sympathy to them through wars they have toeen fighting. the people to kill Malay people have been sent there

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1 8781 D/SGT. MASHELELA Youth at Alexander. Everywhere in Kenya, Malaya, China, they have held this meeting. In China youths are demonstrating for freedom. In Indo-China they fight for freedom and progress. The people of Korea, we have to show sympathy to them through wars they have toeen fighting. The people have been bombed and killed. They fought for freedom of their country. The Malay people have been hunt ed in jungles. This is not war like that, but to free the people from oppression. In Kenya the person who organised the people to kill Malay people have been sent there to kill Kenya people, 6000 British soldiers killed the Kenya people. The war fighting in Kenya is not only to destroy the Mau Mau but to destroy the people of Kenya. That wars is a war against the common people. Bombs, soldiers from England, v/ith aeroplanes. ^ Even Africans speak of aeroplanes, bombs; the people are arrested for that. Everybody in Kenya is being arrested - women and children - and sent to gaol for years. I believe that ih e Mau Mau with pangas are doing atrocities, but the British are doing the same. Mr.Brink is supporting the British - he says the South Africans must go and fight the Kenya people. We must decide to state that no people in South Africa to go and fight the Kenya people, because if we do that we would besupporting the British people, those people who fight for more land and more food. If we support British we would be destroying the people of Kenya. Malay. Today we youths must think of Kenya People and But still Malan knows that freedom will come. Colonials disappeared as it says in History. People meet in Africa for fighting for freedom. There must be friendship and peace in the whole world. All people must rule #11

2 » I 8782 D/^GT. MASHELELA themselves in all countries," ^ This person, Miss Ruth, do you know her? Ho, * i I don't know her well. It is a European female. Do you know her name? What's her name? Ruth First. Do you know whether or not she was an accused at the Preparatory Examination? Now, was the next person who addressed the meeting Sidney Shall? Is that the same person who you referred to previously? What did he say? "Friends, one year since we met here; today we are one year older and nearer to freedom. I bring you greetings from youts of Africa; we shall continue to fight for freedom till Africa is free. In Kenya they fight for freedom. We are going to fight for freedom. The students in Africa are also in this Movement and we all come together with solidarity for freedom. We want freedom while we are still young. No policeman can stop us. let us pledge and on that day we enjoy with the thousands of people for freedom*" A- My lords, I'm sorry I omitted to say that this meetirig appears on Policy Schedule at pages 16, 30, 33, s 4 91, 135«The speeches referred to were those of Rgsha., Shall and of Slovo. Then, my lords, the speech of Shall and Resha appear in Schedule "C" on page 35 and 39 Now the next person who addressed the meeting was Joseph Molefe, is that correct? Is that the same person you referred to preciously? What did he say? "Africa. Mr.Chairman, Sons

3 8783 D/SGT. MASHELELA and Daughters, last year when we celebrated youth day this Square was full to capacity. This year..." RUMPFF J: Must we read the whole page? MR. VAN NIEKERK; With respect, my lord, I have tried ray hand at summarising and I have given it up. I have found that practically every next sentence refers to something else. RUMPFF Jt Well, is all this relevant? Did he support the other speakers? And did he, at the end of his speech say "We will want to tell andwarn them that we will take steps to free ourselves". MR.VAN NIEKERKs Did he support the other speak ers regards Colonial Youth? Yes, he did. f And about the Suppression of Fascism Act? Yes freedom? And that they are not afraid to go to gaol for And did he go on "We want to warn them that we will take steps to free ourselves.. rather, "We want to warn our oppressors that there will be no peace as long as the Africans are not free"? Did he then speak of Jomo Kenyata? And say that Malan does not know the history of Africa? Then did he say "We want to tell and warn them that we will take steps to free ourselves? That's right. Go on from there? "We want to tell all Imperialists Governments lite America, Britain, Belgian that we will force them to pack and go from Africa. Ho more Imperialism here." And was the next speaker Bonny Desair? And did he also speak on Korea?

4 8783 D/SGT. MASHELELA Indo - China? And the Defiance Campaign? And from "We want to show..." read from there? "We want to show that Indians, Coloureds, Natives can stay together, eat together. people can live together. j We held festivals to show that In April we will hold the next festival. We want to tell Malan that the common people are coming up and the common man will rule this country. We want to say that not one gun or bullet will stop the Kenya people.we do not want the culture of Americans; we wait our culture. " Ye. Then was the next speaker Y.A. Cachalia? Yes Did he speak do you know this man Cachalia? Yes, very well. Do you know whether he was attached to the Congress at the time? What Congress?!Dhe Indian Congress. What Indian Congress? South Africam Indian Congress., at Johannesburg. How did he speak about the Colonial Youth Day aad the Western Areas Removal? And will you read from page 6, eight lines down "Wec an see...,"? "We xan see Verwoerd's black spot; he wants to remove our people. Who can say there is no complaint against the Government of this country if these are the conditions under which we live. 1 " We are to decide if we want to line, we have to fight for freedom. I am surprised to see even the elderly men in this Colonial Youth Day celebration. So we youths, we must unite and fight for freedom.,1 You know our youths should be learning but

5 8785 D/SGT. MASHBLELA they suffer with the old. Our youths should live "better lives as they were supposed to be the future leaders of our people. But our youths have no time to sleep, so they should wake up;the Government have the power of machine guns, they have the flying squads, aid the aeroplanes and skietkommandos, but these cannot frighten people who want freedom,, If we want to show this at this meeting we must dedicate ourselves. Desai picked up a child dressed in sacks. Our children have no playing grounds. We must stop this, we can carry with forces fighting for freedom. We want money. Mr. Si3ulu wants 10 before he speaks here." Now, was Sisulu the next speaker? Do you know him? I know him well. Try and identify him if he is in Court? Identifies Accused No.19). Did Sisulu speak about his visit overseas? And that youths of Bucharest were responsible for his visit? Yes* Did he express support for Malaya, Indo-China, Gautemala, British Guiana, Kenya, solidarity with Jomo Kenyata? And will you read from page 7, "We also say..."? "We also say the war in Kenya must cease because that war is the war of people. We want to say to Jomo Kenyata we will fight at all costs to prevent the people of South Africa not to take part in their war.^ The people of Kenya also want bread. We read the Sunday Times article about four police officials from Europe. Communism means preventing people from visiting British China, Russia..."

