Hebrew Step-By-Step. By Rae Antonoff, MAJE. BETA VERSION licensed for distribution through August 1, 2017 Page 1 Rae Antonoff

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1 Hebrew Step-By-Step By Rae Antonoff, MAJE BETA VERSION licensed for distribution through August 1, 2017 Page 1 Rae Antonoff

2 Remember how Bet and Vet are the really same letter with two pronunciations? Hard (B) ב = ב Soft (V) Now meet your third and final double-sound letter: Pei / Fei! פ = פ Hard (P) Same thing with Kaf and Chaf: Hard (K) = כ Softכ (CHH) Soft (F) פ/פ Lesson 26: Pei/Fei Here s the Fei in a bunch of different fonts and handwritings as you can see, each one looks a little like a Face with a nose! (All it needs to become a Pei is to get a Pimple on its Face ) פפפפ פפפ פפפפפ פ פפ Turn each Fei into a Pei by adding a Pimple to each Face! The first one has been done for you! Page 2

3 Match the Hebrew on the right to its English sound on the left. 1 פ ה A PAPAH 2 פה B FAH 3 פ פ ה C PAFAH 4 פ פ ה D PAH 5 פ פ ה E FAFAH 6 פ פ ה F FAPAH Now you can read the Hebrew word for prayer : ת פ יל ה And fruit : פ ר י Read the Hebrew פ/ פwith out loud: פ ר פ יל פ ס פח פ ל Did you notice that any time Fei is the first letter, it s a fake word? פ ב ה Fei always becomes Pei at the start of a real Hebrew word! ל פ י bull stripe can/bin נ פ ל פ ר ה א פ ה פ ר י 1 2 according to fruit he baked cow he/it fell פ פ י ה פ יצ ה פ פ ר יק ה (spice) (food) (type of fruit) ת פ ת ח ת פ יל ה ש פ ש פ ת י 3 4 I brushed up against prayer you will open Page 3

4 Writing Practice Make the letter Fei like Chaf, either rounded or squared, then add its nose : And to make it a Pei, all you need to do is add a dot anywhere inside the letter! Now you try: trace the letter across the first line, then copy it all the way across the second line on your own! Copy the words at least 3 times each: he/it fell cow according to (spice) Page 4

5 Read Aloud! Lines separate the syllables on the top ה can ר you פ draw the syllable פ ח lines on the bottom yourself? 1 פ ס נ פ ל פ י cow ל can/bin stripe 2 פ ר י פ י צ ה according to he/it fell 3 פ פ י ה ת פ י לה (food) fruit 4 ל פ י prayer פ ס נ פ ל (type of fruit) 5 פ ח according to he/it fell stripe can/bin 6 פ ר ה פ פ י ה פ יצ ה יל ה (food) ת פ (type of fruit) פ ר י cow 7 prayer fruit Page 5

6 Match-a-Rhyme Read the Hebrew on the right out loud, then the Hebrew on the left. Match the ones that rhyme! (Don t be fooled by lookalike letters that don t sound alike!) One has been done for you as an example! 1 א פ ה פ ר ע debt/loan) A he paid off (a he baked מ ט ר rainstorm B נ פ ל ש פ ל despicable C פ ר ה ל פ ה flatbread) D פ ח ד ל כ ד captured E פ ת ר worthless/ (type of he caught/ ב נ י my son A ל פ י ב נ אי builder B פ ר י ר פ י name) C פ נ י with כ פ י D פ נ י ב ר יא healthy E א פ י (boy s in accordance 23 cow fruit 34 turn/face 5 he/it fell he was afraid he solved according to my face (command) my nose Page 6

