Doag Maaclg Managu. April 19,2005

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1 mefimitu Historin VolumeXlV. Ho. 2 MFH Y-DNA Project Dog Mclg Mngu Sprlng 2fi15 Remember when we used to get these letters from people who promised to give you list of ll of the Mocks in the world s well s the fmily crest for few dollrs? Well, they're bck nd they're keeping up with tedrnology. Now there re e-mils from 'scientific resercheruwho hve found your'unique' hplotype or DNA pttern on'y-sercn" tht shows thtyou my be descended from secretive (but tlented nd wise) popultion tht ws forced to move from country to country in Europe, mny evenfully rriving in the colonies. For modest sunr, you cn purchse detils on this group, induding n exhustive list of surnmes ssocited with them. Everyone wnts to feel specil, nd these folks will help you do tht, gin, for modest sum. At this writing, we hve mystery going on with Sndy Hrfs sponsored Engle reltive. Sndy took dvntge of FTDNAs offer to ccept ny prticipnt with ny surnme in the Mock Surnme study t the Mock group rte. Sndy ws surprised to find tht her Kirk Engle, with 12 of his 37 mrker test results returned, is mtch with some Mocks! The reminder of the 37 mrker rcsults should be in ny dy nd the mtches my well fll prt. In the mentime, ifs fun to think tht flse pternity my hve occurred in Sndy's Engle line nd tht Mock my be involved! DNA reserch hs lot of surprises. [f you hven't prticipted yef iump in nd get your own surprise. Speking of flse pternities, reserc"h is showing tht the rte of flse pternity is bot 4/o per genertion. Tht men$ tht if your pperwork kces your ncestors bck eight genertions, the rte of flse pternity predicts tht there is 32/ probbility tht flse pternity my hve occurred inyour line. My wife, jn, sponsored her brotheq Steve Browning, in 37 mrker Y-DNA test becuse her pperwork shows tht her Brownings re descended from Cptin John Browning, born c in Grvesend, Englnd- Thfs bout 12 genertions. The probbility of flse pternity in her line would be bout 8%. The results on Steve Browning le ll in nd he doesnjt hve ny mtches, even in Y-Serclu With the odds bout even for flse pternity somewhere in the line, only time nd futme mtch will tell the story. There re mny wys flse pternity cn occur. One of the lest expected involved the fct tht in Scotlnd, men sometimes took their wives surnme when they m.uried. It lso often hppened tht if worrn died in her first ehildbirth, mrried sister might rise the bby, leving the husbnd fiee to strt over. Men mke terrible mothers nywy. Disese often took both prents, leving the children to be dopted without courts or pperwork by reltives nd neighbors. Genelogists re beginning to recognise'fmilil descenf trcing the fmily with documents, nd'genetic descenf trcing Y-DNAlines. For instnce, I could become member of Sons of the Revolution bsed upon fmilil descent (my pper documented descent from Dniel Muck of Pge County, VA), but Y- DNA reserch shows tht I'm ctully descended from n unknown SHAMBLIN ncestor (genetic descent) who lived fter Dniel Muck April 19,2005 We've received the 37 mrker results from Gene V. Mock (decesed). Gene's 12 to 37 mrker upgrde ws sponsored by Ron Moore's Memoril Fund to set the bseline for filghmn R. Mock's DNA. The results re posted t Unfortuntely, Gene V. Mock does not hve mtch, even 12 mrker mtdu in our proiect, in ll of the tests run by FTDNA" nd no mtches in Y-Serclu Gends Y- DNA is so unigue tht hplotype cnlt be fixed for him. His results re t the bottom of the chrt. Time, howevel with the ddition of more test re' sults t FIDNA nd Y-Serch will evenfully nswer the questions. At lest we're redy with Gene's results when the mtdres do pper. Note from Doug We're getting redy to go to Chin for yer! jn is going to tech English in Khejing Nonnl University injinhu, Khejing Chin. Ifs bout 3fi) miles SW of Shnghi. I won't hve ny responsibilities nd cn spend my time on photogrphy, tresure hunting with metl detector, etc.. We'll hve brodbnd internet ccess nd I'm tking my lptop, so I'll be ble to do everything formock- Gen-L nd the DNA pmject tht I'm doing now. We'll leve t the end of Aqgust nd r turn Iuly 1., It's going to be n dventure!. Doug Muck Bon Voyge Doug nd Jn! Hve wonderfulyer nd plese keep in toudr with your Mock fmily.

2 16 Mock Fmily Historin VolumeXlV Ho.2. Spring 2005 DerBrbr, I don t believe tht we hve ever met, however s 'hobby' resercheq, I looked tyour Mck Web Pge lst night nd ws gretly impressed with the work done by you nd others. Although genelogy is my "dvoctior;" my other job, the one tht puts my children through college, is importing pinos from Germny. I spend lot of time in Germny. (fve been to Schriesheim mny times.) My fther ws from Dunker bckgound. My mother ws Luthern. Interesting combintion.) Therefore, my interestin my bckground lso hs involved lot of Brethren history too. (Quite frnl'dy, I cn't find in my fther's genelory nybody tht is not Brethren until I get them bck to Germny.) I hve in -y librry t lest 50 books tht del with Brethren History. Im not n expert like you on the Mck fmily, but t lest I know something bout thenn I hve spent some 40 yers working with the Pennqylvni Germn nmes Wise (Weiss, Weis, etc., etc.). Idy office contins scores of notebooks on the nme. My immgrting ncestor ws fcob Weiss of Coclico Tp., Lncster Co., P. mrried to Brbr Wolfen. ]cob ws from Steinsfurt, Gerrrny (Refonned) nd Brbr ws from lttligen" severl miles wy. They cme to Americ rr:.1728 nd settled on the Middle Creek in Coclico Tp., Lncster, P. (I hve trced their fmily bck into Switzerlnd.) ]cob died inaprit of ]cob nd Brbr hd number of children induding two sons, Icob (mnied to Sophi) nd George (mrried the first time to Christin). They were ctive t Muddy Creek Church (Union). Jcob died inapril of ]cob hd no will. Deth must hve come quickly. Aletter of dministrtion ws drwn for his wife Brbr nd his son jcob. The originl is t the Lncster Co. Historicl Society. I hve copy. Howeveq, the Proprieters llowed the two sons to divide the lredy wrrnted lnd of ]cob Sr. into two egul prts nd to "re wrnf' the lnd. (Although I hve looked t hundreds nd hundreds of wrrnts, I hve never found "re wrrnf ccept for the two drwn for fcob nd Geoqge.) Jcob funior nd his mother, Brbr were Bptised into the Brethren group fterjcob Sr. died. In the 'Appendixes" of Dr. Durnbugh'sbok, The Brethren in Colonil Americ. there is List of Deths (Alexnder Mclq Ir.L 'T.egister of the der brethren nd sisters especilly known to me who hve pssed from time to eternity up to the present during my brief life-spn" Listed s number L30 is Brother cob Weis, nd his dughter, SisterSophi. I know much bout my Weiss fmity lthough it becomes little hrd to red fter some of them becme Brethren. Brbr4 Im sking you if you might be of some help to me in putting me in touch with others tht you might know who my hve the sme fnrily bckground or who my hve come cross, the fmily of cob Weiss of Coclico Letters to the Editor (son1s Jcob mrried to Sophi nd George mrried 1st. to Christin). Weiss is lmost s difficult to trce s