The AgNEWSLETTER Agnew Association of America

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1 The AgNEWSLETTER Agnew Assocition of Americ Vol 1 ssue #11 FEBF}uABY 1987 Pflr'e 1 GOOD NE:W! 1111! THE ABNEWS FROM THE MALBOX A CHRSTMAS PCTURE SENT TO US FROM BELFAST. "us S DAVD AGNEW, SON OF ROBERT AND ANY AGNEW. ROBERT S GENERAL MANAGER 0F THE QUEENS unrverslty FESTlvAL AND publlc RELATONs )RECTOR FOR THE BELFAST OPERA HOUSE. T]E FEstwAL rs second TO AND SMALLER THAN THE ANNUAL EDNBURG] FESTVAL. AND S HELD EACH FALL N BE.FAST.)RAWENG SELL' OUT HOTELS AND T:CKET SALES FOR ALMOST A WEEK. (Dvid's photogenicity comes c)ut in the originl colored picture, showing his red hir nd freckled fish complexion.) A Hchidy note from Swnzie A - "Bringing you hppy memories of my Americn odyssey." (in tlking with Swnzie from Be] st just before the hchidys she toid us she ws still busy pinting nd hd givst soid nother one of her pintings.) From Doris Agnew, Vncover B.C. - "There bout 70 bots in ftoti] of the nnul Christms Crol strips which sil in Vncover By with school children bord singing - we cn see it from our deck.. (Doris hs deck more thn 50 feet long with view of The By nd Vneover hrbor. Doris worked s vctunteer for EXPO 86. m sure tht the Austrlins would like her to do the cme for them in Bristne for the upcoming EXPO 88. nd Cfudi A new writing 1S lmost over. So nniversry nd ilo yers since relnd." from Stnsbury, S. Austr]j - "t is hrd to believe much hs hppened this yer (South Austr]f's 150 the Agnews emigrted from County Antrim, Northern From Dvid nd vonne (A ev) S]ter, lso from Stnsbury, S.A. - Dvid ttened the Agnew Snt ros t fll nd writes - ll m still over-wed by the reception experienced from totl strngers whilst we were with you nd will tresure the experience ll my life."... (Ed's note: ll of us who hve met our Austrlin Agnews C ;g:i;;jthtmeetingthemndknowingthemisverywrmexperiencefor]lofuss] Jen Schneider ~ Their winter strted out mild in Minnesot but hs now ciight up with

2 Pge 2 L0S eheck Hs been Flying rciurid i:he St:tes nd visiting vricius members of c)ur A sc]c=i ic]n, meeting with our Cc]nvenEr Jcl<'Agnew nd his wife Melb. Lc]i rid Jeri c:hneider he}ve dcine sl.per jcib c3c]n E]c3t;ing members whc] hc! Fc]rgotten to rc=ne=w. AGNEW GARBAGE - Ktie A ew Hod es - is nuring BL who slipped in their ptio tlchg oul= the grbge lte in the evening nd sustined two bd frctures responded instndy nd even clened up nd took out the`grbge for Ktie fter they hd Buzz on the wy to Stnford HOStl. ======:.====== By the time you receive this your editor will gin be off to Austrli on n ssignment. This time we w5]l lso be visiting Tsmni the historic islnd t the tip of Austrli where Del Acinew's grndfther from Northern relnd, ws the first Premier. Del s you know is the present proprietor of Lochnw Cste. We will spend courne of dys with our Austrlin Agnews...E]} Cludi, Dvid nd Yvonne. Member Michch gee nd wife Beth flew off Christms eve for Austr]j which they hoped would incinde visit witiriee Agnews s well. A note dted Dec. '86, to our seocijtion from Brbr Fushier Of the CLAN MCKAY SOCETY - Good news from the rsle of Mn Evidence of Christin, Celtic King hs jist been discovered on the tle of Mn ty rchectogists tcking for viking remins. The finds re dted bout the yer 500AD when Dr.Norm L.Goodridrieh, uthor oe King Arthur, stted he flved nd trveled to the ke oe Mn Norm, who mny folks met t the Highlnd,Gmes, ws c]±ed ffom the isle of Mn by the rcheohogists nd tctd of their find nd of the British Press rctese through the Peel CiE Gurdin on December 6th. Since then the Tyn of the ]ste Of Mn hs invited her to fly there this Sundy in order to view n ncient gold-bound boc>k in Celtic interfce, be honored t t'ne gls nd Lecture on her book..['hnks t.o Norm we re closer tc> proving tht King Arthur lived nd indeed ws Scot! The Newsletter from The N.Cliforni Council of Scottish Clns & Fmflies - 'During the third week of Jnury we celebrted the birth of oiir ntionl poet, Robert Burns. The mn loved women (ttested to by his mny children of vrious women,) nd we cnnot understnd why some societies insist tht we celebrt.-.e his life nd poetry without the presence of the hdies. in their newsletter they nno\mced dtes for the next ten gtherings in Northern C]iforni. from Mrch through Septeiiib 3r. :. i i_ = ± i ± + We hve been trying to obtin documented history of the Red Hnd of Ulster flg ot- Northem lfehnd which is steeped in history durfug the time our Agnews pper on the Antrim Cost. Sir LJohn Swenson in Belfst - tctd us vivid story s we st round the pet fire in his home lst Noveinber, We sked if he could document with..oroof this story, (knowing the pe]lbinding 'tles' the inch hnd down.) We now hve letter from him stting he hs now found not one but three stories nd hs commissioned someone to reserch this `oefore sending the informtion on {to us for our newsletter.

3 Pge 3 C0NVENri5 C0MmeN75!! C]ur editor Pt Alexrider hs irifc]rmed me tht, s [c]rivener shc]uld pre enl= mteril for our riew lett.erg. My immedil:e FJroblem ws, wht would be gc]d topic of interes c] c]ijr members? Afl=er much delibertion tholight. would give you some insight into whl= mot.ivted my genelogicl studies. never knew Einy of my grnd prents, s they hd ll gone t.c] their gret: rewrd lc]ng before ws o becctme Fmily member. hve Felt Ei Sense c]f lci Fcir not hving hd relt.ionship with my` grnd prents. A= me]ll boy some c]f my Friends hd i.heir grnd prerit,s, unts, uiicle nd cousins by t.he dozens. Wll E] smll bciy will do doptecl their grnd prerit.s nd et. Mny cif my dc]pted reltives nd hve mini:iried spe=il ree]l:ion hip lt]ng int. my dull: life. o i.hink it is proper to Sy m very much fmily orient:ted. n 197E) m`y wife Melb nd were c]n trip td the est when we st:c]pped in Lubbc]c:k Texs where my mc]eher nd Ft;her were mrried in 190S. WE were v,i it:ing cousin hd lc]cted in li:er yers. ricl she sked if WOL.ld like to visit: i:he cemel=ery where my grndfther Lillburn. Agnew nd grndmother Hdiee Bell PhE=nix were= buried. WE=ll i:his ws new experienc3e for me, nd wheri Sw my grndfthers mrker (LLLBUPN B. AGNEW S C;ivil Wr Vetern) ws immeditely interee5ted in knc]wing more bciut: him. This brl]ugh+ c] mincl c]me cijmmenl:s by my Fther bol.t his Ft,her being Civil WE]r Vetern. To shciw my interest. in the hi tc]ry of 1:hE C:ivil Wr E smll bc]y of ten cir eleven yers c]f ge used tc] Sit by i:he hour nd lisl:en t:ij neighbcir who ws in his nirietie= Ell c]ries c]f his Experiences in he Civil Wr. hve red mul:h c]f i:he hi 1:c]ry cif Chet c:c]nflict lid E] devot:ed my life tc] militry creer, c:c]uldn't help buc sk ws he union c]r Cc]r`Federte sc}ldier nd where nd wht btt,leg nd cmf]ign w`s he involved in? This we] the beginning DF my reserch. AFtEr mriy Filures l]c:fed his rec=c]rds in the Ntion Archives, nd 1=hesE rbc3c]rds lso conl=ine3d ll the documbril= relted to his peri ic]n. Mny dc]cuments were in his own hrid-writing rid they t=on inec] muc3h infc]rml:ic)n bout his Fmily. He we] unil]n Soldier enteririg Co H c]f= the 3Bth llinl]is nfnt:ry Vc]luril=eers c]n the 14th t]f Aijgust le}61 Fc]r peridc] c]f t.hree yers. A tci the where, when wht be]t: les rid c3mpigri he ws involvbd in, ws very lucky 1=o Find book c]n the hisfciry of his regiment published in l76 whi.h n werecl ll these que tion. WEll think little informtion i dngercili, E lest: i pu+ new =E3riEs c]f questic)ns before me; ie where= did the Fmily cc]me From wht ws their bckgrc]und nd et. did the sl:ridrd Ser.h of cen u= records, E]rid in 1981 went: i: the Mc]r`mon librry in Slt Lke, where Found dee:d nd F]c]wer c]f ttc)rriey which ccinriec:ted the Missouri brnch (where my grridfbher Lillburn ws E]orn), with the AE new Fmily of Floyd nd BedFc]rd Cc]unty Virgini.

4 F]AGE 4 n 1983 my brother Byron nd his wife Alit:e were with Melb nd when we visited Floyd Virgini. We met rene Agnew nd Gijy Willim= [c:c]u in ) whc] very kindly conducted tc)lir cif ll the points of interest 1=c] thc]se de c3ended From SAMLJEL W. A6NEW nd his wife SU ANNA PF]EE;TON. We Sw the le]nd where they settled. We lsd Sw the ruins cif the F]rimit:ive Bptist :hurc}h which muel helped estblieih. We sw t;he vric]u Frm leind whic=h members c)f his FEimily hd settled,?lso i:he hc]me c]f AgnEw Fmily members Lip tc] c=i.rrerit time. The high wtermrk cjf= this visit WE5 to see nd hold the FAMLY BBLE 0F SAMUEL AND lj ANNA A6NEW. To hold i:his bible \nc! red the infc]rmt,ic]n recc]rcled therein i n experience o deeply Felt it is nc] po ible Fc]r me to relte. There re Eleven members of the Agnew As ocitic]n cif Americ whc] :::;::4::il:#:#;:#:::: i;:::#::i:,:!::: i:i:::p:h::e WLLAM AGNEW i7xx-ibx Flc;hel Boc)ker?? SAMUEL W. AGNEW E5 Su nn PreE; ori WLLAM B. AGNEW Elizbel:h t=rter SAMUEL JASPEB A6NEW gc) Emmilind^. Chmplin [SAMUEL E} u ANNA AGNEW' BBLE) ELLA V. AC3NEW i7i-ig63 Ghrle. :ociper FLOPENC:E C:00PEF] Chrles Msciri ASHEL W. AGNE.W LBbl=ie ME]y [ozine Ai.vlN 1. A N&m 1 9 ) 7 - PALPH L. MA5DN 1 E) gula M. &M#85 of ft WLLAM AGNEW 17XX-182X F]Bhel Bc]ciker

5 PAGE 5 SAMUEL W. AGNEW 17SO-1868 u nn Pre=t:c]n WLLAM. AC;NEW E; 4 Elizbet,h C:rter LLLBJF]N S rell Dil ey BC]OKEB AGNEW [ AMLJEL SJSANNA AGNEW' FAMLY BBLE) C;HAFLES LLLBLJBN A6NEW E) 5 0 Httie Jne Bi.e JAMES.B00KEB A6NEW E}73 Elizbeth Jef=FrieE5 ' R. AGN&m F]eggy. Wet:t:er $7n#Aiii D. AGNEJm Jc]seph E. riyder ZEBLJLON D. ABNEW Vll ee: F]heliix ByR0N. AGN&m 1 E] Alice C:. C]x. gack imlify AqN&m 18l Melb N. ec]l WLLAM AGNEW 17XX-1S2X Plchel Bc]oker`? SAMUEL W. AC3NEW 17SO-1868 iiseinn pre tc]n JOEL Pl. AGNEW N. JOHN C)N AGNEW Srh Jrie Willims E)7 Lc]uvin Mc=Alexnder -NANCY JANE A6NEW E) 4 George,Young+ ELZABETH. YOLNG Willim W. Jones CHEALE H. AGNEW E] 4 3 Jo ephi!ne E. DeHrt GEOF16E W. AGNEW Mllie Dickersc]n BOSTON. JC)NES E} 3 2 ArdEli Duncn JABEF] JOHNSON AGNEW Betrice F}. Flinc:hun GECF]GE M. AGNEW Lind Dillc]n =[nrd NWFF/ecoNNOR)AGNEN ALVA D. JONES 188S-1952 Wilm. Yc]ung

