Catholic Parish of Lindfield-Killara

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1 Catholic Parish of Lindfield-Killara Diocese of Broken Bay Holy Family Parish Church, Lindfield Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Church, Killara LINDFIELD: KILLARA: MASS TIMES: Saturday 6:00pm Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm Sunday: 8:15am Sunday: 9:15am 10:15am 12:00 (Chinese Community Mass) 6:00pm (for both our communities) Weekdays: Monday 9:15am 7:30am Tuesday No Mass 7:30am Wednesday 9:15am ~ Thursday 9:15am ~ Friday 9:15am 7:30am Saturday 9:15am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays 5:00 5:30pm (Lindfield) For 15 minutes after the 5:30pm Mass (Killara) * NO 9:15 Mass at Lindfield nor 7:30am Mass at Killara on the 2nd Friday of each month ** Healing Mass for whole parish at Killara at 10am each 2nd Friday of each month THIRTY-FOURTH & LAST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME THE SOLEMNITY OF CHRIST THE KING This week: Ezek 34:11-12, 15-17; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 Next week : Is 63:16-17, 64:1, 3-8; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Mk 13:33-37 With the Solemnity of Christ the King the Church year draws towards a close. Next Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent and the beginning of a new liturgical year. As such it invites us to new beginnings, to revitalisation and renewal in our faith, in our spiritual life. Advent, however, can be the lost season, buried amidst the swirl of pre-christmas preparations and festivities. Our challenge is to try to re-claim some of this coming season of new beginnings and to arrive at Christmas not simply exhausted by shopping and parties, but also ready to celebrate the beginnings of our salvation.

2 2 Parish Staff and Contact Information We are the one parish of Lindfield-Killara containing our two distinct but collaborating and cooperating communities centred on our two churches at Killara and Lindfield. Holy Family Church: cnr Pacific Hwy and Highfield Rd, Lindfield Immaculate Heart of Mary Church: cnr Fiddens Wharf Rd and Charles St, Killara Parish Priest: Blayney Assistant Priest: Fr Thomas Alackakunnel VC Apart from the case of emergency please restrict the use of the above numbers to between 9:30am and 5:00pm. For office or routine enquiries please contact the Parish Office during office hours. PARISH OFFICE: Parish Secretary: Philita Marundan: Address: Level 1, 2 Highfield Road (cnr Pacific Hwy) Lindfield NSW 2070 (Postal: PO Box 22, Lindfield NSW 2070) Ph: Fax: Parish Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:30am-1:00pm and 1:30pm-4:00pm Catechist Coordinator (Primary Schools): Sue-Anne Sherwood Sacramental Programme Coordinator: Sue-Anne Sherwood Assistant Sacramental Programme Coordinator: Maia Schulze Tsang Parish Priest s Secretary: Maia Schulze Tsang Parish Bookkeeper: Alison Williams Child Protection Coord. Alison Williams Parish Facilities Coordinator (volunteer):anthony Cassidy Youth Ministry Coordinator (volunteer) Jean Shatek Parish Primary School: Holy Family School, 4 Highfield Rd, Lindfield 2070 Ph: Fax: Principal: Mr Lou Dogao School Website: Parish Website: Saturday Lindfield 6:00pm Killara 5:30pm Sunday Lindfield 8:15am Killara 9:15am Lindfield 10:15am Lindfield 12:00noon Lindfield 6:00pm 25 Nov Fr Thomas 26 Nov Fr Thomas Fr Thomas Fr Thomas M. Fr Thomas 2 Dec Fr Thomas 3 Dec Fr Thomas Fr Lucas Leung