Miller. I know of t lest four fcob Weiss men in 173Q three in Coclico Tp, two tht pssed wy in1749. Plese cll onme on nything tht my be of help to you. I hve produced mucte- published none - Perhps in retirement. Amongst other interes I hve completed connecting mps bsed on wnnts. $urveys nd ptents of (1.) Frnkstown Tp., Huntingdon (now Blir) Co., P- Q) Reding Tp., York (now Adms) Co., P. nd Heidelberg Tp., Lncster Co., P. (re now covered by Heidelberg Tp., Lebnon Co.) These re res of erly Brethren settle. ments. I hve lso worked on other Brethren res too, I hve helped mny in their genelogicl dvmtures. Best regrds,. Clrmce (Chip1 Wise 5578 Hckmn Ro nd Lititz,P.77ffi 71il62fi9288. One en bo cll rry bsiness phone tollfree: 8M142c-l3205 DerBrbr, I don't know much bout reding geneologicl chrts, but I ws just browsing the web nd sw the Mock pge your chrt is on. I sw my gret-gret-grndfther Philip Ttrrner Mock born t5 Dec 1856 in Forsyth County, NC (# on chrt #48), long with hiswife, Ellen Thomsson nd children His son Jsper Wiley Mock nd Ann Melind Hrper were my gret-grnd prents. They hd 9 children (I think) nd some of them re still live. My grndfther ws their son, Philip Henry Mock b. 27 lwr 1915; d,. AgZ0M; m. 21, I n 7940 tr.f.ry Elizbeth Beroth b. My 1920; d,. Sept IW I will be hppy to shle ny further informtion on thisfmily.. Keri Mock Hefnet kerrimh@eerthlink,net By the wy, do you hve ny ide wht the nme Mock mens? A modern moths erplining to hr little girl the picfines in the fmily photo lbum: This is the geneticist with yoffi strcgte mothu, nd hue's yow sperm donor nil yorr fther's clone, This is me holding yo whm yot ue jst frozm embryo, The lily utith the ouy froublcil look on hu fce is you wfi, genelogbt! Erotn the LkeHos Gmelogful Seiety Netslettu J

3 Volume XIV No. 2. SPring 2005 MockFmily Historin 17 Mrige Announcements /Articles from SL Clir County, MO Newsppers Submitt e d by Sh ron M ek Whit kq Appleton City Journl, 4 fnuqy 1894 ohnt. Mock mrrige nnouncement to LizzieFox The Bride And Groom Received. A Lrge nd Hppy Gthering t the Beutiful Home of TJ, Mock, Round Pririe. "Christms hs come" nd gone nd the merry holidys hve brought together the scttered members of mny fmily in re-union, some ioyous nd hppy, others sd nd sonowfui. The fmily reunion is mile-stone of life's rod tht mrks the chnging scenes of chngeful journey. Vrious pictues rise before the mind when these two words respokenthefirstre those of hppy times when the prcdigls come home for few dys orweeks nd mke the fmily life complete - when they re ll together - fthe4 mothel brothers nd sisters. One fter nother they hve left the old home for vrious fields of usefulness, nd come bck t tirnes to gther round Thnksgiving fest or Christms merry mking nd ll is mirth nd gyety. Such gthering ws enjoyed t the beutiftrl country home of Mr. nd Mrs. TJ. Mock, of Round Pririe, on lst Fridy, the occsion being fmily reunion nd n " irfird" in honor of the mrrige of their son, john T, Mock to Miss LizzieEox- The mrrige ws solemnized on the previous dy t the home of thebride's prents, who re mong the oldest nd most highly esteemed people of tht portion of the county, by Eld. J.A. Poteet. It hs never been the plesure of the writer to spend dy more plesntly nd more refined or hppier crowd never ssembled in old Btes for dy's socil intercounse. At the noon hour fest of ll the good things tht could scrcely be imgined nd served in the highest style of the culinry rt, ws spred nd enjoyed by ll present. The fmily re'union ws complete with the exception of one brother of the fther of the groorr" who is in the RegulrArmy nd now sttioned t Ft Sheridn- The Mocks re well-known s mong the most substntil nd inlluentil citizens of Round Pririe, the grden spot of old Btes county. The following persons were present: Jim Mock nd fmily,lohn Fox nd fmily, Frnk Mock nd fmily, of Krus City, W.fL Wood nd fmily, joe Clpp nd wife, Al Dvis nd fmily, of St. Louis,loe Brown nd wife, Horce Bowmn nd fmily, of Fir Hven, Mo., Mrs. O.lL McComs nd little dughter, of Cloud Co., Kns., Mr. ohn Mock, of Chrleston, Ills., Milrd Zimmermn, Okln4 ills., Mise Myrtle Devitt, of Knss City, Nellie Gilbreth nd Ed. Clpp, Chrles Hilton nd wife.. Shton Mo ck Whit ks s eut@ BELLSOUTI{.IIET T.j. Mock of Missouri Regrding Shron Mock Whitker'e newspper.rtide from the Appleton City Journl, 4 nury I would like to identify some of the people in tht rtide bout fmily reunion nd mrrige. T. ]. Mock is Thoms efferson Mock s/o of Jmes Thompson Mock The brother of T.. Mock who ws in the regulr Army wsjoseph Bringer Mock Frnk Mock is Frnklin Rosencrntz Mock - brother of T.. Mock Jim Mock listed s presmt wsjmes Monroe Moclg brother of T. ]. Mock W. FL Wood is the husbnd of Elizbeth Alice Mock - sister of T. J. Mock Mrs. O. LL McComs is uli Ann Mod(" sister of T. J. Mock nd wife of Oliver ll McComs Mr. lohn Mock is john Wesley Mock, brother of T. ]. Mock Miss Myrtle Devitt my be Frnklin Rosencrntz MocKs dughter Myrtle - I hven't tied this one up yet. The groom lohn T. Mock is the son of Thoms Jefferson Mock. Thnks very much Shrori this helped me to locte some new census mteril on some of these people. These re ll descendnts of lcob Mock of Loudoun county Virgini, c 1775 or 7777, on Brbr Dittigls Chrt # 38..MorilwMockPohbnn To Mrilyn nd fellow MocJ< reserchenr, Gld I could help someone. I think this type of "shringl' of Mock /MucklMgg informtion tht one finds, even though it isn't "yours", is one of the mjor benefits of belonging to the list. You do relize tht there were other little bits nd piece*-usully line or twr- bout this fmily in other dys "news' in St. Clir County, MO. (this ws off their County Gen-web site) Suchitems tht were typicl of the "news" of smll county/town newspper. Things like who ws visitingfromout of town, who hd prty, who hd perfect ttendnce in drurch or school. I didn't copy them s they didnt hve brod benefit to this group but re gret view into the times of prticulr fmily..shmonmockwhitku New MFH Member, Susn Leill My g-g-grndprents redniel Dusing ndsnh Mudcl\dock Srh, b,1817 in Frederick Co., Md, twin sister to Ctherine dughters of johnnheinrich Mock & Susnn Wems. MFH Chrt #30. Nmes I m reserching - During, Muck/Mock, Schroyer,Wemer Susn Leill8227 Cotmtry Ftm lne, Lingsbwg, MI 48848

