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1 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER SURAH AL-TAWBA... 3 (129 VERSES)... 3 VERSES 94 to VERSES Background report... 4 VERSES VERSE VERSES 101 & Background report VERSES 103 & VERSE The Altered Verse The Holy Masumeen asws see all the deeds Pleasing and displeasing Rasool-Allah saww On the Day of Judgment VERSE Six categories of people VERSES 107 & A Masjid founded on piety VERSE VERSE VERSES 111 & The Altered Verse A criteria for Jihad Difference between death and killing, and the inevitability of the return (Raj at) The preservers of the Limits (legal Punishments of Allah azwj ) out of 64

2 VERSES 113 & VERSES 115 & VERSES 117 & VERSE The Truthful in the Quran, they asws are the Imams asws Being with the truthful along with disavowing from their enemies VERSES VERSE VERSES 124 & The Eman VERSES out of 64

3 CHAPTER 9 سورة التوبة مدنية SURAH AL-TAWBA MEDINITE (129 VERSES) VERSES 94 to 129 ب س م الل ه الر ح م ن الر ح يم VERSES ي ع ت ذ ر ون إ ل ي ك م إ ذ ا ر ج ع ت م إ ل ي ه م ق ل ل ت ع ت ذ ر وا ل ن ن ؤ م ن ل ك م ق د ن ب أ ن ا الل ه م ن أ خ ب ار ك م و س ي ر ى الل ه ع م ل ك م و ر س ول ه ث ت ر د ون إ ل ع ا ل ال غ ي ب و الش ه اد ة ف ي ن ب ئ ك م ب ا ك ن ت م ت ع م ل ون }94{ They will be making excuses to you when you return to them. Say: Do not make excuses. We will never believe you. Allah has Informed us of your news, and Allah and His Rasool would be seeing your deeds, then you will be returned to the Knower of the unseen and the seen, so He will Inform you with what you were doing [9:94] س ي ح ل ف ون ب الل ه ل ك م إ ذ ا ان ق ل ب ت م إ ل ي ه م ل ت ع ر ض وا ع ن ه م و م أ و اه م ج ه ن م ج ز اء ب ا ك ان وا ي ك س ب ون }95{ ف أ ع ر ض وا ع ن ه م ر ج س إ ن ه م They will swear to you by Allah when you return to them so that you may turn aside from them; so do turn aside from them; surely they are unclean and their abode is Hell; a Recompense for what they earned [9:95] 3 out of 64

4 ي ل ف ون ل ك م ل ت ر ض و ا ع ن ه م }96{ ف إ ن ت ر ض و ا ع ن ه م ف إ ن الل ه ل ي ر ض ى ع ن ال ق و م ال ف اس ق ني They will swear to you for you to be pleased from them. So even if you are pleased from them, Allah will not be Pleased from the mischief-making people [9:96] Background report علي بن إبراهيم: قال: و ملا قدم النيب )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( من تبوك كان أصحابه املؤمنون يتعرضون للمنافقني و يؤذوهنم و كانوا يلفون هلم أهنم على احلق و ليس هم بنافقني لكي يعرضوا عنهم و يرضوا عنهم Ali Bin Ibrahim said: And when Rasool-Allah saww arrived back from Tabuk, his saww companions, the Momineen, were confronting the hypocrites and were annoying them, and they were swearing to them that they were upon the Truth and they weren t with the hypocrites, perhaps they would turn away from them and they would be pleased from them. فأنزل اهلل س ي ح ل ف ون ب الل ه ل ك م إ ذ ا ان ق ل ب ت م إ ل ي ه م ل ت ع ر ض وا ع ن ه م ف أ ع ر ض وا ع ن ه م إ ن ه م ر ج س و م أ واه م ج ه ن م ج زاء ب ا كان وا ي ك س ب و ن ي ل ف ون ل ك م ل ت ر ض و ا ع ن ه م ف إ ن ت ر ض و ا ع ن ه م ف إ ن الل ه ل ي ر ضى ع ن ال ق و م ال فاس ق ني. Therefore Allah azwj Revealed: They will swear to you by Allah when you return to them so that you may turn aside from them; so do turn aside from them; surely they are unclean and their abode is Hell; a Recompense for what they earned [9:95] They will swear to you for you to be pleased from them. So even if you are pleased from them, Allah will not be Pleased from the mischief-making people [9:96]. 1 VERSES ا ل ع ر اب أ ش د ك ف ر ا و ن ف اق ا و أ ج د ر أ ل ي ع ل م وا ح د ود م ا أ ن ز ل الل ه ع ل ى ر س ول ه و الل ه ع ل يم ح ك يم }97{ The Bedouins are more intense in Kufr and hypocrisy and more likely not to know the Limits of what Allah Revealed unto His Rasool, and Allah is Knowing, Wise [9:97] 1 تفسير القم ي. 302 :1 4 out of 64

5 و م ن ا ل ع ر اب م ن ي ت خ ذ م ا ي ن ف ق م غ ر م ا و ي ت ر ب ص ب ك م الد و ائ ر س يع ع ل يم }98{ ع ل ي ه م د ائ ر ة الس و ء و الل ه And from the Bedouins is one who regards what he spend as being a fine, and he awaits the misfortune to befall you. Upon them be the evil misfortune, and Allah is Hearing, Knowing [9:98] و م ن ا ل ع ر اب م ن ي ؤ م ن ب الل ه و ال ي و م ا ل خ ر و ي ت خ ذ م ا ي ن ف ق ق ر ب ات ع ن د الل ه و ص ل و ا ت الر س ول أ ل إ ن ه ا ق ر ب ة هل م س ي د خ ل ه م الل ه ف ر ح ت ه إ ن الل ه غ ف ور ر ح يم }99{ And from the Bedouins is one who believes in Allah and the Last Day, and he takes what he spends as being a nearness with Allah, and the (sending of) Salawat (upon) the Rasool. Indeed, it would be a nearness for them. Allah will be Entering them into His Mercy; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful [9:99] ابن بابويه قال: حدثنا أيب )ر حه اهلل( قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد اهلل عن أ حد بن حممد بن عيسى عن احلسن بن علي بن فضال عن ثعلبة بن ميمون عن بعض أصحابنا عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( ف قول اهلل عز و جل: عا ل ال غ ي ب و الش هاد ة فقال:»الغيب: ما ل يكن و الشهادة: ما قدكان«. Ibn Babuwayh said, My father narrated to me, from Sa ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazaal, from Sa alba Bin Maymoun, from one of our companions, (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws regarding the Words of Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic [9:94] the Knower of the unseen and the seen. So he asws said: The unseen is what has not yet happened; and the seen is what has already happened. 2 العياشي: عن داود بن احلصني عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قال: سألته عن قول اهلل: و م ن ا ل ع راب م ن ي ؤ م ن ب الل ه و ال ي و م ا ل خ ر و ي ت خ ذ ما ي ن ف ق ق ر بات ع ن د الل ه أ يثيبهم عليه قال:»نعم«. Al Ayashi, from Dawood Bin Al Haseyn, (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws, said, I asked him asws about the Words of Allah azwj : And from the Bedouins is one who believes in Allah and the Last Day, and he takes what he spends as being a nearness with Allah [9:99], are they Rewarded for it? He asws said: Yes معاني األخبار: 1 146/ تفسير العي اشي 102 /105 :2 5 out of 64

