Generation XXXII Ane nr /

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1 Indholdsfortegnelse Side Kort overblik 2 Herman Van Saksen Billung og Hildegard Van Westerburg 4 Kildemateriale 6 Billung Saksen Billung & Ermengarde V. Nantes Ane nr / / Herman V. Saksen Billung & Hildegard Westerburg / Mathilde Van Saksen Gozelo I Lotharingen Alijdis Van Roucy Albert III V. Namen Henri Van Namen Beatrice Van Namen Godevaart I V.Breda Goodevaart II Breda Sofie Van Breda Joannes van Gavere Eksaerde Wilhelmus Van Gavere Eksaarde Willem Van Gavere Kathelijne Van Gavere - Haasdonk Katelijne Hutzers - Haasdonk Willem Scoemaekers Petrus Scoemaekers Petrus Scoemaekers Livine Scoemakere Margriete V. Couteren Sint-Niklaas Dierik Ver Braecken Sint-Niklaas 6718 Johanna Ver Braken Sint-Niklaas 3359 Catharina De Maere Tielrode 1679 Amelberga Vernimmen - Thielrode 839 Marie Anne Smedt - Thielrode 419 Anne Petron. Everaert Thielrode 209 Robert Van Landeghem Thielrode 104 Bruno Van Landeghem Thielrode 52 Julien Van Landeghem Thielrode 26 Christ. V. Landeghem Boom 13 Emiel Jan Person Antwerpen 6 Louisa Augusta Person Åbyhøj 3 Grete A./Emil H. Sørensen - Lind/Værløse 1 aner\ /nov.2012 Side 0

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3 HERMAN VAN SAKSEN BILLUNG & HILDEGARD V. WESTERBURG Herman Van Saksen Billung er født omkring 910 som søn af Billung Van Saksen Billung og Ermengarde Van Nantes. Hans fødested er det endnu ikke lykkedes at opspore. Hildegard Van Westerburg er født omkring 910. Hendes fødested forældre er det endnu ikke lykkedes at opspore. og Herman Van Saksen Billung og Hildegard Van Westerburg får 5 børn. Hildegard dør omkring 970, Herman i 973. aner\ /nov.2012 Side 2

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5 Herman Van Saksen Billung og Hildegard Van Westerburg Herman Van Saksen Billung og Hildegard Van Westerburg bliver formentlig gift omkring 930. De bosætter sig i Bidgau-området. Her får de følgende børn: , ca. - Mathilde van Saksen Billung, , ca. - Bernhard I van Saksen Billung 3. 9xx, - Swanhilde van Saksen Billung 4. 9xx, - Luitger van Saksen Billung 5. 9xx, - Imma van Saksen Billung. Herman Van Saksen Billung er i en årrække greve af Saksen, blandt andet det af sakserne erobrede slaviske område mod nord. Han forvalter loyalt området for den tyske konge, senere kejser Otto den Store. Herman er nærmeste nabo til danerne og deres leder, kong Harald. Det er formentlig Harald, der byggede nogle af Danevirke s volde omkring 965, måske for at sikre landets sydgrænse mod netop Otto den Store. På det kirkelige område synes Otto at have haft en vis indflydelse på kristendommens indførelse i Danmark, og en form for overhøjhed. Harald menes således at have betalt en vis årlig afgift til Otto. Datteren Mathilde Van Saksen Billung (se ane nr ) gifter sig med Boudewijn III Van Vlaanderen (ane nr ). De får en søn: Arnulf II Van Vlaanderen. Efter Boudewijn III Van Vlaanderen s død gifter Mathilde Van Saksen Billung (se ane nr ) sig med Godfried Van Verdun. De får måske følgende børn: Gozelo, Gerberga, Ermentrude og Ermengarde van Verdun, Frederik van Lotharingen, Godfried de Kinderloze, Adalbero, og Herman van Ename. Sønnen Bernhard I van Saksen Billung (ane nr ) gifter sig med Hildegard Van Stade (ane nr ). De får følgende børn: Bernhard II Van Billung samt Herman -, Thietmar -, Gedesdiu og Mathilde/Othelhildis Van Saksen. aner\ /nov.2012 Side 4

