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1 - J.:... I NC. -l ASAC,r f. l l!', I E ENROLLMENT NO. : RAS PRE - TEST SERIES TEST PAPER 01 CANDIDATE NAME : MOBILE NO.: I I I I I I I I I I I I DATE: TOTAL MARKS : 200 -,. MARKS Evaluator's Signature Student's Signature

2 I J :_:_ I () Tffi,' T he na me of the loksabha member from llajasthan who rec<.:i, cd!game C hanger /\ward) 2017 is/ <Ti q;r ltlt 2011 w=itlf-m fc);m TTm i 1 (J\) Sumedhanand / (11) Arj1mra111 Meg hwal / (C) Rajyawardhan Rathon: I "<lv'llcl;tf-1 (D) Om 13irla / 3TP'! fcm;it Who is the c hairman of Public Accounts commillec for JS? / q!f ! <Ti 1l"facl <!fl (I' J\ C) <Ti 3TU!ef t I (J\) Pradumna S ingh/ I'm; (B) Gyandcv Ahuja/ (C) Gopal Krishna/ lln@ (D) Mohan Lal Gupta / l'!ib Kokila Joga was in news recently, why?/ (;film;n) et'l Tj 'q'qf t'i cfl:it (A) Automobile Park / 3ikr cftct (B) Glass Export Park / ffl f.nmi vlt1tt (C) Indian Medical Device (D) Tyre Export Park / First organic village of state is / <ITT q-gm TffqTfm t l (A) G hati Village/ 'Ellt't 7JTcf (B) Kharokara Vi II age/ 7JTcf (C) Pipli Village/ jqcn;ft 7JTcf (D) T itarvasa Village/ i:i'khcl ltll 'JTCl' First solar module manufacturing plant of the country is being established al / <ITT cftlr r vtt ffi I (A) Jaipur (B) Sika r / (C) Kola / <lffi!t (D) Dungarpur / Whe re o f these species of trees can be li:llcd mid sold by farmers without obt,1ining any 11.!gal permission? / f.fl'-i Tj f.l,.r fi!tm q;1 ftrt 3Tj'l'fcl <Ti <n1c i 1 (A) G uava/ (B) Ashoka / (C) Nccm / -;fil:f (D) Babool / cl<@' (E) All o fthese/wft Tilak G ita i was in news rec.:ntly why? / frr;rqj et'liiimfii<jm (A) Bharat Ra tna /'llm'f «-'I ct; (8) Padma Vibhushana / <Ti (C) Padma Shri / <Ti 8. CJ. (D) l'a<lma Bhushana / 'ct Rdi m:ry & Petro chemical complex is being e tablishcd in Rajasthan. where? / t'i <I c'ls:'r,m4>h 4>1Al<'l<l'tt < s3tt r (J\) Gudamalani / 'J-Sl'IHl..ft (l:l) l'achpadra / (C) Ba tu / <ITTlcj (D) Sh.:v / Who is the c hairman o f stalt: finance commi sion" 1 <lv'll fc@ 3TTlWT <Ti 3TUlef t I (A) B. D. Kallafif).o (8) C.P. Joshi /.t1'1. vmfi (C) Vas undhara Rajc / m (D) Dr..lyotikiran / ';sfo "'Mafch Machchali lilon was in news recently it was based on / - ilm t'i ffl mil I I. (A) J\ f ish / q;fi (B) A Historical Film / Rn;rfff4> f (C) A religion fi lm / mf;fq; fq;-?'f (D) Based on a Tigers of Ranathambhore / q;fi () --3flffif ljib Wt'<fllf<61 Nam!! the first Indian Prim!! m inister lo visit Israel. I <!fl <l't?it llwf <1>B t1 (J\) Pandit Nehru / (8) Indira Gandhi l1t'<-ft (C) A.B. Vajpaycc / cttvf1hft (D) Nar.:ndra Modi t 1'JTcfl" 12. Malabar a navel exerc ise was held at / <ITT 2 1 <IT 3TTmft@ s3ifl (A) Arabian sea / 3R'il mtf< (13) Bay of Bengal/,t,m;f <!fl (C) Red sea/ m-rr (0) Oman Sea / 31TlW! "IDTR 13. Which statem ent is true about Sundarvan / <A <Ti <ITT it m!'t t (i) It is listed in Unesco world Heritage s ite list. / -i'ji1 (ii) Sundari tree is found here abundantly. / '[el" $l Qt.Tffiff t I (iii) T his area is located in both India & Bangladesh. / Cf':il 'llm'f G1'::rr ii i, (iv) It is lis ted in Ra msar wetlands lirl / lt{:' 'l't'i m 31$]?! m lfr@t IDl<f t r (A) I & II (C) r, rr. Ill (8) I & Ill (D) r, 11, Ill, IV Which group of states is th,c nant. of sardar sar?var project. / mgr m'rcr qr4luhi it <Tv'll'i <ITT tr

3 15. = (A) GJ, MP, RJ. Mil I = = =:r.rnrr:,.,1-""'.,>4g H I, " vn...,,,, MH, UP, RJ / - -.JctWlI. - MP. lilt Mi l I 1!vR@. i:i. on. (D) GJ, MP. IU. Tclangana / = i:r; "'". Which Indian city received the status or world heritage city for the first time. / 1lffif cf; fcitt, <ITT WWI ffi?:v!<1>tgv!twt1 (A) Jaipur / ( B) Banaras / <RTffi (C) Ahmedabad / i,l'li;l<llc; (D) Puri / 16. The article 3 5A of Indian constitution was in news recently, it is related to which state / <l>t 35A vti" l'j m fcitt, 61 (A) Meghalaya I (B) Manipur I (C) Tripura/ (D) J & Kl cl 17. In which state it was recommended to give minority status to lingaat community? -cfrm <ITT l'j mfittn c-4-11mc/> <l>t G'1TT fflq,11r1 cn'l (A) Kerala/ (B) Tamilnadu / tir1<ihi-, (C) Karnataka / (DJ Andhra Pradesh/ RUSTAM-2 is / - 2 cfltt t I (A) A fighter Aircraft/ fcti:ir (B) Indigenous Drone / (CJ Ship / ;:;,c;f1lr (D) Tank /01> Which statement is true about International - Alliance /.,1TociER cfi <rr ii cl>2ri, (i) It was founded on 30 Nov 20 I 5 in Paris climate summit /, i1it l'is'lfi (ii) Its headquarter is in Delhi I 11' t I ( iii) It will be an organisation of almost 121 1nc111hcr countries. / mo 121 <l>l,flforl itt1tt I (iv) Till none 100 have signed the document nf IS/\. I (1<p 100 tffl ISA q:;i R <ITT frr4 6 I (i\) 1& (R ) I& Ill (C) I, II. Ill (DJ All or these Chairm,m of 15th Finance Commission is / 15 ct fcrn 3ITTTT1T cfi 3lUlel or-nit lttl i I (A) i\noup Srngh / 3f'j;l (13 ) S.K Singh / cfi fm (C) N.K. Singh I o er; fm (DJ Ashok Lohiri I 3fm ( q lii::4<f>lcil.-f ) (Ancient & Medieval History) 21. With reference to Buddha's statues examine following statements / 1 "cfi ffi Ti frri:;, 3ll I (i) Curly I-lair / <ITT1 (ii) Elongated cars./ 'PR They belong to which style / 'cl' fc);-fr t1 (A) Mathura / (B) Amaravati / 3llffii@T ( C) Gandhara 11fitrR (D) Sarnath / 22. In India's medieval history who were Khut & Muqaddam? I 'l'!r(f cf; Ti 3lTx' cl>r I (A) Zamindar / vflfrr (B) Army Chief/ #TT (C) member of advisory councial I (D) Tax officials / The word 'Yavana' is re!atcd to in ancient times? / ""lfca"" W-G rf t I ('ITTi!R 1'1) (A) Maurya Architeet/Craftesman / (B) Gupta King / '._!'<1c/> l<ifl"1 xtvit (C) Greek Visitor I 3TTljti'cl> (D) Eart Indian tribe I t[clt 'l'fro <ti Terms prevailing during Akbar's reign "Zabti, Dahasala, Batai arc n.:lated to I 3Jq,iR cfi mffi cl>r-f er; <:'RR vffifl. ;,tr <fltt (A) Revenue oflicials I cf; 3 (B) Silver coins I er; ({') Names of Merchant Guilds I clltqr fim er; (D) Vorious 1m:thods of deciding/fixing Revenue 11<m-ur <1>1 25 Lost wax tcclmiquc of Indus valley civilization is rclatcj lo I <RI clit fmj flttt 1 6 I (A) l'ollcry / (Bl Sculpturc / (C) Whccl making/ qfgm f.r:rrut x) 3

