Catholic Parish of Lindfield-Killara

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1 Catholic Parish of Lindfield-Killara Diocese of Broken Bay Holy Family Parish Church, Lindfield Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Church, Killara LINDFIELD: KILLARA: MASS TIMES: Saturday 6:00pm Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm Sunday: 8:15am Sunday: 9:15am 10:15am 12:00 (Chinese Community Mass) 6:00pm (for both our communities) Weekdays: Monday 9:15am 7:30am Tuesday 12:15pm 7:30am Wednesday 9:15am (School Mass) ~ Thursday 9:15am ~ Friday 9:15am * 7:30am ** Saturday 9:15am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays 5:00 5:30pm (Lindfield) For 15 minutes after the 5:30pm Mass (Killara) * NO 9:15 Mass at Lindfield nor 7:30am Mass at Killara on the 2nd Friday of each month ** Healing Mass for whole parish at Killara at 10am each 2nd Friday of each month TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME This week: Sirach 27:30-28:7; Rom 14:7-9; Mt 18:21-35 Next week : Is 55:6-9; Phil 1:20-24, 27; Mt 20:1-16 The parable in today s Gospel challenges us to consider whether we become blasé about the gifts, the grace, we receive from God. The first servant had received much. He was deeply graced. His debt of ten thousand talents was an unpayable debt it translates into billions of dollars. And yet he had received such grace from his master. But it seemed to have had no effect on him. When confronted by his fellow servant s debt of one hundred denarii (a substantial debt tens of thousands of dollars but so far less than the debt he had had waived) he was not stirred to generosity of spirit. It was as though he had never really appreciated the grace he had received. And so the parable challenges us to ask ourselves whether we really believe in, appreciate, taste, the grace and love and forgiveness that God lavishes on us. Because if we did, surely we would be only too willing to pass it on to those around us. Fr Colin

2 2 Parish Staff and Contact Information We are the one parish of Lindfield-Killara containing our two distinct but collaborating and cooperating communities centred on our two churches at Killara and Lindfield. Holy Family Church: cnr Pacific Hwy and Highfield Rd, Lindfield Immaculate Heart of Mary Church: cnr Fiddens Wharf Rd and Charles St, Killara Parish Priest: Fr Colin Blayney Assistant Priest: Fr Thomas Alackakunnel VC Apart from the case of emergency please restrict the use of the above numbers to between 9:30am and 5:00pm. For office or routine enquiries please contact the Parish Office during office hours. PARISH OFFICE: Parish Secretary: Philita Marundan: Address: Level 1, 2 Highfield Road (cnr Pacific Hwy) Lindfield NSW 2070 (Postal: PO Box 22, Lindfield NSW 2070) Ph: Fax: Parish Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:30am-1:00pm and 1:30pm-4:00pm Catechist Coordinator (Primary Schools): Sue-Anne Sherwood Sacramental Programme Coordinator: Sue-Anne Sherwood Assistant Sacramental Programme Coordinator: Maia Schulze Tsang Parish Priest s Secretary: Maia Schulze Tsang Parish Bookkeeper: Alison Williams Parish Facilities Coordinator (volunteer):anthony Cassidy Youth Ministry Coordinator (volunteer) Jean Shatek Parish Primary School: Holy Family School, 4 Highfield Rd, Lindfield 2070 Ph: Fax: Principal: Mr Lou Dogao School Website: Parish Website: Saturday Lindfield 6:00pm Killara 5:30pm Sunday Lindfield 8:15am Killara 9:15am Lindfield 10:15am Lindfield 12:00noon Lindfield 6:00pm 16 Sep Fr Thomas Fr Colin 17 Sep Fr Thomas Fr Colin Fr Thomas Fr Thomas Fr Colin 23 Sep Fr Colin Fr Thomas 24 Sep Fr Colin Fr Thomas Fr Colin Visitor Fr Michael Smith