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7 Kildemateriale Kildemateriale 1: Herweijer/Familien Van Saksen Generatie XXIII HERMAN BILLUNG VAN SAKSEN, overleden op , zoon van BILLUNG (zie ) HILDEGARD. Datteren Mathilde: Generatie XXII GODFRIED (DE GEVANGENE), Graaf van Verdun, overleden op , zoon van GOZELO (zie ) en UDA (zie ). Gehuwd ca. 963 met MATHILDE VAN SAKSEN, overleden op , dochter van HERMAN BILLUNG VAN SAKSEN (zie ) en HILDEGARD (zie ). Gehuwd (1) ca. 963 met GODFRIED (DE GEVANGENE) (zie ). Gehuwd (2) 961 met BOUDEWIJN III (zie ). Kildemateriale 2: geneanet/familien Van Saksen Hermann Billung de SAXE Né vers 920 julien Décédé en 973 julien, à l'âge de peut-être 53 ans Consanguinité: 0,01% Parents: Billung IV de SAXE, Comte de Saxe (ALLEMAGNE) ca Ermengarde de NANTES ca 900 Marié avec: Hildegarde de WESTERBURG ca 925, Enfants: Mathilde de SAXE ca Swanhilde de SAXE ca 945-ca 1000 Bernard Ier de SAXE, Duc de Saxe (ALLEMAGNE) ca aner\ /nov.2012 Side 6

8 Kildemateriale 3: Wissenburg/Familien Van Saksen Herman van SAKSEN BILLUNG Familienaam Index Vader Moeder Tevens Geboren ca 905 Overleden Quedlinburg Hertog van Saksen. In 919 werd Hendrik van Saksen Duits koning. Zijn zoon Otto werd Duits keizer. Onder Otto's soevereiniteit werd Herman Billung aangesteld om Saksen tegen de Denen en Slaven te verdedigen. In 950 kreeg hij de titel van hertog. Nadien maakten de hertogen uit het geslacht Billung en de graven in het Saksische gebied zich steeds meer los van de Duitse keizers, die officieel de soevereinen bleven. Van 1073 tot 1087 waren de Saksen in opstand tegen keizer Hendrik IV. In 1106 stierf het geslacht der Billungen uit. Huwt (1) Oda N. Index Overleden 15-3 van een onbekend jaar Huwt (2) Hildegard van WESTERBURG Familienaam Index Vader onbekend Moeder onbekend Tevens Geboren ca 915 Haar herkomst is verre van zeker. Kinderen: 1. Swanhilde van Saksen Billung ( ); huwt (1) Thietmar I van de Zwabengouw (+3-8 na 979), markgraaf en graaf in de Zwabengouw, graaf in de gouw Serimunt, Merseburg en Meissen; vgl ES NF I.1/149; huwt (2) voor 1000 Ekkehard I von Meissen (+Pöhlde (vermoord)), markgraaf van Meissen, troonkandidaat in 1002; vgl. ES NF I.1/143; Mathilde van Saksen Billung Zie Bernhard I Zie Luitger ( ), huwt Emma N. ( ); graaf in de Westfalengouw 5. Imma, 995 non in Herford. aner\ /nov.2012 Side 7

9 Kildemateriale 4: Kareldegrote/Familien Van Saksen Karel De Grote = Generation 1. Generation 7: 201. Hildegard Van Westerburg was born about 910 and died about 970 about age 60. Hildegard married Hermann Van Saksen Billung, son of Billung Van Saksen Billung and Hildeburg Van Saksen, about 940. Hermann was born about 910 and died on 27 Mar 973 about age 63. Children from this marriage were: F i. Mathilde Van Saksen Billung was born about 940 and died on 25 May 1008 about age F ii. Swanhilde Van Saksen Billung was born about 940 and died about 1000 about age M iii. Bernhard I Van Saksen Billung was born about 945 and died on 9 Feb 1011 about age 66. Noted events in his life were: Occupation: markgraaf van Billung en de Nordmark. Bernhard married Vladimirovna Van Kiev before 979. Bernhard next married Hildegard Van Stade, daughter of Heinrich I De Kale Van Stade and Judith Van Wetterau, about 980. Hildegard was born about 965 and died on 3 Oct 1011 about age 46. aner\ /nov.2012 Side 8

