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1 The Star s An ntellgent, Progressve Newspaper AWJUAN STAR Want Ads Three Lnes, Three Tmes, 25 Cents SECOND EDTON JONOUU, HAWA,.SATl KDAY, APRL n, 908. N 53 W0rmk wttmm mmr m vt hh turn w AfvosrmmHrmmumomemHAWAt axd xav fflf&tfwom m mvhsffl or mmm nmtusnr hy run Amd M lfrjdj tj AA., A u. J AfMf MjMtM am... nmj tumt A rtfutu ( m d ft r tm MdgM AM Jr f fsky mmt " mt 8T Wmmmm m m MMMMpMR wthrf 4faf4t tyl&ftf f4pf M9f AOtAAx AlkAtJUUM.tSLAm tt Ml kjdajl mm u Jj Jug M.., Xfc..jL JUm AM Mtom 4(tMd amtdjm AAfcjfeA 4 to Mmt3tkMd ALtJ JjUdtAtAjA,j rf yrf Tmtf wmto fftm mun At W4Wf MtMhWH HtWUf ACCO E JMW h mmt AWUHM rwo hummum AW) vwwh Aeum U tgutn Hm A Vm tm uho mmm w bxboth TO PAM ArMKWf WttHYMM AUHM taoh YBATt VM mam vmm, A kmh AhM fanmy 2, fur a ttnum (tf H mm wh ywtulhy m for Ftfflft w tlmt km a. hhu huh mmm m mm u nut n hm, Wltfl MM, ftlll Hut UMlD VsUtUl W tm mm of ttmk Mww, Uf ffllln, KtW lh tttlh lt mm Wtof H Mc hh lm to Umnut lm Hum nn Mm of nml am mr lor tm lmb Hum yhm, md ut mmh wlltl Hm ynt not tm a., jjt W(p You lold Ht lwmn oh, H mtuh tlkl H luhmutt Hlllllllly H thklh llm tluum Uf yn, JlmAm huh mw, mm UjM fm Htn hulm ym mn mum) mm nm "mam mt wt wumh," futt mm htm tm Hm Mnum, lultun tu h Hmnu mut law htn mn ym ntfnn n tm nl Hud thn mum nnm mwul, nluhlhl rff tl Wan Trust MtMHk. m. J. 7, MVk, K Urf 4JtmUm (XHHHfwttHh md lt. to muafff of Oh Uml mututum ftttf m4nf Vhh (torm of rmu 4m tummn, fky fm tum Urt&tWm m4 fam H U th lmn AwMh, Kspumnt Horn md tho mam hmhk mu,h, MMffMHK Ut HmtHtr (MttlHWotlU tt flmr fomhtohh UttfH ttmd Ut he H ttta. tfcm MHdMul, M Utt KuvUf kut UttM kkffh hftlldyrtot Mb UrW tf UV4A Md H UVH buldng Uf MtMK H lm tttmth AmyHun wan foo Umd Ut m tty mutod, n U FAKM S MADE thrth tf.m n tho VMluro, Ho wj pttyh W r ymr tmlnl, nd mume ltyont of nl Umn rnd othor mwlnftn fullmltl wth oworshlp, lo tmoft HmMt morum tho rght to UHUh tmdh hulrll over" tho md ul vlmmtn, md to my natlvo Hthul tlh Of llmmln whll fay ho found on lh nud, of Ut mmrah tor moh spo llnn, md to lm mxm tl all Hum to tm vnnmtty, SPRNG E! llnrplw n nl f)dh(h((m om w(mt only, tor L.B.KERR&CO..LTD AlAKU flll;t, CHNESE BOYCOTT JAPANESE Aolt 4 lable t) Th flar.) KlHHKOSd. Atfll. Tm Trvr K)H KmMm WHtllMflll lotlgkollg Mntn UhUf wlled from tln port for ntmttm port, Honolulu Han. VtMUfaMt wthout h sngle package of Utohum freght, lo fact tlmt bor rtrw torn not ncjudo an tem of Ghlm m tnnrclmndlw k the drect result of tfc Uf&Hl declared by tho Chnese on JupttHHM commerce, tho Chnese nercbntl refusng to shp on a vpsmj ftylng f f JapanoKo lng. PACKEY S BEST MAN N SXTH ho (Amttated Vmn Oat,lt la The flar.) HAH HAHCHCO, Aprl L McKar(flf rf DfmU( Drll n tho hxh round thl ftftcrnoon Ht Coffrolha Mho Kttsttl Hruun, Whether tho dolcgtttch to tho puh ut n wth hm from tho start llcan natonal conventon at Chcago havo ths strong support upon Uo Hawh o wll go from ths Terrtory shall wnlan delegatons Bldo when t comes ho 0t BathlB tw r 8,X nstructed by tho conventon, or 0t JboT" whether thoy shall ho gven a free h Jack Lucas has boon approached n s wouldb o loaders to see whether h Frth Dstrct to sco tho lght n tho chango cannot ho mado. mnnnor that t should. A., C. Atknson has for somo tlno n tho moantlmo such men as W. O. boon workng wth nl hs lnlluonco to Smth, A. G. M. lobortson others brng about tho Bondng of a dologa nro holdng fast to tho dea that Na """ ton whch would bo gven orders to wall should wat for further dcvelopwuppo rt Taft frst, last all tho tme, monts boforo tylngth dolcgatcb down,8 Kol tho only whlto man who hcad 0 cortlll cdate., t s stated Urn dfmm Urllt boforo todays drub l ernard, tho orator, that both Now Mexco Alaska. Mm flvcrn hm hy McKarl, then m!ll?,"?l boon dol"b n,,m,onarsr work whch nro n the same box as regards r t HUU Uu k nl M. wn ttnl wnn u l" mmuvr ol uucgaos u oo Bcaea. dcclnlon t twotlyron d go. Tho t was latest on tho battlefeld, thougu nro for Taft. Ths would mean that by no means conceded that McKrl tho would have leant energetc la tho Taft forces would bo for tho seatng of sx delegates from MoKarla nl of tho d to floorgo ho ft good K. man to wn Cnrtor, former governor of uov (nos forward as a now pro tho Terrtory,,or tho past day or terrtores anyhow nnd there would bo VUoo to ho reckoned wth, Tho ChlcHgoan s now n lno for mtttn MtktuUtK Ut tanumraum Ubmn. Whllo aekey, as Mctnrl tttt tbrttuhom mmt4 Ut ba n ru n (ftlled, (turn huhm, f mw n not altogether tho fnshed bmtk wo ptcdct ho s t rugged hoy wth lots wttttf turned Uf tho tm of WauuU t of vllallly nod speed whch ho used to th UAUH HMU Htn M Ut h good jrtfntfgo today. Ho was novo: before really tostod n t brusng ffth!. No one cn nceuso lackey of pckng out easy gmo for t atart hs vctory today means much for hm. Ashlo from tho Chcago crtcs, who may havo boon excused for heavly backng ther townsman, thero woro many competent Judges wno took chnuccs on Mcfrls appearance much money changed hs about tho rlngsld at o Coffroths, ROBBERS GET LARGE HAUL (Amoolttled m Cable to The flar.) HAN JllANOHCO, Aprl ho ndy Jowolry storo on Market atroot was robbed today of $50,000 worth of Jowolry hy somo unknown men who mado ther oscapo, honort STEVEN Auaolattt m Oalle to The flar.) for nn endorsement of Plnkhom. HWUj, Korea, Aprl mpressve Ono otatcd that t wan "about tlmo n tho Holds. Tho season has been servces Ut tho memory of tho nto ). for Mary Atchorloy to keep quet, vory dry tho lack or water has W. Hlovons, Who was murdored n Han not to moddlo n tho affars ot tho Hawallans. Slo s not a man hao Commercal Company wll havo been hard on tho cano. Tho Hawaa n Kmnelsco, woro hold horo today. no rght to clam that sho s tho loader about 0,000 tons of sugar ths year, (Annullct VrcHt Cattle to The flar,) of tho Hawallans, as accordng to Mo clams h tho ths last estmates, whch s HAN KANCHCO, Aprl ll8lx out mornngs paper." moro than ovor before Ths ncludes tho Klhe plantaton crop. of twelve Jurors woro chosen today to Tho amo party stated: Tho " do not largest crop try Alo tuef for brbery whch wo havo n connecton boo whero Mrs. Atcherloy had boforo can clam wth many graft ohnrges, was 49,000 that Tho Star sad sho was tons." back of thn mcolltlg. f sho wll read Tho PRASB Anmlnltl m Cable to The flar.) Htnr sho TUB wll sco her name CAFE. was never MAVAUK5U, Aprl UrT ho Ho mentoned. Wo Hawallans aro tred Tho Lllputans woro greatly pleased umou conventon n ths cty has of her contnual huttlngln, f wo wth tholr courteous treatment at tho elected t delegaton to Chcago whch sco ft to endorse Pnkhnm, nnd hopo Aloxor Young Cafo, as woll as wth conssts of olo Taft man twentyflv o wo wll tonght, t s nono of hor tho scrvlco cookng. for m ollotto, buslnom. "Hho ovldently has nn uxo to grnd, Bost cup ot coneu n mo cty. New lautoluttt ra Gable to The flar.) hut am confdent that whon t s Engl Uakory. NBW YOHK, Aprl, Tho Hopub. Mhurponed t wll do no harm, ng Hen Hllo CouvMllo (ndorses Gov Pnkhnm tho Wallach NEURALGA AND SCATCA CURED, onor OharloM B, Hughes for rosllon t. matter clam that ho dd rght, as Tho groat pan rollovlng power of Wallach s ono of tho blggost fatos Chamberlans Pal Halm has been tho that has ovor been porpelratod on tho surprlso nnd delght of many sufforora (Antolaltl m Cable to The flar.) cltlxens of Hawa. from neuralga scatca. VAWW, Tho excrucatng pnlns Alaska, Aprl Tho "Wo nro gong to ondorso Pnuham Thomas characterstc of thoe automoble, representng Amo uplto of Mrs, Atehorloy all hor dlsonsoh aro quckly nllayod.. llll. n by. lllu lufu frm Mu... nun V.xf U l, ths lu crowd who art aganst hm." lnment, Kor salo by all arls doalors, Uonso u, n relurnlg to Hoattlo, havng Supervsor Dwlght, whon asked ths Smth found tho rosds n ths tutulhn n Sc. Co., agents for Hawa, m 4f mpsshlo, Pne Job rlntlnn, Qta Olfloe. TUB QUKHTON THAT H HOTHHUNO TUB POLTCANS TODAY RTtONO CANVASS KOl A TAV UBLEOATON JY ATKNSON, CAtTB l AND TUB OY OKATOK MXAMP.H OP NBW MEXCO AND ALASKA QUOTSU,, tho matter whch s botherng tho ths manner by Carter, as has A. O. M. local poltcans today. Up to a fow tobortson. n ordor to securo tho days ago t wnh generally understood Walalua delegaton n tho conventon that an unlnstructed doloaajlp would Monday tho nfluenco of Judgo Archlo sent, hut there has been a skurry Mnhaulu has boon asked. Wllllo Cravng round of lenders, ford has boon called on to brng tho two ho has been ntervewng every dolcgnlo whom ho has mot or could fnd expressng hs vews on tho matter, advsng tho sold support ot tho Hoosovolt cdate Tho reasons gven hy Governor Carter nro puroly local so far as can bo found out. Thoy hear on tho queston of seatng dolcgatos from ths Torrltory. sx Tho holds that Taft wll nnvo tno majorty of tho delegates n tho conventon, or at least n larger number thnn any other cdate. rhorcforo ho holds t wll bo host to RESENT BUTT N HAWAHANS SAY THBY NTBM) TO BNDOUSB PNKHAA AT TO NGHTS MBBTNO. An wnh reported oxclunlvojy ycatorda y afternoon n Tho Star a mass mootng of Huwallans wll bo hold at Anla Park tonght, n uplto of tho sofstyl od new leader of tho Hawallana, Mary H. Atchcrlcy. A number of promnent Hawallans n town stated ths mornng that a meetng would bo hold tonght at Aalu Park, und tho chanc wero very good mornng f ho knew anythng about tho mm meetng that wps to ha hold tonght at Aala Park, repled! "All know about U s that havo glvon per no need df Hawas takng part n what mght, n caso another cldato thnn Taft should bo fnally solcctcd, bo a bad fght. Whon asked how Maul would st n tho matter, nnd then how ho felt personally,. P. JJaldwn refused to talk sayng that tho Maul delegaton would not Caucus tll Monday mornng nnd would mako ts dcclblon at that tlmo. Ho stated that ho dd not caro to glvo publcty to hs personal vews (Contnued on Tago S.) THE CROP RECORD HAWAAN COMMERCAL GONG TO HAVB CROP OP OVER CO.O0O TONS THS YEAR. Ths wll bo tho bannor sugar year for tho Hawaan Commorcal Sugar Company, n splto of tho fact that thoro has been very llttlo ran on Maul. n speakng of ths matter ths mornlug. P. Uadwln, who arrved on tho Maunu Kca, sad: "Wo havo Just been havng somo ran on Maul whch was vory welcome ndeod, as t was badly needed, msson for the uso of tho b st, that thoro s bo t meetng. What t s for to not know." AKTER OVERSEENG THE CONSTRUCTON OF LONG DSTANCE WRELESS STATON AT KAUKU THE EXPERT WLL lema N TO OPERATE THE SY STEM EXPECTS TO MAKE THE SLANDS THE WORLDS WRELESS CENTER. Wreless Export Arthur A. sbell, thero are men gong over tho tole who enmo horo to mako tests for tho phono lno between hero Poarl selecton of a slto on ths sl for cty prospectng tho route of the a long dstance wreless staton, s Hn0 that s to bo at once extended to reman. from Pearl Cty to Kahuku to con Ho wll havo chargo of tho orcc nect Honolulu wth tho headquartors Hon at Kahuku of tho wreless sta offce n Honolulu. Hon nnd plant ho wll reman Upon tho completon of tho bg hero to operato tho system, expect plant.t Kahuku, a plant wll ho erectng to mako of theso sls tho ed near HHo, so that thoro wll bo worlds greatest wreless center. absolutely no dffculty, mountans or Orders wll go forward on tho next no mountans, n gettng messages to steamshp to tho Coast for tho mate or recevng messages from steam ral nnd mnchlnory for tho aeral sur shps or other vessels equpped wth faco plant at Kahuku, nnd today wreless n any drecton. A grown here wanted more, so for tnat reason was stoppng over Hero AFTEROUR: on hs way around the world. He was on hs way to Japan was n company wth nnother tobacco man, whom dd not meet "n speakng of the local tobacco Mr. Merrlam told mo that he had expermented wth t that ho was vory much pleased wth ts qualty. n fact lo CGAR had found MANUFACTURER t so good that he OF NEW was stoppng over hero wth tho dea YORK STAYED HERE.FOR A of makng arrangements to purchase a WEEK NQURNG. largo quantty for uso n hs factores. What ths would amount to can bo seen from tho fact that hs weekly pay roll amounts to about J He would bo wllng to take about 0,000 bales per year, provded that t could bo shpped so that t would reach New Among tho recent stopover passengers on tholr way to tho Orent wn3 Mr. John W. Merrlam, a promnent cgar manufacturer of Now York, who stayed over hero for a week for tho specal purpose of fndng out whcthe ho could obtnln a largo quantty of Hawaan grown tobacco for uso n hs factores. Whllo hero ho saw a gooa deal of Jarcd G. Smth, tho drector of tho Federal Experment Staton, told hm what h6 thought of tho natlvo product. n speakng of ths yesterday Mr. Smth sad: "Mr. "MorrJam appeared to bo vory much pleased wth tho tobacco whch has beon produced on theso sls. Ho told mo that ho bad receved number of samples of tho tobacco m KHW0 Q. The masts spars for the & 8 Hawa arrved thlb mornng on & tho Nebraskan, wll prob A ably bo stepped on Monday. & Tho work of steppng tho masts 8 soltlng up tho rggng wll a 8 probably not take moro than n 0 couplo of days, anc Uy tho ond 8 of tho week Uo Hawa should bo ready tor her tral spn. 0. ft fll Ha MAKNG POWDER Absolutely Pure Tho onx bakng powdor mado wlt Royal Grapo Groom of Tapln No Alum, No Lme Phosphate York n good condton. "n regard to tho condton ot tho tobacco whch ho bad already receved ab samples, ho sad that somo of t was vory good that somo of t was spoled. n ths regard, however, he sad that ho felt that ths trouble could bo easly overcome wth a few lessons whch would Ub ganed from experence. Tho tobacco whch he lked m much was grown n the Hamakua dstrct ho seemed to consder t aa rankng very hgh. "Mr. Merrlam has gone on to Japan. Ho wll not return by way of Hawa but wll contnue through Asa Europe wth the other members of tho pnrty wth whom he s travelng." Thero NECKWEAR. SALE. s a specal salo of Easter neckwear on at Sachs ths week. orythng s gong at to 2 dscount. Ev New jssngl Tjanery cles aro nourshng delghtful. Try them. p Fne Job Prntng, 8tar Offce. Bansters NEW CORNELL OXFORD Mado of Patent Colt or Vce lcd, ovor tho Cornell last. t s especally roomy n tho tread, although bult wth a ponted swng too, whch gves a graceful appearance. Thoro s NO SLPPNG at tho hool or ULGNO at tho sdes, bo common, n somo makes of shoes. A man wearng a lanlslor Shoo has that feelng of beng correct )y shod. F Company Lmted. 05 Fort St., P. O. 4G9 Phone 2S2.

