Key Stage: 2 Year: Lower Juniors Subject: Being a Sikh Time allocation: 1 hour per week

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1 Key Stae: 2 Year: Lower Juniors Subject: Bein a Time allocation: 1 hour per week Part Learnin Objectives Activities and Experiences Key Questions 1 To learn about the namin ceremony. meanins of names. Discuss how children in the class ot their names. Discuss meanins of names. Go round the class thinkin of irls' and boys' names beinnin with every letter in turn. Show a video extract or tell pupils about the namin ceremony. Pupils can research the ceremony on the website: and then write about their findins. Explain the meanin and sinificance of Sinh (lion) and Kaur (princess). How did you et your name? Were you named after anyone? What does your name mean? Are you like what your name means? Would you be differe if you had a differe name? What names would you choose for yourself? Can you think of boys' (then irls') names beinnin with a / b / c / etc? How do the names Sinh and Kaur show belief in equality? 2 To learn about the foundin of the Khalsa. commitme of the first s Tell the story or show a video of the foundin of the Khalsa. Discuss how the first man would have felt as he volueered to ive his life for his faith. Discuss how the second and subseque ones would feel. Explain the meanin of the Panj Piare. Prepare an assembly about the foundin of the Khalsa. How did the first s show their commitme to the faith? How would the first man feel when he volueered to ive his life for his Guru? How would the second / third / etc feel? Would it be better or worse for them? Would you be willin to risk your life for anythin? What? Why? 3 To learn about the amrit ceremony. commitme of s today. Discuss how s decide whether they wish to become baptised s i.e. full members of their reliion. Explain or show a video about the amrit ceremony. Compare this with confirmation, bar or bat mitzvah and with secular comparisons e.. joinin a sports club and committin to reular trainin. Pupils write a diary extract as if they had become a full, makin clear their exciteme and feelins of commitme. How do s today become full members of their reliion? Is their commitme as reat as it was for the first members of the Khalsa? Have you joined any roups? Did you have to do anythin special to join the roup? How do you show that you are a member of the roup? Do you have to do anythin more seriously or reularly now that you are a member? What would it feel like to become a baptised? 4 To learn about the five Ks. meanins of the five Ks and on roup symbols. Discuss symbols of belonin to differe roups e.. school uniform, uniformed oranisations, youth fashions, etc. Iroduce the five Ks: Kesh (uncut hair), Kanha (comb), Kara (steel bracelet), Kirpan (knife), Kacch (short trousers). Talk about the meanins of each or Can you think of uniforms worn by differe roups? Why do they wear distinctive clothes? What do they symbolise? Do any roups wear bades to show who they are? What does each of the symbols mean? Why do they wear them?

2 ask pupils to research on Pupils can work in roups to make mobiles out of wood or wire, strin and paper of the 5 Ks. They should also write about each with its meanins. Concepts Key words Guru Grah Sahib Khalsa Panj Piare Skills Attitudes Resources Learnin outcomes Levels of achieveme Evaluation Researchin Ierpretin Role playin Selfawareness Selfawareness video, ); Kanwaljit Kaur Sinh: Gurdwara (A & C Black, ); video, ); Gurdwara (A & C Black, ); Writin about the namin ceremony. An assembly about the foundin of the Khalsa By the end of this unit in year 4 Most children will be able Ideify some practices and know that there are similar ones in other reliions; and Respond sensitively to the experiences, feelins and commitmes of s Many children will be able Describe some practices and symbols and link these to beliefs; Compare their own commitmes to those of s Some children will be able Show understandin of ways of bein a and how these ways are symbolised in the five Ks; and Ask questions about ceremonies and commitme and

3 Amrit Baptism (disciple) Confirmatio n Bar mitzvah Bat mitzvah Empathisin Selfawareness video, ); Gurdwara (A & C Black, ); Diary extract explainin the exciteme, commitme and feelins on becomin a baptised Kesh Kanha Kara Kirpan Kacch Selfawareness video, ); Gurdwara (A & C Black, ); Kanha Kara Kirpan Kacch Mobile of the five Ks. Writin and drawin of each of the five Ks with their meanins Key Stae: 2 Year: Upper juniors Subject: The Gurus Time allocation: 1 hour per week Part Learnin Objectives Activities and Experiences Key Questions 1 To learn about Guru Nanak. To reflect on similarities and differences between Guru Nanak and Jesus. Watch a video of the life of Guru Nanak. Explain that Guru means teacher and that means disciple or learner. Discuss how he was tolera of Muslims, Hindus and outcastes. Discuss similarities between Guru Nanak and Jesus - e.. profound spiritual experience in a river; teacher; miracles; emphasis on (eatin with) the poor; disappearance of his body, etc. Discuss differences. Construct a chart to show these. Groups or individuals work on an eve for a class display. Why have s iven Nanak the title Guru? Use some words to describe Guru Nanak's character. What is the evidence that he treated all people equally? Why did he do this? What was Nanak's experience of God? Why do s respect Guru Nanak? How do they show this? What similarities are there between Guru Nanak and Jesus? What differences are there between Guru Nanak and Jesus? To learn about the Explain that s follow ten human Gurus, from Guru What do you notice about the faces of the Gurus?