10 Kildemateriale 5: Van-den-hout/Familien Van Saksen Hildegard van Westerburg Geslacht: Vrouw Geboren: Ca 910 Overleden: Ca 970 Vader: Wigerich van Lotharingen Moeder: Kundegonde der Franken Huwelijk: Ca 940, Hermann van Saksen Billung Geslacht: Man Geboren: Ca 910 Overleden: 27 Mrt 973 Vader: Billung hertog van Saksen Billung Moeder: Hildeburg gravin van Saksen Kind(eren) : Bernhard I van Saksen Billung Geslacht: Man Geboren: Ca 945 Overleden: 9 Feb 1011 Huwelijk 2: Ca 980 Hildegard van Stade Huwelijk 1: voor 979 Vladimirovna van Kiev Liudger van Saksen Billung Geslacht: Man Geboren: Ca 945 Overleden: 26 Feb 1011 Mathilde van Saksen Billung Geslacht: Vrouw Geboren: Ca 940 Overleden: 25 Mei 1008 Huwelijk: Ca 963 Godfried de Gevangene van Lotharingen Huwelijk: Ca 960 Boudewijn III van Vlaanderen Swanhilde van Saksen Billung Geslacht: Vrouw Geboren: Ca 940 Overleden: Ca 1000 Huwelijk: Ca 979 Ekkehard van Meissen aner\ /nov.2012 Side 9

11 Kildemateriale 6: Wikipedia/Familien Van Saksen The Billung dukes of Saxony were: Hermann, died 973 Bernard I, died 1011 Bernard II, died 1059 Ordulf, died 1072 Magnus, died 1106 Hermann Billung (900 or March 973) was a Margrave of Saxony and one of the most well-known members of the House of Billung. Hermann's parents are unknown. Hermann is generally counted as the first Billung Duke of Saxony, but his exact position is unclear. King Otto I appointed Hermann margrave in 936, granting him a march north of the Elbe between the Limes Saxoniae and Peene Rivers. Having more autonomy than his contemporary margrave Gero, Hermann exacted tribute from the Polabian Slavs inhabiting the March of the Billungs. He often fought against the West Slavic tribes of the Redarians, Abotrites, and Wagrians. By 953 Otto I, who was also Duke of Saxony, began entrusting more and more of his authority in Saxony to Hermann during his absences. However, Hermann was never named as duke in royal documents. Instead, he is named as a military leader, count, and margrave. His son Bernard inherited and strengthened his father's position and managed to be recognized as duke. Hermann had property around Lüneburg and founded the monastery of St. Michael in that city. He died in Quedlinburg. Children: Bernard (died 1011) Liudger (died 1011) Suanehild (died 1014), married Thietmar I, Margrave of Meissen and Ekkehard I, Markgrave of Meissen Imma, Abbess of Herford Mathilda (died 1008), married Baldwin III, Count of Flanders and Godfrey I, Count of Verdun aner\ /nov.2012 Side 10

