Generation XXXIII Ane nr /

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1 Indholdsfortegnelse Side Kort overblik 2 Gebhard Van De Lahngau og Ida Van Ezzo 4 Kildemateriale 8 Fortsættes på side 1 Odo Van De Lahngau & Judith Der Welfen Ane nr / Gebhard Van De Lahngau og Ida Van Ezzo / Udo Van Wetterau Judith Von Wetterau Hildegard von Stade Bernhart II Billung Ida Van Saksen Henri Van Namen Beatrice Van Namen Godevaart I V.Breda Goodevaart II Breda Sofie Van Breda Joannes van Gavere Eksaerde Wilhelmus Van Gavere Eksaarde Willem Van Gavere Kathelijne Van Gavere - Haasdonk Katelijne Hutzers - Haasdonk Willem Scoemaekers Petrus Scoemaekers Petrus Scoemaekers Livine Scoemakere Margriete V. Couteren Sint-Niklaas Dierik Ver Braecken Sint-Niklaas 6718 Johanna Ver Braken Sint-Niklaas 3359 Catharina De Maere Tielrode 1679 Amelberga Vernimmen - Thielrode 839 Marie Anne Smedt - Thielrode 419 Anne Petron. Everaert Thielrode 209 Robert Van Landeghem Thielrode 104 Bruno Van Landeghem Thielrode 52 Julien Van Landeghem Thielrode 26 Christ. V. Landeghem Boom 13 Emiel Jan Person Antwerpen 6 Louisa Augusta Person Åbyhøj 3 Grete A./Emil H. Sørensen - Lind/Værløse 1 aner\ /nov.2011 Side 0

2 Ane nr. Ane nr. Gebhard Van Lahngau Og? / Konrad I Der Welfen og Adelheid Van Tours / Fortsat fra side 0 aner\ /nov.2011 Side 1

3 GEBHARD VAN DE LAHNGAU & IDA VAN EZZO H e s s e n Gebhard Van De Lahngau er født omkring 850 som søn af Odo Van De Lahngau og?. Hans fødested er det endnu ikke lykkedes at opspore. Ida Van Ezzo er født omkring 850. Hendes fødested og forældre er det endnu ikke lykkedes at opspore. Gebhard Van De Lahngau og Ida Van Ezzo får 2 sønner. aner\ /nov.2011 Side 2

4 aner\ /nov.2011 Side 3

5 Gebhard Van De Lahngau og Ida Van Ezzo Gebhard Van De Lahngau og Ida Van Ezzo bosætter sig formentlig i Wetterau. Her får de 4, måske 5 børn: , ca. - Udo Van Wetterau 2. 89xx - Hermann van de Lahngau. Gebhard Van De Lahngau er i nogle år greve af Wetterau og Boven- Rijngau (Haut-Rhin). Sønnen Udo Van Wetterau (ane nr ) gifter sig med Beatrix Adela Van Vermandois (ane nr ). De får 3 børn: Heribert Van Gleiberg -, Konrad - og Judith Van Wetterau. aner\ /nov.2011 Side 4

6 Gebhard Van der Lahngau s forældre (ane nr / ): Odo Van De Lahngau og Judith Der Welfen Odo Van De Lahngau er født omkring 820 som søn af Gebhard Van Lahngau og?. Hans fødested er det endnu ikke lykkedes at opspore. Judith Der Welfen er født omkring 830, måske som datter af Konrad I Der Welfen og Adelheid Van Tours. Hendes fødested er det endnu ikke lykkedes at opspore. Odo Van De Lahngau og Judith Der Welfen får følgende børn: Gebhard, Konrad og Rudolf Van Lahngau samt Eberhard Van Niederlahngau. Odo Van De Lahngau er i nogle år greve af Hessen (Lahngau). Lahn aner\ /nov.2011 Side 5

7 Odo Van der Lahngau s forældre (ane nr / ): Gebhard Van Lahngau og? Gebhard Van Lahngau er født omkring 800. Hans fødested og forældre er det endnu ikke lykkedes at opspore. Gebhard Van Lahngau s hustru er det endnu ikke lykkedes at opspore. Gebhard Van Lahngau og? får følgende børn: Odo, Werner, Berengar, Waldo og Berthold Van Lahngau. Gebhard Van Lahngau er i nogle år greve af Lahngau. Judith Der Welfen s forældre (ane nr / ): Se ane nr / aner\ /nov.2011 Side 6

8 aner\ /nov.2011 Side 7

9 Kildemateriale for ane nr / Kildemateriale 1: Van-den-hout/Familien Van De Lahngau Ida van Ezzo? Geslacht: Vrouw Geboren: Ca 850 Overleden: Ca 910 Huwelijk: Ca 870 Gebhard van de Lahngau Geslacht: Man Geboren : Ca 850 Overleden: 22 Jun 910 Vader: Odo van de Lahngau Moeder: Onbekend NN Kind(eren): Udo van Lahngau Geslacht: Man Geboren: Ca 882 Overleden: 12 Dec 949 Huwelijk: Ca 915 Beatrix Adela van Vermandois. Hermann van Lahngau Geslacht: Man Geboren: Ca 880 Overleden: 10 Dec 949 Vader: Gebhard van de Lahngau Moeder: Ida van Ezzo? Huwelijk: Ca 900 Regelinde van Zwaben Geslacht: Vrouw Geboren: Ca 880 Overleden: Ca 950 Kind(eren): Ida van Lahngau Geslacht: Vrouw Geboren: Ca 920 Overleden: 17 Mei 986 Huwelijk: Ca 948 Liudolf Hertog van Swaben van Saksen Ludolf aner\ /nov.2011 Side 8

10 Kildemateriale 2: ridderhof/familien Van De Lahngau Gebhard van de Lahngau, Graaf in de boven-rijngau en Graaf in Wetterau, geboren rond 850, overleden op 22 juni 910. Hij is getrouwd rond 870 voor de kerk met Ida, geboren rond 850, overleden rond 910. Uit dit huwelijk: - Hermann, geboren rond 880, zie Udo, geboren rond 882, zie Udo van Lahngau, geboren rond 882, overleden op 12 december 949. Hij is getrouwd rond 915 voor de kerk met Beatrix van Vermandois, geboren rond 880, overleden na maart 931. (Zij is eerder getrouwd in 895 voor de kerk met Robert I van Parijs bijgenaamd Robert V, geboren rond 866, zie ) Uit dit huwelijk: - Judith, geboren rond 928, zie Kildemateriale 3: Vanderlippe/Familien Van De Lahngau Gebhard van Lahngau (Wetterau), geboren omstreeks 850. Gebhard is overleden op in Gesneuveld, ongeveer 60 jaar oud. Hij trouwde (2), ongeveer 20 jaar oud, omstreeks 870 met Ida van Ezzo (±850-±910), ongeveer 20 jaar oud. Hij trouwde (1), ongeveer 20 jaar oud, omstreeks 870 met de ongeveer 20-jarige N?. van Wetterau, geboren omstreeks 850. N?. is overleden omstreeks 910, ongeveer 60 jaar oud Udo van Wetterau Konradijn, geboren omstreeks 882. Udo is overleden op , ongeveer 67 jaar oud. Hij trouwde met Cunegonda van Vermandois. aner\ /nov.2011 Side 9