6 VERSE 100 و الس اب ق ون ا ل و ل ون م ن ال م ه اج ر ين و ا ل ن ص ار و ال ذ ين ات ب ع وه م ب إ ح س ان ر ض ي الل ه ع ن ه م و ر ض وا ع ن ه و أ ع د هل م ج ن ات ت ر ي ت ت ه ا ا ل ن ه ار خ ال د ين ف يه ا أ ب د ا ذ ل ك ال ف و ز ال ع ظ يم }100{ And the foremost, the first ones from the Emigrants and the Helpers, and those who followed them with goodness, Allah is Pleased from them and they are pleased from Him, and He has Prepared Gardens for them beneath which the rivers flow wherein they shall abide eternally, that is the Mighty achievement [9:100] الشيخ ف )جمالسه( قال: أخربنا مجاعة عن أيب املفضل قال: حدثين أبو العباس أ حد بن حممد بن سعيد بن عبد الر حن اهلمداين بالكوفة قال: حدثنا حممد بن املفضل بن إبراهيم بن قيس ا لشعري قال: حدثنا علي بن حسان الواسطي قال: حدثنا عبد الر حن بن كثري عن جعفر بن حممد عن أبيه عن جده علي بن احلسني عن احلسن بن علي )عليهم السالم(- ف خطبة خطبها عند صلحه مع معاوية- فقال )عليه السالم( فيها بحضر معاوية: Al-Sheykh (Al-Sadouq) in his Majaalis, from a group, from Abu Al-Mufazzal, from Abu Al-Abbas Ahmad bin Muhammad Bin Saeed Bin Abdul Rahman Al-Hamdany at Al-Kufa, from Muhammad Bin Al-MufazzAl-Bin Ibrahim Bin Qays Al-Ash ary, from Ali Bin Hisan Al-Wasity, Abdul Rahman Bin Kaseer, Ja far Bin Muhammad asws, from his asws grandfather Ali asws Bin Al-Husayn asws, from Al- Hassan asws Bin Ali asws in a sermon which he asws preached during the reconciliation with Muawiya so he asws said regarding what was the record of Muawiya:»فصدق أيب رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( سابقا و وقاه بنفسه ث ل يزل رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( ف كل موطن يقدمه و لكل شديدة يرسله ثقة منه به و طمأنينة إليه لعلمه بنصيحته هلل عز و جل و رسوله father (Ali asws ) ratified Rasool-Allah saww before, and protected him saww with his asws own self. Then Rasool-Allah saww did not cease to put him asws forward in every situation, and sending him asws in every difficulty, placing reliance upon him asws and being reassured by him asws being aware of his saww knowledge and his saww advice for the Sake of Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic and His azwj Rasool saww. My asws ]و إنه أقرب املقربني من اهلل و رسوله و قد قال اهلل عز و جل:[ و الس اب ق ون الس اب ق ون أ ولئ ك ال م ق ر ب ون فكان أيب سابق السابقني إ ل اهلل عز و جل و إ ل رسوله )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( و أقرب ا لقربني And he asws is the foremost of the foremost ones from Allah azwj and His azwj Rasool saww. And Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic has Said: And the foremost are the foremost [56:10] These are the ones of proximity [56:11]. So my asws father asws was the foremost of the foremost ones to Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic, and to His azwj Rasool saww, and the nearest of the nearest ones. 6 out of 64

7 و قد قال اهلل تعا ل: ل ي س ت و ي م ن ك م م ن أ ن ف ق م ن ق ب ل ال ف ت ح و قات ل أ ولئ ك أ ع ظ م د ر ج ة فأيب كان أوهلم إسالما و إميانا و أوهلم إ ل اهلل و رسوله هجرة و حلوقا و أوهلم على وجده و وسعه نفقة And Allah azwj has Said: They are not the same, the one from you who spent from before the conquest (of Makkah) and fought, are of a greater level [57:10]. So my asws father asws was the first of them in Al-Islam and in faith, and the first of them to Allah azwj and His azwj Rasool saww emigrating and overtaking (them), and the first one of them upon its passion and the leniency in spending. قال سبحانه: و ال ذ ين جاؤ م ن ب ع د ه م ي ق ول ون ر ب ن ا اغ ف ر ل نا و ل خ وان ن ا ال ذ ين س ب ق ونا ب ا ل ميان و ل ت ع ل ف ق ل وب نا غ اال ل ل ذ ي ن آم ن وا ر ب نا إ ن ك ر ؤ ف ر ح يم The Glorious Said: And those who come after them are saying, Our Lord! Forgive us and our brethren who preceded us with the Eman, and do not Make a grudge to be in our hearts towards those who are believing! Our Lord, You are Kind, Merciful [59:10]. فالناس من مجيع ا لمم يستغفرون له لسبقه إياهم إ ل ا لميان بنبيه )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( و ذلك أنه ل يسبقه به أحد و قد ر ض ي الل ه ع ن ه م فهو سابق مجيع قال اهلل تعا ل: و الس اب ق ون ا ل و ل ون م ن ال م هاج ر ين و ا ل ن صار و ال ذ ين ات ب ع وه م ب إ ح سان السابقني And the people in all of the cities are seeking Forgiveness for him asws for him asws having preceded them to the faith with his asws Prophet saww, and that no one has ever preceded him asws. And Allah azwj the Exalted Said: And the foremost, the first ones from the Emigrants and the Helpers, and those who followed them with goodness, Allah is Pleased from them and they are pleased from Him [9:100]. Thus he asws preceded all of the preceding ones. فكما أن اهلل عز و جل فضل السابقني على املختلفني ]و املتأخرين فكذلك[ فضل سابق السابقني على السابقني«. Thus, just as Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic has Preferred the preceding ones over the differing ones and the late comers, then similar to that He azwj has Preferred the most preceding one over the preceding ones. 4 و ف )هنج البيان(: عن الصادق )عليه السالم(:»أهنا نزلت ف علي )عليه السالم( و من تبعه من املهاجرين و ا لنصار و الذين اتبعوهم بإحسان رضي اهلل عنهم و رضوا عنه و أعد هلم جنات تري من تتها ا لهنار خالدين فيها ذلك الفوز العظيم«. And in Nahj Al Bayan, (It has been narrated) from Al-Sadiq asws having said: It was Revealed regarding Ali asws and the ones who followed him asws from the Emigrants and the Helpers, and those who followed them with goodness, Allah is Pleased from them and they are pleased from Him, and He has Prepared Gardens for them beneath which 4 األمالي 175 :2 7 out of 64

8 the rivers flow wherein they shall abide eternally, that is the Mighty achievement [9:100]. 5 ع ل ي ب ن إ ب ر اه يم ع ن أ ب يه ع ن ب ك ر ب ن ص ال ح ع ن ال ق اس م ب ن ب ر ي د ق ال ح د ث ن ا أ ب و ع م ر و الز ب ري ي ع ن أ يب ع ب د الل ه ( عليه السالم ) ق ال ق ل ت ل ه إ ن ل ل مي ان د ر ج ات و م ن از ل ي ت ف اض ل ال م ؤ م ن ون ف يه ا ع ن د الل ه ق ال ن ع م ق ل ت ص ف ه ر ح ك الل ه ح أ ف ه م ه Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Bakr Bin Salih, from Al Qasim Bin Bureyd who said, Abu Amro Al Zubeyri narrated to us, (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws, said, I said to him asws, Are there for the Emān, levels and status the Momineen can have superiority regarding these in the Presence of Allah azwj? He asws said: Yes. I said, Describe it to me, may Allah azwj Have Mercy on you asws, until I understand it. ق ال إ ن الل ه س ب ق ب ني ال م ؤ م ن ني ك م ا ي س ب ق ب ني ا ل ي ل ي و م الر ه ان ث ف ض ل ه م ع ل ى د ر ج ا ت م ف الس ب ق ع ل ى د ر ج ة س ب ق ه ل ي ن ق ص ه ف يه ا م ن ح ق ه و ل ي ت ق د م م س ب وق س اب قا و ل م ف ض ول ف اض ال إ ل ي ه ف ج ع ل ك ل ام ر ئ م ن ه م He asws said: Allah azwj Made a race to be between the Momineen just as there is a race between the cavalry horses on the day of the contest. Then He azwj Merited them upon their levels in their race towards Him azwj. So He azwj Made each person from them upon a level of his race, not Reducing him from his right, nor does the one lagging behind precede the preceding one, nor does the inferior (precede the) superior one. ت ف اض ل ب ذ ل ك أ و ائ ل ه ذ ه ا ل م ة و أ و اخ ر ه ا و ل و ل ي ك ن ل لس اب ق إ ل ا ل مي ان ف ض ل ع ل ى ال م س ب وق إ ذا ل ل ح ق آخ ر ه ذ ه ا ل م ة أ وهل ا ن ع م و ل ت ق د م وه م إ ذ ا ل ي ك ن ل م ن س ب ق إ ل ا ل مي ان ال ف ض ل ع ل ى م ن أ ب ط أ ع ن ه The first ones and the end ones of this community are preferred by that, and had there not been a merit for the preceding ones to the Emān over the ones lagging behind, then end ones of this community would certainly catch-up with its earlier ones and be in front of them, when there does not happen to be the superiority for the ones who preceded to the Emān, over the ones who were slower to (embrace) it. و ل ك ن ب د ر ج ات ا ل مي ان ق د م الل ه الس اب ق ني و ب ا ل ب ط اء ع ن ا ل مي ان أ خ ر الل ه ال م ق ص ر ين ل ن ا ن د م ن ال م ؤ م ن ني م ن ا ل خ ر ين م ن ه و ل ي ك ن س و اب ق ي ف ض ل ج ه ادا و إ ن ف اقا و ل و ب ا ال م ؤ م ن و ن أ ك ث ر ع م ال م ن ا ل و ل ني و أ ك ث ر ه م ص ال ة و ص و ما و ح ج ا و ز ك اة و ب ع ض ه م ب ع ضا ع ن د الل ه ل ك ان ا ل خ ر ون ب ك ث ر ة ال ع م ل م ق د م ني ع ل ى ا ل و ل ني But it is by the levels of the Emān that Allah azwj Brings forward the preceding ones to the Emān than the sluggish ones. Allah azwj Delays the deficient ones, because we tend to find from the Momin from the later ones, the one who is more with respect to deeds than the former ones, and more in (performing) Salāt, and Soām, and Hajj, and Zakāt, and Jihād, and spending (on charity); and if the preceding did not happen to be the (criteria of determining the) superiority of the Momineen with each other in 5 نهج البيان 140 2: )مخطوط( 8 out of 64

