Genesis 1:27 Slide At the end the Storyteller should pray for the group and dismiss kids to Small Group 7. Small Group (20-30 Minutes)

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1 Art in Me Bible Story: Art in Me (Image of God) Genesis 1:26-28 Bottom Line: God made me in His image. Memory Verse: How you made me is amazing and wonderful. I praise you for that. What you have done is wonderful. I know that very well. Psalm 139:14, NIrV Life App: Individuality Discovering who you are meant to be Basic Truth: I can trust God no matter what. 1. Countdown 2. Announcements 3. CG:Transition Slide then Host Opener (5 minutes) Host Two Small Group Leaders (one female, one male) Large easel writing pad Easel for the writing pad Two thick poster markers Two blindfolds or sleeping masks Wooden bar stool or small table Phone timer Download and print the Quick Draw Cards onto cardstock. These can be found in the document labeled 03_1903_LG_Assets_K5Plus_W1. Cut the cards and stack them in descending order from 6 to 1, so when placed face down, the first card drawn from the top is card one (the donut). Position the writing pad on the easel center stage. Place the markers on the easel. Position the wooden bar stool beside the easel. Put the Quick Draw Cards face down on the stool. Media Upbeat music to use as kids enter and exit the room Fun game music (instrumental) Theme Slide Individuality Slide Blank Bottom Line Slide Bottom Line Slide Blank Memory Verse Slide Memory Verse Slide Quick Draw Game Slide Quick Draw Cards #1-6 (printable) Quick Draw Images # Praise and Worship (10 Minutes) End with CG:Transition Slide 5. CG: Word Video and CG:Transition Slide 6. Bible Story (15 Minutes) Storyteller Bible Inflatable ice cream cone, Giant pencil or paint palette, Soccer ball Kid volunteer Five-dollar bill (Give the five-dollar bill to the Storyteller to put in her pocket.) Media Blank Bottom Line Slide Bottom Line Slide Genesis 1:27 Slide At the end the Storyteller should pray for the group and dismiss kids to Small Group 7. Small Group (20-30 Minutes) 1

2 Bible Story Outline Week 1 Art in Me (Image of God) Genesis 1:26-28 SETTING UP THE STORY We can see individuality in this room, across the world, AND when we look back to the beginning of time God created the whole universe: sun, stars, planets On Earth, God made life: plants and animals After God made everything else, God made people Adam and Eve Genesis 1:27 God created people in His own image We can show people what God is like by the way we live our lives GOD MADE US ON PURPOSE When God made Adam and Eve, He made them PERFECT God made YOU in His image, too He made you to reflect His image in your own unique way God made you an individual You can change the world around you by discovering who God made you to be and using the gifts He has given you WE MESS UP God made Adam and Eve perfect, but they didn t stay that way They disobeyed God by eating the fruit; they sinned Sin is when we do something we know God doesn t want us to do God s rules protect us and keep us safe God wants what s best for us, because He loves us All of us have sinned When we sin, it s like we can t even see who God made us to be WE ALWAYS HAVE VALUE We can t be perfect like God Even when we sin, God still loves us; we still have value WRAPPING UP THE STORY Nothing we do will ever change our value in God s eyes God says you still have value even when you sin BL: God made me in His image. Our purpose is to reflect God s character every day and make a difference God sent Jesus to pay the price for our sin so we could have a relationship with Him that will last forever Salvation Message God values each of us because we are made in His image 2

3 Art in Me Bible Story: Art in Me (Image of God) Genesis 1:26-28 Bottom Line: God made me in His image. Memory Verse: How you made me is amazing and wonderful. I praise you for that. What you have done is wonderful. I know that very well. Psalm 139:14, NIrV Life App: Individuality Discovering who you are meant to be Basic Truth: I can trust God no matter what. 1. Countdown 2. Announcements 3. CG:Transition Slide then Host Opener (5 minutes) SFX: Play high-energy music as kids enter. CG: Theme Slide Optional CG (Media Package): Theme Loop Video Host is on stage, welcoming the kids as they enter. Optional CG (Media Package): Countdown Video Optional CG (Media Package): Theme Video HOST: Hello, [your environment s name]! It s a new month, which means we ve got a brand-new Life App. A Life App is something God does IN you to change the world AROUND you. And this month s Life App is on point! Let s look at it together. CG: Individuality Slide Optional CG (Media Package): Life App Video Individuality is discovering who you are meant to be. Optional CG (Media Package): Theme TransBack Video God made each one of us unique and special. When you know that s true, it changes how you treat yourself AND the people around you. There are lots of ways you can show your individuality, like drawing, painting, building, and even sculpting. As a matter of fact, today s competition is a game of Quick Draw: boys versus girls! CG: Quick Draw Game Slide I need two Small Group Leaders to come on stage and help me. Choose a male and female Small Group Leader, and invite them on stage. Girls, you re up first. [Female Leader s name], I ll show you an image on a card. No one else will be able to see it. You ll want to study the image really well; memorize every line. Then, without looking at the original image, you ll draw the image on this paper (point to the easel writing pad), and the girls in the room will have 30 seconds to guess what you re drawing. If they guess it correctly, you get a point. Then it s the boys turn. I ll show [male Leader s name] a different image, and he ll do the same thing. He ll quickly study it and then draw the image, trying to get the boys to guess it. Whichever team gets the most points at the end of three rounds wins! (To audience) Audience, do you think they can do it? (Pause for response.) (To Leaders) I think you can, too, so let s make this a little more difficult. While you re drawing, you will also be blindfolded! 3