4 18 Mock Fmily Historin VolumeXlV No.2. Spring 2005 Excerpts from Twentieth Century History of Altoon nd Blir co, pa, nd Representtive Citizens, Chicgo, IL: Richmon&h.mol4l9Ut pp.tthltg. Sell, fesse C., Sbmittedby Din L. Mock George W. Mock nd J.E. Hoover, proprietors of lrge business enterprise t Roring Spring which hs been crried on t this plce for mny yers under the business style of the Ble Milling Compny, re experienced gruirr nd flour men nd representtive citizens nd members of old fmilies of this section. George W. Mock ws born in Woodbury Twp, Blir Cg, P., une 23,188, ndis son of the lte Andrew Mock, who lived ner Willimsbwg,, P. George W. Mock ws educted in the public schools. Since 1899 he hs been engged in the milling business nd for seven yers he owned nd operted mill t Rodmn, ner Roring Spring, coming to the ltter plce in Apnt, He dmitted J. E. Hoover to prbrership nd the old nme of the plnt ws retined. Mr. Mock mrried Miss Lillin E Floover, dughter of Dniel Hoover, of HustonTownship, BlirCounty, nd they hve two children: Dniel R. nd Mry I. Obituqy hnd-dted 11/5 Archie Clr Obitury Collection, Vol. 4 pge 49 (7937) Milling C-ompny Mnger Expiree G e otge W Mo ck, Vrominent re sident of Rming Sying whse he senteil fw mny yers s mngr of the Bre MiIIing compny, died this morning t 70.$ o'clrck t his lnmq tl31 Wter street, thtplce, Mn Mockhdbeeninillhmhhfw thc pst ttm yems but seriously ill only hn weelcs. He uns bom t Wi$im,sburg on lune 23, 1868, *n of Andrew nd Mry Moch He uns twice msrried. His frst wife, Mrs. Eilith LiIIinn (Ilooou) Mock, dieil fftem yws go. n AeL 5,7925, he ws mnied to Mts, Frnces Wgrmnin Alton. Suoiing te hit *ife, tzso children to tlu frst union, Dr. Dniel R. Mock nd Mr* C. Edu)in C,rber of Ruring Spring; t Do $"p eughtu s, Mr s. E. S. Attig of AItoo rm nd Mr s. htrmn Wllce of Roring Spring; lso one brother, l.c. Mock of Willimsburg. The deceseil receieil his erly eiluction in the Willimsburg puhlb sclnols. ln erly life he operted miii t Rodmnnd.sincelg06hd szeds mrcger of tfu kre Mllling MWny t Rmring Spring. He ums membs of the fure Memoril Church of God, Wooilbury loilge of M*ns,Willimsryrt consistory nd lffi Shine. Funerl Notice MOCK - Ftnql snzices fot the ltc Geotge W Mock of Rofing Spring willbe cotducteilby Reo. H, H. Rotb fnme obsned by itte], Setzices will be held in Bme Memoril Chwch of Gil on Mondy t 2.30 p.n Intrmmt lllo wing in F itz ittu ce-rnct6y, Mftinsbug, Frimds re being receioed in the home. Funerl notice hnd dted 11/8 J. C Modc, who is engged in griculturl pursuits in Woodbury twp,blir Co, P., hs with the exception of five yers. lwys resided on his present frnr" nd ws born here August 15,1fK5, son of Andrew nd Mry (Snively) Mock who wer,e prominentfrmers of this township. His ftherlwys followed frnring ws Republicn in politics nd member of the Church of Brethlen Andrew nd Mry Mock rered the following children: l. C; G. W.; Viol4 the wife of j. E. Stoner; Ann E., the wife of Roller Rhule; Sdie, decesed; Lilly 8., decesed wife of P. [L Lymong nd D. S.. C. Mcck spent his boyhood dys on the home frnn, nd fter obtining n eduction in the locl schools, engged in griculturl pursuits, which he hs followed ll his life. In 1901 he purchsed from the other heirs of his fther's estte, the home frnl which consists of 100 cres of highly improved nd cultivted lnd. He is one of the enterprising nd public spirited citizens of the township nd hs served invrious townshipoffices, including tht of supervisor nd comrnitteemn, nd is t present one of the sdrool directors of Woodbury township. In politics he is Republicn His religious connectionis with the Church of God. In 189!t Mr. Mock mrried M{gret Longcker, who is dughter of Jcob Longcker, nd is one of the followingchildrcn born to herprents: Hrry, George, Essie, Brbr, (wife of Adm Treeseb Elizbettr; Crrie; onn, nd Mrgrel Mr. nd Mrs. Mock hve rered the following children: Ethel, Grce,Roy, AJm, Meld, ]ohn, nd Mry. Ed. Note: It ppers tht George W. nd I.C. Mock re brothers, sons of Andrew nd Mry Snively Mock I hve not been ble to identify either of these fmilies. None of these nmes re listed in the MFH 12 yr. Index orin the MFH Chrts Index- Ifind George W. in the 1900 Census TylorTwp, BlirCo, PA., showinghimtobe b. Jun 1870 PA, mrried 3 yrs; T.illixl f,., wife, b. Aug 1875 PAv Dniel R. b. Dec L897;Mry I. b. Nov I do not find nandrew & Mry MockinBlirCo. census records. Does nyone hve info on these fmilies?. Bctbsc AffiS t The Annul Mock Fmily Conference hs been postponed until October,2fi)6 possibly in Slt Lke City. Mrk your clendrs!

5 Volume XIV No. 2. Spring 2fl15 MockFmily Historin 19 McklrlMock's from Lngenu Stte of Wuertembelg Germny to Present Reserch by B evuly Mck Znon Bmwsing the Mock working chrts, I noted chrt #45, for Thoms Mckh nd brothers, BrtholemeryWolfgng nd sister Christin whose origins re from Lngenu. My cousiry Lois Mch & I hve done extensive reserch on our Mck fmily in Germny nd I personlly hve been ble to tke our line bck to the er$ 160trs by using film vilble t LDS Fmily History Centers. Our Mck surnme ws not chnged from Gerrrny to the US lthoughin erliertownorigins itws spelled Mcklu From wht I could see, the tuf [bptism], ehe [mrrige] nd sterbe [deth] records, the surnme ws spelled MACK in Lngenu. When MFH membe{, Id Boyce & Ron Mock mde some inquiries regrding their Mock line tht left Lngerrtr, I relized perhps there my be connection between the two fmilies. See Bterly's trticle, Mcl$ of Wuettnberg, MEH VoL lx, FlI 2000, pg 5L In viewing the fikn, I hve some interesting news. Firstly, I'd like to sy, for those of you reserching these Georgi Mocks, I my rewrite your history s you hve theorized it s hppening. fll know more fterlview more film. I went thlough the tuf film rther quickly s time ws limited. I'll re-review it t lter dte. I didn-t find tuf record for the Christin born L744ish in your Working drrts. Nor did I find one for Wolfgng during tht time period. According to reserch done nd entered in the working chrt #A5,Thoms, Brtholomew Wolfgng nd Chdstin ll left Germny forameric togetheq, s siblings nd rrived inameric bord the Antelope on 23 October I've viewed tht mnifest on I - Volume 5 nd the only Mck bord ws Wolfgng. Abord the Novemb er 1752 stling of n unknown ship lvolume 5] is Brtholomus, Mri [wife], Thoms, nd Wolfgng Mck ll trveling together. These two ships werc mong the ships bringing the Originl Georgi Slzburger Settlers to Americ I mke this sttement bsed on the dt I sw on the website[s]. With tht sid, I found on the Lngenu film the following MACKH [note the spelling of the surnme] tuf [bptism] records: G eotg Mcldt born Feh 9, 7726 Ann Cthnine McWr. hoxn Feb?, 7728 B fiho lomus Mckh born Noo, 778 Thoms Mckh bottt Aug 72, 7733 fohnn Micheel Mckh bon N oo 24, 1735 Brbm Mekh, born N oo 27, 7747 The bove siblings prents were Wolfgng MACKH nd Brbr NIEDERSTRMORIIN] [sp to be confirmed t lter dte I theorize tht perhps the Wolfgng trveling on the Antelope mv hve been the fther cominq hed to mke plce for his fmily nd trveling with Brtholomus, Mri & Thoms ws perhps brother. Brbr, the motheq, my hve pssed wy, influencing the decision to leve Germny for Americ. A further review of the Lngenu sterbe ldethj records will confirm my suspicions tht Brbr pssed wy round One more thought, s I ws surfing thm the film, this MACKH fmily is the ONLY MACKH fmily in Lngenu during tht time period. I m wondering if Wolfgngis origins my be from nother nerby town/ villge iust like my MACK line.. I serched thru the film I hve re surrounding towns. but couldn't find him mostly becuse the dte rnge I hve is in the 180Os. The surnme isspelled MACKFI in Setzingen. My biggest hope is to tie the two Mck[h] lmckl Mock lines together. Tht would be wonderful for ll concemed. Below find n outline of the Wolfgng Mckh line I've been ttempting to connect to mine & my cousin's