Catholic Parish of Lindfield-Killara

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1 Catholic Parish of Lindfield-Killara Diocese of Broken Bay Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Church, Killara Holy Family Parish Church, Lindfield LINDFIELD: KILLARA: MASS TIMES: Saturday 6:00pm Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm Sunday: 8:15am Sunday: 9:15am 10:15am 12:00 (Chinese Community Mass) 6:00pm (for both our communities) Monday 9:15am ~ Tuesday No Mass 7:30am Wednesday 9:15am 7:30am Thursday 9:15am 7:30am Friday 9:15am Saturday 9:15am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: No celebrations this coming Saturday 2nd ** NO Mass at Lindfield on the second Friday of each month *** Healing Mass for whole parish at Killara at 10am each 2nd Friday of each month EASTER SUNDAY THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD The season of glad song has come (Song of Songs 2:12) This week: Acts 10:34, 37-43; Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6-8; Jn 20:1-9 or Lk 24:1-12 Next week: Acts 5:12-16; Apoc 1:9-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31 Many thanks to all who have helped in our parish celebrations of the death and resurrection of Jesus: those who care for the altar and church in our two communities; musicians and choirs; the young people who practised and took part in the dramatisation of the Passion and of the Stations of the Cross; adult and junior servers; eucharistic ministers; readers; those involved in the dressing of the altar at the Easter Vigil; those who provided and arranged plants for the Altar of Repose; church and altar cleaners; our RCIA teams for their dedicated guidance of our catechumens and candidates in the preparation for the Easter sacraments; and those who provided the supper after the Easter Vigil. A very special thank you also to our Parish Staff for their involvement and support in all the preparations. It's a wonderful thing that so many came together to help us to celebrate Easter - and of course thank you to you all for being here to celebrate as the two communities in our parish. And of course a huge welcome to Monika, Melissa, Phillip, Grace and Lachlan, who were baptised, confirmed and received the Eucharist for the first time at the Easter Vigil, and to Kate and Gregory, who confirmed and received the Eucharist for the first time. Our congratulations also to Wolfgang who completed his Christian Initiation through the Sacrament of Confirmation. Fr Colin and Fr Stephen

2 Saturday Lindfield 6:00pm Killara 5:30pm Sunday Lindfield 8:15am Killara 9:15am Lindfield 10:15am Lindfield 12:00noon Lindfield 6:00pm 2 Parish Staff and Contact Information We are the one parish of Lindfield-Killara containing our two distinct but collaborating and cooperating communities centred on our two churches at Killara and Lindfield. Holy Family Church: Immaculate Heart of Mary Church: Parish Priest: Fr Colin Blayney Assistant Priest: Fr Stephen Hamilton Cnr Pacific Hwy and Highfield Rd, Lindfield Cnr Fiddens Wharf Rd and Charles St, Killara Apart from the case of emergency please restrict the use of the above numbers to between 9:30am and 5:00pm. For office or routine enquiries please contact the Parish Office during office hours. PARISH OFFICE: Parish Secretary: Philita Marundan: Address: Level 1, 2 Highfield Road (cnr Pacific Hwy) Lindfield NSW 2070 (Postal: PO Box 22, Lindfield NSW 2070) Ph: Fax: Parish Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:30am-1:00pm and 1:30pm-4:00pm Catechist Coordinator (Primary Schools): Sue-Anne Sherwood Sacramental Programme Coordinator: Sue-Anne Sherwood Assistant Sacramental Programme Coordinator: Trish Rodgers Parish Bookkeeper: Alison Williams Parish Facilities Coordinator (voluntary): Anthony Cassidy 26 Mar 7:30pm Mass of the Easter Vigil (Lindfield): Fr Colin Blayney Fr Stephen concelebrating 27 Mar. 8:15am: Fr Colin 9:15am: Fr Stephen 10:15am: Fr Colin 12 noon: Fr Kelly Parish Primary School: Holy Family School 2-4 Highfield Rd, Lindfield 2070 Ph: Fax: Principal: Mr Lou Dogao School Website: Parish Website: 2 Apr Fr Colin Blayney Fr Stephen Hamilton 3 Apr Fr Colin Blayney Fr Stephen Hamilton Fr Colin Blayney Fr Visitor Fr Stephen Hamilton