6 Pge JC`HN ON E. AGNEW R. ROGER AGN&m DORO" gg f Aous KA7 EN AGNEN BNGflAM _ WLLAM AGNEW i7xx-i2x Plchel Bociker? AMJEL W. AC;NEW i7so-i86 susriri prestdn F]ACHEL AGNEW Ei 6 Ot.ey T. immons OETAVA L. MMON i5o-1933 Hrvey,Di[kerson } P r i in i i: i v e Bptist Church Pluins in F' oyd V,. _i NOF]A A. SMMONS l83- Willim H. Hr.ris LLLE F]. DCKEF] ON E] 4 E! Mil+on A. Willims GLJY WLLAM E' - i 6EOFC5E L. HAF]BS Mii:1:ie E. Epperly WALTEF] L. HAF]F] Virgini, M. F]m Ey DALTC}N. HABF]S MyrtlE M. Hmle t STv N 8. #flfrr hope the:se ehrt re nl]t. Lc]o confusing. nd Furl:hEr should yc]u wish 1:D c=c]r`re=f]oiid with ec=h c] her the nmee= nc] ddresses re publi hecl in the membership listing Eci be prc]vided in this next i= ue. A Fr s reserch effc]rts i: mke c:onnebtin FLlrt:her blk good re tc] Serch re, i in Jc:k D. Agnew Convener

7 -ge 7 L-, THE For.LowNG rs FROM R.ROGER AGNEW The document ws compiled by GEORGE W. AGNEW Floyd County, V. Oct. 4th, 1922 Attorney-t-lw. give the following nmes, nd dte of t`neir birl:.h, nd deth s given dy ±E!± ± Agnew 's bible. NAME Agnew7Tuel Agnew/Sucn (wife) Agnew/Ester Agnew/Mlind - #1 Agnew/Win. 8. Agnew/Mlind - #2 Agnew/Chrlotte Agnewtren Agnew/Prthen Agnew/Booker P. Agnew/Joel R. Agnew/Nncy Jne Agnew/Smud Agnew/Frnk Agnew/Leh Agnew/Mrih Ad]ine Agnew/Mry Arm Agnew/Rchel BRTH Un 4th 1780 June Feb Jm June July Jm ct July Mrch Jm Aug Mrch My Dec Nov Feb July DEATH Nov April Jm June 1806 June Nov not given - Dec not given - Dec Jn Dec Aprfu Oi 1888 June not given - - not given - My July 1866 (list of ten colored bering the Agnew nme lso listed) NAME Agnew7FTB. Agnew/MThd Agnew/Chrlotte Agnewtren Agnew/Prthen Agnew/Joel R. A gnew/nncy Jne Agnew/Smuel Agnew/.eh Agnew/Mhh AdThe Agnew/Rchel MARRED Crter Henry Crter Jmes Cnndy Ezekl Mcpek Dvid Owelrs Luveni, MCAlexnder George Young Enz. Smith Jmes U. Grhm Germn. Lee Otey T. Simmons DATE 14 June June Jn Sept My not given - 23 Jm June Nov April Jm 1856 The fonowing is memorndum of the AGNEW of Floyd County, Virgini. SAMUEL AGNEW ws born in Rockbridge Coimty, Virgini, Jnury lst, 1780 nd in the yyer i.803 mrried Susn Preston of Bedford County, V., she being born on June 26th, 1785 nd they lived in the Ctfity of Bedford until the yer 1820 when he with two of his neighbors - Frncis Hogn nd Thoms Lncster - moved to Montgc>mery County, V., nd settled in prt of Montgomery County whieh ws cut off to F]oyd County, their residences being bout two nd onelh]f miles south of FQyd Court House. When they moved to F]Qyd County, it ws prctfo]ly ll in woods nd Smuel Agnew took up bout 1000 cres of lnd, the greter prt Of whieh he clered rid cimvted. He ws member of the Primitive Bptist Church nd instrumentl in estllishing the West Fork PriTnitive Bptist Church, he being one Of the decons of tht church, serving from the time the church ws orgnized until his deth. There were born to Smuel Anew nd Susn Anew sixteen chiidren, three of whom died in infncy. Eleven were mr]ded nd rised eighty chhi]ildrren. signed:, Geore W. Aqnew, m descendnt of doelrd. AGNEW nd Luveni. My fther's nme, N.JOHNSON AGNEW. The children of Joel R. Agnew re s fonows: - CONTNUED NEXT PAGE -

8 Pge (continued from Previous pqe.) NAME Agnew7Tohrron Agnew/Mrih Elizbeth Agnew/F]emon Sunders Agnew ence Am BRTH H5 EE; My My June 1851 DEATH 14 Jn My 1928 My mother ws Srh Jne Wi]]ims, dughter OfJmes R. Wilims nd Mr E. Bower. (birth nd deth of`their 9 children listed, s wctl s issue of Jmes & Mry Wiujms. t hs been seen from the bove dtes tht my fther, N. JOHNSON AGNEW nd SARAH JANE WnllAMS were mrried 30 My 1867 nd they hve five children s fo]tows. NAME BRTH DEATH Agnew7j=ffiTes R. fi7thtrch 1868 Agnew/Chrles H. 20 Jn Jm 1943 Agnew/George 16 June l Jm 1942 Agnew/Fred J. twins? 24 April Dec 1960 Agnew/Stell. 24 April i Dec 1898 All of the bove nmed living children Of N.J. A new live the town of Floyd, Floyd County, Virgini. At this time (28 Nov 1922 NU. Acnew is flving nd hs 22 living grndchiidren nd ten living gret grndchiidren. N.J: Agnew served 19 months in the Confederte Army, he being in 21st V. Cvlry in Compny ", A.O. Dobyns being his Cptin, but five months of his time ws spent in the U.S. Prison for Confederte Veterns t Point Lockout, MD. in tlking Of old times my fther often sys tht months spent in prison ws the hrdest time Of his life owing to insuf icilent rtions being furnished by the Federl Government. My immedite fmily is s follows: G.W.Agnew, born June 16th, 1872, being son of N.Johnson Agnew nd Mllie. ALgE Wt my wife ws born the 22nd dy of August, Her fther, her mother, octvi Simmons oidest dughter of the previously mentioned RLgbLel Morl 1)ickerson nd Nomie Dickerson, dughterofwileeffitm+ielte-g.w.anewndm]]ie1.were Feb. 23, 1899 by FElder Amos Dickerson. (nmes/dtes of birth/deths histed of their chidlren.) George W. Agnew, educted in free. schocts Of Floyd County nd in fll Of 1890 obtined certieicte to tech schoch nd tught five terms of schoc>l; studied hw nd received his cerl=ieiete to prctise lw on My 3, 1894 nd hs prcticed his profession in Ftoyd County nd djoining counties for 28 yers. (fl:erwritingthisdociimenthecontinuefpfrf;gei%:niwwfonrov. 9o2f248yers.) Sct:istis for other members of this fmily bout the turn of this century re lso listed in this document. Also detiled discripfron of the originl fndly house nd homesite; n ddendiim t :he end: - Records coricerning Smuel Agnew's ncestors who settled in Permsy:1vni were probbly.'`=i :..1. r.',r. in Phil PA in_j812-_"_ St}\tr< rixp?n Agnew of Lochnw 8, S, fiwny tc1,~, - Ttrevq* :..-.:.- x''`:.'j'xpg:re:'':a ;.,. ` 2,,,. ``

9 DR. MARE AGNEW MARCELL istohn or the Agnew Assocition of Ameriii_ ALONG THE BORDER TRAL: AGNEW Entries in the l9th Century ds'n Directodes before the The following were bstrcted from ll pre-fmine directories found t the Publie Record office for Northern relnd nd the,inenh]l T.ibrry, Belfst, in July of Addreses hve been suplemented by the nmes oe more mtor streets c)ff whic!h most trdesmen's shops pper to hve been locted. A word to those members whose lines pper to go bck to Scotlnd directly - generl reserch m undertking on ll Scots nd Ulster Scot imigrnts in the. neglected post-revolutij)n to the Gret Fmine Period who cme s "pying bmst" in Cndin timber trde emphsizes the tngled web of crossings bck nd fort`n between G]lowy, Ayr nd Renfrew in Scotlnd nd Antrim nd Down in ULster. Fmily members sptit on both sides of the rish se nd moved s esily s between New York City nd New Jersey. A surprising number of rfeh-born Americn imigrnts.from Ulster show Scottish-born fther nd n high-born mother. o`ccsion]ly the combintion is reveresed. So don't ignore these rish bits s they my revel - t the lest - missing gret uncle who tried his hnd for few yers in the nbig city" of Belfst before he took the lrger nd more irrevocble step crces the Atlntic BELFAST )RECTORY AGNEW, HENRY,shoe 3 Wilson Ct. (off High Street) J_A_4ES± tilor 24 Pottinger's Entry (off High Street) ±A_±±ES! shcemker 21 Tlbot Street (off Doneg]l Street) ±Q!±dy gent (lemn) Nelson Cfub House ELN, wever 15 Hudson's Entry (off North Street) Socil comment -t is interesthg to note tht in the originl directory, "gentlemnn!9!±!2 preceded those merely in "trde.n CRCA`1820PGOT15T)-RECTORY OF RE,AND A r,nflw. Chrles,Then berdsher Broomhedge, Belfst JL±lEfg Publicn High Street, Antrim 1824 PGOT'S DRECTORY OF RELAND There were no AGNEW -9s in the trde or other enteries BE.FAST DRTECTOR (in originl order of enteries) AG-NEW, John,Esq. res. Btoomfield ffbbsg rh; ge.6(6oe g:ggmsyt.offdonegn TJ2gEE2S, house crpenter, Little My Street (Afred to Cromc) ff='::t3hle*eif%t..,(toot:llw Ce =,Y7 9rkHJ±:h nsefgt!±±±±±±±±±` of W& R, res. Bnymcrrett lpes[ 2 Forest Lne (off High Street) Eg writhg dirk grocer, 53 Cromc St. (off Gret Edwrd) ±EEL deler, 75 Litre Ptrick St. (`Jmes to Lncster) B±g musflin wever, 147 Durhm St. (Rilwy to Brrck) th grocer, 52 Hercules St. (North to Rosemry)