6 8783 D/SGT. MASHELELA RUMEFF Ji Must we go on from there and read the whole page? MR. VAN NIEKERK; As your lordship pleases? "We read the Sunday Times article about four police officials from Europe. Communism means prevent people from visiting British, China, Russia; that is what is meant in South Africa. Let them bring police from America or Europe, but we will go where we want; We did not go through back doers I was given all possibilities of going to China and Russia. I found the people united and fighting for their rights. The name of the Soviet Union, which liberated them from the yoke of Fascism, it is the people who should fight Anerican Imperialism Government." "f- Then did he go on to speak about South Africa? And did he speak against the various Acts, Statutory Acts? Yes The Criminal Amendment Law? Will you just read on from "These Amendment Acts are made by Verwoerd and Schoeman..."?- "These A ndment Acts are made by Verwoerd and Schoeman just to put the country into flames. We shall solidly refuse to surrender but fight these to the laste so that we can live in peace. We must sacrifice for this We are to unite and face the situation. South Africa is in danger, that some people become lunatics.^ I want to condemn what other people say that there are things like Chiesa Chiesa or Mau Mau. I want to tell these people that we have no such thing. I warn our people not to fall ihto that trap. Our pledge will not be led by other people; we will not be led by provocation. Some people may listen to such things but

7 8783 D/SGT. MASHELELA our people must listen to their leaders. The Chiesa Chiesa is made only to make our people to be sent to gaol, so that no meetings can be held. The Government isshaking because you are coming, because we have chosen the right way. I want you to organise everywhere, in houses, on mines? busot, in factories, so that you dan unite. It is the only way to defeat the Government;when they deliver a hard blow we must deliver a harder one. I came here particularly to thank youths. I want you to indicate whether you will all be the agents of the various organisations. Hands up. Did Mavuso jhank Sisulu for his speech? And after that did an"ujnknown European female address the gathering? Would you read from the fourth line of her speech, "We have met here..."we have met here to take this pledge that we shall not be oppressed, be hungry in the land of plenty, that the difference of colour will not make us many. We pledge that every man will eat the riches of this country without fear; we pledge the state of affairs that we will support the Colonial Youths to fight for freedom We pledge that we shall follow the Liberatory Movement until we get our freedom. Africa." \ The next person to address the meeting waw Npbffe? This person Nokwe, have you identified him? What did he say?-- "Mr.Chairman, Sons and Daughters of Africa, I have the honour to move this resolution on Colonialism gathered at Alexander Township. Colonial Youth Day represents all people of South Africa,

8 8788 D/S GT.MASHELELA it symbolises the unity of all j colonials greet and look forward to the wars made by Imperialism of Europeans against wars in Malaya, Kenya and brutal sentence on Jomo Kenyata, and the dismissal of Dr. Kejama of British Guinea. Also the Federation of Rhodesias. deportation of Uganda King Kabara. We fight against the The banning of chief Seretse Khama. This meeting sends its greetings to all youths all over the world where people are oppressed. We want to tell the Kenya people that South Africa will not go to fight Kenya people, and the South Africans in South Africa will join their hands with other youths of Africa. Yes, second resolution? "This colonial rally of youth held at Alexander extend a hearty welcome to Mr. Sisulu from overseas for visiting the- Soviet, China. We are particularly impressed how our representatives were welcomed at those countries. Not forgetting the lies told by the people of overseas. This mpptingu-wjjli pnptjmip tn^j^rn fl the love betwejan^soviet China_jmd_Russia, that whenever war may come the youths of South Africa will not support war between those two countries. Resolution passed unanimously seconded and supported." And was the last speaker the chairman Resha? Yes, that is correct. What did he s ay? "While thousands of colonial youths are rejoicing we in South Africa are mourning because thousands are lying in hospitals, others in gaols. We are mourning because Chief Luthuli should have been here. Not only him, but J.B. Marks and others should have been here. So the youths should unite and come together. I appeal to South Africa not to address the people of this country as Tsotsis. These people who will be sent to camps by Dr.

9 8783 D/SGT. MASHELELA Verwoerd must be called soldiers. I wish to say to these >< people called foreign natives, we will be with them here. Those in Parliament saying Indians must go, they will go first. This country is ours. We are prepared to face bullete, atom bombs, for the cause of our freedom. There is no such thing as the Chiesa Chiesa Movement. It has no meaning, just like Mau Mau. The Government has its amendments. The Government of Kenya built the Mau Mau, here in South Africa they introduced Chiesa Chiesa, so that they can use their amendments. We have the A.N.C, Africans A.N.C. of the South African Indians, ^o long as we live in this country we will not allow the Fascist Government in our country. The Government is waiting to see what the African people will do. Sisulu left without their knowledge. Sophiatown now. They do not know what is happening in We, the oppressed people, are prepared to sacrifice with our bodies or blood if freedom should be achieved in that manner. We will organise everywhere for the people to join the Liberatory Movement. You will be told of what the 2nd face will be - be ready because nobody knows the day and the hour. I thank you for coming to this meeting." That concludes the meeting? The first speaker at this meeting was Qiineius_ Nene, I think you said? Have you identified him to-day? I am not certain about it, BEKEER J; Who is that? MR. VAN NIEKERKt Phineas Nene, your lordship. BEKKER J; He identigied him as accused 13. MR. VAN NIEKERK; As your lordship pleases.

10 8790 fl/sgt. MASHELELA My lords, the next meeting is the 7th March, 1954'; it appears in the Policy Schedule at page 30 and page 34. Eeferences are made to the addresses of G. Sibanda. M. Motsele; the speeches of Motsele and Sibanda also appear on page 51 of Schedule "C", my lords. Will you again refer to your note book G.5, from page 56, is that right? Are those notes that you made? When? 7th March, On what occasion? At No.2 Square again where there was a meeting. No.2 Square where? Alexander Township. When did you make those notes? Whilst the meeting was on. Is that a true reflection of what happened at the meeting? Have you got an independent recollection of the meeting without referring to your notes? Not without looking at my notes. If you look at your notes will you be able to tell the Court what happened at that meeting? Yes, I would. My lords, I ask that the witness be allowed to refer to his notes. RUMPF? J: MR. VAN NIEKERK: Did you also check a typed transcript of those notes? Is that also correct? Yes, it was correct. My lords, I also ask that the witness be permitted to refer to the transcript. RUMPFF J: MR. VAN NIEKERK: My lords, this will be G.5 B.