11 Kildemateriale 4: Kareldegrote Reeks 24/Familien Van De Lahngau VA Heribert I, graaf van Vermandois, c. Cunegundis, tr. ca. 915 Odo I, graaf in de Wetterau, overl , broer van Herman, hertog van Souabe, en zoon van Gebhard, graaf in de Wetterau en in in noordelijke Rijngouw, hertog van Lotharingen in 904, familie van de Conradingen. Zie reeks 24. Reeks 24: 6. Cunigonda van Vermandois, dochter van Heribert I der Franken, graaf van Soissons, graaf van Vermandois [Zie Christian Settipani: La Préhistoire des Capétiens, p. 222, 223]. Getrouwd rond 915 met Udo von Wetterau Konradijn, geboren rond 882, overleden op 12 december 949, zoon van Gebhard van Lahngau, graaf in de Wetterau, markgraaf der Fränkische Ostmark Uit dit huwelijk: a. Konrad von Wetterau, graaf in de Rijngau, hertog van Schwaben, geboren in het jaar 920, overleden op 20 augustus 997. Konrad was gehuwd met Jutta. b. Heribert von Wetterau, graaf in Kinzigau, geboren rond 925, zie 7 c. Judith von Wetterau, geboren rond 928, overleden op 16 oktober 973. Judith is getrouwd rond 940 met Heinrich I Graf von Stade ook genaamd 'der Kahle', geboren rond 920, overleden tussen 9 mei 976 en 11 mei 976, zoon van Lüder Graf von Stade. Heinrich bouwde de burcht Harsefeld in 964. aner\ /nov.2011 Side 10

12 Kildemateriale 5: Wikipedia/Familien Van De Lahngau Lotharingen Dit is een lijst van heersers over het koninkrijk en later hertogdom Lotharingen, na de splitsing voortgezet in Neder- Lotharingen. Hertogen van Lotharingen: Naam Periode Opmerkingen Lodewijk het Kind koning van Oost-Francië Hertog-regent: Gebhard van Franconië, graaf in de Rijngouw Hertog-regent: Reinier I van Henegouwen, graaf van Henegouwen Karel de Eenvoudige koning van West-Francië Hertog-regent: Reinier I van Henegouwen, graaf van Henegouwen + Maasgouw Hertog-regent: Wigerik, graaf in de Bitgouw + Ardennengouw Hendrik de Vogelaar = koning van Oost-Francië ? Leen-hertog: Everhard III van Franken Leen-hertog: Giselbert II van de Maasgouw Otto keizer van het Heilige Roomse Rijk Leen-hertog: Giselbert II van de Maasgouw Gebhard van Lotharingen (?, bij Augsburg, 22 juni 910), ook Gebhard van Franconië, van Franken of van (de) Lahngouw (Lahngau) genoemd, uit het geslacht der Konradijnen, was een zoon van Odo, graaf van Lahngau, en van Judith. Hij kreeg in 903 van Lodewijk het Kind het bestuur over Lotharingen, met de titel van hertog. Gebhard sneuvelde bij Augsburg in de strijd tegen de Magyaren. Hij was gehuwd met Ida en was de vader van: Herman I van Zwaben (-949) Odo, graaf van Wetterau, Lahngau en Rheingau, gehuwd met Cunigonde, dochter van Herbert I van Vermandois. aner\ /nov.2011 Side 11

13 Kildemateriale 6: Graafschap-middeleuwen/Familien Van De Lahngau De Konradijnen: De aan de Matfriedingers verwante Konradijnen ontlenen hun naam aan de voornaam Koenraad (Konrad). Zonen krijgen, naast Koenraad, veelvuldig de naam Gebhard, Udo (Otto) of Eberhard. Zij zijn in deze tijd de machtigste familie in het Oost-Frankische rijk. In de stamboom van deze familie zijn drie belangrijke takken te onderscheiden, vernoemd naar de zonen van graaf Udo van Lahngouw en Judith, dochter van graaf Koenraad van Argengouw: De seniortak (Koenraad 'de Oudere') en vervolgens naar de jongere zonen Eberhard (I) van Ortenau en Gebhard (van Lotharingen) de Eberhardingers en Gebhardingers. De Konradijnen zijn door keizer Arnulf gevraagd als beschermers van zijn zoon Lodewijk IV op te treden. De Konradijnen zijn vooral gegoed in Franken en zuidelijk Hessen. Hun bezittingen in Lotharingen concentreren zich op de rechterbank van de Rijn met onder andere Avelgouw, Keldachgouw, Engersgouw en Hattuarië. Deze decentrale machtsbasis beperkt hun mogelijkheden in Lotharingen ten opzichte van de centraal in Lotharingen gevestigde aristocratie. De eerste helft van de tiende eeuw bezit de Eberhardingertak de hertogelijke titel van Elzas. De Konradijnen moeten zich op meerdere fronten verdedigen. In hun oost-frankische thuisland vechten ze een vete op leven en dood uit met de Babenbergers, de nazaten van Hendrik van Babenberg, waarmee ze in 906 definitief weten af te rekenen. De voornaamste Konradijn in Lotharingen is Gebhard, graaf van Niddagouw, Rijngouw, Neder-Lahngouw en Wetterau. Hij benoemt zichzelf enkele jaren na Zwentibolds dood namens Lodewijk IV 'het Kind' tot "dux regni guod a multis Hlotharii dicitur" (hertog van het rijk) in Lotharingen. Als een soort plaatsvervanger van de jonge koning vertegenwoordigt hij de kroon. En misschien ziet hij zichzelf wel als de initiator van een nieuw hertogdom: Lotharingen. Voor het gemak wordt hij als ambsthertog op deze site Gebhard van Lotharingen genoemd. aner\ /nov.2011 Side 12