3 3 RICHARD ROHR S MEDITATION: TRINITY Just as some Eastern fathers saw Christ's human/divine nature as one dynamic unity, so they also saw the Trinity as an Infinite Dynamic Flow. The Western Church tended to have a more static view of both Christ and the Trinity--theologically "correct" but largely irrelevant for real life, more a mathematical conundrum than invitation to new consciousness. In our attempts to explain the Trinitarian mystery, the Western Church overemphasised the individual "names" Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but not so much the quality of the relationships between them, which is where all the power and meaning lies! You can make all the names feminine, masculine, or neither, if you prefer neutral words. Each naming will have both its strengths and limitations because we are dealing with metaphor and unknowability. So do not spend too much time arguing about gender. The real and essential point is how the three "persons" relate to one another--infinite outpouring and infinite receiving. The Mystery of God as Trinity invites us into full participation with God, a flow, a relationship, a waterwheel of always outpouring love. Trinity basically says that God is a verb much more than a noun. Some Christian mystics taught that all of creation is being taken back into this flow of eternal life, almost as if we are a "Fourth Person" of the Eternal Flow of God or, as Jesus put it, "so that where I am you also may be" (Jn14). The Cappadocian Fathers of the 4th century first developed this theology, though they readily admit the Trinity is a wonderful mystery that can never fully be understood with the rational mind, but can only be known through love, prayer, and suffering. Any serious contemplation of God as Trinity was made-to-order to undercut the dualistic mind. This view of Trinity invites us to interactively experience God as transpersonal ("Father"), personal ("Christ"), and impersonal ("Holy Spirit")--all being true in different stages of life. The Cappadocian teaching did move to the West, as we find Catholic mystics are invariably Trinitarian--though it was never the mainline doctrine. Richard of St Victor, who died in Paris in 1173, still reflects this early theology. He taught at great length that for God to be truth, God had to be one; for God to be love, God had to be two; and for God to be joy, God had to be three! Any true Trinitarian theology will always offer the soul endless creativity, an utterly open horizon, and delicious food for the soul. Trinitarian thinkers do not seem to have much interest in things like hell, punishment, or any notion of earning or losing. They are only overwhelmed by infinite abundance & flow (eg, Meister Eckhart, Julian of Norwich, John of the Cross, Thérèse of Lisieux). Our supposed logic has to break down before we can comprehend the nature of the universe and the bare beginnings of the nature of God. Niels Bohr, the Danish physicist who was a major contributor to quantum physics and nuclear fission, said the universe is "not only stranger than we think, but stranger than we can think." The doctrine of the Trinity is saying the same thing: God is not only stranger than we think, but stranger than we can think. Perhaps much of the weakness of the first 2,000 years of reflection on most of our doctrines and dogmas is that we've tried to understand them with a logical or rational mind instead of through love, prayer, and participation itself. This is how God brilliantly remains in charge of the whole process. In the end, only lovers seem to know what is going on inside of God. To all others, God remains an impossible, distant, and uninteresting secret, just like the stars and planets.

4 4 Why are we called Fusion? Because we fuse together food, friendship, fun and faith on Friday for a fantastic time! All FUSION meetings are in the Shirley Wallace Centre above the church. Calling all students in years 7 to 10. Are you looking for a place to meet up with friends, chill, share a meal and a laugh together on a Friday night? Then join us on Friday April 1 for a fun night of trivia and games! Years 7-8 meet from pm Years 9-10 meet from 7 9 pm. Questions? us at See you there! ATTENTION! Parents of students in primary school years 4-6 FUSION would love to start a primary-aged youth meeting once a month. If you re interested in helping plan the group, please contact us on or ring the parish office for more details. EASTER OFFERINGS Easter Offering envelopes are available in all the foyers of both our churches. These can be placed on the plate next weekend or over the coming weeks of the Easter Season. The Easter Offerings are not retained personally by the priests but are a vital supplement to the First Collection income which provides for the priests of the parish and for the health care of priests across the diocese and the retirement care of older priests. This fund depends very much on the income raised by Christmas and Easter Offerings. Whatever you can give will be most appreciated. SOCIAL JUSTICE The Social Justice group at Lindfield Killara is a small group of dedicated parishioners with a collective desire to promote social justice. Our goals are two-fold: 1. To inform parishioners of today s social justice issues; and 2. To provide opportunities for parishioners to get involved in social justice issues and works of charity. If you are involved in a work of justice or charity, and you d like to share what you do with others, we d love to hear from you. We re hoping to highlight some of the marvellous projects or organisations our parishioners are involved in, in our inaugural newsletter coming out in April. Please contact us on: or leave your details with the parish office and someone will contact you. In April (starting next weekend 2-3 April) We are collecting new and pre-loved children s books (there will be a box in the foyer of both churches for collection) to help build a library at Mamre House. Mamre House, originally started by the Sisters of Mercy, currently operates programmes for people with disability and refugees and is proud to be part of the local St Marys community in western Sydney. Thanks in advance for your support.