4 ld) Ornaments / <l \\'ho was mentioned as Sundracotus in Gr<.:ck taxts. / qfat;1r iq5 F.nm l'i fl-i?l$li:,fl q,gr ll<ti I (A) Asho ka / 3Tffiq, (R) Kanis hka / (C) Chandragupta Maurya / lj<f 1:ft,:f (D) C handrag upta Vikramaditya / Fclii>'iicll Examine following pains. / f-r:;j qx f<tm< I Harappan Site Location I. Lotha l / Rajasthan / 2. Kalibanga Haryana / 3. Mohan Jodarol1-i'W1vfli-;-$'i Punjab / tiuml Which is the correct pain / c!>rm <TTft t I (A) Only/ 3 (B) I, II (C) All (D) None/ With reference to Delhi Sultana! 'Bandgan' is related to I cl,@ * q'; i:j - q'; I (A) Slaves/ GRIT "<l (8) Soldiers/ <l (C) Merchants/ c.ll141rll'i (D) Bankers / "<l 29. Khanqah is related to / cpl &citt II.TT (A) Hindus Saints/ 7fim <'l 30. (8) Dravida Saints/ -mtt <') (C) Sufi saints/ "fim <') (D) Buddhist monks / cffi, -mtt <'l 'Sarai' in medieval history endicalcs / 'l'frcfrz:i ql-rj,i:f>c'ii q'; i:j mtll <IR<fi 6 1 (A) Entrance gates of tombs / <ITT (8) Temporary Residences/ 3 3ffqffi,e.rc;rr Jr,::,' ) (C) Gardens/ <l7ftm <ITT (DJ Tombs I 'f11><ri <ITT 31. Megalithic culture is rclatcd to / l)tnfc;r (l-ft;l4lll1 1) i:f>t '&ctq t I (A) North India / 1Tffil (8) Central India / l1u1 1lRcf (C) South India/ Go 1Tffil (D) Western India/ 1ITTrf 32. Examine following statcmc nts about Indus valley civilization./ m-q ttrt "fl"l'lfitt qf) f-19 6 I (i) Bronze culture/ <lilfl!g fl--t (ii) Urban in nature / -flrpl (iii) Urban Planning/ :ritt f.'n:ilvr cll<'fi (iv) Trade Based civilization / - czibir Which is the incom:c t statement/ (A) I (B) I & 11 t I (C) I. II. Ill (F) None (D) I IV 33. What is 'Prasthan traycc' / q<ft cmr l); 1 (A) G ita / iflm (B) Upanishad / (C) G ita & Upanishad / iflm. (D) G ita. Upanished. Brahmsutra / lfrm. 34. Bogazkoi inseription has been found at / <liif f4c'it t I,, '"'"' (A) Iron / (B) Iraq / (C) Turkey/ (D) Afghanistan/ 3l4> 1 11 fh-f1h Examine following stateme nts about II urbanizat, D f&cftll lt;xl 0 i (llnd urbanisation) qf) 'ITT.>; tlxfct'cl R<ITT' '1 (i) 600 B.C. / 600 { (ii) Main role of coat & Iron / er (iii) Incide nt of Mahanjanpada era / 1'1(;1;,Hq <liffi Uc-TT Which statement is correct / (A) I (C) I, II, Ill (8) I & II ( D) II q; t I 36. C haitya & Vihara? / 3tTx fcmr cfltt i I N (A) Buddhist place for worship & living/ m<t; 4 1 lmrt cf (B) Jaina place for worship & li ving / va m$fr cf m<t (C) Hindu place for worship & living / m$fr q m<t; crm* (D) Kapalik plact: for worships living / S}advada is n:j to mu fcittl 1crs:t-,i (A) Jaina / ( l\) Buddhist / m;i; (C) llinda / (D) C hristian / lmrt which religio n? / <ITT '\Jpadha Parikshana' is rcla t.:d to / " '3"tl<TT 1#\e{Uf" "' cf<ti i I (A) Mcthod of n.:crui1ing soldicrs /,j; <!1R Fctiu (ll) Method of rccruiling minish.:rs. / 3f'1Tc'm cfi "i:fll<l <T m!}j1jf ml'.fl mi (C) Po licy rclaling 10 warfare/.ftfcr (D) Po licy of mcasure menl /.-wi- cfrc;r qf) fcl1u

5 =e Statements n:lated to 'Gatha Sapia Sat,' / (1) Written by Hala / (ii) First epic of Prakrit language <ITTc1l (iii) Subject-war /- 1TTtff <lit W-fll Which statement arc correct / ili2r t I (A) i (C) All / (8) 1 & ii (D) i & iii Who appeared as victorious in tripartite struggil:? efm mt!f i'i slfl (A) RashtraJ...1Jt / (B) Pala / (C) Gurjan Pratihana / 1Juh (D) Chola / Arrange following chronologically from early to later as they ruled Magadh. / ffl"ta' m ffl i$t w>ilj-fil I (A) Haryanka, Nanda, Shishunaga / -* fmj-wr (B) Haryanka, Shishunaga, Nanda/ - fmswr. * (C) Nanda, Haryanka, Shishunagar1*, - fmj-wr (D) Shishunaga, Nanda, Haryanka / fmswr. * Arrange Following invaders from early to later ordcrn. / i'i 3lfslillUT<lil wlf i@131) I (A) Indogreek. Pahlava, Shaka. Kushana, Huna (B) lndogreek, Shaka, Pahlava. Kushana, Huna / -TI<P (C) lndogreek, Kushava. Huna, Shoka, Pahlava w:1,- (D) lndogrcck., Shaka, Pahlava, I luna, Kushana - TI<P First person whose idol worshiping was starkd in India I "!!WI c2lfcm t;ittfltt cpl 1J.v11 1 rr«! ri s3ti I (A) Mahavira/ lffi1<itt (8) Buddha /!f-6 (C) Ashoka / 3fWli (D) Chanakya / 7ilf11fcl"ll 44. Examine following statements about illtlln1ish / $RjdI "if; <ITT J'i cliwri q. 1<llm <l> i I (i) I le was the real founder of Delhi sultana! / cpl (i i) I-le completed the construction or Kutuh Minar / '!Wlqj-11 il>t f.li:n1tr 'fl I (iii) He organised/recruited Turkan i chihalgani / R Rrn('P 11--1"1 il>l Tfo-f fc))m (iv) He faced the li rst Mongol Invasion / 31TwlfUT s3ti m.t) (/\) I (C) I, Ill (13) I & II (D) With rcfcn:ncc to mcdicval history which or these rules adopted the title.: of 'Gangaikond cholapuram'? / 1fffil<t;mi'iffl i l{<t>)-sifl <1 qf) ljrvi (A) Rajendra I / Qif'l (8) Vijayalaya I fclv1lll <1ll ( C) RajaraJa / (D) Narasimha / Our of the following what is the main leatun: of indoislamic architecture? / f.li.:ifc:trm, l'i c!>fl xfr <ll«j<li<1i fcm!@t 'g I (i) Painting of living creatures / vftfc«1' mfurm cpl (ii) usage of 'Jali' / vftfct'm <ITT (A) I (B) II (C) I, II (D) None /,rg'j 47. Examine following statements about khajuraho $ffll'i fclmxi (i) They were built by chandel rulers. / m;,aqn) (ii) Khajuraho complex has both Hindu & Jaina temple, l'i31rc:'a'ft1 (iii) Khajuraho temple represent Dravida style. / <t ql«j<li<1i <Iii Q(af.)fm<T Clim I (A) I (8) I & II (C) I, II, Ill (DJ I & III 48. Whal was the official language of atvahana? / lt'lqlih'i clft 2ft (A) Sanskrit / (BJ Pali / (C) Telugu I (D) Prakrit / 49 8hul..1i in Gupta cra wus / 1j1<f l'i "ljf.m' f<itt) <n6l ijittit t I (A) District / fvr;) (13) Village/ ljfl'i (C) Province / URf (D) Village group /mil 50 First lim:ign invasion on India was / "1-Tl«'I q. i?f) <TT<'lT JffilTTTUT UT I (A) Greek / (B) Turk /Wlff (C) Mongol / i:jlffi;f (D) Persia/ iran/qilffi () 31ng;f.rct> 111Til Modern India