14 Kildemateriale 7: MedLands/Familien Van De Lahngau FRANCONIA, nobility Chapter 4. GRAFEN im LAHNGAU (KONRADINER) This family, of Frankish origin, established a strong position in Franconia during the reign of Ludwig IV "das Kind" King of the East Franks. They eliminated their closest rivals the Babenberger family in 906. The succession of a member of this family to the German throne was seen as the obvious choice after the death without heirs of King Ludwig IV [146]. As will be seen in the analysis set out below, many of the family relationships in this family are speculative, based on the onomastic theories of Jackman. Udo & his wife had [four possible] children [150], who as shown below are confirmed as brothers in primary sources none of which mentions their parentage: 3. GEBHARD (-killed in battle near Augsburg [22] Jun 910). Regino records the war in 902 between "Adalbertus cum fratribus Adalhardo et Heinrico" against "Eberhardum et Gebehardum et Rodulfum fratres", specifying that "postmodum iussu Gebehardi decollatus est" [265]. Regino names "Chuonradus senior [et] frater eius Gebehardus", specifying that Gebhard "in Weidereiba poterat" [266]. Duke of Lotharingia. "Hludowicus rex" confirmed privileges to Kloster St Gallen by charter dated 24 Jun 903 in which among "fidelium nostrum" was listed " Kebehart dux regni quod a multis Hlotharii dicitur " [267]. "Hludowicus rex" confirmed property of Stift Kaiserswerth naming "Cuonrat propinquus noster et abba cœnobii sancti Suithberti" at the request of "comitum Cuonrati et Gebeharti" by charter dated 3 Aug 904 [268]. Graf im Wormsgau: "Hludowicus rex" confirmed property of the church of Worms including "res in pago Wormazfelde in comitatu Kuonrati" which "comes Gebehartus" held, by charter dated 2 Sep 906 [269]. "Hludowicus rex" confirmed an exchange of proper-ties between Kloster Fulda and Kloster Echternach after consulting "fidelium nostrorum comitum vero Kebeharti, Liutpoldi, Burcharti, Eginonis, Liutfredi, Iringi et Cunpoldi" by charter dated 19 Mar 907 [270]. Graf in der Wetterau 909: "Hludowicus rex" granted property "locum Salchinmunstere in comitatu Gebehardi et in pago Wetereibia" by charter dated 13 Dec 909 [271]. Regino records the death of "Gebeardus comes" fighting the Hungarians [272]. m ---. The identity of Gebhard's wife is not known with certainty. Jackman highlights the Liber Memorialis of Remiremont which lists (in order) "Gebardi duci, Hidda, Riquinus, Christianus, Raginfridus". He associates the first two with Duke Gebhard [Konradiner] & his wife, whom he therefore speculates was named HIDDA [Ida], and the last three with the family of Gebhard's wife [273]. Jackman speculates [274] that the wife of Duke Gebhard may have been a sister of Hermann Archbishop of Köln, and descended from Christian [I] Graf von Grabfeld, possibly the daughter of Christian [II] Graf im Grabfeld. aner\ /nov.2011 Side 13

15 Kildemateriale 7: MedLands/Familien Van De Lahngau fortsat This series of suppositions provides support for his theory that Gebhard's grandson Otto was the same person as Otto Graf von Grabfeld. Duke Gebhard & his wife had two children: a) UDO ([895/900]-949). Regino names "duobus filiis suis [=Gebeardus comes] pueris Udone et Herimanno" when recording their father's death fighting the Hungarians in 910 [275]. His birth date range is estimated from Regino thus describing him as "puer" on the death of his father, but bearing in mind the likely birth date range of his own son Gebhard. "Chuonradus rex" confirmed privileges to the bishopric of Utrecht by charter dated 9 Jul 914 at the request of "Udonem consanguineum nostrum Vualdergerumque comitem" [276]. Liudprand names "Huto sane" as brother of "Herimanni Suevorum ducis" [277]. Graf in der Wetterau 914: "Chuonradus rex" granted property "in comitatu Otonis in pago Wetereiba" to Weilburg church by charter dated 24 Apr 914 [278]. "Chuonradus rex" confirmed property to the bishopric of Utrecht at the request of "Udonem consanguineum nostrum Vualdgerumque comitum" by charter dated 9 Jul 914 [279]. Graf im Rheingau 917: "Chuonradus rex" granted property "in pago Rinicgouue in comitatu Utonis" to "capellano Werinolf" by charter dated 3 Nov 917 [280]. Graf im Lahngau 918. He founded St Maria at Wetzlar "Heinricus rex" granted property to "in pago Hegouue in eodem comitatu in loco Siginga" to "Baboni comitis Burchardi vassallo" after consultation with "Burchardi, Ebarhardi, Chuonradi, Heinrici atque Utonis comitum" by charter dated 30 Nov 920 [281]. Graf im Rheingau 948: "Otto rex" granted property "in villa Hemmingersbach in pago Rinecgouue in comitatu Vdonis comitis in pago Lobotengouue in comitatu Cunradi comitis" to "clerico Liuthere" by charter dated 28 Feb 948 [282]. Thietmar records that "Udo" killed Eberhard [283], which is assumed to refer to Udo son of Gebhard, Eberhard being his first cousin. The necrology of Fulda records the death in 949 of "Uto comes" [284]. Regino records the death in 950 of "Uto comes" [285]. m ([915]) [CUNIGUNDIS] de Vermandois, daughter of HERIBERT I Comte de Vermandois & his wife [Liedgardis] ([890/900] [286]-after 943). The Vermandois origin of Graf Udo's wife is suggested by the fact that Flodoard refers to the wife of "Uddone [frater Hermanno]" as amita of "Hugo [de Vermandois Archbishop of Reims]" [287]. The name of Graf Udo's wife is not given explicitly in the sources. However, a "Cunegundis" is named in a name-list in the Reichenau memorial book dated [926/32] which appears to include members of the Konradiner family, Jackman suggesting that she is well placed in the list to be Graf Gebhard's wife [288], although this is not the only possible interpretation. Udo & his wife had three children: aner\ /nov.2011 Side 14

16 Kildemateriale 7: MedLands/Familien Van De Lahngau fortsat i) GEBHARD ([918/20]-killed in battle 938). Widukind names "Gevehardus, Udonis filius, fratris Herimanni ducis" when recording his death while suppressing the rebellion of Thankmar [289]. His birth date range is estimated from the likely birth date range of his father and assuming that Gebhard was an adolescent or young adult when he died. ii) OTTO ([920/25]-). The notice concerning the Hammerstein marriage dispute names (in its first part) "Gebehard et Udo nepotes, filii duorum fratrum. Gebehard genuit Cunonem. Udo genuit Ottonem. Cuno genuit Cunonem. Heribertus genuit Ottonem" [290]. It is not impossible that Otto was the same person as Udo's son Udo, although this text suggests that the two names were from different roots. iii) UDO (-26 Aug 965). Regino records the election as Bishop of Strasbourg in 950 of "Udo filius Udonis comitis" [291]. He was elected Bishop of Strasbourg 13 Aug 950. b) HERMANN (-10 Dec 949, bur Reichenau Island). Regino names "duobus filiis suis [=Gebeardus comes] pueris Udone et Herimanno" when recording their father's death fighting the Hungarians in 910 [292]. Graf He was installed in 926 as HERMANN I Duke of Swabia by Heinrich I King of Germany after the murder of Duke Burkhard II [293]. - DUKES of SWABIA. Noter/Referencer: [145] Annales Weingartenses, Veterum Analectorum IV, p [146] Reuter (1991), p [147] Jackman (1997), p. 72. [148] D Arn 89, p [149] D LK 72, p [150] Jackman (1997), p. 72. [151] Reginonis Chronicon 906, MGH SS I, p [264] Jackman (1997), p. 64. [265] Reginonis Chronicon 902, MGH SS I, p [266] Reginonis Chronicon 906, MGH SS I, p [267] D LK 20, p [268] D LK 35, p [269] D LK 48, p [270] D LK 53, p [271] D LK 70, p [272] Continuator Reginonis Trevirensis 910, MGH SS I, p [273] Liber Memorialis folio 3v, quoted in Jackman (1997), p. 148 footnote 52. [274] Jackman (1997), pp [275] Continuator Reginonis Trevirensis 910, MGH SS I, p [276] D K I 24, p. 23. [277] Liudprandi Antapodosis IV.28, MGH SS III, p [278] D K I 19, p. 18. aner\ /nov.2011 Side 15