5 5 THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION As our Lenten preparations are only just over and we will be still celebrating the Octave there will be NO Reconciliation at the normal Saturday afternoon time in either of our two churches next Sat. 2nd April. WEEKDAY MASS THIS WEEK Please come along to Mass during this Easter Octave as the liturgy continues to celebrate the joy of the resurrection. Weekday Mass times for this week are given on the front page of the bulletin. We've spent 40 days of Lent preparing for Easter. Let's not leave it there - we have 50 days of the Easter Season to celebrate! PROJECT COMPASSION Please return Project Compassion boxes and envelopes by next weekend if possible. Please help our counters by turning your coins in your Project Compassion boxes into cheques or notes or $1 and $2 coins (or if at all possible, cheques). There are baskets in the church foyers for returning your boxes and envelopes. NO SUNDAY EVENING MASS THIS WEEKEND Please note that there is no Sunday evening Mass tonight, Easter Sunday. Sunday evening Mass resumes next weekend. UPDATE ON PROPOSAL TO DEVELOP CARPARK AT KILLARA At the beginning of this week the Killara Development Committee met with our Diocesan Financial Administrator with regard to the proposed development and in particular with regard to engaging (as outlined in last week s bulletin) a professional firm to conduct a best-use best-outcome study of the site. The Committee formally agreed to this step and the diocese is organising to engage the firm (with whom a sub-committee has already met). We expect their report by late April and will keep you informed. Fr Colin HYMN: CHRIST BE OUR LIGHT (Easter version) Bernadette Farrell 1. This is the day of new beginnings. This is the day when heaven meets earth. This is the day filled with God's glory, promise of our new birth! Refrain: Christ be our light! Shine in our hearts, shine through the darkness. Christ be our light! Shine in your Church gathered today. 2. This is the day Christ our redeemer rose from the grave triumphant and free, leaving the tomb of evil and darkness empty for all to see. Refrain 3. Now will the fire kindled in darkness burn to dispel the shadows of night. Star of the morning, Jesus our Saviour, you are the world's true light! Refrain 4. Sing of the hope deeper than dying. Sing of the pow'r stronger than death. Sing of the love endless as heaven, dawning throughout the earth. Refrain 1993 OCP Publications. Australian Agent Word of Life. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Licence 5423E

6 6 THE PRAYERS AND RESPONSES OF MASS GLORIA: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen. INVITATION TO PRAYER LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST: Celebrant: Pray, brothers and sisters, that my sacrifice and yours.. May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise & glory of his name, for our good and the good of all his holy Church. SANCTUS: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. INVITATION TO HOLY COMMUNION: Celebrant: Behold the Lamb of God All: Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed. MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION:

