KOL KINLOSS. נצבים Nitzavim SHABBAT AT KINLOSS. SHABBAT LEARNING AT KINLOSS Friday night. Shabbat Morning. Shabbat Afternoon

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1 KOL KINLOSS NEWSLETTER OF FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE בס ד 7 / 8 SEPTEMBER 2018 כ ח אל ול תשע ח Shabbat commences at 7:19pm and terminates at 8:19pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat at 7:20pm Mazeltov to Millie Nourmand on her Bat Mitzvah. We extend a warm welcome to her family and guests. There will be a Kiddush in the Kinloss Suite this week following the services sponsored by Shaeda and Sammy Nourmand to celebrate Millie s Bat Mitzvah נצבים Nitzavim SHABBAT AT KINLOSS SHABBAT LEARNING AT KINLOSS Friday night 7:20pm: Mincha followed by Kabbalat Shabbat Shabbat Morning 8:30am: Sephardi Synagogue Talmud Tractate Berachot by Rabbi Heller 9:00am Deal Hall Maimonides: Laws of the Sukkah by Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum 9:15am: Youth Breakfast Banter Breakfast and Parasha Shiur Benchers Cafe with Barry Colman 10:30-10:50am in the Rabbi s Office Study Group with Rabbi Laitner titled An overview of the Prayers of Rosh Hashanah HASHKAMA 7:45am in the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash, followed by Kiddush and a short shiur. MAIN SYNAGOGUE 9:15am led by Chazan Eli Sufrin. Kriat Hatorah by Jake Brassey/Chazan Eli Sufrin. Rabbi Lawrence will address the Bat Mitzvah Millie Nourmand THE MINYAN 9:30am in the Nissan and Rifca Deal Hall. Kriat Hatorah by Robert Owen. Rabbi Andrews will speak. Kiddush jointly sponsored by Chaja and Aron Green and Thea and Bernard Valman Shabbat Afternoon 6:05pm: Daf Yomi Shiur in the Newman Room 7:20pm Mincha followed by Shiur by Rabbi Laitner titled Understanding the second day of Rosh Hashanah and its ramifications in halacha Everyone is welcome 8:19pm: Ma ariv SEPHARDI SERVICE 9:00am in the Sephardi Synagogue, led by Rabbi Heller and Reuben Gorji. YOUTH SERVICE 9:45am in the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash, under the direction of our Youth Director, Barry Colman.

2 Some Thoughts on the Sidra By Barry Colman Knowing he was about to die, Moshe gathers every member of the Jewish people together. Addressing them, he renews his covenant with Hashem and then warns them of idolatry, before (fittingly for this time of year) giving them the blessing of Teshuvah (repentance). While warning the Jewish people of idolatry, Moshe gives examples their previous misdemeanours. and they went and served the gods of others and prostrated themselves to them gods that they knew not and He did not apportion to them. (Devarim 29:24-25) Here Moshe is seemingly speaking of gods that they not knew other gods. However, Rashi understands this verse differently to this idea. that they not knew. Even after worshipping them, [the people] did not become aware of there being in them any Divine power. (Rashi Devarim 29:25) The troubling aspect of the peshat (simple interpretation), is that it doesn t make sense. How could they be worshipping gods that were unknown to them? By praying to them, they are acknowledging them and therefore they know of them. What Rashi is saying is that to know the gods is different to being aware of the gods. When Hashem took us out of Egypt, the Jewish people knew that Hashem was divine. They had experienced the ten plagues, the splitting of the sea, the clouds of glory and many other open miracles. It was clear the Hashem was a Divine power that justified such worship. By worshipping Him, there was a clear benefit. Comparatively, the other gods that the Jewish people who at times had worshipped, showed no divinity. Nothing was gained by such worship as the people did not know these gods to be gods. That is, to be powers that have manifested their might to the benefit of their worshippers. But these other gods do not have such divine power and the Jewish people knew not these gods in a god-like capacity. Furthermore, according to the Sforno, who agrees with Rashi s interpretation of the pasuk, Hashem did not apportion to them other gods. Meaning the Jewish people were not assigned any other gods. In fact He gave powers to the angels who regulated the affairs of the other nations to have some control over earthly functions. Giving the angles a god-leness that the other nations would worship through idolatry. However the Jewish people are not under the sway of such heavenly forces and we are committed to Hashem himself. Nitzavim Statistics Mitzvot: None of the 613 mitzvot Verses: 40 (the 2nd shortest of the 54 Sidrot) Words: 657 (4th shortest) Letters: 2575 (4th shortest) Page No. SONCINO HERTZ ARTSCROLL Sidra Haftarah