10 FABE BELFAST DRECTORY (in originl entry form) AGNEW Esq. Sovereig_ri, res. Bloomfie.1d W_.iJlim, sofidtor, 46 Doneg]1 St. house crpenter, 11 Grce St. W& R wtch glss mfg. & tool wrehouse, 7 High Street Wi]]im of W& R, res. Bll:ymcrrett JFgrocer 52 Hercules Jmes of Mrtin & Agnew, timber & stte merchnts, 13 Jy W provision deler, 13 HELL St. Robert, Pilot Street SLATER'S NATONA, COMMERCAL DRECTORY OF RELAND ANTRM - NO Agnew BELFAST - mreeftreehtreieel AGNEW Jmes, Merchnt (Mrtin & Agnew), hse 14 Hmi]ton St. Agnew & Ridgewy, col. merchnts, 106 High St. & B]lymcr[et LARNE,f!rty/deiffli AGNEW Mrs. Eliz. -Lme Jmes Es. AGNEW -Trde ±±Efg tile, bndk & corse erfuen work mfg. mgr. Dvid Mcctov Socil note - Observe tht dy this dte Belfst hd gone to rt ]Phbetiel order w:ith :ike nmes together nd professionl interspersed with those "in trde". Lme must hve been much more conservtive s indieted by the der clss sepertion. This my reflect in prt tht the Antrim cost ws entirely cut off from the rest of U]ster except by bot until cost highwy ws fin]y blsted out round 1830 mking resonble lnd tr\rd fesible. Prior to t:ht dte it ws fr esier to cross to Wigtownshire in Sco{±nd thn to get to Belfst. This helps exenin the Close connr ections noted erlier. ANDREW AGNEW ws one of the 47 signers of the 'PErmoN TO GOVERNOR SHUTE,' in 1718; n excerty - "To His Excellency the Right Honourble Cchonel Smutl Suitte, (sis) Govemour of New Enctnd " We whose nmes re underwritten inhbitnts of ye North Of relnd Doe in our own nmes nd in the nmes of mny others our neighbors, Gentlemen, Ministers, Frmers nd / Trdesmen, Commissionte nd ppoint our trusty nd wdl bdoved friend the Revernd Mr. Willim Boyd of Mcsky to repir to His Exce.uency the Right Honourble / Colonel Smuel Siiitte Govemour of New Englnd, nd to ssure His Excellency of our sincere, nd herty inclintions to trnsport our selves to tht very excellent nd / renowned Plnttion upon our obtining from his Excellency suitble encourgement. And further to ct, nd Doe in our nmes s his Prucence shll direct. Given under / our hrids this 26th dy of `Mrch Annoq Don " (ll pe]jings s shown on document.) (This is from ',Scotch rish Pioneers in U]ster nd Americ' Boston: Bcon & Brown, 1910, (.ncour No. 32.) This petition now hngs in the rooms of the New Hmpe'hire Historicl Sodety t Concord nd cn still be red, with the exception Of few nmes which hve fded out since Mr. Prker, the histohn of Londondery, copied them in 1850.

11 FACE 11 For. _ti_rg vyg b_ve y_nt_?_d _tq_ s±re putting newsletter: The AG.NEWS OF HOMNY RDGE is gettsfrfrfu]]#ggodrtsonends tt hn±ssoinmy #j colorful stokes which brings the.o.eople live s we red it. Most of our chrts re hcking in t'his becuse we feed fortunte fist to be ble to document vitl sttistics. This is n unusully long one nd in the most prt, future chrts we print will be shortec. We will tend not to.include informtion beyond 1900 in the chrts just to sve spce. in doing this we hope tht there w5]l be members who find informtion they re seeking for their own Agnew fmily line. For lck of pce we hve not inchided the interesting mps nd other generl Agnew items tht re prt oe the 'Hominy Ridge Aqnews, s they re lredy fmihir to,ll Lf[LL - ±.. -L=±J±+±L- L±±-7LLL OF HOMNirRDGE compiled by Edwrd 8. Reighrd ClerEie]d, PA The Vestry Records of the Church of St. John's Prrish of Aghlow, Cledo, County Tyrone, relnd edited by Mrchll in 1935 sttes, "Agnew ws prominent nme in relnd." Another entry simply sttes, "Agnew, free mn of the County Down, Nothem relnd, Belfst." The nme Aghlow found in this re of relnd, cme from the nfl`e Agnew. Around there were three young Agnew brothers born in Scotlnd. When they were bout 20 yers old, becuse persecution ws so severe in Scotfnd, they left Scotlnd nd migrted to relnd for more peceful life. one brother Settled in Rnd]stown, County Antrim ner Donegore, nother brother settled in County Tyrone, nd the third brother settled t Crigmore. The third brother hd two sous who desired better life thn re.hnd could offer, nd s result they mirgrted to Ameho nd fended t Phi]dekyhi. (Ed's note: - we hve seen this story printed severl times without proof of source or first nmes. - We sure would like to her from ny of our members if they hve better informtion.) AGNEWS N EARLY PENNSYLVAN Since few m'ch friends of Wi.llim Penn 1.n Englnd desired to estblish tennt-bsentee lndlord system in Pennsylvni similr to tht which existed.!i:ii#!;ii;:i;,:!ii;i;;;;:!i!;i;i:i:i;s;::;i::;;i;;;iii;!i:;i;!!!;ii::!!!!i;;- themse 1 yes. _- --`-`_``-_`` --,. '.`..1, JC 1 \)1 > ;i::,t:i:! cf:#i;;!r;;i:!:;!ii!; i:i;_,:i;!p;:::;.;:;;;:::;::::i:::#;1,th lndlords._.._,...,.. ensued, ucu, uul but iht:bt: these bsentee Dsentee proprietors finlly sold nd/or gv the,hj +A LL J,,,, lnd to the From their first settlement in Chester County, the Scotch-rish moved westwrd nd founded such p.lces s Pequi, Middle Octorr, Derry, Pxtng, nd Tyrone. 0[ to th:ta:ie#::;er}:::?: :;::et:#t;h::;:r C unty Stretched from Phil de phi The Scotch-+ish lso opened the wilderness in Upper Cumberlnd, Fyette, nd Greene Counties. q.i_49tet qncestors were prt of this migrtion from Northern relnd to Pennsylvni. nd then westw+d. c;o-;s h -st.;:;

12 FADE 12 DANREL AGNEW DANEL AGNEW migrted from Antrim County, Northern relnd in He hd son who mrried SARAH 8. HOWELL, du of e Richrd How Governor of New Jersey. This son becme mediel doctor, ws n erly settler in Butler, nd hter moved to the Hrmony Settdement ner Butler. He hd son, Judcie Dniel Anew, who lso moved from New Jersey to Butler, nd lter to Pittsburgh, nd then retired to Bever County. During his lw creer, he becme Chief Just:ire of the Penneylvni Supreme Court. in 1767 he offleited for the stte nd signed the fmous "Purchse Line Agreement." The boundry line in this greement strted t Cherry Tree in indin County nd went west to Butler. JUDGE DANEL AGNEW bove, hd brother JOHN AGNEW nd sori ERA.NKLN H. who becme Judge of Bever County. Could this John Agnew be the grndfther of John Aqnew of Hominy Ridge Agnews who served inn the Civil Wr? t is possible tht the Hominy Ridge Agnews cme from this fine. They did Hve in western P enndyvni. JAMrs AGNEw Previously it ws mentioned tht the Agnew who settled in Crigmore, fe]n hd three sons who cne to Americ. The first son settled in New Jersey, but nothing else ws found bout him. A second son, JAMES AGNEW born 31 July 1711 t Crigmore, flnd migrted to Phildedgivi in He strted to move westwrd nd finlly secured lnd t Mrch Creek, York County, the re whieh ws clled,ncster County in 1739 nd is now Adms County. t ws ner Gettysburg. Jmes built substntil bufldings on this new lnd lthough he did not secure title until severl yers lter. (ed's note some writings stte they were squters.) He clled his new home "Mnor Mosque." Jmes cme to Americ with Hfe long frfend, Arthur Ptterson who ws blcksmith. Jmes worked for Ptterson nd ]emed the blcksmsith trde. in 1738A his brother, SAMUEL AGNEW, cme to Americ nd fived t Donegl now c]]ed Rpho Township, Lncster County but soon went to nmnor Mosque" to be with his brother Jmes. Lter he went to South Crolin s REV. SAMUEL AGNEW. where he strbed the southern Agnew fmily :line. Mny Agnews migrted ftom nelnd s hte s the lst prt of the l800's. However, no connection could be mde with other emigrnts nd the Hominy Ridge Agnews. As stted before, it is pos±ble tht they couid be descendnts of the Dniel Anews, but much evidence see/ns to point to the Jmes Agnew line. Therefore, we will review the JL±ES= E descendnts in more detil UAMES AGNEW uamrs AGNEw, who ws often clled Pvt. Jmes A ew, ws born 31 July 1711 t Crlgmore, me]nd. Before offid.]ky securing his lnd t Mrsh Creekj he mrried MARTHA DONEGAL bout They hd two chiidren: 1. JUDGE JOHN AGNEW born 04 Mrch My 1770 John becme Provincil Justfe. On the the Court of Common Ples. He died in Cdisle on yers old.. Prt oe the fmily: i. JOHN AGNEW b d. 1801, in. Rebecc 1732 in Donegl Township. On the October 1784 he becme Judge Of the 08 April 1790 when he ws 58/9 Smith d n 1790 they lived in York County. one of their children ws: 1. JOHN AGNBW b nd d This `2g!2!2 mrried lst Mry Ann Chmbers & then Mry Gordn White. Two of their children:. MARY AGNEW in. JP. Hunter o Pittsburgh 2. nlvtn Win.PF: Ar.NF?W b. 830 & d.1902 ws in. to Mrth Ann C]]]i b & d Two Of their chiidren: SARAH ANN AGNEW b. in Oshloose, ow. BENJAMN JENKNS AGNEW.b.183 & d He in. C]riesA]lisosonWolfe. 2. JENNET AGNEW the second chiid of Jmes_& Mrth ws born 22 Aug 1735 she in. Cpt. Abrhm Scott. in 1736 Tmels Wife!!±E±b d nd he in. She d. 22 Dec nd Smuel Scott.. MARTHA AGNEW Dvid Wi]sori - 2. JAMES (Jne ) AGNEW lil. born mrided Mry Erwin in

13 PAGE Hd store in Mcconndsburg. Becme welthy. 3. DR. SAMUE, AGNEW born 1777 ner Mmertown, -Adm Codnty. Prcticed t Hrris'ourgh from , t Misou-ri in 1835, pittsturgh in 1836, nd-phhde]phij n-d{];;. -Hl;i-;i fmous doctor. On November 25, 1849 he fell off cemt. bot ::1:egggtlgnb gel g=g.#der. ±WATdes±unn± 3. ENSGN MARGARET AGNEW REBECCA AGNEW SE-E## AGNEW in. Jmes Scott in. RL3rty = +BkA.E.NEW.b. _.7i3 T _ ey~etwin. in 1772 (were there 2 Hy E=:::ES;')A%::Epi:b #73MCC nneisbuergfh3e6erbeforeuine;a-de;: ELMESAGNiwb JollN AGHEiFTb DAVD AGNEW b REBECCA AGNFW b MARY AGNETTi=TO9 Jurre & OBERP _AGf!±LW b. 21 April 1785; in. 01 Aug 1815 to Mry Novte Henderson. AGNEW+ very fmous doctor. He ttended :.rife-edntyeel+s when he ws shot for over week until Grfieid died. 8. SAMUEL AGNEW b. August 1787 MSA#EAAGA%wEwb ḃ. 02 Dec Jn 1792 in to Mri M s Sterret ( ) & flved in Armstrong County. 11. JAMES AGNEW 12. GBSON AGNEW (secoid)%bhe.82poe]gentnjtee7"9b#llef8#e#e:ggt%8tig8h39 b. 03 Aug 1796 EARLY PENNSYLVANA AGNEWS AND THE HOMNY RDGE AGNEWS t hs been impossible, to dte, to prove the prentge of the oldest John A new, who went to Richlnd` Towns.hip, Venngo Coiinty. There re severl gnews born round 1770 Other fmily reserchers seem to mix up vrious Agnews. A good exmple is the number of Agnews who were supposedly mrr`ied to. Mr E rmi n twin The sme first nmes such s Jmes, John, Dvi d Smuel not only.pper in vri.ous.fmily lines. but they pper genertion fter generti.on-i.n the sme fmily.`1im,e...-th.e erty U. S. Census shows mny Agnewswith the sme nme. The Agnews. kept coming, mi.nly from relnd for bout 75 yers. Although. the wrl.ter hs listed some of the erly Agnews, he found no definite proof of the prentge.of the Hominy Ri.dge Agnews. The nmes tht hve been listed show tht mny of them did foll.ow the professions, nd were n honorble group of 1.ndividuls. +