11 8783 D/SGT. MASHELELA You say this meeting was held on the 7th March, 1954? And who was the chairman? Phineas Nene was the chairman. Did he speak about Bantu Education? And did he say in the second paragraph, second last line, "Dr. Mai an where he is shivers"? And further down that "The time of the Nationalist Government is short"? Then the next person to address this meeting was George Hlongwa? Before we go on, this Phineas Nene, is he the same person you identified earlier? And was the next speaker a person by the name of Hlongwa? After Hlongwa did M. Mo±aespeak to the meeting? Will you just read what he said? "Mr.Chairman, and the Meeting, the time has come that the people will be told what is happening and what has happened. The Boers objected to the emancipation of slaves. The time has come that the ministers must ave the churches. The Europeans have shown us that they are our enemies. Unless there is blood flowing the Europeans will always be on our necks. The Boers left Cape because the English were freeing the Africans. I want to tell the Dutch people that the day they remove Alexander, us, to the farms. When the Sophiatown people go to Meadowlands we will agree together. The children of Israel were not united first but they came together. Prepare yourselves, you built the Voortrekker Monument at Pretoria, but the day will come when we will build our own and yours will be destroyed...."

12 8783 D/SGT. MASHELELA And then lower down will you skip the rest of the speech until you get to "They have "been poking us for quite a time"?' "They have been poking us for quite a time, If there is God, what have we done to be given the foreigners to play us fools. The clever Europeans from overseas will not close in the gap. My last word is Africans, unite 1111 wherever you are, move to. Your blood will be the manure of freddfbnu Do not be cowards, be brave. We are speaking u<n'* *»' "i«m»«^ini»iw»iiw<i>nfr"»m»imt>n» i im'mi < nmi intfiiwmbwbbmwirawwwil^wiril^^ to you to cone to A.N.57. and fight for freedom." i1mimm m iin amwiriumi i minrnwruinn iwinilwimwwi H g _ ~ Is this the same person you referred to earlier? 10 The next speaker was J.S.A. Mavuso, is that correct? Yes, that is s o. Did he speak about the Western Areas Removal? And on page 4, the second paragraph, "In " 15 will you go on from there? "In 1950 Swarts has brought Socylody from overseas to come and tell him how to break Communism and Mr. Socylody showed Mr. Swart a paper. But the leaders of the A.N.C., Marks f Kotane, Sisuln_met and prepared themselves about the paper. Today the clever man 20 Socylody has come personally to South Africa and they are preparing the paper in Parliament.^ say to you, unite, prepare yourselves for secret meetings which will be held in houses every corner. We will teach our people everything till we get freedom." 25 And did J^sepl^jtolefe after that address the Meeting? And on page 5 did Sibanda address the Meeting? Yes, ' 3b

13 8783 D/SGT. MASHELELA This Molefe that you say addressed the meeting, is that the same person you identified this morning? And Sibanda, do you know him? I know him. Can you identify him? Will you try and do so if he is in Court? (identifies accused No,20)«Now will you read the first paragraph of what he said? -^"I know these people who take notes here,, they y give Swart a report that will make him fear me. They as the whites change, should tell Swart that the Africans are changing/ We change speeches, we do not speak of what we said last year. We go forward as their laws go. Verwoerd's Bantu Education wants us to remain working in a quarry. He does not think that the Africans of today are not Africans of the time of Jan van Riebeeck who oppressed us for 300 years. We treated him well and also a wife. He forgot how he came to this land, African men and women. The Tsotsis were brought by Verwoerd. Let us go forward and fight for freedom. Nobody will come from outside to free us." Yes, and then from the fourth line from the bottom, "The Dutch people that Africa is ours. «? "The Dutch people know The Africans of today will not go back to the days of Botha and Kruger. We of today think of tomorrow. Next year Malan will be on another step so we are, and we will defy him because he defied the law." Then will you go on from the second paragraph on page 6? "I saw in Vereeniging the Dutch children asking African children for passes. The time will come when our children will do the same to European children. The Africans of today are not afraid of blood because always they stab each... I agree with Verwoerd - let him

14 8794 D/SG. MASHELELA remove Sophiatown and Alexander and take them to where he likes when the people are not united, "but in times of trouble the people unite. The African police may work together with the whites but their children will suffer just like us. They take you to be a fool or a good fool. When you do not like to be a good fool you are a Communist. The government of this country has taught us what Communism is." He then spoke about the reference books on pge 7. Will you read from the second line, "The army cars.? ""^The army cars, when war was over they turned against us, yet they were chasing the Germans. today make the people live a slave life. /-"-ttitrrg The Government of But if you die for some/which is yours you will be dying the right way. I say the Government must destroy Sophiatown under our dead bodies. Let us tell our hildren to live waiting for death at any time. I do not care about banning, whether you speak or not is the same." Carry on? "I do not say take sticks or irons to go and break the European houses. Nobody will help us if we do not help ourselves. Be iaders, all of you; do not give the Government information. I appeal to you to pull the A.N.C, wagon. If a le ader is afraid to go to gaol he is not fit to be a ]e ader.' The time for speeches has past but the time is for action. The ]e ader is to show the people the way. We are waiting for our death only" "*We spok ~In the English language to Smuts' Government, but he did not hear us. In 1948 when the Nationalist Government came to power we spoke Afiikaans, but Malan never heard us." Then he continued for some time, and after that did Molefe close the meeting? That ends the evidence on this meeting,mylords.