17 Kildemateriale 7: MedLands/Familien Van De Lahngau fortsat [279] D K I 24, p. 23. [280] D K I 32, p. 29. [281] D H I 2, p. 40. [282] D O I 95, p [283] Thietmar 2.34, p [284] Annales Necrologici Fuldenses, MGH SS XIII, p [285] Continuator Reginonis Trevirensis 949, MGH SS I, p [286] Birth date range estimated from her estimated marriage date. [287] Flodoard 946, MGH SS III, p [288] Jackman (1997), p. 38. [289] Widukindi Res Gestæ Saxonicæ II.11, MGH SS III, p [290] MGH Const. I, p. 639, discussed in Jackman (1997), p. 15. [291] Continuator Reginonis Trevirensis 950, MGH SS I, p [292] Continuator Reginonis Trevirensis 910, MGH SS I, p [293] Reuter (1991), p [294] Reginonis Chronicon 892, MGH SS I, p aner\ /nov.2011 Side 16

18 Kildemateriale for ane nr / Kildemateriale 1: MedLands/Familien Van De Lahngau Chapter 9. GRAFEN im LINZGAU Linzgau was situated north of Lake Constance, and east of Hegau, in southern Württemberg. A. GRAFEN im LINZGAU, GRAFEN von ALTDORF (WELF) Welf [I] & his wife had four children: 2. CONRAD "l'ancien" e) [JUDITH]. The identity of Udo's wife is not known with certainty. According to Jackman [788], she may have been the daughter of Konrad Graf im Linz- und Argengau, whom he speculates was named Judith. King Arnulf in a charter dated 19 May 891 names "Chonradi comitis et nepotis nostri" [789]. The speculation is that the relationship may have been through Konrad's mother who, if identified as the daughter of Graf Konrad, was the niece of King Arnulf's paternal grandmother Queen Hemma. m UDO Graf im Lahngau, son of GEBHARD Graf im Niederlahngau [Konradiner] & his wife /879.] Noter/Referencer: [788] Jackman (1997), p. 72. [789] D Arn 89, p aner\ /nov.2011 Side 17

19 Kildemateriale 1: MedLands/Familien Van De Lahngau fortsat FRANCONIA, nobility Chapter 4. GRAFEN im LAHNGAU (KONRADINER) This family, of Frankish origin, established a strong position in Franconia during the reign of Ludwig IV "das Kind" King of the East Franks. They eliminated their closest rivals the Babenberger family in 906. The succession of a member of this family to the German throne was seen as the obvious choice after the death without heirs of King Ludwig IV[146]. As will be seen in the analysis set out below, many of the family relationships in this family are speculative, based on the onomastic theories of Jackman. UDO, son of GEBHARD Graf im Niederlahngau & his wife ---. Graf im Lahngau. 860/879. m ---. The identity of Udo's wife is not known with certainty. According to Jackman [147], she may have been [Judith], daughter of Konrad Graf im Linz- und Argengau. King Arnulf in a charter dated 19 May 891 names "Chonradi comitis et nepotis nostri" [148]. The speculation is that the relationship may have been through Konrad's mother who, if identified as the daughter of Konrad Graf im Linz- under Argengau, was the niece of King Arnulf's paternal grandmother Queen Hemma. However, an interesting puzzle is highlighted by the charter dated 10 Feb 910 under which "Hludouuicus rex" confirmed the foundation of St Georg at Limburgan-der-Lahn at the request of "Chuonrati ducis et fidelis neptis nostri, cuidam Chuonrato comiti nostro filio Eberhardi in pago Loganahe in suo comitatu" [149]. "Chuonrati ducis et fidelis neptis nostri " in this document is identified as the future Konrad I King of Germany, and therefore the son of Konrad who is named in the 891 charter. The two documents are therefore consistent in this respect when both are described as "nepotis" of King Arnulf and King Ludwig IV. However, " cuidam Chuonrato comiti nostro filio Eberhardi" is identified as Konrad "Kurzbold", son of Eberhard (killed in [902/03]) who is identified in other sources (as explained below) as the brother of the senior Konrad who is named in the 891 charter. The problem is that Konrad "Kurzbold" is not identified, either in the 910 charter or in other documentation in which he is named, as "nepos" of either of the Carolingian monarchs. One explanation could be that Konrad and Eberhard were born from different marriages of their father. aner\ /nov.2011 Side 18