6 L I (-I-) -,N Cp-a-rti,-1pah.: di11i1./:fi:9-<t>:i:!l:fi"'l= =--- East India Association / C:-l'llfl C:H 'I ( ) Gandhi l'artii.:ipatcd in 11. / 2 7m.fl "'l 'l-jpt 2 Indian Association / c:ti)fflc:ffl ( h 11 h a 1 r11 i11 I ti 3 ) Discu s1on cl crc" u 111 1c gculio n of 3. Poo na Sarvajanik Sabha / 1r'f1,(l iclv1pl<t> 1935 Act / mmfi "lffin Which orl!anization among ahovc " as/wcre fo unt.led b) cf> f.ri:tro1 col 1lT'T s3fl I Datlahha,- 'avroj1? / fcittl 'fi"tl"o1 <lft GRT -im Choo.: Corrcct / "4>'GA -::rn)-ufr &RT qft 7fifl? (A) O nly/ 1 (C) O nly/ 2 (8) O nly 1 3 (D) O nly / wfi Which European po\\'er was la rl to come to India among othe r European person? / 1fffif ;m-;) <ffi'f clll41rlfl Ti 3fflr'! <i>r? (A) Dutch / (8) British / (C) French/ (D) Portuguese/ Find out the provisions of the chapter of from the list belong. / 1813 <i, iltix Ti f.ri:;:r Ti <lm-cffll ID<lelR'? (I) End to company's monopoly is trade except the trade to c hina and in tea.! 'itr 3fR <l'i <ITT 1fffif ii q;'q;:fi * qft (2) Establishme nt of supreme court at calcuna. / i:jq;)iqft (3) Annual grant of 5 lakh to momote education / an <ITT 5 Bmr qftxlftr qft 7fifl I (A) O nly/ 1 (B) 1 cf 2 (C) 1 q 3 (D) O nly I The purpose of tile public safety bill was / fc«.! col <fflt m? (A) India's defence from japncsc attack/ vl"jttt"fi 3ffin1,UT vrm clft an (8) To control the activities of the leader of Gatlar Pan y / ttrei ct ';ffi13ll <lft 7 <ITT <1ir-rr (C) Vaccinatio n for malaria/ Rm <Ti i;qt<f ITTJ (D) To exile communist h:atlcrs from India / -;rn,3rr <ITT l"t«'i 'fl f.rnl r <lr71r Desai I.caquat ract wa / m? - fmllw.i WT:iITTIT <l"lll (A) Related to India's nartition / 11RII Fcl111-;:;r-r t)..tmmr (8) fo r the crcatiun or sintlh / ftiu rt f-rjjfl1f (C) a resolution for thc rcprescntation o f minoritic 111 the intcn:in govt. I -1) <r-r 3 m"if>r i:f 3lc'G <i, 'S'ffif1<I fclult t I ( D) Nonc / Examine fo llowing stalemcnls about third Round tahk co mfercnce hc:ltl in I 932 / 1932 Ti Jrri:il"Ri@ iflm ci; <ITT -a) f.rr.'i <1i tr fcmr <ITT I (A) Only / 2 (13) 1 or / JIR 2 (C) Only / 3 (D) None / I. Svadcshi / 2. varaj / 3. Bahishkar / Resolutions were passed in the: congress scassion or / clititfi" Ti i:rrfm fc),l) Tf1l I (A) Delhi / 1906 (B) Calcutta/ 1906 (C) NagpurAflT:P 1906 (D) Madras 1906 Which mughal rules gone the title of Raj a to Rammohan Roy? / fcittl :fib -;) <ITT xtvtt' qft -;rqyf r <ft - (A) Ahmadsha h / -mt:' (B) Shah Alam II / mt:" II (C) Akbar II / 3fclttR II (D) Bahadur shah II / mt:" II Oallle of Bcdara was fought b.:twcen / - col s3tt r- c,,> Rritish & Marathn / 3rnvIT. <l> (Bl British & Dutch / 3rnvf <l'i <fi'il (Cl British & Mysurc / 3llrvl <i'i ( D) British &. French / 3llrvl 1.1>ifl"h'1"llfl <i'i <tm l'criod or D)arch) in Bengnl \\ US / ii tu TIRA il>l ffl? (. \ ) (Ill ({_") (D) I lalhousic annexed awadh un 1hc rcport or a rnmmission. ii was calkd / fcittl <t'i $ JlftITT 3 <ITT -;) <l>j JJRTCI Pll<IR f<l f.ltiti?., (A) Thomas Report / 1!.IT1RT ftq're ( 11) Edward Report / ftq)t (C) Outram Re port / ftq)t (D) S.K Sinha Rcport / <ii Who w.is thc Pcshwa al thc timc of Ill Battle uf Panipat'! / <lft qrfm ii QT<fl :!)? (,\) Ralaji Vishvnnath / 6

7 t ' (Bl BaJ1rno I/ i;iwi (C) Balaj i Bajirao / (D) Nana Fadnavis / 63 Examine following statements regarding zamindari sysh:m I <2f<R:m ct; ii f.=r9 _..., = ir I cp.,, '" (i) Cornwall, started a land revenue system for 10 year ii <1>11c11R:lfl 6Rl ctlttlftj (ii) In this system owner of land was farmer / iicl>t<jillfrtl (iii) It was made permanent in 1798 / 1798ii lfml Choose correct sentences. / (A) Only / (B) (i) (ii) (C) (i) (ii). (ii) (D) None 64. Dadni system is I GG'l\ 'IIW t? (i) (A) Marriage custom I <!ft (8) Advance money/ 3rfti, 1ffl1ft (C) Life Long Slavery/ <littif cfi vitcr' (D) Cultivation of Indigo on 3/20 of land. / 3 / 20 1ll1T tr1tc,ctl 65. Khudai Khidmatgar was/ i; ldlll w? (A) Group of revolutionaries based in Delhi / a,jfclq,lfl (B) Group of zorostrain pocple / c!it (!qi (C) None violent revolutionary group under the leadership & maulana Azad. I 1ffi>IAT 3iNTTG ct; -q it>ik14>1fl (D) Non violent revolutionary group unda the leadership of khan Abdul Gatfar khan / <!TA Tfti'lm "GR <fi ii 3Tfihrn; 66 Which of these swtcmcnts arc not correct regarding champaran atyai::rah / '<itfrur <fi f.l i.:t Rt f (ij) -q (l'ia <l <li2a' mft it;, (I) Its objecti ve man to end Tinkathia system/ RH<lifi'l<ll i;iirr <li't WTT cff-'11 ir1 I (2) Rajkumar Shukla convinced Gunthi to lead this movement /.) T@clll 1 ritfl i:fi'l <!RI <!ITT"$ J:ATlll 2l'T I (3) Rajcndra Prasad & J.B. Kriplani wc1e 1clatecl tu this/ WIG JIR v).fr. 3 'fl I <l>ir <1iT 'iflr : (A) Only / 1 3IR 3 (8) Only / 2 JIR 3 (C) Only / 1 JIR 2 c!it (D) All 67. What was Gad:ir., / q<jt in? (A) Rcvolutionary organisations of ln1ans that had it oflice m /\111cr1ca <1iT i!ilrl4>1.ft fvro<itt USA -q W I (B) A nationalist organisauon hascd in Smgaorc / {!'q, vll i\ 211 (Cl A commu111s1 organisauon head quartered at hd1c / <1>RJ0-c fgrl<1il <I i\ W I (D) None / 68. Quit India monement was reaction against / mm ii 7Tm? (A) Cabinet Mision / muat (B) Cripps Mission / fi'l;'cr (C) Wave I Nan / mvrt (D) August otler. / 3f11«f 69. llbert bill dispute was related to / f.tc;! fclcitg w? (A) Restriction an Indians against carrying arms. I.. GRT "ilwl tr ui (B) Restriction on the publication of newspaper in vernacular languages. / -q <l@w!fflrjtr'ir 'RflI_fq;"<j'r vl'at (C) Empowering Indian judges to hc:ar casc:s of European people / <fi m1tt cfi 'ITTlfffi cfi 'CR q;rvl'ati (D) None / ";fi!t 70. Rowlatt Act's objective was / m'fc <1iT in? (A) Repression of Khilafat mov.:ment / q,j'i;"i:r,:f (Bl Restriction on the frc.:dom of Press / \TTf t<111.-.:ic11 'llfcrir-ucfltrt (C) To support was/ <Jil (D) To arrest without warrant / f.rt irrt ctl malto &RT I 71. lfomc: changes mean / itt1'j t I 72. I. Money used tu nm India oflicc at london / ii 3.t; mlm * Rt m ii Rm ula -;m;fl f.rla 2. Money used to fund thc salaries & pension of lhitish working in india. / '1-lffil 11 3f!Tvf 1nl\<1Tfvn <fi mr cffi'r )Tr 1) vfa <TR4) f.l 3. To linance the 11ars fought outside India /litto ti\ <Tm; sq '<li'i Ti 3t!rvf) GRT i'! c:mn ula <ITTfl f.ln.'i (A) Only/ 1 (Cl 1. 3 ( 13) 1 cl 2 (Ill All / wfl INC wa founded on / q;nrn c!ft c1>q sift? IA) 26 Dec 1885 (II) 27 Dt:c