7 Lookalike Letters In the grid of Hebrew letters below, put a circle around every Chaf and a square around every Fei! Each row is in a different font look at the inside to tell the Chaf and Fei apart! ס פ כ ב פ ר כ פ פ כ פ כ ב כ פ ס פ כ מ פ כ פ פ ד פ כ ב פ כ כ פ כ כ ב כ פ כ ב פ כ ח פ כ פ כ ק פ פ כ נ ס כ פ פ ו כ פ ב פ כ פ ה כ כ פ ב כ פ פ ט פ כ פ ב כ כ פ נ כ פ כ פ כ ב פ ר נ כ פ ב Page 7

8 Speed Read! Time yourself reading the Hebrew below out loud twice. What s the best time you can get? 1 פ ת ה א פ ה כ פ י in accordance with he baked (pocket bread) 2 פ ר י ת פ יל ה פ ת ח he opened prayer fruit 3 פ נ י פ פ ר יק ה פ ר ה cow (spice) my face 4 פ ח ד ק פ צ ת ל פ ה (type of flatbread) you jumped/hopped he was afraid 5 נ פ ל נ פ יל ה א פ ת ה 6 פ ח ש פ ש פ ת י כ ת she baked falling he/it fell פ ת you opened I bumped into can/bin Time Log: Page 8

9 Lesson 28: Segol/eh Ready to meet a new vowel? Whenever you see three dots in a bunch under a letter, it sounds like eh as in eggs This vowel s name is segol. (You don t need to worry about remembering the segol s name as much as its sound, though.) Now you can read the Hebrew word for sun : ש מ ש And boy : י לד Read the Hebrew with the segol/ eh vowel aloud: ת ל את ש ל מ ה ב ד אה 1 mound/manmade hill (no English translation) of/belonging to what (poetic) ש מ ש כ ת ר י ל ד גפ ן ב ג ד 2 sun crown child/boy vine clothing Page 9

10 Now you can read the last two words in the Kiddush, the blessing over wine or grape juice, which thanks God for creating פ ר י ה ג פ ן the fruit of the vine. Prepositions are words that show the relationship between two nouns, such as on, in, of, by, over, under You can also read the preposition that shows possession (who owns something): ש ל of/belonging to Read the Hebrew phrases on the right out loud, then connect them to the illustration on the left that matches! 1 ע י ן ש ל ש מ ש A 2 ב ת ש ל מ ל כ ה B 3 י ד ש ל י ל ד C Page 10

11 Read Aloud! Lines separate the syllables for you on the top can you divide the syllables on the bottom yourself? ש ל ב ן ש ר א 1 מ ש י ל ד ג ד ש ב ע י ה מ ח י ה that/which ש son (of) of/belonging to sun ב child/boy clothing י ה seven he/it will be makes life ב ן ש ל מ ש ש אש ר ב ג ד ש ב ע sun of/belonging to son (of) seven clothing that/which 7 י ה י ה מ ח י ה י ל ד child/boy gives life he/it will be Page 11

12 Sometimes the Segol/eh pairs up with a Sh va/silent vowel: And it still sounds like eh as in eggs! This is called a Chataf Segol but what s important is that it make the same sound as the regular Segol/EH vowel. It s usually paired with another Segol, too the EH-EH pattern is very common in Hebrew! Try reading the Hebrew with a Chataf Segol out loud! נ א מ ן א מ ת א ל א ה א ד 1 faithful/loyal truth ה ח ל יט ו נ א מ ן ה א ח יד 2 he unified/brought together and faithful/loyal he decided Page 12

13 Match-a-Rhyme Read the Hebrew on the right out loud, then the Hebrew on the left. Match the ones that rhyme! (Don t be fooled by lookalike letters that don t sound alike!) that/which a heart A ש ל ש ל ב 1 of/belonging to ש ב ע א ל ד B ב ג ד א ל to/toward C 2 seven נ ג ד against D י ל ד ט ב ע nature E כ ל ב 3 clothing 4 child/boy 5 dog אש ר מ ח נ ה A פ ט ל כ ש ר Kosher B 1 that/which interior/ ק ר ב inside C ל ש ב ת א ט ל grasp/hold D מ ש נ ה ר כ ב ת train E ע ר ב I will take/ 2 raspberry 34 5 evening to sit make change Page 13