3 3 RICHARD ROHR S MEDITATION: THE EDGE OF THE INSIDE Prophets, by their very nature, cannot be at the centre of any social structure. Rather, they are on the edge of the inside. They cannot be fully insiders, but they cannot throw rocks from outside either. They must be educated inside the system, knowing and living the rules, before they can critique what is non-essential or not so important. Jesus did this masterfully (see Matthew 5:17-48). This is what Martin Luther King, Jr. taught the United States, what Gandhi taught British-occupied India, and what Nelson Mandela taught South Africa. Only with great respect for and understanding of the rules can a prophet know how to properly break those very same rules for the sake of a greater purpose and value. A prophet critiques a system by quoting its own documents, constitutions, heroes, and Scriptures against its present practice. This is their secret: systems are best unlocked from inside. Holding the tension of opposites is the necessary education of the prophet, yet the Church has given little energy to what Paul says is the second most important charism for the building of the church (1 Corinthians 12:28, Ephesians 4:11). Prophets must be skilled in nondual thinking, but the Church has primarily trained people in the simplistic choosing of one idealised alternative while denigrating the other. This has gotten us nowhere. After Christianity became the established religion of the Western Empire in the fourth century, the priestly mentality pretty much took over in both East and West, and prophets almost disappeared. When the Church held so much power, prophets were too threatening to the status quo. The clergy were at the top of the hierarchy in the full company of their patrons kings and princes and even began to dress like them. Emperors convened and presided over the first seven Councils of the Church. What does this tell us? For the next 1700 or so years, most of the preaching and interpretation of Scripture was from the perspective of power, from primarily European, educated, quite comfortable, and presumably celibate males. I am one myself, and we are not all bad. But we are not all by a long shot! Where are the voices of women, minorities, LGBTQ, the poor, and differently abled? How would they read the Gospel? My spiritual father, St Francis of Assisi, saw this problem in the thirteenth century and called people to live on the edge of the Church, of economy, of patriarchy, of the system through universal solidarity and chosen simplicity. Pope Francis is evoking the same Gospel spirit, and I pray for his success and protection. What a surprise that the ultimate establishment figure took the name of such a radical saint. It shocked the world because we do not expect prophecy from popes. There is hope! Are you or is someone you know considering becoming a Catholic? The team from our parish RCIA programme will soon begin again the journey guiding and preparing those who wish to become members of the Catholic Church. The process involves a series of meetings in which the various aspects of Catholic faith and life are presented and discussed, and culminates with reception into the Church at Easter If you are interested or would like further information please call Bill Bye , Jos Beunen or the Parish Office.

4 4 Youth News YOUTH MASS and GAMES NIGHT HSC/IB Mass All students in Year 12 Everyone needs a few prayers when studying for those exams! Please join us for a special Mass for Year 12 students and their parents at 6 pm on Wednesday 11th October at Holy Family Church. After Mass there will be free pizza and drinks, and a chance to socialise and take a break from studies. Please mark the date on your calendar now! Any questions contact us on Safeguarding Education - Raising Awareness: Safeguarding seeks to take preventative action and is not limited to responding to harm that has occurred.

5 5 The Commissioning of Our Bells we will have the first ringing of the bells at the 6pm Mass TODAY Sunday 17th September (followed by a chance to see the bells being rung) will be followed by a parish supper in St Brigid s Hall. and we will have the formal dedication of the ring of bells by Bishop Peter on Sunday 12th November at the 6pm Mass (again followed by a chance to see the bells being rung). This As Sunday 12th November was the day already scheduled for the annual visit by the choir from St Francis of Assisi at Paddington the choir will now sing at the 6pm Mass rather than the 10:15am Mass so that we don t have two major events on the same day. Full details about the bells can be found on the parish website by clicking on the hotlink box on the homepage. NEW IN OUR PARISH - MEDITATION GROUP Responding to God s call depends on the capacity to listen. Listening, like other skills, needs to be practiced and developed or it will not improve. Meditation offers an opportunity to listen deeply and thus become sensitive to the presence of the Spirit of God in our life. A Christian Meditation Group now meets in the Meeting Room at the rear of and under Holy Family Church at Lindfield each Wednesday from 9am -10am (the day of the week may change watch next week s bulletin for an update). Everyone is welcome to the group, particularly parents. For further information contact Kay at or Catherine RENOVATIONS & BUILDING MAINTENANCE Comfort Inn North Shore CHRIS IACONO Parishioner All work large and small Lic 89879c Fully Insured 50 years experience Mobile : Phone : Family owned and professionally operated motel with on-site restaurant Address: 1 Gatacre Avenue, Lane Cove Phone: Website:

6 6 EPISCOPAL DIALOGUE 2017 Bishop Peter A. Comensoli (Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay) and Bishop Peter Stuart, Assistant Bishop in the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle will engage in an Episcopal Dialogue this year. The topic is: What unites us is much greater than what divides us (Pope St John XIII) In your view what are the areas of faith and life in which we, as Anglicans and Catholics, are most united, and in which are we most divided? And is what divides us greater than what unites us? The evening will be held at Christ Church Anglican Church, Mann St, Gosford on Tuesday 26th September at 7.30pm (concluding by 9pm). Coming up this year get your diaries out! Sunday 1st October (12 noon) Bishop Peter celebrates Mass to celebrate 20th anniversary of the Chinese Catholic Community in Lindfield. Wednesday 11th October (6pm) Tuesday 24th October (7:30pm) Tuesday 31st October (7:30pm) Sunday 5th November (10:15am) Sunday 12th November (6:00pm) Tuesday 28th November (7:45pm) Mass & supper for HSC students & families Parish Thank You Evening for Volunteers: Mass and social evening Introducing Mr and Mrs Luther a study evening with Rev. Dr Clive Pearson, getting to know Martin Luther and his wife. Blessing and welcome for 2018 Kindergarten families at Holy Family School Dedication of the new ring of bells by Bishop Peter along with the annual visit by choir from St Francis of Assisi at Paddington. A Parish social evening will follow the Mass. Our local Heralding Advent Ecumenical Service. Friday 1st December (evening) for the third year, our joint parish and school celebration of Carols Under The Stars. (All these dates [and more as they are added] appear under Diary/Events in the News and Events section of our parish website)

7 7 PARISH PLAYGROUP Characters Playgroup meets every Wednesday from 10:30am till noon (during school terms) in the Shirley Wallace Parish Centre on the first floor of Holy Family church. Please register via Trybooking: Please contact Sue-Anne for more details: CHARITABLE WORKS FUND APPEAL Report on the recent CWF appeal: Our quota for the whole financial year: $45,000 Amount needed from recent appeal: $15,000 Amount collected: $12,844 Shortfall from current Appeal: $2,156 CWF envelopes are still available in the foyers of both our churches if you would like to help us meet our quota. PARISH YOUNG ADULTS GROUP - the next gathering takes place on Sunday 8th October immediately following the 6pm Mass in the lounge in the Shirley Wallace Parish Centre on the first floor of Lindfield church a relaxed gathering over a meal with discussion. PARISH FINANCE COMMITTEE meets this Tuesday 19th September at 6:30pm in the Conference Room in the Shirley Wallace Parish Centre. PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL meets this Tuesday 19th September at 7:30pm in the Library in the Shirley Wallace Parish Centre. SCHOOL MASS The 9:15am Mass at Lindfield this Wednesday 20th September will be a School Mass. All welcome. THE ANNUAL INTERFAITH PRAYER SERVICE to celebrate the UN International Day of Peace will take place this Thursday Sept 21st at 11am in the hall of Lindfield Uniting Church, (cnr Provincial Rd and Pacific Hwy Lindfield). A wonderful event, shared by representatives from many cultures and religious backgrounds. We sing songs of peace, read cultural prayers for peace, and light peace candles. Please come along.