15 8795 D/SGT. MASHELELA ly lorcls, the next meeting is a meeting of the 14th March, » which appears in the Policy Schedule on page 34-, it's the speech of Motsele and Mashamaite. I hand you Exhibit G.25. What is that Exhibit G.25? It's a note book. What is in it? I also took down notes in this book of speeches made at a meeting. 5 Referring to page 1 of that book, does that refer to notes of a meeting at Alexander Township on the 14th March, 1954? When did you take those notes? At the time of the meeting. 10 And did you take correct notes of what was said? Will you be able to t ell the Court what happened at that meeting if you do not refer to your notes? No. If you are allowed to refer to your notes will ^ you be able to tell the Court? I will. I ask for the witness to be allowed to refer to Is notes. RUMPFF Js MR. VAN NXEKZRK; Did you also check your notes 20 wl th "the typed transcript? And is this the typed transcript, G.25A, my lords? Yes, this is it. And is that a correct transcript of your notes? It is. 25 Did Mazunya open the meeting and s aid it was a meeting of the African National Congress? After him did Nene speak - - the person Mazunya, is he the same person you referred to earlier? The next person who addressed this meeting then 30

16 8796 D/SGT. MASHELELA was Pbineas Nenen? 1 Is this the person you identified earlier? Yes, On page 3 did he say this, "The Boers are really the enemies of the Africans"? Was the next speaker Mavuso? Is that the same person you referred to earlier? Will you read the first two sentences of his speech? "I speak here to tell Africa to arise. That is why Swart banned me, because I used to stand here telling the Africans to wake up. I say wake up because the danger grcws 10 bigger and bigger every time. We speak here every day because of oppression. We face Swart, Verwoerd comes out with another thing..." Yes, that's enough. Then will p u go to page 5 - the top of page 5 "Verwoerd will not help you", and read ^ from there? "Verwoerd will not help you. The white people always say things will help and yet they will oppress you. Many people with these books have been arrested because many people do not understand it. at last it will be thrown away..." This book will not help you, 20 Is that referring to the Reference Books? Did he then speak against Bantu Education? Will you read from the middle of the page, "I will never accept anything from him"? "I have seen Verwoerfl. I will never accept anything from him. The white people 25 in South Africa have done nothing to the African but have done bad things. In the farms they destroy everything that belongs to Africans. Europeans are our enemies. Go and tell your children that There will be no peace as long 30

17 8797 D/5GT. MASHELELA as the situation is like that. Hate anybody who says that G-od gave the white people superiority. He is not even ashamed of himself to say 15,000 Africans die of T.B. in South Africa. How can we allow the Europeans to do to our children as they like? We will fight this battle vherever, in churches and outside." V/as the next speaker Motsele? Is that the person you have referred to earlier? Did he speak against Bantu Education? Aril Reference books and passes? Will you read from the first line on page 6, "The Ministers in Parliament..."? "The Ministers in Parliament say that the Africans are determined to continue with their struggle; they are determined even to go to gaol. The Africans taking notes - I want to warn the white people that one day they will turn against them. The Suppression of Communism Act, amended, will not stop us; we will continue to organise wherever we are, in football grounds, buses, queues. The meeting where Sisulu was supposed to address us has been banned, but the meeting will be addressed at the grave yard. So we will do "the same. We will speak at graveyards also and tell the people what is happening. We will speak of freedom till we get it. The white people assemble in Parliament and they say we who tell the truth are Communists. They want to teach our chi2d ren to be good boys. Even if the education has been changed, we will continue our struggle. Our meetings are just about to be banned, but we will hold meetings in Churches. Everywhere the teachers must come to us.

18 8798 D/SGT.MAS HEELA We will tell them hew to teach our children. We will even make our own schools. The time of the passes is gone. The freedome comes with the blood of somebody else - be ready for your death. of Communism Act. They are wasting time about the Suppression We appeal to the teachers to come to our sidd. Government agents can write and tell them that we will meet at the cross roads. Tell your child that the Boer is your enemy because they tell the children that a kaffir is a kaffir. I appeal to the Tsotsis to join the A.N.C. and fight for freedom, and tell your friends that death and sweat wins freedom. The Ministers are agitators because they tell us to move from our places. They take away our chiefs. We have no land at home. General Smuts wrote a book which said the chiefs must be done away with so that we cannot come together. They choose their good fools to be our chiefs. That is why the A.N.C. was formed in 1910, because we saw the danger. So the Congress will teach you. You have beaten the Dutch people, that is why they brought the clever man Solody who came here in 1950 when the Suppression of Communism Was amended. again to come and close up the gap. They have called him They run all overseas to search for clever people to oppress us. They forget that we can also get and look for clever people to help us to free ourselves. The manure of the tree of freedom is sweat and blood - so be ready for that day. Freedom during our life time." The next speaker, was it Sam Masimolajjs- Do you know him? Yes, I know him. What was his position in the National African Congress? He was one of the members of the Congress.

19 8783 D/SGT. MASHELELA Do you know whether he wag an accused in the Preparatory Examination? Tell the Court what he said in the first paragraph? "Sons aid Daughters of Africa, we told you that the time of speeches is past, it is now the time to fight for freedom because we say freedom during our life time. If we die before we achieve freedom our children will spit at our graves. You know Swart has banned our leaders but we speak even if we are asleep. We do not want "Verwoerd's education. We want it as we know how to get it. We do not want education which will say Jerusalem is in Heaven. Our children must know that Egypt is here in Africa. Let us be like Dr. Nkrumah who says wake up and gather together your soldiers. We want freedom in South Africa, not one sided freedom giving to teachers and ministers and policemen. Here in Africa there are many things which people get. When the whites came here they stole our forefathers' things. But they call us criminals. These reference books will not frighten us. They arrest you even when you have this book. We say our leaders must give us the way, we will follow. If they send jlisulu_ to gail we will take him out as Prime Minister,..." Will you then proceed to page 8. Did he then speak against Bantu education? And on page 8, the fourth line from the end of his speech, will you read "After achieving "? "After achieving freedom we will form a new Christianity, not tie Christianity of now-a-days. Those who do not like to stay with us can go back to Europe. Swart is wasting time. Sisulu is ready to take over. We will follow Nkrumah, Jomo Kenyate."