2 ft " f M" mmm Staflmshn Gnmnanv OUDDMP MT PrMPr r r gnu my m LLLULUL Alameda Schedule AUUVH HONOLULU.KAVH HONOLULU. B. H A.AMKDA Ant. 7. X A LAMBDA APR. Jt R 8. ALAMKtM MAY ALAMHDA MAY 3 W. 8. ALAMHDA MAY A LAMBDA JUNK 3 8. a ALAMHDA JUNK ALAMHDA JUNK 2 n connecton wth tne sallltt ot the above steamers, the Agonta arc rtprtd to bu8 to ntendng pnsso ngers coupon through tckets by any ralroad from San Francsco to all ponts n tho Unted Statea, from tfw York by steamshp lno to all European Forts. TOR ruuher PARTCULARS, APPLY TO W. G. rwn & Co., Ltd AQENT8 FOR THE OCEANC CO. CanadanAustral an Royal Mal Steamshp Co Steamers ot the above lne runnng n connecton wth the CANADANPACF C RALWAY COMPANY between Vancouver, D. C, Sydney, N. B. W., callng at Vctora, B. 0., Honolulu nnd Brsbane, Q. DUB AT HONOLULU ON OR ABOUT THE DATES BELOW STATED, VZ: FOR AUSTRALA. FOR VANCOUVER. MARAMA MAY 2 AORANG APR. 29 AORANQ MAY 30 MANUKA..MAY 27 MANUKA JUNE 27 MARAMA JUNE 24 MARAMA JULY 25 AORANG JULY 2 AORANG AUG. 22 MO AN A AUG. 9 CALLNG AT 8UVA, FJ, ON BOTH UP AND DOWN VOYAQE8. Theo. H Daes & Co., Ltd., Gen,l Aqen t Amercan Hawaan Steamshp Company FROM NEW YORKT HONOLULU. Weekly Salngs va Tehuantepec. yrelght receved at all tmes at tho Companys wharf, 4st Street, South Brooklyn. FROM HONOLULU TO SAN FRAN CSCO. 3. S. NEBR ASKAN..TO SAL APR. 8 d. NEVADAN TO SAL MAY 2 FROM 2 AN FRAN. TO HONOLULU S. S. NEVADAN.. TO SAL APRL 7 &S. NEBRASKAN...TO SAL MAY Freght receved at Companys wharf Greenwch Street. FROM SEATTLE AND TACOMA TO HONOLULU. S. S. MEXCAN.. TO SAL APRL 5 S. S. ALASKAN TO SAL APR. 2 H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD., Agents, Honolulu. C. P. MORSE, General Freght Agent, latson NAVGATON COMPANY The S. S. "HLONAN" of ths lne, carryng passengers freght, wll run n a drect servce between ths port San Francsco, salng arrvng on or about the followng dates: lave 8. F. Arrve Honolulu. Leave Honolulu. APR. 8 APR. 5 APR. H MAY 6 MAY 3 MAY 9 JUNE 3 JUNE 0 JUNE 6 PASSENGER RATES TO SAN FRANCSCO: FRST CABN, J ROUND TRP, FRST CLASS, $0.00. For Further Partculars, Apply To Castle & Gooke Lmted, Agents Pacfc Mal Steamshp Co. Occdental & Orental S. S. Co. Toyo Ksen Kasha S. S. Co. (Drecton, 23 years; velocty, 3 years.) Tho prevalng wnds are from tho NE, (8759 4, 9057.) Steamers of the above companes wll call at Honolulu leave ths Tho average hourly velocty of the pc t on or about the dates mentoned below: wnd s 9.4 mles (9057.) The hghest velocty of the wnd was pfor THE ORENT. FOR SAN FRANCSCO. 36 mles from two NE., on the 3d, 905, ASA APRL 4 HONGKONG MARU APRL 0 (9057.) MONGOLA APRL 20 KOREA APRL 24 Staton: Honolulu, T. H. HONGKONG MARU MAY 2 AMERCA MARU MAY 2 Date of ssue: March 3, 908. KOREA MAY 6 SBERA. MAY. 9 9 oclock averages from records of AMERCA MARU MAY 2C CHNA MAY C Terrtoral Meteorologst; S oclock averages from Weather Bureau records. SBERA JUNE MANCHURA MAY 23 CHNA JUNE 8 NPPON MARU MAY 30 WM. B. STOCKMAN, MANCHURA JU"NE 5 ASA JUNE C Secton Drector, Weather Bureau. m. FOR FURTHER NFORMATON APPLY TO H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD. OnonPacfc ransfer Co., Ltd Baggage Storage FURNTURE AND PANO MOVNG. STAR Prntng :Off ce Shppng Wood Packng Coal For years the Stars prntng offce has been a busy place. We have ganed a reputaton for dong good work at far prces delverng the job when promsed. Few prntng offces can make a smlar clam. Wth addton to our plant we are n a better condton than ever to hle commercal prntng. Our three Lnotypes are at your servce for book bref work. f you are not a Star customer, send us a tral order; you wll be pleased wth the result McCless Star Prntng Offce Buldng. 58 Telephone 365 (For addtonal later shppng e pages 4, 6 or 8.) THKS, hun AM MOON. Last Quarter ot tho Moon March 26th. 5) A. M. ft. tk M.a. M.. M.l ltlsen 30 SlX.8 3.0H Sffl 9:00S:2&6l5l :5:W 3 3:0.5 3 j SS8 0&4 5:5 fl:lft! S:53. M. A.M. 4:8.5 MA lftofl 0:3;A:M0:Aetn 2 4:5T..0 4:30 0:3. :22 5:lf)e:loj 8:CC 3 5:0 l.t 5: U9 0: 9:M A. M. L 6:T,7 S:3t :23 0:7 8!8.6:7 0:00 5 7!8.0 0:07 :8 l:j8:l7;6;7 :08 U. S. Coast Geodetc Survey ta bltfl. The tdes at Kahulul Hllo occur about one hour earler than at Honolulu. Honolulu stard tme ; 0 hours 30 mnutes slower than Greenwch tme, beng that of the merdan of 57 degrees 30 mnutes. The tme Tmes ot the tde are taken from the whstle blows at :30 p. m. whch s the same as Greenwch, 0 hours, 0 mln utes. The Sun Moon are for locaj tme for the whole group. U S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRCUL TURE, WEATHER BUREAU. The followng data, coverng a perod of 33 years, have been compled from tho McKlbbln Weather Bureau re cords at Honolulu. T. H. They are s sued to show the condtons that havo prevaled, durng the month n queston, for tho abovo perod of years, but must not be construed as a forecast of tho weather condtons for the comng month. Month, Aprl for 33 years. TEMPERATURE. (8 years S ) Mean or normal temperature, 73 dej;. The warmest month was that of 893, wth an average of 75 deg. Tho coldest month was that of S9S, wth an average of 7 deg. Tho hghest temperature was 80 deg. on tho 25th. &D3. Tho lowest temperature jyas 59 day. on tho 2st PRECPTATON. (ran 2 years, , 9057.) Average for the month, 2.33 nches. Average number of days wth.0 o an nch or more, 3. Tho greatest monthly precptaton was 7.95 nches n Tho least monthly precptaton was 0.8 nch n 90G. Tho greatest amount of precptaton recorded n any 24 consecutve hout3 was 3.30 nches on the 30th, 885. RELATVE HUMDTY. Average 9 a. m., 68 per cent; average 9 p. m., 74 per cent ( ). Average 8 a. m. 65 per cent; average 8 p. m., 69 per cent (9057.) CLOUDS AND WEATHER (8 years, 7) Average number of clear days, ; partly cloudy days, 4; cloudy days, 5. WND. Shppn g n Port Tll HAWAAN BTAt, 8ATURDAY, APRL, 908. From Vctora, Maranm, May 2. U. 8. A. TRANSPORTS. Thomas left Hon. for Manla Mar, Logan at San ran. Uufbrd n port. Shormnn left S. F., Aprl 6. Dlx n yort. Sherdan rcnalrlnn at Mnro sl.. Warren at Manla. Crook loft Guam for Manla, Mar. 3, DEARl NG. Frday. Aprl 0. U. S. A. transport Buford, for San FranclBCO, 5 p.. m. S. S. Claudlno, Bennett, for Hawa Maul ports, C p. m. PASSENGERS ARRVED. Per S. S. Mauna Kea, Aprl, from Hllo way ports A. J. Wall, J. A. Dewar, Mrs. D. Whtney, Mrs. Geo. Owens, J. J. McLaughln, Mrs. J. J. McLaughln,. Holt, Mlsa M. G. Kmball, Rov. S. L. Desha, C. E. Wrght, G. H. Mayer, W. L. Stanley, Dr. C. L. Stow, W. Wlder. E. E. Rchards, Mss Freeman, Mrs. A. C. Freeman, K. Takcta, Mrs. Y. Eguchl, Mrs. T. Susumag Master Susumaga, T. A. Kng, A. G. Wllamson, M. Campbell, W. J. Dyer, Master Curts, Mrs. A. G. Curts, Mss E. Rouse, C. Woltcrs, A. M. Cabrlnha, Mss M. Brodrlck, Mrs. E. C. Brodrlck nfant. F. N. Booth, Mrs. F. N. Booth, T. C. Davcs, C. Holstel Ah Cheo, Mrs. T. S. Kay,. L. Mrs. H. L. Holsten, D. B. W. A. Wall, W. P. Bluett, A. Mason, T. W. Grelg, D. L. Kaalkuol Frank D. Wrght, Geo. Tulloch,. vh. Ronton, R. P. Robnson, Mss M. Allens. Mrs. Buffet, G. M. Kuhu, S. W. Nawahl, G.. Akau, C. Hamso y. W. T. Robnson, W. Ewallko, J. Emmerslay, G. H. Cramer, T. T. Meyer,. P. Baldwn, W. F. Wlson, A. Betts, A. G. McLeod, A. Gomes, W. Koanu, A. B. Murdoch, E. S. Barny, W. E. Bal, Mrs. W. E. Bal, Mss, E. Bal, Jno. Vasconcollos, Rev. Jno. Nua Rev. Jno.Kaln o, M.. Renter, S. M. Kanakanul, S. ). Fujyama, Geo. H. Dunn, Mrs. A. Fretas nfant, Mrs E. Cockett, Mss A. Cockett, G. H. Brown, L. Barkhausen, R. M. senber Mss. G. MacDonald, Mss A. Gbb, E. Waaholo. Mrs. Walaholo nfant, C. R. Lndsey. PASSENGERS DEPARTED. Per S. S. Claudlno. for Hllo.Maul ports. Aprl 0: C. C. CampDcll, F. T. P. Waterhouse, Mss Hadley, H. Hanna, W. K. Esplnda, Lucy Kaukau, Mrs. George Malnn, Mss K. Ennesley, Mrs. Sackvtz, G. Horton, G.. W. Carr, T. Ad, A. Kla,. M. Glttel, Mrs. Rose Kakaula, Mrs. L. Kekouelan, F. Hepburn, N. Thurson, Mss Alce Hendry, Mrs. H. W. Hendry, M. S. Jardn.C. R. Dement, Young Kat Hlng wfe, J. P. Kapha, Chung Chung, Hop Hlng. Per U. S. A. T. Buford, for San Francsco, Aprl 0 A. P. Taylor, T. H. Flmer, Mrs. Klmer. Booked. Per S. S. Hlonlan, Aprl 2, for ban Francsco: Ars. Cant. Saunders, Mss Saunders, Mrs. Carre Jacobs Bond, Mrs. P. M. Wlchham, S. Smth. Mr. Mrs. T. S. Kay, Mr. Mrs. J. G. Woolley, Mrs. C. Carlton two chldren, Mrs Owen daughter, Mr. Mrs. E. O. Hall, Mrs. A. F. Cooke Mrs. Helen A. Weaver. Mrs. C. Mu rasky, Mrs. R. S. Norrs chld, Mra C. M. Lews, Mrs. F. B. Angus, Capt C. Averdam, Mrs. W. C. McGonagle. Mr. Mrs. Ekle, O. C. Jones, Eugene Neff, Mrs. Grace Boardman, Mrs. C. R. Reger son, Mrs. Mathlldo Cal houn, Mss M. A. Peck, Mr. Mrs. G. S. Bgelow chld, H. C. Smalley, Mrs. A. Suehlve chld, Alexer amalley, Mss Ada Adrock, W. C. Lyon, Mss Barney, Mr. Mrs. A. T. Brock chld, Mr. Mrs. O. Schwerdt Heger three chldren, Malcolm Mc : : PEARLS AND PEBBLES (Army Navy.) U. S. S. roquos, Carter, Mdway, March 27. U. S. A. transport Dlx, Ankers, Nagasak, Aprl 7. lowng freght from Hawa havng arrved there last Thurs S. S. Mauna Kea brought the fol Schooner.C.Wrght s at Mahukon a, (fetearnsnps). Maul ths mornng: 2 boxes pgs, 3 day from San Francsco. A. S. S. Arzonan, Tapley, Seattle, Aprl 7. boxes chckens, 5 empty acd carboys, G empty wne barrels, 8 bales Kea reports the followng sugar Purser Phllps of the S. S. Mauna A. S. S. Nebraskan, awa, 2 San Francs horscs 2 cords wood, 22 awatng shpment on Hawa: Olaa, empty co, Aprl kegs, 33. barrels ompty bottles, 20,980; Walakea, 3,000; Hawa Mll. 3G bags of (Samng bones, 237 peces of koa 4,500; 3,00 0; vessels). Walnaku, 6,000; Onomca, lumber, 255 ohla Am. bk. Amy tes 7 packages sundres. Pepeekeo, 2,000; Turner, Warl, S. F. Honomu, 9,800; March Hakalau, 20,500; Laupahoehoo,,400; 22. S. S. Mauna Kea, Captan Freeman, Ookala, 0,500; Kukalau, 3,500; llamakua, Am. sc. Andy Mahony, Grays Harbor, March 29. from Hllo way ports wth a largo 0,000; Kukulhaole, 2,900; Punaluu, arrved at 7:30 oclock ths mornng 8,600; Paauhau, 7,000; Honokna, Am. sp. John Ena, Madsen, Norfolk, number of cabn passengers, nnetytw o 2,000; Honuapo, 7,95. Aprl 2. mscellaneous freght. Sho experenced rather a rough outward may havo mot tho Amorlcan steam MANLA, March C. Destructon Am. bkt. Coronado, Potter, S. F., Aprl. trp nnd bosterous "weathor on tho shp Mlncola, wth dstngushed passengers ncludng tho daughter of return, though tho Mauna Kea passengers dd not havo tho opportunty Lord Charles Beresford, ndmlrallncho f to feel t as they mght havo had of tho BrtBh channel fleet. But thoy been on anothor boat, for tho for an unexpected recall of hs leavo The Mals new vessel s a splenddly behaved of absence, Admral Beresford hmself would havo been a passenger, as craft n a wnd water mxup. A.H,. S. S. Columban s expected ho had planned to make tho trp. to leave Hllo tonght or tomorrow Colonel Robort T. Thompson holds OUTGONG. for Sallna Cruz wth sugar. tho charter for the Mneola, whch left Now For Yokohama, Asa, Aprl 4. Bark York St. November 9, Katherlno arrved at Hllo entered tho Suez on For San Francsco, Nebraskan, Wednesday, Canal December 7, Ap cloven days from San reached Colombo January 8. rl 8. Francsco. She was loaded wth 8,000 tons of coal for tho For Vctora, Aorangl, Aprl 29, Schooner Borealls nrrlved at Hllo navy department at Cavlto. Slnco For Colones, Marama, May 2. on Tuesday last, 23 days from tho reachng Colombo nothng has been NCOMNG. Sound. heard of her. Schooner W., Marston s expected to sal on Tuesday next from Hllo, t s probablo From Can Fran., Asa, Aprl that tho vessel la 4. From Colones, Aorangl, Aprl 29. for San Francsco wth sugar. (Contnued on Pago Fve.) JSJSJBJSJSJBJSJSaCMWSSSJBJBSSSSJBSSSJBJ: 0 ll MBffl STWAMKRS TO ARRVE. Date. Nnuf. From. Aprl 0 Hongkong Maru... Yokohama Nobrasknn San Francsco 4 Asa San Francsco 5 Hlonlan... San Francsco 7 Alameda...San Francsco 20 Mongola San Francsco 24 Korea Yokohama 25 Novadan San Francsco 29 Aorangl Colones May 2 Hongkong Maru..S. Francsco 2 Amerha Maru Yokohama 2 Marama Vctora 8 Alameda San Francsco 9 Sbera Yokonama 9 Nebraskan San Francsco 3 Hlonlan San Francsco 5 Korea San Francsco 6 Chna Yokohama 23 Novadan San Francsco 23 Manchura Yokohama 26 Amerca Maru.. San Francs :o 27 Manuka Colones 29 Alameda San Francsco 30 Nppon Maru Yokohama 30 Aorangl Vctora June Sbera San Francsco 6 Nebraskan San Francsco C Asa okohama 8 Chna San Francsco 0 Hlonlan San Francsco 3 Mongola Yokohama 5 Manchura San Francsco 9 Alameda San Francsco 20 Nevadan.San Francsco 23 Nppon Maru... San Francsco 23 Hongkong Maru... Yokohama 24 Marama Coloncs 27 Manuka Vctora 30 Asa San Francsco STEAMERS TO DEPART. Date. Name. For. 0 Hongkong Maru..S Francsco 4 Asa Yokohama 8 Nebraskan San Francsco 20 Mongola Yokohama 2 Hlonlan San Francsco 23 Manchura San Francsco 22 Alameda San Francsco 24 Korea San Francsco 29 Aorangl Vctora May 2 Hongkong Maru. okohama Aprl 2 Amerca Maru..San Francsco 2 Marama Coloncs 2 Nevadan San Francsco 9 Sbera San Francsco 3 Alameda San Francsco 5 Korea Yokohama 6 Nebraskan San Francsco G Chna San Francsco 9 Hlonlan San Francsco 26 Amerca Maru Yokohama 27 Manuka Vctora 30 Novadan San FranclSvO 30 Nppon Maru... San Francsco 30 Aorangl Colones June Sbera Yokonama 3 Alameda.. San Francsco 6 Asa San Francsco Yokohama U. S. A. Transports wrt ave for San Francsco Manla, wll arrro from same ports at rregular ntervals. ntyro, J. Young, James McCless, Mr. Mrs. J. A. McCless, Mls3 Madge McCless, Mrs. Brewster Cameron. Latest Shppng News of Honolulu And Other Water Fronts! A AN Mn Mnac Boretana Street near Aala Street. MANUFACTURERS OP (HO UD0H MACARON BUCKWHEAT (Ml ) o The largest only ncorporated concern ts knd n Honolulu. A new enterprse launched by enterprsng merchants. Tel H SALES AGENT. Hotel St. near Nuuanu. 0 m n To ATTRACT THE JAPANESE TRADE advertse n THE DALY NPPU JJ, the most popular wdely crculated evenng paper among the Japanese colony. JOB PRNTNG A SPECALTY wth ether language of Japanese, ChU nese, Korean or Englsh. Phono Man 48. AW The Nppu Jj Co, Y. SOGA, Manager. Hotbl Leflln fred one or twce agan, one of HE SHOT ft tho shots NEGRO strkng Lumby n the head abovo tho ear. Lumbys skull wa3 fractured, as found when ho had been Congressman Thos. J. Hefllnof Alabama, n a desperate affray tho nght Heflln was taken nto custody but was taken to an emergency hosptal. Mr. of March 27 n Washngton, shot not locked up, fnally beng released Thomas Lumby, a negro, n the head on?5000 bal., unntentonally, put a bullet n the leg of Thomas McCreary, a New York horse traner. Heflln was on hs way n a car to delver a temperanco B. PRATT lecture at a Methodst church. Lumby was takng a drnk from a whsky bottle, when Heflln remonstrated wth hm, sayng ladles were on the car t was aganst the law to drnk n a LL SPEAK publc place. Another negro tred to take tho bottle away from Lumby but The Young Mens Cabnet of Central faled. Lumby became offended at Her.ll appled n Unon church has planned a servce or vle epthets to hm. unusual attractveness for tomorrow, As the car reached Sxth street evenng. Brg.Ge n. R. H. Pratt s to l Pennsylvana avenue Heflln anl.nm. speak on hs ndan experences. A 8 Chna "Yokohama by were encased n a desderatn struc noted fghter n the Cvl War, survvor of more than one fght wth tho 3 Nebraskan San Francsco ge, whch ended n Hefllns throwng d Mongola ban rrancsco the negro to the ground. Lumby arose ndans, then tho most successful educator of that people 5 Manchura Yokohama becan curalnr T.pfHn nn. mnrn n farfam ed at Carlsle whose football vctores are 6 Hlonlan San Francsco moton for hs hp pocket as f to draw 23 Nppon Maru Yokohama a pstol, whereupon Mr. Heflfn fred at known to all athletes, personal frend 23 Hongkong Maru.. S. Francsco hm through tho car wndow, mssng of General Armstrong. Gen. Pratt s 2 Alameda ban Francsco the negro httng Mr. McCreary, also a speaker who knows how to mar 24 Marama Vctora who wth hs wfe most of the oth shal facts, cold wtty. Honolu 27 Manuka Colones or passengers had hastly alghted. Mr. lans are anxous to hear hm. COWSULTflTOOF PASO ROBLES, Aprl. A consul cal men tatlon wll be hold today by the medl Evans. P. O. Box 80 t Ltd., ft, Street near Nuuanu. DOCTORS m attendance on Admral