3 Our Tishrei Menagerie Our Tishrei services are punctuated with image and metaphor including a Ram, two Goats and a Big Fish. Rosh Hashana is Yom Teruah, the day of sounding the Ram s horn. We read the story of the Binding of Isaac. In his place a trapped ram is offered up. On Yom Kippur amongst all the sacrifices, we hone in on the Kohen Gadol s lottery over two identical goats. One is designated as Hashem s and is shechted in the Temple. Its companion has the sins of Israel placed on its head and is marched to perish in the wilderness. Yom Kippur Mincha brings us the Great Fish, which first swallows the prophet Jonah but then deposits him on dry land. To complete the bestiary, the narrative concludes with Hashem expressing compassion for the illiterate masses of Nineveh and also much cattle. This remark reminds us that Hashem is Hashem of all Creation. While Judaism draws distinctions between human and animal life, the sacrifices of rams and goats are supposed to be considered in terms of life, not just material value. Avraham was not commanded to sacrifice the ram. He chose to sacrifice it in place of Yitzchak once Hashem had already made it clear that the boy ought not to be harmed. Commentators point out that the expression tachat b no, in place of his son, illustrates Avraham s zeal to fulfil Hashem s original command and Yitzchak s readiness to accept it. This sacrificed life was not a cheap thank you present of relief. It was imbued with the full devotional capacity that Avraham had mustered as the two climbed Mount Moriah. Today, when we blow or listen to the shofar, we draw a voice from a ram s horn; we imbue it with spirit. The cry transcending generations should evoke tachat b no accept our Service of the day. Accept it in place of holding us truly to account. The lottery over the goats is a further reminder of our lives. The Kohen Gadol would plunge both hands into the box and draw out one token in each. It was considered auspicious if the lot L Hashem was in his right and L Azazel (to the wilderness) in his left. The Gemarra even details the measures taken to prevent the Kohen Gadol from cheating to secure a moment s feel-good factor. On one hand, following the drawing of lots, both goats die. On the other, their fates are markedly different. One dies in kedusha, the other, symbolically burdened with our sins dies a dreadful death beyond the camp. Our mortality is a given. We do not know what span of days is our allocation. On Yom Kippur we consider the extent to which our circumstances are our own or are shaped by extraneous, uncontrollable factors. It is a pivotal day on which the direction of our life could go better for us, or go worse. Unlike the goats and unlike the Kohen Gadol we can tip the balance in our favour. We know what is expected of us and can exercise choice. This message is amplified by Jonah s fish. The swallowed Jonah is neither devoured nor dead. He is suspended in a nether world and lives out the lottery. By his own admission, he had sinned and that sin had spawned the storm. In the normal course of being flung overboard, he should have drowned. However, his own self-sacrifice was denied. Jonah is rescued by the fish and sits both sullen and solemn, reflects how close he had come to being lost. He knows now that he is found and proclaims his resolve to return to Jerusalem to worship at Hashem s Holy Temple. This is truly a pivotal plying of fate. Jonah resiles from the capitulation of All is lost, and I am lost. Instead he chooses to believe in life and commit to the most improbable return. Hashem has the fish deliver him on dry land. He is saved, the day is saved (and also much cattle.) From our grandparents to our generation, we have seen fathers and sons, mothers and daughters led to death. They have witnessed the rail-side lottery of selektion. We have been raised on the stories of the remarkable characters who cheated the system to choose life. Just over 70 years ago we would have dismissed as fanciful the thought that any Jew could daven in Jerusalem and buy shofars just yards from Mount Moriah; or that abutting Jonah s Jaffa would be a new Jewish metropolis. Incidentally, the first parcels of land for Tel Aviv were distributed to Jaffa residents by a sea-shell lottery. A ram, two goats and a big fish. The symbols of our Service are supposed to make us consider the choices we make and the direction of our life. How remarkable it is to live in such an age where we can truly appreciate that we live, recognise the power of the choices we make and know the blessing of Hashem, who delivers us from the depths. May our service be acceptable, our choices commendable. May it be our destiny to worship in kedusha in Hashem s Holy Temple. Shana Tova Rabbi & Mandy Lawrence Dr Avivah Zornberg in Kinloss last Shabbat