8 8 THE PRAYERS AND RESPONSES OF MASS GLORIA: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen. INVITATION TO PRAYER LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST: Celebrant: Pray, brothers and sisters, that my sacrifice and yours.. May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise & glory of his name, for our good and the good of all his holy Church. SANCTUS: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. INVITATION TO HOLY COMMUNION: Celebrant: Behold the Lamb of God All: Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed. MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION:

9 THE PSALM Ps PS 102: My soul, give thanks to the Lord, all my being, bless God s holy name. My soul, give thanks to the Lord and never forget all God s blessings. It is the Lord who forgives all your guilt, who heals every one of your ills, who redeems your life from the grave, who crowns you with love and compassion. God s wrath will come to an end; the Lord will not be angry for ever. God does not treat us according to our sins nor repay us according to our faults For as the heavens are high above the earth so strong is God s love for those who fear him. As far as the east is from the west so far does God remove our sins. At Masses at which the Psalm is sung the response is: The Lord is kind and merciful; slow to anger and rich in compassion. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Alleluia, alleluia! I give you a new commandment: love one another as I have loved you. Alleluia! 9 THE APOSTLES CREED I believe in one God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, (all bow at the following words in bold): who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen RESPONSES TO THE PSALM: Mon : Blest be the Lord for he has heard my prayer. Tues: I will walk with blameless heart. Wed: How great are the works of the Lord! Thur: Their message goes out through all the earth. Fri: Happy the poor in spirit; the kingdom of heaven is theirs! Sat: Come with joy into the presence of the Lord. CELEBRATIONS THIS WEEK: TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME Wed.: Memoria of Ss Andrew Kim Taegon and companions, Korean martyrs Thurs: Feast of Saint Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist Sat.: Memoria Saint Pius of Pietrelcina CLASSROOM MASS Year 6 will celebrate their classroom Mass this Thursday 21st September at 11am. All class families welcome.

10 10 Congratulations to the children receiving First Holy Communion this weekend Killara Sat. 16th Sep Michael Borzycki Sarah Huynh Henry Meaney Toby Moran Mia Ryan Skye Thornton Katie Joanna Unwin Madeleine Wheelahan Father, you have made all people in your likeness and love all whom you have made. Suffer not our family to separate itself from you by building barriers of race and colour. As your son our Saviour was born of a Hebrew Mother, but rejoiced in the faith of a Syrian woman and of a Roman soldier, welcomed the Greeks who sought him, and suffered an African to carry his cross, so teach us to regard the members of all races as fellow heirs of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN OUR PARISH FINANCES In the first place A GREAT THANK YOU to you all for your generous support of our parish and its ministries. If you would like to update your giving amount or if you do not already have facilities for regular contribution and would like to arrange this please fill out the form below and return to the Parish Office (out of hours forms can be dropped into the letter slot in the side door (Pacific Hwy side) of Holy Family church...please detach and return to the Parish Office I would like the Parish Office to contact me to arrange for a periodic charge to my credit card for contributions to the First Collection the Second Collection I would like the Parish Office to contact me to arrange for Weekly Envelopes for Second Collection contributions I already contribute electronically and would like the Parish Office to contact me to arrange for an increase in my regular contribution. Name: Phone:

11 11 WOODS COTTAGE NEWS Woods Cottage is a work of our parish established in 1981 in the International Year of the Disabled to provide accommodation and support for adults with an intellectual disability. The Woods Cottage Trust Board is pleased to announce that in response to a request from Bishop Peter during the Parish visitation last year, plans are underway to build a Granny Flat on the Woods Cottage site at 96 Bent Street, Lindfield. The funds for this purpose will be drawn from the Woods Cottage Foundation, established by the parish for the financial support of Woods Cottage, with funds having been raised and invested by parishioners over many decades. The Foundation funds are independent of the parish and are overseen by a board of parishioners. The new facility will accommodate two additional residents, and will enable a further stage towards independent living to be implemented. If you would like to know more please contact either Adrienne Connaghan or Margaret Frater Thank you to everyone who has supported Woods Cottage during the last 35 years. Your generosity is very much appreciated. (More information on Woods Cottage can be found on the parish website under Groups and Ministries Woods Cottage ). From Social Justice: Volunteers Needed Vinnies Home Visitation For a number of years, the wonderful people from the Lindfield Conference of St Vincent de Paul, with the help of volunteers from the parent community at Holy Family School, have been visiting disadvantaged people in their homes in the Waterloo area of inner Sydney. If you have some time to spare, your help would be greatly appreciated. The commitment is around 4-5 hours, starting around 9.30am and finishing around 1.30pm, 4 or 5 times a year (on Thursdays). Visits are scheduled for outside of school holidays. There is also a need for volunteers during the school holidays if you are able to help then. You will be trained by Vinnies and an experienced person will accompany you. Two people go on every visit. You might help with budgeting, providing grocery vouchers, referrals or taking orders for furniture or clothes from the local Vinnies store; often people are just looking for companionship and a supportive ear. It is a privilege to be invited into another person s home and their life when they are in need your companionship will be very much appreciated. If you would like to find out more, please contact parishioner Anne Ridley by ,

