Generation XXXIV Ane nr / Indholdsfortegnelse Kort overblik 2 Dirk I Van Holland og Geva Van Hamaland 4 Kildemateriale 8

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1 Indholdsfortegnelse Side Kort overblik 2 Dirk I Van Holland og Geva Van Hamaland 4 Kildemateriale 8 Gerulf Van Frisia &? Meginhard Van Hamaland &? Ane nr / / Dirk I Van Holland & Geva Van Hamaland / Wichman Van Hamaland Adèle Van Gent Glismude Westphalia Frederuna Diestmachen Boto Van Leoben Adelheid Van Leoben Machteld V. Limburg Beatrice Van Namen Godevaart I V.Breda Goodevaart II Breda Sofie Van Breda Joannes van Gavere Eksaerde Wilhelmus Van Gavere Eksaarde Willem Van Gavere Kathelijne Van Gavere - Haasdonk Katelijne Hutzers - Haasdonk Willem Scoemaekers Petrus Scoemaekers Petrus Scoemaekers Livine Scoemakere Margriete V. Couteren Sint-Niklaas Dierik Ver Braecken Sint-Niklaas 6718 Johanna Ver Braken Sint-Niklaas 3359 Catharina De Maere Tielrode 1679 Amelberga Vernimmen - Thielrode 839 Marie Anne Smedt - Thielrode 419 Anne Petron. Everaert Thielrode 209 Robert Van Landeghem Thielrode 104 Bruno Van Landeghem Thielrode 52 Julien Van Landeghem Thielrode 26 Christ. V. Landeghem Boom 13 Emiel Jan Person Antwerpen 6 Louisa Augusta Person Åbyhøj 3 Grete A./Emil H. Sørensen - Lind/Værløse 1 aner\ /jan.2013 Side 0

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3 DIRK I VAN HOLLAND & GEVA VAN HAMALAND Dirk/Theodoric I Van Holland er født omkring 880 som søn af Gerulf Van Frisia og?. Hans fødested er det endnu ikke lykkedes at opspore. Geva/Gerberga Van Hamaland er født omkring 890 som datter af Meginhard Van Hamaland og?. Hendes fødested er det endnu ikke lykkedes at opspore. Dirk I Van Holland og Geva Van Hamaland får 3 børn. aner\ /jan.2013 Side 2

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5 Dirk I Van Holland og Geva Van Hamaland Dirk I Van Holland og Geva Van Hamaland bosætter sig formentlig i Westfriesland. Her får de følgende børn: , ca. - Wichman Van Hamaland , ca. - Dirk II Van Holland. Dirk I Van Holland er i en årrække greve af Westfriesland og Gent. Sønnen Wichman Van Hamaland (ane nr ) gifter sig med Luitgarde Van Vlaanderen (ane nr ). De får 2 børn: Adèle - og Luitgard Van Gent. Sønnen Dirk II Van Holland (ane nr ) gifter sig med Hildegard Van Vlaanderen (ane nr ). De får følgende børn: Arnulf I Van Holland, Dirk III Van Holland og Sigfrid Van Holland. Theodoricus Aquitaniæ aner\ /jan.2013 Side 4

6 Forældre til Dirk I Van Holland (ane nr / ): Gerulf Van Frisia og? Gerulf Van Frisia er født omkring 850 som søn Gerolf Van Frisia og? De Corbic. Hans fødested er det endnu ikke lykkedes at opspore. Gerulf Van Frisia s hustru er det endnu ikke lykkedes at opspore. Gerulf Van Frisia og? får følgende børn: Dirk (Theodoric) I og Waltger Van Holland. Gerulf Van Frisia er i en årrække greve af Friesland. aner\ /jan.2013 Side 5

7 Forældre til Geva Van Hamaland (ane nr / ): Meginhard II Van Hamaland og? Meginhard II Van Hamaland er født omkring 840 som søn Meginhard I Van Hamaland og?. Hans fødested er det endnu ikke lykkedes at opspore. Meginhard II Van Hamaland s hustru er det endnu ikke lykkedes at opspore. Meginhard II Van Hamaland og? får 1 datter: Geva Van Hamaland. Meginhard II Van Hamaland er i en årrække greve af Hamaland. Forældre til Gerulf Van Frisia (ane nr / ): Gerolf Van Frisia og? De Corbic Forældre til Meginhard II Van Hamaland (ane nr / ): Meginhard I Van Hamaland og Evesa? aner\ /jan.2013 Side 6

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9 Kildemateriale for ane nr / Kildemateriale 1: Wikipedia/Familien van Holland Dirk II van Holland. Dirk II (of Diederik II) (930 6 mei 988) was een Friese graaf uit de 10e eeuw die tussen 965 en 988 het feitelijke bewind voerde over drie graafschappen die tezamen het gehele kustgebied tussen de Oosterschelde en het Vlie opvulden, zijnde de gouwen: Masaland, Kinhem en Texla. Het formele leenschap beruste bij de Utrechtse bisschop. In het verleden is wel aangenomen dat Dirk II de zoon was van Dirk I. Tegenwoordig gaat men ervan uit dat hij de zoon was van een zoon van Dirk I, die ook wel wordt aangeduid als Dirk I bis, en Gerberga (Geva) van Hamaland. Dirk I van Holland (graaf). Dirk I of Thidericus Fresonie (rond 8?? - rond 923 of 939) was een Friese graaf die vanaf ongeveer 896 het bewind voerde over een aantal grafelijke gebieden in de kuststreek van het latere graafschap Holland. Leven Dirk erfde van graaf Gerolf het gezag over Kennemerland en Rijnland. Hij steunde de Westfrankische koning Karel de Eenvoudige bij een opstand van zijn vazallen. Als dank hiervoor kreeg Dirk I van Karel op 15 juni 922 de kerk van Egmond met alle daarbij behorende goederen. Egmond lag ten noorden van de bezittingen die hij van Gerolf had gekregen en sloot daar dus uitstekend op aan. Kort hierna stichtte hij er een klooster voor nonnen. Verwarrende bronnen Het kan zijn dat er verschillende graven met de naam Dirk zijn samengevoegd tot Dirk I. Dit is goed mogelijk, omdat men het in die tijd nooit over een Dirk de zoveelste sprak, maar gewoon over Graaf Dirk. De geschiedenis rond de eerste graven van Holland is pas rond 1290 voor het eerst door Melis Stoke opgeschreven. De schrijver gebruikte hiervoor teksten die door de monniken van de abdij van Egmond waren bewaard. Omdat de monniken pas tijdens het bewind van Dirk II de nonnen vervingen, moet men er van uitgaan dat de informatie op deze (inmiddels vergane) documenten, door overlevering is verkregen. Volgens een akte gedateerd op 922/923 zou Dirk I na een regering van 40 jaar in 922/923 zijn overleden. Dit zou betekenen dat hij Gerolf in 882 zou zijn opgevolgd. Het staat echter vast dat Gerolf in 889 nog een goed in eigendom kreeg. Gerolf is waarschijnlijk pas in 895 of 896 overleden. aner\ /jan.2013 Side 8

