.

36 CELEBRATE DON BOSCO For you I study, For you I work, For you I live, For you I am ready even to give my life. it is enough that you are young for me to love you! Father Friend Teacher Guide Counsellor Promoter BICENTENARY OF BIRTH Educator Dreamer Priest Saint Founder Inspirer NEWSPAPER POST ST.PATRICK S SCHOOL ST. JOHN BOSCO STREET, SLIEMA SLM 1935


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