3 Easter Easter!! Our full lne of Cards Novoltlw tor Easter nro now open for nspecton. Ttao largest dsplay wo havo ever had. sl ordcre punctually attonaed to. Wall, Nchols Co., Republc Buldng. W. G. RWN & Co. AGENTS FOl THE nnl nsurances Co. of Lverpool, Eng. Scottsh Unon & Natonal ns. Co., of Edlngburg, Scotl. MadEcburg General T n ; Tnanrnnr.a ComDany. Commercal Unon Assurance Co. of London. Y. WO SNG CO. GROCERES, FRUT8, VEGETABLES, ETC Calforna Butter, 40c lb; CooWn Butter, 30c. lb.; sl Butter, d&c d rg8 8 Nuuanu Street. m..n.nn Mnln 238. BOX 952. Oatton, Nell & Co. LMTED vachlnlsts. Blacksmth nna TnlnrmBkers. Vral clas work at reasonable rates, TTTMrM.tMllllUg ro Mm Fre ns. OF HARTFORD. Co. PAD DOLL R FOR DOLLAR SAN FRANCSCO Castle & Cooke, Ltd. Are tho Agenta for thla Com pany n Hawa. (Conflagraton Proof Polces), RNG UP EXCHANGE 23. mmedate attenton gven to Phone Ord rs. TTT. rrrttttttxxxxx ll n WS LD. J. P. COOKE, Manager. OFFCERS DHtECTORS. H. P. Baldwn Presdent VcePresde nt J B. Castle st VcePresde nt W M. Alexer.. 2nd p VcePresde nt Cooke 3rd j Waterhouso Treasurer B. B. Paxton Secretary W. O. Smth, Drector G. R. Carter Drector W. R. Castle Drector SUGAR FACTORS AND COllSSON MERCHANTS AGENTS FOR Hawaan Commerlcal & Sugar Com pany. Haku Sugar Company. Pala Plantaton. Maul Agrcultural Company. Klhel Plantaton Company. Hawaan Sugar Company. Kahuku Plantaton Company. Knhulul Ralroad Company. Haleakala Ranch Company. Honolua Ranch. M nm Honolulu, T. H. SHPPNG AND COMMSSON MER CHANT8. SUGAR FACTORS GENERAL N SURANCE AGENT8. representng Ewa Plantaton Co. Walalua Agrcultural Co., Ltd. Kohala Sugar Co. Walmea Sugar Mll Co. Apokaa Sugar Co., Ltd. t Fulton ron Works of St. Lous. Blake Steam Pumps. Westons Centrfugals.. Babcock & Wlcox Bolers. Greens Fuel Economzer. Marsh Steam Pumps. MatBon Navgaton Co. Planters Lne Shppng Co. New Engl Mutual Lfe nsur anco Company ot Boston. Aetna nsuranceco. Natonal Fre nsurance Co, Ctzens nsurance Co, (Hartford Fre nsurance Co.) Protector Underwrters or tlo Phoenx of Hartford. M. OHTA, JAPANESE CONTRACTOR AND CARPENTER. HouBe No. 762 Sherdan St Telephone Wht COL XOWN TALK By TUB MAN ABOUT TOWN. ho Stnr durng the wwk contaned practce. Certanly the many Jmmnew Kaalp over ottr slly lttle world. hnt odltorlnlly whch t seems to here are enttled to dolors ot ther Lke Walt Whtman, scratch my mo offors an explanaton ot tho poll own race, speakng ther own language. head yawn whstle do a ty tloal weaknom of the Cvc Federaton For eomo reason or other, pomluly hornppe cry alond that love all ns such. t Hoe n the tendency cause of the dmctlty of obtanng thnt lves hate nothng, take of those who control t to nsstmo tne proper condtons for oxnmlnatlons n the mornng paper rght of forcng on the publc proposl Jnpanese, ths s donled under tho read sad thngs gtad thngs, knd puffs Hons to whch a groat majorty tre present mloe ot oxnmlnatlons. The unknd mosed. on eroundb usually of lofty regulatons are not mntle by lresmen whch sde the bread superorty n mornl Judgment. Take llnkham, hut by a board ot moucn tho recent matter of onforcoment f oxamlners apponted by the governor, toast burned, t s all good. Ths man s a lar nnu lts cnap s a propne cortaln lawn more strctly than thoy " brother havo been htherto put nto offect. Tho Tho hnpptost crowd j. that have over (u a uvu, twt lampoons say, no matter day. te n the afternoon a bellboy buttered or the went to hs room n response to a call. "m very would lke to see a doctor, sau unannon. ne w ond tother fellows a fool gaspng was very pale. llhtlllnll Dr. Samuel Means found Cnannon hgh mnded gentlemon who hold the gc0u my Uf0 was at the Orpheun on gon0 alorg j,(lt n g nn g00j( t nn from what appeared to be 9 Htfforlng opnon that some acton was calloa Thursday ngnt, to bd farewell to tle the effects of an overdone of some drug, for, took the mnttor llrst to gr Llllputlnna. The crowd there always Jures, as was ther rght. But when jg g00( natured, but the chldren were tho gr Jurors after careful lnvebtl 0 hnppy, as tho llowers, boxes ot caton voted unanmously that tle cy other prosonts came up, that matter ought to bo lott alone, the ngl the wave ot Joy sproou over the house tators smply started a new agtaton. me n gnn Francsco fog rushng up Of course t s easy to say that n a Market street. t s safe to say mat battle for the rlgnt one should never u0 chldren wll hardly enjoy ns good gve up. etc., no ono s gong to a tme n any of tho manl ctes openly argue that law should not bo as they havo hero wll look for onforced. But anyono who wants to wra to Honolulu as one of the blessed dscuss the matter wth represontn S,0ts ot tho earth. tlvo ctzens may Boon learn that thoro of course everyone has a favorte nnd s n some of tle most respecauo uave nunc, but tlero was just ono quarters a sense of profound resent trouble, not that she was too young but mont over the agtaton. Tlero are that am too old. f sud mat snc men of the hghest ablty personal was t0o young would not do her Jus honor purty of character, who tlce, for sho was too near perfecton. thnk that a small party of men, not she s lttle vy Pollard, who was car moro than three or four when you get menclta n tho Runaway Grl, Mlo ban down to tho real leaders ot tho move promenjn the Gesha, who took other t. has done Honolulu a great n mlnent parts. f was only her age Jury, by clamng the rght to enforce x woua certanly fall n love wth her. ther own vews on a publc omca hut whatb tho use anynowv l m not. aganst publc sentment. Somo do ot all the attractons whch have plorablo developments have already heen seen n Honolulu for years the transpred as a result ot ths latest pollards have made the greatest ht crusade. Ono result of the proposed an, when they come back can tell enforcement, as a frend put t to me, y0uone thng am gong to bo llrst n b lkely to bo gvng Honolulu a re nne an( f j0e Cohen, or whoever s n putatlon n the navy whch may last to the box offce, dont gve me the seats our detrment for years to come. But x want there wll be trouble. No, not what started to call attenton to pkn, but real Amercan trouble, was an explanaton of poltcal weak Those kddes are the very best ever ness n a body manly actuated by wo all wsh them good mck no reform motves whch really comm matter where they are. overwhelmng support n our ctzen shn. How can an organzaton seek Tho scentfc men of Honolulu who for tho votes of the publc when t nterested n natural hstory should clams the rght n secret sesson to tauo a cj,ance after tho reward whch adont measures to have ts own way, belnk offered for an anmal once al anyhow, publc or no publc? t may together too plentful n ths cty, but be rlcht heroc so tortn, out t now verv scarce much needed. s poltcal sucde, as t defeats refer to the )ean gaunt ndvdual who ts own purpose, drves natural Bup, Ponerallv n need of a shave, a port away from reform movements,! mca sometmes of a drnk, called am unable to see that U s rgn. a newspaperman. beleve Judge A. s. S Humphreys, George Davs, J. A. Ma thnk our county sherff has great goon anu George R. Carter declare they ly weakened hmself by hs sudden are not anmals but belong to the turnabou t, at tho behest of somo ot rcptllo class. hs man campagn supporters, n the t Vas onl a short tme ago when matter of "enforcng tho law." am tho reporter was a despsed atom on Wth my baby on my arm, opened the Joor, looked up at a tall, gaunt, sadface d man n clothes. He told he consulted Attorney Knney, the face of the earth. No ono desred asked: "s ths George Pckett3 must admt t would bo hard to nnd a hm ad he was easy to llnd gen home?" shrewder advser, but would lke to eray out of a Job. Now t s dfferent. "Wth all the courage dgnty know what laukea asrceu unu xne caue s ueng Kep uot o uu could muster, repled: Yes, am Knney told hm, f ho dd tell hm, to coast wth orders for roporters, drugg o hs wfe ths s hs baby. ahead wth tho farccal "enforce geq; drunk, hcuffed, shanghaed or " ment of law." t seems to mo that au Hny way, as long as they are shpped am Abraham Lncoln. " The Presdent, gasped. ha.t kea took the petton that was present here. Wonder of wonders. Can ths never seen hm, but know the ntense ed to hm over serously. n the llrst ho Honolulu? love reverence wth whch my bo hv a sudden change of tront no V dler always spoke of hm. Tho strang has nractlcally admtted that he has Dont you know, Honolulu enjoys arr er shook hs head repled: nnt before been enforcng tne law. argument, t makes very mue " No; Abraham Lncoln, Georges supposed that he was enforcng tho dfference whether tho exchange ot elo old frend. hw all along to the best o m quenco alleged otherwse, s over "The baby pushed away from mo ablty dscreton, ueany, uvuu tne merts or uemerus o a man u reached out hs hs to Mr. Lncoln, though t gave someone or other a offce, tho attractons or detractons of who took hm n hs arms. As he dll chance to call hm a lar, tnnk tne a theatrcal troupe, the closng or openplnkha m so an expresson of rapt, almost dvne plan of dplomatc offcal Dg of a necessary or unnecessary sec tenderness love lghted up the sad denal was better. tlon of the town, cty beautlucatlon, face. t was a look that have never m promoton, the problems of mmgra seen on any other face. The baby open n these days of temperance sent tlon, labor, educaton, trust funds, ad ed hs mouth wde nssted upon ment t s shockng to dscover that mlralty decsons, Easter hats, the prce gvng hs fathers frend a dewy nfantle kss. As Mr. Lncoln gavo tho the demon rum has got a hold on the 0f eggs, whether or not boxng Bhall water buffalo tho be allowed, the yacht the contrt longbuffer equlne. have always supposed that butlons therefor, Sunday baseball, wa llttlo ono back to me. ho sad: " Tell your father, tho rascal, that tho brute creaton was free from ths jach, Pnkham, Lopez, Thwlng, whether forgve hm for the sake of your brght vce. t s, however, a fact, that the a shp s a bark or a barque s a shp, eyes. rnt cocktal habt has taken hold of the puro food, orphan asylums, poltcs, water buffalo, despte that anmals movng pcture lcenses or how to en prohlbltlon name. f you want to tlnd tertaln lo fleet. out all about t. vst a Chnese rce t s all the Bame, now ever plantaton at about the hours when shall be. There wll be argument ana the curfew tolls the knell of partng arguments shall endure, t s all day the buffalo wends hs weary g0oj for everybody anybody way homeward. You wll observe keeps tho whte corpuscles on the Jump, Mr. Buffalo, t ho s young un dgeston actve, maglnatlpn healthy tanted wth tho dread appette for the people busy. Unuor. has hs mouth pred open by An dea s a cross between an angol one of hs owners, hs tongue s held, a mosquto, Honolulu s full ot ane a huge dose of samshu, or Chnese deas, bomo are nspratons s poured down tne anmals crs bte. Wo receve tho ono as we throat. The samo thng happens to are able to receve t we slap at the horses after a hard day. asked the other as wo would slap at tho ono Chnese why ths was done, persstent lttle wnged pest that keeps ho sad t was good, "make anmals guard near the hole n our mosquto stour" n the hard season. So t ap net to enter when we Bleep devour nears that, no matter how strong ther us drop by drop, temperance prncples may bo, these Wo thrlvo wo greet each other poor anmals havo to suffer takng an n tho mornng wth a hearty salutaonormococktal doso beforo dnner, tlon or wo merely nod by way of truce a cocktal bg enough strong hlo us to our varous workshops onouch to lay out a dozen men. They to ndlto furous epstles aganst ono sav that at frst there s some resst another or contnue to strve for tho men showng of dstaste, ml mat allurng con. wo gut uoru jub uu nffor a whle the older water buffaloes samo, whether wo preach from tho pul como smlng homo look oxpectnnt pt, pound out publc opnon on a ly for the bottlo that when tho typewrter,. chase rats to clean tho tonguoselzln g bublnoss begns they cty or wegh out butter by tho pound, slyly closo ono oyo assumo the Wo nro a happy famly n splto ot expresson ot a member of Congross our llttlo quarrels what wo aro orderng soda wnter nftor lquor had pleased to term quarrols aro nothng been banshed from tho Captol base moro than montal gymnastcs, oxercs ment. Auwe! ng brans, those of us who havo any, s stretchng our souls to bco f thoy are Under propor condtons, the Japa nllvo growng, growng, growng, neso physcans, or other alens, should day by day, nearer to knowledge, who bo allowed to take examnatons n thor wo bo mmedately rght or wrong, ther own languego, for lcenses to awnko wth tho dawn feel llko rtawafrtft rtar, MTBHttAT. amwl M. tllft Wall Whtman mnt earn motnlng have fell when he Would mm out nt nl lttle nghtly trp to rtramlenrt ann salute the wnrh. take off hl hat t th unverse, aspre to reach hu klnx hp ann after slumberng all nlam wth the moon for hs pllow dreamlns; that tt start ware ktasea dropped angl as they htvflward tank fltarht ro meat brood vnegar seasonng nnd goes to make the puddng whoreot we must oat to be saved. Wow! t s good to be alve count the actors on the stage crtcze realse Hnt wthout tho vllan the herone would look lke a nxlegren se smudge of on a staned glabs wndow. Me for tho great comprehensble the altogether ncom prehensble, but h me human nature wthout salt nnd wthout savor, prthee, wll llnd theren a Balzac arm a Shakospearo a Bble of entertanment, enlghtenment nspraton, enough to feast my soul forever. n our lttle sl world we see all thngs more clenrly than we would wth a great compettve sphere around us, therefore s t good to be where wo are, closo to the footlghts. Play on, ll chow peanuts glvo ye all a h as the sprt moves. Agan, wow! LOVE FOR LNCOLN. The followng anecdote s quoted from Mrs. Pcketts sketch of General Pckett called "My Solder," n Mc Clures: " was n Rchmond when my boldor fought tho awful battlo ot Fvo Forks, Rchmond surrendered, the surgng sea of flro swept the cty. News ot the fato of Fvo Forks had reached us, the cty was full ot rumors that General Pckett was klled. dd not beleve them. know he would cone back; he had told me so. But they were very anxous hours. Tho day aft er the Are, there was a sharp rap at tho door. The servants had al run away. Tho cty was full of Yankees, my envronment had not taught me to love them. Tho fato of other ctes had awakjened my fears for Rchmond. Fne Job Prntng, Star Offce. ftlltm MM BANK MALTlAKf CASHER MYSTEROUS DES BAN FHANCWO March 3" Joseph W. Phannon. rahl r " ho Northwestern Natonal Bank of Phladelpha, ded under Hoaterlou clrcumstamoaa at the Jltewart Hotel, tjeary street, near Powell, last evenng. From pera ana other effects of the yesterday mornng, kept to t rwwn to whch he was assgned all He admnstered an antdote worked over hm an nour, but Chnn non ded. Dr. Means reported to the Coroners offce that n hs opnon Chnnnou had ded from morphne po sonng. A chest of drugs was found n Chnunons room. Chnnnou arrved at the hotel early dead man examned at the morgue t appeared that OJannon had come to Calforna for hs health about a month ago had been stoppng at Los Angeles untl arrvng here yesterday. A ralroad tcket for uoblo showed that t was hs ntenton to go to Colo, rado tomorrow. n tho back ot a watch carred by Chnnnou was the followng nscrp ton: MY CREED. would be true, for there are those who trust me; would be pure, for there aro those who care Y wm)4 to MW, fnt ttote ta to trator: wrnm to toeo, fnt ttote MTWHll dare nt he frtmtf of art te! th frtfmmltlnn, would be glrtftg ft4 lnm the grt; would to h amble tor Mww My would look np lauga. ftttl lft. Fne Jeb Prlntlnn, Star Offlee. Hz. Kont; l&fc MERCHANT TALOR. Hotel ot. near nuuanu. Fashonable Sultt at Rates a Specalty, r Rates very reasonable, call. Reasonable Gve PAPER All knds WRAPPNG PAPBns TWNES, PRNTNG WRTNG PAPERS. AMERCANHAWAA PAPER & SUPPLY CO., LTD. GEO. Q. GULD, General Manager. Fort Queen Streets. Honolulu. PHONE UU, l d BO, LB CHNESE NEWBPAPKB JOB PUBLSHNG AND PRNTNG. ue No. 49 Cor. ot Bmltn Hotel Bta toddarddayton ONE FNE TOURNG CAR, TWO, BEAUTFUL RUNABOUTS. And another Runabout Tourng Car that arc on the way, arc already spoken for. Come place your orders early. The von Ham m Young Co., Ltd AGENTS. Mlk Bottles vs, Sealed Cans Are you suro that tho bottles your mlkman brngs you havo been properly washed that dsease sourng germs havo been excluded? f you want to bo postve that your mlk s scentfcally safe pure, buy Carnaton Mlk (STERLZED, UNSWEETENED). You get t n artg ht cans all forms of bactera havo been de stroyed none can possbly get n t whle the cans reman on tho shelves. Carnaton Mlk s a rch butterfat product of tho mlk of cows. Your grocer sells t. YOUD NEVER GO BACK TO THE OLD WAY, F YOU ONCE USED CARNATON MLK N COOKNG VEGETABLES. Henry May & Co., Ltd 7j v ft LOS AMjELES DA LY TO TY ts truly A PALATALTRAN PA W mm) TED HCAGO LAR PEOPLE Your next trp to Chcago or East wll be much more enjoyable f you go through Los Angeles, jf.. T... rft v. t J tlencc on tns superb umucu mroug aau l.ukc uy( ana umana. Only 3 days Los Angeles to Chcago wth beautful scenery to vew. Just remember to Ask For Tckets va Salt Lake Route Mm. 850 pe jnn SX BEDe Hl ret PUNAHQU Electrc Lghts h la HOUSE DSTRCT Artealan Water. 924 BETHEL ST. ALL Fort street t Atlas Assurance London Agency Provdence surance Tl t t Mftln UL n The B. ft Dllngham Co., General Agents for Hawa. Ltd, Fourth Foor, Stangenwald Buldng. NEW CHOP HOUSE. P. John, lata of the Manhattan Lunch Rooms, hab opened a new Chop House on Hotel street near Nuuanu. Flrt class meals served at all noun. HOFFMAN CHOP HOUSE. Unon KNDS Cash Regster Typewrter Mmeograph Globe CARD Werncke SYSTEMS Offce Specally COMPANY Fre nsurance Company New York Underwrters Washngton Company Ralroad Pacfc 8UGOBSTS jjet5cl Comfort Three trans dally, throng ars. frst second class to all ponts. Reduced rates take effect aooa. YTrtU now. Xlll Tel. S. F. Booth GENERAL AGENT. NO. Montgomery StreL SAN FRANCSCO. C, BREWER k CO,. LTD, QUEEN 8TREET, HONOLULU, T. H. of AGENTS FOR, Hawaan Agrcultural Company, Ono mea Sugar Company, Honomu Sugar Company, Walluku Sugar Company, Ookala Sugar Plantaton Company, Pepeckco Sugar Co., Kapapala tanck Charles M. Coolco Presdent Geo. H. Robertson.VPres. & Mgr. E. Faxon Bshop... Tres. & Secy, F. W. Macfarlane Audtor P. C, Jones Drector C.. Cooko Drector J. R. Gat Dlretcor All ot the above named constltuta tho Board of Drectors. l