9 the Presence of Allah azwj, it would be that the later ones, due to the frequency of their deeds would be preceding (them) upon the former ones. أ و ي ؤ خ ر آخ ر د ر ج ات ا ل مي ان أ و هل ا و ي ق د م ف يه ا م ن أ خ ر الل ه ف يه ا م ن ق د م الل ه و ل ك ن أ ب الل ه ع ز و ج ل أ ن ي د ر ك But, Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic Refused that the ones at the end of the levels of the Emān should come to its first ones, and in it the one whom Allah azwj had Delayed should precede, or he should be delayed in it the one whom Allah azwj has Made to precede. ق ل ت أ خ رب ين ع م ا ن د ب الل ه ع ز و ج ل ال م ؤ م ن ني إ ل ي ه م ن ال س ت ب اق إ ل ا ل مي ان ف ق ال ق و ل الل ه ع ز و ج ل ساب ق وا إ ل م غ ف ر ة م ن ر ب ك م و ج ن ة ع ر ض ها ك ع ر ض الس ماء و ا ل ر ض أ ع د ت ل ل ذ ين آم ن وا ب الل ه و ر س ل ه و ق ال الس اب ق ون الس اب ق ون أ ولئ ك ال م ق ر ب و ن I said, Inform me about what Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic has Accredited the Momineen to, from the preceding to the Emān. So he asws said: The Words of Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic: Race towards Forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden the width of it is like the width of the sky and the earth, Prepared for those who are believing in Allah and His Rasools [57:21]. And He azwj Said And the foremost are the foremost, [56:10] These are the ones of proximity [56:11]. و ق ال و الس اب ق ون ا ل و ل ون م ن ال م هاج ر ين و ا ل ن صار و ال ذ ين ات ب ع وه م ب إ ح سان ر ض ي الل ه ع ن ه م و ر ض وا ع ن ه ف ب د أ ب ال م ه اج ر ي ن ا ل و ل ني ع ل ى د ر ج ة س ب ق ه م ث ث ن ب ا ل ن ص ار ث ث ل ث ب الت اب ع ني هل م ب إ ح س ان ف و ض ع ك ل ق و م ع ل ى ق د ر د ر ج ا ت م و م ن از هل م ع ن د ه And he asws said: And the foremost, the first ones from the Emigrants and the Helpers, and those who followed them with goodness, Allah is Pleased from them and they are pleased from Him [9:100]. So He azwj Began with the Emigrants, the first ones, upon a level of their preceding, then secondly with the Helpers, then thirdly with the followers of theirs with goodness. Thus He azwj Placed each group in accordance to their levels and their status in His azwj Presence. 6 فرات ف تفسريه واحلسكاين ف شواهد التنزيل: حدثين جعفر بن حممد بن هشام عن عبادة بن زياد عن أيب معمر سعيد بن خثيم عن حممد بن خالد الضيب وعبد اهلل بن شريك العامري عن سليم بن قيس عن احلسن بن على عليه السالم: إنه حد اهلل تعا ل وأث ن عليه وقال: )السابقون ا لولون من املهاجرين وا لنصار والذين اتبعوهم بإحسان( فكما أن للسابقني فضلهم على من بعدهم كذلك ليب علي بن أيب طالب عليه السالم فضيلته على السابقني بسبقه السابقني. Furaat in his Commentary (Tafseer), and Al-Haskaany in Shawaahid Al-Tanzeel, said, Narrated to me Ja far Bin Muhammad Bin Hashaam, from Abaadat Bin Ziyad, from Abu Ma mar Saeed Bin Khaseem, from Muhammad Bin Khalid Al-Zaby, and Abdullah Bin Shareek Al-Aamiry, from Sulaym Bin Qays, who has narrated the following: Al-Hassan asws Bin Ali asws Praised Allah azwj and Extolled Him azwj, and said: And the foremost, the first ones from the Emigrants and the Helpers, and those who followed them with goodness [9:100]. So if the former ones have a preference 6 Al Kafi V 2 The Book Of Belief and Disbelief CH 19 H 1 (Extract) 9 out of 64

10 over those who came after them, similarly for Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws there is a preference over the former ones for being before the former ones. وقال: )أجعلتم سقاية احلاج وعمارة املسجد احلرام كمن آمن باهلل واليوم ا لخر وجاهد ف سبيل اهلل( واستجاب لرسول اهلل صلى اهلل عليه وآله وواساه بنفسه. ث عمه حزة سيد الشهداء وقد كان قتل معه كثري فكان حزة سيدهم بقرابته من رسول اهلل صلى اهلل عليه وآله. And said: Are you considering the quencher of the pilgrims and the maintainer of the Sacred Masjid as being the like the one who believes in Allah and the Last Day and fights in the Way of Allah? [9:19], and He azwj Answered for Rasool- Allah saww and made him asws (Ali asws ) to be equal his saww self. Then his saww uncle Hamza asws, Chief of the martyrs, and he asws had killed a lot (of Polytheists) alongside him saww, and Hamza asws was their chief due to his asws nearness from Rasool- Allah saww. 7 و ف هنج البالغة: ل يقع اسم اهلجرة على أحد إل بعرفة احلج ة ف ا لرض فمن عرفها و أقر با فهو مهاجر. And in Nahj Al-Balagah The name Al-Hijra (The emigration) cannot occur upon anyone except by recognition of the Divine Authority in the earth. So the one who recognises it (him asws ) and accept it (him asws ), so he is an emigrant (Muhajir). 8 VERSES 101 & 102 و م ن ح و ل ك م م ن ا ل ع ر اب م ن اف ق ون و م ن أ ه ل ال م د ين ة م ر د وا ع ل ى الن ف اق ل ت ع ل م ه م ن ن ن ع ل م ه م س ن ع ذ ب ه م م ر ت ني ث ي ر د ون إ ل ع ذ اب ع ظ يم }101{ And from the ones around you from the Bedouins are hypocrites, and from the people of Al-Medina are stubborn upon the hypocrisy. You do not know them, We Know them. We will be Punishing them twice, then they will be Returned to the grievous Punishment [9:101] و آخ ر ون اع ت ر ف وا ب ذ ن و ب م خ ل ط وا ع م ال ص احل ا و آخ ر س ي ئ ا ع س ى الل ه أ ن ي ت وب ع ل ي ه م الل ه غ ف ور ر ح يم }102{ إ ن And others are acknowledging their sins, mingling one righteous deed and another evil one. Perhaps Allah will Turn towards them (Mercifully), surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful [9:102] 7 Kitab Suleym Bin Qays H 93 8 تفسير الصافي ج 2 ص: out of 64