7 7 THE PSALM Ps 117: R. v.24 Give thanks to the Lord for God is good, for God s love has no end. Let the children of Israel say: God s love has no end. The Lord s right hand has triumphed; God s right hand raised me up. I shall not die, I shall live and recount the Lord s deeds. The stone which the builders rejected has become the corner stone. This is the work of the Lord, a marvel in our eyes. At Masses at which the Psalm is sung the response is: let us rejoice and be glad. SEQUENCE (To be read after the Second Reading. Please remain seated): Christians, to the Paschal Victim offer sacrifice and praise. The sheep are ransomed by the Lamb; and Christ, the undefiled, has sinners to his Father reconciled. Death with life contended; combat strangely ended! Life's own Champion, slain, yet lives to reign. Tell us, Mary: say what you did see upon the way. The tomb the Living did enclose; I saw Christ's glory as he rose! The angels there attesting; shroud with grave-clothes resting, Christ, my hope, has risen: he goes before you into Galilee. That Christ is truly risen from the dead we know. Victorious king, your mercy show! This is the Day the Lord has made; GOSPEL ACCLAMATION : Alleluia, alleluia! Christ has become our paschal sacrifice; let us feast with joy in the Lord. Alleluia! RESPONSES TO THE PSALM FOR WEEKDAY MASS THIS WEEK: Easter Monday: Keep me safe O God, you are my hope. Easter Tuesday: The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. Easter Wednesday: Let all who seek the Lord rejoice. Easter Thursday: O Lord our God, how wonderful your name in all the earth. Easter Friday: The stone rejected by the builders has become the corner stone. Easter Saturday: I praise you, Lord, for you have answered me. The GOSPEL ACCLAMATION is the same every day of this Easter Octave: Alleluia, alleluia! This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. Alleluia! CELEBRATIONS THIS WEEK: This first week of the fifty day long Easter Season is the Easter Octave liturgically one great Day of Easter stretching from one Sunday to the next. Next Sunday, the Second Sunday of Easter, is therefore named the Octave Day of Easter, in a sense a second Easter Sunday, leading us into the remainder of the fifty days of the Easter Season.

8 8 GOSPEL REFLECTIONS BY: BERYL CATES EASTER! Christendom s joyous celebration of God raising Jesus into the soaring majesty of the cosmic Christ within the boundless splendour of God. The Church s festival of praise and gratitude to Jesus for all he revealed to us: That light will always triumph over darkness, good over evil, life over death. We live forever. Love is eternal, death is not end but beginning. Through all Jesus taught, lived and died we know we are not mere earthlings briefly here before oblivion. We are incarnate spirits living and breathing in the awesome Creator Spirit (Acts: 17-28). And, during our earthly sojourn we re living integral roles in God s on-going creation and in following Jesus ideals, participating in its divinisation. Our time here a prelude for emergence into the limitless light, love and timeless beauty of God Where I am you may be too (John 14:3) How can we imagine Jesus emergence from the tomb when God raised him from the dead, that momentous time in Jerusalem? (Acts 2:24, :3, 4: Rom 1:4 ff.) The best answer probably is that we can t. Was his a spiritual or physical resurrection? The gospel accounts of Jesus encounters with people after his death vary, and at times contradict each other, so that relying on them entirely, it is impossible to form a concept. What seems surprising is that when the early Church put together the canon of Scripture in the second to fourth centuries, it apparently didn t hesitate about including the different traditions circulating among the early Christians. The brow might furrow today when reading Scripture, but they were obviously accepted in nascent Christianity, and faith unshaken by them. For those who had encountered the living spirit of Jesus it was such a life-changing experience of indescribable joy, they were apparently unconcerned about differences in traditions of other encounters. They knew any spiritual experience is essentially beyond language and almost inevitably becomes altered in the telling and retelling, particularly one as incredible & transformative as this. Every gospel records Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene, alone or with other women, and we might wonder why Jesus mother was not among them. In the differing accounts Jesus is spoken of as though spiritualised, independent of matter, appearing and disappearing at will. Yet, both Luke and John deliberately point out that he had a body of flesh and bones, and ate before their eyes (Luke 24: John: 20:27). There were times he was recognised, other times he wasn t; people saw him and were afraid, others were filled with happiness. Then, to confuse things further there are two endings to Mark s gospel. In the first, the women did not tell the apostles of their meeting as they were frightened out of their wits, in the second, Mary Magdalene told the men, but was not believed. Matthew tells of a violent earthquake and a brilliant angel coming and rolling back the stone. Luke of two men, in brilliant clothes and of the women going to tell the apostles and Peter alone believing them and so on To confuse further Paul is the only one to speak of an appearance to a huge crowd. Ignoring all female encounters, he wrote that Jesus, appeared first to Cephas and secondly to the Twelve. Next he appeared to five hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of whom are still alive, though some have died After that James then all the Apostles (1Cor 15:4-8). Paul s own experience on the way to Damascus was clearly spiritual. Whatever the questioning, the discrepancies and contradictions, one thing no one can deny, something happened. Scripture makes no (continued on page 9)