8 (Cl 28 lkc/l"l HJUS (I>) 29 Dcd What 11., the c111111cdi:1tc ca11c or the svadcshi { 1BU5 111m cmcnt'! f<l<'jlr Jl <I m ' T <1iT OIC'lil ilirut fy? (.-\) l111prisi1m111c11t or Ti la li>r IX th / fffi;r;i; <ITT 1R <lfl (II) l'artitillll or lkngal hy C11r1.nn / l!rur irr) cf71te'l f<t lr-wl (C) Separation of llurma rro 111 India / <!llt <1iT 1 Tffil 'fl 3fR"JT (D) Repelling or Bengal Partition by CurLon I <1ruFl irr1 fc).llv'r I Do or Die slogan was given during / " m J:Rr' "'Im f.itti 3ffim:R ct; GRR TJ<TT7 (A) S, adcshi movement / (B) Non Cooneratinn movement / 3 (C) Civil Disobedience / (0) Quit India / llffir 3lclW Who was the second volunteer in Individual Satyagraha? / m? (A) Rajendra Prasad /. (B) J.L. Nehru / m'r (C) M.L. Nehru/ (D) V.B. Patel / Y car 1893 is important is Indian History why / q!f 1893 m I. Swami Vivekananda went to chicago / <l';ljit 11. Annie Bissent came to India /,r.fr llffir Ill. M.K. Ganthi went to south Africa/ m Gfaur3l$r (A) Only/Wc@ I (B) I 31R II (C) I 3lR Ill (D) All / Who wrote the national anthem of Bangladesh?/ <1iT '3WIR 'flrr 7 (A) Avanindranath Tagore / tii'r (B) Ravindra Nath / (C) Iqbal/ (D) Malati Chaudhary / 78. Who called Tilak as th.: father of Indian discontent? / fcrc;rcf; <ITT clit Wfc!i cffi7 (A) Curzon / <liufi (B) Dutrin / (C) Valentine Shirole / -c:1&1 Im'@ (D) Liaquat Ali I 79. Delhi was made the capital in / <lit TT;fi cf-,t1ttlj<tt (/\) 1910 ( 11) (CJ (IJ) I. 1 n t>i. INC cxtn:mirls & nwhcratcs Joined IV )IC I SCSIO ' hand? / 31 i) <!>fl.ri ct; 1xTI Ge=! cl TRll Ge=! ij l._lqiffi wnmi 7 (/\) 1916 Ddhi/ (B) 1916 Lacknow (C) 1916 Lahore (D) 1916 Madras C R Das & M.L. Nehru founded a party in its.. =fi@rva name was/ 1923 it c1 tt:l<l li; -;'t <!i'r 7 (/\) /\waraj Party / (B) Svadcsh Parly/ (C) Juslicc Parly / (D) Hindu Mahasabha / lffiibitt INC declancd total independence as its objectinc,,hen & where?/ "tj_cf c'1 mfmr fcn7tt q;prn -qq;q3jr? (A) 1928 Madras / lfi:'ib (B) 1929 Lahore / (C) 1930 Lahore / (D) 1930 Madras / lfi:'ib All India Kisan Sabha was founded in 1936 in Lacknow, its first chairman was/ qf) 1936 'ff 3lEZIIH<tAU? (A) Swami Sumcdhanant / (B) Swami Sahajanand / (C) Swami Ramanand / WlFfG (D) N.G. Ranga/oorT \Vho was British Priminister is I 946 during Cabinet mision? / 1946 '$ UI (A) Churchill / (B) Atlee / (C) Marshall/ littib (D) George Pancham / ullvf Direct Action Day was celebrated on I ef lr!mtj<tt m7 (/\) 15 Aug/3Tlffil 1946 (B) 16 Aug/Wffif 1946 (C) 15 Aug/3Tlffil 1947 (D) 14 A ug/wffif I can create a movement bigger than INC even from the group their quote belongs to/ 'it tfl <i>t!rn'l-fl <fr{trr' 4 t7 (A) Nehru/ (B) Patel / ITe c'1 (C) Gandhi / lmft (D) Jinnah / I I

9 Who founded All India Harijan Sangh / mr 4fl i 4fl7 (A) Gandhi / lfu.ft!b) Ainbcdkar / (C) Patel / (D) Nehru / 'llmfm yan:hy in provinces started in by the act of/ mm i'i Gtl mfr sjff m _ (A) 1909 cfi (B) 1919 cfi (C) 1935 'ifi (D) 1893 cfi Who founded forward Block0 / c!>t 1TcR' &RT 711TT7 (A) Nehru / (B) Patel/ (C) Subhash / WIBf (D) Gandhi / lffi.ft Pakistan Resolution was passed in the leagues which session/ 41Rh«iH 'll"«itct 1lfC! (1940) Ti rft.t ct; fcrf Tj tttf«r s3ff7 (A) Lahore/ (8) Dhaka/ (C) Delhi / (D) Karanchi / 91. During quit India movement, there were parallel govern mets, identify. / 'llffil ct; <:'RA fllil-ihn :!fr. - 7 I. Balia / <lfc;rm II. Tamlok / II I. Satna / 'ffiiffi (A) Only / ct;cib I (B) I 3ITT II (C) All/wtr (D) None / <ffl 92. Main Conditions of Rajaji Formula were / J<!Zl t - I. Lcgm: must support lmlia's independence / )Tr, '>TT«l' qfl qfl TfTlT c!>t 'WI <ITT' 11. League must help the establishment guvcrn111ents in provinces / llrft i'i 3Remfl fritir1 <1:'r ll.ll4 11 <1J <ITTll i'i BM citttri qfl 'ffittl@t <ITT Ill. After the end of war, North western l'rovim:e will decide whether lo line in India or not after a Nel>icile. / wrrft<, ct; ltt'ittct ITT ucr- ((41 11,.ir ZITR qft,:rjfi 11Rrf cf il '8M4> l!-'r=.ii vl"fllcl ffi ct; 3TTtTR IR oll citt"llt fct * 1fITT! Zl 2fcli i;rt 'lll JV. These conditions will he accepted only if hriluin giv,;s fn:edom 10 lmjia. / -1) cl'@ il ITT1ft um fil't-1. 1fITTI "4>1 tf) <ITT" <tin m -m 'ffilt i? (A) I (C) 11. Ill (B) I. fl (D) WtT Which of the following was notorious as a while man's commission / - 'ifi '-i"fl1 x'f m7 (A) Walla Commission / (BJ Simon Commission I (C) Thomas Commission I 'lltl'!a (D) Montagu.: Commission / In the election of 1937, INC formed its government in hour many provinces? / 1937 ct; Ti MtioRmt2fr 7 (A) 10 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) l l Examine following statements/ f.t'9 W<-RT lr - 1. Robert cline was the first governor general of Bengol. I ct; 1'Jcl,R I II. William Bentick was lndias first Governor General / 1fffif ct; "II' 1'JcJ,R I mm'ffillt 7 (A) Only/ I (B) Only II (C) I 3!R II (D) None /cffl -nfr 96. Operation Balkanization which was the plan of India's partition was the idea of/ 1fm'I' ct; c!>t '3'Qv! :1.fr7 (A) Churchill / (B) Jinnah / ct\ qfl (CJ Mountbatten / IJl'3vcilc.:: qfl (D) V.P. Menon / cfi ffi qfl 97. Maleh following r.:garding the war of 1857 / 1857 t lffi'r wifcl ct ffi -rj 'ffilt - ') I. Delhi - Bahadurshah Jafar 1 l61s,'< 115 vpr' II. Lacknow - Liaquat Ali / 3 Ill.!3araill.:y/<RR) - Khan Bnhadur khan/ <!TR IV. Jngdishpur/vi'IGlfg - Kunwar Singh / JR Find the com:cl match / - m firc;rr t? (A) Only / <f><fc'r I (C) I, Ill, IV (11) Only Ill (D) I, II Rani Gaidinliu hdongs 10 which s1a1c / TI;ft tr c!>t xftltl f.lm t I (A) Manipur / (C) Mizoram /fi'rulrij ( 13) Tripura / (D) tvkghalaya / Till I 947 how many women b.:comc the presidt:nl of INC / <liim, 1 1 f<twfj lj 3JU!tl <At, 'ftcl,7 (A) I (13) 2