12 12 GOSPEL REFLECTIONS BY: BERYL CATES The unalterable love of God Not knowing the value of coins in Jesus time could mean missing what Jesus was saying about the inexhaustible love and forgiveness of God for us. According to biblical scholar Joachim Jeremias, the talent was the largest currency unit in the Near East and ten thousand the highest number used in reckoning. The amount owed by the first servant in the parable was deliberately inflated, to be beyond all conception. So huge and the man having no means of repayment, he was, to be sold, together with his wife and children and all his possessions. ( Rediscovering the Parables ). The average value of a slave varied from 500 to 2000 denarii a denarius was worth about five cents if that - so any amount realised from the sale of the family, plus lands and possessions would contribute little towards cancelling the monstrous debt - ten thousand talents i.e. 100 million denarii. The man and his family faced six years of slavery the legal time for a person to be kept a slave for non-payment of a debt. Jewish law forbade a wife and children be sold for debt crimes, so the story was possibly changed during circulation among non-jewish Christians. The distraught man pleaded with his employer. What happened? The servant s master felt so sorry for him, that he let him go and cancelled his debt. In the compassionate employer Jesus revealed God, not the anthropomorphic deity the ancient Israelites formed of a mighty invincible masculine Leader: loving, just, strict and disciplinary. On-side in daily living and battle when his commands were obeyed but not if disobeyed, or ignored for other gods, angry, vengeful and punishing. When he blew, he blew (Nathan 1:2-4 etc.). God is Love, Jesus is saying and from the unceasing Divine love and acceptance of us we are to learn to live in our relationships with others. God is not subjected to the human mercurial emotions we know, cannot hurt or be hurt, but is always loving and wanting what is best for us. When we seriously lapse, we bring disorder into our spirit souls affecting not only ourselves but often those close and beyond. The forgiven servant left his master, feeling as though the whole weight of the world had been lifted from him, but with nothing of his Master s compassion. We know the rest of the story. The heavy consequence the man brought on himself for not forgiving his debtor after his forgiveness. A parable Jeremias said of God s mercy and of the Last Judgement. How often have we to forgive another? From your heart, seventy times seven, Jesus said: the Jewish expression for what is interminable. But what if we cannot go past just once, having been wronged so grievously in ways we feel almost rival a Greek tragedy, leaving us forgiving, but not forgetting. We keep telling ourselves to forget, but anger persists, rising like bile in the stomach, expressing itself in that subliminal conversation we hold with could they do such so cruel so wrong. The broken record syndrome. It is not sinful being against our willing, but we re sold into slavery to it. Prayer...Not rote prayer by someone living in a different era with his/her own unique relationship with God, but in our own words and heartfelt emotions. As Luther once said, when praying tell God how it is and spiritual director John Powell SJ agreed. If you re (continued on page 13):