12 Kildemateriale 6: Wikipedia/Familien Van Saksen fortsat Herman van Saksen (- Quedlinburg, 973), uit het geslacht Billung, werd in 936 wegens zijn verdienste in de onderwerping van de Redariërs door Otto de Grote aangesteld tot markgraaf van de Redariërs, Abodriten, Wagriërs en Denen. In 940 was hij graaf in Wetigau en in 953 benoemde Otto hem tot zijn plaatsvervanger in Saksen, waardoor hij de facto hertog werd, maar niet de titel had. Herman slaagde er in zijn neven Wichman II en Ekbert Eénoog, die sympathiseerden met de opstandelingen uit Saksen te verdrijven. In 955 trad Hermann Billung op als graaf in Tilithigau en Marstengau, en in 956 werd hij tot markgraaf benoemd. Toen Otto de Grote in 961 naar Rome trok, benoemde hij opnieuw Herman als zijn plaatsvervanger in Saksen. Dit gebeurde ook in 956, toen Otto zijn derde Italië-reis aanvatte. Herman was gehuwd met Oda en met Hildesuith, en was vader van: Bernhard I van Saksen (-1011) Liudger (-1011), gehuwd met de H. Emma van Lesum, Suanehilde (-1014), gehuwd met markgraaf Thietmar I van Meißen (-979) en met markgraaf Ekhard I van Meißen (-1002) Imma, abdis in Herford Mathildis ( ), in 961 gehuwd met graaf Boudewijn III van Vlaanderen ( ) en in 963 met graaf Godfried van Verdun ( ). aner\ /nov.2012 Side 11

13 Kildemateriale 7: Wikipedia/Familien Van Hamaland/Billung Hermann Billung (* 900/912; 27. März 973 in Quedlinburg) aus der Familie der Billunger war Markgraf und zeitweilig Stellvertreter Ottos I. im Herzogtum Sachsen. 936 wurde Hermann Billung für seine Verdienste bei der Unterwerfung der aufständischen Redarier von König Otto I. als Markgraf (princeps militiae) über die Redarier, Obotriten, Wagrier und Dänen eingesetzt. 940 war er Graf im Wetigau. 953 zog Otto in den Kampf gegen aufständische fränkische Adlige und ernannte Hermann Billung zu seinen Stellvertreter (procurator regis) in Sachsen, der damit de facto die Herzogstellung erhielt, jedoch nicht als solcher bezeichnet wurde. In dieser Zeit gelangt es Hermann, seinen Neffen Wichmann II. und Ekbert dem Einäugigen, die mit den Aufständischen sympathisierten, aus Sachsen zu vertreiben. 955 trat Hermann Billung als Graf im Tilithigau und Marstemgau auf, 956 wurde er zum marchio (Markgrafen) ernannt. 961 zog Otto I. nach Rom, um im darauffolgenden Jahr zum Kaiser gekrönt zu werden. Während der Zeit seiner Abwesenheit ernannte er erneut Hermann Billung zu seinem Stellvertreter in Sachsen. Dies geschah ebenso 966, als Otto I. seinen dritten Italienzug begann. Im Jahr zuvor (965) war er offiziell zum dux in Sachsen gemacht worden. 972 wurde Hermann Billung vom Erzbischof Adalbert von Magdeburg wie ein König empfangen, saß an dessen Platz an der Tafel und schlief in dessen Bett. Otto I. war über die Anmaßung erzürnt und bestrafte den Erzbischof, an der Stellung Hermanns als Stellvertreter änderte sich indessen nichts. Hermann Billung wurde in der Kirche des Klosters St. Michaelis in Lüneburg beerdigt, das er selbst gegründet hatte. Nach ihm ist in Celle ein Gymnasium und in Soltau sowohl eine Straße als auch eine Schule benannt. Nachkommen Hermann Billung war vermutlich zwei Mal verheiratet; eine Frau hieß Oda ( 15. März eines unbekannten Jahres), eine zweite Hildesuit. Er hatte fünf Kinder: - Bernhard I. ( 1011), Herzog von Sachsen - Liutger ( 26. Februar 1011) Graf im Westfalengau, 991 bezeugt, begraben in St. Michaelis in Lüneburg, Emma ( 3. Dezember 1038), begraben im Bremer Dom, Tochter des Immed IV. (Immedinger), Schwester des Bischofs Meinwerk von Paderborn - Suanhilde (* 945/955, 28. November 1014, begraben im Kloster Jena, nach 1028 in die Georgskirche von Naumburg (Saale) umgebettet, I Thietmar I. ( nach 979) 970 Markgraf von Meißen, II vor 1000 Ekkehard I. (ermordet 30. April 1002 in Pöhlde) 992 Markgraf von Meißen, begraben im Kloster Jena, nach 1028 in die Georgskirche von Naumburg (Saale) umgebettet. aner\ /nov.2012 Side 12