4 2 3 4 human Gurus. To reflect on what the Gurus have in common. To learn about the foundation of the Khalsa. commitme of the Panj Pyare in relation to their own. To learn about the Guru Grah Sahib. sinificance of the Guru Grah Sahib for s. Nanak to Guru Gobindh Sinh. Look at pictures of the Gurus and discuss their similar faces, because they are all represeatives of God. Pupils research the human urus throuh books and / or websites and share their findins throuh preseation and display. Show a video or tell the story of Guru Gobindh Sinh and the birth of the Khalsa durin Vaisakhi Discuss the commitme and faith of the first Panj Pyare. Talk about the sinificance of "Sinh" and "Kaur" as titles of nobility and sins of equality. Pupils write an accou of their feelins, thouhts, faith and beliefs as if they were prese as s on Vaisakhi Explain how Guru Gobindh Sinh instructed that he was to be the final human Guru and that s should hold the Guru Grah Sahib, the holy book, as the livin Guru. Pupils can research the coes of the Guru Grah Sahib and how it was formed. Explain that it is treated with the reatest respect (as if it were a hihly respected person) either in the home or at the urdwara. It is brouht out of its own room each mornin, carried on the head of a. It is placed on a throne (takht) and a chauri is waved over it as it is read. The day's readin is chosen from the pae at which the book is opened and s look to apply the words to their life that day. Look on the web for the day's readin. Discuss how it miht apply to that day for the class. Why do you think this is? What else do the Gurus have in common? (Refer to appearance, beliefs and roles) Why is this? How does the birth of the Khalsa show the faith and commitme of the Panj Pyare? Did everyone that day have the same strenth of faith? Did everyone there have some faith? Would you ever ive your life for anythin? What? Why do s choose to call males "Sinh" and females "Kaur"? What symbols do s wear to show their commitme? Why is the Guru Grah Sahib known as the livin Guru? Why can the Guru Grah Sahib be a better uide than a person can to s? (Word of God and unchanin) Why is the Guru Grah Sahib treated with respect? How is it treated? What does the daily readin (Daily Hukamnama) mean? How could it apply to you today? Do you think another holy book - the Bible or Qur'an, for example, could be used in the same way? Is a holy book a better uide for life than readin your horoscope in a maazine? Why or why not? What is the difference between the Daily Hukamnama and a horoscope? (s adapt their life to the Guru Grah Sahib whereas a horoscope purports to predict your life) Concepts Key words Skills Attitudes Resources Learnin outcomes Levels of achieveme Evaluation

5 Guru Spiritual Guru God Guru Khalsa Vaisakhi Sinh Kaur Panj Pyare 5 Ks Reflection Analysin Syhesisin Comparin Ierpretin Analysin Researchin Empathisin Sally Humble-Jackson: The Life of Guru Nanak (4 Learnin, and video, Animated World Faiths, X)); Philip Emmett & Sue Hart: Key Fiures (Folens, and accompanyin pictures) Picture of the Gurus; eople/features/world_reliions/ sikhism_urus; video, ); eople/features/world_reliions/ sikhism_khal Chart of similarities and differences between Guru Nanak and Jesus. Preseations and display on the Gurus. Written accou from a perspective on the foundation of the Khalsa. By the end of this unit in year 6 Most children will be able Describe beliefs about the Gurus; and Compare their own experiences of commitme to those of s. Many children will be able Link teachin about the Gurus to belief in God; Compare Guru Nanak to Jesus; and Ask questions about the experiences of the Gurus, linkin their answers to their and others' experiences Some children will be able Explain how beliefs about Guru Nanak and Jesus are similar and differe; Explain how commitme is importa to s and to other reliions; and Make informed responses to commitme and expressions of respect in ism and other