10 Kildemateriale 1: Wikipedia/Familien van Holland fortsat Dirk I bis (rond 89? - 939) Vast staat dat Dirk II in 988 is overleden. Als Dirk II zijn vader al in 923 is opgevolgd, dan zou dat betekenen dat hij niet minder dan 65 jaar heeft geregeerd, wat zeer onwaarschijnlijk is. Daarom gaan historici er van uit dat er nog een Dirk geweest moet zijn die de naam "Dirk I bis" heeft gekregen. Er is geen bron die het bestaan van deze hypothetische extra Dirk bevestigt. Dirk I bis zou getrouwd zijn met Gerberga van Hamaland. Mogelijk was hij in 939 betrokken bij de Lotharingse opstand tegen de Duitse Koning Otto I. Hij zou dan bij deze opstand in de slag bij Andernach begin oktober van dat jaar gesneuveld moeten zijn. Kildemateriale 2: Wikipedia/Familien van Holland Kennemerland is a region in the Netherlands, near the coast in the province of North. Kennemerland gets its name from the Kennemer people, who were Frisians that fought with the Counts of Holland and lost in the Middle Ages. Precisely who these Kennemer people were is unclear. The knights of Kennemerlant, as it was then called, were quarreling continuously over trading rights and land ownership. The rent masters of local farmers were often asked for goods from both the Abbey of Egmond or their local church, as well as from these knights. In North Holland during the years , castles were continuously being built and later destroyed, and archeologists today are still trying to piece together the various local legends as they gain hard evidence from the cold clay. Kennemerland was als Kinhem in de vroege Middeleeuwen een gouw in Frisia ten westen van het Vlie (onder de Frankische gezagsperiode) en vanaf ongeveer 1254 een baljuwschap. De naam Kennemerland komt van Kennehim of Kinnin, moderner "Kinheim". Over de oorsprong van de naam zijn de meningen verdeeld. Wel is bekend dat Kennemerland in oorsprong meer in het zuiden lag dan nu. De precieze grens in het noorden is een beetje verloren gegaan door de "oorlog" tussen West-Friesland en Holland in de Middeleeuwen. Sommigen leggen de grens bij de voormalige IJmonding tussen Heemskerk en Castricum, anderen plaatsen de grens meer naar het noorden, met name het gebied rond Hargen en Schoorl. Vóór het gewest en graafschap was het gebied een onderdeel van het rijk van de Friezen. Voor en tijdens de Romeinse tijd werd het zuiden bewoond door Kananefaten, waar de naam ook mogelijk vandaan komt. aner\ /jan.2013 Side 9

11 Kildemateriale 2: Wikipedia/Familien van Holland fortsat Vanaf de 8ste eeuw viel het bewind onder de gouwgraaf [2] die de Frankische koning vertegenwoordigde en verantwoordelijk was voor de rechtspraak, het innen van gelden, het handhaven van de orde en het oproepen en aanvoeren van dienstplichtigen. aner\ /jan.2013 Side 10

12 Kildemateriale 3: Wissenburg/Familien van Holland Dirk van WESTFRIESLAND Familienaam Index Vader Moeder Tevens Geboren rond 880 Overleden Andernach (L.) rond 928 Graaf in Westfriesland en Gent. Huwt Geva van HAMALAND Familienaam Index Vader Moeder Tevens Geboren rond 880 Overleden rond 929 Ook als Gerberga aangeduid. Kinderen: Dirk II van Holland Zie Wichman van Gent Zie Børn: Wichman van GENT Familienaam Index Vader Moeder Geboren geboren ca. 925 Overleden circa 983 Graaf van Gent. Volgens Winkhaus, Ahnen zu Karl dem Grossen, is hij een zoon van Dirk I van Holland en Gerbera van Hamalant. Elders echter niet vermeld Huwt circa Luitgard van VLAANDEREN Familienaam Index Vader Moeder Geboren circa 936 Overleden Kinderen Adela Zie Dirk II van HOLLAND Familienaam Index Vader Moeder Geboren ca. 920 Overleden , begraven te Egmond Dirk was behalve in Kennemerland en Texel ook graaf in Maasland; mogelijk reeds vermeld sinds 936/41, doch waarschijnlijker vanaf ; was na de dood van zijn schoonvader (965) uitvoerder van diens laatste wil; aner\ /jan.2013 Side 11

13 Kildemateriale 3: Wissenburg/Familien van Holland fortsat ontvangt van de Westfrankische koning Lotharius het bos Wattelo (bij Aire aan de Leie) ; treed herhaaldelijk op als voornaamste der getuigen in Vlaamse oorkon-den; doet tal van schenkingen aan de abdij van Egmond alsmede in Gent en Trier; steunt na de dood van keizer Otto II (983) aanvankelijk Heinrich 'der Zänker', maar nadat deze zich heeft teruggetrokken de jeugdige Otto III als opvolger augustus 985; ontvangt ter beloning de goederen en inkomsten die hij in zijn graafschap tevoren van de Duitse keizer in leen had gehouden in eigendom. Dirks herkomst is onduidelijk. Een hypothese is dat hij een zoon van koning Radboud der Friezen was. Mijn water zegt me dat de hier gegeven afstamming waarschijnlijker is, maar het blijft een hypothese op de rand van een mythe. Huwt Hildegard van VLAANDEREN Familienaam Index Vader Moeder Geboren rond 935 Overleden na 975, begraven te Egmond Kinderen Dirk van Holland (*ca voor 975) Arnulf Zie Egbert van Holland (*ca ) Kanselier van Keizer Otto II, aartsbisschop van Trier Adela van Holland (+ca. 953, overleden op jeugdige leeftijd) Geva van Holland (*ca. 954, overleden op jeugdige leeftijd) Erlindis van Holland (*ca. 955, begraven Egmond) Kildemateriale 4: Herweijer/Familien van Holland Generatie XXVI DIRK I, graaf van Holland GEVA. Sønnen Dirk II: Generatie XXV DIRK II, graaf van Holland, verloofd 938, overleden op , zoon van DIRK I (zie ) en GEVA (zie ) HILDEGARD VAN VLAANDEREN, overleden te 10/ (na 975), dochter van ARNULF DE GROTE (zie ) en ADELE VAN VERMANDOIS (zie ). aner\ /jan.2013 Side 12