14 Kildemateriale 7: Wikipedia/Familien Van Hamaland/Billung fortsat - Mathilde (* 935/ Mai 1008 in Gent St. Peter), I 961 Balduin III. Graf von Flandern ( 1. Januar 962), II um 963 Gottfried der Gefangene ( 3./4. April nach 995) 963/982 Graf von Verdun (Wigeriche), begraben in St. Peter in Gent - Imma, 995 Äbtissin zu Herford Literatur Wolfgang Giese: Der Stamm der Sachsen und das Reich in ottonischer und salischer Zeit. Studien zum Einfluss d. Sachsenstammes auf d. polit. Geschichte d. dt. Reichs im 10. u. 11. Jh. u. zu ihrer Stellung im Reichsgefüge mit e. Ausblick auf d. 12. u. 13. Jh. Wiesbaden ISBN Weblinks Genealogie Mittelalter; Hermann Billung, Herzog von Sachsen (28. November 2004). aner\ /nov.2012 Side 13

15 Kildemateriale 8: MedLands/Familien Billung Chapter 3. EARLY SAXON LEADERS, family of BILLUNG, later DUKES of SAXONY A. ORIGINS [BILLUNG]. The Chronica Principum Saxoniæ names "vir nomine Bilingus" as father of "Hermannum" [186], although the accuracy of this statement is not known. The name of the father of the brothers Amelung, Wichmann [I] and Hermann Billung has not so far been found in any other source. The possibility that some or all of them were uterine brothers cannot be excluded. m ---. The name of [Billung]'s wife is not known. [Billung] & his wife had [six] children: 1. AMELUNG (-5 May 962). Bishop of Verden 933. The Annalista Saxo records the death in 962 of "Amalungus Fardensis episcopus frater Herimanni ducis" [187]. Thietmar also records that Amelung Bishop of Verden, "the duke's [Hermann Billung] brother", died on 5 May "at a good old age" [188]. 2. WICHMANN [I] (-23 Apr 944). Widukind names "Wichmanni fratris sui [=Herimannum]", when recording his rebellion against King Otto [189]. - see below. 3. HERMANN [Billung] ([905/10]-Quedlinburg 27 Mar 973, bur Lüneburg St Michael). The Cronica Principum Saxonie names "Bilingus filium Hermannum" [190]. His birth date range is estimated on the assumption that he was adult when appointed military commander in 936. He was given military command in Saxony ("princeps militiæ") by Otto I King of Germany in 936, which trig gered the revolt of his brother Wichmann [191]. Graf in Wetigau 940. Procurator of the king in Saxony 953, 961 and 966. "Otto rex" granted property "Ozmina marcam et Tarata marcam cum castello Grodista" to "vassallo Billing" by charter dated 26 Jun 952 [192]. "Otto rex" granted property to the church of St Moritz, Magdeburg by charter dated 953, which names "Billingus noster miles" [193]. Graf in dem Gauen Tilithi und Marstem 955. Markgraf 956: "Otto rex" granted rights to salt duties to Lüneburg St Mikhael at the request of "Herimanni marchionis" by charter dated 13 Aug 956 [194]. "Otto rex" gave property "in pago Usiti in comitatu comitis Willihelmi" to "nostro fideli vasallo comitique Billinc" by charter dated 2 Dec 958 [195], which may refer to Hermann Billung although he is not titled Markgraf in the document. "Otto rex" granted property "in locis Vurmerstat, Otunpach, Gozarstat, Haholtestat in pago Usiti in comitatu comitis Uuillihelmi" to "vasallo comitisque Billinc" by charter dated 2 Dec 958 [196]. "Otto rex" granted property "Asundorf marcam et Dornsteti marcam Liubissa in pago Hassigeuui in comitatu comitis Sigiuuridi loco Biscopstat in pago Altgeuui in comitatu comitis Uuillihelmi" to "vassallo Billing" by charter dated 23 Apr 961 [197]. aner\ /nov.2012 Side 14