14 Lesson 29: Zayin ז Meet your next ז letter, the Zayin! Zayin makes the same sound as the English letter Z Here s the Zayin in several different fonts & handwritings: as you can see, they re all Zig-Zaggy at the top: ז ז ז ז ז ז ז ז ז ז ז ז ז ז ז ז Circle the Zig-Zag top of the Zipper in each Zayin! The first one has been done for you! Page 14

15 Now you can read the Hebrew word for this or that : ה ז ה nouns) (for masculine For instance, at the Passover seder, we sing Mah Nishtanah, the Four Questions that remind us what makes ה ל י ל ה ה ז ה (this night) different from all other nights! Can you match the Hebrew on the right to its translation on the left? One has been done for you! A This father B That grandfather C That helper candle D This child/boy E That sun 1 ה ש מ ש ה ז ה 2 ה א ב א ה ז ה 3 ה ס ב א ה ז ה 4 ה ש מ ש ה ז ה 5 ה י ל ד ה ז ה Try reading the Hebrew words with Zayin out loud! ה ז ה ז ר ה א ז ז ר ז ז ז ה 1 this/that strange (f) so/then strange (m) he moved this/that 2 ז ן ז ח ז ר ע ר ז ה מ ז ל ח ז ק strong luck slim/thin (f) he sowed (seeds) he moved Zen 3 ש ז ר ח ז ן ח ז נ ית ז מ ן מ ז ר ח east time cantor (m) cantor (m) he wove Page 15 Sometimes Zayin gets a dot for grammatical reasons it doesn t change the sound! Page 15

16 Writing Practice Make the letter Zayin with a Zig-Zag diagonal and a vertical line! Now you try: trace the letter across the first line, then copy it all the way across the second line on your own! Copy the words at least 3 times each: this/that they move and so/then east Page 16

17 Read Aloud! Read the Hebrew below. Lines separate the syllables for you on the top see if you can figure out the syllables on your own on the bottom! 1 א ז ז ה ז ר ע he sowed (seeds) ז this/that so/then 2 ה ז ה מ ן time ח ז ן ז זים this/that 3 ח ז ר ה ז נ ית they move ח cantor (m) 4 cantor (f) ז מ ן ה ז ה the way back/return route 5 ז ה א ז ח ז ן ז ז ים ח ז נ ית ז ר ע חז ר ה this/that time so/then this/that cantor (f) they move cantor (m) 6 7 the way back/return route he planted (seeds) Page 17

18 Lookalike Letters In the grid of Hebrew letters below, put a circle around every Vav and a square around every Zayin! Each row is in a different font be careful not to mix either one up with the Nun, too! (So watch out for that Narrow base!) ז ה ו ז ו ר נ ז ז ו ו ז נ ז ד ו ז ו נ ז ז ו ז ת ז ו כ נ ז ו ז נ ר ו ז נ ז ו ה ז ו נ ז ז ו ר ו נ ו ז ו ז ו נ ר ז ו ז נ ו ז ו נ ז ו ו ר ז נ ו ו נ ז ז ו ר ז ו נ ז ו ז נ ו נ ז ה ז ו ר Page 18

19 Speed Read! Time yourself reading the Hebrew below out loud at least twice. What s the best time you can get? 1 ה ז ה ח ז ן ז מ ן time cantor (m) this/that 2 מ ז ל ח ז נ ית ר ז ה thin/slim (f) cantor (f) luck 3 ז ר ע מ ז ר ח ז ז ים ז ר חז ר ה ת they move east he sowed (seeds) 4 ע ז י 5 ח ז ק מ ז ר י ו מ ז ל olive the way back/return path seed ח 6 ש ז ר ח ז ק ה ז י ן and luck eastern strong (letter name) strong (f) he wove Time Log: Page 19