14 Kildemateriale 5: MedLands/Familien van Holland HOLLAND & frisia Chapter 7. GRAVEN van HAMALAND Van den Bergh's so-called "Saxon" counties in Frisia are Drenthe, pagus Forestensis, Twenthe, Salland and Hamaland, arranged north to south between the Zuiderzee and the current border between The Netherlands and Germany. The county of Hamaland lay south of Twenthe, between Deventer in the north and Elten on the Rhine in the south, bound on the west by the river Ijssel [553]. It is not known when Meginhard received the county of Hamaland. As can be seen below, it is likely that he was the same person as the brother of Eberhard who was appointed duke of Frisia after his brother was murdered. The sources indicate that he was succeeded in Hamaland by his grandson Wichmann. The identity of Wichmann's father is not known, but his name suggests that he was closely related to the family of the Billung dukes of Saxony. Graf Wichmann also held the counties in northern Frisia by 3 Aug 970, as shown by the charter of that date by which "Otto imperator augustus" confirmed donations to Kloster Elten by "Wichmannus comes in his quatuor comitatibus Hunesca, Fivelga, Merime, Miclaga" [554]. MEGINHARD, son of MEGINHARD & his wife Evesa --- [870/80]-[after 938]). Regino records that "Eworhardus dux, filius Meginhardi" was hunted out and killed in 898 "a Waltgario Fresone, filio Gerulfi" and that the emperor granted "ducatus" to "Meginhardo fratri" [555]. Duke [of Frisia] 898. No direct proof has yet been found confirming the co-identity of duke Meginhard and Meginhard Count of Hamaland but it looks highly probable. A document dated 7 Nov 921 recording a meeting between King Charles III and King Heinrich I names "Evrardus, Chonradus, Herimannus, Hato, Godefredus, Otto, Herimannus, Cobbo, Magenhardus, Fridericus, Foldac" as representatives of the latter [556]. Graaf van Hamaland. "Henricus rex" granted property "in pago Friesonoueld in comitatu Sigifridi locis Osterhusa, Asendorf, Uuntea, Hoenpergi, Seorebininga, Sitechenbehque [et] in pagis Altgeuue et Uuestgeuue in comitatibus Meginuuarchi et Sigifridi loca Tennistat, Chirihbaringa, Uuoluesbaringa, Paringi, Bisenuuinida, Hursilaga- mundi, Asbah, Eckihartesleba, Asgari, Saltzaha, Durniloha et Germari" to Kloster Hersfeld by charter dated 1 Jun 932 [557]. "Henricus rex" granted property "in pago Languizza in comitatu Meginwardi locum Husun" to Kloster Hersfeld by charter dated 1 Jun 932 [558]. "Henricus rex" granted property "in Uuihe et in Burgdorf in pago Vuestergowe in comitatu Meginvuarchi duo loca Barcuelda et Bretinga" to Kloster Hersfeld through "advocatorum suorum Friderici et Christani" by charter dated 1 Jun 933 [559]. aner\ /jan.2013 Side 13

15 Kildemateriale 5: MedLands/Familien van Holland fortsat Boer & Cordfunke refer to a 938 meeting, between Count Dirk I, Count Meginhard of Hamaland, and Count Arnulf I of Flanders and his wife Adela, to arrange the betrothals of Hildegard of Flanders and Count Dirk II (son of Count Dirk I), and of her sister Liutgard and Wichmann of Hamaland (son of Count Meginhard) [560]. The meeting is alleged to be recorded in the Verbrüderungsbuch der Abtei Reichenau, although no trace of this has been found in the copy consulted [561]. However, the following necrology entry confirms that it was Meginhard's grandson not his son who was betrothed. The Necrologium of Elten records the death of "Meginhard, pater Gerberch, cuius filius Wichmannus comes fundator ecclesia" [562]. m ---. The name of Meginhard's wife is not known. Meginhard & his wife had one child: 1. GERBERGA ([905/10]-). Her parentage is confirmed by the Necrologium of Elten which records the death of "Meginhard, pater Gerberch, cuius filius Wichmannus comes fundator ecclesia" [563]. The identity of her husband is unknown. The name of his son, Wichmann, suggests a close family relationship with the Billung family of dukes of Saxony. The connection appears confirmed by Widukind who records that Meinwerk Bishop of Paderborn was "materno a Wichmanno, Herimanni ducis nepote, propinquo Ottonis I" [564], the bishop's mother being corroborated in other sources as Adela, daughter of Wichmann [IV]. There are so many uncertainties regarding the genealogy of the Billung family that detailed speculation on any precise relationship does not seem worthwhile. Gerberga's husband is shown as a possible son of Billung only for the purposes of making the hyperlink connection. m [---, son of BILLUNG & his wife ---]. One child: a) WICHMANN [IV] ([930]-after 27 Sep 979). His parentage is confirmed by the Necrologium of Elten which records the death of "Meginhard, pater Gerberch, cuius filius Wichmannus comes fundator ecclesia" [565]. If Boer & Cordfunke are correct regarding the 938 meeting between Count Dirk I, Count Meginhard of Hamaland, and Count Arnulf I of Flanders, regarding the betrothal of their children (see above), Wichmann was the son of Meginhard, but as noted above it has not been possible to verify this against primary sources and it seems disproved by the necrology entry. His birth date is estimated from the estimated date of his marriage. Graaf van Hamaland. The Iohannis de Thilrode Chronicon records that Emperor Otto I built the dyke from the Schelde to the sea known as the "Ottingam" and installed "comitem Wicmannus" in the castle on the banks of the Leie which controlled the towns of "Hasnethe, Bocholt, Axle, Huleta cum tota Wasia" [566], probably dated to [950/52] judging by the following charter. "Otto rex" confirmed the donation of property "in loco Dauindre in pago Hamalant in comitatu Vuigmanni" to St Moritz at Magdeburg by "nostra amita Uota" by charter dated 30 Dec 952 [567]. aner\ /jan.2013 Side 14