20 8800 D/SGT. MASHELELA Was the next person who addressed the meeting B, Mashamaite? Do you know this man Mashamaite? Yes, I know him well. At that time do you know whether he had anything to do with the African National Congress? Yes, he was a very strong member; at one time he was chairman of the Alexander Township branch of the A.N.C., of the African Nati on al C ongre s s. Will you tell the Court what he said from the beginning? "Africa, to speak is only wasting time. You have heard about Bantu Education. Reference books. You have heard of how the Africans are treated. We are only to tie our belts. I am ready to defy the law at any time, ready to be shot dead at any time, because I am not a free person. I say to Swart even if he can shoot me or send me to gaol, he will take nothing of me because I have nothing. Malan must lay off his hands from our children's education. We fight for the freedom of poor Dutch people who stay at Perreirestown and Westflene because Swart has never addressed a meeting at those places." Now will you turn to page 9? the middle of the page "Our leaders..."? "Our leaders Dr.Moroka and Chief Luthuli have never said we must go and kill the white people but Swart has told the police to shoot the Africans, so they should be killed as he has ordered the police to kill. If you like your lives you cannot get freedom. I am not alive but I am dead long time. Your unity is your strength. Come together and fight for freedom. The white people are divided. The youths must organise at the football matches, in beerhalls. Teachers tell the school children that a white person is an

21 8783 D/SGT. MASHELELA Enemy. The African women are assulted hy Boer warders in gaol " it Moleoe? Yes, the next person to address the Court, was Do you know this person Moleoe? Yes, I know hlm # Do you know whether or not he had any connection with the African National Congress? He was one of the secretaries., of the Alexander Branch of the African National Congress Do you know what his name is? Bernard Moleoe. Did he on page 10, the tenth line from the bottom "Children will be taught to say Baas and Missus"; from there on please? "Children will be taught to say Baas and Missus. The white people hate us. Build yourselves, we are going forwards. Anybody trying to stop us we will sweep. We can go back to the time of van Riebeeck. Malan and his Ministers who want to take us back to the darkness. We cannot accept them. The time will come that the children will be brought here to the Square to be taught. The way to freedom is education. That was the end of that meeting? The next meeting, my lords, is a meeting of the 28th March, Will you have a look at the document G-.12, what is that? It is a note book in which I recorded what was said at a meeting. Does that refer to a meeting on the 28th March, 1954? Yes, that is right. Where was this meeting? Alexander Township. No. 2 Square. My lords, at the Preparatory Examination this

22 8802 D/SGT. MASHELELA witness testified to this meeting from his report. Subse- i quently it was discovered that his original notes were available, my lords. I am now reading from his notes, my lords. RUMPFF Js MR. VAN NIEKERK: My lords, I probably handed 5 the copy signed by the witness to the Court. RUMPFF J; No, no. Do you say he signed a copy? MR. VAN NIEKERK: Well, my lord, the copy that he checked with the notes, he invariably signs. RUMPF'F J: He invariably signs? 10 MR. VAN NIEKERK; Yes, my lord. RUMPFF J: Maybe he didn't sign on this occasion. MR. VAN NIEKERK: Probably not, ray lord. You say that book refers to some notes you took at the meeting on the 28th March, 1954, at Alexander Township? 15 Did you take a correct note of what happened at that meeting? Have you got an independent recollection of what happened at that meeting? No. If you are allowed to refer to your note book 20 will you be able to tell the Court what happened at that meeting? I will. Refreshing your memory from your notes will you say who opened that meeting? Phineas Nen&^ Is that the same person that you referred to 25 earlier? And did Phineas Nene speak and say that the meeting will discuss the Western Areas Removal? And Bantu Education? 30

23 8783 D/SGT. MASHELELA After him did Mqiaslfi- address the Meeting? Is that the same person that you referred to earlier? And did he also speak a gainst Western Areas Removal? And will you turn to page 7 of your notes? Will you read from the middle of the page. RUMPFF J: What page? MR. VAN NIEKERK; I'm sorry, ray lord, this is on page 1, the last paragraph, page 7 his notes, "One Dutch i»n from S.W.A "? "One Dutch man from South West Afric a member of Parliament once said all native agitators must be shot at once. We are determined to tell our people the truth only, though we are threatened with Goggos. Death is for everyone, nobody will live for ever. If you really want to live in freedom you must be ready to die. The way we have taken is the same as the one taken by the Dutch people in the Boer War. The time has come when every man and woman must take up his belongings and throw them on to the Dutch people. In your house you can use anything as an arm. go. Sophiatown will not go - if it goes we are next to It if goes it must go under the dead bodies of the Africans. I must tell you openly that if it goes we will be the next to go. These will not be the first people to die for freedomif- Professor Fourie says to the white people how do you like it if you are told to leave your property? So the Africans have the same feelings as you. The tenants say, 'If Sophiatown goes we are losing nothing', but I say as a tenant, if I win horses I may buy a property, but if Sophiatown goes we will have no property to buy. We must oppose the removal of Sophiatown. The aim is to uproot

24 8804 D/SG-T.MASHELELA the rights of Africans. Even in Meadowlands we will have to move." Now the next person to address the meeting was Malela? Do you know him? Did he have any connection with Congress?- Hot to my knowledge; I knew nothing about him; this was the first occasion I saw him at a meeting,, And was the speaker after him a man by the name of Jlongwa? Yes And then did Peter Selepe^address the meeting? Do you know him? Yes, I know him well. Can you identify him? Will you do so if he is in Court? (identifies Accused TTo.18). r ~ Will you read the first part of his speech? "Friends, we meet at 12 midday when the Dutch people are supposed to be at dinner. You will be the new soldiers. We have been told that in former times the European was never a liar, but today we say there is no person on earth is a bigger liar than the European.Y-We say Sophiatown will never go anywhere. Our people have been t old to buy our land yet we do not know from whom they bought it. They sold Sophiatown to our people and gave them title deeds. So you and I have to correct the Dutch people, that Sophiatown goes nowhere." And then will you turn to page 3 of t he transcript, my lords, page 20 of your notes,... sorry, will you just go on from page 17» at the bottom of page 2, my lords? ""Those houses at Meadowlands are not houses for you. Have you ever seen in 24 hours when 50 houses are