20 Kildemateriale 1: MedLands/Familien Van De Lahngau fortsat Udo & his wife had [four possible] children [150], who as shown below are confirmed as brothers in primary sources none of which mentions their parentage: 1. KONRAD ([845/60]-killed in battle near Fritzlar 27 Feb 906, bur Weilburg Martinskirche). Regino names "Chuonradus senior [et] frater eius Gebehardus", specifying that Konrad resided in Hessen at Friedeslar [151]. His birth date range is estimated from other estimated birth date ranges of members of the family and the known dates of Konrad's own career. Graf im Oberlahngau 886. "Arnolfus rex" granted property "in comitatu Nordgauensis in villa Yebinesheim" to the church of Speyer at the request of "Chuonradi comitis ministerialisque" by charter dated 3 Feb 891 [152]. Regino specifies that the dukedom of "Boppo dux Thuringorum" was given to "Chuonrado" in 892 and soon after to "Burchardo comitis" [153]. "Conradum, patrem Conradi postea regis" is named in the Annalista Saxo, when recording his quarrel with Adalbert [Babenberg] and Heinrich of Saxony [154]. The Annales Alammanicorum record that in 903 "Adalbertus Chonradum bello occidit" [155]. Graf im Hessengau 897. "Adelbero Augustensis ecclesiæ præsul" donated property to Lorsch "in pago Rinigouue in comitatum Gebehardi" by charter dated 20 May [896/99], signed by "Cunrado, Walahone, Gebehardo, Ruperto, Liutfrido, Burkardo, Dragebodo comitibus" [156]. Graf im Gotzfeldgau 903: "Hludowicus rex" confirmed privileges to the bishopric of Würzburg by charter dated 9 Jul 903 at the request (among others) of "comitum Chonrati " and which related to property "in pago Cozfelda in comitatu Chonrati" [157]. "Hludowicus rex" confirmed property of Stift Kaiserswerth naming "Cuonrat propinquus noster et abba cœnobii sancti Suithberti" at the request of "comitum Cuonrati et Gebeharti" by charter dated 3 Aug 904 [158]. A charter dated 14 Jun 904 records an agreement between Hatto Archbishop of Mainz and the abbot of Riamnis "in manum suique advocate Burkardi comitis" relating to property "in locis Wilheim, Pisinga et Vosinga", signed by "Adelbertus comes, Arnolfus comes, Cunradus comes, Erinfridus comes, Liutfridus comes" [159]. Graf in der Wetterau 905. Graf im Wormsgau 906: "Hludowicus rex" confirmed property of the church of Worms including "res in pago Wormazfelde in comitatu Kuonrati" which "comes Gebehartus" held, by charter dated 2 Sep 906 [160]. Regino records that "Chuonradus comes" sent "filium suum Chuonradum" against "Gerardum et fratrem eius Matfridum" in 906 [161]. Markgraf in Thuringia [162]. Regino records the death in battle "906 III Kal Mar" of "Chuonradus senior" and his burial "in castello Wileneburch" by "filii cum matre" (without naming them) [163]. m GLISMOD, daughter of --- (-26 Apr 924). "Chuonradus rex" made a donation of property "in pago Husitin et in comitatu Bardonis curtem Dribura et in pago Loganacgouue in comitatu Ottonis fratris nostri" to Kloster Fulda on the intervention of "genitricis nostræ Glismodæ" by charter dated 1 Jul 912 [164]. aner\ /nov.2011 Side 19

21 Kildemateriale 1: MedLands/Familien Van De Lahngau fortsat Jackman speculates [165] that Glismod must have been related to the earlier dukes in Thuringia, which would have given her husband a hereditary claim to the dukedom which he held briefly, postulating that she was the daughter of a sister of Duke Thakulf [166]. This assumes the grant depended on some hereditary right and was not merely a reward for personal service. The Annales Necrologici Fuldenses record the death "VI Kal Mai 924" of "Glismuot com" [167]. Graf Konrad & his wife had [four] children: a) KONRAD ([875/85]-19 Oct or 23 Dec 918, bur Fulda). Regino records that "Chuonradus comes" sent "filium suum Chuonradum" against "Gerardum et fratrem eius Matfridum" in 906 [168]. Graf im Hessengau 908: "Hludowicus rex" granted property to Kloster Hersfeld built "in pago Hassionum in comitatu Chuonrati" by charter dated 17 Dec 908 [169]. "Hludowicus rex" granted property to the church of Salzburg by charter dated 17 Dec 908 which names "Chonradi comitis nostri atque propinqui" [170]. "Hludouuicus rex" confirmed the foundation of St Georg at Limburgan-der-Lahn at the request of "Chuonrati ducis et fidelis neptis nostri, cuidam Chuonrato comiti nostro filio Eberhardi in pago Loganahe in suo comitatu" by charter dated 10 Feb 910 [171]. Graf im Keldachgau 910: "Hludowicus rex" granted property to "presbitero Foldger" at the request of "Chuonradus comes ac propinquus noster in pago Keldocense in comitatu ipsius Chuonradi" by charter dated 26 Jul 910 [172]. "Hludowicus rex" granted property to "presbitero Gozbold" at the request of "Chuonradi et Eberhardi comitum" by charter dated 16 Jun 911 [173]. He was elected KONRAD I King of Germany at Forchheim [7/10] Nov 911, with support from "Franks, Saxons, Alemans and Bavarians" [174]. He was opposed by his brother-in-law Erchanger who rebelled in 915, and by Arnulf Duke of Bavaria[175]. He was wounded on an expedition against Arnulf Duke of Bavaria, which led to his death [176]. On his deathbed he nominated Heinrich of Saxony as his successor as king of Germany [177]. The necrology of Fulda records the death in 918 of "Cuonradus rex"[ 178]. Regino records the death of "Chuonradus rex" in 919 and his burial in Fulda monastery [179]. The necrology of St Gall records the death "X Kal Jan" of "Chuonradi regis" [180]. Thietmar records his death on 19 Oct, and his "funeral obsequies at Weilburg" [181]. The Annalista Saxo records that "sepultus est in civitate sua Wilinaburh" [182]. m (before 7 Jun 914) as her second husband, KUNIGUNDE, widow of LIUTPOLD Markgraf [Liutpoldinger], sister of Graf ERCHANGER [Ahalolfinger] (bur Kloster Lorsch). Her two marriages are confirmed by the Annales Alamannicorum which record the marriage in 913 of "sororem [Erchangeri] Liupoldi relictam" with the king [183]. Her second husband arranged their marriage in an unsuccessful attempt to ally himself with her brother and with Arnulf Duke of Bavaria [184]. aner\ /nov.2011 Side 20

22 Kildemateriale 1: MedLands/Familien Van De Lahngau fortsat "Chuonradus rex" granted rights to Kloster Lorsch by charter dated 7 Jun 914 which names "coniugis nostre Chunigunde regine" [185]. "Chuonradus rex" confirmed grants of property "sue locum Ginga" to Kloster Lorsch by "coniux nostra Chunigund" by charter dated 8 Feb 915 [186]. b) EBERHARD (-killed in battle near Andernach 23 Oct 939). The Chronicon Laureshamense records a declaration of "Chuonradus rex" dated "914 VII Id Iun apud Franchonfort" relating to the freedom of election of abbots in which he names "Eberhardi marchionis fratris nostri" [187]. Widukind names "Evurhardus frater regis" [188]. Thietmar also names Eberhard as brother of King Konrad, when recording that the latter recommended that he support the election of the future King Heinrich I on his deathbed [189]. Lay Abbot of St Maximin at Trier 909. "Hludowicus rex" granted property to "presbitero Gozbold" at the request of "Chuonradi et Eberhardi comitum" by charter dated 16 Jun 911 [190]. "Chuonradus rex" donated property "in Turgeuue cirtem Vuihare et in Alpegeuue locum Sueininga et in pago Para curtem Oberendorf" to Kloster St Gallen on the intervention of "Eburhardique germani fratris nostri" by charter dated 14 Mar 912 [191]. "Chuonradus rex" confirmed privileges to Kloster Murbach by charter dated 12 Mar 913 with the consent of "fidelium nostrorum Erchangarii, Chuonradi, Hugonis, Ottonis, Heinrici, Bopponis, Udalrici, Eberhardi" [192]. Graf im Hessen und Perfgau 913. Graf im Oberlahngau 913 and 928. Markgraf 914: "Chuonradus rex" granted property "villa Bercheim in comitatu Eberhardi in pago Tuonahgouue" to "capellano Reginolf" by charter dated 4 May 916 [193]. "Chuonradus rex" granted rights to Kloster Lorsch by charter dated 7 Jun 914 which names "coniugis nostre Chunigunde regine" [194]. Duke of Franconia. "Chuonradus rex" granted property to Udalfrid Bishop of Eichstätt by charter dated 9 Sep 918 at the request of "Eberhardo et Heinricho comitibus" [195]. He submitted to Heinrich I King of Germany, elected in 919 to succeed his deceased brother [196]. "Heinricus rex" granted property to "in pago Hegouue in eodem comitatu in loco Siginga" to "Baboni comitis Burchardi vassallo" after consultation with "Burchardi, Ebarhardi, Chuonradi, Heinrici atque Utonis comitum" by charter dated 30 Nov 920 [197]. A document dated 7 Nov 921 recording a meeting between Charles III "le Simple" King of France and Heinrich I King of Germany names "Evrardus, Chonradus, Herimannus, Hato, Godefredus, Otto, Herimannus, Cobbo, Magenhardus, Fridericus, Foldac" as representatives of the latter [198]. Truchsess 936. Pfalzgraf 938. He rebelled against Otto I "der Große" King of Germany in 938, seized Hellmern, and captured Heinrich, the king's brother, for which he was imprisoned at Hildesheim [199]. He was killed by his cousins, the brothers Hermann I Duke of Swabia and Udo [200]. Regino records that "Eberhardus" was sent into exile in 939 and killed [201]. aner\ /nov.2011 Side 21

