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2 and fight for your rights. When you lose your rights you lose your life. We want to be free from slavery and we want to he free to move about. We don't want our womenfolk to he intimidated by anybody unless her legal husband. We can only get to that by coming forward and joining the C.O.P. (Congress of People) and see that we draft this charter. The Government is afraid of your people today because he is stopping you from talking. He is afraid that we are going to expose him. There are multitudes of Europeans who sees eye to eye with us. They want us to be afraid because they are white, but they forget that they have given us our... by drafting this Charter. We are going to tell them what we mean." Wie was die volgende spreker? Mangalie. Laat sy toespraak uit. Wie was die volgende spreker? Thomas Ngwenya, COURT ADJOURNS t COURT RESUMES: BY MR. COAKER; With regard to the witness Mananya, I am not going to ask him any questions. BY MR. SLOVO; I have no questions to ask of Mamanya, PETER STEPHEN MUNNICK. nog onder eed: VERHOOR DEUR P.A.(VERVOLG) Jy het laas gemeld dat die spreker Ngwenya was? Ja. Lees net wat hy gese het? "You people of Worcester are always ready to sacrifice for freedom. I am here to address you on behalf of the Congress of the People. The Congress of the People came into existence by the A.N.C. at Queenstown. The time has come that all South Africa have a say in the government, because the country is being ruined by the Nats. I do not exclude the other political parties. We are asking you to defend your rights. Ten million of people are being made criminals for not possessing a piece of paper, a pass. Here is no difference between black and white under the Congress

3 of the People. We are going to ask you to put forward your demands, your demands with other sections of the people will constitute the Freedom Charter. The people of South Africa is afraid of the A.N.C. We have such a progressive programme that Donges from this constituency cannot speak with me from one platform. The policy is stinking through the world. What we mean "by demands. You must not worry when you hear I am banned or deported. It is an honour. The outside world will know it is a man with self-determination. The Government is already shaky for the Congress of the People. We have no arms. We have no intention of doing anything sinister. They are shaky and have funny dreams. Long live A.N.C., the Congress of the People and allies, Afrikai" Wie was die volgende spreker? Athol Thorne, Lees wat hy gese het? "What is the Congress of the People? It is going to he a gathering representing all the people of South Africa, people from all walks of life, workers on farms, housewives, ministers of religion, in fact, all the people who wish for freedom. They will come together to discuss their demands and hopes for their children. These demands they will put in a Preedom Charter. The Freedom Charter will act as the freedom light. There are methods in South Africa of what freedom should he like and show the whole world the banner of the Freedom Charter. The Congress of the People is not just another Congress, but a climax of a great campaign. The campaign will go to every corner of the country, to the cities and small towns, reserves, everywhere, and our demands which must come from the discussions we have tonight. Yes, from thousands of such meetings in the country, all this demands will be collected and sent to the National Action Council. This Freedom Charter discussed at the Congress of the People, we must see that the Freedom Charter will be our hope for freedom. This is a great task we can never achieve unless we prepared to help. There are many here, but more outside. The word of the Congress of the

4 People must go to these people. You must be prepared to help. Our leaders expect us to send 10,000 delegates to Congress of the People. They will "be elected. The details as to how many will be from Worcester has not been decided yet. They will be the trusted people and everybody will have a vote if he is over 18 years. You will vote already, that is how our leader visualise it. This will be the only first electioncalled in South Africa that will be the will of the people. It is something worth while. It will be to tell people so that everybody can be drawn. I also feel that the Freedom Charter comes from their hearts." Wie was die volgende spreker? H, McCleod. Laat haar toespraak uit. Wie het na haar gepraat? Asha Dawood. Is ay een van die beskuldigdes? Ja. (82) In watter taal hat sy gepraat? Afrikaans. Lees wat sy ges het? "Julie ken die plaastronke hier by Rawsonville is een, Dit is net om goedkoop plaasarbeid te kry. Dit is daarom wat ons vir alles in die tronk gesit word, maar hulle moet oppas as die ding omdraai, dit sal erger wees as die Mau Mau nog laat ek liewers stilbly." Wie was die volgende spreker? John Alwyn- Wat het hy gese? "Ek doen 'n beroep op julle om vorentoe te kom, as vrywilligers. Net voor u vorentoe kom, se ek die woorde: Manne en vrouens, seuns en dogters, wees sterk met uself, moet nie traag. As u nie skrik, het u gesien wat met my en anders gebeur het. Ons sal almal binnekort tronk toe gaan. Daarom se ek u moet nie srkik wees. As ons nie hier is nie, sien dat u u eie mense stuur, maar mense wat wil wees soos ek self. As jy wil my wees kom vorentoe om -n vra aan vrywilligers om vorentoe te kom, totdat u die rante en kante deurkruis het. U moet die boodskap aan almal bring. Praat met almal oor vryheid. Julie hoof net die boodskaap oor te dra as u besluit om

5 n vrywilliger te wees moet u vorentoe kom en die hoodskap oordra. Ons vra vir vrywilligers u moet u naam gee. Ons gaan nie vir vryheid van twee miljoen vra nie, maar vir twaalf en n half miljoen. U hoef geen misdaad te pleeg nie, terwyl julle julle naam gee sal ons vir julle -n gramafoonplaat speel," (Notas ingehandig G.389) VSRD5RE VERH00R DEUR P.A.; (19/10/54) Op 19/10/54, het jy-n vergadering van die Congress of the People hygewoon te Winston-saal, Worcester? Ja. Kan jy se hoelaat die vergadering begin het? 8,30 nm, tot ongeveer 10 nm. Wie was die voorsitter by die vergadering? Joseph Mpoza. Is hy een van die beskuldigdes? Ja. (90). Het jy notas by die verg.adering gemaak? Ja, Jy het nou jou notas? Ja, Wat het die voorsittor gese? "Sons and Daughters, I think we shall now open our meeting. At our last meeting we promised that the general public would get a chance to bring their demands forward for the Freedom Charter. Now tonight is our chance. First speaker shall be Miss Asha Dawood who shall explain what this really is." Wie was die volgende spreker? Asha Dawood. Is sy een van die beskuldigdes? Ja. (92) Watter taal het sy gepraat? Afrikaans. Wat het sy gese? "Die Congress of the People is nie n nuwe organisasie nie, not -n veldtog. Ons wil 10,000 vrywilligers en hulle eise sal na U.N.O. gestuur word. Soos u weet daar is mense in ander lande wit weet hoe swaar ons hier kry en hulle wil 00k weet hoe ons hier regeer word. Die regering wil dit nie he nie. Onlangs was Prince Bernard hier gewees. Toe hy die land verlaat was hy gevra wat hy dink van die land Suid-Afrika.

6 Hy het geantwoord dat hy niks sleg s kan sien nie. Hulle het hom nie die nie-"blanke woonhuurte gewys nie. Julie onthou nog 1952 toe die onregverdige wette proklameer was. Ons het toe die Defiance Campaign gehad, dit was nie die end nie maar net die beginsel. Hulle kan maar ons leiers in die tan doen daar sal weer nuwe leiers wees. Dr. Malan was 00k in die tronk in 1930 en 00k "baie van die volksraadlede." Wie was die volgende spreker? The chairman, Joseph Mpoza. Wat het hy gese? "I shall not he long "but only to say how we shall place the complaints in the Freedom Charter. V/e all want freedom. We don't want laws that will keep us down. As an African I know what keeps us in gaol and I know why the gaol are full of our people." Wie het daarna gepraat? Ben Baartman Wat het hy gese? "This meeting has been specially called hy you to bring your demands forward to be placed in the Freedom Charter. We have come here to demand from the Government what we non-europeans want." Wie het daarna gepraat? Joseph Mpoza f die voorsitter. Wat het hy gese? "Julie kan nou julle eise gee, " Is dit al? Dit is al t behalwe die cise. Wie het na hom gepraat? John Alwyn. spreker. Was hy die laaste spreker.? Ja, hy was die laaste (Notas ingehandig G.390) VERDERE VERHOOR DEUR P.A.; (4/11/54.) Op 4/11/54, het u n vergadering van die Kongres of the People, te Winston-saal, Worcester, bygewoon? Ja. Hoelaat het die vergadering begin? 8.30 nm. tot 10 p.m. Mpoza. v/ie was die voorsitter by die vergadering? Joseph

7 "N Is hy een van die beskuldigdes? Ja, (90) Het jy notas "by die vergadering geneem? Ja, En jy het nou jou notas "by jou? Ja. Wat het die voorsitter gese? "Ons moet nou open. Ons wil die vergadering oopmaak met n gebed. Africans, ons is vanaand hier, die vergadering van die mense. Die vergadering van vanaand is "baie belangrik. Ons kan mooi verstaan Swarts gaan voort met sy onreg wette. Sy plan is om almal die unies te verdruk. Hy verstaan mooi hy kan nie deurkom nie, Sy plan is om te verdruk. A1 die koerante moet teen hom wees. Man, "by die verenigings daar is leiers wat hy kies. Dan verdruk hy hulle onder die wet van die kommuniste. Hy het die wet gemaak om hulle te verdruk. Die was nie sy plan om die kommuniste te verdruk nie, Ons weet die kommuniste wat hier was is weg voor die wet gepasseer moes wees. Ek voel vandag in die praat gees. Nou kom ons hier om vanaand te protes teen die 'Advance,' Dit is-n koerant vir die mense," Wie was die volgende spreker? Mangalie, Wat het hy gese? "Dames en Here. Ek wil julle net se Advance is in die "ban gedoen om ons as werkers se 08 toe te hou. Dit is die enigste koerant wat ons oe oopmaak. Daarvoor is hy in die "ban gedoen. No, 1, was dit die Guardian, toe die Peoples World, toe Clarion, Nou Advance. En hy is 00k in die ban. Vriende, hierdie soort dinge wat in die land aangaan het in ander lande aangegaan. Hulle ban 00k ons mense. Daar sal n tyd kom wat ons nie meer Engels kan praat nie. Ons mense moet wakker skrik. Onthou 300 jare is verby wat ons geslaaf het Daar is baie maniere wat ons kan oplos. Vra vir hulle self waar om doen hulle nie die Burger in die ban nie. Daardie koerant het baie kea woorde gebruik wat ons se harte seermaak. En ek glo die Advance het ons verstand gegee. Is julle tevrede dat die Advance in die ban gedoen is. Hierdie vergadering is verle om protes te doen vir die ban. Ek wil nie he dit moet met ons