11 ع د ة م ن أ ص ح اب ن ا ع ن س ه ل ب ن ز ي اد ع ن ع ل ي ب ن ح س ان ع ن م وس ى ب ن ب ك ر ع ن ر ج ل ق ال ق ال أ ب و ج ع ف ر ( عليه السالم ) ال ذ ي ن خ ل ط وا ع م ال صاحل ا و آخ ر س ي ئا ف أ ول ئ ك ق و م م ؤ م ن ون ي د ث ون ف إ مي اهن م م ن الذ ن وب ال ت ي ع يب ه ا ال م ؤ م ن ون و ي ك ر ه ون ه ا ف أ ول ئ ك ع س ى الل ه أ ن ي ت وب ع ل ي ه م. A number of our companions, from Sahl Bin Ziyad, from Ali Bin Hassan, from Musa Bin Bakr, from a man who said, Abu Ja far asws said: mingling one righteous deed and another evil one [9:102]. So they are a group of Momineen who are innovating new things in their Emān from the sin which the Momineen censure and dislike. So they are the ones Perhaps Allah will Turn towards them (Mercifully) [9:102]. 9 العياشي: عن حممد بن خالد بن احلجاج الكرخي عن بعض أصحابه رفعه إ ل خيثمة قال: قال أبو جعفر )عليه السالم( ف قول اهلل: خ ل ط وا ع م ال صاحل ا و آخ ر س ي ئا ع س ى الل ه أ ن ي ت وب ع ل ي ه م : املذنبني«.»و عسى من اهلل واجب و إمنا نزلت ف شيعتنا Al Ayyashi, from Muhammad Bin Khalid Bin Al Hajaj Al Karkhy, from one of his companions, raising it to Khaysama who said, Abu Ja far asws said regarding the Words of Allah azwj : And others are acknowledging their sins, mingling one righteous deed and another evil one. Perhaps Allah will Turn towards them (Mercifully) [9:102]: Perhaps from Allah azwj is an Obligation. But rather, this was Revealed regarding our asws Shias, the sinners (from among them). 10 عن زرارة عن أيب جعفر )عليه السالم( قال: قلت له: من وافقنا من علوي أو غريه توليناه و من خالفنا برئنا منه من علوي أو غريه. قال:»يا زرارة قول اهلل أصدق من قولك أين الذين خلطوا عمال صاحلا و آخر سيئا «. From Zarara, (It has been narrated) from Abu Ja far asws, said, I said to him asws, The one who is in agreement with us, from the Alawites and others, we asws befriend him, and the one who opposes us, we asws distance ourselves from him, be he an Alawite or someone else. He asws said: O Zarara! The Words of Allah azwj are more Truthful than your words. Where are the ones who are mingling one righteous deed and another evil one [9:102]? 11 [ الفضل الطربسي ] قال أبو حزة الثما : بلغنا اهنم ثالثة نفر من ا لنصار: أبو لبابة بن عبد املنذر وثعلبة بن وديعة وأوس بن حزام ختلفوا عن رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه وآله وسلم( عند خمرجه إ ل تبوك فلما بلغهم ما أنزل اهلل فيمن ختلف عن نبيه أيقنوا باهلالك وأوثقوا أنفسهم بسواري املسجد Al Fazal Al Tabarsy Abu Hamza Al Sumaly said, 9 Al Kafi V 2 The Book Of Belief and Disbelief CH 174 H تفسير العي اشي. 105 /105 :2 تفسير العياشي. 110 /106 :2 11 out of 64

12 It has reached us that they were three persons from the Helpers Abu Lababa Bin Abdul Manzar, and Sa albat Bin Wadiya, and Aws Bin Hazaam. They stayed behind from Rasool-Allah saww during his saww going out (military expedition) to Tabuk. So when it reached them what Allah azwj has Revealed for the ones who stay behind from His azwj Prophet saww, they were convinced of their destruction, and tied themselves to the pillars of the Masjid. فلم يزالوا كذلك ح قدم رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه وآله وسلم( فسأل عنهم فذكر له أهنم أقسموا أن ل يلون أنفسهم ح يكون رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه وآله وسلم( يلهم وقال رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه وآله وسلم(: وأنا أقسم ل أكون أول من حلهم إل أن اؤمر فيهم بأمر So they did not cease to be like that until Rasool-Allah saww came over, and he saww asked about them. It was mentioned to him saww that they have vowed that they would not untie themselves until Rasool-Allah saww comes over and unties them. And, Rasool-Allah saww said: And I saww vow that I saww shall not be the first one to untie them except that I saww am Commanded with regards to them with a Command. فلما نزل * )عسى اهلل أن يتوب عليهم( * عمد رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه وآله وسلم( إليهم فحلهم فانطلقوا فجاءوا بأمواهلم إ ل رسول اهلل فقالوا: هذه أموالنا الت خلفتنا عنك فخذها وتصدق با عنا قال )عليه السالم( ما امرت فيها فنزل * )خذ من أموهلم صدقة( * ا ليات. So when (the Verse) Perhaps Allah will Turn towards them (Mercifully) [9:102] was Revealed, Rasool-Allah azwj deliberated towards them and untied them. Then they went away and came back with their wealth to Rasool-Allah saww, and they said, This is our wealth which was left behind from you saww, therefore take it and give it in charity from it on our behalf. Rasool-Allah saww said: I saww have yet to be Commanded for it. So it was Revealed: Take charity out from their wealth [9:103] the Verse. 12 عن أيب بكر احلضرمي قال: قال حممد بن سعيد: سل أبا عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( فاعرض عليه كالمي و قل له: إين أتولكم و أبرأ من عدوكم و أقول بالقدر و قو فيه قولك. From Abu Bakr Al Hazramy who said, Muhammad Bin Saeed said, Abu Abdullah asws was asked my speech was presented to him asws, and I said to him asws, I befriend you asws and disavow from your asws enemies, and I am saying with the Pre-determination, and my word regarding it is your asws word. قال: فعرضت كالمه على أيب ع ل ي ه م. عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( فحرك يده ث قال: خ ل ط وا ع م ال صاحل ا و آخ ر س ي ئا ع س ى الل ه أ ن ي ت و ب 12 Tafseer Abu Hamza Al Sumaly - H out of 64