3 3 THE PARISH FINANCIAL REPORT for the Financial Year along with explanatory notes was published in last Sunday s bulletin. It is also available on the parish website under Our Parish Parish Finances, where you will also find previous years reports. If you do not have access to the parish website please contact the Parish Office for a copy of the report. CHARITABLE WORKS FUND APPEAL Final Report on the recent appeal Received so far on this appeal: $12896 Amount required: $15000 Shortfall: $ 2103 UPDATE ON KILLARA CARPARK The week before last we received approval from the Bishop and the College of Consultors to proceed to enter into the Agreement to Lease with Group Homes Australia. By the time this bulletin is published those documents should have been executed. This means that the project is now officially underway. We extend thanks to our Killara Development Committee for the great amount of work that has been done to bring us to this point PARISH RETREATS AT TARRAWARRA ABBEY Next year s retreats will be as follows (Easter Sunday is 1st April): Monday afternoon 9th April Sunday lunchtime 15th April (outside school holidays) Monday afternoon 16th April Sunday lunchtime 22nd April (within school holidays). If you are interested in taking part in one of these retreats or just finding out more about what s involved please contact. If you d like to know more go to our parish website and click on Groups and Ministries Parish Retreats. CATECHISTS FOR OUR STATE SCHOOLS AN URGENT REQUEST: I would love to hear from anyone who may be interested in taking on a class next year (teaching, assisting, team teaching - bring a friend). Your schedule may have changed and now you have the time to be involved. This is an invitation to share your faith and to grow your own faith. You do not need to be a teacher or have any experience. We help you with that. You teach strictly from a detailed manual with an activity book for every week. Training is provided. This is a very rewarding experience. All that is required is 30 min a week. - Beaumont Road am-12pm: Yrs 3, 4 and 6 - Killara High - Wednesday morning for 75 min. Please contact If you'd like to assist in your child's class even if they have a catechist already, please also contact me.

4 4 JOIN US AT THE FESTIVAL! Market stalls for gift buying (1:30-8:00pm) Gourmet food stalls (4:30 8:00pm) Nativity Christmas Concert (6:00-7:00pm) Cakes, coffee & dessert Christmas atmosphere and community spirit WE STILL NEED VOLUNTEERS CAN YOU HELP? 1:30pm to 2:30pm Assist with set up 3:30pm to 6pm Work on a food stall 7:15pm to 8pm Work on a food stall 8pm to 8:30pm Assist with pack up Bake a cake! Cake boxes in the back of both churches. CAN YOU HELP US IN ONE OF THESE WAYS? Please help to make this a great parish and school event! Ecumenical Service as we Prepare for Advent The next gathering of our Roseville-Lindfield-Killara Interchurch Fellowship will be our Heralding Advent Interchurch Service THIS Tuesday 28th November at 7:45pm at Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church at Killara with Rev. Chris Goringe of Roseville Uniting Church as our preacher. Please bring a plate for supper if you can.

5 5 Parish Advent Home Celebrations We would once again like to have a number of home-based Advent celebrations: it would take the form of a simple liturgy which unfolds as the various figures are added to the crib while readings are read and carols are sung. It s something which would appeal particularly to young children, who can be involved in placing the crib figures, but the prayers and readings would provide reflection and nourishment for those of all ages. You could choose the starting time for the celebration which you host. The parish would provide the text for the simple liturgy. All you need to do is provide your home, to help guide the liturgy (using the text provided), a crib, and a cuppa at the end. We would advertise the celebrations in the parish bulletin for anyone who would like to attend. We d like to have a number of celebrations on various weekday evenings during Advent. If you could host a celebration please put your name down on the sheet provided in the foyers of both our churches by this Wednesday. Celebrating Christmas Making a Joyful Sound Unto the Lord ~ Please be part of a choir for Christmas ~ Even if you are not regularly part of the choir, we invite you to be part of the special choir for the 10:30pm Vigil Mass for Christmas at Lindfield (and the Carols at 10pm preceding it). Please be part of making this Christmas celebration special. Rehearsals take place on Saturdays 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd December in Lindfield church from 2-4pm, or contact Christian Catsanos ( ). ADVANCE NOTICE RE VIGIL MASS ON SATURDAY 9TH DECEMBER Bishop Peter has asked that in parishes with two churches there be only one Vigil Mass on Saturday 9 th December so that one priest from each parish can concelebrate at the major Mass in The Domain for the Australian Catholic Youth Festival. Accordingly, on Saturday 9 th December we will only have the 5:30pm Vigil Mass at Killara. There will be no 6pm Vigil Mass at Lindfield on that weekend. SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME DATES FOR 2018 The letter giving all the details and dates for our Sacramental Preparation Programmes for First Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Holy Communion is now available in the foyers of the churches. It is also available on the parish website under Sacraments Children s Sacraments. Correction: If you downloaded the letter before Friday of this last week it contained a few errors. Please re-download the letter from the website again.