16 Kildemateriale 8: MedLands/Familien Billung fortsat "Otto imperator augustus" granted property "in pago Neletici in comitatu Billingi comitis" to Magdeburg St Moritz by charter dated 28 Jul 965 [198]. Dux in Saxony 965. He founded St Michaeliskloster at Lüneburg. The necrology of Fulda records the death in 973 of "Heriman dux" [199]. Thietmar records the death of Duke Hermann, father of Bernhard, at Quedlinburg on 1 Apr, the transportation of his body to Lüneburg, and the refusal by Bruno Bishop of Verden (maybe his nephew) to allow his burial in church because of his prior excommunication [200]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "27 Mar" of "Herimannus dux" [201]. m firstly ODA, daughter of --- (-15 Mar ----). The primary source which confirms the name of Hermann's first wife has not so far been identified. m secondly HILDESUIT, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms the name of Hermann's second wife has not so far been identified. "Otto imperator augustus" confirmed the donation of property "aliquando Bilingo nostro comiti in Neletici quitquid coniunx sua hereditarii iuris habere" to Magdaburg St Moritz by charter dated 28 Jul 966 [202]. Duke Hermann & his [first/second] wife had five children: a) BERNHARD (-Corvey 9 Feb 1011, bur Lüneburg St Michael). The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Bennonis ducis, qui et Bernhardus et Liudigeri comitis et Machtildis comitisse" as brothers and sister of "domna Suanehildis [filia] Herimanni ducis de Liuniburh" [203]. He succeeded as BERNHARD I Herzog in Sachsen. - see below. b) LIUTGER (-26 Feb 1011, bur Lüneburg St Michael). The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Bennonis ducis, qui et Bernhardus et Liudigeri comitis et Machtildis comitisse" as brothers and sister of "domna Suanehildis [filia] Herimanni ducis de Liuniburh" [204]. "Otto Romanorum imperator augustus" gave property "Stipenlo in comitatu ipsius Liutgeri comitis et in pago Westfalon" to "Liutgero comiti" by charter dated 27 Apr 1001 on the petition of "Berenhardi nostri ducis et capellani nostri" [205]. The Vita Meinwerci records the death "IV Kal Apr" of "frater ducis Bernhardi, comes Liutderus" [206]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "26 Feb" of "Liudger com" [207]. m EMMA, daughter of IMMED [III] & his wife Agnes --- (-3 Dec 1038, bur Bremen Cathedral). The Vita Meinwerci names "Emma" as wife of "comes Liutderus", but does not give her origin [208]. Her parentage is confirmed by Adam of Bremen who names "Emma" as wife of "Liudgerus frater [Benno dux Saxonum]" when recording her husband's death in 1011, calling her "Emma soror Meginwerki episcopi Padarburnensis" when recording her death and her burial in Bremen Cathedral [209]. Liutger & his wife had two children: i) IMMED (-3 Feb 1076, bur Paderborn cathedral). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not so far been identified. Bishop of Paderborn ii) [EMMA]. The primary source which confirms her parentage has not so far been identified. 1024, 1039, aner\ /nov.2012 Side 15