9 9 (continued from page 8): secret that the men who were with Jesus when he was on earth were so weak and spiritually dull, at times he seemed almost to despair of them (Matt 17:17). Then, their beloved leader was dead, executed as a criminal, his cause a failure, and they were in hiding, grief-stricken and guilt-ridden, because of their behaviour in his hours of greatest need. Then, suddenly everything changed, and nothing could have caused the radical reversal of their feelings than what they said happened. They encountered Jesus living spirit in their lives. He was alive, vindicated and glorified by God. His cause had not failed in ignominy, but was about to begin. With joy and later unprecedented courage all they wanted was to go out and tell the world what they knew and help everyone they could find the living spirit of Jesus in their lives and with it, new meaning in life and purpose in dying. All those inevitable ordeals in life, from the smallest to the most traumatic are mini deaths to the self. Little good Fridays before resurrections. Each, in some highly significant way maturating the soul until its last earthly good Friday when, with soaring happiness it is raised into its endless Easter in the wonder of the glory of God. Those who know and live with the spirit of Jesus are among the least interested in whether the first Easter Resurrection was a physical or spiritual event. For them, they say, the spirit is not some entity outside the self, but a real living spirit with them, strengthening and supporting them though all life s good Fridays, reassuring them throughout their travail that Easter always follows Good Friday. You cannot have one without the other. A living spirit of forgiveness when they stumble and fall, lifting them to find balance again Peace be with you. In the light of that any speculation about the manner of the Jesus first appearances for them, is of little consequence. Precision Dance Academy Web: Tuesdays & Wednesdays at : 2 Highfield Road cnr Pacific Hway above Holy Family Church Lindfield Contact Miss Regina for enquiries: or FREE TRIAL FOR ALL NEW STUDENTS Mid-term enrolments are welcome. Address: 319 Pacific Highway, North Sydney, NSW King Street, Newton 6 Pitt Street Parramatta Phone: / FAX: W: E: Member of Australian Funeral Directors Association Jason Roach Licensed Real Estate Agent, Parishioner Jason or If you are seeking authentic advice when buying or selling your home or investment property, call Jason today! Henry & Gloria Cheung Parishioners Serving the Australian Construction Industry for 30 years UNIVERSAL INSTRUMENTS 326 Pacific Hway, Lindfield NSW 2070 Tel no Fax no Lindfield Dental Practice Dr Peter H Chung DDS,MDS,PhD Assoc. Prof. Syd Uni Open Mon to Sat /345 Pacific Hwy Lindfield NSW Opposite COLES Nxt to Medical Practice