6 6 THE PRAYERS AND RESPONSES OF MASS GLORIA: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen. MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION: THE PSALM PS 22: The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Fresh and green are the pastures where God gives me repose. Near restful waters the Lord leads me, to revive my drooping spirit. The Lord guides me along the right path; God is true to his name. You have prepared a banquet for me in the sight of my foes. My head you have anointed with oil; my cup is overflowing. Surely goodness and kindness shall follow me all the days of my life. In the Lord s own house shall I dwell for ever and ever. At Masses at which the Psalm is sung the response is: The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. CELEBRATIONS THIS WEEK: THIRTY-FOURTH AND LAST WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME Thurs: Feast of St Andrew, apostle. Next Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent the beginning of a new Church year.

7 7 THE APOSTLES CREED I believe in one God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, (all bow at the following words in bold): who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen A CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUP now meets in the Meeting Room at the rear of and under Holy Family Church each Wednesday from 8:40am 9:05am (finishing in time for 9:15am Mass). Everyone is welcome. For further information contact Kay at or Catherine _ PARISH PLAYGROUP CHARACTERS PLAYGROUP meets every Wednesday from 10:30am till noon (during school terms) in the Shirley Wallace Parish Centre on the first floor of Holy Family church. Please register via Trybooking: Please contact Sue-Anne for more details: PARISH YOUNG ADULTS GROUP - the next gathering takes place today Sunday 26 th November immediately following the 6pm Mass in the lounge in the Shirley Wallace Parish Centre on the first floor of Lindfield church a relaxed gathering over a meal with discussion PARISH FACILITIES AVAILABLE FOR HIRE Our parish has several facilities which members of the parish may wish to hire for events such as 50ths, 60ths, etc., wedding anniversaries and the like. The facilities are: St Brigid s Hall in the Shirley Wallace Parish Centre above Holy Family Church The refurbished hall at Killara MacKillop Hall (between the church and the school at Lindfield) All of these facilities have a kitchen. If you would like to make an enquiry about hiring one of these facilities please contact Laurence at

8 GOSPEL REFLECTIONS 8 BY: BERYL CATES Jesus, a man of his culture believed the end of the world was imminent. It would happen shortly after he died, probably in the lifetime of people still living, though no one knew when, even Jesus himself. no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, only the Father. (Mark 24:36 13:32 Luke 21:29-33). People would know it was approaching when a series of catastrophic upheavals began on earth and sky, killing and terrifying people, wars and rumours of wars famines, pestilences, earthquakes false Christs and prophets appearing, the heavens the sun and moon lose their light, stars fall from and the powers of the heavens be shaken. (Matt 24: Luke 21:23-28 Mark 13: 24-27). Then, the present order would be no more and Jesus would return in glory to establish the Kingdom of God on earth. On a throne of glory he would judge all nations, those living and people who had died to this world and were in Sheol awaiting the end time when they would arise from their graves for the final judgement of all people. (Cf The Rich Man and Lazarus, Luke 16-19:31 Co 15:52 Matt 24:31) With high praise, Jesus would reward the righteous with places in the Kingdom and subject evil doers to dire punishment. The early Christians waited with feverish excitement for Jesus return and as time passed they became restless about the delay and the author of the second Epistle of St Peter reassured them that, God was not slow in keeping God s promises. With the Lord a day can mean a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day (2 Peter 3: 1-18). They were still living in the last days and God had reason for the apparent long waiting not wanting anyone to be lost but all come to repentance. Since then 242 popes, saints, philosophers, theologians, scientists, fundamentalist evangelists and amateurs have predicted the date, some the hour of Jesus return and all been wrong. The latest prediction, well - publicised in the US, 23 September 2017 by US Christian theorist David Meade. Among the other unsuccessful, 12 th century Saint Malachy Archbishop of Armagh listed Popes before his time and into the future to the last two. Researchers say his cryptic metaphors indicated Emeritus Pope Benedict would be the second last, which leaves Pope Francis the last of 266 Popes. But Malachy foretold the final Pope would be a Roman taking the name Peter, so there s a problem here. Some scholars speculate the world may not end but go on expanding indefinitely being the expression or Word of its Maker, the infinite Creator Spirit. Or it will continue expanding until it begins running out of energy then start retracting back to end with Eliot s, not with a bang but a whimper. Somewhere along the way life would become extinct. Environmentalists warn that should we go on denuding earth s green forest cover, polluting its air, poisoning its rivers and streams, disrupting weather patterns, annihilating wild life and ecosystems that human life and earth s ending may concern us more than we realise. We have no guarantee earth will continue tolerating the predatory practices of its latest, most ruthless species and rid itself of us. Through ignorance and greed we could even now be beginning to commit collective suicide. But should we come to our senses and treat earth with sensitivity, there remains the threat of nuclear warfare. Yet, many failed forecasters have seen serious, scholarly signs in the heavens and earth of world s ending and been wrong, so perhaps scientists are right when they agree whatever happens it won t for another 10,000 million years give or take a million so it s safe to go on planning those extensive house renovations, long awaited holiday, or change of career. However it ends, or it doesn t, the world as we know it, ends for us when we die. We re all making our way to the death event; attendance (continued on page 9):