4 DALY AND SlMlVlKKL Y. PuWHhel evary aftornoon (exctt btmday) by th Hawaan Sr.u NgWSPAlSW AOC.T0K, LlMTtH). SUBSCRPTON RATBS : Uxutl, por annum $8.x Foregn, per annttu J 0 Payable m advance. Entered at Poet Offce at Honolulu, Hawa, as aecond clan mall matter. ftwbeerlbera who" do not get ther papere regularly wll confer a favor ty notfyng the Star Offce; Telephone 365. The Supreme Court of The Terrtory of Hawa haa declared both THE HAWAAN STAR (dally) THE SEM WEEKLY STAR newsaper a of general crculaton throughout the Terrtory of Hawa, "eultable far advertsng proceedngs, orders, judgments decrees entered or rendered n the Courts of the Terrtory of Hawa." Letters to THE HAWAAN 8TAR should not be addressed to any connected wth the offce, but smply to THE HAWAAN STAR, r to the Edtoral or Busness Departments accordng to tenor or purpose. GEORGE F. ENSALL MANAGER SATURDAY APRL n, 90S One. at least, of the trumphs of the great Amercan naval cruse f not the most notable, s that t has gone through the target practce Rcutcrda hl wthout a serous accdent. Ths s a far answer to some of the crtcsms. Necessarly the answer to others of these crtcsms can be provded only by the test of actual conlct, very lkely the vessels wll be retred as obsolete wthout ever Havng any sucn test. prase the people for ther energetc efforts to stamp out all traces of the plague. Ths confrms, the opnon whch the Ctzens Health Commttee has contnually held that the world at large does not care so much whether San Francsco has a few cases of. plague as t does whether they are makng energetc efforts to prevent ts developng nto an epdemc. n ths connecton t mght be remarked that the port of Honolulu has had a very excellent record for a long tme that the federal quarantne offcals have repeatedly shown confdence (f the Japanese Have not) n the admnstraton of the Board of Health. Honolulu had better be careful how she rsks losng any ground n ths matter f she expects the Amercan fleet to vst here allow shore leave for the men. Ths s one of the reasons why the communty so strongly backs Presdent Pnkham. HLO WANTS A START. Hlo s naturally dsturbed over possbltes of long delay n startng the breakwater owng to dsputes over the varous bds on the con tract. That communty certanly has a rght to expect that mmedate progress wll be made, now that the appropraton has been secured after years of fghtng for t. The fears of delay are probably not well founded. t s understood that Captan Otwell has already reported to Washngton on the bds, wth a recommendaton under whch there may be mmedate acton. The Department has the rght to reject all the bds, or to make a contract on new terms wth any of the bdders. The probable outcome wll be such a contract, or authorzaton for Captan Otwell to take up the work hmself. n ether case an early start may be looked for. v TAX LAW AMENDMENT. After encounterng a long perod of apparent ndfference, the Tax Commsson, at ts fnal publc hearng, was favored wth the vews c,f several ctzens who lar! gven the subject of taxaton consderable study. Much crystallzed opnon, from complants that have been common n the communty, was presented to the Commsson. Such questons as the assessment of leaseholds, of real estate generally, of mercantle nterests, of corporaton property, as well as ncome taxaton,, were ntellgently dscussed before the Commssoners. They have been studyng the whole matter, snce ther appontment, on ther own account. f, then, legslaton that wll be a great mprovement 0. the present tax laws s not proposed by the Commsson, the ntaton of reforms of any knd through legslatve commssons may as well be gven up as a falure. Although n some falures of ths knd n the past a certan amount of usefulness of such bodes has been realzed, by way of puttng n permanent form the facts, fgures opnons gathered, for ths beneft alone t s doubtful f all the trouble expense are worth whle. Sometmes t has happened that a commsson has submtted a good measure, or one capable of beng; made such, to the legslature whch has ded n the submsson. t may be taken as ordnarly dffcult to put any mportant bll through the legslature, when ts subject matter ts prncples n the man are new to a majorty of the members. The average legslator, perhaps n partcular the green one, s apt to shy at propostons tlrat take hm by surprse. And the hdebound partsan s lable to look wth suspcon upon anythng outsde the margn of hs party platform. t would be well, therefore, f the Tax Commsson could promptly draw up an outlne of the reforms t proposes to submt to the legslature, so that the man amendments to the law whch t s gong to recommend may be lad before the nomnatng conventons of the approachng campagn. There s not the least doubt that a general convcton, of the need of taxaton reform exsts among the electorate. A prelmnary statement by the Tax Commsson, of the changes t wll THE PERFECT SEGAR LEWS & CO. Ltd. JtMmrfAsor a HONOLULU, H.. DSTRBUTORS FOR &f nar do. Etfc NEW YORK HADANA KSYWE8T WE T P VS ANYTHNG N THE Dry Goods Lne EHLERS WAKAM Ss CO., mporters dealers n JAPANE8E AMERCAN DRY FANCY GOODS. STRAW HAT FACTORY. All knds of FELT PANAMA HATS alwayo on h. fflxttxttttttzxtsrtttxzxxxxxttrtxttxtxxtxxlxxxxxb GHT THUGS N CONGRESS HOBSON HEARD FROM AGAN. (From the Con cressonal Record.) Cantata, or Congressman. Rchmond Pearson lobson s stll wrt mr artcles on hs own predcted war between the Unted States Jap "The Congressonal Record s the greatest dally publshed n the an. The last one s n the Cosmopoltan magazne. He calls attenton to wde, wde world" Congressman Clayton o Alabama. the tremendous power of Japan says "our naton s defenseless" M ntyttyyxxxzxxxxxxsxxxxxxgexxxxrxxxxxrxxgxxrrxrxxn "the most temptng morsel that ever became a menace to natonal rsncharacter or nternatonal peace s dsplayed unprotected before the tr CONGllKSbMAN K3FKR of. Oho: So long as wo successfully hold nowcr of the orent." Ths sounds mpressve, but f Japan ;was Pearl Harbor have n t r. small Meet our Pacflc coast wll be absolutely unduly tempted why ddnt she take the morsel when Amerca was less free from nvason or attack. Wth Pearl Harbor as a naval staton, our fleet n the Tactle may be mnmzed. t wll prove to be wse economy to protected than now, why does she wat whle the Unted States make Pearl Harbor a Gbraltar of strength. Napoleon n hs nvason of Russa march upon Moscow left n fortfed places m hs rear nearly 200,000 completes defenses? ncdentally. Hobson publshes n the Cosmopoltan the "Crossroads of the Pacfc" map, showng Hawas central of hs 00,000 French alled forces, but for ths hs entre army would poston, beneath t he repeats the absurd statement made before have been cut off destroyed n the wlds of Russa. fe by hm, that the Japanese n Hawa "already number mostly traned solders. CONGRESSMAN CLAYTON of Alabama: The tme s rpe for a consderaton of ethcal questons. There s a moral awakenng throughout the OURRECORD GOOD NOW. l, people are learnng that there s somethng more mportant than the makng of money. Busness men, nstead of chasng the almghty dollar untl they fall exhausted nto the grave, are gong to set a lmt to ther As bearng upon an old controversy n connecton wth the lttle accumulatons,, havng secured enough to supply ther needs, gve to socety the beneft of ther busness ablty experence. Ths moral wave outbreaks of plague we have had n past years, the followng from the San Francsco Examner s of nterest: wll not expend tself untl dshonesty has been drven from busness, corrupton from poltcs, njustce from government. The Ctzens Health Commttee s n recept of many clppngs from Eastern newspapers, contanng news tems A edtorals on the santaton work beng done n San Francsco CONGRESSMAN HAMLN of Ms: We should straghten open the to eradcate bubonc plague. channel nto Pearl Harbor make the harbor a safe base refuge tor Contrary to the opnon held by many persons n San Fran our shps of all knds. Ths done we would secure cheaply sately our cscp that the publcty resultng from the work of the Ctzens Pacfc coast furnsh a base for the protecton defense of the Phlppne sls. Should we lose Pearl Harbor as a base, the Phlppnes Would Health Commttee, n arousng the people to the danger confrontng the cty, would njure San Francsco n the East, the also be lost. We owe much to the Hawaan Terrtory, especally to the loyal Hawallans, who press have gven up ther own government, reports are unanmous n commendng the work now, wth sngular patrotc zeal, are devoted to our Constltutonfbur flag, our nsttutons.. f5 J A v. ; CONGRESSMAN HAMLN of Mssour: The gentleman from New York, charman of the Ways Means Commttee, sad n a speech delvered here recently that he had no doubt that the Republcan platform adopted at Chcago ths summer would declare m favor of revsng the tarff, the gen tleman from Pennsylvana (Mr. Dalzel) more recently gave voce to the same fact, but what dd they mean, or s anteelectthat the usual statement True, the gentleman from New York made ths declaraton n stentoran tones, but was remnded of the lttle doggerel read some tme ago: 0 Hs voce was the voce of thunder, hs words were words of reproof, And perhaps he really wondered why we dd not st aloot. He thought he was beng haughty nnd severe ( he dd try), But we knew he was only bluffng (Great laughter.) by the twnkle n hs eye. CONGRESSMAN HEFLN of Alabama: Mr. Charman, the attenton of "the world s turned to the South when n the sprng of the year the farmer prepares hs sol places seed n the ground. Sunbeams dance 0 the surface, refreshng showers seek fnd ther hdng place, lo! germnaton begns. Lttle plants push the clods away smle at the sun. Gentle zephyrs kss ther tender faces breathe nto them the message of ther word msson. (Applause.) We hear the musc of the hoe the song or the happy plowman. Proud graceful the lttle stalks st mantled n leaves ladened wth squares. We look agan thouss of whte blossoms arc noddng welcome to Ue goldbelte d bees. n a lttle whle they are rosy red, then they assume a goaen hue, fnally fade fall, leavng behnd them tny green spheres. Baskng n sunshne revelng n shower, these floursh untl autumn wnds whsper to every fullgrow n boll "Open Sesame. (Applause.) Then the cottqn stalk flngs ts lleecy floor to the breeze busy fngers pluck t tom the boll. Now we hear the hum of the old cotton gn, the seed fall down on the floor below lnt comes out n swrls of snow. (Applause.) Yonder at the cotton factory, hard by the cotton feld, we hear the tremulous voce of ndustry n the concert of whrlng spudles woong the fber nto cloth, the fnshed product goes out upon the pulsatng tde of a splendd commerce, cotton s Kng Kng of Amercan exports n all ts ramfcatons s bass for the greatest manufacturng nterest n the world. (Prolonged cheers applause.) SENATOR BEVERDO0 nf ndana: t. t, ud,,., m,,.. V charged Mm wth wantng to become a kng. They assaled hm so that that great soul, who felt for nothng but for the welfare of the country n wluna lberaton he had led, actually sad: " wsh to God were dead n my grave." They attacked hm so that resolutons were passed when ho ceased to bo Presdent, thankng God that George Washngton no longer affctol the country. Then wo come to Lncoln. Lncoln!, What was the famlar name appled to hm, who, hs crtcs sad, overrode the Consttuton, who, hs malgner s declared, was destroyng the permanent lberty of the Amercan people n tryng to strke the shackles from the black slaves to savo the Unon ntact unmpared? The word, wth ts malgnant echoes, stll lngers n the atmosphere. Tyrant" was the ttle that they pnned upon the breast ot the great martyr, fnally, when Booth struck ln down, the words upon the Hps of the assassn were "Sc semper tyrannls" So be t to tyrants. So, Mr. Presdent, n these latterda y feeblersttacks upon Theodore Roosavolt we have scon no new spectacle; we are beholdng no new drama. t s not an orgnal producton. Senators aro rectng ancent rhetorc when they denounce that great man, who anthers nto hs breast the thoughts, tlo purposes, the hopes, the rghteousness nnd aspratons of the Amercan peopletheodore Roosevelt. All your spseches, gentlemen, havo been made beforeaganst Washngton, aganst your own great leader, Jackson, aganst Lncoln, that greatest humanst but Ono mnnknd has ever known Mr Presdent, ths s an old story. There s no. veteran Senator here who hua, not heard t wth hs own ears.,. v,g propose, would at least form a bass of dscnsscj md decson f. n rho conventons. Should, happly, the deas of the Cnmm5nn ably dealt wth by all partes, there would be plan salng for a ed measure of tax law amendment n the legslature. t s a matter too mportant to be treated n the generaltes wth whch electon platforms are usually, to lttle purpose, decorated. DRNK L. Honolulu Punch A. JOVO, COvD orsre? XT LMTED. FORT STREET. n. OPTC AN SS All knds of complcated lenses ground to order. Frames adjusted repared. Factory on the premses. P, F & CO,, LTD 0420 FORT STREET. f CsrARR AND OTHER PANOS THAYER PANO CO. S SC Hotel St., Opp. Yflun;? Hot! R Phon Mam ts TUNNG GUARANTEED. EL tjm STENWAY PALENCA The Choce o the Smoker. Hayselden Tobacco Co. SOLE DSTRBUTORS. Alexer Young Buldng. CARBONATED sassarras n a delcous drnk at any season partcularly durng warm w eather. QUART BOTTLES 25 CENTS $2.50 per Dz. When cooled on co ts a good thng for vstors. BEM,SmlWO..Lfl Hotel Fort Street. Cable Address: "Armltage," Honolulu. Lleber Code. Postofflco Box 683, Telephone Man 0. HARRY ARMTAOE Mtoolc Brolco... tma Bond MEMBER OF HONOLULU. STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE. Offce: Campbell Block, Merchant Street, HONOLULU. T. H. Tll? WCST DKBSSSD XvAJOS OE TODAY HUY PATTERNS Buy T er Materal SAVNG MONEY BY SO DONG McCALLS flord than breed fend whpn vnn haa h lmt rpnr).r n nnlt.l.lmvatnmantt Tf fa mwa from lce all parastes, freedom from dlseaw. health frst, last always. Open the door L to possbltes long contnued uso manfold tests by hgh authortes have eupremay of Km? AND THEN 0 Look at our LOWEST PRCES QUALTY CANNOT BE BEATEN. E. W. JORDAN k CO., Ltd. THE TORCH THE CANDLE.THE? THE LAMP THE GAS LGHT S 3 OTTC WGT These arc the steps n the development of the lamp, a marvelous growth t s. Are you usng the latest best lght, electrcty f not, consult wthout further delay Hawaan Electrc Co., Ltd Kng Street near Alakea. Telephone Your Choce CRYSTAL SPRKGSBUTTER 75 CENTS 2. 0!5 TE CLOVER BUTTER 65 CENTS ft Matn M n. ; Hot A HomeMad e Fne Job UN5 FOR FRDAY, SATURDAY SUNDAY. Panorama. Cgcg; a lb"bt Easter Noveltes ST. Daste E g g s r Star Offl CANDES Easter THE ONLY REAL Hat Prntng, HARRSON BULDNG Fne Job Dsnfectant, Antseptc. Lco Kfop. CJneqa&led cure fop wre cuts, falls, ecrow.worm, mnce, eto. The one gure mean of tnon tatnlnp santary condtons. Throe tmes exclultety n Bed, 00 to destroy dsease "The Croat Coal Tap Carbollo Dsnfectant Dp." SOLD BY E. O. HALL & SON, LTD. t Star 390 Gunthers HOTEL STREET NEAR FOKT Prlntln, Offce. room THR HAWAAN BTA, hatummy, AllUL, 908.

5 Hm HAWAAN STAR, SATURDAY, ATUL Jl, 908,.J,. Accuracy Accuracy n correctng the defect. Accuracy n selectng the proper frames. Accuracy. n advlco clven. Accuracy n what we promse guarantee. There s no place whero accuracy. skll are more at premum than wth the Optcan. Wp make a searchng examnaton exercse tho most panstakng caro n the adjustment of every par of glasses wo sell. A. N. Sanford, OPTCAN. Boston Bldg. Fort 8t n the Sprng a young mans fancy lghtly turns to thoughts of becr. Beer s our specal, ty you wll fnd our Prlmo a lttle bettor than that served anywhoro else n town. Also the glasses hold more. "The Hoffman" Hotel Street near Nuuanu. Consder your health ; make t better by drnkng NOTCE RANER BEER the tonc that tones AT ALL BAES Wholesale at Raner Bottlng Works Phone f33 TO STOCKHOLDERS. Koa Furnture UPHOLSTBllNO AND REPARNG WNQ CHONQ CO. Cor. Kng Bethel. P. 0. Uo 030 CHOCE EGGS FOR HATCHNG from PRZE WNNER STOCK. "Crystal" Whte Orpngtons, S. Gray Dorkngs, Black Mlnorcas, Whlto Leghorns "Nonparels," Brown LeghornB Buff Wyottos. Orders flled n rotaton carefully packed. WALTER 0. WEEDON, P. O. Box C68, Honolulu. ALWAYS AHEAD THE ROUGH RDER CGAR Fltzpatrlck Bub. Myrtle Cgar Store. DECORATJB FOR THC JQ E? Tom CAN HELP YOU. ljrp psses JoUnsoR & osbr Dressmakng Talorng Are now n ther new quarters, Elte Buldng. The latest New York Parsan styles. 70 Hotel street, opp. Young Hotel. B Removed from Berctanla Street near Emma to 22 Kng street opposte Aala Park wth a full flno lne or pants, brushes, etc. RANCOATS OUR look dressy, ran or shne; try them. SLVAS TOGGERY MORTGAGEES NOTCE OP NTEN TON TO FORECLOSE AND OP SALE. Notce s hereby gven that pursuant to tho power of sale contaned n that certan mortgage made by Keawe Matal o of Honolulu, sl of Oahu, Terrtory of Hawa, to Naom Kaahue, of sad Honolulu, dated June 27, 900, recorded; n tho Hawaan Regstry or Conveyances n Lber 207, page 327, OTHER SLAND DELEGATES THER ARRVAL BRNGS FEVER HEAT TO NTEREST N THE TER RTORAL CONVENTON ON MONDAY CAUCUS OF OAHU DELE GATES THS AFTERNOON AND MEN FROM MAU ON MONDAYLST OF THOSE ACCREDTED. Thc arrval of the delegatons to Ue Republcan Terrtoral conventon from Hawa Maul has brought nterest n tho sesson on Monday to a fever heat all ths mornlngplans for tho conventon were beng alked ovflr. Tho n.ahll rlnlnmton uhlf hnlrl ther caucus ths afternoon at 2 oclock n tho Republcan headquarters, whle the Maul delegates wll caucus Monday mornng at 9 oclock. The followng lst shows the dele gates who have been elected no tlce of whose electon has been sent to Secretary Wllam Savdgo: FRST DSTRCT (HAWAU). Frst precnct Danel Kalol. Eghth John M. Ross. Nnth W. G. Uoeke. Eleventh John A, Sr., Phlp Keol a. Twelfth J. M. Kuhns, F. O. Koelln g. SECOND DSTRCT (HAWA). Frst precnct H. L. Holsten" Second precnct R. R. Elgn, Davd Lono Kaaauoha. Thrd J. W. Kawal, J. K. Lelepal. Fourth James Ako. Sxth C. Wolters, W. W. H. Hayselde n. Eleventh George M. Robertson. THRD DSTRCT (MAU). Second precnct Davd Taylor. Thrd C. R. Lndsay, Waohol o, Edward George H. Dunn. Fourth Rev. J. Nua. Ffth Wllam E. Bal, Augustne Enos, W. T. Robnson. fcxtn cj. Hansen, W. Krame, John Vasconcellos, H. P. Baldwn. Seventh Horace Kekumu. Eghth Henry Nnth ReuteV. M. H. Reuter. Tenth Lev L. Joseph. Eleventh J. P. naua. Twelfth J. Emmersley. Thrteenth John Kalno, S. E. Kalam a, A. J. Gomez, W. O. Aken. Fourteenth H. F. Tavares. DAVS PLEADS THE MOT ACT Ffteenth Alexer Jv McLeod. Soventeentn J, Naltaloka. Eghteenth Theo. T. Meyer. Nneteenth J. N. Uahlnul. Twentletn W. J. Goodhue, J. D. Mc Velgh, J. K. Walamau. PnlRTH nstmr.t (OA ml Frst Precnct A. L. C. Atknson, lj P. Cummns, James L. Holt, "Wllam O. Roe. Second Geo. P. Denlson, George la Ho, F. L. Waldron. Thrd C. H. Cooko, F. J. Kruger, Joseph H. Lttle. FourthtC. Hustuce, Jr., John Lucas, (loo. W. Smth Ffth J. M. Kealoha, J. M. Koahou. John Kaaua, Danel Kehlaa. Sxth W. F. Drake, Thomas Kaka a, K. Klemme, Joe Keohokll, P. J. Monaghan, A. R. Phllps. Seventh A. D. Castro, John C. Lane, E. W. Qulnn. Eghth H. J. Baldwn, C. L. Crabb e, H. E. Murray, John Marcalllno. FFTH DSTRCT (OAHU). Thrd precnct Andrew Cox, W. W. Goodale, A. S. Mahaulu. Fourth F. Meyer. Ffth George F. Renton. Seventh El J. Crawford, Kalan J. K. a, S. Mahelona. Nnth S. C. Dwght, N. Fernez, F. F. Fernez, J. L. Kaulukou. Tenth A. S. Kalelopu. Eleventh M. C. Anana, Wn. O. Smth, S. P, Correa. Twelfth W. H. Crawford. O. H. Clark. B. H. Kelekollo. A. C vp Thrteenth W. S. K. Kaka, J. Ka halekaula. SXTH DSTRCT (KAUA). Second precnct A. F. Knudsen. Thrd J. K. Kapuna. Fourth B. D. Baldwn. Sxth J. K. Kula. Seventh C. A. Rco, C. W. Sptz, J. A. Hogg. Eghth George H. Falrchlld.. Nnth Robert Scott. Tenth Wllam Werner. ML! STOCK SffOBT Between Boaards Sales: 25 Waalua,?77.00; 5 Waalua,?77.00; 2b Ewa Co., $27.00; 33 McBryde,?4.00. sesson Sales: x0 Ewa,?2.00: Ewa?27.00; 8 Ewa, J "Quotatons. Bd. Asked. Ewa Plant. Co t Hawaan Agrl 90. 