10 基督苦難主日 ( 聖枝主日 ) 讀經一 ( 對於侮辱和唾污, 我沒 有遮掩我的面, 因為我知道我不 會受辱 ) 恭讀依撒意亞先知書 50:4-7 我主上主賜給了我受教的口 舌, 叫我會用言語, 來援助疲倦 的人 他每天清晨喚醒我, 喚醒 我的耳朵, 叫我如同學生一樣靜聽 我主上主開啟了我的耳朵 我並沒有違抗, 也沒有退 避 我將我背, 轉給打擊我的 人 ; 把我的腮, 轉給扯我鬍鬚的 人 ; 對於侮辱和唾污, 我沒有遮 掩我的面 因為, 我主上主協助我, 因 此, 我不怕蒙羞 ; 所以, 我板著 臉, 像一塊燧石, 因為我知道 : 我決不會受辱 上主的話 ( 默想片刻 ) 答唱詠詠 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 眾 : 凡看見我的人都譏笑我 ; 他 們都撇著嘴, 搖著頭說 : 他既信賴上主, 上主就應 救他 ; 上主既喜愛他, 也就 該拯救他 眾 : 成群惡犬圍困著我 ; 大批歹 徒環繞著我 他們穿透了我 的手腳 ; 我的骨骼莖莖可 數 眾 : 他們瓜分了我的衣服 ; 為我 的長衣, 他們拈鬮 上主! 請不要遠離我 ; 我的勇力, 請速來扶助我 眾 : 我要向我的弟兄, 宣揚你的 聖名 ; 在盛大的集會中, 讚 美歌頌你 : 你們敬畏上主 的人, 請讚美上主 ; 雅各伯 所有的後裔, 請光榮上主 ; 以色列的一切子孫, 請敬畏 上主! 10 CHINESE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY 讀經二 ( 耶穌貶抑自己, 為此, 天主極其舉揚他 ) 恭讀聖保祿宗徒致斐理伯人書 2:6-11 弟兄姊妹們 : 耶穌雖具有天主的形體, 並沒有以自己與天主同等, 為 應當把持不捨的, 卻使自己空 虛, 取了奴僕的形體, 與人相 似, 形狀也一見如人 ; 他貶抑自己, 聽命至死, 且死在十字 架上 為此, 天主極其舉揚 他, 賜給了他一個名字, 超越 其他所有名字, 致使上天 地 上和地下的一切, 一聽到耶穌 的名字, 無不屈膝叩拜 ; 一切 唇舌, 無不明認耶穌基督是 主, 以光榮天主聖父 上 主的話 ( 默想片刻 ) 福音前歡呼 領 : 基督, 願光榮和讚頌歸於 你! 眾 : 基督, 願光榮和讚頌歸於 你! 領 : 耶穌貶抑自己, 聽命至 死, 且死在十字架上 為 此, 天主極其舉揚他, 賜給了他一個名字, 超越其 他所有的名字 ( 斐 2:8-9) 眾 : 基督, 願光榮和讚頌歸於你! 福音 路加所載主耶穌基督的受難始 末 22:14-23:56 ( 我渴望又渴望, 在我受難以 前, 同你們吃這一次逾越節晚 餐 ) 華人天主教會北區中心, 主日彌撒 12 時彌撒後 Parish Hall 午餐聚會. 餐費 $5.00 請各教友參加. 牧職修女司徒金美修女 中心聯絡 Gloria Cheung Sunday School 主日學 12 nooon, ( 國 / 粵語 ) 慕道班, 11:00am- 12noon 逾越節三日慶典 Santa Sabina College, 90 The Boulevarde Strathfield 舉行 24/3 聖周四 8:00pm 主的晚餐 (Fr. Noel) 25/3 聖周五, 主受難日 10:00am 成人組拜苦路 11:00 am 講座主題 : 痛苦與幸福在念之間天主的慈愛 1:00 pm 修和聖事, 3:00 pm 苦難禮儀, 朝拜十字聖架, 領聖體 (Fr. Michael 與梁加恩神父 ) 10:00 am 2:30 pm 兒童組 ( 司徒修女帶領 ) ( 兩組同時在 Santa Sabina 聖堂舉行 ) 26/3 6:30 pm 主復活前夕彌撒暨聖洗聖事 (Fr. Michael 與梁加恩神父 ) 8:30 pm 聚餐 - Strathfield 四歲以下免費請各教友參加. 請向 Helen Shek 報名 27/3/2016 耶穌復活主日午餐聚會同時舉行 3 月及 4 月生日會及結婚記念慶祝會, 請各教友參加. 餐費 $5.00