20 ך Lesson 30: Final Chaf Whenever the Chaf comes at the end of a word, it changes shape a little:...becoming the Chaf Sofit or Final Chaf! Here s the Final Chaf in several different fonts and handwritings as you can see, they re all like a Chaf with its base dropped down: ך ך ך ך ךךך ך ך ך ךך ך ך ך Circle the base that dropped down in each Final CHaf! The first one has been done for you! Page 20

21 Unlike the other final letter-shapes, the Final Chaf always gets a vowel: ל ך ל ך It s also the only letter that CHomps its vowel up into the middle. Now you can read the word for king or ruler: מ ל ך Or if you have multiple kings, the Chaf goes back to its regular shape מ ל כ ים Try reading the Hebrew words with Final Chaf below! כ ר ך ה ל ך ר ך ל ך ב ך 1 he tied up he walked soft (m) to you (f) in/on you (f) 2 ל ך ב ך ר ב ך ש ל ך ב נ ך your son yours (m) your rabbi (m) in/on you (m) to you (m) ר ך 3 מ ל ך ע ד ר ך ב ד ר ך on the way way/path he organized king 4 ש ל ך ל ב ך י ד י ך ל פ נ י ך before you (m) your hands (m) your heart (m) yours (f) Page 21

22 Writing Practice Make the Final Chaf with two lines, with either a square or rounded corner as long as it goes past the bottom line! Now you try: trace the letter across the first line, then copy it all the way across the second line on your own! Copy the words at least 3 times each: king your son way/ path before you (m) Page 22

23 Read Aloud! Lines separate the syllables for you on the top can you divide the syllables on the bottom yourself? 1 ל ך ב ך in/on you (m) ש ל מ ל ך to you (f) 2 ך ל ב ך king ב נ yours (f) 3 ך ל פ נ י ך ב ד ר ך your son your heart (m) 4 ב ך ל ך מ ל ך on the way before you (m) 5 ב ש ל ך king to you (f) in/on you (m) 6 ב נ ך ד ר ך yours (f) on the way your son 7 ל ב ך ל פ נ י ך before you (m) your heart Page 23

24 Match-a-Rhyme Read the Hebrew on the right out loud, then the Hebrew on the left. Match the ones that rhyme! (Don t be fooled by lookalike letters that don t sound alike!) 1 ל ך ע ר ך value/worth A to you (f) your (m) ש נ ך tooth B ל ך ב ך in/on you (f) C ב נ ך ב ך in/on you (m) D מ ל ך א ל ך I will go/walk E ד ר ך 23 4 king 5 way/path to you (m) your (m) son your (m) ת ל ך settlement A ש ל ך פ ל י ך B ש ל ך ת מ ך C ה ל ך מ ל ח salt D ע מ ך ק ל ח he/it flowed E ע ל י ך 1 your/yours 2 your/yours 34 5 (f) (m) he walked your (m) people on/to you Page 24

25 Speed Read! Time yourself reading the Hebrew below out loud at least twice. What s the fastest time you can get? 1 ה ל ך ש ל ך ל ך to you (m) your/yours (m) he walked/went 2 מ ל ך ע ל י ך כ ר ך he bound (a book) on/to you king 3 ב ך י ד י ך פ נ י ך your (m) face your (m) hands in/on you (f) 4 ע מ ך ב ד ר ך ש ל ך your/yours (f) on the way your (m) people 5 ב נ ך ל פ נ י ך ל ב ך 6 ב ד ר ך פ נ י ך ך your (m) heart before you (m) your (m) son א ת with you (m) your (f) face on a path/way Time Log: Page 25

26 Hidden Words Bonus Almost all Hebrew blessings start with the same formula: Blessed are You, Adonai our God, ל ך Ruler /מ of the Universe. Can you find every below? in the micrography filled with Shabbat blessings מ ל ך How many times did you find ל ך מ in the micrography? Page 26