13 He (the narrator) said, So he presented his speech to Abu Abdullah asws, but he asws moved his asws hand, then said: mingling one righteous deed and another evil one. Perhaps Allah will Turn towards them (Mercifully) [9:102]. قال: ث قال:»ما أعرفه من موا أمري املؤمنني«. قلت: يزعم أن سلطان هشام ليس من اهلل فقال:»ويله ما له أما علم أن اهلل جعل لدم دولة و لبليس دولة!«. He (the narrator) said, Then he asws said: I asws do not recognise him as being from the friends of Amir Al-Momineen asws. I said, He claims that the authority of Hisham isn t from Allah azwj. So he asws said: Woe be unto him! What is the matter with him? Does he not know that Allah azwj Made a government to be for Adam as and for Iblees la (also) a government? 13 ع د ة م ن أ ص ح اب ن ا ع ن س ه ل ب ن ز ي اد ع ن ع ل ي ب ن أ س ب اط ع ن س ل ي م م و ل ط ر ب ال ق ال ح د ث ين ه ش ام ع ن ح ز ة ب ن الط ي ار ق ال ق ال أ ه ل أ ب و ع ب د الل ه ( عليه السالم ) الن اس ع ل ى س ت ة أ ص ن اف ق ا ل ق ل ت أ ت أ ذ ن أ ن أ ك ت ب ه ا ق ال ن ع م ق ل ت م ا أ ك ت ب ق ال اك ت ب ال و ع يد م ن أ ه ل ا ل ن ة و أ ه ل الن ار و اك ت ب و آخ ر ون اع ت ر ف وا ب ذ ن و ب م خ ل ط وا ع م ال صاحل ا و آخ ر س ي ئا ق ال ق ل ت من ه ؤ ل ء ق ا ل و ح ش ي م ن ه م ق ال و اك ت ب و آخ ر ون م ر ج و ن ل م ر الل ه إ م ا ي ع ذ ب ه م و إ م ا ي ت وب ع ل ي ه م A number of our companions, from Sahl Bin Ziyad, from Ali Bin Asbaat, from Suleym a slave of Tarbaal who said, Hisham narrated to me, from Hamza Bin Al-Tayyar who said, Abu Abdullah asws said to me: The people are upon three categories. I said, Would you asws permit me that I write this down? He asws said: Yes. I said, What shall I write? He asws said: The Promised people would be from the inhabitants of the Paradise and the inhabitants of the Fire. And write: And others are acknowledging their sins, mingling one righteous deed and another evil one. Perhaps Allah will Turn towards them (Mercifully) [9:102]. ق ال و اك ت ب إ ل ال م س ت ض ع ف ني م ن الر جال و الن ساء و ال و ل دان ل ي س ت ط يع ون ح يل ة و ل ي ه ت د ون س ب يال ل ي س ت ط يع ون ح يل ة إ ل ال ك ف ر و ل ي ه ت د ون س ب يال إ ل ا ل مي ان ف أ ولئ ك ع س ى الل ه أ ن ي ع ف و ع ن ه م He asws said: And write: Except for the weak ones from the men and the women and the children, not being capable of dodging (Kufr) nor being guided to a Way [4:98] So they, perhaps Allah would Pardon (their sins) from them [4:99]. ق ال و اك ت ب أ ص ح اب ا ل ع ر اف ق ال ق ل ت و م ا أ ص ح اب ا ل ع ر اف ق ال ق و م اس ت و ت ح س ن ات ه م و س ي ئ ات ه م ف إ ن أ د خ ل ه م الن ا ر ف ب ذ ن و ب م و إ ن أ د خ ل ه م ا ل ن ة ف رب ح ت ه. He asws said: And write: And the companions of the heights [7:48]. I said, And what are the the people of the heights? He asws said: A people whose good deeds and their evils deeds would be equal. So if they were to be entered into the Fire, it 13 تفسير العي اشي 108 /106 :2 13 out of 64

14 would be due to their sins, and if they were to be entered into the Paradise, it would be due to His azwj Mercy. 14 Background report علي بن إبراهيم: نزلت ف أيب لبابة بن عبد املنذر و كان رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( ملا حاصر بين قريظة قالوا له: ابعث لنا أبا لبابة نستشره ف أمرنا. فقال رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله(:»يا أبا لبابة ائت حلفاءك و مواليك«فأتاهم Ali Bin Ibrahim It was revealed regarding Abu Lababa Bin Abdul Munzar, and it so happened that Rasool-Allah saww, when he saww besieged the clan of Qureyza, they said to him saww, For us it is Abu Lababa. We will consult him regarding our matter. So Rasool- Allah saww said: O Abu Lababa! Bring your allies and your friends. فقالوا له: يا أبا لبابة ما ترى ننزل على حكم حممد فقال: انزلوا و اعلموا أن حكمه فيكم هو الذبح. و أشار إ ل حلقه ث ندم على ذلك فقال: خنت اهلل و رسوله و نزل من حصنهم و ل يرجع إ ل رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( و مر إ ل املسجد و شد ف عنقه حبال ث شده إ ل السطوانة الت تسمى اسطوانة التوبة و قال: ل أحله ح أموت أو يتوب اهلل علي. They said to him, O Abu Lababa! What is your view, should be descend (from our fortress) upon the decision of Muhammad saww? He said, Descend, and know that his saww decision regarding you all, it would be the slaughter, and he gestured towards his throat. Then he regretted upon that, so he said, I have betrayed Allah azwj and His azwj Rasool saww! And he descended from their fortress and did not return to Rasool-Allah saww and went over to the Masjid and fastened his neck with a rope, then fastened it to the pillar which is named as the pillar of repentance, and said, I will not release it until I die or Allah azwj Turns towards me (Mercifully). فبلغ رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( فقال:»أما لو أتانا لستغفرنا اهلل له فأما إذا قصد إ ل ربه فاهلل أو ل به«. It reached Rasool-Allah saww, so he saww said: But, if he had come to me saww, I saww would have sought Forgiveness of Allah azwj for him. But, as he has aimed to his Lord azwj, then Allah azwj if Foremost with it. و كان أبو لبابة يصوم النهار و يأكل بالليل ما ميسك به رمقه و كانت ابنته تأتيه بعشائه و تله عند قضاء احلاجة And Abu Lababa used to Fast during the day, and he would eat at night what could withhold his hunger. And his daughter used to come to him with his dinner, and release him during fulfilment of the need. 14 Al Kafi V 2 The Book Of Belief and Disbelief CH 164 H 1 14 out of 64

15 فلما كان بعد ذلك رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( ف بيت ام سلمة نزلت توبته. فقال:»يا ام سلمة قد تاب اهلل على أيب لبابة«. فقالت: يا رسول اهلل فآذنه بذلك فقال:»لتفعلن«فأخرجت رأسها من احلجرة فقالت: يا أبا لبابة أبشر قد تاب اهلل عليك. فقال: احلمد هلل. So when it was after that, Rasool-Allah saww was in the chamber of Umm Salma ra, his repentance was Revealed. He saww said: O Umm Salma ra! Allah azwj has Turned to Abu Lababa. She said, O Rasool-Allah saww! Shall I ra notify him with that? He saww said: Do so. So she ra brought her ra head out from the chamber and she ra said, O Abu Lababa! Receive glad tidings, Allah azwj has Turned to you! He said, The Praise is for Allah azwj. فوثب املسلمون ليحلوه فقال: ل و اهلل ح يلين رسول اهلل. تاب اهلل عليك توبة لو ولدت من أمك يومك هذا لكفاك. فجاء رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( فقال:»يا أبا لبابة قد So the Muslims leapt up to release him, but he said, No, by Allah azwj, until Rasool- Allah saww releases me. So Rasool-Allah saww and he saww said: O Abu Lababa! Allah azwj has Turned to you with such a (Merciful) Turning, as if you had been born from your mother in this day of yours, it suffices you. فقال: يا رسول اهلل أ فأتصدق با كله قال:»ل«.»نعم«. قال: فبثلثيه قال:»ل«. قال: فبنصفه قال:»ل«. قال: فبثلثه قال: He said, O Rasool-Allah saww! Can I give all of my wealth in charity? He saww said: No. He said, So two-thirds of it? He saww said: No. He said, So half of it? He saww said: No. He said, So a third of it? He saww said: Yes. فأنزل اهلل: و آخ ر ون اع ت ر ف وا ب ذ ن و ب م خ ل ط وا ع م ال صاحل ا و آخ ر س ي ئا ع س ى الل ه أ ن ي ت وب ع ل ي ه م إ ن الل ه غ ف ور ر ح ي م خ ذ م ن أ ل ي ع ل م وا أ ن الل ه ه و ي ق ب ل ب ا و ص ل ع ل ي ه م إ ن ص الت ك س ك ن هل م و الل ه س يع ع ل ي م الت و ب ة ع ن أ م واهل م ص د ق ة ت ط ه ر ه م و ت ز ك يه م يم. ع باد ه و ي أ خ ذ الص د قات و أ ن الل ه ه و الت و اب الر ح So Allah azwj Revealed: And others are acknowledging their sins, mingling one righteous deed and another evil one. Perhaps Allah will Turn towards them (Mercifully), surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful [9:102] Take charity from their wealth, you will cleanse them and purify them by it, and pray Salat upon them. Surely your Salat would be a tranquillity for them, and Allah is Hearing, Knowing [9:103] Do they not know that Allah Accepts the repentance from His servants, and He Takes the charities, and that Allah, He is the Oft-Turning, the Merciful? [9:104] تفسير القمي 303 1: 15 out of 64