9 9 (continued from page 8): compulsory, no excuses be there. When we breathe our last breath here and emerge into life unending, in all revealing Christlight we will see ourselves as we really are. As St Paul said: shall know as fully as I am known (1 Cor. 13:13 ). In that definitive moment we will realise how we lived as earthlings, how we cooperated with Jesus establishing the Kingdom of God on earth. Or, with abject remorse and regret, we disrupted its coming and cry out for painful healing and purification. Are you a king? Intrigued and uneasy Pilate asked and Jesus, bruised, bleeding and wearing a mockery of kingship his cruel crown of thorns, answered: My kingdom is not of this world The Kingdom of God is not of this world but in this world. God is omnipresent, not spread out, more here than there, but infinitely God in every particle and wave in creation, every beating heart in every human being. As Jesus died in agony before a jeering taunting crowd, his indestructible spirit was raised by God into the indescribable glory and wonder of the invisible all-pervading Creator Spirit in all things, all people us. Universalised King of the Universe. When he said: Whatever you did to the least of my brethren you did to me he spoke not metaphorically but in truth. Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good, yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world. You are his body. Teresa of Avila. RENOVATIONS & BUILDING MAINTENANCE Comfort Inn North Shore CHRIS IACONO Parishioner All work large and small Lic 89879c Fully Insured 50 years experience Mobile : Phone : Family owned and professionally operated motel with on-site restaurant Address: 1 Gatacre Avenue, Lane Cove Phone: Website: Henry & Gloria Cheung Parishioners Advertising Space Available Please contact Parish Office at Advertising Space Available Please contact Parish Office at Serving the Australian Construction Industry for 31 years UNIVERSAL INSTRUMENTS 326 Pacific Hway, Lindfield NSW 2070 Tel no Fax no

10 LINDARA MARKET is coming again, just in time for Christmas. When: Saturday 2 nd December 8am-1pm Where: Lindfield Uniting Church, (cnr Provincial Road and Pacific Highway) 10 Something for everyone! Come & bag a bargain: books, jewellery, linen, cakes, jams, bric -a -brac, artworks, morning tea/coffee, BBQ, & much more. Plenty of Christmas gifts for family & friends, even yourself. All funds raised by Lindara market activities go to the Lindara Homeless Family Programme, administered through Broken Bay CatholicCare (a wonderful ecumenical collaboration!) and providing positive lifestyle changes for families, early intervention and assistance. We would be gladly welcome anyone interested in assisting us. Noella & Malcolm Allerding Joan Stranger Office: Wed & Fri 9am-3pm Lindara Market Set-Up helpers needed Thurs 30th Strong muscles much appreciated to help set up tables & position boxes of goodies into the right sections using the trolley. In the Undercroft (in the long driveway of Lindfield Uniting Church). CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR WATERLOO Again this year the Waterloo Conference of the St Vincent de Paul Society asks for your support. Your previous generosity has helped us bring comfort and joy to many needy families. We thank you for sharing in this ongoing commitment. Cards with ages and gender of the children are available from the Christmas Tree in the foyers of both our churches. Please take a card and return the selected gift by 3/4th December. If you are unable to contribute by way of a gift then please say a prayer for the poor and needy. Peace and Joy to you all. A Shopping list to help those in need! Over the next two months Bendigo Bank in Lindfield will have a box in the foyer to collect for the following worthy causes: in November: supporting Studio ARTES, which provides artistic activities for those with an intellectual disability and which lost much of its resources in a fire. Items needed are canvases, drawing paper (cartridge paper and watercolour paper), large easily threadable beads, PVS glue, glue sticks. in December: supporting The Dish at St John s Wahroonga which provides meals for the homeless. Items needed: rice, canned foods, pasta, flour/sugar, other non-perishable foods.