16 Kildemateriale 5: MedLands/Familien van Holland fortsat "Otto rex" granted property "[in] Daventria in comitatu Uuicmanni comitis et villa Tuncgurun in comitatu Everhardi comitis" to Magdeburg Mo-ritzkirche by charter dated 2 Jul 956 [568]. "Otto rex" donated property "Dauantri in pago Hamalant in comitatu Wichmanni comitis et in pago Velua et in pago Salalant in comitatu Euerhardi comitis" to Magdeburg St Moritz by charter dated 28 Aug 960 [569]. Wichmann acquired the abbey of St Bavo in Gent, and became Graaf van Gent as vassal of his father-in-law, but transferred this to Dirk II Count of Holland in [964/69] and returned to Hamaland. "Otto imperator augustus" gave property "in territorio Vrek in pago Salo in comitatu Nerdincklant in comitatu Hamelant", all held by Wichmann, to Kloster Elten founded by "Wichmannus comes in litore Reni in comitatu Hamelant" by charter dated 29 Jun 968 [570]. Count in the North Frisian counties: "Otto imperator augustus" confirmed donations to Kloster Elten by "Wichmannus comes in his quatuor comitatibus Hunesca, Fivelga, Merime, Miclaga" by charter dated 3 Aug 970 [571]. "Otto imperator augustus" gave property "locum Pateleke in pago Ambraga in comitatu Wichmanni comitis" to his wife Empress Theophanu by charter dated 27 Sep 979 [572]. m ([950]) LIUTGARD de Flandre, daughter of ARNOUL I Count of Flanders & his [second] wife Adela de Vermandois ( , before 18 Oct). Boer & Cordfunke refer to a 938 meeting, between Count Dirk I, Count Meginhard of Hamaland, and Count Arnulf I of Flanders and his wife Adela, to arrange the betrothals of Hildegard of Flanders and Count Dirk II (son of Count Dirk I), and of her sister Liutgard and Wichmann of Hamaland (son of Count Meginhard) [573]. The meeting is alleged to be recorded in the Verbrüderungsbuch der Abtei Reichenau, but no trace of this has been found in the copy consulted[574]. The Iohannis de Thilrode Chronicon records the donation dated 962 by "Wicmannus comes pro remedio anima coniugis mea Lietgardis Arnulphi marchisi Flandrie patris" of "villam Thessela Desselbergine" to "monasterio Sancti Petri in Blandino" [575]. The Annales Blandinienses record the deaths in 962 of "Baldwinus, filius Arnulfi marchisi, et soror eius Liutgardis" [576].] Wichmann [IV] & his wife had two children: i) LIUTGARD (-997). "Otto imperator augustus" confirmed the privileges of Kloster Elten naming "Wichmannus comes [et] eius filia Lutgarda abbatissæ Heltnon" by charter dated 14 Dec 973 [577]. Alpertus names "Liutgardam sororem [=uxoris Baldericus] abbatissam Eltuensis montis", a later paragraph recording her death [578]. Abbess of Elten before Dec 973. ii) ADELA ([955/60]-22 Mar [1010/16]). The Vita Meinwerci names "uxorem de terra Saxoniæ, Athelam nomine" as wife of Immed [579]. Widukind records that Meinwerk Bishop of Paderborn was "materno a Wichmanno, Herimanni ducis nepote, propinquo Ottonis I" [580]. aner\ /jan.2013 Side 15

17 Kildemateriale 5: MedLands/Familien van Holland fortsat Alpertus names "Adela sorori domnæ Liutgardæ", commenting that Adela was "clamosa in voce, lasciva in verbis, veste composite, animo dissoluta", the subsequent paragraph recording that, after her sister died, Adela took all her property which she had intended for the church before "vidua lasciva" married Baldric as her second husband [581]. Her birth date range is estimated from her giving birth to five known children by her first husband, who died in early 983. "Otto Romanorum imperator augustus" confirmed the rights and privileges of Kloster Elten naming "filiam Lutgardam abbatissam [et] filia Adela [et] Baldericus maritus Adele" by charter dated 18 Dec 996 [582]. Alpertus records that the wife of "Baldericus" was the daughter of "Wicmanni, cuius maiores magnam partem Germaniæ et maxime circa littoral oceani imperia tenebant" [583]. Thietmar records that the wife of Baldric encouraged her husband to arrange for the murder of "Count Wichmann" in 1016 [584]. Alpertus names her "Adelæ uxoris Baldrici" in a later (undated) passage recording her death aged 60 [585]. The work of Thiodericus names "Ida comitissa eius [=Baldricus] coniunx" ("Ida" presumably being an error for "Adela") and records her death "XI Kal Apr" without specifying the year [586]. m firstly IMMED, son of --- (- 27 Jan 983). m secondly (before 18 Dec 996) BALDRIC Graaf van Drenthe, son of --- (-Burg Heimbach 5 Jun 1021). The Vita Meinwerci records a donation to Paderborn by "Baldericus comes" with the consent of "suæ contectalis Athelæ", in the presence of "Meinwerco episcopo Heinrici imperatoris Bernhardi ducis, Liudolfi, Thiederici, Wicmanni comitum" [587]. "Henricus rex" donated property "in pago Thrient in comitatu Baldrici" to the church of Utrecht by charter dated 24 Apr 1006 [588]. "Henricus rex" granted property "inter flumina Nitæ Thila Wauerwald in comitatu Gotizonis comitis qui Antwerk dicitur situm" to "nostrum bestiarum Baldrico sanctæ Leodicensis ecclesiæ presul nec non Baldrico comiti" by charter dated 12 Sep 1008 [589]. "Heinricus Romanorum imperator augustus" donated property to Kloster Boppard "quod Paldricus comes in Pochpartun nobis tradidit" by charter dated 1021 [590]. The work of Thiodericus names "Baldricus comes de Oplathe vel Houberch" and records his death "Non Iun" without specifying the year [591]. Thietmar records that "Berthold, Liuthar's son" killed Baldric "a most excellent vassal of Count Wichmann" at Burg Monreberg in [1 Apr] 1017 [592], although it is not clear that this is the same Baldric given the contrast with Thietmar's early uncomplimentary descriptions of Baldric, husband of Adela. aner\ /jan.2013 Side 16

18 Kildemateriale 5: MedLands/Familien van Holland fortsat Noter/Referencer: [550] Alpertus, De Diversitate Temporum II.5, MGH SS IV, p [551] Thioderici Aeditui Tuitiensis Opuscula, MGH SS XIV, p [552] D H II 504, p [553] Van den Bergh (1852), p [554] D O I 397, p [555] Reginonis Chronicon 898, MGH SS I, p [556] Karoli III et Heinrici I pactum ad Bonnam castrum, MGH LL 1, p [557] D H I 32, p. 67. [558] D H I 33, p. 67. [559] D H I 35, p. 69. [560] Boer, D. E. H. de and Cordfunke, E. H. P. (1995) Graven van Holland (Walburg Pers, Zutphen), reference provided by Kees Nieuwenhuijsen in a private to the author dated 3 Oct [561] Autenrieth, J. (ed.) (1979) Das Verbrüderungsbuch der Abtei Reichenau (MGH, Hannover), consulted at < (10 Oct 2006). [562] Vanderkindere I, p. 75, quoting Van Spaen Introduction à l'histoire de la Gueldre, I, p. 67, no. 20. [563] Vanderkindere I, p. 75, quoting Van Spaen Introduction à l'histoire de la Gueldre, I, p. 67, no. 20. [564] Widukind I.III, c. 69, cited in Vita Meinwerci Episcopi Paderbornensis 5, MGH SS XI, p. 108, footnote 11. [565] Vanderkindere I, p. 75, quoting Van Spaen Introduction à l'histoire de la Gueldre, I, p. 67, no. 20. [566] Iohannis de Thilrode Chronicon 8, MGH SS XXV, p [567] D O I 159, p. 240 [568] D O I 181, p [569] D O I 216, p [570] D O I 358, p [571] D O I 397, p [572] D O II 202, p [573] Boer, D. E. H. de and Cordfunke, E. H. P. (1995) Graven van Holland (Walburg Pers, Zutphen), reference provided by Kees Nieuwenhuijsen in a private to the author dated 3 Oct [574] Autenrieth, J. (ed.) (1979) Das Verbrüderungsbuch der Abtei Reichenau (MGH, Hannover), consulted at < (10 Oct 2006). [575] Iohannis de Thilrode Chronicon, MGH SS XXV, p [576] Annales Blandinienses 962, MGH SS V, p. 25. [577] D O II 67, p. 79. [578] Alpertus, De Diversitate Temporum I.2, MGH SS IV, p. 702, and I.3, p. 703, the latter recording her death with the date "997" in the margin. aner\ /jan.2013 Side 17