27 Lesson 31: Tzeirei/ay Ready to meet a new vowel? Whenever you see two dots side-by-side under a letter, it sounds like ay as in a pair of snake eyes This vowel s name is tzeirei. (You don t need to worry about remembering the tzeirei s name as much as its sound, though.) Now you can read the Hebrew word for candle : פ ר נ ר And book : ס Read the Hebrew below with the tzeirei/ ay vowel aloud: ע י ה י ע ט ש ם א ם ש ש ל ך The EH and AY are sister vowels: look for whether it s a pair or a bunch of Eggs! 1 go (command) six mother name pen ש מ ך 2 מ א ה ח ב ר ל א ה א ל ים your (f) name gods (plural) (girl s name) friend one-hundred 3 א ל י ך ח מ ש ב ית ך ב ני כם between you (plural) your (m) house five to you (m) Page 27

28 You can also read two useful opposite words: READING TIP When the Yud doesn t have its own vowel, it s technically part of the vowel before it so it s basically silent. א ין י ש there is not there is י ש ס פ ר. א ין ס פ ר. Read the Hebrew sentences on the right out loud, then connect them to the illustration on the left that matches! A 1 י ש נ ר. B 2 א ין נ ר. 3 י ש ש מ ש. C D 4 א ין ש מ ש. Page 28

29 Read Aloud! Lines separate the syllables for you on the top can you divide the syllables on the bottom yourself? 1 ב ין י ש א ל י ש מ ך מ ן my god there is between א 2 (as it was said) your (f) name ל י ש ב ך ב י ת 3 א ח ר י מ ק ד ש your (m) house to sit 4 י ש ב ין מ ן makes holy א after 5 (as it was said) between there is 6 ל י ש ב ב י ת ך ש מ ך your (f) name your (m) house to sit 7 אח ד ש ר י מ ק makes holy after Page 29

30 Match-a-Rhyme Read the Hebrew on the right out loud, then the Hebrew on the left. Match the ones that rhyme! (One has been done for you as an example) six A ב ין ש ש 1 between א ין there is not B א ם מת dead C א ש ל יל night (of) D ע ט שם name E א ל א פ ר ash A א ל י ש מ ן fat B ע ב ר ס ב ר expression C ס פ ר ח יל י like a soldier D מ ינ י ש ינ י teeth (of) E א מ ן facial 2 mother 3 fire 4 pen 51 2 side/ 3 book 4 varieties/ 5 god (the concept, not God s name) my god direction types (of) as it was said Page 30

31 Speed Read! Time yourself reading the Hebrew below out loud at least twice. What s the best time you can get? 1 א ל י א מ ן ש ה א the fire (as it was said) my god 2 מ א ה ל ב נ י מ ינ י 3 ס פ ר מ ק ד ש ב ר types/varieties (of) to sons (of) one-hundred ד 4 א ל י ך א חר י ז ק ן he spoke makes holy book 5 ה ל יל ב ית ך ל א ם old (m) after to you (f) to the mother your (m) house (girl s name) 6 י מ י ז ק נ ה ה נ ר the candle old (f) days (of) Time Log: Page 31

32 ש Lesson 32: Sin Remember the Shin? ש It has a second sound when the dot is on the left side: ש and it becomes a Sin, which makes the same sound as the English letter Sin (English, noun): An immoral act that breaks one of God s laws S Here s the Sin in several different fonts and handwritings as you can see, it s the same shape as the Shin, but the dot is on the left: ש שש ש ש ש ש ששש ש ש ש ש ש ש ש Circle the dot of each Sin that is never right (so it s on the left)! The first one has been done for you! Page 32

33 Now you can read the name of one of our matriarchs: ש ר ה who was married to א ב ר ה ם You can also read the name of the Jewish people and land: ש ר א ל י aloud: Practice reading the in the Hebrew below ש 1 ש ה ש ר ש ק ש ם ש א carry (command) he put/placed bag government official lamb 2 ש ים ש ר ה ע ש ה ש מ ח he was happy he did/made (girl s name) send (command) 3 ב ש ר ש ק ית ש ד ה ש מה she put/placed field small bag meat 4 ש מ ח ה ש ע ש ה ש מ ח ת you (m) were happy that did/made happy occasion Page 33 Watch out! The dot goes back to the right side!