8 gaan soos dit in Germany gegaan het. julle weet hoe Hitler oor'- log gemaak het het Hitler gese dat daar sal geeneen lewe as hy nie die heleid aanneem. Ek weet nie wat hulle gaan maak met die African wat nie die taal kan praat nie; hulle wil he die taal moot die nasionale taal wees. Ek wil hulle og s, vriende dit is omdat ons self ons verdeel, daarom maak die witman net soos hulle wil. As ons saamstaan soos die blanke, sal ons ook vorentoe gaan en miskien verhy want ons is in die meerderheid. Weet julle waarom kry ons so swaar. Is dat ons vandag nog ons eie kinders heroof om nie skool toe te gaan nie. Die witman stuur sy kind van kleins af skool-toe en daarom is hulle politiekbewys. As jy geleerd is, kan jy net sulke goed doen. Ek wil julle vra soos in die verlede, Nr. 1 dit is waar die blanke man begin, want ons kry nis hulle uit nie. Daar sal meer besprekings kom en punte wat ek uitgelaat het. Hulle het seker almal gesien onder wie se toesig hierdie vergadering is. Dit is een van die magtigste organisasies wat ons kan op bou r met julle ondersteuning. Ek wil he julle moet volgens die Kongres daardie vier sprekers aan die gang hou, Dit is nie vir my nio, dit is vir julle almal." Wie was die volgende spreker? Mpoza, die voorsitter. Wat het hy gese? "Die draag is dit, hoekom ban hulle nie die Burger, Cape Times, en Bantu World; hoekom ban hy net op die Advance. Julle moet ook help om te protes. Party mense het die gedagte, hulle se hulle is die sterkste in die land, maar ek se hulle is swakste in die wereld. Die ding is, die Swarts is bang vir die Advance. Maar Swarts vandag, sy hart brand. A1 wat hom sal help is om ons paper te ban. Ons wil vanaand -n resolusie hier maak wat ons vir Swarts gaan stuur. Malan, hy ban die mense, hy kies hier en daar, hy hou al ons leiers, dan ban hy hulle. Onder die kommunistiese party gaan tronk-toe. Hy wil he ons bang word hierdie A.N.C, Hy het geen lewe vandag nie, Almal is geban. Die organisasie, hy groei

9 nou, Nou die span, die boere, hulle het nie gedagte nie, Hulle "ban net n mens. Wat dink hulle dan wat <n ander mens se gedagtes. Ons se leiers het ons die weg gewys. Swarts kan ons nie stop nie," Wie was die volgende spreker? Asha Dawood. Is sy een van die beskuldigdes? Ja. (82). Lees wat sy gese het? "AT a public meeting held 4th instant in the Winston Hall under the auspices of Congress of the People, we the citizens of Worcester send our strongest protest against the Minister by banning our paper, The Advance. We demand immediate withdrawal." Wie was die volgende spreker? Buza. Is hy een van die beskuldigdes? Ja. (80) Wat het hy gese? "Ek dank ons African mense. Ek dank almal vir die opkoms, en voorreg wat ons in almal gesond. Vandag onder die Goewerment lyk ons soos kuiken onder die valk. Elke voel n mens asof tronk-toe gaan." Herhaal daardie sin? "Elke voel as ti mens tronk-toe gaan. (Deur die tolk; "Elkeen voel asof hy tronk-toe gaan." That is all I can think it is, hut it is not like that here,) "As ek vandag se dat ek nie by my huis ingaan nie, dan wil hulle my tronk-toe stuur. Die mense het nou gese die Goewerment het al ons leiers se monde toegemaak. Dit word gese die Goewerment is reg, hy moet die mense verdruk en hulle se hy moet ho-op die mense se koppe sit. Onthou vandag as ons leiers onswys die onregverdig wette hulle word na n onreg toe." Herhaal die laaste sin? "Hulle word na n onreg toe." BY THE COURT; That doesn't sound sense to me, I don't know whether it is translatable. Can you translate thatj what is your translation of that, what do you understand by it? I understand that they are treated unjustly, under the unjust laws. VERDSRE VERHOOR DEUR P.A. VERV.:? "Hy wil nie he nie dat jy moet iets he nie. As hy

10 vandag ons leiers ban, is dit net soos n kind wat tande kry, daar kom altyd 'n nuwe tand uit. Die Goewerment ken ons leiers, maar tussen ons sal mense kom wat hy nie ken nie. Die Goewerment het nie 'n goeie gedagte nie. Hy wil ons leiers se monde toemaak maar hy vergeet as daar -n vader met ses kinders is, is daar nog ses kinders om oor te vat. Mense is nie soos hy nie. Hulle werk met eenheid, Ons leiers se monde is almal toegemaak Ons sal vorentoe gaan. Ons moet opstaan. En ons moet die Goewerment saam op te bou," Herhaal net daardie sin? "Ons moet die Goewerment om op te hou." 0 What is your translation of that, have you left out something there? Here is something left out. The sentence is incomplete? Incomplete. "Hoekom maak hy nie hulle mond toe nie. Die Goewerment se vir die polisie as hulle jou kwaad maak skiet hom. Is hy wat maak dat die mens opstaan. Hy se die polisie moet die mense slaan. Watter goed is daar. Die Goewerment van vandag is skoon net die Hitler, Nou, die wette wat ons vandag het is net soos Hitler s'n. Want vandag daar is niks wat hy kan doen wat goed is nie. Ons moet vandag almal opstaan en se die Goewerment ons leiers se banning terugtrek. Ons wil verlossing he, ons wil nie bloedstotting he miskien Ons wil almal gerus bly. Hy is bang as die mense/as een kom kan dit wees dat hulle opstaan, want hy hehandel ons nie reg nie, Hulle moat ons nie verdruk nie, Leiers, hulle wil he ons moet hier verlos wees. Ons moet almal se dat ons moet laat bly word. Afrikai" Wie was die volgende spreker? J, Mpoza, die voorsitter, Wat het hy ges? "Mnr. Swarts en sy klompie is op sy laaste. Ons moet hom wys hy kan nie staan vir die mense. A1 die spreker wat gepraat het se hierdie Goewerment is net soos Hitler. Julie weet wat sy end was. Hier is nog -n resolusie:

11 "We citizens and workers of Worcester ask for the wholesale lifting of banning of our " That is all. Wie was die volgende spreker? Asa Dawood. Wat het sy gese? "Hulle druk al die opposisie dood. Maar hulle sal dit nie regkry nie." Wie was toe die volgende spreker? Die voorsitter, Joseph Mpoza. Wat het hy geses? "Swart is ris net een persoon nie. Daar is baie Swartse in die dorp. Ons moet by almal nog m6re gaan werk. Almal is nou baie bly en is gerus. Nou hulle is n koning. Mnr. Alwyn kom more voor. Hulle is bly. Ek wil vir Swarts die se, al word hy gestraf, ons mense van die wereld Afrika is saam met hom. Al werk hy in die tronk, hy sal vet wees. Nou, hierdie persoon wat hier tolk is al persoon." Dis Wie was die volgende spreker? John Alwyn. Gaan net na die end van sy toespraak "Ek weet die witman sal nie meer tien jaar..."? "Ek weet die witman sal as nie meer tien jaar hier regeer nie en dan sal ons/n volk. Die prisonier sal georganiseer wees. Die swartblok uit die ooste is aan die kom. Die wereld is bevrees vir die huidige toestande. Almal is bevrees vir 'n derde wereld oorlog, maar as Dr. Malan aangaan, sal daar *n oorlog terukom." Ekskuus, dis nie 'oorlog' nie. Herhaal die laaste sin? "... sal daar -n oor terugkom." Is dit n verkorting van oorlog? Dit kan ek nie se nie. Weet jy wat bedoel is? Nee. Wie was die volgende spreker? Asa Dawood. Lees wat sy gese het? "Julie weet natuurlik dat Swarts sal natuurlik -n boy stuur stuur wat saam het hulle werk en hulle sal in die voorkant wees. Daar het ek vir Jan Van Zyl as getuie. Die mag sal luister as Swarts se boy. Vanaand wil ek net voor getuie se dat daardie speurder glad nie skryf soos hulle hier

12 soos s /ons skryf nie. Die hele saal is getuie. Miskien is die man nie bekwaam genoeg nie want hierdie Regering gee al die poor whites werk. (Dit mag miskien wees dat hy bekwaam genoeg is en nie dit is moontlik,)dit mag miskien wees dat hy bekwaam genoeg is. Nee, dit is moontlik. Ek s weer vir julle hy skryf nie soos ons se nie. In Alwyn se saak is daar woorde wat hulle se dat ek ges het, maar ek het dit nooit ges nie, en nou hierdie tyd vandag skryf dit, dan moet hulle weet dat 'n leier wat in Worcester govan is, onskuldig is." BY THE COURT; I don't know, Mr. Prosecutor, but lots of what is read here doesn't seem to be really relevant to this case. BY THE P.P.; It is merely to put the whole gathering before Your Worship. BY THE COURT: I know you want to get the background, but there is a limit to that too, I think. (Notas ingehandig G.391) (Geen verdere vrae.) CROSS-EXAMINED BY MR. COAKER; Have you been to a number of these meetings? Ja. You can't now remember anything about any particular meeting, I suppose, except what is in your notes? Ja. You have no other recollection of any other meeting? Nee. What languages do you speak? Engels an Afrikaans. You don't understand Xosa? Nee. So, if a speech is made in Xosa, what do you do? As daar ti tolk is dan take en af wat die tolk vertaal. You can't remember now in what languages any of these speeches were made, can you? Ja, ek kan. You told me one moment ago that you couldn't remember any thing except what was in your notes? Maar ek kan onthou in watter taal die spreker gepraat het.