25 8783 D/SGT. MASHELELA BUILT? Those houses the Dutch people have built then so that when tornado cones all our people must perish." "We have no tine to consult Verwoerd, but we say Sophiatown goes nowhere. If you say Sophiatown is out of your way, the sane Bill will be applied to you. We say our heaven is here, not sonewhere else. If you pray we help the white people to oppress us. you are oppressed. Even if you are a teacher, minister, You must tell the whites that they are not so competent that they can make laws in Parliament without us. + Whether I go to gaol or am shot, I don't care, because my life is not so important than the life of the future man. You must be determined, everything must be fashionable. i<phey have been beaten to put right the affairs of the Africans. Malan is inciting the white people Egainst the Natives....» ^ Yes, will you just go on from lower down - ny lords, page 3 - the last four lines of his speech, page 22 of your notes?-^"tie the dog if you want it to bite the people. They say the whites have nanufactured the Tsotsis Are you going to allow Sophiatown to go. No J You are all delegates, tell your people at hone." That 'No 1, can you explain that no? They were the people who said 'No'.. Do you know what Selepe's position was in the Afri can National Congress? He was a member. He spoke at the meetings very often. Now after him did JosephJS^lefe-^address the Court on Bantu e ducation? Yes,.1 RUMPFT J; I take it he addressed the meeting. MR. VAN NIEKERi I'm sorry, my lord, I've been

26 8806 D/SGT. MASHELELA making the same mistake. Did Molefe then address the meeting? On Bantu Education? And you've already identified him? After that did a man Moretsele address the Meeting on passes? Did he also speak against the Reference Books? This person Moretsele. do you know him? I do. Can you identify him? Will you please step down and identify him if he 10 is in Court? (identifies Accused Ho. 12). lords. That concludes the evidence on this meeting, my (COURT ADJOURNED)

27 8807. COUBT RESUMES ON THE 5TH FEBRUARY, I960. APPEARANCES AS BEFORE. PAUL ZULU, duly sworn; EXAMINED BY MR. VAN PER WALT ; You are a Native Detective Sergeant, South African Police, stationed at Durban? Are you on the Special Branch of the South African Police? You have been cn that Branch since 1948? And you were firstly stationed at Pietermaritzburg? And in 1951 you went to Durban? What are your qualifications? I got my Natal Teacher's Certificate. It was then called Grade 1. Now it is the same as T.4. Do you speak' English? What is your home language? Zulu. Now I hand you a documant marked Exhibit G.458 Do you recognise the document? Yes, I see it and I know it. What is it? It contains notes taken by me at a meeting. What meeting? It was a meeting of the African National Congress which was held at Cato Manor, on the 17th July, Is Cato Manor in Durban? Are your notes correct? As far as I could, yes, to the best of my ability. You have an independent recollection of the meeting apart from your notes? No, I would not be able to.

28 8808. (P. ZULU) (G. 458) And if you refer to your notes, would you be able to refresh, your memory? May the witness refer to his Motes, My Lord. Who was the Chairman at the meeting? I. Khumalo. Was there a speaker Manana? 5 Do you know his Christian names? Peri (?) Manana. Was he an accused at the preparatory examination? Now he addressed the meeting? 10 Refer to your notes and refer to the first sentence what he said? "I agree to give you full report of all what took place in Kliptown." And did he then thereafter give a full report of what happened at Kliptown? 15 That was the Congress of the People at Klip- ^ town, that meeting that he was referring to? I now hand you document G before I proceed, the speech made atthis meeting is mentioned as an overt act, and this meeting is also - the overt act appears 20 on page 68, Schedule C, and it is also mentioned in the Policy Schedule at page 23 and page 31. Nov/, do you recognise this document G. 796? What is it? These are notes My Lord, taken by me at a meeting, also at Cato Manor in Durban, on the 25 10th November, It was a meeting of the African National Congress. Was it a meeting or a Conference? It was a Conference of the Natal Region of the African National Congress. 30 Did you take your notes down correctly? Yes, to the best of my ability.

29 8809. (P. ZULU) (G. 796) Do you have an independent recollection of the Conference, apart from your notes? No, My Lord, I would not be able to. And if you refer to your notes, will you be able to refresh your memory? Ye^. 5 My Lord, may he refer to his notes. Who waw the Chairman at the Conference? Gabriel Nyembe. Who was the first speaker at the Conference? Nyembe opened the meeting. And after him, was there a speaker Archibald 10 Gumede? And do you know him? I do. Was he an Accused at the Preparatory Examination? Yes, My Lord. Now will you look at your notes, and is this 15 a fair summary of what he said? His theme was passes, and he supported a campaign against passes? Yes, My Lord. And did he state that the pass system amounted to fascism? Yes, My Lord. 20 Will you turn to page 3 of your notes. You have a speaker Dr. W. Z. Conco? Do you know Conco? Can you identify him? Will you do so if you see him in Court? 25 (WITNESS IDENTIFIES ACCUSED NO. 30) Now will you refer to your notes and tell the Court what he said? Br. W. Z. Conco, : "Chairman and members. I am glad to have this opportunity in connection with the Natal Conference. Firstly I greet you all 30 in the name of the African National Congress and must tell you that what I am going to say to you is from

30 8810. (I. ZULU) (G. 796) J. Luthuli." Then the names of the banned people in Natal were read. "So I think this conference will carry out desires of all banned men to lay. The A.N.C. is gaining fame and popularity amongst all people. Why? Because of its truthfullness (ii) its determination and (iii) its fearlessness. The Nationalist Tarty is determined to its apartheid policy, and I say it is the only strong organisation amongst the whites. The United Tarty is proving a failure, the Liberal Tarty is half way with us of the African National Congress in some points, but we still go further than that. We, the African National Congress go on the unconstitutional method for we defy whereas the Liberal say no, we must sweat if we want freedom. African National Congress has done a lot of good, The it had succeeded in introducing the Congress of the Teople which formed the freedom charter, but I still say this is still too little than what we are to do next, for example, passes for women, influx control reclamation scheme, Bantu Education..." Will you stop there. Did he then also mention further campaigns like the Pass Campaign and support the campaign? Yes, My Lord. Will you go to the end of the speech, where he says "So I say in English..."? "So I say in English, 'No Cross, no Crcwn 1. Africans, we must be prepared to carry the cross through wilderness to our free Africa." Lid he then repeat his speech in English? What language did Conc^ speak first? He spoke in Zulu first, and then I took my notes. When he spoke in English, I did not continue writing. After that, did G. Nyembe speak again?