23 Kildemateriale 1: MedLands/Familien Van De Lahngau fortsat The necrology of Fulda records the death in 939 of "Eburhart dux" [202]. [m ---. Jackman speculates [203] that Eberhard married (after Jun 910), as her third husband, Oda von Sachsen, widow firstly of Zwentibold King of Lotharingia [Carolingian] and secondly of Graf Gerhard [Matfriede], daughter of Otto des Erlauchten Duke [of Saxony] & his wife Hedwig (-2 Jul after 952), for onomastic reasons as the name of Eberhard's supposed daughter (her affiliation also being based only on his own separate onomastic hypothesis) was that of Oda's maternal grandmother. This is an interesting theory but it accumulates one onomastic hypothesis on another and must be considered highly speculative.] Eberhard [& his wife had one possible daughter]: i) [INGELTRUD. Jackman [204] suggests, for onomastic reasons only, that the wife of Vicomte Robert may have been the daughter of Graf Eberhard. However, this appears unlikely from a geographical perspective. In addition, no strikingly typical Konradiner names feature among this couple's descendants. Settipani suggests that Ingeltrud may have been the daughter of Eberhard's younger brother Otto[205]. m ROBERT Vicomte de Dijon, son of ---.] c) OTTO (-after 918). "Chuonradus rex" made a donation of property "in pago Husitin et in comitatu Bardonis curtem Dribura et in pago Loganacgouue in comitatu Ottonis fratris nostri" to Kloster Fulda on the intervention of "genitricis nostræ Glismodæ" by charter dated 1 Jul 912 [206]. Graf im Ruhrgau. Graf an der mittleren Lahn 912: "Chuonradus rex" granted property "in pago Logenahe in comitatu Ottonis germani nostri curtem Reltenbach" to the convent at Weilburg by charter dated 28 Nov 912 [207]. d) [daughter. Widukind names "Burghardum quoque Bardonem", specifying "quorum alter gener regis erat", when recording that Duke Heinrich drove them from Thuringia in 913 [208]. m BURKHARD, son of BURKHARD dux in Thuringia & his wife ---.] 2. EBERHARD (-killed in battle near Bamberg [902/903]). Regino records the war in 902 between "Adalbertus cum fratribus Adalhardo et Heinrico" against "Eberhardum et Gebehardum et Rodulfum fratres", specifying that "Eberhardis multis vulneribus in prœlio occidit" [209]. The Annales Alammanicorum record that in 900 "Adalhart et Heimrich frater eius et Eberhardius bello occisi sunt" [210]. Graf im Niederlahngau. Graf in der Ortenau 888. m ---. According to Europäische Stammtafeln [211], the wife of Eberhard may have been Wiltrud, daughter of [Walacho & his wife -- -]. Presumably her name is deduced from the charter dated 933 under which "Wiltrud mater Cunradi cum manu eiusdem filii sui" donated "omnem decimationem in Dissermark et in Brubechermark et in Lonstein" to "monasterium Marcellini et Petri situm in superiori Mulnheim Selgenstat nuncupatur" [212]. This charter does not described Konrad as "comes". aner\ /nov.2011 Side 22

24 Kildemateriale 1: MedLands/Familien Van De Lahngau fortsat However, a summary of donations to Kloster Bleidenstatt includes the donation by "Cunradus comes" on the death of "matris sue" of property "domo in qua Huwart vinitor habitat", undated [213]. This latter document does not name Konrad s mother, but the suggestion is that Konrad may have been the same person as Konrad son of Wiltrud, on the assumption that the properties donated were in the same geographical area. The basis for suggesting that Walacho was Wiltrud s father is not known. It may be related to the charter dated 5 Feb 902 under which Ludwig "das Kind" King of Germany donated property "in pago Spiricovue in comitatu Walahonis in villa Hasalach" to Kloster Weissenburg at the request of "Chuonrati et Purcharti comitum" [214]. "Purcharti" was presumably Walacho s son named Burkhard. It is possible that "Chuonrati" was Walacho s grandson, son of his daughter Wiltrud, although if this is correct it is unclear why Konrad s name should have preceded Burkhard s in the document. Eberhard & his wife had three children: a) KONRAD "Kurzbold" ([885/90]-30 Jun 948, bur Limburg St Georg). "Hludouuicus rex" gave property "in pago Loganahe Brichene" to "Chuonrato comiti nostro filio Eberhardi" in connection with the foundation of St Georg at Limburg-an-der-Lahn by charter dated 10 Feb 910 which also names "Chuonrati ducis et nepotem nostri" [215]. Widukind names "Conradi Evurhardi filii" [216]. His birth date range is estimated on the assumption that he was a young adult when he was granted property in 910. Graf im Wormsgau 907: "Hludouuicus rex" gave property "in pago Wormatiense in comitatu Cunradi in villa Dienenheim" to the monk Sigolf at Lorsch by charter dated 22 Oct 907 [217]. Graf im Unterlahngau, when he founded St Georg at Limburg in 910 (see charter quoted above). "Chuonradus rex" granted property "in loco Munichinga in pago Chlethgeuue" to Kloster St Gallen by charter dated 11 Mar 912 at the request of "comitum quoque Erchangarii et Chuonradi, Odalrici, Hugonis" [218]. "Chuonradus rex" made donations by charter dated 5 Mar 912 with the consent of "fidelium nostrorum comitum vero Sigihardi, Arnolfi, Erichangarii, Odalrici, Perchtoldi, Chuonradi, Herimanni, Luitfredi atque Iringi" [219]. "Chuonradus rex" granted property to Diotolf Bishop of Chur on the advice of "Erchangarii comitis palatii, Perahtoldi, Chuonradi, Henrici" by charter dated 25 Sep 912 [220]. "Chuonradus rex" confirmed privileges to Kloster Murbach by charter dated 12 Mar 913 with the consent of "fidelium nostrorum Erchangarii, Chuonradi, Hugonis, Ottonis, Heinrici, Bopponis, Udalrici, Eberhardi" [221]. "Heinricus rex" granted property to "in pago Hegouue in eodem comitatu in loco Siginga" to "Baboni comitis Burchardi vassallo" after consultation with "Burchardi, Ebarhardi, Chuonradi, Heinrici atque Utonis comitum" by charter dated 30 Nov 920 [222]. aner\ /nov.2011 Side 23