13 You can remember what language was used hy any speaker at any meeting you have ever attended, is that it? Ja. Even though you have no notes? Ek kan alles onthou van wat ek notas het. Can you remember the language used hy a speaker, even though you have no note on it? Ja. At the meeting on 4th November, 1954, what was the language used hy Mpoza? Engels. When a speech is made in English, in what language do you write it down? Engels. Your notes of 4/11/54, of the speech of Mpoza is in Afrikaans; if that is so, then it follows that he didn't use English, doesn't it? Ja, maar hy praat nie altyd dieselfde taal hy elke vergadering. Hy praat Engels en Afrikaans. Then why did you tell me that you could remember what language he used at each particular meeting were you simply guessing? (Geen antwoord) Why don't you answer? Ek het nie geraai nie. Then why did you do it? BY THE COURT: You have made a mistake here in regard to the language that Mpoza spoke, on the 4/11/54, is that right? Ja. Then it means that you can't remember what language was used by a particular speaker at a particular meeting? That is correct. Well, why did you say you can remember, that is the point that counsel is making? (Geen antwoord) Or did you make a mistake, or what? I made a mistake. CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR. COAKER CONTD.: Isn't it possible that this man Mpoza never speaks either English or Afrikaans, but uses an interpreter? No. I want you to go on giving your evidence in Afrikaans, please, the interpreter will put it into English for us. last answer was 'No.'? Ja. Your

14 The meeting of the 16th September, 1954, what was the language used by Thomas Ngwenya? English. Do you remember that? Yes, I remember the particular speaker speaking English. Have you now decided that you wish to give your evidence in English? Nee, ek sal maar altyd in Afrikaans.,.., Well, I would prefer you to stick to one language, please. If you are using Afrikaans, stick to Afrikaans, and the interpreter will put it into English. If you are not happy about it then you can intervene. At that same meeting, apart from Ngwenya, who were the other speakers? Ek kan nie onthou nie. Can you remember what Ngwenya said at that meeting? Nee. Can you remember I am talking now about 16/9/54 can you remember whether Ben Baartman spoke at that meeting? Nee* Do you mean he didn't speak, or you can't remember? Ek kan nie onthou nie. Can you remember at that meeting of the 16th September, whether a person called Ndamoyi spoke? Nee. You can't remember whether he spoke or not? Nee. You told me a few moments ago that you could remember that he spoke in English. How do you remember that he spoke in English when you cannot remember whether or not he spoke? BY THE COURT; Just one moment. You asked about Ngwenya, in what language he spoke, but now you are mentioning another name. He mentioned that Ngwenya spoke in English, now what is this other name that you mention? BY MR. COAKER; Yes, I think Your Worship is correct. I have probably confused two names. Ndamoyi. BY THE COURT; Yes, that is a new name. I haven't heard that.

15 CRO SS-EXAMINAI ION BY MR, COAKER CONTD.: Well, now I am suggesting to you that one. Ndamoyi did speak at that meeting? Ek kan nie onthou nie^ So you can't remember what language he spoke if he did? No. I take it you will agree with me that it isn't possible for you to write down in long-hand the whole of what the speaker says? Dit is onmoontlik. And so a considerable amount of what is said is not in your notes? A fair amount. 65 BY THE COURT: Would you say 50$? No, roughly I put it down as about is what you don't write down? I wouldn't know how much I wrote down. I wouldn't know what percentage. Well, what is this 65$ that you mention? 65/ I won't write down. I'll write down, round about there. and 45$? Yes, round about, CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR. COAKER CONTD,: And do you understand everything that you take down in your notes? Everything I write down I write what the speaker speaks, sometimes it doesn't make sense and I write it down. BY THE COURT; Do you mean some things that are said don't mate sense and you don't understand? I don't understand but I write it down, CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR. COAKER CONTD.; And how do you write it down do you write down the precise words used, or do you give us nearly as you can a condensed version of it? Precise words used. Do you sometimes have the impression that these speakers don't know what they are talking about, or that they are talking sheer nonsense? I only write down what the speakers talk. Do you sometimes have the impression that they don't know what they are talking about, or that they are talking sheer non-

16 sense? Well, whether they are talking nonsense or not, I write down. Do you sometimes have the impression that they are talking nonsense, I am asking you now for the third time? Well, if they talk... BY THE COURT; No, no. You have already told us that sometimes they say things that don't make any sense. So, the impression then is it is nonsense? That is right. (No further questions) MR. 5L0V0; NO QUESTIONS; NO RE-EXAMINATION: COURT_ADJOURNS TO 26/4/57.

17 COURT RESUMES 26/4/57? MR. COAKER ADDRESSES COURT; (Accused Absent Same as on 25/4/57, Accused No. 7, Bokala, returned to Court, Accused No. 138, Motala, returned to Court, Accused No. 116 granted leave to consult doctor. Accused No. 149, D. Singh, granted leave to consult doctor. Accused No. 131, 0. Hurbans, certificate handed in. BENSON MAKALIMA, duly sworn, (Interp; E. Mazwai, Xosa/Eng.) EXAMINED BY P.P. (MR. VAN PER WALT); You are a native detective sergeant, S.A.Police, stationed at Worcester? Yes. On 7/2/55, did you attend a meeting of the Congress of the People at Winston Hall, Worcester? ^es. About what time did the meeting commence? About 8.30 in the evening. Until when? I wouldn't be able to say now. Who was the chairman at the meeting? Joseph Mpoza. Is he one of the Accused? Yes. (90) Did you take notes in longhand at the meeting? Yes. You have your notes now before you? Yes. Did the chairman address the meeting? Yes, he did. Read what he said? "As we are gathered here we shall now stand and Mangalie will lead us in prayer. You all know that today it is a risk to hold a public meeting, because the detective who take notes don't usually take what is said at a meeting. But we can't retreat on those grounds, because we must unite. Paul Kruger said the same, that unity is strength. This meeting is called under the auspices of the Congress of the People. You all know what the Congress of the People means." Yes, will you omit the rest of his speech. "Who was the next speaker? George Mpinda. Will you read what he said? "I want to remind you of the call of the Congress of the People. This was stated to assemble in June this year at which the Freedom Charter will be tabled.

18 I don't know whether you have already taken this message outside. As we are gathered here I don't think there is anyone free. As Strijdom opened the parliament, the Nationalists brought more laws, amendments such as empowering the police to enter any place and meeting without a warrant. We as leaders we should be certain of one thing and that is to carry out the news of the Freedom Charter. We should preach the Congress of the People so that by June this has reached every ear. We should select delegates to attend this conference of the Congress of the People, I make the call again that the Congress of the People is not an organisation. No money is demanded at this Congress of the People This Congress of the People is composed of the African National Congress, the Indian Congress, Congress of Democrats and the S.A. Coloured Peoples Organisation. It is today dangerous to stand up in front of the people and speak. You have heard the chairman saying that people will be removed from certain areas in Johannesburg. The Government talks of black spots. See what happened at Sakkiesdorp. One who built up a house for 40, the Council gave only 2." I Who was the next speaker? Comment by the chairman. Will you read what he said? "We must -understand that the Congress of the People is not a small thing. This will he understood by the fact that the lion of the North has banned a number of the members so that the conference may not take place this June. We sbo 11 " 1 ' 5 ' ~v^~mren by what we do. We know today that the Dutch are high, but they were also like us. It is known that the slave of today will be a leader of tomorrow." Who was the next speaker? Mangalie, Omit his speech, and who spoke after him? It was another comment by the chairman. Omit that as well? Yes. Who spoke then? Julius Buza. Is he one of the Accused? Yes. (80) i