16 VERSES 103 & 104 خ ذ م ن أ م و اهل م ص د ق ة ت ط ه ر ه م و ت ز ك يه م ب ا و ص ل ع ل ي ه م س يع ع ل يم }103{ إ ن ص ال ت ك س ك ن هل م و الل ه Take charity from their wealth, you will cleanse them and purify them by it, and pray Salat upon them. Surely your Salat would be a tranquillity for them, and Allah is Hearing, Knowing [9:103] أ ل ي ع ل م وا أ ن الل ه ه و ي ق ب ل الت و ب ة ع ن ع ب اد ه و ي أ خ ذ الص د ق ات و أ ن الل ه ه و الت و اب الر ح ي م }104{ Do they not know that Allah Accepts the repentance from His servants, and He Takes the charities, and that Allah, He is the Oft-Turning, the Merciful? [9:104] ع د ة م ن أ ص ح اب ن ا ع ن س ه ل ب ن ز ي اد و أ ح د ب ن حم م د مج يعا ع ن اب ن حم ب وب ع ن ع ب د الل ه ب ن س ن ان ق ال ق ال أ ب و ع ب د الل ه ( عليه السالم ) ل م ا أ ن ز ل ت آي ة الز ك اة خ ذ م ن أ م واهل م ص د ق ة ت ط ه ر ه م و ت ز ك يه م ب ا و أ ن ز ل ت ف ش ه ر ر م ض ان ف أ م ر ر س ول الل ه ( صلى اهلل عليه وآله ) م ن اد ي ه ف ن اد ى ف الن اس أ ن الل ه ف ر ض ع ل ي ك م الز ك اة ك م ا ف ر ض ع ل ي ك م الص ال ة A number of our companions, from Sahl Bin Ziyad, and Ahmad Bin Muhammad, altogether from Ibn Mahboub, form Abdullah Bin Sinan who said, Abu Abdullah asws said: When the Verse of Zakāt was Revealed: Take charity from their wealth, you will cleanse them and purify them by it [9:103], and it was Revealed during a Month of Ramazan. Rasool-Allah saww ordered his saww caller, and he called out among the people, Allah azwj has imposed the Zakāt upon you just as He azwj has Imposed the Salāt upon you all! ف ف ر ض الل ه ع ز و ج ل ع ل ي ه م م ن الذ ه ب و ال ف ض ة و ف ر ض الص د ق ة م ن ا ل ب ل و ال ب ق ر و الز ب يب ف ن اد ى ف يه م ب ذ ل ك ف ش ه ر ر م ض ان و ع ف ا هل م ع م ا س و ى ذ ل ك و ال غ ن م و م ن احل ن ط ة و الش ع ري و الت م ر Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic Obligated it upon them from the gold, and the silver, and Obligated the charity from the camels, and the cows, and sheep, and from the wheat, and the barley, and the dates, and the raisins. So he called out among them with that during a Month of Ramazan, and Excused for them from what is besides that. ق ال ث ل ي ف ر ض ل ش يء م ن أ مو اهل م ح ح ال ع ل ي ه م احل و ل م ن ق اب ل ف ص ام وا و أ ف ط ر وا ف أ م ر م ن اد ي ه ف ن اد ى ف ال م س ل مني أ ي ه ا ال م س ل م ون ز ك وا أ م و ال ك م ت ق ب ل ص ال ت ك م ق ال ث و ج ه ع م ال الص د ق ة و ع م ال الط س وق. He asws said: Then He azwj did not Impose anything from their wealth until a year passed by on them the next year. So they observed Soām (Fasted), and they broke 16 out of 64

17 their Fasts. Then his saww caller called out among the Muslims, O you Muslims! Purify your wealth, your Salāts would be Accepted! Then he saww sent the office bearers of the charities, and the office bearers of the tax (Zakāt) (i.e., to collect these). 16 احل س ني ب ن حم م د ب ن ع ام ر ب إ س ن اد ه ر ف ع ه ق ال ق ال أ ب و ع ب د الل ه ( عليه السالم ) م ن ز ع م أ ن ا ل م ام ي ت اج إ ل م ا ف أ ي د ي الن ا س ف ه و ك اف ر إ من ا الن اس ي ت اج ون أ ن ي ق ب ل م ن ه م ا ل م ام ق ال الل ه ع ز و ج ل خ ذ م ن أ م واهل م ص د ق ة ت ط ه ر ه م و ت ز ك يه م ب ا. Al Husayn Bin Muhammad Bin Aamir, by his chain, raising it, said, Abu Abdullah asws said: The one who alleges that the Imam asws is needy to whatever is in the hands of the people, so he is a Kafir. But rather, the people are needy that the Imam asws should be accepting from them. Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic Says: Take charity from their wealth, you will cleanse them and purify them by it [9:103]. 17 العياشي: عن علي بن حسان الواسطي عن بعض أصحابنا عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قال: سألته عن قول اهلل: خ ذ م ن أ م واهل م ص د ق ة ت ط ه ر ه م و ت ز ك يه م ب ا جارية هي ف ا لمام بعد رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( قال:»نعم«. Al Ayyashi, from Ali Bin Hisaan Al Wasity, from one of our companions, (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws, said, I asked him asws about the Words of Allah azwj : Take charity from their wealth, you will cleanse them and purify them by it [9:103], does this flow regarding the Imam asws after Rasool-Allah saww? He asws said: Yes. 18 ب ا«. و عنه: عن احلسني بن حممد بن عامر بإسناده رفعه قال: قال أبو عبد اهلل )عليه السالم(:»من زعم أن ا لمام يتاج إ ل ما ف أيدي الناس فهو كافر إمنا الناس يتاجون أن يقبل منهم ا لمام قال اهلل عز و جل: خ ذ م ن أ م واهل م ص د ق ة ت ط ه ر ه م و ت ز ك يه م From him, from Al Husayn Bin Muhammad Bin Aamir, by his chain, raising it, said, Abu Abdullah asws said: The one who alleges that the Imam asws is needy to what is in the hands of the people, so he is a Kafir. But rather, the people are needy that the Imam asws accepts from them. Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic is Said: Take charity from their wealth, you will cleanse them and purify them by it [9:103]. 19 عن جابر ا لعفي عن أيب جعفر )عليه السالم( قال:»قال أمري املؤمنني )عليه السالم(: تصدقت يوما بدينار فقال رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله(: أما علمت أن صدقة املؤمن ل خترج من يده ح يفك با عن حلى سبعني شيطانا و ما تقع ف يد السائل ح تقع ف يد الرب تبارك و تعا ل أ ل يقل هذه ا لية: أ ل ي ع ل م وا أ ن الل ه ه و ي ق ب ل الت و ب ة ع ن ع باد ه و ي أ خ ذ الص د قات» إ ل آخر ا لية. 16 Al Kafi V 3 The Book Of Zakaat CH 1 H 2 17 Al Kafi V 1 The Book Of Divine Authority CH 129 H تفسير العي اشي. 111 /106 :2 الكافي. 1 /451 :1 17 out of 64