4 THIS WEEK S HAFTORAH BY RABBI ANDREWS The Haftorah this week, Yishayahu (Isaiah 61:10-63:9), is the final reading in the series begun following Tisha B Av known as the Shivah Di Nichemta (Seven Readings of Comfort). The prophet Yishayahu opens by reminding the Jewish people that deliverance is near and that all of the peoples on earth will see Israel s salvation. Yishayahu describes God s commitment to the city of Yerushalayim (Jerusalem), or possibly the Jewish people: For the sake of Zion I will not be silent, for the sake of Jerusalem I will not be still (62:1). Yerushalayim (or the Jews) will be clothed in redemption with a crown or scarf of His dominion and Hashem will appoint watchmen to guard the city. The Navi (prophet) then takes this metaphor a step further; this outfit will be a sign of beauty and glory, like a suit for a bridegroom and like jewels for a bride. Clothes come up again in the first verses of chapter 63. There we view someone [either the Angel of Eisav (Esau) or God, who was fighting on behalf of the Jews] coming from Edom with dirtied garb. We are reminded that when Hashem needed to be defended, there was no one to come to His aid, the Jews had deserted Him. Still, God defeated His enemies, even without our support. At the end of the Haftorah, Yishayahu reassures the people that Hashem will always come to their aid: In His love and pity He Himself redeemed them, raised them and exalted them all the days of old (63:9). If you find yourself at Kinloss over the course of the day, please stop by the office to say hello! I can usually be found there during the regular office hours (except Thursday). 18 th SEPTEMBER 2018 MINYAN ON THE MOVE t KOL NIDREI SERVICE Join us for an inspirational and motivational Yom Kippur Kol Nidrei Service led by Rabbi Michael Laitner TuesDAY 18TH SEPTEMBER 2018 When: Where: Who: Ages: 7-9pm No booking required Finchley United Synagogue (Kinloss) For further information please contact tamarajacobson@youngus.org.uk YoungUS. Registered Charity Number

5 If you require help or support, please call Rochelle on , or All messages treated in the strictest confidence.

6 ARMISTICE CENTENARY CIVIC SERVICE Sunday 11 th November 7pm pm Kinloss will be hosting a Civic Service marking the centenary of the Armistice on the evening of 11 th November. The service will be conducted by Rabbi Lawrence in conjunction with the Worshipful the Mayor of Barnet, Reuben Thompstone and Mike Freer, MP for Finchley and Golders Green. The service will pay tribute to the soldiers and service personnel who defended our liberty in the Great War as well as honouring the many services which protect and strengthen us in our homes and neighbourhoods every day. Please save the date to show your support. Pre-register at armistice First Night Dinner in the Succah Sunday 23rd September Enjoy a delicious meal and a great Succot atmosphere in our spacious Succah, hosted by Rabbi Nisan and Hannah Andrews. Dinner costs 20 per adult and 15 per child, aged between Pre-booking is essential, by Tuesday 18th September. Services start at 6.45pm followed by dinner at 7.45pm. In the unfortunate event of rain, dinner will take place in the Deal Halls.

7 MILLIE NOURMAND Mazeltov to Millie on her Batmitzvah Millie attends JCOSS, and has two siblings Ella and Ruben Her hobbies are making slime, the Ballengers and roller skating As part of Millie s preparations for her Bat Mitzvah she did a sponsored walk to Great Ormond Street to raise money for Children with Cancer where she has raised over 800 so far * Shaeda and Sammy Nourmand along with Ella and Ruben on Millie s Bat Mitzvah. Mazeltov also to Grandparents Stefan, Shahnaz, Jouliette and Iradj. * Stanley Weitzman who celebrates his 90th birthday this week * Lorraine and Max Kingsley on the birth of a Granddaughter, a daughter for Danielle and Jonathan Kingsley. Also to grandparents Amanda and Ivan Everett. THIS HOUSE BELIEVES THAT THE MEDIA IS OUR FRIEND THURSDAY 25 TH OCTOBER, 8-10PM AN INFORMATIVE AND GOOD HUMOURED DEBATE IN WHICH WE CAN EXPLORE THE MEDIA IN GENERAL (NOT JUST THE JC!) AND ISSUES FROM ISRAEL TO LOCAL RELIGIOUS/ CULTURAL TOPICS. DEBATE WILL BE FOLLOWED BY A Q&A SESSION CHAIRED BY RABBI LAWRENCE ON DEALING WITH THE MEDIA. KINLOSS DEBATE Chaired by Rabbi Lawrence FOR AGAINST SIMON ROCKER Joint-winner of the Vogue Talent Contest for writing in 1982 and joined the staff of the Jewish Chronicle shortly after, where he reports on Anglo-Jewish affairs and edits the Judaism and education pages. He is co-author of A Rocky Road, the memoirs of Rabbi Abraham Levy. JONATHAN ARKUSH A barrister and mediator by profession, Jonathan was elected Senior Vice President of the Board of Deputies in May 2009 and chaired the Board s Defense Division for two terms until CHARLOTTE HENRY Charlotte has contributed to numerous publications and also regularly appears as a media and political commentator on a variety of broadcasts. OLIVER ANISFELD Is the founder of global Jewish YouTube channel J-TV. He launched the channel while completing his degree in History at University College London.