19 Read what he said? "As I stand here, I feel strong, hecause I am standing on my soil. What the Government is doing will not stop us. The Dutch may say or do anything he wishes, we shall not stop. The law that is Coming will crush all of us and has heen made for the natives only. A white man is always stupid, as he says he is making room for himself, hut does not understand that he is endangering himself. By these numerous laws they engulf themselves. They say this will enable the child to work for his people. Where shall the child get a job with a Std. II education? If the Government gives me the land good and sufficient for my living, then I say that is all right. The same education that he has. This Act will make us to see only a European as they want to be gods on earth. Why does the Europeans not accept the same education, why must they say we should study as far as Std. II only. This is the A.N.C. resolution; All children to be out of schools 1/4/55 because the education is poison.' If you send your children to school on the 1st April 1955 then you should know that you are cursing the African National Congress. Let us not give our children the poison of this Bantu Education Act. The non-europeans who are on the side of the Europeans, should know that they will pay for that one day." Who was the next speaker? Ben Baartman. Will you read what he said? "You must all attend your meetings so that tomorrow you may also stand here in front of your people and speak. I was one of the men who was a leader in the defiance, during the defiance of unjust laws. As a European laughs we must cry. Never laugh with a European. You must come near so that when we are banned you should take the lead. Our old ancestors were Christians and that is why they called the Europeans Abelungu, You should join the united action committee. 1! (Notes handed in G.392) FURTHER EXAMINATION BY P.P.; (10/3/55) On 10/3/55, did you attend a meeting of the Congress of the

20 People at Winston Hall, Worcester? Yes. About what time did the meeting commence? I haven't got it recorded on the notes, but generally they start about 8.30 in the evening. Who was the chairman? The chairman was Ben Baartman. You took notes at the meeting? Yes. And you have your notes now before you? Yes. Will you read what the chairman said? "Daughters and Sons of Afrika. We shall now open the meeting by a prayer. You all know that you are here under the auspices of the Congress of the People. I shall explain what this means. It is a campaign to join the African National Congress, the Coloured Peoples Organisation, the S.A. Indian Congress and the Congress of Democrats, June will be an important month this year, because all those who want freedom will assemble. Today we want your demands to be embodied in the Freedom Charter. You will remember that since 1900 when the Europeans came into power, it was a step for non-europeans to stand up and help themselves. I shall only have two speakers. As we always have volunteers at meetings, there will be someone in his place. Soon as the Government bans one, one comes and takes his place. Mpinda will explain what the Congress of the People expects from us. As soon as I give the chance to you, you must all be ready to give your demands. We are to send our delegates to this conference," Who was the next speaker? The next speaker was George Mpinda. Will you read what he said? "Chairman and friends, this conference we talk of we shall have to go back to the beginning. There were demands for freedom. Let us speak of the lands we plough. Let us speak of the greens we plough, of what little we get. Lorries stand in thousands to go to the K.W.V., but the money we get is not even half of what they get. Those who have worked at farms will know this. If you go to the reserves you

21 you will notice that the land ploughed hy one man is not even half of what is ploughed hy one farmer. Let us speak of the beautiful children we hear. Some of our people do not want to educate their children. The rent at the now location are suffering because of high rent. I am a worker at the Hex Tex. I don't know when last I got an increase. You will remember as the chairman had said: Since the Europeans came into power they have made laws to suppress us. Those who read the Cape Times they will notice that no one will see except Dr. Donges. The natives will notice that there is a law called the Bantu Education. Different explanations are given by the teaohers. One teacher said this Bantu Education is good. Decisions of the African National Congress are as follows; The poison given by the Government for our children we must not let them eat. In Port Elizabeth you will find that the native religious ministers have given up because of the decision of the African National Congress, As from 1/4/55 the children must be taken out of schools. In June the Congress of the People conference will be held. We should try and raise money for delegates. I shall also call upon our volunteers of the Congress of the People We should be prepared to go to the Congress of the People. The pamphlets that I have just handed to you demand to know what you would do if you had the power to make the laws. The Europeans came with the Bible, but they don't practise what is said in it. As soon as you speak of your freedom this Government says you are a communist. We don't know anything about communism," The next speaker? Baartman. "You have already heard what the speaker has already said. When we speak of Africans, we mean every one born in this country, even those who call themselves Afrikaners. In order that you may achieve your wants, join the organisation, join the African National Congress or the united action committee. I shall now call upon the last speaker, Busa,"

22 Bid he then address the meeting-? Yes. Will you read what he said is he one of the Accused? Yes, he is one of the Accused (80). "Africans, I thank the privilege of being here. I am greatly sorry that it is the Africans only present and no coloured people. Let us try and keep our spirits and attend our meetings. As soon as one falls one should always be ready to fill up the gap. It is clear that among the coloured people there are many who do not follow their leaders. The Government does not want to hear the truth. If you say the truth, the Government says you speak lies, and vice versa. Shall we be speaking the truth. Today I shall say this to the Africans, Bantu Education Act, it is only 21 days before the 1/4/55. There should be only say from today, until the 1st April, and that is, no children to attend school, I am glad that I am an African, because my fatter was born here, but the father who begot those who are sitting there was not born here. The coloureds whom they found here tried to help the Europeans. How do they thank us today. They say we should carry passeb. In other centres as soon as 9 p.m. strikes, you must run into your room. Today they can say what they want because they can go to Parliament. We want to build up the Fr^edom Charter. Let us speak of the land on which we live. We grow all kinds of food, but what do we get for that? People go to the bottom of the earth and die there. Others suffer from miners phthisis. Let us stand up and speak of one voice. We should have the same right's as others. We should have servants and have the land to plough. Those who work on the mines should get the highest wages in the landbecause they dig the gold. They should at least get 6 per week even 40 would still be not sufficient. Farm labourers should get more money. They get up early in the morning. They cannot see their children, whether they are sick or not. All town dwellers get their supply of food from the farms. Let us speak of one parliament, so that we go and get what we want. Let

23 <, t us do away with representatives. Let us fight for freedom together. le repeat that at the Congress of the People conference the farm labourers should get more money, and the mineworkers should also get more pay. Whether you he black or white, there is only one truth and that is the African is in Africa. Our children get poor education. The Congress of the People Conference wants all volunteers to bring forward the demands for the Freedom Charter, Some of the teachers say this Bantu Education Act is good in one way or the other. But remember the 1st April, don't send your children to school. We want you, the coloured people, should help us by prayers. We don't fight with weapons, but with prayers." Who was the next speaker? Mpoza. Is he one of the Accused? Yes. (90) Will you read what he said? "Chairman and friends, as the chairman has already said, I am not feeling well, but I feel now that I can speak for an hour. We should not be mistaken about John Alwyn and Assa Dawood. The condition about which we are gathered here tonight is very important. Remarks made here by speakers are good and important. The Congress of the People Freedom Charter is like the defiance campaign. We want to tell Mr. Strijdom as to how we want to be ruled so that our children should be govosied as we want. Dr. Malan was defeated by his apartheid regulations and ran to Stellenbosch. Compulsory education was introduced to the Europeans. They did so because the Dutch did not want to attend school," What happened then? Demands. Who made the demands? The same speaker. Will you read these demands? "Vote to be extended to all on these grounds. As one has no vote he is nothing. We Africans here have none. All our banned leaders should be released as they are not guilty of any offence," Who was the next speaker? Dimaza.

24 Omit his speech. Who spoke after him? Mangalie, Omit his speech. Who spoke after him? Mrs. Van Der Westhuizen. Also omit that. Who spoke then? Dulazi. Omit that as well. Who spoke then? Pindela. Omit. Next speaker? Mtlanesana. Omit that, and then? Busa. One of the Accused? Yes. (80) Just read what he said? "Abolition of passes with native women. Juries should appear according to the colour and race of an accused." "In town councils people should he represented according to their want." The next speaker? K, March. Omit his speech. Who spoke then? Joseph Mpoza. (90). "I demand that all should he allowed to trade anywhere they wish. More maternity homes and hospitals. Free education. Equal rights for all." (Notes handed in G.393) FURTHER EXAMINATION BY P.P.: (15/5/55.) On 15/5/55, did you attend a meeting of the African National Congress, Sakkiesdorp, Worcester? Yes. Ahout what time did the meeting commence? Ahout 6 p.m. to ahout 7.15 p.m. 1 Who was the chairman? Ben Baartman. Did you take notes at the meeting? Yes. And you have your notes before you now? Yes. Will you read what the chairman said? "Africans, it appears that to me we the Africans of Worcester have all what we need with the exception of the few present now. We have been awaiting here since 4 p.m. to allow more people to attend this meeting, hut what are the results? Only a few persons. Our Africans at the New Location are experiencing great difficulties because many of them are without jobs. Despite the rent

25 that is already too high, the city council pulled down the people's homes in Sakkiesdorp and forced them to go to the New Location. This was all a plan to get us to go to the farms and work on the farms there," Who was the next speaker? George Mpinda, Will you read what he said? "What is happening to the African people today is what was professed hy the African National Congress years ago. We had warned not to accept the plan of the Council. Up to today the council has not paid hack to the Africans the costof their houses which it has asked them to pull down. Instead of it doing so, the Africans must now pay the Council for the new houses at New Location. If we don't come together we shall have to struggle for another 300 years. Under the oppression of the Europeans. There will he an important meeting soon in the near future, for the Congress of the People in Johannesburg. We intend to elect a delegate to go and represent us at this meeting, hut seeing that we are so few, we cannot do so. We know perfectly that you are afraid of the detectives and don't want to come to meetings. We shall elect our delegate later at another meeting." Who was the next speaker? Julius Busa. Is he one of the Accused? Yes, (Accused No, 80,) Will you read what he said? "There are only a few Africans who can stand for the rights of the Bantu peoples." Meeting closed with only 15 native males at 7.10 p.m. There were only 15 native males? Yes, (Notes handed in G.394.) FURTHER EXAMINATION BY P.P. (10/7/55,) On 10/7/55, did you attend a meeting of the African National Congress? Yes, at Kwezi Location, Worcester. About what time did the meeting commence? 3 p.m. Until when? 4,50 p.m. Can you say about how many persons attended the meeting? No.