14 PAGE 14 1l be used to desi.gnte the oldest krgwr_agne. _±h:: i ed John A new #1 wi t Hominy ge John Aqnew #2 will designte his son. who,is buried t the Honiny R-idge denetery. John Aqnew #3 will in turn designte John A new #2 son il Wr who i-s ls6 buried -t the Hominy Ridge Cemetery nd who serve J.ohm Acinew #1 ws born bout 1774 nd died in 1831 t bout 57 yers of ge. He is probbly buried on the old At'`ew frm t Hominy Ridge. He with t lest two sons, Jmes F. nd John #2 C to Richlnd Townshi.p, Venngo County bout They settled long Richey R bout two miles bove its mouth in the Allegheny River t Emlentoi. Tod-y...'iien trveling west on nterstte 80 t the est exit to Emlenton, one cn see Richey Run which is long the north Side of the highwy.. Just below the exit i.s Pnther Spring. This seems to be the plce where John Acinew #1 settled, built his,house, nd then built woolen mill, s well s the sme loction where the Agnew Post Office ws lter locted. This is the sme re where son. Jmes F. A new, continued to live the rest of his life. The smll community. grew un secured post office wirii6h-ws n;ned fter John #1. However: it ws Jmes F. Agnew who served s postmster for the first 50 yers. JAMES F. AGNEW Jmes F. Aqnew.. the younger son of _49_h_n #1, ws born in John Acinew #1 built the first Crding Mill.(woolen) in the re t Richey Run which he operted for mny yers. When John #1 died, insted of the older `pn J_ohn #2. getting the mill, son lmest. inherited it. n 1829 the Agnew Post Office ws estblished t wht ws clled Agnew Mill.,lnes F. Aqnew becme the postmster nd continued to serve s such for the next 50 yers until he died. This ws the longest tenure of postmster up to tht tine,1879. t is of specil note to know. tht Metheny Buzrd, gret-gret-gretgrndson of John Aonew #1, lso served the longest tenure s postmster in clss 1 post office in Ellwood City. History seemed to repet itself here. AAG The writer found bout 150 Agnews in Pennsylvni from bout 1729 to Although mny Agnew fmily lines were followed for severl g.enertions, it ws.discovered tht different fmily lines climed some of the sne individuls s ncestors, but then differed over older genertions. At first gret mde to try to work out these vrious fmily lines, but the tsk becme too diffi.cult. As result, of the two fmily lines who seemed most likely to hve been ncestors of the Hominy Ridge Agnews re reviewed. There is qui.nt old cemetery just est of Gettysburg on the Blck Turnpike, where mny of the erly Agnews, especilly those who lived t or ner Mrsh Creek, re buried. On one old Agnew tombstone there is crved lmb, the old Agriew symbol found in Europe.

15 PAGE 15 John Aqnew #1 nd son Jmes F. owned lnd in wht ws lter clled Clrion Coun ty s well s Venngo County. Tody Richey Run is the boundry between.the two counties. Clrion County ws formed in 1839 HOMNY RDGE AGNEWS John A new #2 ws born October 2,1800. t is possible tht he ws born in Mhoning Towns ip, Armstrong County where John Aclnew ws in 1810 This could hve been John #1 nd his sons. The census shows n 1820, John A new ws in Westmdrelnd County. t is not known if of these John Aqnews ws John #1. However, it is very possible tht he hve been in both res with his sons. John Aqnew #1 seems to hve gone to nd Township in 1823 n 1824 John Acinew #1 ws ssessed in Richlnd Township, Venngo County. The next ye r, Jne-s F. t 22 yers old cquired loo cres in Ri.chlnd Township This w.s the yer tht the first settlers went to wht is now Hominy Ridge Jefferson County but ws prt of Richlnd Township t tht tine. Those erly settlers were: Armstronci.,!gg!s, Reynolds, nd uez. A few yers lter, pprently 1830, nother group of settlers rrived t wht Hominy Ridge. They were: John Dobson ; John Aqnew #2, Willim Pinter the Wllce Brothers,nd Frzier. The re ws clled sometimes Elk Township nd otber times Pint Towng:i#:,:::hT:vyn::i:s,tv.3:::i;.co::t!Lst ship, Venngo County. t ws tken out One yer Jchn Aqnew #3 referred to it s be remembered tht it ws wi.1derness, nd neighboy`s were fr.prt. t did not become Brnett Township, Jefferson County until 1840 when Jefferson County ws formed. John Anew #2 mrried Ell.en Biley bout irst son, n 1819 they hd their n 1829 John nd Ellen nd fmily went to Elk-Pl.nt Township (now Hominy )to tech school. H 1S fther, John #1 ws Operting the pulling (crde ws in poor helth nd tht son Jmes F. ws ctully operting the mill t Richey Run. (At lest he ws ssessed for it.) t my be tht mill n 1831 John #1 ws ssessed for the woolen mill s well s 100 cres. owever, in 1830 John #1 ws living with John nd Ellen inelk-pint Township here John #2 ws still school John #1 died in lt is very possible.tht he ws buried on the old Agnew frm t Hominy Ridge. The next ye r Jmes F. A new ws ssessed forj the woolen mill. t would seem tht John #2 who hd been eeping nd tking cre,of his fther, John #1, who must hve been ill. thought he ws going to get the woolen mill. -Since h6 i::t:::no:p#:titi,?hejgi:'$2#i;e: : i : j!f::::::dwso#tt:h: m8 i:rs,.fry.< llb ±n he left the re. Tht yer,1831, we find him nd his fmily t Red Bnk, where their son, John Aqnew #3, ws born Jnury 9,1832. He must hve gone there to work, since Red Bnk ws very thriving trding nd commercil center t the tine. t is o.f most interest to the writer to know tht his gret-gret-gret 8Ti:#::;eRi:=:sb!i#etT::nw;::ertrsF:nwi::eryr:o:#1#e::tF,dei!e::r3::et::#:er 3:ntRef:::teY!j::rh:tsnir:isf::i:ss:j#eJcng:i#i:::r::f:i:g:e(?! mouth of the Red Bnk Creek), nd freight depot. t ws Wtterson center.

16 F]AGE 16 t ws lso the beginning plce of the Wtterson-Olen Rod which went` from the end of the. Wtterson Ferry to Corsic, to Sigel, Clrington ner Hominy Ridge, nd on to Olen, New York. n 1835 J6hn Acinew #2 nd fmily were bck in Pint Township(Hominy Ridge). There were seventy people ssessed there in 1835 John #2 ws ssess mn nme ed for one cow. n 1840 John #2 purchsed 25 cres from Brdford John A new #2 di.ed Jnury 2, He nd his wife Ellen Bile reb e Hominy Ridge Cemetery beside his son John Aqnew #3 nd hi wife Mr ret MCNu hton A Frnce, nd lte.r in Englnd. Scotlnd, nd relnd, the Agnews hd lwys hd the chrcteristic of dventure s well s de`sire for knowledge nd the better life. The John Agnews of Richlnd Tow[iship nd Brnett Township hd.this sme spirit of dventure t`d John #2 lso showed the thirst for knowledge by being techer. nother gret-gret-gret grndfther of the writer, Alexnder MCNu hd settle in Highln Township, Clrion County now, but ws Venngo Co`unty in 1806 when he built the first house there. t is possible tht Alexnder MCNughton hd known the Agnew.fmily in the Phildelphi re round t is not impossible to imgine. tht MCNughton influ6nced th; Agnews to Richlnd Township. Highlnd Township ws prt of Richlnd Township s well s Brnett Township. Helen.Furnce, the MCNughton re. ws within wlking inyfiittin::s :i!ori: htid :iki;gr:di:{:::#n#3:ie:!u?rm?::et:nej::fn; R]iv+ The writer's gret-gret grndfther, John MCNuqhton, moved to Fisher from Helen Furnce. With neighbors being fr prt, it seemed inevitble tht n Agnew nd MCNughton would mrry, which hppened fter John Aqnew #3 net Mrqret Ann Mr`N`ioht.on of Fisher, dughter of John nd Elizbeth MCNughton. THE NAAVE HOMNY RDGE The wy Hominy Ridg sendnts of the ey`1y se Slocums. the Agnews, CJ2±. the got its nme should be of gret interest to the detlers of the re - the Be soms, the Dobsons, the the Pinters, nd the Mzes. During the ey`1y dys of the settlement, the community rn.out of food one ;ne::tn# 8n :t#io:: r3i]sed followed the Wtterson-Olen Rod.. Since the only food left in the community ws field com, the people mde hominy which prevented them from strving until the men got bck with other food. Ever since tht tine this cormiunity which lil p:g:;: %:#:3#:;t3?s?fH?i:w:;t!:rb:#e:iT!i ::i :: :3k:5u;i:ri:: :::r k.noun s Hominy Ridge. from his mother As young by the writer herd this story mny tim?s ELLA POST 0FF_CE ` The second post office in Brnett Township (the first one ws t Glrington,) ws estblished t Hominy Ridge on August There my be mise.a Post Office fter E1 tke-in the yer). t ws clled Ell new Buzrd twin dughter of John Anew #3. t is very.possible Jifes F. Acinew 9 uncle of J_ohn #3. who ws still 6Eifiirster until 1819 t Agnew Mills, ner Emlenton. mylhve been influenci n the nming of the Ell Post Office.fter.ll. Agne.w The writer remembey`s see Eil on n-old Officil Pennsylvni Rod Mp of Pennsylvni mny yers g, t wht we cll Hominy Ridge. The old milit.ry records of John Acinew #3 nmed Ell. s the post office.

17 PAE;E 17 THE AGNEW FARM The orl.ginl Agnew frm t Hominy Ridge is long the Homi.ny Ridge - Fisher Rod on top of Gthers Run hi.1l on the Hominy Ridge side of the vlley. t is the fl.rst frm on top of the hill. The uthor remembers seeing n old log brn round 1925 on the bck prt of the frm. A U.S. Mil plne ws supposed to hve crshed in the re. C. Edd Rei hrd resoned tht if the pilot hd crshed in the re nd if he e to see he might hve tried to lnd in the old fields of the vcnt Agnew Frm. There were no other fields nerby. Edd Rei hrd took the old Mrlin rifle, supposedly to gurd the mil, th the uthor went cross the Cther's Run Vlley nd bck into the Old Agnew Frm. The log brn ws empty nd there ws no plne to be seen. t is very interesting to note tht lthough Kte Work who lived on the Fisher side of the Cther's Run Vlley declred she erd the plne circle very low mny times during t. the plne nd the ded pilot were finlly found on mountin side te, Centre County loo ml.les wy. t hd crshed on its westwrd journey to Chicgo. t ws in the 1920's tht the government hd the mil flown York to Chicgo in open cockpit plnes. Bellefonte ws bout 1/3 the distnce nd ws refueling point, nd mny plnes crshed on the moi]ntin in the Bellefonte Are; According to the Ntionl Archives Records, (rec6rded 1.n ces) John Agnew #3, the uthor's gret-grndfther who Served in the r, Ws born on Jnury ZO, 20, Z t Wtterson's Wtterson.s Ferry. Ferry, ArTnstronci Armstrong County, now Clrion County. Wtterson's Ferry ws clled Pinch Gut by some locl residences, but ws officilly lter clled Red Bnk nd Red Bnk Post Office. t is t the mouth of the Red Bnk Creek where it flows into the Allegheny River few miles below Est Brdy. t needs to be remembered tht John Aqnew #2. fther of John Aqnew #3. mu)ved to Hominy Ridge in To go to Hominy Ridge t tht tine, it ws llrost necessry to trvel the Wtterson-01en Rod from Red Bnk to Cllensburg, to Clrion, to Strttonville, to Corsic, nd then to Sigel to ner Clrington to tke the locl rod to Hominy Ridge few miles northwest. By 1840 John #3 ws with his prents t Hominy Ridge, Pint Township, Venngo County He ws 8 yers old. The re 1.s now Hominy Ridge, Brnett Township, Jefferson CoLinty. t hd previously been Richlnd-Township, Venngo County, nd for short period of time ws Pint Township, Forest County..On June 7,1855 John Aclnew #3 t ge 23 ws mrried to Mrqret Ann Mc- Nuqh_tgr!, dughter of John nd Eli.zbeth Brennn MCNughton of Fisher. She ws lso the grnddughter of Al.exnder MCNucihton, the first settler to build i::;?cin,#i 7#!n!r:.3w3::#ing: rion counif Alexnder MCNucihton hd come to John nd Mr ret Ann were mrried t Fisher by.john rookson, Esq. nd 11.ved in Fisher for the next 6 months ft-er which they moved to Hominy Ridge where they lived until 1913 when they moved to Strttonville where M-rgre Ann soon died. John, who Ws n invlid t the time, then lived with his dughter Ell Jne A new Buzrd nd her husbnd Jmes M. Biizrd until 1920 when dug h`t:rl. Equ_-!PT: 4qTew,F±±Z Ef dlfq..he_then -tg H.omlny Ridge nd lived with the other twin dught-er, Lizzie SDence until he died The mrrige record of John hd Mr Methodist Church, Jefferson County. T ret were kept in the Pine G.rove is now gone.