0U Hawaan Com Hawaan Sugar Honomu Honokaa o Kahllku T Khel Plan. Co 9.50 McBryde Sug. Co Oahu Sug. Co Onomea 3.00 Ookala Olaa Sugar Co Paauhau Sug. Co Pacfc Sug. Mll 0.00 WE CANNOT SAY TOO MUCH These Women Say, n Substance They Took Poru na They Were They Were Weak After Takng Peru na They Health Usefulness. Ths s the Whole Story n KHE PLANTATON CO., LTD. whch mortgage was duly assgned to Attorney George A. Davs, who was All persons holdng certfcates of Kala Kaahuo by John K. Prendergast, severely censured by Judge Dole yesterday mornng for nfng (Contnued from Page Two) stock n tho Khel Plantaton the Company, Lmted, n names other than admnstrator of tho estate of sad Naom Kaahuo, deceased n held n all of the churches are always dscourteous brghtened wth profuse decoratons of ther own who may wsh to testate, dspose of sad stock aro urgently re dated July 900, tho sad Kala nsultng language to tho court roses lles around pulpt beatng along the lnd an coast but Kaahue, Assgnee of sad mortgage, al others n the court room, admts that tar. And to add to the joy of the Eas quested to havo same transferred n ntends to foreclose tho samo lor nevertheless consderable anxety s condton broken, to wt;.,... order to avod delay of payment s he was n the the wrong, but urges extenuatng crcumstances, provoca t:tll UUL ll ll!.,., er no 0 lames nrow 0 mer on frt for her safety. 77,,.,..., u.,,,.,.... nn yttlllloua 0 uvuuuu lol nuuut; UH lltlu made on July st, 908. No stock can of prncpal nterest when due. T..ll t AO.n bo purchased except from stockholders of record on that dato. after tho expraton of three weeks Notce s also hereby gven the glory of ther new Easter bonnets.. that ton of long stng ncurred durng from Nc tlo a us., for San For lcnt Mrs, D ckerson, n her new shop n tho; Kranc5aco quoted at 25 per cent, hs from the date of ths notce, tho lambency pro! varous offces, SachssBulldlng, has some of tho pret J. P. COOKE, perty conveyed by sad mortgago wncn apparently affected hs nerves, tlest"deslgns that have ever tho Gorman bark Prompt, 0 days FURNSHED. reached out from Taltal for Hamburg, quot Kng Treasurer Klhe Plantaton Co. Ltd. assgnment wll bo sold at publc auc Ho wrtes to the Advertser as follows: Honolulu. You should certanly pay Street S40.0O cd at 0 per cent, Tho overdue Falk Manoa, GO. 00 Honolulu, March 2Gth, 908. Hon at the aucton rooms of James Edtor Advertser: Th nvon.n. her h vst before you buy your new lbank s now quoted at C5 per Kng Street P. Morgan, Auctoneer, on Kaahumanu hat. pera roasted me for, Pepeekeo 0.00 cent. Prospect Street Street, n sad Honolulu, on Monday, court..., A.. Y,,., S. S. Ncbraskau, Captan S FURNTURE Aprl 20, 908 at 2 oclock noon of Poneer " OS,, Knght, ths mornng arrved from UNFURNSHED. sad day wunmucu wum awm crme tnc Waalua Agrl The property covered by sad Mort "u uul nuvu ueen more Hawaan Electrc gago Assgnment ntended to monouueeu, ROOSEVELT San Francsco, whch port she loft on Berctanla Street J out J. HOPP & COMPANY. conssts navo Aprl 3. She brought threo days later mall, 75 bags,,350 tonb of gen Knau Street Kng Street 5.00 done the Telb e Nalku Rub. Co 2G.0D sold of all of tho rght rtory Honolulu some servce Oahu R. & L. Co eral freght no passengers. Her Boretanla Street Lewers & Cooke Buldng. nterest of sad Kcawo Ma j therefore when you, Mr. ttle Edtor, "These lawn Pneapple Co cargo ncludes the mast3 for tho yactt Emma Street to.oo talo n to that certan pleco or unlucky deeds rclato speak of me Cal. Ref. Co. Gs JB! mmj! Hawa, whch were brought from tho Berctanla Street 8.00 parcel of l stuate at Kealakaha, as am, nothng extenuate nor Bet Haku Cs Hamakua, sl of Hawa, tho same NDANAPOLS, Aprl cast va Tehuantcpec nnd sent to San Kamukl down audt n malce " John Hamakua Dtch Cs Francsco to bo brought hero by tho Lunalllo Street beng more partcularly descrbed n r of wa force( t, Hawaan Sugar tho Unted Mne Cs Ncbraskan. From hare tho Nobraska n Matlock Avonue Royal Patent (Grant) No. 879 to Ka Workers New Laundry Socety halau Koapakl, contanng an mssoner, after eghteen months of Hon. of Amerca, s ono of t. T. tho fve Co. Cs goes to Kahulu to complcto su Aloha Lano 8.00 Amercans, area 83 acresmore or less.,fatl,ful scr(vce; othls wrons wlt" Cahuku selected by Presdent looseve lt gar cargo Cs 99,00 then returns to Honolulu to sal, probably, on Frday next, Kewalo Street of to be specal guests of the bg conference of stato terrtory governors drect for San Francsco wth passen Snnrn. Tsma nf n T s rtnld " or tho wuy performed O. R. & L. Co. Cs Hotol Street 0.00 Sun Hng Tong Solcety wth a mem Con; 0 of purchase prlco to bo m ""W was told that as a nmtnal d Oahu Sugar Cs Matlock Avonuo joo.po bershlp of over 00 operates the fol on fall of hammor: deeds to bo ter f polcy, would be let out on Olaa Sugar to be" held n Washngton May 3tn. gers mall. Co. fs Lunalllo Street lowng laundres: Sun HngTong, stamped LU drawn by attorney for tho 3st of March, 908. t seemed an Paclnc Sugar Cs Ths. conference whch wll last three Kallh 7.00!.Mortgagee ha street (old Chnese theatre), at expense or purcnasor. njustce to me, no matter "Wo what the Pala Cs days the sessons of whch wll bo NEW ADVKHTJSEMEKTS FOR SALE. For further partculars apply to C. world mght Hng corner Vneyard Emma thnk. s t rny wonder Poneer held n tho East room of Cs 0.00 tho Whte A bargan Maklkl Dstrct. Threo F. Peterson, attorney for Mortgagee. that blundered "Wo Kee Pauoa Road near Nuuanu ftnlllnnn Qtnnf before the court Tf rr 4r on Tnmna.... that Waalua Agrl. lousewlll bo presded over by Presdent Roosovelt. t wll bo tho frst stallments. ds SPECAL MEETNG. bedroom, modem cottago. Cash or n me street. Wth our three laundres we Morgan, wtnout cause or more McBryde Cs 9C.O0 F Auctoneer. meetng n tho hstory of tno country A specal meetng ot tho stockholders of tho Honokaa Sugar Company aro prepared to do washng ron luuenj mrceu mo Dated Honolulu, March 2, 908. o resgn, am: ndeed sorry ng cheaper than any other laundry. KALA KAAHUE, that gave offence; sorry WOULD NOT PLAY PARSON. of Federal state tertorla Gve us a tral. Assgnee. that havo not tho manners of a Chesterfeld or the polsh of a Laurcr. Judge Andrado ths mornng executves. Tho flvo specal guests wll bo refused held at the oflke ot!. A. "Waterhouso Trust" to consent t to an arrangement whereby wll bo: Grover Clevel, W. J. Bryan, Schacfer & Co., Ltd., on Wednesday, Corner Fort Merchant Sts., was a bad day. was sorry two women that two men were to have James J. Hll, Andrew Carnege 5th Aprl, 90S, at 0 oclock a. m. over accepted any ollco n ths resolved Terrtory at tho hs of my themselves nto two marred John Mtchol. J. W. WALDRON. S OT DEAD GOU T couples, declarng Secretary frends. Far that ho would not Honokaa Sugar Company. Classfed Advertsng better for my peaco be a party to defeatng Justce, belevng of mnd, my fnancal condton for my OFFCE CONSTRUCTNG QUAR TO TERRE HAUTE, (lnd.), Aprl 2. that tho marrago LET. scheme was a happness GHURGH TERMASTER, Honolulu, H. T., Apul VCKERS trck to cheat tho law. Found gulty of a charge of arson hero upon Tho pnrtea earth, f had refused to 4, 908. Sealed proposals, n duplcate, A pleasant furnlshol room m tho aro notorous. PunahouMakl kl Henry F. McDonald n tho courtroom accept any ollco or honors from my, SEATTLE, (Wash), Aprl 2 Rev. W. wll bo receved hero untl 0 a. m., dstrct, sutable for two young SHOE REPAR SHOP. today shot klled Wllam E. frlonds n ths Terrtory of Hawa. A. GONG to Major, pastor of Bethany Presbyteran Church, beleves n tho develop prntng specfcatons Aprl 3, 908, then oponod, for ladles. Addraw, "Room", MDWAY. Dwyer, chef of the Terro Hauto detectve bureau, serously hurt another past am grateful for all the favors of tho Star ofllce. for constructon 9 Unon St. Tho cable companys stoatu schooner wll endeavor to bo lke, tho ment of tho physcal as wol an Flaronco Ward wll leavo on the of buldngs at Fort Shatter, H. T. FOR RENT. Monday for Mdway sl. man, was hmself serously wounded. Tho shootlr followed tho an powers that aro best" n tho future. gaton, nnd, n lne wth hs bollofs, CAPTAN E.. HUMPHREY, U. S. House, eght rooms, wth modern "smoothest courters that pleaso tho mental moral sde of hs congre Further nformaton on applcaton to s whero they nouncement of tho verdct of tho Jury, A ask s not to be Judged too karenbefor o DO YOU "GAWF"? Dr. Major la now gvng tho boys ot Army, Constructng Quartormastor. convenences; pleasant grounds. n Punahou dstrct, whch McDonald had been tred y for losng my temper n tho court f you dawdle tno stcks you had nts church nstructons n boxng anu convenent to car Mend Shoes j FOR SALE. lnos. Enqulro W. C. Stangenwaon a charge of dynamtng stores rom After all, dont thnk com, better try tho lnks at Halelwa. They wroatlong. Woedon, ld lho gymnasum s n tho Bldg or P. O. Box 058. a church n Santord last year. ""ou an unparuuuuuo ouonco, out. aro good, pleasantly located whero basement of the, church. Dr. Major s 000 ft., moro or loss, 24 n. galv. was n tno wrong; ror ono must govern thoro s always a lght breeze wrestlng. Tho gymnasum s n tho Ppo, second hnnd. WANTED. ONE RESULT. hmself hs passons f be would somethng pleasant to look at. The lberal typo s or an athletc buld Lot of fttngs for above. Lades half sole heel A drunken solder from tho transport Buford yesterday offended a a favor to one who tres hard "to do scenery pleasant to tho oyo tho every boy should know all thero s to Pump No. succeed n lfe. Pleaso nsert ths as road to ths famous rejsort abounds n hmself. Ho says ho bellovcs Vo that Krogh Trpleactn g Power Forco want you to come get tho host shave you evor 5, Hotel n. o. sucton had at the Unon Mens half solo street heel le woman wltl nsultng unto others, as he would they should novelty of t wns tho admraton of know about boxng, ho hopes to Barber Shop. Try a ma&sago wth our lcctrlcal machne. wards acts was nrrested by an do unto hm." every tourst who travels over t. We a mnster of tho broadmnded Barnes Saw tablo, complete. offcer returned to tho transport. Yours sncerely, havo excellent accommodatons, flno develop some of tho fnest athletes n ron Fenco Posts, Slato, nnd enst u. Ho had been to wllel. GEO. A. DAVS. cusne nnd delghtful surroundngs. the country, cannot sco why ths ron plpo n tots to sut. Bortha A. Klommo was ths mornng granted Wrte to Manager Bldgood about cannot bo douo under the auspces ot a EMMELUTH a dlvorco & CO., LCD. from Carl H. L. Klommo, Fne Job Prntng Star Offce. Fne Job Prntng, Star Offce. Fne Job Prlntlnrj, Star Offce. rooms. church as well as an athletc club. 45 Kng by Judgo Lndsay on fat. Phono 2. grounds of deserton. f Peru Wretched na Can Do Such Wnders Women t Can Do the Same Fo The housewfe s the one who s best able to judge of the relatve merts of famly medcnes. t s she that knows the many uses of r mm Peru na n the famly. t s upon her testmonal that chefly depends the popu larty whch Poruna enjoys. Ask your druggst for a copy or our booklet "The la of Lre," gvng nstructons coverng the most use of Pcruna. Peruna s for salo by all chemsts druggsts. The followng wholesalo druggsts wll sup ply.the retal trado n Honolulu, Hawa: Benson, Smth & Co., Honolulu Drug Co. Hobron Drug Co. EASTER SERES Restored You. x : pj,.kwapv wvcta PEARL5AND PEBBLES FOR PERUN A x Mrs. E. T. Gadds, Maron, N. C, wrtes: "Heforo commenced to tako Pcruna could not do any hard work wthout sufferng great pan. took Peruua Manalln, can say wth pleasure, they havo done mora for mo than any other medcne have ovor taken. Now am as well as ever, do all my own work t never hurts moat all. thnk Pcruna s a greatmedlfo r womanknd." from Grateful Women, was troubled wth suppressed panful menstruaton. took. Poruno accordng to you drectons, now am well." Mrs. James Elghme Grape, Mch. "Wo havo been usng Feruna for some tme. To epeau from n stpont of can cdly say that Pcruna s tho remedy for femalo weakness! "Prom a personal test from tho Pcru Cave Health. Mrs. A. E. Soulter, Capoma, Kansas, wrtes: "Pcruna hns gven mo health strength ; t s tho best medlcln o that was over nado for women. My frends say they testmony of many others nover saw such a change n a shall not hesttato to recommend t, especally la woman. talk to every one all sufferng women." Mrs. M. F. about Peruua. cannot say too Jones, Burnng Sprngs, Ky. mnch for t." " suffered from A Remedy For Women. catarrh for many FOR tlssafoto say that wo havo years, but snce PELVC DSEASES. thouss of letters wrtton to takng Pcruna MRS.CAROLN& Dr. Hartman from women who feel strong well. As used Pcruna repeat tho samo sontment to bo Manalln whle was passng found n Jfrs. Stouffcrs test through the change of lfe, am postvely convnced you benellclal romode s Stronger Thar for Years. monal: "My frends say they nevor saw such a chango n a havo rcllovcd mo or all my lls." Mrs. Carolne Sundhomer, Clares, La., woman." Over ovor agan ths Mrs. Mathlldo Rch tor, Donphan, Nob. wrtes: " am feelng ecntonco s penned by grateful women " suffered wth pelvc catarrh uutll quto well now. T can work agan am stronger who aro moro than than wllng X havo that wo wroto to Dr. Hartman, after takng should nso been for years, ther words to assst other troatmcnt as ho advsed, J can say am do bellovo that suftortng Poruna saved my womenn fndng a euro. cured of ths most tryng alllctlon, for lfe. Poruna s a groat medcne for womon. whch am truly thankful. " am very thankful to you for your t never felt cleanses tho nsldo of tho body n better n my lfo than do at present." advce. wll advse all can to take much tho samo way that water cleanses Mm. Etta Booker, Dundurn,.Satfk, your medcne" tho outsldo of tho body. N. W.T.. Can. rj a.. HHHW MB M mmm

6 BX THB HATTAHAN STAR, SATURDAY, APRL, 908. O courao tt you know ths old, sale, suro bono on. For over sxty years ts lght has boon gudng tlo sck f anl dfferng fecctwk bor of health r.nd that a record to bo proud of? Tor moro than slrty years AYERS Sarsaparlla ha been la 6ou,v f good hc.vth to many thouss of ponlo n al parta of the world. testmonals come n by ovory ost. They ell asscvt tho great fjet " Aycrs Sasaparlllacurenc." Veal:, weary, mou who had been tlrod out dscouraged, all wrto gratefully of C good t bus dono them. There s a lesson for you n ths. "Why not hood t? lleglu at oaco to take Ayers Sarsoparlla. As nott) matn, ) contans no alcohol. There aro many mualon Sarsaparlac. Bo suro you gst "Ayors." Prprcd bj Dr. J. C. Ajar U Co., Lowell, Kan., ll.z..tzhv PLLS, tao boot famly JaraVr:. four j Home wll he much more attractve wth every room covered wth beautful Wall Paper. Why not make the selecton now, when there are so many beautful exclusve new desgns that have Just arrved from tho Coast? We have patterns desgns that wll appeal to any taste, sut any room. Call see them. lllmted. 