18 From Jabir Al Ju fy, From Abu Ja far asws having said: Amir Al-Momineen asws said: One day I asws gave a Dinar in charity, so Rasool-Allah saww said to me: But, do you asws know that a charity of the Momin does not exit from his hand until he untangles it from the beards of seventy satans la, and it does not fall into a hand of the beggar until it (first) falls into the hand of the Lord azwj Blessed and Exalted? Did He azwj not Say this Verse: Do they not know that Allah Accepts the repentance from His servants, and He Takes the charities [9:104] up to the end of the Verse. 20 VERSE 105 و ق ل اع م ل وا ف س ي ر ى الل ه ع م ل ك م و ر س ول ه و ال م ؤ م ن ون ف ي ن ب ئ ك م ب ا ك ن ت م ت ع م ل ون }105{ و س ت ر د ون إ ل ع ا ل ال غ ي ب و الش ه اد ة And say: Work, for Allah will See your work and (so will) His Rasool and the Momineen; and you shall be Returned to the Knower of the unseen and the seen, then He will inform you of what you were doing [9:105] The Altered Verse أ ح د ع ن ع ب د ال ع ظ يم ع ن احل س ني ب ن م ي اح ع م ن أ خ ب ر ه ق ال ق ر أ ر ج ل ع ن د أ يب ع ب د الل ه ( عليه السالم ) ق ل اع م ل وا ف س ي ر ى الل ه ع م ل ك م و ر س ول ه و ال م ؤ م ن ون ف ق ال ل ي س ه ك ذ ا ه ي إ من ا ه ي و ال م أ م ون ون ف ن ح ن ال م أ م ون ون. Ahmad, from Abdul Azeem, from Al Husayn Bin Mayyah, from the one who informed him who said, A man recited in the presence of Abu Abdullah asws : for Allah will See your work and (so will) His Rasool and the Momineen [9:105]. So he asws said: It is not like this! But rather, it is and the Entrusted ones ( ال م أ م ون ون.(و So we asws are the Entrusted ones. 21 The Holy Masumeen asws see all the deeds حدثنا ا حد بن احلسني عن ابيه عن عبد الكرمي بن يىي ا لثعى عن بريد العجلى قال قلت ليب جعفر عليه السالم اعملوا فسريى اهلل عملكم ورسوله واملؤمنون قال مامن مؤمن ميوت ولكافر فتوضع ف قربه ح تعرض عمله على رسول اهلل صلى اهلل عليه وآله وعلى على عليه السالم فهلم جرا إ ل آخر من فرض اهلل طاعته على العباد. 20 تفسير العي اشي. 113 /107 :2 21 Al Kafi V 1 The Book Of Divine Authority CH 108 H out of 64

19 It has been narrated to us by Ahmad Bin Al-Husayn, from his father, fro Abdul Kareem Bin Yahya Al- Khash ai, from Bureyd Al-Ajaly who said: I said to Abu Ja far asws : And say: Work, for Allah will See your work and (so will) His Rasool and the Momineen [9:105], he asws said: There is none from a Momin who dies, nor Kafir gets placed in his grave until his deeds get presented to Rasool- Allah saww, and to Ali asws. These get shown to each one asws whose the obedience to whom asws has been Obligated by Allah azwj on the servants. 22 حدثنا ا حد بن موسى عن احلسن بن على ا لشاب عن على بن حسان عن عبد الر حن بن كثري عن ا ب عبد اهلل قوله قل اعملوا فسريى اهلل عملكم ورسوله واملؤمنون قال هم الئمة تعرض عليهم اعمال العباد كل يوم إ ل يوم القيمة. It has been narrated to us by Ahmad Bin Musa, from Al-Hassan Bin Ali Al-Khashaab, from Ali Bin Hasaan, from Abdul Rahmaan Bin Kaseer, who has said: Abu Abdullah asws regarding the Words of Allah azwj : And say: Work, for Allah will See your work and (so will) His Rasool and the Momineen [9:105], he asws said: They asws (the Momineen) are the Imams asws. The deeds of the servants will get presented to them asws every day up to the Day of Judgement. 23 حدثنا ابراهيم بن هاشم عن القاسم بن حممد الزيات عن عبد اهلل بن ابان الزيات وكان يك ن عبد الرضا قال قلت للرضا عليه السالم ادع اهلل ل ولهل بي قال أو لست افعل واهلل ان اعمالكم لتعرض على ف كل يوم وليلة فاستعظمت ذلك فقال اما تقرء كتاب اهلل قل اعملوا فسريى اهلل عملكم ورسوله واملؤمنون. It has been narrated to us by Ibrahim Bin Haashim, from Al-Qasim Bin Muhammad Al-Ziyaat, from Abdullah Bin Abaan Al-Ziyaat, and he used to be called Abdul Reza who said: I said to Al-Reza asws, Supplicate to Allah azwj for me and for my family. He asws said: Or am I asws not doing so (already)? By Allah azwj, your deeds are presented to me asws during every day and night. Consider that to be great (give importance to that). Have you not read the Book of Allah azwj : And say: Work, for Allah will See your work and (so will) His Rasool and the Momineen [9:105]? 24 ارضه. حدثنا أبو طالب عن حاد بن عيسى عن حريز عن حممد بن مسلم وزرارة قال سئلنا ابا عبد اهلل عن العمال تعرض على رسول اهلل صلى اهلل عليه وآله قال ما فيه شك ث تال هذه الية قل اعملوا فسريى اهلل عملكم ورسوله واملؤمنون قال ان هلل شهداء ف It has been narrated to us by Abu Talib, from hamaad Bin Isa, from Hareyz, from Muhammad Bin Muslim and Zarara who said: We asked Abu Abdullah asws about the deeds getting presented to Rasool-Allah saww. He asws said: There is no doubt in this. Then he asws recited this Verse: And say: 22 Basaair Al Darajaat P 9 Ch 5 H 8 23 Basaair Al Darajaat P 9 Ch 5 H 4 24 Basaair Al Darajaat P 9 Ch 6 H 2 19 out of 64

20 Work, for Allah will See your work and (so will) His Rasool and the Momineen [9:105]. He asws said: They asws are the witnesses for Allah azwj in His azwj Earth. 25 عن زرارة قال: سألت أبا جعفر )عليه السالم( عن قول اهلل: و ق ل اع م ل وا ف س ي ر ى الل ه ع م ل ك م و ر س ول ه و ال م ؤ م ن ون قال:»تريدون أن تروون علي هو الذي ف نفسك«. From Zarara who said, I asked Abu Ja far asws about the Words of Allah azwj : And say: Work, for Allah will See your work and (so will) His Rasool and the Momineen [9:105]. He asws said: Do you want to see Ali asws? He asws is the one who is within yourself. 26 و عنه: عن أ حد بن مهران. عن حممد بن علي عن أيب عبد اهلل الصامت عن يىي بن مساور عن أيب جعفر )عليه السالم( أنه ذكر هذه ا لية ف س ي ر ى الل ه ع م ل ك م و ر س ول ه و ال م ؤ م ن ون قال:»هو و اهلل علي بن أيب طالب )عليه السالم(«. And from him, from Ahmad Bin Mahran, from Muhammad Bin Ali, from Abu Abdullah Al Saamit, from Yahya Bin Masaawar, (It has been narrated) from Abu Ja far asws having mentioned this Verse: for Allah will See your work and (so will) His Rasool and the Momineen [9:105], said: By Allah azwj! He asws (Momineen) is Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws. 27 Pleasing and displeasing Rasool-Allah saww و عنه: عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن احلسن بن علي الوشاء عن علي بن أيب حزة عن أيب بصري قال: قلت ليب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم(: قول اهلل تعا ل: اع م ل وا ف س ي ر ى الل ه ع م ل ك م و ر س ول ه و ال م ؤ م ن ون قلت: من املؤمنون قال:»من عسى أن يكون غري صاحبكم «. From him, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Washa, from Ali Bin Abu Hamza, from Abu Baseer who said, I said to Abu Abdullah asws, The Words of Allah azwj : Work, for Allah will See your work and (so will) His Rasool and the Momineen [9:105], who are the Momineen? He asws said: Who else could it be other than your Master asws? 28 و عنه: عن علي بن إبراهيم عن أبيه عن عثمان بن عيسى عن ساعة عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قال: سعته يقول:»ما لكم تسوءون رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( «فقال له رجل: كيف نسوؤه فقال:»أما تعلمون أن أعمالكم تعرض عليه فإذا رأى فيها معصية ساءه ذلك فال تسوءوا رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( و سروه«. 25 Basaair Al Darajaat P 9 Ch 6 H 6 26 تفسير العي اشي 120 /108 :2 27 الكافي. 5 /171 :1 28 بصائر الدرجات: 1 449/ 20 out of 64