8 KINLOSS YOUTH Kinloss Youth Express Yourself! Shabbat Nitzavim Youth Breakfast & Shiur, 9.15am in Benchers Café Youth Minyan, 9.45am in the Liora Graham Beit HaMidrash Thank you to the Harry and Leo Weiniger who will be leining their Bar Mitzvah parasha Rosh Hashanah with Kinloss Youth 1st Day, Monday 10th September 8.30am Breakfast Banter in Benchers Café 9am Youth Minyan in the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash 10.30am Cadburys Kiddush, followed by Rabbi Laitner and Shofar 11.30am Chill Zone in the Manuel Rabstein Room 2nd Day, Monday 10th September 8.30am Breakfast Banter in Benchers Café 9am Youth Minyan in the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash 10.30am Kiddush, followed by Rabbi Andrews and Shofar 11.30am Chill Zone in the Manuel Rabstein Room Daf Yummy Starts next Thursday, 13th September :00pm, Liora Graham Beit HaMidrash Girls & Boys Years 8 and above 5 including pizza & chips Join us each week as we explore Chumash, Festivals and Jewish Themes Kinloss Club & Club78 New Year Party School Years 5-8 Wednesday 26th September Book your Simchat Torah Dinner: Burgers Bar Monday 1st October, Simchat Torah School Years 7-13 Book your Shabbat Shalom & Gmar Chatimah Tova Baz, Chaz, Micholi and Amalia youth@kinloss.org.uk Shabbat Shalom Baz, Chaz, Micholi and Amalia youth@kinloss.org.uk NEW JACS GROUP AT KINLOSS SHUL


10 KINLOSS NOTICE BOARD 9:45am Games Room in the Newman Room with Rav Melachi 0-4 year olds with Sara Keen in the Kinloss Suite Foyer Reception up to School Year 2 with Jeremy Schryber in the Avram Nemetnejad Room (2nd Floor) School Years with Dina Ellis in the First Floor Classrooms All Children s Services will start at 10:45am followed by Kiddush Mazeltov to the children in our community celebrating their birthdays this week: Moriah Hakimian (8) Liba Baron (1) Yael Schryber (6) Esther Halpern (3) Mordechai Halpern (3) Benjamin Loberman (5) Eden Rahamim (8) THANK YOU TO: * Security Team 8. If you have any queries, please speak to Martin Shiers on , or securekinloss@yahoo.co.uk * Erica Silas, Harry Daniel and Judy Daniel of The Welcoming Committee * The Kiddush Rota Team Is there something that YOU would like to have debated at a Board of Deputies Board Meeting? As promised, the Board are planning to hold a debate at the next Meeting on Sunday 21 October. We are trialling this approach and are seeking suggested topics which are of interest or concern to the community. Please send your suggestions to office@kinloss.org.uk. Deadline: Monday 17th September. ANIM ZEMIROT CLUB Come and learn to sing Anim Zemirot Our club meets every Shabbat at 10:15am in the Robing Room. Boys of 6 and over welcome. Led by David Lesser Yom Kippur Creche Booking Now Open MUST BE PRE-BOOKED ONLINE ONLY For children aged 1 5 Slots of one hour can be booked per child Cost 2.50 per child per session PLEASE NOTE THE CRECHE IS ONLY OPEN TO KINLOSS MEMBERS SERVICES see front שבת) page) Erev Rosh Hashanah Sun Rosh Hashanah Mon Rosh Hashanah Tues Tzom Gedaliah Fast Begins 04:47am Terminates 8:04pm Weds Thurs Fri Shacharit 1 (inc Selichot) 6:45am Main Shul 6:30am 6:30am 6:30am Shacharit 2 (inc Selichot) Sephardi Shacharit (inc Selichot) 7:45am Beit Midrash 7:30am 7:30am 7:30am 7:00am 5:45am 5:45am 5:45am Mincha & Ma ariv 7:15pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 7:05pm