MACK line from Lngenu, Wuerttembery Germny. I could not find bptism or mrrige record for Wolfgng or Brbr on the film I hve on permnent lon for Lngenu. I cn conlirm Wolfgng's surnme in l^ngenu, Gerurny ws MACKH nd his siblings s per written bptism kirchenbuch khurchl records. I cn confirm ll his sibling's births in Germny except for Christin's. fll hve to revisit the fiim to find her. I cn not confirm ny mrriges or children in Americ. I took this dt from the working chrts. I m ssuming Wolfgng's first wife, Brbr, died bout 1752 becuse he left Germny without her with some of his dtildren. I don't know wht hppened to the children tht remined in Germny t this time Id Boyce & I hve been communicting rethis line. I've not herd from Ron Mock re my findings. My cousin nd I were in hopes we could connect both lines. But they remin elusive to dte. Descendnts of Wolfgng Mckh 7 Wo lfgng Mclch b. c Wunttemberg, Germny ; il. Nw 1775 Bethtry, Effinghnn, Gmrgi; m. lt Wuerttwrberg, Gerrruny Brbm Nieilusteinu b. c 1705 Wunttnfuerg, Germtry; d. c 7752 Grmny; Emigrtion 23 Ad Arriwl i the Antelope, returnzd tn Gmruny nil rehrrcil t G A zn I cln'lilren N w furil n Unknouw Shry; m.2"4 24 Feb L755 Betlmtry, Effnghm, GA 'lnn BtbnMythoefu 7.L - Georg Mckh b. M Eeb 7726 Lngm, Wuerttemberg, Gumny Anru Ctherine Mcl& b, Feb 1728 Lngenu, Vfu#embetg, Gumny Wlnbffieus MckJt b, Noo 77N Lngmu, Wunttembug, Gttnny; it. 72 n 77ffi Bethny, Effi.nghm,G4m.7d Mri EmigrtionNoo Cont'd on pge 26

6 20 Mock Fmily Historin VolumeXttf No.2. Spring 2005 Mocks in Frnklin Co., Ohio Submitte d by Crl N ocell Michel Mg>Michel Jr.>Joseph>Chrles E.>Riley B. I found my grndp, Riley B. Mock b. Jul 1885 OH; d. 2 Nov 1970 Scrmento, C{ on your working chrt #3 Midrel Mg & Susnn Chrlott Wlz. Riley kept good records nd so much of the info I hve is the sme s yours. I grew up knowing himwell. He helped sprk my interest in our fmily tree when I ws teenger, From him,i got much dt concerninfthe fmily bck to joseph Mock b. 25 Oct 1819 who ws mrried to Minerv Innis, induding ll the kids, grndkids, etc" of the vrious brnches. Severl yers go nry sisteq, who ws lso working on our tree,linked up with somebody nd thfs where we lerned boutmichelmocklr,.born 77 64, brtt tht person hdn't tken the tree ry frther bck thn tht- Grndp's ncesto4, Michel (I believe), ws one of the first settlers in Ohio. They settled in Clinton Twp., Frnklin Co. Supposedly the Mock nme is big del in tht prt of the country for tht reson Apprently there's still "Mock Rod" in Columbus (?) tody which rn long the originl Mock frrr. My grndp's fthe4, Chrles E. Mock b. 1858,in Frnklin Co, OH inherited the frm nd Grndp Riley spent his er$ childhood there. According to Riley, his fther ws -[not very nice person]. He ws known to hve drinking nd gmbling problenr, nd in generl not very nice person. Riley hted him with pssion. I've herd the sme from the dughter of Riley's brother Jmes, ]nice (Mock) Ruggles, whom I m in contct with (she would be my mom's 1st cousin). nice told how Chrles owned beutiful mtched-set, tem of horses tht were used to pull the b,rggy. One night he cme home drunk, nd rther thn get out of the buggy to open the gte to the frn; he rn the horses into it They hd to be shot. According to Riley, Chrles lost the frm in poker gme. The rumor is then they struck oil on the lndl Donlt know if tht's true or not, but if it is, then my mom's fmily might hve been rich insted of dirt poor. Little bit of trivi for you. I hve good professionl-qulity photo of Chrles when he r4rs young mn tht I got from fnice. Grndp Riley vehemently insisted tht his originl immigrnt ncestor ws from Hesse, Gerrrny. He hd no doubt bout tht t ll. He lso sid Chrles' fther, yoseph, ws "7th son of 7th son" whidr is supposed to men something; I believe it mens the person is supposed to be especilly blessed or luclsy. I noticed one of your conhibutors is "Wright " descendnt of Chrles' sister Leor Mock If I remember correctly, I believe my mom ws good friends with tht brnch of the fmily.. CrolNocell > Annnocell@ol.cor> (972) 985- s746 Ed. Note: VernWright, ilescmdnt of loseph Mockrysed mny snulyffirsgo. Isc S. Mock of Blir Co, PA Tlwentieth Cmtury History of Ntoon nd Blir Co,PA Chicgo, ll: Richmnil-Arnolil, ISIL Isc S. Mock, one of RoringSpring's leding business men, engged in plumbing nd heter work, hs been estblished here since He ws born in Woodbury Twp, Bedford Co, PA., Novenbet7,L856, son of Reuben nd Elizbeth (Hoffuin) Mock Reuben Mock ws born in Mrylnd nd ws young when he ws brought to Bedford Co. by his prents being rered t Plesntville where they lived for mny yers. After his mrrige he removed to Woodbury Twp, in Bedford Co, where he engged in frming until his deth, which occurred in 1884, In his erlieryers he ws something of horsemn nd it ws told how he successfully drove six-horse tem ll the wy from Morrisonls Grove to Bltimore, crrying grin nd produce. This ws before rilrrod dys nd, considering the difficulties, ws considered something of fet. He used the fnrous Conestog wgon which ws especilly constructed for long distnces nd hevy lods. It hs been celebrted in story nd poem, Reuben Mock ws well known nd ws welcome visitor t mny fireside nd public gthering. He ws memberof the Brethren drulch nd ws stnch supporter of the Democrtic prty. He mrried Elizbeth Hoffmn, dughter of Rev. Christin Hoffmn who ws pioneer precher of the River Brethren fith in Bedford County. Isc S. Mock ws rered in Woodbury Twp.nd ttended funit College, under the government of the Brethren churc"h t HuntingdorU PA. After leving school he tught for eight terrrs nd then ccepted position s derk in the foeight office of the PA Rihod Co. t Altoon. He lter ccepted position in the uditing deprtment of the C. C. C. & L Rilrcd Co. t Clevelnd nd returned to Bedford County bout one yer lter. On September 12,1888, Mr. Mock mrried Miss Imeld Hir, sister of Edwrd W., ScotL Horce G. nd Clrence Hir, well known citizens of Roring Spring. Mr. nd Mrs. Mock hve three childreru Frnces W., Mrgret E nd Plmer. He hs beenvery ctive nd usefulcitizensince he cme to Roring Spring in He is Prohibitionist in his views on public mtters nd is president of the Anti- Sloon Legue of Roring Spring. He belongs to the Methodist Episcopl Church nd is one of its trustees. In 1904nd 1905he wsthe droice of the Democrtic nd Prohibition prties for the stte legislture, but in 19O4 withdrew becuse of not hving been resident of the district the required time. In 1905, notwithstnding tht the prties for which he ws cndidte were fr in the minority he rn fr hed of their prty vote with the liquor men nd sloon interests solidly ginst hirrr -