26 Who was the chairman? The chairman was Ben Baartman. Did you take notes at the meeting? Yes. You have your notes now before you? Yes. Will you read what the chairman said? "Ladies and Gentlemen. As we had sent out pamphlets calling you to this meeting to hear for yourselves a first hand report of the delegates to the Congress of the People conference in Johannesburg. You will now have the opportunity to listen to some of these delegates. Our first speaker will be Mr. Mpoza who happened to be the only Worcester man successful to reach Johannesburg." Who was the next speaker? Joseph Mpoza. Is he one of the Accused? Yes. (80) Will you read what he said? "As the chairman has asked that we should be as brief as we can, I shall only speak of the demands placed on the Big Book and the 10 points of the Freedom Charter. I left Worcester on 24/6/55 with the other delegates. But I travelled by car, while the others travelled by lorry. At Colesberg we were stopped by the police and asked to produce our tax receipts as well as permits. Fortunately we were lucky to have all these documents and allowed to continue our journey. I never saw such a big gathering of people in all my life. There were so many people that the conference was held outside. At Kliptown we were told that the Worcester delegates were detained at Beaufort West. Dr. Conco who is national treasurer of the African National Congress opened the conference amid great excitement of thousands and police interruption. It was estimated at one stage that there were about 3,000 delegates. At the end of the conference there were anything like 7,000 persons present. When the police and detective entered the conference the delegates sang the African National Congress songs. The chairman demanded their right of entry and they produced a warrant. Names and documents were taken and other detectives took photographs of delegates who were informed that

27 the action of the police was caused hy an alleged treason suspected of the Congress of the People. On the Freedom Charter it was recorded that all nations should make laws to share fruit of the country equally one national organisation," Who was the next speaker? Joe Nguluhe, Will you read what he said? "I was one of the Cape Town delegates prevented from reaching the conference. We started at the Grand Parade with 50 delegates on 24/6/55. At Beaufort West we were stopped hy the police. The drivers were charged for transporting passengers without permits. This case was later remanded to the 13/7/55 and I am one of the witnesses who had been suhpoeanaed to attend court. Residents of Beaufort West showed a great deal of interest in our campaign for freedom We sent the following telegramto the conference. No persons to he jailed for trivial offences like the pass laws, etc. That all nationalities to he allowed to preside as magistrates. To seek employment where they like. We also passed the resolution that our minds and hearts were with them." The next speaker? Julius Busa, Is he one of the Accused? Yes. (80) Hoad what he said? "Sons and Daughters of Africa, the Congress has decided on a number of things. Before laws are made, the non-europeans should take part in the making. Government to extend the free education to the children of poor parents. To receive equal pay for equal work." The next speaker? K, March? "No nation can prosper without an organisation. Dr. Malan who had been Prime Minister was at one time minister of religion, but because his people had no leader and organisation he went to lead them. Today they are leaders of the country. If we don't belong to the African National Congress, we can't get our freedom. We had to oppose the Bantu Education, but some received it. We had to reject the school committee which we were asked to elect by the Depart

28 ment of Education, but some of us did elect this, hut I don't know where these people will work, because the children are ours. The symbol of the Congress of the People is a large wheel with 4 spokes. They represent the African National Congress, thes.a. Coloured Peoples Organisation, the S.A. Indian Congress and the Congress of Democrats, and the four corners of the globe. Does that conclude the meeting? Yes. (Notes handed in G.395.) FURTHER EXAMINATION BY P.P.: (4/12/55) On 4/12/55, did you attend a report back meeting by Mr. L.B, Lee-Warden? Yes. At Kwezi Location, Worcester? Yes. What time did the meeting commence? 3.40 p.m. Until when? I haven't got that. About how many persons attended the meeting? I don't know. Who was the chairman? John Mtini. Is he one of the Accused? Yes. (91) Did you take notes at the meeting? Yes. Will you read what the chairman said? "African people are seeking nothing else except their freedom in the land of their birth. The Government is striving hard to oppress the natives. A number of new gaols have sprung up over the night for natives to be collected into. Natives must learn to unite by joining the African National Congress." Who was the next speaker? Mr, L.B. Lee-Warden, Is he one of the Accused? Yes, (98) Will you read what he said? "During my term of office as your representative in Parliament, I have come to this conclusion. The aim of the Government, as other previous ones, is to keep the Africans under constant oppression. I am not a legal adviser for the Africans, nor their leader, but merely their mouthorgan. All complaints by the Africans should be forwarded to the African National Congress organisation which will in turn

29 instruct me as to what direction to follow. The othor day the African women came to see me from Lamberts Bay in connection with their grievances there. I did what I could to assist them, and that is not an isolated case. Thousands of others from Cape Town are being driven away from the Peninsula under Section 10 of the Urban Areas Act. In such cases, I direct them to a suitable lawyer like Mr. Sam Kahn, in whom I have great faith and believe that you feel the same. The advice I give you is to join the African National Congress. In June this year, 3,000 delegates attended the conference of the Congress of the People in Kliptown, representing millions of people, and 10,000 came as observers. We are now looking forward to the Freedom Charter with a million signatures. Conditions in this location indicate that men who planned these houses are used to planning cattle stables. When the Housing Commission arrives here from Pretoria, I shall certainly bring them here to see what kind of houses are being given to the African people. I shall also not forget to tell Dr. Donges of bad conditions existing in his own constituency." Who was the next speaker? Joseph Mpoza. Is he one of the Accused? Yes. (90). Read what he said? "What is the opinion of Mr. Lee-Warden in connection with the Bantu Education Act as some of the parents in this location, of children attending school, have been invited and others left out, to attend an election of the school-committee on December 6th, Is it advisable to attend though not invited?" And then? Mr. Lee-Warden replied; Omit that. (Notes handed in G.396.)

30 FURTHER EXAMINATION BY P.P.; (19/2/56.) On 19/2/1956, did you attend a meeting of the African National Congress, at Kwezi Location, Worcester? Yes. About what time did the meeting commence? 5.15 p.m. Until when? No, I don't know. Who was the chairman? Ben Baartman. V/ill Did you take notes at the meeting? Yes. have them before you? Yes. Will you read what the chairman said? "Last time we gathered here, we mentioned that today we shall get the decision of the women as to whether they agree to accept passes. Besides this we shall listen to Joseph Mpoza and Julius Busa what they have to tell us as far as grievances concerning us here." Who was the next speaker? Joseph Mpoza, Is he one of the Accused? Yes. (90). Read what he said? "Chairman and Friends, it is not necessary today to tell you that the African National Congress is a legal organisation, because this has been said to you thousands of times. Many of you even know about the African National Congress better than many of those sitting at this table today. So because of that I shall not say much about the African National Congress, but will tell you that it is better to be a member of this African National Congress with little knowledge than to be a non-member who knows too much. You will all remember that on 25-26/6/55 all roads lead to Kliptown, to the Congress of the People Conference where these pamphlets you see now before you were formulated. Thousands of demands were made by the people. We also sent our delegates from here in Worcester. I was the only delegate successful to reach the conference. Others including Busa were stopped by the police at Beaufort West and did not reach the conference. The Freedom Charter is a ten point programme and published in many languages. We received here Xosa pamphlets which must be studied carefully by all and we also

31 want your signatures for the same Freedom Charter, to show the world that we are governed in this manner in this countryi Who was the next speaker? Julius Busa. Is he one of the Accused? Yes. (80). Read what he said? "Our women are today faced today with heing issued with passes hy force. They shall he compelled to produce them to any policeman when required to do so, same as men. If they accept these passes, they will sooner or later he compelled to pay the poll-tax same as the men. It is better to fight the law while it is still in Parliament than to wait until it is law, I appeal to all women to rally and oppose thes passes. The African National Congress Women's League is deter*, mined to right the passes and it is our duty here as well as everywhere else to do the same. We also want those who are not yet African National Congress members to join the African National Congress. We have also received a few names of women who want to join the African National Congress Women's League," (Notes handed in G.397). (No further questions.) CROSS-EXAMINED BY MR. COAKSR: It is quite obvious from your notes that you are not able to write down everything that is said by speakers at these meetings is that correct? Yes, Will you give an estimate of how much you are able to take down? As much as I can. But there must be a great doal of which is said that you are unable to get down because of the speed at which the speakers speak? Yes. Apart from what appears in your notes, you have no independent memory today of any particular one of these speeches, have you? No. (No further questions)