13 13 (continued from page 12): angry at God. say so, otherwise what you are saying may not be in truth. Getting it all out to God, every spiritual director advises to then take time listening for God s answer, however it comes to the open mind. Such prayer can be the beginning of a divine cathartic process. Prayer is the most powerful form of energy that can be brought into play...the inexhaustible motive force that makes the world go round... Alexis Carrel. Then there is meditation. There are many forms of meditation, and medical and spiritual directors advise a person mentally ill not to attempt any without professional advice. For those who can, as a way to clear junk out of self-conversation, meditation with a mantra can prove invaluable. Any mantra prayed over and over will begin repeating itself in the subconscious in less time than one thinks. It will hold such a place there, every time a prerecorded tape already in place begins playing its unwanted theme, the new tape will erase it, and eventually destroy it. A mantra can be one word or several of one s own choosing. Anecdotal evidence indicates silently singing two words Praise God over and over to the tune of Amazing Grace is surprisingly effective. Praise God Praise God Praise God Praise God.. PHYSIOFIT Lindfield Parishioner PHYSIOTHERAPISTS: KERRY WESTON (Bogard) THERESA GUDE Hands on treatment Exercise prescription Exercise classes We are located at 7/345 Pacific Highway, Lindfield 2070 (Scholastic Building) Ph: Mob: Advertising Space Available Please contact Parish Office at Henry & Gloria Cheung Parishioners Serving the Australian Construction Industry for 32 years UNIVERSAL INSTRUMENTS 326 Pacific Hway, Lindfield NSW 2070 Tel no Fax no Being a catechist is a calling, an invitation from God, an honour!! start now - Beaumont Rd: - Yr 4 - Tues pm Do you have 30 min a week to help our young people know Jesus? Please contact or We are training now for next year so you are comfortable and confident Tues am / am / pm - Teachers and Assistants needed; - If you are worried that you are not permanently available, try becoming an assistant having 2 in a class really helps and is more flexible for you - Are you available on a Sunday pm only once a term? - Can you be on a list to fill in for a catechist who is away or sick?

