5 : 0 0 PM F E L LOW S H I P Y E A R S S U N D AY S C H O O L T H G R A D E D U C AT I O N G R A D ES 5-9 Y O U T H E D U C AT I O N

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1 5 : 0 0 PM De F nd, Welcome to our parish community! We are thrilled to have you with us. Your presence at Messiah Church is a true treasure and we open our hearts to you with a deep sense of hospitality. We hope that you will make yourself at home. Please get involved in whatever catches your attention and imagination. Even more so, please share with us whatever gift and talent that you bring to Messiah. Please fill out the Welcome Card found in the pew pocket if you would like to be contacted by me or by the office. May you and your loved ones know the rich blessings of our loving God. Past Jef V n H S U N D AY S C H O O L C H O O L 3 Y E A R S - 4 T H Y E A R S T H G R A D E Resumes January 8, 2017, Sundays between liturgies from 9:30-10:20 in the Community Room. Registration required. Y O U T H E D U C AT I O N D U C AT I O N G R A D ES 5-9 Youth are encouraged to join us in weekend worship, and in weekly activities on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00 F E L LOW S H I P Please stay after the Worship Service for conversation. Bap sm of Our Lord January 7, 2017

2 O PEN I N G H Y M N ELW Red Book #310 Songs of Thankfulness and Praise G R E E T I N G K Y R I E Goin Home 2

3 P R AY E R O F T H E D AY Pastor: Let us pray... Congregation: Amen. F I R S T R E A D I N G Isaiah 42:1-9 Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights; I have put my spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nations. He will not cry or lift up his voice, or make it heard in the street; a bruised reed he will not break, and a dimly burning wick he will not quench; he will faithfully bring forth justice. He will not grow faint or be crushed until he has established justice in the earth; and the coastlands wait for his teaching. Thus says God, the L, who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and what comes from it, who gives breath to the people upon it and spirit to those who walk in it: I am the L, I have called you in righteousness, I have taken you by the hand and kept you; I have given you as a covenant to the people, a light to the nations, to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness. I am the L, that is my name; my glory I give to no other, nor my praise to idols. See, the former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare; before they spring forth, I tell you of them. Reader: The Word of the Lord. Congregation: Thanks be to God. P S A L M S A L M 2 7 Remember Your Love 3

4 S E C O N D R E A D I N G Acts 10:34-43 Then Peter began to speak to Cornelius and his household: I truly understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him. You know the message he sent to the people of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ he is Lord of all. That message spread throughout Judea, beginning in Galilee after the baptism that John announced: how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power; how he went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him. We are witnesses to all that he did both in Judea and in Jerusalem. They put him to death by hanging him on a tree; but God raised him on the third day and allowed him to appear, not to all the people but to us who were chosen by God as witnesses, and who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead. He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one ordained by God as judge of the living and the dead. All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name. Reader: The Word of the Lord. Congregation: Thanks be to God. G OSPEL O S L A CC LAMATIONA M AT I O N 4

5 H O LY G O S PEL Matthew 3:13-17 Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan, to be baptized by him. John would have prevented him, saying, I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me? But Jesus answered him, Let it be so now; for it is proper for us in this way to fulfill all righteousness. Then he consented. And when Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased. Pastor: The Gospel of the Lord. Congregation: Praise to you, O Christ. T H E H O M I LY P J V H P R AY E R S OF O F I NTERCESSIT E R C E S S I ONN All Respond after each prayer: Leader: All: S I G N O F P E A C E Greet one another with: Peace be with you. 5

6 T H E O F F E R I N G Instrumental An offering is gathered for the mission of the church, including the care of those in need. Children are welcome to come forward and place an offering in the urn next to the pulpit. Pastor: Let us pray. Merciful God Congregation: We offer with joy and thanksgiving what you have first given us - our selves, our time, and our possessions, signs of your gracious love. Receive them for the sake of him who offered himself for us, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. W O R D S OF O F I NSTITUTIS T I T U T I ONN T H E L O R D O R D S P R AY E R R AY E R H O LY C O M M U N I O N Sung by All All are welcome to the Lord s Table Grape juice is available on the trays in the central cups. Gluten-free wafers are available in the gold container on the stand between the bread distributors. C O M M U N I O N H Y M N What Child Is This ELW Red Book #296 6