32 MR. SEPVPs NO QUESTIONS: NO RE-EXAMINATIONt HENRY BRINK WIEHAHN, duly sworn, EXAMINED BY P.P.: You are a detective sergeant, S.A,Police, stationed at Worcester? Yes, On the 28/10/54, did you attend a meeting of the United Action Committee at Winston Hall, V/orcester? Yes. Can you say ahout what time the meeting commenced? Approximately 9 p.m. and it ended at 10 Who was the chairman at the meeting? J.Johnson* Did you take notes at the meeting in longhand? Yes* And you have your notes now before you? I have the notes. Now, who was the first speaker? The first speaker was John Alwyn. Did he speak in Afrikaans? He spoke in Afrikaans. Read what he said? "Julie moat ander mense vra om op 4/11/54 na -n vergadering te kom. Terwyl ek die geleentheid het wil ek graag iets in die algemeen se. Suid-Afrika is -n polisiestaat. U weet Die Guardian was geban. Hy is toe verander na die Clarion, toe Peoples World, toe Advance. Hulle se die paper maak propagande vir kommunistiese beginsels. A1 die vakhond leiers word beperk. Ond ;rwysers word 00k beperk; Rev. Scott mag nie in Suid-Afrika kom nie. Die biskoppe van die A.M.E. Zerk word kommuniste genoem. Hulle gaan nou 00k -n wet maak teen die predikante. Sy regte as predikant word ingetrek. Die naturelle se skool word van hom afgeneem. Die huidige regering kan nie kritiek staan nie. Die Advance is n koerant wat eenvoudig nuus skryf, dit word geban. Hoekom ban hulle nie Die Burger nie. Na die Congress of the People gesit het sal ons lede tot die parlement kies, on sal ons eie regering nog saamstel. Hulle het Sussie Gool geban, sy sit al 16 jaar in die Stadsraad,; Hulle ban nie wit mense nie, hulle is die witman se broer, Julie

33 is uit een geskape. Ek het onder die omstandighede hedank as voorsitter van die United Action Committee, iemand anders is in my plek aangestel. Miskien kom ek weer.terug," Who was the next speaker? Assa Dawood. Is she one of the Accused? She is one of the Accused. (82); Will you read what she said? "Ons wil ander week -n groot vergadering hou dus gaan liewers nou huistoe en verkondig dit. Die Advance is in han gedoen, ons het nou vir New Age. Hulle kan maar han maar hy sal weer kom. Hier is -n boekie wat getietel is "Rule hy Sjambok." Hy kos 6d. Hier in Suid-Africa is geen vryheid vir ons swart mense nie, daarom hierdie Congress of the People gaan iets aanvang wat ons gouer tot vryheid sal bring. Die United Party is nie die opposisie van die Regering nie, maar ons, ons is agtermekaar en ons sal na hierdie Regering ons eie Parlement saamstel. Hulle het die Suppression of Communism Act daarmee wil hulle ons stil maak. Nou wil ek vertel van die dock strikers. Hulle staan saam en so sal hulle daardie Regering tot n val bring. 43,000 mense staak daar. Daardie regering het al 165,000,000 skade gelei." (Notes handed in Exh* G.398.) Did you also attend other meetings? Yes. In the company of Makalima and Munnick? Yes, (No further questions) NO CROSS-EXAMINATION; (End of meetings at Cape Town and in Western Province,) WYNAND JACOBUS WESSELS. duly sworn. EXAMINED BY P.P.; You are a detective sergeant, S.A. Police, stationed at Vereeniging? That is correct. On 15/5/55, did you attend a meeting of the African National Congress? Yes, at a place called Jada's Square, Evaton, About what time did the meeting commence? Approximately 9,20 in the morning.

34 Until when? Until 1 p.m., the same day. About how many persons attended the meeting? About 70 native males and 10 native females. Who was the chairman at the meeting? J.M. Kumalo. Is he one of the Accused? Yes. (19) Did you take notes in longhand of the speeches at the meeting? I did. meeting. Nkadimeng. And you have your notes now before you? Yes. Did Kumalo address the meeting? Yes, he addressed the Leave out what he said. Who was the next speaker? Is he one of the Accused? Yes. (54.) Will you read what he said? Yes, Engels, getolk deur twee naturelle onbekend, "Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, and members of the Government. speak here to you today. I have much pleasure to I speak to you on behalf of the A.N.C. Transvaal. I am going to speak about two things, (1) the Bantu Education Act and (2) The Congress of the People. Without wasting any time, I want to tell you that the wheel of freedom has started rolling. When Dr. Verwoerd and his henchmen started with the Bantu Education Act, they said this (kaffir) was the first step to put the Africans/in his right place. is the duty of our people to take notice of what the Government is doing. for our children. We will not rest and we will try our very best keep the wheel of freedom rolling. The president of Congress requested us to It It started rolling at Benoni and is now at the moment still rolling on its way to freedom, I want to ask you people in Evaton to start in Evaton too, keep the wheel of freedom on the roll. watching the wheel and they all want to help us. how dangerous the Bantu Education Act is. no love for us. All over the world people are You all know The Government has It is a clear indication that the Government

35 has declared a psychological war against the African. They first started with the pass-laws and now they want to ruin our children. I want to tell you here and now that the Government has already launch d war against us, I want you people to discuss the Congress everywhere, houses, at your houses and at work. You must join in your thousands. It is the only way to crush this Government. Everywhere where meetings are held you find police who report everything we are saying. They are helping the Government to destroy us. You will never see them at a nationalist meeting. Let them carry on, we will still get our freedom. You must wear your Congress badges. I have seen how Europeans in Johannesburg admire us when we wear our badges. Congress is holding the future of South Africa. The Government is worried. They worry about the fact that we are going forward very fast. The man who led the boycott at Benoni has been deported far away from us to Vryburg. He was deported because Verwoerd is scared of him. Let them deport, they cannot deport our spirit. Let them deport them all, they cannot stop us. The wheel of freedom will keep on rolling. The Government is helping us to become stronger and stronger. In 1951 when we campaigned against the pass laws, certain people of our own worked against us, but they came back to us and they are now all members of Congress. Let the Government intensify their oppression, we are intensifying our struggle. You all know how the Congress of the People was formed. We are now marching forward to 25th and 26th of June, Demands for the Freedom Charter are streaming in and everyone of you must get busy, get busy now. See your friends and write your relations in the reserves. You remember that European delegates to UNO never told the truth about South Africa, When Smuts went there he told them that the people are all very happy in South Africa. They, however, never told them how our people are dying in the mines. They did not tell them how we

36 are oppressed. The delegates from other countries asked them about the defiance campaign and the African National Congress, Mr. Jooste told them that the people are all very happy in South Africa. African National Congress is only a group of mad communists. Who of you here can say: I am happy. Even that detective there, he knows that he is carrying out a very bad job. A job to help the Congress on its way to freedom. The Government says we do not want what is given to us. Your children are being ruined mentally that is why our people become robbers, thieves and killers, then the Government say: Look how bad you are, how can people like you rule a country? I do not think that Verwoerd or any of the other c^inet ministers know how to work, how to build houses. The only thing they can do is to sit in Parliament and make bad laws. Friends, I cannot confound myself. I feel very sore about the way we are oppressed. We must all become organisers of the African National Congress. When I next visit you I want to see more of you here. We must organise because this Government must be defeated. Do you blame us for defying bad laws? Do you call this civilisation? Go and ask comrade Sibande what happened at Bethal from where he was deported. Go and look at No, 4 in Johannesburg," No. 4 is the Fort in Johannesburg, "...where I had the pleasure to be during the defiance campaign. Friends, let us ask ourselves. Will these people stop what they are doing now? Will Strijdom and Co. stop oppressing us? I am telling you again. This Government has launched war against us, not only against us but many other nationalities. When God wants to destroy you, he first makes you mad, this was once said by a famous leader of the A.N.C. Look at the Nat. Government. They are all getting mad. They are destroying themselves. Africa arise, and build your own Government. The wheel of freedom is rolling on." Who is the next speaker? Kumalo. He spoke in a nat-

37 ive language which I did not understand, (Notes handed in G.399) 'I... -» CROSS-EXAMINED BY MR. SLOVO: Will you have a look at your notes, G.399, the very last paragraph on the last page, you have written in Afrikaans, and will you tell His Worship whether I am rendering a correct translation: for an inspiring address. You have here "Kumalo thereafter thanked Nkadimeng He said that the African National Congress seeks freedom not only for the non-whites, hut also for the whites who are suffering under the yoke of a mad Government? That is correct. Kumalo did say that; you have it recorded? I have recorded it f hut it was translated to me hy a native detective. I did not take any further notice of that. Who is the native detective? He is stationed at Vereeniging. What is his name? His name is Leonard Mapanga. (No further questions) FURTHER EXAMINATION BY P.P.: (14/8/55.) On 14/8/55, did you attend a meeting of the African National Congress? Yes, t Jada Square, Evaton, Ahout what time did the meeting commence? The meeting commenced at 10 a.m. Until when? Until p.m. Ahout how many persons attended the meeting? Ahout 400 native males and females. Who was the chairman at the meeting? Make, V.Make. Is he one of the Accused? Yes, he is. (25), Did you take notes at the meeting? Yes. You have your notes before you? I have. Who was the first speaker? Molefi. Is he one of the Accused? Yes. (43.)