34 Writing Practice Make the Sin just like your Shin, but put the dot on the left side instead: Now you try: trace the letter across the first line, then copy it all the way across the second line on your own! Copy the words at least 3 times each: ten send (command) field that did/ made Page 34

35 Read Aloud! Lines separate the syllables for you on the top can you divide the syllables on the bottom yourself? hשe ש ר ה did/made ע ב ש ר ש ד ה government official 1 2 ש ר ית ע ש ר field meat 3 י ש ר א ל ש מ ח ת ten princess 4 you (m) were happy (Jewish people/land) 5 ע ש ר ש ר ש ר ית princess government official ten 6 ש ד ה ב ש ר י ש ר א ל (Jewish people/land) meat field 7 ע ש ה ש מ ח ת you (m) were happy he did/made Page 35

36 Sound Count How many Hebrew letters in each row make the same sound as the English? ה ח כ S 1 ס ט ש ש ט ש ס ש ע SH 2 ש ס ש ש ש ט ע ש ס CH )guttural) 3 ח ת ך כ כ ך SEH 4 ש ס ש ש ט ש ס ש ע SHEH 5 ש ש ס ש ש ט ע ש ס ח ת ך כ כ ך ה ח כ CHEH )guttural) 6 SAY 7 ש ס ש שי ט סי ש ע SHAY 8 ש ש ס שי ש ט שי ס חי ת ך כ כ ך ה ח כ CHAY )guttural) 9 Page 36

37 Speed Read! Time yourself reading the Hebrew below out loud at least twice. What s the best time you can get? 1 ש ד ה ש ע ש ה ש ים 2 ש ר ה ש ר ה ש ר ית put/place (command) that did/made field princess she sang (girl s name) 3 ע ש ר י ש ר א ל ש מ ח 4 ב ש ר ש מ ה מ ה he was happy (Jewish people/land) ten ש over there she put/placed meat 5 ש ע ר ש ע ר אש ר that/which hair gate 6 ע ש ה ש מ ח ת י ע ש ת ה she did/made I was happy he did/made Time Log: Page 37

38 Soundalike Matching Read the Hebrew on the right out loud, then the Hebrew on the left. Match the ones that sound the same but are spelled differently! 1 ט ס ים ש ש ה A they fly (on a plane) you will ת ש ים put/place B ש ע ש ה ק ס ר ה C ש ס ע ש ש מ ח happy D כ ש ר ה ש א ס ע E ש ס מ ך that was ל א ש ר A ע ש ת ה א ש כ ה B ל ח ס ר ל כ ש ר C ל ע ש ר ל ת ב ש D ע ס ק ה א ס ט ה E ל ט ו ס 2 that 3 crack/split 4 5 that 1 she did/made like Sarah depended on did/made to an absence to ten she was busy (with) to a peacock Page 38

39 Reverse It! Write out Hebrew that sounds the same as the English on the left. The first one has been done for you as an example! With soundalike letters, either one can be correct for this exercise! BAYGED 1 MELECH 2 AZEER 3 MELACH 4 KASEEM 5 B SADEH 6 ZAZEEM 7 KAYTER 8 ATZAR TEE 9 Vowels י Letters א ב/ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ/כ/ ך ל מ/ם נ/ן ס ע פ/פ צ ק ר ש/ש ת Page 39

40 Vocab Bonus You ve met a few new Hebrew words lately write the Hebrew word next to the what it means using the Word List at the bottom! (Look back through the packet if you have trouble remembering any of them!) WORD LIST י ל ד מ ל ך ש מ ש פ ר י י ש ר א ל ה ז ה Page 40