77 S. Kng Street. Phono Exchange 20. OH HOURS To Chcago From San Francsco, Tha Fastest transcontnental tran. OVERLAD LMTED Electrc lghted, Buffet, Lbrary Drawng room compartment, observaton car, wth dnner. Telegraphc news post ed on tran. Southern Pacfc te a tme when tho world puts on ts cood clothes goes to church other places. Youll need some nce Jew.olry to go wth that now dress. Tho best cheapest goods n the Jewelry lno are thoso sold by 08 Nuuanu, near Kng. Mew tstttxa: JUST RECEVED Suts Made to Order at "Ready Made" prces. McCloss Buldng, Kng Street next to W. W. Dlmond & Co. Fne Job PrlnUnn, Star Offce. SOCAL Regardng the followng artlclo Damo Rumor n town has t that Walter wll soon enter tho happy majorty. The young lady n queston was one of tho weddng party n tho nuptals: Walter Dllngham left tor hs sl home on tho Manchura on Tuesday, after spondlng several weekb n tho southern part of the State, wnero he was an enthusastc attendant at tho lk)lo games at Coronndo. Ho s very well known hero at Burlngame, whero ho s recognzed as a most able exponent of polo, at hs departure hs frends expressed moro than the conventonal desre that he would soon come hack. lls farewells were mn gled wth no rasl promses on ths score, but tho feelng prevals that San Francscos attracton for hm s foregn to polo, that t wll not bo long before ho wll be plannng another trp to tho manl Chroncle. March 29. Word las been receved from Mrs. Ynes Shorb Whte from Honolulu of tho delghtful trp she has so tar had. Her trp wll be a lengthy ono rather out of the ordnary, as the Thomas, on whch she saled, s scheduled to be out for forty days. nstead of lng Aprl at Manla the transport, after leavng Guam, wll go llrst to Mndanao then up the coast to Manla, takng some ten or twelve days longer. S. F. Bulletn. A A A The engagement has been announced of Mss rma Spltzer, daughter of Mr. Mrs. J. S. Spltzer of Honolulu, Herbert Cohen of Chcago. Mss Spltz or attended school Here has many frends among Honolulu young peo Mss Mldred pe. The weddng wll take place n Chcago next August, Mrs. May MottSmlt h Cunnngham spent a week here. Mrs. Cunnngham has Just returned from a vst to Hono lulu, whero she vsted relatves gave a very nterestng exhbton or arts, cratts. From here she went to Los Angeles, after whch sho wll return to San Francsco open a studo. Chroncle, March 29. A unque weddng took place n Chrstchurch, Now Zeal, on February 22, when Mss Alce Adar Lang of Kohala, Hawa, Mr. Ralph B. Hayward of Yonkers, New York, were joned n the holy bonds of matrmony. The brde, whose resdence for the past few years has been n Kohala, s also well known n Honolulu, as she was once a pupl n Oahu College, last September she left Hawa Ne wth her mother for Maorll, where Mr. Hayward has been n busness wth the frm of Dexter & Crozer, automoble mporters, for over a year. Mr. Hayward has a number of frends n Honolulu, as he resded here for a few months. Motor car weddngs are much n vogue n the States at present, hut ths one was the frst known n New Zeal. Fve e,normous tourng cars decked wth whte streamers carred tho brdal party most ntmate frends to the Baptst church, where Mr. Gray pronounced them husb wfe. Mr. Crozer, whose brothers are welt known throughout tho sls, gave the brde away. She looked very grl sh n a smple whte slk gown, a pcture hat trmmed wth whte os tnen reatners, una graceruuy aroopmg down to her wast hung a whte bell vel, whch seemed most approprate for tho occason. Tho brde carred a bouquet of whte lles roses, madenhar fern, the madofhono r, Mss Llly Pal mer, carred a bouquet of pnk asters madenhar fern. Mr. Andrew Hughes of Dexter & Crozer acted as best man. On leavng tho church, the frends of tho couple, the people who had gathered to wtness the sght, lned up outsde tho church showered them wth rce. The weddng caused qulto a sensa tlon n Chrstchurch, especally when tho chauffeurs tooted ther respectve horns through the man street. A breakfast was prepared at tho Hotel Claredon for the party. Tho table was automobll greens. v decorated wth mnature Tho happy.young couple whrled away n a motor car for a two weeks trp. EVENTS OFTHE BOSTON M UN HES son Youu5 folk of Boston of sentmental tendenclos aro eagerly awatng the newest developments n tho romance furnshed by Raymond Fowlc, only son of Wllam H. Fowle, a mllonare, Hayes Fowle, a shop grl, who eloped marred young now,e two ae Durng that tme the young couple kept ther weddng secret knowledge of the ceremony The Rev. E. W. Thwlng returned home on Thursday from a short trp to Maul. tho other day about a game out" n the A A Waklkl dstrct a few nghts ago. Mr. Mrs. M. S Grlnbaum re llr lovers of tho game were seated turned on the Claudlne Thursday from by a koa table, when the player on the Mau. left of the dealer made t no trumps, twelve tmes t was doubled, the result Mr. Mrs. A. G. M. Robertson re tno ones tnat llad nlade lt no turned home Thursday from Mau, trumps had to dg way down n ther where Mr. Robertson went on Ous lxln3 for the but the amollnt on ness. Mr?. Robertson pad a bref vst ha( was not enough for the wnners, to frends there. the result beng that a check book was produced the losers remarkng that they were through wth brfdee for good. A A Mrs. Deane, who has been a guest at tho Moana Hoe for the pas(. few woeu( t or a tlme,t ooke(, ag,f an operaton would ho necessary, but prompt treatment of Dr. Humphrls that was found unnecessary. Mrs. Deane s expected to be out around agan n a few days. a a a Mr. Mrs. Harold Dllngham expect to be able to move nto ther new home next week. A A A Mrs. Saunders Mss Saunders wll probably reman over for the Hllonla n whch sals May 9. They had ntended to leave on the 2st, but the charms of Hawa have been too much for them. Rumor has t that Mss Saunders wll announce her engagement before she leaves. The frends of Dr. J. C. Ftzgerald wll be glad to hear that he s recoverng from an attack of llness whch has confned hm to hs bed for the past few days. Among tho latest to purchase motor cars n ths cty s Vctor Hurd. Mss Maude Johnstone, of Nuuanu street gave, a very pleasant card party to a number or her frends on Frday evenng. A A A A pleasant lttle ncdent was noted tho other day when Mrs. Deerng Mrs. (Dr.) Humphrls were takng some of the Lllputans out for an auto rde, They had a number of the chldren wth them were just comng back from Damond Head when another au to wth more of the lttle actor folk came up. Ono youngster sped hs brother n the other car asked they would stop for a moment Ths was done he jumped out, ran to the other machne, kssed the brother came runnng back, Bayng, "All rght now, go ahead." The two ladles.were as much pleased at the ncdent as f the youngster had been ther own. A A large number of the smart set were at the Seasde last nght at the dance that was gven by the manage ment. The glorous moonlght, soft musc, pretty grls, hsome tolettes made a scene that wll lnger somo tme n the memores of tho strangers who wero there to look on. Next week beng Holy week the so clal pleasuros n the smart set wll probably cease, as n overy country or the world whero there are Chrstans.Now that tho Lllputans havo gone tho rule s to abstan as much as nos. socloty wll havo to fnd somo other slblo from all worldly Afwto amuso themselves n tho even ter Easter socety wll do ther best to amusements. lng. Ever slnco the lttle playors ar make up for the days past of sackcloth rved tho members of tho smart set ashes, t s safe to predct that havo been gong to tho theater nearly there wll bo many forms of enjoyover y nght, now that they havo mont planned by tho matrons ard gone they wll havo to return to tho mads startng on Easter Monday, favorte amusement, brdge. Speakng of brdge, by tho way, re C. J. Hutchns Mrs. Hutchns me of a story that was told metertaned a number of ther frends at WEDS leaked out only a few days ago. Fear of parental dspleasure possble dsnhertance s sad to have been tho prncpal reason for keepng the weddng quet so long. Now that tho cat s out of tho bag, however, the young brdegroom hs brde are watng to learn tfe parental verdct. The much desred forgveness s slow n comng all youthful Boston wants to know why. dnner last nght on the maka lanal of the Moana Hotel. The dnner was thoroughly enjoyed by every one present, the guests not departng untl long after the last car to town. Pllsbury The Wlnstons, Newells B expect to leave on tho Korea for ther home n Mnneapols. a 9 Mss Nanny Wnston, who has been a resdent of Honolulu for a number of years, left on the Nppon Maru last Monday for a tour of the Orent. Mss back for sev Wnston s not expected eral months. J 9 L Mrs. Wllam (J. rwn Mss Heleno rwn leave tomorrow for New York, from whence after a few days stay they wll sal for Europe, to reman abroad probably for sx months nnd possbly a year or even two years. They have set no tme for ther homecomng, but San Francsco socety, both of Mrs. rwns crcle her daughters, are much n hopes that they wll return n tme for next wnters gayetes, as ther absence would be much felt. Mss rwn has, n fact, n a charmngly unostentatous way entertaned more than any other grl of her set ths wnter, scarcely a large dance passng that sho was not the hostess at a delghtful elaborate dnner before. S. F. Bulletn. R. C. A. Peterson s expected home very shortly from the Coast. Mrs. Joel C. Cohen entertaned a small party of frends at her apartments n the Young Hotel on Wednesday wth a lterary afternoon from 3 to 5 oclock. Several selectons from F. Hopknson Smth Amlel were read, a number of muscal selec J tlons were rendered, "the hostess sng CAMPBELL SR H. LONDON, Aprl. Sr Henry CampbellBannerma, who recently re WEEK ng several beautful numbers n her own perfect Btyle. Among those present wero Mrs. C. L. Rhodes, Mrs. Fred Carter, Mrs. Scovlllo, Mrs. J. Arondt, Mrs. J. C. Cohen, Mrs. A. A. Hobson, Mrs. Wll J. Cooper Mss Roslna Green. Mss Pope tho faculty of tho Kamehameha Grls School havo ssued cards for an at homo at tho school ths afternoon from 3 to G oclock. Under tho drecton of Mr. Stanley Lvngston tho chor of tho Central Unon church has made a very favorable mpresson wthn the past two or threo weeks, promses somo Easter musc of exceptonal mert. The chor ha3 been recruted up to somo forty voces, last Sunday mornng delghted the congregaton wth a very credtable rendton of the Sanctus from Gounods St. Cecela. The selecton s one whch s very effectve when properly gven by a largo chor, at specal request lt s to bo repeated tomorrow evenng. NEWS SNPS The Oregon state prohbton party has nomnated a.tcket. The Portl Journal, democratc, has announced that the democratc party s lead n Oregon. Count Tolsto s both a menal physcal wreck, accordng to prvate dspatches receved n St. Petersburg. Artesan well success Toppenl sh n the dstrct means that 00,000 aqres wll be rrgated, the Seattle Star says. Eght mlk dealers of Seattle are beng prosecuted for conspracy n arbtrarly rasng the prce of mlk last fall. Seattle publc school prncpals aro ordered to report monthly the dates dre drlls were held n ther respectve schools. Paul Morton, former Secretary or the Navy n Roosevelts cabnet, was expected to vst Seattle the frst week n Aprl. Bullets wero placed by mstake n some of the guns used n a sham battle at Vancouver, B. C, t s a wonder nobody was klled. E. H. Grasty, agent for the Amercan Telephone Co wth headquarters n Seattle, was arrested lately for a shortage of $2000 to Harry Orchard, the confessed convcted murderer pf Steunenberg of daho, refuses to petton the state hoard of pardons to commute the sentence of death hangng over hm. The Texas court of appeal ordered the sherff of Travs county to attach all the property of the WatersPerc e Ol Co. he can fnd to satsfy the pen alty of?,c23,000 mposed by tho state supreme court n the anttru suts st that have been gong on for threo years. Troops from Fort Wn, H. Seward arrved at Treadwell, Douglas sl, Alaska, on March 28 a condton of martal law ensued. Some of the strkers had stolen a quantty of dynamte whch, t was feared, mght be used to blow up some of the shafts or reducton works. Representatves of foregn governments at Port au Prnce, Hayt, were on March 28 quetly nvestgatng rumors that certan ofllclals of the Haytlan government had all the detals worked out for a general massacre of all the supposed enemes or the government durng the recent trouble. Efll WORSE CAMPBELtBANNERMA N sgned the Premershp because of health, s very low. SPORTS SPORTNG EVENTS TODAY AND TOMORROW. TODAY. Baseball League grounds, afternoon: Damond Heads vs. St, Lous. Thrd game between Co. h, N. G.., vs. 20th nfantry team, Aala Park, afternoon. TOMORROW. Rversde Junor League, An. la Park.mornng: Sweet Vo lots vs. Orental A. S.; Asahl A. C. vs. Chnese Alohas. Kaplolant League, Kaplolanl Park, afternoon: Leahs vs. Hghls; Twlghts vs. Relances. Atknson League, Kakaako, mornng: Ocean Vews vs. Pearl Hles, champonshp game. Seasldb League, openng game, Ol Tank grounds, afternoon: Pacfes vs. Starlghts; Sweet Volets vs. Star Lnes. 28th Wmto Rock Golf tournament, Moanalua, mornng. The proposed automoble race around tho sl for a cup to be offered by an enthusastc motorst, s causng a good deal of nterest among attomobllst s n town, f the same nterest n the way of entres s shown on the day of the race, whch wll probably bo June, t wll be a great success. There are a number of motorsts who have expressed a wllngness to enter, t s to be hoped that when the entres close there wll be at least 5 cars entered. Some owners say, "Why should we drve our cars over such roads for a cup, but we wll see later on." Tho sprt should be a sportng one, as t wll be a great advertsement for Hawal f the race s run, for all the manl papers wll have accounts or the Hawaan cup trace t wll do a great deal of good. The plans for the race are beng talked, over, t s" hoped that tho donor ofthe cup wll consent to have hs name mentoned some day ths comng week. Let every one get together make race n Hawa a brl the frst speed lant success. The thrd fnal game for the cup offered by an ofllcer at Fort Shatter, THE BE 8 A MANLA PAPER HAS A COMPLANT THAT SHE PASSED QUARAN TNE AT HONOLULU THOUGH FULL OF MEASLES THE LT TLE TRANSPORT SAD TO HAVE BEEN OVERCROWDED AN NQURY PROBABLE. MANLA, March C CablenewsAmerlca Tho n are through wth t, t wll bo a clean, has the followng remarks n good shp. ts account of the arrval of the transport Buford: cruts for tho 25th nfantry tho "n addton to tho 23d nfantry the Buford brought a large number of re "t s probable that tho Washngton 9th Cavalry. There were 038 passengers aboard the shp, more than have authortes wll make a rgd nqury nto the condton of affars on board arrved on any transport for many tho transport Buford when t arrved months. The Buford s much smaller hero yesterday, th6 prncpal pont of than the vessels of the Sherman class the nqury beng drected to the cause has not the accommodatons for whch nfluenced the quarantne passengers found on the larger vessels. mltary offcals of Honolulu to permt the vessel to pass that port, wth crowded ths made thngs especal As a result of ths fact ft was badly out quarantne, despte tho fact that ly dsagreeable when measles appeared among the troops just after leav she had 00 passengers aboard, that an epdemc of measles was ragng. t s also possble that the off "Tho dsease spread wth lghtnng ng San Francsco. cals of the quartermasters depart rapdty by the tme the shp arrved at Honolulu a full fledged ep ment n San Francsco wll be asked to explan why they permtted the shp to demc was ragng. All of the offcers leave that port n such an overcrowded enlsted men turned to worked wth a wll to keep the dsease from condton. The Buford s n such "shape now that lt wll be delayed at least a spreadng. The medcal offcers were week or ten days n completng tho badly overworked. Tno Honolulu authortes pad no attenton to tho round trp to tho Unted States, n or der that lt may be put n proper con measles but permtted tho troops dton for tho accommodaton of the other passengers to l at wll. Durng the voyage from Honolulu to Guam troops scheduled to return on t. "t leaves hero ths mornng for Ma the work of the medcal offcers began rlveles where lt wll be thoroughly ds to have results the measles began nfected. Two days are to be devoted to dsappear. When the vessel arrved to gong over the shp so that every at Guam there wero but 20 cases. The nook cranny wll be purged of any Guam health offcals put the shp n dsease germs that mght lurk wthn quarantne, however, allowed only them. When lt s thoroughly cleaned the frst class passengers to l, tho Buford wll return to Manla then only after medcal examnaton. bo placed n tho hs of tho panters "A full report of tho trp tho repar men who wll go over lt as condtons aboard wll be forwarded thoroughly as the quarantne offcers to Washngton t s understood wll go. t s estmated that a week or that strong recommendatons for an ten days wll ho requred for ths work nvestgaton of tho crcumstances wll that by tho tme tho offcals here bo made." Are Amercan women socalsts at heart? Ths queston s strrng London socety. Among those sad to bo soclallstlcally tanted aro tho Duchess of Marlborough, who was Mss Con suolavorbllt, tho Duchess of Manchester, formerly Mss Holen Zm merman. Both had tholr sympathes enlsted n tho causo of socalsm by tho Countess ot Warwck, Engls leadng exponent of socalsm among the noblty. for a seres of games between the team representng tho 20th nfantry Co. F., N. G. H., wll bo played tomorrow afternoon at Aala Park, commencng at two oclock sharp. Tho teams wll lno up as follows: Co. F N. Jackson, p.; Kama, c; Makanul, lb.; P. Burns, 2b.; Pahla, 3b.; H Kaal, ss.; S. Jackson, cf.; B. Baley, f.; Cockett, Stone, rf. 20th nfantry W. Bateman, Oakley, c; Vallmer, lb.; Ramsey, p.2 b.; Brd, 3b.; ssp Moran,.; Collns, f.; Bradstetter, cf.; Truant, rf. Nneteen golf enthusasts wll take part n tho 28th tournament for tho Whte Rock cup tomorrow on Moanalthe course. The followng players havo entered: Campbell, E. M., G; Evans, J. C, 7; Edmunds, C. E., 9; KFlddes, J., 8; Ganes, J. D., ; Glf fard, H. B scr.; Glll.T., 5; Halstead, F 2; Harwood, P. J., 5; Mahaulu, A. S 3; Mclnerny, J. D 5; Smpson, W., 5; Woon.Wm., 5; Wlder, H. A., 9; Whte, E. O., 2; Whte, Austn, scr.; Wlder, W. C, 7; Young, J. O., C, Munro, E., 5. a At tho meetng of the Caala A. C. held Thursday nght n A. L. C. Atknsons offce, Joo Leal was unanmouslyelecte d manager of the club n place of Bernard H. Kelekollo, resgned. After Leal had been elected to tho management of the club, he made a short speech n whch ho promsed to, do all ho could to lead the Kaalas to vctory ths comng season. Wllam Esplnda, who was the star ptcher for the Kaalas last season, wll be seen n tho same poston ths year wth tho Palamas. At present ho s on Maul. One week from tonght the lovers ot boxng wrestlng wll have an opportunty to see ther favorte sports. Froelecher Kanae have been hard at work gettng n shape, when they step on to the mat next Sat urday nght, they wll he ready for the battle of ther lves. Roberts Kauahl, who wll wrestle as a prelmnary to tho bg match, are also n good condton ther many frends wll probably gve them a warm welcome. One week from today the lone club golf tournament for the members of the Country Club wll be played on the clubs course. Ths s the frst tournament of ts knd to be played n tho sls, the result wllbe watched wth a good deal of nterest, MAY NVESTGATES DED. NUUANU n ths cty, Aprl 9, Mrs. Kahana Nuuanu. Funoral wll take place tomorrow afternoon at 3 p. m. from tho underfakn g parlors of H.. Wllams on Tort street Members of the Kaahulan u Socety are respectfully nvted o attend. Fne Job Prntng, Star Offce.