38 Will you read what he said? Molefi. "It is already three weeks we are carrying on with this "boycott. During the three weeks we had many difficulties. Some were arrested, some are ill and even members of the committee are ill. We hold committee meetings every night and have to work many hours overtime. We Sons of Africa do not get tired. When we started the boycott, we promised that we will carry on. We are carrying on until we win the fight. I am going to call on certain speakers." The next speaker wat Matsoghai, I am not certain of the correct spelling and the name. I do not know the person. Omit his speech, and who was the next speaker? The next speaker was Hlapane. Is he one of the Accused? No, Omit his speech. Who spoke after him? Molefi, Will you read what he said, "Two people arrested, still in prison. The two men, small boys helped us a lot. Stopped people getting into buses. Last week arrested and beaten up by police. It is a shame to see how we people are beaten up by the police, by black people black policemen. Some of our people are so beaten up by the black police that they cannot even walk. I now call on you for funds to bail out our people. Bob was also arrested, we had to bail him with 50, I want you to understand that the police are allowed to arrest people but not to assault them." Omit the rest of his speech. Who spoke after him? Make, the chairman. Read what he said? English: "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have heard that we are now in the third week of the boycott. Our boycott is not like other boycotts that were held prior to this one. We expected that the police will protect the boycotters instead they assault our people and encourage conductors to assault our people. The conductors are continuing their sub-

39 activities. The police do not take notice of the complaints of our people. On Friday we sent advocate to the police station who will defend all the arrested people," (TJ,87664, Chevrolet 2-tone arrived. Elder man, stout short,) "I received information that last night an E.P.S. Bus left for Durban, You know what that hus went to do in Durban? It went to fetch a lot of Italians who just arrived in Durban. They are all coming to get fat on your labour and sweat. We must drive out these Italians from Evaton and put our own bus company in operation. We do not want an Indian bus service as alleged. We want an African bus company. It is clear that this company is going to carry on with the struggle. We are also going to carry on with the boycott. We are not going to be bribed. Mr. Asmal was arrested last week. The bus company must have bribed the police to arrest Mr. Asmal. This Government of injustice must come to an end and we will see that it comes to an end. The police beat up our pickets last week. We employed our own doctors to examine people who were beaten up by the police and we are going on with our investigations." That ended his speech. The next speaker was Kinsman. I do not know him. Omit his speech. The next speaker? Victor Zondlo. He is not one of the Accused, Read what he said? Zondlo, English. "It is just this I want to say about the boycott. This raising of fares is a stunt of the herrenvolk we are used to. I just want to know have your wages also been raised. It is not only the bus company to be looked upon, there are other matters to be taken in consideration. Why are the police assisting the bus company. The police are here to force you to do what the bus company wants you to do. It is the policy of the Government to oppress the Africans. It is the policy of the Government to suck your blood. It is not only the bus company that does not like us,

40 to fight against them. The Government also dislikes that we fight the Italians. Bus fares have not heen raised in Evaton only. It was raised in other places too. People in Alexandra had the same struggle. They fought it to the hitter end and win the struggle. You must remember if you win the company then you also win the Government. In Sophiatown the Government threw out people because they were too many. The Government expects us to work for them until we drop down dead. This town belongs to you. Why not make your own arrangements for a bus company. You will not succeed so early because you have strong forces to fight against, (1) capitalism, (2) The Government. V/e are not given a chance to go ahead. We are oppressed. We want are only workers and the Government/us to remain slaves. I appeal to you to carry on the struggle. You must fight to the bitter end. Do not only fight against the increased bus fares. Fight against the other evils, the oppression machine, the machine that has not started working today, it started many years ago. You must co-operate with other organisations. Unite all over the country. Unity is strength and we must carry on until we have unity." That was the end of his speech. The next speaker? Andrew Iniele. He is not one of the Accused. Will you read? Andrew Lukele, English: "I am glad to see how encouraged you are. see how determined you are. I am completely overwhelmed to I only have admiration for you, I already feel that I am part of your struggle. You are very brave. We learned in Johannesburg how brave you are and we admire you. Your struggle is our struggle. The fact that you have not yet won the struggle is that you are not only fighting against the bus company, you are fighting against the Government too. To finalise the struggle against exploitation you must work hard. You must remember the Government stands 100$ behind

41 won the struggle against the company, you have climbed a step of the ladder up against the Government too. We are living from hand to mouth "" I cannot'make out what I wrote here. He continues: "The increase in bus fares is just another way of oppression. We must not relax. Fight side by side. We must win the struggle. I do not regard myself as a stranger here, I am part and parcel here, I am with you in the struggle here. Is not only the struggle against increased bus fares, it is the struggle against National oppression. There are other struggles to be fought. United. Unite my friends. Why is it that when the fierce blow was struck at the bus company the whole Government machinery was set into action. Yes, my people, here we have an example of what we have to fight against. We are slaves. Never mind where, you, country or town you are slaves." I cannot make this out now. "...divide and rule Government policy. You all know the methods the government adopts to divide you people. Our strength lies in unity. You must also realise that being oppressed you must unite. Carry on with the struggle. Carry on with the fight, The Government is trying to break up our struggle. We must build up our morale. We must not allow the Government to the morale of the people. Our struggle is a permanent one. We must organise. We must all have our organisations so that we can emerge from the depth of the well we have been pressed into. We must have a permanent organisation so that we can carry on with our struggles permanently. Realising that our victory lies in unity, it is the message I bring to you people. Unite, We should get... continue with organisations in this country, discuss our problems with each other, co-ordinate. All the organisations must be linked up. It is just because we are not united the Government to divide us and rule the way they are ruling us today. My last word is Unity. Unity shall be the army of deliberation. Unity is our only weapon today.

42 Unite not only in persons groups and organisations must all Toe united,." Then in brackets. (12.20 p.m. while meeting in progress,. an E.P.S. passed, a bus, and a stone was thrown at it.) Then his speech carries on. "The people who are arrested,..." (Witness re-reads at request of Mr. Coaker) "All the organisations must be linked up. It is just because we are not united the Government " He must have said a word there I could not understand, I have in brackets 'slaag,' succeed. He must have said something I could not hear at the time. "... to divide us and rule the way they are ruling us today. My last word is UNITY. Unity shall be the army of deliberation. Unity is our only weapon today. Unite not only in person, not only groups, organisations must all be united."»..., "The people who are arrested have just been arrested to break our struggle. We have many people to replace them. We will see that those who were arrested will be legally assisted. When they come out of gaol they must find the struggle win," That was the end of the speech? Yes. What happened then? At p.m. I have it in my notes here, Bus stop opposite meeting place, Bus No 10, was severely stoned by natives. Sgt. Groenewald requested bus driver Andrew Matsimele to immediately proceed. He refused, and according to bystanders he said I am working for the Italians and not the bloody police. He refused to move on and the bus was stoned. Sgt, Groenewald arrested one young boy who threw a half brick. Bystanders then assaulted Sgt. Groenewald and freed the prisoner. Only then the bus moved away. Molefi and Make assisted Sgt. Groenewald. Are those the two speakers? Yes. They assisted Sgt. Groenewald. What I meant here was this. When Sgt.. Iroenewald was stoned by these natives, bricks', stones were thrown at him, Molefi and Make came to his assistance. They helped him out of the crowd. Sgt. Groenewald fired five shots in the ground,

43 nobody was hurt. His right shoulder and hand were injured, but not seriously. He lost his cap. (Notes handed in G.400) FURTHER EXAMINATION BY P.P.; (28/8/55.) On the 28th August, 1955,, did you attend a meeting of the African National Congress? No, it was not a meeting of the African National Congress, It was a residents meeting, residents of Evaton, And where was it held? At Jada Square, Evaton, About what time did the meeting commence? The meeting commenced about a.m. and concluded at 2.30 p.m. on the same day. About how many persons attended the meeting? About 400 native ^en. one European and one Indian, Who was the chairjffiji of the meeting? Make was the chairman. Is he one of the Accused? Yes. (25) Did you take notes in longhand of the speeches? I did. And you have them now before you? I have. Did the chairman address the meeting? Yes. Will you read what he said? "Sons and Daughters of Africa, Today we.inter the sixth week of our boycott. We have now shown the bus company our determination. You all know that the company spread the rumours that the boycott would l^st only one week. They even used the police to assist them to make sure that the boycott would last only one week. We have shown the company and police how determined we are. It is reported that the company has employed a group of Russians to work against us in Evaton. Nobody can stop us now. We are determined to continue this struggle until we get what we want. I am howevery very disappointed in finding that our volunteers are becoming lazy. They are not attending the pickets are regularly as they did during the first two weeks of the boycott. We begged the com-

44 pany from the beginning to reduce the fares to l/6d f between Evaton and Johannesburg. Now we are not even asking them, we are going to force them to reduce to the fares we are prepared to pay. We ask no sympathy from the Italians. The Italians complained at the Road Transportation Board that they have no money, the reason why have to increase the fares. Where do they get the money from to employ Russians to bribe police and other officials and to bring a lot of Italians out to this country to come and get fat on our money. We demand an explanation from the company. Why not employ African inspectors on the buses? We have the company where we want it. We are on our way to victory. We are going to defeat the company even if we have to carry on with the boycott until the end of the year. On Tuesday we are all going to buy monthly tickets at the railway station. We are going to show the company that we are a force to be recognised. Everything is in our favour. The weather, the Government. It is getting warmer and we are get<ting more trains. I call on you all to buy monthly railway tickets. By doing so we are putting the company off for another month. My last request is, go to bus stops, keep on telling people not to travel by E.P.S. buses. They must be defeated." The next speaker was was S.M. Nathie, he is one of the Accused. (No. 50). I have in brackets here "Was called upon, greeted with Afrika," He said "Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, from the Indian Community of Evaton I bring you greetings and luck. We are 100^ behind you in this boycott. We shall do everything in our to bring this boycott to a victorious end to the people of Evaton. Long one and his " I may justmention this is a nickname the people in Evaton use for one of the directors of Evaton Passenger Service buses, "Longone and his Italians come from a country called Italy where they have been dominated by that man Mussolini. They now think they can apply their Fascist methods here in Africa too, but they