14 常年期第二十四主日 17/9/2017 讀經一 ( 你要寬恕你近人的過錯 ; 這 樣, 當你祈求時, 你的罪惡, 也會得 到赦免 ) 恭讀德訓篇 27:33-28:9 憤恨與惱怒, 兩者都是可憎惡 的, 但罪人卻堅持不放 凡報仇的, 必要遭到上主的報復, 上主必要保留 他的罪 你要寬恕你近人的過錯 ; 這 樣, 當你祈求時, 你的罪惡, 也會得 到赦免 人如果對人懷恨, 怎能向上 主求饒呢? 對自己同類的人, 沒有慈 愛, 又怎能為自己的罪過求寬赦呢? 他既是血肉之人, 竟然懷恨不休, 而 求天主赦罪, 誰會赦免他的罪呢? 你 要記得最後的結局, 而停止仇恨 ; 你 要記得腐爛與死亡, 而遵照誡命生 活 你要記得天主的誡命, 不要向人 發怒 ; 你要記得至高者的盟約, 寬恕 別人的過錯 上主的話 ( 默想片刻 ) 答唱詠詠 103:1-2, 3-4, 9-10, 答 : 上主富於仁愛寬恕, 極其慈 悲, 遲於發怒 ( 詠 103:8) 領 : 我的靈魂, 請讚頌上主 ; 我的五 內, 請讚頌上主的名 我的靈 魂, 請讚頌上主, 請你不要忘記 他的恩寵 答 領 : 是他赦免了你的各種罪行 ; 是他 治瘉了你的一切病苦 ; 是他叫你 的性命, 在死亡中得到保全 ; 是 他用仁慈以及愛情, 給你作了冠 冕 答 領 : 他決不會常常責問, 也決不會世 世憤恨 他沒有按我們的罪惡, 對待我們, 也沒有照我們的過 犯, 報復我們 答 領 : 就如上天距離下地, 有多麼高, 他待敬畏他者的慈愛, 14 CHINESE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY 也多高 ; 就如東方距離西方, 有多 麼遠, 他使我們的罪過, 離我們也 多遠 答 讀經二 ( 我們或生或死, 都是屬於 主 ) 恭讀聖保祿宗徒致羅馬人書 14:7-9 弟兄姊妹們 : 我們中沒有一人, 是為自己而 生的, 也沒有一人, 是為自己而死 的 ; 因為我們或者生, 是為主而 生, 或者死, 是為主而死 ; 所以我 們或生或死, 都是屬於主 因為基 督死而復生了, 正是為作生者和死 者的主 上主的話 ( 默想片刻 ) 福音前歡呼 領 / 眾 : 亞肋路亞 領 : 主說 : 我給你們一條新命令 : 你們該彼此相愛, 如同我愛了 你們 ( 若 13:34) 眾 : 亞肋路亞 福音 ( 我不對你說 : 直到七次, 而 是到七十個七次 ) 恭讀聖瑪竇福音 18:21-35 那時候, 伯多祿前來, 對耶穌 說 : 主啊! 如果我的弟兄得罪了 我, 我該寬恕他多少次? 直到七次 嗎? 耶穌對他說 : 我不是對你 說 : 直到七次, 而是到七十個七 次 為此, 天國好比一個君王, 要同他的僕人算賬 他開始算賬的 時候, 有人帶來了一個欠他一萬 塔冷通 的僕人, 因那僕人沒有 錢可償還, 主人就下令, 要他把自 己和妻子兒女, 以及他所有的一 切, 都變賣來還債 那僕人就俯伏 在地, 叩拜他主人, 說 : 主啊! 寬 容我吧! 一切我都要還給你 那僕 人的主人, 就動心, 把他釋放了, 並且也寬免了他的債 但那僕人 正出去時, 遇見了一個欠他一百 德 納 的同伴, 那僕人就抓住他, 扼住他的喉嚨, 說 : 還清你所欠 的債! 他的同伴就俯伏在地, 哀 求他說 : 寬容我吧! 我必還給 你 可是那僕人不願意, 且把他 的同伴關在監裡, 直到他還清了 所欠的債 那僕人的其他同 伴, 見到所發生的事, 非常悲 憤, 就去把所發生的一切, 告訴 了主人 於是, 主人把那僕人叫 來, 對他說 : 惡僕! 因為你哀求 了我, 我就寬免了你的一切債 項 ; 難道你不該憐憫你的同伴, 如同我憐憫了你一樣嗎? 於 是, 主人大怒, 把他交給刑役, 直到他還清所欠的一切 如果 你們各人, 不從心裡寬恕自己的 弟兄, 我的天父, 也要這樣對待 你們 上主的話 ( 講道 後默想片刻 ) 華人天主教會北區中心 主日彌撒 12 時, 彌撒後午餐., 餐費 $5.00 牧職修女司徒金美修女聯絡 中心聯絡 Gloria Cheung 聯絡 E 主日學 Sunday School, 12 noonparish meeting room 9 月 24 日彌撒後午餐聚會舉行 9 月及 10 月生日會及結婚記念慶祝 會, 請各教友參加, 餐費 $ 月 1 日星期日 12:00 noon; 慶 祝北區中心二十週年感恩聖祭, Peter Comensoli 主教主禮 ; 隨後午餐慶祝 10 月 1 日星期日下午依士活中心 舉行中秋節聯歡會, 節目 : 聚餐, 歌唱, 遊戲, 抽獎等