7 Volume XIV No. 2. SPfing ZXF MockFmily Historin 21 Descendnt of Peter Mock of Bedfurd Co, PA > Adm/ Mry Eve Smith> GeolgellVlry Ellen Helsel > Srh I've been reserching the Mock line for the pst couple of yers nd hve been in touch with few Mock reserchers who hve given me some intetesting informtion on my line. I descendfiom Srh Mockb. My1849PA, dughter of Geotge Mock b nd Mry Ellen Helsel b. L829. Srh Mock hd n ffir with George E. Lingenfelter (her first cousin) which resulted in bby boy, Irvin. It is believed but not documented tht George Lingenfelter ws the son of lhoms M. Lirqgmfelter nd Elizbeth Mock b. c1833 PA, Elizbettr" the dughter of George Mock b. 13 Dec 1805 nd Hnnh Blckburn b. c L8L5 ccording to the L870 Census. Eil. Note: Elizbeth M@k is listed in the Working Clwrt, dlo Gwrge Mrck & Hnnh Blcl&urn, n$ried to Thottws Lingenfeltr. Shc is not listed in fue L850,L860 censs s child in this {mily. I h*oe not ftund Tlnnus Lingenfeltu in lty eensus recqrd Srh lter mrried lst, Jcob Eversol nd 2n4 DvidReplogle. Young Irvin dopted his step-fther's lst nme, chnged the spelling bit to Inrin M. Ebersole. Jcob never dopted young Irvin. My mother hs told me the two never got long t ll. Irvin lv{. Ebersole went on to be Bedford County's Tiesurer nd mrried Nnry Resy, dughter of ]oseph Luis Resy. They were my gret-grndprents. Their dughtermry Ctherine, mrried OlenViry Cook Their dughter Evelyn Coolg is my mother. It ws little comicl when mother relted the "illigitimte child" story to me while bck She knew I ws vidly pursuing ourfmily history nd she clled me one dy nd sid "I suppose you'll find out sooner or lte4, but I felt I ought to tell you in person"... (Gees, I thought she ws going to tell me I hd long lost sibling or something sordid from her pst!). She went on to tell me tht her gret-grndmother Srh (she didn't know her miden nme t the time) nd "lwyef' by the nme of Lingenfelter hd brief ffir nd Srh got pregnnt with my mother's grndfther, olrvir{' Ebersole. She lso relted to me tht when Irvin rn for the Bedford County Thesure4 the City sid he needed middle initil so he drose "l\/y'. I lwys wondered wht the "M" stood for. Then long while ltet I ws perusing through lrge red book t our fmily history librry in SLC, creted by the Bedford Historicl Society nd in it I found Srh Replogle's nme, nee Eversol, nee Mock! I cn't tell you how elted I ws to finlly lern her miden nme. Then everything strted flling into plce. I lerned tht Srh nd George Lingenfelter were first cousins, not permitted to mrry. Srh Mock of Bedford Co, PA Submitte d by Pul I mtell E dms George went on to mrry Srh Grretson, nd Srh mrried jcob Eversol. George Lingenfelter dmitted the bstrdy in court records there in Bedford County. Irvin ws born in fu 7871, s I recll l hve copy of the bstrdy record. Srh filed the report nd George obligted himself to py her certin mount edt yer for their son Now I know wht the "M" stood for: Irvin MOCK Ebersole (nme drnged from Eversol). So now you know the rest of the story! I d be hppy to help whomever nd whenever I cn with reserch on the Mocks, Lingenfelters, Helsels, Blckburns, Resys. I hve drosen NOT to pursue the Evercol line, since my gret-grndfther Irvin" ws treted bdly by Jcob Eversol. Thfs nother story I cn relte lter. I Presume tht Eversol my hve been bit jelous tht young Irvin ws in constnt contct with his nturl fther, George Lingenfelter. Im still reserching this theory. I wonder too, i-f Eversol my hve been jelous of Lingenfelte4, since Srh nd Georye were definitely in love, when the pregnncy occurred. I would pr sume it would hve been difficult situtioru in those times.. Pul lewell Edens SLC, UT Ed. Note: Pul, Im fscinted with your Srh Mock/ George Lingmfelter/ et l. This is most interesting story. I've gone through my MFH 12 yr. surnme index nd lso the Working Chrts index nd do not seem to hve George E. Lingenlelter tisted. In chrt #7, #1J1".9 is Rchel Mock who mrried ]cob Dively. T\so of their dughters mrried Lingenfelters. Brbr Dively nu Nthniel Lingenfelter nd Mry Ann Dively m. fcobalbert Lingenfelter. Could one of these fmilies be the prents of George E. Lingenfelter?? I've spent dy pouring over the censu records for ll of these fmilies nd thought I hd the 1st cousin connection figured out, but now I'm totlly confused! Hopefully some of our Bedford Co. rcserchers cn shed light on this complicted fmily.. Btbr Dittig bilittig@ comcst,net

8 22 Mock Fmily Historin Volume XIV No. 2. Spring 2005 Obitury for Mrgret Lynn Mrs. Mrgret M, Lynn, widout f Doiil S, Lym, died on Wednesdry rcning, Nouenfuer 13,[L946] t 6:45 o'clock. t the hme of her son, D. Lloyd IynA Willimsburg, R.D. Z. Mr s, Iq nn uns dughtr of Rwh n nd Elizb eth Ho ffmsn Mock, nd. ums born nem Wooilhury on Sept. 7, She tms ftttice mnfud, first to EifunrilNoble, to which union three sons wereborn,emusnnoble, fwnm, O.; Roy, of Bltirnore, Mil., nil Edut rd, decesed. On Decembu 30, 7897, sfu uns mnrrieil b Droiil S. I4nn, nd to this uninn one son ws born, D. Lloyd lqnn, t wlnse homc shc itieil. These step-chilihen sunrive; Mrs. Howrd Treese, Mr* Humn Smith, Mrs. Doid Sollmbetget nd Oroille lgnn, ll of Willimsburg R.D., nd Eilwril lqnn of Altnon. AIn suruioing me smerl grndchiwren nd gretgrnilchildren, nd tun brothrs, EmnclD, Mock of Che*obk nil l. Ircin Mock of Erie. Mrs. Iqnn uns educted in the Bedfurit Conty shools re lfls mcmber of the Snloely Church of God t lnrkt. Interment uns ndc in tlw Bemertown cemetery. e Submitteilby "The Metster" to Mck Di.rcussbn Group Obitury formrs. MryA Mock Altoon Miror Sundy,fwmoon Mrs. Mory A. Moc*,wifeof DtttidH. Mock of Hnq Creek, dieil in thc Nnn hospitl, Rmring Springs of e conrylictbn of iliseses. Her remircs urqe tlen to hs hte Ipme Sundy ftrnoon where the fnul tnk plce t 10 o' cw* Wednesdy morning. The senice uns cnducteilw R*. George M Shimer, pstor of tlu Mrtinsbur g Methoilist Episcopl church, of which decmse d zms n membn for fuimt-fu e yewl lnfmnent ws nile in Finiew cemetery. Mrs Mod<'s midcn rumu urs lgith, dughter of Th* ms nil Mnry Keith, ilecmseil. SheunsborninHunrtngtilon county lnury 75,7862. About thirty ymrs go she TBs untied in Mmrige uith Dffitid H. Mock, who tnith tlu fowouing nmed children sunioes: Iiln, Eikoril, Thoms,lmes, Hrriet, Annie, Mmy, Puline nd Glilys. lmes lns been in loun for bout hm yems, but rioed home in time to be Vresent t the funerl. Hnrriet is the wife of Eidie Smith of Piruy Creek. Mry is the wife of lr l&hley. Ane brother nil one sister me lizting; WiIIinm Keith nil Hrriet Keith,both of Mnrtircburg. Submitted by Mxine m xthemoose@owowy. com MockWorking Chrt#60 Mck Fmily Obituries From K. Tompkins Dec pge 381 GospeMsitor In the Astri Congregtion, Fulton, I1l. on the 21st of Aug, Elder fcob Mck, frmerly from Fyette co, P., ged 67 yers,9 months nd18 dys. He unsbuied on the fullnoing ity, His fnerl tms ttended by lmge concowse f people. Sercbes by the brethren. lohn Fitz Sept.1966 pge 288 Gospel Visitor Died in the Tippnoe dnnch district,ibsciuslci co,ind. Octobn 14, L855, old brother fohn Mck, ge 85 ymrs, Tl months nil 11 dys. The olil brother uts born in Little Yrk, York co, P. nd mooed to Tusmzms co Ohio in 1817, then remmedfrom thence to Kosciuslo co, Ind.ln1847, He uns member of the church 38 ymrs, nil visiting member thifi ftnyems.he diedinpece, nd.znehopehis is reping the rnnril of this lbol lohn Annld Nut. L859 pge 534 Gspel Visitr Died in Licking C. AyiI'l-gttt, Ltcind, ilughtr of fohn nd Mry Mckged23 ymrs. Dieil in the plme August 25, L857, Mrgnt lne, ilughter of Alexndet nd Elizbh Mck, ged 16 yerc both these youngu)omen wre grnil dughters f olilbr.lmb Mck. 