31 8811. ($>. ZULU) G. 796) And did he ask the Treasurer, P. H. Simelane to thank the Deputy President, Dr. Coflog? Do you know Simelane? Was he an Accused at the Preparatory Examination? Yes, My Lord. 5 Can you remember whether Simelane thanked the Deputy President? Refer to your notes? +Nyembe asked the treasurer, P. H. Simelane to thank the Deputy President Dr. W. Z. Conco, which he did." Did he then thank Dr. Conco? 10 Now I hand you document marked G Do you recognise the document? What is it? Yes, My Lord. It is notes that I took at a meeting of the African National Congress, of the Women's League, Dabulamanzi Branch, that is Cato Manor in Durban. 15 Wre your notes correct? Yes, I wrote down what was said there myself. Do you have an independent recollection of what took place? No. \ K If you refer to your notes, will you "be 20 ^ able to refresh your memory? May he refer to his notes, My Lord? What is the date of the meeting? 15th February, Who was the Chairman? Lucy Dhlamini. Was there a speaker Amon Nene? 25 Do you know Amon Nene? Do you know whether he was an - a member of the African National Congress? He is. Will you refer to your notes and tell the Court what he said? Amon Nene : "We have spoken 30 about passes often and again, but now I would like t " ' iiiiflfritfttr* n n

32 (P. ZULU) (G. 465) tell you this, that if you want to fight passes, you will have to starve, jailed and finally "be shot dead, then you shall get your freedom. We of the African National Congress want freedom for all. We are tired of begging this government who cannot hear any word from 5 us. So the best is to join the Congress and form one strong body to free ourselves from such slavery. I say to you women, fight this passes out until your fmnal success. Forget about going..." ' That is enough. Who was the next speaker? 10 Khumalo. I don't know his first names. Refer to your notes. What did he say? "I would like to touch on this pass affair. Yes! It is a sad matter because these passes need money. Ym cannot have it free. Where will you get that money from. 15 I feel it is better to die than to carrysuch passes. Yes, I agree with one v^io said churches are valueless, it is true I see no use and instead it wants money from you and me. It is also true that ws Africans are dead alive. Sowhat is the use of being afraid to die." 20 That is all from this meeting, My Lord. I hand you document G Do you recognise it? Yes, I do, My Lord. What is it? It is my handwriting, notes that I made at a meeting of the African National 25 Congress. The meeting was also at Cato Manor, My Lord, at a place known as Kwamjafete, on the 23rd June, Did you again take your notes down correctly? Yes,'to the best of my ability. Have you an independent recollection of what 30 took place at this meeting? No. If you refer to your notes, will you be able

33 8808. (P. ZULU) (G. 468) to refresh your memory? May he refer to the notes, My Lord? Who was the Chairman? Elias Kunene. Was there a speaker D. Nyembe? Dorothy Nyembe, yes, My Lord. 5 Was there also a speaker Amon Nene? And was there a speaker P. Simelane? Did he address the meeting, and was his theme passes? passes? Yes, My Lord. and did he support the campaign against 10 i'hat is all in respect of this meeting, My Lord. You have mentioned this Simelane previously? Yes, My Lord. I hand you document marked G What is 15 that document? frican National A Women's meeting again, under the Congress. Where and when? Y. M. C. A., Beatrix Street, Durban on the 26th May, And did you take down your notes correctly? 20 Yes, to the best of my ability. Do you have an independent recollection of what took place at the meeting? No. If you refer to your notes, will you be able to refresh your memory? Yes, My Lord. 25 May the witness refer to the notes, My Lord. Was there a speaker Fatima Seedat? Do you know from which organisation she was? She belongs to a group of Indian women, under the Natal Indian Congress. 30 After her, was there another speaker? Yes, a European female, My Lord.

34 IT" (P. ZULU) (G. 469) Did she speak on "behalf of any organisation? She was speaking for the Congress of Democrats. And after that, did Peri Manana speak again? The same person you mentioned previously? 5 Did he read messages from various members of the A.N.C. and organisations? Yes, messages from different ether or anisaticns. Look at your notes at the end. Was there a 10 person Stephen Dhlamini? Do you know Stephen Dhlamini? Yes, I know him. Was he an Accused at the Preparatory Examination? Yes, My Lord. 15 That is all in respect of that meeting, My Lord, I hand you document G Do you recognise the document? What is it? These are notes that I made. Those are notes of a meeting of the Regional Conference of 20 Natal of the African National Congress, at Edendale, Pietermaritzburg on the 28th July, Did you take down your notes correctly? iis far as I could, yes, My Lord. "^o you have an independent recollection of 85 the Conference without looking at your notes? No. And if you refer to your notes, will you be able to refresh your memory? May the witness do so, My Lord? Who was the Chairman? Gabriel Sondlo Nyembe. 30 Was there a person A. Gumede present?

35 8815. (I. ZULU) (G. 785) Did he welcome the delegates to the Conference? You have mentioned Gumede previously. Is it the same person? Then you have a speaker Dr. Motala? 5 Do you know Dr. Matala? Was he an Accused at the Preparatory Examination? Will you refer to page 3 of your notes. Will you tell the Court whether he also said this? "The objec- 10 tive of the A.N.C. and its policy is also ours"? Will you read from there onwards, please? "A.J. Luthuli has become a symbolic figure amongst us all and our oppressors. He refused to yield with the government and the riches, but decided to side with the oppressed 15 and poor. There is only one common binding objective and that is freedom for everyone. I therefore wish this conference a very successful conclusion and until our freedom is secured." Will you look at the beginning of Dr. Motala's 20 speech. Did he speak on behalf of the Natal Indian Congress? Then after Dr. Motala, did A. Gumede speak again? Did he read messages to the Conference? 25 Did he read a message from Dr. ConccL? M. B. Y engwa7 = Do you know M. B. Yengwa? Was he an Accused at the Preparatory 30 Examination? And also a message from the African National