19 Kildemateriale 5: MedLands/Familien van Holland fortsat [579] Vita Meinwerci Episcopi Paderbornensis 2, MGH SS XI, p. 108, footnote 10 quoting her death "8 Idus Aug" in necrologium Abdinhofense. [580] Widukind I.III, c. 69, cited in Vita Meinwerci Episcopi Paderbornensis 5, MGH SS XI, p. 108, footnote 11. [581] Alpertus, De Diversitate Temporum I.2 and 1.3, MGH SS IV, pp. 702 and 703, the latter passage with "18 May 997" added in the margin. [582] D O III 235, p [583] Alpertus, De Diversitate Temporum I.1, MGH SS IV, p [584] Thietmar 7.47, p [585] Alpertus, De Diversitate Temporum II.5, MGH SS IV, p [586] Thioderici Aeditui Tuitiensis Opuscula, MGH SS XIV, p [587] Vita Meinwerci Episcopi Paderbornensis 134, MGH SS XI, p. 134, undated but other paragraphs suggest the range [1008/1017]. [588] D H II 112, p [589] D H II 186, p [590] D H II 438, p [591] Thioderici Aeditui Tuitiensis Opuscula, MGH SS XIV, p [592] Thietmar 7.53, p [593] D K II 87, p [594] D H III 196, p aner\ /jan.2013 Side 18

20 Kildemateriale 5: MedLands/Familien van Holland fortsat Chapter 2. COUNTS OF HOLLAND [900]-1299 DIRK, son of GERULF Count [of Frisia] & his wife --- (-6 Oct, 928 or after, maybe after 8 Jul 949, bur Egmond). His parentage is deduced from the Chronologia Johannes de Beke which records that Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks granted "ecclesia Egmondensem et Kinhem a Zuitgerdes-Haga" to "Theodrico fratri Walgeri principis" in 863 at the request of "comitis Haganonis" [188], although as explained in the Introduction there are considerable chronological difficulties with accepting the dating of this text. The same grant of land is also referred to in the charter dated "XVII Kal Iul anno XXX regnante domno Karolo rege", under which "Karolus rex Francorum" granted property "Suuithardeshaga usque Fortrapa et Kinnem" to "fideli nostro Theoderico" in the presence of "Hagano comes" [189], which is more credible from a chronological point of view, on the assumption that "Karolus rex Francorum" is Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks not Charles II "le Chauve", but which unfortunately makes no reference to Dirk's family relationship with Waltger. The Annales Egmundani state that Ludwig II "der Deutsche" King of the East Franks granted "forestum Aewasda" to "Theodorico comiti Hollandiæ" in 867 at the request of "Hemma regina", and incidentally also confirm that the same Count Dirk had been granted "Ekmundam et aliis inter Forthrepam et Sintherthes" in 863 [190]. This text is also dubious from a chronological point of view. The corresponding charter is dated "DCCC[C]LXVIII[I] Id Apr regnante domno Loth[ario] anno XV", under which "Loth[arius] rex" granted property "forestum Was[el]a" to "nostro fideli Theoderico comiti" at the request of "coniunx nostra Hemma regina" [191], although the text contains contradictions which suggest that it is spurious. "Hemma regina" was the wife of Ludwig II "der Deutsche" King of the East Franks, whereas Lothaire II was the king of Lotharingia (whose territory included the Low Countries) who had ruled for fifteen years in 869. The Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland dates this charter to 969, on the assumption that it refers to Count Dirk II, but if that is correct the grantee would have been Emperor Otto I. On the other hand, if the correct date was 869, the only other reference to a Count Dirk around that time is the dubious reference in Beke's Chronologia. He is known to history as DIRK I Count of Holland, although it is unlikely that he used this territorial epithet at the time. He founded the monastery at Egmond. "Theodericus Holtlandensis comes Florentii filius" recites the ownership history of properties claimed by the church of Utrecht in Holland, including the foundation of Egmond church by "Theodericus, frater Waldgeri, cum legitima coniuge sua Geua", by spurious charter dated 26 Jul 1083, probably written in [1130] [192]. aner\ /jan.2013 Side 19

21 Kildemateriale 5: MedLands/Familien van Holland fortsat Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks restored Kloster Susteren to the abbey of Prüm by charter dated 19 Jan 916 which names "fidelium nostrorum Widricus comes palatii, Richuuinus comes, Gislebertus, Matfridus, Beringerius comites, Theodericus comes, Reinherus comes, Erleboldus comes, Uualcherus comes" [193]. "Gysalbertus dux rectorque S. Traiectenses ecclesie" donated property "Gulisam in pago [Ardunensi] in comitatu Everhardi" to Trier by charter dated 928, subscribed by "Walgeri comitis, Thiedrici comitis, Cristiani comitis, Folcoldi comitis" [194]. Flodoard's Annals record that "Gislebertus dux et Otho, Isaac atque Theodericus comites" offered the French crown to Louis IV "d'outremer" King of the West Franks in 939 [195]. "Theoderici" is named in charters dated Dec 941 and 11 Mar 948, and "Teoderici comitis" is named in charters dated 10 Jul [936/41] and 8 Jul 949 [196]. It is not known whether these later names refer to Dirk I or Dirk II. Beke's Egmondsch Necrologium records the death "900 Pridie Non Oct" of "Theodericus primus comes" and his burial at Egmond [197], although the year is inconsistent with the other sources cited above. m GEVA, daughter of --- (-11 Jan ----, bur Egmond). The Annales Egmundani name "Geva comitissa" as wife of "Theodericus primus comes [Hollandensium]" [198]. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke also records that "Theodricus primus Hollandie comes" married "matronam nobilem Ghevam" [199]. "Theodericus Holtlandensis comes Florentii filius" recites the ownership history of properties claimed by the church of Utrecht in Holland, including the foundation of Egmond church by "Theodericus, frater Waldgeri, cum legitima coniuge sua Geua", by spurious charter dated 26 Jul 1083, probably written in [1130] [200]. Beke's Egmondsch Necrologium records the death "III Id Jan" of "Geva prima comitissa uxor Theoderici" and her burial at Egmond [201]. Dirk I & his wife had one child: 1. DIRK ([920/30]-Egmond 6 May 988, bur Egmond). The Annales Egmundani name "Theodericus secundus comes filius Theoderici primi" [202]. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records that "Theodricus secundus Hollandie comes" was the only son of "Theodricus primus Hollandie comes" & his wife [203]. His birth date range is calculated from his own estimated marriage date and the estimated dates of birth of his descendants. He succeeded his father as DIRK II Count of Holland, although the date is not known. "Theoderici comitis" subscribed charters dated 5 May [951/963], 29 Jul [955/64], 18 Oct 962, 28 Mar 967, 13 Apr 969 and 31 Jan 972 [204]. According to Nicholas, after the death of Arnoul I Count of Flanders in 964, Count Dirk occupied Gent and Waas, taking advantage of the weakness of the government of the county of Flanders during the minority of Count Arnoul II [205]. aner\ /jan.2013 Side 20