'len 7857 pge 32 GospelVisitu DIED in lonthns ueek clurch, Mskingum nd Petry co's O, Sistr Nnry Mch Sryt. 5, geil SS yerc,text : Mtt,25t 73, Oct,7855 pge 252 GospetVisitor Died Mrch Z4lst in Licking co, Ohio btother fcob Mclg sm. Ageil ST y.4ru nill il. Dqmted this life August 22d lst Sistu Cthqine Mck, wife of fcob Mck ft. of Fyette co. P, ged 48 y. 4 m. 1.5 d. My 1855 pge L27 The Monthly Gospel Vsitr Depnrteil this life in Korciusl co. lnil. Mnrdr 2d sister Elizbeth Mclc, rife of brother lolm Mch,, geil 72 yems 5 months nd 27 dys. Ftmerl-turt: Rm.15:13. Shc's ilrwn nny bv dfthk strong cord, He's orifud God's holy word. From urth nd ilust the ntions comc, To ilust they mustreturn gin. Bt thse's timz -ilr oing ner, Whm sleqing soints God's truwp shll hm4 And rise to meet their glorios God, Onhis right hndfind theit bode. With Cltrist to ilwell thro'endless dy, Whcn Goil their turs hth uipeil tmy, O mny I?tith tlt numhtbe, Who Clrist nd wints for* see! t

9 Volume XIV No. 2. Spring 2fi15 MoekFmily Historin 23 Collterl Lines from Some Shenndoh Vlley VA Mucks/Mocks My Mock line is on my mother's side nd comes from John Mck/lVtock's gon Rineh* Mock who settled nd styed in Bedford/Fulton Co PA (workingchfi #1n. Onmy fther's side I mrelted to two fmilies who settled in Pge nd Shenndoh Counties VA These re the fmilies of ohn Glennll\{ry Brdley Glenn nd }o seph Mrston nd Hnnh Eppley Mrston- My line on my fther's side is: Iohn Glennf\[ry Brdley> uli G lennffimothy Milleplsbelle Miller/Andrew J. Mrston >Fnnie Mtstonr/Willim Y. UngeoEdwrd Unger/E dith Henry>li vi ng Unger* oy Unger Henni ng. While doing reserch on these fmilies nd their mrriges, I kept running into Mucks nd Mocks. I ws helped in this reserch by lmes P. Muck who severl yers go wrote n rtide forthe Mock Fmily Historin entitled "Kissin' (Muck) &usins" bout the Mucks nd Mocks of the Shenndoh Vlley of Vrgini. Here is wht I hve lerned. Most of my fmilies in Shenndoh nd Pge County were employed by the three iron furnces in the re, whichwere owned fo theblckfod fmily. These furnces were the Isbell Furnce locted ner Lury VAn the Croline Furnce locted just over the mountin in Shenndoh Co VAnd the Elizbeth Furnce (nmed for Blckford's dughters). John Glenn worked t the Isbell Furnce nd ]osephmrston ws mngerof the Croline Furnce. john Glenn (b.lnlpad VA) hd dughter juli Glenn who mrried Tlmothy Millen Their dughter, Srh Isbelle Miller mrried Andrew Jckson Mrston, son of Joseph Mrston. Children of john Glenn John Glenn b. 21 June 1n1. d,.11 Feb L825 Pge Co VAnu Mry Brdley b. TApril 1nSPAd.19 Oct 1849 VA 1. George D. Glenn b. 2 Jn 1797 PA'd..5 jn 1862 Pge Co VA m. Nncy Ann Grove (dughter Mry Ann m. Henry W. Muck) 2. Ctherine Miller Glenn b. c 1798PAd. fter 1880 VAm. ChrleeWood(e) 3. juli Ann Glenn b. 22 lnrt 17w_ PA d. 24 Feb 1787 MD (dughter Sr m. Andrewl. Mrston) 4. Srh Glenn b. 14 Sept 1800 d. 2 Dec 1873 m- Smuel Holmes 5. oseph A. Glenn b. L Mrch 1804 MD d. 7 Sept 1875 VA m. Elizbeth Ann Fleming 6. Thoms Brdley Glenn b, 25 Dec 1810 MD d. 24 Dec 1898MO m. uli Shuff(livingwithhimin 1&50 census wsjmes H*ey Muck) 7. Mrgret Glenn b. 6 un 1813 d. 6 Nov 1"903 Pge Co VAm. Wllim Shuff 8. Isbell B. Glenn b Pge Co VA d. fter 1880 m. Levi Thoms Gillum 9. John Clrk Glenn b. 25 n 1820 d. 29 une m. (l)mtild Seger m.(2) Hrriet Wilson S ubmitte d bv I ov Henning Children of foseph Mrston: Joseph Vemon Mreton b. c 1809 d. 20 Nov 1873 Pge CoVAm. Hnnh Eppleyb. c 1815 d. 1 Mrch 1881 Pge CoVA 1. Mry Ctherine b. c L839 m.(l)jmes Hwey Muck n(2) Iohn P. Sine 2. Andrewfckson b, 1838 m. Srh Isbelle Miller 3. AnnElizbethb.l0June 184O n Lewis Clem 4. Joseph Vernon,! b. 8 Nov 1841 m. Mrthlne Brton 5. John Robert b. 22Dec18M 5. Crolineb. c Chrles Bush b. 4 une 1831 m. Phoebe Josephine Glenn (dughter of John Clrk Glenn) 8. Greenberry L.b.22 Mr George Frnklin b. 27 Feb 1& Wllim Thoms b. 24Aug 1835 m. Susn Muck The firstconnectionis Henry Muck Henry Muck of Pge/Shenndoh County VAws mrried three times nd one of his wives ws Mry Ann Glenn, dughter of George D. Glenn/ Nncy Gmve Glenn. George D. Glenn ws son of john Glenn/ Mry Brdley The second connection islmes Hn'ey Muck ln the 1&50 Census of Pge County, Jmes Hney Muck is living in the home of Thoms Brdley Glenn, nother child of ohn Glenn. From the reserdr of mes P. Mock I lerned tht Henry Muck ws the fther of Susn Muck nd jmes Hn'ey Muclc Jmes Hrvey Muck mrried Mry Ctherine Mrston, dughter of oseph Mrston nd Hnnh Eppley Mrstoru nd Susn Muclg sister to Jmes llnrey Muck mrried Willim Thoms Mrstory brother to Mry C. Mrstonlmee HrveyMuckhd sonjohn IL Muck b.1ffi2 who mrried Viqgini Miller. I m lso wondering if this Virgini Miller might hve connection to Timothy Miller nd uli Glenn Miller. Timothy nd ]uli were mrried L7 lly y the 1830 census they hve four childrerv three boys nd one girl. Their lst child ws born 1845 nd sometime before 185Q Timothy died. OnIy five ddldren re listed with Juli in 1850 nd of tht group, the youngest ws born Therefore, I believe there were possibly four erly Miller children nd their fmilies I en't ccount for. There could be yet undiscovered reltionship here. The third connection is Mrcus Muck. In ddition to this, Mrcus Muck (reltionship to bove Mucks unknown) ws living with Juli Glenn Milleq, widow of Timothy, in the 1850 census. The lst time I ws in Pge Co. doing reserch n old timer told me tht ftertimothy diedfuli rn bording house ner the Croline Furnce, so tht would explin the presence of Mrcus Muckinthe dwellinp buthe lso must be dosely connected to ll these other fmilies. C-ont'd.onnsp- 26

10 24 Mock Fmily Historin VolumeXlV No. 2' Spring 2fi15 Krentg Korner Kren Krich with MOCK ties to Somerset, Bedford nd Cmbri Counties - Montgomery Co. PA will bstrct found online: BOEHM, MARY Mrlborough September 29, October 23, L Lnd nd sw-mill to 4 children: Johrg Mry nd Willim Mock nd Betsey Boehm, eqully. To Betsey Boehm, rem. of personlty nd 50 pds. inmoney. Execs: Geolge Schultz, Abrhm Schultz. Who is the fther of ]ohn, Mry nd Willim Mock? Are these siblingp the sme s those mentioned in the 1850 Berks County Pennsylvni estte records of Willim posted lst yer on the Mock-Gen-L? John Muck 1785 Tlx List Cn nyone tell me who is the John Muck with 25 cres on the 1785 Turkey Foot Twp, Bedford Co, PA tx list? This would presumbly be in present dy Somerset County, PA I dor/t see ny Mucks or vrints on L7B9 militi roll for tht township. t Peter & Andrew Mock of Rown Cortic I know vguely tht there is controversy s to the prentge of Peter MOCK in erly Rown County, North Crolin nd I thought I'd forwrd the following URL tht includes Peter nd Andrew on list recognizing the inhermt problems with relying on trnscribed sources tht hven't personlly been reviewed. Posted to the BOONE miling list ws 1782list of Tories, C-ptin ohnstonls list, fiom Rown County, North Crclin nd it ppers the source ws pge 183 in n unnmed book by o White Linn. This posting cn be found t / th/ red/ BOONE/ 200C 05/095 Induded