25 Kildemateriale 1: MedLands/Familien Van De Lahngau fortsat Graf im Ahregau 927. Graf im Wormsgau 932: "Henricus rex" granted property "in Triburi in pago Engilia in comitatu Megenwardi [et] in Istat in pago Nabelgowe in comitatu Meginwardi eiusdem et in Merseburc in pago Hosgowe in comitatu Sigifridi" to Kloster Fulda in exchange for property "in Abunheim in pago Warmazgowe in comitatu Chunradi" by charter dated 3 Jun 932 [223]. ["Wiltrud mater Cunradi cum manu eiusdem filii sui" donated "omnem decimationem in Dissermark et in Brubechermark et in Lonstein" to "monasterium Marcellini et Petri situm in superiori Mulnheim Selgenstat nuncupatur" by charter dated 933 [224]. This donation was confirmed by Heinrich II King of Germany by a charter dated 30 Jan [1012/13] which relates to the donation to Kloster Seligenstatt by "matrone Wildrudis et Conradi filii sui" of "omnem decimationem suam in Dissermark et in Brubechermark et in Lonsteyn" [225].] "Otto rex" donated "Meriske [Mörsch] in pago Vfgowe in comitatu Gebehardi" to the church of Speier "Baboni eiusdem comitis Burchardi vassallo in pago Hegouue" by charter dated 12 Feb 940 at the request of "Chuonradi comitis nostri" [226]. "Otto rex" granted property "prædium quale Eburhardus comes in loco Ubitisheim in pago Logenahe" to the church of Limburg St Georg at the request of "Chuonradi comitis" by charter dated 20 Apr 940 [227]. "Otto rex" granted property "in pago Blesensi et in pago Salnense et infra civitatem Mettis et in pago Bettense" to Kloster St Maximin Trier at the request of "germani nostri Heinrici et Chuonradi comitis" by charter dated 3 Jun 940 [228]. "Otto rex" granted protection to Kloster Limburg founded by "comes Cuonradus in castello sue proprietatis Lintburc" by charter dated 2 Jun 942 [229]. Graf im Nahegau 942: "Otto rex" granted property "Niuunchirika in pago Nahgouue in forastre Wasogo in comitatu Cunradi" to Bishop Richgowe at the request of "Cunradi comitis" by charter dated 22 Oct 942 [230]. "Otto rex" donated property "in forasto Lutara in pago Nahgouue in comitatu Cuonradi" to "fideli nostro Franco" at the request of "ducis Cuonradi" by charter dated 17 Dec 945 [231]. "Otto rex" confirmed the immunities of Kloster Essen including over land "excepta in loco Ruoldinghus quam Eggihart et eius coniunx Rikilt" possessed by hereditary right and in land "in comitatu Ecberti et Cobbonis" by charter dated 15 Jan 947, signed by "Heinrici fratris regis, Herimanni ducis, Cuonradi comitis, Erenfridi comitis, Gebehardi comitis, Ekkihardi comitis, Hugonis comitis" [232]. Graf im Lobdengau 948: "Otto rex" granted property "in villa Hemmingersbach in pago Rinecgouue in comitatu Vdonis comitis in pago Lobotengouue in comitatu Cunradi comitis" to "clerico Liuthere" by charter dated 28 Feb 948 [233]. Regino records the death in 948 of "Chuonradus comes filius Eberhardi" [234]. aner\ /nov.2011 Side 24

26 Kildemateriale 1: MedLands/Familien Van De Lahngau fortsat b) GEBHARD (-after 15 Jan 947). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Graf im Ufgau 940: "Otto rex" donated "Meriske [Mörsch] in pago Vfgowe in comitatu Gebehardi" to the church of Speier "Baboni eiusdem comitis Burchardi vassallo in pago Hegouue" by charter dated 12 Feb 940 at the request of "Chuonradi comitis nostri" [235]. "Otto rex" confirmed the immunities of Kloster Essen including over land "excepta in loco Ruoldinghus quam Eggihart et eius coniunx Rikilt" possessed by hereditary right and in land "in comitatu Ecberti et Cobbonis" by charter dated 15 Jan 947, signed by "Heinrici fratris regis, Herimanni ducis, Cuonradi comitis, Erenfridi comitis, Gebehardi comitis, Ekkihardi comitis, Hugonis comitis" [236]. m [ADELA], daughter of ---. Graf Gebhard's wife is not named explicitly in the sources so far consulted. However, an "Adela" is named in a name-list in the Reichenau memorial book dated [926/32] which appears to include members of the Konradiner family, Jackman suggesting that she is well placed in the list to be Graf Gebhard's wife [237], although this is not the only possible interpretation. Jackman suggests [238] that she was [Adela] de Vermandois, daughter of Héribert I Comte de Vermandois, although based solely only on onomastic grounds. Graf Gebhard & his wife had one child: i) KONRAD [Kuno] ([915/20]-26 Apr 982). Regino records that in 950 "Chuonradis filius Gebehardis comitis quoniam cum quadem nepte regis se concubuisse sibi imposuit, a quodam Burchardo Saxone monomachia victus, fefellise patuit" [239]. His birth date range is estimated for consistency with the careers of the other known members of his family. Thietmar records that "a certain Cono defamed the emperor's daughter Conrad's wife and claimed that she had secretly become his wife", but that he lost his right hand in the duel with "Count Burchard" which resulted [240]. It has been assumed that "Cono" should be identified with Konrad son of Gebhard. Vogt von Schwarzach. Graf im Lobdengau: "Otto rex" granted property to Worms St Peter, among which "tertiam parte in castello Lobodunburg in pago Lobodungouue in comitatu Counradi", by charter dated 13 Jan 953 [241]. The necrology of Fulda records the death "982 VI Kal Mai" of "Cuonrat com" [242]. m ---. The name of Konrad's wife is not known. Graf Konrad & his wife had one child: (a) KONRAD [Kuno] ([940/45] [243]-). The notice concerning the Hammerstein marriage dispute names (in its first part) "Gebehard et Udo nepotes, filii duorum fratrum. Gebehard genuit Cunonem. Udo genuit Ottonem. Cuno genuit Cunonem. Heribertus genuit Ottonem" [244]. c) [EBERHARD (-[944]). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Graf im Nahegau: "Otto rex" granted property "in pago Nahgowe in comitatu Eburhardi comitis in villa Winteresheim" to Kloster St Alban near Mainz at the request of "Hattoni comitis" by charter dated 29 May 937 [245]. aner\ /nov.2011 Side 25