10 10 111,\hom R,h,llion f<tm (iomdhan Kun11.ir(Asam) lftlrt..r () /IIJ F.:ra1_j1 R,hdlion QRTvft fclm l)adu M,an f \\'IIJ fi'lm (. 1T11T<1) (III) Munda Upnsmc _ [',1rsa Mu 1 (Jharkhandl 1cm,1 ) nca (IYl lapilla Rcbdhon J:llt«1T.- - Ali rn -1 tkcrala) -'It'll :Jfil QI (m) us, C)ar "ffi q;ir-; g? (t\l Only, I (Cl (B) lcl 11 (D)AII Space for rough work

11 1. Ans:(C) Exp:dsUnzh; lwpuk vksj izlkj.k jkt;ea=h jkt;o)zu flag jkbksm+ dks xsepstaj vokmz 2017 ls leekfur fd;k x;k gsa fofhkuu {ks=ksa esa mrd`"v] lkgliw.kz vksj vuqdj.kh; mnkgj.k izlrqr djus okys 11 fof'k"v O;fDr;ksa dks bl o"kz leekfur fd;k x;ka 2. Ans:(A) Exp: PAC ds v/;{k yxkrkj rhljh ckj iz/kqeu flag cuk;s x;s gsa lkeku;r% PAC dk v/;{k foi{kh ny dk lnl; gksrk gsa izeq[k lehfr;k (1) tuys[kk & iz/kqer flag (2) izkddyu (S) - Kkunso vkgwtk (3) izkddyu lfefr ¼[k½ & xks;y (4) jktdh; miøe lfefr & eksgu yky xqirk (5) fu;e lfefr & dsyk'k es?koky (6) lnkpkj lfefr & jko jktsunz flag (7) LHkkfu; fudk;ksa vksj iapk;rh nkt lalfkkvksa laca/k lfefr & fot; caly (8) fo'ks"kkf/kdkj lfefr & tksxkjke ivsy 3. Ans: (C) Exp: NH-8 ij flfkr jktlfkku ds fu;kzr lao/kzu vks/kksfxd ikdz uhejkuk ds fudv dksfyyk tksxk xkao esa ns'k dk igyk bafm;u esfmdy fmokbl ikdz fodflr djus dk izlrko gsa 4. Ans:(A) Exp: mn;iqj ftys ds t;lean?kkvh xk o dks dsunz dh,ihvks,q (ADOF) tsfod izek.khdj.k lalfkk us tsfod xk o?kksf"kr dj fn;k gsa ;g izns'k dk igyk xk o gsa ftls lalfkk ls tsfod izek.k i= feyk gsa uksv & Mw xjiqj izns'k dk igyk tsfod ftyk gsa 5. Ans:(D) Exp: Mw xjiqj esa eqacbz IIT ds lg;ksx ls lksyu eksm;wy esu;wqsdpfjax IykaV yxk;k tk jgk gsa ;gk lkykuk 2 MW fctyh mriknu gksxka 6. Ans:(E) Exp: fdlku 32 iztkfr;ksa ds gjs ism+ dkv ldrs fcuk fdlh,tsalh ds vuqefr ds & ccwy] [kesjk] xqyeksgj] flyoj] vksd] ikye] csj] djgy] ve:n] lgtu] eksyjh] v'kksd] beyh] tkequ] taxy tysch] cdk;u] lsey] diksd] uhe] djat] [kesjk 7. Ans:(C) Exp: iœ fryd xhrkbz dks inejh dyk,oa isfvax ds {ks= esa ¼fd'kux<+ 'ksyh½ ds fy,a 8. Ans:(B) Exp: BS ekud & 6, 47% HPCL o 26% jkt; ljdkjh dh fgllsnkjh okyh fjqk;ujh ipinjk ¼ckM+esj½ esa LFkkfir dh tk jgh gsa blls izns'k esa djksm+ :i;s dk fuos'k gksxk] ns'k dk 25% ØwM vkw;y jktlfkku esa mrikfnr gksrk gsa 9. Ans:(D) Exp: MkŒ T;ksfrfdj.k os jkt; foùk vk;ksx dh v/;{k gsa budk dk;zdky c<+kdj 31 ekbz 2018 dj fn;k x;k gsa jkt; foùk vk;ksx ds lnl; iz qeu flag o,l-lh- nsjkjh gsa 10. Ans:(D) Exp: *enyh fqye* j.kfkehkksj dh,d ckf?ku ij cuh fqye gsa bls uydk e`r;q us cuk;k gsa enyh dh e`r;q o"kz 2016 esa gq;h Fkh] tue 1997 esa] 11 djksm+ QksVksa f[kapokus okyh nqfu;k dh igyh ckf?ku] ck?kks a dh czkam,acslmj Mkd fvdv Hkh tkjh gqvka nqfu;k dk igyk ykbqvkbe vphoesav vokmz Hkh feyka 11. Ans:(D) Exp: iz/kkuea=h eksnh btjkby dh ;k=k djus okys izfke Hkkjrh; PM cus gsa ;g ;k=k Hkkjr&btjkby jktuf;d laca/kksa dh LFkkiuk ds 25 o"kz iw.kz gksus ds volj iqj gq;h gsa LFkkiuk (1992) & Hkkjr o btjkby us varfj{k] d`f"k vksj tylaj{k.k tsls {ks=ksa esa lg;ksx gsrq 7 le>ksrs fd, gsa 12. Ans:(B) Exp: ekykckj Hkkjr] tkiku] vksj vesfjdk dh ukslsukvks ds e/; fgn egklkxj vksj iz'kkar esa ckjh&ckjh ls laiuu fd;k tkus okyk,d okf"kzd lsu; vh;kl gsa & o"kz 1992 ls Hkkjr & USA ls 'kq:vkr gqvk gsa & o"kz 2015 ls tkiku Hkh LFkk;h :i ls 'kkfey gqvk gsa & o"kz 2007 esa vkflvªfy;k o flaxkiqj Hkh 'kkfey gq, FksA 13. Ans:(D) Exp: lqanj ou,d u; m".kdfvc/kh; ou] ;wusldks fo'o fojklr o jkelj LFky eku;rk izkir gsa] lqnajh o`{kksa dh iz/kkurk gs] ;g dkczu vo'kks"k.k dk,tsav o Hkkjr o ckaxykns'k nksuksa esa flfkr gsa 14. Ans:(A) Exp: SSP ifj;kstuk 1961 dks izkjahk gqbza xqtjkr] MP, jktlfkku] egkjk"vª dh ifj;kstuk gsa & es/kk ikvdj o ckck vkevs nokjk ueznk cpkvksa vkanksyu pyk;k tk jgk gsa & ueznk unh ij fufezr ifj;kstuk & ueznk o rkirh nksuksa MsYVk dk fuek.kz ugha djrh gsa 15. Ans:(C) Exp: WHC dh 42 oh csbd Økdks] iksysam es a vgenkckn ds 606 o"kz iqjkus pkj nhokjh ;qdr 'kgj dks oymz gsfjvsm flvh?kksf"kr fd;k x;ka & vgenkckn dh LFkkiuk 1411bZLoh es a vgen'kkg nokjk dh x;h FkhA & ;gk 3.75 ls 4 yk[k dh vkcknh okys 'kgj es a yxhkx 600 *iksy* ¼vFkkZr lfn;ksa iqjkus?kvksa ds lewg ftues a dbz ifjokj,d leku jgrs gsa½ tks ;gk dh thoar fojklr gsa 16. Ans:(D) Exp: ;g vuqœ 35A, vuqœ 370 (i) D ds rgr tkjh jk"vªifr ds vkns'k nokjk 1954 esa lafo/kku esa 'kkfey fd;k x;ka & 35 A jkt; ds **LFkk;h fuokfl;ksa** vksj muds fo'ks"k vf/kdkjksa dks ifjhkkf"kr djus ds fy, teew d'ehj fo/kkueamy dks 'kfdr iznku djrk gsa fd ckgj ds yksx