22 Kildemateriale 5: MedLands/Familien van Holland fortsat However, this may be speculation based on an interpretation of the charter dated "DCCC[C]LXVIII[I] Id Apr regnante domno Loth[ario] anno XV", under which "Loth[arius] rex" granted property "forestum Was[el]a" to "nostro fideli Theoderico comiti" at the request of "coniunx nostra Hemma regina" [206]. As explained above, it is likely that this charter is spurious. Egbert Archbishop of Trier donated property "de beneficio Luthardi comitis mortuo sine herede" to St Paul at Trier by charter dated 981, subscribed by "Theoderici comitis " [207]. "Otto rex" recognised the rights in property "in comitatibus Masalant, Kinhem, Texla" of "fideli nostro Theoderico comiti" by charter dated 25 Aug 985 [208]. This refers to the area now known as the Hook of Holland, where Rotterdam was later built, as far north as Gouda, Kennermerland near Haarlem, and the island of Texel in the north of Holland [209]. "Theodrici comitis, Arnulfi comitis " subscribed a charter dated 1 Apr 988 [210]. The Annales Egmundani record the death in 988 of "Theodericus II comes" [211]. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records the death "988 II Non Mai" of "domino Theodricus secundus comes Hollandie" and his burial at Egmond monastery [212]. Beke's Egmondsch Necrologium records the death "988 pridie Non Mai" of "Theodericus 2 comes" [213]. m ([945/50]) HILDEGARD, daughter of --- (before Apr 990, bur Egmond). "Theodericus comes et uxor sua Hildegardis" are named in a charter dated Oct [967/79] [214]. "Theoderici et Hildegardis" subscribed a charter dated 30 Sep 975, before "Arnulfi filii eorum [Theoderici et Hildegardis]" [215]. The Annales Egmundani name "Hildegardis comitissa" as wife of "Theodericus comes secundus [Hollandensium]" but do not give her origin [216]. "Theodericus Holtlandensis comes Florentii filius" recites the ownership history of properties claimed by the church of Utrecht in Holland, including the further construction of the church by "Theodericus secundus, predicti filius, cum Hildegarda coniuge sua", by spurious charter dated 26 Jul 1083, probably written in [1130] [217]. According to Rösch [218], she was Hildegard de Flandre, daughter of Arnoul I Count of Flanders, but he cites no primary source on which this is based. Her naming her two sons Arnulf and Egbert suggests that the affiliation may be correct. Boer & Cordfunke refer to a 938 meeting, between Count Dirk I, Count Meginhard of Hamaland, and Count Arnulf I of Flanders and his wife Adela, to arrange the betrothals of Hildegard of Flanders and Count Dirk II (son of Count Dirk I), and of her sister Liutgard and Wichmann of Hamaland (son of Count Meginhard) [219]. The meeting is alleged to be recorded in the Verbrüderungsbuch der Abtei Reichenau, but no trace of this has been found in the copy consulted [220]. According to Europäische Stammtafeln [221], Hildegard was the daughter of Count Arnoul & his wife Adela de Vermandois and born in [934]. aner\ /jan.2013 Side 21

23 Kildemateriale 5: MedLands/Familien van Holland fortsat However, from a chronologically point of view it is more likely that Hildegard was born from an earlier unknown marriage of Count Arnoul, as explained in the document FLANDERS, assuming that she was Count Arnoul's daughter. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records that Count Dirk II married "Hildegardim (ut creditor) filiam Ludovici regis Francie" [222]. This is chronologically impossible, assuming that the birth date of Arnoul Count of Holland is correctly estimated as shown below, as Hildegard daughter of Louis III King of France would have been too old for the marriage and any daughter of Louis IV King of France would have been too young. It is also unlikely that the wife of Count Dirk II was Hildegard, daughter of Charles III "le Simple" King of France, whose birth date is estimated to [908/12]. There therefore seems no possibi-lity that the Chronologia could even be partially correct in assigning this possible Carolingian French origin to Dirk's wife, although it is curious how this origin came to be included in the source. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records the death "III Id Apr" of "Hildegardis sua conthoralis" and her burial at Egmond monastery [223]. Beke's Egmondsch Necrologium records the death "IV Id Apr" of "Hildegardis uxor [Theoderici 2 comitis] filia Ludovici regis Francie" [224]. Europäische Stammtafeln shows 990 as her year of death [225], but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. Count Dirk II & his wife had three children. Noter/Referencer: [187] D O I 324, p [188] Chronologia Johannes de Beke 28a, p. 55. [189] OHZ 28, p. 49. [190] Annales Egmundani 867, MGH SS XVI, p [191] OHZ 41, p. 73. [192] OHZ 88, p. 181, Latin text and English translation available at < (31 Aug 2006). [193] Mittelrheinisches Urkundenbuch 159, p [194] Mittelrheinisches Urkundenbuch 169, p [195] Flodoardi Annales 939, MGH SS III, p [196] OHZ 30, 31, 33 and 35, pp. 52, 53, 57 and 61. [197] Beka's Egmondsch Necrologium, in Oppermann, O. (1933) Fontes Egmundenses (Utrecht), p [198] Annales Egmundani, MGH SS XVI, p [199] Chronologia Johannes de Beke 28a, p. 55. [200] OHZ 88, p. 181, Latin text and English translation available at < (31 Aug 2006). [201] Beka's Egmondsch Necrologium, in Oppermann, O. (1933) Fontes Egmundenses (Utrecht), p [202] Annales Egmundani 985, MGH SS XVI, p [203] Chronologia Johannes de Beke 28a, p. 55. [204] OHZ 36-41, pp aner\ /jan.2013 Side 22

24 Kildemateriale 5: MedLands/Familien van Holland fortsat [205] Nicholas, p. 43. [206] OHZ 41, p. 73. [207] Mittelrheinisches Urkundenbuch 255, p [208] D O III 19, p [209] Kees Nieuwenhuijsen, in a private to the author dated 3 Oct [210] OHZ 59, p [211] Annales Egmundani 988, MGH SS XVI, p [212] Chronologia Johannes de Beke 36, p. 69. [213] Beka's Egmondsch Necrologium, in Oppermann, O. (1933) Fontes Egmundenses (Utrecht), p [214] OHZ 45, p. 84. [215] OHZ 43, p. 80. [216] Annales Egmundani, MGH SS XVI, p [217] OHZ 88, p. 181, Latin text and English translation available at < (31 Aug 2006). [218] Rösch, p [219] Boer, D. E. H. de and Cordfunke, E. H. P. (1995) Graven van Holland (Walburg Pers, Zutphen), reference provided by Kees Nieuwenhuijsen in a private to the author dated 3 Oct [220] Autenrieth, J. (ed.) (1979) Das Verbrüderungsbuch der Abtei Reichenau (MGH, Hannover), consulted at < (10 Oct 2006). [221] ES II 5. [222] Chronologia Johannes de Beke 33a, p. 61. [223] Chronologia Johannes de Beke 36, p. 69. [224] Beka's Egmondsch Necrologium, in Oppermann, O. (1933) Fontes Egmundenses (Utrecht), p [225] ES II 5. [226] Annales Egmundani 988, MGH SS XVI, p. 444 aner\ /jan.2013 Side 23