18 PAGE le John A new ws 5 feet 9i=2 inches tll, nd hd light hir nd blue eyes Or i;;w'hiin-5etw-e6n-1 i8:i922, he hd wihite gotee, wlked like n old soldier nd ws hrd of hering He ws 90 yers of ge when he died in By occuption he listed him;elf s frmer. rftsmn, nd lumbermn MARGARET ANN MCNAUGHTON ret Ann MCNu wife of John Acinew #3. ws probbly born ner Helen Furnce, Highlnd Township Clrion County However,.her prents moved to Fisher bout tht time in history, so she could hve been born t Fisher. Her prents Joh n nd Elizbeth Brennn MCNu of lnd in Township nd lter in Nil i'c:::?dt::::ii;rie::h::t:ge Mrgret Ann.s motfier. Elizbeth, is buried in the Methodist Cemetery t Fisher. Elizbeth die.d bout 20 yers before her husbnd John. There is no tombstone in either the Methodist or the Presbyterin Cemeteries t Fisher for John. Neither could one be found in the Helen Furnce Cemetery or the Miol Cenetfry. Since John hd second wife. Brbr. he is either buried someplce else, or his grve is urimrked. Mrqret Ann's grndfther, Alexnder MCNu hton, migrted to Americ from Scotlnd in -1724/5 nd lived few ye delphi. Alexnder hd mrried red-hired Jennet Wtson n girl, in Phildelphi. They soon moved to Lower Bld Egle Township, Centre County where Alexnder trnsported iron ore,limestone, chrcol, nd. pig iron. t ws in Centre County tht!! ±p MCNuqhton met Elizl]eth BrennD. ret Ann MCNu hton.a new ws the community mid-wife in the Homi.ny Ri dge re. When womn ws g 01ng to give birth to child, she would send for-mrgret Ann Agnew who would tke her lntern nd trvel the rods, pths, ;;i;;:!r;::::::i;#:::i;:{:1::h;:;g;::;i::i?:#:::iyc :jd: %:;;C:i::i;::in her servi.ces When Lur Buzrd MCNeil ws born, her mother, Ell J. A new Buzrd, dughter o nn. went from.sigel to Hominy Ridge to be with her mother who cted s the mid-wife MTv]ret Ann ws strong nd helthy person. n the book Tles of the Clrion River, mngret's son-wesley M. Anew of Ornge, Cliforni, writes, n 1877 when ws smll bov. Fred MCNuclhton, brother of Mroret Ann, ws rfting out 6f Mze's Gp on -shnty bot rft.-fred hd his wife nd his si.ster, ret Ann A new on the rft s cooks. He hd two men ori the front end of the rft ope ng the steering or. They plyed out t Lickin.g Bend nd could no longe+ pull-the steering-or. The -rft ivs going "over the hill" (wrecking). Mrret Ann rn.out of the cook house shnty, took the or nd steered the rft to sfety". wt'sogfrirch u:hg3e,h:is;re:el:rdw::tr:hew#:::#;re:eh3r;: rooi:::'h:±pe±±±r turned jet blck nd remined so until tier deth. Mrqret Ann died t Strtton;ille on Sept'...!er t her dughter's h-one, Ell Buzrd. ` Her husbnd, John Aqnew #3,tinued to live with Jmes M. nd Ell Buzrd t Strttonville until his duq...r Fll Rli7y`fl died in Fll Bii7rd hd been nmed Elln, modem for old Scottich F-lln. n her.erlier records her nme ws written Elln. then Elin. Lter we find it written Ellen but her fther John Aqnew #3 misspelled her nme nd wrote it. Ellen. Lter her husbnd, Jmes M. Bii7nd` seemed to hve chnged it to Ell.

19 PAGE 19 THE CVL WAR AND JOHN AGNEW #3 John nd Mr ret Ann A new hd the in the Unl. on Arty: following chi.1dren before he enlisted Brtley Agnew Elizbeth Agnew Ell Jne Aqnew, twin Bumell Lincoln A sister of Mry Elizbeth (probbly nmed fter Abrhm Lincoln) Wde L. Agnew On June , John A new #3 joined in the U. S. Arny t Strttonvi l1e for 1 yer 1 yers ol trdition sys. he volunteered to tke th of mn being drfte who pid $100.00, which ws common p t tht We hve records showing John's younger br`other Leonr hd enlisted in Co.B. 155 Regiment of the Pennsylvni Volunteers, sc Buzrd, older brotherof Jmes M, Buzrd ws lso in the sme outfit wit eonr. pftts3:#:y8;:8 ::m3efet86*y:tetelre:tt;te::;:elbt::,m53::reg8t]3j::r. he which often reoccured nd becme so severe tht he ws troubled with it for the reminder of his life.. n fct it seemed to mke n invlid out of. him in lter life. Tody we would cll it dysentery. On Jnury 21,1864 he ws honorbly dischnged t Pittsbugh but ws not mustered out until June 31,1864.t Pittsburgh. One wonders why he hd to serve 6 months fter being dischnged. After being rfustered out in 1864, he went home. However, there is evidence tht he ws home t tines during the six-month in'tervl. J!!B±nmust hve been very, very unhppy. First, he hd to reniin in the rmy n extr six months. Second, he.vys not well. Third,. he hd lredy served his time in the rmy. Fourth, he hd new dughter t honie whom he hd not seen. Four months fter being mustered out, he ws drfted on October 3, J1864 nd ws mustered in t Fort LeBouf, Wterford, Erie County. His wife, tl = gret Ann, ws pregnnt. On December 23,1864 Brbr d Agnew ws born. The writer's mother.. d M Buzrd Rei hrd ws nmed fter this bby, her unt. These re the only two d S mong 1 the Agnews, Buzrds, nd Mc-.Nughtons'. ury #8::n;eA;:;0;:r!:::i::)d:::r :::. h #:yti,si86:h;en::sb:: brn:n:o the Arny t Crlisle. My 3, 1865 he ws redrfted. The Ntionl Archives Records do not show wht hppened between Jnury 3 nd My 3. He my hve L 1. _ J _, _. been locked drfted, it t One cn only guess. Apprently., by being rerecord. The record does show tht he ws t.crlisle 8;p':::n3]; i:6;n o::;e;;eg::5tp8i%tsj ::ehtj.s 1 i:eh:ow :re:::0:e:r::og?:::#;r so much trouble.

20 PAGE 20 The record shows him being t Phildelphi in July 1865, very short time fter being promoted. He lso ser.ved t Biley's Crossrods, Virgini nd - r3;:gn :#in8: g3. t ;t i: :ifro:: :i:i:y' ih;;0;:tr::!sw:!:h:ebg8fsdi::r:::, lter in life, to get disbility pension. He is supposed to hve served t bettysburg. His nme is on the Pennsylvni.Monument. On July 1,1865 he ws dischrged t Wshington, D. C., nd week lter, July 7, 1865 he ws mustered out there. t is not known how he trveled from Wshington, D. C. towrd home. but pprently he ws ble to tke the trin to Ridgewy. He ws very wek. We next find him t Ridgewy where he ws net by Wes Spence, neighbor. Wes nd J. M. MCK of Ti.onest, fellow soldier, nd some other men got bot nd floted down the Clrion Ri.ver from Ridgewy to Mze's Gp, down over the hill from Hominy Ridge. John ws wlk from Ridgewy to Hominy Ridge. After.being home for few months nd eting home cooking, he regined his strengtli nd strted to frm gin. Three more children were born fter the wr. They were: Ctherine L., John W. nd Westley M Countir!g Brbr d Aclnow born December,, ]Qhp hi d ron, During World Wr 11 Metheny Buzrd, gret-grndson of John Anew, ws rrested with two drunk officers t Crlisle nd locked up overnight. Metheny clims this is rel coincidence since he ws in the sne cell s gret-grndfther John Acinew, nd like him, he ws shortly promoted to higher rnk. When John A new ws hvi ng trouble his wr pensi.on incresed, he used J... Jmes? Wshington, D. C. s n ttorney. He ws pprently rel Ve THE LAST YEARS 0F JOuN AGNEW + After Jchn`s wife, Mrciret Ann died in John becme n invlid to the extent tht he hd to be dressed t times. {`' From 1913 to 1920 there were bout 14 Civil Wr Veterns round Strttonville. When their pension checks cirie to the post office, they would pick them up. (everyone hd to go to the post off,ice to get his mil t Strttonville) nd then go next door to the Buzrd Generl Store nd fight the Civil Wr gin. #: i n;s::i}ys::#etul:e::ie:# ;:i :rs:::x 3n:h: t:r:?n T#i4± :## veterns were somewht surprised to see Rebel in Strttonville nd roceeded to`9ive him rough He-sked them if they. hd been t t t of Msvsens. They.hd been. He.sid he did not recognize ny of them nd would they turn nd fce the wll. This they did. He sid, ll still don.t recognize you even when you turn your bck side to ne, which ws the sight sw in the #:i::ivi#:yf:}t ]#!i:d:dw:::d9:: :1 ::in#: b#i:r;to±s± ±S!±i::: e8yin Methenv Buzrd. During this Strttonville period in John Aqnew's life. there would be. prde in the town on every 4th of,july. All.the Civil Wr Veterns would l- #:tfr::s:n#:i:::i:'w::1:e:id:pqs *2i:i: ot:t tch::ci?ni:h#;i::ee!r Johh Aclnew plyed the fife nd soitietines the drum. During the progrm t the church, young Edd L. Buzrd, grndson of John, recited the Gettysburg Address.