27 Kildemateriale 1: MedLands/Familien Van De Lahngau fortsat "Otto rex" granted property "in pago Nahgouue in foresto Wasago in comitatu Eburharti" to the church at Worms at the request of "comitis Eburharti" by charter dated 30 May 937 [246]. "Otto rex" granted property "in occidentali Francia quondam Eburharti comitis" to Kloster Hersfeld by charter dated 27 Mar 948 [247]. m ---. The name of Eberhard's wife is not known. Graf Eberhard & his wife had [four] children: i) [EBERHARD (-10 May 966). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Jackman discusses [248] the evidence for the affiliation of Eberhard Graf von Ladengau, his brothers and the descendants of the latter. "Otto rex" granted property "prædium quale Eburhardus comes in loco Ubitisheim in pago Logenahe" to the church of Limburg St Georg at the request of "Chuonradi comitis" by charter dated 20 Apr 940 [249]. "Otto rex" donated property "in villa Nesine in pago Loginahe in comitatu Eburhardi" to Mainz St Alban by charter dated 4 Apr 958 [250]. "Otto rex" granted property "in pago Hessi in comitatu comitis Bern in loco Uuestnetri" held by "Bruninc comes filiusque eius Amalunc" to "fideli nostro Retolt" at the request of "comitis Ebarhardi" by charter dated 16 Nov 958 [251]. "Eberharti comitis, Guntharii comitis, Burgharti comitis, Vtonis comitis, Cuonrates comitis, Ernustes" signed the charter dated 13 Feb 962 under which Emperor Otto I confirmed the appointment of Pope John XII [252]. The Continuator of Regino records the death in 966 of "comes Eberhardus" but does not give his parentage[253]. The Chronicon of Mariano Scotti records the death in 966 of "Eberhardus comes" [254]. The necrology of Fulda records the death "966 VI Id Mai" of "Eburhart com" [255]. Graf im Nahegau und Lahngau: "Otto imperator augustus" donated "monasterium puellarium Kescelenheim in pago et comitatu Meinefelt" and property "in pago Nahgeuue Hagenenmunistar in comitatu Emichonis comitis et in pago Spirihgeuui in comitatu Gerungi comitis", all previously owned by "Cuonradus et Eberhardus exheredes et inlegales sunt adiuciati idem fratres", to churches in Magdeburg by two charters dated 24 Aug 966 and by charter dated 27 Aug 966 [256]. It is possible that Konrad and Eberhard were members of the Konradiner family, and brothers (unless the term "fratres" is used in a broader sense), but there is no indication of the date of the original confiscation of the properties in question nor whether the two individuals were still alive at the time of the charters. Conclusive identification of the two individuals is therefore not possible.] ii) [KONRAD [Kuno] (-[986]). Widukind names "Conradi Evurhardi filii" as amicus of Duke Konrad in connection with a battle wound in 953 [257], although it is not certain that the text refers to this Konrad. "Eberharti comitis, Guntharii comitis, Burgharti comitis, Vtonis comitis, Cuonrates comitis, Ernustes" signed the charter dated 13 Feb 962 under which Emperor Otto I confirmed the appointment of Pope John XII [258]. aner\ /nov.2011 Side 26

28 Kildemateriale 1: MedLands/Familien Van De Lahngau fortsat "Otto imperator augustus" donated property "abbatiam Mosebach in pago Wingarituueibon Cononis comitatu" to the church of Worms by charter dated 15 Nov 976 [259].] m ---. The name of Konrad's wife is not known. The name of her supposed son Megingoz suggests a close family relationship with the family of Megingoz, Grafen im Wormsgau (see Chapter 6 in this document), assuming that his affiliation is correct as postulated below. Graf Konrad & his wife had [two children]: (a) [EBERHARD (-[29 Aug 975/18 Apr 980]). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. "Otto imperator augustus" confirmed rights in property "in pago Moiinegouwe in comitatu Eberhardi comitis" to the church of St Petrus at Aschaffenburg by charter dated 29 Aug 975 [260]. Graf von Maingau.] (b) [MEGINGOZ [Meingaud] (-[1010]). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. His name of course suggests a close family relationship with the family of Megingoz, Grafen im Wormsgau. "Otto imperator augustus" confirmed rights in property "Ozenheim, Dettinga villis in pago Moiinegouwes in comitatu Megengozi comitis" to the church of St Petrus at Aschaffenburg by charter dated 18 Apr 980 [261]. "Otto rex" confirmed rights to Salamann Abbot of Lorsch in "villa Wezinloch in comitatu Megingaudi filii Cunonis comitis" by charter dated 14 Jan 987 [262].] iii) [UDO. The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. This affiliation is assumed to be correct by Jackman, although no source is cited in support [263]. Graf von Maienfeld. He was outlawed in 966.] iv) [BURKHARD. The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. This affiliation is assumed to be correct by Jackman, although no source is cited in support [264].] 3. GEBHARD (-killed in battle near Augsburg [22] Jun 910). Regino records the war in 902 between "Adalbertus cum fratribus Adalhardo et Heinrico" against "Eberhardum et Gebehardum et Rodulfum fratres", specifying that "postmodum iussu Gebehardi decollatus est" [265]. Regino names "Chuonradus senior [et] frater eius Gebehardus", specifying that Gebhard "in Weidereiba poterat" [266]. Duke of Lotharingia. "Hludowicus rex" confirmed privileges to Kloster St Gallen by charter dated 24 Jun 903 in which among "fidelium nostrum" was listed " Kebehart dux regni quod a multis Hlotharii dicitur " [267]. "Hludowicus rex" confirmed property of Stift Kaiserswerth naming "Cuonrat propinquus noster et abba cœnobii sancti Suithberti" at the request of "comitum Cuonrati et Gebeharti" by charter dated 3 Aug 904 [268]. Graf im Wormsgau: "Hludowicus rex" confirmed property of the church of Worms including "res in pago Wormazfelde in comitatu Kuonrati" which "comes Gebehartus" held, by charter dated 2 Sep 906 [269]. aner\ /nov.2011 Side 27

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