25 Kildemateriale for ane nr / Kildemateriale 1: cgi-bin/familien Van Frisia ID: I Name: Gerulf de Friesland Given Name: Gerulf Surname: de Friesland Sex: M _UID: Change Date: 25 Nov 2007 Birth: ABT 845 in Netherlands Death: Y Father: Gerolf de Friesland b: ABT 810 in Belgium Mother: (girl) de Corbic b: ABT 825 Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown Children: Dirk b: ABT 909 in Noordwijk-Bin, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands Sources: Abbrev: Website Title: Lundy, Darryl. the Website. URL: 28 Heke Street, Wellington, New Zealand. darry, 28 Heke Street, Wellington, New Zealand. darry, Abbrev: Jennifer Reeder's Rootsweb GEDCOM Title: Reeder, Jennifer. Rootsweb GEDCOM. Gerulf s forældre og bedstefædre: ID: I Name: Gerolf de Friesland Given Name: Gerolf Surname: de Friesland Sex: M _UID: Change Date: 25 Nov 2007 Birth: ABT 810 in Belgium Death: Y Father: Gerulf de Friesland b: ABT 790 in Belgium Marriage 1: girl de Corbic b: ABT 825 Children: Gerulf de Friesland b: ABT 845 in Netherlands. Sources: Abbrev: Jennifer Reeder's Rootsweb GEDCOM Title: Reeder, Jennifer. Rootsweb GEDCOM. aner\ /jan.2013 Side 24

26 Kildemateriale 1: cgi-bin/familien Van Frisia fortsat ID: I Name: girl de Corbic Given Name: girl Surname: de Corbic Sex: F _UID: Change Date: 25 Nov 2007 Birth: ABT 825 Death: Y Father: Waldager de Corbic b: ABT 795 Marriage 1: Gerolf de Friesland b: ABT 810 in Belgium Children: Gerulf de Friesland b: ABT 845 in Netherlands Sources: Abbrev: Jennifer Reeder's Rootsweb GEDCOM Title: Reeder, Jennifer. Rootsweb GEDCOM. aner\ /jan.2013 Side 25

27 Kildemateriale 2: testphp/familien Van Frisia Thierry Ier Dirk de Hollande, comte de Gand 1 ( ) He is also knowned under the name of Thierry Dirk, comte de Frise- Occidentale 1 and Thierry Ier, comte de Hollande 2. He is the son of Gerulf de Hollande 3. He is born in Thierry Ier Dirk de Hollande, comte de Gand est cité from 916 to He marries Geva de Hamaland in He dies in List of known children: + 1. Wichman de Gand ( - 983) 3 (of Geva de Hamaland) + 2. Thierry II Dirk de Hollande, comte de Gand ( ) 3 (of Geva de Hamaland) Gerulf de Hollande 1 (873 - ) He is also knowned under the name of Gerulf, comte de Frise 2. He is born in Gerulf de Hollande est cité from 885 to List of known children: + 1. Thierry Ier Dirk de Hollande, comte de Gand ( ) 3 aner\ /jan.2013 Side 26

28 Kildemateriale 3: Wissenburg/Familien Van Frisia Gerulf II van HOLLAND Familienaam Index Vader Moeder Overleden Graaf van Friesland Huwt N.N. Index Vader onbekend Moeder onbekend Genoemd wordt wel een vrouwe De Corbie, dochter van Waldegar de Corbie (*ca. 820) Kinderen Dirk van Westfriesland Zie Waltger van Holland (*ca na 936), waarschijnlijk graaf van de Gouwen Niftarlake, Lek en IJsel en Teisterband; huwt Alberada. Gerulf II s forældre: Gerulf I van HOLLAND Familienaam Index Vader onbekend Moeder onbekend Geboren ca. 805 Graaf in Holland of Friesland; bestaan omstreden. Huwt N.N. Index Vader onbekend Moeder onbekend Kinderen: Gerulf II Zie aner\ /jan.2013 Side 27

29 Kildemateriale 4: MedLands/Familien Van Frisia HOLLAND & frisia B. COUNTS of the FRISIANS Common use of the names Theoderic [Dirk] and Ratbod suggests that the following individuals and small family group were related, but the precise relationship cannot be identified. The name Ratbod also suggests descent from Radbod Duke of Frisia. 5. GEROLF (-after [4 Aug] 889). Count of Frisia. Regino names "Gerolfum et Gardolfum comites Fresorum", sent by "Godefridem" as legates to the emperor after Hugo, son of King Lothar, rebelled in 885 [170]. The Annales Vedastini record that "Godefridus Danus" was killed in the city of "Gerulfi sui fidelis" by "Heinrico duce" in 885 [171]. "Arnolfus rex" granted property "inter Renum et Suithardeshaghe in comitatu ipsius in locis Northa et Osprehtashem" to "comes noster Gerolfus" by charter dated [4 Aug] 889 [172]. This is the area around the town of Tiel in Teisterbant and the coastal area around Leiden at the mouth of the river Rhine [173]. m ---. The name of Gerulf's wife is not known. Gerulf & his wife had two children: a) WALTGER (-after 928). Regino names "Ramnulfum et fratrem eius Gozbertum et Ebulonem abbatum de sancto Dionysio" when recording their battle against "Waltgerius comes" in Jul 892 [174]. Graaf van Lek en Ijssel: Otto I King of Germany donated property "in pago Lake et Isla quod Waltgerus et postea filius eius Ratbotus" held to the church of Utrecht by charter dated 17 Jul 944 [175]. Regino records that "Eworhardus dux, filius Meginhardi" was hunted out and killed in 898 "a Waltgario Fresone, filio Gerulfi" and that the emperor granted "ducatus" to "Meginhardo fratri" [176]. "Chuonradus rex" confirmed property to the bishopric of Utrecht at the request of "Udonem consanguineum nostrum Vualdgerumque comitum" by charter dated 9 Jul 914 [177]. Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks restored Kloster Susteren to the abbey of Prüm by charter dated 19 Jan 916 which names "fidelium nostrorum Theodericus comes Uualcherus comes" [178]. "Gysalbertus dux rectorque S. Traiectenses ecclesie" donated property "Gulisam in pago [Ardunensi] in comitatu Everhardi" to Trier by charter dated 928, subscribed by "Walgeri comitis, Thiedrici comitis, Cristiani comitis, Folcoldi comitis" [179]. "Otto rex" granted property "monasterium in loco Tiela" including rights previously conceded by "Waldgero et a filio eius Radbodone nec non et Hattone" by charter dated 20 Apr 950 [180], Tiel being located in the county of Teisterbant. aner\ /jan.2013 Side 28