11 FROM THE LINDFIELD-KILLARA PARISH SOCIAL JUSTICE TEAM - Thank You! 11 Last Sunday was the first World Day of the Poor. In Australia, ACOSS estimates that 3 million people are living in poverty, of which 731,000 are children. Pope Francis spoke about the growing attitude of indifference to people in poverty and called on us all to do more. This week we are running a stall to support the work of Cana, an organisation that is working to combat poverty and transform the lives of disadvantaged people through education, employment, housing, mentoring, care and concern. We are selling delicious gourmet foods made at Cana Farm after Mass and orders can be taken. See for more information. Thank you for your support. Lindfield Dental Practice Dr Peter Chung DDS, MDS, PhD Clinical Assoc Professor Open: Mon-Sat P: Suite 1, 345 Pacific Highway (Scholastic Bldg) Next to Lindfield Medical Practice Lord, in Jesus your Son, you restored to us the gift of everlasting life. Grant that life to: Recently deceased: Graham Blair, Vincent Tesoreiro, Marjorie Simpkins, Kevin O Connor, Nino Tola, Roger Infante, Adrian Gilchrist, Ramon Chito Banzon, Margaret Kenney (Losccocco). Also for: deceased relatives and friends of Henry Yee Joy; deceased relatives and friends of Morna Sutherland. Please pray for those who are sick : Michele Woodward, Yvette Marie and Jeff Oras, John and George Agius, Isaac Samakeh, Fr Franciscus Choi, Ken Kan, Gizelle Tan, Basilisa Choi, Cyril Ferriere, Br Braden, Mary & Brian Couper, Kieran Norton, Sean Maguire, Pakie Maguire, Naneth Bernado, Michael Swan.