21 PAGE 21 Around 1919 riding utomobile John A new, who would r`ila t`^ -L^ L ni.. -. be bout 87 yers old t the time, comi - -'`- V,'\~, +\,111 He _ rng _... the little ucu b-ell ul"ws tht ws un on tne the crin in the of.horn, middle :hew#,r:.:efj#:gw,?s 8o%::ie :Sr::i?iv :r:t:::v?i#-:gp:* y -,-- L-JJ=_i, A :::i:rt:hgetdi8r::!f :i:rt#8nb ] i: g:th:u:n3ft :ec#d:::1?fe:. John Agnew feh fell to the sidewlk. writer. As 1 :. re:ui:t-.,.,_,.,.. u.,vi liueu. n> r't:su[t Tht ws very unplesnt fternoon for the i;;:: :;;!#i;!o*:il;f±#i!:;i:;:t;o*;!iii;:;ii:;!i;i;i::i;::::!i;!i:!!;;i;:gt, tine of his life. tie would do tliis even in modertely cold wether. After John went bck to live t Hominy Riqge with hi..s other twin dugliter, M ry Elizbeth._` 1 `' e``--. (L1'Zzl.e news ence, he wlked to the Reighrd f:rm t Fisher y Lcld Reighrd out in bck field. inst`hiij---;t8=.=. :ng^i^ :nz: e!r-9i.d._:op., inj.;oieur;?*e;;-: '#e ;i#thpere ±±!±e :±,. were field. t ws t this exct spot where 4 feet of hrd Kittnning col ws found ''. '''_ '.' `, -, J'L' '> \nr wter g:::gw:cc:#j:±ri!bjp!. P:jr3t 9n_in.the.1970's. ws coming off tfie Vein of col. At tht time Tht John is why. A it ws wet-the _ - --''' _' -v..., 1, ul'l Ll'C new told bout when rm of vi.rgin tim- ha,,,r ^,,-, "._. ::rtselnp]:n:::::dt#efg#:ons c,er the Re t is more, the Mnsons cleti t Fisher where. he lter mrri.ed. likely tht when John A e frm. he my h 've tten et the red-hired young 1922 _s.ygung mn., ws helping ed socil of church servic Ann MCNu ' the girl n 1920 Ell Buzrd di.ed. 'Thi.s mde it neces bck to Hominy Ri.dge nd live with the other twi.n!9!p_r:_i _.y?ry p6or helth t this time. He ws ffide::etove g medi.cine,` [u[ foitbd /u :u#::::i::t;it:;:1:e:*zj : 9#CeH:CS;::3t:%g;::yhf:rt#%:g:y ::ge:: During these lst three dys John wrote noteexonerting Lizzie. John Acinew #2, his wife EJ long with nuniber of their the Hominy Ridge Cemetery. CELF:nj3#. # # n#dret::i ret Ann tives re BARTLEY AGNEW Brtley Aqnew ws the ol dest son of the John #3 A the second frm -rom the Reighrd frm on the new fmi 1y. He owned in Mi.1lcreek :::::h: T:,8 ::: nt#:t5ie ::u:i:ep:rrfut gbg±:!; :n:refftg:;:din::::.:d Rev Chester Mccske who becme well-k-n-own Methodist precher 1.n Western Pennsyl Vnl he i.n his erly dys of school, he would go into the A new-mccske orchrd, when he ws wlking pst 1.t in the summer; nd tke Trnsp ples. No one ws living on the fin t th.e time. er Allen A Lurl ie on lnd out.of plnks younger son of Brtle 1.ved most of his li i:#:r#'b#if:i::ill:::!e#r:is One dy the Al`1en Acinews were coming towrd Fisher-froim Sigel.

22 pge 22 when their Model T Ford hit rock on the Dve Clusen hi.11 right on the boundry line between Clrion County nd Jefferson County Their yotlng dughter, Zol Louise A new. ws throw.n out of the cr nd ws killed. Tht ws very s Win Spence of Hominy Ridge. MARY ELZABET John nd Mr mrried She ws the twin sister of Ell AgnewBuzrd. The pencs operted -tverh t Scotch Hill which ws cross t e lrion iver from Fi.sher nd Hominy Ridge. The Clri.on River rftsmen would wlk up the river hillside to Scotch Hill nd spend time there relxing nd drinking. For mny yers Jmes M. nd Ell Buzrd would hve to do with the Spences becuse th t ws wrong to operte. tvern Scotch Hill ws nn`ed s Lrd:igito:?-n fh:;:e%ne:o ;::u8j;ie:!y!3e?:fjsi±±±::fii:!e±±±, # # r ret Ann MCNu hton A. The son nd dughter, Scotch Hill nmeskes. hd clered two frms t t edge of wht is tody, Scotch Hi.11. These frms were on the Grvel Lick Rod out of Scotch Hil'1 towrds the Clrion River nd Fisher. win prde[i :=er :=# :':itb:;rnt:: :: #:rrdf :o:::3toh-::fi:,t i:::c:fed:#::rc ; e home frn school the first dy she ws there he sw white tble cloth on the kitchen tble with beutiful chocolte cke in the middle. Tht seemed like very beutiful sight to 9-yer-.old boy. t my hve been the first tine tht white dining ron tble cloth hd been on top of the usul kitchen oil cloth tble covering. Hrriet ws very plesnt person nd people likedther very much.. However, there ws something sd in her life t tht tine tht ws lwys unknown to the wrl.ter. When Thorton MCNeil cousin of Dn's, ws born, she went to the MCNeil home nd worked. This would be bout the sme period of history. For mny yers she worked for het-weltlyunt Mude Aqnew in West Virgini. Don Soence. son of Win nd Lizzie, did some dr`inking in his lter life. He 1,iyed in the nd ws driller. He hd very vivid imgintion nd ws quite tlker nd ws well liked by those who knew him. He once told Ry Buzrd bout.shooting ber between the eyes t Grvel Lick when the ber ws 500 yrds wy. WADE AENEW He ws occsionlly rrested for driving while drinking. Once the Judge of Jefferson County told him tht drunk drivers were terrible mence on the highwys. Don greed the judge nd sid something ou ht to be done bout it. The judge gve six months in jil. However. he d dn't serve the com- plete sentence Wde Aqnew, nother son of John nd Mr ret A mrried Mude Besom neighbor girl. They went to Clrksburg, West Virgini where they becme multi-millionires in the oil busiriess. Zoe MCNeil Johns of Brockwy rememwering the lrgest di.mond ring tht Zoe hd ever bers Milde Besom A Seen. from West Virgini would stop t the Reighrd home.i?i :i :i:r :X:r T;:;:er: tx:si:;es!:rb?:::?nin3i ±:#:::i ::: i::: :::n8o#: ever see in those yers. Since Pckrds were ``the" cr t tht time, they viere probbly Pck rds nd lwys open touring crs. Tht ws before sedns were mde.. These fnny touring crs relly impressed the writer, who ws young boy t th

23 PAE;E 23 SOME LAND DEALS 0F JOHN AGNE:W Nottion is mde of few Agnew l.nd dels: Smuel Philli in Elk Township, C] s sold John A new #2143 cres for $ ge, Jefferson County ij J LO.. 2. John Aqnew #3 conveyed piece of property to his wife Mrgret He ws getting redy to volunteer for the rty. ELJRE, ljizfr. in qu. LEE iii s# E:e%::nt#: wt:;reb:i::er::t:drg:*yf::ohiiew;# rqret 4. John Agnow #3 purchsed piece from John Snyder B!±z± d in 5. JLQ±p _Ague_wLp 'pu.rchsed piece f ron Re nolds Lwrence Buzrd 6. John AQnew #3 trnsferred piece to son Wesley M. Acinow in 7. John Anew #3 trnsferred 66 cres to son Wesley M. An w in 8. Jchn Aqnew #3 purch.sed 2 cres from. Rnkin i n le7. After John Acinew #3 moved to Strttonville in Ji, he purchsed mny trcts of lnd. Mny of these were purchsed in l Ei He got severl pieces when some of Rnd nolds Buzrd's lnd ws sold for txes. (Rnd hd died bout 1903 Both Reynolds nd his brother Jmes M. Buzrd did not like pying rel estte txes on lnd They would by trct of lnd, tke the timber off in short period of time, nd then sell or give the lnd wy. Sometimes since they both hd so much business going on t one tine, they would simply let the lnd go to the county for txes. These trcts were in both Jefferson County nd Clrion County. gj ve 8foih::et :ys ::;:SL?:: :::e# #3gc3:#nr:%:doEL'*h:oTife Buzrd. his dughter in Strttonville where he ws mking his hone. AGNEW PLOTS 0N THE CLARON RVER thertlv:r!]ifi :o V ± Z;;:di:ifets#:r:e±g±=zff; #:s fr:t#ebr:sseegin nd fn;'s sons, Willi.m nd Westle Tles of the Clri.on Ri.ver tells of the MCNughtons, the Agnews. nd the Buzrds l rfting on the Clrion-A1 legheny Rivers t the sme time. They were well-cquinted with ech other nd often worked together. PCTURE 0F THE JOHN AGNEW FAMLY A lrge picture of John lnd Mr ret Ann A new nd their nine dult children ws given to the writer by t Clerfie,1d on My 21,1981. Ellen nd the writer re first cousins nd re-gret-grndchildrc-t. of ddrlndthgr_et Agnevy.

24 PAGE 24 N THE CVL WAR ncomplete records show the following Agnews in the Civil Wr: 1. Pvt. John Aqnew July 21, Leonrd Agnew -Co Regiment Pennsylvni Vol. 3. Pvt. Joshu Agnew,184th, Co.E., 39th Regiment trnsferred to 119th Regulrs Pvt. John C. A Btt. P. nf. new. killed t Mechnicville Co.D, 2nd 5. Pvt. Smuel A new trnsferred to l19th Reg., P.V.. Co. E, 39th. 6. Cor John A new, CO John Aqnew referred to s JO. 56th Reg. P. Volunteers, mf. (The LEONARD AGNEW Leonrd Aqnew, younger brother of John Acinew, enlisted in the northern Hyo8nug::u::1::.t:%:.:e3:i::v:;:e6oT#:%:v:2j,;84{e#3s;%j oy::::tyot8f t tine of enlistment nd ws 10 yers younger thn John #3. Some records Show him being killed in the rmy bi/t this is not correct. The Ntionl Archives Records shows him being mustered out on My 24,1863 t Cmp Curl tin. He ws mustered in t Hrrisbung on August for n enlistment of 9 months. He ws in Cpt. Espy`s Co. 135th Regiment of the Pennsylvni nfntry. His pension ws $19.00 per month. Leonrd mrried Melind Butterfield, but she died on Februry 19,1872 t Tionest, their residence. On August he mrried Sllie (Srh) J. Crson of ndin. They were Rev. Willim S. Owens of the United Presbyterin Church of ndin, Pennsylvni. Thi.s nirrige ws listed by ffidvit by Srh to the Federl Government when she tried to secure widow's pension fter. Leonrd died. We mention this becuse both.christi.n Mc- #n:;ipe:i i::s;7[##i38:i!::::t:ij3#:h:;n#ie :imch {nt#:o:::et ;d Melind nd Srh ll their lives, nd tht Leonrd hd mrried only Melind. Tht Leonrd nd Srh hd lived together s mn nd wife but hd never mrried. They lso stted they hd lwys kept in correspondence.with.ll three of them s long s Melind hd lived nd then continued to correspond with Regrdless of this, Srh did re- Leonrd nd Srh fter Melind hd died. ceive widow's pension. While living in Tionest, Forest County, Leonrd ws deeply involved in lumbering., He bought mny nge trcts of lnd in order to out the timber. Leonrd nd Srh, the second wife, were still living t Tionest in 1892 when Leonrd ws unb e to do physicl lbor. n 1909 Leonrd nd Srh moved 6 re ot:g#e#dl::::r3ndi:]yt:##: hg Y:# ol4 ie::#\e:4:i,si#t;tp9;t;::dri of ge;. He is buried in vult t Portlnd. Cuse of deth ws hert fi.lure nd kidney trouble. He listed his occuption s lumbermn nd oil mn. Since Rnd Buzrd ws in the 1umber Oregon, it is very possible tht they were working together jn Oregon; however no evidence ws uncovered to prove this. They were well-cquinted bck in Jefferson County.