7 C A N D L E L I G H T I N G A N D C LO S I N G S O N G At Evening B L E S S I N G Congregation: Amen. D I S M I S S A L Pastor: Go in peace, serve the Lord. Congregation: Thanks be to God! 7

8 Worship Assistants Greeters... Linda & Steve Nelson Reader...Kate Mennenga Communion... Kate Mennenga,... Elaine McNeil, Gene Qualmann Ushers... Jim McNeil, Linda Meyer,... Gene Qualmann Musician... Marian Korth Vocalists... Clyde Nyhus, Cara Musick Flowers Given by the Neppl family in honor of Art and Alice Plautz s 50 th wedding anniversary. 8

9 Taking Faith Home CARING CONVERSATIONS Discuss in your home or small group: What do you know about your own bap sm or recall about a bap sm you have seen? At his bap sm, Jesus hears God s love and approval. How is that important to Jesus future work? How does God s love and approval announced in your bap sm guide your life of faith? SERVICE In Isaiah 42:1-9, God s servant is chosen, loved, and strengthened with God s Spirit to bring jus ce to the world that includes a gentle strength that brings healing, freedom, and hope to others. Prayerfully reflect on how you can be a servant of God s love to another person. This next week commit to do some act of service as a beloved child of God. RITUALS AND TRADITIONS Share in a ritual of bap smal remembrance at meal me this week. Place a bowl of water in the center of your table. Dip a finger in the water and make the sign of the cross on your own forehead or that of another person. Say these words as you mark the sign of the cross. [Name], you are a beloved child of God marked with the cross of Christ forever. Amen. THESE READINGS ARE RELATED TO THE LECTIONARY READINGS FOR THIS SUNDAY Sunday Ma hew 3:13-17 The bap sm of Jesus Monday Ma hew 28:16-20 Bap sm in the Triune name Tuesday Ezekiel 36:21-28 A new heart and a new spirit Wednesday Acts 8: An Ethiopian is bap zed Thursday Romans 6:1-11 Bap zed into Christ Jesus Friday Colossians 2:8-15 Made alive with Christ Saturday Psalm 29 The voice of God Sunday John 1:29-42 Jesus, the Lamb of God

10 Weekly Announcements Jan 9-15, Offering Envelopes Are available for pick-up in the Gathering Space. If you do not see a box of envelopes with your name on them and would like to use envelopes please contact the church office at or timc@messiahchurch.com. We encourage the use of envelopes as it facilitates the counting and recording of your donations to the mission of Messiah Lutheran Church. Families who participate in electronic giving will not have envelopes. - - Tim Coulthart C F M 3 years-4 th Grade Elizabeth Crummy, Children s and Family Ministry Coordinator Cell # familyministry@messiahchurch.com Christmas Break Classes resume January 8. Please send any additional donations for the Flu and Cold Care bags on Jan. 8. Christmas Program DVD s Available Order a copy for $5, check payable to Messiah, when classes resume January 8. Save the Dates for Children s and Youth Joint Events Family Movie Nights January 13 and March 10. Free movie and popcorn in the Community Room at 6:30. Love Your Neighbor Cookie and Craft Night, February 10 at 6:30. Y F M 5 th -12 th Grade Teresa Palumbo, Youth Ministry Coordinator Text to: , youth@messiahchurch.com High School Youth Holiday Party Saturday, Jan. 7, 6:00-9:00. Join us for dinner, cards, games, and a movie! Bring a white elephant gift to exchange. RSVP to Teresa, , or youth@messiahchurch.com 2017 Mission Trip Meeting Sunday, January 29 at 9:30 in the Social Hall. All youth in grades 8-12 are encouraged to consider participating in the summer 2017 Mission Trip to Chattanooga, TN, July Join us for this informational meeting. 10 January Movie Night Friday, January 13, Children s and Youth Ministry joint event at 6:30. Second Saturday Soda & Sangria January 14, 6:00 Come for the worship service at 5:00, and stay for conversation, treats and beverages! Valentine Fairy Doll Party Saturday, February 18 at 11:30. Luncheon and desserts, bring your dolls, daughters and granddaughters for a whimsical gathering filled with doll stories, displays, favors and projects. $10 adult, $5 child.