12 laeifr u [kjhn lds o jkt; ds ckgj fookg djus okyh efgykvksa dks laifrr vf/kdkjksa ls oafpr dj fn;k tkrk gsa og mufd cpps Hkh oafpr jgsaxsa 17. Ans:(C) Exp: dukzvd ljdkj us] ;g leqnk; yecs le; ls fganw /kez ls vyx gksus dh ek x dj jgk FkkA blds fy, tflvl ukxeksgu nkl lfefr dk dbu fd;k x;k FkkA Hkkjr es a vhkh eqflye] fl[k] bzlkbz] cks)] ikjlh o tsu dks vyila[;d dk ntkz gsa 18. Ans:(B) Exp: DRDO nokjk fufezr] ekuo jfgr] 20?kaVks rd yxkrkj mm+ku Hkj ldus esa l{ke] QqV dh Å pkbz rd mm+us esa l{kea 19. Ans:(B) Exp: Hkkjr ds iz/kkuea=h vksj Ýkal ds rrdkyhu jk"vªifr ÝkaLok vksykan us 30 uoecj 2015 dks isfjl ls bldk vukoj.k fd;k Fkk] lehkko; ns'k 121] vc rd 56 ns'kksa us glrk{kj fd;s gsa 20. Ans:(C) Exp:,u-ds-flg] fouu vk;ksx vuqpnsn 280 ds rgr izr;sx 5 o"kz ds mijkur cuk;k tkrk gsa &,d v)zu;kf;d fudk;] & 1 v/;{k + 4 lnl; jk"vªifr ds izlkn i;zur vius in ij cus jgrs gs] iqufuz;qfdr Hkh gks ldrk gsa & lafo/kku esa laln dks vk;ksx ds lnl;ksa dh ;ksx;rk o muds p;u ds <ax ds fu/kkzj.k dk vf/kdkj fn;k x;k gsa 21. Ans:(C) Exp: xka/kkj 'ksyh esa ;wukuh&jkseu izhkko gsa bl 'ksyh esa cky?kq?kjkys vk [ks mhkjh gq;h] yykv&lery] yecs dku br;kfna eq[;r% Hkkjr ds mrrjh if'peh {ks= es a O;kIr Hkh fo"k; & dsoy cks) /kez 22. Ans:(A) Exp: buls vfhkizk; xk o ds tehankj o eqf[k;k ls gsa 23. Ans:(C) Exp: ;ou] og ;wukuh Fks tks Lo.kZ ds cnys dkyh fepz [kjhnus,oa ns'k okfl;ksa dks efnajk o nkfl;ksa dh vkiwfrz djus Hkkjr vkrs FksA &laxe lkfgr; esa budk vyys[k gsa 24. Ans:(D) Exp: vdcj ds 'kklu dky esa 4 izeq[k jktlo vkdyu dh iz.kkfy;k (i) tlrh vksj nglkyk (ii) cvkbz] xyyk c['kh (iii) dadwr (iv) uld 25. Ans:(B) Exp: ewfrzdyk fuekz.k ls] ekse dh vkd`fr;ksa ij igys feêh dh ijr p<+k nh tkrh vksj lq[kk;k tkrka fqj ekse dks xez fd;k tkrk o fnnz nokjk ckgj fudky fn;k tkrka,sls cus [kks[kys lk ps es a fi?kyh /kkrq Hkj nh tkrh] tks olrq dk vkdkj ys ysrha 26. Ans:(C) Exp: punzxqir eks;z dks 27. Ans:(D) Exp: yksfky & xqtjkr] jksim+&iatkc] eksgutksnm+ks & ikdhlrku] dkyhcaxk & jktlfkku 28. Ans:(A) Exp: nklksa ls 29. Ans:(C) Exp: [kku[kkg dk laca/k lwqh larksa ls FkkA ;g muds jgus ds LFkku FksA 30. Ans:(B) 31. Exp: ;g vlfkk;h vkokl LFky gksrs Fks tgk Hkkjrh;] fons'kh] rhfkz;k=h] lksnkxj] O;kikjh vkfn Bjgrs FksA Ans:(C) Exp: egkik"kk.k dkyhu lald`fr dk laca/k nf{k.k Hkkjr ls gsa ;g irfkj us fufezr dczs gksrh Hkh] bl le; rd ekuo us jkxh dk mriknu 'kq: dj fn;k Fkk 32. Ans:(E) Exp: fla/kq?kkvh lh;rk dk L; ;qxhu] uxjh;] uxj fu;kstu o O;kikj iz/kku lh;rk Hkh] d`f"k gksrh Fkh] i'kqikyu Hkh Fkk] ifg;s dk Kku Hkh FkkA 33. Ans:(B) Exp: xhrk] mifu"kn] czãlw= rhuksa dks feykdj izlfkku =;h dgk tkrk gsa & ;g osnkur n'kzu dh vk/kkjhkwr iqlrds gsa 34. Ans:(C) Exp:,f'k;k ekbuj rqdhz ds ikl feyk gsa bl vfhkys[k esa osfnd nsorkvksa ds uke feyrs gs] banz] o:.k] uklr;] fe= & blh vk/kkj ij fo}ku esdlewyj us vk;ksaz dk Hkkjr vkxer e/;,f'k;k ls ekuk gsa & C iqjkuk vfhkys[k gsa 35. Ans:(C) Exp:600 B.C dh?kvuk] e/; o nf{k.kh nks vkc esa] yksgs dh Hkwfedk egroiw.kz] jktx`g] ikokiqjh] okjk.klh paik] os'kkyh] mttsu] paik br;fn uxjksa dk fodkl gqvka 36. Ans:(A) Exp: psr; & cks) izkfkzuk LFky] xqqkvksa dks dkvdj cuk;s tkrs Fks & vtark fogkj & cks) fhk{kq fuokl LFkku o f'k{kk ds dsanz & ukaynk] lkseiqjh 37. Ans:(A) Exp: tsuksa dk Kku laca/kh] deu vk/kkfjr fln/kkar] fdlh olrq ds ckjs esa ;FkkFkZ Kku izkir djuk lk/kkj.k O;fDr ds fy, lahko ughaa dsoy rhfkzdjksa ds fy, gh lehkoa vr% Kku izdv djrs le; izr;sd okd; ds iwoz esa 'kk;n ¼L;kn½ 'kcn tksm+k tkuk pkfg,a 38. Ans:(B)