25 PAGE 25 ELh_en young mn he hurt his bck t Mple Creek, Brnett TownsfiiF; Jefferson County whi.1e t bot bui.ldin. This Seemed t6 help him get his wr pens-ion incresed in lter life Slle S.rh Crson ws born in.1853 nd died September 1,1929 it ge 76 yers. received vi.l Wr Widow's Pension of $40.00 per inonth. EVENTS N THE AGNEW FAMLY.1774 John A new #1 ws born. gq October 2, John Agnew #2 ws born. 9!. Jmes F., Aqnew brother of John #3 ws born. ] JB A John Acinew ws living in Mhoning Township, Armstrong County. H ws between 30 nd 40 yers old. Could be John #1. Q A John Aqnew ws living in Butler County. Could be John #2. ± P John Aqnew #2 nd Ell:n Biley were mrried A son ws born to John #2 nd Ellen Aqnew John Agnow #1 moved to Richlnd Township, Venngo County`ner Emlenton John #1 ws ssessed in Richlnd Township. 1L i Jmes F. Agnew, son, purchsed 100 cres in Richlnd Township The first.settlers cme to+ Hominy Ridge. John Acinew #1. ws ssessed for 100 cres in Richlnd Township. Jmes F. A new ws merchnt. er in or der to strt the store. He my hve sold his 100 cres to his hz7. A Dniel Anow ws ssessed for 124 cres in Richl.nd Township. hve been nother son of John #1. He my ]829 Other settlers cme to 'Honiny Ridge, including John Acinow #2. John Adnow #2 ws techer 'in Elk Township, Venngo County (Hominy Ridge). lp:;i:#i:::±i;;:ei#i:hb:*#::#o#d::d#s:ir#:oi;nj#s 2J John #1 ws.still ssessed for the pulling (woolen) mill t Richey Run (A9new Hill) J`mes F. seemed to be operting the mill Jchn Acinew #1 died. 1 g2l2' Jmes F. now operting the mill nd lso owned the mill. ±:=#:r=:e;::db::nbet # ::hrep8 ::: : :peth:#1en mill going to ife John #± nd wife Ellen nd fmily went to Red Bnk in ]E3.

26 PAGE 26 0n Jnury 20,1832 son.john Aqnew #3 ws born t Red Bnk. ret Ann MCNu hton ws born. 8i5 John Agnew #2 nd fmily were bck in Pint Township (Hominy Ridge) John #2 ws ssessed for 1 cow Jefferson County ws orgnized with Brnett Township covering the re - of Homi.ny Ridge. Jo`hn #2 purchsed 25 cres from Brdford. Ur Leonrd Aqnew, brother of John #3, ws born on June 12.! 3 John #2,bought 143 cres for $300.o0..]!] John Aqnew #3 becine the first ssessor for Bmett. Township, Jefferson County t ge 19. He held this job for bout 10 yers John A new #3 mrried ret Ann MCNu hton of Fisher on June 7. yers old nd Mrgret Ann ws 21 yers old. fi S Son born to ]QhpJ± nd hirqret Anit Honiny Ridge on June !gEp ws.ssessed for 2 horses nd 1 cow. Tl J8 ::dm#?re.ttwai:.dughters EJELJl? nd E_1 Zdeihwere born to dshri3 0 T! g J;#JJn:::e#n?n:rothngr:y;!m;? Wife Mrqret Ann. He must hve been think. Son Burnell Li.ncoln A new ws born on October 13. Ellen Biley Agnew got 50 cres from BJds. John nd Mrqret bought. 66 cres. ffl2 Son Wde L. Aqnew of John #3 nd Mrqre.t ws born September 16. Leonrd Ac]new, brother of J_ohm #3, enlisted in the northern rmy on August 1. Tng' John Acinew #3 joined th.e northern rmy on June 6. Previously, John hd conveyed two properties to wife _M r_qulre±. Leonrd ws mustered out on My. 24. ±gbz} got dirrhe in September t {umberlnd City, Mrylnd. 1fi i. On Jnury 21 ]±be ws mustered out of the rny; nd honorbly dischng- ::i]ih:n#:reni},yu#!:#'3i t#:o:ermry3',i::##ig'd:ef::s?n::::eper' rmy. He ws mustered in t Fort LeReuf. Erie County. Johri pprently went home on his own (AWOL). Dughter Bhor.d Anew ws born on December 23,1fi 4,

27 FACE 27 ng t:n#:y:in; ##;si:fes# 5 r ::i:gw :0:dr# e:1.:t:!#ew:;in;:t#:;?d L/ EL7 Dughter Ctherine L. Agnew ws born Jnury Son John Wgner Agnew ws born April 4. s uccess 1 On. He ws the 4th John Agnew in 1871 Son Wesle Mrtin Agnew ws born My 14. Ellen Bile mother of John #3, ws ssessed for 45 cres By order.of John Agnew #2, the 45 cres were ssessed to John A On Jnury 4t-h John Agnew #2 died. August loth John #2's new #3 en died 'John #3 bought property from John Snyder Buzrd. ret Ann MCNu hton A rf t wi th her brother cooks on the rft. new, wife of John #3 went to Pi.ttsburgh on wife. The two women were 1878 John Agnew #3 ws 1879 Jmes F. Agnow of ptron of the Jef.fer :ounty Atls. Richey Run, brother of John Aqnew #2 died E]1 Pcjst Office t Hominy Ridge ws estblished nd ws nmed fter ~ ± nd Mrqret Anew's dughter Ell Jne Aonew Buzrd. 1891!!gbp. bought lnd from Rnd Buzrd. son. Wesley M. Agnew He lso trnsferred property to ± i ±±± trnsferred nother 66 cres to son, Wjis]Al. 1 Z!!EE bought 2 cres from BEisin. J Jnury ne 20 John #3 mde his will. He ws 1.n poor helth. John nd Mr ret moved to Strttdnvil1e nd strted to in the Jmes M. Buzr Ouse On the upper side of the street. The Buzrds On the 1 ower ide of the rod September 13 ret Ann MCNu hton A new died. 1±J± ::8gE;Sh:r ::efj:::;:rd Anew died on December 26 t Portlnd, oregon EL83#rdYpE:k;:3g:ism::ynepi:c::r:±t:%;:i:i.e:i:in8h :th:jdeu!:tg:t# ELr8 #:yh:dds:3ri;0:u: ;5%: Sue of these hd belonged to My 31 -John ws still t Crlisle. June -John ws promoted to Corporl. July 1 -John ws honorbly di.schrged t Phildelphi. xp::nrdb#±##iwth::efe :%:rd:.fhl:.`j#:i:iskfi'e:*ns :%:etsrt un ::::h#: i-;r John Aqnew zbeth moved bck Ll'zzl'e to Hominy Ridge nd ence, `nl##j;:!gs;f :r :i±#i:i;s:::;o;; ]:;?;::;%3g;;in:i:#t\ :g#

28 PAE;E 28 Der Pt, A girl shmed of herself is writing to you to dy. First wnt to dpelogize for my dely in thnking yoil for Sending me yoiir Story " The Mrrige of Two Cstles" in Februry enjqued so much reding it. My exeiises: erly 1985 we hed mny visitors, then we mde trip throi[gh the Provtrmes 8s fbr es Qrfet]ec nd lso Clttes in tr`e united Sttes. My husbnd hed the chnce to g3t ngiibinted with mny enusins he never her the op )ortllnity to meet. We collected sme informtion, nd there is still lot 1o obteiin. On our return qut involved with Freneh Oroiip in Victori nd we decided to write bmk bout the French nfluence in Victori. greed to be the coordintor. didn. expect this job to bb so demnding. For over yer live been typing, writing end rewriting texts, m for`tun@te to li@ve 5 specl.blists in Fmmh to finlize the edition of these rticles. We re Confident to be chle to hve the l]ook printed ln July Unttl then, ttlt hve lot to th. Also this yer, being Expo 86 in yt]ncouver B.C. we her mny visitors nd we were unble to ttend theagnow's gthering in Cliforni8. WB re sorry to hve missed this opportunity to meet the group. As usul Bnjyed rebdingyour Newsl8tter (Nov.Bee- 986). 6ppreciBte `h8 chnge in the formt, it is B8sier to file nd crry in )rief cse if you wnt to show it to someone. t is nice of you to remin s the Editor of the Newsletter, you mke} it so interesting. woiild vote to let the Mormons joined 8t the regiilr rte. My reson i tht W wnt to dissemimte the informtion es widely s possible. They mke (heir records vilble to ll. About the Cnedln meml}ers of the prent Agnow A5encltton tn Scotlnd, met oneof them, Mrssybjl Butter field,lst fll. She lives in Victori Eind we briefly discussed the possibility of hving socil gthering with the Agnews living in the VictorioArco. t will b8fterjuly 1987 s both ]f us re presently busyonother projcets. lm elsoe member of the Seotl8nd Assocition end receive their newsletter. f we siicceed in gthering ll the Agnows ln this 8rc,1t m{gtit help discovering the loction of some of ollr ncestors in Scotlnd or lrel8nd. will keep you psted on this projecl wonted to let you know hvn't forptten you nd 8m stlll nterested ln lhoagne`hr Assocfotion. f try ny chnce you come in otir 8rc, wo would b8 )lest to see yoii. wlsh you Hppy Bod succesfull yer ln Sl,,cer8'y, x2c,,.j~lri< O^ct. L~ C]FFCEPl BCJAF]D MEMBEPl : Lt:.Col. Jck D. Agnew Kerineth Agnew Lc]is c:hieck Dr. Mrie Agnew Mrcelli Pi]t Alexnder` Mggie Brynt Jen Schneider Cc]l John Prk AgiiEw c c] n v E n E! r :c]. Convener Tresurer/Secret,ry H i t c) r i n Editor NEwslE1=ter Bc]rd Member Membership C:onvener Emiril:us

29 F'AGE 29 w LconE TO Oufl NEJm MEMBcm5!!. MB KAF]EN AE;NEW BNGHAM [.{tl06) MPl KENDF]A K. BLAKE [#107) 3543 Hrborwoc]d F]d E. 281:h F'l. lem, VA Tul OK MB DEBBA L. BF]OWN (#108) =308 Jennes Tril Edmond, Ok JAMES M. MLLE:F] (#11C)) 2011 Glendle Nc]rth Brc]ok, 1160C)E5= F]GC3 S. MLLEF] [#109) =801 Plmers on Troy, M MF F]LJTH WAKEFELD (#111) 1785 Terrg E 0t:En ide, CA E]2054 As we nc)w Stnd we hve 100 pid members. There Eire some who hve ric]t, renewed their membership, nc] we hc]pe they will dec=ide l=o Sty with i.=! As ib ric]w 1:E3rid we pln fu send revised roster to ll c:tive membe=r wii:h i.he nex± issue of c]ur` liew let;±er. C]ri the Following pges re copies of le=1:ter Frc]m Andrew A. F.edBr`ick, nd n reic:le Frc)in ` he F'hildelphi nquirer cli:ed 2E July lgbe; which must be of interesttc] ll members of i;he Agnew Fmily. AF1:E3r yciu heive rec] the rticle t,hink we shc]ulc! ddress 1=hE= questil]n of wheit; is the desire c]f olir As5Dcit:ic],n?? hoiilcl we c]ffer i:c] suppl]rt i;his effc]rt.?? ht]uld some c)f c]lir 1=FF ttend the ccimmemc]r-tic]n c:eremc]ny?? Sir Bri piri. AgriE:w hs inclict:e3d tht he is rther dc]ub Ful tht he will ble ;ci i=tend. think i;his should hve nc] effet=+.c]n wht c:i:ion we 1:Eke. 11= is my per oneil c]piriic]n i:heit: we shc]uld support i:his wc]r±hy c:u e: sl< Fc]r the desires c]f olir members be=fore ::.i;,2%ec::; ctiori= pr or c:c]n c]n 1:his issue. (jdr-./c. Jcl<. D. Agriew C: ri v e n r My those who love us, love us; And those who don't love us, My God turn their herts; And if He doesn't rum their herts, My He turn their nkles, So we'l know them by their limping!