45 did not take the power of our people the Africans in consideration. They people in Africa today are in in a position where we can do what we want to do. We have many people on the run and in fright. We are united and with the support I and other Indians promise you Africans we will stand "behind you until the bitter end. Things are changing and we are going ahead. I just want to warn you be careful of spies. The Italians have many spies working for them, even the police are working for them. We must not tolerate what is being done to our people. You must be determined. Garry on with the struggle, we are with you as we have always been." I have in brackets: Sgt. Geldenhuys arrived in full uniform, I requested him to leave.) "I am informed that Longone employed people to go around Evaton to tell people that the Indians are not in the Africans side, but on the company's side. That is a deliberate lie. We have always been with you in all your struggles and we are with you in this str-uggle too. We are on our way to victory. I just want to warn the scabs and spies, when we have won, when victory is ours, we will deal with them Afrika, Afrika, Mayibuyei" The next speaker was Make, the chairman. He thanked Nathie and said "Everyone at the meeting is glad for the support from the Indians. Mr. Nathie can be sure that we will also always be with them in their struggle. I now call on Mr. Molefi." Is he one of the Accused? Yes. (43.) Read what he said ;? "I am not going to make a long speech as I have a sore throat. I just want to thank Mr. ^athie for his very inspiring message. I am also very glad to inform the gathering that we are on our way to victory. We have our enemies on the run. It is with the assistance of Mr. Nathie and our Indian friends that we are getting ahead, I feel that if the Indians want to run a bus company in Evaton and charge the fares we are prepared, and which we can afford to pay, we are prepared to accept them. Even Europeans, ~

46 Chinese, Portuguese, can run the "buses, as long as we are not overcharged. We are sick and tired of exploitation. It is about time we made a stop to it, I think our enemies have also come to think that we must be tired of exploitation. They must be alive to notice our determination. You must have noticed that the share in Carleo's bus company have gone done 100$. Longone is worried. His company is going down and I can only give him this advice, go back to Italy and sell your huses. I am very proud of the determination of our people. I have more hope now that we have the personal message of Mr. Nathie. We are on our way to victory. After victory we are going to court with a lot of people. We shall take them to our own court and deal with them according to law, our law. The driver of bus No. 11 must be charged for incitement. We are investigating the case and we are going to call on the police to give evidence in this case. He is the one who let his bus full of Russians on Saturday, 26 27, to incite the people of Evaton. We have the assurance of the Basuto leaders that they are with us in our struggle. I again wish to bring you the message about the Railways. The Railways are going to put an extra train on its service between Evaton and Midway, Even our fares on the Railways are going to be reduced to the fares paid in Johannesburg, Jobs are going open to people," That was the end of his speech. The next speaker was Michael Motsile. He is not one of the Accused, Did he have a certain badge on him? Yes, he was wearing an African National Congress badge on the lapel of his jacket. Will you read what he said? "Michael Motsile, A.N.C. Badge, Alexandra Township. Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen: I am very glad that I again have a chance to speak to the people of Evaton. I am very proud to see that you are so very much determined here in Evaton. When I was first invited to Evaton

47 didn't want me to come. I as secretary of the Alexandra ANC branch said it would like a hide and seek game. I however told them that my services are needed in Evaton, and they allowed me to go. Now they are also very glad that I was invited for a second time. You will realise that we are fighting a struggle where our people are heing killed hy oppressors. You will realise that we are killed because we are demanding full loaves of bread, not half leaves. You all know what happened last week in French Morocco, people demanding their freedom were killed like dogs. They also demanded full loafs and not half loaves. The Italian and his gang of loafers must remember that the road to victory is blood, sweat and tears, and they must remember that we Africans are used to blood, sweat and tears. One of these days they are going to use guns on us. Wh6n the first shot is fired and the first one of us killed, y6u must remember victory and freedom is very near. Let them kill us, we expect it. The whole world expects it. It is not only here we are fighting the struggle, the whole of Africa is struggling. In Kenya, in French Morocco, Gold Coast, Sudan. The Africans are fighting for liberation, the whole of Africa is awake. We are prepared to fight all our struggles to the bitter end. I appeal to you in Evaton to -unite and keep up the spirit. We are determined and not only determined but very positive to get our freedom. We are not going to be divided. We are not going to allow this Government to carry out the policy of divide and rule. We must unite and fight. We must not only fight against our oppressors, but also against our own people who are spies and who despise us. My own people, the Basutos who are being bribed by Europeans to fight for them, they must be fought. I am very disappointed to hear that Russians are working for the Italians. I do not believe it and make this very serious request to them, do not despise your own people. Do not go against your own people. I appeal to my people from

48 Basutoland to " Do you know to whom he was referring when he mentioned Russians? These Russians referred to hy the speakers at this meeting, were the Sothos who were against the boycott movement, The next speaker? The next speaker was Dr. Press. Is he one of the Accused? Yes. (60). Will you read what he said? Dr. Press, greeted Afrika, Mayihuye. "I am very glad to he with you people. I want to first advise you that the bus company are disciples of the Government. They are working for the Government. They asked the Government to keep them. oppress the people. The Government asked them to help not If you people unite then/only can you throw the hus company out of Evaton, but you can also throw the Government out. Your struggle against the hus company is a part of the struggle in Africa against oppression. The unity of the people is the main weapon against the Government. Unite as never before. You the African people are in the majority. The Indian and Coloured people are with you in all your struggle When all the people come together at Kliptown, they made a Freedom Charter. We -all came together and drew up the Charter, the needs of the people. You all know the constitution. Part of it reads; Africa belongs to all the people, black and white and no Government can claim the right to oppress you. We are many yes many Europeans who are with you. We stand behind you in your struggles and we are prepared to fight with you for freedom. We will get our freedom and when victory is ours we will show this Government. The people will run their own buses and the people will unite' South Africa. Mayihuye Afrika." Who was the next speaker? The next speaker was Motloung from Johannesburg, I do not know this person. Omit his speech. Who was the next speaker? Robert Resha.

49 Is he one of the Accused? Yes. (63.) Will you read what he said? "Afrika, Afrika. Mr. Chairman, Sons and Daughters of Africa. I am very glad to be with you people in Evaton. You are not alone in this struggle. We are showing the white man today that this land is the land of Chaka, Moshes, etc. I want to tell you that you must be determined in this struggle. Your struggle today will not be the only struggle. You have many more struggles to fight, but be determined my people and fight against the oppression which is today in full operation here at Evaton. The bus company is a very small enemy, but it is used by the Government. The Government is in charge of the bus company. The Italians have been employed, and they do not know it, by the Government to oppress you. We have learned in Johannesburg how you people are assaulted and arrested, just because you decline to travel on the buses. We are also informed of the shrewd ways the Government and the Italians are adopting in oppressing you. You must realise my people that this is the road to victory. Our forefathers prqhesied that our road will be a difficult one, full of lions, like the lion of the north, Strijdom. We have been told what struggle lies in front. The white peoples are all united against us. We are very glad however to have people like Dr. Press who stand with us today. We are not united, we are divided. That is why we are ruled. The Government is dividing the people. They tell the Basutos to work for the Bus company and the Italians otherwise they will be deported to Basutoland. What do you think of this Government? What do you think of the way they are trying to divide us. But I am telling you the Basutos are all with you in this struggle. The few who work for the Government are scabs, loafers, and are being paid for their dirty work. They must however remember that victory is going to be ours and we will deal with them. I want to appeal to my blackpeople, unite and help us in the struggle, not only

50 in this struggle with the "bus company, hut in our "big struggle, oppression. That man there of Swart must take careful notes. He must tell Swarts that the people in Evaton is -united and prepared. We are prepared for every little thing that can possibly be thrown against us. I appeal to you all to stand together and show the bus company and the Government that we are united as never before. Keep on with the boycott. You are on the way to victory. When you have won this struggle you have won not only a^lnst the bus company but also against the Government, My last message to you, unite and victory will be ours," Now, will you refer to the beginning of your notes, you have names at the top? Yes, I have. Just read them? The first one is Make, Molefi, Kumalo, Why did you make those notes? He must have been at the meeting, persons I know, who attended the meeting. Now, the name Kumalo you noted down? Yes. Is that the name of one of the Accused? Yes, (19) (Notes handed in G.401) FURTHER EXAMINATION BY P.P.: (18/9/55) On the 18th September, 1955, did you attend a meeting of the African National Congress at Evaton? I do not think that this meeting was an African National Congress meeting, I think it was a residents meeting. About what time did the meeting commence? This meeting commenced at 9.30 a.m. until 1 p.m. on the 18th. Who was the chairman? The chairman was JVIake. Is he one of the Accused? Yes. (25). And about how many persons attended the meeting? About 400 people attended this meeting. Did you take notes at the meeting? I did. You have your notes now before you? I have. Did the chairman Make address the meeting? Yes, Will you read what he said? Make, English. "Sons and

51 Collection: 1956 Treason Trial Collection number: AD1812 PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Location: Historical Papers, The Library, University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg LEGAL NOTICES: Copyright Notice: All materials on the Historical Papers website are protected by South African copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise published in any format, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Disclaimer and Terms of Use: Provided that you maintain all copyright and other notices contained therein, you may download material (one machine readable copy and one print copy per page) for your personal and/or educational non-commercial use only. People using these records relating to the archives of Historical Papers, The Library, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, are reminded that such records sometimes contain material which is uncorroborated, inaccurate, distorted or untrue. While these digital records are true facsimiles of paper documents and the information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to be accurate and reliable, Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand has not independently verified their content. Consequently, the University is not responsible for any errors or omissions and excludes any and all liability for any errors in or omissions from the information on the website or any related information on third party websites accessible from this website.

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