7 THE Sank gf Hawa LMTED. ncorporated Under tho Laws o the Terrtory of Hawa. CAPTAL, SURPLUS AND PROFTS, $,02, OFFCERS: Chan, M. Cooke Presdent P. 0. Jones (...VlcoPreslde nt VcePresde nt F. W. Macfarlnne..2nd. C. H. Cooke. Casher O. Huatace, Jr...Asst. Casher F. B. Damon Asst Cash. & Secty Z. K. Meyers Audtor Board ot Drectors: Cha3. M. Cooke, P, 0. Jones, F. W. Macfarlane, E. F, Blshoo. B. D. Tenney. J. A. McC less, Geo. R. Carter. F. C. Atherton, 0. H. Cooke, F. B. Damon. COMMERCAL AND SAVNGS DE PARTMENTS. Strct attenton gven to all branches of Rankng JUDD BULDNG, CU Sprockets. FORT STREET. Wm, Q. rwn. ClasSpctels&Co. HONOLULU,... B. T. Bun jfranclsco Agents The Nevada Natonal Bank o: San Francsco. DRAW EXCHANGE! ON AN FRANCSCOT he Nevada Natonal Bank ot San Francsco. LONDON Unon f London & Smths Bank, Ltd. HEW YORK Amercan Exchange Natonal Bank. CHCAGO Corn Exchange Natonal Bank. PARS Credt Lyonnats. BERLN Dresdner Bank. HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA The Hngkong am. Shangha Bankng Corporaton. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALA Bank of New Zeal, Bank of Australasa. VCTORA AND VANCOUVBK Bank of Brtsh North Amerca. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKNG AND EXCHANGE BUSNESS. Deposts Receved, Loans Made en Approved Securty, Commercal Exekan ge Travellers Credts ssued. Blls of Bought Sold. COLLECTNG PROMPTLY COUNTED FOR, LL HESTABLSHED N M. AC BSHOP SCO. BANKERS Commercal Travellers Letters of Credt ssued on the Bank of Calforna The London Jont Stock Bank, Lmted, London. Correspondents for the Amercan Express Company, Yhes. Cook & Son. nterest allowed on term Savngs Bank Deposts. Lmted. Captal (Pad Up) Yen 24,000,000,00 Reserved Fund 5,050,000,00 Specal Reserved Fund 2,000,000,00 HEAD OFFCE, YOKOHAMA. Branches Agences: Toklo, Kobe, Osaka, Nagasak, Lon don, Lyons, Nev York, San Francsco, Bombay, Hong Kong, Shangha, Han kow. Chefoo. Tentsn, Pekng, Now chang, Dalny, Port Arthur, Autung Hslen, Llaoyang, Mukden, Tenllng Chungchun. The bank buys receves for col lecton blls of exchanges, ssues Drafts Letters of Credt, transacts general bankng busness. Honolulu Branch 67 Kng Street Dealers n Sewng Machnes of All Knds. Also Hawaan Souvenrs, Hats Curos. 03 N. Kng St., near Maunakea. Phone Man 494. p. O. Box (4 F YOU WSH TO ADVERTSE 5 N NEWSPAPERS? ANYWHGltB AT ANYTMtl Cnll on or Wrte J. $ 8 ft DKES MERTSEG AGEHCYg $ M Cansomn Street 2 fsah Fne Job Prntng, FRANCSCO, CALP. 8tar Offce. NOTCE BY ASSGNEE OF MORT GAGE OF HS NTENllON TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE, AND OF SALE. Pursuant to a power ot salo contan ed n that certan mortgage made by Solomon K. Olll, mortgagor, to John H. DAlmelda, mortgagee, dated tno 4th day of February, 907, record ed n tho Regstry Ofllco, Oahu, n lber 290 on pagcb 2 3 whch mortgago was duly assgned to P. E.. Strnucn, trustee. Notlco s Hereby Gven that sad assgnee ot mortgago ntends to foreclose Bald mortgago for condton towbroken, the nt of prncpal nterebt when due. And Notlco s Hereby Further gven that tho property descrbed n sad mortgage wll bo sold at publc aucton at tho aucton rooms of James F. Morgan, Kaahumanu street, Honolulu, on Saturday, the 9th day of May, 90S, at 2 oclock noon of sad day. Terms: Cash n U. S. Gold Con. Deeds at the expense of purchaser. P. E. R. STRAUCH, trustee, Asslcnee of Mortgage. The property descrbed n sad mortgage to be sold as aforesad conssts of st. All that certan pece or parcel ot l stuate at Kauluwela, Honolulu aforesad, beng fully descrbed n deed of George P. Castle wfe to Solomon K. Olll dated November 8, 900, recorded n sad offce n lber 280 on page 265, 2nd. All that certan ndenture ot mortgago gven by Kamakau, et at to ludward Wolter, trubtee, dated Aprl 28, 890, recorded n sad offce n lber 03 pages 5, etc., tho real estate thereby conveyed, tno note clam thereby secured, t beng understood that the parcel numbered n sad ndenture of mortgage hav ng been released, tho second parcel only remanng subject to such mort gage. For further partculars apply to JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctoneer, Kaahumanu St., Honolulu, or to J. LGHTFOOT, Attorney for Assgnee of Mortgage, McCleBS Buldng, Honolulu. 4ts Apr. H 8, 25, May 2. NOTCE BY ASSGNEE OF MORT GAGE OF HS NTENTON TO FOKELLOSE MORTGAGE, AND OF SALE. Pursuant to a power of sale contaned n that certan mortgage made by Solomon K. Olll, mortgagor, to John Herbert DAlmelda, mortgagee, dated the 0th day ot November, 900, ana recorded n the Regstry Offce, Oahu n Lber 289 pages 9 to 2 whch mortgago was duly assgned to P. E. R Strauch, trustee. Notce s Hereby Gven that sad assgnee of mortgage ntends to fore close sad mortgage for coudtlon t., nt broken, tho ot prncpal nterest when due. And Notce s Hereby Further Gven that sad assgnee of mortgago wll sell tho proporty covered by sad mortgage at publc aucton at the aucton rooms of Jas. F. Morgan, Kaahumanu street Honolulu, on Saturday, tho 9th day of May, 908, at 2 oclock noon of saw day. Terms: Cash n U. S. Gold Con. Deeds at the expense of purchaser. P. E. R. STRAUCH, Trustee, Assgnee of Mortgage Dated Honolulu, Aprl 0, 9M. The property descrbed n sad mort gage to be Bold as aforesad, conssts of all that certan pece or parcel of l stuate at Kauluwela, Honolulu aforesad, beng the mauka half of Lot No., as descrbed n deed ot C. R. Bshop others to Kamakau, recorded n sad offlco n Lber 9, on pages , more partcularly descrbed as follows: Begnnng at tho ntal pont ot Lot of tho Kauluwela lots runnng by true bearngs as follows: S. 67 S W, 52.2 feet along Ach lano; N. 27" 50 W..8 feet along part 2 of ths subdvson; N. C" 5 E feet along lano; S. 2C 3 E. 7.5 feet along Lot n to the ntal pont.contanng an area, of 048 squaro feet more or less, to gether wth all buldngs mprove ments thereon. For further partculars apply to JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctoneer, Kaahumanu St., Honolulu, or to J. LGHTFOOT, Attorney for Asslgneo of Mortgago, McCless Buldng, Honolulu. 4ts Apr., 8, 25, May 2. s there any reason why our advertsng matter should not help your busness? Lets see. HAWA PUBLCTY CO, Telephone 73. F, S, NAM Photographer Kodak Developng, Prntng, Enlar ng nteror Photographng. GOOD WORK) GUARANTEED. 220 Hotel St., bet. Nuuanu Bethel Sts., Honolulu, T. H. Fne Job Pratng. Star Ofllce. CTYS TUB HAWAAN STAl, SATURDAY, APRL, 908. SEVEN CHURCHES CENTRAL UNON CHURCH. Doremus Scuddcr, Mnster. Servces on Palm Sunday, Aprl 2,"as follows: Bble School, Clfton. Tracy superntendent, wth classes for all ages t 9:45 a. m. Mornng Worshp nt oclock. The mnster wll preach; subject, "Crown ChrlBt Kng." Chor chorus Stan ley Lvngston, conductor, wll sng Fauros "Palm Branches," lead the Congregaton. Mrs. Mackall Mrs. Wght wll sng Dledermanns "Lead Kndly Lght." Tho Chrstan Endeavor Socety wll meet at 0:30 p. m. Hon. John G. Wool ley wll speak on "John B. Gough." Evenng worshp at 7:30 oclock. Mens Rally under tho auspces of "Tho Cabnet." Specal program musc. Speaker General Rchard H. Pratt. Sub ject, "My Experences Wth the n dans." Messrs. Wllam A. Love ana A. B. ngalls wll play a duet for voln organ. The chor wll sng The Sanctus from Gounods Cecla by re quest. A cordal nvtaton s hereby extend ed to strangers, seamen, travelers, vstng frends the publc gen erally to attend all these servces. ROMAN CATHOLC CATHEDRAL. Holy Week Servces. Palm Sunday 0 7 a..m low masses wth Holy Communon; 9 a. m. low mass wth sngng Englsh ser mon; 0:30 a. m. blessng of the palms solemn hgh mass; 2 p. m. rosary natve nstructon; 7 p. m. Portu guese sermon benedcton. Maundy Thursday 7 a. m. solemn pontfcal mass, blessng ot the holy ols general communon; 8 p. n. washng of the feet by Hs Lordshp; 30 p. m., Portuguese sermon on the passon, followed by tho adoraton. Good Frday 9 a. m. sngng of the passon, adoraton of the cross, com munlon of the celebrant; 3 p. m. statons of the cross; 7 p. m. statons or the cross;s p. m. Englsh sermon on the passon of our Lord. Holy Saturday 7 a. m. blessng or tho fre pascal cle; propheces; blessng of the baptsmal water; 8:3U a. m. hgh mass; day of fast Easter Sunday G 7 a. m. low masses wth holy communon; 9 a. m. low mass wth sngng Englsh sermon; 0:30, solemn pontfcal mass sermon; 3 p. m., sacrament of con frmaton; 7 p. m. solemn benedcton. Durng all the servces collecton for tho beneft of the church. SANT AUGUSTNE CHURCH. Walkk.) Palm Sunday 9 a. m. blessng of the palms, long gospel mass. Wednesday 7:30 p. m. statons ot the cross. Easter Sunday 9 a. m. mass wltn Englsh sermon. ST. ANDREWS CATHEDRAL. At St. Andrews Cathedral tomorrow evenng Bshop Restarlck wll contnue hs course of lectures on the "Prnc ples of the Chrstan Relgon." The subject wll be: "The Perpetuaton Demonstraton of tho Chrstan Relgon." Tho regular servces for Palm Sunday wll be held mornng SEVENTH DAY ADVENTST. The servces at the Advcntst Church, 7G7 Klnau street, wll bo as follows: There wll be servce on Sunday evenng at 7:30 wth preachng by the pastor; subject, "the Reformatons; Ther Foundaton Power." You aro cordally nvted to attend. C. D. M. Wllams, pastor. METHODST. Frst Methodst Epscopal Church, 408 Beretana, Avenue, Davd W. Crane pastor. Sunday servces: Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; Jtcnaru M.Trent, superteuu ont. nternatonal lesson, "lc Rasng of Lazarus." Mornng worshp a. m. The wll preach on tho subject ot "Tho Atonement;" Mss Horton wll sng. Epworth League, 0:30 p. m.; P. E, Tosh, presdent. Topc for study, "nterrupted Hosannas." The meetng wll ho led by Mss Waddngton. Tho evenng servces wll be hold under the auspces of tho Y. M. C. A., general secretary Super presdng. Ad " drosses wll be made by Messrs. Towse, H Brscel., A cordlul nvtaton s extended to tho publc to attend the several ser vces of tho day. CHRSTAN CHURCH. A. C. McKeever, pastor. 9:45 a. m. Bble School; G:30 p. m. Y. P. S. C. E. subject, "Temperance. a. m. ser mon, subject "Hearng Dong." 7:30 p. m. sermon, subject, "Do Just ly, Love Mercy Walk Humbly Wth Thy God. All aro wolcomc. DSORDERED PORTUGAL. LSBON, Aprl. Premer Ferrelra has offered hs resgnaton owng to tho poltcal dsorders throughout Portugal. Tho resgnaton has not been accepted. Fne Job Prntng, ( Star Offce. LATE MEWS L ndng K R V. SOS DESERT H nh, On, GrdeThe Bf. 5 El U,. :.. St,!;. V. n n hvnu t. everv dollar (Dent be. lull t l ( comes a sure nvestment. ffl m 6j jj Made only n a plate heaver than l R H H trple, Communty Slver s sola at s Q J j about he prce of ordnary plate. El f. H 8 n n n: o n.j ll m., K. f. LllllUU & LU.. LU. H n n,. n Ka "",rm"" h ft n y v. b y s X S v H X. y XSl M M Mll H lll WW J M W am t,mwubm V M llll rwwmyhmmhmmmmmmb X Fraternal Meetngs ARMONY LODGE NO 3,. O. O. P. T wmtm Meets every Monday evenng at 7:M THER WVES n Odd Fellows Hall, CABLE Vtl ng Fort Street. brothers cordally nvted to attend. cnlle d An appeal was fled n tho Supreme Two young Portuguese women Court yesterday by Dr. John. upon U. S. Shppng Commssoner BEN F. VCKERS. N. G. Potto, from tho rulng of tho Dstrct H. N. AlmyThureday nqured E. R. HENDRY. Sec. MAGDALENA BAY, Aprl. Tho Court aganst hs practcng as a whether or not ther husbs had lleet wll sal for San Dego ths afternoostartng at 4 oclock. Tho pctltlonor n Honolulu wthout holdng left as salors aboard tho shp Edward Sowall. HONOLULU LODGE 66,. P. a Terrtoral lcense O. E. was lned, n tho lower court, $0 Mr. Almy stated that they had, wll meet n ther hall, Kng street, FOUR NEW BATTLESHPS. costs, s makng a test of tho after lookng up tho names n hs near Fort, every Frday evenng. By WASHNGTON, Aprl. t s ex law whch requres a veternaran to record. order ot tho E. R. pass on examnaton on tho subject pected that Presdent Roosevelt wn Cocllla Gomez, aged 2, declared send a specal messago to Congress of hs professon before beng permtted to practce. WM.. McNERNY, E. R. that sho had a baby thrco months urgng tho grantng of an appropraton for tho buldng of four money or provson for herself or old her husb had not left any. C. EASTON, Secy. ther chld. ERS SUGAR Lucy Gomez, aged 8, complaned Honolulu ron Works, E SMUGGLNG OF CHNESE. that she had n baby sx months old DETROT, Aprl. A wholesale her husb had left no provson or money for ther chld or her Referrng blrrnuu? to Alexer,V Blchvln vesterday. self. STEAM ENGNES, 8UGAH MLLS, scheme for tho smugglng of Chnese nto tho Unted States from Canndu the broltrr fee! poafy pleased at ths pont has been dscovered. Tho ladles u ; no stated that they had left BOLER8, COOLER8, RON, BRAS at the : a.." was ono ther weddng rngs home on ther AND LEAD CASTNGS. " fom 4.G. te lat q.o U, receved EARTHQUAKES N rospectvo chffoners. MEXCO. llerp Th!3 nlcun3 an advance per ton Almy MONTEREY, Mexco, Aprl could do nothng but slently Machnery of Every Descrpton. A of?.20. Accordng to A wer & seres ot severe earthquake smoko a cgaretto lsten to tho.vade U Order. Partcular Attentloa shocks Baldwn there must have been a sale weepng of tho two wves mothers becauso ther husbs were Work Executed on Short Notce. pad to Sh.p Blacksmlthlng. were felt throughout Jo ths dstrct of at least 200 tons or they would not havo been sent the cablegram dated afar on the brny. Aprl 0. TOO LGHT. PORTO RCAN STRANED FATH. HATS. Booker T. Washngton s a wonder A large ful man, PARENTS HEAR TRAGEDY. Lttle Betty had been playng assortment ot tho best Porto sad a southerner at tue n thn tnrrh nn nffernnon. lnno Rlcan hats Just receved. Lowest Tuskegee meetng n Carnege Hall las, The parents of Salor Stanley Enns,.,.. Prces preval. nn, See our wndow tnthnr. fronr whn month. There s no orator n Amerca to eaual hm. Amercan shp Eclpse durng tho pan,c when the haj am, LEADNG HAT CLEANERS. who ded n the open boat ot tho lost wwo dl80u8sng tho rcccnt nnancal "Hos full of fun, too. Once, when awful sxteen days thrst expos beault,0 ha( rone Bctty was unusualur e Fort St. Opp. tho Convent. Tuskegees future looked very of dsmal, between the abonng that)jy Bent anj tllougntfu And when Telephone 493. he declared to me that the great schoor vessel a thous mles from here Bho kne)t to say her prayerg a paus0 j was bound to pull through, that you Honolulu, have been Heard from by, followcd tho usua, pott0ns n behalf N THE CRCUT COURT OF THE never could tell from appearances what Unted States Shppng Commssoner of the futuro held n store. H. N. Almy. They aro n New papa an mamma an Aunt Mary FRST CRCUT, TERRTORY OF Bedford,.Mass., are well fxed. Stan an Uncle Tom an Rover an Brdget." HAWA. " Why, ho salu, mentonng Fnally.wlth great a earnestness, famous colored poet, n hlb boyhood eulned COUNTY OF OAHU. ley a few dollars comng as wages sho re HOLDNG TERMS AT HONOLULU, had that anu tne money wm ue lorwarueu tu chap was unversally despsed,.an OW,jcd) peaso tako grcgx even by MARSTON tno parents wnen ue papers nave CAMPBELL, Supernten uro oanj ot yoursef( anythng hs own mother. Even hs own mother dent of Publc Works of the Terrtory correctcu, as mere s some xecnnca Bnould happen to You wod only have used to say of hm that "she of Hawa, Plantff Pettoner, guessed error n the certfcate receved rom Ar. Roosevelt an ho hasnt come up vs. hs was WLLAM M. MAHUKA, AMOY. down n the books he gwlno ter Massachusetts by Almy. to papas expectatons, MAHUKA, wfe of Wlllnm M. Manuka, LUUKA MAHUKA, JOHN DOE be hanged, an sho nebber could bear dat brat, anyways, kaso he show drt bo eosy." STATUE FOR PNKHAM. DONT NEGLECT A COLD. MARY STLES, unknown helra ". EDTOR STAR t s our belef Perhaps you that beleve you wll be abe at law of M. K. Manuka, deceased, A BOY ON CLERGYMEN. (tho lato presdent) Mr. Plnkham has to throw off every cold you contract. JOHN EMMELUTH, ALETHEA Bshop Potter, at un ecclesastcal done many knd helpful deeds You may havo done so many tmes be EMMELUTH, wfe of John Emmelut h, dnner n New York, read a Cooperstowthat n hs offcal work ho often manfests tho skll of a well educated develop nto pneumona. You cannot ALCE PEACOCK, wfe of Walter fore, yet tho very next cold may WALTER C. PEACOCK, MARY n schoolboys essay on "Clergymen" gfted man, exquste penmanshp The essay, for always tell tho condton of your sys C. Peacock, BATHSHEBA M. ALwhch created much amuse one thng;. t s our opnon that tem, t s better to tako precau LEN, JOSEPH O. CARTER, PAUL ment, was as follows: he deserves to be canonzed, at least, ton than to rsk ths dangerous ds MUHLENDORF M. P. ROBN "There aro 3 knds of clergymen enrolled n the kalendar of sants ease. Chamberlalrs Cough Remedy SON, Trustees under tho Wll ot blshups rectors curats. the bshups martyrs. Had wo not all, so recently, been robbed of all our small your system wll promptly euro your cold leave Samuel C. Allen, deceased, JOSEPH tells the rccters to work the curats O CARTER, t. a healthy ALFRED W. CARTER, condton. For nave to do t. a curate s a thn mar WLLAM O. SMTH, SAMUEL M. J change by the Lllputans, makng t salo by all dealers, Benson, Smth & red man but when ho s a rector he DAMON, E. laxon BSHOP, rather hard tmes for a season, wo Co., agents for Hawa. gets fuller can preach longer ser Trustees under mght ask Usborne to look round for a the Wll of tho mons becums a good man." statue. EDTOR TMES. Fne Job PrlntlBB. Star omc. Estate f Bernlce Pauahl Bshop, deceased, MARY E. FOSTER, HENRC H WLHELM EHLERS, PAUL J. F. EHLERS, JOHN F. HACKFEL D, Trustees, HENRY WATERHOUS E TRUST COMPANY, LMT ED, a Hawaan Corporaton, JOHN BROWN, JAMES BLACK. MARY. PURPLE JANE BLUE, unknown owners clamants. Defendants Respondents. TERM SUMMONS. S. H THE TERRTORY OF HAWA: TO THE HGH SHERFF of the Torrtory of Hawa, or hs Deputy; the Sherff o tho County of Oahu, or H v H hs Deputy: YOU ARE COMMANDED to sum mon Wllam M. Manuka. Amoy Ma huka, wlfo of Wllam M. Manuka,,uuka Aahuka, John Doe Mary Stles, unknown hers at law of M. K. Manuka, deceased, John Emmeluth, Alethela Emmeluth, wfe of John Em meluth, Walter C. Peacock, Mary Alce Peacock, wfe of Walter C. Peacock, Bathsheba M. Allen, Josoph O. Carto r, Paul Muhlendorf M. P. Rob nson, Trustees under tho Wll ot m m, :m ml mwm m Samuel C. Allen, deceased, Joseph O. Carter, Alfred W. Carter, Wllam O. Smth, Samuel M. Damon, E. Faxon Bshop, Trustees undor tho Wll of tho Estate of Bernlce Pauahl Bshop, deceased, Mary E. Foster, Henrch Wllhelm Ehlers, Paul J. F. Ehlers, John F. Hackfold, Trustee, Henry Waterhouse Trust Company, Lmted, a Hawaan corporaton, John Brown, James Black, Mary Purple Jane Blue, unknown owners clamants, defendants respondents, n mm. caso they shall fle wrtten answer wthn twenty days nftor sorvlce hereof, to bo appear beforo tho sad mm Crcut Court at tho term there Df pend ng mmedately after tho expraton ot twenty days after servce hereof; pro ded, however, f no terra bo pendng at such tme, then to bo appear beforo tho sad Crcut Court at the next succeedng term thereof, to wt: tho January, 908, Term thoreof, to bo tf s out ot the log ol uncertanty wncl holden nt Honolulu, sl County K plated ware, because t s made n Ljl El of Oahu, on Monday, tho 3th day ot January next, at 0 oclock A. M., to show cause why the clam of Marston Campbell, Superntendent of Publc Works, plantff pettoner, should not be awarded to hm, pursuant to tho tenor of hs nnnoxod Petton. And have you then there ths Wrt wth full return of your proceedngs thereon. WTNSSS the Honorable John T. Do Bolt, Frst Judge of tho Crcut Court of tho Frst Crcut, at Hono lulu, aforesad, ths 2Cth day of.907. (Seal). (Sgned) J. A. THOMPSON, Clerk. hereby certfy the foregong to ho a full, truo correct copy ot the orgnal Summons heren ssued on fle n th3 Court. Dated Decomher 2Cth, 907. J. A. THOMPSON, Clerk. Fne Job Frlntlng, Star Offce. s