12 我們的主 耶穌基督 普世君王 ( 節日 ) 常年期最後主日 26/11/ CHINESE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY 當內, 眾人都死了, 照樣, 在基督內, 眾人都要復活 ; 不過, 各人要依照 自己的次第 : 首先是作為初果的基督 君王便回答他們說 : 我實在告訴你 們 : 凡你們對我這些最小兄弟中的一 個所做的, 就是對我做的 然後, 讀經一 ( 我的羊群啊! 關於你們, 我要在 羊與羊之間, 施行審判 ) 恭讀厄則克耳先知書 34:11-12,15-17 吾主上主這樣說 : 看, 我要親自去尋找我 的羊, 我要親自照顧我的羊 如同牧人 在羊群失散的那日, 怎樣尋找他的羊, 我也怎樣尋找我的羊 ; 我要把那些曾在 陰雲和黑暗之日, 四散在各地的羊, 從 那些地方救回來 我要親自牧放我的羊, 親自使他們臥下 吾主上主的斷語 失落的, 我要尋找 ; 迷路的, 我要 領回 ; 受傷的, 我要包紮 ; 病弱的, 我 要療養 ; 肥胖和強壯的, 我要看守 ; 我 要按正義牧放他們 我的羊群啊! 關於 你們, 吾主上主這樣說 : 看, 我要在羊 與羊, 綿羊與山羊之間, 施行審判 上主的話 ( 默想片刻 ) 答唱詠詠 23:1-2, 2-3, 5, 6 答 : 上主是我的牧者, 我實在一無所 缺 ( 詠 23:1) 領 : 上主是我的牧者, 我實在一無所缺 他使我躺在青綠的草場 答 領 : 他領我走近幽靜的水旁, 還使我的心 靈得到舒暢 他為了自己的名號, 領我 踏上了正義的坦途 答 領 : 在我對頭面前, 你為我擺設了筵席 ; 在我的頭上傅油, 使我的杯爵滿溢 答 領 : 在我一生歲月裡, 幸福與慈愛常隨不 離 ; 我將住在上主的殿裡, 直至悠遠的 時日 答 讀經二 ( 基督將自己的王權交於天主父, 好叫天主成為萬物之中的萬有 ) 恭讀聖保祿宗徒致格林多人前書 15:20-26,28 弟兄姊妹們 : 基督確實從死者中復活了, 做了死者的 初果 因為, 死亡既因一人而來, 死者的 復活, 也因一人而來 ; 就如在亞, 然後, 是在基督再來時, 屬於基督的人, 再後, 才是結局 ; 那時, 基督將消滅一切率領者 一切掌權者和大能者, 把自己的王權, 交於天主父 因為, 基督必須為王, 直到把一切仇敵, 屈伏於他的腳下 最後被毀滅的仇敵, 便是死亡 萬物都屈伏於子以後, 子自己也要屈伏於那使萬物屈服於自己的父, 好叫天主成為萬物之中的萬有 上主的話 ( 默想片刻 ) 福音前歡呼領 / 眾 : 亞肋路亞 領 : 奉上主之名而來的, 應受讚頌! 那要來的 我們祖先達味之國, 應受讚頌!( 谷 11:9,10) 眾 : 亞肋路亞 福音 ( 人子要坐在光榮的寶座上, 把義人和惡人分開 ) 恭讀聖瑪竇福音 25:31-46 那時候, 耶穌對門徒說 : 當人子在自己的光榮中, 與眾天使一同降來時, 那時, 他要坐在光榮的寶座上 ; 一切民族, 都要聚在他面前 他要把他們彼此分開, 如同牧人分開綿羊和山羊一樣 : 把綿羊放在自己的右邊, 山羊在左邊 那時, 君王要對那些在他右邊的說 : 我父所祝福的, 你們來吧! 承受自創世以來, 給你們預備了的國度吧! 因為我餓了, 你們給了我吃的 ; 我渴了, 你們給了我喝的 ; 我作客, 你們收留了我 ; 我赤身露體, 你們給了我穿的 ; 我患病, 你們看顧了我 ; 我在監裡, 你們來探望過我 那時, 義人回答君王說 : 主啊! 我們什麼時候見過你飢餓, 而供養了你, 或口渴, 而給了你喝的? 我們什麼時候見了你作客, 而收留了你, 或赤身露體, 而給了你穿的? 我們什麼時候見你患病, 或在監裡, 而來探望過你? 君王又對那些在左邊的說 : 可咒罵的, 離開我, 到那給魔鬼和他的使者預 備的永火裡去吧! 因為我餓了, 你們 沒有給我吃的 ; 我渴了, 你們沒有給 我喝的 ; 我作客, 你們沒有收留我 ; 我赤身露體, 你們沒有給我穿的 ; 我 患病或在監裡, 你們沒有來探望我 那時, 他們也要回答說 : 主啊! 我 們幾時見了你飢餓, 或口渴, 或作客, 或赤身露體, 或有病, 或坐監, 而 我們沒有給你效勞? 那時, 君王回 答他們說 : 我實在告訴你們 : 凡你們 沒有給這些最小兄弟中的一個做的, 就是沒有給我做 這些人要進入永 罰, 而那些義人, 卻要進入永生 上主的話 ( 講道後默想片刻 ) 華人天主教會北區中心主日彌撒 12 時, 彌撒後午餐聚會. 牧職修女司徒金美修女聯絡 中心聯絡 Gloria Cheung 聯絡 E Sunday School 主日學 12nooon Parish Meeting Room 11 月 26 日彌撒後午餐聚會舉行 11 月及 12 月生日會及結婚記念慶祝會, 請各教友參加, The 26 th mily Camp 第二十六屆家庭營 26 th -28 th December 2017St. Paul International College, Moss Vale 成人組 : 聖馬加利大堂區副本堂黃君右神父主持成人組 Adult group: Fr. Xavier Wong, Assistant priest,st. Margaret ParishHK. Youth and young adult Group: Fr. Gerard Kelly Children group: Sr. Teresia Seeto, rsj Fee: Adult & youth $150, Children $100, pension $ /11 或之前報名並繳交 全費可減 $ 主題 :[ 教會 如何面對挑戰 : 宗教改革到梵二 ]

Catholic Parish of Lindfield-Killara

Catholic Parish of Lindfield-Killara Catholic Parish of Lindfield-Killara Diocese of Broken Bay Holy Family Parish Church, Lindfield Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Church, Killara LINDFIELD: KILLARA: MASS TIMES: Saturday 6:00pm Saturday

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Catholic Parish of Lindfield-Killara

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