15 15 (continued from page 16): Because, among other things, the Eucharist commemorates Jesus' brokenness, his poverty, his body being broken and his blood being poured out. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin expresses this aptly when he suggests that the wine offered at the Eucharist symbolizes precisely the brokenness of the poor: In a sense the true substance to be consecrated each day is the world's development during that day the bread symbolizing appropriately what creation succeeds in producing, the wine (blood) what creation causes to be lost in exhaustion and suffering in the course of that effort. The Eucharist offers up the tears and blood of the poor and invites us to help alleviate the conditions that produce tears and blood. And we do that, as a famous church hymn says, by moving from worship into service. We don't go to the Eucharist only to worship God by expressing our faith and devotion. The Eucharist is not a private devotional prayer, but is rather a communal act of worship which, among other things, calls us to go forth and live out in the world what we celebrate inside of a church, namely, the non-importance of social distinction, the special place that God gives to the tears and blood of the poor, and non-negotiable challenge from God to each of us to work at changing the conditions that cause tears and blood. The Eucharist calls us to love tenderly, but, just as strongly, it calls us to act in justice. To say that Eucharist calls us to justice and to social justice is not a statement that takes its origin in political correctness. It takes its origin in Jesus who, drawing upon the great prophets of old, assures us that the validity of all worship will ultimately be judged by how it affects widows, orphans, and strangers. Fr Ron Rolheiser omi, from the website of the Centre for Liturgy, University of St Louis Lindfield Dental Practice Dr Peter Chung DDS, MDS, PhD Clinical Assoc Professor Open: Mon-Sat P: Suite 1, 345 Pacific Highway (Scholastic Bldg) Next to Lindfield Medical Practice Lord, in Jesus your Son, you restored to us the gift of everlasting life. Grant that life to: Recently deceased : Fr Simon Aloisi OSB of St Benedict's Monastery at Arcadia, Winkie Chan, Maria A. Nguyen, Paul McCreanor. Anniversary: Marion Grace Blayney, Beni Conti, Bernadette Rainsford (Estieffel), Winifred McCreanor. And for: George Joseph Blayney. Please pray for those who are sick : John and George Agius, John Hughs, Isaac Samakel, Fr Franciscus Choi, Ken Kan, Paddy Nolan, Gizelle Tan, Basilisa Choi, Cyril Ferriere, Br Braden, Brian Couper, Kieran Norton, Sean Maguire, Pakie Maguire, Naneth Bernado, Marjorie Simpkins, Michael Swan.

16 16 REFLECTING ON THIS SUNDAY S SCRIPTURES.. The servant fell down, did him homage, and said, Be patient with me, and I will pay you back in full. THE EUCHARIST AS A CALL TO JUSTICE When the famous historian Christopher Dawson decided to become a Roman Catholic, his aristocratic mother was distressed, not because she had any aversion to Catholic dogma, but because now her son would, in her words, have to worship with the help. She was painfully aware that, in church at least, his aristocratic background would no longer set him apart from others or above anyone. At church he would be just an equal among equals because the Eucharist would strip him of his higher social status. She intuited correctly. The Eucharist, among other things, calls us to justice, to disregard the distinction between rich and poor, noble and peasant, aristocrat and servant, both around the Eucharist table itself and afterwards outside of the church. The Eucharist fulfills what Mary prophesised when she was pregnant with Jesus, namely, that, in Jesus, the mighty would be brought down and that lowly would be raised up. It was this very thing that first drew Dorothy Day to Christianity. She noticed that, at the Eucharist, the rich and the poor knelt side by side, all equal at that moment. Sadly, we often don't take this dimension of the Eucharist seriously. There is a common tendency to think that the practice of justice, especially social justice, is an optional part of being a Christian, something mandated by political correctness rather than by the gospels. Generally we don't see the call to actively reach out to the poor as something from which we cannot exempt ourselves. But we are wrong in this. In the gospels and in the Christian scriptures in general, the call to reach out to the poor and to help create justice in the world is as non-negotiable as keeping the commandments and going to church. Indeed striving for justice must be part of all authentic worship. In the New Testament, every tenth line is a direct challenge to reach out to the poor. In Luke's gospel, we find this in every sixth line. In the Epistle of James, this occurs in every fifth line. The challenge to reach out to the poor and to level the distinction between rich and poor is an integral and non-negotiable part of being a Christian, commanded as strongly as any of the commandments. And this challenge is contained in the Eucharist itself: The Eucharistic table calls us to justice, to reach out to the poor. How? First, the Eucharistic table, by definition, is a table of social non-distinction, a place where the rich and the poor are called to be together beyond all class and status. At the Eucharist there are to be no rich and no poor, only one equal family praying together in a common humanity. In baptism we are all made equal and for that reason there are no separate worship services for the rich and the poor. Moreover, St Paul warns us strongly that when we gather for the Eucharist the rich should not receive preferential treatment. Indeed, the gospels invite us in the opposite direction. When you hold any banquet, they tell us, we should give preferential treatment to the poor. This is especially true for the Eucharist. The poor should be welcomed in a special way. Why? (continued on page 15 )

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