30 F]AGE 30 Sir Cuspin.HT`lyn Agnew of Locknu Londle Terrce Edinburgh EH3 9HN g#:::::i:ye:::nsy vn Uriited Sttes of Americ December 29, 1986 =E Der Sir Cuspin, lerned of your nme through Debrett's nd m hoping hve mde, the correct ssumption from it. m historin with the Frnklin Mint, nd.former Prk Rnger with the Ntionl Prk Service, pursuing project which my interest members of the Agnew fmily. During.c.he Americn,Vt for ndependence, Generl.mes Tnner Agnew ws killed during the 1777 Bttle of Germntown ner Phildelphi. After series of events, his remins were interred in sml: buril ground belonging to the DeBenneville Fmily. recently, this sml.i cemetery ws virtully ignored by the outside world, s it is surri.unded by lrgely commercil properties, till rediscover it through my fscintion iri.conducting reserch in this historicl: 5r±::=;e±e::::tE:::r;i::r±:e::i::su:::::d:±t ::et:=eu::: dtg:::::r Generl Simon Erser t Srtog Ntionl Historicl Prk, New York nd Generl Willim Phillips in Petersburg Ntionl Bttlefield, Vir gini. Both of these officers' grves re properly mrked nd comme orted wit?iin bour.dries of ntionl p.rks yet Generl Agnew's is v. rtuii}-;-.idden.nd forgotten. m ctively coordinting pro].ec:t.hich will try nd c:hnge the present sttus of Generl Agnew's grvesite. pln to hve proper historicl interpretive mrker pl{.;ed on the site nd correct lndscping completed round this entire re. To ccomplish these gols, m ctively rising funds from vrious civic, historicl r governmentl gencies. Some of t.he orgniztions which hive given support include the First Permsylvni Brt{ Corportion(which presently mintns the.cemetery s trust propert.jr), the PhiJ.delphi Society for che Preservtion of Lndmrks, the Ntionl Trust for H: toric Preservtion, the British officers' Club in Phildelphi, the Royl Welch Fusiliers in Americ, t.he First ContirLentl Regiment of Foot, the 'hildelphi Historicl Commission, the Pennsylvni Historicl nd Museum Commission, the MCDonlds Corportion nd the Eni lish Speking Union. n ddition, the British Embssy in Wshingto` nd the Royl Anglin Regiment-Essex Assoct.ion, the descendnts of Agnew's regiment, hve promised nd given their help. ws hoping ::::ey:: ::.:±d± ±:;: i:e%%%:: [±:gt LyT :i:h : [Er:i:c:u:3:r ::ueeem prove invluble, To give you some furt.her insight on this project T hve enc.1.osed photocopy of recent newspper rticle from the Thnk you fcjr ycjur time. f you or nyone else hve n.v E#:=t:::;:GEL::::i::e:o5yh3:i,:::: i: :;r8`5:cfh:e.2[oehh:::i::r:: ; of Generl Agriew's deth, So will need ll the support cn g::=::. lto:o=eg:r:±±::dc::et:: tc=:±g±::ego:o:ot:::e:::e so,` '::7e;',;,,/,,-,!.i.ridrew A. Frederick

31 PAGE 31 ````` :4-8 T`esd}', J``ly 22,1986 The Phildelphi lnqulrer He 8ee]c8 to FilyoFbor cue officer Of gong ckgo 8}' Micbel E. Rune hqulrel Sl Wriler The `in}' cemetery is.shdy osis or the pst. w,illed in rrom`thc mod. rn bustle or North 13rod Street nd he itlre of cr i.dios t the fst rood dri:i.utecde;xet:c,%[.}, lso js door :hrough ``.hich one toltitistone.s in. i;:o::`:;fu:gi'cv;eh::di:ggit:tise::;ins::i`i:.ily nd friends. Here Lie The Remins / Generl Jmes Tnner Agnew A t.tilish O icct ',`Tho ``,'cs i(illt!d o! Germnlown Or` the 4h o October The story intrigued locl historin i\ndrew l`rederick:. Agnew, ` `Le hed of his men. is. cut down ti}. hoslilc gunfire in the het or the Re\.olu!ionry W{ir's Bt. `le or Gcrlni`lown. Oct He is buried with slin fellow..;:rc!:::'t3cds.cbc?r``;' %rne:b:v :hdcuga#`pe:: cns nd reblirii`d in ll`c Ok Lne T)lot or )romini`nt l'hildel ]bi fmily, And thcrc.,in oco,in,i`i/y f.ron his ' Jiome)nd. l) 4rrcr4l slc.eps; `7r/ii. ::Sy`::res":`:`,;::?.E'`iteccj:ythltover.Bwun`d ;r,:dscc:i;i!;.r.2.9{,..:.,ru','dhj,`{kdee!e:: t.:.:`.eon:gwc.;::o`:;.?.:,'odi'nkoewpcl opjei::'f:: :tnd `o sce `..'!:...c he rc.sls. \`,'hi!e (lic. cc.;`..i`tery t L} Street :?J:!in ; `\t.{',`n!;";.)ei.'k.k:`p;:,t?]';, :rst r..imil}' tr\isi lt)r its in.ijlitelince,..rc.derick ``.:uld like `o scc more..:,i:s!,%rh[:;,b:g`;:.t+rc;;gcp:`:``d:i`; v:::i3..:..:;;..i,`ng:cd3{,*;6,`:cn..:`p;tnhg8rshecr,:,,. C`erl`iinl.`.. )..ri.di..ii.k s{..}'s. `l`c gen. :rill oi`ce `i.:l` :ii` oniiln.\' or the l:r:iled S{ite.<.`il `'hc ri)`flil rtir ``:`\ \c t, `'l `\.'..( ill... /\nll 1111` `.`'::r's becit (i\'cr for 2i).) }.(irs..' i.`rcdcr!i-k.,'1 r<:!t ioi``- l>drk i;(.`!.\.ii.i` `.::i`!..`.-: l'!.iil.'l(:`-.l!lhi:`'s l`+je:ir.a.!lorl.ii i!cjust:.. fi...s\ t.iico\ir,\crod `lii? `illc `..\!` G.T`. f\gi`i`\\..i n :` tiricr {ir`ii`le ii` `i :`eightiorliotid ii<ii`i`r ri.v.' y.c,.irs go. i.`escjniilcd. hc! \.i`i:i`d `11c sin.1; c(!iri. `::.:`r}'. \`'li!cl` i`t);:!e`.iis scvciil dozen c`: r,er gr\.c's. ;:id bc!gn `() rcsc.rct`...\gi`c.w, lie fi)`ii`d. ws oiic of o]ily :;:.:`.`Ch8rRt: `?,';`]L ``i!::`:.?r'}?tt:l`:tdo!8%s#: il`ii` it` ^mcric@. Tlii` gr.i`'i`s or t}`c t.: ``ers in{:.,`'.\'...ind 't!crs.!``ir8, \':1.. rc 1`[. norl}. (is ror#o`1i`n ` i\bncw's ii`, :11ilt`delTilii,.`ri`(Jcr- '\-k lc.'irnc,(..-.. scimililil:. `t`(). w;is ll`e sl`ii.y t)r.'..;..:1(.w`s {l,d'h :,ltd,,l`i:'l..,., t`rir::,`',{.r,,, :,tj ll,i,,sh..\,.,,, ), (, `.,. \\.'illi.,,,,, 11,,`1.1`, /\8t,CW C`,,,- :``.:,iiclcd foiir.cii!in`i`i`ts. tot,.il or.:..0 men. ii` lt)\i'i``s iii\'.i5io» ol i.``!`.ns,`.lv`ini`i in `lic rnll or.177.;.....`;?iicw l`iiii:l`` c` ihi` l}``lc or?irond}.wine in Set.(cli`bci` )777, ;:.:`±:.:n`!c`*`;dnsv :;'7.ccod`,B?t `hupc?#]:?,': `ms`icccssr`il.i``ck by tr:e}. on tlic British ot C-ermntown o:? Oc'... ^8ncw. S8. i''\o b;l l ` \1.i,`o'.,ish:ed`sl`g,`gt!S;omwenn, :..:,i,i,:::i,v;i:;;``i;,i::g:r!c:pci ei`: r:is :;i;e!i:; dc(''ll. "DLxir Mclm," ^ndre`.v wrote six in(}`tl`s f`er `l`e generl.`died, ';`i!};;`'::pb?e:.o;:h:ii,ej l:er:n!';:%ret:%:w:fuzi :.. i,,,,;,gr:rvgco`::: `],s s`,lceec:sn`j::::;ce3s; rt)le lime. " `lle v/cn` on `;crit}3 events `.tli{i` unrot.lunte plce clled Gernii`town." Andrew described how i;cd%'`ddofgnn:,rwc%:cj :lil;gg t:pbroi; A;`::cri'.:mo,: #`C,?lsd.Sui`doeu%:yTti% i:)::;.:':;i:n';:i%ii,i.;;srdi;;`:isocti:::;:,:y: ^iiii`.icol`s riled volley from their '\l'lsk,its. "'rhe ftl bll crl`ered :ic smu or :`,pvchk;s..,;:nbdrecst.?`?`ue`ser';tti:.siiid. '... ino`hcr tlll wei`t.`irough... s rig:`, l`nd." Andrew, wl`o lso ws sliglllly wounded, sid l`e cught the generl before he roll from his liorse..the servnt n. severl o.lhcr n`en cr. ried ^gnew `o nctby house. The generl.'could only turn his eyes. nd looked sle{idrstly on me with Agnew.died..without tlle lest struggle or gon.v. bu` with gret ;:gm!:tsj:;ecfj::.,f#rees; (There is nother story tht the F :ebr:t't]`ev yfi",codc',`e:{rtj!:: Eie dr. Hens P, Bc,ycr, who climed to hve w8it@d in mbush ttchind stone u'll nd shot Agncw s he rode by..b.ut recent his(.orinns sccms to prefer the Andrew cco`inl.). ` :l`hc servhm hiid the gci`erl's body?{ro nigsh2`6; Gt:`:,hGnrnu,g`?;Ct^hv cr.?cwejcnh. i:i,s,3l:nsq;,fnbdo{`,vr:,shccpg,:fgst:rora;: now's blood. ^Ddrcw hd corrii` itide, dre scd Lh%EiEe5:,'ri'epdri: :;``:i;'ici,:::: with L`. Col. Jo'iin Bird. wlio lso ws killed ]n `lie b&t`lc - ld nerby :: #;yn;tr:ce`:mdnlown ^y.epue But.the. tw.o.ol'l.icers di(i there for long: n M.\...1 mo lhc servnt wrote `o the wife..nd shor`l.v bcrorc ll e`/cuted Phildcl )l`iti, `li were dug up.... The British l'crcd llilt.1 lert, ngry ptriots migli( i the grves. They got perm,.bury the `he rmi %L.n : o[8tieduen?vecnrge,rs!t! who cred for woiinded so.both sides fter the bl`le. ws long YCFk..Rod jn pi clled.brnchtown. B``t the orricers were noi :o:;:n:cs,sic:, f%,reoe:r{,[g:gr,:9:of2:t.;{: :icthbcri?,":nei`::,cj:,` ` '.T:ie soldier Weri` d`b u :: cre:;.:d^} rn,t.:,:`:: i,),r versry or the bi]tllc. `l`il. )., crnment set llic c`irrl.i`l `i): ovl. the groves publicly ii`i r tle Or...lls Ti8jcs`y's" tw{j Eighty.three yc.ors liilcr. `rcderick bellcvcs lhcir Slor rii:?ee b c'`qe r?in nd ow,., :`ttridk},'hffc@'`s.`;:.'!;t`,`n'..,:;hupf.?sr,`d``:'r;',`,i li-cxt-door.-illd tl`c L}ritisll rebimc.r.( lil..qcending rr`'iiii Agi`cw.s `iiii`.

32 PAGE 32 0 Fl.ederick t the tomb of British Gen. Jmes Agnew, which lies in the city's Ok Lne s{

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