4 Give a blindfold to each Leader. (To Female Leader) Okay, [female Leader s name]. Here s your first image. Pick up Quick Draw Card #1 (donut). Show it to the female Leader for a few seconds without allowing the audience to see it. You got it? (Pause for response.) Good. Now go ahead and put your blindfold on. (Leader puts on the blindfold.) You have 30 seconds to draw the image, and only the girls will shout out what they think you re drawing. Boys, you have to be quiet while they guess! Help the Leader put on her blindfold if needed. Help her find the easel writing pad and marker. Position her off to the side of the paper so she isn t blocking it with her body. Let s count her down... three, two, one, go! Set a 30-second timer on your phone. SFX: Fun game music (instrumental) Optional CG (Media Package): Countdown Video Listen to the girls in the audience as they try to guess. If they guess correctly, announce the correct answer to make sure everyone heard it, and stop the timer. Congratulate them, and award them a point. If the timer ends before they guess correctly, stop the Leader from drawing any further. [Leader s name], you can take your blindfold off. Let s see how your drawing compares to the original image. CG: Quick Draw Image #1 (Donut) Okay, I see what you did there. That s pretty good. Now, let s see if the boys can guess [male Leader s name] s picture. Remove the drawing from the easel pad to reveal a new piece of paper. Give the boys a turn. Then go through two more rounds so that each team has three chances to guess. CG: Quick Draw Image #2 (Tree) CG: Quick Draw Image #3 (House) CG: Quick Draw Image #4 (Car) CG: Quick Draw Image #5 (Bat) CG: Quick Draw Image #6 (Crocodile) Announce the winners and congratulate both teams. Thank the two Leaders and dismiss them to their seats. Thanks, [Leaders names], for using your individuality and your artistic skills. Now let s all stand and get ready to sing and worship God together. Worship Leaders enter as Host exits. 4. Praise and Worship (10 Minutes) End with CG:Transition Slide 5. CG: Word Video and CG:Transition Slide 6. Bible Story (15 Minutes) Storyteller enters as Worship Leaders exit. CG: Blank Bottom Line Slide 4

5 SETTING UP THE STORY STORYTELLER: I m so excited that we re talking about individuality this month! We can see individuality here in this room, all across the world, AND when we look all the way back to the very beginning of time. Whoa! "You see, the very first thing we read in the Bible (hold up Bible) is the story of how God created the whole universe. He made the sun, the stars, and all the planets. On Earth, God made life. He created plants and animals. He saw that His creation was good, but He wasn t done yet. After God made everything else, God made people Adam and Eve. Check this out. CG: Genesis 1:27 Slide Open the Bible to Genesis 1:27 (NIrV) and read. So God created human beings in his own likeness. He created them to be like himself. He created them as male and female. God created people in His own likeness His own image. Now, this doesn t mean our physical appearance looks like God. Being created in God s likeness means we can love, forgive, be generous, and speak kind words. We can make wise choices. We can show the people around us what God is like by the way we live our lives. GOD MADE US ON PURPOSE STORYTELLER: Here s the really amazing part. When God made Adam and Eve, He made them PERFECT. They were a perfect reflection of God s character. Guess what. God made YOU in His image, too. He made you for a purpose, just like Adam and Eve. He made you to reflect how He thinks and feels. He made you to reflect His image in your own unique way. God made you an INDIVIDUAL. Let me show you what I mean. Pick up the inflatable ice cream cone. Raise your hand if vanilla ice cream is your favorite. (Pause for response.) Raise your hand if chocolate ice cream is your favorite. (Pause for response.) Raise your hand if another flavor is your favorite. (Pause for response.) Cool! Like what? (Get a few answers.) Set the ice cream cone down on the table. Pick up the giant pencil or paint palette. Raise your hand if you like to draw or paint. (Pause for response.) Raise your hand if you like to play sports. (Pause for response.) Set the pencil or palette down on the table. Pick up the soccer ball. Set the soccer ball down on the table. Some of us like to sing or play an instrument. Some of us are really good at writing stories. God made some of us to be really good with numbers. He also gave us gifts and talents that we haven t even discovered yet! God made us all different on purpose. It s no accident that you re alive today. God has big plans for you! Each one of us in this room can reflect what God is like in our own individual way. You can change the world around you by discovering who God made you to be and using the gifts He has given you. 5