17 Kildemateriale 8: MedLands/Familien Billung fortsat c) MECHTILD of Saxony ([942]-Gent 25 May 1008, bur Gent St Peter). The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Bennonis ducis, qui et Bernhardus et Liudigeri comitis et Machtildis comitisse" as brothers and sister of "domna Suanehildis [filia] Herimanni ducis de Liuniburh", recording the names of Mechtild's two husbands [210]. The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names "Mathildis, filiam principis Herimanni" as wife of "Balduinum [filius comitis Arnulfi]", specifying that it was hoped that the couple would have many children [211]. This suggests that their marriage date may have been some years earlier than 961 considering that the Genealogia was supposedly compiled in [951/59], probably during the earlier part of this date range considering which children of Louis IV King of the West Franks are named in the document [212]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Mathildis comitissa Saxonie" as wife of "Godefridi Ardennensis" [213]. "Heinricus Romanorum imperator augustus" confirmed the rights and property of Kloster Mouzon donated by (among others) "dux Fredericus pro anima Ottonis [et] Godefridus comes et coniux sua Mathildis pro anima sui fratris Adalberonis archiepiscopi" by charter dated 1023 [214]. The Annales Blandinienses record the death in 1008 of "Mathildis comitissa" [215]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "25 May" of "Mattild com" [216]. m firstly ([951/59]) BAUDOUIN III joint Count of Flanders, son of ARNOUL I "le Grand" Count of Flanders & his second wife Adela de Vermandois [Carolingian] ([940]-1 Jan 962). m secondly ([963]) GODEFROI Comte de Verdun, son of comte GOZELON [Wigeriche] & his wife Uda --- [Matfriede] (-3 Sep 995, bur Gent St Peter). d) SCHWANEHILDE [Suanhild] ([945/50]-26 Nov 1014, bur Kloster Jena, transferred 1028 to Naumburg Georgskirche). The Annalista Saxo names "domna Suanehildis" as daughter of "Herimanni ducis de Liuniburh", names her brothers "Bennonis ducis et Bernhardus et Liudigeri comitis et Machtildis comitisse" and her two husbands [217]. Her birth date range is estimated on the basis of her sister being born in [942] and Schwanehilde herself giving birth to seven children by her second husband. Thietmar records the marriage of Ekkehard and "Swanhild widow of Count Thietmar and Duke Bernhard's sister" [218]. Thietmar records the death of Suanhild 26 Nov 1014 [219]. m firstly THIETMAR I Markgraf von Meissen, son of CHRISTIAN Graf im Nordthüring- und Schwabengau & his wife Hidda [der Ostmark] (-3 Aug after 979, bur Kloster Nienburg an der Saale). m secondly (before 1000) EKKEHARD I Markgraf von Meissen, son of GUNTHER Markgraf im Bischofstum Merseburg & his wife --- (-murdered Pöhlde 30 Apr 1002, bur Kloster Jena, transferred 1028 to Naumburg Georgskirche). e) IMMA. The primary source which confirms her parentage has not so far been identified. Nun at Herford aner\ /nov.2012 Side 16

18 Kildemateriale 8: MedLands/Familien Billung fortsat Noter/Referencer: [186] Chronica Principum Saxoniæ Amplicata, Genealogia Ducum Saxonie, MGH SS XXX.1, p. 28. [187] Annalista Saxo 962. [188] Thietmar 2.32, p [189] Widukindi Res Gestæ Saxonicæ II.4, MGH SS III, p [190] Cronica Principum Saxonie, MGH SS XXV, p [191] Reuter (1991), p [192] D O I 152, p [193] D O I 165, p [194] D O I 183, p [195] D O I 198, p [196] D O I 198, p [197] D O I 223, p [198] D O I 303, p [199] Annales Necrologici Fuldenses, MGH SS XIII, p [200] Thietmar 2.31, p. 115, footnote 121 commenting that the date is mistaken for 27 Mar. [201] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg. [202] D O I 329, p [203] Annalista Saxo [204] Annalista Saxo [205] D O III 401, p [206] Vita Meinwerci Episcopi Paderbornensis 14, MGH SS XI, p [207] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg. [208] Vita Meinwerci Episcopi Paderbornensis 14, MGH SS XI, p [209] Adami, Gesta Hammenburgensis Ecclesiæ Pontificum II.44 and II.76, MGH SS VII, pp. 321 and 333. [210] Annalista Saxo [211] Genealogiæ Comitum Flandriæ, Witgeri Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis MGH SS IX, p [212] MGH SS IX, p. 302, Introduction to Witgeri Genealogia Arnulfi Comitis. [213] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1005, MGH SS XXIII, p [214] D H II 492, p [215] Annales Blandinienses 1008, MGH SS V, p. 25. [216] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg. [217] Annalista Saxo [218] Thietmar 4.39, p [219] Thietmar 7.7, p aner\ /nov.2012 Side 17

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