13 Exp: vekr;ksa ds p;u o izf'k{k.k lacaf/k fln/kkar eks;z dky esas ftldk myys[k dksfvy; us v/kz'kkl= esa fd;k gsa 39. Ans:(B) Exp: xkfkk lir'krh gky nokjk jfpr izkd`r Hkk"kk dk izfke dko; gsa bldk fo"k; izse izlax gsa 40. Ans:(C) Exp: g"kz dh e`r;q ds i'pkr mrrjh Hkkjr esa duukst ij vkf/kir; dks ysdj 3 i{kksa iky] izfrgkj o jk"vªdwvksa esa la?k"kz gqvk ftues a vfrae fot; izfrgkjksa dh gksrh gsa 41. Ans:(B) Exp: ex/k ij lozizfke g;zd oa'k dk 'kklu jgk ftlds lalfkkid fcfeclkj Fks] f'k'kqukx ds lalfkkid dkyk'kksd,oa uunoa'k ds lalfkkid egkineuuna uan oa'k ds vafre 'kkld /kukuan dks punzxqir eks;z us gjkdj eks;z oa'k dh uhao j[kha 42. Ans:(B) Exp: b.mksxzhd & 'kkd & igyo & dq"kk.k & gw.k 43. Ans:(B) Exp: cq) 44. Ans:(D) Exp: 45. Ans:(A) Exp: jktsunz pksy izfke pksy jktoa'k dk egku jktk FkkA blus mrrj fn'kk esa xaxk unh,oa nf{k.k esa ekynho vksj Jhyadk rfkk eysf'k;k] b.mksusf'k;k rd fot; izkir dha 46. Ans:(B) Exp: fgnw a 'ksyh ewy :i ls izd`fr oknh gsa tks ekuo o i'kq ds :iksa vksj le`) oulifr thou dks n'kkrhz gsa ysfdu eqflye fp=.k esa ltho izkf.k;ksa dk fp=.k oftzr gsa vr% ;gk ikni] iq"iu fp=.k feyrk gsa & tkfy;ksa dk HkjiwV iz;ksx 'kkfey FkkA 47. Ans:(B) Exp: [ktqjkgksa efnjksa dk fuek.kz pansy 'kkldksa us djok;k] ;g ukxj 'ksyh ds eafnj gs] ;g fganw nsoh nsorkvksa ds lkfk dqn tsu eafnj Hkh gsa 48. Ans:(D) Exp: ¼izkd`r½ lkrokguksa dh jktdh; Hkk"kk izkd`r FkhA lhkh vfhkys[k blh Hkk"kk es a vksj czkg`eh fyfi esa fy[ks gq, gsa & dqn lkrokgu jktkvksa us izkd`r esa iqlrdsa Hkh fy[kh tsls xkfkklir'krh gky uked lkrokgu jktk dh jpuk crkbz tkrh gsa 49. Ans:(C) Exp: xqir jktkvksa us izkarh; vksj Lukfue 'kklu dh i)fr pyk;ha jkt; dbz ;qfdr;ksa vfkkzr izkurksa es a fohkkftr Fkk vksj gj ;qfdr,d&,d mifjd ds izhkk, esa jgrh FkhA eqfdr;k fo"k;ksa esa vhkkzr ftyksa esa fo"k; foft;ksa esa] foft;k xzkeksa es a 50. Ans:(D) Exp: ftl le; ex/k ds jktk viuk lkezkt; c<+k jgs Fks ml le; bzjku ds gjoeuh 'kkld Hkh viuk jkt; folrkj dj jgs Fks bzjkuh 'kkld nkjeogq ¼nsfj;l½ us 516 bzœiwœ esa if'peksùkj Hkkjr esa igyk vkøe.k fd;ka 51. Ans: (A) Exp: 1. bzlv bafm;k,lksfl,'ku & 1866 nknk HkkbZ ¼yanu esa½ 2. bafm;u,slksfl,'ku & lqjsunzukfk cuthz,oa vkuan eksgu cksl iwuk lkoztfud lhkk & 1870 egknso xksfoun jkukms 52. Ans: (C) Exp: iqrzxkyh 1548] vaxzst 1600] Mp 1602] Msful 1616] Ýkalhlh Ans: (A) Exp: 1813 ds pkvzj ds fueu izko/kku gs & Hkkjr esa O;kikj ij daiuh dk,dkf/kdkj lekir gks x;k fdarq mldk pk; o phu ds O;kikj ij,dkf/kdkj cuk jgka Hkkjr esa f'k{kk] lkfgr; vksj fokku ds {ks= es a muufr gsrq izr;sd o"kz 1 yk[k :i;s dh jkf'k iznku dha dydÿkk es a lokszpp U;k;ky; 1774 esa 1773 ds jsx;qysfvax,dv ds varxzr gq;ha 54. Ans: (D) Exp: 1928 esa lke;okfn;ksa ds fuokzlu dks lqfuf'pr djus gsrqa 55. Ans: (C) Exp: dkaxzsl usrk HkwykHkkbZ nslkbz us eqflye usrk fy;kdr [kku ds lkfk feydj dsanz esa,d varfje ljdkj ds xbu dk izlrko elksnk rs;k fd;ka 56. Ans: (C) Exp: rhljk xksyest leesyu yanu esa 17 uoacj 1932 esa gqvka dkaxzsl] xk /kh us blesa Hkkx ugha fy;ka rhljs xksyest dk ifj.kke ljdkj }kjk tkjh 'osr i= FkkA blh i= ds vk/kkj ij] Hkkjr ljdkj vf/kfu;e 1935 dks ikfjr fd;k tkuk FkkA 57. Ans: (B) Exp: dkaxzsl dk dydÿkk vf/kos'ku nknk HkkbZ uksjksth dh v/;{krk esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k FkkA blesa Lons'kh Lojkt] cfg"dkj vksj jk"vªh; f'k{kk izlrko ikfjr fd;k x;k FkkA 58. Ans:(C) Exp: vdcj II ( ) us iznku dh budk 'kklu {ks= budk fdyk gh FkkA 59. Ans: (B) Exp: 1759 esa Dykbo ds usr`ro esa csnkjk ds ;q) esa Mpksa dh fu.kkz;d ijkt; gq;ha 60. Ans: (B) Exp: ( ) nhokuh vf/kdkj vaxzstksa ds ikl rfkk futker dkuwu uokc ds ikl jgs bl rjg,d gh txg nks rjg dh ljdkjsa LFkkiuk gks x;ha 61. Ans: (C) Exp: 1856 esa MygkSth us vkmvªe dh fjiksvz ds vk/kkj ij dq'kklu dk vkjksi yxkdj vo/k dk foy; dj fy;ka 62. Ans: (C) Exp: 1761 esa ikuhir dh r`rh; ym+kbz esa is'kok ckykth ckthjko ls ym+kbz vqxku 'kkld vgen'kkg vcnkyh ls gq;h] ejkbk lsuk lnkf'ko jko ds usr`ro eas ym+ha