on the list wereandrew MOCK nd Peter MOCK jr listed twice. Does nyone hve ccess to tht book to double check this reference or lredy know bout this? Among interesting things from this is the r fter Peter's nme. Ws there nother Peter in the re rr.lt9z or does this support 9teve Lpp s theory tht Peter is brother to Andrew, who is felt to be son of Peter nd Iufin Muck of Virgini? And how to explin this Tory lbel if Andrew ws supposed to hve served in the Revolution in the stte of Virgini? Is there more thn oneandrew, misinterprettion of the lisfs or wht? Thnks to nyone who cn set me stright.. Krcn Krich krmtk@pro t Queries Mcks in Wilkes-Brre PA I m trying to trce bck two pprent brothers, Smuel Chester Mck nd Henry Stewrt Md<, born in Wilkes-Brre in 1830 nd Henry's deth record from 1898 sys his prents'lvtmes were Abrm ndsophron. Henry hd son nmed Fred Mclg Wilkes-Brre rchitect, whose profile in L930 Hi"bry of Wikes-Bmre sys he ws direct descendent of the Morvin Missionry John Mrtin Mck Ron Moore posted query :rl.1996 s to whether nyone knew of descendents of John Mrtin Mck, but I don t know if tht generted nything. A book on the Old Morvin Cemetenr in Bethlehem vilble t nces$ lists thrce prob6le children of John Mrtin Mds, but two died young nd other did not pper to mrry. Sophron ws interned t Hollenbck Cemetery in April Her miden nme might hve been Wood. A Sophi Mck, widow of Abrhm ppers in the 1871 Wilkes-Brre Directory. Sophron ppers, without Abrm/Abrhm in the 1860 nd 1870 censuses. She ws born in n Connecticut. Abrhm Mck ppers in the 1840 census in Wilkes- Brre. (there lso is Mry Mck s the hed of household in Wilkes-Brre for tht yer). The only member of the cln in the 1850 census is Henry, bording with nother fmily t ge 17. I suspect Abrhm died in the 1840s nd the boys quickly moved out. There re no good cndidtes for Sophron in Wilkes- Brre or elsewhere in the 1850 census (s lest if indexes re to be believed). Smuel ppers in the 1860 census in Brookly+ NY nd therefter (he died there in 1907). There might hve been third son, George S. Mck The Hollenbck Cemetery plot purchsed by Henry contiru two smll children who died in the 1850s nd re sid to be children of George S. Mek. I'vereched bitof brickwll, nd ll suggestions would be welcome.. fonthn E Mck Htriet Prkuty Est Mtuup olis, MN 5il79 <jmnek@ AOBIAW, C OM Littleberry Mock descendnt I hve been doing some reserch on our fmily history nd rn cnoss your website. Littleberry ]. Mock is distnt reltive of mine on my Fther's side of the fmily. Fnnie Edwrds Lmbert wri my Grndmother. My Dd bornmelvin Lmbert, (His fther ws Mnrin White) ws dopted t ge 2 nd nmed George Willim Lngley, nd currently resides inal. He did not know of his birth fmily until they locted him some 30 yers lter. We hve been told tht Eliz Ann Mock ws of Creek Indin descent. Do you know nything bout this?. Krm Hckry 5757 Silou King Rd,, lns Cruces, NM 88077@ j into cks@ zinet. co tn,

11 Volume XIV No. 2. Spring 2fi)5 Bedford County Archives Edited by Jmes B. Whisker Pioneer Historicl Society of Bedford Co. PA Apollq PA: Closson Press, 198F<c1984>, v.1-7, echvolume indexed Purryse is to " pwvifu redy rcess tn the extens'ive reur ils hew in thz Bedfnd C-ounty &urt House; nd similr rtess to the holdings of the Pioneer Historicl Society of Bedforil &unty."-intro. tn o. 3. This set of volumes is not vilble on micrcfihn from the Fmily History Librqy, nd seems not widely vilble elsewhere. The first five volumes le, however, in the Denver Public Librry nd my sister Pt Thiessen nd her husbnd Leo extrcted these Mock entries for us. Pul Swn Vol. L, August 7985: Neutsppu, pg 3 Court Doekct, Beilfotd Co., Apr l*m7872, Cittion to Elizbeth BT{KER nd Geotge BARE& dminisfftorc of estte of DAI,IIELBAKE& lte of Wooilbry Twp,, dec'd, to settle estte, on rcquest of AlernduMock Bedlortl GzetteT&7, p fuly, mnrieil on lst by Hmnn Kirk, loseph B MACK to CtherineTylor, St ClhTwp Bedforil Inquiru7849, p Stp mtrieil by Reo Zigle, Sm'I Mock to Hmh Stomb cfu both of llnion Ttop VoI.2: rn Mrck mtries in index. VoI.3 October: Mriges t the Beilfuil Guwn Reforucd Cfunch, p, D. W. Mockfo S. R. Droltingu, rcn loseph A. Mock to Annie McDonl410l8l7886, Iicrrlr,e #238 Wilson Moorched to Hewiett Mock, 3l7U78A Submitte il by P ul Snn 'rl MockFmily Hlstorin 25 T* List, St. Clir Touttshiprl&L4, single lreemm, p 778 PetuMoek,47 cres Petu Mock, i4 797 *es Big locob Moelg ses fcoh Mock, crpentt PuI Mcb2(N cres DoidMock GeorgeMockrSTA CIes OkllolmMochT(N cres lohnmock, 816 ctes Cbisley Mock,2ffi 712 oes Dilblin Township,7874, Yeomn, p 720 Rinehert Mo ek, 53, smith Vot,47988 Odginl WARRAIJT$ PATENT+ nd DRAFT S, Ayr Toumship RinehrdMock Vol. 5: Exfucts lrom Bedfofi Gzette Wooilhty Twp,1817 tx list, pg l8 fcob Mock folmmock p98 4il47 Mrried - on Mon, 25th ult. T, Mock of Colerin Tutp to Mry Rose of CmbstndUlley p172 RelEstte for ste,by exentorc of PulMock, dee'd, 222 cres A 2 story borded hotrse, 2 pple orchrds, Blclesmifu's shop. dobb btn, Willim BrWteimu & f cob Mock, dms, Mtriges, BedlwdRefwmed Chtrch, Reo. A, T.G. Apple, p. tll. loseph Mock to ReEII Brefoot, E. St. Ctir,{2{7W\ Vol,3: Tx List, Bedfwd Township, p, 83 Petu Mckr SA cres Tx List, Colqin Tounship, 7817, single freemen, p, I08 Geotge Mock Thx List, WooilhryTbwttship,TSl4, single freemm, p 770 lcob Moclg frmu lohnmock,fmnu VoI. 6: Beilforil CowtE, Pmnsyloni rehioes I bstrctedby Kf,H, McFeilnd, VoL T hs title: Be d{or il C onty, P etmsylo ni rchioe* neith oilble t Denoq Pblic Libry. P ul Swn >p lrsw nr@ sbcglobt,net Ed. Note: Pul, plese extend our thnks to your sisteq, Pt Theissen nd her husbnd Leo for extrcting these Mock entries. BmbrDittig

12 26 Mock Fmily Historin Volume XfV No. 2. Spring 2005 Mckh Fnily Cont'd from pg 79 77\2llnknown Ship wlwife Mri; m. F 13lnn 7755 Bethny, Effmghm, GA Mmy Stnd 7,4 - Thoms Mckh b. 1.2 Aug L73B lnngenu, Wuerttemberg, Gernnny; d. 05 ln 1807 North Cmolin; m.16 AW 1765 Bethny, Efinghm GA Mry Wtinkuffb, 07 Noo 174A Germny; d.27 Dec'18'L6 North Cmolin; Emigrtbn: Noo 1752 Unkruxon Ship 7,5 - lohnn Micheel McWrb. 