30 Kildemateriale 4: MedLands/Familien Van Frisia fortsat "Otto rex" granted property "villa Amuda quod Waldgero iam olim" held and "terram quam Hatto in loco Eki" to the church of Utrecht by charter dated 21 Apr 953 [181]. m ALBERADA, daughter of ---. Alpertus names "quodam comite Waltgero" as founder of "monasterium quoque sanctæ Walburgæ" and "suo coniuge Alberada" [182]. Waltger & his wife had one child: i) RATBOD (-[before 17 Jul 944]). Graaf van Lek en Ijssel: Otto I King of Germany donated property "in pago Lake et Isla quod Waltgerus et postea filius eius Ratbotus" held to the church of Utrecht by charter dated 17 Jul 944 [183]. This is the land between the rivers Lek and Hollandsche Ijssel, between the modern cities of Rotterdam and Gouda [184]. There is no indication in the charter whether the property in question had lapsed to the crown because Radbod had died without heirs or that it had been confiscated. "Otto rex" granted property "monasterium in loco Tiela" including rights previously conceded by "Waldgero et a filio eius Radbodone nec non et Hattone" by charter dated 20 Apr 950 [185]. ii) [---. m HATTO, son of --- (-before 20 Apr 950). "Otto rex" granted property "monasterium in loco Tiela" including rights previously conceded by "Waldgero et a filio eius Radbodone nec non et Hattone" by charter dated 20 Apr 950 [186]. "Otto rex" granted property "villa Amuda quod Waldgero iam olim" held and "terram quam Hatto in loco Eki" to the church of Utrecht by charter dated 21 Apr 953 [187]. Both of these charters suggest that Hatto may have been related to Waldger, although it is unlikely that the text of the 950 document should be interpreted as meaning that Hatto was a younger son of Waltger. He is suggested as Waltger's possible son-in-law, but this is pure speculation. No other references have been found to Hatto.] b) DIRK [Theoderic] (-6 Oct, 928 or after, maybe after 8 Jul 949, bur Egmond). His parentage is deduced from the Chronologia Johannes de Beke which records that Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks granted "ecclesia Egmondensem et Kinhem a Zuitgerdes-Haga" to "Theodrico fratri Walgeri principis" in 863 at the request of "comitis Haganonis" [188], although as explained in the Introduction there are considerable chronological difficulties with this text. The same grant of land is also referred to in a later charter [189], as shown in detail below, but unfortunately the document does not refer to Dirk's family relationship with Waltger. He is known to history as DIRK I Count of Holland, although it is unlikely that he used this territorial epithet at the time. - see Chapter 2. COUNTS of HOLLAND. aner\ /jan.2013 Side 29

31 Kildemateriale 4: MedLands/Familien Van Frisia fortsat Noter: [169] WJ II.8, p. 38. [170] Reginonis Chronicon 885, MGH SS I, p [171] Annales Vedastini 885, MGH SS I, p [172] D Arn 57, p. 81. [173] Kees Nieuwenhuijsen, in a private to the author dated 3 Oct [174] Reginonis Chronicon 892, MGH SS I, p [175] D O I 58, p. 140, and OHZ 32, p. 55. [176] Reginonis Chronicon 898, MGH SS I, p [177] D K I 24, p. 23. [178] Mittelrheinisches Urkundenbuch 159, p [179] Mittelrheinisches Urkundenbuch 169, p [180] D O I 124, p [181] D O I 164, p [182] Alpertus, De Diversitate Temporum I.8, MGH SS IV, p [183] D O I 58, p. 140, and OHZ 32, p. 55. [184] Kees Nieuwenhuijsen, in a private to the author dated 3 Oct [185] D O I 124, p [186] D O I 124, p. 206, and OSU 118, p [187] D O I 164, p [188] Chronologia Johannes de Beke 28a, p. 55. [189] OHZ 28, p. 49. [190] Reginonis Chronicon 885, MGH SS I, p [191] D O I 324, p aner\ /jan.2013 Side 30

32 Kildemateriale for ane nr / Kildemateriale 1: MedLands/Familien Van Hamaland Van den Bergh's so-called "Saxon" counties in Frisia are Drenthe, pagus Forestensis, Twenthe, Salland and Hamaland, arranged north to south between the Zuiderzee and the current border between The Netherlands and Germany. The county of Hamaland lay south of Twenthe, between Deventer in the north and Elten on the Rhine in the south, bound on the west by the river Ijssel [553]. It is not known when Meginhard received the county of Hamaland. As can be seen below, it is likely that he was the same person as the brother of Eberhard who was appointed duke of Frisia after his brother was murdered. The sources indicate that he was succeeded in Hamaland by his grandson Wichmann. The identity of Wichmann's father is not known, but his name suggests that he was closely related to the family of the Billung dukes of Saxony. Graf Wichmann also held the counties in northern Frisia by 3 Aug 970, as shown by the charter of that date by which "Otto imperator augustus" confirmed donations to Kloster Elten by "Wichmannus comes in his quatuor comitatibus Hunesca, Fivelga, Merime, Miclaga" [554]. MEGINHARD, son of MEGINHARD & his wife Evesa --- [870/80]-[after 938]). Regino records that "Eworhardus dux, filius Meginhardi" was hunted out and killed in 898 "a Waltgario Fresone, filio Gerulfi" and that the emperor granted "ducatus" to "Meginhardo fratri" [555]. Duke [of Frisia] 898. No direct proof has yet been found confirming the co-identity of duke Meginhard and Meginhard Count of Hamaland but it looks highly probable. A document dated 7 Nov 921 recording a meeting between King Charles III and King Heinrich I names "Evrardus, Chonradus, Herimannus, Hato, Godefredus, Otto, Herimannus, Cobbo, Magenhardus, Fridericus, Foldac" as representatives of the latter [556]. Graaf van Hamaland. "Henricus rex" granted property "in pago Friesonoueld in comitatu Sigifridi locis Osterhusa, Asendorf, Uuntea, Hoenpergi, Seorebininga, Sitechenbehque [et] in pagis Altgeuue et Uuestgeuue in comitatibus Meginuuarchi et Sigifridi loca Tennistat, Chirihbaringa, Uuoluesbaringa, Paringi, Bisenuuinida, Hursilaga- mundi, Asbah, Eckihartesleba, Asgari, Saltzaha, Durniloha et Germari" to Kloster Hersfeld by charter dated 1 Jun 932 [557]. "Henricus rex" granted property "in pago Languizza in comitatu Meginwardi locum Husun" to Kloster Hersfeld by charter dated 1 Jun 932 [558]. "Henricus rex" granted property "in Uuihe et in Burgdorf in pago Vuestergowe in comitatu Meginvuarchi duo loca Barcuelda et Bretinga" to Kloster Hersfeld through "advocatorum suorum Friderici et Christani" by charter dated 1 Jun 933 [559]. aner\ /jan.2013 Side 31

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