6 WE MESS UP STORYTELLER: But here s the thing. Remember how I said that God made Adam and Eve perfect? Well, unfortunately they didn t stay that way. God gave Adam and Eve one rule: not to eat the fruit from a very specific tree. One day Eve was tempted to eat the fruit. She gave in to the temptation. She and Adam disobeyed God by eating the fruit. God told Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit, so when they did, they sinned. Who can raise their hand and tell me what sin means? (Call on a kid to share.) That s right. Sin is when we disobey God. It s when we do something we know God doesn t want us to do. You see, God has given us rules to live by, just like He did for Adam and Eve. God s rules are for our good. They protect us and keep us safe. They also help us to know who God is and what He is like. [Basic Truth] We can trust God no matter what, because He is good and holy. He made us in His image. He wants what s best for us, because He loves us. When we disobey what God says, that s sin. Disobeying our parents. Telling a lie, like going online when we know we aren t supposed to. Saying something mean about someone. Even THINKING a mean thought about someone. Those are all things someone might do that would be a sin. Unfortunately, that can happen to us just like it happened to Adam and Eve. One of the writers in the New Testament of our Bibles talks about how ALL of us have sinned (Romans 3:23). We don t always [Basic Truth] make the wise choice and live the way God wants us to. Because of Adam and Eve s sin, they were no longer a perfect reflection of God. Like Adam and Eve, we aren t perfect either. When we sin, we aren t reflecting God s character. When we disobey, we aren t showing those around us what God is like. When that happens, it s like we can t even see who God made us to be. Slowly and deliberately, place the ice cream cone, pencil/palette, and soccer ball back into the prop bin so they re no longer visible. WE ALWAYS HAVE VALUE STORYTELLER: Even when we sin, God still loves us. We still have value, no matter what we ve done. Let me show you what I mean. Can I get a volunteer to help me out? Choose an older kid volunteer and bring her up on stage. Take the five-dollar bill out of your pocket and hold it up for the audience to see. Here in my hand, I have a piece of paper. (To kid) [Kid s name], how much value would you say this piece of paper has? What s it worth? Pause for response. If needed, point to the number five in the corner. Five dollars. [Kid s name], what do you think you could buy with this five-dollar bill? Pause for her response. Give some other possible answers. This piece of paper can get you a lot of things, because it has value. But what if I do this? Crumple up the bill into a ball and hold it up for the audience to see. (To the kid) How much is it worth now? (Pause for response.) Still five dollars, huh? Okay, what if I do this? Drop the crumpled ball on the floor and step on it, grinding it into the floor a little with your foot. Remove your foot from the bill. (To the kid) How much is the value of the paper now? (Pause for response.) Still five dollars? Are you sure? I mean, it has all kinds of creases in it, and it s been on the floor now. It s still worth five dollars? (Pause for response.) What if I do this? 6

7 Pick the bill off the floor, lift your arm high into the air, and rub the bill in your armpit. Then switch arms and rub it in the other armpit. Then hold it up. (To the kid) NOW how much is this bill worth? (Pause for response.) Really? It s still worth five dollars? I can still buy all the same things with it as before? LOOK at this thing! SMELL this thing! (Lift it up to your nose and act like you re smelling it.) Are you SURE it s still worth the same amount? (Pause for response.) (To the kid) [Kid s name], you re absolutely right. Even though this bill is in pretty rough shape, it still has the same value: five dollars. Thanks for your help. (To audience) Let s give her a big hand! Thank the kid and dismiss her to her seat. WRAPPING UP THE STORY STORYTELLER: (Hold up the five-dollar bill.) Nothing we did changed the value of this paper. In the same way, nothing we do will ever change our value in God s eyes. Even when you make a mistake, even when you might feel worthless, God still loves you. God says you still have value even when you sin. Straighten out the five-dollar bill and put it back in your pocket. When you start to feel down, when you mess up, when you still aren t sure who you re meant to be, remember this. CG: Bottom Line Slide [Bottom Line] God made me in His image. He made Adam and Eve in His image. He made me in His image. He made YOU in His image, too. Our purpose is to reflect God s character every day and to make a difference in the world around us. God is kind, so we should be kind. God is forgiving, so we should be forgiving. God is wise, so we should [Basic Truth] make wise choices. None of us are perfect. We re all sinners. But God s love is bigger than our mistakes! In fact, that s why God sent His Son Jesus to pay the price for our sin so we could have a relationship with Him that will last forever. God made you just the way you are to reflect His love to others. Even though we sin, God still says we re valuable. He still wants to have a relationship with us. When we accept Jesus, with God's help we can discover who we re meant to be. We can use the unique way God has made us to make a difference in the world around us. That reminds me of our of Memory Verse for this month, Psalm 139:14. Let s look at it together. CG: Memory Verse Slide How you made me is amazing and wonderful. I praise you for that. What you have done is wonderful. I know that very well, Psalm 139:14 (NIrV). It s true! It s amazing and wonderful to think about how God made each of us in this room. He made each one of us on purpose as a totally unique individual. As you discover those things that make you unique, always remember that you matter to God. He made you in His image. Each day, you can reflect His love and make a difference in the lives of the people around you as you discover who you re meant to be. Now you get to talk about that some more with your small group. Have a great time! At the end the Storyteller should pray for the group and dismiss kids to Small Group 7. Small Group (20-30 Minutes) SFX: Play high-energy music as the kids exit. CG: Theme Slide 7

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