11 NEXT WEEK AT KINLOSS: DAY: COMMUNITY LEARNING: COMMUNITY PROGRAMMES: SUNDAY 08:00am Daf Yomi (NR) MONDAY TUESDAY ROSH HASHANAH (see ticket) ROSH HASHANAH (see ticket) WEDNESDAY 07:40am Daf Yomi (NR) 10:00am Ilana Banana (DH) 13:00pm Art Class (MN) THURSDAY 07:40am Daf Yomi (NR) 10:00am Hartbeeps (NR) 19:45pm Daf Yummy (BM) FRIDAY 07:40am Daf Yomi (NR) 10:00am Ilana Banana (DH) BC = Benchers Cafe BM = Liora Graham Beit Midrash DH = Nissim and Rifka Deal Hall NR = Nemetnejad Room MN = Marilyn Newman Room PS = Persian Synagogue

12 THE KEHILLA WISHES חיים ארוכים LONG LIFE TO THE FOLLOWING WHO HAVE YAHRZEIT Shabbat 8 SEPTEMBER Felice Crown Father Linda Davis Father Jill Pivnik Father Alan Shepherd Father Sunday 9 SEPTEMBER Pauline Amdur Father Shirley Freeman Father Arlette Gotkine Husband Monday 10 SEPTEMBER Simon Eisenberg Brother Sheila Leveson Mother Eugenia Melnick Mother Eugenia Melnick Father Lasse Paulen Father Birthe Tager Father Esther Yellon Sister Esther Yellon Mother Tuesday 11 SEPTEMBER Henry Aaronson Brother Helen Azizoff Brother Suzanne Clinton-Davis Father Anna Ezekiel Mother Anna Popivker Father Ronald Rosenblatt Wife Rachel Ruff Mother Michael Weinstein Mother Wednesday 12 SEPTEMBER Doreen Coller Husband Harold Ellis Brother Melanie Harris Father Howard Markham Father Leslie Mockton Father Carole Paule Mother Alison Ross Mother Vikki Shields Husband Jehuda Sosnow Mother Thursday 13 SEPTEMBER Anne Freedman Husband Brian Gedalla Father Howard Gilmore Mother Norman Gilmore Wife Ruth Joseph Mother Sheila Sykes Husband Friday 14 SEPTEMBER Audrey Alterman Father Arie Bleiberg Father Gerald Cantor Mother Malcolm Chaplin Wife Harold Ellis Sister Rhoda Morgan Husband Robert Owen Father Zena Shattin Sister Eric Tager Father Michael Tager Father Candice Woolfson Father Heads up on two Shiurim by Rabbi Lawrence : Shabbat Shuvah Drasha next week, 15th September at 6:50pm (Mincha) titled One thing I ask and six things asked of me On Shabbat Chol Hamoed Succot Rabbi Lawrence will be addressing the halachot issues of women dancing with the Sefer Torah on Simchat Torah at 5:45pm TOMBSTONE CONSECRATIONS: SUN 7 OCT WED 10 OCT THUR 25 OCT THE SHUL OFFICE WILL CLOSE AT 1:00PM ON SUNDAY 9TH (EREV ROSH HASHANAH) AND WILL RE-OPEN 9:00AM ON WEDNESDAY 12TH WISHING EVERYONE A HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR FROM ALL THE STAFF AT KINLOSS 10:30am in Bushey in memory of Gabriel Kaufman 13:30pm in Bushey in memory of Beileh Morris 13:30pm in Bushey in memory of Anita Melzack FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE USEFUL PHONE NUMBERS Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence: Rabbi Nisan Andrews: Shimon Gillis, Director of Operations: Shul Office:

KOL KINLOSS. Re eh ראה SHABBAT AT KINLOSS. SHABBAT LEARNING AT KINLOSS Friday night 7:30pm: Mincha followed by Kabbalat Shabbat.

KOL KINLOSS. Re eh ראה SHABBAT AT KINLOSS. SHABBAT LEARNING AT KINLOSS Friday night 7:30pm: Mincha followed by Kabbalat Shabbat. KOL KINLOSS NEWSLETTER OF FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE ראה Re eh 10 / 11 AUGUST 2018 ל אב תשע ח Shabbat commences at 8:19pm and terminates at 9:24pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat at 7:30pm ROSH CHODESH בס ד WWW.KINLOSS.ORG.UK

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