21 And from him, from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Usmaan Bin Isa, from Sama at, (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws, said, I heard him asws saying: What is the matter with you all that you are displeasing Rasool-Allah saww? So a man said to him asws, How do we displease him saww? So he asws said: Do you not know that your deeds are presented him saww. So when he saww sees disobedience in it, that displeases him saww. Therefore, do not displease Rasool-Allah saww, and make him saww happy. 29 حدثنا يعقوب بن يزيد عن احلسن بن على الوشاء عن ا حد بن عمري عن ا ب احلسن عليه السالم قال سأل عن قول اهلل عزوجل اعملوا فسريى اهلل عملكم ورسوله واملؤمنون قال ان اعمال العباد تعرض على رسول اهلل صلى اهلل عليه وآله كل صباح ابرارها و فجارها فاحذروا. It has been narrated to us by Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Al-Hassan Bin Ali Al-Washa a, from Ahmad Bin Umeyr, who has said: Abu Al-Hassan asws said, I asked about the Words of Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic: And say: Work, for Allah will See your work and (so will) His Rasool and the Momineen [9:105], he asws said that: The deeds of the servants get presented to Rasool-Allah saww every morning, the good ones of it as well as the bad ones of it. So be cautious! 30 On the Day of Judgment عن يىي احلليب عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قلت: حدثين ف علي حديثا فقال: امجعه.»أشرحه لك أم أمجعه «. قلت: بل From Yahya Al Halby, From Abu Abdullah asws. I (the narrator) said, Narrate to me a Hadeeth regarding Ali asws. So he asws said: Shall I asws explain it (in detail) for you or summarise it for you? I said, But, summarise it for me. فقال:»علي باب اهلدى من تقدمهكانكافرا و من ختلف عنهكانكافرا«. So he asws said: Ali asws is the door of Guidance. The one who precedes him asws would be a Kafir, and the one who stays behind from him asws would be a Kafir. قلت: زدين. قال:»إذا كان يوم القيامة نصب منرب عن ميني العرش له أربع و عشرون مرقاة فيأيت علي و بيده اللواء ح يرتقيه و يركبه و يعرض ا للق عليه فمن عرفه دخل ا لنة و من أنكره دخل النار«. 29 الكافي. 3 /171 :1 30 Basaair Al Darajaat P 9 Ch 4 H 2 21 out of 64

22 I said, Increase it for me. He asws said: When it would be the Day of Judgment, a Pulpit would be established on the right of the Throne, for it being twenty four stepping stones. Then Ali asws would come over and in his asws hand would be the Tablets, until he asws steps up on them and sits upon it, and the creatures would be presented to him asws. So the one who recognised him asws would enter the Paradise, and the one who denies him asws would enter the Fire. قلت: هل فيه آية من كتاب اهلل قال:»نعم ما تقول ف هذه ا لية يقول تبارك و تعا ل: ف س ي ر ى الل ه ع م ل ك م و ر س ول ه و ال م ؤ م ن ون هو و اهلل علي بن أيب طالب )عليه السالم(«. I said, Is there with regards to it, any Verse from the Book of Allah azwj? He asws said: Yes. What would you say regarding this Verse? The Blessed and Exalted is Saying: for Allah will See your work and (so will) His Rasool and the Momineen [9:105], and he asws by Allah azwj, is Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws. 31 VERSE 106 و آخ ر ون م ر ج و ن ل م ر الل ه إ م ا ي ع ذ ب ه م و إ م ا ي ت وب ع ل ي ه م و الل ه ع ل يم ح ك يم }106{ And others are waiting hopefully for the Command of Allah. Either He would Punish them or He would Turn to them (Mercifully), and Allah is Knowing, Wise [9:106] حم م د ب ن ي ىي ع ن أ ح د ب ن حم م د ع ن ع ل ي ب ن احل ك م ع ن م وس ى ب ن ب ك ر ع ن ز ر ار ة ع ن أ يب ج ع ف ر ( عليه السالم ) ف ق و ل الل ه ع ز و ج ل و آخ ر ون م ر ج و ن ل م ر الل ه ق ال ق و م ك ان وا م ش ر ك ني ف ق ت ل وا م ث ل ح ز ة و ج ع ف ر و أ ش ب اه ه م ا م ن ال م ؤ م ن ني ث إ ن ه م د خ ل وا ف ا ل س ال م ف و ح د وا الل ه و ت ر ك وا الش ر ك و ل ي ع ر ف وا ا ل مي ان ب ق ل و ب م ف ي ك ون وا م ن ال م ؤ م ن ني ف ت ج ب هل م ا ل ن ة Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, from Musa Bin Bakr, from Zurara, (It has been narrated) from Abu Ja far asws regarding the Words of Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic: And others are waiting hopefully for the Command of Allah [9:106]. He asws said: A group who used to be Polytheists, and they killed the likes of Hamza asws, and Ja far asws, and the likes of these two asws from the Momineen, then they entered into Al-Islam. So they acknowledged Allah azwj and left the Shirk (Polytheism) but did not recognise the Emān by their hearts. So they came to be from the Momineen for the Paradise to be Obligated for them. و ل ي ك ون وا ع ل ى ج ح ود ه م ف ي ك ف ر وا ف ت ج ب هل م الن ار ف ه م ع ل ى ت ل ك احل ال إ م ا ي ع ذ ب ه م و إ م ا ي ت وب ع ل ي ه م. 31 تفسير العي اشي. 121 /108 :2 22 out of 64

23 And they did not happen to be upon their rejection, so they were committing Kufr and the Fire would be Obligated for them. Thus, they were upon that, Either He would Punish them or He would Turn to them (Mercifully) [9:106]. 32 عن زرارة و حران و حممد بن مسلم عن أيب جعفر و أيب عبد اهلل )عليهما السالم( قال:»املرجون هم قوم قاتلوا يوم بدر و احد و يوم حنني و سلموا من املشركني ث أسلموا بعد تأخر فإما يعذ بم و إما يتوب عليهم«. From Zarara, and Hamran, and Muhammad Bin Muslim, (It has been narrated) from Abu Ja far asws, and Abu Abdullah asws both having said: The awaiters, they were a people who fought on the days of (battle of) Badr, and the day of (battle of) Hunayn, and they submitted to Al-Islam from the Polytheists. Then they professed to Al-Islam after a delay. Either He would Punish them or He would Turn to them (Mercifully) [9:106]. 33 عن داود بن فرقد قال: قلت ليب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم(: املرجون قوم ذكر هلم فضل علي )عليه السالم( فقالوا: ما ندري لعله كذلك و ما ندري لعله ليسكذلك قال:»أرجه قال تعا ل: و آخ ر ون م ر ج و ن ل م ر الل ه ا لية«. From Dawood Bin Farqad who said, I said to Abu Abdullah asws, The awaiters are a people to whom the merits of Ali asws were mentioned so they said, We do not know, maybe it is like that, and we do not know maybe it isn t like that. He asws said: It rattled them. Allah azwj the Exalted Says: And others are waiting hopefully for the Command of Allah [9:106] the Verse. 34 العياشي: عن هشام بن سا ل عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( ف قول اهلل: و آخ ر ون م ر ج و ن ل م ر الل ه قال: املشركني أصابوا دما من املسلمني ث أسلموا فهم املرجون لمر اهلل«.»هم قوم من Al Ayyashi, from Hisham Bin Salim, From Abu Abdullah asws regarding the Words of Allah azwj : And others are waiting hopefully for the Command of Allah [9:106]. He asws said: They are a people from the Polytheists who spilt the blood of the Muslims, then they became Muslims, so they are the ones waiting hopefully for the Command of Allah azwj. 35 قال حران: سألت أبا عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( عن املستضعفني. قال:»هم ليسوا باملؤمنني و ل بالكفار فهم املرجون لمر اهلل«. Humran said, 32 Al Kafi V 2 The Book Of Belief and Disbelief CH 173 H تفسير العي اشي. 129 /110 :2 تفسير العي اشي. 134 /111 :2 تفسير العي اشي. 128 /110 :2 23 out of 64

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Your Share of Adultery S C H O L A R L Y E X P L A N A T I O N S O F T H E Ḥ A D Ī T H: Your Share of Adultery S C H O L A R L Y E X P L A N A T I O N S O F T H E Ḥ A D Ī T H: الز ن ى «م ن ن ص يب ه آد م اب ن ع ل ى ك ت ب It has been written upon the son of Adam his inevitable share of adultery

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