11 (continued from page 12 ): obsessions, but our age militates against restfulness and literally invites obsessions. 11 A myriad of factors mass media, more leisure time, unbridled romance and sex, and philosophies of self-fulfillment which point us towards a salvation within our world have driven up our psychic temperatures and have made it very difficult for us to accept our own lives and spirits. This makes for lots of heartaches. As painful as are the headaches that come to us from the hurriedness and pressures of our work, they are a lesser evil. It s our heartaches, the emotional obsessions that so unsettle our rest, which, in Orwell s metaphor, keep us concentrated on the jam. They are the pain and the narcissism which makes us unaware of Spring and resurrection and the whispering of God about newness and stones being rolled back. We don t notice Spring and resurrection because, outside of our heartaches and headaches, we hardly see anything at all. The earth is ablaze with the fire of God, with sights, sounds, smells, touches and tastes that are enough to make anyone want to take one s shoes off. There s resurrection a plenty! Mostly it goes unnoticed. We sleep the sleep of heartaches and headaches! It s the time for Spring and resurrection. I doubt there will be any resurrection trumpets loud enough to blast the narcissistic hell out of us. Mostly resurrection is about susurrection, whispering. God whispers a lot. There are all kinds of secrets to be heard. Spring and Easter is a good season, for looking and listening. (Fr Ron Rolheiser omi, from The Centre for Liturgy ) PHYSIOFIT LINDFIELD Parishioner PHYSIOTHERAPIST KERRY WESTON (BOGARD) *Hands on treatment! *Exercise prescription! *Exercise classes! We are located at: 8/345 Pacific Highway, Lindfield 2070 (Scholastic Building) Phone: Mob: ROSEVILLE CLOTHING ALTERATIONS 2-2 LORD STREET ROSEVILLE Call Peter on HOME SERVICE OFFERED FOR SENIORS Comfort Inn North Shore Family owned and professionally operated motel with on-site restaurant Address: 1 Gatacre Avenue, Lane Cove Phone: Website: Lord, in Jesus your Son, you restored to us the gift of everlasting life. Grant that life to: Recently deceased: Brian Bartlett, David Cavanagh, Antonnieta Micceli. Anniversary: Fr Patrick Ryan, John Austin Bourke, Winnifred Hall. Please pray for those who are sick : Br Tony Butler fms, Peter Norton, Sean Maguire, Pakie Maguire, Naneth Bernado, Peter Norton, Sean Maguire, Adrian Selwyn, Marjorie Simpkins, Greg Sutherland, Michael & John Swan.

12 12 REFLECTING ON THIS SUNDAY S SCRIPTURES.. When Simon Peter arrived after him, he went into the tomb and saw the burial cloths there, and the cloth that had covered his head (Gospel) EASTER SHOULD BE AN EYE OPENER Easter is mostly about waking up. It s Easter when God and spring susurrate through the veins of nature giving frozen earth and frozen hearts a wake-up call. That call is ever needed. The human proclivity is towards sleep. Without outside revelation, the trumpet blast announcing resurrection, a divine force opening tombs, and God whispering new life inside of us, our preoccupations and obsessions invariably render us blind as bats left to fly by radar. Easter is about eyesight, seeing. George Orwell once summarised our difficulties in this area: A rather cruel trick I once played on a wasp. He was sucking jam on my plate and I cut him in half. He paid no attention, merely went on with his meal, while a tiny stream of jam trickled out of his severed oesophagus. Only when he tried to fly away did he grasp the dreadful thing that had happened to him. It is the same with us. The thing that has been cut away is our soul and there is a period of time during which we do not notice it. (G. Orwell, Collected Essays, Vol. II, Page 15) It s a strange irony! We spend our lives searching for life in its rarity and we hardly notice Easter and spring. It s Easter and we are heavy in spirit. Resurrection is all around and we are feeling old! Why? Why so blind to spring and resurrection? Classical spiritual writers have always affirmed a connection between morality and epistemology. That s a sophisticated way of saying that how we live morally affects our eyesight, our perception of reality. Moral laxity, sin, and lack of faith, cloud vision. That s very true and our propensity to sleep through the resurrection, obviously, has something to do with our less than perfect faith and morals. However, I believe, in the end the problem is not so much our badness as our busyness, our sin, as our obsessions. Let me try to explain this: I don t think that we are a particularly bad people. We have moral faults and laxities which are peculiar to our generation, but, conversely, we also have moral strengths and virtues that past generations lacked. Moreover, God is used to revealing love and resurrection to a sinful people. Where God is perhaps less practiced is in revealing love and resurrection to such busy and preoccupied persons. Where we differ from past generations is more in the pace of our lives than in our moral inadequacies. We are pressured, preoccupied, hurried, hell-bent, and driven in a way that previous generations never were. We ve no time for the examined life, for contemplation, to notice spring and resurrection. The plant must run! as Merton once put it. There is little time or energy left after that has been taken care of. Sadly, this is true even of our preaching of the gospel. We are so busy teaching the gospel, learning the gospel, running religious programmes, administering sacraments, and making sure the religious plant runs that there is precious, little, if any, time and energy left to actually live the gospel. We have to spend so much time talking about God that, at a point, there is no time to listen to God any more. To this we add restlessness and emotional obsessions. Here too we differ from past ages. We are more restless, more dis-eased, than they. People have always been restless and prone to (continued on page 15 )

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