24Nut L73S Lnge nu, Wueft t emb er g, G ennny 7,6 - Btht Mckltb.2l Nou 1747 Lngenu, Wuerttemberg, Germny 7,7 - CbistinMekhb.TTM Grrnny; d.moy 7769 Bethny, Efinghm, Georgin; m.12,4pr 1768 MtthewWeinkuff MtgrethWeinkffb.0l Mr Bethtry, Efinghm, G A. Beouly Meck Znon 529 North Kenmore Aome Addison,IL ffi707,7707 WURTTEMBERG. NERENSTETTEN SETZINGEN LANGENAU ULM SONTHEIM http: / / / bznon/ myhomepge/ index.html C Shmndoh Mcks Cont' d from pg 23 VA Muck reserchers hve been unble to ttch him to Muck fmilv. A possible fourth connection is George Mock ( 174]- 1807) nd this is puely specultion. Another twist to ll this is tht Hnnh Mrston ft or 1815 d. 1881), wife of oseph Mrston O. 1S09 d. 1873), Hnnh Eppley ws the dughter of ]cob Eppley. I cn find out nothing bout hinn, but there re lots of Ebberty nd Eberly fmilies who lso intercted with nother brnch of Mocks in Shenndoh County. I sked Jmes P. Mock bout this nd he cnnot fit my Jcob Eppley into the group of Ebberley/ Eb""ly lines. Erly tx records of Shenndoh show Jeremih Eppley, nd ermih Ebberly with son Jcob, so I'm not sure if it is just cse of spelling s I hve seen the nme spelled Epple, Eple, Eppley, Epply, Eberly nd Ebberley nd even Everly. eremih Eb"rty b mrried Ctherin Mock (1762- fter 1,840) dughter of George Moclg nd hd son cob Eberly b (ccording to ]mes P. Mock) but he sys he hs tht fmily pinned down nd there is no plce where my ]cob Eppedy would fit in. I m still looking for spot for ]cob Epp""ly. The more I serdr the more confusing it becomes, but theioy is in the journey. loy Ungu Hmning Qeries Cont'il from pg 24 Chrt #49 Peter Mock & Brbr Mrtin I cme cn ss your Mock fmily informtion nd found my grndmother's nme, Alice Hendrickson, dughter of. Eliz fne Mock nd fosih Hendrickson Alice mrried Chrles Fremont Dermin Their lst dfld ws my mothe4 Elizbethlne Dermin. Noq my question. do you hve ny informtion on josih? All trils ded end for me with this ncestor. I hve been ble to trce the other fmily lines but never find rrythingonlosih Hendrickson. So f4 Hendrickson fmily records hve yielded little to nothing. I would be most delighted to get some informtion onjosilr- Someone somewhere must hve something. He ws my gret grndfther nd I don't know nything bout his ncestry. Thnkyou for ny informtionyou might hve.. Iudy Cilson - Colondo Springs, CO >ludyadfc@ol,cotn> B.F. Mock I m missing Bert F Moclq rel nme Benjmin Frnklin Mock,fR. This is dose. [See belowj Bert mrried Len R Bowmn born in Neb. They hd 2 children before the 1910 census tht did not live. Bert ws born L886 in Illinois. The lst record I hve ws when he registered for the drft in WWI. He reported wi{e nd child nd his rel nme.. hnk'hedrick i\feh@ciiakiernet To Frnk Found-BertMock I rn crosg the following in the 1930 Census Knss, Lbette co, Oswego city Thfud wrd Film #T62G707 ED 20 Sheet 18A April17,L930 Mock, Bert ge li0 b. KS MOIIL Lbrul Wts elightfot city Mock,LolL ge36 MOIMO Mock,lunit ge73 KSIMO.MilymMockPohlmn Necrology Gene V. Mock ln 9, Feb 7 M3 Gene ws descendnt of filghmn Rndolph Mock of Loudon Co.,VA. Gene wrote prtil genelogy of the Moses Mock Fmily (fohnephillip>mose> Moses ]r), ttemping to find connection to his filghmen Mock. Unfortuntely, he ws not succeseful. He ws member of the MFHfurmnyye$. Gene lived in Fyettville, Wshington Co., AR

13 ' VolumeXtV No.2. Spring 2005 Descendnts of Peter Mock of Bedford Co., PA Submitte d W Phhyhk McWillims This fnily is on Chrt #7, Peter Mock of Bedford Co., PA. Rchel Burket is du. of Elizbeth Mock nd Abrhm Burket. My Sue Elizbeth (Allisod Mock is hlf 2"d cousin once removed nd her husbnd Chrles Adophus Mock Chrt 7 #1,6876 is grndson nd 2"d cousin once nemoved to Michel. As both of my bove grndprents goes bck to Peter b 17421think others will find these nmes of interest. Oh! Sue is the dughter of Chfi #71819Jmes Allison m- Mrgret Hrbugh. But you do not hve Sue. Ol; der! Ed. Note: Phyilis, yur Sue hs bem ddeil to the chrt. I)escendnts of Michel Colebugh Peter > Peter> Elizbeth Mocl/Abrhm Burket > Rchel Rchel Brket b, 79 Noo 1824 Bedfotd Co, PA, il, 26Noo 7898 King Turp, Beilfwd C, PA, ; ru 1&4;3 Michel Coleb gh b. 27 Mr Unin Twp, Beilfuril, P'4; d, 26 Noo 7898 King Tutp, Bedforil, PA, both bn ImI,u Cem.,Bedfor{ PA ru37 - Elizbeth A. Colebugh b. 26ll7844 Bedfoil. Co, PA; d. 7 Dec 7906 Lincoln Twp, Beilford, PA, burl Imlt Cem; m.73 Aug7864 Beilforil, PADoiil B, Mock slo MichetMock? SusnnhBeisel Dvid #1ffi M ry C. Colebgh b. 3 Oct 7846; d- 26 ll 7932, btn Pvi Cen, Beilfwd Co, P$ tn 29 Noo 78ffi Adolplurs Burket b,20my 78t14; d.5feb 7973,bu. Poi Cem, Beilford, PA Sruh Colebgh b. 76 Scp 7849; d. 7 Aug 7895,; m. 72 My 787A,, E, Sh Clir Try, Beilforil, PA Doiil Willim Ackuh,76 Dee l%qd 75 lnn 7934, both bm. ImIu Cen., Bedfotd Co, PA Thoms B, Colebugh b, 12 N oo 7857; d, 28 Feb 7913; m Rebecc Wlter b. 75 lm 7853; d. 28 My Stsnnh Colebugh b. 75 Apr 78W il, 76 Dec 7970; m. lonthn B, Helzel b.27lut 7853; il.9 Sep Frnklk B. Colebg! b, 72 My 7856; d. 28 Mr 79$2 ; tn. 10 AW 1884 Brbrc Ellm Hmgst b. 25 Dec 7857 ; il, 70 lun 7925, both bm St. Mfies W.C, Church Rebecc Colebugltb.24 AprL858; d. 5 Aug7&M, m. Peter Eckhrt b. 22 Ag 7848; il. 30 Noo 7897, both but Cem. At lmln,pa Willimt Colebgh b. 7 Dec 78ffi; d. 8 Apr 7947, m, 73 Sep 7885 Ssn Wltr b. I Apr 78ffi; d, Aug 7930, hothbur.imlq Cem Sophi Colebgh b. 16 Sep 7863; il 22 Ap, 7939, ; tn Miles Albqt Wtter h. 24 Dec 7863; d. 26 Oct 7Y13, bothbttt, Kllv Cm4 BedfwdCo, In30 - Cthetine Colebughb,20 Ap78ffi; d,79 Oct 7947; m" 2 My 7889 Smuel McAtee Beegle b. 5ln78ffi; il, 8ln79i$, bothbts, Eir?iew Cem,, Mmtinsbutg, PA.PIryIIis MockMcWiltims 3258 Copley Aoe, Sn Diqo, CA 9In6 >m ektnctp@ (pternl line) Pu > Doid> Michel > Doid B. > Chmles Adolphus. Pets >, Geotge P.> Elizbeth m Andrew S, Allison. MockFmity nistorin ZZ From the Editor Mock Working Chrts - A Tem Effort! If you hven't checked out the "Mock Working Chrts" ltely, I think you'll find yet nother innovtive tool to help you find your ncestor quickly nd esily with the push of buftoru Pul Swnhs come up withprogrmto indexevery rurme in the 90 chrts. At lst count there were 5900 Mock (nd vritions of Mock) nmes in the index, The index is divided into 2 prts. One for Mock nmes ll in lphbeticl order nd the other for spouses or ny nme other thn Mock. Once you hve locted the person you're looking foq, it will give you the chrt # nd person #. Push the button nd like mgrc - it brings up the chrt! This is something I've hd on my "wish lisf' for long time nd I find tht I use this index dily. It will be prticulrly helpful for new reserchers. Pufs next move ws to re-formt ech chrt in order to be entered on the internet in HTML formt. I think you'll find the HTML form much esier to del with thn the PDFformt. So now, we've become? "mr{' teru I will still mke the initil drnges on the drrts nd send the corrected chrt to PuI. He will work his mgic, mke necessry dditions or corrections in the index nd then send the formtted chrt to Gene Andert. Gene will replce the old chrt with the new one. Mny thnks to Pul Swn for mking this ll hp pen! Go to:> The MFH Working Chrts Index Plese check it out nd let us know wht vou think.. P tt Su n - p ulrsutn@ sb Gene Andert ndert@mc,cotn. B rb r Nttig - b diftig@ nmcst,net DAR nd SAR Members & Applicnts Ptty Skggs, Mock reserche4 recently sent me n e-mil syrng tht she ws working on her ppliction to join DAR Her ptriot ncestor ws Rudolph Muk She sked if I hd copies of pprcved pplictions submitted by other members. I did hve copy of one ppliction which I sent to her. Ptty suggested tht if there re others who hve joined through their Mock Revolutionry Wr Ptriots, they send copy to strt repository of these pproved pplictions to be kept on file by the editor. A list of the pplictions vitrble would be posted on Mock-Gen-L nd in the MFH newsletter. This could be yet very help ful tool nd MFF{ will py the postge! To order file from DAR is $20. I hve not seen SAR pplictioq but ssume tht it is similr. Send your copy to: Brbr Dittip editor, 366Jcrnd Drive, Dnville, CA 9l15ffi

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