11 Weekly Announcements Jan 9-15, 2017 Annual Congregational Meeting Sunday, Jan. 22. Meeting occurs between worship services, beginning 9:30 and finishing by 10:20. Additional copies of the Annual Report will be available in the office, after the meeting. SAM Older Kids OK Club Luncheon Wednesday, Jan. 25 at noon. How to Worship at Home Our own Steve Cheramy, Video Specialist, will walk us through how to stream the Saturday and Sunday worship services through our home computers. When it s bitterly cold and icy outside, this will be an option to join in the live broadcast of your preferred worship service! Please bring a dish to share and your table service. adultministry@messiahchurch.com 11 Lenten Devotionals Again this year, we will ask Messiah members and friends to write our daily Lenten Devotionals. Pastor Jeff has selected a section from the Book of Isaiah, To bestow beauty instead of ashes. January 8 & 15, we will have the Bible verses ready for distribution to willing writers. Verses will be available on a table in the Gathering Space, or by to Catherine Puisto. c.puisto2@gmail.com Devotionals will be due to Catherine by January 25. Just Bakery Sale Sunday, Jan. 8, starting at 7:45. To benefit the vocational and employment training programs of MUM- Madison Urban Ministry for men and women returning to the community after incarceration. Book Signing Sunday, Jan. 8, between the morning worship services. Pastor Gil Splett will be in the Gathering Space selling and signing his new book, What Is Tommy Thinking? NEW Flower Chart for 2017 Available on the Kiosk. Please sign-up for the date(s) you would like to sponsor Altar flowers. Include your name and phone number. Cost is $35 for each date.

12 T W Jan 9-15, 2017 Monday, January 9 Pastor's Day Off Preschool Meets... 9:00-11:30 Boy Scouts Troop # :30 Tuesday, January 10 Pastor's Day Off EMMCA Senior Meal... 12:00 Evangelism Meeting... 5:30 Boy Scouts Committee Meeting... 6:30 MLC Council Meeting... 6:45 Wednesday, January 11 Preschool Meets... 9:00-11:30 Bible Study... 6:30 YOW Youth Meeting... 6:30 ENA Anniversary Planning Meeting.. 7:00 Thursday, January 12 Pew Keepers... 10:00 EMMCA Senior Meal... 12:00 Choir Rehearsal... 7:30 Friday, January 13 Preschool Meets... 9:00-11:30 Family Movie... 6:30 Saturday, January 14 Line Dancing Class... 9:30 Scrappin For Support... 12:00 Worship Service... 5:00 Second Saturday Soda & Sangria... 6:00 2nd Sunday after Epiphany, January 15 Worship Service... 8:15 Sunday School... 9:30 Worship Service... 10:30 Venture Crew 132 Meeting...6:15 February Column Articles Due... 10:00 Office and Contact Information P O E... ourchurch@messiahchurch.com O C D B...outside the main front entrance W... messiahchurch.com O H... Monday - Friday... 9:00-12:00 P... Jeff Vanden Heuvel... pastorjeff@messiahchurch.com B M...Tim Coulthart... timc@messiahchurch.com C W M... Clyde Nyhus... music@messiahchurch.com C C F M... Elizabeth Crummy... familyministry@messiahchurch.com C Y F M... Teresa Palumbo... youth@messiahchurch.com C E, O C... Annette Durkin... evangelism@messiahchurch.com C S A M... Keith Schlesinger... adultministry@messiahchurch.com D P... Bobbie Rogers... preschool@messiahchurch.com V S... Steve Cheramy...video@messiahchurch.com C -F M... Tim Martinson and Clyde Tunak...building@messiahchurch.com W D A... Wendy Bailey... wendy@messiahchurch.com J S... Larry Kaltenberg LUTHERAN CHURCH - ELCA 5202 Cottage Grove Rd. Madison, WI 53716

5 : 0 0 PM F E L LOW S H I P Y E A R S S U N D AY S C H O O L T H G R A D E D U C AT I O N G R A D ES 5-9 Y O U T H E D U C AT I O N

5 : 0 0 PM F E L LOW S H I P Y E A R S S U N D AY S C H O O L T H G R A D E D U C AT I O N G R A D ES 5-9 Y O U T H E D U C AT I O N 5 : 0 0 PM De F nd, Welcome to our parish community! We are thrilled to have you with us. Your presence at Messiah Church is a true treasure and we open our hearts to you with a deep sense of hospitality.

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