8 lra E OUT THE HAWAAN STAR, SATURDAY, APRL!, 903. ft Danty Easter Postals lk!lv Wo bolteve our lne ot Easter otnl Cards h the m n the Cty. Como seo Tor yoursolf. WOMANS EXCHANGE. Hotel St. near Unon. W.G. rwn &Co.,Ltd Wm. G. rwn.. Presdent Manage nt Jchn D. Sprocket. Frst VlcePrsd nt W. M. Olffard...Second H. M. Whltnoy Treasurer Rchard tvefa gacretary W. V. W lson Audlto SUGAR FACTORS, CUA&fflSSOH AGENTS AGENTS FOR O.eanlc Steamshp Co., San Francln.., CaJL.Wostern Sugar Uflnhu Co., S&n Frnolsc Cal. Baldwn Locomotve Works, Phladelpha, Pa. Nowall Unlveroal Mll Co., Manufacturers of Natonal Cano Shredder. New York, N. Y P&etfe Ol Trtnevortatlnn Co., Bs.r Francsco, Cal. THE BEST SODA Water la mado by us. Wo can prove t Consoldated Soda Water Works Co, C. S. LETHEAD, Manager. Telephone 7. Have the gs lght nstalled whle the days are long You dan Get The Best Mt From Gas for hal or less than half, what you pay for any other knd ot lprht Hono p Gas Co BSHOP STREET HONOLULU Reducton Sale! FOR 3 WEEKS from APRL 2ND. EVERY ARTCLE REDUCED FROM 25 TP 50 PER CENT. YAT LOY CO. Kng Street near Nuuanu. 4 8UTS FOR Wo wll cleanan d press 4 suts a month for $.60 f you Jon our clothes cleanng club. Good work guaranteed. JON NOW. ThoOho Clothes Cleanng Co. Harrson Block, Beretanla nr FortT Won Lou & Co. Plumbers Tnners 7 Hotel Street near Maunakca. COMPANY, LTD. 2 Nuuanu St. near Pauabl. y. sm Cornr Beretanla Nuuanu BU JAPANESE DRUGGSTS. GENERAL MERCHANDSE All Knds of Amercan Patent clnes at Low Prces. NEW ADVERTSEMENTS. MorlgageeTNotlcentS) Page W. W. Dlnond ft Co Page 8 Manufacturers Sho Co Pge l Palm Cafe Page 4 Suvas Toggery age 6 Sachs Dry Goods Co Pago 8 K. W. Jordan & Co Pago 4 Honokan Specal Mootng Page o H. Watcrhouso Trust Co Pago 8 THE WEATHER. Local Offce, U. S. Weather Bureau, r..m.l Honolulu, T.., Aprl, 90S. Temperatures, C a. m.; 5 a. m.; 0 a. n.; mornng mlumum. 09; 72; 72; 7; CS. Barometer rendng: absolute humd ty (grans per cubc foot); relatve humdty dew pont at 8 a. n.: 30.00; 5.05; 00; 58. Wnd: Velocty drecton at G n. n.; S a. m.; 30 a. m.; noon. 2 NE; 3 NE.; 5 NE.; S NE. Ranfall durng Z nours endng S a. m.:.0 nch. Total wnd movement durng 24 hours ended nt noon 232 mles. WJ. 3. STOCKMAN, Sectl n Dlrrojor. NEWS N A NUTSHELL Paragraphs That Gve Condensed News of the Day. Auto at hack fare, F. Lllls, Tel. 36. The fleet s comng. Let us clean ud the cty. Try Lutteds Tabasco Sauce. For sale at all grocers. Mrs. A. C. Freeman arrved n the Mauua Kea. H. P. Baldwn was an arrval from Maul ths mornng. The Chnese bones case s agan before a jury n HHo. T. C. Davles returned from Hawa n tho Mauna Kea ths mornng. Rev. S. L. Desha was an ncomng passenger n the Mauna Kea today. L. Barkhausen arrved from Maul n tho S. S. Mauna Kcu ths mornng. Two mortgagees notces of nten ton to foreclose appears n ths ssue. A pleasant furnshed room n tho Makk dstrct s for rent. Seo Classfed Ads. Mr. Mrs. H. L. Holstcln wore passengers arrvng today n tho Mauna Kea. Tho Honolulu Pantng Co. have moved to 22 Kng street opposlto Aala Park. Tho best dressed ladles of today buy McCalls patterns. E. W. Jordan & Co., Agents. Tho danco of the Leahl Athletc Club at tho hall of Mrs. Puahl, at Wakk, comes off tonght. Fred Roback, who was burned by a lvo wre at Hllo, was stll n a crtcal condton at last accounts. Golfers gong to Halova wll bo glad to know that thoy can obtan Tansan at that popular hostelry. Honokan Sugar Co. wll hold a specal meetng on Wednesday, Aprl 5, at tho olllco of F. A. Schaefcr & Co. Dont mss tho specal sale of Easter neckwear at Sachs next week. Everythng s marked down to quck sellng prces. The prettest Easter Noveltes n rabbts, egg3 ces of all knds are beng shown at, tho Palm Cafe, Hotel St., near Fort. Have you tred a Tansan lemonade as yet? Go to tho Chambers or Holst Drug Store, or any of the hotels, saloons or clubs do so. W. T. Robnson of Walluku, here as a cdato for delegato to the Chcago conventon, arrved n tho Mauna Kea ths mornng. Warm weather s comng you need a tonc, somethng that s dollclou s as a beverage yet asssts the functon of nature. Tansan flls the bll Try t. Tho Hart, Schaffne(r & Marx rancoat s what you want. ts a long loose, dressy overcoat that sheds water. You can wear t, ran or shne. You get t at Sllvas Toggery. Tho man who wears a Bannster shoo feels that he s correctly shod. More than that, he s comfortably shod. Seo them at tho Manufacturers Shoo Co., Ltd. 05 Fort St. An order of default judgment was entered ths mornng by Judge Do Bolt n tho case of Chrstna Lopes vs. Manuel V. Branco, for , beng prncpal, nterest costs on a $200 promlsory note. Answer has been fled n the dvorce case of Helen W. Kclsey vs. Henry E. Kolsoy, by the defendant, who admts tho charge of deserton, consents to tho Courts takng ac ton. The defendant was served n Hllo. A hot chase was n progress at last report, after Kmura, a Japaneso gambler, who s supposed to havo murdered a plantaton laborer named Tomoda Tuomatsu, on Sunday afternoon near tho Hnlf Way House n Knu. A llbol for dvorce fled n tho Sec Sole manufacturers Agents ot Genune Kola Mnt. (Dont buy poor mtatons.) PHONE 7. ond Crcut Court at Walluku, Maul, has been receved hero for sorvlco by tho Hgh Sherff. t s fled by Clara HOP WO do Souza aganst Mnnool de Souza charges nonsuppo deser All knds of Lades Woolen Over ton. Tho llhelleo s supposed to bo coats, Dresses ready made or made to on ths sl. order at very reasonable prces. Mara M. Ocaslo of Makawao, Maul, wants a dlvorco from Joso Ocnslo, who s at prosent sorvng a torm n wll buy a fne homo. Easy terms. penttrustco A. D. Larnnch was ths mornng commssoned by Attorney General lemeuway, as Second Deputy Attorney General. Ths s n poston whch las not been flled slnco tho present admnstraton went nto offce, the work havng boon dvded between Mr. Hemenwny, Deputy Whtney, Specal Offcer Sutton, who s also an attorney. Mr..arnach has boon practcng n the Terrtory only a few months, havng oponed a law offce after hs return from tho Stanford Unversty Law school. Durng ths bref tme, however, ho has mado a mpresson n judcal crcles, has hled some dffcult crmnal cases wth conspcuous ablty. PLUCKY EMS FASO ROBLES, Aprl 2. " wll bo on the brdge of tho Connectcut to brng tho fleet n through tho Golden Gate. havo never faled n anythng have undertaken wll do t." RoarAdmr al Roblcy D. Evans thus expressed the determnaton of an ndomtable wll ths mornng as he looked fromjlo wndows of hs room at tho Paso Robles Hotel over the green oakdotte d hlls that reached away to the horzon lne of tle clear blue ot tho Calforna sky. t was the voce of a strong man, but the ashenwhft o face, drawn n lnes of pan, told the ptable story ot weakness, hs physcans know that f he succeeds n hs determnaton to rejon the fleet on tb voyago t wll be to add a greater vctory to the record of "Fgntng Bob Evans. TERM ADJOURNED. The Unted States Dstrct Court ths mornng adjourned sne de for the specal February term. On Monday the regular Aprl term opens, tho gr jury beng summoned for that date. There are a number of mportant cases on tho crmnal calendar to be tred durng tho comng term. HORSE WTH A HSTORY. A horse wtl a hstory was sold n front of tho polce staton at noon today for $80 to satsfy a debt. The anmal belonged to A. Hugglns was stolen by Joe Everett who got lve years for tho deed. t was, nfter ts return to Huggns, attached for debt now Behlna calls t hs. tho Oahu prson for an attempt to murder tho lbellants father, who nterfered when Ocaso was beatng threatenng to kll her. Tho papers arrved hero for servce ths mornng. Hon.. L. Holsteln, Speaker of the Houso n tho last Legslature, arrved bore ths mornng on a busness trp Holstofrom Kohala, Hawa. Mr. n stated that n so far as ho knew thero has been no sentment aganst Presdent Pnkham of tho Board of Health, n hs dstrct, by ether whtes or natves. A sut was fled ths mornng by Henry Smth, trustee, vs. Raymond Reyes, hs wfe, fve chldren, on an unsatsfed judgment of $,07.72, or some tmo stng. Tho complant alleges that Reyes transferred certan property of $3,000 or more n value to bs chldren n order to prevent the Judgment from beng executed. Passon "Week wll bo observed by tho Chrstan Methodst churches n unon servces. The meetngs wll bo held on Monday, Tuesday Wednesday n the Methodst church buldng, on Beretanla avenue; ou tho other evenngs ot tho, week, n tho Chrstan church, on Alakea street. The.pastors wll alternate n preachng. (Stanley A. Cutter, a carman n tho employ of tho Rapd Transt Company, ths mornng was adjudged a bankrupt by Judge Dolo n tuejll. S. Bankruptcy Court. Tho schedulo of labltes amounts to $392.89, consstng of some twenty or more accounts of varous morchants professonal men n the cty, none of whch are over $00. Tho assets consstng of household furnshngs wearng apparel amounts to $C. n the dlvorco case of Annlo K. Conradt, vs. Joseph E. Conradt, whch has been pendng slnco January 23rd, s based on grounds of deserton non support, the llhelleo beng alleged to havo been Hyng n Kobe, Japan, slnco 900, Judgo Lndsay yosterday granted an order appontng F. Melchors, of Kobe, an agent to servo tho lbcllce wth tho papers n tho case. Fne Job Prntng, Star Offce. A PERFECT F T Guaranteed Wth our expert cutter who bas Just returned from tho coast we guarantee every sut to ft. W, W. AttAHA CO,, LTD. Merchant Talors. Walty Buldng Kng Street 96 TEST Date. Per Lb. Per Ton. Jan cents Mnr. 8 Mar. 9. Mar cents 85.0, Mar cents Mar. 23 Mar C cents, Mar. 25 Mar. 20 Mar. 27 Mar. 30 Mar. 3.. Apr. 3 Apr. 4 Aprl G Apr. 7 Apr. S Aprl 0 Aprl. ECLPSE 4.43 cents OWNERS The Bureau of Navgaton, Washngton, has nstructed the Unted States Dstrct Attorney at San Francsco to at once nvestgate the charges contaned n affdavts n regard to the bad condton of the boats of the Amercan shp Eclpse aboned at sea nearly a thous mles from Honolulu on January. Unted States Shppng Commssoner H. N. Almy, of ths port, forwarded, n February last, to the Navgaton Bureau affdavts of survvors of the Eclpse, taken rere, the acton above noted s the result. Members of the crew of the Eclpse declared that her boats were rotten f ths s proved the owners of the lost shp wll suffer. The U. S. Dstrct Attorney at San Francsco wll act at once. J. A. McKttrlck, a stockman of Brookfleld, Mo., was pnned under the wreclcage from a rear end collson at Spansh Lake, ffteen mles north of St Lous, on Aprl 2. Scaldng steam from the passenger locomotve was envelopng hm, to save McKttrcks lfe Rev. R. C. Allen of Grove Cty, Pa., cut off tle leg wth a pocketknlfe. Tho amount that the Chcago Ral way Company tho Chcago Cty Ralway Company wll pay nto tho cty treasury Aprl 0, as the flrstlnstallme nt L of compensaton due under th terms of ther franchses, wlr b"e from both companes. AN ENTERPRSNG MERCHANT K. Yamamoto s tho Dlggest mporter ot Japanese goods n Hawa. Eve. y Bteamer from the orent (tramp or passenger) brngs hm the largest shpment consgned to one frm. By gettng hs goods n large quanttes the freght other charges are greatly reduced whch enables hm to undersell al compettors. SUGAR STLL RSES A cablegram was receved ths mornng from E Pollltz, of San Francsco, by tho Henry Waterhouse Trust Company, statng that there toad been a sale of sugar n New York today at The report receved, yesterday afternoon placed the prce at The cablegram receved by Alexer & Baldwn from ther New "York correspondent stated that the prce was 4.42, wth the market strong. Whle the prce receved from Pollltz may not be the offcal prce, on account of the fact that less than 200 tons was sold at that fgure, t shows conclusvely that sugar s on a strong advance that stll better prces are lkely to come. "THE MASCOT SOCETY ft T MANY WELL KNOWN PEOPLE ARE TO APPEAR N THE OAST AT OPERA HOUSE. The last two rehearsals ot "Tho Mascot" n tho Opera House, havo been notlceablo for tho great advancement mado by both prncpals chorus. Much care s beng gvng to stagng acton t s felt that n ths respect "Tho Mascot" wll outshne prevous productons gven locally. Mr. Hugo Herzer, who s attendng to both tho stage management tho drecton of rehearsals, s, n addton, takng tho loadng part of "Plppo," the shepherd. n ths par): Mr. Herzer has many fne solos whch wll gve hm an op r LONDON BEETS Prce. 9 shllngs, lofe pence. 0 shllngs, 0 2 ponco. shllngs. shllngs, 4 2 ponce. shllngs, 3 pence. shllngs, pence. shllngs, 2 4 pence. shllngs, 3 pence. shllngs, 5 4 pence. shllngs 4 2 pence. shllngs, C pence. shllngs, 4 2 pence. shllngs 3 4 pence. shllngs 2 4 pence. shllngs, 2 pence. shllngs, 3 pence. shllngs, pence. shllngs, G pence. shllngs, 8 4 pence. James F. Morgans AUCTONEER AND STOCK BROKER Member of Honolulu Stock Bond Exchange. Stock Bond Orders receve prompt attenton. nformaton furnshed relatve to all STOCKS AND BONDS. LOANS NEGOTATED. Phone 72. P. O. Box 694. portunlty to exercse hs partcularly popular voce. Mr. Herzer as "Pppo" s an artst whoso lke has seldom been seen n any of tho amateur comc operas prevously gven at the Opera House. Such popular old tme favortes as Mr, Jas. B. Dougherty, M. H. Webb "Sonny" Cunha also have leadng roles one all "make good" n ther respectve parts. Tho chorus s evenly balanced ; sng well together, all knowng the words acton partcularly well. Followng s a lst of the chorus: Mss Charlotte Hall, Mss Restarck, Mss B. Hopper, Mss Nelle McLane, Mss Jean Center, Mss Sparrowe, Mss Edna Perkns, Mss Edth Perkns, Mrs Pratt, Mrs. P. G. Cox, Mss Day, Mss L. Aylett, Mss K. Hopper, Mss M. McCless, Mss Wnne, Mss M. Wnne, Mss Johnson, Mss A. Macaule y, Mss J. Macauley, Mss Bruckman, Mss M. Aylett. Messrs. P. J. Harwood, C. Waterman, C. Edmunds, Chester Lvngston, Clfford Lvngston, J. Anderson, P. G, Cox, W. Beakbane, Rosco Porkns, J. A. Thompson, Joseph Pa, Renton, Dr. H, Dr. Farweather, Paul Sohmdt, L. G. Blackman, J. C. Ewlng, J. Hlls, Wm. err, Chrs Jenkns, Ernest Kaal. mm now TransPacf c Trade, the commercal paper started n Honolulu afterwards moved to Hllo, by C. R. Bucklan d, ded at tho end ot last month. Buckls busness bureau stll keeps up. TO NSTRUCT DTHERWS E (Contnued from page one.) on the matter tll after ths caucus had been held. Geo. H. Farchlld of the Kaua delegaton was unable at noon to state when ther caucus would be held. McBRYDE VS. KOLOA. n tho McBrydo Sugar Company vs. Koloa Sugar Company case, for tho ttle to certan water rghts, for damages n tho sum of $25,000, Judge a de Do Bolt ths mornng overruled murrer of tho defendant to tho bll of complant. Knney Anderson for the plantff C. demons for tho defendant. The Amercan Ctzens Labor Unon of Hllo, numberng 8C members, has started n to control the stevedorng busness thero wth good success. Accordng to tho Herald tho next step wll be to approach managers of plantatons on a cano plantng schemo. KUauea Volcano THE WONDER OP THE WESTERN HEMSPHERE. Returnng vstors proclam t to be tho grest spectacle over wtnessed uy tnem. Tho fne, new steamshp MAUNA KEA wll sal for Hlo on Tuesday, (Aprl 4th, at noon; returnng Saturday mornng, Aprl 8th. Faro for tho round trp to tho Volcano return $4250. For nformaton regardng tho trp apply to Henry Waterhouse Trust Co,, Ld Corner Fort Merchant Streets. Ths Wees Specals SPEJCA, 2k3HE OF Easter Neckwear At quck sellng prces; a savng from to n every nstance. LADES SLK AND WASHABLE STOCKS 35c neckwear ; 25c N 40c neckwear 30c 50c neckwear. 35c 75c neckwear 50c Wndsor Tes, plads sold colors 25c. Four n h Slk Tcs, red, navy black at 35c each. Embrodered turn over collars from 0c up. LACE COLLARS elegant assortment from $f.oq upward. Pretty Chffon Scarfs n drcsden effects. V. WHTE MERCERZED DAMASSE, extra qualty, 65c value at 40c a yard.. PURE LNEN WHTE TABLE DAMASK 2 yards wde, $4.00 qualty at 80c a yard. EH. S. SacHs Dry oods $, Ltd THE STORE WTH THE MONEYBAC K POLCY. Thos. A. Edson the foremost nventor of the age, rendered hs best servce to the muscal world when he gave t the Edson Phonograph (New Model). Ths machne s superor n every pont to any other phonograph, yet costs less, the records are cheaper. CALL AND HEAR T AT THE Hawaan News Young Company, Ltd., nt LEONARD GVES THE BEST SERVCE AND THE LEAST TROUBLE FOR THE, LONGEST TME. " EVERYTHNG ABOUT T S RGHT., Phone Buldng Hackfeld & Co. LMTED HUSTACEPEC K HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. Queen Street. CO., JLD. P. O. Box aa. ESTMATES GVEN ON ALL KNDS OF TEAMNG DEALERS W "T. j Fre Wood, Stove, Steam Blacksmth Coal ;v 3 u Crushed Rock, Black Whte S. Garden Sol. Hay, Gran, Cement. Etc., Etc. You Dont Feel The Expendture When Buyng a New Dnner Set From an openstoc k pattern. Know why? Next tme you need a dozen dnner plates select them from an "OpenStock " pattern. When you vant a meat platter choose from the same pattern. Keep addng to ths nucleus the frst thng you know your odd purchases comprse a hsome set. Now, f you had bought dfferent decoratons that struqk your fancy, every tme you needed specal tems your aggregate purchases would look lke a joblo t. Thnk t over or better yet, come n talk t over look the patterns over. We have ts "Stockpatter to choose from. W. W. DMOND & CO., LTD. SJS 7 Kng St., Honolulu. M mm

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