6 Guru Guru Grah Sahib Takht Chauri Hukamnam a Holy book Researchin Comparin Analysin Applyin B. Dhanjal: What Do We Know About ism (Macdonald); Researched work on the coes and oriin of the Guru Grah Sahib; Discussion on the day's Hukamnama. Key Stae: 2 Year: Upper Juniors Subject: Beliefs and Values Time allocation: 1 hour per week Part Learnin Objectives Activities and Experiences Key Questions 1 To learn about the Mool Maar and worship; meanin of the Mool Maar Visit a urdwara or show a video of worship. Discuss why s worship and what they worship. Look at a translation of the Mool Maar prayer and the Ik Onkar symbol - the first line, which means, "There is only one God." Discuss the words of the prayer. Pupils can each write a prayer usin only one line from the Mool Maar and addin their own ideas. Who do s worship? Why? What does respect for the Guru Grah Sahib show about belief in God? How is the power / care of God shown in the Mool Maar? Is there anythin more powerful than God accordin to s? Which other reliions hold similar beliefs? Which Guru is referred to in the last line? How does the Guru help s to know God? 2 To learn about vand chakna - sharin, and the lanar; To reflect on pupils' own views of sharin At the urdwara visit the kitchen. Invite the uide to explain what happens at the lanar. Discuss why it happens. Pupils should practise sharin (vand chakna) for the rest of the day. Discuss whether it worked or not and why and what the world would be like if people practised sharin most of the time. Pupils write on: Sharin causes more problems than it solves. What words describe what happens at the lanar? Why do s practise ivin / sharin / servin / etc.? How easy or difficult is it to share all the time? When would you be prepared to share reularly? What would the world be like if people shared their belonins and wealth most of the time?

7 3 4 5 To learn about kirat karna - earnin an honest livin; To reflect on pupils' own views of honest work To learn about seva - service to others; To reflect on pupil's own service to others To learn about nam japna - meditation on God; To reflect on meditaion, stillness and the use of silence Discuss what work the pupils would like to do and why. Distinuish between ways of ettin money which are honest and those which are dishonest. Discuss whether people can do ood work in dishonest ways. Explain that s are expected to work hard and earn an honest livin (kirat karna). Use the pupils' list of occupations and have them write whether and why some of them would be suitable work for s. Tell the story of Bhai Khanaya, who ave water after a battle, not only to s but also to their enemies. Discuss why Guru Gobind Sinh was impressed by this. Ask pupils whether they have come across stories of service to others (seva / sewa). Discuss some of these and why people act selflessly. Pupils can write a poem or story about such an act. Discuss times and places where pupils are expected to be quiet and the reasons for silence. Discuss whether it is easier to think in silence or in noisy places. Undertake a stillin exercise and include somethin to think about e.. a time when you were really happy. Explain that s are expected to spend some time each day meditatin on the name of God: Waheuru (wonderful Lord). Discuss why this is a ood way for a to spend time each day. What jobs do you wa to do when you are old enouh? Why? What are honest ways of ettin money? What are dishonest ways e.. fraud, robbery. In what ways can people be dishonest in work e.. takin thins from work, takin time off, bein late. Which of your jobs would be suitable / unsuitable for s? Why? Why was Guru Gobind Sinh impressed with Bhai Khanaya? What examples of service to others do you know? Can you think of times when somebody has helped a straner / enemy? Is it easier to help someone you know than a straner? Why? Have you ever helped a person you did not know? When? Why do people sometimes do so much for others? Where / when are you expected to be quiet? Why? Is it easier to think in quiet places than in noisy ones? Why? What did you feel / think of / experience when you were quiet? Why is thinkin about God as Waheuru a ood way for s to spend some time each day? What other ways / words could a use to think about God? (refer to the Mool Maar) Concepts Key words Skills Attitudes Resources Learnin outcomes Levels of achieveme Evaluation

8 Mool Maar Worship Prayer Gurdwara Vand chakna Sharin Lanar Kirat karna Honesty Seva (sewa) Service Selflessness Altruism Evaluatin Evaluatin Analysin Sharin Honesty altruism ; K K Sinh: Gurdwara (A & C Black, ) Worlds of Faith (4 Schools video, ) Water, Moon, Candle, Tree and Sword (4 Learnin, ) ; Teachin RE: ism 5-11 (CEM, X) K K Sinh: Gurdwara (A & C Black, ) ; Teachin RE: ism 5-11 (CEM, X) ; Teachin RE: ism 5-11 (CEM, X) Pupil written prayers, includin a line from the Mool Maar. Pupils write a balanced arume on "Sharin causes more problems than it solves." List of occupations with reasons why they are suitable or unsuitable for s. Poem or story on service to others. By the end of this unit in Year 6 Most pupils will be able Describe some beliefs and values and their importance; and Compare some of their own beliefs, values, attitudes and behaviour to those of s. Many pupils will be able Describe beliefs and values, connectin them to other aspects of ism and makin connectiond with beliefs and values of other reliions; and Ask questions about matters of riht and wron and suest answers that show understandin of moral and reliious issues. Some pupils will be able Explain how beliefs and values compare with those of other reliions and how they make a difference to the lives of individuals and communities; and Make informed responses with

9 Nam japna Meditation Stillin God Waheuru Stillin Reflection ; Teachin RE: ism 5-11 (CEM, X) Mary Stone: Don't Just Do Somethin, Sit There (RMEP, Reflection on a stillin exercise. Words s find appropriate to describe God.

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