36 8816. (P. ZULU) (G. 785) Congress Transvaal? And the Natal Indian Congress Youth League? And thereafter did P.H. Simelane speak? 5 The same person you have mentioned previously? - Was A.J. Luthuli present at the Conference? Apart from - that is all in respect of this io Conference. Apart from the meetings and conferences you mentioned here in Court, did you attend other meetings of the African National Congress? At the Conference, Yes, many. did you generally hear speakers speak against passes? 15 BY MR. JUSTICE RUMPFF : Any other campaigns? That has "been admitted, on behalf of the organisations. BY ME. VAN DEH WALT ; 20 Did you see Accused Conco^ Accused 30, at other meetings? Meetings of the African National Congress. How long do you know Dr. Conco? A long time, since I came to Durban I knew him. 25 Do you know whether he was an office bearer of the African National Congress? He was first the chief, the leader of the Youth League. And then after that he was chief Luthuli's deputy. As what? He was President of the African 30 National Congress, Natal. And Stephen Dhlamini? No, first Dr. Conco, do

37 8817. (P. ZULU) / rj r\ \ you know during what period he held this office? I am not certain, it could be 1955, 1956, 1957 when he was Luthuli's Deputy. I am not sure of that. And Stephen Dhlamini, do you know him? Was he a member of any organisation? He was 5 first Chairman of the Youth League. When was that? Rouhd about that time, 1956, Did he hold any other position in the African National Congress? He was then organising secretary 10 of the South African Congress of Trades Union. Do you know when he was the organiser? I think he still is organising secretary. Prom when? When he was arrested and brought to Court, at that time he was, and he still now 15 is, and for some time before that. And P.H. Simelane, whom you have mentioned, was he connected with the African National Congress? He was treasurer of the Natal Congress. During what period? 1956, 1957, until he was arrested he was treasurer. I don't say exactly those years, but round about that time. And A. Gumede? Was he an office bearer of the African National Congress? Yes, in Maritzburg, not in Durban. 25 What was he? He was first organiser, and then afterwards he was secretary, and then eventually he was chairman. /Then was thqit? He was arrested together with all those who were arrested on the first occasion 30 and brought to Johannesburg. Before his arrest, what was his position?

38 8818. (J. ZULU) Secretary. And then Chairman of the African National Congress. NO FURTHER QUESTIONS BY MR. VAN PER WALT. i CROSS-EXAMINED BY MR. BERRANGE : Sergeant Zulu, you of course have told us that 5 you have attended many more meetings than the ones you have testified to, and at the Preparatory Examination you gave evidence in regard to a great number of other meetings which have not been mentioned in this Court? That is correct. 10 Now I would like to refer you back to the first meeting that you referred to in this Court, which is to be found in Exhibit G. 458, the meeting of the17th July, You read one short passage by Manana. Now you will agree that at this meeting there were seven speeches 15 made? Can you tell Their Lordships what time the meeting started? And it finished at 12,30 over two hours? 20 And your recording of this meeting is contained on a typed transcript occupying less than a page and a half? And you will agree with me that the Chairman opened the meeting by asking the Reverend Mkize to pray, 25 and the Reverend Mkize then prayed before the meeting opened? And Mananreported - Mananq. reported what had happened at the Conference - at the Congress of the People, and he referred to the fact that a great number 30 of armed members of the Police force attended?

39 8819. (P. ZULU) And then he went on to say that "but no one took care of them because we don't mean any trouble at all"? And then Khumalo spoke and he spoke on the subject of the corporation not having provided them with 5 the good houses they had promised them, and Mrs. spoke about the housing problem in Cato Manor? Ostrich Mrs. Nene referred to the fact that they couldn't get water for their lavatories? And Nyembe referred to the fact that their 10 children are becoming juvenile delinquents? And that the houses weren't suitable for married people? I refer you to G That was the meeting of the 10th October, This meeting started at 9 a.m. 15 and finished at midday? Yes, at 12 it was closed, then there was a closed session. It was reported by you on less than two and a half pages of type? The number of speeches was fifteen or six- 20 teen? And the principal topic was that of the pass laws and the disinclination of women to carry passes? Although some of the speakers also spoke 25 about sanitation systems, the poor construction of the houses, and the fact that drinking water had to be fetched from the lavatory? I refer you to meeting G. 465, that is the meeting of the 15th February, That meeting commenced 30 at 12.5 p.m. and was concluded at 2 p.m.? And what the speakers had to say has been recorded by you on a little moro than one page of transcript?

40 8820. (T. ZULU) And there again the principal topic of conversation was the question of passes for women? And what the implication of such passes would he? 5 One speaker there says that because her husb and had lost his reference book and had caused him to pay 13/6 is no reason for not liking to carry passes? And this is Dhlamini in the course of her address ; "I am sorry for those who have accepted this 10 pass because it will work against them. I say we must fight this even if we are to be kicked out of our houses but we do not like to cause bloodshed in any way"? And I refer you to G. 468, which is the meeting of the 23rd June, 1956., That started - can you 15 tell Their Lordships what time that meeting started? I didn't make a note of the time. You see the meeting, according to your notes, terminated at 5 p.m.? What time do these meetings usually start which finish at 5 p?m.? Usually at about 10 in 20 the morning. And this has been recorded by you on less than one page of type? If I remember correctly, this meeting was arranged to start at 2 in the afternoon. Anyway, it was recorded by you on less than 25 one page of type? And there were six speakers? And again women's passes were - the tmpic of women's passes was the principal one? Some speakers diverged from that and spoke 30 about what they had done in the last war, and they had only received bicycles in return therefor?

41 Collection: 1956 Treason Trial Collection number: AD1812 PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Location: Historical Papers, The Library, University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg LEGAL NOTICES: Copyright Notice: All materials on the Historical Papers website are protected by South African copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise published in any format, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Disclaimer and Terms of Use: Provided that you maintain all copyright and other notices contained therein, you may download material (one machine readable copy and one print copy per page) for your personal and/or educational non-commercial use only. People using these records relating to the archives of Historical Papers, The Library, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, are reminded that such records sometimes contain material which is uncorroborated, inaccurate, distorted or untrue. While these digital records are true facsimiles of paper documents and the information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to be accurate and reliable, Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand has not independently verified their content. Consequently, the University is not responsible for any errors or omissions and excludes any and all liability for any errors in or omissions from the information on the website or any related information on third party websites accessible from this website.

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