41 Name Recognition Write each Hebrew letter s English name next to it you have a Name List at the bottom to help you with spelling! One has been done for you as an example! כ ב נ כ ב ן ך ל ו ד ת ז ר ה ג ש ח ט ש ס מ צ ם א ע פ י פ ק Alef Bet Vet Gimel Daled Hei Vav Zayin Chet Tet Yud Kaf Chaf Final Chaf Lamed Mem Final Mem Nun Final Nun Samech Ayin Pei Fei Tzadee Koof Resh Shin Sin Tav Bonus: Point out the Silly Hebrew Trick for each letter! Page 41

42 Vowel Matching Match the Hebrew vowel to its sound! ee as in beep ee as in beep eh as in eggs ay as in pay ah as in father ah as in father silent (sometimes a small i sound, at the start of a syllable) ie as in pie ie as in pie א א א א י א א א י א אי א Page 42

43 Packet 6 Reading Review Time yourself to see how long it takes you to read this whole page. When you re happy with your time, read it to a teacher to earn your Packet 6 Award! 1 ש ע ר י ש ר א ל ה ז ה this/that (Jewish people/land) hair 2 ש מ ש ל פ נ י ך מ ל ך king before you (m) sun 3 ב ית ך ח ז ר ת י ב ש ר 4 פ נ י ך ע ש ר ים ז י ת meat I returned your (m) house 5 א חר י ב ד ר ך א מ ת olive twenty your (m) face truth on the way after 6 ש ל ך מ ח י ה אש ר 7 ש מ ך ש ע ש ה ס פ ר that/which gives life your/yours (m) book that did/made your (f) name Time Log: Page 43

44 6 This award certifies that has completed Packet 6 in the Hebrew Step-By-Step program, now knows 22 Hebrew letters: א ב/ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ/כ/ ך ל מ/ם נ/ן ס ע פ/פ צ ק ר ש/ש ת eight vowels: י and is ready to learn more in Packet 7! Teacher Signature: Student Signature: ו Page 44

Hebrew Step-By-Step. By Rae Antonoff, MAJE Distributed by JLearnHub

Hebrew Step-By-Step. By Rae Antonoff, MAJE Distributed by JLearnHub Hebrew Step-By-Step By Rae Antonoff, MAJE Distributed by JLearnHub BETA VERSION licensed for distribution through August 1, 2017 Page 1 Rae Antonoff www.jlearnhub.com ק Lesson 15: Koof Meet your next ק

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Alef booklet/ Unit II. Hebrew In Action! Alef Booklet. Copyright 2013 by Lee Walzer. All rights reserved.

Alef booklet/ Unit II. Hebrew In Action! Alef Booklet. Copyright 2013 by Lee Walzer. All rights reserved. Hebrew In Action! Alef Booklet Copyright 2013 by Lee Walzer All rights reserved. 1 Alef-Bet Chart This is the Hebrew alef-bet (alphabet). Each letter has a name and makes a sound just like in English.

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Hebrew Step-By-Step. By Rae Antonoff, MAJE Distributed by JLearnHub

Hebrew Step-By-Step. By Rae Antonoff, MAJE Distributed by JLearnHub Hebrew Step-By-Step By Rae Antonoff, MAJE Distributed by JLearnHub BETA VERSION licensed for distribution through August 1, 2017 Page 1 Rae Antonoff www.jlearnhub.com כ Lesson 10: Chaf Meet your next,letterכ

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Hebrew Step-By-Step. By Rae Antonoff, MAJE Distributed by JLearnHub

Hebrew Step-By-Step. By Rae Antonoff, MAJE Distributed by JLearnHub Hebrew Step-By-Step By Rae Antonoff, MAJE Distributed by JLearnHub BETA VERSION licensed for distribution through August 1, 2017 Page 1 Rae Antonoff www.jlearnhub.com ל Lesson 5: Lamed Meet your next letter,

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