14 63. Ans: (A) Exp: bls LFkk;h ;k blrekjkjh O;oLFkk Hkh dgrs gsa] 1790 esa dkuzokfyl }kjk 10 o"khz; Hkw jktlo O;oLFkk ykxw dh x;h] bl O;oLFkk eas Hkwfe dk Lokeh rfkk yxku olwyh dk vf/kdkj tehankj dks gh ekuk x;k] 1793 esa bl O;oLFkk dks LFkk;h dj fn;k x;ka fczfv'k Hkkjr ds 19% Hkkx ij ykxw dh x;ha 1794 esa lw;kzlr dk fu;e ykxw dj fn;k x;ka 64. Ans: (B) Exp: o nnuh izfkk & fczfv'k O;kikjh Hkkjrh; dkjhxjksa dks is'kxh ds :i esa :i;k ¼/ku½ ns nsrs FksA o dfevksvh izfkk & fcgkj o mm+hlk esa izpfyr] dfe;k tkfr ds yksx vius ekfydksa }kjk _.k ij nh tkus okyh C;kt dh jkf'k esa thou Hkj mudh lsok djuka o rhu dfb;k izfkk & fdlkuksa dks viuh tehu ds yxhkx 3@20 Hkkx ij uhy dh [ksrh djuk vko'od gksrk FkkA 65. Ans: (D) Exp: x Qkj [kku ftugsa ckn'kkg [kku,oa lhekar xka/kh Hkh dgk tkrk FkkA i'rks FksA [kqnkbz f[knerxkj uked Lo;alsod fczxsm dk xbu fd;k ;g fczxsm yky dqrhz uke ls izfl) gq;ha 66. Ans: (D) Exp: peikj.k lr;kxzg xka/kh th }kjk 1917 esa frudfb;k O;oLFkk ds fo:) izkjehk fd;k x; FkkA bles a peikj.k ds fdlkuksa dks viuh dqy Hkwfe ds 3@20 Hkkx ij uhy mxkus ds fy, foo'k fd;k tkrk FkkA jktdqekj 'kqdy us xka/kh th dks cqyk;ka jktsunz izlkn] ts-ch- d`iykuh] egknso nslkbz vksj ujgfj ikbd xka/kh ls feysa 67. Ans:(A) Exp: xnj ikvhz ijk/khu Hkkjr dks vaxzstksa ls LorU= djkus ds mís'; ls cuk;k x;ka 1913 esa LFkkfir lsu ÝkaflLdks USA esaa 68. Ans: (B) Exp: føil izlrko & 22 ekpz 1942 dks lj LVSQksMZ føil ds usr`ro esa Hkkjr vk;ka mís'; & Hkkjr esa O;kikj jktusfrd,oa os/kkfud xfrjks/k nwj djuk FkkA føil ds izlrkoksa dks dkaxzsl vksj yhx nksuksa us Bqdjk fn;ka 69. Ans: (C) Exp: fjiu ds dk;zdky esa 1884 esa bycvz fcy fookn gqvka bl fcy ds ek/;e ls fof/kd ekeyksa esa Hkkjrh;ksa,oa ;wjksih; yksxksa dks lekurk iznku dh xbza blds ek/;e ls vc Hkkjrh; U;k;/kh'k Hkh ;wjksih; yksxksa ls tqm+s ekeyksa dh lquokbz dj ldrs FksA bl fcy dks ;wjksih; yksxksa ds fojks/k ds dkj.k okil ysuk im+ka 70. Ans: (B) Exp: jksysv,dv ¼1919½ dks dkyk dkuwu Hkh dgk tkrk gsa 8 ekpz 1919 dks ykxw bl,dv es a eftlvªsvksa dks ;g vf/kdkj izkir Fkk fd og fdlh lansg flfkr okys O;fDr dks fxj rkj djds ml ij eqdnek pyk ldrk gsa 71. Ans: (D) Exp: vkj-lh- nÿk }kjk fyf[kr iqlrd ^^Hkkjr dk vkffkzd bfrgkl** ds vuqlkj bf.m;k vkwfql ds Hkj.k&iks"k.k] yanu] osru] o ;q+)ksa ds [kpsz 'kkfey FksA 72. Ans:(C) Exp: 28 fnlecj 1885 izfke v/;{k MCY;w-lh- cuthz],-vksg;we ds iz;klksa ls 73. Ans:(B) Exp: 1905 dtzu }kjk caxky fohkktu Lons'kh vkanksyu dk izeq[k dkj.k FkkA 74. Ans:(D) Exp: 1942 esa føil fe'ku dh foqyrk ds ckn Hkkjr NksM+ks vkanksyu esa ;g ukjk fn;k x;ka 75. Ans:(B) Exp: ekpz 1940 jkex<+ vf/kos'ku esa xk /khth us O;fDrxr lr;kxzg dk izlrko j[kk izfke lr;kxzgh fcuksck Hkkos o nwljs tokgjyky usg: dks?kksf"kr fd;k x;ka 76. Ans:(D) Exp: Lokeh foosdkuan flrecj 1893 esa ogka ij gks jgs loz/kez leesyu esa x;s] 16 uoecj 1893 dks,suh cslsav Hkkjr vk;h] vksj o"kz 1893 es a xk /kh vcnqyyk dk eqdnek ym+us x;sa 77. Ans: (B) Exp: Lons'kh vkanksyu ds volj ij gh johunz ukfk Bkdqj us viuk izfl) xhr vksekj lksukj ckaxyk fy[kk ckn es a ;gh xhr ckaxykns'k dk jk"vªh; xhr cu x;ka 78. Ans:(C) Exp: osysuvkby f'kjkwys 79. Ans: (B) Exp: ok;ljk; ykwmz gkfmzax us 1911 fnyyh esa HkO; njckj dk vk;kstu baxysam ds lezkv tkwtz iape,oa esjh ds Lokxr esa gqvk bl njckj esa fueu?kks"k.kk, gq;h & 1- caxky fohkktu jnna 2- caxkyh Hkk"kh {ks=ksa dks feykdj vyx,d izkar cuk;k x;ka 3- fcgkj,d vyx jkt; cuk] mlesa mfm+lk Hkh 'kkfey FkkA 4- jkt/kkuh dydùkk ls fnyyh LFkkukUrfjr djus ds?kks"k.kk] 1912 esa fnyyh jkt/kkuh cuha 80. Ans: (B) Exp: dkaxzsl ds y[kuå vf/kos'ku esa nksuksa nyksa es,drk LFkkfir gks x;ha blh vf/kos'ku esa yhx us Hkh dkaxzsl ls feydj,d la;qdr lfefr dh LFkkiuk dh] o dkaxzsl us lkeiznkf;d fuokzpu dks eku fy;ka 81. Ans:(A) Exp: Lojkt ikvhz] vlg;ksx vkanksyu xka/kh }kjk okil ysus ls ukjkt gksdja 82. Ans: (B) Exp: 1929 ykgksj vf/kos'ku esa fd;ka 83. Ans:(B) Exp: v/;{k & Lokeh lgtkuan egklfpo & N. G. jaxk 84. Ans:(B)

15 Exp: PM,Vyh us 15 Qjojh 1946 bz esa Hkkjrh; lafo/kku lhkk dh LFkkiuk,oa rrdkyhu Toyar lel;kvksa ij Hkkjrh;ksa ls fopkj&foe'kz ds fy, dschusv fe'ku dks Hkkjr HkstkA 24 ekpz 1946 dh ;g fe'ku Hkkjr vk;ka lnl; Fks& LVsQksMZ føvl] isfed ykwjsal ¼v/;{k½],-chvysDtsMajA 85. Ans: (B) Exp: eqflye yhx us 16 vxlr] 1946 bz- dh lh/kh vfkok izr;{k dk;zokgh fnol euk;ka lozizfke izr;{k dk;zokgh fnol dydÿkk esa euk;k x;ka ml le; ogk yhx dh ljdkj FkhA caxky ds eq[;ea=h lqgjkonhz FksA 86. Ans: (C) Exp: egkrek xk /kh 87. Ans: (A) Exp: xk /kh us 88. Ans: (B) Exp: 1919 ds vf/kfu;e eku,;q pselqksmz lq/kkj ls izkarksa esa }S/k 'kklu 'kq: gqvka 89. Ans: (C) Exp: dkaxzsl v/;{k in ds fookn ds dkj.k lqhkk"k punz us ebz 1939 esa QkjoMZ Cykd dk xbu fd;ka 90. Ans: (A) Exp: ykgksj vf/kos'ku esa ikfdlrku izlrko ikfjr gqvka bl izlrko dks rs;kj djus esa [kyhq mtteka] Qty&my&gd rfkk fldnkj g;kr [kk us egroiw.kz Hkwfedk fuhkk;ha bl izlrko es a ;g dgk x;k fd ^^HkkSxksfyd flfkfr ls,d nwljs ls yxs gq, izns'k vko';d ifjorzuksa ds lkfk bl izdkj xfbr fd;s tk;sa rkfd ogka eqflye leqnk; cgqla[;d gks tk;sa**a 91. Ans: (C) Exp: cfy;k & 1942 esa fpurw ikams }kjk rkeyqd & fenukiqj 1942&44 lrkjk & 1943&45 okbz-ogh- pogk.k 92. Ans: (D) Exp: bues a ls lhkh 93. Ans: (B) Exp: lkbeu deh'ku 3 Qjojh 1928 dks Hkkjr vk;ka bldk Hkkjr esa fojks/k gqvk D;ksafd,d Hkh lnl; Hkkjrh; ugha FkkA 94. Ans: (B) Exp: dkaxzsl us 11 esa ls 8 izkurksa esa ljdkjh cuk;ha ckwecs] enzkl] fcgkj] la;qdr izkar] e/; izkar] mm+hlk] mÿkj izns'k lhekur izkar vlea 95. Ans: (B) Exp: 1773ds jsx;wysfvax,dv }kjk okwjsu gsflvxl dks cuk;k x;k caxky dk xouzj tujy 1833 bz- ds pkvzj }kjk csf.vax dks Hkkjr dk xouzj tujy cuk;k x;ka 96. Ans: (C) Exp: Hkkjrh; usrkvksa ds lkfk ckrphr vlqy jgus ij 1946 ekm.vcsvu us,d xqir ;kstuk cuk;h blesa fofhkuu izkurksa dks lÿkk glrkurj.k djus dh ckr FkhA 97. Ans: (C) Exp: fnyyh & cgknqj 'kkg tqj y[kuå & csxe gtjr egy >k lh & y{ehckbz cjsyh & [kkucgknqj [kku bykgkckn & fy;kdr vyh dkuiqj& ukuk lkgc] rkr;k Vksis QStkckn & eksyoh vgen myyk 98. Ans: (A) Exp: ef.kiqj jkt; ls] 1930 esa bugksaus fonzksg fd;ka vktknh ds ckn bugsa tsy ls fjgk fd;k x;ka usg: us bugsa jkuh dh mikf/k nha 99. Ans: (C) Exp: igyh 1917 &,uh cslsav] nwljh 1925 & ljkstuh uk;mw] rhljh 1933 & ufyuh lsu xqirk 100. Ans: (D) Exp: lhkh dfku lgh gsaa

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